Engleza Esee

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1 for me is that feeling that you include in toate laturile and from all sides.

It is a
feeling that floats dreaming and waiting for the moment carey / you will again..I
agree and disagree with you. If two young people have been through a lot together
and have managed to stick by each other through it all, then I would call it love. But
on the other hand, you have 13 year olds running around saying they love their
boyfriend who they've been with for a mere 3 weeks. They haven't even
experienced love, or even know how to spell it. It's those young people who are the
reason that young love isn't taken seriously
3 Opportunity that would come from learning as much as possible from books and
beginning to see that the world focuses on more than just history and English . I
owe my success in life and school to teachers who taught me to spell and to be
respectful and responsible. Those quick to argue with me say that school's is
shallow: deeper-real-life experiences truly educate a person. School should be seen
not only as a place to study, but also as a place to learn about real life. People
cannot depend on experience alone for education just as they cannot solely rely on
information from school books to prepare them for life. By applying lessons learned
in school to real life and vice versa, a person is more likely to work to his potential
and succeed in life.
5Every little bit of technology is controlled by a chip, a computer chip. A computer is a programmable
machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical
operations.[1] The computer was used mainly for machines. Today they are used for almost
anything, from your car lights to street lights, calculators and phones; they all have computer chips
that came from computers. The first digital computer was made in the 1940s. You never really think
about it, but those game systems you own have computer chips in them. But no, all you think about
is getting to the next level. Truly all I am saying is computers have changed the world!

6Education is an indivisible part of the prosperity of the nation. The more educated and cultured
people there are in the country the more flourishing and thrifty the country is. Comment on this issue,
argument your decision.
The education and the culture of countries have been the tools through which the people
have thrived, therefore we will see that if it is valid to think that if there are more
educated and cultured people, countries will be more flourishing and thrifty. We will
analyze first the importance of education and culture in society and then we will discuss
the effects of education in the economy.
Education and culture are the most important elements inside any country because when
people are polite and educated, they would more sensitive about problems that are alien
to them like political, social or financial problems that may arise in the country. We can see
this reflected in developed countries who increasingly invest economical resources in
education are concerned about promoting education in every level where they teach
discipline and professionalism so that they develop group wellbeing notion and teamwork

7World is a huge space. I think now out planet is suffering from our own hands: we crash it down
every year. You know about Global Warming? Its the result of humans' actions. We bulit alot of
factories every year, and stuff like that.
Firstly, we should solve world's problems like GW... we should stop using so much electricity, its not
that hard to do. Just turn off the light when you don't need it. You can be sure, if 20 people do like

that its gonna be much better for our planet. Every person has a chance to make our world "feel
better". I think the commercial of plastic bags was an amazing variant!

8 Success has a big impact in our life, because it gives us happiness and self
confidence. You must know that success and fame are very slyboots and you must be very
attentive. If you want to have good results, you have to work every day.
Many people when become famous persons, they forget about humanity. They are very
proud vainglorious. Success and fame bring them a big wreath.
I think that it is not right, because you must keep your humanity and you have to love your
friends, family and all the people even if they have less success than you.
Our life is a boomerang and you must keep good relations with the other people. Success
and fame don't give your love, heat and friends.
9The truth is, money cant buy everything. For example, money cant buy peace of mind, good
friends, a close-knit family, work-life balance, a worry-free day, good karma, time to relax, good
health, a golden anniversary, quality time with your kids, a new beginning, natural beauty, happy
memories, to name just a few. Many people are actually poor because the only thing they have
is money.


1 I wish Germany, specifically Berlin. I learned a lot in school about Germany and
even seemed interesting. I would like to visit this country because it is among the
top countries in the world economically and culturally. Germany is known for its
many zoos and animal parks also numerous castles and they are in large numbers
these buildings are wonderful legends worth known. German is the native language
which is spoken in the European space. My dream is to visit this country because it
is the most powerful country in Europe

2The Internet offers a variety of advantages that include instant communication,

business opportunities, online education, work-from-home opportunities and online
shopping. Individuals who live in rural areas are able to easily communicate with friends, family
members and business associates with just a simple click of a mouse, and individuals around
the world can easily communicate with one another via chat, email and video messaging. The
Internet is rapidly growing and is the most popular mode of communication in the world
3Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from
language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Today, in the United States as in other
countries populated largely by immigrants, the culture is influenced by the many groups of
people that now make up the country. Culture is a way of living in which human being practice as well learn in

his /her life time- eg language, way of dressings, eating, educating, and many other things that exist in his/her
4Moldova education was modeled on the educational pattern of Soviet Union. Moldova education is mandatory for a
period of eleven years from the age of six to seventeen.
Russian and Romanian are the principal medium of instruction in the schools. There are different types of schools in
Moldova that are an essential part of education in Moldova. There are Kindergarten, primary school, elementary and
secondary school, secondary school. In the category of high school there are technical and professional schools,
Liceum. Special schools are there in Moldova that imparts education to the handicapped.
The structure of education at Moldova follows a particular pattern. The primary education covers a period of four
years. The duration of secondary school period is from seven to eight years.

education is the most important factor for the development of an educational

system primarily tari.in offers a large number of competent persons. . Education is
the basis of today's society and their children early in life have the right to a good
education from parents, because by doing so they learn how to behave in the future

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