Michael Zur Muehlen - Workflow-Based Process Controlling (Web-Small)
Michael Zur Muehlen - Workflow-Based Process Controlling (Web-Small)
Michael zur Muehlen discusses the integration of workflow audit trail data with
existing data warehouse structures and develops a reference architecture for
process-oriented management information systems. Starting with an
organizational and technical analysis of process organizations, this book provides
a comprehensive documentation of business process management, workflow
technology, and existing standardization efforts. The proposed reference
architecture is validated in an industry context. A prototypical implementation of
the reference architecture and its integration with a commercial business process
management system are demonstrated as well.
This book is directed at both practitioners and academics in the fields of business
process management, management accounting, and information systems.
ISBN 3-8325-0388-9
ISSN 1611-3101
Process Controlling
Foundation, Design,
and Application of Workflow-driven
Process Information Systems
D 6 2002
Erster Berichterstatter:
Zweiter Berichterstatter:
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How much time does it take to write a scientific paper? As much time as you have.
Jeffrey V. Nickerson
In early 1995 I was a graduate student at the University of Mnster, when Michael Rosemann - then senior lecturer in Mnster - offered a seminar on workflow management technology. Curious as I was, I enrolled in the seminar, and soon I found myself analyzing the meta
models of workflow management tools such as FlowMark, LEU, WorkParty, and CSE WorkFlow. I got hooked and - in retrospect - this seminar changed my life.
Almost ten years later, business process management and automation is still a hot research
topic, even though three out of the four systems we analyzed back in 1995 disappeared from
the market. The design and deployment of information systems for the automated coordination and enactment of business processes have proven to be popular topics, both in the academic and popular literature. Nevertheless, the majority of workflow-related publications are
driven by technical considerations. A fundamental analysis of the impacts this technology has
on organizations, their structure, and their management processes is still missing. This book is
a first step to fill this gap. It is looking at workflow through a managerial lens, studying the role
of process-enabled information systems for management decision making. In essence, we discuss the integration of process-related audit data into management information systems, and
the decisions managers can make based on this information.
It took me almost two years to rewrite this book from its original format as a dissertation
and to finally release it for publication. Going over the material, I noticed two things. First: Jeff
Nickersons assertion about the duration of the academic publication process is correct. Secondly: Within two years, the standards that were originally discussed in the third chapter of this
book have largely evolved; some have merged, and new ones have entered the marketplace. For
this reason, this book has to strike a balance between the description of current developments
and the explanation of fundamental concepts. I hope this balance has been maintained.
Although this book is a monograph, many people contributed to its creation. I was fortunate to be surrounded by some very bright and talented people who allowed me to bounce
ideas back and forth, and who provided a test bed for some of the more academic concepts
developed in this book. Their ideas, inspirations, and comments have hopefully improved the
quality of what you are about to read. I appreciate the assistance of all these people in helping
me create this book. Should you notice any mistakes - they, of course, are all my own. Should
you feel inclined to send questions or comments, I will be more than happy to answer to feedback sent to michael@workflow-research.de. Eventual errata will be documented at the web address
I am extremely grateful to Prof. Dr. Jrg Becker, who provided me with an unparalleled
amount of freedom for my research work. He allowed me to present my ideas at numerous
national and international conferences, and was open to pursue new ideas in every area I wandered in. He also provided timely encouragement and useful criticism of the concepts. Thank
you for five great years.
- IV -
Prof. Edward A. Stohr agreed to co-supervise this work. I am incredibly indebted to him for
his methodical insights, topical guidance, and critical discussions of the contents presented in
this book. In addition, he has opened many doors in the American academic community for
me that otherwise might have remained closed. He offered me to join Stevens Institute of
Technology, where I look forward to our continued collaboration.
Prof. Dr. Michael Rosemann introduced me to the world of academic research and sparked
my interest in process automation and workflow management. His guidance, enthusiasm, and
creativity opened a new world for me that continues to be both fascinating and intriguing.
Moreover, he is not just a colleague, but also a great friend - independent of longitude and latitude. All the best to Brisbane.
I had the pleasure to work with three brilliant students on the Cassandra project - Bjrn
Blum, Henning Plger, and Tobias Rieke, who put many hours of hard work into turning the
conceptual process controlling ideas into a working prototype. Their contribution to this work
is immense, and I would like to thank them for all of it.
Dr. Marc Gille and Michael Johann of Carnot allowed me to play with their baby and
were extremely supportive throughout many changing ideas and plans. Jon Pyke of Staffware
graciously offered me access to the Staffware 2000 product, and Marc-Thomas Schmidt
offered me helpful advice when I had questions regarding the IBM MQSeries products. The
members of the Workflow Management Coalition provided an invaluable reality check for my
ideas. I am especially indebted to Dave Hollingsworth, Charlie Plesums, Robert Shapiro, and
Keith D. Swenson for many intriguing insights into the commercial world of workflow.
The project team at the enterprise case study consisted of Dr. Andreas Tietz, Robert Freier,
Edith Deitermann, and my colleague Andreas Rottwinkel. They offered me valuable information and support regarding the insurance case and graciously allowed me to publish the insight
gathered in the project.
My colleagues at the University of Mnster provided me with priceless ideas, challenging
thoughts, and constructive criticism at times when it was most needed. I would like to thank
them all for five fascinating years. PD Dr. Roland Holten diligently read through the early
drafts of this book and guided me back to the right track when my train of thoughts was in the
danger of derailing. Dr. Christian Probst provided companionship, valuable ideas, and - most
important - a dose of pragmatism when the topic seemed to grow out of bounds. Sebastian
Beneloucif was incredibly helpful in managing the ever-growing list of references and went
beyond the call of duty more than once in order to ensure a timely completion of this book.
Maggie Bin Lai proofread the final draft, and Colleen Gibney shared her incredible talent for
writing style with me.
A very special thank you goes to Nersel, sevgilim esmerim, who gives me love, support, and
encouragement when I need it most. Seni ok seviyorum. My most heartfelt thanks go out to
my parents Heinrich and Helga zur Mhlen, who have provided me with unconditional love
and support throughout my education and my academic career. They have given my brother
Christian and me the most open-minded environment imaginable and provided constant inspiration throughout the time of my dissertation. This book is dedicated to them.
Hoboken, NJ, June 2004
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .............................................................................................. V
List of Figures...................................................................................................IX
List of Tables ....................................................................................................XI
List of Abbreviations..................................................................................... XIII
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Figures
- IX -
List of Figures
Figure 1-1:
Figure 1-2:
Figure 1-3:
Figure 2-1:
Figure 2-2:
Figure 2-3:
Figure 2-4:
Figure 2-5:
Figure 2-6:
Figure 2-7:
Figure 2-8:
Figure 2-9:
Figure 2-10:
Figure 2-11:
Figure 2-12:
Figure 2-13:
Figure 2-14:
Figure 2-15:
Figure 2-16:
Figure 2-17:
Figure 3-1:
Figure 3-2:
Figure 3-3:
Figure 3-4:
Figure 3-5:
Figure 3-6:
Figure 3-7:
Figure 3-8:
Figure 3-9:
Figure 3-10:
Figure 3-11:
Figure 3-12:
Figure 3-13:
Figure 3-14:
Figure 3-15:
Figure 3-16:
Figure 3-17:
Figure 3-18:
Figure 3-19:
Figure 3-20:
Figure 3-21:
Figure 3-22:
List of Figures
Figure 3-23:
Figure 3-24:
Figure 4-1:
Figure 4-2:
Figure 4-3:
Figure 4-4:
Figure 4-5:
Figure 4-6:
Figure 4-7:
Figure 4-8:
Figure 4-9:
Figure 4-10:
Figure 4-11:
Figure 4-12:
Figure 4-13:
Figure 4-14:
Figure 4-15:
Figure 4-16:
Figure 4-17:
Figure 4-18:
Figure 4-19:
Figure 4-20:
Figure 5-1:
Figure 5-2:
Figure 5-3:
Figure 5-4:
Figure 5-6:
Figure 5-5:
Figure 5-7:
Figure 5-9:
Figure 5-8:
Figure 5-11:
Figure 5-10:
Figure A-1:
Figure A-2:
Figure A-3:
List of Tables
- XI -
List of Tables
Table 1-1:
Table 1-2:
Table 2-1:
Table 2-2:
Table 2-3:
Table 2-4:
Table 3-1:
Table 3-2:
Table 3-3:
Table 3-4:
Table 3-5:
Table 3-6:
Table 3-7:
Table 3-8:
Table 3-9:
Table 3-10:
Table 4-1:
Table 4-2:
Table 5-1:
List of Tables
- XII -
List of Abbreviations
List of Abbreviations
Activity-based Costing
Business Reengineering
Business Reconfiguration
e. g.
et al.
i. e.
- XIII -
List of Abbreviations
Wissenschaftliches Studium
- XIV -
Within organizational theory, the term organization can have both an institutional and an
instrumental meaning. While the institutional view describes an organization as a self-contained entity that has a specific structure, the instrumental term denotes the internal structure of such an entity (e. g., the internal organization of a company). American
organizational literature is dominated by the institutional notion of organization. For example, DESSLER defines organizations as: [...] purposeful social units [that] consist of people
who carry out differentiated tasks which are coordinated to contribute to the organizations
goals. Dessler (1986), p. 6.
German organizational literature focuses primarily on the instrumental meaning of the term
organization. Following this approach, a distinction between the functional and configurative organization can be identified. See, e. g., Schreygg (1997). The functional organization treats organization as a managerial function, i. e., the design and implementation of
efficient structures in order to support the goals of the enterprise. This functional approach
is performed after the initial stage of goal-setting and planning. The configurative approach,
mainly based on the works of KOSIOL, treats the design of an organizational structure as
the ultimate initial task, which determines or influences all subsequent activities. Planning is
executed within the boundaries set within this initial configuration. See, e. g., Kosiol (1978).
Refer to, e. g., Lehmann (1992), p. 1539.
See Fayol (1949).
See Taylor (1947).
Typical characteristics of tayloristic organizational structures include a high degree of separation between tasks, the functional integration of similar tasks into larger organizational
units, and a strong separation between dispositive and operational work. Compare Adam
(1998), pp. 25ff., for a thorough discussion see, e. g., Sawalha (2000); Kugeler (2001).
Compare, e. g., Nordsieck (1934), p. 76, who defines a process as the treatment of objects.
Refer to, e. g., Nordsieck (1931); Nordsieck (1934); Henning (1934); Nordsieck (1972).
8. See, e. g., Chapple, Sayles (1961).
9. Porter (1985).
10. Davenport (1993) and Davenport (1995).
11. Harrington (1991).
12. Hammer, Champy (1993); Hammer (1996).
13. A good overview of process concepts in the literature can be found in Krmeier (1995).
Notable German sources for process concepts are Gaitanides (1983) and Scheer (1990).
See Nippa (1995a), p. 40ff.
For a critical view of reengineering mistakes see, e. g., Davenport (1995), who criticizes the
lack of employee-orientation in failed reengineering efforts.
Compare Luftman (2003).
Compare Georgakopolous, Hornick, Sheth (1995).
Compare Leymann, Roller (1996).
Figure 1-1:
Deming Cycle
Within the planning phase, organizational processes are identified, modeled and optimized. During this phase, various modeling methods can be
employed, such as Petri Net-based approaches or Event-driven Process
Chains. Most process engineering approaches focus on this phase. These
approaches both align and create modification plans for a companys organizational structures and processes. which then lead to reorganization efforts
in the execution phase.
Execution Phase (Do)
Based on the data collected during the execution phase, the effectiveness
of the new organization is analyzed in the evaluation phase. Measurements
are compared across different processes and organizational units, and relevant results are reported to operative and strategic management units.
Reengineering Phase (Act)
During the reengineering phase, the results of the evaluation phase are
reviewed by strategic and operative management units, and the attainment of
strategic and operative goals is analyzed. Depending on the performance of
the organization, adjustments to the underlying goal structure and measures
for the improvement of the current situation are used to create alternative
plans. One or more of these plans are chosen for implementation and are
handed over to the participants of the planning phase as guidelines for their
The Deming Cycle example illustrates that management of process-oriented organizations requires appropriate measurements in order to verify
and ensure the effectiveness of an organizations processes.22 Process controlling strives to ensure the rationality of the decision making process by
Whatever measures are employed, they must reflect the process as a whole and must be
communicated to and used by everyone working on the process. Measures are an enormously important tool for shaping peoples attitudes and behaviors; they play a central role
in converting unruly groups into disciplined teams., Hammer (1996), p. 16.
Compare Weber (1999) and the detailed discussion in section 2.4.2 on page 73.
Compare McLellan (1995).
The inflexibility of current workflow management approaches has been criticized, e. g., by
Dourish et al. (1996). The Generalized Process Structure Grammar, on which DOURISHS
system Freeflow is based, is discussed in detail in section 3.5.3 on page 148.
A landmark article commonly seen as the origin of modern decision support and management information systems development was the article by LEAVITT and WHISLER Management in the 1980s, in which the authors argue that decision processes in companies
would be automated in the future, leading to a decreasing number of managers. See Leavitt,
Whisler (1958).
Compare Kaplan, Norton (1993); Kaplan, Norton (1996).
Compare Kaplan, Cooper (1997).
Goal Statement
alone, however, can lead to strategic managerial myopia and - ultimately - the
subsequent failure of the organization.29
For a critical discussion of traditional financial controlling measures see Wiese (1999), chapter 3.1.
Figure 1-2:
Workflow-based controlling tools that focus entirely on information contained in the audit trail are limited to quantitative analyses of the event-based
history of completed processes.
From an organizational perspective, the use of audit trail data for controlling purposes touches upon two areas of an organization: management control, which is based on the new level of information; and controlling, which
has to create and maintain a matching infrastructure to manage this information and combine it with complementary data sources.
Management Control
The importance of business process performance measures for the optimization process has been pointed out by HARRINGTON:
[...] the lack of good white-collar measurements is a major obstacle to improved
business processes. [...] if you cannot measure it, you cannot control it. And if you
cannot control it, you cannot manage it.30
Audit trail information represents a new form of information that is available to controllers in their function as information suppliers. The usefulness
of this kind of information for management purposes has not been assessed
so far. An analysis of how audit trail information can enhance existing information sources and which complementary information sources are required,
allows enterprise controllers to participate in the design phase of workflow
projects. Furthermore, such an analysis ensures that the resulting system
architecture delivers the measurements required by established controlling
Relevance from a technical perspective
From a technical perspective, the use of audit trail data for controlling
purposes is interesting in three areas: workflow application design, workflow
system design, and data warehouses and business intelligence design.
Workflow Application Design
Workflow vendors use the audit trail mainly as a device for the debugging
of workflow applications. While the potential benefits of audit trail analysis
for business purposes are known, this potential has been realized by only a
few vendors.31 For example, JABLONSKI and BUSSLER describe a dedicated
history perspective within their MOBILE approach. They focus on the use of
audit trail data at run time for the identification of past events that impact
the current process flow as well as for recovery functions, and point out the
use of audit trail information for revision, analysis and reengineering purposes from a business perspective.32 In the context of production workflow
systems, LEYMANN and ROLLER use the term monitoring to describe the use
of audit trail information to ensure the correct functioning of a workflow
implementation. In the same source the authors describe the use of audit
trail information in the area of process management without specifying a
system architecture for this purpose.33 A conceptual framework for the integration of workflow audit trail data in controlling applications would provide
workflow vendors with guidelines as to which information should be
included in a workflow audit trail and which methods should be supported
to access this information.
Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Design-
Providers of management information and decision support systems typically deal with information generated by transaction processing systems.
This type of data represents business objects, customers, suppliers, and other
entities from the operative system of the company. Audit trail data differs
from this information, since it concerns the behavior of the organization
and its members, regardless of the business context in which this data was
generated.34 Therefore, both the design of data structures for the efficient
storage and retrieval of audit trail data and the combination of audit trail
information with related business data are of interest to data warehouse and
business intelligence vendors.
Chaffey gives the metrics module of Staffware as an example for workflow-based analysis.
Compare Chaffey (1998), pp. 27-28. For a detailed discussion of related work refer to chapter 4.1 on page 175.
Compare Jablonski, Bussler (1996), pp. 184-185, pp. 264-267 and p. 307.
See Leymann, Roller (2000), pp. 58-60 and pp. 105-111.
Compare, e. g., the work by LIST ET AL. on the design of Data Warehouse structures for
workflow data. Refer to List et al. (1999) and List et al. (2000).
- 10 -
Related Work
Sources that use workflow technology for the design of data warehouses
aim squarely at the design phase of data warehouse projects. Since the
retrieval and transformation of operational data into the data warehouse is a
frequent and structured process, it is a prime candidate for workflow automation.
BOUZEGHOUB ET AL. describe the modeling of data warehouse refreshment processes as a workflow.35 They use an event-driven workflow modeling approach to trigger various parts of the refreshment process either after
a timer has expired or after a predefined condition in the data warehouse has
occurred. In particular, they distinguish between client-driven refreshment, when
a user activity causes an update to the data warehouse structure; source-driven
refreshment, when the changes to the source data of the data warehouses trigger a refreshment process; and ODS-driven refreshment, which is triggered by
the data warehouse if the content of the operational data store (ODS) is
In his discussion of workflow and data warehouse concepts, PATTERSON
identifies several areas in the data warehouse design process that could benefit from the use of workflow technology, such as the handling of update
anomaly problems.36
Technical Facilities for Audit Trail Generation
KOKSAL ET AL. discuss the management of audit trail data in the distributed workflow management system Mariflow.37 The authors focus on technical issues regarding the storage of audit data and the economical design of
queries on distributed data sources, but they do not address the business
value of process history data.
Related Work
- 11 -
The analysis of audit trail data has been researched for both technical and
economical purposes. AGRAWAL ET AL. use data mining techniques to create
workflow models from audit trail data.39 This project uses data from the adhoc execution of processes to subsequently identify common rules and procedures and to create workflow models using a bottom-up approach. The
authors have tested their approach against artificial data sets and audit trail
data from a live workflow installation. A similar approach has been published by VAN DER AALST ET AL.40 The practical use of the methodology
presented, however, requires the existence of a flexible workflow tool which
records processes while they are being created on the fly. Despite an obvious
demand for such a tool, the current workflow software market is lacking
products with this kind of execution flexibility.
A number of publications focus on the ex-post analysis of workflow audit
trail data with methods transferred from enterprise controlling.41 The controlling of processes using workflow audit trail data has been discussed in
the German literature to some extent, for example in the works of DERZTELER42, KUENG and KRAHN43, RAUFER44, ROSEMANN ET AL.45, and
WEISS46. A number of English sources dealing with this topic can be identified as well, for example KUENG47, LIST ET AL.48, MCGREGOR,49 MCLELLAN50, ZUR MUEHLEN and ROSEMANN51. These sources are discussed in
more detail in chapter 4.
- 12 -
Scientific Positioning
Scientific Positioning
- 13 -
Epistemology denotes the study of (a) the defining features, (b) the substantive conditions
or sources, and (c) the limits of knowledge and justification. see Moser (1999), p. 273.
Ontological (or metaphysical) realism is founded on the belief that (a) there are real objects
[...] (b) they exist independently of our experience or our knowledge of them and (c) they
have properties and enter into relations independently of the concepts with which we
understand them. Butchvarov (metaphysical realism) (1999), p. 562. While ontological idealism only denies the existence of material objects, not the existence of other mind-independent spatio-temporal concepts (such as minds, states, words etc.), metaphysical antirealism rejects one or more of the three basic assumptions of metaphysical realism.
The discussion about the existence of real world objects leads to three different metaphysical world views. While metaphysical materialists accept the existence of material entities,
metaphysical idealists only accept non-material (i. e. mental) entities, such as minds and
their states. The existence of both types of objects is accepted by metaphysical dualists. See
Butchvarov (metaphysics) (1999), p. 563.
See Vering (2002), p. 8. An extreme form of epistemological idealism is the skepticism
found, e. g., in social constructivism. Epistemological skeptics do not necessarily deny the
existence of an objective reality, but they claim this world-in-itself is unknowable. See, e. g.,
Bird (2000), p. 137.
- 14 -
Scientific Positioning
ontological realist or
metaphysical realist
ontological idealist or
metaphysical anti-realist
Not possible
A good juxtaposition of these positions can be found in Schtte (1998), pp. 13-34.
See, e. g., Garber (1999), p. 771.
See, e. g., Albert (1985); Popper (1989).
See Popper (1989), p. 8, where he states that the truthfulness of theories cannot be proved
by their validation (i. e., a valid theory is not necessarily true), and pp. 14-17: an empiricalscientific system has to be able to fail due to experience.
61. For an introduction to the constructivist world view see von Foerster (1981), pp. 288ff.
where he pointedly writes: the environment as we perceive it is our invention. This constructivist view is an opposite extreme to the objectivist viewpoint that knowledge is based
on the stable properties of objects in a real world. Objectivists claim that knowledge produced by the analysis of the real world is external to the knower and thus transferable by
building appropriate models of the real world.
Scientific Positioning
- 15 -
- 16 -
Scientific Positioning
Von Glasersfeld (1984), p. 24, juxtaposes the words match and fit to illustrate the difference between metaphysical realism and constructivism. To illustrate our limited access to
reality, he uses the example of a lock and key. While a certain key unlocks the lock (it fits),
it does not reveal the capacities of the lock (e. g., if there are different keys that also fit
this particular lock).
Von Glasersfeld (1995), p. 7.
Compare Heylighen (2001). Consensus as the basis for concept validation ultimately leads
to social constructivism, see footnote 65 on page 15.
Because of this, the methodical constructivism is sometimes called Erlanger Konstruktivismus.
See Kamlah, Lorenzen, Robinson (1984); Lorenzen (1987). For a discussion of the application of methodical constructivist thoughts on the design on formal workflow modeling languages see Messer (1999), pp. 104 ff.
Scientific Positioning
- 17 -
jects involved.73 Theories are built and explained step-by-step using agreedupon terms of the ortho-language. Inter-subjective comprehensibility is
therefore ensured. This way, reconstructed theories can be presented in a
comprehensible way to well-meaning and qualified subjects.74
Based on the statements above, the positioning of this book is as follows:
Regarding the recognizability of real world phenomena, the author follows a
radical constructivist approach. This follows from the fact that a business
process is a logical ordering of activities. Thus it is a theoretical construct that
by nature cannot be observed in the real world. From a critical rationalist
view, business processes could be observed as the sum of their instantiations. Since all that can be observed are the individual actions of process participants, the process as a whole has to be constructed by the observer
through abstraction and generalization. It should be noted that we do not
refute the existence of a world-in-itself (i. e., a reality), but whether this reality exists or not does not have an impact on the concepts discussed in this
As for the process of modeling and theory-building, we follow the
methodical constructivist approach of the Erlangen School. Using a basic set
of terms introduced in chapters 2 and 3, the models and theories constructed in this book should be accessible to any well-meaning and qualified
subject. The consequences of this position are as follows:75
The subjects of this book are organizational processes and the opportunities to manage and control them with the help of an information
system. An organizational process is a conceptual entity. Unlike a
It should be noted that the Erlangen School relies on a given consensus about elementary
situations (Elementarsituationen des lebensweltlichen Erfahrens) and their terms. If no consensus is
presupposed, the deductive explanation of a certain words meaning leads to the problem of
Fries trilemma (Mnchhausen-Trilemma). According to this trilemma, the deductive search for
an ultimate explanation leads either to an infinite regress, because every term that is used
for explanation can be questioned in turn, a vicious circle, because the explanation uses
terms that have been questioned before, or a dogmatic decision to suspend the procedure.
See Mittelstra (Mnchhausen-Trilemma) (1995), pp. 945-946 and Schtte (1997), pp. 3334.
The property of well-meaningness is illustrated in POPPERS assertion: No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude.
Popper (1947), p. 231.
For a similar discussion of consequences compare Vering (2002), p. 12-13 and Meise (2000),
p. 7-8.
- 18 -
Procedure Model
Due to the nature of constructivist perception, the same environmental situation can be observed and interpreted differently by different
subjects. In the context of process controlling, this means that given
the same values of the same set of parameters, different subjects may
arrive at different conclusions.
The development of a terminological foundation is especially important as this book is positioned at the junction of enterprise controlling
and information system design. In order to create models and theories
that are meaningful for both domains, a common understanding of
central terms has to be established, and potential homonym and synonymconflicts have to be eliminated.76
Procedure Model
- 19 -
lation of design rules and guidelines for information technology and its
organizational deployment, descriptive information systems research works
to explain organizational and technological phenomena. For each of these
approaches methodical goals and functional goals can be distinguished.
Information systems research pursuing functional goals aims at the (descriptive or prescriptive) development of information technology and its applications within a particular industry (e. g., the retailing industry or the
manufacturing domain). Following methodical goals, information system
research aims at the development of domain-independent methods and
techniques for the efficient development and application of information
technology in business scenarios.
In order to deliver a meaningful contribution to the field of information
systems, any information systems research has to generate results within this
portfolio. The goal of this book is the development of design methods for
process information systems based on information generated by workflow
management systems. Therefore, the focus of this book is the methodical
goal of information systems research, which is pursued using both descriptive and prescriptive approaches. The central goals of this book, shown in
table 1-2, are positioned in the context of this portfolio.
Based on the analysis of the goals and functions of process management
and process controlling, the role of process controlling in the context of
other enterprise controlling functions is analyzed. Parallel to this, the support of process organizations through workflow management technology is
researched, and the quality of controlling information supplied by workflow
management systems is assessed.
The results of these analyses lead to the prescriptive development of an
information system architecture for the purpose of workflow-based process
controlling. Both methodical and architectural aspects are discussed and a
reference meta model for workflow-based controlling information is developed. The functional goal of this book is the confirmation of the concepts
through a case study at an insurance company. Finally, the development of a
research prototype based on the reference architecture serves as a feasibility
study for the ideas discussed.
- 20 -
DomainSpecific Goal
Descriptive Approach
Prescriptive Approach
- 21 -
Figure 1-3:
- 22 -
- 23 -
- 24 -
cases the tasks performed in the operative system and the decision making
about aspects of the operative system are performed by different parties.
Therefore, the activities of these parties have to be coordinated in order to
contribute to the overall goals of the enterprise.
In order to understand the internal structure and behavior of different
organizational subsystems and their connections, we need a way to structure
and analyze these entities. Typically this is done using abstract representations of actual organizational facts, i. e. models. The term model has a different notion in different scientific disciplines.81 In this book we base our
understanding of the term model on the definition of SCHTTE.82 A model is
an artificial construct designed using a particular language (the modeling language).
It is a representation of an original that is relevant at a certain time for the purpose of a recipient (the model user). The creator and the user of a model may
or may not be the same entity. Therefore, the building blocks of a model are
an original, the construction process, the model user, a certain time of relevance and a modeling language.
Particularly in the discipline of information systems, a large number of
modeling formalisms exist for purposes such as data modeling, process
modeling, or organizational modeling. In order to define and compare these
different modeling languages, we can use meta-models. A meta model is a
model that describes the grammar of the modeling language (i. e., the elements that can be used to construct models in the modeling language) and
the usage of the grammar (i. e., rules that describe the correct construction
of models using the grammatical elements available).83 A meta model can be
expressed in the same language as the modeling language it describes. For
instance, a dictionary (meta model) can be written in the same language as
the vocabulary it defines (modeling language).84
- 25 -
The system theoretic view of the company offers a framework for the
analysis of organizations in whole or in part. Within this book, we use organizational models that are based on the concepts found within system theory.85 The elements of system theory thus form the basic vocabulary for our
modeling language. The following sections provide an overview of the general principles of system theory, and outline, how these concepts relate to
the structuring of organizations.
General system theory deals with the description of the structure and
behavior of (complex) systems. It is composed of a number of independent
scientific movements that originated in the 1940s. Biological system theory,
regarded by many as the origin of system theory in general, was founded by
the biologist LUDWIG VON BERTALANFFY.86 NORBERT WIENER used system thinking for the analysis of the information flow within and between
systems, and founded the discipline of cybernetics.87 Simultaneously with
WIENER, CLAUDE SHANNON researched the mathematical foundations for
the reliable transmission of messages within information systems.88 His
information theory is another example of a system theoretic movement.
A system in its most general form is a set of entities and relationships
between these entities.89 Formally defined a system S consists of a triple (E,
R, U) where E contains the entities of the system and R contains the relationships between those entities. Systems can be nested, i. e. the elements of
a system can be other systems, forming a hierarchy of systems and sub-systems. From the perspective of a lower-level system, the higher-level systems
form the environment. In this case, the subordinate systems are called sub85.
Note that we apply SCHTTES definition of a model using the vocabulary of system theory.
This use should be distinguished from e. g. HORVTHS definition of a model: [Models]
are (simplified) images of real or mental systems (e. g. the model of a house, data flow plan
of an information system). [...] Only the empirical evaluation shows, whether the results of
modeling are a reflection of reality. Horvth (2001), pp. 101-102. This definition conflicts
with the constructivist standpoint outlined in chapter 1. Since reality cannot be observed in
an objective way, it is impossible to create an (objective) image of reality. Models are always
results of the subjective act of modeling by a modeler. The original from which a model is
constructed is the result of individual cognition (i. e., a model in itself). Only the use of an
agreed-upon modeling language and the fitness of a model for the purpose of the model
user can ensure the usability of a model. Furthermore, HORVTHS definition restricts the
use of models to the representation of systems. Since systems are mental constructs in their
own right, the term real [...] systems is misleading. Compare Schtte (1998), p. 47, especially footnote 49.
See von Bertalanffy (1968), pp. 8ff.; Ferstl, Sinz (1993), pp. 11ff.; Hill, Fehlbaum, Ulrich
(1994), p. 20; Lehner, Hildebrand, Maier (1995), pp. 44-57; Rosemann (1996), p. 14.
Refer to Wiener (1948).
Refer to Shannon (1948).
ACKOFF defines a system as a set of interrelated elements. Thus a system is an entity which
is composed of at least two elements and a relation that holds between each of its elements
and at least one other element in the set. [...] Furthermore, no subset of elements is unrelated to any other subset. Ackoff (1971), p. 662.
- 26 -
In the aforementioned case of sub- and super-systems, the super-system constitutes the
environment of its sub-systems. Not all sub-systems need to be aware of the existence of all
other sub-systems. Instead, a systems environment is usually treated as a black box.
Compare Siegwart (1996), p. 191 and the references cited there.
A classification of system attributes is provided e. g. by Ackoff (1971), pp. 662-667 and
Haberfellner (1974), p. 17.
See Hill, Fehlbaum, Ulrich (1994), p. 22ff.
Variety is defined as the set of distinguishable elements of a system, or the set of distinguishable states a system can be in. For example, a system containing the elements (a, b, c,
c, d, b, a, b, a) has a variety of four, since there are four distinguishable elements (a, b, c, d).
Compare Ashby (1956), pp. 121-126.
The terms structural and organizational complexity relate to the German terms Komplexitt
and Kompliziertheit, respectively. While the proper English translation for Kompliziertheit is
complexity, the use of the proper term would confuse the distinction between the two
terms, therefore the attributes structural and organizational are added. Within the scientific
literature, the distinction between structural and organizational complexity is discussed differently. Bronner (1992), col. 1122, defines the combination of structural and organizational
complexity as complexity in the wider sense. Ropohl (1979), pp. 71f., derives the structural
complexity of a system from the number of different relationships, while the organizational
complexity is determined by the number of different sub-systems. Lehner, Hildebrand and
Maier (1995), p. 49, see the dynamics of a system as the source of its complexity. Sinz
(1996), p. 127, differentiates between extensional complexity, describing the number of a
specific element type, and complexity at the type level, which is a result of the difference
between system elements. Also refer to Kruse (1996), p. 28 and p. 34.
Compare Ackoff (1971), p. 662.
For example, a convertible car as a mechanical system can be in the state moving from
the perspective of a traffic observer, while it is in the state roof closed from the perspective of an exterior designer.
ASHBY defines the state of a system as any well defined condition or property which can
be recognized if it occurs again.Ashby (1956), p. 25. State changes are often induced by an
interaction of a system with its environment. ACKOFF consequently defines the environment of a system as a set of elements and properties which can produce a change in the systems state. See Ackoff (1971), pp. 662-663.
- 27 -
Figure 2-1:
The hierarchical system view focuses on the composition of (super-)systems through other (sub-)systems. There is no limit to the number of
system levels that can be nested.103 The introduction of system hierarchies enables system designers to refine coarse systems (top-downapproach) or to abstract from detailed systems (bottom-up-approach).
Compare Hill, Fehlbaum, Ulrich (1994), p. 23; Lehner, Hildebrand, Maier (1995), p. 50.
Compare Ackoff (1971), p. 664. In order to remain stable in a changing environment, a system needs to have as much internal variety as it is exposed to environmentally. This law of
requisite variety was first stated by ASHBY, see Ashby (1956), pp. 206-208. A homeostatic system is an example of a system, which is capable of maintaining a stable state, also called an
equilibrium, refer to Ashby (1956), pp. 82-85.
101.Compare Haberfellner (1974), pp. 16-27. Note that this notion seems to conflict with the
world view used within this book. However, the constructivist philosophy simply states that
a reality cannot be perceived objectively. Whether such a reality exists is thus not relevant
for the evaluation of model quality. From a radical constructivist point of view every system
is a construction of the mind and thus an artificial system. For reasons of simplicity, HABERFELLNERS classification of systems is shown in the original form.
Compare e. g.Teubner (1999), p. 14-15 and the references cited there.
While a hierarchical system view is a suitable way to abstract from or detail specific parts of
a system, a recursive repetition of systems within systems is a way to provide inheritance of
system attributes or behavior, comparable to the inheritance concept of object-orientation
(compare e. g. Oestereich (1997), pp. 38-41). An example is the viable system model by
BEER, which consists of 5 distinct systems in a recursive structure, i. e., the internal composition of the (sub-)systems 1A to 1D consists of the 5 distinct systems on a lower level of
recursion. Compare Holten (1999), pp. 142-153 and the references cited there.
- 28 -
opaque entity (i. e., a black-box) that has certain inputs and outputs.
The system is fed via its inputs and produces a certain output. It can
be either stateful or stateless. In a stateful system, the behavior of the
system is influenced through inputs. As a typical result, a similar input
applied subsequently to such a system may produce a different output
than the original input, because the state of the system has changed
through the first operation. A stateless system does not exhibit this
behavior, i. e., the same input will always result in the same output.
- 29 -
Figure 2-2:
Perspectives on Systems
Advantages of the system theoretic view are mainly related to the reduced
complexity of the studied organization through systems engineering108:
- 30 -
The view of the organization as a system fosters the analysis of ongoing system changes, therefore it enables the dynamic control and regulation of system aspects.
Companies as Socio-Technical Systems
Companies are purpose-oriented, because they produce an output, which is in the interest
of their environment, e. g. a product that satisfies the needs of customers. In the following
sections, the term organization is used as a synonym for the terms company and enterprise.
110.Compare for example Hill, Fehlbaum, Ulrich (1994), pp. 20ff; Schulte-Zurhausen (1999),
p. 36.
Compare Luhmann (1991), pp. 34ff.
Compare Staehle (1999), p. 437.
Compare Staehle (1999), p. 437-452. He points out that the objectives and the goals of an
organization can (and should) be distinguished. While the objectives of an organization represent its contribution to its environment (e. g. society in general), and justify the existence
of the organization overall, the goals represent the organizational state or behavior that the
organization and its members strive to achieve. See Staehle (1999) p. 438.
For an overview of organizational goals see Kugeler (2000), pp. 24-26.
- 31 -
- 32 -
Figure 2-3:
Efficiency Goals
Because efficiency goals are not operational in the sense that they cannot
be readily measured, they need to be replaced by substitute goals in practice.
These substitute goals should have a positive contribution toward the substituted goal. For example, the reduction of cycle and idle times has a positive
impact on process efficiency, while a maximization of resource capacity utilized has a positive influence on resource efficiency.
Ashby (1956), pp. 206-208 and the definition of a homeostatic system in footnote 100
on page 27.
Compare Frese (2000), pp. 292ff.; Theuvsen (1996).; v. Werder (1998) and v. Werder
- 33 -
Figure 2-4:
- 34 -
A common distinction made in the system-theoretic analysis of organizations is the separation of the decision making part of an organization (the
management system) from the operating part of the enterprise (the operative
The operative system of the enterprise transforms an input stream of
goods and services (upstream, supply chain) along the logistics processes to
an output stream that is delivered to the customer (downstream, demand
chain). In return a flow of monetary values is received through financial processes and passed on to the suppliers as compensation for their goods and
services. Each of the logistics and financial processes is encompassed by,
and can be represented as an information flow.125 A financial transaction is
represented in terms of invoices, postings and account statements, while a
flow of physical products is accompanied by the relevant purchase orders,
bill of materials, assembly lists, or delivery notes. The creation, storage, and
management of these information objects is the purpose of the operative
e. g. Horvth (2002), p. 112. The roots for this distinctions can be found in TAYwork on scientific management, which was originally published 1911 (Compare Taylor (1947)). The separation between management and operative system has been criticized
by some authors, compare for example Weber (1999), pp. 28-29. This criticism relates to
the normative separation of management and operative systems, i. e., there is a lack of arguments why a certain system configuration is chosen as opposed to other possible configurations. In addition, critics of the system approach point out that in reality management and
operative functions are closely interwoven in certain areas (e. g., group-concepts in manufacturing). While these arguments are clearly valid (see the discussion in section 2.4.1 on
page 70), we use the separation of management and operative functions as a model, i. e., an
abstract representation of an organization, to explain the flow of information at different
levels of the enterprise.
For a thorough discussion of the term information refer to Holten (1999), pp. 71-74 and
the references cited there. HOLTEN uses the framework defined by Bode (1997). According
to this framework, information can be classified within the dimensions dynamics, novelty,
truth, semiotics and carrier. From a semiotic perspective, information can either be defined in
a syntactic, semantic, or pragmatic way. The syntactical definition describes information as a
sequence of characters. The semantic approach defines information as a representation of
an object, i. e., information is a sequence of characters with a specific meaning, while the
pragmatic approach stresses the purpose of information, i. e., information has to be useful
for the preparation of decisions or activities. Information can be perceived as dynamic if the
process of informing a recipient is addressed. In a static sense, information relates to the
precondition and result of the information process. In terms of novelty, information can be
characterized as unknown to the recipient (individual-subjective view) or unknown within a
certain context (objective view). The aspect truth distinguishes between truth-dependent
information, i. e., information has to be true, or the sender has to believe in the correctness
of the information, and truth-independent information, i. e., there is a possibility that the
information is incorrect. Finally, information can be either restricted to humans as information carriers, or the storage and transmission of information through technical resources is
accepted without altering the characteristics of information.
For the purpose of this book, information is defined as the representation of an object in a
particular language. Compare Bode (1997), p. 459. In the context of computer systems,
information denotes the technical representation of an object which is stored, manipulated,
transmitted, and/or displayed through the computer system. On a conceptual level, information is a higher form of data, which is defined as a sequence of characters. Data has to be
distinguished from programs (or applications), which manipulate, store, retrieve, and/or
display data. Information relates to economically relevant entities of the company, e. g., an
invoice or a customer account, and is context-dependent, i. e., information is bound to a
particular purpose.
- 35 -
information system of a company. The operative information system is typically connected to entities outside of the company through cross-enterprise
application integration or Business-to-Business integration (CEAI or B2BI).
CEAI links the operative information systems of organizations along the
supply chain in the support of recurring business transactions, such as order
placement, invoicing and offer solicitation.126 Similar integration exists in
the demand chain, where customer self-service applications and order management functions (among others) mirror the supply chain functionality.
The operative system works with a given set of resources and according
to a set of rules that are defined by the planning and control system of the
organization. In order to be able to regulate the behavior of the operative
system, the planning and control system depends on information supplied
by the management information system.127 This system can be fed by information from both in- and outside the company. Internal information can be
gathered from the operative information system. This information is typically filtered in order to reduce the amount of detailed information to the
level required by the recipient.128 External information can either originate
from suppliers (e. g., shipping dates for supplies), customers (e. g., demographic information), third parties (e. g., credit reports from rating agencies),
or government bodies (e. g., tax schedules). The management information
system provides information to the entities involved in planning and control
processes. This information is used to evaluate alternative strategies, or to
control the execution of prior strategic decisions. This part of the management system is traditionally realized through the front-ends of on-line analytical processing systems (OLAP)129, or through the provisioning of
printed reports. More recently, real-time analytics and so-called corporate
dashboards are used to provide decision makers with information about
operational performance.130 Based on the results of the planning and control process, the planning and control system exercises influence on the
operative system by setting goals, defining procedures, issuing guidelines or
similar measures which have to be implemented by the operative system.
for these integration efforts are standards such as ebXML, refer to ebXML
(2002), Biztalk, see Thatte (2001) or CDIF, refer to EIA (1997) and Flatscher (1997).
The use of information technology for managerial purposes was first described by LEAVITT
and WHISLER, compare Leavitt, Whisler (1958). Many of the early systems failed, because
the first approaches to provide managers with a view on operative data through Management Information Systems (MIS) were driven by technical progress instead of actual information requirements. Compare Ackoff (1967), who especially criticized the lack of
relevance in the information provided by MIS. For a detailed description of the history of
management information systems refer to Holten (1999), pp. 29-59.
See section 2.3.3 on page 60 for a more detailed discussion of this topic.
Refer to Codd, Codd, Salley (1993), who first used the term OLAP to differentiate analytical database use from productive database use.
See Houghton et al. (2004) for a case study of corporate dashboards at Western Digital.
- 36 -
Figure 2-5 shows the relationship between the management system and the
operative system of the enterprise.131 It is apparent that the management
system impacts the operative system as a whole, but does not selectively
change details about the logistics or financial processes. In fact, direct intervention by management constitutes a bypass of organizational control and is
discouraged by system theorists.132 Instead, the management system provides guidelines that have to be implemented by the units of the operative
Figure 2-5:
The links between the logistics and financial processes are shown bidirectional to include
processes such as the handling of returns, recycling, financial discounts, and reimbursements.
Compare BEERS viable system model as an example of organizational management and
control structures. Beer (1985); Espejo and Harnden (1989).
- 37 -
Organizational Processes
It should be noted that in most cases the financial processes are represented as information
processes (e. .g. postings from one account to another). Therefore, some authors distinguish between material and information processes, compare e. g. Schulte-Zurhausen (1999),
p. 51-52. This perspective will be applied throughout the rest of this book.
Certain information processes are also part of the management system, especially the supply of managers with information for decision making processes.
Compare Schulte-Zurhausen (1999), p. 49-56.
Compare Wiese (2000), p. 24; Schulte-Zurhausen (1999), p. 4.
Compare Gaitanides, Scholz, Vrohlings (1994), p. 2.
For an early critical view of functional organizations compare, e. g., Nordsieck (1931).
- 38 -
Process Definitions
Compare Becker, Kahn (2002), p. 6. The German organizational theory outlined the distinction between the organizational structure (Aufbauorganisation) and the flow of work
(Ablauforganisation) for a long time.
140.Compare the notes in section 1.1 on page 1.
141.See Hammer, Champy (1993), pp. 35 ff. In a later publication, HAMMER defines a process
equally vague: We can think of a process as a black box that effects a transformation, taking in certain inputs and turning them into outputs of greater value. Hammer (1996), p. 9.
Davenport (1993), p. 5.
Harrington (1991), p. 9.
Harrington defines a production process as any process that comes into physical contact
with the hardware or software that will be delivered to an external customer [...], up to the
point the product is packaged [...]. Harrington (1991), p. 9. He specifically excludes shipping and distribution processes.
- 39 -
[...] [the] stepwise procedure for transforming some given input into some desired
output. The transformation is consuming or using resources. A business process has
some form of outcome, i. e. goods or services produced for a customer or customers
either outside or inside the enterprise.145
The above definitions are similar with regard to the dynamic system view
employed, they all stress the input-process-output character of organizational processes. Nevertheless, these definitions are not precise enough to
allow for a detailed description of organizational processes using information models. For instance, the definitions do not address the criteria separating different processes within an organization, which is a crucial distinction
for the development of organizational process models.146 In the context of
this work, we define a process in the tradition of BECKER and SCHTTE as
A process is a discrete, holistic, temporal and logical sequence of those
activities that are necessary to manipulate an economically relevant
object.147 This object is also called the process object and characterizes the
process. Additional supporting objects may become part of the process.
Depending on the properties of the process object, we can distinguish
between material and information objects.
Business processes are a specific category of processes.148 A business process
is defined as a high level process determined by the overall goals of the
enterprise.149 Business processes contain activities that interface with market partners (i. e., customers, suppliers, or other third parties).
A workflow is a specific representation of a process, which is designed in
such a way that the formal coordination mechanisms150 between activities,
applications, and process participants can be controlled by an information
system, the so-called workflow management system.151
- 40 -
For a review of different work distribution mechanisms compare Hagemeyer et al. (1998)
and Hoffman, Lffeler, Schmidt (1999), who analyze the capabilities of workflow management systems in this regard. A more detailed discussion of this aspect can be found in zur
Muehlen (2004). The resource modeling aspects of workflow applications are addressed in
section 3.5.4 on page 160 in more detail.
- 41 -
Source: Compare Kugeler (2000), p. 16, Becker, zur Muehlen, Gille (2002), p. 42.
Figure 2-6:
- 42 -
The financial and logistics processes of a company stretch from the supply side to the demand side of the organization. The process scope dimension describes the boundaries of a given process.
Processes between organizations (inter-organizational processes) are either
inbound or outbound processes, which are triggered from outside the company or terminate outside the company borders.157 Typical examples for
these processes are delivery processes on the customer side, and replenishment processes on the supply side. These inter-organizational processes can
also be found when one or more activities of a process are executed outside
the control sphere of the company, for example, if parts of the process have
been outsourced.158 A typical property of inter-organizational processes is
the limitation of control, i.e., parts of the process that reside at the process
partner are not manageable by the company itself, but instead constitute a
black box.159 For this reason, autonomous changes to an inter-organizational process have to consider the overall integrity of the process.160 In
- 43 -
order to manage this restriction, the integration points between process partners are often formalized using interoperability contracts,161 which may rely
on a standardized protocol. Figure 2-5 illustrates this through the supply
chain information system which extends beyond the system boundaries of
the company. Information about process performance may be restricted to
the part of the process which lies within the scope of an individual company.162
Processes within an organization (intra-organizational processes) are triggered
within the organization (e. g., the design of a new marketing brochure). The
company has complete control over the resources involved in these processes and the implementation of the individual activities. KUGELER points
out that the majority of corporate processes are inter-organizational processes.163 This is even more true if we focus on the value-adding processes
that directly support corporate goals.
For interoperability contracts in business-to-business processes refer to Goodchild, Herring and Milosevic (2000).
Standardized protocols for process interoperability, as they are discussed in section 3.4.5 on
page 133, may incorporate ways to limit the visibility of process information. The value of
information in the supply chain was discussed by Holten et al. (2002).
Compare Kugeler (2000), p. 18.
Within this taxonomy, integration is defined as the unification of disparate system elements
to a new entity. For a detailed discussion of integration within the domain of workflow
management refer to section 3.2.4 on page 111.
165.Note that recent efforts around the development of Web Services, and Service-Oriented
Architectures (SOE) aim at the exposition of application functionality to external parties at
a finer level of granularity using standardized interface descriptions.
- 44 -
The validity dimension relates to the intention of the process representation. An as-is process reflects the current implementation of a particular process. If the process description represents a mid-term goal for either
organizational or technical developments that still have to be implemented
we call it a target process. The delta between the current process and the target
process indicates potential for change within the organization and can serve
as a guideline for restructuring efforts. An ideal process is a representation of
the best possible process implementation, but it may be too costly or too
complex to realize under the current circumstances. Whether there is a significant difference between a target process and an ideal process is determined by the current organizational configuration, available resources and
other constraints, such as legal issues, or cost/benefit ratios.
Within a single application system, an integration process may be executed to transfer data
between disparate components of the application system. A typical example for this are systems based on a middleware infrastructure such as CORBA or a J2EE application server.
Compare for example Weske (CORBA) (1997).
Note that an increasing number of workflow systems is used to construct process-oriented
application systems. Vendors such as BEA, IBM, and Versata provide workflow components as parts of their software development infrastructure. Application vendors such as
SAP, Siebel, and Oracle offer embedded workflow components that can be used to refine
the software processes within their large-scale application systems. We can observe a trend
to remove the top-level control flow from applications and have it managed by internal
workflow components. This type of software architecture is labeled by some as Business
Process Management System (BPMS), compare Smith, Fingar (2003).
- 45 -
- 46 -
- 47 -
With changing market conditions, such as global competition and the creation of micro-markets, increasingly individual customer profiles that led to
mass customization, and shorter product life cycles due to technological
innovation, the dynamics of the corporate environment have changed dramatically. STALK, EVANS, and SHULMAN point out the transformation from
externally oriented organizations toward a focus on internal capabilities:
When the economy was relatively static, strategy could afford to be static. In a
world characterized by durable products, stable customer needs, well defined
national and regional markets, and clearly identified competitors, competition was a
war of position in which companies occupied competitive space like squares on a
chessboard, building and defending market share in clearly defined product or market segments. [...]
[Today,] in this more dynamic business environment, strategy has to become correspondingly more dynamic. Competition is now a war of movement in which success depends on anticipation of market trends and quick response to changing
customer needs. Successful competitors move quickly in and out of products, markets, and sometimes even entire businesses. [...] In such an environment, the essence
of strategy is not the structure of a companys products and markets but the dynamics of its behavior.179
The internal orientation of organizations has fueled the interest in methods and technologies to understand and manage the behavior of companies
more efficiently, and with more effective results. As discussed in the previous section, an organizations output is generated by the organizations operative system through the execution of financial, logistics, and information
processes. Using the system view of organizations180, enterprises are facing
the constant challenge to find the answer to the question: How can we manage
the operative system of the firm in such a way that the logistics, financial and information
processes are performed efficiently and effectively?
- 48 -
- 49 -
Compare Hammer, Champy (1993), p. 32: Reengineering [...] is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical,
contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed.
While HAMMER and CHAMPYS work named information technology as an essential
enabler of reengineering (Hammer, Champy (1993), p. 44), it fails to outline specific steps
to implement reengineering in practice (For instance, we have written only a little about
how organizations can actually make reengineering happen, Hammer, Champy (1993), p.
216). DAVENPORT tries to operationalize this approach and defines a stepwise procedure
for the modeling and improvement of business processes.
192.Compare Harrington (1991).
193.Compare Hammer, Stanton (1999), p. 108, who point out the clash of redesigned processes
with existing organization structures: Many companies have integrated their core processes
combining related activities and cutting out ones that dont add value, but only a few have
fundamentally changed the way they manage their organizations. The power in most companies still resides in vertical units [...] and those fiefdoms still jealously guard their turf,
their people, and their resources. A procedure model for the design of process-oriented
organizations was proposed by Kugeler (2000).
194.Refer to Bhm, Jacopini (1966), pp. 367ff.
195.This is due to the fact that the concurrent execution of activities within an organizational
process is easier to realize than the technical implementation of an algorithm with concurrent threads.
- 50 -
- 51 -
Figure 2-7:
matches the situation of the model recipient. Figure 2-8 illustrates the ARIS
phase concept using the example of designing an inventory management
Starting with an operational business problem, a model of the requirements is specified using a conceptual modeling language, in this case an
entity-relationship diagram. Based on this model the relational model of an
inventory management database is designed using a structured description of
the database tables. In the implementation description phase, this table
structure is transformed into Structured Query Language (SQL) statements
that are necessary to implement the proposed structure in a database management system (DBMS). The actual implementation concludes the project
and, as a result, a solution for the business problem is available.
The ARIS framework is a normative collection of views on processes, i. e.,
the selection of views is based on experiences from process modeling
projects and has been influenced by the event-driven process chain (EPC) as
- 52 -
Figure 2-8:
The function view of the ARIS framework contains process activities and
allows the modeler to create a hierarchical decomposition of high-level
activities into activities of finer granularity. Through the function view activities from different processes can be grouped according to different
attributes, e. g., all activities with customer interaction. SCHEER explicitly
allows the use of application software symbols and corporate goals in the
function view, which can be used to illustrate the purpose of activities, and
The event-driven process chain was first introduced by Keller, Nttgens, Scheer (1992). It
is regarded as a semi-formal process modeling language, because no explicit meta-model
was the basis for its inception. The lack of a rigid methodical foundation has been criticized
by some authors, who prefer the rigor of modeling methods based on mathematical formalisms, such as Petri-Nets (Petri (1962)). Compare e. g. v. Uthmann (1997); v. Uthmann
(1998) and v. Uthmann (2001). A (language-oriented) meta model for the EPC was first
provided by Rosemann (1996), pp. 122-123.
- 53 -
The data view of the ARIS framework hosts the messages and events that
trigger processes and activities, as well as environmental data that is transformed through the execution of activities (i. e., a customer record that is
updated through the activity change delivery address).204
Output View
Within the output view, the input and output of activities and processes are
defined. SCHEER defines output as the result of a production process, in
the most general sense of the word.205 The defining criteria for output is
the fact that it is required as input by some party other than the producer,
that it has been requested by the receiving party, and that it is of value.206
Output recipients of an activity or process can reside inside or outside the
organization, i. e., output can be produced for both internal and external
customers. The output view was introduced in the last revision of the ARIS
framework, while in earlier editions the elements of the output view were
represented in the data view of the framework.207
- 54 -
Control View
The control view (sometimes called process view) represents the union of
the other four views and describes the dynamic behavior of a process,
whereas the organization, data, function, and output views describe the
structural properties of a process.208 The control view contains the complete
process model, comprised of activities and control flow, their in- and output, resources involved in their execution, triggers and messages. It connects
the entities described in the other views through named relationships, such
as controls, creates, triggers, or uses.
- 55 -
The institutional interpretation of management focuses on the positioning of managerial entities within the organizational structure. Within this
interpretation we can identify a significant difference between German and
American management approaches. Within the German organizational literature, management is perceived as the highest organizational layer of the
enterprise. In contrast, American authors discuss management as any position that has disciplinary or direct authority over another position in the
organization.213 Critics of the latter position often point out that the personified understanding of management mixes manager-employees with manager-owners. This integration poses a problem for industry-economical
research that aims at comparing enterprises managed by owners with enterprises managed by independent employees.214
Functional Interpretation of Management
Fayol (1949). While TAYLORS work on scientific management was concerned with the
separation of the organizational decision system from the executing system elements,
FAYOLS work aimed at the classification of managerial tasks.
Compare Staehle (1999), p. 71.
Refer to Steinmann, Schreygg (2000), p. 6.
Compare Schreygg, Steinmann (1981).
- 56 -
Planning: The general decision what has to be done and how it should
be done in order to achieve corporate goals.
Budgeting: The execution of all tasks that comprise budgeting, especially the creation of a budget and its supervision.
- 57 -
Direction through the specification of goals and the definition, initiation, and evaluation of goal-oriented activities within the system and
its elements.
Development is, on the one hand, the result of design and direction processes over time. On the other hand, development happens independently in social systems through the evolutionary learning of
knowledge, achievements, and attitudes.
Compare Koontz, ODonnell (1955), cited after Steinmann, Schreygg (2000), p. 8-9.
Compare Steinmann, Schreygg (2000), p. 9.
Note that the term communication system in this context does not relate to technical communication equipment such as telephones, fax machines, and computer networks. Instead, the
rules and regulations for communication between the members of the organization have to
be determined during this phase (for example, which position reports to whom).
- 58 -
While planning, organizing, and staffing are primarily concerned with the
preparation of the organization for efficient operation, the directing phase contains the continuous initiation of task enactment and the coordination and
control of the operative system.
The final phase of the management cycle is the controlling or evaluation
phase, during which the achievements of the operative system are compared
with the plans devised during the planning phase. Planning and controlling
phases are regarded as twin functions, since controlling is impossible without the target measures provided by the planning phase, while planning is
hardly possible without controlling information about the achievement (or
attainability) of goals.
Figure 2-9 shows the management process according to BLEICHER.223
The cyclic process emphasizes that management must not only be perceived
as a linear sequence of activities, but that it is rather an interconnected feedback loop, consisting of the three core phases decision, enactment and evaluation.224
The management process as described above is not an isolated sequence
of activities executed on the management level. Instead, each part of an
organization performs - to some extent - steps within the management cycle.
Due to the sheer complexity of large organizations a central coordinating
instance cannot be implemented with reasonable effort. One of the main
reasons for this is the limited information processing capacity of the human
brain.225 In order to ensure an optimal decision making process (which
includes the optimal allocation of resources) information about the entire
organization has to be aggregated and evaluated. Another reason for the lack
of centralized control are structural defects of decision processes.226 There223.
Refer to Bleicher (1999)[48], p. 49. The management process depicted here is a modified
version of the management process proposed by ULRICH and KRIEG, compare Ulrich,
Krieg (1974).
224.This cycle shows structural similarities to the Deming cycle depicted in figure 1-1 on
page 3.
Compare Dessler (1986), pp. 110-113, who describes the increasing information load: As
managers are faced with more and more information - with more uncertain information,
more complex information, or more types of information - they reach their capacity for
processing it and making decisions, and information overload occurs.
ADAM has classified the problems associated with complex decision making processes.
Solution defects can be found if for a certain problem more than one solution is possible (e. g.
the planning of production lots). Goal defects occur if certain desirable outcomes of an activity are in direct conflict (e. g., maximizing the return on investment while minimizing the
risk of loss). Valuation defects can be observed when the outcome of a certain decision cannot be measured precisely (e. g., additional revenue from the development of a new product). Finally, impact defects occur when the results of proposed activities cannot be
determined with certainty. This category of defects occurs frequently, when the internal
workings of organizational processes are not understood, and the relationship between
input factors (e. g., materials and human resources) and output factors (e. g., defect-free
products) are unknown. For a detailed discussion see Adam (1996), pp. 10-15.
- 59 -
Figure 2-9:
fore, management processes are implemented at various levels of the organization, which enable the organization to continuously control itself, in order
to maintain its viability and development.
The cyclic structure of the management process corresponds with the
principles of the cybernetic feedback loop.227 A diagram of the cybernetic
feedback loop is depicted in figure 2-10. The operative system of the organization is the system being regulated by the control unit. The planning unit
provides target values for the output of the regulated system to the control
unit. Input for the planning unit comes from the normative management
level, which determines overall strategies, rules, and guidelines for the organization. The control system has to ensure that the regulated system produces an output within the tolerances defined for the target values. This unit
consists of three sub-units: Evaluation, control, and implementation. The
evaluation part measures the output of the regulated system as well as its
input (and eventual disturbances, which may affect the regulated system)
through sensors. During traditional feedback coordination, the output values
(actual values) are compared with target values provided by the planning
unit. If a deviation exists within certain tolerance levels, the control part of
the control unit determines the necessary measures to compensate for the
For the following section refer to Kpper (2001), pp. 181-185; Wiese (2000), pp. 18-20;
Espejo et al. (1996), pp. 65-69.
- 60 -
disturbances that may have caused the deviation. The implementation part
of the control unit performs the necessary adjustments to the input stream
of the regulated system. This ex-post evaluation can compensate for disturbances within a certain bandwidth, but it does not prevent the system from
attaining a state of self-oscillation.228 In order to stabilize this lower feedback loop, the control unit reports deviation outside of the tolerance bandwidth to the planning unit, which can then adjust the target values
appropriately. Anticipatory control (feed-forward control) is performed if
the evaluation part of the control unit measures the disturbances before they
enter the regulated system, and the control system can devise preventive
measures to ensure the desired output. Finally, if a regulated systems allows
a view of its internal processes, it can be monitored during the processing
phase.229 If the system also allows a modification of its processes, real-time
adjustments can be administered through the control unit.
- 61 -
Compare Anthony (1967), Gorry, Scott-Morton (1971), p. 59. Some authors call the strategic planning level normative management, which deals with the overall goals of the enterprise, with principles, norms and rules that are designed to foster the ability of the
organization to survive and to develop. Compare Bleicher (2001), p. 74.
Compare Gorry, Scott-Morton (1971), p. 58.
Anthony defines management control as the process by which managers assure that
resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the
organizations objectives. Anthony (1967), p. 27.
233.Compare Gorry, Scott-Morton (1971), p. 57.
234.Compare Anthony (1967).
235.Compare Hentze, Brose (1985), pp.117-118.; Welge, Al-Laham (2001), p. 6. Both authors
distinguish between three levels of managerial activity: strategic, operative and tactical level.
They refer to operative planning as the middle level and tactical planning as the lower level
of managerial activity. In order to reflect the distinction between the management and operative systems discussed on page 34, we use these terms in the reverse order, as they are
found in Wiese (2000), pp. 45-50.
- 62 -
Deciding on
objectives and
policies for the
about the organization and the
aggregate and
obtained from
outside the organization
Balanced Scorecard
On-line Analytical Processing
Guidelines and
regulations from
strategic planning, actual values from
operational control
On-line Analytical Processing
Efficient and
effective enactment of tasks
Processes and
about the organization
learning and
control system
The scope of the managerial decisions, i. e., which parts of the organization are affected by a decision made at this specific level.
The structure of managerial decisions, i. e., criteria such as the complexity, security, level of detail, degree of freedom, and information
The stimulus for managerial decisions, i. e., whether decisions are made
in an anticipatory way (feed forward), or if they are triggered by organizational events (feedback).
- 63 -
Management and Control
entire organization
low, expensive
high, inexpensive
very high
very low
high risk
low risk
unstructured (open)
structured (closed)
low, global
high, specific
Degree of Freedom
Inform. Requirements
not possible
partially possible
analytical, incremental
innovative, creative
routine, repetitive
feed-forward control
feedback control
Decision Object
Decision Structure
Level of Detail
Decision Process
Operative Management
and Control
Normative Input
Thought Style
Compare Hentze, Brose (1985), pp. 117-118. Note that HENTZE and BROSE use the term
tactical planning for what is named operative management in table 2-2. The middle level has
been eliminated from the table, because the attributes shown are a continuum and a
medium level would necessarily have a fuzzy distinction. Also, some of the attributes chosen by HENTZE and BROSE have been omitted, because they no longer reflect the current
state of management science. For example, STEINMANN and SCHREYGG have pointed out
that the temporal scope of decisions no longer is a distinctive feature of strategic or operative management, respectively. Strategic plans can have a short-term scope, such as the
acquisition of a competitor due to a surprise offer or a turn-around effort in times of economic peril. Also, the position of strategic management tasks at the top of the organizational hierarchy, while valid in many cases, is not a fixed rule. For example, reengineering
efforts that are initiated by members of the operative system may have a strategic impact on
the organization as a whole (e. g. the introduction of a document management system in
place of existing paper flows). Compare Steinmann, Schreygg (2000), pp. 149-150.
For example, whether the organization strives to attain cost leadership or quality leadership.
- 64 -
Compare Bleicher (2001), pp. 75-76. BLEICHER identifies a normative level of management, which deals with the overall goals of the organization and develops principles, norms
and guidelines that enable the company to sustain and develop. Compare Bleicher (2001),
pp. 74-75. This management level relates to the culture, politics and constitution of the
organization and is therefore outside the scope of our research. For the remainder of this
work the analysis is restricted to the two lower levels: strategic and operative management
and control.
Refer to Porter (1985), p. 25.
Refer to Steinmann, Schreygg (2000), pp. 157-160.
Compare Steinmann, Schreygg (2000), p. 158.
For a description of the SWOT analysis refer to Meffert (2000), pp. 67-68.
- 65 -
Strategic control. The continuous evaluation of the activities of the operative system encompasses the strategic management process. While
some authors see strategic control as the final phase of the strategic
management cycle, several arguments can be given for an encompassing view of strategic control.243 On the one hand, a feedback-based
control cycle does not deliver information in time, which could lead
to corrective measures during the implementation of the strategic
plan.244 This is due to the long planning cycles and potential irreversibility of strategic decisions made. On the other hand, changes in the
factors analyzed may require a revision of planning assumptions, but
these changes are only communicated upstream during a new cycle of
the management process or the control phase. Therefore, strategic
control has to accompany the management process and has to continuously question its assumptions and results.245 During the different
phases of the management process two types of strategic control can
be distinguished:246 Premise control continuously monitors the assumptions made during the development of strategic programs. Execution
control continuously monitors the implementation of the strategic program.
Information Requirements
Information requirements describe the type (quality) and amount (quantity) of information required to satisfy the information needs of a decision
maker. Information needs have to be satisfied in such a way that the uncertainty about the consequences of choosing a particular alternative are minimized. Members of an organization involved in strategic management and
control have different information requirements during the different stages
of the planning and control process. During the strategic analysis, information sources both internal and external to the organization are required. For
instance, the analysis of the environment is based on market data, demographic information, and competitor information, among others. Information about the performance of different organizational units is required for
- 66 -
- 67 -
Stage II Systems
Reporting Driven
Stage IV Systems
Many errors
Large variances
No surprises
Meets audit standards
Shard databases
Stand-alone systems
Informal links
Shard databases
Stand-alone systems
Informal links
Hidden cost and
Limited feedback
Delayed feedback
Operative and
strategic performance measurement systems
Data Quality
and Strategic
Operative management and control operates within the framework provided by activities on the strategic level. Its purpose is the execution and
enactment of strategic plans with the organizations specific resource contingencies. For this purpose the strategic programs have to be broken down
into partial plans, structured by functional areas, product divisions, or
regions. ODIORNE has proposed the following procedure model for the
transformation of a strategic goal into operative goals:255
The term performance measurement was coined by Eccles (1991). Criticism of existing
accounting systems, which are the main source for financial information about an organization, was stated by Kaplan (1983) for the manufacturing domain and Johnson, Kaplan
(1987) on a more general basis.
Refer to Kaplan, Cooper (1998), p. 12.
See Kaplan, Cooper (1998), pp. 13-18.
Refer to Ittner, Larcker (1999), who even argue that non-financial measures are better indicators for the financial performance of a company than financial measures themselves.
- 68 -
Operationalization of key indicators and constraints through the agreement on temporal and quantitative target values.
Compare Odiorne (1979), p. 121, whose management system is called management by objectives.
Refer to Staehle (1999), p. 663.
Compare Glweiler (1987), p. 34.
Compare Steinmann, Schreygg (2000), pp. 266-274.
- 69 -
Figure 2-11:
control measures the progress of implementation and focuses on the efficiency of the plan realization (doing the things right), whereas strategic
control focuses on the validation of goals (doing the right things).259
Besides the development of operative work plans and measurements, operative control executes a reporting function in the direction of strategic control. Because of the different intentions of operative and strategic control,
the scope of this reporting task can grow to a size that impacts the efficiency
of the original tasks of operative control.
Information Requirements
- 70 -
The organizational position of the controller has been a result of corporate practice,260 but it is lacking a theoretical foundation which outlines
potential development paths for controllership in practice.261 This problem
arises from the variety of definitions of the term controlling, of which none
is universally accepted.262 The interpretations of the term controlling range
from the positivistic view Controlling is what controllers do263 to informationcentric, coordination-centric, or management-centric definitions.264 We discuss each of these views in the following section, before we discuss their
integration in hybrid controlling definitions.
Information-Centric Controlling Definitions
The first roots of controllership in private companies can be traced back to the position of
the comptroller at the Atchinson, Topeka & Sante Fe Railway System in 1880. For a detailed
discussion of the historic roots of controlling see Weber (1999), pp. 2-10.
261.See Schffer, Weber, Prenzler (2001), p. 2.
262.A critical discussion of the lack of agreement on the definition of controlling is part of
many controlling books. For a reference compare e. g. Schildbach (1992), pp. 21-27 and
Weber (1999), pp. 19-29, who points out the lack of generally accepted controlling principles.
A critical perspective on this view can be found in Grob (1996), pp. 1-2.
Compare for a discussion Weber, Schffer (1999), pp.732-734. ANTHONY has characterized
the different views of controllership as follows: In practice, people with the title of controller have functions that are, at one extreme, little more than bookkeeping and, at the
other extreme, de facto general management. Anthony (1965), p. 28.
Compare e. g. Becker (1984).
Compare Kpper (2001), pp. 10-11.
Compare Weber (1999), p. 348.
- 71 -
- 72 -
Management Accounting
Number-oriented activities
Recipient-oriented activities
Work in secrecy
Rigid guidelines
Domain-specific terminology
Dominates accounting
for example Kpper (2001), pp. 12-29; Horvth (2000), pp. 118-120.
e. g. Dessler (1986), p. 148, who defines coordination in relation to tasks: Coordination is the process of achieving unity of action among interdependent activities. MALONE and CROWSTON define coordination in its most general form as managing
dependencies between activities. Malone, Crowston (1994), p. 90.
277.Compare Weber (1992), pp. 172-179. Note that Weber subsequently modified his position
and now advocates the rationality-supporting function of controlling, which is presented in
section 2.4.2 on page 73.
See Weber (1999), p. 26.
- 73 -
While the information-centric, management-centric, and coordinationcentric view of controlling describe different perspectives that can be
applied to classify the activities of a controller, most controlling definitions
combine elements from all three perspectives. For example, HORVTHS
definition of controlling has found widespread use in the German literature:
Controlling is - from a functional perspective - the sub-system of management,
which coordinates planning, evaluation,279 and information supply in a goal-oriented, system-building, or system-connecting way. By doing so, controlling supports
the adaptation and coordination of the entire system.280
The above definition sees controlling as goal-oriented, i. e., it supports
the overall economic goals of the enterprise. It has to coordinate conflicting
strategies, which may lead to local optimization, and it has to ensure an overall economic benefit for the organization. It is seen as a specific part of the
management system, which it coordinates. The management system itself
consists of the two sub-systems planning and control system and information-supply system.
The above controlling definitions have been criticized in the literature for
a variety of reasons:
From a system perspective, if controlling coordinates the management
system, it cannot perform a management function in itself. Coordination of
a system can only be performed from a system of higher order, thus controlling would be a meta-management function.281 Most controlling definitions,
however, claim that controlling is a sub-system of the management system.
Industrial practice shows that management and operative functions are
closely interwoven, and that the separation of management and operative
system is not applicable in all cases.282 Also, the normative definition of
management sub-systems, chosen by the authors favoring the coordination
view, is lacking an explanation for why the particular structure of the management system is the best possible segmentation, or if the structure is
exhaustive. The separation of management sub-systems suggests a high
Note that Horvth uses the German term Kontrolle, which translates to controlling. In order to
avoid a homonym conflict and a misleading recursive definition, the term evaluation has been
chosen for the translation.
Horvth (2000), p. 153.
Meta (Greek: above) denotes the location of the controlling system above the management
system which it coordinates.
Compare Weber (1999), p. 28. See also footnote 124 on page 34.
- 74 -
degree of structure within the management system, but fails to accommodate situative management decisions.283
WEBER argues that a common framework for controlling tasks is necessary, although the tasks of information supply, coordination, and managing
systems reflect the controlling function only in part. He points out that the
most general description of controlling is to perform quality control for
managerial tasks.284 The importance of a quality control function is based
on the high level of complexity managers are faced with today. BLEICHER
even argues that the core task of management is the management of complexity.285 Complexity relates to the feature of systems that in a given period
of time can take on a large number of different states, effectively making the
understanding and management of the system difficult for humans.286
Complexity can be managed through the systematic division of work in
combination with personal-professional specialization. This ultimately leads
to depersonalized and technocratic systems287 and structures, which are necessary to manage large-scale decentralized organizations.288 These structures
contradict the development of faster decision processes, shorter information
cycles, and automated information flows. ULRICH and PROBST warn:
If a company is caught in a web of detailed rules and regulations it loses its ability
to spontaneously adapt to changing environmental conditions. It loses the flexibility
necessary to survive in a volatile and changing environment.
Complexity-reducing measures are correct if well-known goals are rationally and
securely achieved using well-known pathways. They are wrong if new goals and
pathways are explored. What we dont know we cant sensibly control!289
In the context of increasing complexity, the role of controlling can be
defined as follows:290
See Weber (1999), p. 29, who points out that the following question is not answered: Can
the system structure be maintained if new management problems demand new solutions?
284.Refer to Weber (1999), pp. 38-39.
285.Compare Bleicher (2001), p. 31.
286.For a discussion of complexity refer to footnote 95 on page 26.
287.BLEICHER defines technocratic structures as the opposite of human-oriented structures.
They are defined by formal mass-production programs, a task-oriented division of work
which leads to horizontal interfaces (that increase the complexity) and vertical interfaces
due to multi-level hierarchies. Instrumental and quantifiable factors are used to create an
equilibrium among the distributed units. The result are short-term cost orientation and risk
avoiding strategies. See Bleicher (2001), p. 593.
Compare Bleicher (2001), p. 32.
Refer to Ulrich, Probst (1988), p. 63.
Compare Weber (1999), p. 39; Weber, Schffer (1999). For a critique of this position refer
to Irrek (2002). Since IRREKS definition of controlling as a control system ignores the
information and method supply functions of controlling, WEBERS approach is more suitable for this work.
- 75 -
Figure 2-12:
The shaded area on the left side indicates the aspects of controlling relevant to this book, which focuses on the analysis of information supplied by
workflow management systems and the methods that can be applied for the
evaluation of this information.
- 76 -
Process Management
Process management can be perceived as the application of the management cycle with a focus on organizational processes. GAITANIDES ET AL.
define process management as the collection of planning, organizing, and
controlling activities for the goal-oriented management of the organizations
value chain regarding the factors quality, time, cost, and customer satisfaction.291 The main goals of process management are the achievement of
transparency with regard to process structure and process contribution.292
NEUMANN ET AL. see the main task of process management in accompanying the process implementation, and ensuring the continuous, incremental
improvement of the organizations processes.293 Process management and
process-oriented reorganization projects are not mutually exclusive. Instead,
the restructuring of an organization with a focus on the processes should be
followed by an institutionalized process management.294
VOLCK separates management into structural management, which deals
with the structural properties of the organization, such as positions and
departments, and process management, which focuses on the design of the
organizations processes.295 This strict separation does not hold in practice,
because the institutional interpretation of process management requires the
creation of process owners and process managers, which is clearly a task of
structural management. In addition, the design of processes has a direct
impact on the resources involved in the process and therefore influences the
conditions under which structural management has to operate.296
GADATSCH defines process management as a component of an integrated
concept for business process- and workflow management.297 It consists of
the tasks process definition, process modeling, and operative process management.298 Relating to the ARIS phase model, GADATSCH places process
management within the requirements definition phase, whereas workflow
management constitutes the implementation phase. This approach has several weaknesses. On the one hand, the definition of process management is
- 77 -
The management cycle starts with the analysis phase, which consists of
the environmental analysis and the organizational analysis. As part of
the environmental analysis, the market partners for the processes in question are determined (customers, suppliers, third parties) and their
technical and organizational restrictions regarding the processes are
identified (e. g., if an electronic interface to the systems of a partner is
generally feasible). In addition, legal and competitive restrictions have
to be analyzed (e. g., legal issues that arise from the flow of customer
data across international borders). The environmental analysis can
also deliver information on best practices found throughout the competition and through benchmarks from other domains.
The organizational analysis deals with the assessment of the companys
capabilities to implement and execute the processes in an efficient
manner. Existing technical and organizational restrictions (such as the
existing technological infrastructure) as well as the overall fit of the
processes have to be determined (i. e., do the processes adequately
reflect the policies and guidelines currently in place?).
- 78 -
Process Controlling
- 79 -
- 80 -
the boundaries of the company. Suppliers and customers may request information about the progress of their process instances, and independent
controlling bodies may be established for the management of supply
Figure 2-13 shows the functional decomposition of process controlling
functions. Process controlling consists of three general support functions
that are performed during the planning, implementation, and operational
phases of process management. In addition, the information supply function
of process controlling is a continuous task, and consists of the maintenance
of a current process documentation and the provision of process reports.313
During the planning phase, process controlling supports the planning of
alternative process structures through the provisioning of measurements of
existing process designs, and simulation values of alternative process structures (e. g., processes with concurrent activities, eliminated process steps,
etc.). In the course of this activity, process controlling supplies information
about the goal contribution of process structures. In addition to the process
structure, process controlling can also provide information to assist in process staffing decisions. Through an analysis of the existing skill-set of process participants and a requirements analysis of process activities an
necessary training activities can be determined.
The planning of measurements and target values is necessary to integrate
process goals into the information supply infrastructure of process controlling. The achievement of process goals cannot be determined without measurements. For this reason, two critical tasks of process controlling are the
identification of suitable measurements that reflect the process goals, and
the selection of target values for these measurements. Figure 2-14 shows the
decomposition of the process structure planning activity, which is performed as part of the process management cycle, and the subsequent planning of process measurements and target values as part of the process
controlling cycle.
- 81 -
Figure 2-13:
Process support in the implementation phase relates to the design of an infrastructure for process measurement. While the collection and integration of
financial performance indicators is a well known task in traditional management accounting, process performance indicators also contain time-based
information, such as turnaround times or idle times during process execution. In order to capture these values, a measurement infrastructure along
the processes has to be established, e. g., by implementing reporting and
messaging functions in process-oriented application systems.
During the enactment phase, process controlling supports operative process
control through the continuous monitoring of running processes and the
evaluation of completed processes. Possible directions for process improvement are indicated by process controlling. However, the selection and implementation of these measures is a task of process management.314 Once
- 82 -
certain activities for the improvement of the current process structure are
chosen, process controlling closely monitors the implementation of the
measures chosen, in order to give a timely feedback about deviations from
expected improvements.
Besides the life cycles by Rolles and Heilmann, Derszteler (2000) and Galler, Scheer (1995)
have presented life cycles for process and workflow management. Since these models are
simpler than the ones presented here and their content is covered by the other two
approaches, they have been omitted from this section.
- 83 -
Figure 2-15:
- 84 -
- 85 -
workflow instances, including the integration of external applications. Completed workflow instances are recorded in the step log file creation and
may be sent to the corporate revision for auditing purposes. The analysis of
audit trail information in the step analysis, comparison, controlling can
lead to a new instantiation of the modeling cycle on the strategic or tactical
level. Figure 2-16 shows the workflow management cycle by HEILMANN.
Review of Existing Life Cycles
Both workflow life cycles cover the analysis of the current (as-is) situation, the modeling and implementation of process models in workflow management systems, and the subsequent analysis of workflow protocol data in
order to implement continuous process improvement. However, both
approaches do not separate the technical implementation of the workflow
infrastructure from the conceptual design of workflow models. Also, the
monitoring of workflow instances during their execution and adjustments to
running workflows are not addressed by both life cycle models. The feedback cycles describe work at the operative management level, but do not
address, how process-relevant information can be applied to management
control at the strategic level.
A Management-Oriented Process Life Cycle
- 86 -
Figure 2-17:
- 87 -
- 88 -
- 89 -
- 90 -
SABRE did not allow travel agents to connect to the system directly until
The impact of computing technology on office work in the early 1970s
was determined by growing database applications and the advent of enduser computing technology, where terminals were used for on-line mainframe access. However, application development was just beginning to shift
from departmental-specific solutions with application-specific data storage
concepts to a more modular design, where application data was stored in
central databases. The business process logic was embedded in application
system code and thus difficult to change. Put concisely, the aim of workflow
management technology is the separation of process logic from application
logic, in order to enable flexible and highly configurable applications.
JABLONSKI and BUSSLER name seven fields as the conceptual ancestors of
workflow management technology:326 Office automation, database management, e-mail, document management, software process management, business process modeling, and enterprise modeling and architecture. In
addition to these fields, SHETH mentions distributed object management,
imaging technology, transaction processing monitors, workgroup software
and Internet technology as domains that are influential to workflow management technology.327
- 91 -
See the detailed description of Officetalk-Zero and its comparison to approaches like
SCOOP and BDL in Ellis, Nutt (1980).
Refer to Nutt, Ellis (1979).
Refer to Ellis (1979).
Refer to Ellis (1982); Ellis, Bernal (1982).
In the outlook of their paper, ELLIS and NUTT envisioned the next generation of office
automation systems: The notion of the intelligent form [...] could be extended to allow a
forms process to guide itself through various work stations and measure its own progress,
utilizing the facilities of particular work stations within their own domains. Ellis, Nutt
(1980), p. 57. At the same time, the technical state-of-the-art is illustrated by the following
quote from the same paper: Areas on the screen are pointed to by a cursor under the control of an x-y coordinate input device called a mouse. Ellis, Nutt (1980), p. 29.
Ellis, Nutt (1980), p. 57.
Refer to Zisman (1977), Zisman (1978).
Kreifelts (1983), p. 216.
- 92 -
The findings of KREIFELTS and his colleagues at the German GMD led
to the development of the DOMINO system339, which was later used by
Olivetti as the basis of the commercial X_Workflow system.340 While most
office automation prototypes relied on Petri Net-based models for the representation of office procedures, IBM developed a Business Definition Language (BDL) as a high-level programming language for processes. BDL was
supposed to enable office workers to create formal office processes on the
fly, but had little success in practice.341
a detailed description of the DOMINO system see Kreifelts et al. (1991) and Woetzel,
Kreifelts (1993).
Compare Woetzel, Kreifelts (1993), p. 11.
Refer to Hammer et. al (1977).
Besides scientific prototypes, figure 3-1 shows a number of commercial systems that either
had a significant impact on the marketplace or were derived from scientific prototypes. The
current workflow market is extremely fragmented. For an overview of workflow vendors
and their systems refer to Karl (2001), and web sites such as the Workflow and Reengineering International Association (www.waria.com) or the Workflow Management Coalition
(www.wfmc.org). The current state of the workflow market versus the findings of researchers
in the workflow domain were discussed by Abbott, Sarin (1994); Georgakopolous, Hornick,
Sheth (1995); Alonso et al. (1997) and Du, Elmagarmid (1997).
See Mahling, Craven, Croft (1995) and Nutt (1996).
Compare Swenson, Irwin (1995).
Examples systems within this category are Beyond Corporations BeyondMail (which was
bought by Banyan in 1995 and discontinued 1998), JetForm (now Accelio Corp.) and PowerWork. Most e-mail based systems rely on an external e-mail and messaging systems, which
they enhance with routing and task assignment functionality.
Figure 3-1:
- 93 -
- 94 -
BECKER and VOSSEN have pointed out three areas that were influential
for the development of workflow management systems.346 As an extension
of electronic mail systems, workflow management systems enable the fast
communication and collaboration between geographically dispersed users
along a common workflow model. In addition, workflow management systems have similarities with active database systems that monitor the state of
a system and trigger activities upon these events.347 Finally, workflow management systems are related to federated databases and extended transaction
concepts, since - from the perspective of database management researchers a workflow can be perceived as a long-running transaction and requires
sophisticated fault handling and recovery mechanisms.348 Besides these
areas, the development of document management technology has been
instrumental in the commercial success of workflow technology.
Document Management Systems
- 95 -
Another predecessor of workflow technology are advanced e-mail applications.355 While standard e-mail system realize simple point-to-point routing of messages (with one or more recipients), workflow management
concepts extend this functionality to include a list of recipients that are
addressed sequentially (e. g., to coordinate the editing of a document).356
From a research point of view, messaging-based workflow systems are interesting for aspects such as evolutionary workflow modeling or the support of
unstructured processes where the actual sequence of activities is determined
at run time. Another facet of this type of application, messaging-based workflow, is based on the notion of a network of processing stations that are supplied with process objects in a structured way. This represents yet another
modeling paradigm as opposed to the activity-oriented or process-objectoriented perspective.357
Database Management
For a survey of studies from such implementation products compare the annual award
series of the Giga Information Group. Compare Fischer, Moore (1997); Fischer (1999); Fischer (EIP3) (2000); Fischer (EIP4) (2000).
353.Compare Surjanto, Ritter, Loeser (2000).
354.For example, the modeling component of the system CSE WorkFlow (now SER FloWare)
relies on the state-based modeling technology. Compare Raetzsch (1999).
Compare Becker, Vossen (1996), p. 21.
For a case study compare Gebauer, Schad (1998).
An example for a workflow-system based on the notion of intelligent processing stations
was presented by Barbar, Mehrotra, Rusinkiewicz (1996) with their INCAs project.
- 96 -
ber of research initiatives that analyze the use of database concepts in workflow applications.358
Two areas of database management have been of particular interest for
workflow researchers: Transaction management and active rules. From a
transaction management perspective, a workflow instance can be perceived
as a long-running transaction with multiple sub-transactions (i. e., the activities).359 Since workflow instances often interact with applications outside of
the control sphere of the workflow enactment service, the failure of applications during the enactment of a workflow instance has to be taken into
account. Also, since business-relevant data treated in the context of a workflow-instance is in most cases accessible to other applications as well, a
workflow engine cannot lock this data from access by other applications
without reducing the efficiency of the entire corporate information system.360
From the perspective of active database research, workflow management
systems can be implemented through the specification of triggers and active
rules in databases, which monitor system conditions and raise triggers upon
the detection of specified events.361 The sequence of activities would thus
be implemented as a collection of database actions. The first activity would
be executed upon receipt of an external trigger and would create a new event
upon its completion, triggering new activities along the workflow model.
for example the WIDE project as described in Grefen, Pernici, Snchez (1999).
Leymann, Roller (2000), pp. 20-21.
360.An example is the treatment of customer data in an order processing workflow. If the workflow engine locked the customer record from access by other applications, concurrent billing and shipping processes could not proceed, because they would not be able to access the
relevant customer record. The short time span of locking phases in database systems allows
measures like the 2-phase-locking protocol for consistency and integrity assurance in database applications. The long time span of workflow instance enactment, which can span
days, or even weeks, requires relaxed transaction concepts to ensure the integrity of workflows. Compare Leymann, Roller (2000), pp. 20-22 and 232-282.
Compare Geppert, Tombros (1996).
Note that the increasing interest does not necessarily reflect the acceptance and use of
workflow systems. Ellis and Nutt point out that The history of workflow application in
corporate America has been mixed; more systems have silently died than been successful.
Ellis, Nutt (1996), p. 141. Also compare the findings of Bair (1981) and White, Fischer
Compare Emery (2000).
- 97 -
There are numerous publications regarding the synergies between document management
and workflow technology. Compare e. g. Attinger (1996); Frappaolo (2000); Emery (2000).
While the paperless office was the ultimate goal for many researchers in the 1980s, recent
research has shown that due to sociological reasons the elimination of paper from office
procedures is rather unlikely. Compare Sellen, Harper (2002).
For the distinction between embedded and stand-alone workflow products refer to zur
Muehlen, Allen (2001).
366.Compare SAP AG (2004).
367.Compare Moore (2000).
368.The inflexibility of activity-based workflow models have been pointed out, e. g., by Wong,
Low, Ren (1998).
Compare Medina Mora et al. (1994). Winograd, Flores (1996) provide the formal foundation for the underlying speech act model.
- 98 -
Preparation: During this phase a customer asks a performer to provide a specific service.
Acceptance: During the final phase of the cycle the result of the service is inspected by the customer and either accepted or rejected.
SUCHMAN argues that activities are performed in situ and the design of
future activities depends on the actual execution of previous activities, thus
making an a priori process design at a fine level of detail impossible.370
Instead, she proposes the specification of processes as situated actions.
SCHMIDT - in the tradition of SUCHMAN - uses the metaphor of maps and
scripts for process specifications. 371 Process models are consulted as maps if
members of the organization do not know how to handle a specific situation. They are used as scripts if process participants have to adhere to a particular sequence of activities at all times. Following this metaphor, most
workflow management systems rely on the scripting of processes, while
most Groupware applications rely on representing processes as maps. Which
of these two extremes is applicable in a given situation depends - among
other factors - on the organizational context, the attributes of the process in
question and the corporate culture of the surrounding organization.
Refer to Suchman (1987) and her criticism of the action workflow approach in Suchman
(1994) and Suchman (1995).
Compare Schmidt (1997).
- 99 -
The relatively new field of workflow management systems suffers from confusion
caused by weakly defined concepts and a lack of consensus about the way in which
these concepts are used.372
This statement by JOOSTEN illustrates the state of the workflow management community at the middle of the 1990s. Due to different conceptual
ancestors and the variety of workflow-related technologies, terminology
from different computer science areas was used for the definition of workflow management systems and their underlying concepts. Despite the frequent use of synonyms by users and vendors (e. g., task, step, procedure, to
name a few synonyms for elementary activities), the fundamental understanding of workflow management and workflow management systems has
been unified in large parts by the terminology and glossary work of the
Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC).373
Based on the discussion of the term process in chapter 2, we have defined
a workflow in section 2.2.2 as a specific representation of a process, whose
formal coordination mechanisms between activities, applications, and process participants can be controlled by an information system, the so-called
workflow management system.
A workflow management system is defined by the WFMC as:
A system that defines, creates and manages the execution of workflows through the
use of software, running on one or more workflow engines, which is able to interpret
the process definition, interact with workflow participants and, where required,
invoke the use of IT tools and applications.374
Per this definition, a workflow management system consists of a modeling component for the creation of workflow models, functionality for the
creation of workflow instances from these workflow models, and functionality for the execution of these workflow instances.375 The functional component for the enactment of workflow instances is called workflow engine.376 The
engine metaphor has been criticized by a number of authors, as it implies
that the core functionality of a workflow management system is concentrated around one monolithic application. Instead, the critics point out, the
functionalities described above can be supplied by different services that
(1996), p. 2.
WfMC (Glossary) (1999).
374.WfMC (Glossary) (1999), p. 9. The WfMC names the terms workflow automation, workflow manager, workflow computing system, and case management as possible synonyms.
Within this book, the terms workflow model and process definition are used as synonyms.
Compare WfMC (Glossary) (1999), p. 73, where a workflow engine is defined as a software service [...] that provides the run time execution environment for a process instance.
- 100 -
Figure 3-2:
- 101 -
- 102 -
- 103 -
pant is associated with one or more work lists, which serves as a repository
for work items assigned to this participant.
A workflow application system (or workflow-based application) is an application system which uses (in whole or in part) a workflow engine for the coordination of application components, users, data, or parts thereof. It consists
of one or more workflow engine(s), invoked applications, administration
components, user interfaces, and related data stores.
Perspectives on Workflows
Resource View
Information View
Specified Functional
Function View
Implemented Func-
Implemented External
Implemented Capabil-
tional Operations
Internal Schema
Logical Data Schema
Physical Data Schema
Resource Units
Organization View
Domain Processes
Business Processes
Enterprise Activities
Enterprise Objects
Object Views
Object Relationships
Information Elements
Integrity Rules
External Schemata
Conceptual Schemata
Integrity Constraints
Database Transactions
Specified Capabilities
Specified Resources
Specified Resource
Organization Units
Organization Cells
- 104 -
A framework of different perspectives for workflow analysis was presented by JABLONSKI and BUSSLER as part of the conceptual design surrounding the MOBILE workflow management system.383 They distinguish
between the mandatory perspectives function, operation, behavior, information, and organization. These perspectives can optionally be enhanced with
views covering the causality, integrity and failure recovery, quality, history,
security, and autonomy of the workflow.
Each view is separated into a factual perspective and a systemic perspective. Factual perspectives contain entities that exist independent of an actual
workflow implementation, i. e., they relate to the complete specification of a
workflow model which may or may not be automated. Systemic perspectives
relate to the implementation of a workflow model in the context of a specific workflow management system. They contain information pertinent to
the technical realization of a workflow. An example for this separation is the
treatment of information about completed activities. From the factual perspective, this information is relevant for auditing and process controlling
purposes; from the systemic perspective, this information may be used to
determine the behavior of activities at run time (e. g., if an activity has to be
executed by the manager of another activitys performer).
Function Perspective
- 105 -
- 106 -
Organization Perspective
An example for typed workflow relevant data is a customer number passed along the activities. If the relationship between customers and customer representatives is encoded in the
organizational model, the workflow engine can assign the activity instances automatically to
the responsible agent depending on the value of the attribute customer number.
The WfMC states that workflow control data may be written to persistent storage periodically to facilitate restart and recovery of the system after failure. It may also be used to
derive audit data. WfMC (Glossary) (1999), p. 56.
392.A workflow participant is a resource which performs an activity. Resources can be human
resources or technical resources, such as software agents. Compare WfMC (Glossary)
(1999), p. 20.
Staff resolution is discussed in detail in section 3.5.4 on page 160.
- 107 -
Causality Perspective
- 108 -
methods should be used for the evaluation of this information; nor do they
provide guidelines, which quality attributes should be recorded during workflow execution.
History Perspective
The history perspective relates to the events recorded during the execution of workflow instances. These events comprise the so-called audit trail,
and provide detailed information about the actual sequence of activities executed, the resources which performed the activities, (key) attributes for the
workflow instance, and so forth.400 The history perspective has two possible
applications. On the one hand, it can be used for system recovery purposes,
in order to establish the last known process state after a system failure.401
On the other hand, it provides source data for the analysis of the technical
and economical performance of the workflow management system.402
Security Perspective
The autonomy perspective covers the mobility aspect of workflow applications.405 In a mobile environment, users may be able to connect to a workflow management system using mobile devices, such as web-enabled cell
phones or personal digital assistants. In this case the workflow management
system may not be able to synchronize the work list of a user continu399.Refer
- 109 -
The different views found in ARIS, CIMOSA, and MOBILE are summarized in table 3-2. While ARIS and CIMOSA distinguish between views and
phases, the MOBILE model only distinguishes different perspectives. The
table refers to the requirements definition phase of ARIS and CIMOSA,
unless stated otherwise.
Factual Perspectives
Data Types
Data Objects
Data Flow
Control Flow
Invoked Applications
Software agents
Global Conditions
Integrity and
Failure Recovery
Consistency constraints
Log files
Workflow protocols
Access constraints
Systemic Perspectives
(as attributes)
The same situation occurs, if users are notified by e-mail about pending work items. Only if
the workflow management system can exercise control over the mail server, expired work
items can be removed from the work list (in this case the inbox of the authorized user). A
solution for this scenario is the provision of a proxy address from workflow participants,
who select a work item. Upon activation of a work item, the participants are directed to a
server-generated web page that either provides a link to the activity implementation or
informs the user about the expiration of a work item.
For a discussion of mobile workflow applications compare Jing et al. (2000).
- 110 -
While ARIS offers two distinct views of data objects, both CIMOSA and
MOBILE integrate these objects in the information perspective. This is consistent with the criticism of the output view, as stated in section 2.2.5 on
page 53. Neither CIMOSA nor ARIS offer dedicated views for the handling
of history data as well as autonomy information. Since the history aspect is
significant for process controlling purposes, we apply the MOBILE framework in the subsequent sections.
Coordination Process
Activity ordering
Shared Resource
Resource allocation
Activity synchronization
Goal decomposition
Compare Malone, Crowston (1994), p. 90. Refer also to Crowston (1994), who points out
that coordination is seen as a response to problems caused by dependencies.
Compare Malone, Crowston (1990).
A preliminary version of this table can found in Becker et al. (1999).
- 111 -
Well defined process interfaces for web services (defined external behavior), predictable
internal behavior through standardized processes
Adequate use of the competencies of organizational units, both superior (greater scope
of vision along the process) and subordinate
(detailed knowledge about single activities).
Workflow Support
Integration through combination occurs if similar system elements are combined, thus leading to a decreased number of elements and relationships within the system (in the sense of abstraction). Typically this
- 112 -
- 113 -
This invocation model has been formalized in the Wf-XML specification by the Workflow
Management Coalition, and the ASAP (Asynchronous Service Access Protocol) specification by OASIS, which represents a revised version of Wf-XML. See WfMC (Wf-XML)
(2001); Ricker et al. (2003).
- 114 -
Figure 3-3:
The structure of a workflow management systems is separated in a development environment (build time component) and an execution environment (run time component).416 The development environment provides
workflow designers with tools for the design of workflow models, the specification of workflow relevant data structures, and the design of the organizational model relevant to the execution of the workflow models. While the
modeling of processes and organization structures are often supported
through graphical modeling tools, the specification of data structures and
integration adapters is mostly text-based and resembles a traditional programming environment.
The design discussed in this section represents a generic workflow management system and
is not based on a particular system architecture.
- 115 -
The process management facility is responsible for the creation of workflow instances from the workflow model repository and the creation
of an appropriate entry in the workflow instance database. It has to
observe execution constraints, for instance the validity period of a
workflow model.
The worklist handler creates work items for these activity instances and
manages access rights to work items. It interacts with the work lists of
different users and handles conflicts, such as the concurrent selection
of the same work item by two users.
Examples are the FlowMark Definition Language (FDL) by IBM, the Staffware format
XFR, or the XML Process Definition Language by the WfMC (compare WfMC
418.An example for a separate organization modeling environment is the Organization and
Role Model (ORM) by Siemens-Nixdorf. Compare Rupietta (1997). Separate repositories
are used frequently if the organization uses a central organization directory, which is
accessed using the lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP).
419.JABLONSKI and BUSSLER define an additional module which handles the actual execution of
activities and their associated applications, the Kernel of a workflow engine. Compare
Jablonski, Bussler (1996), p. 229.
- 116 -
The user management facility controls the access of system users to work
lists and the workflow management system in general. It uses information from the organizational repository to determine the workflow
participants covered by a particular role.
The application invocation module manages the interaction of the workflow engine with invoked applications. It monitors return codes from
external applications to determine the successful completion of activity instances and passes data to and from invoked applications.
The history management component logs system events in the audit trail.
These events can be either system related (e. g., user log-on and logoff) or workflow instance related (e. g., activity started, activity completed).
Figure 3-4 shows the main components of a workflow management system in a schematic diagram.
A popular requirement for embedded usage is the creation of a workflow instance from a
web page. In an e-commerce application, the completion of an on-line form creates a database entry with the entered field values and an instance of the associated workflow model is
created through the web server, which uses the workflow engine API.
Compare zur Muehlen, Allen (2000), p. 49.
Figure 3-4:
- 117 -
systems typically provide their own user interfaces (i. e., a proprietary
worklist handler) and will access data from other applications. They are usually installed to support a variety of different applications.
An embedded workflow management system is only functional if it is
deployed with the surrounding (embedding) system - for instance, an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.422 The workflow functionality of
embedded workflow management systems is used by and exhibited to the
surrounding software system. Common examples include ERP and CRM
systems as well as content management applications. The workflow components are used to control the sequence of application functions, to manage
work queues, and to assist with exception processing.
For a comparison of embedded workflow management systems within ERP systems compare Becker, Vogler, sterle (1998).
- 118 -
Figure 3-5:
Embedded systems can be classified into two distinct categories. Workflow-based solutions are not functional without the built-in workflow functionality, while workflow-enabled systems leave it to the discretion of the system
user, if the built-in workflow component is applied in a given context.423
- 119 -
tives in the field of workflow management and discusses standards that are
relevant to the development of process controlling systems.424
The Technical Committee (TC) is responsible for the definition of technical WfMC standards and submits standards proposals to the Steering
Committee for approval and publication. The TC is organized in
working groups which focus on particular aspects of workflow
interoperability, such as the administration and monitoring interface,
or the XML process definition standard XPDL.425
section is intended as an overview of standards groups and their activities. For a critical discussion of standardization efforts in the area of workflow, and particularly web services choreography, compare Nickerson, zur Muehlen (2003), and zur Muehlen et al. (2004).
Both of these standards will be discussed later in this chapter.
- 120 -
WfMC members meet three times a year, and use telephone conferences
between meetings to advance the standards development process. Each
major WfMC standard has one responsible TC working group chairperson,
who coordinates the development efforts.
Relationships to other Standardization Organizations
WfMC Standards
WfMC Glossary
- 121 -
ipant. Although not all workflow vendors use standard terminology, the
WfMC vocabulary has found widespread acceptance in practice. It is perceived as a valuable aid for the system selection process, since proprietary
terms used by different vendors can be transformed to a common basis,
thus enabling a comparison of systems on the basis of a single vocabulary.
WfMC Reference Model
- 122 -
Figure 3-6:
flicting modeling concepts used by different workflow vendors, the unification process for WPDL turned out to be difficult. Examples for opposite
ends of the modeling spectrum are Petri Net-based tools such as LEU433
(which was based on Funsoft nets, a high-level Petri-Net type) and COSA on
the one side434, and speech-act based tools such as Action Workflow on the
other side.435
While a number of tool vendors have implemented WPDL (some in a
prototype stage), interface 1 is widely perceived to be without practical relevance.436 In 2002 an XML representation of WPDL called XPDL was published, which has been implemented in a number of open-source workflow
projects.437 To date, the re-use of workflow models is rarely found in practice. This may be attributed to the fact that the actual modeling of workflow
workflow management system LEU originated from the research prototype MELMAC at the University of Dortmund, compare Deiters, Gruhn (1990); Gruhn, Deiters
(1994). With a strong background in software process management, the system is a prime
example of research prototypes that were transformed into commercial products. Commercially the system was a failure and its development ended in 1997, but the modeling environment is still marketed by adesso (www.adesso.de) under the name LEUsmart.
See, e. g., Dinkhoff et al. (1994); Gruhn, Kampmann (1996). For a comprehensive overview
of Petri Net-based workflow modeling approaches refer to Salimifard, Wright (2001) and
van der Aalst (1998).
See, e. g., Medina Mora et al. (1992); de Michelis, Grasso (1994). For an introduction to
speech-act-based workflow modeling refer to Winograd, Flores (1986).
Refer to McCoy (2000).
- 123 -
The WfMC Interfaces 2 and 3 form the WAPI specification core. Interface
2 specifies the communication between a workflow engine and client applications that are used by workflow participants to interact with the workflow
management system. This concerns mainly the presentation of the work list,
the selection of work-items, and the notification for overdue items. Interface 3
specifies the API functions for the integration of invoked applications. This
relates mainly to the passing of data between the workflow engine and a
remote application, and handling application return codes.
While Interface 2 has a pull character, i. e., a workflow participant
actively selects a work-item for further processing, thus pulling the work
from the workflow engine, Interface 3 implements a push model, i. e., an
application is invoked by the workflow engine and returns control after it
has finished processing. The close relationship between the two interfaces
ultimately led to a merged specification, which defines a standard set of API
functions a workflow engine should support, the so-called Workflow Application Programming Interface (WAPI).438 This abstract specification defines
on one side the operations a workflow management system performs on an
outside system, on the other side the operations that external systems can
invoke on a workflow engine. These operations include the instantiation,
starting, manipulation, and stopping of workflow instances. The current
specification contains - besides the abstract description - a reference implementation in C. It is in a stable state and has been implemented by a number
of vendors.439 Still, most workflow users rely on vendor specific API implementations, since these offer more functionality and are often offered as Java
classes or component objects (COM, CORBA-IDL), which offer a better fit
for the surrounding system architecture.
WfMC (XPDL) (2002). An Open Source workflow engines that includes XPDL
support is Enhydra Shark (http://shark.objectweb.org); an Open Source graphical workflow editor that exports XPDL is JaWE (http://jawe.enhydra.org).
Compare WfMC (WAPI) (1998).
For example Concentus KI Shell, IBM FlowMark/MQSeries Workflow, Hitachi Work
Coordinator, SAP Business Workflow. Note that these conformance statements come
directly from the vendors and have not been validated by an independent certification
authority (http://www.wfmc.org).
- 124 -
There is no pressure from the workflow user community to implement interoperability features yet. Many enterprises are still experimenting with workflow implementations, rather than employing
operative system.443 Only the increasing use of embedded workflow
systems, permeating the system infrastructure of enterprises, will create the necessity to couple different workflow management systems
within one enterprise along a common process model.
- 125 -
- 126 -
Figure 3-7:
For a discussion of the integration of workflow audit trail data into an activity-based costing
system compare Wei, Zerbe (1995); Wei (1998); Wei (1999).
448.The reconstruction of workflow models from audit trail information has been proposed by
Agrawal, Gunopulos, Leymann (1998) and submitted for a patent by Agrawal, Leymann,
Roller (1998).
Compare Arkin (2002).
Compare Curbera et al. (2002).
- 127 -
and XLANG452), and WS-CDL453 are covering aspects of Wf-XML functionality, and are based on XML and the HTTP protocol as well.454 From
the perspective of data warehouse and controlling users, a stronger emphasis
on Interface 5 would be desirable. How this demand will be addressed is still
unclear, since the WfMC - like many other standardization groups - is a volunteer organization and only has a limited set of resources to work with. As
the only true workflow-oriented standardization organization, the work of
the WfMC will continue to impact the design of workflow management
products in the future. Even if proposed standards are not implemented by
its members, the standardization process in itself helps to increase the awareness of workflow vendors and users about the requirements workflow infrastructures have to satisfy in practice.
The OMG standardization process starts with the design of a request for
information (RFI) by a task force. After approval from the respective technical committee, the RFI is issued and responses are fielded by the task force,
to determine the interest and state-of-the-art of a particular technical field. If
the task force receives a satisfactory feedback, a request for proposals (RFP)
is drafted by the task force and is passed to the architectural board for
- 128 -
- 129 -
shows the positioning of the workflow facility among other CORBA services. Services of the workflow facility can rely on services of the business
object facility. Business objects are application components that directly represent domain specific business logic.457 They are typically designed to foster a re-use within different component-based application systems. The
coordination of business objects using the workflow management facility
enables application designers to create workflow-enabled business applications, without the need to implement or integrate a dedicated workflow
Figure 3-8:
- 130 -
For process controlling purposes, the workflow facility provides interfaces to access both the execution history of a process as well as changes in
the process context, such as changes of attribute values or resource assignments.459 The list_history() method provides access to the objects of
the type WfEventAudit that are associated with a workflow or a particular
activity. These WfEventAudit objects contain information on the source
of the event and event-specific data. This information is made persistent,
independent of the life-cycle of the related workflow instance or its activities. However, access to this audit data store still requires the original associated object. For this reason, an export of audit information to a persistent
storage medium is necessary to preserve this information for later evalua-
example, a part of the IBM FlowMark system was implemented in Smalltalk, while the
Carnot process engine is implemented in Java. Compare Leymann, Altenhuber (1994); Carnot AG (2002).
Compare Object Management Group (Workflow) (2000), pp. 2-38 - 2-47.
- 131 -
Figure 3-9:
tions, before obsolete workflow objects are purged from a system (e. g., for
performance reasons).
Future of the OMG Workflow Facility
The final standard has been revised to version 1.2 in 2000, compare Object Management
Group (2000).
- 132 -
order to overcome this limitation, the OMG has issued a RFP for a
resource assignment interface, which received three submissions.461
There is no apparent customer demand to realize workflow interoperability on the basis of the OMG model. While distributed and interorganizational workflow management systems have been addressed
by the research community since the mid-1990s,463 the corporate
practice still relies on pragmatic (and mostly proprietary) solutions.
Only the increasing use of Internet standards for business transactions will ultimately lead to the development of interoperability
requirements among workflow users (e. g., through the use of B2B
domain standards such as RosettaNet). As a result of this development, vendors of integration platforms have begun to integrate workflow components into their products and/or acquired workflow
vendors to enhance their product offerings.464
IBM (2000).
Hruby (1998); Wiegert (1998); Bastos, Bubugras, Ruiz (2002).
463.Compare Schuster (1997), who discusses architectural aspects of distributed workflow
management systems. Riempp (1998) presents concepts for wide-area workflow implementations using a groupware platform. The Exotica/FMQM project of IBM was aimed at the
distribution of the IBM FlowMark product. Results of the prototype found their way into
the IBM MQSeries Workflow system. Compare Alonso et al. (1995); Alonso, Reinwald,
Mohan (1997).
- 133 -
- 134 -
Process modeling languages like XPDL and BPEL aim at the definition
of enterprise-specific business processes.467 The companies implementing
these processes exercise control over most of the resources involved in the
execution of these processes, such as workflow participants or application
systems. The technical implementation of these processes is based on process-aware information systems such as contemporary ERP packages or
workflow management systems. The interfaces between these systems, the
internal processes of a company, and outside transaction partners are specified in form of web services, whose sequence of invocation is governed by
public processes.
For a related taxonomy compare Aissi, Malu, Srinivasan (2002), p. 55. The overview in
figure 3-11 was created in collaborative meetings with members of the Workflow Management Coalition and the Business Process Management Initiative, most notably Mike Gilger
and David Hollingsworth.
Another example for process modeling languages in the workflow domain is the Business
Process Modeling Language, defined by BPMI.org (http://www.bpmi.org).
Figure 3-11:
- 135 -
WSDL is an XML format for the standardized specification of web services in the form of access ports and related access protocols (bindings).468
The basic building block of WSDL is a message, which consists of typed elements such as documents and/or context data. Messages form operations,
which consist either of single messages or a request/response message pair.
The resulting four interaction patterns are presented in figure 3-12. Unidirectional messages are either used by a requester to request an action from a
provider, or by a provider to notify a requester. Bidirectional messages either
form a request/response pair, where a requester asks a provider to perform an
action and the provider answers the request, or they form a solicit/response
pair, where the provider asks the requester for information, which is supplied subsequently.
Multiple operations can be grouped to form a port type. A port type represents an abstract collection of semantically coherent operations (e. g., all
operations related to goods receipt processes). Only in conjunction with a
binding, the explicit implementation of a port type is determined. A binding
- 136 -
Figure 3-12:
Interaction Types
specifies the data format of messages as well as the transport protocol for
the message exchange. A port is a specific implementation of a port type
using a specific binding. In principle the same port type can be implemented
multiple times. This may be desirable to support the same functionality using
different access mechanisms (web versus e-mail), or to provide scalability
through redundant ports. The top-level element of WPDL is a service, which
consists of one or more ports. Figure 3-13 shows the WPDL meta model as
an entity-relationship diagram.
Web services can be published in directories, which rely on a standardized
description format, such as Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI).469 XML-based formats such as the Trading Partner Markup
Language (tpaML) provide mechanisms to describe the non-technical
aspects of an inter-organizational process, and within the eb-XML standard
the specifications Collaboration Partner Protocol/Agreement (CPP and
CPA) cover these aspects as well. The content of the messages, which are
exchanged between business partners, can be defined using format standards, which are either generic, such as Biztalk or ebXML, or domain-specific, such as RosettaNet, SWIFT, or HL7.
Figure 3-13:
- 137 -
Figure 3-11 also includes the protocol stack for web service applications.
The foundation of the protocol stack are the three standards HTTP, SOAP
and WSDL. While HTTP serves as the transport protocol, messages, which
are exchanged between web services, are encoded in a SOAP envelope, and
sent between ports that are defined using WSDL. Using these three standards, it is possible to create web service applications that send point-topoint messages. In order to enable more complex interactions (e. g., to
define the sequence of messages within a business context), an additional
protocol layer is required, the web services choreography layer. WSDL only
describes the functionality of web services, but not their behavior in the context of a long running business process. This behavior is represented using
modeling languages for inter-organizational processes, such as the public
- 138 -
In early 1997 a number of WfMC members felt that a lightweight alternative to the existing Interoperability specification (WfMC Interface 4) was
needed and began developing an alternative protocol, which was called the
Simple Workflow Access Protocol (SWAP).474 The basic idea behind SWAP
was the use of standard Internet protocols for workflow interoperability. A
workflow model would be identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI) and could be manipulated using a number of commands based on
An initial draft was completed early 1998, and the authors submitted it to the
- 139 -
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which was the desired standards
body for this endeavor. By the end of 1998, after two birds-of-a-feather
meetings475, it became clear that the IETF was not going to adopt the
SWAP specification, and members of the SWAP working group returned to
the WfMC, where the ideas of the SWAP proposal were enhanced with the
experiences of the OMG Workflow Facility submitters. In addition, the proprietary extensions of the HTTP protocol were removed and replaced with
standard HTTP POST commands.476 The result was the Wf-XML specification, which was published in 2000 and revised in 2001.477 In 2003 the desire
grew to extend the protocol beyond the workflow arena and apply it to long
running transactions in general. Due to the different intention, a working
group was founded within the OASIS standards body to work on an
extended specification titled Asynchronous Service Access Protocol
(ASAP). This effort is synchronized with work on a revision of the Wf-XML
Wf-XML Structure
The core for Wf-XML is a set of messages that describes the interaction
between the provider of a process-oriented service, and a requester of this service. From a conceptual perspective, the hierarchical decomposition of a
process can be perceived as a sequence of requester-provider message
exchanges. The actions of the provider are hidden from the requester in the
sense that the requester does not need to know details about the service provisioning process. Figure 3-14 illustrates this concept using a top-level process (P1) with a three-step sub-process (A1, A2, A3). Sub-process A3 is
implemented through two additional activities B1 and B2.
The interaction between requester and provider is realized through a set
of messages that are exchanged. During the first step of the interaction a
requester sends a CreateProcessInstance command to a process
manager (which represents the workflow model). The process manager creates a process instance and passes the address of this process instance back
to an observer, who will interact with the process instance. Requester and
observer can, but need not be the same entity. Subsequently the observer
communicates with the process instance (performer), but no longer with the
process manager. The observer can manipulate the state of the process
instance through the ChangeProcessInstanceState command, i. e.,
Khare (1998).
Swenson (2000).
477.Compare WfMC (Wf-XML) (2001). Interestingly the original effort was started outside of
the WfMC, because the consortium members were dissatisfied with the length of time it
took to specify and publish standards within the WfMC.
- 140 -
he can start, suspend, resume, and abort the process instance through this
command. The process instance will notify the observer of state changes
(such as the completion of the process instance). Through the GetProcessInstanceData command the observer can request elements from
an agreed-upon data structure (e. g., the shipping date of an order). Figure 315 shows the basic interaction pattern between requester and provider.
The overall interaction between requester and provider is oriented along
the web architecture principles that have been documented by Fielding as
Representational State Transfer (REST).478 A monitoring agent could register itself to a process instance as an observer and record events about the
execution of this process instance. The application of monitoring principles
to processes that are executed at different locations has been documented in
the AFRICA project.479 This project implemented a distributed help desk
Figure 3-15:
- 141 -
- 142 -
- 143 -
Figure 3-16: Reference Model for the Workflow Application Design Process
The following sections describe the main tasks of the workflow application design phase, namely the specification of process models and organization models, as well as the planning of application integration.489
Process Modeling
Prior to any process specification, the processes which should be automated have to be selected. The identification of processes with high workflow potential, i. e., those processes that can be supported by workflow
applications profitably, is an essential step in a workflow application development project. The selected processes and their system environments are
core determinants of the technical and business-related requirements workflow systems have to satisfy.490 If a workflow management system is already
in place491, capabilities of the workflow enactment service have a direct
impact on the process selection. A structured framework for the selection of
For a detailed discussion of the other phases, refer to Weske et al. (1999).
Compare Bartholomew (1995).
- 144 -
For example, if a workflow-enabled application system is already being used by the organization.
Compare Becker et al. (1999); A modified version of the framework was published in zur
Muehlen, v. Uthmann (2000) and Becker et al. (2000).
493.Compare Kueng (1995).
494.Refer to Kobielus (1997), pp. 20-21.
495.BARBAR, MEHROTRA and RUSINKIEWICZ describe a system, where an intelligent process
object migrates through a network of black box processing stations. If the processing station is capable of performing the task required by the process object, it enacts this task.
Otherwise the process object migrates to another processing node. This modeling paradigm
is a mixture of the process-object-oriented and the process-participant-oriented modeling
methods. Compare Barbar, Mehrotra, Rusinkiewicz (1996).
- 145 -
Systems thinking and system dynamics are concepts that are used in conjunction with the concept of learning organizations.500
- 146 -
Textual Representation
Graphical Representation
Activity Nets
Business Process Modeling Notation
Control Flow Graph
Event-driven Process Chains
Funsoft Nets
Flow Nets
Workflow Nets
FlowMark Definition Language (FDL)
Transaction Datalog
The references for the languages mentioned in the table are as follows: Activity Nets and
FDL, refer to Leymann, Altenhuber (1994). BPML, refer to BPMI.org (2002). BPMN, refer
to White (2002). Control Flow Graph, refer to Alonso et al. (1996). Event-driven Process
Chains, refer to Keller, Nttgens, Scheer (1992); EPML, refer to Mendling, Nttgens
(2004); Flow Nets, refer to Ellis, Keddara and Rozenberg (1995). Funsoft Nets, refer to
Gruhn, Deiters (1995). Mobile, refer to Jablonski, Bussler (1996). State and Activity Charts
refer to Harel (1988). Transaction Datalog, refer to Bonner (1999). PNML, refer to Jngel,
Kindler, Weber (2000). Workflow Nets, refer to van der Aalst (1998). WPDL, refer to
WfMC (WPDL) (1999); XPDL, refer to WfMC (XPDL) (2002); YAWL, refer to van der
Aalst, ter Hofstede (2003).
Compare Glance, Pagani, Pareschi (1996). Dourish et al. (1995) have implemented GPSG
in their Contraflow and FreeFlow prototypes.
Compare Gazdar et al. (1985).
Compare Glance, Pagani, Pareschi (1996), p. 181.
- 147 -
grammatical rules that define the constraints a process has to satisfy, a multidimensional space of possible process execution paths is opened. GPSGbased process models can be extended or altered by adding additional or
removing constraints from the process specification, much like a rule-based
expert system. GLANCE ET AL. illustrate this point:
[...] Using a generative grammatical approach, a given process instance can be
incrementally singled out from the space of possible workflows defined by the rules as
the process evolves.506
A comparison of traditional workflow management concepts, based on a
process definition language, and a GPSG-driven workflow system is given in
table 3-6.507
PDL Approach
Flexibility in
GPSG Approach
PDL grammar
Parser of user-defined process models
Interpreter of process models
Lexicon: activities, dependencies among
GPSG grammar
Generator of user-defined processes
Constraint solver
Compiler of processes
While a PDL-driven workflow management system relies on a hardcoded process definition language, GPSG allows the user to specify his own
language, including the objects that are part of the process (indicated as lexicon in the table).
GPSG as an alternative modeling approach does not address implementation issues necessary for the design of a workflow management system
based on a GPSG process model. Nevertheless, the unique capabilities of
GPSG, such as the extensibility of process instances as well as the virtually
unlimited number of control flows possible justify the analysis of this language. Furthermore, the analysis of process instances based on a GPSG
specification is different from the PDL-style languages.
- 148 -
Because there is no predefined control flow for the entire process within
GPSG, a process controlling system would have to reconstruct process
models from audit trail entries without the help of a traditional process
Nearly every commercial workflow tool relies a proprietary modeling language for the construction of workflow models, each of which offering a
different number of modeling elements to the process designer. Depending
on the technical implementation of the underlying workflow engine, the
same process semantics may be expressed using different modeling constructs. The purpose of standard process modeling languages is the provision of generic modeling languages that facilitate the exchange of process
and workflow models across applications.
Most standardization initiatives focus on the textual representation of
workflow models, but do not specify, how the elements of these languages
can be rendered graphically. Only recently, the Business Process Modeling
Notation was presented as an attempt to provide a unified graphical process
rendition that can be applied to different underlying modeling languages.509
An overview of current standardization efforts for process modeling languages in the context of workflow management is given in table 3-7, and
both table 3-8 and table 3-9.
XML Schema
Model Exchange
Model Exchange
Business Processes
Business Processes
Business Processes
(1998); WfMC
(XPDL) (2002)
BPMI.org (2002)
Tool Support
- 149 -
XML Schema
XML Schema
Activity Diagrams
XLANG Schema
Research Prototype
Web Services
Web Services
Glance, Pagani,
Pareschi (1996);
Dourish et al. (1996)
Leymann (2001)
Thatte (2001)
Tool Support
HP Labs
XML Schema
XML Schema
XML Schema
XML Schema
BPMN (planned)
Web Services
Web Services
Web Services
Web Services
IBM (2002)
W3C (2002a)
W3C (2002b)
ebXML (2002)
Tool Support
The Workflow Process Definition Language (WPDL) is an exchange format for workflow models, and has been published as part of the WfMC
Interface 1.510 XPDL is an XML schema representation of WPDL. Workflow models can be transferred between modeling tools and workflow management systems, if these can convert their internal models to the WPDL or
XPDL format.
A workflow process definition in WPDL consists of one or more workflow process activities that are linked through transitions. These transitions
reflect the control flow of the process. There are no constructs to explicitly
model the data flow aspect of a process. Activities within WPDL can be
atomic or complex, i.e., complex activities reference sub-processes. Since
Compare WfMC (WPDL) (1999). For the XML rendition XPDL refer to WfMC (XPDL)
- 150 -
Figure 3-17:
- 151 -
specified in detail. The minimum meta model distinguishes between organizational units, humans, roles and (technical) resources. Figure 3-18 shows
the meta model of the WPDL organizational entities.
Workflow models specified in WPDL can be saved as a text files (or XML
documents in the case of XPDL), which facilitates the transfer between
modeling tools. In addition to the exchange of models, elements of the
WPDL meta model can be created using a subset of the WAPI speficication.
These function calls create entities representing meta model elements within
a workflow enactment service that supports the relevant API subset. These
API commands are listed in the appendix of the Interface 2 & 3 standard,
e. g., WMAddTransition.511
In practice, WPDL and XPDL have found little support in the commercial world, where only few systems use the interchange format for model
interoperability. However, emerging Open Source workflow systems such as
Enhydra Shark represent their models in XPDL. A process editor called
JaWE (Java Workflow Editor) that exports XPDL is available under an
Open Source license as well.
- 152 -
BPMI.org (2002).
relates to the desirable properties of a transactional information system: Atomicity
(i. e., a transaction is either executed in its entirety or not at all), Consistency (i. e., before
and after a transaction is executed the system is in a consistent state), Isolation (i. e., different transactions do not influence anothers behavior) and Durability (i. e., after a transaction
is completed its results are made persistent). Compare Date (1995), p. 379.
Leymann and Roller point out the importance of transactional behavior in workflows:
A workflow management system coordinates the execution of the various activities constituting a single business process. As a result, activity executions of a given workflow share a
common fate: they represent a unit of work. The corresponding activities are no longer
independent of each other. The failure of one activity might impact other activities. Some
activities may have a very strong influence on the overall success of the business process;
other activities may have not influence at all. Leymann, Roller (2000), p. 232.
For a discussion of compensation spheres in workflow management systems compare Leymann (1996), p. 342 and pp. 346-347.
See Arkin (2002).
- 153 -
The Web Services Choreography Interface (WSCI) is the official submission of the BPMI.org consortium to the Web Services Choreography Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)518, the official
standards body of the World Wide Web.519 While BPML and its associated
standards are published by BPMI.org as an industry initiative, standards that
are officially sanctioned by the W3C have the character of a vendor-neutral
standards recommendation. The W3C is working on the standardization of
World Wide Web related technologies and protocols, and most standards
that relate to Web Services are developed by W3C working groups. WSCI
has the status of a W3C note, i. e., it is an input document for the W3C
working group that develops a Web Services Choreography Definition Language (WS-CDL).520
- 154 -
to Leymann (2001).
web service is a well-defined interface to some business functionality, which can be
accessed over a network using XML messages. Typically these messages are transported via
http, the same protocol used for web pages. Compare Cerami (2002).
For a description of the MQSeries Workflow product compare Leymann, Altenhuber
(1994); Leymann, Roller (1997); Leymann, Roller (2000). A comparison of the IBM FlowMark meta model (the predecessor of MQSeries Workflow) with other tools can be found
in zur Muehlen (1999).
- 155 -
providers. Figure 3-19 shows the concept of a WSFL process on the local
and global level.
The recursive design of the WSFL specification allows for a re-use of
flows as web services in higher-level flows, thus leading to a hierarchical
composition of complex web service systems. In the example above, the
upper flow consists of three activities (A1, A2, A3), which are implemented
through operations. Mirrored operations are implemented as contact points
for external service providers or their port types, respectively. For example,
activity A1 may invoke a trigger operation. A notification interface is implemented between activity A1 and external systems for this purpose. Activity
A2, on the other hand, receives a message from a notification operation.
Accordingly, the interface is realized as a trigger operation. Activity A3 has
been realized as an internal operation and does not have an external interface. The above example can be specified in WSFL in its entirety. Through
the addition of public operations it could be published as a single web service provider.
The specification of web services through WSDL and related processes
through WSFL does not contain context information such as legal contracts,
price agreements etc. The WSFL specification suggests the use of the Web
- 156 -
- 157 -
incoming EDIFACT528 message can be converted into an application-specific message format through field-level data mapping.
In light of the overlap between WSFL and XLANG, IBM and Microsoft
decided to consolidate their efforts in the area of Web Services Choreography.529 Together with Siebel, SAP, and BEA they founded an industry consortium for the standardization of the Web Services Business Process
Execution Language, and a first version of the specification was published in
the fall of 2002. The standardization process was handed over to the standardization group OASIS (which also hosts the ASAP working group) in
mid-2003.530 BPEL4WS has generated a lot of interest and is being implemented by software vendors such as SeeBeyond and SAP. It is widely per528.Electronic
Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) is (besides X12) the most popular pre-XML data format for business-to-business
messages, which has been standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1988. Compare ISO (1988).
529.Compare Leymann, Roller (2004).
530.Attempts by the W3C to receive BPEL as an input document a la WSCI and WSCL failed amidst other reasons - due to the IP policies of W3C, which require submitters to transfer
their intellectual property rights in submissions to the W3C.
- 158 -
Process, composed
of atomic and complex activities
Flow, composed of
Business process,
composed of activities
Activities invoke
application systems
Atomic activities
implement actions,
e. g., message
through service providers. Activities
interact with service
providers through
their operation
interfaces. Plug
links connect activities and basic operations.
through service providers. Activities
interact with service
providers through
messaging interfaces.
Activities invoke
Web Services,
implement control
flow constructs,
update data containers, or manipulate the state of
activities or processes.
Transitions between
Transition conditions be used to
restrict the control
Loop activities can
be used for iterations
Route activities can
be used to split and
join the control flow
Implicitly realized
through different
activity types:
Extensible by
encapsulating execution context
Control links
between activities
Transition conditions be used to
restrict the control
Activities have start
and exit conditions
to further restrict
the control flow
Modeling elements
Implicitly realized
through different
activity types:
Extensible by
encapsulating execution context
Context data is
restricted to workflow relevant data,
which describes
information relevant to the process
(e. g., variables for
control flow conditions). No provision
for application specific data.
Selectors can
extract data from
messages and map
it to properties,
which form the process context
No explicit data
Context data contains data objects
for all in- and outgoing messages
Data mapping
between objects
provides transformation mechanism
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Workflow Process
Definition, composed of Workflow
Process Activities
and sub-processes
- 159 -
- 160 -
Not specified
Not specified
Transaction context
and compensation
handlers can be
specified. Exception
handling can be
specified through
fault activities
and event handlers
for messages, timeouts, and faults.
Optional process
and activity
Not specified
Not specified in
WSFL, should be
defined in WSEL
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Integrity and
Failure Recovery
position these languages in the systems integration space rather than the
organizational process space. While this limited view on workflow models
results in a reduced complexity for software vendors implementing
BPEL4WS-based systems (e. g., they need not worry about access control
mechanisms to work items or the representation of heterogeneous organizational structures), the audit trail information that could be provided by such
systems does not distinguish between technical resources used for the implementation of an activity, and the resource that carried the organizational
responsibility for the activity (e. g., the human performer). In the next section we discuss the representation of organizational structures in workflow
models in more detail.535
Organization Modeling
The section is intended as an overview of organizational modeling in workflow applications. For a more thorough discussion refer to zur Muehlen (2004).
536.For a discussion of different resource modeling approaches compare zur Muehlen (1999).
A reference architecture for the organization model within workflow applications was
designed by BUSSLER. Refer to Bussler, Jablonski (1995); Bussler (1996); Bussler (1998).
- 161 -
flow participants.537 The division between a process model on one side, and
a resource model on the other side fosters the separate evolution of both
models. This has a good reason: The life cycle of human resources within an
enterprise typically varies from the life cycle of the enterprise processes. A
separation between the two enables workflow designers to create workflow
models that are independent of changes in the organizational structure of
the enterprise, adding to their robustness. In addition, a separate resource
model may be shared by several workflow engines used within one enterprise, reducing administrative overhead and preventing possible redundancies, thereby increasing overall data quality.
Within the reference model of the WfMC, the management of resource
information lies within the responsibility of the workflow engine.538 This
reflects the fact that many workflow vendors have implemented proprietary
resource management facilities for their workflow management systems.
These are either part of the process modeling environment539 or constitute a
separate application.540 This type of implementation can lead to problems in
larger organizations, where several workflow management systems may be
involved in the execution of a complex process. These systems cannot share
common resource information, which leads to data redundancy. In addition,
information such as the workload of individual resources can only be determined, if data from the separate resource management components is consolidated. This data may not be easily accessible - a case where the efficient
use of enterprise resources can only be realized locally.
Resource models should satisfy a number of core requirements in order
to be applicable to different workflow scenarios. These requirements, which
can be derived from general quality criteria for software systems, are robustness, flexibility, scalability and domain independence.541
use the term resource model in order not to focus solely on workflow in administrative
environments. Workflow management systems may also be used in industrial applications,
interfacing with production planning and control (PPC) systems, computerized numerical
control (CNC) machines and software agents among others, which have to be defined for
use in the workflow management system through the resource model.
Refer to WfMC (Glossary) (1999). The WfMC reference model is presented in section 3.4.2
on page 120.
Examples for this type of implementation are IBM MQSeries Workflow and the Carnot
Process Engine.
540.An example for a separate organizational modeling environment is the Organization and
Resource Manager (ORM) by Siemens-Nixdorf, which was a component of the (discontinued) workflow management system WorkParty. The designers of the ORM were influential
during the design of the organizational meta model for WPDL (see section 3.4.2 on
page 120). For a thorough discussion of the ORM entities refer to Rupietta (1992); Rupietta
(1994) and Rupietta (1997).
Compare for example the criteria given by Dunn (1991)
- 162 -
Robustness: Changes to the resource model should not affect the workflow model. Moreover, changes to the workflow model such as the
addition of an activity should leave the resource model unaffected.
Therefore, the resource model needs at least one abstract entity type
that serves as a separation between the physical population and the
logical address referenced by workflow activities.
Scalability: The integration of additional levels of hierarchy, new permissions, and obligations should be possible. If a company acquires
another company it should be possible to integrate the two organizational models under a single managing authority, possibly by adding
new levels to the existing hierarchy.
Domain Independence: A resource model for a collaborative software system should be as domain-independent as possible. There may be situations where only human actors are involved in the execution of a
workflow as opposed to situations where only technical resources are
involved (e. g., in a manufacturing environment). The resource model
has to be flexible enough to handle these variations. In addition, it
should only contain a minimum number of entity types in order to
preserve maintainability.
- 163 -
This expression returns the manager of the workflow initiator, i. e., the
resource that performed the first activity of the workflow instance. In this
case, not only the entity types of the resource model have to be known to
the workflow modeler, but also the relationship types between these entity
types, and possible functions that can refer to the workflow execution history. The attributes used in such a formal expression can be dependent on
the workflow instance, such as information about the performer of a particular activity. They can also be independent of the workflow instance, such as
the relationship of a resource to another resource.
BERTINO ET AL. propose three categories for the classification of formal
expressions:543 Static constraints such as the relationship between organiza542.
- 164 -
tional units, dynamic constraints that refer to the history of the workflow
instance, and hybrid constraints that combine the former two. While static
constraints can be evaluated before the workflow instance is started,
dynamic constraints can only be evaluated at run time. If a formal expression is used for activity assignment, an error handling mechanism similar to
the one used during the assignment by role has to be implemented.
Formal expressions may not only relate to the relationships between
entity types of the resource model, but also to specific properties of
resources. For the assignment of a meeting room to the activity perform
board meeting, the location of the room and its availability during a specified time frame may be relevant properties for the assignment process.
Therefore, a resource management facility not only needs to handle current
information about the workload of resources, but should be able to forecast
available capacities, too. Capacity allocation algorithms, such as those used
by production planning and control systems (PPC-systems) could improve
the resource management component of workflow management systems.
This would enable the precise forecast of processing times for workflow
instances, thus increasing the quality of responses to customers that are
inquiring about the status of their individual workflow instances.
Specification of Assignment Strategies
in Hagemeyer et al. (1998); Hoffmann, Lffler, Schmidt (1999); zur Muehlen (2004).
For a discussion of the advantages of direct assignment versus market-based allocation
strategies compare Tan, Harker (1997).
- 165 -
The technology-driven approach to resource modeling presumes no predefined set of resources in the organization. Instead, the structure of entity
types needed in the workflow model is derived from the specification of the
workflow model itself. Typically, roles derived from an existing workflow
model are of the form authorized to perform activity x. This approach
enables a lean specification of necessary organization structure, because only
workflow-relevant resources have to be captured in the resource model. The
use of roles instead of particular resources makes the workflow model independent of changes in the organizational population. However, changes in
the workflow model can easily affect the resource model, because newly
defined activities require new roles to be defined. A large number of commercial workflow management systems show organizational meta models
that were designed following this approach (compare the resource model of
Staffware 2000 in figure 3-21).546 These meta models provide few entity
types with fairly restrictive cardinalities. Complex organization structures
(e. g., matrix organizations) cannot be represented adequately, if a tool based
on such a meta model is used without any extensions.
Figure 3-21:
Another example are the organizational meta models of IBM FlowMark or CSE WorkFlow
as described in Rosemann, zur Muehlen (1998).
- 166 -
- 167 -
Security Considerations
- 168 -
Application Integration
- 169 -
- 170 -
During each phase of its enactment, a workflow instance maintains a welldefined state. This state may be modified through the workflow engine or
through an external entity interacting with the workflow engine.555 Figure 323 shows the state model of a workflow instance in form of a UML state
diagram.556 The model is composed of the two super-states open and
closed. A workflow instance in the state open can be manipulated
through the workflow engine or an external entity, while a workflow instance
in the state closed is finished and cannot be reactivated. Within the superstate open, the workflow instance is either not_running (meaning that its
activity instances are not being worked on) or running (meaning that activity instances are created, assigned, and can be executed).
An open workflow instance can be finished either by completion, or by
forced termination. In the latter case, the resulting state can be
closed.cancelled.aborted, if running activities at times of the cancellation command were allowed to finish (this is also known as a graceful
abort). If the cancellation of the workflow instance leads to the immediate
WfMC WAPI contains a number of commands for this interaction, for example
WMFetchProcessInstanceState or WMChangeProcessInstanceState.
Refer to WfMC (WAPI) (1997), pp. 23-44.
For details of the notation refer to the notation guide in the appendix.
- 171 -
The state-transition diagram in figure 3-24 is not based on an actual workflow management
system. The nested states have been taken from the WfMC state models, see WfMC
(WAPI) (1997), pp. 174 ff. Figure 3-24 does not distinguish between activity instance state
and work item state, instead, this information is embedded in the assigned and
not_assigned sub-states. A different state model for an activity instance can be found in
Alonso, Mohan (1997), p. 6, who explicitly incorporate start and end conditions into the
state model. The model presented here incorporates these constraints through guard conditions on the transitions to the state open.not_running.not_assigned (start condition) and from the state open.running.assigned to the state
closed.completed (end condition). If either condition is not met, the corresponding
transition must not be traversed.
- 172 -
While the state models in figure 3-23 and figure 3-24 provide a general
overview of the execution dynamics at run time, additional constraints may
limit the ability of the workflow engine to traverse between certain states.
- 173 -
These constraints include the start and end conditions of activities, which
determine their eligibility for activation or completion, respectively. Also, the
transition between different states of a workflow instance or activity instance
is not always permitted, depending on the state of other system elements. If,
for example, a workflow instance is to be suspended (transition from
open.running to open.not_running.suspended) while there are
open activity instances, the behavior of the process instance can be implemented in different ways by the workflow vendor:
The open activities are not affected by the suspension and their continued execution is permitted. Upon completion (or termination) of
the activity instances, the workflow engine does not evaluate the outgoing transitions from the completed activities, until the workflow
instance is resumed. This way, the effect of a workflow instance suspension is not noticeable to workflow participants. There may be a
considerable time-lag between the suspension of the workflow
instance and the completion of the last running activity.
All open activities are aborted, and when the workflow instance is
resumed, the activities are executed again. If the granularity of activities is coarse, intermediate results that are visible to external applications may need to be compensated.
The above example shows that log information of the type a certain
workflow instance is in a certain state at a certain time needs to be
enhanced with information about the semantics of the implementation, otherwise it may not be possible to resume the execution of workflow instances
without damaging the integrity of surrounding applications and data stores.
Most workflow engines record state transitions at the activity and workflow level (as well as certain system events, such as user log-on or log-off) in
a log file or database, called the audit trail.558 Depending on the implementation of the workflow engine, the quality of data recorded in the audit trail
- 174 -
varies significantly. Audit trail information is being kept by workflow systems for a variety of purposes:
Recovery purposes. Like the system log of a database system, the audit
trail file of a workflow system contains information about open and
closed (in the sense of completed) workflow and activity instances. In
case of a system failure the workflow engine can use the audit trail
upon restart to restore the last known system state. The system has to
consider potential side-effects created by activities that were running
at the time of system failure.559
Workflow execution purposes. The audit trail file typically contains information about the resources associated with particular events (if these
events were caused by a workflow performer). This information can
be used by the workflow engine to determine the performers of
upcoming activities. For instance, in an administrative workflow such
as a travel expense settlement, the notification about reimbursement
approval or decline should be sent to the workflow participant that
started the workflow instance. Since several members of the organization are authorized to start a travel expense reimbursement workflow,
the workflow participant responsible for the notification activity cannot be specified in the workflow model at build time. Instead, the
workflow engine can use audit trail entries of the current process
instance to determine the process starter and use this information for
the presentation of the next work item.560
Evaluation purposes. Since the audit trail provides accurate and timely
information about the execution of workflow and activity instances,
this information can be used in the context of process monitoring and
controlling. We discuss this aspect in detail in the following chapter.
authors use the term workflow log as a synonym for audit trail, compare Agrawal,
Gunopulos, Leymann (1998). GEPPERT and TOMBROS refer to the audit trail as event history (Geppert, Tombros (1997), p. 67). SCHLUNDT ET AL. as well as KOKSAL ET AL. use the
term history management, see Schlundt, Jablonski, Hahn (2000) and Koksal, Alpinar,
Dogac (1998). MCLELLAN distinguishes between the audit trail as the raw data collection
and workflow metrics as evaluations based on this data (McLellan (1996), p. 303).
For a discussion of recovery aspects compare e. g. Eder, Liebhardt (1996) and Liu et al.
560.Of course, information about the process starter could also be treated as a workflow relevant data object and stored in the workflow engine for the duration of the workflow
- 175 -
Usage Perspective: Management of exceptions versus the management of regular process operations.
- 176 -
Data Perspective
Usage Perspective
The COPPA project (Computer-based Process Performance Measurement) conducted at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, deals with the
design of a performance measurement system.566 Using a three stage
approach, the authors first surveyed the market and corporate practice of
performance measurement. During a second stage the architectural and
functional requirements of a performance measurement system were outlined, and during a third phase, a prototype of the performance measurement system was implemented. In relation to workflow-based controlling,
the authors position process performance measurement at a higher level of
abstraction, which includes information about the strategic positioning of an
enterprise, whereas a workflow-based controlling system is mainly focused
on the analysis of operational data.
- 177 -
Tool Perspective
WorkFlow Analyzer
The design of a process analysis tool named WorkFlow Analyzer was presented by DERSZTELER as part of his Ph.D. work.569 A partially functional
prototype was implemented on the basis of CleverPath Forest&Trees. Based
on audit trail data from the workflow management system WorkParty by Siemens Nixdorf and target data from the business process modeling tools
ARIS and Bonapart, the prototype provides several quantitative evaluation
methods. However, the combination of the audit trail information with business data was not realized in this approach. In addition, the platform-specific implementation and the reliance on a single (and discontinued)
workflow management system limit the general applicability of his approach.
IDWM - Process Controlling in the Manufacturing Domain
A more process-specific prototype was developed by RAUFER, who discussed the controlling of workflow-based processes using a case study from
the manufacturing domain.570 He focused on a specific process, which was
enhanced with cost information as well as target work- and cycle-times. The
- 178 -
A similar prototype was presented by WEISS.571 He developed a workflow-driven activity-based-costing system for the commercial workflow
management system Staffware. The focus of his approach is the realization
of a single evaluation method, therefore, the resulting system is not designed
to be extended by additional evaluation methods.
PISA - Process Information System based on Access
The research project CONGO (Controlling and Monitoring of distributed Workflows for continuous Process Improvement) was conducted
between 1995 and 1999 at the University of Mnster, Germany, and is the
predecessor of the research project presented in this book.572 Over the
course of this project, three process controlling system prototypes were
implemented, called PISA (Process Information System based on Access) I,
II and III.
PISA I was developed in the fall of 1995 as a working prototype based on
a Microsoft Access database. The system was able to access process models
from IDS Scheers ARIS Toolset Version 3.0 through an ODBC connection,
and imported the audit trail file from IBM FlowMark Version 2.2. This first
version served as a feasibility study and implemented elementary evaluation
methods based on a cube with the dimensions process, abstraction, and
organization. Whereas the first prototype employed only a few evaluation
methods, PISA II (also based on Microsoft Access) used more sophisticated
evaluation methods, such as the hedonic wage model573, and allowed additional evaluations on process objects, such as a cluster analysis.
PISA III was re-implemented in Java with the goal to realize a fully distributed system architecture. In addition platform, database, and client independence should be realized. The PISA III Server is a stand-alone
application that coordinates the PISA clients and delivers evaluation methods, the matching graphical panels to display evaluation results, as well as the
results of audit data evaluations. The PISA client is realized as a Java applet
that can be executed within a Java-capable web-browser. Data source adapt571.
- 179 -
- 180 -
paper, the authors introduce an agent-based architecture to support a business intelligence process to sense, interpret, predict, automate, and respond
to changes in business processes in a timely fashion.
The proposed architecture is composed of five major components: Business Intelligence Agents for analytical processing; An event processing container (EPC) for the real-time transformation of process events; A Process
Information Factory for storing business process metrics (i. e., a processspecific data warehouse); A policy management system for monitoring/
tracking all management agents running within the system; And a dashboard
for the visualization of business process metrics and analytical results. In a
later paper, SCHIEFER extended the Solution Manager architecture to expose
its functionality through four web services interfaces, for the set-up of the
solution manager, monitoring of running processes, analysis of data in the
process warehouse, and the feeding of event data.
Method Perspective
MCGREGOR has analyzed the existing WfMC common audit data format
standard in order to design a process controlling prototype that uses this
information to generate the process perspective of a balanced scorecard.578
Her work aims at the development of a closed-loop system that takes audit
trail information as an input and delivers advice to process designers, regarding which aspects of the workflow model could be optimized. She discusses
the impact of process controlling requirements on the WfMC Interfaces 1
and 5, and proposes extended attributes for the integration in the standards
specification.579 The analysis is based on a case study and is performed on a
conceptual level and served as input to the IW-MONS framework.
- 181 -
web service frameworks do not include the functionality required for web
service execution performance measurement from an organizational perspective.581 The work of MCGREGOR remains at a conceptual level, without
a physical implementation.
The content of audit trail data that is available for subsequent analysis in
process controlling systems is determined by two factors: The event types
recorded by the workflow management system during the enactment of
workflow instances, and the types of attributes recorded with each audit trail
entry. The combination of these two factors determines the amount and
quality of raw data available for further analysis. In the following section we
analyze the audit trail data format of three commercial workflow management systems and compare these with the common workflow audit data format proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition.583
Systems Analyzed
For our analysis we have chosen three systems that represent a spectrum
of classical and contemporary workflow products: IBM MQSeries Workflow, Staffware 2000, and Carnot Process Engine.
- 182 -
The IBM MQSeries Workflow system was first released in 1994 under the
name FlowMark, a name that was maintained until the release of version 2.3.
At this point, the core workflow system was re-implemented, replacing the
original communication infrastructure with support for the IBM MQSeries
message queueing middleware, and the systems name was changed to match
the new infrastructure support. Prior to the re-implementation, FlowMark
was used as the basis platform for a research project at IBM Almaden
Research Center, which addressed distribution, transaction management,
and messaging aspects of the workflow infrastructure.584 The system was
included in the evaluation, because its development has been well documented585, and it has been analyzed in previous research projects.586
Staffware was one of the first workflow vendors that offered a pure-bred
workflow product and has competed in the workflow market since the middle of the 1980s.587 The workflow management system Staffware 2000 has
been a commercial success with more than 1,000,000 licensed clients, and
the largest installation covering 10,000 users.588 The Staffware 2000 system
provides support for the display of process metrics and its audit trail can be
extended with user defined entries. This system was included for its commercial availability.
The Carnot Process Engine represents a workflow management system
based on an application-server-based software architecture.589 Instead of
being an independently executable application, the workflow engine is
deployed in a J2EE compliant application server that provides infrastructure
services such as messaging support, adaptors to legacy systems, and database
connectivity. The Carnot Process Engine stores workflow models and audit
trail information in a combined database structure. This system was chosen
as a representative of a new generation of workflow products that leverage
infrastructure standards. Carnot entered the marketplace 15 years after the
first version of Staffware was released, and 6 years after the release of IBM
FlowMark. For this reason, the three systems represent a sample of workflow management systems with different maturity.
The Exotica project resulted in two prototypes that extended the functionality of FlowMark. Exotica/FMDC added capability for the handling of mobile and disconnected clients. Compare Alonso, Agrawal et al. (1996). Exotica/FMQM added support for a message
queueing infrastructure layer. Compare Alonso et al. (1995). In addition, work on the support of advanced transaction models was performed. Compare Alonso, Gnthr et al.
Compare e. g. Leymann, Altenhuber (1994); Leymann, Roller (1997); Leymann, Roller
Compare Rosemann, Denecke, Pttmann (1996).
Compare figure 3-1 on page 93.
Compare Karl, Karl (2000), p. 50.
Compare Carnot AG (2002).
- 183 -
- 184 -
Figure 4-1:
- 185 -
This example illustrates the varying number of attributes recorded for different event types. On the one hand, this allows the workflow engine to
record only those attributes that are relevant for the current event, thereby
reducing the number of NULL valued fields. On the other hand, the consistent storage of audit trail information is hampered through the changing
data structures for different event types. Ultimately, the workflow management system needs to maintain seven different log entry formats to be compliant with the Common Workflow Audit Data format.
IBM MQSeries Workflow
The attributes of the audit trail contain a field with information about a
second user. This field is used when a work item is transferred or duplicated.
In this case, the second user field contains the user who was the source of
the transfer or duplication. The field is also used when a work item is created: This event is initiated by the workflow engine, thus the first user field
refers to the workflow engine itself, and only the second user field contains
the name of the work item recipient. The attribute second activity name is
filled in conjunction with events created by transitions, and contains the
name of the target activity a transition is leading to. The field associated object
contains the object identifier of the work item, activity instance, or process
instance the event was recorded for. This value is different from the regular
identifier, since it can be used to locate the associated object in the underlying audit trail database.
- 186 -
Figure 4-2:
Staffware 2000
Figure 4-3 shows the audit trail data structure of Staffware 2000. While
the core audit trail record contains only eight attributes, it provides links to
the data structures for process instances (case_information), process models
(proc_index) and network structures (nodes). The events recorded in the audit
trail table are defined in a text file, which specifies a 3-digit event code and a
description of the event. This format makes it possible for system administrators to enhance the existing event codes with user defined event codes.
The Staffware audit trail table does not provide information about superor sub-processes in a direct manner. Instead, this information is stored in the
proc_index table (attributes is_subproc and has_subproc), since support for
hierarchical processes was only added for an upcoming product version, but
the version analyzed in this book did not support hierarchical processes.
Carnot Process Engine
The audit trail database structure of the Carnot Process Engine consists
of four categories of tables (compare figure 4-4). The tables on the left side
of the diagram contain the process structure of the workflow model, while
the tables on the right side of the diagram contain the entities describing the
organization model. The tables in the middle of figure 4-4 contain data
about the running and completed workflow instances. Instead of a central
- 187 -
Figure 4-3:
audit trail table, the Carnot Process Engine maintains four log tables that
record events that are produced by the workflow engine, the timer daemon,
or recovery tasks, i. e., when the state of running process instances is
restored after a system failure. The daemon_log table records events documenting the behavior of system daemons, such as the mail daemon that
monitors incoming e-mails and triggers processes upon the receipt of relevant e-mail messages.
The log_entry table contains the audit trail entries created by the workflow
engine during the enactment of workflow instances. Other than a timestamp
- 188 -
Figure 4-4:
and the type of event (subject), it only contains references to the process
instance object and activity instance object associated with the log entry.
Information about the originator of the event is stored with the object itself.
For instance, the activity instance table contains information about the performer of an activity instance. This combination of attributes improves the
performance of process monitoring queries, such as who was the performer of the last activity, since no database joins are required to identify
the performer of an activity. Still, the manipulation of activity instances, e. g.,
the delegation of an activity instance to another user, cannot be determined
- 189 -
ex-post, since the activity instance table only contains one attribute for the
actual performer of an activity.
In addition to the attributes recorded by the workflow engine, the granularity of information stored in the audit trail depends on the event types
which result in audit trail entries. The WfMC Interface 5 distinguishes four
categories of event types: Workflow instance related events, activity instance
related events, work item instance related events, and remote operation audit
trail information. The last type of events is recorded, if a workflow engine
manipulates activities or processes that run on a remote workflow engine, or
if it is being manipulated through a remote system in a similar fashion. This
type of information enables a consolidated recording of audit trail information in one place, even though the logical workflow instance in question was
executed across different systems. For the first three event categories, the
WfMC specification differentiates between the following event types:593
Process Instance Audit Information
These events relate to state changes at the process instance level, such as
the instantiation, start, and completion of workflow instances.
Create/Start Process/Subprocess Instance Audit Data
WMStartedProcessInstance: A process instance was started.
completed normally.
WMTerminatedProcessInstance: A process instance has been
aborted (i. e., forcefully canceled before it was completed, all pending
activities and subprocesses have been cancelled as well)
Compare WfMC (IF5) (1999), p. 30-31. Events regarding the remote invocation of processes or activities have been omitted from the list.
- 190 -
pleted and control is returned to the parent process (in case of a synchronized instantiation).
Assign Process Instance Attributes Audit Data
One or more
attributes of a process instance have been changed. Using this event, a
workflow engine can signal that a process instance has exceeded the
maximum permitted processing time, and an escalation was raised.
Other possible uses could be changes in process ownership, or a
change of process quality parameters, such as priority or deadlines.
The events relate to state changes at the activity instance level, such as the
availability or completion of an activity.
Change Activity Instance State Audit Data
that the WfMC specification does not support the handling of events. Therefore, this
audit trail entry only relates to workflow engines capable of handling events, but is not mandatory for all workflow engines supporting the Interface 5 specification.
- 191 -
to occur.
One or more
attributes of an activity instance have been changed. Similar to a process instance, changes of activity instance attributes can signal the
occurrence of an escalation, or general property changes of an activity.
These events relate to state changes of work items, i. e., elements that represent activities to process performers.
Change Work Item State Audit Data
or her work list. The activity associated with the work item is associated with the respective user and is locked from access by other users,
unless it is a group activity where several users are required to complete the activity. This event type also covers the reservation of a work
item for later processing, and the checking out of a work item for processing on a device that may be disconnected from the workflow
completed successfully.
- 192 -
work items are offered for user selection this situation should not
occur often. Nevertheless, if the workflow engine pushes pending
activities to users through the use of scheduling algorithms, users
should have the option to refuse a work item presented to them.
Assign/Reassign Work Item/Work List Audit Data
Table 4-1 lists the workflow instance-related events recorded by the three
commercial systems. Table 4-2 contains the corresponding activity instancerelated events. As a reference, the event types supported by the WfMC Interface 5 specification including the event name are listed as well.595 Since
Staffware and Carnot do not differentiate between activity instance events
and work item events, these event types have been combined into one table.
IBM MQSeries Workflow
V 3.2
- 193 -
V 2.0
V 8.1
Interface 5
x (WMCreatedProcessInstance)
x (WMStartedProcessInstance)
x (request and
x (WMChangedProcessInstanceState)
x (request and
x (WMChangedProcessInstanceState)
x (error and
x (error and
x (WMTerminatedProcessInstance)
x (WMAbortedProcessInstance)
x (WMCompletedProcessInstance)
x (WMAssignedProcessInstanceAttributes)
x (WMChangedProcessInstanceState)
x (request and
Exit condi-
user revisions
tion failure
pointed out the risk of growing audit trails.596 They estimate the typical
number of log entries per activity to be five, equalling 1 KB for a fully featured audit trail entry. For a medium sized company that executes 10,000
process instances with 10 activities per day, this calculation results in an audit
trail of 500 MB every day, not including the associated business object information. Numbers like these are not unusual. The average number of pages
received in the mail room of the insurance company described in chapter 5 is
on average 29,000 per day, resulting in 8,900 different process instances that
are instantiated every day.
Staffware 2000
The Staffware audit trail format offers fewer event types than proposed
by the WfMC Interface 5 standard. For instance, even though the system
supports the interruption of activity instance processing in the form of suspend and resume operations, these events are not recorded in the audit trail.
This makes it impossible to determine the actual (productive) processing
- 194 -
V 3.2
x (work-item)
Interface 5
x (WMChangedActivityInstanceState)
x (WMSelectedWorkItem/
x (WMStartedWorkItem)
x (work-item)
x (WMRejectedWorkItem/
x (request and
x (WMChangedActivityInstanceState)
x (request and
x (WMChangedActivityInstanceState)
x (WMCompletedActivityInstance/
x (error and
x (WMAbortedActivityInstance)
x (two-level)
x (WMAssignedActivityInstanceAttributes)
Mobile events
Mail delivery
Process and
and resent
V 2.0
V 8.1
time of an activity as opposed to idle time; only the general turnaround time
of an activity instance can be computed. In correspondence with system
functionality, Staffware supports the withdrawal of work items from user
work lists, and the resubmission of these work items to the same or different
users at a later point in time, and these events are recorded accordingly in the
audit trail.
While the lack of standardized event types limits the expressiveness of the
Staffware audit trail, the system allows for the definition of custom event
types (up to a maximum of 743 user defined event types), which can be
inserted into the audit trail.597 This enables the recording of additional information related to a workflow instance, for example, the identifier of the
business object related to the current workflow instance. This additional
information is not recorded automatically, instead, a manual system function
has to be invoked to trigger the insertion of a custom audit trail entry. Con597.
- 195 -
sequently, the additional audit trail entries have to be specified during the
design phase of the workflow model and appropriate (automated) activities
have to be inserted into the workflow model at build time.
Carnot Process Engine
The Carnot Process Engine records almost all event types defined by the
WfMC specification in its audit trail database. Only state changes on the
work item level are not recorded, because the workflow engine does not distinguish between an activity instance and a work item. Consequently, the
performer attributes related to a work item are associated with the activity
instance, not the state change recorded in the audit trail.
- 196 -
At run time, process instances are created from the process models defined
in the build time phase. A process instance contains one or more activity
instances, which are presented to workflow participants for selection and execution. Note that an activity instance belongs to exactly one process
instance, whereas an activity (at the model level) may exist independent of a
process model, or may be reused in different process models. A work item is
the representation of a particular activity instance for a particular workflow
participant. While the activity instance contains run time information that
can be interpreted by the workflow engine, e. g. invocation parameters for an
associated application, the work item contains performance instructions for
potential workflow participants (candidate performers). Other run time elements, such as application functions or business object instances, have been
omitted from the diagram for reasons of clarity.598
Audit Trail (State Model)
Process instances, activity instances, and work items each are in exactly
one specific state at any given point in time (e. g., ready, assigned, started,
completed, terminated). For this reason, the state of a process instance
(activity instance, work item) is modeled as a ternary relationship between
the entity types process instance (activity instance, work item), state, and
time. The state of these entities may change over time. Transitions between
process, activity, and work item states are modeled as relationship types over
the respective state entities. This explication of state transitions can be used
for subsequent extensions, such as the modeling of transition constraints,
which restrict the space of state transitions to a limited number of legal state
The modeling of time as an independent entity type allows for the specification of time points and time periods.599 The structure relationship type
over the entity type time allows for the combination of different time constructs. For example, if an activity instance is repeatedly suspended and
resumed, the total suspend time of the activity can be computed through the
combination of the individual suspend times. The time identifier is used to
denote the type of temporal construct represented by the time entity (e. g.,
open-ended period, closed period, combined period). The audit trail of a
- 197 -
workflow management system records the state changes of the three entity
types process instance, activity instance, and work item.600
An audit trail contains one or more events, but it may be empty as well. An
event occurs at a specific time. Several events may occur simultaneously. An
event is caused by an originator, who is either a workflow participant, or a workflow engine. Workflow participants cause events when they actively manipulate
the objects presented to them by the workflow engine. The workflow engine
causes system events, such as the change of a process instance attribute (e. g.,
if a process instance exceeds a deadline). An event is represented as a ternary
relationship type between the entity types time, event type, and workflow
object. It exhibits a strong relationship with the entity types originator and
audit trail, respectively.
An event describes the state change of exactly one affected workflow object.
A workflow object is either a process instance, an activity instance, or a work item.
An event can be classified as belonging to an event type, for example, the
event type created defines the class of events such as activity instance
4711 created at 09:32:01 by user zur Muehlen and process instance 0815
created at 03:15:00 by workflow engine. Two corresponding start and end
event types define a state. States may be nested to form a hierarchy, as
described in the states models in section 3.6.2 and section 3.6.3.
Dimension Clusters
The audit trail meta model in figure 4-6 is marked with several dimension
clusters, in order to illustrate which areas of the meta model can be refined
for further analysis. The entity type workflow participant is the anchor point
for the resource dimension. A workflow participant typically belongs to an organizational unit and covers a certain role. Navigating through the workflow
audit trail, a process analyst could use these relationships to group audit trail
entries by organizational context. For example, he or she could determine,
that some systems do not differentiate between activity instances and work items. In
these cases the states of the work item are represented in the states of the corresponding
activity instance.
- 198 -
Figure 4-5:
Figure 4-6:
- 199 -
- 200 -
which activities were carried out by a specific department, or how many process instances were initiated by a specific work group.
The workflow objects work item, activity instance, and process instance
form the process instance dimension. Within this dimension, audit trail entries
can be grouped according to the process hierarchy, i. e., all work items
belonging to a specific activity instance, and all activity instances belonging
to a specific process instance. Since the instantiation relationships between
activity instances and activity models are known, as are those between process instances and process models, audit trail information can be further
aggregated to include multiple instances of the same process type.
Both activity instances and process instances may be associated with a
business object. This business object links the process-focused workflow audit
trail with the economically relevant objects manipulated during the execution of activity and process instances. The recursive business object structure
allows for the composition of complex business objects from elementary
business objects. This feature can be used to integrate otherwise unrelated
business objects that are manipulated during the enactment of different
activity instances into a more complex process object.
Database Structure
Figure 4-7:
- 201 -
- 202 -
Information recorded in the workflow audit trail can be analyzed in different ways, depending on the organizational function and information
requirements of the recipient. Figure 4-8 shows a classification of different
analysis dimensions for audit trail information. The dimensions can be classified into attributes that relate to the way how audit trail information is presented to the recipient, and the content of the information presented to the
Figure 4-8:
The focus of audit trail analysis can be either business-oriented or technologyoriented. This orientation is determined by the role of the process analyst and
by goals supported by the results of the process analysis. A technology-oriented analysis relates to information that reflects the performance of the
- 203 -
workflow management application, such as response times, number of concurrently logged in users, or system behavior at different work loads. In
addition, technology-oriented analyses can yield information about software
components invoked during workflow execution. For example, the analysis
of concurrent invocations of the same application program can be used to
determine the number of licenses required to match the current software
usage patterns.
Audit trail information may be presented actively by the workflow management system or process controlling system, if alert functions are implemented. An active presentation of audit trail information is also required, if
this information represents input data for other automated processes, e. g.,
the daily recurring generation of a process report. A passive presentation of
audit trail information can be found, if the user has to select the information
he or she is interested in, and has to initiate the presentation of the information manually.
Audit trail information may either relate to processes that have been completed (aborted, or terminated, respectively), or relate to processes that are
currently active in the workflow management system. The analysis of active
processes can be used for predictive purposes, e. g., to determine the estimated time of completion of a process instance, or to determine the current
workload of a group of process participants.601 Audit trail information relating to completed processes are typically analyzed at an aggregate level, in
order to identify generalizable properties of a particular process type.
Audit trail data can either be analyzed on the instance level, e. g. if for a particular process instance a proof of execution is required, or at the type or
model level, e. g., if trends of process metrics over time are of interest. For process controlling purposes, audit trail information is typically aggregated over
several instances of the same workflow model. If process models are modified, the process analyst needs to maintain information as to which versions
of a process model are compatible for analysis, i. e., the process instances of
which process model versions can be combined and/or aggregated.
e. g., Panagos, Rabinovich (1997), who use audit trail information to raise preemptive escalations, if the current workflow instance might exceed the maximum permitted
turnaround time.
- 204 -
The opportunity to model and change processes using a workflow management system is significantly easier than the adjustment of hard-coded
process logic in application systems. Therefore, over time, enterprises using
workflow applications will adjust these processes to match their changing
environment. The change of the process structure, e. g., the replacement of
an activity with another, results in a change of the audit trail data during process enactment. If an analysis is to be performed across a collection of process instances, in many cases only those instances will be relevant whose
execution path is identical, i. e., those instances where the set of activity
instances is identical, and that refer to the same activity model (version) at
the type level. Therefore, it is vital for the validity of the process warehouse
information to record the underlying workflow model variant for every
workflow instance.
Information Content
Data Scope
The central object for process analysis can be either an event, activity, process,
resource, or the associated business object. Analysis at the event level may be
used to identify processes with irregular operation. For instance, an analysis
of all abort process events will result in a list of all processes that did not
complete successfully. The activity level yields information about the efficiency of task fulfilment, and may be used to compare similar activities in
different processes. If processes are the central object of analysis, path analy-
- 205 -
ses may provide insight about the distribution of business cases and resulting
resource requirements. Analysis at the resource level aims at identifying
organizational ratios or developments, such as learning curves for the execution of a single activity over time, or the productivity of a work group.602
The business object focus allows for a grouping of processes in accordance
with the process object. This can be useful to analyze the performance of
processes with regard to certain process object attributes. For instance, an
analyst could compare the turnaround time of order processing workflow
instances for customers from Rhode Island with those instances for customers from New Jersey.
Process Scope
The process scope describes the part of a particular process model analyzed by the process controller. The finest level of granularity within this category is the analysis at the activity level. The analysis of a larger part of a
process provides information about process segments. The study of the audit
trail at this level may be useful to determine the behavior of alternative process paths, or alternative activity configurations. Analyzing the entire process
corresponds with the process object focus of the previously discussed category. Finally, a process analyst may be interested in the behavior of an entire
process chain, which may be confined within the enterprise or stretch across
enterprise boundaries to include processes from suppliers and customers
(supply chain controlling). The analysis of process chains requires the identification of matching process instances, i. e., since the completion of one process instance triggers the enactment of the next process instance, the audit
trail needs to contain information about the global process model, which
encloses all partial processes.603 Figure 4-9 illustrates the reach of different
process scopes.
Note that the use of audit trail metrics for the measurement of organizational productivity
may be subject to legal restrictions. For instance, German privacy law provides strict rules
for the electronic storage and transmission of personal information. In order to satisfy
these restrictions, resource information in audit trail data can be locked from access,
deleted, or reduced. To reduce resource information it is possible, e. g., to aggregate process
performer data to the group level, while individual evaluations are not possible, or to anonymize data by replacing actual values with proxy values. Compare Herrmann, Bayer (1999).
The analysis of inter-organizational workflows on the basis of XML messages was analyzed
in the context of the AFRICA project at the University of Muenster, for more information
compare zur Muehlen, Klein (2000). Web Services Choreography languages that are used to
specify cross-organizational processes use the concept of correlation keys to identify matching
process fragments across different systems and/or business partners.
- 206 -
Figure 4-9:
Process Monitoring
- 207 -
Process monitoring beyond single process instances can be used to predict staffing requirements. If the average processing times of activities allow
for a forecasting of pending activity instances in the near future, the number
of active process instances as well as the current activity instances allow the
short-term prediction of staffing requirements. Combined with the ability of
workflow management systems to prioritize work items according to the
case attributes and the age of the case (i. e., the idle time of a pending case),
process monitoring can help companies maintain a consistent level of cycle
times even during seasons with high workloads.
The importance of workload transparency can be illustrated using the
case of a German insurance company. Due to a proposed change in tax legislature, life insurances policies were subject to additional taxation if the policy was signed on or after January 1st, 2000. This announcement led to a
fourfold increase in life insurance applications during the second half of
1999. The staff at the life insurance department worked overtime to handle
the unusual amount of applications, neglecting all other cases that were not
new applications. As a result the structure and age of the remaining cases
was unknown and customers complained about the long time it took the
insurance to get back to them with regard to their inquiries. This situation
could have been avoided if a workflow management system had tracked of
all cases and prioritized those cases that were older than a certain threshold.
- 208 -
Figure 4-11:
The four activities in section B and the two activities in section C are
combined into the single business states B and C, respectively, whereas the
activities A, D, and E appear at the same level of granularity in the business
state model. In the (internal) process instance, activity A has been completed
and one activity of segment B is currently active. The corresponding busi604.
- 209 -
ness state model shows state B as active, abstracting from the underlying
details of the Manufacture Product process segment. In the simplified
example, the business state model can only contain the same number of
states or fewer states than the process state model (n:1 relationship), since it
is derived from the workflow states exclusively. If context data is taken into
account - such as the values of certain process relevant variables, the coarse
states of the business state model may be refined into sub-states.
Besides organizational process monitoring, workflow management systems typically provide facilities for technical monitoring. Technical process
monitoring deals with the supervision of parameters such as response times,
system load, and the like. With regard to technical monitoring, workflow
management systems do not differ from complex application systems that
are managed through commercial packages such as TIVOLI605 or CAN606
DLE . Figure 4-12 shows a screenshot of the technical monitoring facility
of the Carnot Process Engine. Besides the current numbers of active users,
processes, and activities, the system also displays the number of pending
processes and activities, i. e., those processes and activities that have been
accepted by a user but that have not been completely processed.
Process Controlling
- 210 -
alone. This is due to the fact that the audit trail of most workflow management systems does not contain application data that is processed in workflow instances.
- 211 -
- 212 -
An example for an organizational measure is the restructuring of a department and the creation of teams-oriented work places instead of individual work places. If the management
objective is to increase the resource efficiency, the success of the organizational measure
could be assessed by examining the staff productivity before and after the restructuring.
Measuring the employee satisfaction may also yield information about the success of the
organizational measure, but does not relate to the original goal, since employee satisfaction
contributes to the goal of motivation efficiency, but not necessarily resource efficiency.
Compare Inmon (1996), p. 33; Inmon, Imhoff, Sousa (2001), p. 8.
- 213 -
Becker (2002).
Riebel (1994).
611.Inmon, Imhoff, Sousa (2001), p. 8, define a data mart as a customized subset of data from
the data warehouse tailored to support the specified analytical requirements of a given business unit.
Compare Holten (1999), p. 41.
- 214 -
analyze the business process perspective of an enterprise. This task is nontrivial and we discuss its implications in the following section.
Extraction, Transformation and Loading
During the extraction, transformation, and loading phase of data warehouse development, source data is converted into a format that fits the overall data warehouse schema. Depending on the format of existing audit trail
logs, which could exist in form of database records or flat file structures, an
appropriate import mechanism needs to be deployed. Using a transformation algorithm, the proprietary schema of the audit trail data has to be converted into the data base schema of the data warehouse. If several workflow
management systems are used within the enterprise, the individual audit trail
schemas have to be converted into a consolidated schema that is suitable for
the analytical purposes of the data warehouse.
Data Mart Structures for Audit Trail Information
- 215 -
Since the workflow audit trail provides timestamps, but not aggregate
information about time periods, it is useful to create a time-oriented data
mart from raw audit trail data. The data structure of such a data mart contains a central fact table that contains derived information about its activity
instances. Figure 4-15 shows the data structure for a time-oriented data
mart. The central fact table contains references to the activity model of
which the activity instance was derived from, the process instance that
formed the context for the activity instance, the resource, i. e., the workflow
performer that executed the activity, and the business object that was manipulated in the context of the activity. The facts contained in the fact table are
the calculated values for different processing time categories. The calculation
of these ratios is a non-trivial task, since each activity instance may have
switched an arbitrary number of times between the states idle and processing. As a result, the values for idle time and processing time may be composed of an arbitrary number of processing time fractions and suspend time
fractions, respectively.
The references to activities, processes, resources, and business objects
opens access to four evaluation dimensions that can be used to formulate
queries. For example, the business object perspective may be used to determine those activity instances that exhibit the longest idle time for a specific
type of business object. The result of this evaluation may give an indication
about popular and unpopular business cases, if the workload for the individual business cases is similar. The resource dimension may be used to determine the learning curve of an organizational unit for the processing of a
specific activity. If the processing times of activity instances continuously
decrease, the presence of certain learning effects can be assumed.,
In addition to time-oriented analyses of workflow audit trail data, frequency-oriented analyses can be applied to workflow audit trails as well. A
data mart for frequency-oriented analyses contains facts about the availability, start, and completion of activity instances. It facilitates queries such as
How many activity instances of the type review account overdraft were performed in the last three months?
As stated in figure 4-8, the analysis dimensions for audit trail information
may select activities as well as process segments as the central object of analysis. Theoretically, an activity-centered data mart can be used to compute
process-specific ratios that relate to the parent process of an activity. This
can be achieved through a traversal along the process dimension, which
yields the process instance related to the activity instance in the fact table.
Ultimately, the originating process model can be determined as well. In order
to allow meaningful analyses, all activity instances from each process
- 216 -
instance would need to be identified and their atomic facts would need to be
integrated into the evaluation. Since such an operation has a significant negative impact on the performance of process-related queries, it is advisable to
create separate data marts for the execution of process- and activity-related
Synchronization of Business Objects and Workflow Data
The audit trail format of some commercial workflow management systems does not contain references to the business object that has been
manipulated in a workflow instance. Still, meaningful evaluations in a business context almost always require the workflow audit data to be linked to
some business object information, such as the customer account involved,
or the merchandise handled during the process. In our previous research
prototype PISA we manually added an activity to the workflow model that
created a database record containing the ID of the process instance and the
identifier of the business object that would later be manipulated by the
derived workflow instance. This artificial integration of workflow and busi-
- 217 -
ness data enables the navigation from a particular process instance to the
business context and allows for the application of high-level evaluation
methods. Nevertheless, the integration of audit trail information with business object information can create a number of problems for the data warehouse designer:
The analysis of audit trail data for controlling purposes takes place mainly
as ex-post evaluation, since data is only made available after the associated
processing has taken place in the workflow system. Workflow-based controlling thus represents a feedback-oriented controlling instrument.
- 218 -
In a study about control cycles for industrial product development processes, V. UTHMANN and TUROWSKI have proposed a hierarchical model of
feedback cycles.614 They describe the role of the workflow management system as the recorder of measurements, and discuss the implementation of
control directives at both the automated and the manual level. The innermost feedback cycle describes the automatic regulation of business processes, e. g., if the workflow management system allocates pending work
items to different workflow participants depending on their current workload. The second feedback cycle relates to the interactive management of
running workflow instances. Monitoring information is provided to human
recipients who can actively change parameters of the running process
instances. For instance, if the deadline of an activity instance is exceeded, the
workflow management system notifies the process manager who in turn
reassigns the pending work item to an experienced process participant. The
third feedback cycle is used to continuously improve the workflow model.
Monitoring information is provided to workflow designers, who adjust the
workflow model in a persistent fashion, i. e., the changes to the model affect
all future workflow instances derived from this model.615 Figure 4-16 shows
the structure of the hierarchical feedback cycle model.
- 219 -
The automatic feedback cycle is confined to the boundaries of the workflow management application itself. Based on formally encoded quality
parameters the feedback module analyzes the data supplied by the workflow
engine and regulates the execution of running workflow instances. These
quality parameters include values such as maximum activity duration, maximum work load for workflow participants, or work distribution strategies.
The measures implemented by the feedback unit are restricted to the capacities available to the workflow management system. For example, the feedback unit can reassign a pending work item to a workflow participant
different from the original recipient, in order to balance the overall work
load, but it cannot create resource capacity, since this parameter is determined at the operative management and control level. While the feedback
unit may not perform structural changes to the workflow model, it may
manipulate attributes of process and activity models as well as workflow participants. An example for this type of feedback control is the experiencebased scheduling of workflow participants.
- 220 -
- 221 -
Even well structured processes, such as those found in so-called production workflow environments, may exhibit a considerable number of exceptions that need to be handled. In the usual case, a workflow administrator or
the manager of the current process participant is notified if a workflow or
activity instance raises an exception. The importance of efficient exception
handling is pointed out by SACHS, who states that the efficiency of work is
less dependent on the structure of the workflow, but rather depends on the
exception handling capabilities of the resources involved in the process.616
Instead of using a hard-coded exception handling scheme, the workflow
engine can assign work to a more experienced performer when an exception
occurs. This way, line managers are less concerned with troubleshooting
activities, such as the reassignment of work items, and can perform activities
of higher business value. The economic impact of a qualification-adequate
task assignment can be measured using the hedonic wage model developed
by SASSONE.617 The hedonic wage model states that the overall cost of labor
increases, if workers perform tasks that lie below their level of qualification
and spend less time on tasks they have originally been hired for. Information
stored in the workflow audit trail can be used to monitor the value of atomic
labor units according to the hedonic wage model, and to adjust the assignment policies accordingly. PISA II and III both implemented an evaluation
module for the hedonic wage model.
The use of workflow audit trail data to assess user capabilities can also be
used to differentiate resource qualifications, e. g., with regard to processing
time or acceptance rate. Depending on the overall priority of a process it
might be desirable to assign an activity to the actor with the least average
- 222 -
processing time for the specific activity at hand. In other cases it may be necessary to minimize the lead time until a work item is processed by a workflow participant. An analysis of the audit trail data can provide the resource
management component of the workflow system with relevant information
for this decision. An example for resource assignments using the level of
experience as an assignment factor is given in figure 4-18.
The operative management and control loop starts with the supply of
workflow audit trail data to the operative management and control unit.
Since the amount of data required at this level differs from the raw data processed by the feedback unit, filters have to be used which allow the presentation of relevant information objects only. An example for such filtering is
the elimination of technical events from the audit trail data stream, such as
system recovery messages written by the workflow engine to document the
state of the workflow system itself.
The operative management and control loop can be triggered manually,
(e. g., if a workflow application is reviewed on a regular basis), or automatically (e. g., if predefined threshold values are exceeded and the workflow system sends an alert message). The capabilities of operative management and
control are twofold with regard to changes at the workflow level. On the one
hand, parameters of the feedback unit can be controlled through the operative management and control entity (e. g., a different target cycle time for an
activity is defined). On the other hand, adjustments at the workflow system
level can be performed. These adjustments include the (re-)modeling of processes, changing invoked applications, and changing the organizational structure. Within this portfolio, the operative management and control unit has
the capability to adjust resource contingencies available to the workflow
engine, which also represent the limits of the measures the automatic feedback unit can implement. In order to fulfil this task successfully, the operative management and control unit requires information about available
resource capacities and resource utilization from the workflow management
Example: Workflow-driven Activity-based Costing
- 223 -
How much does it cost to perform these activities and the aggregate
business processes?
What fraction of each activity is required for the organizations products, services, and customers?
The workflow audit trail can provide activity-based costing systems with
actual quantities of activity execution, in addition to a qualified list of the
resources used to perform these activities. The combination of workflow
audit trail data, operative learning and control, financial reporting, and activity-based costing systems supplies members of the operative management
and control unit with timely and precise information about resource utilization in their domain of control. This information can be extended with
information about the processes and activities these resources have participated in. Figure 4-19 illustrates this combination.
Based on the results of an activity-based costing analysis, managers at the
operative level can adjust resource quantities to match the actual resource
requirements reported by the workflow-enhanced activity-based costing system. Examples for such adjustments are the hiring of new staff members,
the training of staff members to perform different or additional tasks, or the
reduction of staff capacity.
4.4.4 Strategic Management and Control
The highest level of feedback control is the strategic management and
control feedback cycle. The strategic management and control unit receives
select information from the workflow audit trail. For this reason, a second
filter on top of the operative management and control filter needs to be
implemented at this stage. Additional information is delivered from the
operative management and control unit. This level reports to the strategic
management and control unit if the second-level feedback cycle escalates,
e. g., if adjustments of resource capacities dont have the desired or predicted
effect on operative process performance.
Strategic management and control determines the framework for the
activities at the operative level and communicates these guidelines to the
Compare Cooper, Kaplan (1992); Kaplan, Cooper (1997); Cooper, Kaplan (1998).
- 224 -
operative management and control system through guidelines, specific targets, budgets, and other constraints and directives. In order to perform strategic management and control effectively, information about the actual
performance of the organization in light of the strategic goals is necessary.
This information can be gathered using performance measurement systems
that include both internal and external information. The subject of performance measurement is the implementation and validation of the competitive
strategy selected by an enterprise.620
- 225 -
A popular performance measurement framework is the Balanced Scorecard by KAPLAN and NORTON, which is shown in figure 4-20.621 The Balanced Scorecard provides four different perspectives, which contain
objectives, measures, targets, and initiatives. The perspectives group these
elements with focus on the financial performance, internal business processes, customer perception, and internal learning and growth. Each perspective should contain a balanced selection of leading and lagging
indicators that are related to the measures defined in the individual perspective. Lagging indicators reflect the operative behavior of the company from
an ex-post perspective. A typical example of this are financial ratios that
reflect the performance of a business unit over a previous time period. Leading indicators provide information about the current behavior of the organization and are used to determine, whether the company works in
compliance with the strategy goals or against these goals.
Source: Kaplan, Norton (BSc) (1996), p. 9.; Kaplan, Norton (Use) (1996), p. 76.
- 226 -
4.5 Summary
In this chapter, we have illustrated the design requirements of a workflow-driven process controlling system. Starting with a review of related
work, we have analyzed three commercial workflow management systems
and compared the content of their audit trails to a reference model provided
by the Workflow Management Coalition. Based on the findings of this analysis we have developed both a reference model for workflow application
concepts, and a reference model for workflow audit trail data. We have
shown, how this data can be integrated into data warehouse infrastructures,
and have illustrated the usefulness of workflow audit trail information using
a cybernetic feedback model that differentiates between automated feedback, operative management and control, and strategic management and
control. In the next chapter we discuss the application of these concepts in
an industry case, and show the implementation of these concepts in a
research prototype.
- 227 -
Case Outline
In the following section we outline the practical relevance of our framework by means a case study. The case study was conducted at a mediumsized German insurance company with 1,200 employees between the years
2000 and 2002. The company had conducted an enterprise-wide business
process re-engineering project two years before the case study started. Over
the course of this project, the major business processes in the insurance-specific departments of the company had been documented and grouped into
process clusters. These clusters were compared with application functionality provided by the companys mainframe computer system. Processes were
split along the different application transactions that were part of the insurance applications. Based on self-statements by employees, average processing times for activities were documented using a basic resolution of minutes.
Based on the identified activity structure and the estimated resource utilization in these activities, an activity-based costing system (ABC) had been
implemented, which was used for enterprise controlling purposes.
After the new system had been in use for two years, it was apparent that
the underlying business processes had evolved. In addition, information that
was required for managerial purposes, such as capacity planning during seasonal peaks in workload, could not be obtained from the existing system. A
project was set up to investigate the potential benefits of a workflow-driven
process information system for the company.
- 228 -
A First Assessment
- 229 -
Based on this assessment, the benefits of using process audit trails for
monitoring and controlling purposes were evaluated. Table 5-1 shows the
difference in auditing accuracy without and with audit trail information.
Without Audit Trail Data
Drill-down possible
Information Availability
The existing activity-based costing system (ABC) was analyzed in the next
stage of the project. The goal of this phase was to identify the suppliers of
raw data for further analysis, the transformation operations performed on
this data, and the results that were delivered by the ABC application. The
results of this analysis are summarized in figure 5-1. The system was characterized by a variety of data feeds, most of which were transferred and converted in a manual, laborious process. The activity structure of the existing
business processes was transferred manually from Excel sheets into the proprietary ABC-system.623 These activities were derived from the results of the
re-engineering project mentioned above, and it was clear to the parties
involved that the activity structure might no longer represent the current
state of the enterprise processes - but since no alternative information was
available, the existing activity breakdown was utilized. Transactions from the
operational insurance application systems were assigned to activities according to a transformation schema developed during the re-engineering project.
Since the number of transactions were recorded in the legacy system, the log
files were used to compute the actual number of activities performed over a
given period of time. These frequencies were then mapped to the activity
structure, which was not a 1:1 representation of the application transactions,
since some transactions mapped to multiple activities. In these cases, a pro623.
The enterprise controlling department relied on BOC Adonis for some activity-based costing evaluations, and SAS as a platform for a data warehouse application, which was being
deployed as the project went underway. Remarkably, the responsibility for the data warehouse application lay within the hands of a single programmer/analyst - for a company with
3,000 employees.
- 230 -
Figure 5-1:
prietary BPR factor was used (also known as magic number). Using estimated processing times per activity, the required personnel capacity for each
activity per period was computed using a custom Excel application. In
essence, the frequencies from the transaction logs were multiplied with the
self-assessed processing times, and adjusted using another BPR factor. The
result of this transformation process was the (more or less realistic) resource
capacity used per activity execution, which served as one input factor for the
ABC application. This data was combined with the documented activity
structure from the re-engineering project. In addition, the activity frequencies recorded in the transaction logs were imported into the ABC application
(thus being reused for a different purpose than determining personnel
capacities). Financial information about resource valuation was derived from
the internal accounting information system. This information was collected
in a data warehouse application and manually transferred into the ABC-system. Based on these input factors, the enterprise controller would then calculate process and activity costs, such as the average cost for maintaining a
renters insurance per year.
The entire data transfer and evaluation process was time-consuming and
error-prone, due to many media-breaks and manual transfers. In addition the
results of the ABC-system did not reflect the actual operations at the insurance company. For example, only those processes appeared in the ABC-sys-
- 231 -
Based on the findings of the ABC system analysis, the project team
designed the concept for a workflow-driven process warehouse. This data
warehouse was designed to be used as a data feed for the existing ABC application. The resulting scenario is illustrated in figure 5-2. The central component of the workflow-based controlling infrastructure is a process
warehouse that serves as the central repository for all operational data that
needs to be evaluated. The workflow audit trail is transferred into the data
warehouse using two separate import filters. On the one hand, process and
activity information is extracted for process perspective evaluations. On the
other hand, resource information, i. e., which resource performed which
activity, is extracted for resource perspective evaluations. In order to provide
semantic information about the overall process composition, process and
activity structure information is transferred into the data warehouse at build
- 232 -
Figure 5-2:
time. It should be noted that manual activities (e. g., phone calls) will still not
be recorded by the new system.
In order to link audit trail information to operational business data, two
tables need to be maintained separately. One table contains the relationship
between individual process instances and the insurance policies or customer
records involved in these process instances. Using this table as a bridge, a
drill-down operation from a single process to the customer who triggered
the process is possible. The other custom table contains the relationship
between workflow participants and the internal cost accounting structure of
the enterprise. Since workflow management systems in most cases record a
technical ID of the performer who executed an activity, this table is necessary to valuate the resources used in a process with the relevant cost factors.
The realization of the process warehouse will enable the insurance company to evaluate its operational business processes in a timely fashion and
with a much higher level of accuracy than it is currently possible. However, a
process warehouse depends on the existing of supporting infrastructure, in
particular a workflow application that provides source information.
- 233 -
Even though the financial benefits that can be derived from an improved
process controlling infrastructure were difficult to determine, the projected
financial savings from the introduction of a document management and
workflow infrastructure were sufficient to provide a return on investment
just three years after the deployment of the new system. The ability to perform detailed process analyses was perceived as an added benefit of the new
infrastructure and work packages for the realization of the process controlling infrastructure were added to the project plan.
- 234 -
- 235 -
Figure 5-3:
- 236 -
Data Structure
The evaluation database consists of the raw audit trail data provided by
the Carnot Process Engine, and two data marts for the activity-based costing
component, and the Balanced Scorecard evaluations, respectively.
Figure 5-4:
- 237 -
Figure 5-4 shows one of the fact tables of the underlying data warehouse.
To simplify the design of different data marts, a number of fact tables that
exist at the data warehouse level were replicated and modified at the data
mart level. In addition, model attributes of the Carnot Process Engine were
modified in order to accommodate necessary attributes for the computation
of activity-based costing results. These attributes include information such
as the average cost of resource utilization or the relationship between workflow participants and the cost center structure of the enterprise. In a full
implementation, the latter attribute would need to be maintained and synchronized with the cost center structure that is typically maintained in separate financial accounting systems.
Evaluation Methods
The Cassandra prototype contains two evaluation modules: An activitybased costing module, and a balanced scorecard component.
Activity-based Costing Module
- 238 -
Figure 5-5:
The ABC module allows for the definition of target cost per period and
activity execution. In the example, the execution of one instance of activity
Schadensakte aufbereiten is valued at 1980 units, exceeding the defined
target cost of 1600 units.
Figure 5-6:
- 239 -
Figure 5-7:
The screenshot shows a Balanced Scorecard configuration with two metrics defined in the customer perspective: On-time delivery, and customer satisfaction. On-time delivery is defined as the measured deviation from the
delivery time that was negotiated with the customer. Using a specific data
mart for this purpose, a process analyst can specify this definition using a
SQL statement. The validity of this statement can be evaluated using a definition tester function. This is realized through the check button in figure 5-7.
Upon activation of this button, the configuration module executes the query
entered by the used and displays the results in a separate window. An example of this statement evaluation is shown in figure 5-8.
- 240 -
Figure 5-8:
For each user-defined measure, specific value targets with a related due
date can be specified, as shown in figure 5-9. These targets can be used in
the evaluation view to overlay actual measurements with target values, and
enable a quick evaluation of performance trends.
Figure 5-9:
Another component of the configuration module, the relationship definition tab, enables users to define positive or negative relationships between
measures and indicators. Furthermore, the Balanced Scorecard designer can
provide an explanation for the chosen relationship, which can later be displayed to the process analyst. The example in figure 5-10 shows relationship
between process cycle time, on-time delivery, and customer satisfaction.
- 241 -
In the evaluation view, the process analyst can choose to view the individual ratios in a separate window. For instance, figure 5-11 shows the development of the cycle time for a loan process over time. The horizontal line at
the bottom of the window indicates the target processing time, the two
curves represent the actual processing time and a weighted mean value for
the process cycle time computed over the past 30 days. A mouse pop-up
provides users with detailed information about the process duration on a
specific day, if the user hovers over a particular point of the diagram.
Figure 5-11:
Measurement Viewer
- 242 -
5.3 Summary
In this chapter, we have illustrated the commercial interest in workflowbased process controlling approaches by means of a case study. We were
able to clearly identify the business value of workflow-based process controlling information by comparing the information derived from such an
infrastructure with an existing ABC application. However, we have also
shown that in many cases infrastructure investments may be necessary,
before the benefits of a process controlling infrastructure can be realized. In
order to demonstrate the validity our approaches, we have implemented a
research prototype. It should be noted that the prototype was intended as a
proof of concept, and has not been deployed in a commercial environment. It
has, however, influenced the implementation of a similar component by a
workflow vendor.
- 243 -
- 244 -
model. We were able to demonstrate the integration of audit trail information based on this meta model into a generic process controlling infrastructure at the level of data integration. We discussed evaluation perspectives for
workflow-based controlling information, and created a cybernetic feedback
model for multi-level process management.
Through an exploratory case study of an insurance company we illustrated the relevance of the topic. Based on a detailed analysis of the existing
controlling infrastructure we were able to document the potential benefits of
a workflow-based process controlling infrastructure.
The feasibility of the proposed approach was demonstrated through the
implementation of a process controlling prototype, based on a process warehouse. We documented the details of an activity-based costing module and a
Balanced Scorecard module, and thus illustrated the application of well
known controlling instruments to workflow audit trail information.
Controlling has to take place in the heads of the employees. In order to raise the
awareness of process orientation among employees, monitoring and
controlling mechanisms should be accessible from the workplace of
every process participant. The communication of target values and
the continuous monitoring of process metrics enables process participants to evaluate the status of process and activity instances. They can
- 245 -
use performance indicators such as predicted completion time or ontime performance. The process controlling framework presented in
this book reflects this through the active notification of workflow participants in the case of target deviations as well as the presentation of
workflow information at the operative and strategic level.
Controlling must not end at the company gates. The analysis of internal business processes is a first step toward a workflow-based supply chain
controlling that integrates information from trading partners into a
consistent process database.625 In order to achieve the cross-enter-
- 246 -
- 247 -
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Figure A-1:
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Figure A-2:
Relational Model
Figure A-3:
State Model