Strategic Depth in Syria - From The Beginning To Russian Intervention

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December 2015



Hseyin Baci

About the author:

Hseyin Baci
Prof.Dr, Chairman, Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey


The article was prepared before the SU-24 incident that sharpened the bilateral relations
between Russia and Turkey. Still, its intention of the author to publish it with a hope to contribute
to restore a constructive dialogue between two countries.
In 2002, AKP government came to power, multidimensional and active foreign policy
has been their vision. AKP government took politically and economically unstable country
thats why first years of AKP period, TFP was not active as they assumed. Ahmet Davutolu
can be considered as an architect of new Turkish foreign policy under AKP period. Until
he became MFA he worked as an advisor of Prime Minister Erdoan, then Davutolu
was appointed to Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2009.1 He is academician who worked in
different universities in both Turkey and foreign countries. His book Strategic Depth can
be considered as a summary of vision of new Turkish foreign policy. Most of scholars claim
that Ahmet Davutolu and his political paradigms would have been completely new and
fresh area in Turkish foreign policy. On the other hand, through the years, Turkish foreign
policy has been criticized with shifting or unreal policies. Criticism towards Turkey about
axis shifting from West to East have been used as pressure on Turkey(Bac and Erdoan,
2010). When Arab Spring was started and especially after Syrian crisis, criticism majored
on Turkish foreign policy because of shifting paradigm. So, through this paper, there will
be short summary of Strategic Depth and then unique characteristics of Syrian civil war,
Turkish foreign policy in Syria before and after the Arab Spring, emergence of new actors
and Russian intervention and its implications.

From Theory to Practice of Strategic Depth

As Davutolu mentioned in the introduction part of book, Turkish Foreign policy and
power parameters need to be revisited. For him, there are some tools which are must for Turkey
to use to achieve Turkeys real power capability in dynamic international system. Firstly, as
a third type of societies, Turkey should understand and transform dynamic interpretation of
her power parameters. In other words, in order to have transition of Turkey from chaos to
cosmos can be only provided by her dynamic parameters. Secondly, depends on the dynamic
interpretation, Turkey should have multidimensional foreign policy. Turkeys constant and
potential parameters can turn into kinetic and dynamic parameters by only multidimensional
foreign policy formulation.
Ahmet Davutolu continues that two methods can be only understood and realized by
historical assets and geographical depth in geography of Turkey because history and geography
make Turkey unique. The analysis of an international relations sphere without penetrating its
historical depth is similar to a psychological analysis ignoring the persons memory records

Currently the Leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Prime Minister of Turkey Ed. note

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(Davutolu 2001). In his book, Davutolu defined Turkey as neither history maker nor outcome
of existing system. Turkey is unique country as an outcome of Ottoman Empire. As an inheritor
of Ottoman Empire, Turkey was the monoreligious country with multiethnic population. While
religious leadership and imperialism replaced by nationality based transformation when Turkey
was founded. These domestic changings reflected as a Westernization in foreign policy. Not
only Turkeys domestic sphere but also global scale events such as soviet aggression and cold
war made Turkey a part of the Western block. In other words, Davutolu claim that in his book,
Turkey had to leave its influential zones which inherited from Ottoman Empire. He call this
situation of Turkey break off from historical continuity and he further that this break off
caused instabilities in domestic policy of Turkey.(2001). Although Turkey had this unnatural
transformation, he notes that on the historical assets of Ottoman Empire can still potential
assets for Turkey.
Geographical depth of Turkey is second vital element of new Turkish Foreign
Policy in dynamic international relations. According to Davutolu, geography is stable
power parameter when it combines with politics which is potential power parameter,
they both compose geopolitics. Geopolitics as a term and a body of knowledge was
introduced to Turkey for the first time during World War II in a series of articles published
in the newspapers (Bilgin 2007). Thats why geopolitics as a potential power assessment
cannot deal with static behavior choice. Davutolu links Turkeys historical assets with
her geographical depth, Turkey lies at the crossroads of many geopolitical dynamic areas
from her historical inheritance. In other words, Turkeys geopolitical depth based on her
identity which basicly Turkish, Ottoman and Islam (Bilgi and Bilgin 2011). In light of
these, Davutolu explain three major regional areas of influence which are 1) near land
basin, the Balkans, the Middle East and the Caucasus; 2) near maritime basin, the Black
Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf and the Caspian; 3) and near continental
basin, Europe, the Northern Africa, the Southern Asia, the Middle and Eastern Asia (2001).
In the near land basin, the Balkans, the Middle East and the Caucasus, Turkey ought to
increase its cultural, economic and political power by transitivity and interdependency
in these regions. Thats why regional cooperation and cultural integration are necessary
to strengthen Turkeys power in the near land basin. Davutolu suggests that Turkeys
influence power in the near land basin is guarantee of politics in near maritime basin and
near continental basin.
Within this theoretical and practical framework of Strategic Depth, Davutolu conclude
that Turkey with her unique history and geographic position, it requires comprehensive and
complex foreign policy (Bac and Sinkaya 2006). Also, he furthers that new Turkish foreign
policy should meet requirements of time and place dimensions. As Davutolu suggests that
Turkey needs to establish a widespread network of interrelations, which include maximum
diversity with sufficient co-operational depth and harmony (2001). In other words, Turkey
should have highly complex and effective foreign policy making to transform and manage
chaos to cosmos. Syrian crisis in Arab Spring would be the first and toughest test for

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Syrian Crisis The Most Chaotic Case of Arab Spring

Just three years ago since Arab Spring started with Muhammed Bauzazi burned himself
named ordinary uprising in Tunisia however it was more than that. It was only kind of trigger of
upcoming events (Akaln and Blcek 2014). Arab Spring was result of demand for democracy,
human rights and economic justice. As same as other Arab Spring countries, Syria has been
ruled by Assad family for a long time. From Hafz Assad, Syrian people lived under oppressive
regime. Although there are many similarities between Syria and other Arab Spring countries,
uprisings in Syria surprised. There are three important reasons why Syrian peoples uprising can
be considered as surprise. Firstly, actually no one really expected to Bashar Al Assad as president
after his father however when his older brother was death in car accident, Bashar Al Assad
was called from Damascus. The new era of Bashar Al Assad expected to be Damascus Spring
because he has been known as reformer in his country(Gelvin 2013). Secondly, in the beginning
of Arab Spring in Tunisia, even Bashar Al Assad did not expect uprisings would spill over to his
country because young population which has been the backbone of uprisings did not become
popular in Syria in first times(Gelvin 2013). Thirdly, after Hama Massacre as a regime reaction
to uprisings in 1982, no one really expected any rebellion movement. So, unpredictability is also
part of chaotic nature of Syrian crisis. Also, the analyzing of Syrian crisis with chaos theory will
highlight Davutolus categorization of countries in the Strategic Depth, which imply Turkey
should be the center state who can transform chaos to cosmos.
In Syrian case, two important features of Syria should be prioritized. There have been
different and independent elements in the system. Although imprisonment of group of children
triggered to civil war, there are numerous and effective interests groups which can be categorized
religiously, ethnically and politically. Basicly, Syria is kind of heterogeneous country in terms of
religious. Despite Assad family and elites which are %11 of population belong to Alawites, %75
of Syrian people are Sunni and also there are Christianity minorities too. Also, ethnically Syria
has been the homeland of Kurds, Turks, ethnic Armenians, Arabs and Circassians. So, ethnic
and religious breakdowns are just one part of Syrias complexity (Fisher 2013). This diversity
of ethnic and minority groups in Syria turned a nightmare because not only local groups but
also some other regional and foreign interest groups intervened conflicts in Syria. Also, this
ethnic and religious diversity composed political groups. In Northeast Syria, there is de facto
Kurdish Autonomy which also gained power after Syrian army retreat from this area. Free
Syrian Army is the forces group which emerged from the street protests and former Syrian army
members, there are also some fractions within the itself. Interestingly, majority of Free Syrian
Army composed from Sunni population of Syria. Jabhat Al Nusra is a radical Islamic force that
has pledged allegiance to al Qaeda, composed from militant Muslims from around the world
they also received money and weapons from supporters, and become the rebels most effective
fighting force. They aim to impose Sharia law in areas they occupied.
There are also two different political opposition bodies in Syrian case which are Syrian
National Council and National Coordination Council. Syrian National Council is based in
Istanbul, they emerged as the main political opposition to Assad and searching for international
recognition as the legitimate representative of the uprising, despite rifts with other Syrian
factions. On the contrary, National Coordination Council is kind of opposition of Syrian
National Council. There are main differences between SNC and NCC. Members of the National
Coordination Body are committed to three principles: No to foreign military intervention,
No to religious and sectarian instigation, and No to violence and the militarization of the

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revolution(Carnegie, 2012). Diversity of opposition groups make nature of Syrian civil war
more chaotic, these groups have different independent interests while they had same and
interdependent interests.
Secondly, like in the starting point of Arab Spring which was burned himself of Muhammed
Bauzazi. Damascus demonstration did not make so much noise too in the beginning. However
a few days later a group of children aged between 10-15 were prisoned because of they wrote
Down with the nizam on the wall which used in Egypt revolution. Their families tried to take
their children and took out people to streets, during protests opening a fire caused to casualties.
As expected but also unexpected by government, the next day funerals became the scene of
20,000 protesters. Next days, protests were started in city of Bania and it spread almost all cities
of Syria. So, children in a small city of Daraa were never expected to be reason of a huge civil
war. Thus, Syrians multilayered social and political structure is the main reason behind how
small protests in Syria turned into chaos. In such a diverse and complex social strata, a sparkle
from the Daraa would be enough to fire whole country. The importance of Syria for Turkey is
unquestioned thats why Turkish foreign policy would have been influential in Syrian crisis.
Next part will be about Turkish foreign policy in Syria since AKP government came to power
until today.

Turkeys Foreign Policy in Arab Spring

Although Turkeys foreign policy has been both criticized and praised, it is also important
to understand how Turkish foreign policy changed in Middle East after Davutolu until Arab
Spring. It was direct implications of Davutolus Strategic Depth book and its framework It
would be a pivotal state with global significance. Turkey would become not only Europe and
North Americas bridge to the Middle East, but also the worlds civilizational conduit to the
Muslim East(Waldman 2011). Turkey started to pursuit more proactive foreign policy in the
region. Turkey became popular within Arab countries, regionally and internationally. Turkey
has signed numerous political initiatives and cultural agreements with its Arab neighbors, has
enhanced its role in the Organization of Islamic Conference and has joined the Arab League
as an observer(Ennis and Momani 2013). Turkeys proactivity can be considered result of
Davutolu and his assumptions. Especially, Turkey had had good relationship with Syria as one
of the longest border country of Turkey. Both countries initiated cooperations and agreements
in almost all level of cooperation. Military-Education Cooperation treaty was signed in June
2002. Also, they signed bilateral Free Trade Agreement together. Also, Turkey and Syria had
agreement to build common dam on Asi River issue which was totally problematic for a long
time. In conclusion there have been agreements upon the developments of banking service,
tourism, highways, energy, transportation, custom trade and construction field(zer 2007).
Even the year of 2011 two countries during the last meeting, in the Northem Syrian city of
Aleppo, the two countries leaders were inaugurating the friendship dam, straddling the

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Syria-Turkey border, to be built jointly(Ayman 2013). Even both countries decided to organise
common council of ministers.
When Arab Spring started in Tunisia and spill over in other countries of the region urkish
government rhetorically supported anti-regime groups but practically designed different
policies to different regimes. During this time, Turkey showed different attitudes towards each
regime according to her interests (Ennis and Momani 2013). According to the West, thanks to
successful Turkeys economic and political performance in last ten year make her as a model
country to Arab countries. We can say that Arab Spring enhanced Turkeys role model in the
beginning. The Arab Spring in particular has vaulted Turkey into a key regional role(Paul and
Seyrek, 2011). AKP government and its moderate Islam model became much more desirable
for people in those countries who demand more freedom and human right. Until Tunisian
protests spread to Syria who has the longest border with Turkey. The all situation changed for
Turkey. The case of Syria is perhaps the most difficult one for Turkey, given the considerable
investment of the AKP government in building good relations with Bashar al-Assad over the
past decade(Dalacaura 2012).
Historical and political ties of Turkey with Syria make unique and different for Turkey.
According to Prof. Bac, Turkey had three main national interests in Syria 1)to prevent of
establishing any Kurdish government in Northern Syria 2)to control radical Islamists group in
Syria 3)to have a new government in Syria which can be controlled by Turkey.(http://aybekgazete.
com/yazarlar/prof-dr-huseyin-bagci/suriyeye-mudahale-kararinda-akil-mi-vicdanmi-dahaagir-basiyor/61/). So, Turkeys attitude mainly shaped by this three national interest in Syria.
The Turkish government wanted to prevent an environment that would lead to the dissolution
of the Syrian state that would trigger ethnic and sectarian conflict and its spillover effects to
Turkey(Ayman 2013). It can be considered the main reason why Turkey has been vigilant in
case of Syria. So, from the beginning until now, within two years, Turkish foreign policy in
Syria has experienced ups and downs in Syria. As Davutolu mentioned in his book, can Turkey
managed to be transformed from chaos to cosmos? or Will Syrian uprisings become vicious
circle of Turkish foreign policy? In next part, there will be Turkish Foreign policy in Syria
choronologically since beginning of protests until today.

From March 2011 Until 2014

In March 2011 when Syrian uprisings started Turkey- Syria relations reached peak
level everyone knows that Syria would not be same as other Arab Spring countries for Turkey.
Paralleling to Strategic Depth assumptions and new era in TFP, since 2005 Erdoan demanded
political and economic reforms from Bassar Asad and suggested to have more better relations
with opposition groups in Syria. 2005 was the first time Erdoan used reform word to Bassar
Asad.(Davutolu 2011; interview-09.12.2011). However, Syria had been the slow on reform

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making. In the awake of the Arab Spring in February 2011, Erdoan once more tried to convince
him to make reforms as soon as possible. One month later in March 2011, protests against
government spread to all regions of Syria. In April 2011, Davutolu visited Syria and he had
three suggestions three which were abolishment of state of emergency, giving national identity
to Kurdish population and prevent any military intervention to protests. Even Turkey sent a
task of speech for Assad based on his request. Actually, Davutolu was not so optimistic about
Assads promises. In other words, failure of making reforms was not surprise for Turkey. However,
Erdoan as a close friend of Bassar Al Assad, announced that he would talk with Assad and
counseled implementation of social, economic, and political reforms, while offering Turkish
help to achieve the changes. Erdoan hoped that his close friendship could be effective in the
regional change(Tapnar 2012). Unfortunately, Erdoans demand for reforms from Bassar Al
Assad in Syria left unanswered. Ankara realized that the Syrian government was unwilling to
resolve the problems through reforms and would continue to use force against its citizens.(Aras
November 2011 was remarkable because, Erdoan changed his rhetoric very sharply
and declared clearly against Assad regime in Syria. Erdoan declared that Without spilling
any more blood, without causing any more injustice, for the sake of peace for the people,
the country and the region, finally step down(Reuters 2011). Not rhetorically, but also
practically Turkey started to support opposition group in Syria and build up refugee camps
in border cities. In 29 th April 2011, the first group of refugee which is 252 Syrian citizens
entered the Turkish border. Although Davutolu officially said that they still support
reform period in Syria, in same month opposition groups which consisted from different
groups such as Kurds, Muslim Brotherhood and young Syrian people gathered in Antalya
(Davutolu, TRT Mays 2011;). In june, many of army officers started to escape and formed
Free Syrian Army. In August 2011 when was the last time, Davutolu visited Damascus,
after six hours meeting, they agreed fourteen point reform road map which is about reform
schedule and action plan of Syrian government. However, the news from Syria and events
Hama were completely disappointed for Turkey. However, Turkeys optimism would be
ended, once more Syria made upset about the reforms even they increased the level of
violence against Syrian people.
After August 13, Turkey and Syria demerged each other. It was a kind of turning point
for Turkey, Turkey started to search support from United Nations, NATO and of course United
States. UNSC meeting in October 2011 couldnt draft any imposing decisions due to Russia
and China veto. In February 2012, after the most bloody event was happened in Hama almost
500 people were killed. Next day, UNSC gathered for the second time with two vetos but UNSC
announced that they would agree on Arab League decisions about Syria. So, Turkish foreign
policy towards Syrian crisis changed its face during this period.
Between March 2011 and May 2012, Turkeys overall Syrian policy can
be separated into 3 periods: a) pressure on the Bashar al-Assad government for
constitutional reform b) attempts at unifying dissident groups under a single roof and
promoting international sanctions c) a return to efforts towards a UN-based solution
(the Annan Plan)(Erturul 2012).

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Since June 2012, Turkey and Syria relations got worst. Next month Turkish fighter jet
was shot down by Syrian air forces. As expected, Turkey requested consultations under article
4 of NATOs founding Washington Treaty. It was important to internationalize of Syrian crisis,
it means that Syrian problem became directly related with Turkish security and sovereignty
rights which is member of NATO. Since June 2012 until May 2013 when Reyhanl bombing
was happened. Turkeys insisting to US or NATO intervention to Syria became the priority of
Turkeys agenda. Turkish officials said that Syrian intelligence service is responsible of Reyhanli
bombing. Even Davutolu blamed the worlds inaction on the Syrian conflict for the barbarian
act of terrorism that claimed dozens of lives near the border. Then, Turkey tried to manipulate
the situation about chemical weapons which was redline of Obama administration. Davutolu
obviously said that We call on the international community in this situation where the red
line was crossed long ago to intervene as soon as possible. However, Geneva meetings did not
give any concrete results for anyone. Although meeting is vital between Assad regime and
opposition groups, nobody really expect any result from them. (Bac, http://tr.sputniknews.

Emergence of New Actors in Syria: DAESH and YPG/PYD

Actually, because of security concerns and economical ties with Syria makes it as a unique
thats why Turkey wanted to be more active. Turkey faced new actors in Syria; DAESH, YPG/PYD
and more importantly Russia. There are new actors in Syria as an opposition groups. DAESH and
YPG/PYD became main actor in terms of local conflicts and ideological and ethnical differences.
DAESH (ISIS) also was established in 2003 in Iraq. This terrorist group aims to establish caliphate
without geographical limits. After beginning of civil war in Syria, DEASH expanded its territory
and today terrorist organization consider city of Raqqa as their capital city(Laub and Masters,
2015). They were formerly part of Al-Qaeda however they declared their autonomy from AlQaeda. Also, compare to other jihadist groups, DAESH has completely new characteristics of
a terrorist organization. DAESH has also active foreign jihadist from all over the world, they
use social media tools effectively, have oil produce money almost cost 500 billion US Dollar
per year with trained military forces. ISIS, on the other hand, boasts some 30,000 fighters,
holds territory in both Iraq and Syria, maintains extensive military capabilities, controls lines of
communication, commands infrastructure, funds itself, and engages in sophisticated military
operations. If ISIS is purely and simply anything, it is a pseudo-state led by a conventional
army (Cronin,2015).
Although PYD was established in 2003 as a political organization and YPG(since 2004)
which is military power of PYD, as well as DAESH they involved conflict zones since 2011
actively. In June 2012 YPG, began building up checkpoints in northern Syria, then large parts of
Ayn al-Arab (Kobane), Afrin, Amuda, and al-Malikiyah in northern Syria fell in rapid succession
to the Kurds after limited conflicts against regime.

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In other words, Assad power doesnt fight against only one group but also ethnically
and ideologically different groups fight each other. Their emergence completely changed the
fate of country. International Coalition against DAESH was set up in 2014 and Turkey joined
this coalition in the end of July 2015. On the other hand, YPG and PYD as an actor in Syria is
much more complicated because YPG/PYD are considered as another branch of PKK that Turkey
has been suffered its terrorist attacks in last 20 years. They declared autonomy in northern
Syria based on Ayn al-Arab(Kobane) and they have been fighting against DAESH. There is no
doubt, leading with USA also other coalition countries directly support YPG/PYD. Although
Turkey joined the airstrike international coalition against DAESH, officially announced that
Turkey see YPG/PYD as a terrorist organization. President Erdoan in his speech in 24th of
September 2015 clearly states that US declaration made me disappointed, we see YPG/PYD
as a terrorist organization (Liderlerden namaz k bayram mesajlar,2015). Furthermore,
President Erdoan and Prime Minister Davutolu officially says that Turkey would never accept
any Kurdish state next to its border.

Russia in Syria: Is It End of Game or Just Beginning?

We think it is an enormous mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian
government and its armed forces, who are valiantly fighting terrorism face to face
(Vladimir Putin, UN General Assembly 2015).
President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin clearly stated his support to Asad
in fighting against just a day before Russians military intervention in Syria. All news from
UN General Assembly was immortalized with photo of President Obama and President Putin
toasting in dinner. Actually, Putins political and military support to Assad is not new but it
seems Putin was waiting the best time to intervene Syria. Whereas international coalition
against DAESH was formed almost a year ago, advancement of DAESH couldnt be hindered.
As mentioned in the above, due to post-jihadist characteristics of DAESH, the concrete and
easy success against DAESH is impossible. As President Obama said in his speech at Andrews
Air Force Base Coalition of nations allied against the militants should understand that this is
going to be a long-term campaign. In other words, timing of Russian intervention is eloquent
in three dimensions; global, regional and in the context of Turkeys relationship which are
interdependent and indispensible from each other. Also, Russian intervention pushes people to
ask a simple question Is it end of Syrian war or just beginning?
First dimension of Russian intervention should be analyzed in the context of global
politics level. Actually, world was not surprised when Russia directly involved Syrian civil war
in the end of September 2015 because deployment of military equipment of Russia in Syria has
been continued for a long time. However, unexpected point of this intervention will be about


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implications for world politics and there is no doubt implications will be controversial for a
long time. We can talk about two implications in global power politics; filling of power vacuum
in Middle East and new political leverages. Firstly, power vacuum in international relations
basicly means that absence of authority and filling by undesirable actors such as Central Asia
after dissolution of USSR(Avelino and Rotmans, 2009). Since 2011, Syria has suffered from
power vacuum and it led to emergence of new actors as mentioned in previous part. Until
today, DAESH, PYD/YPG and Syria National Coalition filled power vacuum, however it led more
violence and conflict. After intervention in Syria, Russia became sole actor who filled power
vacuum. It should be remembered that it is the first time Russia using its military force outside
of Russia and Russian effective regions after USSR collapse. Albeit both international coalition
lead by US and Russia have shared policy in the name of fighting against terrorism and US
has tacit support approach to Russia, the vital difference between rely on policy choice and
future design for Syria. Russia stood with Assad regime against terrorism and suggest transition
period with Assad, contrary to Western approach which supports moderate opposition groups
and no more Assad policy. The Russian approach is diametrically the opposite of the Western
approach(Russian military in Syria: Diametrically different approach, 2015). After failure of
international coalition relatively and Russian involvement, US seems more positive to transition
period in Syria with Assad. So, while Russia is filling power vacuum in Syria, it showed that
Russia came back global power politics and fuelled the conspiracy about the new Cold War era.

A) Russia As a Game Changer Not Only in Syria but Also in World Politics
Furthermore, Russia is not only coming back global power politics but also have chance
to use Syrian card as leverage in vital issues such as Ukraine, sanctions, refugee crisis and
energy. In other words, possibility of turning proxy war to any conflict engagement between
coalition and Russia is actually great leverage for Russia. One by one, in Ukraine case, West
has been directly oppose Russian expansionism and legalizing sanctions against Russia include
expelling Russia from G8. In other words, Russian proxy war in Ukraine has been costly for
Putin. However, Russia became one of the main allies of West against terrorism in Syria, so
Putin put West in a contradictory situation and it make their arguments in Ukraine hypocritical.
In Ukraine and in the Middle Eastin order to force the West to have to partner with Russia to
resolve the crises it has created (Kross and Mckew,2015). It looks completely traumatic trap
for West and especially European countries who have faced economic and refugee crisis deeply.
Until now, Putin seems to be successful to his aim. Kremlins latest gambit as it seeks an exit
strategy in Ukraine is both bold and baffling(Matthews,2015).
Also, Russian involvement in Syria would led to serious consequences on refugee crisis.
As mentioned EU countries now faced not only refugee crisis but also social and identity crisis.
While discussions over founding values of EU have been peaked, Russian air striking would
led new wave of refugees from Syria to first Turkey and then EU. According to last news from
Aleppo, 100.000 people are on the way to Turkeys border. Raising the prospect of a new wave
of refugees knocking on Europes door for sanctuary(As Aleppo offensive continues fear rise
over a new exodus of refugee, 19.10.2015). When President Putin clearly states that Russian
soldiers will be on the ground of Syria until end, new refugee flux will be ahead to Europe.

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To wit, while Russia is supporting its ally also undermine European project and take down of
European leaders who hit Russian economy with sanctions.
Energy might be the most important aspect of Russian existence in Syria. There are
two main issues related with Russian energy politics. Oil and gas are the essence elements
of Russian economy with almost %30 of GDP and one of them is falling trend in oil prices
damaged Russian economy through 2015 and probably Russia has -%3,8 at the end of the
year stated by Andrey Kostin who is CEO of VTB. There is no doubt, along with sanctions
after Ukraine crisis low oil prices harmed Russian economy. Only having increased oil prices
would be the exit strategy of Putin from recession. Russian intervention in last day in
September can be considered as an attempt to increase oil prices. It can be said that Russia
was successful because same day as a reaction oil prices increased to 50 US Dollar but then
it decreased to 46, however Russian economy needs at least 60 US Dollar to be recovered.
Yes, this is about Russias international standing, but more importantly it is also a longterm play for higher oil prices and, ultimately, a flow of oil dollars into Russia to strengthen
his popularity at home(Temerko,2015). Second dimension of energy card is Soyuzneftegaz
which signed agreement with Syrian government in 2013 to oil of Syrian cost for 25 years.
Research activities of Soyuzneftegaz has been suspended because of security concerns in
regions called Block 12 and Bloc 26 which are near to border of Turkey and Iraq (Shurmina
and Lyrhickova, 2015). If sanctions against Iran lifted, there would be two route options to
transfer oil to West which via Turkey or Iraq. For Russia, securing Iraq-Syria route would be
more profitable because of escalating with Saudi for oil market such Poland and China. As
expected, Russia is not going to give up its right through Soyuzneftegaz in Syria, so, Russia
aims not only fighting against DAESH but also secure its energy route.

B) Russia As a New but Old Comer in Middle East

As mentioned above, Russian intervention in Syria cant be understood in only one
perspective so regional dimension is also part of it. There is no doubt, global and regional
dimension interdependent each other. Religion effects can be analyzed in two ways ethnic and
religious sect. Ethnic diversity of Syrian population had been unique in Middle East, it might be
the one of the reason behind how Syrian civil war is getting so bloody and triggered different
terrorist group existence. As mentioned above especially, Kurds gained power after Syrian civil
war as YPG/PYD. Amid the Syrian Civil war, Kurds unilaterally declared self rule in these areas
in 2012 and have since protected them from Islamic States(The Time of The Kurds, 2014).
Russian intervention in Syria was welcomed by Kurds because of common enemy of DAESH. Salih
Muslim officially declared their support and pleasure about Russian air strikes. Paradoxically,
although Russia directly support Assad regime which Kurds have fought against them. Kurds
also believe that Russia never let DAESH or other actors to attack. It is to early to say about
future of Kurds and Russian prospect relationship because now they have common enemy but it
can be changed related with energy issue(which related with Soyuzneftegaz) and other regional
actor such as Turkey. When Kurds seems happy about Russian existence, Turkmens have worried
about their future. Omer Ceren, an advisory board member at the Ankara-based Turkmen group,
said that Russias intervention was a pretext to support the Assad regime (Russia saved Assad


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from execution: Turkmen Group,04.10.2015). So, Russian air striking wont end the tension
between ethnic groups but also more escalating conflicts within them.
Not only ethnic diversity but also different religious sects have shaped course of Syrian
civil war. Iran and Gulf countries became main player of religious politics after Syrian crisis.
The main division in Syrian war actually characterized by Sunni opposition and Alawite
Assad family and from very beginning of Syrian war, Sunni dominated Gulf countries blamed
Alawite Assad family(Wehrey,2014). Along with energy disputes between Russia and Gulf
countries, Russia and Gulf countries have completely different positions in future making
of Syria. Also, Gulf countries were united against DAESH and their position is so clear about
Assad and Shia Iran and Hezbollah on the other hand Russian support to Assad and Iran is
not a secret at all. Saudi ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi expressed profound concern
regarding the military operations which Russian forces have carried out in Homs and Hama
today, places where ISIS forces are not present. These attacks led to a number of innocent
victims. We demand it stop immediately and not recur.(Saudi Arabia Demands Russia end
Syria raids, criticizes Iran, 2015). So, albeit Russia, Iran, US, Gulf countries seems to have de
facto coalition against DAESH, they are polarized and fueled tension between Sunni and Shia
sects and its allies. Furthermore, Russia will also brings Iran to peace desk because Russia and
Iran are in the same camp and FM Lavrov clearly state that When we agreed to this format
of negotations on Syria, we said we were convinced that the idea to set up circle of support
for a Syria settlement without Iran had no prospects(Lavrov Stresses Irans Role in Efforts to
Resolve Crisis in Syria, 2015). After nuclear agreement, Iran once more have chance to sit with
vital players to shape region future.

C) Turkey and Russia: So Ambitious Partners

There is no doubt, Turkey is a key player in both region and global politics. Especially,
last refugee crisis put Turkey in a more vital position. Under this atmosphere, implications
of Russian intervention in Syria for Turkey would analyze separately. In order to understand
these implications, general information about Turkey and Russia relationship in Ak Party
period is required. Mainly, Russia and Turkey became regional partner in economics and energy.
Simplified Customs Line was established in 2009 and trade exchange reached $32 bn in 2013. At
the same time, Turkey and Russia agreed that time on visa free travel. Also, along with intense
economic relations nuclear projects and especially energy projects were signed include student
exhange. Furthermore, Turkey and Russia established High Level Cooperation Council in 2010
and although President Erdoan and President Putin have some disagreements on Ukraine or
Crimea, they had close contacts in many issues (Saunders, 2014). In other words, in last 12 years
Turkeys relationship with Russia was getting more sophisticated. The economic dynamic (and
more specifically the energy dynamic) that is developing between Russia and Turkey sheds
considerable light on the political relationship between the two countries(Bourgeot,2013).
Because of intense economic and political relations, interdependence is imperious which
constraints political maneuvers of both countries. As well as other coalition members Turkey
and Russia have different positions for Syria future.

Valdai Papers #37. December 2015



Turkey suggested a formation of safezone (DAESH-freezone) first time after Suru

bombing. Safe zone would be located between Kilis borderline and Aleppo with 80 km by
40 km(Moore,2015). The idea resurfaced after PKK attacks in July 2015 and when Turkey
joined coalition against DAESH and then letter by Prime Minister Davutolu to European
Union as a way of solution. After Russian intervention, the idea of safezone seems to be
weaker in near future because Russia wont support such a safezone when they clearly
said that Russias first priority is fighting against DAESH and other terrorist groups
with especially airforce. It has raised concerns that if a no-fly zone or safe zone were
established, as Turkey has pushed for, it could be challenged by Russia(Arango,2015). In
other words, safezone plan wouldnt be on the table unless Russia wasnt convinced and
Turkey need to freeze the plan once more.
As noted above, Turkey has been supporting the transition period without Assad and
it didnt change within four years thats why Turkish foreign policy was criticized so harshly.
US, France and most of Western bloc agreed on Assad wouldnt be part of transition period.
Nevertheless Russia once more changed parameter also politically. They suggest Assad would
be part of transition period and as expected US was getting softer on Assad and new peace talks
will be around the idea of transition with Assad. Thus, it is not expected to position shifting by
Turkey but at least Turkey would show low profile for insisting its own discourse.
Last but not least implication would be about Kurds for Turkey. As mentioned in the
regional part, Kurds and Russians are in same camp to fight against terrorism but they seem
indifferent to each other. In other words, Kurds and Russians have de facto agreement in Syria.
Last week, there was unconfirmed news about possible office of PYD might be opened in Moscow.
As all know, Turkey declared PYD as a terrorist organization too. Turkey has summoned
separately the American and Russian ambassadors in Ankara to complain about their countries
acting in support of the military forces of the Syrian Kurds(Turkey takes Russia and US to task
over their backing of Kurds in Syria,15.10.2015). Until now, Russia never implemented possible
direct contact and coordination with Kurds however it is possible in near future. It will be huge
obstacle for Turkey and Russia relationship as President Erdoan said in his Brussels visit,
Turkey will be important lost for Russia and Prime Minister Davutolu clearly say that Turkey
wouldnt hesitate to defend itself if YPG threaten its national security. However, there is any
expectation for any confrontation between YPG and Turkey and indirectly Russia.
Energy projects between Russia and Turkey might be the most conspicuous issue after
Russian intervention. Turkish Stream is length 910 km which will costs almost $12bn. There
is no doubt, it is crucial Project for energy routes in all over the world. Main fear after Russian
intervention in Syria and Turkeys reaction is freezing TurkStream Project. Lets hope that
disagreement on Syria would not hinder energy projects.


Valdai Papers #37. December 2015


Arab Spring can be considered a test for Davutolus center state vision, Arab Spring is the
most chaotic and complex event in new Turkish foreign policy. In the beginning of Arab Spring
protests, Turkey position to support democracy and human rights, against to authoritarian
regimes. However Syrian case would be different for Turkish foreign policy makers. Turkey had
long and bumpy relationship with Syria. AKP era foreign policy had been kind of reconciliation
and enhancement in case of Syria. Spreading of protest to Damascus and whole Syria alarmed
Turkey. Although Turkey supported possible reforms by Assad in Syria in the beginning, Syria
seems far from any reforms even protests turned into civil war. Turkish have had more voice
reaction against Syrian regime since March 2011, even Turkey called UN, NATO and especially
US to take action in Syria. However, agreement between US and Russia on destroying chemical
weapons in Syria disappointed and left alone Turkey. As mentioned above, Davutolu should be
central state and have complex web of relationship with all actors. However, the period between
March 2011 and May 2012, Turkey tried to play central state to convince Assad regime with her
soft power ability however Erdoan and his close friendship was not enough to convince Assad
to make reforms. Clearly, the biggest disappointment for the Turkish government has been the
Assad regimes refusal to set the country on a peaceful course and its brutal crackdown on non
violent demonstrators(Cebeci and stn, 2012).
Four years in world politics is quite long period especially in case of any civil war in
Middle East. Within four years, there have been challenges and opportunities for each actor
specificially Turkey. Although, hosting 2 million Syrian refugee was criticized, it became joker
card for Turkey with EU relations. In other words, it is hard to say any equilibrium in Syria which
is getting more complex day by day. New actors emerged and it affects discourse of Syrian war.
Russian military intervention in 30th September is a completely game changer move. Syrian
civil war wouldnt be same anymore. Military balance, political and economic balance completely
shifted. This shifting can be realized in three dimensions; global, regional and Turkey.
In global scale, military intervention in Syria can be considered as a chance to fill power
vacuum in Middle East but it would implications on Ukraine, sanctions, refugee crisis and energy
politics. It is not secret that after Ukraine crisis Russia had been isolated by economic and political
sanctions. Thats why, Russian military intervention and position with West against terrorism
image somehow illegalized sanctions of West. Then, Russian military intervention happened
when refugee crisis peaked and it can cause another refugee wave from Aleppo, which would
completely catastrophic for Europe. Energy is one of main component of its economy and due
to low oil prices and sanctions, Russian economy shows downward performance, well the only
way exit is rising of oil prices. As all and President Putin know, any military escalation in region
directly rises oil prices that is one of possible implication. Also, agreement of Soyuzneftegazs
with Syrian government to establish new energy route via Iraq is an important reason for Russia
to be in Syria. If this route was secured, it would be new options for Europeans besides Gulf
countries. Thats why implications of Russian intervention in Syria on energy politics is one the
most vital.
Regional implications of Russian intervention is also related with global politics but also
fueling for religious conflict between Shia and Sunni and as expected future of Kurds in the
region. However more interesting dimension is Russia and Turkey perspective. As noted, both
countries have intense and depth relations in last 13 year which include TurkStream, Akkuyu

Valdai Papers #37. December 2015



nuclear projects. Four main areas would be affected by Russian intervention in Syria which
are safezone plan, transition period policy, Kurds and energy. Because of Russian position,
safezone plan will be postponed or at least swept under carpets for a while. As well as, Turkey
have insisted on transition period without Assad which Russia opposed it. A week after Russian
military, new peace talks arranged by US, Russia, EU, Turkey and Iran to reconsider transition
period. So, as well as safezone policy Turkey will show signals of policy changing. In case of
existence of YPG in the region Turkeys position is not going to be change and will do its best to
hinder any rapprochement between Russia and Kurds.
To sum up, after Russian intervention in Syria all parameters changed completely.
Turkish foreign policy should be more diverse and chaotic in all sense because new parameters
dragged Syrian civil war far from cosmos but the last situation is unexpectedly at the edge of
chaos at the same time. In other words, Syria at the edge of the chaos might be ended up with
peace in soon. Under such an chaotic atmosphere, there is no doubt Turkey is still vital player
in region and it will be.




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