EBMgt Guide v1

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Empirical management for

software organizations

By Ken Schwaber
Patricia Kong
David Starr

Over the last 15 years, software development organizations have been
superficially described as value-generators. In fact, the increasingly common
cost-cutting practice of outsourcing development to external organizations
supports an opposite view. To some extent, the adoption of agile has
supported this perception gap.
Organizational agility is often thought of as the practices used by individual teams and the
techniques used to coordinate work across those teams. In some cases, focus is on improving
practices without fully considering why those practices are being used in the first place. For
instance, Scrum Teams monitor success by delivering potentially shippable Increments of work, but
do those Increments contribute to the value of the overall organization?
Without measuring value, the success of any agile initiative is based on nothing more than intuition
and assumption. Scrum.orgs Evidence-Based Management for Software Organizations (EBMgt)
approach measures value as evidence of organizational agility. This approach enables software
organizations to make rational, fact-based decisions, elevating conversations from preferences and
opinions to logic and insight.

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Software Organizations are Struggling to Prove their

Over the past two decades, many organizations have built software through the Scrum framework
and the application of agile principles. Consequently, management efforts in software organizations
often focus directly on the practices used rather than the outcomes produced. Managers in software
organizations often seek to answer questions such as:

While the answers to these questions may be interesting, unfortunately they are irrelevant to
organizational value. Monitoring only the direct use of practices does not provide the best evidence
of their effectiveness. For instance, tracking a Development Team's velocity is irrelevant to a
Product Owner who is responsible for maximizing the value of the product.

Outcomes Provide Evidence of Value and

Ways to Improve
Increasingly, software and business intelligence has driven sustainability and competitive
advantage for most organizations. As a result, decision-makers are looking to IT to improve the use
of data and analytics. Measuring outcomes, such as value, provides a clearer lens through which to
evaluate practices currently in use.
If tweaking a practice improves value, then there is evidence that the change was beneficial to the
organization. This evidence is an opportunity for empirical analysis of investments and initiatives.
The software organization can now plan and execute as other business units, through fact and

2014 Scrum.Org. Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at
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utilizing this Evidence-Based Management Guide you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the
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Consider a potential investor looking for unambiguous evidence of a
software organizations value. Revenue is often suggested, but the expense
of acquisition affects the credibility of revenue. Profit is interesting, but
financial decisions such as deferred expenditures, recent acquisitions, or sale
of assets may affect profit. Strategic measurement of the software
organizations value and agility is missing.

Where to Focus
Organizations should focus on the following Key Value Areas (KVA) categories:
1. Current Value
2. Time-to-Market
3. Ability to Innovate

Current Value
Current Value reveals the organizations actual value in the marketplace. Current Value establishes
the organizations current context, but has no relevance on an organizations ability to sustain value
in the future.

Time-to-Market evaluates the software organizations ability to actually deliver new features,
functions, services, and products. Without actively managing Time-to-Market, the ability to
sustainably deliver value in the future is unknown.

Ability to Innovate
The Ability to Innovate is necessary but often a luxury. Most software is overloaded by nonvaluable features. As low-value features accumulate, more of the organizations budget and time is
consumed maintaining the product, reducing its available capacity to innovate.

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utilizing this Evidence-Based Management Guide you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the Attribution
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Organizations without strength in all three KVAs may have short-term value, but will not be able to
sustain it. The Current Value of any organization must be accompanied by evidence of its ability to
meet market demand with timely delivery (Time-to-Market) while being able to sustain itself over
time (Ability to Innovate.)

What to Measure
Within the KVAs, there are eleven Key Value Measures (KVMs). Each stands on its own and is
unambiguous. Other proposed measures were discarded because they were intermediate measures
or because their interpretation was contextual.

KVA: Current Value



Revenue per Employee

Gross Revenue / #employees

Product Cost Ratio

All expenses in the organization that develops, sustains, provides services,

markets, sells, and administers the product or system.

Employee Satisfaction

Engaged employees that know how to maintain, sustain and enhance the
software systems and products are one of the most significant assets of an

Customer Satisfaction

Sound management, solid software, and creative, fulfilled employees.

KVA: Time to Market



Release Frequency

The time needed to satisfy the customer with new, competitive products.

Release Stabilization

The impact of poor development practices and underlying design and code
base. Stabilization is a drag on competition that grows with time.

Cycle Time

The time (including stabilization) to satisfy a key set of customers or to

respond to a market opportunity competitively.

KVA: Ability to Innovate



Installed Version Index

The difficulty customers face installing a new release .The relatively low
value of new releases, or even the # of customers that are evaluating

Usage Index

Determines a product that is burdensome and difficult to use and excess

software that must be sustained even though it is rarely used.

Innovation Rate

Growth of technical debt caused by poorly designed and developed

software. Budget is progressively consumed keeping the old software alive.


Measures increasingly poor quality software, leading to greater resource and

budget to maintain it and potential loss of customers.

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utilizing this Evidence-Based Management Guide you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the
Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons.

Of course, practitioners may choose to monitor additional measures of value and outcomes.
However, EBMgt prescribes these measures for empirical analysis of an organizations value or
Agility Index.

Agility Index
Scrum.orgs patent-pending Agility Index is a composite number representing the current value
an organization derives from software and its ability to continue deriving value going forward. It is
the Key Indicator (KI) of a single organizations health in overall agility. The Agility Index also
includes standard industry code and organization size, so that it may be compared to similar
Figure 2: The Agility Index is the Key Indicator of overall agility

How to Improve Empirically through EBMgt

The simple act of monitoring KVAs is a great start toward managing with evidence, but not enough
to change the way agility is managed. The EBMgt approach enables organizations to constantly
learn and improve the value derived from software investments. Its iterative, incremental approach
to guided change helps organizations control the risk of disruption, and to compete through their
software capabilities.

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utilizing this Evidence-Based Management Guide you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the Attribution
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Figure 3: To produce genuine and long lasting improvements, establish a learning loop

1. Measure KVMs
The first step in the EBMgt learning loop is to establish initial values for the KVMs that contribute
directly to the Agility Index. This step provides an initial view of organizational value.
In Figure 4, KVMs are displayed in a radar graph that helps visualize relative strengths and
weaknesses. In the example, the organizations ability to bring new features, functions and products
to its customers is strong, but its capacity to innovative is weak.
Figure 4: A baseline understanding of an organization

2. Select KVAs to Improve

With a clear view of current organizational value and an understanding of the measures that reveal
it, managers of software organizations can now make informed decisions about which KVAs would
be most valuable to change.
Care should be exercised in trying to affect too many KVAs within a single learning loop. Small,
incremental changes performed in small learning loops is the most effective way to make
sustainable improvements to an organizations overall agility.

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http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode and also described in summary form at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. By
utilizing this Evidence-Based Management Guide you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the
Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons.

3. Conduct Practice Experiments to Improve Value

After understanding desired KVAs to improve, practitioners select a single or small set of practices
to use in an experiment. For example, a software organization may want to increase quality to
reduce the Defects KVM. A related experiment may be to implement test-first practices in
development teams. Making this change in a time-boxed experiment allows observation on the
impact of these practices on overall organizational value.
While there is practically an endless catalog of practices from which to choose to affect change in
agile development, Scrum.org maintains a list of several hundred generally understood and
accepted practices to assist in improving the KVAs.

4. Evaluate Results
The key to understanding results and impact of an experiment is to monitor the trend of value over
time. Understanding the changes of the KVMs prepares the organization for its next learning loop.
Figure 5: Analyze the results of experiments

Remember that the experiment performed in the learning loop is rarely the only factor affecting
changes in KVMs during the cycle. Additional factors reflected in changed values may include:

Marketplace competition
Internal policy change, such as new HR processes
Release of an update that improves functionality and quality of an existing

Metric values and their affected KVIs change even when the cause is unknown, as is the way of the
market. As these changes are recorded, management can use this data to discuss impact,
consequences, and prepare potential responses. An advantage for organizations that track changes
periodically across time is the opportunity to learn from the patterns that emerge.

2014 Scrum.Org. Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode and also described in summary form at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. By
utilizing this Evidence-Based Management Guide you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the Attribution
Share-Alike license of Creative Commons.

If you are interested in learning more about Scrum.orgs EBMgt framework
and how your software organization can measure, diagnose, and improve
the value delivered, we can help.
Scrum.org has a community specifically trained to help you get the most value from EBMgt through
their expertise and Scrum.org resources.

Visit us at

Email us at

[email protected]

About Scrum.org
Scrum.org is committed to improving the profession of software
development. We specialize in community, education, and thought
leadership for software development professionals.
We provide training, assessments, and credentials for developers, managers, product specialists,
and practitioners. Our guiding principles are based on Scrum. EBMgt encapsulates those principles
to help organizations maximize their value.
Scrum.org is led by Ken Schwaber with offices in Boston, Seattle, Winnipeg, and Antwerp. We have a
worldwide community of 130 skilled and highly effective Scrum experts, coaches, developers, and
consultants that help organizations succeed.

2014 Scrum.Org. Offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode and also described in summary form at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. By
utilizing this Evidence-Based Management Guide you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms of the
Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons.

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