Quarterly Research Newsletter: Issue 5 March 2010

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Dr Esteve Corbera will present a paper: Payments for biodiversity conservation and livelihoods: A Review of the
Evidence at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington April 14-18th. This is a
co-authored paper with Dr Nicole Gross-Camp, Janet Fisher and Dr Adrian Martin.

Dr Esteve Corbera and Dr Oliver Springate Baginski, and colleagues, have issued a call for papers on Governing
and Implementing REDD+. This is for a special section of a leading international journal in environmental
science and policy. Full paper to be submitted by April 30th 2010.

London Water Research Group 5th International Workshop on Hydro-Hegemony. Water Security: Competing
Discourses 8-9th May UEA London. The London Water Research Group is a joint research network between
Kings College London, and the UEA Water Security Research Centre. Contact [email protected] to
register attendance.

Dr Nitya Rao, and Dr Sheila Aikman will be attending the E4 Conference: Engendering Empowerment: Education
and Equality in Dakar on May 17th-20th. they will present a paper on attaining gender equality goals in basic

Workshop on the Representation and Rights of Malagasy Forest People. June 5-6th UEA. Contact postgraduate
research student Barry Ferguson for information.

The Global Environmental Justice Group at UEA are holding a workshop on July 2 nd-3rd 2010 to explore the key
global justice dimensions of natural resource and environmental issues. Hosted by UEA, the workshop will also
honour the lifetime work, on the dynamics of inequality and natural resource use, of Professor Piers Blaikie.
Enquiries to Mr Peter Quinn, [email protected].

DEV post graduate students Mauricio Perez, and Jake Lomax, have been granted an International Development
UEA student project award. Mauricio will work with Dr Thomas Sikor on the effects of smallholder tree
plantations on rural livelihoods in Vietnam, analysing data collected. Jake Lomax will work with Dr Bereket
Kebede to produce an annotated bibliography and electronic database of the public goods games literature for a
conservation research project in Rwanda.
UEA Literacy and Development Group Biennial Report 2008-2009. This report covers activities in 2008-2009,
future events, and publications by members of the group.


Professor Peter Newell, Dr Harriet Bulkeley Governing Climate Change London

Routledge. This book introduces the ways in which climate change is governed by a
range of stakeholders including civil society, market actors, multilateral development
banks, donors, and cities.

Dr Peter Lloyd Sherlock: Population Ageing and International Development: From

Generalisation to Evidence. This book analyses the links between development,
population and older people, challenging widely held misconceptions.


Serneels, Pieter; Bardasi, Elena; Beegle, Kathleen; Dillon, Andrew; Do labour statistics depend on how and to
whom the questions are asked? Results from a survey experiment in Tanzania.
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, January 2010, no. WPS 5192

Daw, T; Pollnac, R; Christie, P; Cinner, J; Dalton, T; Forrester, G; Graham, N; McClanahan, T; Marine reserves
as linked social-ecological systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). February 22nd

Rao, N (ed); Migration, Education and Socio-Economic Mobility. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and
International Education Special Issue 40:2 March 2010. Includes article by Maddox, B: Marginal Returns: re-
thinking mobility and educational benefit in contexts of chronic poverty.

McGuire, S; Sperling, L; Persistent Myths about Emergency Seed Aid. Science Direct
Lankford, B.A. and Hepworth, N. 2010 The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Monocentric and Polycentric River Basin
Management. Water Alternatives 3(1): 82-101

Lankford, B.A. and Pittock, J. 2010 Environmental Water Requirements: Demand Management in an era of
Water Scarcity. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 7(1):1-19

Aikman, S. 2010 Grasping Rare Moments for Change: Children’s participation in Conflict Contexts’ in: Children
as Decision Makers: Sharing Experiences Across Cultures. Cox, S; Robinson-Pant, A; Dyer, C; Schweisfurth, M
(eds). Continuum Books.

Zeitoun, M. Kagerskog, A. (eds) 2009 Getting Transboundary Water Right: Theory and Practice for Effective
Cooperation. Report Nr. 25. SIWI, Stockholm.

Working Papers

Climatic Hazards, Health and Poverty: Exploring the Connections in Vietnam. Roger Few and Pham Gia Tran.
Drawing on qualitative research in the Central Provinces, and Mekong Delta, this paper explores how aspects of
economic livelihood, physical location, education and protective behaviour contribute to social differentiation in
exposure and susceptibility health risks associated with climatic hazards, alongside shaping people’s capability to
avoid adverse health impacts.

Who Wants to Work in a Rural Post? The Role of Intrinsic Motivation, Rural Background and Faith-Based
Institutions in Rwanda and Ethiopia. Pieter Serneels, J G Montalvo, G Pettersson, T Lievens, J D Butera, A
Kidanu. Drawing on data collected from 412 nursing and medical students in Rwanda, this paper examines the
determinants of future health workers’ willingness to work in rural areas.

Intrinsic Motivations and the Non-Profit Health Sector: Evidence from Ethiopia. Dr Pieter Serneels; Dr Daniela
Serra and Dr Abigail Barr. this paper discusses how NGOs in the health sector appear to attract health workers
with philanthropic and pro-social motivations; and that these more motivated health professionals are paid less.
This is published as a UEA Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) Working Paper 10-


Dr Thomas Sikor has successfully secured follow-on funding from the ESRC, in collaboration with the Centre for
People and Forests, Bangkok. The funding for the ‘Property Reforms and Forest Rights in Vietnam’ research
will enable engagement with policy makers, forestry experts, and the public on forest rights issues in Vietnam. It
also strengthens the impact of Thomas Sikor’s long-term research in Vietnam on forest governance and rural
livelihoods, particularly in relation to policy development.


Dr Edward Anderson is working for the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on a ‘Protection of
Fundamental Rights during Economic Crisis’ project. This desk study is reviewing and drawing lessons from
academic and policy literature on economic downturns, human rights, and the role of government policy in
relation to this. Recommendations will be made as to the development and implementation of policies for
protecting fundamental rights.

Dr Roger Few has been contracted to work on an EU project on ‘EU Strategy for Supporting Disaster Risk
Reduction (DRR) in Developing Countries’. Dr Few will support the EU on design of its Implementation Plan for
DRR activities. A key issue is how/if Climate Change Adaptation perspectives are reflected in current and
prospective EU member state DRR practices and activities.

Dr Richard Palmer-Jones worked on an ‘Impact Evaluation and Selection Processes in Micro-Finance’ project
with two Indian partner institutions. Expertise on the value of experimental and behavioural games in evaluation
was provided.

Dr Declan Conway is working on the ‘Harmonising ADaptation and MITigation for Agriculture and Water Project
in China’ (ADMIT). This consultancy will identify water and energy use strategies appropriate to agricultural
policies for adaptation to climate change. It is funded through the International Sustainable Development Fund
(ISDF) of DEFRA, and the China-UK Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAIN). An inception workshop for this
project was held in Beijing in March.
Dr Mark Zeitoun provided expertise on the SIDA funded International Training Programme: ‘Transboundary
Water Management in the MENA Region’.

Dr Oliver Springate-Baginski provided International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) toolkit training for
the Highland Aquatic Resources Conservation and Sustainable Development (HighARCS) project, which
provides situational analysis of highland aquatic resources in China, India and Vietnam.


Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners. This short course will run at the UEA London campus
from 24-28th May 2010, in conjunction with UEA’s Water Security Research Centre, and the London Water
Research Group. Participants who complete the course will be able to critically assess water policy at multiple
levels; have extended their networks and resource base; and have greater confidence for policy design or
implementation. Contact [email protected] for more information, and to apply.

DEV Training Office will be running the following short courses, based at UEA, for development professionals.
Climate Change and Development (September 1st–14th 2010); Gender and Development (12th–23rd July 2010);
Management Information Systems for Monitoring and Evaluation (16th-27thAugust 2010); Monitoring and
Evaluating for Development Activities (19th July-13th August 2010).

Courses on Gender and Internal Organisational Change, and the Professional Development Programme (in
which individuals and small groups can access study programmes tailored to professional needs) can be
organized according to interest and demand. For information on these courses please contact
[email protected].

Dr Emma Gilberthorpe has joined DEV as Lecturer in International Development. Dr
Gilberthorpe is a social anthropologist with research interests in visual media and
development; and links between resource extraction and poverty – particularly with
communities in Papua New Guinea affected by extractive mining / oil industries.

Dr Lucio Esposito is Lecturer in International Development, and joined DEV having

completed his MA and PhD in the School. Lucio has a background in Economics and
Political Science with research interests in Welfare, Development, Philosophical, and
Public Economics. He has regional expertise in Latin America, the Caribbean and
Southern Africa.

For enquiries relating to details in the newsletter please email [email protected] or visit the School of
International Development’s website: http://www.uea.ac.uk/dev

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