Acid Reflux

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5 oils to relieve occasional acid reflux:

1. Ginger essential oil: Ginger oil comes from the ginger root. It blocks acid production
and suppresses the H.Pylori bacteria. It also may prevent the formation of ulcers. Here is
how to use it to relieve acid reflux:
2 to 4 drops of ginger essential oil
1 cup of hot water
5 uleiuri pentru reflux gastro-esofagian (acid):

1. Ulei esenial de Ghimbir: acest ulei provine din rdcina de ghimbir;

blocheaz producerea de acid i anihileaz Helicobacter pylori;
previne apariia ulcerului. Pentru reflux gastro-esofagian se folosete

1. Add 2 to 4 drops of ginger essential oil into the hot water.
2. Allow it to stay for about 30 minutes.
3. Stir the drink.
4. Drink the mixture 20 minutes before your meal.
Precaution: Do not take aspirin for at least 2 hours after the intake of ginger.
1. Adaug 2-4 picturi de ulei esenial de ghimbir n apa fierbinte
2. Las s stea aa aproximativ 30 minute
3. Amestec butura
4. Bea cu 20 de minute nainte de mas
Precauii : Nu lua aspirin timp de cel puin 2 ore de la ingerarea buturii
2. Peppermint essential oil: Peppermint essential oil tends to be more concentrated when
compared to other essential oils. Not only is Peppermint great for acid reflux but it is also
good for soothing occasional digestive issues and common stomach aches.
A drop of peppermint essential oil
1/2 teaspoonful of organic apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoonful of honey
1 glass of warm water
Process: Mix all the ingredients together and make sure that you stir it well.
Directions: Sip slowly daily every morning before you eat or drink anything else.

2. Uleiul esenial de ment (izm): este mai concentrat comparativ cu alte uleiuri
eseniale ; este excelent n tratarea refluxului acid i foarte bun pentru uurarea
problemelor digestive de orice natur i a durerilor de stomac.

O pictur de ulei esenial de ment

linguri cu oet de mere organic

1 linguri cu miere

Un pahar cu ap cald

Amestecai bine ingredientele i bei ncet n fiecare diminea nainte de a mnca sau
bea orice altceva.
3. Eucalyptus essential oil: This essential oil contains most of the properties of a typical
volatile oil. It is obtained from the fresh leaves of the eucalyptus tree.
2 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil
3 drops of peppermint essential oil
1 teaspoonful of carrier oil (A carrier oil is a vegetable oil that comes from the fatty
portion of the plant. Some good carrier oils are fractionated coconut oil, olive oil, and
evening primrose oil)
Process: Mix all the ingredients together.
Directions: Rub the mixture over the chest and lower neck area and massage the area for
a few minutes.
3. Uleiul esenial de eucalipt: este obinut din frunzele proaspete ale copacului de
eucalipt. Ingrediente:
- 2 picturi de ulei esenial de eucalipt
- 3 picturi de ulei esenial de ment (peppermint)
- 1 linguri cu ulei vegetal bio (de cocos, msline, struguri etc)
Amestec ingredientele i maseaz mixtura pe piept i pe ceaf timp de cteva minute.
4. Lemon essential oil: Lemon essential oil helps in the temporary excretion of digestive
acids, which alleviates heartburn. The oil also has some antibacterial properties which
fight off H.pylori bacteria in the stomach and in the digestive tract as well. Lemon is great
for cleansing the stomach and detoxifying.
A glass of water (8 ounces)
1 drop of lemon essential oil
Process: Put the drop of essential oil into the glass of water.
Directions: Drink this mixture throughout your day for optimal stomach functionality
especially before and during meals.

4. Uleiul esenial de lmie: ajut la eliminarea temporar a acidului gastric; are i

proprieti anti-bacteriene care lupt mpotriva Helicobacter pylori din stomac i tractul

digestive. Uleiul esenial de lmie este foarte bun pentru curarea stomacului i
Punei o pictur de ulei esenial de lmie la fiecare pahar cu ap (aproximativ 200
ml) i bei pe parcursul zilei pentru o funcionare optim a stomacului, mai ales
nainte i n timpul meselor.
5. Wild orange essential oil: Not only is wild orange a great oil for acid reflux but can also
help with detoxifying, constipation, and when feeling bloated.
4 drops of wild orange essential oil
1 teaspoonful Grapeseed carrier oil
Add the 4 drops of wild orange essential oil to a teaspoonful of grapeseed carrier oil.
Directions: Massage it into your chest and upper back. You can also blend it with cream,
lotion or massage oil.
To take wild orange essential oil orally: Mix a drop of wild orange essential oil with 1
teaspoonful of honey and add it to your beverage (preferably water). Another alternative
is you can diffuse the oil into air. To do this, add the oil into a bowl of hot water and inhale.
Caution: The wild orange essential oil may cause photosensitivity. Avoid direct sunlight
for 12 hours after you have applied it onto the skin.

5. Uleiul esenial de portocal: este excelent pentru refluxul de acid gastric i ajut n
acelai timp n detoxifiere, constipaie, balonare.
Punei 4 picturi de ulei esenial de portocal la o linguri cu ulei virgin din smbure
de struguri. Masai pe piept i partea superioar a spatelui. Putei amesteca uleiul
esenial i cu creme, loiuni sau ulei de masaj.
Pentru uz intern: amestecai 1 picturi de ulei esenial de portocal cu 1 linguri de
miere i punei preferabil n ap (sau sucuri naturale, ceai).
O alt alternativ ar fi inhalarea uleiului dintr-un vas cu ap fierbinte.
Precauii: uleiul esenial de portocal poate cauza fotosensibilitate. Evitai expunerea
direct la razele solare timp de 12 ore de la aplicarea pe piele.

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