Tutorial MagIC Net 2.X

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Metrohm AG
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07.2009 ek

Metrohm AG
CH-9101 Herisau
[email protected]

This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Although all the information given in this documentation has been
checked with great care, errors cannot be entirely excluded.
Should you notice any mistakes please send us your comments
using the address given above.

Table of contents

Table of contents




Structure of the tutorial ............................................ 1


Program description .................................................. 2


Visualization conventions ......................................... 3



Starting the software ................................................ 4


Configuring devices ................................................... 5


Configuring column ................................................... 9


Defining eluent ........................................................ 13


Adding solutions ...................................................... 16


Adding accessories .................................................. 18

Creating method



Method for manual injection .................................. 21

Creating new method ................................................ 21
Defining devices and their start parameters ................ 24
Time program ............................................................ 32
Evaluation .................................................................. 37
Saving method .......................................................... 43


Method with sample processor .............................. 44

Creating new method ................................................ 44
Defining devices and their start parameters ................ 44
Time program ............................................................ 56
Evaluation .................................................................. 68
Saving method .......................................................... 68


Table of contents


Performing the determination



Equilibration ............................................................. 70


Measuring standards and samples manually. ......................................................................... 71


Measuring standards and samples automatically ........................................................................... 74


Modifying retention times manually ...................... 78

Editing determinations



Viewing determinations .......................................... 81


Viewing results ........................................................ 86


Reprocessing determinations ................................. 88


Create new report template ................................... 90


Printing report ......................................................... 92



1 Introduction

Structure of the tutorial
The present tutorial guides you through your first steps with the
software MagIC Net. You will be introduced to the most important operating features by recording a chromatogram. The introduction will involve determining the concentration of the anions
F-, Cl-, NO2-, Br-, NO3-, PO43- and SO42- in tap water. An 850 Professional IC Anion MCS and a Metrosep A Supp 5 column with
integrated chip are used in the determinations.
The tutorial is arranged in four parts:

Configuring hardware which is managed by the system and

used in the method
Method for performing a determination
Performing the determination
Evaluating the determination, reprocessing and printing out a

You will be shown how the determination is performed using a

simple system with manual injection. We shall also describe a
determination using an automated system with sample changer.


1.2 Program description


Program description
MagIC Net comprises the following program parts:


Opening/Closing Workplaces
Entering sample data
Starting individual determinations and series of samples
Live visualization of chromatograms and system parameters (Watch Window)


Opening/Closing databases
Managing determinations
Reprocessing determinations
Creating reports


Entering the device combination used and its parameters

Definition of the time program
Entering the integration parameters
Entering the analytes
Result definition


Information on devices, columns, eluents, accessories,

solutions, common variables and rack data
User administration
Security settings
Program administration


1 Introduction

Manual Control


Manual control of a workplace

Manual control of all devices

Visualization conventions
The following symbols and formats will be used in this documentation:
Instruction step
Carry out these steps in the
sequence shown.
File New

Dialog text, parameters in the

Menu or menu item
Buttons or keys
This sign highlights additional information and tips


2.1 Starting the software

The Metrohm devices connected to the PC via a USB connector
are automatically recognized when the program is started, as are
the devices (dosinos, stirrers, pumps, remote box) connected to
MSB connectors of USB devices. Metrohm devices and external
devices connected to the PC via an RS232 connector must be
added manually to the device table.
All hardware components used in a method must be saved in the
program part Configuration. This can include:


Devices (850 Professional IC, 858 Professional Sample Processor etc.)

Accessories (Pump tubing, pump tubing connections etc.)
Common variables
Rack data

Starting the software


Devices and columns are automatically recognized. All elements

can be monitored by the system.

Starting MagIC Net

1 Click on the MagIC Net symbol on the desktop.


2 Configuration

2 Enter user name and password and click on [OK].

3 Click on the [Configuration] symbol.
The dialog window of the program part Configuration is
opened. A total of seven subwindows can be displayed:


Shows the automatically recognized and manually

added devices.


Shows the data of automatically recognized and manually recorded columns.


Shows the data for the eluents.


Shows the data of automatically recognized and manually added accessories.


Shows the data of automatically recognized solutions

in a dosing unit and solutions added manually.

Rack Data

Shows the data of automatically recognized Metrohm

sample racks and manually imported Metrohm sample

Common variables

Shows the data of all common variables.


Configuring devices
Proceed as follows to start the 850 Professional IC Anion
MCS for the first time:
Connecting 850 Professional IC
1 Connecting instrument
Connect device to the PC using a USB cable.


2.2 Configuring devices

2 Switching on device
The device parameters of the 850 Professional IC Anion
MCS are automatically recognized.

3 Saving device in the table

Confirm the message with [Yes].

4 Checking properties
Check the data in the Properties dialog window and close
with [OK].
The 850 Professional IC Anion MCS is entered in the
device list in the Devices subwindow.
5 Changing device name (optional)
Proceed as follows to give your device another name:


2 Configuration

In the device table, double click on the line with the entry
850 Professional IC Anion MCS.
Select the General tab.
Enter the new name in the Device name field.
Close the dialog window with [OK].

If you perform your determinations with a sample changer, you

will first of all have to connect the device.
Connecting 858 Professional Sample Processor
1 Connecting instrument
Connect device to the PC using a USB cable.
2 Switching on device
The device parameters of the 858 Professional Sample
Processor are automatically recognized.

3 Saving device in the table

Confirm the message with [Yes].


2.2 Configuring devices

4 Define rack parameters

Select the tab Rack.

The number of the default rack, 6.2041.440, must be
entered in the Rack name field.
Click on the [Rack Data] button.
Select the Lift positions tab.
Use the Work position field to enter the value 125.
Select the Special beaker tab.
Click on [Edit] and open the Special beaker 1 dialog
Use the Rack position field to enter the value 149.
Use the Work position of tower 1 to enter the value

Close all dialog windows with [OK].

The 858 Professional Sample Processor is entered in the
device list in the Devices subwindow.



2 Configuration

Configuring column
Columns with chip
An installed column is automatically recognized when the IC device
is connected and entered in the column table in the Columns
subwindow. The parameters of Metrohm columns with integrated
chips are entered in the corresponding tabs.
1 Inserting column in holder
The column is recognized by MagIC Net.

2 Saving column in the table

Confirm the message with [Yes].
The column is entered in the column table in the subwindow
3 Editing Column tab
In the Column - Metrosep A Supp 5 dialog field in the
Column tab use the Column name field to enter the name
A Supp 5.
4 Editing Properties tab
The parameters of the column used (max. pressure, max. flow
etc.) have already been entered.


2.3 Configuring column

5 Editing Precolumn tab

Activate the Use precolumn check box.
Simultaneously to the activation, the system defines that the
precolumn is to be monitored together with the column.
6 Monitoring tab

This tab is only available for automatically recognized columns with a chip.


Use the Determinations field to enter the value 500

(example) and activate the Monitoring check box.
Use the Working hours field to enter the value 72
(example) and activate the Monitoring check box.


2 Configuration

For the Determinations and Working hours of the

precolumn enter the same limit values as for the column, and activate the check box for monitoring it.
The precolumn is monitored in the same way as the column.
In the Message area, activate the Acoustic signal
check box.

Column without chip

If you use a column without a chip, this must first of all be configured. Use the [Edit] menu in the Columns subwindow for this. In
the case of known columns, several parameters are automatically
entered, while with unknown columns these parameters have to
be taken from the column information sheet and entered.
1 Add column
Use the Edit New... menu to open the Add new column dialog window.

2 Selecting column
Highlight the column Metrosep A Supp 5 in the list and
click on [OK].
The Column - Metrosep A Supp 5 dialog window is



2.3 Configuring column

3 Editing column

Only the name has to be entered for Metrohm columns.

Select the Column tab

Use the Column name field to enter the name Metrosep A Supp 5.
In the Set to work field click on the button and select
the date of first use.
The Column type and Order number fields are automatically filled in for known columns.
The entries in the Serial number, Batch number and
Comment fields are optional.

4 Editing Properties tab

If the columns are known, the values for pressure flow etc.
are automatically entered. If the columns are unknown, the
values have to be taken from the column information sheet
and entered.
5 Editing Precolumn tab
The fields are filled in automatically if the columns are known.
If the columns are unknown, the values have to be taken from
the column information sheet and entered.
Proceed as follows to enter the date of first use:


Select the Precolumn tab.

Activate the Use precolumn check box.
Click on the button of the Set to work field.
Select the date and confirm with [OK].


2 Configuration

6 Editing GLP tab (optional)

This tab only has to be edited if monitoring in accordance
with GLP rules is necessary.


Select the GLP tab.

In the GLP test date field, click on the button and
select the date of the last GLP test.
Activate the Monitoring of GLP validity check box.
Use the GLP test interval field to enter the value 100
The date of the next GLP test is automatically entered in
the Next GLP test field.
In the Message area, activate the Acoustic signal
check box.
In the Action area, activate the Display message
Close the dialog window by clicking on [OK].

Defining eluent
Eluents are defined in the Eluent subwindow.
1 Use the Edit New... menu to open the Eluent dialog
2 Eluent properties


Select the Eluent tab.

Make the following entries:


Eluent name


Order number




Batch number



2.4 Defining eluent


3.2 mmol/L sodium carbonate,

1.0 mmol/L sodium hydrogen



3 Editing Monitoring tab


Select the Monitoring tab.

The date of the first use is automatically entered when
entering the eluent.
Activate the Eluent monitoring check box.
Use the Working life field to enter the value 30 (the
working life depends on the eluent).
If you click on the button the date will automatically
be entered in the Expiry date field.
In the Message area, activate the Acoustic signal
check box.


2 Configuration

In the Action area, activate the Display message


Close the dialog window by clicking on [OK].

4 Editing GLP tab (optional)


Select the GLP tab.

In the GLP test date field, click on the button and
select the date of the last GLP test.
Activate the Monitoring of GLP validity check box.
Use the GLP test interval field to enter the value 100.
If you click on the button the date will automatically
be entered in the Next GLP test field.
In the Message area, activate the Acoustic signal
check box.


2.5 Adding solutions


In the Action area, activate the Display message


Click on [OK] and close the Eluent Std ASUPP5 dialog


Adding solutions
Solutions for the suppressor are defined in the Solutions subwindow.
1 Use the Edit New menu to open the Solution dialog
2 Edit the Solution tab


Use the Solution name field to enter the name H2O.

Use the Concentration field to enter the concentration
value 100 and select the concentration unit % in the list
In the Production date field, click on the in the toolbar.


2 Configuration

Select the date and conform with [OK].

Activate the Solution monitoring check box.
Use the Working life field to enter the value 100.
If you click on the button the date will automatically
be entered in the Expiry date field.
In the Message area, activate the Acoustic signal
check box.
In the Action area, activate the Display message
Close the dialog window by clicking on [OK].

3 Editing GLP tab (optional)


Select the GLP tab.

In the GLP test date field, click on the button and
select the date of the last GLP test.
Activate the Monitoring of GLP validity check box.
Use the GLP test interval field to enter the value 100.
If you click on the button the date will automatically
be entered in the Expiry date field.
In the Message area, activate the Acoustic signal
check box.


2.6 Adding accessories

In the Action area, activate the Display message


Click on [OK] and close the Solution dialog window.

The second solution with the name MSM regeneration solution

H2SO4 is entered in the same way.


Adding accessories
Accessories must always be added and configured manually. The
individual steps are executed in the Accessories subwindow.
Two pump tubings and one pump tubing connection with security
device and filter are added. The pump tubing connection with
inline filter is used to protect the separation column and suppressor
from potential contamination from the eluents or rinsing solution.



2 Configuration

Adding new accessories

1 Use the Process New menu to open the Accessory dialog window.
2 In the Accessory tab, use the Accessory name field to
enter the name Pump Tubing H2O.
3 Enter the number 6.1826.320 in the Order number field.

4 Select the Monitoring tab.

5 Activate the Accessory monitoring check box.
6 In the Working life field enter the value 30.



2.6 Adding accessories

7 In the Expiry date click on the


The expiry date is entered automatically.

8 In the Message area, activate the Acoustic signal check
9 In the Action area, select the Display message option.

Repeat steps 1 bis 9 in order to add a second pump tubing and a

pump tubing connection. The accessory name of the second tubing is Pump Tubing H2SO4. The Pump tubing connection
with security device and filter has the order number



3 Creating method

Creating method
A method is a procedural specification for processing a sample. It
comprises all elements which are needed to record a chromatogram. These include:

Devices and their start parameters

Time program
Parameters for evaluating the chromatograms
Result definitions

The method in this tutorial is created using a method template

predefined in MagIC Net. A method template contains the component names their retention times, the measured quantity (area
or height) for evaluation of the peaks and the type according to
which the calibration curve is fitted.


Method for manual injection


Creating new method

Creating method
1 Click on the symbol of the program part Method.

2 Use the menu File New... to open the New method

dialog window.



3.1 Method for manual injection

3 Under Templates, in the left part of the window, highlight

Anions Metrosep A Supp 5 - 100 and confirm with
The method template is opened.
The Devices subwindow shows the symbol of the analysis
method Anions. The Evaluation - Components subwindow shows the component table with the ions of the
method template and their retention times.



3 Creating method

The program part Method has a total of four subwindows:


Visualization of the devices assigned to the method

and the analysis.

Time Program

Visualization of the time program.


The subwindow consists of the areas Integration,

Components, Standards, Calibration and


Shows the chromatograms of the last determination

recorded with this method, the chromatograms of the
standard which are used for calibrating the samples,
and those of the calibration curves.



3.1 Method for manual injection


Defining devices and their start parameters

Putting together devices
1 In the Devices subwindow, click in the menu
Edit Add Device.
2 In the Add device dialog window, select the From device
table option.
3 In the Name field, select the device 850 Professional IC
Anion MCS and click on [OK].

The top of the Devices subwindow will display the figure of

the 850 Professional IC Anion MCS.



3 Creating method

Changing analysis name (optional)

1 In the top of the Devices subwindow, click on the symbol
of the Anions analysis.
2 Use the Edit Edit menu to open the Edit analysis dialog

3 In the Analysis name field, enter the new name Tap

water and confirm with [OK].



3.1 Method for manual injection

Defining parameters for analysis

1 Click on the symbol Tap water.
2 Editing Hardware assignment tab


Select the Hardware assignment tab.

In the Data source field, click on the button.
In the Tap water-assign data source dialog window
under 850 Professional IC Anion MCS > Conductivity detector 1, highlight the entry Conductivity and
click on [OK].
In the Channel field, Conductivity is automatically
In the Injection valve field click on the button.
In the Tap water-assign injection valve dialog window under 850 Professional IC Anion MCS highlight
the entry Injector and click on [OK].
In the Column field click on the button.


3 Creating method

In the Tap water-assign column dialog window under

Column table, highlight the entry
Metrosep A Supp 5 and click on [OK].

In the Pump field clock on the button.

In the Tap water-assign pump dialog window under
850 Professional IC Anion MCS highlight the entry
Pump and click on [OK].

Confirm the message New high pressure pump with


3 Editing Data acquisition tab

Select the Data acquisition tab.

In the Recording time field, enter a time of 15 min.

4 Editing Accessories tab


Select the Accessories tab.


3.1 Method for manual injection

Click on the [Add] button.

In the list box of the Add accessory dialog window,
select the pump tubing H2O.
Click on [OK].

The pump tubing is entered in the accessories table. The

pump tubing H2SO4 and pump tubing connection with security device and filter are added to the table in the same way.

Defining parameters for IC device

1 Click on the symbol of the 850 Professional IC Anion
The tabs of the 850 Professional IC Anion MCS modules
appear and can be edited.

The Active check box needs to be activated so that a

module can be used in a method (default setting).

2 Editing Pump tab


Select the Pump tab (or click on the symbol of the pump).
The values of the fields Flow, Pmin and Pmax are read in


3 Creating method

Use the Eluent list box to select the Std-ASUPP5 previously defined.

3 Editing Injector tab

Select the Injector tab (or click on the symbol of the

Accept the default settings.

4 Editing Peristaltic MSM tab


Select the Peristaltic MSM tab (or click on the symbol

of the peristaltic MSM).
Activate the On option.
In the Rate field, accept the value 3.
(There are 7 speed levels, with 6 revolutions/min per
Use the Solution 1 list box to select the solution H2O.


3.1 Method for manual injection

Use the Solution 2 list box to select the solution MSM

regeneration solution H2SO4.

5 Editing MSM tab

Select the MSM tab (or click on the symbol of the MSM).
Accept the default setting.

6 Editing MCS tab


Select the MCS tab (or click on the symbol of the MCS).


3 Creating method

Accept the default settings.

7 Editing Degasser tab

Select the Degasser tab (or click on the symbol of the

Accept the default settings.

8 Editing Column thermostat tab


Select the Column thermostat tab (or click on the symbol of the column thermostat).


3.1 Method for manual injection

Accept the default settings.

9 Editing Conductivity detector 1 tab


Select the Conductivity detector 1 tab (or click on the

symbol of the conductivity detector).
Accept the default settings.

Time program
The time program is a component of each method. It provides a
step by step description of the sequence for processing a sample.
The time program is compiled in the Time program subwindow
of the program part Method.
Defining time program
1 Switching injection valve to fill


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3 Creating method

Select 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector Fill in the left of the window under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector - Fill is opened.
Accept the time data 0 min.
Confirm with [OK].

2 Switching MSM to next position


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3.1 Method for manual injection

Select 850 Professional IC Anion

MCS MSM Step In the left of the window under

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS MSM - Step.
Accept the time data 0 min.
Confirm with [OK].

3 Interrupting program
The program is stopped in order to fill the injection valve


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3 Creating method

Select Device-independent Wait In the left of the

window under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window Wait opens.
Highlight the option Stop program and waiting for

Click on the button

and enter a text for the message.
Confirm twice with [OK].

4 Switching injection valve to inject


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3.1 Method for manual injection

Select 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector Inject in the left of the window under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector - Inject is opened.
Accept the time data 0 min.
Confirm with [OK].

5 Starting data acquisition


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3 Creating method

Select 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Tap

water Start data acquisition in the left of the window under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Tap water - Start data acquisition is opened.
Accept the time data 0 min.
Confirm with [OK].

The complete time program for manual filling of the injection valve
appears as follows:


The parameters for evaluating the chromatograms are defined in
the Evaluation subwindow. Each analysis has its own set of evaluation parameters.



3.1 Method for manual injection

The integration parameters are defined in the method template.
1 Click on the Integration button.

In the Analysis list box, the analysis name Tap water is

automatically entered.
The entries in the tabs Settings, Peak detection and
Events are accepted.

The components and parameters for the identification are defined
in the method template.
1 Click on the Components button.



3 Creating method

2 The entries in the tabs Component table and Identification are accepted.

In the Standards area, the concentrations of the components are
indicated in the standard solutions.
1 Click on the Standards button.
The Standard Table lists all the components defined in the
method template.



3.1 Method for manual injection

2 In the Concentration unit field, select the ppm option.

3 In the Standards tab, use the Edit New menu to open
the New Standard dialog window.

4 In the Fluoride field, enter the concentration value 0.5. In

each of the fields Chloride and Nitrite enter 1 as a value,
and in each of the fields Bromide, Nitrate, Phosphate and
Sulfate enter the value 2.
5 Click on [OK].
6 Repeat steps 3 to 5 for standard 2 and standard 3. The number of the next standard is automatically entered in the
Standard field. The concentrations of the components in
standard 2 and standard 3 are indicated in the following
Table with the standard concentrations



3 Creating method

The calibration is performed after the method of the external
standards. The peak areas in the chromatogram of an unknown
sample are compared with the peak values of the components of
a standard solution with known concentrations. The calibration
method is specified in the method template.
1 Click on the Calibration button.

2 Select the Calibration curves tab.

The component names, measured quantity, curve type and

evaluation are specified in the method template. The table



3.1 Method for manual injection

can be edited line by line. Either via the Edit Edit menu or
by double clicking on a line, which opens the Calibration
curve dialog window of the corresponding component.

The results of the determinations are saved in the standard database MagIC (further databases can be defined). You can also
indicate that a report is to be generated once the evaluation is
1 Saving results in database

Click on the Results button.

Select the Database tab.

In the Database area, select the database in which the
determination data are to be saved. The MagIC Net
database is indicated by default.

2 Printing out results


Select the Report tab.

Use the Edit New menu to open the Define report
dialog window.
In the Report template list box, highlight the Result
and Calibration template.
In the Report output area, activate the Printer list box.


3 Creating method

Select a printer in the Printer list box.

Confirm with [OK].

You also have the option of creating your own report template
(see Chapter 5.4, page 90).


Saving method
Saving method
After having entered all the relevant parameters for the method,
save the method as follows:
1 Use the File Save as... menu to open the Save
method dialog window.
2 In the Method name field, enter Tap water as the name
for the method.
3 Click on [Save].



3.2 Method with sample processor


Method with sample processor

The way a method for a determination with a sample processor is
compiled only differs from the method for a manual injection in
respect to the following points:


Defining devices and their start parameters

Time program

Creating new method

(see Chapter 3.1.1, page 21)


Defining devices and their start parameters

Putting together devices
1 In the Devices subwindow, click in the menu
Edit Add Device.
2 In the Add device dialog window, select the From device
table option.
3 In the Name field, select the device 850 Professional IC
Anion MCS and click on [OK].



3 Creating method

The top of the Devices subwindow will display the figure of

the 850 Professional IC Anion MCS.

4 In the Devices subwindow, click in the menu

Edit Add Device.
5 In the Add device dialog window, select the From device
table option.
6 In the Name field, select the device 858 Professional
Sample Processor and click on [OK].



3.2 Method with sample processor

The top of the Devices subwindow will display the symbol

of the 858 Professional Sample Processor.

Changing analysis name (optional)

1 In the top of the Devices subwindow, click on the symbol
of the Anions analysis.
2 Use the Edit Edit menu to open the Edit analysis dialog



3 Creating method

3 In the Analysis name field, enter the new name Tap water
(auto) and confirm with [OK].

Defining parameters for analysis

1 Click on the symbol Tap water (auto).
2 Editing Hardware assignment tab


Select the Hardware assignment tab.

In the Data source field, click on the button.


3.2 Method with sample processor


In the Tap water (auto)-assign data source dialog

window, under 850 Professional IC Anion
MCS Conductivity detector 1 highlight the entry
Conductivity and click on [OK].
In the Channel field, Conductivity is entered automatically.
In the Injection Valve field click on the button.
In the Tap water (auto)-assign injection valve dialog
window, under 850 Professional IC Anion MCS highlight the entry Injector and click on [OK].
In the Column field click on the button.
In the Tap water (auto)-assign column dialog window, under Column table highlight the entry Metrosep A Supp 5 and click on [OK].

In the Pump field click on the button.

In the Tap water (auto)-assign pump dialog window,
under 850 Professional IC Anion MCS highlight the
entry Pump and click on [OK].


3 Creating method

Confirm the message New high pressure pump with


The Hardware assignment tab appears as follows:

3 Editing Data acquisition tab

Select the Data acquisition tab.

In the Recording time field, enter a time of 15 min.

4 Editing Accessories tab

Select the Accessories tab.

Click on the [Add] button.
In the list box of the Add accessory dialog window,
select the pump tubing H2O.
Click on [OK].

The pump tubing is entered in the accessories table. The

pump tubing H2SO4 and the pump tubing connection with



3.2 Method with sample processor

security device and filter are added to the table in the same

Defining parameters for IC device

1 Click on the symbol of the 850 Pofessional IC Anion
The tabs of the 850 Professional IC Anion MCS modules
appear and can be edited.
2 Editing Pump tab

Select the Pump tab (or click on the symbol of the pump).
The values of the fields Flow, Pmin and Pmax are read in
Use the Eluent list box to select the Std-ASUPP5 previously defined.

Activate the Active check box.

3 Editing Injector tab


Select the Injector tab (or click on the symbol of the



3 Creating method

Accept the default settings.

4 Editing Peristaltic MSM tab

Select the Peristaltic MSM tab (or click on the symbol

of the peristaltic MSM).
Activate the On option.
Accept the value 3 in the Rate list box.
(There are 7 speed levels, with 6 revolutions/min per
Use the Solution 1 list box to select the solution H2O.
Use the Solution 2 list box to select the solution MSM
regeneration solution H2SO4.

5 Editing MSM tab


Select the MSM tab (or click on the symbol of the MSM).


3.2 Method with sample processor

Accept the default settings.

6 Editing MCS tab

Select the MCS tab (or click on the symbol of the MCS).
Accept the default settings.

7 Editing Degasser tab


Select the Degasser tab (or click on the symbol of the

Accept the default settings.


3 Creating method

8 Editing Column thermostat tab

Select the Column thermostat tab (or click on the symbol of the column thermostat).
Accept the default settings.

9 Editing Conductivity detector 1 tab


Select the Conductivity detector 1 tab (or click on the

symbol of the conductivity detector).


3.2 Method with sample processor

Accept the default settings.

Defining parameters for sample processor

1 Edit Rack tab

Select the Rack tab.

Use the Rack name list box to select the number of the

2 Editing Injector tab


Select the Injector tab.

Accept the default settings.


3 Creating method

3 Editing Peristaltic tab

Select the Peristaltic tab.

Activate the Off option.

4 Editing Peripherals tower tab

Select the Peripherals tower tab.

The settings are accepted, as no further devices are used.



3.2 Method with sample processor


Time program
The time program is a component of each method. It provides a
step by step description of the sequence for processing a sample.
The time program is compiled in the Time program subwindow
of the program part Method. The time program for an automated
sequence of determinations contains additional commands for the
sample processor, in contrast to a manual method.
Defining time program
1 Switching injection valve to fill


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3 Creating method

Select 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector Fill in the left of the window under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector - Fill is opened.
Accept the time data 0 min.
Confirm with [OK].

2 Switching MSM to next position


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3.2 Method with sample processor

Select 850 Professional IC Anion

MCS MSM Step In the left of the window under

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS MSM - Step is opened.
In the Time field, accept the time data 0 min.
Confirm with [OK].

3 Moving to sample position


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3 Creating method

Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Tower Move (Rack) in the left of the menu
under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Tower - Move (Rack) opens.

Accept the field values.

Confirm with [OK].



3.2 Method with sample processor

4 Dipping aspiration needle in sample

Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.
Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Tower Lift in the left of the menu under

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Tower - Lift opens.
Use the Lift position list box to select the entry Work

Confirm with [OK].

5 Filling injection valve with sample


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3 Creating method

Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Peristaltic On/Off in the left of the menu under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Peristaltic - On/Off opens.
In the Time field, accept the time data 0 min.
Also accept the other field values.

Confirm with [OK].

6 Switching off peristaltic pump of the sample processor


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3.2 Method with sample processor

Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Peristaltic On/Off in the left of the menu under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Peristaltic - On/Off opens.
Use the Time field to enter the time data 2.5.
In the Rate area, select the option Off.
Confirm with [OK].

7 Switching injection valve to inject


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.


3 Creating method

Select 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector Inject in the left of the menu under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Injector - Inject is opened.
Use the Time field to enter the value 2.5.
Confirm with [OK].

8 Starting data acquisition


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.
Select Tap Water (auto) Start Data acquisition in
the left of the menu under commands.


3.2 Method with sample processor

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 850 Professional IC Anion MCS Tap Water (auto) - Start Data Recording opens.
Use the Time field to enter the value 2.5.
Confirm with [OK].

9 Moving to special beaker position

The so-called special beakers have a large volume (e.g. 250
mL) and mostly contain the rinsing solution. These beakers
are preferably set at high rack positions so that sample series
can start from rack position 1. Lift positions must be separately assigned for special beakers. Lift positions must be
separately assigned for special beakers.


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.
Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Tower Move (Rack) in the left of the menu
under commands.
Confirm with [OK].
The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Tower - Move (Rack) opens.


3 Creating method

Use the Move list box to select the entry Special

beaker and the Number field to enter the value 1.

Confirm with [OK].

10 Dipping aspiration needle in special beaker


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.
Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Tower Lift in the left of the menu under


3.2 Method with sample processor

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Tower - Lift opens.
Use the Lift position list box to select the entry Work

Confirm with [OK].

11 Switching on rinsing


Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.
Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Peristaltic On/Off in the left of the menu under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Peristaltic - On/Off opens.
Use the Time field to accept the time data 0 min.


3 Creating method

Also accept the other field values.

Confirm with [OK].

12 Switching off rinsing

Use the Edit New menu to open the Insert new

line dialog window.
Select 858 Professional Sample Processor Peristaltic On/Off in the left of the menu under commands.

Confirm with [OK].

The dialog window 858 Professional Sample Processor - Peristaltic - On/Off opens.
Use the Time field to enter the value 1.5.
In the Rate area, select the option Off.
Confirm with [OK].

The complete time program appears as follows:



3.2 Method with sample processor


(see Chapter 3.1.4, page 37)


Saving method
Saving method
After having entered all the relevant parameters for the method,
save the method as follows:
1 Use the File Save as... menu to open the Save
method dialog window.
2 In the Method name enter Tap water (auto) as a name
for the method.
3 Click on [Save].



4 Performing the determination

Performing the determination

In this section you will learn how to:

Check retention times of the analytes

Enter sample data
Measure standards and samples.

These steps are performed in the program part Workplace. The

following subwindows are available:


Control of processes and management of the sample data

Live display 1

Visualization of the chromatogram during the analysis


Displays the reports of analyses

Watch window

Information on the methods and associated devices

Time Program

Visualization of the method execution

Live display 2

Visualization of a second chromatogram running in parallel



4.1 Equilibration


Starting equilibration
Before the analysis is carried out, the IC device must be balanced
for around 30 minutes until the baseline is stable.
1 Change to the program part Workplace.

2 Use the Run subwindow to select the Equilibration tab.

3 In the Method field, click on the


4 In the Open method dialog window, highlight the method

Tap water.
If several method groups already exist, the group the method
belongs to must first of all be selected in the Method
group list box.
5 Click on [Start HW].
Recording of the baseline begins. As soon as the baseline is stable,
the measurement can be started (after approx. 30 min).



4 Performing the determination

Preparing suppressor manually

1 Change to the program part Manual.

2 Select Workplace list box and highlight the 850 Professional IC Anions MCS in the left part of the window.
3 Select the MSM tab.
4 Click on the [Next] button.
5 Click on the [Next] button again after 10 min.
6 Repeat step 5 twice again.
This ensures that all three chambers of the suppressor are


Measuring standards and samples manually.

1 Change to the program part Workplace.
2 In the Run subwindow, select the Single determination



4.2 Measuring standards and samples manually.

3 In the Method field, check whether the Tap water method

is selected.
4 Use the Sample type list box to select Standard 1.
5 Enter sample data
Enter the following values in the fields:

Use the Ident field to enter the name Standard 1.

Use the Position field to enter the value 1.
Use the Volume field to enter the value 20.
Use the Dilution field to enter the value 1.
Use the Sample amount field to enter the value 1.

6 Click on the [Start] button.

The determination is started and the time program executed
for manual determination
Lines highlighted in red show the current program stage,
lines highlighted in blue show the processed program stage.
7 As soon as the message for filling appears, fill the injector
8 Confirm the massage with [Next].
The data recording is started and the determination executed
to the end.
Repeat steps 4 to 8 for the measurements of standard 2 and
standard 3. The Sample type list box is used to select Standard
2 or Standard 3 and the Ident field is used to enter the name
Standard 2 or Standard 3.
The current chromatogram recording can be tracked in the Live
display subwindow.



4 Performing the determination

Information on the methods and associated devices is displayed in

the Watch window subwindow.
1 Use the Sample type list box to select the entry Sample.
2 Enter Sample data
Enter the following values in the fields:

Use the Ident field to enter the name Tap water.

Use the Position field to enter the value 1.
Use the Volume field to enter the value 20.
Use the Dilution field to enter the value 1.
Use the Sample amount field to enter the value 1.

3 Click on the [Start] button.

The determination is started and the time program executed
for manual determination.
4 As soon as the message for filling appears, fill the injector
5 Confirm the massage with [Next].
The data recording is started and the determination executed
to the end.



4.3 Measuring standards and samples automatically


Measuring standards and samples automatically

Just as for a manual measurement, the IC device is first of all balanced (see Chapter 4.1, page 70). The sample table is then created
and the sample measured.
Creating new sample table
1 Change to the program part Workplace.
2 Use the Run subwindow to select the Determination series tab.

3 Use the Edit Edit line menu to open the dialog window
Edit line - Working sample table - Workplace.
4 In the Method field, click on the


Highlight the method name Tap water (auto) in the table

and click on [Open].



4 Performing the determination

If several method groups already exist, the group the method

belongs to must first of all be selected in the Method
group list box.
In the Method field, Tap water (auto) is automatically

5 Entering values for Standard 1

Enter the following values in the fields:

Use the Ident field to enter the name Standard 1.

Use the Sample type list box to select Standard 1.
Use the Position field to enter the value 1.
Use the Injections field to enter the value 1.
Use the Volume field to enter the value 20.
Use the Dilution field to enter the value 1.
Use the Sample amount field to enter the value 1.
Click on [Apply].

The values are written in the first line of the sample table.
6 Entering values for Standard 2

In the Line field click on the


The next higher value is automatically entered in the Position field. The values of standard 1 are automatically accepted in the Injection, Volume, Dilution and Sample
amount fields.



4.3 Measuring standards and samples automatically

Use the Ident field to enter the name Standard 2.

Use the Sample type list box to select Standard 2.
Click on [Apply].

7 Entering values for Standard 3

To enter standard 3, proceed in the same way as for step 6:

Use the Ident field to enter the name Standard 3.

Use the Sample type list box to select Standard 3.

8 Entering values for sample

To enter sample data, proceed in the same way as for step

Use the Ident field to enter the name Tap water.

Use the Sample type list box to select the entry Sample.
Once all the data for the standards and the sample have
been entered, click on the [Close] button and return to
the Determination series tab.

9 Stopping hardware

Activate the check box Stop hardware when sample

table is finished.

The check box Stop hardware when sample table is

finished must be activated if the devices are to be
switched off after completion of the measurements (e.g.
when measuring over night).



4 Performing the determination

10 Saving sample table

Use the Sample table Save as... to open the Save

sample table dialog window.
Use the Name field to enter the name Tap water sample.
Click on [Save].

The complete table with standards and sample appears as


Measuring standards and samples

1 In the Determination series tab, click on the [Start] button.
The chromatograms of the three standards are then measured, followed by those of the sample. The current chromatogram recording can be tracked in the Live display
subwindow. The current rack position as well as various IC
parameters, such as conductivity, pressure, flow, degasser
etc. are displayed in the Watch window - tap water subwindow.



4.4 Modifying retention times manually

Samples undergoing processing are highlighted in red, while

measured samples are highlighted in blue.


Modifying retention times manually

In order to check and eventually modify the retention times of the
seven components fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate,
phosphate and sulfate (specified in the method), the mean standard is measured in a single measurement.
Single measurement of a standard
1 Change to the program part Workplace.
2 In the Run subwindow, select the Single determination
3 Use the Method field to select the method Tap water.
4 Use the Sample type list box to select Standard 2.
5 Enter sample data
Enter the following values in the fields:

Use the Ident field to enter the name Standard 2.

Use the Position field to enter the value 1.
Use the Volume field to enter the value 20.
Use the Dilution field to enter the value 1.
Use the Sample amount field to enter the value 1.

6 Click on the [Start] button.

The determination is started and the time program executed
for manual determination.



4 Performing the determination

7 As soon as the message for filling appears, fill the injector

8 Confirm the massage with [Next].
The data recording is started and the determination executed
to the end.

Correcting the retention times

Compare the retention times from the chromatogram with those
in the method template. If there are deviations, enter the new
retention times from the chromatogram into the component table
as follows:
1 Change to the program part Method.
2 Click on the Edit Refresh.
3 In the Evaluation subwindow, click on the [Component]
button and select the Component table tab.
4 Click on the line with the component whose retention time
is to be corrected.
5 Click in the peak belonging to this in the Chromatograms
6 In the Evaluation subwindow, click on the [Update retention time] button.
The retention time from the chromatogram is transferred to
the component table.



4.4 Modifying retention times manually

7 Repeat steps 4 to 6 for all the components to be corrected.




5 Editing determinations

Editing determinations
Viewing determinations
You have several options for selecting and viewing your determinations:

Sort according to column

Find via a quick filter
Find with a special filter
Via the Search menu
Select via a batch (user-defined filter)
1 Click on the symbol of the program part Database.

2 First click on the heading of the column for sorting in the

table with all the databases.
The table is sorted according to the selected column in
increasing order.
3 Click again on the same column title.
The table is sorted according to the selected column in
decreasing order.



5.1 Viewing determinations

Quick filter
1 Click on the menu Determinations Filter Quick filter.
The cursor turns into a special filter symbol. When navigating
within the table, the cells in which the cursor is located will
have a yellow background.
2 Place the cursor in a cell serving as a filter criterion and click
with the left mouse button.
The datasets are filtered according to the content of the
required table field. The quick filter can be applied again
within the filtered table.

Special filter
The special filter allows you to specify the filter conditions in detail.
1 Open the corresponding dialog window via the Determinations Filter Special filter menu.
2 Use the Edit Edit line menu to open the dialog window
Edit filter criterion New filter.



5 Editing determinations

3 In the Field list box, highlight the entry Method name.

4 Use the Comparison value field to enter the method name
Tap water and click on [OK].
5 In the Special filter dialog window, click on the
[Apply filter] button and close the window.
The Determination overview subwindow then displays
the table with all the datasets of the Tap water method.
The data of a highlighted dataset appears in the other subwindows.
The Results subwindow then displays a table with the components, their concentrations, retention times etc. The
parameters of the table can be brought together in the
Properties result window dialog window. It is opened by
double clicking in the field of the results display or the menu
View Properties Properties Results.



5.1 Viewing determinations

The chromatograms and the calibration curve are shown in

the Curves 1 subwindow.
Data of the sample, the devices etc., can be displayed in the
Information subwindow via the individual tabs.

1 Use the Determinations Search menu to open the
Search - Database 'MagIC Net' dialog window.
2 In the Search in list box, highlight the entry User (short
3 Enter your short name in the Search word field.
4 Click on [Search next].
The first line corresponding to the search term is highlighted.

Batch (user-defined filter)

1 Create batch

Use the Determinations Batch New batch to

open the New batch dialog window.

In the Batch name field, enter the name Batch tap

Click on [OK].



5 Editing determinations

2 Add determinations to batch

Highlight the datasets in the table, which are to be added

to the batch.
Use the Determinations Batch Append to
batch menu to open the Append to batch dialog window.

In the Batch name list box, select the name Batch tap
Higlight the option Selected determinations.
Click on [OK].

The datasets selected in the Determination overview are

added to the batch and are available for selection at any time.
3 Deleting batch

Use the Determinations Batch Delete batch

menu to open the Delete batch dialog window.

In the Batch name list box, select the name Batch tap
Click on [OK].

The batch is deleted from the database.

4 Delete applied filter
The Determinations Filter Remove filter menu is
used to remove a special or quick filter currently applied and
to remove a selected batch. All datasets are displayed again.



5.2 Viewing results


Viewing results
Zoom with mouse
The zoom function can be used to magnify individual areas of a
1 Highlight a dataset in the overview table.
The associated chromatogram is shown in the Curves 1 subwindow.
2 Zoom in on the area to be magnified while keeping the left
mouse button pressed.

Zoom with dialog

1 Highlight a dataset in the Overview Table.
The associated chromatogram is shown in the Curves 1 subwindow.
2 Click in the chromatogram with the right mouse button.
3 The Zoom context menu can be used to open the Zoom
dialog window for entering the zoom range.



5 Editing determinations

4 In the X axis area in the from field, enter the value 4.5 and
in the field to the value 5.5.
5 Click on [OK].
The peak of nitrite is zoomed in.

1 Click in the chromatogram with the right mouse button.
2 Click on the context menu Unzoom.
The chromatogram is shown in its original size.

Changing the chromatogram visualization

You have the option of editing the properties of a chromatogram.
You can change the visualization of the chromatogram, the labeling of the axes or the labeling in the chromatograms. Afterwards
change the labeling of the peaks and the axes in the chromatogram. Proceed as follows:
1 Changing peak labeling

Click in the chromatogram with the right mouse button.

Select the menu item Properties.
Select the Chromatogram tab.
Activate the Retention time check box and deactivate
the Concentration check box.
Click on [OK].

2 Changing axis labeling


Click in the chromatogram with the right mouse button.


5.3 Reprocessing determinations

Select the menu item Properties.

In the Properties - Graphics dialog window, select the
Axes tab.
In the X axis area, click in the Axis label field, and enter
Retention time.
In the Y axis area, click in the Axis label field and enter
Click on [OK].

Visualizing calibration curve

1 Highlight a dataset in the overview table.
2 In the Curves 1 subwindow, select the option Calibration
3 In the Component list box, select the entry Nitrite.
The calibration curve of Nitrite and the calibration function
are shown.


Reprocessing determinations
When reprocessing determinations, sample data, evaluation
parameters and curve spread can be changed and the results recalculated.
As an example, the evaluation over the peak height is described
instead of over the peak area, which is defined in the method
1 Reprocessing calibration curve


Highlight the three standards in the Determination

overview subwindow.


5 Editing determinations

Use the Determinations Reprocess... menu to open

the corresponding dialog window.

In the Evaluation parameters subwindow, click on the

[Calibration] button.
Select the Calibration curves tab.
Highlight the first component (fluoride) in the table.
Use the Edit Edit menu to open the Calibration
curve Fluoride dialog window:

In the Response field, select Height as a new parameter

and click on [OK].
Use the Edit Take over settings for all components menu to accept the new measured quantity
(response) for all components in the table.
Repeat steps 5 to 8 for standard 2 and standard 3.
Click on [Update].

The calibration curves of the three standards are recalculated.

2 Open the Reprocess dialog window via the [Reprocessing] button.



5.4 Create new report template

3 Click on [OK].


Create new report template

In order to create a report with the results of the analysis, you first
of all have to define a report template. In the following you create:
A report template for the calibration curve of the standard
A report template with the result table and the chromatogram
of the sample Tap water

Report template for calibration curve


Use the Tools Report templates New Form

report menu to open the Report template - New
form report dialog window.

Click on the Calibration curve icon

in the toolbar.
Place the mouse cursor (which now has the form of a
cross) in the report template and create the required area
by keeping the left mouse button pressed down.
The Properties - Calibration curve field dialog window is opened.
In the Analysis list box, enter Standard 2 as an example.
In the Component list box, enter the component
Nitrate as an example.



5 Editing determinations

In the Curve view area of the Properties - Calibration

curve field dialog window, select the from database
Click on [OK].
Close the Report Template - New form report dialog
window and confirm the Save template message with
In the Save report template dialog window, use the
Name field to enter the name Calibration curve.
Click on [Save].

Report template for result table/chromatogram

1 Creating result table


Click on the Curve + result table icon

in the toolbar.
Place the mouse cursor (which now has the form of a
cross) in the report template and create the required area
by keeping the left mouse button pressed down.
In the Properties Curve + result table field dialog
window, use the Analysis field to enter the sample name
Tap water.
Click on the Result button.
In the Available results list, highlight the entry Component name and use the
key to move to the
Displayed results list.
The Retention time, Area and Concentration are
added to the list in the same way.
Highlight Retention time and click on [Number of
In the Number of decimals - Retention time dialog
window, select the value 2.
For the decimal places of the Area and Concentration also enter the value 2.
Click on [OK].


5.5 Printing report


Close the Report template - New form report dialog

window and confirm the Save template message with
In the Save report template dialog window use the
Name field to enter the name Results.
Click on [Save].

Printing report
Printing calibration curve
1 In the Determination overview subwindow, highlight the
line of standard 3.
2 Use the File Print Report... menu to open the Report
output dialog window.
3 In the Selection area, highlight the Selected determinations option.
4 In the Report type area, highlight the Report template
option and select the Result and Calibration report template.
5 In the Output line area, deactivate the Printer check box
activate the PDF file check box.
6 The symbol and in the Save as dialog window, use the
File name field to enter the name Calibration curve.
7 Click on [Save].



5 Editing determinations

8 Close the Report output dialog window with [OK].

Printing results table/chromatogram

1 In the Determination overview subwindow, highlight the
line with the entry Tap water.
2 Use the File Print Report... menu to open the Report
output dialog window.
3 In the Selection area, highlight the Selected determinations option.
4 In the Report type area, highlight the Report template
option and select the Result and Calibration report template.
5 In the Output line area, deactivate the Printer check box
activate the PDF file check box.
6 Click on the button and in the Save as dialog window,
use the File name field to enter the name Sample.



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