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Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (2000) 31:247-256

ISSN 1517-8382

Antibacterial activity of plant extracts


Gislene G. F. Nascimento1*; Juliana Locatelli1; Paulo C. Freitas1,2; Giuliana L. Silva1

Faculdade de Cincias da Sade, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil.

Faculdade de Cincias Farmacuticas, Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, SP, Brasil
Submitted: October 21,1999; Approved: November 14, 2000

The antimicrobial activity of plant extracts and phytochemicals was evaluated with antibiotic susceptible and
resistant microorganisms. In addition, the possible synergistic effects when associated with antibiotics were
studied. Extracts from the following plants were utilized: Achillea millifolium (yarrow), Caryophyllus
aromaticus (clove), Melissa offficinalis (lemon-balm), Ocimun basilucum (basil), Psidium guajava (guava),
Punica granatum (pomegranate), Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary), Salvia officinalis (sage), Syzygyum
joabolanum (jambolan) and Thymus vulgaris (thyme). The phytochemicals benzoic acid, cinnamic acid,
eugenol and farnesol were also utilized. The highest antimicrobial potentials were observed for the extracts
of Caryophyllus aromaticus and Syzygyum joabolanum, which inhibited 64.2 and 57.1% of the tested
microorganisms, respectively, with higher activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria (83.3%). Sage and
yarrow extracts did not present any antimicrobial activity. Association of antibiotics and plant extracts showed
synergistic antibacterial activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The results obtained with Pseudomonas
aeruginosa was particularly interesting, since it was inhibited by clove, jambolan, pomegranate and thyme
extracts. This inhibition was observed with the individual extracts and when they were used in lower
concentrations with ineffective antibiotics.
Key words: plant extracts activity; medicinal plants; antimicrobial activity

Even though pharmacological industries have produced a
number of new antibiotics in the last three decades, resistance
to these drugs by microorganisms has increased. In general,
bacteria have the genetic ability to transmit and acquire
resistance to drugs, which are utilized as therapeutic agents (12).
Such a fact is cause for concern, because of the number of
patients in hospitals who have suppressed immunity, and due to
new bacterial strains, which are multi-resistant. Consequently,
new infections can occur in hospitals resulting in high mortality.
From 1980 to 1990, Montelli and Levy (27) documented a
high incidence of resistant microorganisms in clinical
microbiology in Brazil. This fact has also been verified in other
clinics around all over world.

The problem of microbial resistance is growing and the

outlook for the use of antimicrobial drugs in the future is still
uncertain. Therefore, actions must be taken to reduce this
problem, for example, to control the use of antibiotic, develop
research to better understand the genetic mechanisms of
resistance, and to continue studies to develop new drugs, either
synthetic or natural. The ultimate goal is to offer appropriate
and efficient antimicrobial drugs to the patient.
For a long period of time, plants have been a valuable source
of natural products for maintaining human health, especially in
the last decade, with more intensive studies for natural therapies.
The use of plant compounds for pharmaceutical purposes has
gradually increased in Brazil. According to World Health
Organization (31) medicinal plants would be the best source to
obtain a variety of drugs. About 80% of individuals from

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Faculdade de Cincias da Sade, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, Caixa Postal 68, CEP 13400-911,
Piracicaba, SP. Fax: (+5519) 433-2909. E-mail: [email protected]


G.G.F. Nascimento et al.

developed countries use traditional medicine, which has

compounds derived from medicinal plants. Therefore, such
plants should be investigated to better understand their
properties, safety and efficiency (14).
The use of plant extracts and phytochemicals, both with
known antimicrobial properties, can be of great significance in
therapeutic treatments. In the last few years, a number of studies
have been conducted in different countries to prove such
efficiency (1,5,18,19,22,35,36). Many plants have been used
because of their antimicrobial traits, which are due to
compounds synthesized in the secondary metabolism of the
plant. These products are known by their active substances, for
example, the phenolic compounds which are part of the essential
oils (20), as well as in tannin (33).
The antimicrobial properties of plants have been investigated
by a number of researchers world wide, especially in Latin
America. In Argentina, a research tested 122 known plant
species used for therapeutic treatments (4). It was documented
that among the compounds extracted from these plants, twelve
inhibited the growth of Staphylococus aureus, ten inhibited
Escherichia coli, and four inhibited Aspergillus niger and also
reported that the most potent compound was one extracted from
Tabebuia impetiginosa. The antimicrobial properties of
compounds obtained from Parthenum argentatum against
Candida albicans, Torulopsis, Hansemula, Klebsiella
pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was detected
(24,25). Work done was observed that the substances extracted
from nine known plants in Uruguai did not show any activity
against C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but inhibited
the growth of Bacillus subtilis, E. coli and P. aeruginosa (3).
Many studies have been conducted in Brazil. The inhibitory
activity of Vatairea macrocarpa on Klebsiella spp. and S.
aureus was observed (26) and the inhibitory activity of extracts
from Eucaliptus spp. against soil fungi (9). A more detailed
study on antimicrobial compounds was done evaluating extracts
from 120 plant species from 28 different families (32). It was
documented that 81 extracts obtanained from 58 plants were
active against S. aureus, and five extracts from four other plants
inhibited the growth of P. aeruginosa. Another study (23)
detected the antibacterial and antifungal (C. albicans) activity
of essential oils obtained from Croton triangularis leaves.
Extracts from Lippia gracilis and Xylopia sericea showed
antifungal activity. The investigation of antimicrobial activity
as well as cell toxicity of extracts from 30 plant species against
five bacteria species and two fungi species was studied (29). It
was concluded that ethanol extracts from 70 % of the plants
were toxic to cell and only one of the species of Combretum
duarteanum showed antimicrobial activity. The toxicity of
extracts from Arthemus sativa, which is known to have
antimicrobial activity, was also studied (10). The antimicrobial
activity from Mikania triangularis, known as thin leaf guaco,
was tested against five genera of bacteria and three genera of


yeast, and showed it had activity against Bacillus cereus, E. coli,

P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and S. epidermidis (13).
Effects of phytochemical were conducted (19, 20) and it
was observed the antimicrobial activity of anacardic acid on S.
aureus, Brevibacterium ammoniagenes, Streptococcus
mutans and Propionibacterium acnes. Later, it was tested the
bactericidal activity of anacardic acid and totarol on methicillin
resistant strains of S. aureus (MRSA) and the synergistic effect
of these compounds associated with methicillin (28).
Hence, more studies pertaining to the use of plants as
therapeutic agents should be emphasized, especially those
related to the control of antibiotic resistant microbes. The
objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of plant
extracts and phytochemicals on standard microorganism strains
as well as multi-drug resistant bacteria, which were isolated
from hospitals. Moreover, we investigated the synergistic
effects of extracts with antimicrobial activity in association
with antibiotics against drugs resistant bacteria.
Microbial samples
Fourteen microbial species were analyzed. The bacteria
(numbered from 1 to 3) were taken from international
collections and are sensitive to the antibiotics listed below. The
yeast sample (number 5) and the bacteria (numbers 4 to 14)
were isolated from local hospitals for previous studies. 1Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538; 2- Salmonella
choleraesuis ATCC 10708; 3- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
ATCC 15442; 4- Bacillus subtilis; 5- Candida albicans; 6Proteus spp.; 7- Klebsiella pneumoniae - resistant to AP; 8K. pneumoniae - resistant to AM, AN, AP, CF, CFO, CFR, CO,
CR, CTX, NET, NOR, PP, TB and TT; 9- Shigella spp. - resistant
to AP, CR, CF, CFO, CRO; 10-Proteus spp. - resistant to AN,
PP, SFT, TB, TT; 11-Pseudomonas aeruginosa - resistant to
NET, NOR, PP, SFT, TB, TT; 12- Enterobacter aerogenes resistant to AN, AM, AP, CF, CFO, CO, CR, CRO, CTX, GN,
KN, NET, NOR, PP, SFT, TB, TT; 13- Escherichia coli - resistant
to AM, AP, CF, CFR, CO, CR, GN, NET, PP, SFT, TB, TT; 14Staphylococcus aureus - resistant to AM, CF, CFO, CFR, CO,
[AM - Amikacin; AP - Ampicillin; CF - Cephalothin CFR Cefpirome CR - Carbenicillin; CFO - Cefoxitin, CO Chloramphenicol; CRO - Ceftraxone, CTX - Cefotaxime; EI Erytromycin, GN - Gentamicin; KN - Kanamycin; LN Lincomycin, MET - Methicillin; NA - Nalidixic Acid, NET Netilmicin, NOR - Norfloxacin, NT - Nitrofurantoin, PN Penicillin, PP - Piperacillin; RF - Rifampicin, SF - Sulfonamide,
SFT - Sulfamethoxazole, TB - Tobramycin, TT - Tetracycline;
VC - Vancomycin ].

Antibacterial activity of plant extracts

Culture media, antibiotics and phytochemical solutions

Brain Heart Infusion (as liquid and solid media) and MuellerHinton agar were used. The following antibiotic solutions were
prepared prior incorporation into the liquid medium:
Chloramphenicol (Carlo Erba) (500 g/mL); Ampicillin
(Honorterpica) (500 g/mL), and Tetracycline (Bristol) (500
g/mL). The phytochemical solutions used were: Benzoic Acid
(Sigma) dissolved in water, Cinnamic Acid (Fluka), Eugenol
(Sigma), and Farnesol (Dragoco) dissolved in ethanol at 10%

constituents: essential oils (eugenol); taninns and flavonoids

Pomegranate (Punica granatum L., Punicaceae) [pericarp]. Chemical constituents: ellagitannins and
alkaloids. (36).
Jambolan (Syzygium cumini, Skeels, Myrtaceae) - [leaf].
Chemical constituents: flavonoids and tannins (7).
Guava (Psidium guajava L., Myrtaceae) - [leaf]. Chemical
constituents: comarins, essencial oils, flavonoids,
triterpenes and ellagitannins. (16).

Plant extracts
The methodologies of Harbone (17) and Wagner et al. (37)
were used to process the ethanolic extracts (1:1) from the ten
plants of interest. Seven of them (basil, clove, lemon balm,
rosemary, sage, thyme and yarrow) had essential oils as the main
active ingredient, while the other three (guava, jambolan and
pomegranate) had high contents of tannin. With the exception
of clove, all of the plants with essential oils were cultivated
from seeds in the Greenhouse of Medicinal Plants at the
Methodist University of Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The seeds were
acquired at Semex, SP, Brazil. Clove was obtained from
medicinal plants market of So Paulo city. The selected plants
with tannins were obtained in the Horticulture Department at
the University of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz/USP,
Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
The following lists the plant of interest, plant parts used for
extractions, and compounds obtained.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L., Lamiaceae) - [stripped and
dried leaves and flowers]. Chemical constituents: essential
oils (mainly thymol and carvacrol), flavonoids, tannins and
triterpenes (8).
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lamiaceae) - [leaf].
Chemical constituents: flavonoids, phenolic acids (caffeic,
chorogenic and rosmarinic) and essencial oils (camphor and
cineole) and diterpenes (carnosol) (30)
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L., Lamiaceae) - [leaf].
Chemical constituents: essencial oils (containing citral and
citronellal monoterpenes), flavonoids and rosmarinic,
caffeic and chlorogenic acids (8).
Sage (Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae) - [leaf]. Chemical
constituents: rosmarinic, caffeic, chlorogenic acids;
carnosol, flavonoids, essential oils (mainly thuyone and
cineole). (30).
Basil (Ocimum basilicum L., Lamiaceae) - [leaf]. Chemical
constituents: essential oils (linalol, estragol and eugenol);
tannins and flavonoids (8).
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.,Asteraceae) - [flowerheads]. Chemical constituents: flavonoids, tannins,
comarins, proazulene. (8,11).
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry =
Caryophyllus aromaticus L.) - [dried buds]. Chemical

Screening for the antimicrobial potential of the plant

extracts and phytochemicals (6)
The bacteria cultures were grown in Brain Heart Infusion
liquid medium at 37 C. After 6 h of growth, each microorganism,
at a concentration of 106 cells/mL, was inoculated on the surface
of Mueller-Hinton agar plates. Subsequently, filter paper discs
(6 mm in diameter) saturated either with extract or phytochemicals
(50 L) were placed on surface of each inoculated plate. To
evaluate the efficiency of the methodology, each extract was
inserted simultaneously in a hole made (50 L) in new plates.
The plates were incubated at 37 C for 24 h. After this period,
it was possible to observe inhibition zone. Overall, cultured
bacteria with halos equal to or greater than 7 mm were
considered susceptible to either the tested extract or
phytochemical. DMSO and Tween 80 to 2% were used to
dissolve the extracts in the culture media when necessary. The
controls were the solvents used for each extract and the
phytochemicals and they showed no inhibitions in preliminary
The extracts and the phytochemicals that showed
antimicrobial activity were later tested to determine the Minimal
Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for each bacterial sample.
Seven bacterial samples [P. aeruginosa (11), K. pnemoniae
(7, 8), Shigella (9), Proteus (10), S. aureus (14) and E.
aerogenes (12)] were grown in nutrient broth for 6 h. After,
100 L of 106 cells/mL was inoculated in tubes with nutrient
broth supplemented with different concentrations (10 - 500
L) of the extracts and phytochemicals, respectively. Afterwards
24 h at 37 C, the MIC of each sample was determined by
measuring the optical density in the spectrophotometer (620
nm), comparing the sample readout with the was non inoculated
nutrient broth.
Evaluation of the synergistic effect of antibiotics and plant
extracts or phytochemicals on resistant bacterial samples
This evaluation was done according to Muroi and Kubo (28).
Aliquots of 100 L of resistant bacterial cultures (10 6 cells/
mL) grown in 10 mL of nutrient broth for 6 h were inoculated
in nutrient broth supplemented with the respective antibiotics
(50 g/mL) with different concentrations of plant extracts. The
concentration for plant extracts/phytochemicals ranged from


G.G.F. Nascimento et al.

10 to 500 g/mL, based on MIC values, that had previously been

evaluated. Only ampicillin and/or chloramphenicol and/or
tetracycline were used at the sub-inhibitory concentration (50
g/mL). The growth conditions were the same as previously
mentioned. After 48 h, the optical density of each sample was
documented and compared to those of MIC to verify any
synergistic effect among the tested compounds.


Evaluation of the antimicrobial potential of plant extracts
and phytochemicals
The data pertaining to the antimicrobial potential of the plant
extracts and phytochemicals are presented in Tables 1 and 2,
and Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.

Table 1. Antimicrobial activity caused by plant extracts (hydro-alcoholic fraction) through agar diffusion method.










lemonbalm pomegranate








(+) susceptibility (inhibition zone 7 mm)

(- ) absence of susceptibility
(1) Staphylococcus aureus, (2) Salmonella choleraesuis, (3) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, (4) Bacillus subtilis, (5) Candida albicans,
(6) Proteus spp, (7) Klebsiella pneumoniae, (8) K. pneumoniae, (9) Shigella spp, (10) Proteus spp, (11) P. aeruginosa, (12)
Enterobacter aerogenes, (13) Escherichia coli, (14) S. aureus.
Table 2. Antimicrobial activity caused by phytochemicals through agar diffusion method.



benzoic acid

cinnamic acid





(+) susceptibility (inhibition zone 7 mm)

(- ) absence of susceptibility


Antibacterial activity of plant extracts

susceptible microorganisms

resistant microorganisms



% microorganisms


















plant extracts

Figure 1 - Antimicrobial activity from plant extracts against susceptible (6) and resistant (8) antibiotic microorganisms

susceptible microorganisms

resistant microorganisms



% microorganisms










benzoic acid

cinnamic acid


Figure 2 - Antimicrobial activity from phytochemicals against susceptible (6) and resistant (8) antibiotic microorganisms


G.G.F. Nascimento et al.

The extracts from basil, clove, guava, jambolan, lemon balm,

pomegranate, rosemary and thyme presented antimicrobial
activity to at least one of the tested microorganisms. The extracts
from clove and jambolan presented the highest activities, i. e.,
they were able to inhibit 9 (64.2 %) and 8 (57.1 %) types of
microorganisms of interest, respectively. Moreover, they also
had the highest activity rate against antibiotic resistant bacteria,
which was 83.3 % (Fig, 1). On the other hand, the extracts from
sage and yarrow did not show any anti-microbial activity.
One of the microorganism that showed susceptibility to these
extracts was C. albicans. The susceptibility of this yeast to
different plant extracts has been documented in the literature
Some of the extracts of phytochemicals tested were active
against B. subtilis. Such results were not totally unexpected
since these bacteria form resting spores and are more resistant
to environmental conditions than any other tested bacteria.
The microorganism E.coli, which is already known to be
multi-resistant to drugs, was also resistant to the plant extracts
tested. It was susceptible only to benzoic acid and cinnamic
acid. On the other hand, P. aeruginosa (11), which is also
resistant to different antibiotics, had its growth inhibited by the
extracts from clove, jambolan, pomegranate and thyme. Such
results are very interesting, because this bacterium was isolated
from a hospital environment and its control is very difficult by
therapeutic means. Studies regarding the mode of action for
these compounds in the bacterial cell should be done.
The microorganism susceptibility to different extracts did
not correlated with the susceptibility or resistance to a particular
antibiotic within the same specie. It was clear that bacteria within
the same specie, which are susceptible to drugs, showed the
higher susceptibility to extracts than those of resistant species.
This fact was evident for S. aureus numbers 1 and 14.
Among the phytochemicals, the eugenol, which is extracted
from cloves, showed the highest antimicrobial activity. However,
when it was associated with cinnamic acid, no activity against
resistant bacteria was observed. On the other hand, the benzoic

acid, which presented low activity against the investigated

bacteria, was the only one that inhibited the resistant ones, while
farnesol did not restrain the growth of any tested bacteria.
The data obtained, through the determination of MIC, from
the association of antibiotics with extracts or with phytochemicals
to observe any synergistic effect are presented in Table 3 and
Fig. 3. The results revealed variability in the inhibitory
concentrations of each extract for given bacteria. The extracts
from jambolan and clove showed activities in the range
(concentrations) from 50 to 500 g/mL, and from 20 to 250
g/mL, respectively. The lowest variation was observed for
eugenol, perhaps due to its purity. Saxena et al. (33)
documented a MIC varying from 12.5 to 1,000 g/mL when
testing different concentrations of Rhus glaba extracts on
both, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.
Evaluation of the synergistic effect of antibiotics and plant
extracts or phytochemicals on the resistant bacteria
Even though the MIC for seven bacterial samples were
determined, only five of them were considered for the
synergism experiments (Table 4). This was due to the loss of
the resistance for a few antibiotics observed in S. aureus (14)
and Shigella spp (9) bacteria, probably because of the loss of
plasmids, where the resistance genes are usually located.
Since the majority of bacteria were resistant to many
antibiotics, only ampicillin and/or chloramphenicol and/or
tetracycline were used in the synergism assays. This was
because the resistance to at least one of these drugs was
common in all the bacteria tested.
A synergistic effect was observed for P. aeruginosa (11),
which is resistant to 19 different antibiotics. This occurred
during the association of antibiotics with extracts from clove,
jambolan, pomegranate and thyme. The extracts alone from
jambolan and thyme in the concentration of 50 g/mL inhibited
the bacterial growth. However, a synergetic effect was observed
when 10 g/mL was combined with each one of the antibiotic

Table 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of plant extracts and phytochemicals against antibiotic resistant bacteria.
P. aeruginosa (11)
K. pneumoniae (7)
K. pneumoniae (8)
Shigella spp (9)
Proteus spp (10)
S. aureus (14)
E. aerogenes (12)






Plant extracts/phytochemicals (mg/mL)






Antibacterial activity of plant extracts

Figure 3 - Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of plant extracts/phytochemicals against antibiotic resistant bacteria

tested, even those that did not show any activity by themselves.
In the case of pomegranate and clove, the synergetic effect was
noted with the extracts in the concentration of 50 and 10 g/
mL, respectively. Moreover, this effect was also observed for
K. pneumoniae (8) when 20 g/mL of clove extract was
combined to ampicillin. Furthermore, the growth of Proteus
spp.(10) was inhibited when either clove extract (10 g/mL) or
eugenol (5 g/mL) was combined to tetracycline. Synergistic
effects resulting from the combination of antibiotics with
extracts were documented in the literature (28). They studied
the association of anacardic acid and totarol with methicillin
to inhibit strains of S. aureus resistant to methicillin (MRSA).
No synergetic effect was observed when different
concentrations of extracts from lemon balm, clove and eugenol
were combined with ampicillin to inhibit the growth of K.
pneumoniae (7) and E. aerogenes (12). Only the association
of thyme (20 g/mL) with ampicillin was able to cause such an
The use of plants to heal diseases, including infectious one,
has been extensively applied by people. Data from the literature
as well as our results reveal the great potential of plants for
therapeutic treatment, in spite of the fact that they have not
been completely investigated. Therefore, more studies need to

be conducted to search for new compounds. Once extracted,

and before being used in new therapeutic treatments, they should
have their toxicity tested in vivo. Bioassays (10, 29) have
demonstrated the toxicity of extracts from different plants.
Therefore, our results revealed the importance of plant
extracts when associated with antibiotics, to control resistant
bacteria, which are becoming a threat to human health.
Furthermore, in a few cases, these plant extracts were active
against antibiotic resistant bacteria under very low concentration,
thus minimizing the possible toxic effects.
Our data express:
1. Plant extracts have great potential as antimicrobial
compounds against microorganisms. Thus, they can be used
in the treatment of infectious diseases caused by resistant
2. The synergistic effect from the association of antibiotic
with plant extracts against resistant bacteria leads to new
choices for the treatment of infectious diseases. This effect
enables the use of the respective antibiotic when it is no
longer effective by itself during therapeutic treatment.


G.G.F. Nascimento et al.

Table 4. Effect of the association of plant extracts/phytochemicals and antibiotics on resistant bacteria. (The concentration of the
antibiotics was 50mg/mL).


P. aeruginosa (11)

K. pneumoniae (7)

K. pneumoniae (8)

Proteus (10)

E. aerogenes (12)

J + TT
J + AP
J + CO
T + TT
T + AP
T + CO
P + TT
P + AP
P + CO
C + TT
C + AP
C + CO

C + TT
C + AP
C + CO
E + TT
E + AP
E + CO
J + TT
J + AP
T + TT
T + AP




L + AP
C + AP
E + AP
C + AP
E + AP














J - jambolan, T - thyme; P - pomegranate, C - clove, L - lemon-balm, E - eugenol,

TT - tetracycline, AP - ampicillin, CO - cloranfenicol.
(+) susceptibility (-) absence of susceptibility




Extracts /phytochemicals (mg/mL)

150 200


Antibacterial activity of plant extracts



This study was supported by FAP/UNIMEP and CNPq.


Atividade de extratos vegetais e
fitofrmacos sobre bactrias resistentes a


Foi avaliada a atividade antimicrobiana de extratos vegetais

e fitofrmacos frente a microrganismos sensveis e resistentes
a antibiticos, bem como observado o possvel efeito sinrgico
da associao entre antibiticos e extratos vegetais. Foram
utilizados os extratos de plantas cujo nomes populares so:
tomilho, alecrim, cravo-da-ndia, jambolo, erva cidreira, rom,
goiaba, slvia, manjerico e mil-folhas, e ainda os fitofrmacos,
cido benzico, cido cinmico, eugenol e farnesol. Na avaliao
da atividade antimicrobiana atravs do mtodo de difuso em
agar, foram utilizadas 14 amostras de microrganismos: 1 levedura
(Candida albicans), 5 bactrias sensveis (Staphylococcus
aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Bacillus subtilis, Proteus spp ) e 8 bactrias resistentes a
antibiticos isoladas de ambiente hospitalar (2 amostras
diferentes de Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella spp, Proteus
spp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes,
Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus. A determinao do
CIM e sinergismo foram realizados pela incorporao dos
extratos e antibiticos aos meios de culturas liquidos. O maior
potencial antimicrobiano foi verificado para os extratos de cravo
e jambolo que inibiram, respectivamente, 64,2 e 57,1% dos
microrganismos, inclusive com maior atividade sobre os
microrganismos resistentes a antibiticos (83,3%). Associao
de antibiticos e extratos vegetais ou fitofrmacos, sobre
bactrias resistentes a antibiticos, mostrou que em alguns
casos ocorreu sinergismo, possibilitando que antibiticos j
ineficazes apresentassem ao sobre estas bactrias. Os dados
obtidos no presente trabalho permitem concluir que estudos
mais detalhados sobre o uso teraputico das plantas devem ser
intensificados, principalmente sobre bactrias resistentes a
antibiticos, seja na sua ao individual ou em menores
concentraes associados com antibiticos.


Palavras-chave: atividade de extratos de plantas; plantas

medicinais; atividade antimicrobiana





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