Engleza volII - 74 - 97 PDF

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Exercise 9

Andrew had a frightening experience recently while on

holiday. He was out walking in the countryside when suddenly he
was surrounded by a group of soldiers.
Here are the questions which one of the soldiers asked
1. 'What are you doing here?'
2. 'Why are you carrying a camera?'
3. 'Did you see the signs warning people not to enter the area?'
4. 'Have you been taking photos of the army base?'
5. 'What's your name?'
6. 'Can I see some proof of your identity?'
After the holiday, Andrew told some friends what had
happened. Complete Andrew's story using reported speech.
'I was about seven miles from the youth hostel in the middle
of nowhere when suddenly a jeep roared up to me and 1 was
surrounded by soldiers pointing guns! An officer asked me 1 what
was doing there. Then he pointed at my Kodak and asked me ... 2 ...
I tried to explain that 1 was on holiday there, but then he wanted t
know ... 3 .. , I told him I hadn't. Then he asked me ... 4 ... I sai
that I didn't even know there was an army base there. Then h
wanted to know ... 5 ... and ... 6 ... Then, just because I couldn'
prove who I was, they put me in the jeep and drove me to some kin
of underground army base. They kept me there while they phoned th
youth hostel to check up on me'.
Exercise 10
Turn the questions into reported speech. Begin each one wit
I asked the .. , and give the name of the person who does the job,
in the example.
l. 'Do I need another filling?' I asked the dentist if I neede
another filling.
2. 'How much does this blouse cost?'
3. 'How many tablets should I take each day?'
4. 'Can I borrow the book for another week?'
5. 'Will it cost very much to repair the television?'
6. 'May I look at the menu, please?'

7. 'What do I have to do for homework?'

8. 'When will the report be typed?'

9. 'Will you be able to deliver the flowers today?'
10. 'Can I make an appointment to have my hair cut?'
Exercise 11

Turn the following into reported questions.

1. 'What is your name?' he asked me.
He asked me what my name was
2. 'Where are your parents?' uncle Bill asked us.
3. 'Will you help me carry the box, please?' Dan asked.
4. 'What time will you be home?' mum asked me.
5. 'Can you play the guitar?' he asked her.
6. 'Who was at the door?' David asked Janet.
7. 'Where is the post office?' they asked us.
8. 'When will you do your homework?' Meg asked me.
9. The boss asked me, 'Have you finished those reports?'
10. John asked Sam, 'Do you like computer games?'
11. 'Will you give me a lift to work, please?' he asked her.
12. 'Where is your jacket?' she asked him.
Exercise 12

Yesterday, Simon interviewed a famous actor. He

ked him the following questions. Turn them into reported
1. 'Do you enjoy being famous?' Simon asked him if/whether
he enjoyed being famous.
2. 'What is the best part of your job?'
3. 'What do you find difficult about acting?'
4. 'How many films have you stared in?'
5. 'What is your favourite film?'
6. 'Have you met many other famous people?'
7. 'Where would you most like to make a film?'
8. 'Have you visited many interesting places?'
9. 'What are you plans for the future?'
I O. 'Are you happy with your life?'


Exercise 13

Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

1. The teacher said to the student, 'Come and see me after the

The teacher asked the student to go and see him/her

after the lesson.
2. He said, 'Shall we go out for dinner?'
3. Colin said to Dave, 'Please hold this book for me.'
4. He said to her, 'Close the door, please.'
5. Father said, 'How about going to the beach?'
6. She said, 'Let's watch the game on TV.'
7. He said to them, 'Please, please don't hurt me.'
8. The policeman said to the thieves, 'Put your hands up!'
9. The man said to the waiter, 'Can you bring me some water,
10. Jason said to his father, 'Please, please let me go to the
11. The librarian said to the boys, 'Don't make so much noise.'
12. The chef said to me, 'Put the cake in the oven.'
Exercise 14

Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

1. 'Where are you going?' she said to them.
She asked them where they were going.
2. 'I'm going shopping,' said Anna. (up-to-date reporting)
3. 'Go away!' said his friend.
4. She asked me, 'Are you ready to leave?'
5. 'I'll pick you up at five o'clock,' he said to her.
6. 'It's time for lunch,' Ruth says.
7. 'When did you arrive?' asked Marilyn.
8. 'The meeting started ten minutes ago,' she said
(up-to-date reporting)
9. My father said to me, 'Don't be late.'
10. 'Tom has already left,' said Pam to us.
11. 'Who's there?' said Joe.
12. 'What colour skirt did you buy?' she asked me.
13. They said to him, 'We're leaving early in the morning'
(up-to-date reporting).

14. 'Don't go near the fire,' dad said to the boys.

15. 'Let's have a barbecue this weekend,' said Liz.
Exercise 15

Complete the sentences.

1. 'You should spend more time studying.'
The teacher advised me to spend more time studying.
2. 'Don't
forget to lock the door before you
Sam reminded ...
3. 'I'm sorry I forgot to call you.'
Jim apologized
4. 'You never listen to me, Stuart.'
Mary complained
5. 'Shall we go bowling this evening?
Mark suggested
6. 'You mustn't play near the road.'
Father forbade
7. 'This man stole my wallet!'
Mr Brown accused
8. 'I'm the best basketball player in the school.'
Steve boasted
9. 'Yes. I took the letter.'
Claire admitted
10. 'You must stay for lunch, Sarah.'
Mrs. Stamp insisted
11. 'Please, please, let me borrow your bicycle.'
Martin begged
12. 'Don't touch the oven. It's hot.'
Mother warned



Exercise 16

Fill in the gaps with one of the introductory verbs from

III~list below in the past simple.
deny. suggest. boast. agree. insist. accuse. promise.
IIIJplain.advise. threaten, warn. remind
I. 'I'm the fastest runner on the team,' he said. He boasted
about being the fastest runner on the team.


2. '1 didn't take your jacket,' he said to her. He ... taking her
3. 'You should go to the doctor's', Mum
me. To go to
the doctor's.
4. 'I'll call you next week,' she said to him. She ... to call him
next week.
5. 'Yes, I'll set the table for dinner,' he said to her. He .... to
set the table for dinner.
6. 'He always forgets my birthday,' she said. She .... that he
always forgot her birthday.
7. 'Let's go for a walk,' she said. She
going for a walk.
8. 'Leave, or I'll shoot,' the man said to them.
The man
9. 'Don't forget to feed the cat,' she said to him. She ... him to
feed the cat.
10. 'You broke my CD player,' she said to him. She .... him 0
breaking her CD player.
11. 'Don't go near the edge of the cliff,' dad said to them. Dad
... them not to go near the edge of the cliff.
12. 'You must do your homework before you go out,' she sai
to us. She ... on us doing our homework before we wen
Exercise 17
Turn the sentences
into reported
speech using
appropriate introductory verb.
I. 'No, I won't do your homework for you,' she said to me
She refused to do my homework for me.
2. 'You lied to me,' Dennis told Ann
3. '1 promise 1 won't tell anyone your secret,' Tara said t
4. 'Don't forget to post the letters,' mum said to m

5. 'I'm


1 ruined

6. 'No,

1 didn't











7. 'Don't get too close to the fire,' Mike said to the children

8. 'Let's have a party,' Simon said
9. 'I'll punish you if you behave badly,' mum told the twins


10. 'It was me who broke the vase,' she said

II. 'Could I use your phone, please?' David


12. 'Yes, I'll help you with the washing-up,'

13. 'Everyone








Sandra told me



14. 'Please, please, don't tell anyone about this,' he said to us


15. 'You

should go to the dentist's,'


16. 'Children,





she told her brother





17. 'Throw down your weapons!' the policeman said to the

18. 'No, you may not stay out late tonight,' dad said to Louise


19. 'You must wash your hands before eating dinner,' she told
the children
20 . .'That's the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen'
Amanda said
Exercise 18
Turn the following sentences into reported speech.
1. 'Will you call me? He asked. "Yes, of course,' she said
He asked her to call him and she said she would
2. 'Wow!' they said as the fireworks exploded in the sky.
3. 'You'll try to visit John, won't you?' he said to us.
4. 'How delicious!' she said as she tasted the dessert .
5. 'What a surprise!' he said when he saw the present.
6. 'Amazing!' she said when she saw the magician's act:
7. 'Well, good luck, then,' she said to him.
8. 'Can you do this puzzle?' she asked. 'No,' he said.

Exercise 19
Turn the following sentences into reported speech.
I. 'I'm hungry,' she said. 'I haven't eaten all day.' She said that
she was hungry, explaining that she hadn't eaten all day.
2. 'Let's go to the cinema,' he said. 'We haven't seen a film
. for months.'
3. Tim: 'Dave is ill. He can't come to the party'. Mike:
'What's wrong with him? Tim: 'He's got flu. He has to stay
in bed'.
4. 'You're early,' he said to her. 'I'm not ready yet.'
5. 'Hurry up!' she told him. 'We're going to miss the bus'.
6. 'Have you got your key?' she said. 'I've forgotten mine.'
7. 'I'm going out, 'Colin said. 'I might be back late.'
8. Sally: 'I've bought a car. It's being delivered tomorrow'.
John: 'What kind of car is it?'
Sally: 'It's a sports car. It was very expensive'.
9. 'I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept.' He said to them.
10. Martin: 'Can you help me? I need some advice'.
James: 'What's the problem?'
Martin: 'J don't know what to buy my mother for her
birthday. I want to get something special'. .
Exercise 20
Punctuate the following, sentences making any othe
necessary changes.
1. would you like a drink she asked me
'Would you like a drink?' she asked me.
2. shall we go out tonight Bill asked
3. David said shut the door please
4. why are you crying Steve asked Jenny
5. I'm sorry I'm late ha said I was stuck in traffic
6. Rachel said I'm afraid 1 can't help you
7. I don't want eggs she said to her mother I'drather have
8. we have to leave in five minutes Sally said can you call us
9. did you go to the library today Sean asked me
10. Daniel said stop talking 1can't concentrate

Exercise 21

Turn the following sentences from direct into

reported speech or vice versa.
I. 'What are your plans for the weekend?' he asked her.
He asked her what her plans for the weekend were.
2. Malcolm suggested that they go fishing that afternoon
3. Simon denied having damaged the car.
4. 'Could you open the door for me, please?' Kate asked
5. Julia claimed to have met Kevin Costner.
6. 'You never listen when I'm talking to you,' she said.
7. The instructor said, 'This is how you open the parachute.'
8. 'I promise I won't lose your necklace,' she told her friend.
9. Stuart begged his parents to let him go to the disco.
10. His father said to him, 'No, you can't go to the concert.'
11. 'Yes, you may stay out late on Saturday,' said Mum.
12. The man demanded to speak to his lawyer.
13. 'I'm afraid there are no tickets left,' he said to us.
14. 'The path is very slippery,' the guide said to the climbers.
15. He asked her to write to him while she was away.
Exercise 22
Turn the following into reported speech. Use appropriate
utroductory verbs.
1. Sam: 'We're having trouble finding a good sales assistant.'
Sam complained that they were having trouble finding a
id sales assistant.
2. Dave: 'We've been interviewing people for two weeks.'
3 Lucy: 'Why don't you contact the Job Centre?'
4 Ann: 'I think that Julie Smith is looking for ajob.'
5 Tom: 'Yes, right. We forgot that she has been looking for a



6 Dave: 'Actually, Julie might be perfect for the job. Ann, do

have her phone number?'
7 Ann: 'Yes, I do. I'll give her a call if you like.'
8 Sam: 'Don't forget to ask her if she can work floxlhl

lmurs.' '

Exercise 23
Correct the mistakes.
1. Anna says that lunch was ready.
2. They told me that that was a photograph of their family.
3. Brian told to me that he had a new car.
4. Linda said she had seen the film last month.
5. Tim asked me where had 1 been on holiday.
6. Alan told me that John had to be in the office.
Exercise 24

Cross out the unnecessary word

1. Our friends told us that we had better to avoid the city
2. Annabelle

asked Tony where he was being going for his


3. They asked me if 1 would like to buy her a gift and I said I

would so.
4. Paul suggested that they should to inform the police as soon
as possible.
5. Rebecca told to her husband that the postman had delivered
a parcel for him.
6. The man wanted to know if where the nearest post office
7. Melissa promised that to call us as soon as she reached
8. The teacher told us do not to make any noise.
9. Rhonda asked me that what I would like for my birthday.
10. He insisted on that we should tell the truth about the
Exercise 25
Complete each sentence with two to five words, including
the word in bold.
1. '1 feel very ill,' he said to her.
complained He complained offeeling very ill.
2. 'I promise I'll send you a postcard', Julie said to Mike.
promised Julie
Mike a postcard.
3. 'I'll send you to your room if you don't apologise,' she said
to him.

threaten She
to his room if he didn't apologise.
4. 'Would you like to come to dinner on Friday?' they said to
invited They
to dinner on Friday.
5. 'What an amazing garden!' said Marie.
exclaimed Marie
an amazing garden.
6. 'I'm sorry 1 interrupted the meeting,' he said to her.
for He
the meeting.
7. 'You must finish that report by five o'clock,' she said to
on She ..... the report by five o'clock.
8. 'No, 1 won't give you any more pocket money,' dad said
to Steve.
refused Dad
any more money.
9.' Let's go for a picnic this afternoon,' Mum said.
going Mum
that afternoon.
10. '1 didn't leave the tap on,' she said.
denied She
the tap on.
11. 'Don't forget to pack your swimming costumes,' mum said
to us.
reminded Mum
our swimming costumes.
12. 'I took your new skirt,' my sister said.
admitted My sister ..... my new skirt.
13. 'You drank the last can of lemonade,' Sue said to Jane.
of Sue
the last can of lemonade.
14. 'Why don't we organise a party for Lucy's birthday?
'David said.
should Dave ..... organise a party for Lucy's birthday.
15. 'Ok, I'll give you a chance,' she said.
agreed She .... a chance.
16. 'Drop your gun!' the policeman told the man.
ordered The policeman .... his gun.
17. 'Why are you making such a fuss?' Mum asked me.
was Mum wanted to know ..... such a fuss.
18. 'I'll give you a lift to the station,' Mike said to me.
to Mike
a lift to the station.
19. 'You should save some money every month,' Rita told her

advised Rita
some money every month.
20. 'I've got the fastest car of all my friends,' Daniel said.
boasted Daniel
the fastest car of all his friends.
21. '1 don't suppose you can lend me thirty pounds, can you?'
Caroline said to me.
wbetber Caroline wanted to know
her thirty pounds.
22. ' I saw who broke into the flat,' Mrs Reeves told the police.
claimed Mrs. Reeves
who broke into the flat.
23. 'Where is my purse?' she asked herself.
wondered She
24. 'Why are you so upset?' Diana asked Fiona.
was Diana asked Fiona
so upset.


Exercise 1
Put tbe verbs in brackets in tbe correct form. Use tbe
will-future in the main clause.
Example: If I (to go) to the cinema, I (to watch) an
interesting film.
Answer: If I go to the cinema, I will watch an interesting
1. If! (to learn), I (to pass) the exams.
2. We (not/to swim) ifthe weather (to be) bad.
3. If he (to have) a temperature, he (to see) the doctor.
4. I (to be) very happy ifmy friends (to come).
5. If! (to earn) a lot of money, I (to fly) to New York.
6. Ifwe (not/to come) home in time, we (to miss) the film.
7. The teacher (not/to be) happy ifJ (to forget) my homework
8. If our class (to go) to England, I (to visit) the Tower of
Exercise 2
Complete tbe sentences by putting tbe verbs into the
correct form.
1. If you (send) this letter now, she (receive) it tomorrow.
2. If I (do) this test, I (improve) my English.
3. If I (find) your ring, I (give) it back to you.
4. Peggy (go) shopping if she (have) time in the afternoon.
5. Simon (go) to London next week ifhe (get) a cheap flight.
6. If her boyfriend (phone/not) today, she (leave) him.
7. If they (study/not) harder, they (pass/not) the exam.
8. If it (rain) tomorrow, I (have to/not) water the plants.
9. You (be able/not) to sleep if you (watch) this scary film.
10. Susan (can/move/not) into the new house ifit (be/not)
ready on time.


Exercise 3
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbal form:
1. If Caroline and Sue
the salad, Phil
2. If Sue
the onions for the salad, Caroline

the mushrooms.
3. Jane
the sitting room if Aaron and Tim

the furniture.
4. If Bob
up the kitchen, Anita
5. Elaine

her carry the bottles.

6. If Alan and Rebecca
the food, Mary and Conor
.. .... .. .. ..
the sandwiches.
7. If Bob
after the barbecue, Sue
guest in.
8. Frank
the DJ if the others
their CDs.
9. Alan
the drinks if Jane
some of her cocktail recipes.
1O. If they
all .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . their
best, the party

Exercise 1
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
Example: If! (to go) to the cinema, I (to watch) an
interesting film.
Answer: If I went to the cinema, I would watch an interesting
1. If they (to have) enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
2. Ifhe (to be) my friend, I (to invite) him.
3. The Smiths (to go) on holiday if they (to have) time.
4. If Susan (to learn) more, she (to be) better at school.
5. We (to call) the police if we (to see) a burglar.
6. If the pupils (to have) no school, they (to play) football.
7. If! (to come) home early, my father (not/to be) angry.
8. If! (to be) you, I (not/to go) to the party.


Exercise 2
Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the
correct form.
1. Ifwe (have) a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas.
2. Ifhe (have) more time, he (learn) karate.
3. If they (tell) their father, he (be) very angry.
4. She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be) easier to get a green
5. If! (live) on a lonely island, I (run) around naked all day.
6. We (help) you if we (know) how.
7. My brother (buy) a sports car ifhe (have) the money.
8. If! (feel) better, I (go) to the cinema with you.
9. If you (go) by bike more often, you (be/at) so flabby.
10. She (not/talk) to you if she (be) mad at you .
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with the appropriate verbal form.
Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if
he won the lottery.
1. If I
2. If!
3. If I
4. I

the lottery, I
the jackpot, I
rich, my life
a lonely island, if I

a chance to hit the

rich .
a nice

S. If I
a lonely island, I
huge house by the beach.
6. I
all my friends if I
house by the beach.
7. I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. my friends up in my yacht if they
'" to spend their holidays on my island.
8. We
great parties
if my friends
to my island.
9. If we
to go shopping in a big city, w
a helicopter.
10. But if my

friends' holidays
very lonely on my lonely island.



Exercise 2
Write the verbs in brackets in their correct forms into the
Example: If I went to the cinema, I (to watch) an interesting

Answer: If I went to the cinema, I would watch an interesting
1. If you (to wait) a minute, I'll come with you.
2. If! went anywhere, it (to be) Australia.
3. We (to watch) TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre
4. Would you go out more often if you (not/to have) to do so
much in the house?
5. Ifhe hadn't missed the train, he (to arrive) here in time.
6. I will miss the school bus if! (not/to get up) early.
7. We could have helped John if we (to know) about his
8. Ifwe (to cycle) to Dresden, it will be a fantastic trip.
Exercise 3
Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the
correct form.
1. If they (have) time at the weekend, they will come to see
2. Ifwe sneak out quietly, nobody (notice).
3. If we (know) about your problem, we would have helped
4. If I (be) you, I would not buy that dress.
5. We (arrive) earlier if we had not missed the bus.
6. If! didn't have a mobile phone, my life (not be) complete.
7. Okay, I (get) the popcorn if you buy the drinks.
8. If I (tell) you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.
9. She (go) out with you if you had only asked her.
10. I would not have read your diary if you (not hide) it in
such an obvious place.


Exercise 4
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbal form:
I. If I go to Leipzig, I
the zoo.
2. If I were a millionaire, I
in Beverly Hills.
3. If we had read the book, we
the fi 1m.
4. I could have arrived in time if I
5. If the teacher explained the grammar once more, I
a good test.
6. My friend would stay longer in Vienna
if he
more time.
7. If it had not rained I
for a walk.
8. IfJim travelled to Scotland again, he
whisky distillery.
Exercise 5
Complete with the correct forms of the verbs:
I. If you arrive early, you (have) to wait.
2. If you arrived early, you (have) to wait.
3. If you had arrived early, you (have) to wait.
4. They (help) you if they can.
5. They (help) you if they could.
6. They (help) you ifthey could have.
7. If you drink too much you (be) sick.
8. Unless you work hard you (not pass) your test.
9. If you stop smoking you (live) longer.
10. Practice hard and your English (improve).
11. We would have gone out if (stop) raining.
12. If! (go) away, I would have written to you.
13. Ifhe (work) harder, he would have succeeded.
14. He not (write) unless he was lonely.
15. She would have come if you (invite) her.
16. Unless the greenhouse effect is mitigated, the seas (rise).
17. If you were older, you (be) wiser.
18. If! had known you weren't coming, I not (bake) a cake.
19. If you run, you (catch) the train.
20. If! were you, I (go) on holiday.


Exercise 6
Complete the sentences with the right verbal form:
1. If I had time, I '"
shopping with you.
2. If you
English, you will get along with them

If they had gone for a walk, they

the lights off.
If she
to see us, we will go to the zoo.
I would have told you, ifl
Would you mind if I
the window?
7. If they
me, I wouldn't have said no.
8. My friend
me at the station if he gets the
afternoon off.
9. If!
it, nobody would do it.
10. If my father
me up, I'll take the bus home.


Exercise 1
Complete the conditional sentences. Remember to use a
modal verb together with verb given in brackets.
1. lfit doesn't rain, we (go) swimming tomorrow.
2. If you train hard, you (win) first prize.
3. Ifwe go to Canada next year, we (improve) our English.
4. I (go) to the disco in the evening if I do the washing-up
5. Ifwe go on holiday next week, I (not play) tennis with you.
6. If you see Gareth tomorrow, you (telJ) him that you love
7. If my parents go shopping in the afternoon, I (look) after
my little sister.
8. He (be) a good drummer ifhep/ays in a band.
9. If you are listening to the radio after J 0 pm, you (turn) the
volume down.
10. If you like that shirt, you (have) it.

Exercise 2
Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I according to
the illformation in brackets.
1. If we (visit -fact) our grandparents, we always (go -fact) to
the restaurant in their street.
2. If my sister (speak - action going on now) on the phone, I
(call- future) you later on.
3. You (go/can) outside if you (do - completed action) your
4. If we (get -future action) the loan, our house (build -future
action/passive voice) this autumn.
5. I always (ask - fact) my mother if I (know/not - fact) what
to do.
Exercise 3

Conditional Sentences Type II

Study the following situations. In every sentence, the 'if
clause expresses a general situation in the present (Type II). Decide,
however, whether
the consequences
refer to the present
(Conditional I) or past (Conditional II).
1. I am trying to reach Sue on the phone now, but I'm afraid
she is not there because ...
If she (be) at the office, she (answer) the phone.
2. A couple of minutes ago, I tried to reach Sue on the phone,
but I'm afraid she is not there because.
If she (be) at the office, she (answer) the phone.
3. I want to ring a friend now, but I don't know his phone
If I (know) his phone number, I (ring) him.
4. A week ago, I wanted to ring a friend, but I don't know his
phone number.
If I (know) his phone number, I (ring) him.
5. A friend tells me what she is planning to do. I don't think
what she is planning is a good idea.
If I (be) you, I (do/not) this.
6. A friend tells me what she did. I don't think what she did
was a good idea.
If I (be) you, I (do/not) this.

7. Somebody tells me that Sarah is on holiday in Italy at the

moment. This cannot be true because I'm seeing her in town
If Sarah (be) in Italy, I (see/not) her in town tonight.
8. Somebody tells me that Sarah is on holiday in Italy at the
moment. This cannot be true because I saw her in town last
If Sarah (be) in Italy, I (see/not) her in town last night.
9. My brother feels like he is getting the flu. I tell him ...
You (get/not) the flu if you (eat) more fruit.
10. A few weeks ago, my brother had the flu. I tell him ...
You (get/not) the flu if you (eat) more fruit.
Exercise 4

Conditional Sentences Type III


Study the following situations. In every sentence, the 'if

clause expresses a situation in the past (Type III). Decide, however,
whether the consequences refer to the present (Conditional I) or past
(Conditional II).
1. It didn't rain yesterday. So I had to water the plants
If it (rain) yesterday, I (water/not) the plants.
2. It didn't rain yesterday. So I am watering the plants now.
If it (rain) yesterday, I (water/not) the plants now.
3. I went to bed late last night. So I am still tired now.
1fT (go) to bed earlier yesterday, I (feel/not) so tired now.
4. I went to bed late last Tuesday. So I was very tired the
following day.
IfI (go) to bed earlier that Tuesday, I (feellnot) that tired the
following day.
5. After a night out, I want to drive home now. I haven't drunk
any alcohol.
1fT (drink) alcohol, I (drive/not).
6. After a night out last weekend, I drove home. I hadn't drunk
any alcohol.
1fT (drink) alcohol, I (drive/not).
7. We won the match last week. So when we came home, we
looked really happy.


We (look/not) that happy if we (win/not) the match.

8. We've just won a match. So we look really happy now.
We (look/not) that happy if we (win/not) the match.
9. My daughter is blamed for having done something. She tells
me now that she didn't do it. I believe her.
She (tell) me if she (do) it.
10. Last year, my daughter was blamed for having done
something. She told me that she hadn't done it. I believed
She (tell) me if she (do) it.
Exercise 5
Conditional Sentences Type I, n, In
Complete the sentences according to the basic rules for
Conditional Sentences.
1. It
silly if we tried to walk there .
2. I .. ,
the film only if the critics are good.
3. She'd have taken me to the station if her car down.
4. If you .,
, he won't help you.
5. If it
,. yesterday, we would have gone sailing.
after their dog again if they go on
holiday this year?
7. Would you mind if!
your mobile?
8. I
, the mail if it had contained a virus.
9. Even if I
a wet-suit, I wouldn't go scuba-diving.
10 , .. , .. ,
that strict if you'd known the truth?
Exercise 6
Complete the following sentences. Note that you might
have to use other tenses (active/passive voice) than required in
the basic rules.
1. If I had more time, I (come) to your party yesterday.
2. Give the book to Jane if you (read) it.
3. If you hadn't lost our flight tickets, we (be) on our way to
the Caribbean now.
4. If you (have) dinner right now, I'll come back later.
5. If we (set) off earlier, we wouldn't be in this traffic jmn
6. What would you do if you (accuse) of murder?
7. If! hadn't eaten that much, 1 (feel/not) HI) Hkk \lOW


8. We would take another route if they (close/not) the road.

9. She only (sing) if she's in a good mood.
10. If she were sensible, she (ask) that question, by which she
offended him so much.

I. Future Tense
Exercise 1 1-d; 2-c; 3-a; 4-f; 5-b; 6-e.
Exercise 2 l-b; 2-d; 3-a; 4-c; 5-f; 6-h; 7-g; 8-e.
Exercise 3 I-d; 2-f; 3-g; 4-b; 5-k; 6-1; 7-j; 8-a; 9-h; lO-i;


e; 12-c.
Exercise 4 l-h; 2-d; 3-f; 4-a; 5-g; 6-b; 7-e; 8-c.
Exercise 5 a) 2; b) 1; c) 2; d) 1; e) 1; f) 2; g) 2; h) 2
Exercise 6 1. First correct; 2. First correct; 3. Second correct;
4. Second correct; 5. Second correct; 6. First correct; 7. First correct;
8. Second correct.
Exercise 7 1.d; 2.f; 3.a; 4.c; 5.b; 6.e.
Exercise 8 a) 2; b) 1; c) 2; d) 1; e) 1; f) 1; g) 2; h) 2
Exercise 9 1. But what are we going to do? (what will we
do); Where are we going to find somewhere else to live? (where will
find); We'll find somewhere; I'll ring the landlord.
2. I'm going shopping with a friend ... she is having a party
that evening ... I'1l ring you later and tell you what I'm going to
do/what I'm doing.
3. I'm going to Exeter tomorrow ... when the 11 o'clock gets
in ... You'll have to change ... It arrives at 1.35 ... when does it
arrive? ... You'll have to change/you have to change twice!
4. I know you are meeting that man tonight ... tonight I am
playing/going to play cards ... by midnight you will be on the night
Exercise 10 1. will be taking off (polite)/will take off
(arrangement); 2. will you be going/will you go (intention); 3. you
will still be working; 4. They will be sailing (planned action)/will sail
(more definite); 5. The President will be meeting (planned
action)/will meet (definite); 6. will you be staying (planned
action)/will you stay (definite); 7. We will be driving (planned

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