Software Startup Ecosystems Maturity Model - Technical Report

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Software Startup Ecosystems Maturity Model

Technical Report
Daniel Cukier1 , Fabio Kon1 , and Norris Krueger2

University of S
ao Paulo - Department of Computer Science, S
ao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Entrepreneurship Northwest, Boise, ID, USA

Abstract. Resulting from the technological revolution from the last

decades, we observed many software startup ecosystems emerging around
the globe. Having tech entrepreneurs as their main agents, some ecosystems exist for more than 50 years, while others are newly born. This
difference in terms of evolution and maturity makes the task of comparing different tech hubs a challenge. Moreover, nascent ecosystems need a
clear vision of how to develop their community to evolve towards a fruitful and sustainable ecosystem. This paper proposes a maturity model
for software startup ecosystems based on a multiple case study of two
existing ecosystems. By determining the maturity level for each ecosystem, it is possible not only to compare different realities, but mainly to
identify gaps and propose customized practical actions that can lead to
real improvements in the existing ecosystems, taking it to the next level
of development.

Keywords: Software Startups, Startup Ecosystems, Ecosystem, Maturity Model,

Entrepreneurship, Innovation


In the last two decades, we observed the rising and maturation of many software
startup ecosystems around the world. Society evolves driven by the technological
revolution, started with the broader access to the Internet and the popularization
of mobile devices, and technologies evolve driven by societys progress, in a coembedded evolution phenomena. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor shows
that human capital and social capital co-evolve [31, 34]. Given the existence of
hundreds of technological clusters in different countries, it is difficult to identify what is the level of development of each ecosystem. This paper proposes a
methodology to measure each Ecosystems level of maturity with respect to multiple factors. By determining the maturity level for each ecosystem, it is possible
not only to compare different realities, but mainly propose practical actions that
can lead to real improvements in the existing ecosystems.
As our previous research has identified [23, 24], software startup ecosystems
are a complex social structure where entrepreneurs and their tech ventures are
the main actors. Some of these high tech ventures will evolve to high-growth

firms, which make a disproportionate impact to economic growth [28]. By identifying opportunities in the market, an entrepreneur creates a startup. Startups
face multiple challenges to discover its market fit [16] and be successful. For that,
the entrepreneur gets support from family, friends, and other personal connections, who are part of a society and culture that influence the entrepreneurs behavior. Demographics characteristics such as language, race, religion, and gender
influence the culture and creates opportunities and barriers to the entrepreneur.
The geopolitical status also influences the culture and creates opportunities and
barriers for the startup. Universities and research centers provide knowledge in
technologies that enable the startup, by preparing the entrepreneur and providing networking possibilities. Universities and research centers also guide entrepreneurs on the technology transfer process [5]. Successful, experienced entrepreneurs serve as mentors to novices. Universities and established companies run incubators and accelerators that train and instrument the startup with
methodologies such as agile methods [1], lean startup [32], customer development
[7], and disciplined entrepreneurship [3]. Eventually, established companies buy,
compete, or collaborate with the startup. Private funding bodies like angels and
venture capitalists mentor and invest on startups, which can also get financial
resources from governmental programs through R&D funding agencies or tax
incentives. The existing legal frame (labor laws, tax laws, IP, patents, and its
associated bureaucracy) influences costs and frames the startup business model.
Daniel Isenberg argues, Theres no exact formula for creating an entrepreneurial economy; there are only practical, if imperfect, road maps. Instead
of trying to imitate successful ecosystems, each region should identify its own
qualities and develop them [22]. He also proposes a conceptual model for entrepreneurship ecosystems. The model maps different agents in the ecosystem
and proposes that these agents must work together. The entrepreneurship ecosystem can be viewed as a new paradigm for economic policies [21]. Isenbergs model
is based on the OECD indicators of entrepreneurial determinants that proposes
indicators for measuring the ecosystem performance in 6 areas: regulatory framework, market conditions, access to finance, creation and diffusion of knowledge,
entrepreneurial capabilities, and entrepreneurship culture. A limitation of this
model is that it misses the dynamics and the interconnectivity aspects of ecosystems.

Related Work

Startup ecosystems cannot be analyzed as static entities. Similar to biological

ecosystems, they behave like living organisms, changing over time. Some changes
are planned or somehow controlled, while others are results of unexpected forces
acting within and outside the ecosystem. Although software startup ecosystems
are a novel object of study, we already have enough examples to state that
these ecosystems pass through the following phases during their development:
Nascent, Evolving, Mature, and Self-sustainable. There are also examples

of ecosystem degradation or illness, like what has been reported in Atlanta

As many of these studies claim, culture is a very important aspect that defines
the ecosystem characteristics. Thus, mapping its culture is one way to understand the ecosystem. Hofstede presented measurements for cultural aspects in
many different countries [19]. Even places with very different cultural behaviors
have their own successful ecosystems, which shows that specific cultural characteristics themselves are not a requirement for the existence of healthy ecosystems,
but a base over which ecosystems evolve. Every region or country has a different entrepreneurial identity and part of it has been attributed to culture [25].
Besides culture, the success of an innovation ecosystem highly depends on the
level of interconnectivity between its players [20]. Connectivity matters and gets
better as an ecosystem progresses [36].
Frenkel and Maital propose a methodology for mapping national innovation ecosystems [15]. The methodology is based on a workshop with experts on
the ecosystem. These experts identify anchors and processes that characterize
that particular ecosystem, leading to a visual innovation ecosystem map. Their
methodology was applied to several countries and it resembles, in some aspects,
the methods we use in this research. The major difference is that our work extends their approach by also including meetings and interviews with ecosystem
players, while Frenkel and Maitals methodology is based on a single workshop
with experts. Another difference is that our study focus only on software startups.
Lemos mapped entrepreneurship ecosystems based on the perspective of a
research university [26] [27]. His model has elements similar to Isenbergs, but
the model is mostly focused on the research university elements, and not on the
startup ecosystem as a whole. While research shows that the university has a
very important role on the development of a healthy ecosystem, the presence
of a high-quality university is only one of many factors that characterize an
innovation hub, as we can see in a report by Endeavor comparing the level of
entrepreneurship of different cities in Brazil [12].
The World Economic Forum mapped eight pillars of entrepreneurial ecosystems [14], namely (1) accessible markets, (2) human capital workforce, (3) funding and finance, (4) mentors and advisors support system, (5) regulatory framework and infrastructure, (6) education and training, (7) major universities as
catalysts, and (8) cultural support. All these eight elements are present in our
proposed maturity model and conceptual framework.
Stangler and Bell-Masterson propose four indicators of entrepreneurial ecosystem vibrancy: density, fluidity, connectivity and diversity [4]. Density could be
measured by the number of new and young firms per 1,000 people, share of
employment in those young firms and high tech sector density. Population flux,
labor market reallocation and number of high-growth firms measure fluidity. To
evaluate connectivity, they propose the spinoff rate, dealmaker networks and
program connectivity. For diversity, the measurements are mobility, number of
immigrants and multiple economic specializations. The authors emphasize the

importance of the dynamics when analyzing ecosystems, claiming that measures

need to be tracked continuously.
In another approach trying to understand ecosystems, Brad Feld presents
the Boulder Hypothesis [13] with four essential characteristics in a successful startup community: (1) it must be led by entrepreneurs and not by other
important players such as government, universities, service providers, big companies, etc., which Feld call feeders; (2) the leaders (entrepreneurs) must have
a long term commitment with the community (at least 20 years); (3) it has
to be inclusive, which means that everybody who wants to participate must be
welcome; and (4) it must have high quality events to engage people, specially acceleration programs and mentoring sessions. Less fragmented ecosystems would
score higher on all 4 elements. Felds model challenges the triple helix model
(governments, universities, and industries) [8]. Recent studies show that policies
with focus on bottom-up approaches are more efficient when developing startup
ecosystems [35], putting the entrepreneur as the main change agent, while the
traditional triple helix model tends to discard the entrepreneurs focusing only
on government, university, and industry.
Changes in ecosystems are observed over time, and some differences can take
years or sometimes decades to be observed. Ecosystems have a dynamic and
evolutionary nature rather than a static phenomenon that can be captured by
a snapshot at a given point in time [28]. The startup ecosystem report 2012
[18] proposes a ranking of the top 20 ecosystems in the technologic economy. It
puts Silicon Valley as a benchmark and compare other ecosystems to it. Three
years later, another report, The global startup ecosystem ranking 2015 [17],
revises the 2012 version, presenting a new landscape of ecosystems, showing new
technological hubs entering the ranking as well as old startup agglomerations
that did not evolved enough to enter in the new top 20. The questions that arise
are: what happened to those ecosystems that felt out of the ranking? What did
the ecosystems that entered in the ranking performed to scale up? Being higher
in the ranking means to get better? Being lower means to get worse? Could the
evolution across maturity levels stages be an evidence of a virtuous cycle [6]?


The maturity model proposed in this paper is based on a conceptual framework

for startup ecosystems that we developed after an extensive literature review
about existing ecosystems and a detailed qualitative research we performed
in two existing ecosystems: Tel Aviv [23] and Sao Paulo [11]. Our qualitative
methodology was based on two different techniques.
The first technique was a multiple case study [37] based on more than 80
semi-structured interviews with key players (entrepreneurs, investors, educators,
executives, etc.) in both ecosystems. Based on qualitative methods with elements
from Grounded Theory [10] for the identification of the key factors that led to
the emergence of a successful ecosystem, our goal was to develop a conceptual

framework [29] of the software startup scene that may help in analyzing the current status of ecosystems as well as finding opportunities for their improvement.
A second qualitative technique that complements the first was based on a
systematic workshop / focus group that we executed in Sao Paulo [11]. Figure 1
depicts the resulting conceptual framework. In a first look, the figure may seem
too complex and difficult to digest. So, we suggest that one should examine
this figure in the same way a traveler looks at a map, navigating through it,
without the obligation to understand every small detail at the first time. It may
take some time to understand the whole topology. Nevertheless, it shows clearly
that the elements that play a role in a startup ecosystem are numerous and the
relationships among them are various.
The conceptual framework contains core elements that relate with each other.
We can analyze the level of development of each core element, as well as the quality of the relationship between them to measure some degree of maturity in each
aspect. For example, there is the funding bodies core element. The development
level of the funding structure inside the ecosystem is a measurement of maturity.
The presence of technical talent, provided by high quality educational institutions, or access to educational resources are other examples of factors to measure
the ecosystem maturity. Thus, we propose, for each core element, a scale to evaluate its state. The scale contains three levels of development: L1, L2, and L3.
We then propose a metric to classify ecosystems for each core element maturity,
described in Table 1. This table was generated after a series of iterations with
specialists and confirmation of what they considered the right measurement of
L1, L2 and L3 in each aspect.
Exit strategies - Entrepreneurs and investments are considered successful
when one of these things happen: (a) profitable growth to global market, (b)
acquisition by a big company, (c) merge with other company, or (d) IPO.
Specially for investors, the existence of exit options in the local ecosystem
is an attractive factor. While mature ecosystems present all three strategies,
there is a lack of exit options in new ecosystems. Zero option is considered
low, one option is medium and two or more options is high. Related framework elements: startup, funding bodies, established companies.
Global market - Percentage of startups that targeted global market. A
startup is considered to target the global market if it is acting in markets
outside its country, with existing customers or at least an official representation office. Related framework element: market.
Military influence on technologies Related framework element: research
Entrepreneurship in universities - Percentage of alumni that founded a
startup within 5 years of graduation. Related framework elements: universities and research centers, education.
Number of startups - Quantity of Startups founded by year according
to a trusted database. Related framework elements: startup, market, entrepreneur.

Fig. 1. Startup Ecosystem Conceptual Framework
















Funding bodies






knowledge in




prepares / networking


behavior of







Race, religion,


is part






Legal frame



Tax Laws


Labor Laws


underlying platform
or same level

influences costs
frames business models

provides opportunities









Incubator / Accelerator

University /
Tech Parks


Table 1. Ecosystem Maturity Factor Classification





Exit strategies
Global market
Military influence on technologies
Entrepreneurship in universities
Number of startups
Access to funding in USD / year
Access to funding in # of deals / year
Mentoring quality
Tax burden
Incubators / tech parks
Accelerators quality
High-tech companies presence
Established companies influence
Human capital quality
Culture values for entrepreneurship
Technology transfer processes
Methodologies knowledge
Specialized media players
Ecosystem data and research
Ecosystem generations

< 10%
< 10%
< 2%
< 500k
< 10%
> 40%
> 50%
< 10%
< 10
< 20
> 20th
< 0.5
< 4.0
< 20%
not available

10 50%
10 50%
2 10%
500 3k
10 40%
30 50%
2 10
10 50% success
10 50
20 80
15 20th
0.5 0.75
4.0 5.0 > 5.0 ?
20 60%
partially available

>= 2
> 50%
>= 50%
> 10%
> 3k
> 1B
> 50%
< 10%
< 30%
> 10
> 50% success
> 50
> 80
< 15th
> 0.75
> 60%
fully available

Access to funding in US$ - Total amount of investment in startups in

US$ according to a trusted database. Related framework element: funding
Access to funding in # of deals - Deal count, independently from value
or startup stage. Related framework element: funding bodies.
Mentoring quality - the percentage of mentors that fit on of these criterion: (1) had a successful startup in the past, (2) founded and worked for
more than 10 years in one or more startups. Related framework elements:
Bureaucracy - Based on inefficient government bureaucracy index of the
global competitiveness report [33]. It represents the percentage of respondents that considered bureaucracy as a problematic factor for doing business.
Related framework elements: legal frame.
Tax burden - Based on the country total tax rate ranking of the global
competitiveness report [33]. Related framework elements: legal frame, market.
Incubators / tech parks - The number of incubators and tech parks active
in the ecosystem. Related framework element: incubator / accelerator.
Accelerators quality - Percentage of startups in accelerators that reach
the stage of receiving a next level investment or reach the global market
in a sustainable profitable stage. Related framework element: incubator /

High-tech companies presence - How many high tech companies have

tech team located in the ecosystem region. Related framework elements:
Established Companies.
Established companies influence - How many big companies have activities in that nurture the ecosystem. Activities such as event organization,
local community ambassador and mentor, acceleration program or local investment in startups. Related framework elements: events, established companies, startup, accelerator, entrepreneur.
Human capital quality - Based on the ecosystem position in talent index
of the global startup ecosystem report [17]. Related framework elements:
entrepreneur, education.
Culture values for entrepreneurship - Cultural support index in the
global entrepreneurship and development index [2]. Related framework elements: culture, society, family.
Technology transfer processes - Based on Innovation and sophistication
factors of The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, p. 22 [33]. Related
framework elements: University / Research Center, Legal Frame.
Methodologies knowledge - Percentage of Startups that have knowledge
or are trained on methodologies3 . Related framework elements: Methodologies.
Specialized media players - Local media specialized in the Startup industry has an important role to spread the word about what is happening
in the ecosystem. The existence of at least half a dozen of players is a sign
of movement and engagement within the ecosystem. The specialized media
must be recognized by the local community as a reference to be considered
in this list. Related framework elements: media.
Ecosystem data and research - The existence of database with data
about the ecosystem is an indication of maturity. We cannot improve what
we cannot measure, so ecosystems that do not have research institutions or
managers. Related framework elements: research center, government.
Ecosystem generations - How many generations of old entrepreneurs are
re-investing their earnings in the ecosystem. 0 means no old entrepreneurs
are investing in the ecosystem, 1 means a first generation of old entrepreneurs re-investment their earnings in the ecosystem, 2 means that
entrepreneurs that received investment from generation 1 are investing their
earnings in new startups, and so on. Related framework elements: entrepreneur,


Some factors in the ecosystem comparison table are crucial to be considered when
an ecosystem has reached a certain level of maturity. Not achieving a specific

This was a factor we found difficult to measure, since there is no data about methodology adoption in ecosystems. Another proposal for classifying this would be the
amount of local conferences about Agile, Lean Startup or other methodologies.

grade in any of these factors keeps the ecosystem on a lower level of maturity.
Thus, we divided the factors in two categories: essential and summing. The
summing factors are important to upgrade the ecosystem to the next level.
Our proposal of maturity model is divided into four levels as described below:
Nascent (M1): usually when the ecosystem is already recognized as a
startup hub, with some already existing startups, a few investment deals
and maybe government initiatives to stimulate or accelerate the ecosystem
development, but no great output in terms of jobs generation or worldwide
Evolving (M2): ecosystems with a few successful companies, some regional
impact, job generation and small local economic impact. To be in this level,
the ecosystem must have all essential factors classified at least at L2, and
30% of summing factors also on L2.
Mature (M3): ecosystems with hundreds of startups, where there is a considerable amount of investing deals, existing successful startups with worldwide impact, a first generation of successful entrepreneurs who started to
help the ecosystem to grow and be self-sustainable. To be in this level, the
ecosystem must have all essential factors classified at least at L2, 50% of
summing factors also on L2, and at least 30% of all factors on L3.
Self-sustainable (M4): ecosystems with thousand of startups and financing deals, at least a 2nd generation of entrepreneur mentors, specially angel
investors, a strong network of successful entrepreneurs compromised with the
long term maintenance of the ecosystem, an inclusive environment with many
startups events and presence of high quality technical talent (as proposed
in the Boulder Thesis by Brad Feld [13]). To be in this level, the ecosystem
must have all essential factors classified as L3, and 80% of summing factors
also on L3.
After generating the classification table for each factor, we filled the table
with data about the ecosystems we analyzed, also using the help of two specialists
in each ecosystem. The resulting Table 2 shows data collected from both the Tel
Aviv and S
ao Paulo Ecosystems.
As a secondary metric, we can use the ecosystem progress within a certain
level to understand how far it is from being upgraded to the next level. For
example, Tel Aviv has all essential factors in L3 and 54% of the summing factors
in L3, which suggests the ecosystem is almost reaching the M4 maturity level. On
the other hand, S
ao Paulo has no essential or summing factor on L3, suggesting
that the ecosystem just entered the M2 level and needs more effort to reach the
next level.

Conclusions and Future Work

This paper proposes a novel maturity model for software startup ecosystems
based on an extensive literature study as well as a multiple case study of two
existing ecosystems. A conceptual framework of software startup ecosystems was

Table 2. Startup Ecosystem Comparison Table

* Exit strategies
* Global market
Military influence
Entrepreneurship in universities
* Number of startups
* Access to funding
Mentoring quality
Tax burden
Incubators / tech parks
Accelerators quality
* High-tech companies presence
Established companies influence
* Human capital quality
* Culture values for entrepreneurship
Technology transfer processes
Methodologies knowledge
Specialized media
* Ecosystem data and researches
* Ecosystem generations
* Essential Factors
Summing Factors
Maturity Level

Tel Aviv

ao Paulo

L3 (9)
L2 (5), L3 (6)
Mature (M3)

L2 (9)
L1 (8), L2 (3)
Evolving (M2)

created from these studies and the maturity model was validated with specialists
from these ecosystems. The findings show that Tel Aviv is considered a Mature
(M3) ecosystem, while S
ao Paulo is Evolving (M2).
The maturity model can be used to identify gaps in each ecosystem, showing a
direction on which the local community should concentrate, promoting initiatives
to take the ecosystem to the next level.
A missing element in the current version of the maturity model is the measurement of interconnectivity between agents within the ecosystem. Literature
shows that this is a very important aspect [30] to analyze the ecosystem maturity and, thus, should be included in the evaluation criteria. Future work should
investigate how to measure the quality of the entrepreneurship network and how
to fit it into the whole maturity model.
As a next step in this research, we will carry out a new round of interviews in
the New York ecosystem, classifying it according to the maturity model. These
new findings will then be used to further adapt the model towards a refined
version. We will then invite specialists from different ecosystems around the
world to perform the exercise of classifying their ecosystem using this model,
criticizing the criterion we proposed and helping to improve it collaboratively.

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