State Prison Policy For Inmate Mail

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

Policy Subject:

Policy Number:

Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications

Date of Issue:
September 16, 2015

Signature on File

DC-ADM 803
Effective Date:
October 29, 2015

John E. Wetzel

The Authority of the Secretary of Corrections to direct the operation of the Department of
Corrections is established by Sections 201, 206, 506, and 901-B of the Administrative
Code of 1929, 71 P.S. 61, 66, 186, and 310-1, Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. 177, No. 175, as


This policy is applicable to all facilities operated under the jurisdiction of, or conducting
business with the Department of Corrections.


It is the policy of the Department to allow an inmate access to communication with
members of society through the established public mail system1, to inspect mail, determine
the types of publications allowed, and to review publications intended for inmates.
Restrictions shall be related directly to facility order and security, public safety, and
obscenity laws and statutes.2


All applicable procedures are contained in the procedures manual that accompanies this
policy document.


4-4487, 4-4488, 4-4490

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Policy


Page 2


In an emergency or extended disruption of normal facility operation, the
Secretary/designee may suspend any provision or section of this policy for a specific



This policy does not create rights in any person nor should it be interpreted or applied in
such a manner as to abridge the rights of any individual. This policy should be interpreted
to have sufficient flexibility to be consistent with law and to permit the accomplishment of
the purpose(s) of the policies of the Department of Corrections.


A. Release of Information
1. Policy
This policy document is public information and may be released upon request.
2. Confidential Procedures (if applicable)
Confidential procedures for this document, if any, are not public information and
may not be released in its entirety or in part, without the approval of the Secretary of
Corrections/designee. Confidential procedures may be released to any Department
of Corrections employee on an as needed basis.
B. Distribution of Policy
1. General Distribution
The Department of Corrections policy and procedures shall be distributed to the
members of the Central Office Executive Staff, all Facility Managers, and
Community Corrections Regional Directors on a routine basis. Distribution of
confidential procedures to other individuals and/or agencies is subject to the
approval of the Secretary of Corrections/designee.
2. Distribution to Staff
It is the responsibility of those individuals receiving policies and procedures, as
indicated in the General Distribution section above, to ensure that each employee
expected or required to perform the necessary procedures/duties is issued a copy of
the policy and procedures either in hard copy or via email, whichever is most

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Policy

Page 3


A. Superseded Policy
1. Department Policy
DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications, issued December 2, 2011, by
Secretary John E. Wetzel.
2. Facility Policy and Procedures
This document supersedes all facility policy and procedures on this subject.
B. Cross Reference(s)
1. Administrative Manuals
a. DC-ADM 005, Collection of Inmate Debts
b. DC-ADM 801, Inmate Discipline
c. DC-ADM 802, Administrative Custody Procedures
d. DC-ADM 804, Inmate Grievance System
e. 6.3.1, Facility Security
f. 7.3.1, Inmate Reentry and Transition
g. 7.8.1, Inmate Recreational and Therapeutic Activities
2. ACA Standards
a. Administration of Correctional Agencies: 2-CO-5D-01
b. Adult Correctional Institutions: 4-4266, 4-4274, 4-4275, 4-4276, 4-4487, 4-4488,
4-4489, 4-4490, 4-4491, 4-4492, 4-4493, 4-4494, 4-4495, 4-4496
c. Adult Community Residential Services: 4-ACRS-6A-06, 4-ACRS-6A-08,
d. Correctional Training Academies: None
3. PREA Standards (28 C.F.R.)
a. 115.51

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

Policy Subject:

Policy Number:

Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications

Date of Issue:
September 16, 2015

Signature on File

DC-ADM 803
Effective Date:
October 29, 2015

John E. Wetzel

Release of Information:
Policy Document: This policy document is public information and may be released upon request.
Procedures Manual: The procedures manual for this policy may be released in its entirety or in part,
with the prior approval of the Secretary/designee. Unless prior approval of the Secretary/designee
has been obtained, this manual or parts thereof may be released to any Department employee on an
as needed basis only.

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Table of Contents

Section 1 General Procedures

A. Mail Privileges .................................................................................................................... 1-1
B. Stationery, Pen, and Postage for Indigent Inmates ............................................................ 1-6
C. Inmates Who Regularly Use Names Different from the Name on the Commitment Form.. 1-8
Ink Stamp ............................................................................................................ Attachment 1-A
Unacceptable Correspondence Form .................................................................. Attachment 1-B
Correspondence Between Inmates Form ............................................................ Attachment 1-C
Section 2 Security Procedures
A. Incoming Correspondence Other Than Privileged Correspondence .................................. 2-1
B. Incoming Privileged Correspondence................................................................................. 2-4
C. Outgoing Correspondence Other Than Privileged Correspondence .................................. 2-4
D. Outgoing Privileged Correspondence ................................................................................ 2-5
E. Electronic Mail (Email)........................................................................................................ 2-6
Inmate Correspondence Tracking Form .............................................................. Attachment 2-A
Legal Mail Log ..................................................................................................... Attachment 2-B
Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail
A. Incoming/Outgoing Inmate Mail .......................................................................................... 3-1
B. Presorted Standard Mail ..................................................................................................... 3-2
C. Certified or Registered Mail ................................................................................................ 3-2
D. Inmate Organization Correspondence ............................................................................... 3-2
E. Incoming Publications ........................................................................................................ 3-3
Incoming Publication Review Form...................................................................... Attachment 3-A
Notice of Incoming Publication Denial Form ........................................................ Attachment 3-B

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

Section 1 General Procedures

A. Mail Privileges
1. An inmate is permitted to correspond with the public, his/her attorney, and public
2. There is no limit to the number of correspondents to whom an inmate may send or from
whom an inmate may receive mail.2
3. An inmate may not:
a. correspond with another inmate, former inmate, parolee, probationer, or co-defendant
unless approval is given pursuant to this policy;
b. transfer or receive through any means whatsoever, negotiable instruments, money, or
items of monetary value to or from any other inmate, former inmate, parolee,
probationer, codefendant, the individual family members of any of the preceding
individuals, or victim(s) of the inmates criminal acts or their immediate family
members without the prior written approval of the Facility Manager/designee.
Approval granted at one facility shall transfer with the recipient inmate to any other
Department facility; however, any approval granted or transferred may be revoked for
changed circumstances;
NOTE: An inmate shall be permitted to receive cancelled checks, but shall NOT be
permitted to receive blank checks, cash advances, vouchers, and/or
credit/debit/charge cards from any source;
c. correspond with a current or former employee, current or former volunteer, current or
former contract employee, or victim(s) of the inmates criminal acts (the Office of the
Victim Advocate [OVA] will provide verification that an individual is a victim of the
inmates criminal acts, at the request of the Facility Manager/designee) except with
the written approval of the Facility Manager/designee. Approval granted at one facility
shall transfer with the recipient inmate to any other Department facility; however, any
approval granted or transferred may be revoked for changed circumstances;
d. send or receive correspondence containing threatening or obscene materials, as well
as correspondence containing criminal solicitations or furthering a criminal plan or
misconduct offense;


4-4266, 4-4275, 4-4487, 4-4492

4-4266, 4-4487, 4-4488

Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

e. use the facility address to fraudulently identify himself/herself as an employee, agent,

or representative of the facility; for example:
Theodore Smith, Paralegal
SCI Mahanoy
301 Morea Road
Frackville, PA 17932
f. write to an individual who has informed the Department, in writing, that he/she does
not wish to receive correspondence from the inmate. This restriction is not to be
interpreted to infringe on the right of an inmate to correspond with a public official with
regard to the performance of his/her official duty or to file pleadings in a court.
When the inmate is given a no contact restriction, the name of the individual
who requested the restriction and the date the restriction was issued to the
inmate shall be entered by the Unit Manager/designee into the Unit Management
System under the Security Concerns tab;
g. correspond with any prohibited party directed through a third party;
h. correspond with a public official using an address different than the officials business

send battery-operated greeting cards;


receive greeting cards in colored envelopes (white envelopes are permitted)

whether battery-operated or otherwise;

k. send or receive bill-me-later or free gift transactions;


receive correspondence or homemade artwork that has any item affixed to it

(excluding a mailing label that is affixed to the envelope) with glue or other types of
adhesives, including tape. Mailing labels and stamps may be removed from the
envelopes to check for contraband;

m. receive personal checks, cash, or money orders sent through the mail. A
personal check, cash, or money order discovered during an inspection shall be
treated as contraband and held pending any grievance or appeal concerning it.
The permitted contents of the mail shall be delivered to the inmate. Money
orders will only be accepted through the third-party vendor contracted by the
Department. This service allows funds to be posted to inmate accounts
electronically and results in quicker access to the funds. The sender must
follow the vendors procedures to use the service. Additional information
concerning the vendor is available through the Departments website, If a family member or friend sends, or has any business,
financial entity, or other entity send a financial instrument in an attempt to
circumvent the requirement to use the contracted third-party vendor, the
financial instrument shall be deemed contraband;
Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

n. receive any financial instrument including cashier's checks except as part of a

legitimate business transaction. If a family member or friend sends, or has any
business, financial entity, or other entity send a financial instrument in an
attempt to circumvent the requirement to use the contracted third-party vendor,
it will be deemed to be contraband. If incoming mail contains a permitted
cashier's check, the check shall be recorded, indicating the nature of the
receipt, the sender, the amount received, and the date.3 A DC-130B, Cash
Transaction Receipt shall be issued to the inmate for all amounts received. The
cashier's check shall be forwarded to the facility Business Manager who shall
deposit the money into the inmate's account; and/or
o. receive official documents such as a driver's license, birth certificate, social
security card, welfare card, medical card, etc. Such documents contained in
incoming mail shall not be delivered to the inmate, but shall be placed in the
designated safe, area, or file. Mailroom staff shall notify the inmate and his/her
counselor of the document being held and forward only the correspondence to
the inmate.
4. The facility will refuse any of the following:
a. mail that has postage due;
b. mail that does not contain a return address consisting of the senders name,
street address, including a suite or apartment number as applicable, city, and
state (the official state abbreviation may be used). Correspondence from a
foreign country must also include the name of the foreign country; and
c. incoming mail for an inmate that is not addressed with the approved inmate
name and Department number as reflected on the inmate roster. If an inmate
has been transferred or released, mail shall be forwarded, unopened, to the new
address, if known, for 60 days.4 If no forwarding address is available, mail shall
be refused. It is the responsibility of the inmate to notify correspondents and
the original source of publications of a change of address.
5. Each facility shall procure an ink stamp (Attachment 1-A). When incoming mail is
refused, the ink stamp shall be applied to the item and the reason the mail was
refused checked.
6. When the delivery of incoming correspondence has been accepted and any item
other than a publication contained therein is determined to be prohibited:
a. The permitted contents shall be delivered to the inmate. The mailroom staff
shall complete and send to the inmate a Notice of Unacceptable
Correspondence Form (Attachment 1-B). A copy of the Notice of Unacceptable

4-4496, 4-ACRS-6A-09

Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

Correspondence Form shall be sent to the Security Office at the facility and to
the sender of the correspondence, if identifiable.
b. The inmate may file a grievance from the Notice of Unacceptable
Correspondence within 15 working days of the date the Notice is sent. The
inmate shall use the DC-804 Part 1, Official Inmate Grievance Form; the sender
shall appeal by writing a letter addressed to the Facility Manager, containing a
copy of the Notice of Unacceptable Correspondence and clearly stating the
reason the sender believes the correspondence should have been accepted.
c. The grievance shall be assigned for processing pursuant to the procedures in
Department policy DC-ADM 804, Inmate Grievance System which are
available online at the Departments official website and the
appeal process set forth therein shall govern all subsequent levels of challenge.
d. The mailroom or security office shall hold the prohibited items for at least 30
working days after notification is sent to permit reasonable opportunity to
appeal the decision and pending resolution of any grievance appeal.
e. The mailroom or security office shall deliver the prohibited/item(s) to the inmate
if permitted as a result of the appeal, or mark the item(s) appropriately and
either mail them out of the facility at the inmates (if known) option and
expense, or if the inmate does not choose and pay for the item to be mailed,
destroy the item(s), hold the correspondence item(s) for investigation, as
evidence, or otherwise dispose of it properly. Material that cannot be legally
mailed will not be sent.
7. When an inmate wishes to correspond with an inmate at another facility (whether under
the Departments jurisdiction or the jurisdiction of any other state, county, or federal
agency or contractor) or a juvenile in a detention center:
a. neither inmate can be in disciplinary custody status;
b. each inmate must submit a request to the counselor at his/her current facility; the
request must include the name and number of the other inmate, the relationship
between them, the reason for the correspondence, and the name of the facility
where the other inmate is located;
c. the counselor will verify the relationship between the inmates, and prepare and
circulate a DC-46, Vote Sheet;
d. if approved, the counselor will prepare a Correspondence Between Inmates Form
(Attachment 1-C), obtain the Facility Manager/designees signature, and forward it to
the Facility Manager/designee of the other facility;

Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

e. the Facility Manager/designee at the recipient inmates facility shall review the
Correspondence Between Inmates Form and determine whether to approve the
request to correspond;
f. if both Facility Managers/designees approve the request, a copy of the
Correspondence Between Inmates Form shall be placed in the DC-14, Counselor
File, a notation shall be made in the automated Inmate Cumulative Adjustment
Record (ICAR), and the mailroom supervisors at both facilities shall be notified; and,
when inmates have been permitted to correspond because of a pending case,
the Mailroom Supervisor shall verify the status of the case with the
Departments Office of Chief Counsel every six months. Unless permission to
correspond has been otherwise terminated, the Mailroom Supervisor shall
notify every staff member who was designated to receive a copy of the
Correspondence Between Inmates Form approving the correspondence when
the case has been completed and the permission to correspond will be
g. the inmates must refrain from mentioning facility security, staff, or inmates in their
h. the facility may read both incoming and outgoing correspondence between the
inmates, to ensure compliance with the conditions of these procedures;

permission to correspond with an inmate at a facility under the Departments

jurisdiction or the jurisdiction of any other state, county, or federal agency or
contractor or a juvenile in a detention center shall be reviewed by the Facility
Manager/designee at least every six months and may be withdrawn at any time;


permission to correspond granted at one facility shall transfer with the inmate
to any other Department facility; however, any approval granted or transferred
may be revoked for changed circumstances and affected parties shall be
notified by the Facility Manager/designee.

8. Each inmate will be permitted, without cost, to mail eight, one-ounce, first-class letters
per month.5
9. There will be no limit on the number of letters that an inmate may send at his/her own
expense.6 Envelopes are available for purchase through Commissary. If an inmate has
purchased envelopes prior to a transfer to another facility, the inmate shall be allowed a
one-for-one exchange of envelopes upon arrival at the new facility.
10. No threatening, obscene, or if the inmate is under the age of 18, explicit sexual
material, pictorial nudity, contraband, material containing a criminal solicitation, or

4-4489, 4-ACRS-6A-06

Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

material describing or in furtherance of a criminal plan or misconduct offense may be

contained in the mail or placed on the envelope. If opened, such mail/envelope shall be
returned to the sender at the inmates expense (except that material which cannot be
mailed legally will not be returned) or disposed of at the inmates expense.
11. All outgoing mail shall include on the envelope the fully-approved inmate name,
Department inmate number, and return address printed in a legible, undisguised manner
on the upper, left-hand corner of the envelope. An envelope not bearing this information
will be opened and returned to the inmate, if identified. EXCEPTION: To preserve the
confidentiality of inmates reporting allegations of sexual assault to the
Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), an envelope addressed to: BCI/PREA
Coordinator, 1800 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110 is not required to
include the inmate name or Department number. [28 C.F.R. 115.51(b)] PSP has
asked that an inmate reporting an allegation of sexual assault include his or her
name and inmate number within the body of the letter contained inside the
envelope so that PSP can identify the person making the allegation and
communicate with them as PSP deems necessary.
12. All outgoing correspondence will be stamped Inmate Mail PA. DEPT. OF
13. The inmate shall seal and place all outgoing correspondence in the collection boxes
provided in each housing unit and/or other designated locations.
14. Photographs containing obscenity, explicit sexual material, or nudity, as specified in
Section 3 are prohibited.
15. No inmate may possess and the Department will not disseminate to any inmate
obscene material in any form.
16. In accordance with 18 Pa. C.S.A. 5903, the Department will not disseminate obscene,
nude, or explicit sexual materials in any form to an inmate under the age of 18. Any
inmate under the age of 18 found to be in possession of obscene or explicit sexual
materials will be subject to a misconduct in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM
801, Inmate Discipline.
B. Stationery, Pen, and Postage for Indigent Inmates
Upon written request, an indigent inmate, as defined in the Glossary of Terms, shall be
provided with stationery and a pen, and shall be able to anticipate the cost for postage to file
papers necessary for the good faith pursuit of legal remedies.7
1. No-Cost Stationery and Pens

4-4274, 4-4276, 4-ACRS-6A-06

Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

a. An inmate may submit a DC-135A, Inmate Request to Staff Member for no-cost
stationery to the Facility Business Manager/designee. The request shall contain:

the date of the request;


whether a pen is needed;


the current balance in his/her inmate facility account, if known; and


the name of the court in which the case is pending, the case/docket number, the
caption/title of the case, and type of case.

b. The Business Manager/designee shall review the information contained in the DC135A, and verify that the inmate has insufficient funds to purchase the needed
c. The Business Manager/designee shall respond to the request within five working days
of receipt.
d. Upon approval, the inmate shall be provided free of charge:

a pen of the type permitted under the policy and rules governing the inmates
housing unit; and


a packet of 50 sheets of clean 8 x 11 paper. If the quantity of paper proves

to be insufficient, the inmate may submit a request for one more additional
packet per month.

2. Postage and Copying

a. Anticipated Postage


An indigent inmate may anticipate on his/her account, postage for legal mail, to
include exhaustion of grievances, and copying charges up to $10 per month.8
Under no circumstances, shall the Business Manager/designee approve
requests in excess of $10 per month. An inmate is responsible for managing
his/her funds and monthly postage allowance to meet his/her legal needs.


The Business Manager/designee shall respond to a request to anticipate

postage within five working days of receipt.


After all deductions are taken in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM
005, Collection of Inmate Debts any money received in an inmates account
shall be used to satisfy the postage debt and copying fees.


Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

b. Postage Limitations
An indigent inmate will be permitted to anticipate the deposit of funds into his/her
account for regular first-class postage only except that:

a Petition for Review to respondents and filed in the Commonwealth Court is

the only legal document required to be served by certified mail. An inmate may
anticipate funds to file and serve a Petition for Review by certified mail and
may also anticipate funds to include a return receipt for the certified mail if
the inmate chooses to do so;


an inmate may not be permitted to anticipate the deposit of funds into his/her
account to mail documents in any case in which he/she is not a party;


any misuse of postage and incomplete or false requests shall be grounds for
disapproval of any further anticipation for postage and for discipline; and


the inmate may seek review of any decision regarding this Section as outlined in
Department policy DC-ADM 804.

C. Inmates Who Regularly Use Names Different from the Name on the Commitment Form
1. An inmate who has made a permanent legal change in his/her name, so that it differs
from the commitment name, may submit a request to the Facility Manager for permission
to use the new name for limited purposes. This request must include the reason(s) why
the inmate wishes to use the new name.
2. The Facility Manager shall review and grant permission for limited use of the approved
name if the name was changed for legitimate reasons. Legitimate reasons shall include
changes because of change in gender, marital status, religious reasons, and ethnic
identification. Only permanent name changes will be approved. Multiple changes will not
be honored.
3. The Facility Manager shall notify the inmate of his/her decision on the request to use the
new approved inmate name. If the request is approved, the Facility Manager shall
inform the inmate in writing of the permitted uses of the newly approved inmate name.
The Facility Manager shall advise the inmate that the newly approved inmate name may
not be used to mislead or commit fraud and that abuse of the guidelines established for
this procedure may result in withdrawal of approval to use the newly approved inmate
name. If this request is disapproved, the Facility Manager shall explain the reasons for
4. The facility is not required to permit an inmate to use a new name, which has not been
approved by these procedures.
5. The newly approved inmate name shall be added to the inmates records as an AKA
(also known as). No Department records will be changed absent a court order specifically
Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

directing that the records be changed. If such an order is issued, it shall be referred to the
Office of Chief Counsel for review. This type of change will not be handled pursuant to
the procedures established here. A court order authorizing and ordering a change of
name does not automatically mandate changes in existing records.
6. When an inmate changes his/her name, the Records Office shall notify the OVA and the
Parole Supervisor at the facility.
7. The inmate must continue to respond when addressed by his/her commitment name and
to sign the commitment name for all purposes except those listed below.
a. A visitor may identify the inmate he/she wishes to visit by using the newly approved
inmate name.
b. The inmate may execute a DC-155, Power of Attorney authorizing the
endorsement of checks in the newly approved inmate name. A notation shall be
made on the second form indicating this form does not supersede the DC-155 under
the commitment name, but is only additional authorization.
c. After the execution of the new DC-155 the inmate may receive deposits to his or her
inmate account using the newly approved inmate name.
d. It is the inmates responsibility to advise any person who wishes to use the newly
approved inmate name for the purposes described above that he/she must,
whenever using the newly approved inmate name, also provide other data; inmate
number and commitment name, so that the facility can identify the inmate. A visitor,
correspondence, or publication that does not present or contain data sufficient to
identify the inmate may be disapproved.
e. It is the inmates responsibility to change his/her name on his/her social security card
using the procedures required by the Social Security Administration (SSA)
(refer to Department policy 7.3.1, Inmate Reentry and Transition.). The
Department has been informed that a new card will be issued with the inmates
original social security number. A new number is not issued for a name change. The
inmate will have to send the original Court Order that grants the legal name change
with the application for name change. Photocopies or notarized copies of documents
are not accepted.
8. An inmate shall be issued and charged for the replacement ID card in accordance with
Department policy 6.3.1, Facility Security when he or she has been authorized to
use a newly approved inmate name.
9. The inmate shall be charged $10 for a new fingerprint card that is required for a name

Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 1 General Procedures

10. Abuse by the inmate of any of these guidelines shall be treated as disobedience of a
direct order, and may be grounds for revocation of permission to use the newly approved
inmate name, and for disciplinary action.
11. An inmate may seek review of a decision pursuant to these procedures by filing an
inmate grievance under Department policy DC-ADM 804.

Issued: 9/16/2015
Effective: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 2 Security Procedures

Section 2 Security Procedures

A. Incoming Correspondence Other Than Privileged Correspondence
1. Incoming correspondence, other than privileged correspondence, shall be opened in the
facilitys mailroom by staff and inspected for contraband. Staff will not read incoming
correspondence, privileged or otherwise, unless authorized to do so under the
applicable provisions of this policy. Correspondence from the Departments Office of
Chief Counsel is not privileged and is to be opened in the mailroom.
2. Incoming correspondence, other than privileged correspondence, may be read upon the
written order of the Facility Manager/designee. Incoming correspondence, other than
privileged correspondence, may be reproduced upon written order of the Regional
Deputy Secretary only when there is reason to believe that the security of the facility may
be threatened, that this directive is being violated, or there is evidence of criminal activity
or of a misconduct offense, or in connection with an investigation being conducted by the
Office of Special Investigations and Intelligence (OSII).1
3. The Facility Manager/designee shall review the status of the facilitys mail monitoring on
a monthly basis. In cases where the Regional Deputy Secretarys approval is required, a
request must be made in writing every 60 days for continued reproduction of
correspondence. This request should also include a brief update of the ongoing
a. The facility Security Office shall submit a quarterly report to the Regional Deputy
Secretary outlining all inmate correspondence being monitored/reproduced on the
Inmate Correspondence Tracking Form (Attachment 2-A).
b. If approved by the Regional Deputy Secretary, the Chief of Security/OSII/designee will
notify the Facility Manager/designee and the Intelligence Gathering Captain to
commence monitoring and/or photocopying the correspondence. A request must be
made in accordance with Subsection A.2. above to continue reproduction of
4. Federal, State, and local income tax filing documents shall not be delivered to an inmate,
as these may be used to file fraudulent tax returns. If an inmate has a legitimate need to
file a tax return, he/she may request the proper forms from the Unit Management Team.
5. When a refund check from the Pennsylvania Treasury Department, another state, the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a foreign country, or a county or municipality of any
of the preceding is received, mailroom staff shall notify the Intelligence Gathering
Captain/Security Lieutenant. If issued by the Commonwealth, these checks are
identifiable by the address information that shows through the window on the envelope,
REVREFUND, is printed and visible. For a United States or Commonwealth check, the
Intelligence Gathering Captain/Security Lieutenant shall contact the PA Department of

4-4491, 4-ACRS-6A-08

Issued: 9/16/2015
Received: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 2 Security Procedures

Revenue/IRS Office of Criminal Tax Investigations and advise them of the inmates
name, social security number, and check amount. The PA Department of Revenue
and/or IRS representative will advise the Security Office as to the legitimacy of the
refund. The Office of Chief Counsel shall be contacted if tax refund checks are
received from other sources.
6. When a birth certificate, Social Security Card, Drivers License, etc., is received for an
inmate, mailroom staff will forward it to the Business Office (to be held until the inmate is
released), and notify the inmate and his/her counselor of the receipt of the document(s).
7. When any documentation concerning Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings, the
redemptive process, Acceptance for Value presentments, or documents indicating
copyright or attempted copyright of a name is received, mailroom staff shall notify the
Intelligence Captain/Security Lieutenant. An Unacceptable Correspondence Form
(Refer to Attachment 1-B in Section 1 of this procedures manual) shall be completed
and sent to the inmate and the sender, if identifiable. The inmate shall have 15
working days from the date of the notice to provide in writing to the Intelligence
Captain/Security Lieutenant an explanation of the legal basis or purpose for his/her
possession of the material. In the alternative, the inmate may choose to file a grievance
under Department policy DC-ADM 804, Inmate Grievance System explaining the
legal basis or purpose for his/her possession of the material. Any and all documents or
materials referenced in this paragraph shall be confiscated and considered contraband,
whether processed through the mailroom or found anywhere else within the facility.

Account Statements
a. Inmate Savings/Investment Accounts

An inmate is permitted to maintain a savings account that was opened prior to

his/her incarceration. An inmate who maintains such an account may
receive account statements and correspondence from the financial
institution holding the account, provided that he or she informs the
facilitys mailroom supervisor of the name of the financial institution.


An inmate is permitted to open one savings account during his or her

incarceration. An inmate who maintains such an account may receive
account statements and correspondence from the financial institution
holding the account, provided that he or she informs the facilitys
mailroom supervisor of the name of the financial institution.


An inmate is permitted to open one investment account during his or her

incarceration. An inmate who maintains such an account may receive
account statements and correspondence from the licensed investment
professional through whom the account is established, provided that he or
she informs the facilitys mailroom supervisor of the name of the licensed
financial institution or licensed investment professional through whom the
account is established.

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Received: 10/29/2015

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 2 Security Procedures


All savings/investment account passbooks and account identification (e.g.,

account identification card, check cashing, etc.) shall be held by the facility
Business Office until the inmate is released.


Savings/investment account statements and deposit and withdrawal slips may

be held by the inmate with his/her personal property, unless there is reason to
believe that there is a threat to facility security or criminal activity, in which case,
the materials will be considered contraband.

b. Inmate Checking Accounts


An inmate with a checking account opened prior to his/her incarceration shall not
use the account while incarcerated.


The opening of a checking account while incarcerated is prohibited.

c. Inmate Credit or Charge Account or Debit Account


An inmate with a charge card, credit card account, or debit account opened
prior to his/her incarceration shall not charge to the account or make
expenditures from the account while incarcerated.


The opening of a charge card, credit card account, or debit account while
incarcerated is prohibited.


Blank checks or cash advance vouchers associated with charge and credit
card accounts or debit accounts are considered contraband, and shall not be
provided to inmates.


Credit or charge account or debit account solicitations and applications are

considered contraband, and shall not be provided to inmates.


Account statements for inmates who opened a charge card, credit card account,
or debit account prior to incarceration, may be held by the inmate with his/her
personal property, unless there is reason to believe that there is a threat to
facility security or criminal activity, in which case, the materials will be considered
contraband and confiscated by staff.

d. Other Investments

An inmate is prohibited from acquiring or transferring stocks, bonds, or

any other form of security or investment other than as set forth in
Subsection A.8.a.(3) above.

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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 2 Security Procedures


An inmate who wishes to transfer stocks, bonds, or any other form of

security or investment acquired prior to his or her incarceration must place
the security under the control of a third party who is neither an inmate nor
a parolee.

B. Incoming Privileged Correspondence

1. Incoming privileged correspondence will be opened and inspected for contraband in the
presence of the inmate to whom it is addressed. Incoming privileged correspondence
delivered to an inmate is to be noted on the Legal Mail Log (Attachment 2-B). The
inmate must sign the Legal Mail Log for the mail or the fact that the inmate refused
to sign shall be noted.
2. If upon opening the envelope in the presence of the inmate, the staff member, without
reading the contents, notices that the envelope contains absolutely no legal material
(e.g., contains only a publication readily available to the public with no notations from
counsel), the staff member shall not issue the contents to the inmate and shall complete
a DC-121, Part 3, Employee Report of Incident, in accordance with Department policy
6.3.1, Facility Security. The report shall include: the contents that were deemed not to
be legal material; the name and Department number of the inmate who received the mail;
and the name and address of the person who sent the mail. The Facility
Manager/designee shall forward a copy of the staff members report to the Office of Chief
Counsel and the Central Office Security Division for review and tracking.
3. Incoming privileged correspondence may be read upon the written approval of the
Secretary/designee when there is reason to believe that there is a threat to facility
security or criminal activity.
4. In cases where the Secretarys approval to read incoming privileged
correspondence is required, a request must be made in writing every 30 days for
continued reproduction of correspondence. This request should also include a
brief update of the ongoing investigation.
C. Outgoing Correspondence Other Than Privileged Correspondence
1. The Facility Manager/designee may authorize the opening and reading of outgoing
correspondence other than privileged correspondence only when there is reason to
believe that the security of the facility may be threatened, that this directive is being
violated, there is evidence of criminal activity or of a misconduct offense, or in connection
with an investigation being conducted by the OSII. 2
2. Outgoing correspondence other than privileged correspondence may be reproduced
upon written approval of the Regional Deputy Secretary only when there is reason to
believe that the security of the facility may be threatened, this directive is being violated,
there is evidence of criminal activity or of a misconduct offense, or in connection with an

4-4491, 4-ACRS-6A-08

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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 2 Security Procedures

investigation being conducted by the OSII. If the request to reproduce the

correspondence originated with OSII or the Central Office Chief of Security, the
Chief of Security/OSII/designee will notify the Facility Manager/designee and the
Intelligence Gathering Captain to commence monitoring and/or photocopying the
correspondence upon approval of the Regional Deputy Secretary. A request must
be made in accordance with Subsection A.2 above to continue reproduction of
3. The facility Security Office shall submit a quarterly report to the Regional Deputy
Secretary outlining all inmate correspondence being monitored/reproduced on the
Inmate Correspondence Tracking Form.
D. Outgoing Privileged Correspondence3
1. Outgoing privileged correspondence will not be opened, read, censored, or reproduced
outside the presence of the inmate, except under the following conditions:
a. the Facility Manager/designee may request, in writing, the opening, reading,
censoring, and/or reproducing of outgoing privileged correspondence outside the
inmates presence and transmit the request to the Secretary/designee and set forth
the reasons for the request; and
b. the Secretary/designee may grant permission to open, read, censor, and/or reproduce
outgoing privileged correspondence outside of the inmates presence only when
there is reason to believe there is a threat to facility security or criminal activity
including, but not limited to, the following:

any information relating to a possible escape;


the introduction of weapons, drugs, money, or other contraband that presents a

clear threat to the security of the facility;


any information relating to a possible prison disturbance or other activity that

presents a clear threat to the security of the facility; and


any information relating to other criminal activity; specifics of the suspected

activity must be provided.

2. A log shall be kept of instances where outgoing privileged correspondence is opened,

read, censored and/or reproduced, and the inmate shall be notified unless such
notification would impede an investigation of a threat to facility security including a
misconduct offense or suspected criminal activity. The inmate shall be notified that
his/her mail was opened, read, censored, and/or reproduced at the completion of the


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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 2 Security Procedures

E. Electronic Mail (Email)

1. All inmate emails are monitored by a software program designed to alert staff if an email
contains inappropriate content.
2. Facility mailroom staff shall forward any email that contains inappropriate content to the
facility Security Office for review.
3. The facility Security Office shall review the email content for threats to the security of the
facility, evidence of criminal activity, or any violations of this procedures manual.
4. If the facility Security Office has determined that the email is not a threat to the security of
the facility, evidence of criminal activity, or in violation of this procedures manual, it will
be returned to the mailroom to be delivered to the inmate.
5. Email may be read and reproduced by the facility Security Office, the Central Office
Security Office, and/or the OSII.
6. Any inappropriate email will be rejected with a notice to the sender stating:
The referenced message was rejected as containing inappropriate content. If
you wish to appeal the rejection you must send a written appeal to the
Facility Manager within 15 working days of this message. Further information is
available in Department policy DC-ADM 803, Section 3, which can be found

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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail

A. Incoming/Outgoing Inmate Mail
1. Outgoing mail placed in housing unit collection boxes or other designated locations shall
be collected each day, Monday through Friday excluding state/federal holidays. A
reasonable effort shall be made to ensure that such mail is delivered to the US Postal
Service on the same day.
2. Outgoing mail shall NOT be placed in the lock-boxes designated for inmate grievances
and/or DC-135A Inmates Request to Staff Member forms.
3. The inmate will be notified when outgoing mail is being held.1
4. Incoming correspondence may contain copies of internet pages, news clippings,
articles, print-outs, or material from social networking, social media, or internet
sites if such material otherwise complies with the provisions of this procedures
manual. The content of internet pages, news clippings, articles, print-outs, or
material from social networking, social media, or internet sites will be reviewed by
mailroom staff. Content that may violate the criteria set forth in Subsection E.
below shall be forwarded to and reviewed by the Inmate Publication Review
Committee (IPRC).
5. Incoming correspondence may contain photographs; however, an inmate may
receive duplicate photographs only with the permission of the Facility
Manager/designee. This provision is intended to permit an inmate to send a
photograph taken in the visiting room to a duplication service and to receive
duplicates of the photograph from the duplication service. The content of
photographs will be reviewed by mailroom staff. Content that may violate the
criteria set forth in Subsection E. below shall be forwarded to and reviewed by the
IPRC. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to permit an inmate to possess
more photographs than permitted by the policy governing the inmate's housing
6. Incoming mail, including packages, will be processed Monday through Friday excluding
state/federal holidays as outlined below.
a. An inmate who wishes to have his/her mail held by the mailroom while on an
Authorized Temporary Absence (ATA) must submit a written notice to the mailroom
supervisor. A DC-135A may be used for this purpose.
b. Each piece of incoming mail shall be delivered to the inmate within 24 hours of
processing, unless the mail contains content requiring review by the IPRC in
accordance with Subsection E. below or the mail is being held for investigative


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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail

purposes. Packages shall be held no more than 48 hours, excluding weekends and
holidays, unless being held for investigative purposes.2
c. An inmate who receives a letter of a disturbing nature should bring the matter to the
attention of the housing unit officer and make arrangements to discuss the problem
with his/her unit manager or counselor.
B. Presorted Standard Mail
Magazines and newspapers sent by Presorted Standard Mail will be accepted and reviewed
according to the Departments policies and procedures.
C. Certified or Registered Mail
1. Each facility shall establish procedures in cooperation with the local Postmaster for the
processing of certified and registered mail.
2. The inmate is responsible for determining whether mail is to be sent via certified or
registered mail.
3. Except as provided in Section 1 of this procedures manual, the inmate must have funds
available in his/her account and an approved cash slip for such postage payment in order
to send mail certified or registered.
D. Inmate Organization Correspondence
1. Only approved inmate organizations as defined by Department policy 7.8.1, Inmate
Recreational and Therapeutic Activities may send and receive mail.
2. Payment of postage is the responsibility of the inmate organization.
3. All incoming and outgoing inmate organization correspondence must be reviewed and
approved by the facility staff coordinator for the organization.
4. All outgoing correspondence must be reviewed by the staff coordinator for the
organization to ensure compliance with Department policies.
5. Outgoing correspondence must be sealed and delivered to the mailroom by the
staff coordinator.
6. An inmate organization may not send mail to an inmate of any federal, state, or
county prison or of any juvenile detention center.


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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail

E. Incoming Publications
1. General Procedures
a. Incoming publications are governed by this policy and are not to be considered
outside purchases. Inmates in general population may receive incoming
publications subject to any applicable limit on the amount of property the
inmate is permitted to store. Inmates in any housing status other than the
facilitys general population, may receive incoming publications unless the
receipt of publications is prohibited by the policy applicable to the inmates
housing status. Incoming publications will be searched for contraband and
reviewed for content. The covers of publications may be damaged through
examination or removed where inspection of the cover is deemed necessary
and no reasonably available alternative form of inspection is adequate.3
b. Incoming publications must be received from their original source. Single copies of
small letter-sized pamphlets may be received in regular correspondence from
family members, friends, or religious advisors. 4
c. Newspapers may be mailed or delivered to the facility by an original source.5
d. Books, newsletters, and other mail from non-profit religious and charitable
organizations, when addressed to an individual inmate shall be delivered to the
inmate even if mailed at less than first or second-class mail rates (Presorted Standard
Mail rate), as long as the publication is permitted based on all other criteria set forth in
this policy and the policies applicable to the inmates housing status.
e. Inmates are permitted to receive donated publications, with the following stipulations:

the publication must be received from an original source;


the publication must be specifically addressed to an individual inmate; and


the publication must be inspected, reviewed, and be permissible based on

all other criteria set forth in this procedures manual.

f. NOTE: Donated publications may also be accepted for common inmate

use/reference. Publications donated to a facility must be forwarded to the Librarian or
the Facility Chaplaincy Program Director (FCPD) as appropriate, upon receiving
security clearance and IPRC approval, when necessary. The Librarian or FCPD, as
appropriate, shall determine whether to accept the donation based upon
available library space and whether the publication enhances the librarys
offerings or is merely cumulative or supplemental to existing resources.


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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail

g. If a publication or photograph that is otherwise permitted to be possessed by an

inmate contains content that may potentially violate any of the criteria set forth in
Subsection E.3. below, the Mailroom Supervisor, School Principal, Librarian, or
other Department staff shall forward these publications to the IPRC, along with an
Incoming Publication Review Form (Attachment 3-A).6
h. If a publication contains a free sample item (lotion, perfume, etc.), the Facility
Manager/designee shall review the item to determine if it shall be permitted into the
facility. If it is determined that the item is not to be permitted into the facility, it is to be
removed from the publication and the publication is to be delivered to the inmate.

An inmate may receive more than one copy of a publication only with special approval
of the IPRC. Approval may be sought by submitting a DC-135A to the IPRC.


Upon transfer, publications/photographs approved at one facility will be permitted in

another facility unless there is a change in circumstances (for example, but not
limited to, the addition of a publication to the Departments Reviewed
Publication List). The IPRC at the receiving facility will review any
publications/photographs to determine whether any such changed circumstances

k. Upon receipt of mail sent at less than First or Second Class Rate, the mail inspector
shall verify that the stamp specifically states Presorted Standard Mail and if the
words Presorted Standard Mail are not printed on the mail, it shall be processed as
regular incoming mail.

If the words Presorted Standard Mail are marked on the item, the mail inspector
shall determine if the item meets the definition of a publication as set forth in the
Glossary of Terms. If the criteria for a publication is met, the item shall be accepted
and processed in accordance with Subsection E.2. below, regardless of the postal
rate at which it was mailed. If the item has a Presorted Standard Mail Stamp, but
does not meet the criteria for a publication, delivery will be refused.

2. Initial Review Process

a. Within ten working days of receipt of written or printed material referred to it,
the IPRC shall determine whether such material is a publication and, if so,
whether such material will be permitted or denied. Material that is determined to
not meet the definition of a publication shall be returned to the mailroom for
processing under this procedures manual.
b. The content criteria listed in Subsection E.3. below apply to the review of all
publications, including photographs. The review begins by determining whether
the publication appears on the Departments Reviewed Publication List. If not,
the procedures set forth in Subsection E.2.c. below apply. If the publication


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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail

appears on the Departments Reviewed Publication List, the procedures set

forth in Subsection E.2.d. below apply.
c. When a facility IPRC reviews and denies a publication that does not appear on the
Departments Reviewed Publication List:



the IPRC must complete the Notice of Incoming Publication Denial Form
(Attachment 3-B) by entering the following:

publication name, if known, or a brief description of the publication;


date of the publication;


publishers name and complete address; and


reason(s) that the publication was denied, including page numbers.

the IPRC must, within two working days of a decision to deny a


provide the Notice of Incoming Publication Denial Form to the inmate

to whom the publication was addressed; and


email a copy of the completed form to the Office of Policy, Grants, and
Legislative Affairs.

The Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs shall, within seven
working days of receipt of the completed Notice of Incoming Publication
Denial Form, notify the publisher of the denial of the publication by
forwarding a copy of the Notice of Incoming Publication Denial Form.
Duplicate notification shall not be required for a single issue of a
publication or for a publication appearing on the Departments Reviewed
Publication List.

d. When the IPRC determines that the publication appears on the Departments
Reviewed Publication List, the publication shall not be reviewed for compliance
with the criteria set forth in Subsection E.3 below. Instead, the publication shall
be permitted, denied, or otherwise treated as set forth in the Departments
Reviewed Publication List, PROVIDED THAT it also is compliant with the
provisions of this procedures manual other than Subsection E.3. below. When a
publication that appears on the Departments Reviewed Publication List is

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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail



the IPRC shall within two working days:


complete Section 1 of the Notice of Incoming Publication Denial Form;



provide a copy of the completed Notice of Incoming Publication Denial

Form to the inmate.

duplicate notification shall not be required for a single issue of a

publication or for a publication appearing on the Departments Reviewed
Publication List.

3. Criteria
a. General

A request for and receipt of any publication or photograph may be disapproved

when the publication or photograph contains content considered to pose a
potential threat to security, contains nudity, explicit sexual materials, or obscene
material as set forth in Subsection E.3.c. below.


No publication shall be prohibited solely on the basis that the publication is

critical of penal facilities in general, of a particular facility, an official of the
Department or of a correctional or penological practice in this or in any other


Recognized original source textbooks in chemistry, physics, or the social

sciences, shall be permitted as long as these publications adhere to the criteria
outlined below.


Any publication that contains one or more sections dealing with prohibited topics
must be disapproved in its entirety. If a publication is disapproved because of a
section(s) dealing with prohibited topics, facility staff may not alter the
publication by removing the prohibited section(s) in an attempt to make the
publication acceptable. The publisher may alter the publication by removing
the prohibited section(s), republishing the publication, and resending it to
the inmate. Any resubmitted publication shall be reviewed as though it was
being submitted for the first time.

b. Security Issues
Written narratives/language and/or visual/graphic representations/images containing
any of the following content shall be denied:

information regarding the manufacture of explosives, incendiaries, weapons,

escape devices, or other contraband;

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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail


instruction regarding the ingredients or manufacture of poisons, drugs, or

intoxicating beverages;


writings which:

advocate violence;


advocate insurrection or guerrilla warfare against the government or

any of its facilities;


create a danger within the context of the correctional facility; or


advocate, assist, or are evidence of criminal activity or facility



racially inflammatory material, material that could cause a threat to the inmates,
staff, or security of the facility, material that encourages or promotes the belief
that one group of persons is superior over another, or describes rites or
ceremonies that include instruments that could be used to cause harm to ones
self or others, except if this material is contained in religious material or a sacred
text in which case it must be reviewed using the criteria set forth in Subsection
E.3.d. below; or


maps, road atlas, etc. that would facilitate the planning of an escape or criminal
activity or would pose a security threat to the Department, its staff, contractors,
volunteers, or facilities.

c. Publications (including photographs) Containing Obscene Material, Explicit Sexual

Material, and Nudity

Except as provided below, correspondence, publications and/or photographs

containing explicit sexual material, (other than in narrative form) and/or nudity
as defined in the Glossary of Terms, are prohibited from entering a facility or
being possessed within a facility. Obscene material is illegal and will not be
permitted under any circumstances.


Correspondence and publications, containing nudity or explicit sexual material

(other than in narrative form), as defined in the Glossary of Terms may be
permitted if the material has artistic, educational, or medical value. The below
listed considerations will guide the Department in determining whether to permit
nudity, explicit sexual material, or obscene material:

Is the material in question contained in a publication that regularly features

sexually explicit content intended to raise levels of sexual arousal or to
provide sexual gratification, or both? If so, the publication will be denied for
inmate possession.

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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail


Is it likely that the content in question was published or provided with the
primary intention to raise levels of sexual arousal or to provide sexual
gratification, or both? If so, the publication or content will be denied for
inmate possession.

d. Religious Materials and Sacred Texts


Religious material and sacred texts that contain otherwise prohibited material
shall be prohibited if they explicitly direct followers to act violently or encourage
violent acts against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI)
populations, persons of other races, nationalities, religions, etc. or direct the
use of instruments to cause harm to ones self or others. Religious material and
sacred texts that only promote a sincerely held belief, as opposed to directing
followers to act on that belief, shall be permitted.


The below listed considerations will guide the Department in determining

whether religious material and sacred texts are to be permitted or prohibited:

Does the religious material or sacred text contain racially inflammatory

material or encourage or promote the belief that one group of persons is
superior over another or contain descriptions of religious rites or
ceremonies that may include instruments that could be used to harm ones
self or others?

If not, the religious material or sacred text must be permitted.

ii. If so, does the religious material or sacred text explicitly direct followers
to act violently or encourage violent acts against persons of other races
or nationalities, etc. or to use instruments to harm ones self or others?
Only religious material or a sacred text that explicitly directs
followers to act violently or encourages violent acts can be

The IPRC may consult with the FCPD in evaluating religious publications
and sacred texts. The Secretarys Office of Inmate Grievances and
Appeals (SOIGA) shall consult with the Religious Accommodation Review
Committee in reviewing appeals from the denial of religious publications or
sacred texts.

4. Review Process
a. Inmate Grievance Review
(1) An inmate may seek review of a decision denying a publication by filing a
grievance in accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 804, Inmate
Grievance System. If a timely grievance is not filed, the publication will be
destroyed after 30 working days unless;
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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail


the inmate submits a cash slip for the costs of shipping the
publication out of the Department to a specific person within 15
working days; or


the publisher submits a timely permitted appeal under Subsection E. 4


NOTE: The only publications that appear on the Departments Reviewed

Publication List are those that have received final content review either as
the result of an inmate grievance or a publisher appeal. The Department will
not re-review the content of publications on the Departments Reviewed
Publication List. Grievances regarding publications that appear on the
Departments Reviewed Publication List, therefore, are limited to whether the
Departments Reviewed Publication List was applied correctly (e.g., the
denied publication does not actually appear on the Departments Reviewed
Publication List) or that a Pennsylvania court or a United States District
Court within Pennsylvania (Eastern, Middle, or Western District), the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, or the United States Supreme
Court has entered an order requiring that the specific publication be
permitted in a prison housing persons convicted of a felony.
b. The Facility Grievance Coordinator shall notify the Mailroom Supervisor when a
grievance concerning the denial of a publication is filed and shall inform the
Mailroom Supervisor of the final decision when the grievance process,
including any appeals, is completed.

The Mailroom Supervisor shall hold the publication until the grievance
process, including grievance appeals, if any, is completed.


SOIGA shall refer grievance appeals challenging the denial of a publication

for content reasons to the Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs
for review.


The Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs shall review all
content-based appeals, advise SOIGA of its determination, return the
grievance and related material to SOIGA, and add the final appeal decision
to the Departments Reviewed Publication List.


SOIGA shall notify the inmate of the final appeal decision.

c. Publisher Appeals

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A publisher may seek review of a decision denying a publication by filing

an appeal to the Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs within 15
working days of the date on the Notice of Incoming Publication Denial
Form. An appeal may be in the form of a letter setting forth the reasons the
publisher believes the decision to deny the publication was erroneous and

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Section 3 Handling and Distribution of Mail

must include a copy of the Incoming Publication Denial Form the publisher
received. The Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs may, in its
sole discretion, accept an untimely appeal for demonstrated good cause.
Multiple appeals by the publisher of the same issue of a publication are
prohibited and shall be disregarded.

The Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs shall notify the
Mailroom Supervisor at the inmate addressees facility that the publishers
timely appeal has been received.


The Mailroom Supervisor shall hold the publication until the grievance
process, including grievance appeals, if any, is completed.


The Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs shall decide a

publishers appeal within 15 working days of receipt. The Office of Policy,
Grants, and Legislative Affairs shall forward its decision concerning a
publishers permitted appeal to the publisher and the Mailroom Supervisor
at the inmate addressees facility, and add the publication to the
Departments Reviewed Publication List.


The Office of Policy, Grants, and Legislative Affairs decision concerning a

publishers appeal is final.

d. Post-Appeal Procedures
Upon completion of the grievance process or the publishers appeal, or both,
the publication shall be processed in accordance with the final decision.

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DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Glossary of Terms

Approved Inmate Name The name under which the inmate is committed to the Department
and/or a name change that is in accordance with Department policy 11.5.1, Records Office
Cashiers Check a check drawn by a bank and payable from the banks own funds.
Catalogue Printed material the primary purpose of which can reasonably be regarded as
offering anything other than a publication for sale, loan, or exchange.
Charge Card Account A charge card account is a financial arrangement with a merchant or
company requiring the account holder to pay any balance on the account in full at the end of
each month, and is subject to interest charges by the merchant or company (e.g., American
Express or a Sears Charge Card.)
Content As used in this policy, content refers to the substance of the writings, the
words and what they mean, and also includes nude photos.
Contraband An item that an inmate is prohibited from possessing or an item that an inmate is
permitted to possess, but which has been altered or is being used for something other than its
intended purpose.
Control Number A number obtained through the Departments Office of Chief Counsel
authorizing an attorney or court to use the Departments system designed to ensure facility
security as well as essential, confidential attorney-client communications.
Court The (1) Pennsylvania Supreme Court, including any justice of such court, the
Prothonotary, and any division of such court, (2) Pennsylvania Superior Court and
Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, including any judge of such courts, clerk of
courts and Prothonotary of such courts and any division of such courts; (3) any court of
common pleas, including any judge, clerk of courts, or Prothonotary of such court as
well as the domestic relations and children and youth services divisions of such courts;
(4) the Philadelphia Municipal Court, including any judge, Prothonotary or clerk of courts
of such court; (5) any magisterial district court or magisterial district judge; (6) any
federal district court, including any judge, clerk of court or marshal of such court; (7) any
United States Court of Appeals, including any judge, clerk, marshal or division of such
court; (8) the United States Supreme Court, including any justice, clerk, marshal or
division of such court; (9) any analogous court of another state, including any judge,
justice, division, office or official of such court; and (10) any administrative court or
judge of any federal or state agency.
Credit Card Account A credit card account is a financial arrangement with a bank or company
allowing the account holder to maintain a balance on the account at the end of the month, and is
subject to interest charges by the merchant or company (e.g., Visa or MasterCard).
Department Reviewed Publication List A list maintained by the Department and consisting
of the name, date, publisher, and review discussion for all publications that have received final
review after any appeal of a Facility Managers decision to prohibit the publication.

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Glossary of Terms

Electronic Mail (E-Mail) Mail that is sent electronically using a vendor contracted by the
Explicit Sexual Material Any book, pamphlet, magazine, printed matter, sound recording,
explicit and detailed verbal description, narrative account, or other material of the following: (1)
sexual conduct, which means acts of masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse, sexual
bestiality, or physical contact with a persons clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks
or, if the person is a female, breast; (2) sadomasochistic abuse, which means flagellation or
torture by or upon a person clad in undergarments, a mask or bizarre costume, or the condition
of being fettered, bound, or otherwise physically restrained on the part of one so clothed; (3)
sexual excitement, which means the condition of the human male or female genitals when in a
state of sexual stimulation or arousal.
Facility Mail Distribution System The system used to deliver and pick-up mail from inmates
within the facility.
Facility Manager The Superintendent of a State Correctional Facility or the Motivational Boot
Camp, Director of a Community Corrections Center, or Director of the Training Academy.
Incoming Publications Review Committee (IPRC) A committee of at least three facility
personnel selected by the Facility Manager/designee at each facility that reviews incoming mail
that may contain prohibited content. One member of the IPRC must be a librarian, teacher or
school principal.
Indigent Inmate An inmate for whom the combined balances of his/her facility account and
any other accounts are $10 or less at all times during the 30 days preceding the date on which
the inmate submits a request to the person designated by the Facility Manager/designee. An
inmate who refuses available work/school although he/she is physically able and not precluded
from work/school by virtue of his/her housing status, is not indigent for the purposes of this
policy and is not eligible for free stationery or to anticipate for postage. An inmate who is selfconfined may also be considered as refusing available work although physically able as
determined by the Program Review Committee (PRC). Any inmate who has funds in another
account, which if deposited in his/her facility account would bring his/her balance to more than
$10, is not indigent. Any inmate who has not made a good faith effort to manage his/her money
so as to be able to pay the necessary costs of litigation himself/herself is not indigent.
Investment Account any brokerage, individual retirement, or similar account through
which a licensed investment professional buys and sells stocks, bonds, mutual funds
and other investments on the account holders behalf for a fee.
Nipple The protrusion from the human breast including all of the areola.
Non-Content Non-Content means matters other than the content such as contraband,
e.g. glue, perfume, unpaid envelopes, Sovereign Citizen, and UCC materials.

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Glossary of Terms

Nudity The showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, or anus with less than
a fully opaque covering or the showing of the female nipple with less than a fully opaque
covering, or the depiction of covered male genitals in a discernible turgid state.
Obscene Material Any book, photograph, pamphlet, magazine, printed matter, sound
recording, explicit and detailed verbal description, narrative account or other material is
considered obscene if one of the following applies:
1. an average person applying contemporary community standards would find that the subject
matter taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest; and
2. the subject matter depicts or describes in a patently offensive way; (a) ultimate sexual acts,
normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including sexual intercourse, anal or oral sodomy
and sexual bestiality, (b) patently offensive representations or descriptions of masturbation
or execratory functions, (c) in a sexual context, flagellation or torture upon a nude person or
one clad only in undergarments, a mask or bizarre costume or fettered, bound or otherwise
restrained, and/or (d) lewd exhibition of the genitals.
Original Source a publisher, bookstore, book club, distributor or department store, or
commercial distributor of a publication or a duly formulated not-for-profit organization
that distributes the specific publication in connection with its religious, charitable, or
public service purpose.
Photograph a picture produced by photography.
Presorted Standard Mail Mail that usually consists of sales flyers, form letters, or other
printed pieces that are generally identical in content but do not meet the criteria of a publications
as defined in the definition of publication. This mail is specifically identified with a United States
Postal Service Presorted Standard Mail Stamp.
Privileged Correspondence
1. Outgoing Privileged Correspondence: Outgoing mail addressed to the following persons:
a. Elected or appointed federal, state, or local officials: One to whom the inmate has
petitioned to redress a grievance. The term elected or appointed official includes, but is
not limited to, the courts, the President of the United States, the Governor, the Attorney
General, and a District Attorney. The term elected or appointed official does not include
the Veterans Administration, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Social Security Administration,
Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Prison Society, the Pennsylvania Board of
Probation and Parole (PBPP), or agencies to whom the inmate has applied for benefits.
b. Attorney: Any person authorized under applicable law to practice law and who is engaged
in an attorney/client relationship with the inmate addressee. All correspondence to
attorneys must be clearly marked with the attorneys full name, or the full name and
address of the law firm, printed on the envelope for it to be considered privileged.

DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manual

Glossary of Terms

2. Incoming Privileged Correspondence: Mail from an inmates attorney that is either handdelivered to the facility or identified with a control number issued to the sender by the
Departments Office of Chief Counsel or mail from a court.
Prurient Obsessively interested in sexual matters; marked by an obsessive interest in sex;
arousing or appealing to an obsessive interest in sex.
Public Mail Systems The United States Postal Service and private carriers who serve the
public with systems to move pieces of mail from one location to another.
Publication (1) A photograph; and/or (2) Printed material that is circulated among the public
for conveying information, including, but not limited to, newspapers, magazines, hardcover or
paperback books, catalogues, pamphlets, and newsletters regardless of Postal Rate.
Savings Account - a passbook or statement savings account, certificate of deposit
account, or Tuition Assistance Plan with a financial institution that is licensed by the
federal government or a state government.
Storage Space The amount of space an inmate is permitted to use to store his/her property
as permitted by the policy applicable to the inmates housing unit.
Undeliverable Mail Mail that cannot be identified for delivery to a specific addressee.

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