A Passion in The Desert Old Essay

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Jared Formalejo


English IV

September 28, 2010

Mrs. Rachel De Guzman

A Passion in the Desert

A Passion in the Desert as portrayed in the video still doesnt venture away into totally
different ideas from its original form in the short story by Honore de Balzac. Both still show a
French Provencal lost in the deserts of Egypt deprived of any human interaction forced to find
shelter and does so inside a dark moist cave. And each piece is centered on the intimate
relationship between a man and a panther. In the video though it is not mentioned how the
Provencal gained the respect of the panther what the video portrayed though was how he became
almost exactly like the panther in order to gain its acceptance. One very evident difference
though is the name of the panther. In the short story, the Provencal named her Mignonne while in
the movie she was named Simoom. The movie portrayed the man with almost pure animal
instincts and an animalistic relationship with the panther. The short story showed otherwise. The
original text reiterated time and time again that the panther was as if a woman; so the Provencal
believed he was in a relationship that wasnt between man and beast but in a more mutual sense,
man to man or beast to beast. The film though showed several exaggerations to the idea that
Balzac was trying to convey in the original text. Within the text there is no show of physical
intimacy between the Provencal and the panther nor are there any clear signs of definite jealousy
on the Provencals part nor is there a second panther which Simoom/Mignonne mated with.
Although it was stated in the text that there always was a tinge of jealousy which the Provencal
believed to have caused a misunderstanding between he and Simoom/Mignonne; the text only
stated that out of nowhere the panther went ballistic and bit the Provencals right leg and he had
to plunge his dagger right through the beasts throat which had caused his melancholy. In the film
though, they showed the idea of jealousy crystal clear between both parties, the Provencal with

the woman and Mignonne with the male panther. The Provencals reaction to this jealousy was to
chain the beast as punishment which had caused the beast to attack viciously, forcing the
Provencal to fight back ending the panthers life.

The original text only showed the relationship between Mignonne and the Provencal as a
simple love affair BUT as owner and pet would define it. Not as animalistic lovers ready to
procreate. It was clearly stated that in the text, he never strayed from his reality and he never did
truly turn beast. He was still sane and still was aware of the surroundings and still observed
human interventions in the desert. He would only turn to the Panther on times he got bored or
times he felt hopeless. The panther had found a friend in the Provencal and the Provencal thought
likewise. Even with these radical changes from the original text to the film the very theme of the
story was still shown in both that the desert is God without mankind, that spirit is united with the
physical/human form in a place such as the desert.

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