Introduction To Google For Education

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Universiti Teknologi MARA


for education

Introduction to
Google for Education


i-Learn Center
Universiti Teknologi MARA


All right reserved. No part of this publication may reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means,
electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recorded or by any storage information or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission from the author.





Chapter 1: Google Mail

Chapter 2: Google Drive


Chapter 3: Google Calendar


Chapter 4: Google Doc


Chapter 5: Google Sheet


Chapter 6: Google Form


Chapter 7: Google Slides


Chapter 8: Google Sites


Chapter 9: Google Maps


Chapter 10: Google Classroom


Chapter 11: Google Hangouts


Chapter 12: Google Wallet


This book is basically a manual guide book that guides readers to use the many Google
applications for education, especially in the teaching and learning process. In this era of advanced
technology, the chalk and talk method whereby the teacher is the one holding he chalk and writing
notes on the board while students taking it down is not really effective anymore as it does not appeal
to the needs and wants of todays modern day children. Children these days are so immersed in
the advancement of technology that it becomes a golden opportunity for the teachers to use that
passion and redirect it towards teaching and learning process. However, not all teachers are well
versed with the technological advancement that can be implemented in the teaching and learning
process these days.
Therefore, this book aims to guide teachers and students on how to use Google for education
by learning to use the many applications that are offered by Google such as Google Doc, Google
Slides, Google Form and many more in their teaching and learning processes either at school or
for personal use. This manual will guide the readers on how to use these applications that Google
had provided in teaching and learning process with screenshots, visual aids and very detailed
descriptions. Step-by-step instructions have also been included in the manual to avoid unnecessary
confusion in using the Google applications. Other than that, this manual guidebook also guides and
provides readers with suggestions on how to actually really implement the Google application and
make it possible to be used to teach students which would definitely make the life of both parties
much easier and simpler. With very detailed descriptions, you would definitely understand in no time!



Our ulmost gratitude and acknowledgement

to all contributors, colleague, staff,
family and those who
made this book




Gmail is an email provided by Google for all of its users. Similarly to all other emails, Gmail also
enables its users to send out and receive emails from other recipients. It is also free! According to
the Wikipedia, Gmail provides up to 2 to 4 MB storage capacity for all of its users and attachments
up to 25 MB.
Gmail can come in handy for all of its users because it can be accessed via gadgets such as
smartphones or tablets that probably most students and teachers have in this era. Therefore,
when education is concerned, Gmail can be very beneficial especially for students because it is
practically at the tip of their fingers. Other than that, it is free which may ease the financial burden
of its users. Other than that, Gmail also makes it possible for their users to receive calls or make
calls, send instant messages and many more!


It is completely free.
It is reachable at anytime and anywhere.
It can be downloaded into gadgets.
Calls can be made and received via Gmail application.


In order to create your own google email, or commonly known as Gmail, you would need to
go to the Googles webpage first as shown below.

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

At the top right hand corner of the webpage, there is a Gmail button. Click on it to either sign
in if you are already registered or simply create a new account if you are a new user.

If you are already a registered user of a Gmail account, key in your email and password and
sign in into your account simply by clicking on the Sign In button. If you are new to this email,
kindly click on the Create an Account button as illustrated below.

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

If you have signed in, you may skip this step. In this step, you have to fill in details about
yourself in order to create a new account as shown below. Once you have done completing the
blanks, click the Next step button in order to proceed.

Below is an example of a newly created profile. IN order to customize your own profile, click on
the Create your profile button. If you wish to skip this step, simply click on the No, thanks button.

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

Once you click on the Create your profile button, you will be directed to a new page as
shown below.

Once the previous step has already been completed, you will be redirected to the homepage
of your Gmail account. Gmail are very helpful as they provide a short guide to new users before
starting as shown below. Follow the steps to familiarize yourself with Gmail!

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

The short guide is also very informational as it informs its users on the little tips and tricks
of making your experience as a Gmail user to be more pleasant and handy. For example, Gmail
can be accessed through many electronic devices such as smart phones, tabs, laptops simply by
downloading the application from App store for apple users or Google play for android users. This

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

can be very handy for students especially as their Gmail account would be just at the tip of their
fingers. This could come in handy for education related tasks as it can be executed right there and
then no matter where they are which makes learning experience to be a pleasant one!

Other than emailing, Gmail can also be used to chat and make phone and video calls which
can be very useful especially in the field of education. Students need not to download separate
applications in order to make phone calls or video calls as they could get all of that from only one
application that is Gmail.

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

If you wish to chat or make phone calls with one of your contacts, all you need to do is look
out for these three buttons at the bottom left of your homepage. The first icon is to see your list of
contacts, the second icon is to view the list of previous chats you have had and last but not least,
the last icon is for you to make phone calls.
If you click on the second icon, a box will pop out at the right hand side of your screen and
you can start chatting with your contacts. You can also have a video call by clicking on icon 1 or
choose someone else to chat with simply by clicking on icon 2. If you wish to make phone calls,
just click on the last icon.

Once you are done going through the short guide from Gmail, you can start setting up your

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

You can choose a theme for your profile in order to personalize it to your style! Below are
some of the themes you can choose from.

If you are still unclear on how to go about using Gmail, you can click on the Learn how to
use Gmail button as shown below.

After you have clicked that button, a small box will pop out at the side of your screen as shown
below. You can either follow the steps as shown below or type in the specific issue you need help
with in the box that is highlighted in red.

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

Students can also save time by just importing contacts and emails from their list of contacts
in their other email accounts (if there is any). This will save a lot of time and hassle of resaving
contacts and emails.

There a few steps in order to import contacts from your other email accounts. Just click the
button next until you have successfully imported all contacts.

You can also download the application straight from the website simply by clicking the button
that has been highlighted in red as shown below.

There are three easy ways for you to choose from in order to download this application.
As shown below, the first option would be to just key in your phone number and a download link
would be sent to you via SMS. Second option would be to scan the code using a scanner in your
smartphone which is an application you need to install prior to this. Third option would be to visit
the website through your phone.

Chapter 1 : Google Mail

Last but not least, to complete the setup of your email account, all you need to do is select
an image to be your profile photo so that your friends can recognize you!


Chapter 1 : Google Mail

Other than all of those special features, Gmail also functions like any other email accounts.
You can definitely compose emails in order to be sent out to you respective recipients. All you need
to do is click on the Compose button as shown below.

Emails can be quite overwhelming at times especially if you are an active user of the account.
If that is the case, the probability of you overlooking important emails is very high. However, fear
not as you can mark any emails to be Important simply by clicking on the flag-like button as
shown below. You would have to mark the emails through your inbox. Therefore you must first go
to your inbox.


Chapter 1 : Google Mail

Instead of going through the hassle of searching for that one important email in your inbox, it
will be much easier for you to look at that email once it is marked as Important as you can view
it simply by clicking on the Important button as shown below.

If you have finished, do make sure you sign out of your account to avoid any unwanted
mishaps. To sign out, you only need to click on the drop-down arrow at the top left corner or your
homepage as shown below.


Chapter 2 : Google Drive



Google Drive is a platform whereby file storage and synchronization is possible. It is an online
storage that allows users to store and keep their documents in the cloud. Furthermore, other than
just storing files, Google Drive also allows its users to edit their files or even collaborate with other
Google Drive consists of Google Doc, Google Slides, Google Sheets and many more. Initially,
Google Drive provides its users with only 15 GB worth of storage; however it can be increased
with monthly subscription. Google Drive can be very useful for students and teachers especially
in teaching and learning because it has everything under one roof. In fact, students wouldnt need
to have separate software such as Microsoft Office to do their assignment because Google Drive
has them all; Google Doc, Google Slides and many more.


Files can be shared with one another easily.

It has Google Doc, Google Sides and many more that is easily accessible.
It is free and can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
Files can be stored online and safe from viruses.


Accessing the google drive is very easy if you already have a Gmail account as google drive
is accessible through your Gmail account. If you already have a Gmail account, click on the cubelike icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as shown below.


Chapter 2 : Google Drive

Click on the highlighted button below to access your Google drive.

Once you have clicked on the Drive icon, you will be redirected to a new page. Kindly refer
to the example below. If you are new to the drive, follow the short and simple guide Google has
provided all its new Google drive users with.


Chapter 2 : Google Drive

The brief guide also teaches you some fun tips and tricks such as clicking on multiple folders
to move them or share them all at one go and also reviving old files back to life!

If you still couldnt quite get your hands on the Google Drive, you can watch the video as
shown below. If not, you can proceed to your Drive straight away.


Chapter 2 : Google Drive

As Google drive is a platform for u to share your folders with anyone you desire, it is a perfect
tool to be used especially in education. You do not have to go through the hassle of emailing the
same folder manually to all of your friends either via email, Facebook messenger, Twitter or any
other social networks. Instead, all you need to do is upload your work here and share it with your
friends just with one click of the mouse!

If you wish to create a new file from scratch to be uploaded into your drive, you need not
trouble yourself by doing it in Microsoft Word, Excel or even PowerPoint as Google has already
provided all of that online for all users.


Chapter 2 : Google Drive

1. Google Docs

2. Google Sheets

3. Google Slides


Chapter 2 : Google Drive

Google Drive is also very easy to use as you do not need to go through the trouble of attaching
documents in an email to be shared with friends. With Google Drive, you will be able to collaborate
with your friends. Click on Incoming to find out more!

Incoming is where you receive incoming files that are shared to you by your friends. If you
wish to transfer the shared file to your drive for easier viewing later, all u need to do is drag the file
in the Incoming to My Drive that is on the panel on the left side of the page. Click on Learn More

You can also keep track of your activities by clicking on the Recent button to view all the
recent files you have viewed, created a=or uploaded. Refer to the example below.


Chapter 2 : Google Drive

You can also add star to any files you wish to for easy viewing later on as you only need to
click on the Starred button as shown below instead of searching for the important files one by one.

Follow these steps below to add star to your file.

Once you have successfully added a star to your selected file, you can view it in the Starred


Chapter 2 : Google Drive

You can also choose how to view your files either in list view or grid view simply by clicking
on the icon as shown below.

1. Grid view

2. List vie


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar



Google Calendar is a time-management web application that Google provides to all of its users.
Users can add events and set time for the events to serve as a reminder and also as a record.
Other than that, users can also have multiple calendars for multiple purposes.
Putting all sorts of events in one calendar can be quite messy and an eye sore. Therefore,
users can actually create a few calendars; each serving different purpose. This could be very useful
especially for users who are students whom are always tied with assignments and many other
activities as Google Calendar can help them organize their time more effectively and efficiently.
Other than that, users can also host events by setting it on their calendar and they can even invite
guests through Google Calendar!


Events and tasks can be recorded in an organized manner.

It is paperless as it is an online webpage.
It helps students manage their time well.
It serves as a reminder for important deadlines and others.
It is absolutely free!


Accessing the google calendar is very easy if you already have a Gmail account as google
calendar is accessible through your Gmail account. If you already have a Gmail account, click on
the cube-like icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as shown below.


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

Click on the highlighted button below to access your Google calendar.

Google calendar can be very handy for students as it can be a very useful organizer if it is
used well and help students to manage their assignments, deadlines and so on. It becomes even
easier to use when it is downloaded into students smartphones as their organizer is just at the tip
of their finger! With the application, students can even view their schedule with photos or maps
of the places they are heading to. Furthermore, Google calendar also provides assistance by
suggesting ways to save time.


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

You will be directed to your homepage as shown below. As you can see, Google already
provides you with a calendar and all you need to do is color it with events and deadlines that need
to be met!

This is the simplest way of adding events to your calendar as all you need to do is follow
these three steps!


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

In addition to that, there is also another way to create an event and add it to your cakendar.
All you need to do is to click on the Create button on the left side of your screen and get busy!

In order to save you the hassle of typing the same event over and over again, you can just
choose the All day option if the event goes on for the whole day or choose the Repeat option if
the event repeats itself on specific days of the weeks or specific time frames.


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

If your event involves inviting guests over, you can send out invitations to them as shown below.

Once you are done customizing your event, you will need to save it to ensure that it appears
on your calendar.

Once the event is saved, you will be able to view it on your calendar. Refer to the example


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

You can have multiple calendars with different purposes to avoid getting mixed up especially if
your schedule is always so packed. For example, you can have different calendars for assignments
and birthdays to avoid getting confused. Click on My calendars button as shown below.

Once you are done, click the Create Calendar button as shown below.


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

You can then view your newly created calendar by clicking on the drop-down arrow of My
calendars and choose as to which calendar you would like to view.

You can also view other calendars either by importing them via URLs, add your friends
calendar to yours or just randomly browse through interesting calendars on the internet.

Other than that, you can also choose how you would like to view your events either by days,
weeks, month, 4 days or agenda


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

1. Day view

2. Week view


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

3. Month view

4. 4 days view


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar

5. Agenda view


Chapter 3 : Google Calendar


Chapter 4 : Google Doc



Google Doc is a free, web-based processor that Google provides to all of its users. It is a part
of the office software suite that is very much similar like Microsoft Office. This suite allows users
to edit and create documents and at the same time collaborating with others.
This app is available as a web application, Chrome apps that could work offline and also
mobile apps for Android and iOS. This suite is tightly integrated with Google Drive. Other than
that, users are also able to opt for add-ons. Add-ons are basically extra special features that users
can add to their Google Doc to help them complete their tasks efficiently. This app is compatible
with Microsoft office file formats which are excellent for students and teachers especially when
teaching and learning is concerned. Students, especially university students, will find Google Doc
to be very helpful because they can do everything with only one application. They can collaborate
and do their assignments at the same time!


It is free and available to all anytime and anywhere.

Allows users to collaborate with each other and completing their tasks at the same time.
Useful add-ons are available for users to download.
It is compatible with Microsoft Office file formats.
It is tightly integrated to Google Drive which acts like a one pit stop centre for all your


Accessing the google doc is very easy if you already have a Gmail account as google doc is
accessible through your Gmail account. If you already have a Gmail account, click on the cube-like
icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as shown below.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

Click on the highlighted button below to access your Google doc.

Before you could go to the main page, a new user would normally be advised to take a tour
to get familiar with Google Docs.

The tour basically introduces you to the tips and tricks of using Google Docs efficiently and
easily. First and fore mostly, it is vital for a user to know how to create a document. All you need
to do is click on the + button at the bottom right of the page.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

However, Google Docs is somehow more special than Microsoft Word. One of the reasons
would be you get to add add-ons for free! All you need to do is click on the Add-ons button as
shown below.

Once you have cicked the button Add-ons and click on option Get add-ons, a pop-up box
will appear as shown in the example below. For illustration purposes, lets pick one add-on.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

Once you have clicked on the + Free button, click Accept to proceed as shown below.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

After you have clicked Accept, the add-on will be automatically installed and you can use it
right away just by clicking on the Add-ons button and click Sign with PandaDoc to get started!

A column wil apear on the right side of the scree, click the highlighted button as shown below
to connect with the add-on.

After you have connected wth the addon, all you need to do is to authorize it.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

Once you have authorized the add-on, it can be used. For example, as in the example shown
below, PandaDOc has already been connected and all you need to do is create yur signature by
following its three simple steps. Besides that, you can also add other people to sign. This can come
in very handy in doing agreements.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

Google Docs is also very easy to use as it is directly connected to Google Drive. You need
not to re-upload files again in Google Docs as you could just retrieve the desired files from Google
Drive if you already have uploaded those files prior to this.

You can also search for documents that you have created or any that have been shared
to you via friends or families using this search box. All you need to do is to type in what you are
searching for in the box.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

The menu too will help you get around much easily as it is dieclt connected to Google Sheets,
Slides ad even Drive. Refer to the next two images for a clearer example.

Your document is automatically saved in your Drive. However, you can move it to another file
in your drive for separation purposes. Follow the step shown below.


Chapter 4 : Google Doc


Chapter 4 : Google Doc

You can still move your document to another file in your drive simply by clicking on the
Organise button.

Your document is automatically saved into your Drive and you can access it anywhere and
anytime you want!


Chapter 5 : Google Sheet



Google Doc is a free, web-based processor that Google provides to all of its users. It is a part
of the office software suite that is very much similar like Microsoft Office. This suite allows users
to edit and create documents and at the same time collaborating with others.
This app is available as a web application, Chrome apps that could work offline and also
mobile apps for Android and iOS. This suite is tightly integrated with Google Drive. Other than
that, users are also able to opt for add-ons. Add-ons are basically extra special features that users
can add to their Google Doc to help them complete their tasks efficiently. This app is compatible
with Microsoft office file formats which are excellent for students and teachers especially when
teaching and learning is concerned. Students, especially university students, will find Google Doc
to be very helpful because they can do everything with only one application. They can collaborate
and do their assignments at the same time!


It is free and available to all anytime and anywhere.

Allows users to collaborate with each other and completing their tasks at the same time.
Useful add-ons are available for users to download.
It is compatible with Microsoft Office file formats.
It is tightly integrated to Google Drive which acts like a one pit stop centre for all your


Accessing the google doc is very easy if you already have a Gmail account as google doc is
accessible through your Gmail account. If you already have a Gmail account, click on the cube-like
icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as shown below.


Chapter 5 : Google Sheet

Click on the highlighted button below to access your Google sheets

Once you have clicked on the Sheets icon, you wil be directed to a new page as shown below.
As you are a new user, you have no spreadsheets yet. You can start adding spreadsheets simply
by cicking the + button at the bottom of the page as has been highlighted in the picture below.


Chapter 5 : Google Sheet

You will then be directed straight to a new spreadsheet as in the example shown below. Google
sheets is very similar to Microsoft Excel as it has all the functions of Microsoft excel which is mainly
mathematical. Similar to Microsoft Excel, it provides its users with formulas, charts and many more.

One of the main things that differentiate Google Sheets from the normal Microsoft Excel is
that you could get add-ons that could be very useful for your work for free! All you need to do is
click on the Add-ons button at the top panel as shown below and click option Get add-on.

After you have completed the previous step, a pop up box as shown below will appear on
your screen. Pick any desired add-on and click on it to get it.


Chapter 5 : Google Sheet

Before you could proceed with downloading the add-on, you must first accept the request for
permission as shown below

After you have completed the previous step, you could start sing the add-on straight away!
All you need to do is click on the add-on button on the top panel and click on your add-on.


Chapter 5 : Google Sheet

With the help of the add-on, you could easily skip the hassle of googling for mathematical
expressions to be used in your calculations.

Your document is automatically saved in your Drive. However, you can move it to another file
in your drive for separation purposes. Follow the step shown below.


Chapter 5 : Google Sheet

You can still reorganize your folder, either to move it into another folder or creating a whole new
folder for it, simply by clicking on the Organise button as shown below. For now, your document
is saved in your Drive and can be accessed anytime and anywhere!


Chapter 6 : Google Form



Similar to Google Doc, Google Form is a free, web-based processor that Google provides to
all of its users. This suite allows users to edit and create surveys and at the same time collaborating
with others.
This app is available as a web application, Chrome apps that could work offline. This suite is
tightly integrated with Google Drive. Other than that, users are also able to opt for add-ons. Add-ons
are basically extra special features that users can add to their Google Form to help them make a
more appealing and interesting survey. This is excellent for students and teachers especially when
teaching and learning is concerned. Students, especially university students, will find Google Form
to be very helpful because they can create a survey using Google Form and then distribute it via
emails, social networks or any other platforms. Other than that, they can also have the results to
be tabulated straight away into Google Sheets or Google Form.


It is free and available to all anytime and anywhere.

Calculations are made easy!
Useful add-ons are available for users to download.
The survey can be shared via social networks, email and URL.
The results are tabulated straight away.
It is tightly integrated to Google Drive which acts like a one pit stop centre for all your


Google Form is easily accessible if you already have a Gmail account. If you already have
a Gmail account, click on the cube-like icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as
shown below.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

Once you have completed the previous step, you will be directed to a new page as shown
below. Scroll down until Home & Office is visible. Then, click on Forms.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

As Google Forms is used mainly to create survey questions, it can really help to save time
when carrying out surveys, especially for students as distributing survey questions by hand can be
time-consuming. As you are the creator of the survey questions, you can customize the settings
for the form as to whether you would want to allow the same person to answer your survey for
more than once and many more. Refer to the example below. First and fore mostly, you must click
on Edit Question button.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

Once you have customized your settings for the survey, you can start working on your survey.
You would have to start with the name of the survey first, that is for sure!

Then, you would have to decide what type of questions will be included in your survey as to
whether it will be a multiple choice question, open-ended questions and many more.

For illustration purposes, multiple-choice question type has been selected. Therefore, with
multiple-choice questions, you as the creator of the survey must include a few options for the
respondents to pick from to answer the question. You can also click on the option Add Other as
shown below to allow for subjective answers.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

Once you are done editing the question, click Done as shown below. Click Add Item to add
more questions to your survey.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

Before submitting the form, first type in what you would want your respondents to read at
the Confirmation Page tab as shown below. You should then customize the settings for your
confirmation page by ticking the boxes as illustrated in the image below. Once you are fully confident
of your survey form, click Send Form.

Once you have clicked on the Send Form button as shown above, a pop-up box will appear
as shown below. Be sure to share the survey with your respondents!


Chapter 6 : Google Form

You may want to add a little spice or color to your survey. You can do so by changing the
theme of the survey simply by clicking on the Change theme button as shown below.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

Here are some of the examples of the themes Google Forms provides its users with.

Once you are ready to view the responses for your survey, just click on the View Responses
button as shown below.

Google Forms gives liberty to its users to choose as to whether the responses are to be
recorded in a spreadsheet or just in forms. You can either create a new spreadsheet or create a
new sheet in an existing spreadsheet to record the responses. If you are not comfortable keeping
the responses in the form of a spreadsheet, you only need to click the Keep responses only in
Forms button as shown below.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

If you decide to have the responses to be recorded in the form of spreadsheet, this is how it
would look like. You will be directed to a new page which is a spreadsheet as shown in the image
below. It would be easier if the responses are kept this way as data analysis can be done in a
much coherent manner.

You can also view your responses in Forms by clicking the Responses button at the top panel.
You can change the destination of responses, view responses, view the summary of responses
and many more.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

example of a summary of responses.

Once all of the previous steps are done and completed, you are ready to view your survey
officially! Click on the View Live Form button.


Chapter 6 : Google Form

Your survey will turn out to be as in the image shown below. Now you can start sharing your
survey and start collecting responses!


Chapter 6 : Google Form


Chapter 7 : Google Slides



Similar to Google Doc and Google Sheet, Google Sides is a free, web-based processor that
Google provides to all of its users. It is a part of the office software suite that is very much similar
like Microsoft PowerPoint. This suite allows users to edit and create documents and at the same
time collaborating with others.
This app is available as a web application, Chrome apps that could work offline and also mobile
apps for Android and iOS. This suite is tightly integrated with Google Drive. Other than that, users
are also able to opt for add-ons. Add-ons are basically extra special features that users can add
to their Google Slides to help them complete their tasks. Add-ons such as additional themes could
be downloaded to make the slides more appealing and interesting. This app is compatible with
Microsoft office file formats which are excellent for students and teachers especially when teaching
and learning is concerned. Students, especially university students, will find Google Slides to be
very helpful because they can do everything with only one application. They can collaborate and
do their assignments at the same time!


It is free and available to all anytime and anywhere.

Allows users to collaborate with each other and completing their tasks at the same time.
Useful add-ons are available for users to download.
It is compatible with Microsoft Office file formats.
It is tightly integrated to Google Drive which acts like a one pit stop centre for all your


Google Slides is easily accessible if you already have a Gmail account. If you already have
a Gmail account, click on the cube-like icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as
shown below.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

Once you have completed the previous step, you will be directed to a new page as shown
below. Scroll down until Home & Office is visible. Then, click on Slides.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

Once you have clicked on Slides, you will be directed to a new page as shown below.

As you do not have any presentations yet, you may create one by clicking on the + button
at the bottom left of the page as shown in the previous example and in the image below.

Once you have clicked the + button, you will be directed to your empty presentation right
away. First of all, you will need to choose a theme for your presentation, if you wish to. You can
either opt for the themes that Google Slides has provided you with or import other themes from
your previous presentations stored in your computer.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

There are some basic functions to Google slides that all users should take note of to ensure a
smooth and enjoyable experience creating your presentation. It is not much different from Microsoft
PowerPoint as you can see in the example below.

You can also add images to your presentation by clicking on the icon that has been highlighted
in the image below.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

There are many ways to insert images to your presentation. Here are some of the ways;
1. Uploading a picture from your computer.

2. Take a snapshot.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

3. By URL.

4. Uploading pictures from your albums in your Google+ account.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

5. Uploading picture from Google Drive.

You can also change the background of your slide just by clicking on the Background button
as shown below.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

Similar to Microsoft PowerPoint, you can also choose the layout of your slides by following
the step shown below. You can choose the layout to be a title slide only, or a slide with title and
two columns and many more layouts to choose from to suit your preferences!

As has been illustrated in the previous examples, you can change the theme of the slides to
suit your style and choice. You can also click on the Theme button as shown below to change

You can also apply transitions to your slides to make it more presentable and enjoyable for
your audiences during presentations. Transitions are basically a setting that you can customize for
the transitions from slide to slide. Instead of having the normal transition, you could have a more
interesting transition for your slides.


Chapter 7 : Google Slides

Last but not least, once you have done all of the previous steps, you are ready to preview
your whole presentation! All you need to do is click on the Present button as shown below and
sit back and enjoy the show!


Chapter 7 : Google Slides


Chapter 8 : Google Sites



Google Sites is a structured wiki-like webpage creation tool offered by Google as part of the
Google Apps for Work productivity suite. This suite allows users to create a webpage and at the
same time collaborating with others.
Google Sites is excellent to be used in teaching and learning as it exposes both teachers and
students to the experience of creating a webpage of their own. It is easier to create a webpage
with Google Sites as most of the work like decorating the page has already been done for you!
You only need to pick a theme from the list of themes provided and get a kick start from there! All
you need to do is add in your little details and customize the page to be your own. Furthermore,
you can also share your webpage straight away via social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or
even emails. You can also share it via its URL link.


It is free and available to all anytime and anywhere.
Allows users to choose from the many themes provided which makes the experience of
creating a webpage a pleasant one and hassle-free.
It allows users to collaborate with others while creating their webpage.
It can be an interesting way to teach students to be creative and to think outside the box
as to how to make their webpage an interesting and appealing one.


Google Sites is easily accessible if you already have a Gmail account. If you already have
a Gmail account, click on the cube-like icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as
shown below.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

Once you have completed the previous step, you will be directed to a new page as shown
below. Scroll down until Home & Office is visible. Then, click on Sites


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

Once you have clicked onSites, you will be directed to a new page as shown below.

On the right side of the screen, you will notice that Google has listed out what are the uses
of the Sites. You can also click on the Learn more about Google Sites button to have more
information about it.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

Once you have learned more about Google Sites, you can start creating your very own website.
First and fore mostly, click on the Create button at the left side of your webpage as shown below.

In order to create a website that is insteresting and appealing, you must first choose a template.
You can choose one of the few templates provided as shown below or click Browse the galleryfor
more to have more choices of templates to choose from.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

You can also choose the language of your site.

Next, you will have to give your site a name. Once you have given the site a name, the site
location will automatically follow the name of your site. Refer to the example below.

You can also type in a description of your website under More Options. After that, type in
the code shown to proceed.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

After you have completed the previous steps, you can create your steps by creating the
Create Site button as shown below.

As you have used one of the templates given by Google, you may have to edit it a little bit
to make it your own website. If you refer to the image below, a travel journal template has been
chosen for illustration purposes only. In order to edit the page to be your own, all you need to do
is click on the icon that has been highlighted in red as shown in the example below.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

Once you have clicked on the pen-like icon as shown above, you could start editing the
template to be your own site! Follow the steps shown below.

Click on the customize button to customize your map.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

Click Change to change your location. You can also type in a title for your map if you desire to

Once you click Change, another pop up box will appear as shown below. Click your location
on the map or simply type it in. After that, click Select.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

You can also customize your travel schedule. Scroll down the page until you see Google
Calendar and you can customize it by clicking on the Properties button. Once done, click the
Save button.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

Once you are editing the page, you can click on the Save button at the top left corner of the
page to save all your changes.

Once you have saved the changes, you can view your webpage and it will look more or less
like the image shown below.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

You can create your page simply by clicking the icon below. What it does is that it gives your
page a name.

Once you have clicked on the icon, you will be directed to a new page as shown below. Add
in all the relevant details and your new page is only one click away!

After you have created the page, the name of the page will be visible at the top of the homepage
as shown below.


Chapter 8 : Google Sites

Once your page has been officially created, you can now share it with friends, family and the
whole world! All you need to do is click on the Share button that is located on the top right corner
of your page.


Chapter 9 : Google Maps



Google Maps is a desktop and mobile web mapping application provided by Google to all
of its users. It offers satellite images, street maps and even street view perspectives. Other than
that, it is also very helpful as it provides a route planner either by foot, bicycle, car, public transport
and a few other means of transportation. It is available on the webpage and also in mobile phones
which is very handy for its users as the map would only be at their fingertips.
Google Maps is excellent to be used in teaching and learning as it gives the teacher an
opportunity to teach students direction and ways to read a map. Reading maps can be very difficult
if no proper guidance is provided and this would be the golden opportunity for both students and
teachers. Other than that, Google Maps is also free and accessible anytime and anywhere which
makes travelling and reading maps to be very easy and hassle free.


It is free and available to all anytime and anywhere.

It is a creative way to teach students how to read maps.
Allows students to be creative and to think outside the box when describing directions.
Provides students with visual aids while learning directions.


Google Maps is easily accessible if you already have a Gmail account. If you already have
a Gmail account, click on the cube-like icon on the top right corner of your email homepage as
shown below.


Chapter 9 : Google Maps

After you have clicked on Maps, you will be directed straight to the map as shown below.


Chapter 9 : Google Maps

First and fore mostly, select your method of transportation to get from Point A to Point B. In
this case, car will be chosen.


Chapter 9 : Google Maps

After you have picked your starting point and your destination, click on Details to see the
details of the route.


Chapter 9 : Google Maps

You can also customize your journey as in whether to avoid tolls or highways and many more.

After you are done customizing your route, you can zoom into it by clicking on the Search
button as shown below


Chapter 9 : Google Maps

The route highlighted in blue is the route that you will have to take to reach your destination.

If you scroll down the page, you can view your map in its satellite view simply by clicking on
the icon highlighted in the example below.

The image below shows how the map looks like in its satellite view


Chapter 9 : Google Maps

You can also view some of the landmarks along the way. Refer to the example below.

Click on one of them to view the photos of the landmark.

Click on the blue icon at the e bottom right of the page to view your own location,


Chapter 9 : Google Maps

You can also view images of the streets by clicking the highlighted icon as shown in the
example below.

Click on the highlighted areas to see images. You also can change the route by dragging
the spheres to any other route that you desire. Once you have made all the necessary changes,
you are good to go!


Chapter 10 : Google Classroom



Google Classroom is a learning management system for the educational institutions be it
primary level education, secondary level education or even tertiary level education. It aims to
create, distributing and also grading assignments in a paperless manner. In fact, it helps students
to organize their homework and assignments. Google Classroom also provides student-teacher
communication and also storage for students to submit their homework. The creation and distribution
of assignments is done through Google Drive. Gmail on the other hand is used to provide classroom
communication that is vital in order to keep the flow of education going. With the communication
made possible through Gmail, teachers are able to make announcements and ask questions to
their students in every class. Each class that is created with Google Classroom will have individual
folders in the respective classes where the students can submit their assignments to be graded.
Teachers can add students directly from the Google Apps directory or the teachers can provide their
students with a special code that can be entered by the students when accessing the classroom.


It opens a window of communication with teachers and students.

It is paperless and hassle-free.
Students assignments are well-organized.
Teachers could grade and distribute assignments and homework in a proper and organized
Teacher can make sure that all students actively participate in the communication.


In order to access Google Classroom, you must first go to as shown in the
example below.


Chapter 10 : Google Classroom

After that, you will be directed to a new page, Classroom by Google as shown below.


Chapter 10 : Google Classroom

Scroll down the page until you see the image below.

Before you could benefit fully from Google Classroom, you must first sign up. In order to do
that, you must first click on the Get started button as shown below. Then, you will be directed to
a new page that requires you to fill up some persona details about yourself to create an account.


Chapter 10 : Google Classroom

Before you could proceed any further, you must first buy yourself a domain to start your own
Google Classroom. Once you have purchased a domain, you are good to go. Good luck!


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts



Google Hangouts is an instant messaging and video call platform provided by Google to all
of its users. According to Wikipedia, Google Hangouts was created to replace three messaging
products which are Google Talk, Huddle and Hangouts which is a video chat system presented
within Google+.
Google Hangouts is an application that can be downloaded into your computer through the
official webpage. Other than that, it can also be downloaded into your gadgets such as tablets or
smartphones through Google Play store if you are an Android user or through the App Store if you
are an iOS user. You are able to make calls with Google Hangouts. In fact, you can even create a
chat group that you can instant message, call or video call with!


It opens a window of communication with teachers and students.

It is free for all.
Allows communication to take place anytime and anywhere.
Video calls can be used to have a group discussion without being there physically.


Google hangouts is easily accessible if you already have a Gmail account. If you already
have a Gmail account, click on the cube-like icon on the top right corner of your email homepage
as shown below.


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts

Once you have completed the previous step, you will be directed to a new page as shown
below. Scroll down until Social; is visible. Then, click on Hangouts.

After that, you will be directed to Google Hangouts main page. For illustration purposes, the
application will be downloaded into the computer. However, you are free to download it into your
tablets or other gadgets too!


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts

Once you have completed the previous step, click Add to Chrome as shown in the image


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts

Once you have added it to Chrome, a small icon will appear at your screen as shown below.
Click on it to access the apps that you have downloaded earlier.


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts

You will notice a green-like spherical icon will appear at the side of your screen. The icon is
the Google Hangouts icon. With only one click, you can connect with your friends and family in
no time! Click on it to get started.

Once you have clicked on the icon, a box will appear as shown in the image below.

You can also view your past messages and activities by clicking the icon highlighted below.


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts

Other than only messaging with your contact, you can also have video calls or be in a group
hangout which involves more than two participants. A group hangout would be great for study
groups or discussions!


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts

Once you have clicked on the icon to start a group, you can type in the name of the contacts
you would like to add as shown below. Then, simply click Add People to get your group going!


Chapter 11 : Google Hangouts

You can also make phone calls by using Google Hangouts. All you need to do is type in the
name or phone number and call!


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet



Google Wallet is a mobile payment system that is developed by Google. In fact, it even allows
its users to store debit cards, credit cards, loyalty cards and even gift cards and save the users
the hassle of dragging all the cards in their wallets physically. Other than that, it also allows users
to redeem on-going promotions on their mobile phone.
Google Wallet also allows users to tap and pay with their phones simply by waving their
phones at merchants equipped with credit card machines that have the paywave system. Users
can also checkout faster with online purchases by using Google Wallet. Google Wallet is very safe
as it requires a safety pin upon startup and can also be deactivated through the webpage in case
if you lose your phone. Most importantly, Google Wallet is fraud-free so you would not have to
worry spending your money online!


Teachers can expose students to a safe way of spending money.
Students can track their expenditures through Google Wallet.
It is safe and fraud free!


In order to access Google Classroom, you must first go to as shown in the
example below.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

Once you have completed the previous step, you will be directed to anew page as shown
below. Before you could proceed any further, you must first fill in your personal details to create
your Google Wallet. For illustration purposes, the Add a payment method later option has been
chosen. You could definitely add your payment method straight away.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

Click the Transactions button at the left side of your screen to access your transaction history.

As you are a new user, you might not have any transaction history. However, you can start
having them just by clicking on the Start using Google Wallet link as shown below

After you have completed the previous step, you will be directed to a new page as shown
in the image below. Click Install Now to get the Google Wallet application. However, it is only
downloadable into your smartphones or tabs.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

Choose your operating system to proceed with the download.

There are many ways to benefit from Google Wallet.

1. You can tap and pay with your phone at any stores with the wave-like symbol.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

2. You can use your Google Wallet card to spend anywhere and anytime.

3. You can store your gift cards in your Google Wallet.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

4. You can also keep track of your loyalty points.

5. You can also carry online coupons and save great offers online!


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

Here is the list of Gift cards within Google Wallet.

Below are some of the loyalty programs within Google Wallet.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

6. Skip the long process of filling up forms when buying online with Google Wallet.

Below are some of the popular sites with faster checkout.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

7. You can also send money through Gmail.

8. Google Wallet can be protected with a safety pin.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

9. Google Wallet is also fraud-free.

10. You can also disable your Google Wallet from your laptop in case your phone is stolen.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

If you return to your homepage, you will need to complete the details of your payment methods
to avoid any inconvenience while using the application on your phone in the future.

In order to check out faster when you shop online, you can add your address in your address
book prior to any purchases and check out faster!


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

You can also view your subscriptions simply by clicking the subscriptions tab as shown below.


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

Last but not least, do not forget to sign out. Spend wisely and happy shopping!


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet

Gmail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from http://
Google Calendar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2015, from http://
Google Classroom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2015, from
Google Docs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2015, from http://
Google Drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://
Google Hangouts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2015, from
Google Maps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from http://
Google Sites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2015, from http://
Google Wallet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2015, from http://


Chapter 12 : Google Wallet


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