Gandhi A Curse To Bharath

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Mahatma Gandhi
 A Curse for Bharat – Ramdas Gandhi Dedicated to my Mother, who died during partition days in 1947 at Sialkot (now inPakistan)
 “After witnessing complete annihilation of Hindus in “Kulachi”, a town in District “Dera Ismail Khan” of NWFP in mid April 1947,our family crossed river Indus in first week of May 1947, to reach a Railway Station “Darya Khan” in District Mianwali of WestPunjab. From Darya Khan, we had to travel to reach “Lahore” via “Kundian” and “Lala Musa”, to ultimately go to “Sialkot”, wheremy father was serving at that time to witness complete annihilation of Hindus and Sikhs once again in August 1947. It was a long journey from Darya Khan to Lahore, with heavy rush in the train. So, my mother and sisters were accommodatedin some Ladies compartment, which had no rush. There was no Muslim lady in the compartment. On the way, at some station,one Muslim lady boarded that ladies compartment. She started shouting loudly, that Hindus killed Muslims in Bihar. All Hinduladies listened to her like dumb sheep and no one had the guts to rebut. My mother could not tolerate it and retorted, thatMuslims were the first to start killings of Hindus in Bengal. When those Bengali Hindu refugees reached Bihar for shelter, therewas a natural reaction against Muslims in Bihar. How she dared to blame Hindus? This was sufficient to silence that Muslimlady, and she kept mum during the rest of the journey.” 
Think – Understand – Awake! 
1. Whatever leaders there are in the country today, of whichever party or class, are bent on capturing power through people’svotes and then exploiting and plundering the people for full five years. After winning the election, the leaders turn intorulers and through resort to intimidation with the help of the Police or goondas fill their unholy coffers (or make their tons ofmoney).2. Even fifty four years after independence (which, in fact, is another name for the country’s partition) these leaders keep thepeople starved, unclothed and illiterate, and setting them at each other’s throat in the name of language, province,community, caste, they serve their own selfish interests.3. They have plunged the country into the forge of corruption through such un-necessary or uncalled for policies as control,quota, permit, licensing, rationing, sales tax, excise duty, labor act, nationalization. The game of these opportunist leadersis to make sure that there is no honest man around and their seat of power is ever safe.4. Their big plan is to make every man a slave by putting him through the grind of what they choose to call discipline, bymaking him wait for hours in a queue for essential things under a regime of official restrictions. Does a leader swearing by socialism ever stand in a queue to get his ration, milk or kerosene oil etc. 
Think, understand, awake! Raise your voice against this conspiracy. 
Else, there will be neither country, nor (Dharma), nor society, nor faith. We shall all be changed into domesticatedanimals, like slaves in the past days. 
1. Preface2. Cruelty unlimited committed by Gandhi3. Gandhi and Nehru family guilty of killings of 4 million Hindus4. Gandhi in aid of Muslim killers of Kolkata Hindus5. Gandhi prevented Muslims of East Punjab from migrating to Pakistan in 1947. Master Tara Singh opposed Gandhi.6. Gandhi and Nehru created Kashmir problem, and responsible for killings of Hindus.7. Gandhi’s treacherous Non-violence, Ahimsa.
8. Gandhi’s opposition to Hindi and support of Urdu.9. Gandhi’s opposition to Hindi and support of Urdu – continued.10. Gandhi Suggested Dalits-weaker section of Hindus to embrace Islam and Christianity. Hindus should be grateful to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.11. According to Gandhi, Lord Rama and Krishna never existed.12. Gandhi denounced Arya Samaj and Swami Dayanand.13. Gandhi’s treacherous behavior on Martyrdom of Swami Shardhanand and Sardar Bhagat Singh.14. He denounced Arya Samaj and Hindu Mahasabhas non-violent movement as communal and anti-national, and supportedthe oppressor Nizam, the Muslim Ruler of Hyderabad.15. Gandhi’s treacherous truthfulness, and telling that Pakistan could be created over his dead body.16. Gandhi was a coward. He did not say “Hey Ram”, but urinated. Frothing and fuming in his mouth.17. Mr. Jinnah was reasonable to Hindus. It was Gandhi who betrayed Hindus.18. If Gandhi and Nehru were not representatives of the Hindus, why did they assume the power in Truncated India?19. Gandhi said that Army should clear latrines. Insult the brave soldiers.20. Gandhi and the Gandhians are the biggest enemy of India.21. Gandhi’s son Ramdas Gandhi, castigated his father and said that “your life has become curse for Hindu Jati”.22. Gandhi and Gandhism has given to India, inauspicious days of 15
 August, 26th January and insult in the shape ofTricolor flag.23. Gandhi’s claim of direct communication with God.24. He indulged in self-praise. Tried to justify himself as father of the Nation.25. Gandhi encouraged sings and Adharma.26. Gandhi’s Jawahar “A gem” was drinking alcohol on the mid-night of 14
 August 1947.27. Gandhi’s simple living was humbug.28. Mr. Jinnah as Governor General of Pakistan, did not allow Gandhi to meet him.29. Homage to Nathu Ram Godse and assassination of Gandhi.30. All followers of Gandhi are sinful criminals.
The followers of Gandhi consider him as a god, and believe that India is facing various problems, because we do notfollow his teachings. In this write up a humble attempt has been made to show that the ground realities are just the reverse of iton the basis of facts and figures. All the problems, that we are facing today, are because India followed Gandhi all these yearsafter the so called independence in 1947. Prof. Upendra Baxi has summed up the whole situations so well: A man called Mohandas invented India; A man called Jawaharlal discovered India; The followers of Mohandas andJawaharlal misappropriated India. It is now for ups to re-appropriate India. And unless we say good-bye to Gandhi, we would be inviting more and more troubles. The aim is not to just malignhim for the sake of malignment, but to caution the people and the nation about his foolish and anti-national deeds. Evenprefixing the word Mahatama before his name, is questionable. A big book can be written about the misdeeds. A few goodworks, which he did, pale into insignificance, before the irreparable harm, which he has done to the nation. This brief write up isonly to show a glimpse of his misdeeds and misconduct. 
Cruelty Unlimited Committed by Gandhi 
His followers extol him as harbinger of non-violence and compassion, but we may not be able to find a person, morecruel and helper of criminals, in the entire history of India. He had absolutely no compassion for the Hindus and Sikhs at thetime of partition of India in 1946 to 48, who were being butchered, women and girls being raped, dishonored, abducted andbrutally tortured by the Muslims in Pakistan. Many Hindu and Sikh women had to save their honor by ending their lives, by jumping into wells, canals . and rivers. When all these things were happening this embodiment of love and compassion did notdo any thing positive to help them. Instead he was giving advice to refugees from Noakhali (now in Bangladesh) not to run awayfrom their homes for fear of losing life, and return to their villages and show love and goodwill to those who were killing them. When he was passing through Lahore (now ins Pakistan), it was burning, and there were whole scale murders most of the time.But his advice to the frightened Hindus was “….if Lahore is dying, die with it…..” (Partition and aftermath – memoirs of anAmbassador – Kewal Singh, page 49) Again, is his prayer meeting on 23
 September, 1947, Gandhi said – “he had seen a deputation of Hindus and Sikhsfrom Rawalpindi as also from Dera Gazi Khan. The speaker (i.e. Gandhi) had no doubt that Pakistan authorities should ensurefull protection to remaining Hindus and Sikhs in every part of Pakistan. He would repeat his advice that they should all beprepared to die as a man, rather than leave their homes. The art of dying bravely and with honor did not need any specialtraining,” (see page 33, Delhi Diary – A collection of speeches by M. K. Gandhi from 10-9-47 to 30-1-48 Navjivan PublishingHouse, Ahmedabad).
 It is worth noting that Gandhi was giving this advice to unarmed, defense-less and helpless Hindus and Sikhs, whichincluded women and children also. Is this the compassion and non-violence which he had to offer? While he himself wasenjoying pure goat milk, honey, fruit juices, dry fruits etc. to keep his old frail body with bony structure, incapable of standingwithout the help of two girls supporting him on both the sides, alive for 125 years. Was it not shameful to do so? Why thisfearless incarnation of compassion and giving sermon to others on bravery, did not go himself to Rawalpindi and Dera GaziKhan, to tell to the Muslims to first kill him, before touching his followers the Hindus and Sikhs, like Swami Shardhanand, whooffered himself – bare-chested to face the bullets of British troops while leading his followers at Chandni Chowk in Delhi. GuruTegh Bahadur sacrificed his life to save the Kashmiri Hindus Pandits from persecution and torture by the most cruel Muslim rulerAurangzeb. Why Gandhi did not follow these examples? If he was afraid of death at least he could have directed thegovernment, which could never disobey him, to take some positive steps to save the precious life of Hindus and Sikhs inPakistan. Why did he not do anything?
However, when there was repercussion in India against what was happening inPakistan, the old man immediately went on fast-unto-death for the sake off Muslims. Are these the qualities of aMahatama, who had double standards, one for the Muslims, and another one for the Hindus?
It is clear, that he was very cruel to the Hindus. Similarly when Moplas (Muslims of Malabar in South India) butchered2500 Hindus are converted 20,000 to Islam by force in 1923m after the failure of Khilafat movement, he addressed them as “ Mybrave Mopla Brothers”, as if killing of Hindus was an act of bravery. Here is would be quite relevant to mention as experience in my own life. It was in December 1972, that I happened togo to Ferozepur from Nangal Township along with my wife, where her aunt was living. One Sunday, we both attended theweekly satsang meeting of the Arya Samaj near Turi Bazar. It was pretty cold, and the attendance was hardly ten. Naturallyour new faces attracted the attention of the President of the Arya Samaj a tall respectable person, wearing turban and agedabout sixty five. At the end of the meeting he talked very affectionately and wanted our introduction, which I gave. Then I alsoasked for his introduction. He said that they were at the Sheikhupura (about 40 kms from Lahore in Pakistan) in 1947. He wasan active and influential worker of the Congress. As per advice and utterances of Gandhi, he insisted that Hindus and Sikhs ofhis locality to stay and not to migrate to safer places. The result was that the entire male population was massacred. Girls andwomen abducted, some how his family was able to escape. He was deeply hurt and felt that he was personally responsible forthat event. Here it may be added, that in August 1947, 22000 (twenty two thousand) Hindus were butchered at Sheikhupura in just 48 hours, by the Muslims with the help of Muslim Police and military. This fact was accepted by Mr. Nehru the first PrimeMinister of India. (See Organizer dated 14
 May, 1995, under Cabbages & Kings by V.P. Bhatia). As a matter of fact the President of Arya Samaj was not at all at fault, because he had acted on the advice of Gandhi.Still he felt guilty and so much disturbed that he was unable to concentrate on any work. As told by him, he was spending histime only in social and religious activities. But in contrast see the old Mahatama, he never felt guilty even after misguiding croresof people, resulting is slaughter of 10 lakhs Hindus and Sikhs, rather he kept on repeating his stupid advice. For him the life ofthe Hindus carried no value. He was worried only about the well being of Muslims, and his own feeble decayed old body, forkeeping it alive up to the age of 125 years.
Mahatama Gandhi and Nehru Family guilty of killing 40 lakh Hindus 
Gandhi, Nehru and the Congress-men are guilty of getting killed 10 lakh Hindus and Sikhs in 1947, and another 30lakhs during 1971 in East Bengal (now Bangladesh). It is a historical fact, that India was partitioned in 1947 on the basis ofHindus and Muslims; of course Sikhs, Budhists, Jains and Animists of North East were counted with the Hindus. The Christianswere expected to remain where they were at the time of partition. This basis of partition was accepted by the Congress,including Gandhi and Nehru. Therefore, it was not only moral duty, but also legal obligation of Congress leaders, who hadbecome the rulers of truncated India, to ensure the safety and well being of the Hindus and Sikhs etc. left in Pakistan. ButNehru and Gandhi were only concerned about the safety of the Muslims in India, and bluntly refused to accept theirresponsibility for the safety and well being of Hindus left in Pakistan. As a result of Direct Action announced by Mr. Jinnah and Muslim League, large scale killings of Hindus had takenplace in Bengal in August 1946, and of Hindus and Sikhs in West Punjab in early 1947. Keeping these facts in view. SomeBritish Generals had advised Mr. Nehru to shift Hindu and Sikh population to safe places before partitioning India. But noattention was paid to this advice. (A letter by B. V. Limaye – Organiser dated 20-9-2000). Now let us see, how alert Gandhi was to look after the well being of Muslims. Governor was to be immediatelyappointed for West Bengal, as the British Governor Burrows was leaving. Sardar Patel proposed the name of K.M. Munshi, butGandhi felt that his reputation of bring unsympathetic to Muslims disqualified him. Then Patel said to raja Ji (C.Rajagopalachari), and told him that Gandhi and Nehru, both have agreed to it. So Rajaji was deputed as Governor of WestBengal to take care of the interests of those very Muslim League’s Muslims, who had butchered Hindus in Koltaka for creationof Pakistan (see Rajaji story 1937 to 72. by Rajmohan Gandhi – published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan). Quite contrary to it, Mr. Sri Prakasa, who was deputed as the first High Commissioner of Indian to Pakistan, hadabsolutely no interest in the well being of Hindus left in Pakistan, but was very much concerned about the well being of theseMuslims, who had migrated from India to Pakistan. He himself admits in this book “{Pakistan-Birth and Early Days on page 43,that “ Constitutionally speaking, I was more responsible for them (i.e. Muslims) because they were Indians, than the Hindus inPakistan, because they were the primary charge of the Government there (i.e. Pakistan), “He also encouraged these Muslims toreturn to India, and helped them promptly, if they wanted to do so, so much so that he created bad relations and bitterness with
his Dy. High Commissioner, an ICS officer, as he was refusing permits to the Muslims for return to India. (See. Page31). Here in Delhi, thousands of intending Muslims were being sent back to their homes from Transit Campos, and evencalled back from refugee trains at railway station. (see Cabbages & Kinds __ by V.P. Bhatia, Organiser dated 24-4-1994). Notonly that, Gandhi had gone on fast-unto-death, and all the conditions which he laid down for ending the fast, were for goodtreatment to Muslims, vacation of their property, in which Hindu and Sikh refugees from West Pakistan had been settled. One ofthe conditions was that no Hindu Refugee should be settle din areas dominated by Muslims, without the sweet will of Muslims.(see page 188-89 Last glimpses of Bapu__ by Manuben Gandhi). Here it would be relevant to metion one more indident. Dr. Khare, a Hindu Mahasabha leader, asked in the ConstituentAssembly, “Whether Government proposed to declare all the Hindus and Sikha residing in Pakistan as nationals of Inida, andclaim their protection as such. … Sardar patel in reply said that no government could make any declaration on behalf ofanyone…”(see The Tribune dated 9-12-1947). Here we observe, that Sardar Patel, with an image as a strong man, refused tohelp the dying Hindus in Pakistan. Surely, this was due to the evil effect of his bad company with Gandhi, that he refused toperform his moral and legal duty. How can one expect, that helpless Hindus under harrowing conditions in Pakistan, could comebefore Sardar Patel and submit written applications for grant of Indian citizenship. In such a situation, when Pakistan was bent upon eliminating Hindus and Sikhs, and Indian rulers ignored their duty,.About ten lakhs (one million) Hindus and Sikhs were butchered in 1947, mostly in West Pakistan. The remaining about 1.5 (oneand a half) crore some how reached India. The biggest culprit for this tragedy was surely Gandhi. (see partition the …….phaseof the country by H. D. Shourie. The Tribune dated 11-12-1997. Gandhi got 10 lakh Hindus killed in 1947. But the daughter of Gandhi’s GEM, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mrs. Indira Gandhi,got thirty Lakhs (3 million) Hindus killed in East Pakistan during 1971. (Bangladesh government has sought apology fromPakistan fo rit. See The Tribune dated January 29, 1998 and Sept. 14, 2000). And practically all these 30 lakhs were Hindus, asis evident from Justice Hamoodur Rahman commission’s report, mentioned by Shri Atal Rawat in his article in the Organiserdated 3
 Sept. 2000. “One officer quoted by India Today as telling the Commission that General Niazi had himself asked as tohow many Hindus we had killed. In May there was an order in writing to to kill Hindus. “The Pakistani Army had painted yellow“H” on the house of Hindus, to distinguish them from Muslims. The basic question is as to what Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister did to protect the life of Hindu in EastPakistan? Nothing. Instead of punishing one lakh Pakistani soldiers who our security forcers had captured, they were allreturned to Pakistan, after entertaining them with good food and all facilities. They all deserved death penalty for crime of killing30 lakh Hindus, and other heinous crimes. East Bengal was handed over to Muslims of East Bengal who were all guilty of massmurder of Hindus on different occasions, including the on during Direct Action in 1946, Even Buddhist majority Chittangong HillTract(CHT) was given. Buddhist Chakmas from there are now coming to India as refugees,. In what way India has gained fromBangladesh war, in spite of winning it after sacrifices by our armed forces, and huge expenditure? In fact, it would have beenbetter to allow the Muslims of West Punjab and East Bengal to fight against each other, rather than freeing Bangaladesh. NowBangaladesh is nothing more than another Pakistan, and Pakistan (in the west) has more time and energy to create problemsfor India, and an excuse that India has broken Pakistan. 
Gandhi in AID of Muslim killers of Kolkata Hindus 
As a result of Direct Action from 16
 August 1946, announced by Mr. Jinnah and Muslim League for creation foPakistan, about 20 thousand Hindus were butchered in just two days at Kolkata alone, and 15 thousand were wounded. At thattime there was Muslim League government in Bengal, headed by Suhrawardy as Chief Minister. Mr. Suhrawardy establishedhimself in the Control Room of the police Chief. For two days the police watched, not firing a single round. General Butcher theArmy Commander, reported to Lord Wavell, who visited Calcutta on Suhrawardy’s completely communal attitude.”(see page123-24, Rajaji Story.) As already mentioned, Gandhi had deputed Rajaji as Governor of West Bengal to ensure safely of those very Muslims,who had butchered Kolkota Hindus. But Gandhi was not satisfied, and himself reached Kolkata. “To Suhrawardy__ theMahatama suggested that they live together. __ Suhrawardy agreed. Nearly 200 Hindus demonstrators shouted ‘Go backGandhi’s as he approached a Belliaghata house, made available to him. “see Rajaji Story p-143). “At Kolkata, soon after 15
 August” speaking before Muslim Chamber of Commerce, Rajaji made a personal pledge‘whatever may be my defects or lapses, let me assure you, that I shall never disfigure my life with any deliberate act of injusticeto any community whatsoever.” Less than three weeks after independence, there was retaliation in Kolkata against the Muslims,in which some Muslims were killed. As usual, Gandhi made all nonsense shouting against it. “Angry Hindus invaded Gandhi’sresidence and accused him of overlooking, what Hindus suffered. A brick and a lathi hurled at him just missed their target. TheMahatma’s attempt to quite the crowd failed. His response was … the announcement of fast. “(see page 148)

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