Accident Prediction Models and Road Safety Impact Assessment - Recommendations For Using These Tools
Accident Prediction Models and Road Safety Impact Assessment - Recommendations For Using These Tools
Accident Prediction Models and Road Safety Impact Assessment - Recommendations For Using These Tools
Deliverable No.
File Name:
Deliverable D2
Contract N. 506184
List of abbreviations
Deliverable D2
Contract N. 506184
Table of Contents
List of abbreviations ................................................................................................ 2
Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 4
1. Introduction........................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Ripcord-Iserest ............................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Workpackage 2: Accident Prediction Models and Road safety Impact Assessment ...... 5
Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 18
References .............................................................................................................. 20
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Executive Summary
In 2001 the European Commission defined the ambitious objective in their Road
Safety Policy to halve the number of fatalities in EU15 from over 40,000 to 20,000 in
2010. Road infrastructure related safety measures offer a large potential that could
be exploited for a significant reduction of road accidents and their consequences.
Considering that most casualties occur on single carriageway rural roads, RIPCORDISEREST is focussed on road infrastructure measures for this type of roads. The
objective of this project is to collect and to evaluate these approaches in order to
make them accessible throughout Europe and to develop tools, which could be used
to improve traffic safety.
In order to manage road safety, practitioners such as policy makers and road
authorities need to have a good insight in the safety level of their roads, the variables
that explain these levels and the expected effects of their road safety plans. In work
package 2 (WP 2) of RipCord-Iserest two instruments have been researched, both
intended to provide this insight: Accident Prediction Models (APM) and Road safety
Impact Assessments (RIA). An Accident Prediction Model is a mathematical formula
describing the relation between the safety level of existing roads (i.e. crashes,
victims, injured, fatalities etc.) and variables that explain this level (road length, width,
traffic volume etc.). A Road safety Impact Assessment is a methodology to assess
the impact of plans on safety. This can be major road works, a new bridge etc. that
may or may not be intended to raise the safety level. A RIA can also concern a wider
scheme i.e. be intended to make plans for the upgrading the safety level of a total
network or area. This report gives recommendations for the way in which these
instruments can be used by practitioners. It is based on two earlier published reports
regarding the state-of-the art on APMs and RIAs, and the results of pilot studies. Both
are available at the RipCord-Iserest website (; see section
Traffic volumes (vehicles per day) and road lengths (km) are the most important
explanatory variables in an APM, both for road sections and intersections. The
parameters of the model, however, can vary considerably between road types and
countries. The reason is that road characteristics can differ considerably and so can
road user behaviour, vehicle types etc. It is therefore recommended to make APMs
per country and road type and use these to compare the safety level of a road
against the value of the APM for the road type and traffic volume under
consideration. APMs can thus also play an important role in identifying black spots.
For a RIA on single (major) road works several methods are available. It is best to
use as much scientific evidence as possible, using handbooks, cost-benefit analyses
and taking into account network effects. For RIAs on wider schemes or even national
levels specific recommendations are given on methodology. In general a RIA is best
used in comparing policy options and setting ambitious but realistic road safety
targets. Absolute numbers that are predicted are usually not very reliable and in
general highly dependant on high quality databases that are usually not available.
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1. Introduction
1.1 Ripcord-Iserest
In 2001 the European Commission defined the ambitious objective in their Road
Safety Policy to halve the number of fatalities in EU15 from over 40,000 to 20,000 in
To reach the objective the improvement or implementation of a great variety of safety
measures is still urgent. Beside ongoing development processes in the field of car
safety (e.g. Human-Machine-Interface, driver assistance) there is also the need to
exhaust the reduction potentials of road infrastructure safety measures.
Road infrastructure related safety measures offer a large potential that could be
exploited for a significant reduction of road accidents and their consequences.
Considering that most casualties occur on single carriageway rural roads, RIPCORDISEREST is focussed on road infrastructure measures for this type of roads.
Researchers and practitioners in the member states of the European Union have
made great efforts to improve traffic safety. Many of these approaches have already
led to a significant reduction in fatalities.
The objective of this project is to collect and to evaluate these approaches in order to
make them accessible throughout Europe and to develop tools, which could be used
to improve traffic safety.
With these tools RIPCORD-ISEREST intends to give scientific support to
practitioners concerned with road design and traffic safety in Europe.
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raise the safety level. A RIA can also concern a wider scheme i.e. be intended to
make plans for the upgrading the safety level of a total network or area. The first type
of RIA is not researched in detail in WP2, the second type is, and is also dealt with in
WP 11 as a decision support system (DST, [11]) that is demonstrated in WP12 along
with the Best practise Safety Information Expert System SEROES (WP 9 [12]). In
chapter 2 more information on APMs and RIAs is given.
All partners in WP2 are very experienced regarding the road safety situation in their
countries, that is in Austria, Portugal, Norway and the Netherlands. This is also the
case for other RipCord-Iserest partners in their countries; therefore a good insight in
the needs of practitioners is at hand within the consortium. The ideas on user needs
have also been discussed with practitioners at the 1st Ripcord-Iserest Conference in
September 2006. User needs are the topic of chapter 3.
In chapter 4 the features of APMs and RIAs are held against the user needs to see
what possibilities there are to meet these needs. Recommendations are given on the
use of both instruments by practitioners.
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E() = QMA
i xi
have been found in previous studies to exert a major influence on the number
of accidents;
can be measured in a valid and reliable way;
are not very highly correlated with other explanatory variables included.
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Urban intersections
In most papers separate models were developed for intersections with three arms
and intersections with four arms and/or for different types of control (STOP,
signalised, major/minor priority, roundabouts). This is desirable, because it was found
that separate models for different intersection types give a better description of the
data than one model for all intersections together, which includes the intersection
type as an explanatory discrete variable.
2.2.2 Results of the pilots
For motorways in Austria and Portugal and for urban and rural roads in the
Netherlands four, APMs were found. To compare them they are given as expected
values of accidents per km road in 5 years and restricted to max. 3 decimals:
Austria Motorways ACC = 2.4 10 4 AADT 1.05 Length 0.89 0.99 PHGV
Portugal Motorways ACC = 6.7 10 4 AADT 0.92 Length 0.93
Netherlands Urban ACC = 0.55 AADT 0.32 Length1.0
Netherlands Rural ACC = 0.047 AADT 0.50 Length 0.96
At first glance Portuguese motorways seem to have a much greater risk than
Austrian motorways because of the much higher intercept (6.7 10 4 and 2.4 10 4 ).
The best way to compare them is in a plot of ACC density (ACC per km) against
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Netherlands Urban
Netherlands Rural
Austria Motorways
Portugal Motorways
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This describes the current situation (year 0), with respect to traffic volumes and
accidents per road type (and from this: risk factors per road type)
2. Future situation without measures
In most plans the function of roads will be changed, for instance by introducing 30
km/h-zones in residential areas, upgrading or downgrading distributor roads etc. This
will result in re-directing traffic. This step also includes traffic growth.
3. Applying road safety measures
Per road type and road user group the effects of measures are assessed.
4. Cost-Benefit Analysis
This step consists of a monetary valuation of (safety) impacts which is related to the
costs of the measures.
5. Optimisation
In this stage the plans (road function, measures) are changed in order to reach the
optimal safety effect or the best cost/benefit ratio.
On a national level sufficient data may be available to use this method (see 2.3.2 for
Norway), but on a local or regional level this is unlikely. Therefore a combination of
additional data acquisition, modelling and assessments is required, although that can
be quite costly, though probably negligible when compared to the costs of the safety
plans and the benefit of applying the method. In the Netherlands the Regional Road
Safety Explorer (RRSE) was used by 19 regions because a substantial subsidy was
foreseen. This resulted in plans that would have delivered the required improvements
for the available budgets, according to the RIA in the RRSE. These plans were
optimised with the aid of the RRSE, that is, initially they were different. The
instrument was modified by Mobycon and is used in WP11 Decision Support Tool,
and WP12 Demonstration of RipCord-Iserest. More information can be found in D11
and D12 of RipCord-Iserest.
2.3.2 Results of the pilots
A road safety impact assessment for Norway, designed to assess the prospects for
improving road safety, was made. The study is to a large extent based on work done
as part of the development of the National Transport Plan for the 2010-2019 planning
A broad survey of potentially effective road safety measures has been performed. A
total of 139 road safety measures were surveyed; 45 of these were included in a
formal impact assessment, which also included cost-benefit analyses. The other 94
road safety measures were for various reasons not included in the impact
assessment. Reasons for exclusion include: (1) Effects of the measure are unknown
or too poorly known to support a formal impact assessment; (2) The measure does
not improve road safety; (3) The measure has been fully implemented in Norway; (4)
The measure overlaps another measure; to prevent double counting, only one
measure was included; (5) The measure is analytically intractable.
For the 45 road safety measures included in the impact assessment, use of these
measures during the period until 2020 was considered. Analyses indicate that 39 out
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of the 45 measures are cost-effective, i.e. their benefits are greater than the costs
according to cost-benefit analyses. Six of the measures were not cost-effective.
A preliminary target of halving the number of road accident fatalities and the number
of road users seriously injured has been set in the National Transport Plan for the
term 2010-2019. This plan is as yet not definite and the road safety targets proposed
have not been officially adopted or given political support. It is nevertheless of
interest to examine if such targets can be realised. Previous road safety impact
assessments in Norway have indicated that it is possible to drastically reduce the
number of fatalities and injuries. The preliminary targets in the National Transport
Plan call for a reduction of fatalities from 250 (annual mean of 2003-2006) to 125 in
2020. The number of seriously injured road users is to be reduced from 980 (mean of
2003-2006) to 490.
The range of options for improving road safety has been described in terms of four
main policy options, all of which apply to the period 2007 to 2020:
1. Optimal use of road safety measures: All road safety measures are used up to the
point at which marginal benefits equal marginal costs. The surplus of benefits over
costs will then be maximised.
2. National optimal use of road safety measures: Not all road safety measures are
under the control of the Norwegian government; in particular new motor vehicle
safety standards are adopted by international bodies. A version of optimal use of
road safety measures confined to those that can be controlled domestically was
therefore developed.
3. Continuing present policies. This option essentially means that road safety
measures continue to be applied as they currently are. There will not be any increase
in police enforcement, nor will new law be introduced (e.g. a law requiring bicycle
helmets to be worn).
4. Strengthening present policies. In this option, those road safety measures that it is
cost-effective to step up, are stepped up. In particular, this implies a drastic increase
of police enforcement.
Estimates show that all these policy options can be expected to improve road safety
in Norway. The largest reduction of the number of killed or injured road users is
obtained by implementing policy option 1, optimal use of road safety measures. Full
implementation of this policy option results in a predicted number of fatalities of 138
in 2020. The predicted number of seriously injured road users is 656. These numbers
clearly exceed the targets of, respectively, 125 and 490. It is, however, not realistic to
expect road safety measures to be used optimally. In the first place, some of the road
safety measures that may improve road safety is used optimally are outside the
power of the Norwegian government. This applies to new motor vehicle safety
standards. In the second place, for some road safety measures, optimal use implies
a drastic increase. This applies to police enforcement. It is, however, unlikely that the
police will increase traffic law enforcement to the optimal extent. In the third place,
optimal use of road related road safety measures requires a maximally efficient
selection of sites for treatment. Current selection of sites for treatment is not
maximally efficient. It would become so, if sites were selected for treatment according
to traffic volume, but this is not easily accomplished in Norway due to resource
allocation mechanisms favouring regional balancing, rather than economic efficiency.
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A more realistic policy is therefore that road safety measures continue to be used
along roughly the same lines as they are today. Such a policy will not bring about
large improvements in road safety in Norway. A conservative estimate for the number
of road accident fatalities in 2020 is about 200. A corresponding estimate for
seriously injured road users is about 850. While both these numbers are lower than
the current numbers, they are a long way from realising the targets set for 2020 (125
road users killed, 490 seriously injured).
It should be stressed that the estimates presented in this report are highly uncertain.
It would therefore not be surprising if actual development turns out to be different
from the one estimated.
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3.3 Recommendations
Road authorities
- command or give assignments to research organisations to develop basic APMs for
relevant road types;
- implement road databases including at least data on traffic volumes, roadside
treatment, median treatment, intersection types;
- select road (types) based on amount of accidents (or traffic volume) and accident
risk, using APMs.
Policy makers/Politicians
- allow road authorities to select sites for treatment according to the criteria
mentioned above.
- make basic APMs for 3-5 road types and preferably also intersections on these road
types, using the methods recommended in the state-of-the-art report, that is:
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a major, but unknown impact. A RIA as a tool to compare different safety plan options
is of great value. In the Netherlands the application of the Regional Road Safety
Explorer led to changes in regional plans that were more cost-effective. What the
influence of the Norwegian RIA will be, only time will reveal.
4.3 Recommendations
Road authorities
- for major road works, tunnels etc. always perform a RIA, make use of scientific
knowledge (handbooks, etc.) for estimating the safety effects and take into account
the adjacent network, rather than using expert opinion;
- use RIAs to optimise safety plans, be aware that:
- safety measures may influence travel times, environment, etc, especially
when roads are downgraded;
- re-directing traffic to (already) safer roads can be very cost-effective. In the
Netherlands a RIA indicated a 4% increase in traffic volumes but 7% less
- the quality of RIAs is, as in any model, highly dependant on data quality (garbage
in, garbage out). Realise good quality databases.
Policy makers/politicians
- it seems wise to set ambitious and realistic road safety targets, a RIA is helpful in
doing that but will not give a certain outcome;
- RIAs are best used in comparing different policy options;
- data quality and availability are the most important factors that determine the quality
of a RIA. In order to improve RIAs in future data acquisition and quality control is
therefore crucial. Promote good quality databases.
- use the five steps mentioned in 2.3.1;
- be aware of the limitations and uncertainties of a RIA and communicate this to the
end user (chapter 10 in Norwegian pilot);
- promising developments are: GIS-based data (WP11/12) and including effects on
environment and accessibility.
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The basic form of nearly all modern accident prediction models is this:
E() = QMA
i xi
have been found in previous studies to exert a major influence on the number
of accidents;
can be measured in a valid and reliable way;
are not very highly correlated with other explanatory variables included.
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A first type of RIA is used for (major) road works, a new bridge, tunnel, etc. This is
performed in many countries and in many ways. This is not a topic dealt with much
detail in the (scientific) literature. Four ways of assessing the impact can be identified:
1. Expert opinion
2. Handbooks
3. Including (local) network
4. Cost benefit analysis
It is best to use as much scientific evidence as possible, using handbooks, costbenefit analyses and taking into account network effects.
The second type of RIA is used on a network or area level. This is more common in
the (scientific) literature, though not as well represented as APMs. In general five
steps can be identified:
1. Baseline situation
2. Future situation without measures
3. Applying road safety measures
4. Cost-Benefit Analysis
5. Optimisation
On a national level sufficient data may be available to use this method, but on a local
or regional level this is unlikely. Therefore a combination of additional data
acquisition, modelling and assessments is required, although that can be quite costly,
though probably negligible when compared to the costs of the safety plans and the
benefit of applying the method. In general a RIA is best used in comparing policy
options and setting ambitious but realistic road safety targets. Absolute numbers that
are predicted are usually not very reliable and in general highly dependant on high
quality databases that are usually not available.
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[1] Commision of the European Communities Proposal for a Directive of the
European Parliament and of the Council on Road Infrastructure Safety Management
[SEC (2006) 1231/1232], Brussels 5 October 2006 COM(2006) 569 final
[2] Hhnscheid, K.-J. (2003). Road safety impact assessment. Bergisch Gladbach,
Bundesanstalt fr Strassenwesen. [internal report]
[3] Reurings M., Janssen T., Eenink R., Elvik R., Cardoso J., Stefan C. Accident
Prediction Models and Road safety Impact Assessment: a state-of-the-art. RI-SWOVWP23-R1-V2-State-of-the-art.
[4] Stefan C. Predictive model of injury accidents on Austrian motorways. KfV. Vienna
July 2006
[5] Wichert S., Cardoso J. Accident Prediction Models for Portuguese Motorways.
LNEC, Lisbon July 2006
[6] Reurings M. Modelling the number of road accidentss using generalised linear
models. SWOV, Leidschendam July 2006
[7] Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Braimaister L., Janssen T. De analyse van
ongeval-, weg-, en verkeerskenmerken van de Nederlandse rijkswegen. SWOV (R2002-19), Leidschendam, 2002
[8] RiPCORD-iSEREST ANNEX1-Description of work BASt, Bergisch Gladbach
January 20th 2004
[9] Wichert S., Cardoso J., Accident Prediction Models for Portuguese Single
Carriageway Roads. LNEC, Lisbon May 2007
[10] Eenink R., Reurings M. (SWOV), Elvik R. (TOI), Cardoso J., Wichert S. (LNEC),
Stefan C. (KfV), Accident Prediction Models and Roads safety Impact Assessment:
Result of the pilot studies. RI-SWOV-WP2-R4-V2-Results
[11] D11 RipCord-Iserest, (to be published soon)
[12] Mallschtzke K. (INECO), Gatti G. (POLIBA), van der Leur M. (Mobycon), Best
Practise Safety Information Expert System, RI-INEC-WP9-D9-F-SEROES
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