Dbms Project
Dbms Project
(Deemed University)
(A centre of excellence in IT, established by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)
DBMS Mini Project # 5: Development of an application for receiving orders for printing
digital photographs
Abstract of the project
A customer can have a set of digital photographs in his desktop which he/she wants to
print. He/she can provide the application the path to the folder where the photographs are
stored and can choose the photos that he/she wants to print and choose the size of the
prints. The application will calculate the price after downloading the price information
from the database for the different print sizes and show it to the user. The user will enter
his/her credit card/other payment option (or choose any other mode of payment) and
shipping information if he/she wants to go ahead with the order. If the credit card
information is found correct, the photos are uploaded to the server and a purchase order is
created in the database.
Specific Technology
JAVA, Swing, Oracle, JDBC connectivity with Oracle
Project tasks
Draw ER diagram,
Key attributes, Non-key attributes, Primary key identification,
Data base design has to be done.
Front-end and back end, finalization along with connectivity.
address. If credit card option is chosen, the credit card information will be
encrypted and sent to the server for verification.
The server will decrypt the credit card information and verify it. If found correct,
the photos will be uploaded to the server.
After completion of the uploading, a purchase request will be created in the
database. The purchase order number will be sent to the user in an email.
An administrator user then can see the purchase request and can execute the same.
Once the photos are printed and shipped, the directory containing these
photographs will be deleted from the server. A mail notification will be sent to the
The project presentation has to be done by each member to show periodically the
progress and the complete project submission should contain the following:
ER diagram:- key attributes , non key attributes, and primary key identification.
All the Java source code should necessary to compile and execute.