#Field Guide To Tank Cars

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Compiled By Allen D. Maty, Chief Inspector, Bureau of Explosives

Association of American Railroads

Transportation Technology Center, Inc.
Bureau of Explosives
55500 DOT Road
P. O. Box 11130
Pueblo, Colorado
Copyright 2010 Association of American Railroads
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America

The Association of American Railroads, Transportation Technology Center, Inc.,
and the Bureau of Explosives gratefully acknowledge the assistance of GATX
Corporation, American Rail Car Industries, and Midland Manufacturing Company
for granting us permission to use their tank car drawings.
We also wish to thank Charles J. Wright, Patrick J. Student, Paul B. Williams,
William J. Oertly, and Lisa Reinartsen for their critical review, comments and/or
editorial assistance.
Without their help, this publication would not have been possible.

Field Guide to Tank Cars is dedicated to the memory of:
Mr. Roy J. Holden
Engineer, Technical Services
Bureau of Explosives
Association of American Railroads
Uncle Roy was a pioneer in the development of tank car damage
assessment techniques. His wit, wisdom, experience and dedication
to tank car safety are sorely missed.

Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................1
Section 1: Tank Car Classification and Specifications ....................................................5
Section 2: Tank Car Safety Systems .............................................................................11
Section 3: Tank Car Stenciling and Markings ................................................................19
Section 4: Nonpressure Tank Cars ...............................................................................27
Section 5: Pressure Tank Cars ......................................................................................47
Section 6: Cryogenic Liquid Tank Cars .........................................................................65
Section 7: Guidelines for Initial Emergency Response ..................................................71
Section 8: Glossary of Railroad and Tank Car Terms ...................................................79

vii | P a g e

Field Guide to Tank Cars is intended to be used by
emergency responders and others involved with railroad
tank cars. It provides information on the types, safety
systems, stenciling, and markings of tank cars utilized to
transport regulated (hazardous materials/dangerous
goods) and nonregulated commodities.
Given the varying characteristics of the different
commodities being transported and the shippers
differing needs and uses, it is impossible to cover all of
the various types of tank cars and fittings used. The
illustrations contained in this guide are intended to
provide a general overview of tank car types and typical
fittings. They show the most common types of singleunit tank cars (a tank car tank mounted on, or forming
part of, a railcar structure) currently used to transport
both regulated (hazardous materials/ dangerous goods)
and nonregulated commodities.

All railroad tank cars are built to specifications,

standards, and requirements established, implemented,
and published by the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT), Transport Canada (TC), and/or
Association of American Railroads (AAR).
These specifications, standards, and requirements
address tank car design, type and thickness of material
required to be used in construction, types of fittings,
welding procedures, inspection, maintenance, repair,
and quality assurance system requirements.
Although there are many different single-unit tank
cars, they can generally be divided into three separate

Nonpressure tank cars (also called general

service or low-pressure tank cars) are built to
transport low-vapor pressure commodities,

including regulated (hazardous materials/

dangerous goods), as well as nonregulated
2. Pressure tank cars are built with thicker tanks
to withstand higher internal pressures, making
them stronger than a nonpressure tank car.
They are typically used to transport liquefied
compressed gases, poison/toxic inhalation
hazard (PIH/TIH) materials, reactive materials,
and/or some corrosive materials.
3. Cryogenic liquid tank cars are vacuum-insulated
cars having an inner container (tank) and
carbon steel outer shell (tank, not jacket). They
are used to transport refrigerated (extremely
cold) liquefied gases having a boiling point
colder than minus 130 F at atmospheric
pressure; e.g., liquid hydrogen, ethylene,
oxygen, nitrogen and argon.

Field Guide to Tank Cars is divided into eight

Section 1: Tank Car Classification and

Explains the various DOT, TC, and AAR tank car

classes and specifications.
Section 2: Tank Car Safety Systems

Describes the various kinds of pressure-relief

devices (PRD) and other systems applied to
protect the tank.
Section 3: Tank Car Stenciling and Markings

Provides information on various stenciling/

markings required on tank cars by DOT, TC, and
Section 4: Nonpressure Tank Cars

Describes the most common tank cars currently

used to transport both regulated (hazardous
materials/dangerous goods) and nonregulated
commodities. This section also describes typical

types of top and bottom valve and fittings

arrangements with which these cars may be
Section 5: Pressure Tank Cars

Describes the tank cars currently used to transport

hazardous materials/dangerous goods under
pressure, as well as some low-pressure, highhazard materials, such as PIH/TIH materials, that
may require the additional protection of a stronger
tank car.
Section 6: Cryogenic Liquid Tank Cars

This damage assessment information is

presented to familiarize emergency responders
with techniques used by trained and experienced
professionals in analyzing and handling tank
problems. It is not intended to replace on-scene
Section 8: Glossary of Railroad and Tank
Car Terms

Provides emergency responders and others

involved with tank cars responders with some of
the terminology associated with tank cars.

Describes the tank cars currently used to transport

cryogenic liquids, such as argon.
Section 7: Guidelines for Initial Emergency

Provides general guidance when approaching the

scene of an emergency (accident or incident)
involving tank cars in transportation. It also
provides information on assessing damage to tank



DOT, TC, and the AAR have established specifications
for the design, construction, testing, repair, and
maintenance of tank cars. The tank cars specification
is required to be stenciled on both sides of the car. A
sample specification appears on the next page. The
below information defines the lettering:
Current tank car specifications consist of the
authorizing agency (1), which is followed by the
three-digit class designation (2). Except for certain
AAR-specification tank cars, a delimiter letter (3)
(usually A, J, S or T or for Class DOT 113 cryogenic
liquid tank cars A, C and D) will follow the class
When present, the second number
indicates the tank test pressure (4) in pounds per
square inch gauge (psig). Typically, tank test pressure is
20 to 40 percent of the tanks theoretical minimum

burst pressure, which ranges from 240 psig to

1500 psig.
The next set of letters, if shown, indicates the
material of construction (5) for the tank when that
material is other than carbon steel. Currently, only the
letters AL (for aluminum) are being used. The next
letter W denotes fusion welding (6) (see Note, page
10, for more information). The last digit, if present,
indicates that the tank car is required to have, or is
permitted to have fittings, linings, material (7), such
as insulation, top loading/unloading fittings, bottom
outlet, bottom washout, interior lining, and/or the
tanks required material of construction.


See Note, page 10


Components of the Specification Marking

1. Authorizing Agency:
AAR Association of American Railroads
DOT U.S. Department of Transportation
TC Transport Canada (replaced Canadian
Transport Commission (CTC)
2. Class Designation: The term Class is a general
designation for tank cars. The class designation
usually includes several specifications and is made
up of the authorizing agency followed by the three
digit class number, such as Class DOT-111 or Class

outer shell (tank, not jacket). Also

referred to as a tank-within-a-tank.
AAR-206: insulated with an inner container
(tank) and carbon steel outer shell
(tank, not jacket). These tank cars
are similar to Class DOT-115 tank
cars. Also referred to as a tankwithin-a-tank.
AAR-211: insulated or noninsulated, without
an expansion dome. These tank
cars are similar to Class DOT-111
tank cars.

Nonpressure Tank Car Classes:

DOT-111: insulated or noninsulated, without
an expansion dome.
DOT-115: insulated with a carbon or alloy
(stainless) steel or aluminum inner
container (tank) and a carbon steel

Note: The following classes of nonpressure tank cars are

currently authorized for use. However, new construction is
no longer authorized, and due to their age, few, if any, are
in commercial service. Therefore, the below classes are
not presented in this field guide.

DOT-114: insulated or noninsulated, carbon

or alloy steel.


Cryogenic Liquid Tank Car Classes:


insulated or noninsulated, carbon or alloy

(stainless) steel, aluminum, or nickel, with an
expansion dome.
insulated carbon steel, with an expansion
insulated or noninsulated, carbon or alloy
(stainless) steel, with an expansion dome.

Pressure Tank Car Classes:

DOT-105: insulated carbon or alloy (stainless)
DOT-109: insulated or noninsulated, carbon
steel or aluminum.
DOT-112: insulated or noninsulated, carbon
or alloy steel.

DOT-120: insulated



DOT-113: vacuum insulated with a high alloy

(stainless steel) or nickel alloy
inner container (tank) and carbon
steel outer shell (tank, not jacket).
AAR-204: vacuum insulated with an inner
alloy (stainless) steel container
(tank) and carbon steel outer shell
(tank, not jacket). These tank cars
are similar in concept to DOT
Class 113 tank cars.

Refrigerated liquefied gases having a boiling point colder

than minus 130 F at atmospheric pressure, such as
liquefied argon and liquefied oxygen.

3. Delimiter Letter: On the majority of nonpressure

tank cars, the letter A separates the class from the
tank test pressure and has no meaning. On
pressure and cryogenic liquid tank cars (and some
nonpressure tank cars), the delimiter letter is an
indicator of tank head puncture resistance and/or
thermal protection systems.
Nonpressure or Pressure Tank Cars:
A no significance.
J equipped with a thermal protection system
that is covered by a jacket and tank head
puncture-resistance system.
S equipped with tank
resistance system.



T equipped with a thermal protection system

that is not covered by a jacket (the thermal
protection material is sprayed directly onto
the tanks surface) and tank head punctureresistance system.

Cryogenic Liquid Tank Cars:

A authorized for minus 423 F loading.
C authorized for minus 260 F loading.
D authorized for minus 155 F loading.
4. Tank Test Pressure: The next set of digits is the
tank test pressure in psig; typically 20 to 40 percent
of the tanks burst pressure.
For nonpressure cars, test pressures are specified as
60 or 100 psig; however, some manufacturers test
100-pound tanks to 165 psig, because they are
equipped with 165 psig pressure relief devices
(PRD), which equates to 33 percent of the tanks
500 psig burst pressure.
For pressure tank cars, test pressures range from
100 psig to 600 psig.
For cryogenic liquid tank cars, tank test pressures
range from 60 psig to 120 psig.

5. Material of Construction (other than steel): The

letters AL appearing after the tank test pressure
indicate that the tank was constructed of aluminum
alloy. For other materials of construction, no letters
or numerals are shown.
Poison (Toxic) Inhalation Hazard (PIH/TIH)
Materials. On January 13, 2009, DOTs Pipeline and
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
published a Final Rule (FRA-2006-25169), titled
Hazardous Materials: Improving the Safety of Railroad
Tank Car Transportation of Hazardous Materials.
This rule prescribes enhanced safety measures for
PIH/TIH materials transported in tank cars, primarily
stronger tanks with higher tank test pressures, fittings, and
tank head-puncture resistance protection and, for some
commodities, thermal protection.
Tank cars built after, March 16, 2009, used for the
transportation of PIH/TIH materials will have the letter I
stenciled in place of the letter W; e.g, Specification DOT105J500I, Specification DOT-112J500I, or Specification
DOT-105J600I. The letter I may be said to indicate interim
design standards for a PIH/TIH tank car. More information
on these requirements is found in Section 5, Pressure
Tank Cars.

6. Fusion Welding: The letter W following the tank

test pressure or the letters AL indicates that the
tank was constructed using fusion welding. All
tank cars are currently constructed using fusion
welding. See Note, this page, for PIH/TIH
7. Fittings, Linings, and Materials: For nonpressure
tank cars, the numeral following the W will indicate
the tanks material of construction, requirements
for insulation or interior lining, and options for
bottom outlet or bottom washout:

Tank Material


Aluminum Alloy
Aluminum Alloy
Carbon Steel
Carbon Steel
Carbon Steel (Insulated)
Carbon Steel (Insulated)
Carbon Steel (Elastomer
Alloy (Stainless) Steel
Alloy (Stainless) Steel










10 | P a g e


Tank cars are equipped with various devices and safety
systems to protect the tank and fittings from damage
during an accident or severe impact. These devices and
safety systems, discussed below, include pressure relief
devices (PRD), coupler vertical restraint systems
(double-shelf couplers), tank head puncture-resistance
systems (head shields), thermal (fire) protection
systems, service equipment (filling, discharge, venting,
safety, heating, and measuring devices), and protection
Pressure Relief Devices Per DOT regulation,
single-unit tank cars transporting Division 6.1, Packing
Group (PG) I and II (poisonous/toxic) materials, Class
2 (compressed gas), Class 3 (flammable liquid), and
Class 4 (flammable solid, spontaneously combustible or
dangerous when wet) materials must have reclosing
PRDs. However, tank cars built before January 1, 1991,

and equipped with a nonreclosing PRDs may be used to

transport Division 6.1, PG I or II materials or Class 4
liquids, provided the materials are not poisonous (toxic)
by inhalation. Look under subsection titled Pressure
Relief Devices, page 13, for more information on
Coupler Vertical Restraint Systems All tank
cars used to transport hazardous materials/dangerous
goods must be equipped with double-shelf couplers
that have top and bottom shelves. These shelves
function to prevent couplers from separating in a
derailment, thus preventing a tank cars head from
being punctured by another cars overriding coupler in
the event of an over-speed impact during switching

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Tank Head Puncture-Resistance Systems

Tank cars transporting Class 2 (compressed gas)
materials and those constructed of aluminum or nickel
plate used to transport hazardous materials/dangerous
goods must have a system capable of sustaining,
without the loss of lading, coupler-to-head impacts of
18 mph.
This is usually accomplished by the
installation of separate head shields or full-head tank
jackets made of -inch-thick steel on each end of the
tank car. On some insulated tank cars (typically Class
DOT-105 pressure tank cars), head protection is
accomplished by a combination of the thickness of the
tank heads and the insulation system, the gauge
(thickness) of the head jacket, and the stand-off
distance between the jacket and the tank head, which
must be proved by testing.
Thermal Protection Systems Single-unit tank
cars (except Class DOT-113 cryogenic liquid tank cars)
transporting Class 2 (compressed gas) materials must be
equipped with a thermal protection or insulation system

that provides sufficient thermal resistance so that there

will be no release of any lading, except through the
PRD, when subjected to a pool fire for 100 minutes or
a torch fire for 30 minutes.
Bottom Discontinuity Protection Systems
Depending upon the commodity being transported and
the projection distance from the shell, tank cars
equipped with bottom fittings, sometimes called
bottom discontinuities (including bottom outlets,
bottom washouts, sumps, and blind flanges) must have
these fittings protected from being sheared off or
otherwise damaged in the event of a derailment or by
other impact that could result in the loss of lading.
Bottom fittings protection may be accomplished by
mounting the valve operating mechanism inside the
tank and/or protective skids applied to the bottom of
the tank. Continuation of the valve assembly below the
tank shell or skid must be designed so that it will fail
without damaging the valve, causing a release of
product. This is accomplished by incorporating a shear
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groove in the valve body or sizing the bolts attaching

the valve extension to have low-shear strength. Some
tank cars are equipped with top fittings protection that
consists of rollover (skid) protection.

Pressure Relief Devices

PRDs are fittings designed to relieve the internal
pressure within a tank car above a specified value that
may result from abnormal conditions or from normal
pressure increases during transportation (pressure relief
device is synonymous with safety relief device).
Conditions that may cause a PRD to function include
the exposure of the tank car to fire, hydrostatic pressure
created within a tank overloaded by volume, chemical
(exothermic) reaction of the lading in the tank that
builds up pressure (such as polymerization), and/or an
over-speed impact that results in a pressure spike due to
the surge action of the liquid.
A type of a PRD (a regulating valve) may be used
on certain tank cars to intentionally vent vapor during







In addition to devices that relieve internal pressure,

nonpressure tank cars may be equipped with a device to
prevent a vacuum from forming within the tank.
In general, there are two categories of PRDs: (1)
reclosing devices, such as pressure relief valves (PRVs),
and (2) nonreclosing devices, such as safety vents, also
called rupture disc devices.
On nonpressure and pressure tank cars, the PRDs
are located on the top of the tank; on cryogenic liquid
tank cars, the PRDs are located in closed compartments
or cabinets containing the loading and unloading
equipment, typically mounted on the sides or on one
end of the car.
Pressure relief valves (PRVs) are spring-loaded,
reclosing PRDs designed to open at a set pressure to
relieve excessive pressure within the tank. They then
automatically reclose after normal conditions are
13 | P a g e

restored. A tank car may be equipped with multiple

PRVs to provide the necessary flow capacity for the
Safety vents (rupture disc devices/nonreclosing
PRDs) are equipped with a rupture (or frangible) disc
designed to burst at a certain pressure to relieve
pressure. Once the disc bursts, the safety vent remains
open until the disc is replaced.
Rupture discs are made from plastic/composite
materials or a metal body (usually stainless steel)
incorporating an elastomeric-type membrane. Safety
vents, instead of PRVs, are typically used on tank cars
transporting corrosive materials (such as sulfuric acid)
and other materials that may have properties that would
be detrimental to the components of a PRV.
Safety vents are also used on tank cars transporting
nonregulated commodities, such as corn syrup and clay
slurry, and in combination with other PRDs on tank

cars transporting cryogenic liquids, such as ethylene,

argon and oxygen.
Combination PRDs incorporate a nonreclosing
device, such as a breaking pin or rupture disc, in series
with a spring-loaded reclosing pressure relief valve. The
PRV must be outboard of the nonreclosing device
(breaking pin or rupture disc). The breaking pin or
rupture disc must be designed to fail at a pressure
higher than that of the spring-loaded portion of the
device. Thus, if internal pressure causes the pin or disc
to fail, the spring-loaded portion will open.
Combination PRDs are typically used on highhazard PIH/TIH materials, such as chlorine.
Combination PRDs utilizing a rupture disc are required
to be equipped with an indicator device to detect any
accumulation of pressure between the disc and the
spring-loaded valve. The device must be a needle valve,
try cock, or telltale indicator, which must remain closed
during transportation.

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Regulating (regulator) valves (called a pressure

control device for cryogenic liquid tank cars) are
required on pressure tank cars transporting carbon
dioxide and nitrous oxide, and cryogenic liquid tank
cars transporting liquefied argon, nitrogen, or oxygen.
These spring-loaded PRDs, with start-to-discharge
pressures lower than the other PRDs (a pressure relief
valve and a safety vent), are intended to vent vapor
during transportation to maintain internal pressure
(through auto-refrigeration) below that of other PRDs.
Tank cars equipped with these devices must be
NORMAL on both sides.
Vacuum-relief valves (also called vacuum
breakers) are applied to some nonpressure tank cars to
admit air into the tank to prevent excessive internal
vacuum that may result in a collapse (implosion) of the
This danger exists during closed-system
unloading operations using pumps, where the tank is
not vented to allow air to enter or, in extreme cases,

where an empty tank is subjected to wide temperature

variations (hot to cold); e.g., steaming or steam-cleaning
a tank car.
Vacuum-relief valves (As information, foot
valve is an inappropriate term for a vacuum-relief
valve.) are typically set at negative 0.75 psig or lower. A
vacuum-relief valve should not be depressed to
determine if there is pressure in the tank, because doing
so may dislodge the O-ring seal causing the device to
Breather vents (also called continuous vents) are
devices equipped with a permeable disc, such as pumice
stone or a plastic-type membrane. Breather vents are
typically applied to nonpressure tank cars transporting
hydrogen peroxide solutions to prevent pressure
buildup within the tank by allowing the venting of
oxygen, which is generated as the material naturally

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Totally contained commodities are commodities

like corn syrup that have been authorized by the AAR
Tank Car Committee to be shipped in tank cars not
equipped with PRDs. Such tank cars must be stenciled
with an AAR specification (a DOT exemption or special
permit is required for DOT specification tank cars.)
Further, tank cars must be marked with the name of
the commodity it is carrying in 4-inch minimum lettering
and the words NO PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE in 2inch minimum lettering beneath the name of the

Pressure Relief Device Settings

For nonpressure and pressure tank cars, governmental
regulations prescribe that the start-to-discharge (STD)
pressure of a reclosing PRD may not be lower than 75
psig or exceed 33 percent of the tanks minimum burst
pressure. For example, a tank car with a 300 psig tank test
pressure (750 psig minimum burst pressure), must have
the pressure relief valves STD set between a minimum of
75 psig and a maximum of 247.5 psig (33% of 750 psig).

A reclosing valve must have a vapor-tight pressure

(VTP) of at least 80 percent of the STD pressure. For
example, the minimum VTP for a 75 psig valve would be
60 psig, and the minimum VTP for a 247.5 psig valve
would be 198 psig.
Tanks built prior to October 1, 1997, having a
minimum burst pressure of 500 psig or less may be
equipped with reclosing valve(s) having an STD pressure
of no less than 14.5 percent of the minimum burst
pressure, but no more than 33 percent of the minimum
burst pressure. For example, on a tank with a 60 psig tank
test pressure (240 psig) minimum burst pressure, the
pressure relief valve must be set between 34.8 (35) and
79.2 (80) psig.

Note: The AAR Specifications for Tank Cars prescribe that

tank cars in regulated commodity service equipped with 35
psig STD pressure relief valves must be upgraded to 75
psig STD pressure relief valves no later than the next
valve qualification date.
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For a nonreclosing safety vent, the rupture disc

must be designed to burst at a pressure equal to the
greater of either 100 percent of the tanks test pressure
or 33 percent of the tanks burst pressure. For example,
on a tank car with a 100 psig tank test pressure (500
psig minimum burst pressure), the disc must burst at
the greater of 100 psig or 165 psig (33% of 500 psig);
therefore, the disc must be designed to burst at
165 psig.
For a combination PRD, the breaking pin must be
designed to fail or the rupture disc burst at the pressure
prescribed for a reclosing PRD/PRV. Further, the
reclosing PRV must be set to discharge at a pressure
not greater than 95 percent of the STD pressure. For
example, on a tank car with a 500 psig tank test
pressure (1250 psig minimum burst pressure), the
breaking pin must fail or the rupture disc must burst
between 75 and 412.5 psig, and, depending upon the
pin or discs fail point, the reclosing valve must be set
to discharge between 71.25 and 391.9 psig.

Tank cars transporting carbon dioxide and nitrous

oxide are equipped with three types of PRDs: (1) a
reclosing PRV having a STD pressure not exceeding 75
percent of the tank test pressure, (2) a nonreclosing
safety vent designed to burst at a pressure less than the
tank test pressure, and (3) two regulating valves set to
open at a pressure not to exceed 350 psig on a 500 psig
test pressure tank or 400 psig on a 600 psig test
pressure tank. In addition, the final discharge of each
PRD must be piped outside of the protective housing.
Cryogenic liquid tank cars transporting
atmospheric gases are equipped with one or more
pressure relief valves, safety vents, and regulating
valves. The regulating valve is normally set to limit
internal pressure to no more than 25.3 psig under
ambient temperature conditions. Some tank cars may
have a second safety vent in series with the first. They
are connected to the tank by means of a crossover valve
so that only one safety vent is on line at a time.

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There is a considerable amount of information required
by DOT, TC, and/or AAR to be stenciled or marked
on the exterior of a tank car. There are standards as to
the location and size of the required stenciling.

In an emergency, you may identify the contents of

a car, from a safe distance, by looking up its reporting
mark and number on the train consist/train list/wheel
report or other shipping document.

The information most useful is the tank cars

reporting mark (also called initials) and the car number.
The reporting mark, usually three to four letters,
identifies the cars owner (marks ending with an X
denote that the car is not owned by a railroad) and is
followed by up to six digits; e.g., AARX 2010. The
reporting mark and number are the tank cars unique
identifier and are required to be marked on each side of
the car to the far left of center and in the center of each

Stenciled below the reporting mark and number

will be the tank cars load limit (LD LMT) and light
weight (LT WT). The load limit is the maximum weight
of lading that may be loaded into the tank car. The
light weight is the weight of the tank car when empty.
The tanks volumetric capacity, in gallons and liters, is
stenciled centered on each end. (The capacity may also
be shown in imperial gallons.)

Many tank cars are also marked with the reporting

mark and number on the top of the car and/or
diagonally positioned on the ends.

The tank cars specification is required to be

marked on both sides to the far right of center. The
following information can be used to identify the type
and characteristics of the tank car.

19 | P a g e

DOT Tank Car Classes (some specifications

marked may be marked TC):

information such as design service pressure, tank shell,

and head thickness.

Nonpressure Tank Cars: 111 and 115

Pressure Tank Cars: 105, 109, 112, 114,
and 120
Cryogenic Liquid Tanks Cars: 113

Because the head stamping may be covered by

paint, thermal protection, or a jacket, the AAR now
requires tank cars (those ordered after December 31,
2003) to be equipped with two identical stainless steel
identification plates.
These plates are to be
permanently mounted on diagonal (AR and BL) body
bolster webs and are to include the car builders name
and serial number, the certificate of construction or
exemption (special permit) number, tank specification,
tank shell/head material, insulation (thermal protection
and/or insulation) materials, insulation thickness,
underframe/stub sill type, and date built. For example:

AAR Tank Car Classes:

Nonpressure Tank Cars: 206 and 211
Cryogenic Liquid Tank Cars: 204
The DOT regulations require that the
specification, material, cladding material (if any), tank
builders initials, date of original test, and car assembler
(if other than tank builder) must be permanently
stamped into the metal, near the center of both outside
heads, on DOT nonpressure and pressure tank cars.
For Class DOT-113 cryogenic liquid tank cars, the
stamping must be on the B-end (the end of the car with
the hand-brake wheel) outer jacket and show additional

Car builders name:

Builders serial number:
Certificate of construction/exemption:
Tank specification:
Tank shell material/head material:
Insulation materials:
Insulation thickness:
Underframe/stub-sill type:
Date built:

Allied Tank Car Co.

2009 - 01110
DOT 111A100W1
TC128 GR B / A516
3.5 inches
May 2009

20 | P a g e

Other information will be displayed as well on

both sides of the tank near the specification marking,
on a qualification stencil; e.g., required periodic
inspections and testing of the tank, PRDs, interior
heater system, and lining/coating.
At the time of construction, tank car tanks are
subject to an initial hydrostatic pressure test
corresponding to its specification; e.g., the tank test
pressure for a specification DOT 111A100W2 tank car
is 100 psig. (Some tank car builders are testing
nonpressure cars to 33 percent of the minimum burst
pressure; i.e., 165 psig for a tank with a 500 psig
minimum burst pressure.)
Prior to 1998, governmental regulations prescribed
periodic internal visual inspections, hydrostatic testing
of the tank and internal heater coils (if so equipped),
and testing of the PRV. Beginning in 1998 (for tank
cars without metal jackets) and 2000 (for tank cars with
a metal jacket or thermal protection system), all singleunit tank cars (other than Class DOT-113 cryogenic

liquid tank cars) used to transport hazardous

materials/dangerous goods became subject to periodic
continuing qualification inspection and testing
requirements in lieu of periodic hydrostatic retesting.
The frequency of continuing qualification
inspections is based on whether or not the tank car
transports commodities that are corrosive to the tank,
and whether or not the tank has an interior lining or
coating. By regulation, qualification intervals for the
tank may not exceed 10 years; for the service
equipment, qualification intervals are 5 or 10 years,
unless a greater period is approved by the Federal
Railroad Administration.
The current periodic qualification inspections
include the following:
Internal and external visual examinations of the
Structural integrity inspections of various tank
21 | P a g e

Tank thickness tests

Safety system inspections, including thermal,
head and skid protection, reclosing PRD, and
service equipment (valves and fittings)
Marking inspections
Lining and coating inspections
Leakage pressure tests
In addition, the AAR requires periodic inspections
of the tank cars trucks and coupler/draft gear
components (88.B.2 Inspection) and stub sills (Stub Sill
The qualification/test dates and the due date for
the next inspections (year only, in four digits) are
recorded on a standardized qualification stencil
(measuring 44 11/16 inches by 18 3/4 inches) applied
to both sides of the tank. The following is an example
of a qualification stencil:




75 PSI
The following is an explanation of some of the
information found in the qualification stencil.
Station stencil: an alpha code assigned by the AAR to the tank
car facility performing the inspection.
Service equipment: filling/discharge, venting, safety (other than
pressure relief devices), heating, and measuring devices.
PRD: pressure relief device.
Valve: reclosing pressure relief valve.
Vent: nonreclosing safety vent with rupture disc.
Comb PRD: combination pressure relief device (reclosing
valve with a rupture disc or breaking pin).
None: no pressure relief device (total containment).
INT HTRS: interior heater system. Exterior heater systems do not
require requalification.
Lining PP: indicates the lining is applied to maintain product
purity, not to protect the tank from the corrosive effects of the
lading. PP linings do not require requalification.

22 | P a g e

The date the tank car was built (BLT) and type of
air brake valves are shown on a consolidated stencil
applied to each side of the tank.
In addition to placards and identification number
markings, governmental regulations require that the
proper shipping name or an authorized common name
of certain hazardous materials/dangerous goods must
be marked on each side of the tank car in letters at least
3.9 inches high. For shipments originating in the
United States, these commodities are listed in
172.325(b) and 172.330(a)(1)(ii) of Title 49, Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR).
Other markings that may be required on tank cars
Marine Pollutant mark for Marine Pollutants.
HOT for Elevated Temperature Materials.
INHALATION HAZARD for commodities
that are poisonous/toxic by inhalation.


for shipments of unodorized Liquefied
Petroleum Gases (LPGs). These markings may
appear on a tank car used for both unodorized
and odorized LPG.
appropriate, over/under the discharge pipe for
tank cars in argon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
and oxygen service.
DOT-SP***** for a tank car operating under
the provisions of a DOT Special Permit.
(DOT-SP***** replaces DOT-E*****, which
stood for DOT Exemption.)
SR-**** for a tank car that is operating under
the provisions of a Canadian Safety Permit
AAR ST-*** for a tank car that is operating
under an AAR Service Trial.

23 | P a g e

EXS shown to the right side of the built date

for a tank car authorized for extended service
life (the car is allowed to remain in service
beyond its prescribed retirement date).
Some shippers are equipping tank cars with
remote monitoring equipment (RME) to monitor and
record or transmit certain data regarding a shipment,
such as location (via GPS), lading temperature and/or
pressure, leak detection, impact detection, and loaded
or empty status.
The AAR has established standards regarding the
placement of such devices and wiring. Tank cars
equipped with RME must display labels or stencils
within 12 inches of the sensor, be bright yellow or
orange with black lettering, and be at least 2 x 3 inches.
The marking must describe the device and provide a
telephone number to call for information on the device.

24 | P a g e

Location of Key Stenciling

25 | P a g e

26 | P a g e


Nonpressure tank cars (also called general service or
low-pressure tank cars) are used to transport a wide
variety of regulated (hazardous materials/dangerous
goods) as well as nonregulated commodities.
Classes DOT-111 and 115, and AAR-206 and 211
are nonpressure tank cars used to transport both
regulated (hazardous materials/ dangerous goods) and
nonregulated commodities.
The most common
nonpressure tank cars in use today are Class DOT-111
and Class AAR-211.
Class DOT-111 tank cars made of carbon or alloy
(stainless) steel are required to have a minimum shell
thickness of 7/16 inch, and those made of aluminum
alloy are required to have a minimum shell thickness of
1/2 inch (60 psig tank test pressure) or 5/8 inch (100
psig tank test pressure). Regardless of the material of

construction, Class DOT-111 tank car tanks with a

60 psig tank test pressure are required to have a
minimum burst pressure of 240 psig, and those with a
100 psig tank test pressure are required to have
minimum burst pressure of 500 psig.

Note: Classes DOT-103 and 104 and AAR-203 are

distinguished by an expansion dome on the top of the tank
(not to be confused with a protective housing) and may
continue in service if they meet the applicable
requirements of the DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations
(Title 49 CFR) in effect on September 30, 2003. However,
no new construction is authorized.
AAR Class 203W tank cars, similar to Class DOT-103 tank
cars, are authorized for the transportation of certain
hazardous materials/ dangerous goods. Due to their age,
few, if any, Class 103, 104, and 203 tank cars remain in

27 | P a g e

Class AAR-211 tank cars are similar to Class

DOT-111 tank cars, and, with certain exceptions, must
be built in accord with the applicable DOT/TC
specification; e.g., a specification AAR-211A100W1
tank car must be built to the requirements for a
specification DOT-111A100W1 tank car. The main
differences between an AAR tank car and its DOTspecification counterpart are:
Class AAR-211 tank car tanks require only
partial post-weld heat treatment at the time of
construction. Class DOT-111 carbon and alloy
steel tanks and welded attachments must be
post-weld heat treated as a unit. Tank car tanks
made of aluminum alloy are not allowed to be
post-weld heat treated.
Class AAR-211 tank car tanks constructed of
carbon and alloy steel do not require
radioscopic examination of welded joints;
however, welded joints of aluminum tanks
must be examined.

Additional/special fittings on AAR cars to

meet user needs.
Most nonpressure cars have a low-profile manway
nozzle on top of the tank, equipped with a gasketed hinged
and bolted manway cover. The cover is opened for
loading/unloading or for access into the tank for
maintenance. Other styles of manway covers (such as those
on sulfuric or hydrochloric acid tank cars) are semipermanently attached to the manway nozzle and are
equipped with a small gasketed hinged and bolted fill hole
with a cover that is opened for loading or unloading.
Loading and unloading fittings are typically located in
the general area of the manway and are often enclosed
within a hinged combination housing called a protective
housing by DOT regulations, but are commonly called a
breadbox or mailbox. Some nonpressure tank cars may be
equipped with a protective housing similar to those used on
pressure tank cars to provide additional protection for the
valves and fittings.

28 | P a g e

On nonpressure tank cars, the top-mounted

loading/unloading equipment will usually include a 2 or
3-inch liquid eduction line (located along the centerline
of the tank). The liquid eduction line consists of a
liquid valve (or other closure) and eduction (or siphon)
pipe that extends to the bottom of the tank. The
eduction pipe may extend into a sump.
A sump is a formed depression (or bowl) in the
bottom of the tank where the lading will drain, allowing
more complete emptying of the tank.
There may also be a smaller eduction line (typically
1 inch), called an air line, air inlet or vapor valve, used
to introduce a compressed gas (e.g., air and nitrogen) to
pressurize the tank for unloading through the liquid
eduction line. This device may also be used to vent the
tank during loading or unloading.
Other fittings may include a vacuum-relief valve, a
1/4-inch sample line and/or a gauging device (slip-tube
or magnetic ball style, or a fixed-length telltale pipe with

a control [needle] valve). The interior of the tank may

be equipped with an outage gauge (at the manway
nozzle), usually graduated in inches of outage.
On nonpressure tank cars in some services (e.g.,
sulfuric acid), the liquid eduction line and air line
fittings may not have control valves, because they are
closed with pipe caps, plugs, or blind flanges.
PRDs (reclosing pressure relief valves or
nonreclosing safety vents) may be attached to the top of
the tank on separate nozzles or attached to the manway
cover (or pressure plate).
Except for certain specifications, nonpressure tank
cars may be equipped with bottom outlet valves for
loading or unloading. These valves may be ball, wafersphere, or butterfly style valves that are operated from
beneath the car. They may also be plug or clapper style
valves that are operated from the top of the tank (see
page 38.

29 | P a g e

The top-operated bottom outlet valve has a valve

mounted on the bottom of the tank. A rod passes
through the tank and connects to a stuffing-box body
on top of the tank. The stuffing-box body is equipped
with a combination cover and wrench (T-wrench or
cone), used to open and close the valve.
Certain specification nonpressure tank cars may be
equipped with a bottom washout that can be removed
to facilitate cleaning of the tanks interior. It is not used
in loading/unloading operations.
Depending upon their projection from the bottom
of the tank shell, bottom outlet, blind flanges, washouts,
and sumps (referred to as bottom discontinuities)
applied to stub sill tank cars may be required to have
bottom fittings protection.
Typically, this protection is provided by attaching
skids to the bottom of the tank to protect the fittings in
the event of a derailment. Some nonpressure tank cars
are also equipped with skids to protect their top fittings.

Nonpressure tank cars may have insulation

(typically fiberglass, mineral wool blankets, or foam)
applied over the tank and enclosed within a metal
jacket. For Class DOT-115 and AAR-206, the
insulation is applied between the inner and outer tanks.
Per regulation, the jacket must be not less than 11 gauge
(0.1196 inch) thick. Insulation is used to moderate the
temperature of the lading during transportation; e.g., to
keep the lading cool or warm, depending upon its
characteristics and the season of the year or as an aid in
heating the product for unloading.
Nonpressure tank cars may also be equipped with
interior or exterior heater coils. Prior to unloading,
steam, hot water, or hot oil lines are attached to the coil
inlets and outlets. As the heating medium circulates
through the coils, it heats the liquid or melts solidified
ladings, such as phosphorus, sulfur, wax, and asphalts
to facilitate unloading. Interior heater coil inlet and
outlet pipes are required to have caps or plugs applied
during transportation. Exterior heater coils do not
30 | P a g e

require caps, and the car must be stenciled EXTERIOR

CAPS REQUIRED. Some nonpressure tank cars are
equipped with electric-resistance heater systems in
heater coils.

Classes DOT-115 and AAR-206 nonpressure tank

cars have an inner container (tank) constructed of carbon
steel, alloy (stainless) steel, manganese molybdenum steel, or
aluminum. The inner tank is, supported within an outer
shell (tank, not jacket).

Nonpressure single-unit tank cars may be divided

into compartments by inserting ellipsoidal heads into
the tank shell (heads must be concave to the lading of
each compartment) or by joining separately constructed
tanks to make a single car structure.
compartment will have its own loading/unloading
fittings and PRD. Compartments must be identified
numerically, beginning with the B-end (the end of the
car with the hand brake wheel) compartment as number
1 and numbered consecutively toward the A-end (the
end without the brake wheel).

The annular space between the inner tank and outer

tank contains insulation. These cars are commonly referred
to as tanks-within-a-tank as the outer shell (tank) is
constructed in the same manner as a tank car tank, as it is
not merely a metal jacket covering an insulated tank.

Note: Unlike highway cargo tanks, tank car compartments

are not constructed by applying interior walls within a
single tank. Further, unlike some cargo tanks, tank cars
do not have interior baffles to control lading surges.

For Class DOT-115 cars, the outer tank may be

fabricated of the same materials authorized for inner tanks
and must be at least 7/16 inch thick. For Class AAR-206
cars, the outer tank must be fabricated from carbon steel.
They may be divided into compartments, have a 60-psig
tank test pressure, and, in addition to loading/unloading and
pressure-relief devices, they may be equipped with a bottom
outlet and/or bottom washout. These tank cars are
normally used to transport temperature-sensitive
commodities that require a highly efficient insulation system.
31 | P a g e

Note: Nomenclature used in the illustrations may not always be consistent with that used in the text of the field guide.
32 | P a g e

33 | P a g e

34 | P a g e

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37 | P a g e

38 | P a g e

The shaded area in the illustration

indicates the valves moving parts.

39 | P a g e

40 | P a g e

41 | P a g e

42 | P a g e

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45 | P a g e

46 | P a g e


Classes DOT-105, 109, 112, 114, and 120 are pressure
tank cars used to transport liquefied compressed gases,
poison/toxic inhalation hazard (PIH/TIH) materials,
reactive materials, and/or corrosive materials requiring
the additional protection afforded by a stronger car.
There are no equivalent AAR type pressure tank car
Minimum tank plate thickness ranges from
1/2 inch to 11/16 inch for steel tanks (depending on
tank diameter and tensile strength of plate used) and
5/8 inch for aluminum.
Depending upon the
specification, pressure tank cars have minimum burst
strengths from 500 psig to 1500 psig.
Class DOT-105 insulated carbon or alloy
(stainless) steel or aluminum pressure tank cars are
designed for top loading and unloading. Bottom outlets
and washouts are prohibited. Tank test pressures range

from 100 psig to 600 psig. These cars may be equipped

with tank head puncture resistance and thermal
protection systems.
Class DOT-109 insulated carbon steel or
aluminum pressure tank cars are designed for top
loading and unloading.
Bottom washouts are
authorized; however, bottom outlets are prohibited.
Tank test pressures range from 100 psig to 300 psig.
There are very few Class DOT-109 tank cars in service.
Class DOT-112 insulated or uninsulated carbon or
alloy (stainless) steel pressure tank cars are designed for
top loading. Bottom outlets and washouts are
prohibited. These cars may be equipped with tank head
puncture resistance and thermal protection systems
Tank test pressures range from 200 psig to 500 psig.
Class DOT-114 are insulated or uninsulated
carbon or alloy (stainless) steel pressure tank cars with
47 | P a g e

tank test pressures of 340 or 400 psig. These cars may

be constructed of noncircular cross section, and, except
for the PRD, the valves and fittings may be located
somewhere other than on top of the tank.
Class DOT-114 cars may be equipped with
bottom outlets and washouts, and tank head puncture
resistance and thermal protection systems. Currently,
those in service are similar in appearance to Class
DOT-112 tank cars. No noncircular cross section tank
cars are in service.
Class DOT-120 tank cars are insulated steel or
aluminum pressure tank cars with tank test pressures of
100 to 500 psig. Like Class DOT-114 tank cars, they
may have valves and fittings located somewhere other
than on top of the tank and may be equipped with
bottom outlets and washouts and tank head puncture
resistance and thermal protection systems. Few Class
DOT-120 tank cars are in service.

Pressure tank cars are most readily identifiable by

the presence of a protective housing on top of the tank
(not to be confused with an expansion dome found on
obsolete Classes DOT-103 and 104 and AAR-203
nonpressure tank cars).
With few exceptions, such as bottom outlet,
bottom washout, and a dome-shaped pressure retaining
hinged and bolted manway cover or pressure plate, the
loading/unloading fittings and the PRD, PRV, or
combination PRD will be mounted on a manway cover
or pressure plate, and are enclosed within the protective
Unlike nonpressure tank cars, which may be
loaded or unloaded using an open system, pressure tank
cars are loaded and unloaded using a closed system; i.e.,
the tank is not opened to the atmosphere during the
process. The manway cover or pressure plate is
removed only for maintenance purposes at a tank car
repair facility.

48 | P a g e

Although rare, pressure tank cars may be equipped

with heater coil systems.
Typically, in addition to the PRDs, a pressure tank
car will have two liquid eduction lines running along the
tanks longitudinal centerline with the valves facing the
ends, eduction pipes reaching to the bottom of the
tank, at least one vapor eduction line with the valve
facing the side of the tank car, and an eduction pipe
extending only into the top of the tank.
The valves for liquid and vapor eduction lines are
commonly called angle valves (so called because
product flow through the valve is at a right angle to the
flow through the eduction line).
The angle valves may be either plug or quarterturn ball style valves. Instead of angle valves, some
pressure tank cars are equipped with ball valves
designed for vertical flow of the product.

Depending upon the tank cars service, the

following additional fittings may be found mounted on
the pressure plate:
Sample Line: may be used to obtain a sample
of the tanks lading for laboratory analysis. The
device consists of an open pipe extending into
the tank that may or may not go to the bottom
and is closed with a control (needle) valve on
the outside. To obtain a sample, a hose is
connected to the control valves port, with the
other end attached to a container for the
sample (usually a small compressed gas
cylinder). When the control valve is opened,
lading will flow into the container.
The sample line valve may also be used to
attach a pressure gauge to determine the
pressure within the tank. Because the sample
lines pipe may not extend completely to the
bottom of the tank, it cannot be relied upon to

49 | P a g e

determine if there is any liquid remaining in an

empty tank.
Gauging Device: either a slip tube, commonly
referred to as a spew rod or spit tube, or
magnetic ball style used to measure the liquid
level or vapor space (outage) within the tank.
B Slip-Tube Style Gauging Device: utilizes a
graduated (in inches) pipe (rod) that passes
through a packing assembly. The end of the
rod outside of the tank is closed with a
control (needle) valve. To operate, the rod is
extended fully upward, and then slowly
pushed into the tank until liquid is discharged
through the open control valve. Using a
reference point on the device, the level of the
liquid (from the top of the tank) is
determined in inches (usually in 1/4-inch
increments). Utilizing outage tables provided
by the tank car builder, the measurement is
converted to gallons of outage or

vacant/vapor space within the tank.

Subtracting the outage from the tanks
volumetric capacity will give the innage or
number of gallons inside the tank.
Note: To reduce in-transit leaks from gauging devices, the
AAR Tank Car Committee has directed that effective
August 1, 2005, slip-tube gauging devices must be
removed from tank cars no later than the next tank
qualification event, which is typically 5 or 10 years for
pressure tank cars.

B A magnetic-ball style gauging device consists

of a hollow metallic pipe, capped at the end
inside the tank. A metallic ball or float
equipped with ring magnets is placed around
the rod. The inside of the pipe is equipped
with a composite-material rod, with a magnet
on the lower end. As the tank is filled, the
ball floats on the liquid, and the magnetic
force between the ball and the rod causes the
50 | P a g e

rod to follow the ball, rising with the liquid

level. As with the slip-tube device, the rod is
graduated in inches, and the measurement
can be converted to gallons of outage from
the gauging tables. The advantage of the
magnetic-style device is that there is no
product released during the gauging
operation, thus eliminating the safety and
environmental concerns inherent with a sliptube device. The slip-tube device is also
subject to leakage through the packing
around the rod or from the control valve.
In lieu of slip-tube or magnetic gauging
devices, pressure tank cars may be equipped
with electronic gauging devices or telltale
(also called dip tube) gauging devices.
Telltale gauges consist of a fixed open tube
that extends into the tank (but not to the
bottom) with an outside control (needle)
valve, similar in appearance to the control
(needle) valve on the sample line.

The length of the tube(s) has been

predetermined to typically correspond to
1 percent and/or 2 percent or up to 5
percent outage by volume.
Similar in operation to the slip-tube device,
during loading, the control valve is open.
When liquid is emitted, the designated outage
has been reached.
Thermometer Well: used to take the
temperature of the lading. The device
consists of a pipe (sealed at the bottom) filled
with an antifreeze solution or oil that extends
into the tank and is closed with a cap (not
with a valve) on the outside. With the cap
removed, a thermometer, which does not
travel with the car, is lowered into the tube.
The temperature of the liquid in the tube will
correspond to the temperature of the lading,
which is transferred to the thermometer.
The external pipe and/or the thermometer
51 | P a g e

well cap are equipped with telltale holes that

are intended to provide a warning should
there be a failure of the internal pipe. Some
pressure tank cars are equipped with
electronic temperature sensing devices.
governmental regulations for certain
commodities. An excess flow valve (not to
be confused with a check valve that only
allows flow in one direction) is a device that
closes automatically against the outward flow
of the contents of a tank in case the external
closure valve is broken off or removed
during transit.
Excess flow valves may be equipped with a
bypass feature that allows for pressure
equalization. Excess flow valves are neither
designed nor intended to stop the flow of a
tank cars contents in the event of a failure of

a loading/unloading systems piping or

For commodities that have a primary or
subsidiary Division 2.1 (flammable gas)
material hazard, the interior pipes of the
loading and unloading valves, sample devices,
and slip-tube gauging devices must be
equipped with excess flow valves. Tank cars
transporting chlorine must have excess flow
valves only on the interior pipes of the liquid
discharge valves.
Although not required by regulation,
pressure tank cars transporting other
commodities may be equipped with excess
flow valves; e.g., a tank car may be in dual
service, wherein it transports LPG (Division
2.1) requiring excess flow valves during part
of the year and anhydrous ammonia
(Division 2.2), which does not require excess
flow valves, during other times of the year.
52 | P a g e

Fittings for the Most Common

Commodities Shipped in
Pressure Tank Cars
Liquefied Petroleum Gases (e.g., propane,
butane, and propylene), Vinyl Chloride,
Butadiene, and Anhydrous Ammonia:

Two liquid eduction lines along the

centerline of the tank with the eduction
valves pointing towards the ends of the car.

One vapor eduction line with the eduction

valve pointing to the sides of the car.

Pressure relief valve.

Thermometer well.

Sample line.

Slip-tube or magnetic gauging device.

Chlorine and Sulfur Dioxide:


Two liquid eduction lines along the

centerline of the tank with the eduction
valves pointing towards the ends of the car.

Two vapor eduction lines with the

eduction valves pointing to the sides of the
car. Tank cars equipped with the enhanced
fitting package will only have one vapor
eduction line.

Combination PRD (breaking pin or

rupture disc beneath a pressure relief

No gauging device, sample line, or

thermometer well.

Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide:


One liquid eduction line with an eduction

valve and one vapor eduction line with an
eduction valve along the centerline of the
tank with the valves pointing towards
53 | P a g e

opposite ends of the car. Typically, these

eduction valves will be identified on a plate
inside the protective housing or by the
letters L (for liquid) and V (for vapor)
applied to the interior wall of the
protective housing.

Two pressure regulating valves.

Pressure relief valve.

Safety vent.

Two or more fixed-length, telltale outage


Thermometer well.

Note: Regulations require that the final discharge of the

regulating valves, PRV, and safety vent must be piped to
the outside of the protective housing and identified by
RUPTURE DISC, as appropriate, over or under the
discharge pipes from the respective devices. Under no
circumstances should these discharge pipes be plugged or
otherwise blocked.

54 | P a g e

55 | P a g e

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57 | P a g e









Tank cars transporting Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide will be stenciled
The venting of vapor from the regulator valves is a normal function to
reduce internal pressure through auto-refrigeration. DO NOT attempt
to plug the discharge pipes of the pressure relief devices.

58 | P a g e

Top Fittings Protection Requirements for

Tank Cars Transporting Materials
Poisonous (Toxic) by Inhalation
(PIH/TIH Materials)
As mentioned in Section 1: Tank Car Classification and
Specifications, the U. S. DOT issued new rules in
January 2009 requiring enhanced safety measures for
tank cars transporting PIH/TIH materials.
A tank car built after March 16, 2009, for the
transportation of a PIH/TIH material must have the
service equipment enclosed within a protective housing
and cover.
In addition, it must be equipped with a top fittings
protection system and nozzle capable of sustaining,
without failure, a rollover accident at a speed of 9 miles
per hour, in which the rolling protective housing strikes
a stationary surface assumed to be flat, level, and rigid.
Failure is deemed to occur when the deformed
protective housing contacts any of the service

equipment, or when the tank retention capability is

As an alternative to the above top fittings
protection, the tank may be equipped with a system that
prevents release of the product from any top fitting in
the case of an accident where any top fitting would be
sheared off. See the illustrations on pages 61-63 for
examples of these devices.

Enhanced Fittings Package for

PIH/TIH Tank Cars
A coalition of tank car and valve manufacturers,
chemical producers, and railroads have developed tank
car design criteria to improve transportation safety of
PIH/TIH materials, primarily chlorine. This design is
referred to as the Next Generation Tank Car (NGRTC
or Next Gen).
In addition to added safety features to the tank car
structure itself, an enhanced fittings package has been
developed that is designed to prevent the loss of
59 | P a g e

product should any top fitting be damaged or shearedoff in an accident.

The enhanced fittings package differs from current
chlorine fittings arrangements by:
Equipping the car with one instead of two
vapor lines and relocating the pressure relief
valve from the center of the pressure plate to
the side.
Replacing product flow activated excess-flow
valves with spring-loaded excess-flow and
check valves that are closed when the
eduction (angle) valves are closed.

Replacing the combination PRV (rupture

disc/breaking pin assembly below a pressure
relief valve) contained in one assembly with a
spring-loaded pressure relief valve mounted
above a rupture disc assembly that is
embedded in the pressure plate.
Should the PRV be sheared off, the rupturedisc device, being the primary seal, will retain
the product.

When the valve is opened, the valve stem

depresses the excess flow valve, allowing
liquid or vapor to flow through the eduction
pipes; therefore, if an eduction valve is
sheared off, the excess flow valve remains
closed, preventing the loss of product.

60 | P a g e

PRV above
rupture disc

Vapor valve
Liquid valves

Enhanced Fittings Arrangement for Chlorine Tank Cars

61 | P a g e

Rupture Disc

Vapor Valve

Liquid Valve

Excess Flow Valve

Cutaway View of Fittings Arrangement

62 | P a g e

Rupture Disc Assembly embedded in

the Pressure Plate

Angle Valve with Stem to Open the

Excess Flow Check Valve

Spring Loaded Excess

Flow Check Valve

Illustrations courtesy of Midland Manufacturing Company, Skokie, Illinois.

63 | P a g e

64 | P a g e


Classes DOT-113 and AAR-204 tank cars are designed
as a vacuum-insulated inner container (tank) enclosed
within an outer shell (tank, not jacket) and referred to as
an outer jacket by the DOT to transport cryogenic
liquids. (Refrigerated liquefied gases having a boiling
point colder than minus 130 F at atmospheric pressure;
e.g., liquid hydrogen, ethylene, oxygen, nitrogen and
The annular space between the inner and outer
tanks has a vacuum drawn and is equipped with an
insulation system using granular perlite or an alternating
wrap of multiple layers of aluminum foil and paper.
These tank cars are frequently referred to as Thermos
bottle tank cars.
The insulation system (designed for the
commodity being transported and meeting specified

performance standards) and vacuum controls the rate

of heat input for normal transportation time periods.
Note: DOT regulations require the shipper to notify the
Federal Railroad Administration whenever a tank car
containing any flammable cryogenic liquid is not received
by the consignee within 20 days from date of shipment.
Typically, the insulation system will keep the commodity
pressure from activating the PRDs for at least twice this
20-day period.

Specification DOT-113A60W tank cars have a

design service temperature of minus 423 F, a minimum
burst pressure of 240 psig, and a tank test pressure of
60 psig.
Specification DOT-113C120W tank cars have a
design service temperature of minus 260 F, a minimum
burst pressure of 300 psig, and a tank test pressure of
120 psig.
65 | P a g e

Specification AAR Class 204W tank cars must

meet the specification requirements for Class DOT-113
tank cars, with some exceptions. The minimum
required burst strength is 240 psig, with a 60 psig tank
test pressure. Specification AAR Class 204W tank cars
are not authorized for Division 2.1 (flammable gas)
Cryogenic liquid tank cars are required to have two
liquid-level gauges. One gauge measures the liquid level
in the inner tank (this gauge may be a portable gauge
that does not move with the car) and the other gauge, a
fixed-length dip tube set, indicates the maximum
allowable liquid level for the allowable filling density.
In addition, the car must be equipped with a vaporphase pressure gauge to indicate the pressure within the
inner tank.
The cars must be equipped with various PRDs for
the protection of the tank assembly and piping system.
The discharge of the PRD must be directed away from
operating personnel, the car structure, trucks, and safety

appliances; e.g., steps, handholds/grab irons, and

The inner tank must be equipped with at least one
PRV and at least one safety vent, which may be
replaced by an alternate PRV. The car may also be
equipped with a pressure control device (regulator
valve) and mixing device to control the routine release
of vaporized lading during transportation. Tank cars in
liquid hydrogen service must be equipped with a device
that will instantly ignite any hydrogen that is discharged
through the PRDs. The outer jacket/tank must be
equipped with a system to prevent buildup of pressure
within the annular space.
The loading/unloading valves and other fittings
are required to be enclosed within a protective housing
(not to be confused with protective housings on
pressure tank cars), which appears to be a box or
cabinet. The protective housing(s) is located on both
sides at one end or, in rare cases, on the top of the car.
The housing(s) must be adequate to protect the fittings
66 | P a g e

from direct solar radiation, mud, sand, adverse

environmental exposure, and mechanical damage
incident to normal operation.
The protective housings for the fittings must be
equipped with precautionary instructions for the safe
operation of the equipment during storage and transfer
operations, and must include a diagram of the tank and
piping system with the various gauges, control valves,
and PRDs clearly identified, and their location
indicated. In addition, all valves and gauges must be
clearly identified with corrosion-resistant nameplates.
In addition to other stenciling, cryogenic liquid
tank cars must be stenciled DO NOT HUMP OR CUT
JACKETED on both sides in lettering at least 1 1/2
inches high.

67 | P a g e

Photo courtesy of Charles J. Wright

Typical Cryogenic Tank Car (DOT Class 113)

68 | P a g e

Typical Cryogenic Tank Car Fittings Compartment

69 | P a g e

Photo courtesy of Tony Bacino

Cryogenic Tank Car Fittings Diagram

70 | P a g e


Accidents involving tank cars must be evaluated and
approached with great care due to the possible presence
of hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Absence of
visible hazard warning labels, markings, or placards is
not a guarantee that commodities involved are
harmless. Careful, thorough evaluation, assessment,
and initial response to an accident may make the
difference between emergency and disaster.
It is possible that the scene of an accident
involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods will
present such a high degree of hazard that the only safe
course is to evacuate ALL personnel from the area and
allow the incident to run its own course without
intervention. Furthermore, a severe situation may exist
with or without the presence of fire, smoke, or fumes.

Initial Notification
If you are the first on scene of a transportation
accident, your first step is to avoid endangering yourself
and call for help. Immediately notify local emergency
response personnel and the transportation carrier.
After notifying the local emergency response agency,
contingent on your circumstances, you may need to call
one or more of the following agencies for assistance:
CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 toll free in the
U.S., Canada, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 1703-527-3887 for calls originating elsewhere.
Collect calls are accepted.
CANUTEC: 1-800-996-6666, collect calls are
accepted. *666, cellular in Canada only.
SETIQ: 01-800-00-214-00 in the Mexican
Republic. 5559-1588 for calls originating in
71 | P a g e

Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area. 01152-555-559-1588

National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802
toll free in the U.S., Canada, and U.S. Virgin
Islands. 1-202-267-2675 in the District of
Association of American Railroads, Bureau of
Explosives (BOE) in the U.S. and Railway
Association of Canada (RAC) in Canada).
Personnel are also available for emergency
response and technical assistance for railroad
incidents involving hazardous materials/
dangerous goods. BOE and RAC respond
upon request from a railroad.
Binoculars are recommended to assist responders
in assessing the accident from a safe distance. Provide
as much of the following information as you can when
calling for assistance.

1. Your name, location, and telephone number.

2. Location of incident.
3. Type vehicle or container involved.
4. Wind direction and approximate speed.
5. Presence of injured people.
6. Presence of smoke, fire, or fumes.
7. Presence of markings, labels, or placards on
containers or vehicle.
8. Carrier name.
9. Other pertinent information.
After the initial notification is made, isolate the
scene by ensuring all unnecessary personnel are clear of
the site. Make sure your vehicle is far enough away that
the hot exhaust system does not provide a possible
ignition sources. Turn off the vehicles ignition. Do
not smoke, use flares, fusees, lanterns, or open flames
near the scene.
72 | P a g e

Resist the urge to rush into an accident site and

rescue injured personnel until after the commodities are
identified and the nature and severity of the hazard is

Initial Assessment
Remain a safe distance upwind from the site. Use
binoculars to survey the site and surrounding area.
Make notes and sketches, as necessary. Pay particular
attention to:
Location of injured personnel and their
proximity to surrounding hazards.
Location of potentially threatened personnel.
Look for markings, labels, or placards on
containers or vehicles that may aid in
identifying commodities present.
Note the number and types of containers or
vehicles involved.

Visible damage to and/or leakage from

containers or vehicles (gas, vapor, liquid, or
Vehicle or container reporting marks (letters)
and number.
Accessibility to site and possible escape routes.
Weather conditions.
Topographical features of the site and
surrounding areas, especially bodies of water.
Report the above information directly to other
response organizations as soon as possible. When
identifying chemical commodities, copy names and
other information precisely. Even minor spelling errors
can have serious consequences in determining the
hazard properties of materials involved.

Identifying Materials
Before entering the incident site, identification of the
commodities and containers or vehicles involved is
essential. The shipping paper is the best source for this
73 | P a g e

information. For rail carriers, this information is

typically contained in a document called a train consist,
train list, or wheel report, which is in the possession of
a member of the train crew. This information may also
be available by contacting the railroad by phone.
The train consist, train list, or wheel report will
identify whether the commodity is hazardous, and
where the car is located in the train. In a rail yard,
shipping paper information is available at the yard
In the absence of shipping papers, use binoculars
from a safe distance upwind, try to locate any 4-digit
identification numbers on the placards (or orange
panels) applied to the containers or vehicles and/or
labels on packages. This may help determine the
presence of hazardous materials/dangerous goods.
If shipping papers, placards, markings, or labels are
destroyed, the reporting marks and number on the
railcar or intermodal container can often be used to

identify the commodities present. Railcar reporting

marks are a series of letters (usually ending with an X,
which indicates the car is privately owned, not owned
by a railroad) followed by a series of numbers; e.g.,
BOEX 123456. Intermodal containers use a similar
numbering pattern. Trailers have numbers, but may not
have reporting marks. With this information, the
carrier will be able to determine the vehicles contents.
Attempting to retrieve shipping papers or obtain
the commodity name from the containers should only
be tried if it can be done without undue risk to
personnel. Unidentified spilled commodities should be
approached with caution. Use the maximum level of
personal protective equipment necessary.

Tank Car Damage Assessment

Tank car damage assessment guidelines presented are
intended only to allow those first on the scene to make
an initial appraisal of railroad tank car tank damage for
purposes of determining what actions should be taken
until expert appraisal assistance is available.
74 | P a g e

These guidelines may not be appropriate for

assessment of damage to other types of transportation
and storage tanks, such as tank trucks, tank trailers,
portable tanks, and stationary tanks.
Tank cars and other bulk containers involved in
accidents may suffer severe damage without loss of
lading. This damage may look impressive, even
awesome, yet the car or container may still have
sufficient strength to permit it to be carefully removed
from the accident site for later transfer or unloading of
its contents.
The most serious damage that can occur to tanks
and other containers transporting compressed gases is
caused by bending, denting, scoring, or gouging without
resultant leaks. Time, pressure, and handling can result
in delayed rupture. If this happens, there will almost
always be enough heat caused by the metal tearing to
ignite the released contents when they are flammable.

Virtually all liquefied gases are shipped in tank cars

with jackets. Tank damage refers to damage to the tank
itself, not to the surrounding jacket. The presence of a
jacket may be determined by looking to see if ripped or
torn metal reveals insulating materials. The jacket may
also be noted by the flashing over the body bolster, flat
spots on the sides or ends of tanks, and lap welds. The
tank is found beneath the jacket. Never attempt to cut
or remove the jacket to search for the tank.
Assessment of the tank damage is not a casual
matter and requires the presence of trained specialists.
Each visible dent, score, or gouge must be examined.
As adjacent cars or surrounding materials are removed
or as the tank car itself is moved, newly exposed
surfaces must be examined as well.
Dents in
combination with scores, gouges, or cracks, and dents,
which cross a weld seam, are the most dangerous, and
the tighter or smaller the radius or curve of the dent,
the more dangerous it is.

75 | P a g e

Dents that run lengthwise on the cylindrical

section of the tank are usually considered to be more
dangerous than large dents in the head. But even large
head dents are dangerous, if they appear in conjunction
with a gouge, score, or crack. Small head dents not
exceeding 12 inches in diameter, especially in tightly
bent edges, should be considered marginal and may
justify unloading in place, usually by transferring
material to another tank car or other container on site
rather than attempting to move or rerail it.
Any crack in the base metal of a tank, especially if
in combination with a dent or gouge, justifies unloading
the tank before it is moved, except as may be necessary
to get the valves upright or accessible. Scores or gouges
are especially dangerous if they run lengthwise over a
distance of 7 feet, cross a weld on the tank, and are
greater than 1/16 inch in depth.
To repeat, assessment of tank damage is a skill that
requires training and experience. Factors include
evaluation of damage to the tank itself, outside air

temperature, material in the tank and its vapor pressure,

and the internal pressure. In a questionable situation,
the best course is to evacuate all personnel for a 1-mile
When fire, especially a torch like flame, impinges
on a tank, a high volume hose stream directed at the
point of flame contact may prevent a dangerous heat
and pressure buildup in the nonpunctured tank. Torch
fires occur when a tank has been punctured or the
pressure relief valve has functions, and flammable gas is
burning out of the opening in a strongly projecting
flame. With this kind of fire, a large standoff distance is
required, and unmanned monitor nozzles provide
greater protection for responders than hand lines.
Situations where flooding with water may be
inappropriate occur when the water temperature is
higher than the temperature of the material in the tank.
This is often the case during winter months. Additional
factors to consider before attempting to cool a tank
with water include the tanks construction (may be
76 | P a g e

insulated and covered with a jacket), the supply of

water, possible environmental damage from
contaminated runoff, and ground saturation, which may
prevent heavy equipment from entering the site to
perform wreck clearing operations.
A water attack is almost never the first thing that
emergency responders should attempt. The guidelines
in this section, especially those relating to the initial
notification, making an initial survey, collecting and
interpreting hazard and response information, and
reviewing the tank damage noted, should be followed
prior to laying, charging, and using hose lines.

77 | P a g e

78 | P a g e


AAR the Association of American Railroads, a trade
association comprised of North American railroads.
The AAR, among other activities, issues specifications
and rules regarding the interchange of railcars between
the various railroads. The AARs requirements for tank
cars are contained in the AAR Manual of Standards and
Recommended Practices (MSRP) C-III, Specification M1002.
AAR Specification Tank Car a tank car built,
altered, or converted in accordance with the tank car
specifications of the Association of American Railroads.
A-end the end of a railcar, opposite the end
equipped with the hand brake (see B-end.)
Ambient the temperature and barometric pressure
of the local environment.

B-end the end of a railcar on which the hand brake

is attached. If both ends of the railcar have a hand
brake, the car will be stenciled A-END and B-END.
When facing the B-end, the sides of the railcar are
identified as the Right Side and Left Side, respectively.
Body Bolster the structural members at each end of
a carbody that support the car on its truck assemblies.
Bottom Outlet Valve a valve located in the bottom
of the tank for loading or unloading.
Bottom Washout a plugged and flanged opening in
the bottom of a tank to facilitate cleaning of a tank car
that does not have a bottom outlet.
Brake Rigging the assembly of cylinders, levers
and/or rods under a railcar that provides and transmits
braking action to the wheels.
79 | P a g e

Breather Vent a device having an operating part

that is a permeable disc or a disc having a breather hole
or slit. Breather vents are typically applied to tank cars
transporting hydrogen peroxide to allow vapors created
by the commodities decomposition to be vented from
the tank.
Burst Pressure (Disc) the value of the inlet static
pressure at which a safety vent or breaking-pin device
Burst Pressure (Tank) the internal pressure at
which a tank will theoretically burst. For a tank car
tank, the minimum burst pressure is a function of the
tanks inside diameter, welding joint efficiency,
minimum tensile strength of the plate material, and the
minimum thickness of the plate after forming.
CANUTEC acronym for the Canadian Transport
Emergency Centre. CANUTEC is operated by the
Transport of Dangerous Good Directorate of
Transport Canada and provides a national bilingual

(English and French) advisory service, including

emergency response advice for incidents involving
dangerous goods. Call collect at 613-996-6666 (24
hours) or *666 cellular (Canada only). Call 613-9924624 (24 hours) for nonemergency inquiries.
Capacity/CAPY the volumetric capacity (stenciled
in gallons and liters) of a tank cars tank. The capacity
may also be shown in imperial gallons.
Center Sill the center longitudinal structural
member of a car underframe that forms the backbone
of the underframe and transmits most of the buffing
shocks from one end of the car to the other (also see
Stub Sill Tank Car).
CHEMTREC acronym for the Chemical
Transportation Emergency Center, a 24-hour
emergency response service that provides assistance in
the handling of incidents involving hazardous
materials/dangerous goods. Call toll free at 800-424-

80 | P a g e

9300 in the U.S. and Canada (outside calls: collect at


rupture disc assembly) in conjunction with an outboard

reclosing pressure relief valve.

C-Kit/Capping Kit a set of components used to

cap (cover) and contain leakage from a fitting on a tank
car. C-Kits are specifically designed for use on chlorine
and sulfur dioxide tank cars. Tank cars built or altered
after December 1, 2003, and used for the transportation
of Class 2 or Poison-Inhalation Hazard/Toxic
Inhalation Hazard materials must have a manway cover
(or pressure plate) designed to accommodate capping
kits. This requirement does not apply to tanks cars
transporting carbon dioxide or Class DOT-113 and
Class AAR-204W cryogenic liquid tank cars.

Commodity/Lading the product inside a tank car.

Class (Tank Car) a general designation of tank

cars, usually including several specifications; e.g., Class
DOT-111 or Class AAR-204. The word Class is used
if the designation embraces several specifications.
Combination Pressure Relief Device a PRD that
incorporates a nonreclosing device (breaking pin or

Coupler Vertical Restraint System see DoubleShelf Coupler.

Cryogenic Liquid Tank Car a vacuum-insulated
tank car, consisting of an inner container (tank)
enclosed within an outer steel shell (tank, not jacket),
designed for the transportation of refrigerated liquefied
gases having a boiling point colder than minus 130OF at
atmospheric pressure, such as liquid hydrogen, oxygen,
ethylene, nitrogen and argon. These cars are built to
the specifications contained in Subpart F, Part 179,
Title 49CFR or Chapter 3, AAR MSRP Section C-III,
Specification M-1002.
DOT acronym for the Department of
Transportation, which is the governmental department
that regulates the transportation of hazardous materials
within the United States.
81 | P a g e

DOT/TC Specification Tank Car the U. S.

Department of Transportation or Transport Canada
specification to which a tank car was built, altered, or
Double-Shelf Coupler/Coupler Vertical Restraint
System a railcar coupler having top and bottom
shelves designed to prevent vertical disengagement of
mating couplers in the event of an excessive end-to-end
impact. Double-shelf couplers are fully compatible
with all other railcar couplers and required by DOT
regulation on all DOT specification tank cars and any
tank car transporting hazardous materials/dangerous
Eduction Line the combination of the eduction
valve and eduction pipe.
Eduction Pipe the pipe that runs from the eduction
valve into the tank.

Eduction Valve a valve used to load or unload

liquid product or to introduce or remove vapor from a
tank car tank.
Excess Flow Valve a device installed in a liquid,
vapor, or sample line, or a gauging device rod designed
to stop the outward flow of product in the event the
fitting is removed during transportation, such as the
device being sheared-off during an accident. When not
in operation, the device allows the flow of liquid or
vapor in two directions. Do not confuse this valve with
a check valve, which is a device that allows the flow of
liquid or vapor in only one direction.
Expansion Dome (Dome) a cylindrical metal
enclosure located on top of an obsolete nonpressure
tank car tank intended to function as the expansion area
for the lading during transportation. Do not confuse an
expansion dome with protective housing, which is
found on pressure tank cars and some nonpressure tank

82 | P a g e

Fill Hole an opening in the manway cover, closed

with a fill-hole cover, through which product may be
loaded or unloaded. Typically found on tank cars in
sulfuric or hydrochloric acid service.
Flange a disc-shaped device that is part of a nozzle
or fitting (valve, PRD), used to create a bolted
attachment to the tank car. Also, it may be a solid disc
(blind flange) or have a threaded hole for a plug or
secondary valve bolted to the eduction valve to provide
Frangible Disc see Rupture Disc.
Gasket material inserted in the joint between two
mating surfaces to prevent leakage through the joint.
Gauging Device a device used to measure the level
of liquid or vapor space in a tank car tank, which may
be a fixed gauge bar/outage scale or T-bar attached to
the top of the tank (in nonpressure tank cars), or a sliptube, magnetic-ball, fixed-length (telltale) tube, or an
electronic device.

Hand Brake A device mounted on railcars and

locomotives to provide a means for applying brakes
manually without air pressure. Common types include
vertical wheel, horizontal wheel, and lever type, sonamed because of the configuration or orientation of
their operating handles.
Head one of the ellipsoidal ends of a tank car tank.
Head Shield A method of providing tank head
puncture-resistance by mounting a metal shield on the
end of a tank car to protect against punctures from the
coupler of another railcar. Head shields may be
separate attachments or may be incorporated into a
tanks jacket.
Heel common term used for the product or residue
remaining in a tank car tank after it has been unloaded.
Insulation a material, typically fiberglass or foam,
enclosed within a metal jacket, used to maintain or
moderate the temperature or aid in the unloading of the
lading contained within a tank car. For cryogenic liquid
83 | P a g e

tank cars, in addition to a vacuum and insulation

system, either perlite or an alternating wrap of multiple
layers of aluminum foil and paper is used. Not all tank
cars are insulated. Do not confuse insulation with
thermal protection.
Internal Valve a type of bottom outlet valve located
inside a tank car tank to prevent damage in the event of
an accident.
Jacket a metal covering (minimal thickness of 11
gauge) surrounding a tank car tank designed to protect
and secure the insulation and/or thermal protection
systems on a tank car. A jacket is not an outer tank.
Light Weight/LT WT empty weight or tare weight
of cars or of the train. The light weight is stenciled in
pounds and kilograms on every rail freight car and is
abbreviated LT. WT.
Liquid Eduction Line a pipe, equipped with a
valve, cap, or blind flange closure that extends to the

bottom of a tank car tank for the loading and unloading

of the lading.
Load Limit/LD LMT the maximum weight of
lading that can be loaded in a railcar. Load limit is
stenciled in pounds and kilograms on every rail freight
car and is abbreviated LD. LMT.
Manway a general term designating the circularshaped opening located at the top of a tank car tank to
allow access into the tanks interior for maintenance,
inspection, and loading or unloading. Depending upon
a tank cars class or product service, the manway will be
closed with either a hinged and bolted manway cover
(typical for nonpressure tank cars) or a semipermanently bolted manway cover or pressure plate,
typical for pressure and cryogenic liquid tank cars.
Nitrogen Blanket/Nitrogen Pad nitrogen gas
inserted into a tank car tank to provide an inert
atmosphere for a lading that may react with air in order

84 | P a g e

to protect the ladings purity or to prevent the entry of

Nonpressure Tank Car a tank car with a tank test
pressure of 60 or 100 psig, built to the specifications
contained in Subpart D, Part 179, Title 49CFR or
Chapter 3, AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended
Practices, Section C-III, Specification M-1002.
Nonpressure tank cars are also referred to as general
service or low-pressure tank cars.
Nozzle a circular or oval-shaped attachment applied
to openings in a tank for the application of a manway
cover (or pressure plate), valves, pressure relief devices,
and other fittings.
Outage the vacant space left in a tank car tank after
filling to allow for product expansion during
transportation so it will not reach shell-full capacity
(maximum volume of a tank).
regulations prescribe minimum outages for hazardous
materials/dangerous goods at specified reference

temperatures. In addition to minimum outage by

volume, tank cars may not be loaded-in by weight
excess of their gross weight on rail limit as determined
by their truck capacity. Another term for outage is
Packing a general term denoting the various
substances and devices used to prevent leakage of fluids
or gases through openings (valve body and valve stem)
that cannot be closed by ordinary contact of the parts
Packing Gland the portion(s) of a device used to
contain packing on a valve body or other fitting to
prevent leakage.
PIH/TIH (Poison/Toxic Inhalation Hazard) a gas
or liquid that meets the definition of a material
poisonous by inhalation as defined in 171.8, Title 49
CFR (see TIH).
Pressure Plate on a pressure tank car, the circularshaped steel plate closing the manway nozzle to which
85 | P a g e

the valves, pressure relief device(s), and other fittings

are mounted. Some nonpressure tank cars may be
equipped with a pressure plate assembly in lieu of a
hinged and bolted manway cover.
Pressure Relief Device a fitting that opens at a
predetermined setting to reduce the pressure within a
tank car tank resulting from exposure to abnormal
conditions. PRDs may be reclosing (spring-loaded)
pressure relief valves, regulating valves, nonreclosing
(frangible/rupture disc) vents, or combination PRDs
(incorporating both a frangible disc/breaking pin and a
reclosing pressure relief valve).
Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) a spring-loaded
device, actuated by inlet static pressure, that relieves
excess pressure and recloses after normal conditions are
restored. Pressure relief valve has replaced the term
safety relief valve.

Pressure Tank Car a tank car with a tank test

pressure of 100 to 500 psig built to the specifications
contained in Subpart C, Part 179, Title 49CFR.
Protective Housing on pressure and on some
nonpressure tank cars, a heavy, circular steel housing
that surrounds the fittings to protect them in the event
of an accident and from unauthorized access.
Nonpressure tank cars may be equipped with lightgauge steel protective housings (referred to as
combination housings, breadboxes or mailboxes) that
provide weather and tamper protection. Do not
confuse with an expansion dome as found on some
(obsolete) nonpressure tank cars. The protective
housings for cryogenic liquid tank cars are boxes or
cabinets on the sides or end of the tank car.
Regulating (Regulator) Valve a reclosing (springloaded) pressure relief device applied to tank cars
transporting certain refrigerated liquids (e.g., carbon
dioxide and argon) to maintain internal pressure below
a certain point. If the pressure exceeds a specific point,
86 | P a g e

the valve will open, relieving vapor, which results in

auto-refrigeration, lowering the products temperature
and pressure.

Safety Relief Valve See Pressure Relief Valve.

Pressure relief valve has replaced the term safety relief

Reporting Mark and Number the alphabetical

initial stenciled (typically 3 or 4 letters ending with an X
for nonrailroad owned cars, followed by 1 to 6
numerals; e.g., BOEX 2010) on the sides and ends of
every freight car to identify the railroad or private car
line that owns the car. Reporting marks are assigned by
the Association of American Railroads.

Safety Vent (Rupture Disc Device) a device

consisting of a rupture disc and rupture disc holder. A
nonreclosing pressure relief device actuated by static
pressure and designed to function by the burst of a
pressure-containing disc.

Residue the amount of commodity remaining in a

tank car after it has been unloaded to the maximum
extent practicable. Also referred to as the heel.
Rupture Disc the operating part of a safety vent,
also called a frangible disc. When used in conjunction
with a spring-loaded reclosing pressure relief valve, the
device is called a combination pressure relief device.

Sample Line a pipe (typically 1/4 inch in diameter),

equipped with a control valve that extends to near the
bottom of a tank car tank for drawing a sample of the
Shell the cylindrical section of a tank car tank,
without heads. Do not confuse with jacket. (See also
Tank Car and Head.)
Service Equipment equipment used for filling,
sampling, emptying, venting, vacuum relief, pressure
relief, heating (if internal to the tank), lading
temperature measurement, or measuring the amount of
87 | P a g e

lading within the tank. Commonly referred to as valves

and fittings.

Specification the specific designation within a tank

car class; e.g., DOT 111A100W2.

SETIQ acronym for the Mexican Emergency

Transportation System for the Chemical Industry, a
service of the National Association of Chemical
Industries (ANIQ).
Responders in the Mexican
Republic can call SETIQ (24 hours) 01-800-00-214-00.
In Mexico and the metropolitan area, call 5559-1588.
Elsewhere call,, call +52-55-5559-1588.

STC Code or STCC abbreviation for Standard

Transportation Commodity Code, which is a 7-digit
freight description coding system used by the North
American railroad industry.
For hazardous
materials/dangerous goods, the STCC is referred to as
the Hazmat Code, and begins with 49 or 48 for
hazardous wastes. The Hazmat Code may be found on
shipping papers and may be used to access computerbased emergency response information.

Shipping Paper (Hazardous Materials/Dangerous

Goods) a shipping order, bill of lading, manifest, or
other shipping document serving a similar purpose and
containing the information required by governmental
Skid Protection a device attached to the bottom of
a tank car to protect the bottom outlet, washout and/or
sump (referred to as bottom discontinuities) from
damage in the event of a derailment.

Stenciling a term used to describe all forms of

lettering on cars regardless of the actual method of
application. Specific information that is required to be
marked on the exterior surface of a tank car.
Stub Sill Tank Car a tank car design with draft sills
at each end of the tank instead of a continuous center
sill that utilizes the tank as part of the car structure.
(Also see Center Sill).
88 | P a g e

Stuffing Box the portion of a top-operated bottom

outlet valve assembly through which the valve operating
rod passes to the exterior of the tank. The stuffing box
contains packing that, when compressed by the packing
gland nut, forms a seal around the rod to prevent
leakage and keeps the rod from vibrating. The stuffing
box cover, when removed and inverted, is used as a
wrench to open and close the internal valve.
Sump or Siphon Bowl a small depression located
near the longitudinal center of a tank bottom where the
liquid eduction line extends, thereby allowing the
maximum amount of product to be removed from the
Surge Pressure Reduction Device a device
designed to reduce the internal surge pressures of the
pressure relief devices. These devices are primarily used
on tank cars equipped with nonreclosing pressure relief
devices (safety vents) and are intended to reduce
pressure surges that can cause the rupture disc to fail.

Tank Car/Tank Car Tank a railcar that has a tank

for its body for transporting liquids, solids, and
liquefied gases, consisting of a shell and heads together
with connections welded directly to it. In accordance
with AAR specifications, tank means tank car tank.
The head of a tank is one of the end closures. Tank cars
may be pressure or nonpressure and are often equipped
with special equipment to enhance their usefulness for
handling specific commodities. For pressure class tank
cars, the tank includes the manway nozzle as well.
Tank Test Pressure the pressure (psig) at which a
tank car tank is to be hydrostatically tested at the time
of construction. Depending upon the specification, the
tank test pressure varies from 20 percent to 40 percent
of the minimum burst pressure. Tank test pressure is
also known as service pressure.
TC or Transport Canada the governmental agency
that regulates the transportation of dangerous goods in

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Thermal Protection a material or system applied to

certain tank cars to limit the transfer of heat to the tank
in the event of exposure to pool or torch fires. It is
intended to reduce the likelihood of tank failure under
such conditions. Thermal protection is not the same as
insulation, which is intended to maintain or moderate
lading temperature under ambient conditions.

Train Consist for purposes here, a document (also

referred to as a Train List or Wheel Report) that
sequentially lists the location of each railcar in a train.
A consist may also serve as the shipping paper for a
railcar containing hazardous materials/dangerous
goods, provided it contains all of the information
required by governmental regulations.

Thermometer Well a small diameter pipe, usually

3/4 inch, filled with an antifreeze solution or oil that
extends into the tank and is closed at the top with a
removable cap. The temperature of the lading transfers
to the liquid in the pipe. A thermometer or probe is
lowered into the pipe to obtain the ladings

Truck the assembly of wheels, axles, roller bearings,

springs, side bearings, side frames, and bolster that
supports each end of a railcar and enables it to move on
the rails.

TIH/PIH (Toxic/Poison Inhalation Hazard) a gas

or liquid that meets the definition of a material
poisonous by inhalation as defined in 171.8, Title 49
CFR (see TIH).

Type (Tank Car) for tank cars, designates the

approving agency; e.g., AAR, DOT, and TC, which is
the preferred form of designating.

Relief Valve a spring-loaded valve

at the top of some nonpressure tank cars,
to open and allow air into the tank if an
vacuum is formed that may cause the tank to
A vacuum relief valve should not be
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depressed to determine if there is pressure in the tank.

Doing so may dislodge the sealing component causing
the device to leak vapor or liquid.

For more definitions and terms used by the North

American railway industry, the following publications
are available through Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc.:

Vapor Line a pipe equipped with a valve, cap, or

blind flange closure that extends to the top of the tank
through which vapor is introduced or removed during
loading or unloading. On a nonpressure tank car, this
device is usually called an air line and is used to
introduce compressed air or vapor, or an inert gas to
unload the car.

Dictionary of Railway Track Terms, by Christopher F.


Vapor Space the space in a tank above the liquid;

may also be referred to as outage.

Railway Ages Comprehensive Railroad Dictionary.

The Car and Locomotive Cyclopedia
The Carmans Dictionary
The Railroad Dictionary of Car and Locomotive Terms

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