Hargreaves - Four Ages of Professinalism

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The article discusses the development of teacher professionalism as passing through four historical phases: the pre-professional age, the age of the autonomous professional, the age of the collegial professional, and the post-professional or postmodern age. Current experiences and perceptions of teacher professionalism draw on all these ages.

The four ages of professionalism discussed are: the pre-professional age, the age of the autonomous professional, the age of the collegial professional, and the fourth age (post-professional or postmodern).

New directions in teacher professionalism include linking professional projects to wider social movements for public education and its transformation.

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Teachers and Teaching: theory

and practice
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Four Ages of Professionalism

and Professional Learning
Andy Hargreaves

Professor and Co-director, International Centre for

Educational Change , Ontario
Published online: 25 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: Andy Hargreaves (2000) Four Ages of Professionalism and
Professional Learning, Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 6:2, 151-182
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/713698714


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Teachers and Teaching: History and Practice, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2000

Four Ages of Professionalism and

Professional Learning

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Professor and Co-director, International Centre for Educational Change, Ontario

Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada

ABSTRACT This paper conceptualizes the development of teacher professionalism as

passing through four historical phases in many countries: the pre-professional age, the age
of the autonomous professional, the age of the collegial professional and the fourth
age post-professional or postmodern. Current experiences and perceptions of teacher
professionalism and professionalization, it is argued, draw on all these ages. Conclusions
are drawn regarding new directions in teacher professionalism, and the linking of
professional projects to wider social movements for public education and its transformation.

Teaching in many parts of the world is in the midst or on the edge of a great
transformation. The expectations of teachers to get their students to high standards of performance, to ensure that all of them are literate and can and do learn,
are escalating. Contexts of rapid change and uncertainty are drawing, and sometimes forcing, many teachers together to work more collaboratively in order to
respond to such change effectively. Pressures and demands in some countries for
students to learn new skills such as teamwork, higher order thinking and effective
use of new information technologies, call for new styles of teaching to produce
these skills meaning that more and more teachers are now having to teach in
ways they were not themselves taught. Teachers have been encouraged to work
more with their colleagues and access the expertise they need to improve. Schools
are having to reach out more to parents and communities, and this raises
questions about teachers expertise and how they can share it with people beyond
their schools.
At the same time, shrinking public-sector nances and tightening policy controls have been pushing teachers to do more work, more compliantly and for
limited reward. Overworked and underpaid teachers have had to master and
comply with centrally imposed learning standards, detailed curriculum targets
and pervasive testing regimes and they have seen their work and their worth
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A. Hargreaves

become broken down and categorized into checklists of performance standards or

competencies. All these con icting pressures and tendencies are leading teachers
and those who work with them to re-evaluate their professionalism and to make
judgements about the kinds of professional learning they need to get better in
their job.
Ask teachers what it means to be professional and they will usually refer to two
things (Helsby, 1995). First, they will talk about being professional, in terms of the
quality of what they do; and of the conduct, demeanour and standards which
guide it. The literature usually refers to this conception as professionalism (Englund, 1996).
Teachers will also talk about being a professional. This normally has to do with
how teachers feel they are seen through other peoples eyes in terms of their
status, standing, regard and levels of professional reward. Attempts to improve
this status and standing of teaching are usually presented in the literature in terms
of professionalization. Professionalism (improving quality and standards of practice) and professionalization (improving status and standing) are often presented
as complementary projects (improve standards and you will improve status), but
sometimes they are contradictory. For example, de ning professional standards in
high-status, scienti c and technical ways as standards of knowledge and skill, can
downgrade, neglect or crowd out the equally important emotional dimensions of
teachers work in terms of being passionate about teaching, and caring for
students learning and lives (Hargreaves & Goodson, 1996). In teaching, stronger
professionalization does not always mean greater professionalism.
The concepts of professionalism and professionalization are `essentially contested, as philosophers say. Outside education, professions have been represented
theoretically, in the image of those who belong to them, and who advance their
interests as having a strong technical culture with a specialized knowledge base
and shared standards of practice, a service ethic where there is a commitment to
client needs, a rm monopoly over service, long periods of training, and high
degrees of autonomy (for example, Etzioni, 1969). Larson (1977) identi es the
criterion of autonomy as a crucial one that helps distinguish professional from
proletarian work. Friedson (1994) argues that common-sense discourses of professionalism and behaving like a professional have been captured by managerialism
as a way to control white-collar workers. Meanwhile, Schon (1987) has re-cast
professional action as comprising distinctive, re ective, practical judgement rather
than esoteric knowledge.
In addition to the impact of these wider debates about the professions, teacher
professionalism in particular has taken on very different meanings over the past
century or so (Murray, 1992). Many parts of the world have witnessed several
stages in the evolution of the idea of professionalism in teaching, each phase
carrying signi cant residues and traces from the past.
Images of and ideas about teacher professionalism, and even about the nature
of teaching itself, linger on from other agendas and other times remaining as real
forces to be reckoned with in the imaginations and assumptions of policy-makers,
the public and many parts of the teaching profession itself. Teaching is not what

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Professionalism and Professional Learning


it was; nor is the professional learning required to become a teacher and improve
as a teacher over time. This paper identi es four broad historical phases in the
changing nature of teachers professionalism and professional learning.
These phases are not universal, but are relatively common across Anglophone
cultures although there are differences even there (for example, teaching is far
from being an all-graduate profession in New Zealand). The phases are ones with
which many other nations are now engaging, however, although not necessarily
in the same order. For example, Chile is trying to move more towards being an
all-graduate profession (a characteristic of the second age of professionalism; see
later), while at the same time experiencing more school-based staff development
(a third-age phenomenon) [1]. The ages should therefore be seen as a contingent
history of Anglophone nations that now contribute a collage of opportunities with
which other cultures engage, rather than being viewed as discrete stages with an
evolutionary necessity that all other cultures must follow.
The four ages are:

pre-professional age
age of the autonomous professional
age of the collegial professional
fourth age post-professional or postmodern?

I will argue that the fourth age, which we are now entering, is marked by a
struggle between forces and groups intent on de-professionalizing the work of
teaching, and other forces and groups who are seeking to re-de ne teacher
professionalism and professional learning in more positive and principled postmodern ways that are exible, wide-ranging and inclusive in nature.
The Pre-Professional Age
Teaching has always been a demanding job, but it has not always been a technically
dif cult one. Even in the earliest incarnations of mass education, teachers struggled
alone in their own classrooms to cover content with large groups of oftenreluctant learners, with few textbooks or resources to help them, and with little
reward or recognition. Teaching and learning could never be pursued without
reference to the necessities of classroom control, and teachers success and survival depended on their ability to balance the two.
In their investigation of the history of educational change efforts in the US,
Tyack & Tobin (1994) point to the emergence of what they call a grammar of
schooling. Like language, they argue, schooling has a fundamental grammar. Just
as the grammar of language frames how we can speak, so the grammar of
schooling frames how we can educate. Each grammar has its origins. But once
established, each grammar also becomes highly stable, slow to change. Two of
these the graded school (with its batch-processing of age-graded cohorts divided
into `classes) and Carnegie course credits that have constituted the subject-based
criteria for high-school graduation and university entrance became institutionalized decades ago and now form the contemporary grammar of schooling.

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A. Hargreaves

In England and Wales, the contemporary system of accepted secondary school

subjects was established and institutionalized through the 1904 Secondary Regulations that de ned the academic subject base of secondary schooling (excluding
more vocational `subjects at which working-class students were starting to excel!)
(Goodson, 1988). Other educational changes enjoyed only temporary or localized
success because they contravened the fundamental grammar of schooling. They
were like localized dialects of change, used only for a short time, or on the
experimental margins of educational life.
Public (state) education actually evolved as a factory-like system of mass
education (later extended to secondary schools, which rst emerged as small
academies for subject-specialized elites), where students were processed in large
batches and segregated into age-graded cohorts or classes. These were taught
(`instructed) through standardized and specialized curricula (courses of instruction) (Cuban, 1984; Curtis, 1988; Hamilton, 1989).
What has come to be regarded as `real school to many people, as the seemingly
normal, natural and given way to organize teaching and curriculum, is therefore
a highly speci c socio-historical invention, rooted in the needs and concerns of
generations past (Meyer & Rowan, 1978; Metz, 1991). At the heart of this historical
legacy is a particular set of practices that, for decades, de ned the essence of
teaching itself.
The basic teaching methods of mass public education were most commonly
ones of recitation or lecturing, along with note-taking, question-and-answer, and
seatwork (Cuban, 1984). Traditional, recitation-like patterns of teaching enabled
teachers working with large groups, small resources and students whose motivation was often in question to meet four fundamental demands of the classroom:
maintaining student attention, securing coverage of content, bringing about some
degree of motivation, and achieving some degree of mastery (Hoetker &
Ahlbrand, 1969; Westbury, 1973; Abrahamson, 1974).
Funnelling classroom talk through the teacher reduced a potentially chaotic
`babble to the carefully structured, question-and-answer pattern of two-party
talk, where selected students acted as proxy representatives for the whole class,
where the teacher initiated lines of inquiry and students merely responded, and
where the teacher evaluated the accuracy, quality and appropriateness of student
contributions, but not vice versa (Sinclair & Coulthard, 1974). The `hands-up
pattern of student participation was carefully orchestrated by the teacher competition was encouraged, attention sustained, some semblance of involvement secured in the process of getting the pre-decided point across (Hammersley, 1974,
1976). This avoided excesses of boredom and inattention that would accompany
straight lecturing especially where false questioning trails could be set in the
early stages, and the `answer or `point of the lesson could be delayed so that
students had to work hard to discover it (Hammersley, 1977).
Within lesson structures of this kind, teachers do not orient themselves so much
to the needs of individual students, but tend to treat the whole class as a kind of
collective student (Bromme, 1987). The progress of groups of students in the
higher (but not the highest) parts of the class achievement range is often moni-

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Professionalism and Professional Learning


tored especially closely by the transmission teacher, and used to `steer his/her
judgements about the management and development of the lesson for the class as
a whole (Dahloff & Lundgren, 1970). The teachers predominant practical concern
is not with the learning experiences of individual students, but with the overall
instructional ` ow of the lesson with how well it is proceeding to its intended
conclusion and maintaining order as it does so (Clark & Peterson, 1986).
At the heart of traditional patterns of teaching in Western societies, therefore,
are fundamental problems of order and control. In her study of four junior high
schools, Metz (1978, p. 67) remarked that `school staffs are preoccupied with order
because order is constantly threatened. In his classic text on the Sociology of
Teaching, Willard Waller memorably depicted the school as `a despotism in a state
of perilous equilibrium capable of being overturned in a moment (1932, p. 10).
The successful teacher in this setting, he said was `one who knows how to get on
and off his high horse rapidly (p. 385). Traditional patterns of teaching were
understandable coping or survival strategies for teachers in the rst six decades of
this century, given the purposes, constraints and demands that teachers had to
meet (Hargreaves, 1977, 1978, 1979; Woods, 1977; Pollard, 1982; Scarth, 1987).
For a century or so, transmission teaching formed the accepted and largely
unquestioned wisdom of what teaching really was. In this pre-professional view,
teaching was technically simple. Once you had learned to master it, you needed
no more help after that point. Schools where teachers continue to believe teaching
is basically easy, where the pre-professional view persists, are ones that Rosenholtz (1989) has described as `learning impoverished. With teachers who feel
there is little else to learn in teaching, they achieve poorer results in basic skills
achievements than their more professionally oriented counterparts.
In this context of pedagogical certainty, professional learning for new teachers
was largely seen as a matter of apprenticing oneself as a novice to someone
who was skilled and experienced in the craft. In reality, much of that apprenticeship was served in the thousands of hours observing ones own teachers while
being in their classes as a student (Lortie, 1975). To this experience was usually
added a period of teaching practice or practicum, served at the side of an
experienced cooperating teacher (as they later came to be called) as part of a wider
programme of teacher preparation (Hargreaves, D., 1994).
Such teacher preparation programmes within American Normal Schools, for
example, began humbly, given the limited visions of teaching for which new
entrants to the occupation were then being trained; although teacher educators
fought hard to improve the status of their courses and programmes over time.
David Labaree (1992, pp. 136 137) describes this historical trajectory in the case of
the US.
The rapid proliferation of high schools at the end of the nineteenth
century posed a competitive threat to normal schools, but also gave
normal school faculties the opportunity to raise admission standards and
pursue college status. By the 1920s, normal schools were being converted
wholesale into state teachers colleges, which in turn transformed the


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faculty members into college professors Students tended to treat these

institutions as mechanisms for acquiring the educational credentials
needed to get ahead as much as for acquiring a teaching certi cate. After
the Second World War, state teachers colleges continued to adapt to this
demand and to the professional aspirations of their faculties by rapidly
converting themselves into full-service state colleges.
As teacher education programmes and institutions ascended the ladder of
status and acceptance, a more philosophical and theoretical base was made
available to new teachers. But so tenacious was the grip of traditional teaching
within the grammar of schooling, that even those teachers who appeared to
espouse new philosophies of teaching and learning during their teacher education
programmes quickly reverted to transmission and recitation patterns when they
took up their rst positions. And when, in hindsight, they evaluated their teacher
pre-service education experience, it was usually only the practicum that retained
any value for them (Hanson & Herrington, 1976; Lacey, 1977; Hargreaves & Jacka,
1995; Sugrue, 1996).
Practice made practice (Britzman, 1991). The unquestioned grammar of teaching
was passed on from experienced teachers to novices. And once they had served
their brief apprenticeship, experienced teachers saw no more of their colleagues in
the classroom, received no feedback on their practice, and changed and improved
mainly by trial and error, in their own isolated classes. This individual, intuitive
and incremental approach to improvement and professional development
con ned teachers in the pre-professional age to what Hoyle (1974) calls `restricted
professionalism scarcely a form of professionalism at all.
Summary and Implications
In the pre-professional age, teaching was seen as managerially demanding but
technically simple, its principles and parameters were treated as unquestioned
commonsense, one learned to be a teacher through practical apprenticeship, and
one improved as a teacher by individual trial-and-error. The `good teacher was
the `true teacher who `devoted herself to her craft, demonstrated loyalty and
gained personal reward through service, `whatever the costs. In this age, teachers
were virtually amateurs: they `only needed to carry out the directives of their
more knowledgeable superiors (Murray, 1992, p. 495).
These pre-professional images and discourses of teaching and teacher development are not just items of historical curiosity. They persist, for example, in pockets
of the profession today, especially among teachers in their later career who started
their work in the pre-professional age (Huberman, 1993; Sugrue, 1996; Weber &
Mitchell, 1996). As McCulloch (1997) has shown in Britain, pre-professional
images are also highly in uential among many Ministers or Secretaries of State for
Education, who tend to draw on their own biographical (and sometimes sentimental) memories of schooling as children, instead of referring to broader histories of education as a public project, as they go about the business of formulating

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Professionalism and Professional Learning


educational policy. Pre-professional images also gure prominently in public

perceptions of teaching among adults whose own schooling and experiences of
teachers took place in the pre-professional age, and whose nostalgia-tinted ideas
about teaching often remain rooted there (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1998).
Finally, pre-professional images of teaching continue to be dominant in many
East Asian countries, partly because of the constraints of class sizes and other
factors mentioned earlier, but also because of the cultural importance of Confucian
conceptions of teaching and authority within schools and families. In these
contexts, the designation `pre-professional may be a derogatory misnomer, since
certain Asian whole-class teaching methods such as `sticky probing (questioning
an individuals understanding at some length in front of the rest of the class) are
often explicitly re ned and re ected upon by educators themselves (Watkins &
Biggs, 1996). However, the grave danger is that when these precise whole-class
methods are lifted out of their Asian context and transposed to the West (as some
have advocated for whole class, primary teaching in Britain), they may not be
added as one more technique to teachers existing repertoires, but may amplify
existing Western assumptions about and attachments to pre-professional versions
of whole class teaching among the public, and among those parts of the profession
least interested in their own learning.
In the still pervasive and in uential pre-professional view, teachers are (at best)
enthusiastic people, who know their subject matter, know how to `get it across,
and can keep order in their classes. They learn to teach by watching others do it,
rst as a student, then as a student teacher. After that, barring a few re nements
gained through trial-and-error, they know how to teach and they are on their
own! If one holds to a simple, pre-professional image of teaching, teachers need
little training or ongoing professional learning, preparation time is relatively
expendable (since the demands of preparation are not so great), and budget cuts
that reduce contact with colleagues outside the classroom are seen as having little
impact on the quality of what goes on within it (because it is assumed that
teachers control everything within their individual classroom domain and keep all
their work con ned to it). If the task of teaching is seen as basically simple, why
do we need to invest in continuous professional learning beyond a few inservice
sessions connected to the governments latest policies?
Given the growing diversity of our classrooms and of students learning needs
within them, it is important to confront these images and discourses of professionalism that deny the dif culty of teaching. Combatting the pre-professional view of
teaching means challenging the nostalgia that many policy-makers, members of
the public and teachers themselves have for `real teaching and `real schools! As
the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1982, 1988) portray so superbly, a strong
dose of reality can be a powerful cure for nostalgia whether this involves exiles
returning to their actual homeland, or adults being led through focus group
discussions to remember the gritty details (and not merely the ideal images) of
their own schooling. Against this, policy-makers and the public need to be
persuaded of how complex and dif cult teaching is today in an age of cultural
diversity and new technology, why teaching needs to become more sophisticated

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A. Hargreaves

still, and what kinds of supports and learning opportunities teachers need to
improve their work even further.
Governments who are largely interested in keeping costs down, demeaning
teaching and tightly controlling it have little chance of being persuaded of this
view. Arrogance is even more impervious than ignorance as an obstacle to
dialogue. Instead, educators everywhere would do best to realize that when the
arteries of communication to government are blocked, it is best to build a by-pass
around them and capture the imagination of the public on whose votes governments ultimately depend by opening up schools and teaching in all their complexity to the community, making what educators do more visible, and thereby
countering the pervasive nostalgia for `real teaching that keeps the pre-professional prejudices on which governments can feed alive (Hargreaves & Fullan,
The Age of the Autonomous Professional
From the 1960s onwards, the status and standing of teachers in many countries
improved signi cantly, compared with the pre-professional age. Canadian teachers, for example, achieved substantial salary raises in the 1970s as did British
teachers through the Houghton pay award of 1973. Almost everywhere, teacher
education became increasingly embedded within the universities, and teaching
moved closer and closer to becoming an all-graduate profession (Labaree, 1992).
In England and Wales, especially, teachers enjoyed unprecedented autonomy over
curriculum development and decision-making especially where they worked
with courses or age groups that were not constrained by the requirements of
external examinations (Lawton, 1980; Lawn, 1990). With the international space
race, and the commitment to investing in developing scienti c and technological
expertise, educational innovation mushroomed in mathematics, sciences and other
subjects as well. Governments and charitable foundations invested in imaginative
and ambitious curriculum projects and packages that stimulated excitement about
curriculum development. Developed by `experts in Higher Education, Regional
Laboratories and similar organizations, these projects encouraged individual
schools and teachers everywhere to take up the projects ideas, and experiment
with the new approaches to student-centred learning that they contained. This
was the era of curriculum innovation, of designer projects, and of appeal to
individual teacher initiative as the levers for educational change (Weston, 1979).
Although projects were often formally adopted, however, they were rarely implemented faithfully in the classroom, still less institutionalized into the routines of
teachers practices (Fullan, 1991). Paradoxically, this was because of the very
autonomy of teacher judgement that these projects presumed subject department heads might agree on purchasing the materials, but how classroom teachers
taught them was ultimately left to their individual `professional judgement with
the effect that the innovations were often used in very different ways than their
designers intended (for example, Atkinson & Delamont, 1977).
In this post-war period, the words `professional and `autonomy became

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Professionalism and Professional Learning


increasingly inseparable among educators. Over time, many teachers were

granted a measure of trust, material reward, occupational security and professional dignity and discretion in exchange for broadly ful lling the mandates
the state expected of them (Helsby & McCulloch, 1997). Teachers enjoyed a kind
of `licensed autonomy, as some writers called it (Dale, 1988). In what Hobsbawm
(1994) calls the `golden age of history in the twentieth century (at least in the
industrialized North and West), full employment, futures for school leavers to go
to, the favourable demographics of a baby-boom expansion in the school population, and the belief that an expanding economy provided the wherewithal to
treat education as an investment in human capital, all helped to relieve teachers
from external pressures on their pedagogical freedom.
Meanwhile, pedagogy itself was losing its sense of singularity. While very many
teachers continued to teach in the same broadly didactic way, how teachers taught
was no longer beyond question. From the 1960s onwards, classroom pedagogy
started to become an ideological battleground between child-centred and subjectcentred education, open classrooms and closed classrooms, traditional methods
and progressive methods. Heady accounts of the explosive success of open
education in England were brought back to, and widely disseminated throughout,
North America (Silberman, 1970). Deschooling and freeschooling commanded
broad and popular readerships (Holt, 1969, 1971; Postman & Weingarter, 1969;
Illich, 1971). Experimental and alternative schools sprang up at the elementary
and secondary levels (Smith & Keith, 1971). The child-centred, developmentalist
theories increasingly espoused in Faculties of Education were now extending their
in uence into the world of educational practice. Pedagogical expertise was no
longer something that could be passed on as an assumed tradition from expert to
novice. For more and more teachers, pedagogy was becoming an ideological
decision; an object of judgement and choice. Unquestioned routines and traditions
were being replaced by an ideological con ict between two great metanarratives
of traditionalism and progressivism.
In reality, the claims of open education (as of innovative curriculum projects)
were often exaggerated. Actual incursions of progressive practice into the traditional grammar of teaching seemed modest at best. There was little evidence of
discovery learning or cooperative groupwork (Galton et al., 1980), and basic skills
continued to receive exceptionally high emphasis (Bassey, 1978). The problem, as
school surveys showed, was not that teachers needed to go back to basics, but that
they never really got away from them in the rst place (Goodlad, 1984; Tye, 1985).
In all this, the precepts of teacher pre-service education corresponded exceptionally poorly with the realities of classroom practice as most new teachers
experienced them, and tragic tales of how new teachers lost their ideals and
complied with existing de nitions of classroom reality in order to ensure their
very survival, persisted for many years and continue today (for example, Hanson
& Herrington, 1976; Lacey, 1977; Bullough et al., 1991; Schempp et al., 1993;
Hargreaves & Jacka, 1995).
Similar problems af icted the growth and impact of continuing professional
development and inservice education. While expansion of inservice education


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during this period was remarkable (Fullan & Connelly, 1990), the shape it took
was less impressive. Workshops and courses were delivered off-site by experts,
and received by teachers as individuals, who were then unable to integrate what
they had learned into their practice when they returned to workplaces that did not
understand or support their efforts (Little, 1993).
One of the overriding characteristics of teaching at this time was its individualism (Hargreaves, 1980). Most teachers taught in a box. They instructed their
classes in isolation, separated from their colleagues. In the 1970s and 1980s,
individualism, isolation and privatism were identi ed as widespread features of
the culture of teaching (Zielinski & Hoy, 1983; Rosenholtz, 1989). Johnsons (1990)
study of 115 `good teachers (among whom one might expect higher than usual
rates of collaboration) still found an important minority of isolated teachers within
the sample. Of those who did collaborate, the majority maintained close relationships with only a very small number of colleagues. One of her respondents
comments is especially poignant.
Teachers are isolated people. They dont know what others are doing.
Things that work for them, they keep year after year. You dont have the
time to sit down and discuss with each other from different areas. As
small as this school basically is, I dont know all the people who are here.
(Johnson, 1990, p. 151)

When teachers did interact, this tended to be around materials, discipline, and
individual student problems rather than about curriculum goals, teaching behaviour, or classroom learning (Lortie, 1975; Little, 1990).
The consequences of teachers classroom individualism, and the individualistic
ways in which they experienced inservice courses off-site and away from their
immediate colleagues, were extensive and disturbing. They included:
lack of con dence and certainty about effectiveness because of limited feedback
on performance (Rosenholtz, 1989)
impaired improvement as a teacher, because of lack of opportunities to learn
from colleagues (Woods, 1990)
limited senses of ef cacy, and of self-belief in the power to change childrens
lives and futures, because of lack of feedback and support (Ashton & Webb,
tendency to focus on short term improvement that makes a difference in ones
own classroom, with ones own students, rather than on more fundamental
forms of long-term or school-wide change (Lortie, 1975)
proneness to self-defeating guilt and frustration, especially among exceptionally
committed teachers (Hargreaves, A., 1994; Johnson, 1990)
lack of consistency and coherence between teachers in expectations and programmes that are created for students (Campbell, 1985)
lack of professional dialogue that might cause teachers to re ect on and
re-shape their practice in ways that could serve students better (Little, 1990)
the irony that isolation does not create a kaleidoscope of individuality and

Professionalism and Professional Learning


iconoclastic eccentricity in teachers classes, but dull routine and homogeneity

(Goodlad, 1984)
an atmosphere of uncaring and indifference in relation to students needs in
large secondary schools because teachers do not share students in common
(Hargreaves et al., 1996)
The causes of teacher individualism were equally various and included:

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the physical, egg-crate structure of schooling that divided teachers from one
another and which efforts at collaboration always had to overcome (Lortie,
the habit and routine of teachers having already worked within existing grammar of schooling for decades; the impossibility for many teachers of imagining
anything else (Hargreaves, A., 1994)
economizing of effort in the face of unwanted multiple innovations and accelerated educational reform (Flinders, 1988; McTaggart, 1989; Dow, 1996)
anxiety and self-doubt about competence, whose aws would be exposed by
observation and inspection a point that has been widely asserted but not
empirically proven (Hargreaves, 1980; Joyce & Showers, 1988; Rosenholtz, 1989)
strong emotional bonds with students from whom primary or elementary
teachers in particular get valuable `psychic rewards, that they do not want to
weaken by sharing those students with other colleagues (Lortie, 1975)

Summary and Implications

The age of professional autonomy was marked by a challenge to the singularity
of teaching and the unquestioned traditions on which it is based. While the
challenge was often rhetorical, it nonetheless justi ed the principle that teachers
had the right to choose the methods they thought best for their own students.
Pedagogical choice was polarized and permissive. As these rst chinks of choice
opened up in the occupation of teaching, autonomy and protection from interference had to be guarded more than ever. The spread of teacher pre-service
education in the universities and the growth of inservice education provided by
experts added weight to the claims to expertise on which the rights to autonomy
would rest.
While modernistic models of professionalization in teaching in terms of lengthening training, extending accreditation, and making the knowledge base in
teacher education more academic might have helped enhance the status of
teachers in the community and of teacher educators in the university (Labaree,
1992), the `licensed autonomy with which this strategy was associated often did
little to further the professionalism of teaching in terms of the quality of the work
(Hargreaves & Goodson, 1996). This strategy insulated teachers from the community by keeping teachers on pedestals above the community, it isolated teachers from one another, and it subordinated teachers professional learning to
academic agendas, which often had only tenuous connections to their practice.
Professional autonomy might have stimulated many innovations, but with no


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support structures for teachers, few innovations moved beyond adoption to

successful implementation, and fewer still became institutionalized throughout
the system as a whole (Fullan, 1991). The bene ts of inservice education seldom
became integrated into classroom practice, as individual course-goers returned to
schools of unenthusiastic and uncomprehending colleagues who had not shared
the learning with them. Finally, pedagogy largely stagnated as teachers were
reluctant or unable to stand out from their colleagues and make anything more
than modest changes of their own. The age of professional autonomy provided
teachers with poor preparation for coping with the dramatic changes that were
headed their way and against which their classroom doors would offer little
The Age of the Collegial Professional
By the mid to late 1980s, individual teacher autonomy was becoming unsustainable as a way of responding to the increased complexities of schooling. The world
in which teachers worked was changing, and so was their own work. More and
more teachers faced the prospect of having to teach in ways they had not been
taught themselves (McLaughlin, 1997). Yet, the persistence of individualism in
teaching meant that teachers responses to the challenges they faced were often ad
hoc, uncoordinated with the efforts of their colleagues and based on rates of
development in their own knowledge and skill that just could not keep pace with
the constantly changing demands they had to meet (Fullan & Hargreaves, 1996).
In an age of increasing uncertainty, teaching methods are now proliferating far
beyond simple distinctions between traditional and child-centred methods. Administrative mandates to teach in particular ways are being imposed and overturned at an ever increasing rate. As the authority of external scienti c expertise
is being eroded, and course-based professional development delivered by experts
outside the school is also being questioned (Day, 1999), many teachers are starting
to turn more to each other for professional learning, for a sense of direction, and
for mutual support. The role of the teacher has expanded to embrace consultation,
collaborative planning and other kinds of joint work with colleagues. In a world
of accelerating educational reform, this kind of working together can help teachers
to pool resources, and to make shared sense of and develop collective responses
towards intensi ed and often capricious demands on their practice. It also calls for
new skills and dispositions, and for more commitments of time and effort, as
teachers rework their roles and identities as professionals in a more consciously
collegial workplace.
Not all teachers are being drawn to their colleagues, of course. Many remain
ignorant about or indifferent to the possibilities of collaboration, and some cling
tightly to their classroom autonomy when others try to force collaboration upon
them (Grimmett & Crehan, 1992). While there is little solid evidence about the
extent to which teachers in general are now working more collaboratively, numerous case studies and interview-based inquiries point to growing commitments to
collaboration, and testify to its mounting importance in the landscape of teaching

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(for example, Nias et al., 1989, 1992; Campbell & Neill, 1994; Acker, 2000; Lieberman & Miller, 2000), not least as a way of making sense of and responding to new
external curriculum and assessment demands (Helsby & McCulloch, 1997). What
factors have been responsible for the emergence of collaborative teacher cultures?
Why have they started to gain such prominence in recent times?
No one factor can be regarded as the crucible of collaboration. Many in uences
have forged it into existence. These include the following.

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Expansion and rapid change in the substance of what teachers are expected to teach.
This makes it harder and harder for individual teachers to keep up with
developments in their subjects, and makes teamwork and coordination of
knowledge increasingly essential (Campbell, 1985; Hargreaves et al., 1992).
Expansion of knowledge and understanding about teaching styles and methods. How
teachers teach is no longer an amateur assumption (Soder, 1990), an unquestioned tradition. Nor is it a matter of taking ideological sides between progressives and traditionals, Left and Right. The knowledge base on teaching
strategies has expanded dramatically in the past decade and a half, with
metacognition, situated cognition, cooperative learning, computer-based inquiry, student self-assessment and portfolio assessment all in uencing the eld
(Joyce & Weil, 1980). No one teacher can be a virtuoso performer of all of the
strategies. And no one method can be conclusively or comprehensively shown
to be scienti cally superior to the rest. What matters is how the strategies are
selected and combined to meet the needs of particular and unique groups of
students in any setting. Drawing judiciously on the knowledge base, teachers
working together in one school or department can ful l this task collectively
much better than they can alone.
Addition of increasing `social work responsibilities to the task of teaching. Teachers
say their job is more and more packed with social work responsibilities (Hargreaves, A., 1994). They have to deal with and they worry about escalating
violence in their schools (Barlow & Robertson, 1994). Changing family structures and growing poverty are widely seen as a source of dif culties (Elkind,
1997; Levin & Riffel, 1997). Guidance or pastoral care is now viewed as every
teachers responsibility, not just that of a specialized few (Levi & Ziegler, 1991)
and teachers must work together more to resolve the learning and discipline
problems they face (Galloway, 1985).
Integration of special education students into ordinary classes. Teachers today have
to deal with a much wider range of abilities and behaviours than many once
had. This requires individualized learning programmes, additional planning,
and more consultation with special education resource teachers, to draw on
extra expertise that classroom teachers do not always have themselves (Wilson,
Growing multicultural diversity. This also challenges teachers to acknowledge the
wide range of understandings, prior knowledge and learning styles that exist in
their classes, and to modify their teaching practice accordingly (Ryan, 1995;
Cummins, 1998). Teachers must learn how to individualize their teaching and


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create more opportunities for all their students to be included in classroom

conversation (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1998; Nieto, 1998). This places high demands on their expertise, which they can mainly improve only through interaction with colleagues (Newmann, 1994; Lieberman, 1996).
The structural limits to improving classroom teaching. Existing structures and
cultures of secondary schooling are poorly designed to accommodate new
teaching strategies. When teachers in an individualized culture work against
ingrained structures of subjects, time periods and single-teacher classes, they
may nd themselves having to try new methods several times a day for xed
time periods with different classes, rather than having longer time frames and
other teachers of other subjects alongside to assist them (Hargreaves et al., 1996).
Such teachers may also feel unnecessarily vulnerable (Kelchtermans, 1996)
when they take risks, or experience early setbacks, if they believe that they are
innovating alone. In reality, however, other colleagues, who could otherwise be
powerful sources of learning and moral support, may actually be engaged in
similar struggles in other classrooms (but perhaps in other subjects) elsewhere
in the school (Hargreaves et al., 1992).
The alienating nature of secondary school structures for many students in early
adolescence. This leads either to physical dropout or to less visible but equally
important psychological disengagement from school. Secondary schools have
often failed to become real communities for their students (Hargreaves, 1982).
Secondary school students at risk often feel there is no adult in school who
really knows them or cares for them. In order to rectify these problems of
alienation and impersonality in secondary schools, efforts have been made in a
number of places (but not including countries with a strong subject-based
National Curriculum) to create what are variously called mini-schools, subschools or schools-within-schools for early adolescents which bring together
groups of 80 100 or so students, taught by a small team of four or ve teachers,
so that the teachers and students know each other well, and the students
develop a sense of attachment to their community. In the process, schoolswithin-schools also bring teachers together to talk about and work with students they hold in common, and not just plan around subject matter together (as
is the more customary emphasis within secondary school subject departments)
(Sizer, 1992; Hargreaves et al., 1993; Meier, 1998).
Changing structures, procedures and discourses of school management and leadership.
Changes in patterns of management, decision-making and leadership, introduced in part because of scal stringency, and in part because of the in uence
of trends in organizational restructuring in the corporate sector, have led to
heightened emphases on teamwork and collaborative decision-making among
school staffs (Hannay & Ross, 1997).
There is increasing evidence of the vital contribution that cultures of collaboration make
to widespread improvements in teaching and learning, as well as successful implementation of change. From the mid-1980s, evidence has accumulated that cultures of
collaboration are not just a self-indulgent teacher luxury, but have positive and
systematic connections to teachers senses of ef cacy about being able to make

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a difference with their students. Such cultures also in uence teachers willingness to take risks, and the likelihood of their being committed to continuous
improvement (Ashton & Webb, 1986; Rosenholtz, 1989; Talbert & McLaughlin,
1994; Newmann & Wehlage, 1995; Ross, 1995; McLaughlin, 1997). When this
collaboration extends beyond talk into practice and joint work among teachers,
when the ties between teachers are strong and professionally meaningful, then
the bene ts are likely to be especially positive (Little, 1990). Moreover, peer
coaching between teachers has been shown to add greatly increased value to the
successful implementation of new teaching strategies (Joyce & Showers, 1988).
Teachers normally learn better together than they do alone. `Like students,
teachers learn by doing, reading and re ecting, collaborating with other teachers, looking closely at students and their work, and sharing what they see
(McLaughlin, 1997).
In this respect, professional development is usually most effective when it is not
delivered by extraneous experts in off-site locations, but when it is embedded in
the life and work of the school, when it actively secures the principals or
headteachers support and involvement, and when it is the focus of collaborative
discussion and action (Little, 1993). Accordingly, this period has witnessed a shift
in patterns of professional learning, inservice education, and pre-service teacher
education, to more school-based forms [2]. Teachers often learn best in their own
professional learning communities. Many of these are often on-site, built into
ongoing relationships and teams within departments, in interdisciplinary teams
across them, in speci c projects and task groups, and so forth (Little & McLaughlin, 1994; Siskin, 1994; Grossman, 1996). A strong collaborative culture (Nias et al.,
1989) or professional community (Talbert & McLaughlin, 1994) can even make
highly effective use of external input including the much-maligned one-shot
workshops and inspirational speeches by `experts because teachers process it
together in ways that have value and make sense for the school community in
which they work (Wideen et al., 1996).
The forms of collaboration that have emerged during this age are quite different
from those that have been initiated in the fourth age as a speci c and episodic
response to imposed curriculum reform, which, the research shows, tends to fade
away fast once the initiatives have been implemented and individual business can
resume as usual. This has demonstrably been the case in the implementation of
the English and Welsh National Curriculum, for example, confounding predictions of David Hargreaves (1994) that it would unintentionally herald a `new
professionalism in teaching (Woods et al., 1997; Helsby, 2000).
Summary and Implications
In the still emerging age of the collegial professional, there are increasing efforts
to build strong professional cultures of collaboration to develop common purpose,
to cope with uncertainty and complexity, to respond effectively to rapid change
and reform, to create a climate which values risk-taking and continuous improve-

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ment, to develop stronger senses of teacher ef cacy, and to create ongoing

professional learning cultures for teachers that replace patterns of staff development, which are individualized, episodic and weakly connected to the priorities of
the school.
Professionalism here is `new rather than `old (Hargreaves, D., 1994); collegial
and collective, rather than autonomous and individual (Hargreaves & Goodson,
1996). However, if collegiality is `forced or `imposed, teachers can quickly come
to resent and resist it (Grimmett & Crehan, 1992; Hargreaves, A., 1994). Also, the
attened management structures, that are sometimes represented as empowerment, can easily turn into using collaboration as a form of exploitation and
enslavement (Renihan & Renihan, 1992). In England, for example, while the
National Curriculum initially created more teacher consultation and collaboration,
`the deluge of directives that fell upon teachers, reduced much of this collaboration to technical tasks of coordination rather than working together for fundamental change (Webb & Vulliamy, 1993; also Helsby, 1995). Not surprisingly,
collaboration of this sort began to be abandoned once the urgency of implementation had passed (Helsby, 2000). All too often, teachers are nding themselves in
circumstances where they are losing possession of their purposes to central
governments and other outside interest groups, while being offered the carrot (or
is it the stick?) of professional collaboration to determine the means of delivering
these purposes. Moreover, collaboration is often encouraged in working conditions that provide teachers with little time to meet each other in the school
day and, in some cases, what little time teachers already have is targetted for
cutbacks and economies (Hargreaves, 1998b).
Many teachers caught up in educational reform and change are experiencing
increasing role expansion and role diffuseness, with no sense of where their
commitments and responsibilities should end. In this context, professional collaboration can help them marshall their resources, conserve their energy, and sift
their way through the plethora of requirements and demands; or it can be a
strategy to get teachers to steer themselves towards implementing the dubious
policy ends of others, sacri cing their ideals and their energy as they do so
(Smyth, 1995). In this respect, moving teachers professional learning and preparation more towards the school site may increase its collaborative and practical
potential, but in excess, if it is severed from the academic world altogether, this
strategy will de-professionalize the knowledge base of teaching and dull the
professions critical edge.
Teacher professionalism and professional learning are at the crossroads
becoming more extended and collegial in some ways, more exploitative and
overextended in others. The puzzle and the challenge for educators and policymakers is how to build strong professional communities in teaching that are
authentic, well supported, and include fundamental purposes, and bene t teachers and students alike (collegial professionalism), without using collaboration
as a device to overload teachers, or to steer unpalatable policies through them. I
will return later to how teachers might best negotiate their way through these

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The Fourth Age: post-professional or postmodern professional?

Changes and developments in education and in society at large at the turn of the
millennium, suggest that teacher professionalism and professional development
may be entering, or perhaps may even already be embedded in, a new era the
era of postmodernity. The fate of teacher professionalism in this era is by no
means xed, but is being and will be argued about, struggled over and pulled in
different directions in different places at different times. One possible outcome of
these processes is a new, postmodern professionalism that is broader, more
exible and more democratically inclusive of groups outside teaching and their
concerns than its predecessors. This outcome, I will argue, will not arise by
chance, nor will it even come into being as a gift from enlightened policy-makers.
A widespread, postmodern professionalism that is open, inclusive and democratic
will come about only through a conscious social movement (Touraine, 1995) of
committed people teachers and others who work together for its realization.
The forces ranging against this possibility are considerable. They are forces that
portend a post-professional age where teacher professionalism will become diminished or abandoned. This can occur and is already occurring in many places either
by returning teachers to the hands-on, intuitive, learn-as-you-go approach of the
pre-professional age, or by subjecting them to the detailed measurement and
control of narrowly conceived competence frameworks; or both.

The Post-Professional Scenario

What is it about the postmodern social condition that poses challenges and threats
to professionalism and professionalization in teaching? I have written about
educational change and the postmodern condition in considerable detail elsewhere (Hargreaves, A., 1994), so will present only a brief summary here.
At root, the postmodern age a period beginning in earnest somewhere around
the 1970s is driven by two major developments in economics and communications. First, there are new patterns of international economic organization where
corporate and commercial power is extensively globalized; national economies
(and other nation-state policies that are dependent on them) are less autonomous;
nations and their policies are market oriented and frantically competitive economically, while being more inward and anxious about their identity culturally; and
workplaces and other organizations are more exible and less stable as company
plants are closed down, relocated or restructured to remain competitive and
respond quickly to the opportunities and demands that new technologies can
detect and communicate more rapidly.
The second driving force of postmodernity is the electronic and digital revolution in communications, leading to instantaneous, globalized availability of
information and entertainment. The communications revolution has conquered
geography, compressing space and time. With more migration and international
travel, it has created a proliferation, even a glut of knowledge and information, as
well as increased contacts between of diverse cultural and belief systems.

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One of the consequences of these postmodern developments has been a set of

assaults on professionalism in universities, medicine, teaching and elsewhere.
Market principles have become embraced so strongly by many governments, that
schools (like many other public institutions) have been rationalized, cut-back,
made more economically ef cient, less of a tax burden and set in competition
against one another for `clients. As the most expensive budget item, teachers,
their salaries and their working conditions (such as preparation time and professional development opportunities) have been made a major target for economies. Teachers and their professional organizations (along with other members of
what is sometimes derisively termed the educational establishment) have also
been regarded as obstacles to the marketization of education so they have been
weakened through legislated changes in the conditions of union membership;
restricting the scope of their decision-making; prescribing centralized curricula;
shifting them towards more temporary contracts; and generally lowering their
status through `discourses of derision that repeatedly hold them responsible for
the alleged ills of public or state education (Ball, 1990). Efforts have also been
made to limit the period and level of certi cation for initial teacher education
(New Zealand) or shift most of the burden of `professional preparation (and
therefore of opportunities for critical re ection) from higher education to the
already overburdened world of schools (England) (Barton et al., 1994). The effect
of all this is to return teaching to an amateur, de-professionalized, almost premodern craft, where existing skills and knowledge are passed on practically from
expert to novice, but where practice can at best only be reproduced, not improved.
In the area of continuing professional development, self-managing schools (and
the accompanying absence of system-level support) have created huge vacuums
of professional development at the local level (Bullough & Gitlin, 1994; Hargreaves, D., 1994). Managers in the new neo-liberal scenario appear to be receiving
more professional development, while teachers get less (Helsby, 1995).
The assault on professionalism is also a product of a gathering sense of
uncertainty in the postmodern age and of how governments have chosen to
respond to that uncertainty. A profusion of knowledge and information (including widely circulated claims and counterclaims about medical and scienti c
knowledge itself) is challenging assumptions about what is most essential to
teach, and growing cultural diversity is challenging the established canons of
Western (and also colonial) knowledge and belief that have underpinned the
curriculum. As a result, schooling is becoming assailed by disputes and uncertainties. While some governments (especially in North America) have rolled with and
embraced these uncertainties and complexities, valuing multiple intelligences,
diverse learning (and teaching) styles, and a process-based rather than contentbased curriculum, others have countered the spread of uncertainties with an
emphatic assertion and imposition of false certainties.
The results, with which teachers have had to deal, have been centralized
curricula and testing regimes that have trimmed back the range and autonomy of
teachers classroom judgement, and a market-inspired application from the corporate sector, of systems of administration by performance management (through

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targets, standards, and paper trails of monitoring and accountability). These may
have comforted governments and others with `procedural illusions of effectiveness (Bishop & Mulford, 1996), but they have also subjected teachers to the
micro-management of ever-tightening regulations and controls that are the very
antithesis of any kind of professionalism.
Not surprisingly, in a deepening context of de-professionalization, which these
developments represent, particular initiatives like collaborative planning or rewarding teachers for excellent classroom performance (that could in other circumstances be professionally positive) are instead interpreted and responded to
cynically by teachers. If they are weighed down by obese reform demands,
teachers are unlikely to exercise their talents wholeheartedly in collaborative
planning. They will construe it as a time-consuming ruse to have them steer
through the details of policies which have been pre-decided centrally (and for
which they, not the policy-makers, will be held accountable) (Webb & Vulliamy,
1993). Similarly, when teachers work within an overall climate where the profession generally is subjected to public blaming, shaming and intrusive inspection,
then any moves to establish a higher paid cadre of `advanced skills teachers are
perceived as at best tokenistic, and at worst divisive. As research on advanced
skills teachers in Australia has shown, one common reaction when new initiatives
and their coordination are required in a school is that teachers turn to their newly
elevated colleagues and in effect say, `youre the advanced skills teacher you do
it! (Ingvarrson, 1992).
If teachers are to maintain and pursue their professionalism at this point, they
will at the very least need to defend themselves against these powerful forces of
de-professionalization. This means maintaining and reasserting many (although
not all) parts of the modernistic project of teacher professionalization that were
most prominent in the age of the autonomous professional.

Teachers must continue to struggle for substantial and competitive salaries for all
teachers that will attract and retain highly quali ed people in the profession
and not just for a few in positions of responsibility or with `advanced skills
status. This also entails persuading politicians and the public of the value of
modestly increasing taxes to fund this strategy in order to bene t the children
that teachers teach.
Teachers must counter the discourses of derision, of blaming and shaming, among
politicians and the media, that have helped create and sustain a loss of public
faith in, and regard for, teachers and their work. This does not mean that
teachers should bury their mistakes or gild the lily when evaluating their own
or their colleagues performance. Indeed, as Scheff (1994) argues in his extensive
writings on the sociology of shame, shame is not all bad. Healthy individuals
acknowledge both pride and shame in their past actions. Only when we deny
shame, he says, (as is common in Western societies) and project it on to others
as blame, do negative consequence arise in the form of con icts and standoffs
whether among nations, within families, or between unions and governments.
For the public regard of teachers to be increased, politicians must be pressed to

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balance their criticisms of teachers with stronger displays of authentic pride in

their efforts and achievements. More than this, Scheff argues, if parties are to
move beyond bitter con ict, each must rst acknowledge and exchange their
own sense of shame for past actions with one another in rituals of apology and
puri cation. Each party, in other words, must commit to and engage in a kind
of Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Only then can they move forward
together and take shared responsibility for improvement. In education, this
might involve governments publicly acknowledging that they have often actively weakened public education by providing insuf cient nancial support for
it, and that they have managed the implementation of reform very badly in
ways that have sometimes damaged rather than improved the quality of
teaching and learning. Teachers unions might similarly participate in the ritual
by conceding their past inabilities to deal adequately with incompetence and
mediocre performance in the profession, as well as their inclination to oppose
rather than initiate change that demands extra effort from them (even when
there are bene ts for students). As I shall argue shortly, this proposal is not so
fanciful as it might initially sound.
Teachers must regulate, although not eliminate, the introduction of more unlicensed
and uncerti cated adults performing educational work in schools. Given advances in
teaching and learning, the diversity of students learning needs and the sheer
complexity of teachers work these days, it is vital that more and better use is
made of adults (paid and unpaid) from the community to work alongside
teachers in schools and classrooms (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1998). There may
even be some tasks which teachers now do (e.g. clerical, administrative or
routine) that can be performed by less quali ed individuals in their stead
(Mortimore & Mortimore, 1994). But using people less quali ed (and costly)
than teachers to do complex work that only teachers can uniquely do (e.g.
guidance or pastoral work that involves classroom teaching, or librarianship
that involves curriculum planning and understanding students learning differences), is something that the profession and the public should guard against at
all costs if educational quality is to be protected.
All teachers must value and defend their entitlement to and their education in a
rigorous knowledge base that undergirds their professionalism. Engaging with this
knowledge base on a continuing basis should be regarded as an individual
obligation of all teachers, as well as an institutional entitlement. Engaging with
such a knowledge base is what lifts teachers out of the pre-professional prejudice that only practice makes perfect. Such a knowledge base must be integrated
with practice indeed, it will be all the more effective for that. It must also be
treated as providing forms of educational understanding, and ways of accessing
and ltering educational research, rather than falsely deifying and uncritically
applying a body of incontrovertible scienti c `fact on effective teaching, learning, management and change strategies. What is clear, however, is that calculated attacks on the quality of educational research (for example, by Englands
Chief Inspector, Chris Woodhead, 1995), and attempts to dismantle or destabilize the university basis of teacher education, must be interpreted and resisted

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as constituting not just an assault on teacher education, but on the professional

status of teaching itself.
Successfully defending themselves against de-professionalization will require
not only that teachers retain and return to parts of the modernistic project of
professionalization, but also that they extend and enrich the idea and practice
of collegial professionalism in ways which will genuinely improve the quality of
teaching, rather than merely delivering and easing the implementation of government policies. What this means for teachers and those who work with them is as

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As far as possible, teachers ensure that their collaborative energies are directly
connected to the task of improving teaching, learning and caring in school and
that those connections are made obvious not only to teachers, but to parents and
students as well.
A convincing public case has yet to be made as to why teachers need time for
collaboration within the school day and not just after school or during the long
vacations. To teachers, time to plan, prepare, mark and meet is never suf cient.
To the public, especially when compared with their own of cial hours of work,
it seems almost endless. The research evidence for the bene ts of increased
teacher time for working together seems almost incontestable (for example,
Fullan, 1991). Meanwhile, the gap between professional and public perceptions
of the need for such time seems largely unbridgeable. This is a gap that teachers
must start to close one parent, one school at a time.
Teachers must direct their collaborative efforts toward positive change not only
within their own schools, but also with their colleagues elsewhere, across the
profession as a whole. One of the key initiatives here for teachers professional
effectiveness and public credibility is for them to set and meet an exacting set of
professional standards of practice. Although there is increasing support across the
world for this idea, these standards are often viewed as things that other people
set for teachers (as with the Teacher Training Agency in England), as something
that an elite of appointed teachers sets for a minority of their colleagues who
voluntarily commit to them (as with the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards in the United States), or as something that teacher representatives
of a unionist tradition use to describe and justify existing levels of practice
instead of trying to raise them to a higher level (Ontario College of Teachers).
No professional self-regulatory body in teaching seems yet to have developed
the stomach or teeth to raise professional standards among all its members.
Until such commitment is made, teaching will continue to lack professional
credibility in the publics eyes, and teachers will continue to be the victims
rather than being in the vanguard of educational reform.
Pushing Professionalism Further
Marshalling a more effective defence against de-professionalization is still not
enough to protect and promote the professionalism of teaching; however, in the

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postmodern age, the context of teaching is changing dramatically, and older

modernistic versions of professionalism and professionalization will not be
suf cient to address these signi cant changes.
For good or ill, one effect of the marketization of education is that teachers and
principals are now having to turn outwards toward wider publics as they plan,
prepare and defend what they teach (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1998). Teachers are
also having to relate differently to communities beyond their school because of
increasing multiculturalism and the impact of changing family structures on
education. Schools can no longer pretend that their walls will keep the outside
world at bay. They are already becoming more porous and permeable institutions
(Elkind, 1997). Teachers are having to learn to work with more diverse communities, to see parents as sources of learning and support rather than interference, to
communicate more with social workers and second language teachers, and so on.
New technologies are further breaking down the barriers of schooling. Schools are
losing their monopoly on learning, as students and parents can access more and
more information independently of them. In Ontario, for example, when parent
councils were recently established as a new form of school governance, involved
parents often out anked and outran school principals by communicating with
each other about how the new councils should be run, on the Internet.
The need for closer relations between professionals inside the school and people
`out there beyond it, is especially pressing given the experience of what many
regard as a crisis of community in the postmodern age (Etzioni, 1993; Sergiovanni,
1994). This has been brought about by modernization and rational planning; the
effects of urban design on distancing workplaces from residences; the sacri ce of
neighbourly closeness to private lot-space and manicured lawns among the
af uent; the individualizing effects of the automobile; the consuming seductions
of shopping and of home entertainment; and, throughout all this, the eating up of
relationships by the carnivorous consumption of work and time (Hargreaves, A.,
1994; Hochschild, 1997). In the middle of all this, schools are increasingly seen as
providing a possible focal point for retaining and regenerating community. This
raises questions about how teacher professionalism can and should be re-de ned
so that professionals do not stand on pedestals above parents and the community,
but develop more open and interactive relationships with them (Hargreaves &
Fullan, 1998).
The new relationships that teachers are having to form with parents is one of
the greatest challenges to their professionalism in the postmodern age. Of course,
communication with parents has always been a part of teachers work and
responsibility. Teachers often stress the importance of support at home for student
success at school. Parent involvement in school has traditionally taken many
forms, including parent teacher interviews, parent nights, special consultation on
student problems, parent councils, and parent volunteer help in the school and
classroom (Young & McGheery, 1970; Midwinter, 1972; Epstein, 1995). In recent
years, however, teachers relationships with parents in our more permeable
schools have become more extensive, and they have developed more edge.
Teachers face great emotional and intellectual demands as they extend their

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work out beyond the classroom. Vincents (1996) research indicates that most
teachers prefer parents to work with the school as supporters or learners, since this
enlists parental support but leaves existing versions of the teachers professional
authority intact. In these sorts of roles, parents basically support the teacher, by
raising funds, organizing special lunches, preparing materials, and so on. They
may even undertake practical tasks in the classroom like mixing paints or hearing
children read (and in doing so, come to observe how complex the teachers job is).
They may be helped to understand new developments in the curriculum through
workshops or classes, or they may be asked to participate in and co-sign home
school contracts about their childrens learning and behaviour.
These relationships, however, are all too often professionally controlling and
defensive. Vincent shows that `support often amount to co-optation and surveillance with the homes contract commitments being very speci c, while the
schools contract commitments are evasively general. Also, because professionals
often disagree about preferred teaching methods, teachers work to exclude parents from the core issues of teaching, learning and assessment that perhaps should
concern them most in an effort to minimize or stave off potential threats or
embarrassment (Brito & Waller, 1993). In other words, the strength of relationships that teachers have with parents outside the school around core issues of
teaching and learning may depend on the consistency of professional understanding about teaching and learning issues within it. In this respect, postmodern
professionals who interact with people beyond the school must also be collegial
ones inside it postmodern professionalism includes and depends on collegial
Teachers and parents tend to be especially dif dent about issues of discipline.
Unlike cultures such as Japan, where schools and families collaborate closely on
behavioural and disciplinary issues (Shimahara & Sakai, 1995), teachers in many
Western countries are caught in the paradox that parents often judge schools by
their disciplinary record, but that, in teachers eyes, they disapprove of teachers
interfering with their own disciplinary judgements (Wyness, 1996; Blase, 1987).
Assessment is another area in which teachers often feel insecure when talking
to parents. Many teachers suspect that they may be assessment impostors, that
their technologies of grading are unsophisticated, subjective and suspect making
them open to parental criticisms which they tend to avoid. More responsive and
open processes of assessment and reporting to parents can conversely reduce
anxiety among teachers whose practices increase understanding and trust with
parents (Earl & LeMahieu, 1997) especially, when, once again, teachers routinely
discuss assessment issues and particular examples of student work among themselves.
One other problem area in parent teacher relations is that teachers are often
inclined to have assumptions and expectations about parental interest and support that are socially or ethnoculturally biased. Studies over many years have
pointed to educators misjudgements about parental involvement for example,
misconstruing failure to attend meetings as failure to support their children or the
school (for example, Central Advisory Council for Education, 1967). Professionals

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A. Hargreaves

are often inclined to impose their own culturally skewed values about good
parenting onto social groups different from themselves (Burgess et al., 1991; Levin
& Riffel, 1997). Dehli & Januario (1994) recommend that schools and classrooms
should be organized so that parents have easy and regular access, so that
communication with parents takes a variety of forms and so that parent teacher
communications can be conducted in different languages (also Henry, 1994).
The literature on parent teacher relations suggests that considerable strides
have yet to be made beyond parent teacher relationships that sustain teachers
senses of professional superiority (parents as supporters or learners), to ones of
genuine partnership where relationships between teachers and parents are both
open and authoritative (Hargreaves & Goodson, 1996) where, in Vincents (1996)
terms, they are relationships of reciprocal learning.
In postmodern professionalism, teachers should try to learn from parents as
well as having parents learn from them. There are many ways to do this,
including two-way student reports (Earl & Le Mahieu, 1997), having students run
interviews with their parents on parents night in relation to portfolios of work
they have accumulated (rather than teachers trying to run and control all the
communication themselves) (Hargreaves, 1997), setting homework assignments to
be shared with a family member (Epstein, 1995) and setting up focus groups of
parents to talk about their concerns, where the role of teachers in each group is
primarily to listen and learn, and not to argue or defend (Beresford, 1996).
If postmodern professionals should be authoritative yet open in their relations
with parents, and prepared to work with them in conditions of reciprocal learning, it is important that these partnerships are not idealized and that those who
advocate them do not represent all parents as being altruistic and perfect. Just like
children, parents can be a pain sometimes they can try and get special deals for
their own children (lenient grades, assignment to the best teacher, movement out
of mixed ability tracks, etc.) (Oakes et al., 1997), or ri e through papers on the
teachers desks when he/she is out of the classroom (Acker, 2000).
But it is even and especially when parents are critical, suspicious and dif cult
that partnerships are essential in the age of postmodern professionalism. Teachers
must move towards the danger here, rather than closet themselves away (Maurer,
1996). It is in teachers own interests to treat even imperfect parents not just as
irritants or as targets for appeasement, but as the most important allies teachers
have in serving those parents own students and in defending themselves against
the widespread political assaults on their professionalism.
The public is yet to be convinced that teachers need more time to work with
each other, and not just their students. It has, in large part, yet to understand how
and why teaching, and the students whom the teachers teach, have changed since
the time most parents were themselves at school. It is not yet persuaded to commit
to the kind of tax increases that would bene t the public education system and the
quality of those who teach in it. For too long, the public has been a fragmented
body of individuals prone to nostalgia in an age of uncertainty, impressionable
in the face of political and media-driven derisions of schools and teachers today,
and easily bought by the market ideology of parental choice which helps them

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believe that, in times of chaos, at least their own individual choices can bene t
their own children in their own schools. It is now vital that the teaching profession
works in partnership with the public, to become a vigorous social movement of
acting subjects rather than fragmented individuals (Touraine, 1995), who work
together to improve the quality and the professionalism of teaching.
When the arteries of communication to government are blocked as they are
where governments remain under the sway of neo-liberal market ideologies, and
have minimal commitment to public education and public life then teachers
must build a by-pass around governments, and capture the public imagination
about education and teaching today, on which governments and their electability
ultimately depend. Developing a postmodern professionalism that opens schools
and teachers up to parents and the public one classroom, one school at a
time where learning runs authentically in both directions, is most likely to build
the trust, the commitment and the support for teachers and teaching on which the
future of their professionalism in the postmodern age will depend.
So we are now on the edge of an age of postmodern professionalism where
teachers deal with a diverse and complex clientele, in conditions of increasing
moral uncertainty, where many methods of approach are possible, and where
more and more social groups have an in uence and a say. Whether this postmodern age will see exciting and positive new partnerships being created with groups
and institutions beyond the school, and teachers learning to work effectively,
openly and authoritatively with those partners in a broad social movement that
protects and advances their professionalism, or whether it will witness the
de-professionalization of teaching as teachers crumble under multiple pressures,
intensi ed work demands, reduced opportunities to learn from colleagues, and
enervating discourses of derision, is something that is still to be decided. That
decision, I believe, should not be left to `fate, but should be shaped by the active
intervention of all educators and others in a social movement for educational
change which really understands and advances the principle that, if we want
better classroom learning for students, we have to create superb professional
learning and working conditions for those who teach them.
The conditions for such a social movement to grow and ourish are now
starting to take shape at the turn of the century. The teacher demographics are
favourable a rash of retirements (hastened by teachers demoralization with the
effects of educational reform) is leading to a crisis of teacher recruitment in many
parts of the world. Governments are consequently having to make strides (albeit
small ones at rst) to improve the public image of teaching so as to attract more
people into the profession by, for example, holding impressive commissions on
the status of teaching (Australia) and the future of the profession (US), committing
to higher pay rises than usual (New Zealand), or devising schemes to reward
`advanced skills teachers (England and Australia). Governments are already
beginning to bend. The public demographics are also favourable with the aging


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boomer generation seeing their own offspring leave home, and starting to become
involved in their later years less with their own private interests and their own
families, and more with volunteering and participating in the wider community.
The forces of de-professionalization in teaching have cut deep. But the objective
prospects for a re-invigorated postmodern professionalism, and the creation of a
broad social movement that would support it, are strong. If teachers want to
become professionally stronger, they must now open themselves up and become
more publicly vulnerable and accessible. That is their paradoxical challenge in the
postmodern age.
Correspondence: International Centre for Educational Change, Ontario Institute for
Studies in Education/University of Toronto, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ont.,
Canada, M5S 1V6. E-mail: [email protected]/


It is interesting that in recent years, perhaps because of an increasingly globalized

discourse of educational reform, even those countries without a speci c history of
professionalism are beginning to engage with projects of professionalism and professionalization in education for example, Chile, Argentina, Hong Kong and Japan.
Although there is a long record of examples of school-based curriculum development
and professional development, it become a concentrated centre of activity, initiative and
research from the late 1970s onwards in the Anglophone world, Scandinavia and
elsewhere see Hargreaves (1982) for a review.

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