Useful Wild Plants-9

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O mickle is the powerful grace that lies

In plants, herbs, stones, and their true qualities;
For nought so vile that on the earth doth live
But to the earth some special good doth give.
Romeo and Juliet.

I N the days before game laws came into being

within the limits of the United States, several
wild plants were employed for catching fish. I do
not mean that they were used as bait, but in a very
different way, long practised by the Indians. The
plants in question contain in their juices narcotic
poisons, which, stirred into the water of ponds, deep
pools or running streams temporarily dammed, con-
taining fish, stupefy the latter without killing them,
and cause them to float inert to the surface, where
they may be easily gathered into baskets. No ill ef-
fects appear to result from eating fish so poisoned,
and in old times in California there was ample chance
to test the matter, as both white men and red were

prone to satisfy their appetite for fish in this

manner. Such pot-hunting has now, however, for
many years been forbidden by law. In California
the bulbs of the Soap-plant (Chlorogalum pomeri-
dianum, already described) were mostly used, being
first crushed in quantity, thrown into the water, and
mixed with it. Next to these in popularity were the
macerated stems and leaves of the Turkey Mullein
(Croton setigerus, Hook.), the Spanish-Califor-
nians ’ Yerba del pescado—that is, “fish-weed.”
This plant is a rather low-spreading, bristly-hairy,
grayish herb, with little greenish blossoms that are
scarcely noticeable. It appears in the fields and
plains of midsummer and remains through the
autumn. Hunters of wild doves know it well, as
these birds are very fond of the seeds and collect in
numbers to feed where the “mullein” grows-to their
undoing. Employed in the same way on the Atlantic
seaboard were the seeds of the Southern or Red
Buckeye (Aesculus Pavia, L.), a tree that occurs
from Virginia to Florida and westward to the
Mississippi Valley. According to Porcher, the fresh
kernels were customarily macerated in water, mixed
with wheat-flour to form a stiff paste, and thrown
into pools of standing water. The dazed fish would
float up to the top and had then only to be picked

up. If placed in fresh water, they would soon re-

When they wanted to, Indians knew quite well
where to go for material for fishing lines and nets
—their knowledge of
wild p 1 a n t s packed
with useful fiber being
rather extensive.
One of the most
widely distributed of
these native fiber
plants is the so-called
Indian hemp (Apocy-
num cannabinum, L.),
an herbaceous peren-
nial with a smooth,
milky-juiced, w o o d y
I NDIAN H E M P stem two to four feet
(Apocynum cannabinum) high, and inconspicu-
ous, greenish-white flowers producing very slender
seed-pods about four inches long. It is found in
thickets and dampish ground from Canada to
Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The
usual preliminary preparation-as in the case of all
the wild fiber-plants, I believe-was to rot the stems
by soaking them in water. After that the outer

bark readily separates and leaves exposed a soft,

long, brownish fiber which is both strong and last-
ing. At one time some of the aborigines wove this
into articles of clothing, but the commoner use of it
was in making fish and carrying-nets, string and
ropes. Peter Kalm speaks of the Swedes in the
Delaware River colonies a century and a half ago
preferring such ropes to those of common hemp, and
bought them from their Indian neighbors at the
astonishing rate of “fourteen yards for a piece of
bread ! ”
The Indians of the lower Colorado River obtained
a fiber suitable for fishing lines and nets from a
leguminous plant, Sesbania macrocarpa, Muhl., a tall
annual, sometimes as much as twelve feet high, with
pinnate leaves, yellowish, pea-like flowers purple-
spotted, and very narrow, drooping seed-pods a foot
long. It is commonly known as Wild Hemp, and
grows in moist soil from South Carolina and Florida
westward and along the Mexican border. On the
Pacific Coast another plant of the Pea family that
has entered into the weaving art of the Indians, is
Psoralea macrostachya, DC., a cousin of the famous
Prairie-potato mentioned in an earlier chapter. It
is a stout, heavy-scented perennial, three to twelve
feet high, with leaves consisting of three leaflets, and

bearing in summer silky spikes of small, purplish

flowers. Its favorite habitat is the borders of
streams. Besides the inner bark, which is an excel-
lent material for making coarse thread, the large
root contains a valuable fiber. This the California
Indians used to secure by pounding out the root. A
pleasing feature of the fiber, whether of the root or
the stem, is an aromatic perfume, which persists for
months.1 Various species of Nettle, too, soaked in
water, yield a fiber for cord making, as the Indians
long since discovered. The Nettle, indeed, has been
a primitive source of thread in both hemispheres;
and Prior, in his “Popular Names of British
Plants, ’ ’ quotes an old writer as saying, “Scotch
cloth is only the housewifery of the nettle.”
Another fairly good fiber, utilizable for twine and
rope, has been secured from several species of
Asclepias, the familiar Milkweeds. Among these
may be mentioned especially the Swamp Milkweed
(Asclepias incarnata, L.), with smooth stem and
foliage, and red or rose-purple flowers. It is a
frequent denizen of swampy land throughout the
eastern half of the country from Canada to the Gulf.
In the same class is a well-known woolly Milkweed
1 Chesnut, “Plants Used by the Indians of Mendocino Co., Cali-
f ornia:’

of the Pacific Coast (A. eriocarpa, Benth.), char-

acterized by cream-colored flowers and foliage
clothed with a hoary hairiness. The commonest
Milkweed of eastern fields and waste places, A.
Syriaca, L., yields a fiber that has been used to some
extent in paper making, and for weaving into
muslins. In fact, the white man’s interest in all
our wild fibers has been largely directed in latter
times to their adaptability to adulterating and
cheapening fabrics.2
The most important of all our native fiber plants
are the Yuccas and Agaves. It is from Mexican
species of the latter genus-and possibly of both
genera-that the valuable Sisal-hemp, imported from
Mexico, is made, with which our United States
species have never successfully competed. Fiber
from the Yucca (probably Y. baccata, Torr.) was in
extensive use by the prehistoric people who built the
cliff dwellings of the Southwest, as is proved by
sandals, rope and cloth found in these remarkable
ruins. According to the Zuñi tradition it was from
Yucca fibers that men made the first clothing for
2 For many interesting details touching the general subject of
wild fibers, reference is made to Reports 5 and 6, Office of Fiber In-
vestigation, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, entitled respectively “Leaf
Fiber of the United States,” and “Uncultivated Bast Fibers of the
United States,” by C. H. Dodge.


themselves when they emerged from the underworld

(their first home) into this world of light. Though
the spread of white education among our aborigines
has caused this ancient textile art to become almost
a lost one, it is not entirely so. Here and there an
old Indian is still run across who holds to the tradi-
tions of the elders and works the ancient works.
One such not long ago, living on the California
desert, made me from the fiber of the Mescal plant
(Agave deserti) a pair of sandals of immemorial
pattern, the spongy sole an inch thick turned up at-
the heel, and with an elaborate arrangement of cords
to keep the foot in place.
Both Agave and Yucca are treated in the same
manner to separate the fiber. After soaking the
leaves in water to soften them, they are pounded
and repeatedly rinsed until the pulpy part is dis-
posed of. The fibers are then combed out, twisted
into strands, and woven as desired. According to
Dr. Palmer, the old-time Southern California
weavers were* famous for their Yucca fiber ropes,
nets, hairbrushes and saddle blankets. In the last
a padding of softer fiber obtained from the quiote
(Yucca Whipplei) w a s employed to relieve the
harshness of the Yucca baccata fiber.3 The tough
3 The American Naturalist, Sept., 1878.
A Southwestern desert hillside, which, in spite of its desolate look, bears plants yielding food, soap
textile fiber and drinking water. The man in the foreground is cutting mescal.

epidermis of Yucca leaves, split into narrow strips,

makes a coarse basket material, serviceable more-
over as a cord substitute for tying and jacketing
articles to be hung up, as hams and watermelons.
In the East the same may be done with the strong,
fibrous bark of the Moose-wood or Leather-wood
(Dirca palustis, L.), the bois de plomb of the
French-Canadians. It is a deciduous shrub, two to
six feet high, much branched and characterized by
a tough bark, suggesting leather in its pliability, the
pale greenish flowers preceding the leaves in small
terminal fascicles in early spring. Damp woodlands
are its favorite home, from Canada to the Gulf and
eastward from the Mississippi to the Atlantic.
A good string may also be made by twisting the
fiber obtained from the common Reed-grass (Phrag-
mites communis, Trin.), the Carrizo of the South-
west,-whose tall, straight canes crowned with silky,
plume-like floral panicles, form a conspicuous
feature in swamps and damp places throughout the
United States and Canada. At a ‘distance they
present the general appearance of Broom-corn. A
peculiarity of this reed that excited the curiosity
of observant explorers half a century or so ago,
was utilized by some of the lndian tribes to minister
to their taste for sugar. Owing to the attacks of

a certain insect, which punctures the leafage, a pasty

exudation is often to be found in abundance upon
the plants. This, upon hardening into a gum, may
be collected, and has a sweet, licorice-like taste.
Palmer records a former practice of the Indians to
cut the canes when the gum was sufficiently hardened,
lay them in bundles upon blankets, and shake off
the sweet particles. The sugar thus obtained was
usually consumed by stirring it in water, making
thus a sweet and nutritious drink. Coville speaks
of a somewhat different practice with the same plant
by the Panamint Indians of the Mojave Desert, who
would dry the entire reed, grind it and sift out the
flour. This, which would be moist and sticky from
the inherent sugar, would then be set near a fire
until it would swell and brown, when it would be
eaten like taffy.4
Another primitive sort of sugar harvest may be
reaped in a small way from the common Milkweed
(Asclepias Syriaca). Kalm, among others, has
noted this. The process as observed by him was to
gather the flowers in the morning while the dew
was on them. The dew, expressed and boiled,
yielded a palatable brown sugar. Such a dainty
sort of manufacture seems fitting enough in fairy
4 The American Anthropologist, Oct., 1892.

economics; but it is hard to believe it to have been

of much practical value among the rough pioneers
from whom the old Swedish traveler learned of it.
The Sugar Pine (Pinus Lambertiana, Dougl.), that
noblest of Pacific Coast pines, owes its common name
to a sugary exudation from the heart-wood when the
tree has been cut into with an ax or been damaged
by fire. The bleeding sap forms irregular lumps and
nuggets, white when fresh and unstained, but more
often found brown from exposure and contact with
fire. John Muir thought this sugar the best of
sweets. As to that, each must be his own judge;
but it certainly has an appeal to many. Moderation
should be exercised in its consumption, as it has a
decided laxative tendency. Of all “wild sugars,”
however, the sap of the Sugar Maple, the source
of commercial maple sugar, is without a peer. It
is too well known to call for more than mention
Our wild plants that have been experimented upon
for dyes by the color-loving Indians are very
numerous. The subject is too technical for me to
say just what value these various vegetable dyes
may have in the arts of civilization, but I may refer
briefly to a few.
Imprimis, there is that familiar hedge-plant, the

O s a g e O r a n g e (Maclura aurantiaca, Nutt.). Its

native home is in the rich bottom-lands of a com-
paratively narrow strip of territory extending from
eastern Kansas and Missouri through Arkansas to
Texas, attaining in all that region arboreal propor-
tions. It is distinguished by its curious, yellowish-
green, rough-skinned, milky, but inedible fruits,
somewhat resembling half-ripe oranges. The large
roots and the heartwood of the tree are bright orange
in color, and from the former has been extracted a
yellow dyestuff, which has been pronounced corn-
parable in excellence to fustic, the product of an
allied tree of the tropics. The elastic, satiny wood
was a favorite material for bows among the Indians,5
and the tree came to be known accordingly by the
French-Louisianians as Bois d’arc. A curious use
of the milky juice of the “oranges ” is recorded by
Dr. James of the Long expedition, the members of
which resorted to smearing themselves with it as a
protection from the torment of wood-ticks.
From Kentucky to North Carolina, the beautiful
Kentucky Yellow-wood (Cladastris tinctoria, Raf.)
is indigenous, a smooth-barked tree with pinnate
5 “The price of a bow made from this wood, at the Aricaras’,
is a horse and blanket.” John Bradbury’s “Travels in the Interior
of America.” 1809-11. But the Aricaras lived a thousand miles
from where the Osage Orange grows.

leaves and showy panicles of fragrant, white, pea-

like blossoms, pendent in June from the branch ends.
It, too, has yellow wood, as the common name im-
plies, and from it a clear saffron dye may be had.
Better known is the Quercitron or Dyer’s Oak
(Bartram’s Quercus tinctoria), which has played a
part in international commerce. The inner bark,
which is orange-colored, yields a fine yellow dye, and
was once an important article of export to Europe,
where it was employed in the printing of calicos.
The tree is indigenous in poor soil throughout a large
part of the eastern United States, and by some bot-
anists is regarded as but a variety of the Scarlet Oak
(Quercus coccinea, Wang.), whose foliage is a fiery
contributor to the autumn coloring of our forests.
Nature’s fondness for yellow is manifested in her
gift of many dyes of this cheerful color, utilized by
her red children. The common Wild Sunflower
(Helianthus annuus, L.) and the flower heads of the
rank-smelling Rabbit-brush (Chrysothamnus nause-
osus [Pursh.] Britt.)-this latter one the commonest
shrubs of the Far Western plains and deserts, with
rayless flat-topped clusters of yellow flowers and
with linear leaves-have long yielded a yellow stain
to the Indians, who transmute the gold of the blos-
soms into liquidity by the process of boiling. An-

other mine of color is Shrub-yellow-root (Xanthor-

rhiza apiifolia, L.Her.), a low, shrubby plant of the
Buttercup family, with pinnate leaves clustered at
the top of a short stem, and small, brownish-yellow
flowers in drooping, slender racemes appearing in
April or May, in woods and on shady banks of
mountain streams from New York to Florida. The
bark and roots are richly yellow, and from the latter
the dye was customarily extracted. The bark and
roots, too, of some of the Barberries (notably the
western Berberis Fremontii, Torr.) yield a yellow
dye, of which the Navajos used to be fond as a color
for their buckskins. Equally in aboriginal favor
as a source of yellow was the nearly related Golden
Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis, L.) , the thick, orange-
colored rootstock being used. It occurs in rich
woods from the Canadian border to Arkansas and
Georgia-a low herb, with a hairy stem two-leaved
near the summit which bears a single, greenish-white
flower. It is sometimes called Yellow Puccoon.6
Puccoon is a word of Indian origin, and has been
applied to other plants as well. One of these, the
Red Puccoon, is more commonly known as Blood-
root (Sanguinaria Canadensis, L.), whose hand-
6 The root is also the source of the official drug Golden seal,
and its collection on this account has caused the plant to become
exterminated in many localities where it was once common,

some, white flowers are among the best beloved of

the woodland posies of spring, from Manitoba to
Florida. The whole plant is charged with a bitter
juice of a reddish-
orange color, and
that of the root-
stock was used by
the Indians to pro-
duce a bright red
coloring m a t t e r
with which they
painted their bod-
ies, and also col-
ored articles of
native m a n u f a c -
ture, particularly
baskets. An-
other Puccoon is
Lithospermum ca-
nescens, Lehm., of
the botanists. It
PUCCOON is a rough-hairy
(Lithospermum canescens)
herb of the Bo-
rage family common on the plains of the West, bear-
ing rather large, salver-shaped orange-yellow flow-
ers clustered at the summit of foot-high stems-

several from the same root. This, I believe, was

the most famous of the Puccoons as an Indian color-
source, a good red dye being extractable from the
large red roots. The plant sometimes went among
the whites by the name of Alkanet, bestowed, doubt-
less, because of its cousinship with the plant yield-
ing the famous Old World dye so entitled. The
Borage family, indeed, are rather rich in color juices,
and some will stain the fingers even as one gathers
the flowers. A red dye was also got, according to
Percher, from the fibrous roots of the Flowering
Dogwood and the kindred Silky Cornel ( C o r n u s
sericea, L.) sometimes called Kinnikinnik. Of Kin-
nikinnik, more in a page or two. Another red may
be extracted from the roots of the Wild Madder
(Galium tinctorium, L.), a smooth-stemmed, peren-
nial Bedstraw, with square stems and rather upright
branches, narrow leaves in verticels usually of four,
and small, 4-parted, white flowers, found in damp
shade and in swampy land from Canada southward
throughout much of the eastern United States.
This was one of the dyes used by the northern
Indians to color red the porcupine quills, which en-
tered so largely into their decorations; and French-
Canadian women, according to Kalk, employed it
under the name of tisavo jaune-rouge, to dye cloth.
Red Maple (Acer rubrum), the source of a dark blue dye
in vogue among the Pennsylvania colonists. (See page 226.)
( C o u r t e s y o f the New York Botanical Gardens.)

A dark blue dye Peter Kalm found in vogue among

the Pennsylvania colonists, derived from the Red or
Swamp Maple (Acer rubrum, L.), that charming

(Cornus sericea)

tree whose vivid blossoms, appearing before the

leaves, add so much of glory to the early spring
landscapes of our Atlantic seaboard. The bark, says

Kalm, is first boiled in water and before the stuff

to be dyed is put into the boiler, “some copperas
such as hatmakers and shoemakers use,” is added.
The extraction of a dark brown dye from the inner
bark and the nut-rinds of the Butternut or White
Walnut (Juglans cinerea, L.) is an old practice
among country-folk, and in former times was a com-
mon method of coloring homespun woollen cloth-
ing. Civil War veterans will not yet have forgotten
the butternut garments in which so many of the Con-
federates were clad that the term butternut became a
synonym for a soldier of the South. The various
species of Alnus or Alder, familiar shrubs (and, on
the Pacific Coast, trees), contain in the bark a dye
principle of value. This, in some cases, colors a
brownish yellow, in others an orange. With cop-
peras a good black may be had. Before the Indians
began to use the traders’ colors, alder dye was in gen-
eral use among some tribes, and in the old days many
an alder bush met its death through stripping by
artist-squaws bent on color-getting. The bark,
peeled preferably in the spring, was boiled either
fresh or dried, until the water became thoroughly
colored, when it was ready to receive the article
to -be treated.

A good Indian black has been got from the mal-

odorous Rocky Mountain Bee-plant or Pink Spider-
flower (Cleome serrulata, Pursh.), familiar to every
traveler on our western plains, and conspicuous for
its showy racemes of pink, long-stamened flowers,
mingled with long-stalked, slender, outstretched seed-
pods. Certain of the Pueblo Indians of New
Mexico (where the plant is known among the
Spanish-speaking population as guaco) have habitu-
ally relied upon it for the black decoration of their
pottery. The plants are collected in summer, boiled
down thoroughly, and the thick, black, residual fluid
then allowed to dry and harden in cakes. Pieces
of this are soaked in hot water, when needed for
paint? The desert Indians of Southern California
used to obtain a yellowish-brown dye for coloring
deerskins and other material from a shrubby plant
of the Pea tribe, Dalea Emoryi, Gray, bearing small,
terminal clusters of tiny pea-like flowers, staining
the fingers when pinched and exhaling an odd but
pleasant fragrance. The branchlets were steeped in
water to release the color. Another desert dye, but
black, may be had by soaking the stems of Sueda
suffrutescens, Wats., a somewhat woody plant of the
Salt-bush family, with small, dark green, fleshy
7 Harrington, “Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians.”

leaves, found in alkaline ground from California to

New Mexico.
People who have an aversion to Lady Nicotine
may be interested in certain plants useful to weaken
the effect of tobacco or to act as a substitute. Be-
fore the coming of the white man, the Indian smoked
principally as a religious rite, as an offering of re-
spect to superiors, or to cure disease. It was re-
served for the white man to make of the practice
a purely pleasurable indulgence. Moreover, the
smoking material of pre-Columbian days within the
territory of the present United States, was quite
different from Twentieth Century commercial
tobacco. There are several indigenous species of
Nicotiana, which the aboriginal inhabitants dried
and utilized, and in some instances cultivated.
Their customary “smoke,” however, was not pure
tobacco, but a combination with other material; and
this brings us again to Kinnikinnik, mentioned a
little while ago. This word is an Algonkian-Indian
expression signifying a mixture, and was applied by
the plainsmen, trappers and settlers in the Fur
Trade days to a preparation of tobacco with the
dried leaves or bark of certain plants. Afterwards
it came to be given to the plants themselves, the
most important of which are these:

The Silky Cornel (Cornus sericea, L.)

a shrub of wet situations, with purplish
branches-these and the underleaf surfaces
silky with hairs-and flattish clusters of
small white flowers in early summer, suc-
ceeded in autumn by pale blue berries ;
The Red-osier Dogwood (Cornus stoloni-
f era, Michx.), somewhat similar to the
above, but less hairy and fewer-flowered,
the berries whitish, the branches smooth and
brightly reddish, the plant spreading by
running suckers ;
T h e B e a r - b e r r y (Arctostaphylos Uva-
ursi, Spreng.), a trailing, evergreen vine,
with little, urn-shaped, white flowers in
spring, and crimson, dryish, astringent ber-
ries in autumn, affecting rocky or sandy
soil ;
The Sumac, especially Rhus glabra, L.,
with smooth, pinnate leaves and smooth

In the case of the first two plants, the scraped,

inner bark was the part availed of; in that of the
last two, the leaves. The foliage also of Manzanita
and Arrow-wood (species of V i b u r n u m ) sometimes

found favor. The ingredients of the “smoke” were

first thoroughly dried either in the sun or over a
fire, and then rubbed and crumbled between the
palm of the hand-whence the French engagés’
name, bois roulé, applied to such smoking material.
Though a portion of tobacco was usual in the make-
up, it frequently was omitted-one or more of the
non-narcotics being consumed alone.
When our attention is once turned to utilizing
what is growing freely around us, an almost
exhaustless subject of remarkable fascination has
been started; and the folk of simple habits and gifted
with some ingenuity find Flora a ministrant goddess
of very varied gifts. There is almost nothing we
can ask of her that she cannot make some sort of
response to. Lovers of the curious may have napkin
rings or candle-sticks from sections of the reticulated
wooden skeleton of the savage Cholla Cactus; com-
bination brushes for sweeping the floor or brushing
the hair (according to the end used) from certain
western grasses;8 combs of pine-cones; buttons of
acorn-cups ; tooth-brushes of the Flowering Dog-
8 One, given me by a Zuñi Indian, is a simple bunch of Muhlen-
bergia pungens, Thurb., tied about with a string, the butt-end
charred to serve for the hairbrush, the other doing duty as a
whisk. Harrington states that among the Tewa of New Mexico and
Arizona, the plant used for this double purpose is the Mesquite-
grass (Bouteloua curtipendula, Torr.).

wood’s peeled twigs, highly recommended in old

times for their whitening effect when rubbed upon
the teeth.
Certain plants may even be made to yield salt, by
being burned to ashes. One such is the Sweet Colts-
foot (Petasites palmata, Gray), a perennial herb
of the Composite tribe, having large, rounded, deeply
fingered leaves, all basal, white-woolly beneath and
from six to ten inches broad when full grown, the
whitish, fragrant flower-heads tubular or short
rayed and clustered at the top of a stout, scaly stalk.
The plant frequents swamps and stream borders
from Massachusetts to California and far north-
ward throughout Canada. To some Indian tribes,
the ash of the Sweet Coltsfoot was their only salt.
Chesnut states that the method of preparation ob-
served by him was to roll leaves and stems
into balls, carefully dry them, and then burn them
upon a very small fire on a rock, until consumed.
Then there are adhesives. Pine pitch naturally
suggests itself for this purpose; but one of the best
cements for mending broken articles may be obtained
from the branches of the despised Creosote bush of
the Southwestern deserts (Larrea Mexicana, already
described). This gum is not a direct vegetable
exudation, but is deposited by a tiny, parasitic scale-

insect in small reddish masses upon the twig-bark,

from which it is readly scraped. The Panamint
Indians, to quote Coville, improve its effectiveness
by mixing with it pulverized rock, and pounding all
together. The product is warmed before applying.
A word about candles, and this rambling chapter
may close. A common source of wax for candle-
making in old times, and still not altogether for
gotten, is a shrub or small tree indigenous from
Nova Scotia to Florida and Alabama, with resinous,
fragrant leaves, and bluish-white, waxen berries,
strung upon the branches and persisting through the
winter. Modern botanists make of the plants two
s p e c i e s - M y r i c a cerifera, L., and M. Caroliensis,
Mill. They are called rather indiscriminately in
common speech, Waxberry, Bayberry, or Candle-
berry. The little round berries may be gathered in
the autumn, boiled in a pot of water, and the wax,
which floats to the surface, skimmed off. This hard-
ens into a cloudy green mass, which, Peter Kalm tells
us, it was customary in his day to melt over again
and refine into a transparent green. Candles were
moulded from this, either pure or mixed with some
common tallow. Bayberry wax burns with a rather
pleasant fragrance, and perhaps you have found such
candles among your Christmas gifts.

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