A Link Between EMTP RV and Flux3D For Transformer Energization Studies

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A link between EMTP-RV and FLUX3D for

transformer energization studies

S. Dennetire, Y. Guillot, J. Mahseredjian, M. Rioual

Abstract-- This paper presents a programmed link between

the electromagnetic transients program EMTP-RV and the finite
element field solver FLUX3D. The model created in FLUX3D is
driven from simulation designs in EMTP-RV. The test cases
presented in this paper demonstrate that the coupling method is
numerically robust and with sufficient accuracy. This approach
benefits from EMTP advantages in modeling large scale
networks and from field solver advantages for detailed
representation of power transformer iron cores.
Keywords: EMTP, FLUX3D, interface, switching transients,
transformer transients


He R&D Division of EDF performs since 1996 studies on

transformer energizations, from the determination of
palliative solutions for auxiliary transformers of power plants
after a partial or total collapse of the network, to the reduction
of stresses when energizing transformers of wind farms or
those on hydraulic pumped-storage plants.
The energization of an unloaded power transformer may
have undesirable effects on power quality and may damage
the transformer.
For those purposes, the modelling of the transformer is a
key issue, especially the phenomena involved in the iron core
during energization. The transient modeling of transformer
energization requires an accurate nonlinear model of the
magnetic material and a detailed representation of the
electrical network as presented in [1] - [3].
In most EMTP studies involving the energization of
transformers, the transformer models are based on uncoupled
single-phase units, to which a hysteretic model is added, in
order to take into account the losses in the iron core (eddy
current and iron losses). This model is also very useful for the
representation of winding copper losses and can be efficiently
used in EMTP statistical studies. It is however limited by the
fact that it does provide a detailed representation of the iron
core, from its geometrical and magnetic characteristics and
therefore does not represent the coupling effect with high
accuracy. Such a limitation will not affect simulation results in
some cases, but may have a significant impact in other cases,
S. Dennetire, Y. Guillot and M. Rioual are with Electricit de France,
[email protected])
J. Mahseredjian is with cole Polytechnique de Montral, Canada.
Presented at the International Conference on Power Systems
Transients (IPST07) in Lyon, France on June 4-7, 2007

depending on the connection type of the transformer

A detailed representation of the iron core is needed to
model the behavior of flux paths and saturation effects inside
the core, the flow of fluxes inside and outside the transformer,
especially in the case of five limb transformers. This
representation is also useful to estimate the mechanical
stresses generated by the flow of fault and inrush currents
inside the transformer.
A field solver based on the finite element method (FEM)
can accurately take into account the material nonlinearity,
winding connections and material anisotropy. However, field
solvers do not provide the variety of power system
components needed for a large power network simulation with
control systems, surge arresters and multiphase transmission
lines. This paper is based on the idea of coupling (interfacing)
two different modeling and computation approaches for a
given simulation case and thus achieving higher precision as
required. The interface applications are FLUX3D and EMTPRV.

There are two different approaches for combining the

solutions of field equations and circuit equations.
The first approach consists in developing a program that
solves simultaneously field equations and circuit equations.
The magnetic equations are solved using a formulation with
the magnetic potential vector. The coupling is obtained by the
conductor current expressed in terms of current density and
flux linkage found from the potential vector (see [4], [6]-[8]).
The time-dependant differential system resulting from
coupling is solved with step-by-step numerical integration. To
take into account the magnetic and electric nonlinearities, a
Newton-Raphson iterative procedure is used. This approach is
disadvantaged for the simulation of complex and large power
networks since it provides a limited number of network
component models and is inherently less efficient for classical
network models.
The second approach consists on interfacing separate
specialized codes for optimizing performance and precision,
and for benefiting from investments in established and
validated libraries.
This paper is based on the second approach: it presents and
tests a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) based interface between
the Electromagnetic Transient Program EMTP-RV and the
field program FLUX3D.

Simulation variables are exchanged between the field and

circuit models with a one time-step delay. This principle is not
new and is similar to [9] and [10]. The interest of this paper
lies in the fact that this connection is general: not only currents
and voltages can be exchanged between the field solver and
EMTP but also switching times, fluxes and mechanical forces.
The paper is also contributing a programmed interface with
FLUX3D and EMTP-RV applications.


A. Basic principles
A DLL based interface has been chosen to couple EMTPRV with FLUX3D. EMTP-RV drives the complete simulation
through the EMTP-RV graphical user interface (Fig. 2).

V source


Extra data :
Internal forces
Internal fluxes


A. Network modeling in FLUX3D

A 3D finite element method coupled to circuit equations is
presented in [5]. In [7] it is proposed to generalize this method
for the case of solid conductors. The proposed formulation
takes into account multiple connected electrical circuits for
nonlinear solid conductors. To deal with magnetic saturation
the Newton-Raphson procedure is used along with a
prediction procedure.
An example of power transformer energization with circuit
equations is presented in Fig. 1. The Wye/Delta transformer is
connected to a Thevenin equivalent circuit.
The number of circuit (power) components is limited.


I source



Simulation Data :


Simulation flag

Fig. 2 Coupling principle for each phase of transformer

A FLUX3D coil is represented in EMTP by a controlled

current source connected between two nodes. At each timepoint EMTP solves the network equations and finds unknown
voltages. The branch voltages Vkm of controlled current
sources are sent to FLUX3D. EMTP also sends the time
variable. The controlled voltage sources are updated at this
step with Vkm values and a FEM simulation is performed. At
Fig. 1 Finite element method coupled to circuit equations in FLUX3D

B. Transformer modeling in EMTP

Two types of transformer models are available in EMTP:
3-phase transformer model based on uncoupled single phase
units and 3-phase transformer model with internal coupling.
The representation of single-phase N-winding transformers for
steady-state and transient studies is straightforward [11].
Three-phase transformer models are usually based on the
physical concept of representing windings as mutually
coupled coils. The impedance or admittance matrices of the
coupled coils can be easily derived from commonly available
test data [12]. The models can be used for many types of
studies as long as the frequencies are low enough so that the
capacitances in the transformer can be ignored.
Studies of energization of unloaded transformers for power
restoration purposes require detailed models that account for
the behavior of flux paths, saturation effects inside the core
and forces inside transformers. Transformer models in EMTP
are not suitable for these studies.

the end of the simulation currents flowing in each coil are

available on EMTP side in addition to extra data such as tank
temperatures, internal fluxes and internal forces. The interface
enables to simulate transformers with any number of phases.
A flag signal transmitted using EMTP control blocks to
FLUX3D enables or disables this communication process.
EMTP calls the field program only when it is required: at
every time-point, at every nth time-point or when a certain
user-defined condition is reached. An example of condition
could be the value of flux derivative exceeding a given
threshold. The overall interface is designed to optimize
computational speed.
B. Time-step delay
The approach presented above introduces a time-step delay
between field calculations and the EMTP side solution. The
current injected in the EMTP network at time t has been
calculated in FLUX3D at t-t. Experiments indicate that this
approach is acceptable in most of cases. Although it will not
give the exact solution, the error can be minimized by
selecting smaller time-steps. As explained in [13] such an
interfacing method is not fully accurate, but numerical

stability is preserved. Satisfactory results are obtained with

smaller time-steps, which can be 10 times smaller than the
time-step size required for simultaneous solution capable
solvers [9].
The computational burden is also strongly related to the
performance of the FLUX3D software.
C. Switching times and floating nodes
Initially the interface has been developed to simulate
simultaneous switching events in phases a, b and c. In reality
switching events are not simultaneous: the coupling principle
presented in Fig. 2 is only valid for the 1-phase or 3-phase
uncoupled cases. When a 3phase coupled transformer is
energized, the first switching event produces magnetization
inside the transformer and generates induced voltages on open
phase poles of breakers. These induced voltages have a
significant impact on over-voltages that appear when the open
poles of breakers close. To take into account this statement the
above interface has been modified as follows, for each coil:
before switching: the coil simulated in FLUX3D is
modelled in EMTP as a voltage source. The induced
voltage between the two nodes of this coil is
calculated at each time-point by the field program
and transmitted to EMTP. The current flowing in this
coil is zero, this data is transmitted to the field
after switching: the coil is modelled as a current
source in EMTP. Data is now transmitted as in Fig. 2

The transformer modelled in FLUX3D is a 400/225 kV

transformer, 600 MVA, 5 limbs, YnD11. The B(H)
characteristic of the magnetic circuit is nonlinear. A first order
finite element mesh of 12,000 nodes is used. A view of the
FLUX3D model is presented in Fig. 4 (the mesh of the
magnetic circuit and coils).

Fig. 4 Representation of the magnetic circuit and coils in FLUX3D

As shown in Fig. 5 an electrical circuit is coupled to the

transformer model in FLUX3D. This circuit contains 3 voltage
sources controlled by EMTP as follow :
V1(t)=Vtransfo a(t)
V2(t)=Vtransfo b(t)
V3(t)=Vtransfo c(t)

A. Validation on a simple case
The objective of the first test case is to validate the
coupling method. This case consists in simulating the
energization of a 3-phase transformer connected to an RL
impedance and a voltage source. The 3 phases are energized
simultaneously. Fig. 3 presents the circuit in EMTP-RV.
The FLUX3D transformer model is represented in the GUI
by a 3-phase block. The control pin is used to activate the
field calculation (always activated in this case, C1>0). Internal
fluxes and forces are available through a bundle connection.
By clicking on this block users can fill a form to specify
simulation options of the field solver and internal measures
that will become available through bundle pins.
scp1 scope
scp2 scope
scp3 scope


Phases a-b-c
close at t=0s



343kV /_-90

Fig. 3 First test case in EMTP-RV





Fig. 5 Description of the electrical circuit in FLUX3D

This EMTP/FLUX3D simulation is validated with a

FLUX3D simulation in which circuit equations are solved
simultaneously with field equations. This circuit used for
validation is presented in Fig. 1. RL1a, RL1b and RL1c in
Fig. 3 are defined in Fig. 1 as R1-L2, R2-L3, R3-L4.
The phase a inrush current is presented in Fig. 6. Current
values calculated by FLUX3D alone (circuit equations are
solved simultaneously with field equations) are compared
against those calculated by the EMTP/FLUX3D interface
scheme. Maximum relative error is 3% with t=0.5 ms. The
error is due to the one time-step delay between EMTP
solutions and field calculations. The error increases when the
value of the network impedance increases.


Current (A)





time (s)





Fig. 6 Inrush currents, solved with FLUX3D (solid) and FLUX3D/EMTP

(dashed line)

Magnetic induction in the transformer is available at each

time-point during the EMTP/FLUX3D simulation.
B. Real case, EHV 400 kV network
A high-level view of the selected test case is shown in Fig.
7. The test case studies the energization of a 600 MVA
autotransformer through a 180 km long line. This target
transformer, modeled in FLUX3D, is the same than the one
presented in the first test case.

resonance frequency of this network. Step-up and auxiliary

transformers are modeled by a set of one-phase transformers
where the leakage reactances, the copper and core losses and
the saturation are taken into account. The time-step for this
test case is 0.1 ms. It has been chosen to correctly represent
over-voltages due to harmonic inrush currents.
Switching times are: t=15.8 ms on phase a, t=0 ms on
phase b, t=10.2 ms on phase c.
This EMTP/FLUX3D simulation is compared against an
EMTP simulation in which the autotransformer is modeled by
a set of 3 one-phase transformers. This is a classical model of
one-phase transformer with nonlinear magnetization branch.
The method of modeling used in this EMTP simulation is
presented in [1] and has been validated by on site tests.
Voltages at the breaker are shown in Fig. 8, Fig. 9 and Fig.
10. Even if coupling between phases is not modeled in the
EMTP autotransformer model, the EMTP/FLUX3D coupledscheme results are very close to the results obtained with the
simple EMTP modeling.

3x360 MVA

x 10




time (s)



Fig. 8 Phase-a voltage, EMTP/FLUX3D solution (solid line) and EMTP

solution (dashed line)

2x29 MVA

Voltage (V)

900 MW


line of 180 km

Voltage (V)

x 10

FLUX3D model








time (s)



Fig. 9 Phase-b voltage, EMTP/FLUX3D solution (solid line) and EMTP

solution (dashed line)

600 MVA
Fig. 7 Single line diagram of the industrial case

The methodology applied to model the rest of the network

is explained in [1]. The generator at the sending end is a
900 MW machine, which is modeled as an ideal source behind
its substransient reactance.
The long line is modeled using pi-sections. The number of
PI cells has been chosen in order to represent correctly the
exact impedance under the 4th harmonic which is the

x 10

Voltage (V)




time (s)



Fig. 10 Phase-c voltage, EMTP/FLUX3D solution (solid line) and EMTP

solution (dashed line)

At each time step the behaviour the flux patterns in the

magnetic core can be visualized. Fig. 11 shows the parts of
magnetic core where the magnetic flux saturates at t=20 ms.

EMTPs advantages in modeling large scale networks with a

large library of network components and from field solver
capabilities in taking into account detailed representation of
internal transformers behavior for flux paths and mechanical
The capability to calculate mechanical stresses and internal
fluxes inside transformers is important under some operating
conditions. Transformers tank internal thermal information
may be derived as well. This approach may also be applied to
model surge arresters, circuit breakers and electrical machines.
The proposed interface between EMTP-RV and FLUX3D
constitutes a useful tool for utilities and manufacturers, when
equipment sizing is considered for new equipment, but also
for asset management on the existing network.



Fig. 11 Flux circulating in the magnetic core (3rd limb highly saturated at t=25


Mechanical sensors are used in the FLUX3D model (half

cylinders around main limbs in Fig. 11) to estimate
mechanical forces applied on coils. Fig. 12 shows internal
fluxes in 1st and 5th limbs.






Flux (Wb)









time (s)





Fig. 12 Internal fluxes in 1st limb (dashed line) and 5th limb (solid line)

This paper has presented the implementation of a link
between the field program FLUX3D and the electromagnetic
transients program EMTP-RV. This approach benefits from


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Sbastien Dennetire (M'04) graduated from cole Suprieure d'Electricit
(Suplec) in France in 2002. He received the M.A.Sc. degree from cole
Polytechnique de Montral in 2003. From 2002 to 2004 he worked at IREQ
(Hydro-Qubec) on research and development activities related to the
simulation and analysis of electromagnetic transients. In October 2004 he
joined the research center of EDF where his interests are currently in the field
of insulation coordination and power system simulations.
Yves Guillot was born in Paris, France, on April 1st 1967. He received his
Electrical Engineering diploma of cole Suprieure dElectricit (Suplec) in
1990. Then he joined the research center of EDF as a research engineer mainly
involved in modeling power transformers : high frequency modelling,
diagnosis methods and electromagnetic fields calculation.
Jean Mahseredjian (M'87) graduated from cole Polytechnique de Montral
with M.A.Sc. (1985) and Ph.D. (1991). From 1987 to 2004 he worked at
IREQ (Hydro-Qubec) on research and development activities related to the
simulation and analysis of electromagnetic transients. In December 2004 he
joined the faculty of electrical engineering at cole Polytechnique de
Michel Rioual (M89, SM95) was born in Toulon (France) on May 25th,
1959. He received the Engineering Diploma of the "Ecole Suprieure
d'Electricit" (Gif sur Yvette, France) in 1983. He joined the EDF company
(R&D Division) in 1984, working on electromagnetic transients in networks
until 1991. In 1992, he joined the Wound Equipment Group as Project
Manager on rotating machines. In 1997, he joined the Transformer Group, as
Project Manager on the transformers for nuclear plants. He is a Senior of
IEEE, and belongs to the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in

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