RIS Installation Guide

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Relational Interface System (RIS)

Installation Guide

Version 6.0

November 2009


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Preface PDS ................................................................................................................................................ iii
Architecture and Configuration Overview............................................................................................... 1
RIS Architecture..................................................................................................................................... 1
Environment Overview .......................................................................................................................... 3
Schema Definition and Database Connection ........................................................................................ 4
Integrated Data Dictionary ..................................................................................................................... 5
Networking............................................................................................................................................. 5
The RIS Products ................................................................................................................................... 7
RIS Client ........................................................................................................................................ 7
RIS Development Platform ............................................................................................................. 7
RIS Utilities ..................................................................................................................................... 8
RIS Data and Net Servers ................................................................................................................ 8
Interoperability and Upgrading ................................................................................................................ 9
Multiple Versions of RIS on One System .............................................................................................. 9
System Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 11
Hardware Needed ................................................................................................................................. 11
Software Needed .................................................................................................................................. 11
Installing RIS ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Starting Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Personalizing Your Intergraph Software .............................................................................................. 15
Selecting the Product Destination Path ................................................................................................ 16
Selecting the Installation Type for RISDP ........................................................................................... 17
Creating Configuration Files ................................................................................................................ 18
RIS Orphan Processes .......................................................................................................................... 18
Orphan Process Symptoms ............................................................................................................ 19
Changing the Wait Time................................................................................................................ 19
RIS License List Utility ............................................................................................................................ 21
Removing RIS Products ........................................................................................................................... 23
Running the RIS Executables .................................................................................................................. 25
Redistribution of RIS Runtime and RIS Utilities .................................................................................. 27
Directory Structure ............................................................................................................................... 27
Setup Files ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Installing the RIS Shared Component .................................................................................................. 29

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Index .......................................................................................................................................................... 31


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Preface PDS
This document provides command reference information and procedural instructions for the
Relational Interface System (RIS) task.

List of PDS Documentation

DPDS3-PB-200003 - DesignReview Integrator (PD_Review) Reference Guide

DPDS3-PB-200004 - Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200005 - EE Raceway Modeling Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200006 - Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200010 - PDS 3D Theory User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200013 - PDS EDEN Interface Reference Guide Volume I : Piping
DPDS3-PB-200015 - PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200017 - PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide, Vol. 1
DPDS3-PB-200022 - PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200023 - PDS Project Setup Technical Reference
DPDS3-PB-200025 - PDS Stress Analysis Interface (PD_Stress) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200026 - Pipe Supports Modeler Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200028 - Piping Design Graphics (PD_Design) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200030 - Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200033 - Project Engineer HVAC (PE-HVAC) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200034 - Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200035 - Report Manager (PD_Report) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200041 - PDS EDEN Interface Reference Guide Volume 2 : Equipment
DPDS3-PB-200042 - PDS EDEN Interface Reference Guide Volume 3 : Pipe Supports
DPDS3-PE-200016 - PDS Express Project Creation Quick Start Guide
DPDS3-PE-200052 - PDS Ortho Draw User's Guide
DPDS3-PE-200029 - Piping Model Builder (PD_Model) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PE-200031 - Project Engineer HVAC Getting Started Guide
DPDS3-PE-200032 - Project Engineer HVAC Overview
DPDS3-PE-200045 - PDS Label Library Merger Utility
DPDS3-PE-200047 - PDS Reference Data Auditing Tool
DPDS3-PE-200048 - Pipe Supports Explorer Utility
DPDS3-PE-200050 - Batch Services Quick Start Guide
DPDS3-PE-200051 - Batch Services User's Guide

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Preface PDS


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Architecture and Configuration

The Intergraph Relational Interface System (RIS) is a generic interface to relational database
management systems (RDBMSs). RIS offers simultaneous connections to RDBMSs from many
venders on dissimilar hardware platforms using numerous protocols. RIS makes an entire
network of databases available as if there were a single, local database.
The RIS products provide the following features:
Real-time read and write access to data.
Access to many popular relational database management systems on a variety of hardware
Transparent network connections to remote database systems.
A single, consistent interface that lets you do the following:
Develop software applications independent of the type of database system.
Run your software applications, without modification, with any database system,
hardware platform, and network that RIS supports.
A set of utilities that make data access more convenient.
Design flexibility to allow for the addition ofnew database connections, network
connections, and database features as they become available.

RIS Architecture
The following figures illustrate how the RIS pieces fit into the connection between an
application and a database.

Since the application and RIS client usually run on the same system, they use shared memory for
fast interprocess communication. When the database is local, the client and server run on the
same machine and also use shared memory to minimize the communication overhead.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Architecture and Configuration Overview

When the database is remote, the server normally runs on the same machine as the database
system. Net servers do not run on the same system as the database. The CPU load is distributed
between the client and the server machines and, in most cases, with a choice of network

If desired, the RIS client can run remotely.

For RIS connections to database systems running on platforms not supported directly by RIS
(Unix or 64-bit Windows operating systems), the network products of the RDBMS vendors can
be used within the framework of RIS.

In the Windows environments, only the RIS library linked with the application is on the Intel
system to minimize resource usage on that system. The client process always runs on a
workstation or server, and it connects to the RIS server as in the other configurations.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Architecture and Configuration Overview

Environment Overview
The following figures show the environments supported by RIS. A figure is provided for each
key piece (application/development platform, client, and data servers) in a configuration as well
as some special case connections for IBM and others. A client can connect to several databases
and database systems in various environments simultaneously.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Architecture and Configuration Overview

Schema Definition and Database Connection

For RIS, a schema is a named set of tables and views within a specific database or database
system. The meaning of the term database varies widely from vendor to vendor. RIS schemas are
identified by a schema name and (optionally) a schema password.
The schema definition is the one element of RIS that is database-specific. After being defined, a
schema may be used by an application without any knowledge of the brand or location of the
schema's database system

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Architecture and Configuration Overview

Integrated Data Dictionary

RIS has its own integrated data dictionary, a set oftables and views created to provide
information about a schema's tables, columns, and views. The data dictionary provides basic
information in a form consistent across the different brands of databases; applications query the
RIS dictionary tables instead of RDBMS-specific dictionary tables. A RIS dictionary can be
exclusive to one schema or shared by multiple schemas.

RIS includes networking capabilities that let applications store data on different network nodes
or to isolate all data on one central node. This capability is especially useful in a network
environment where numerous workstation applications need to share data. In this configuration,
only one copy of the RDBMS is needed for the server node.
Network connections vary, depending on the hardware platform. Among the protocols currently
supported by RIS are TCP/IP.
The server products are network independent. There is no need to obtain different server
products to support different protocols. As long as the platform has the appropriate network
products installed, a single server will handle multiple network protocols. Refer to the
configuration figures in the section Environment Overview.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Architecture and Configuration Overview

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


The RIS Products

The RIS software consists of four components: the RIS Client and Runtime package (RISCLI),
the RIS Development Platform (RISDP), the RIS Utilities (RISUTL), and the data/net servers.
The RIS Client and Runtime package is needed to run RIS-based applications. The RIS
Development Platform is needed only by developers creating RISbased applications. The RIS
Utilities are optional RIS tools.

RIS Client
RIS is based upon a client/server architecture. The client requests information from the server.
The server then retrieves the information from the database and returns it to the client.
The RIS Client and Runtime package contains the RIS Client executable and runtime support
files that are needed for all workstations or servers that are acting as clients to a RIS data server
machine. The features provided by the RIS Client and Runtime package are documented in the
RIS SQL User's Guide.

RIS Development Platform

The RIS Development Platform (RISDP) contains an Embedded SQL preprocessor for the C
programming language along with the libraries, include files, and sample programs necessary for
the development ofRIS-based applications.
The RIS Development Platform functions and features let you:
Provide the same interface that Intergraph uses to build database-independent applications.
Embed SQL statements into the C language for source code.
Provide a single interface to multiple brands of relational databases. Provide the remote
access built into RIS.
Support numerous network protocols.
Eliminate expensive network products
The RIS interface is based on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Structured
Query Language (SQL) standard and is therefore compatible with all RDBMSs that are
compatible with the standard..

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Architecture and Configuration Overview

RIS Utilities
The RIS Utilities contains several RIS utilities that let users perform tasks such as schema
management, adhoc queries, and bulk loading of data. The RIS Utilities product includes the
risunlod and rislod Utilities
The risunlod utility copies data definition statements and data from one or more RIS
schemas into one or more text files.
The rislod utility can then use these text files torecreate and restore the information into the
schemas. This capability is useful for archiving or transferring schema definitions and large
amounts of data from one database to another.
These programs are not meant to replace the database vendor backup utilities and
should not be used for backup or archiving purposes.
Other RIS utilities include:
risbatch (RIS command-line program)
risclnsr (RIS clean server)
risdcode (RIS decode)
risdtype (RIS data types)
risplbck (RIS playback)
risrecrd (RIS record)
rliclist (RIS license list utility)

RIS Data and Net Servers

The RIS Data servers enable client applications to communicate with the relational databases.
The data servers must be installed on the system where the relational database is located.
The RIS net servers enable client applications to communicate through the network with
databases located on remote systems. They support the TCP/IP communications protocol.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Interoperability and Upgrading

Multiple Versions of RIS on One System
To configure your operating system so that multiple versions of RISDP and a RIS Data Server
can coexist, a unique destination directory must be given for each RIS product.
The RIS Shared Components can coexist on a system even if multiple versions of the
Development Platform and Data Servers do not.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Interoperability and Upgrading


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


System Requirements
Hardware Needed
The following hardware is needed to run RIS products in the Windows NT environment:
A PC with the following minimum hardware:
386 processor
12 MB of RAM (16 MB recommended)
A hard disk drive with at least 15 MB of free disk space (for complete installation of all

Software Needed
The following software is needed to run RIS products:
Windows Operating System (2000 and above; check the readme.txt file for supported
operating systems.)
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (Development Platform only).

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


System Requirements


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Installing RIS
Use the setup program to install software products on a PC.
You must have administrative privileges to run setup. Also, if you install the RIS product
onto a clean system, you must reboot to initialize the system path variable for the product.
Otherwise, the system cannot see the executables and returns an error when you attempt to use a
RIS utility.
You can use setup to install an Intergraph product as follows:
1. Insert the delivery medium and start setup.
2. Record customer information in the software.
3. Select the product destination path.
4. Select the type of installation (compact, typical, or custom). This option applies only to the
RIS Development Platform installation.
The setup program copies product files to the system, then creates or modifies system
configuration files. If for some reason the installation fails, risdp.log or risds.log and risrem.log
are copied to TEMP directory.

Starting Setup
Insert the delivery media into the appropriate drive, and start setup as follows:
1. Select Run from the File menu in the File Manager window.
2. Key in one of the following commands on the command line:

For a single-product CD/ROM, where drive is the drive letter

for the CD/ROM drive.


For a multiple-product CD/ROM or for a shared network

directory, where drive is the drive letter for the CD/ROM
drive or the drive letter for the network drive, and directory is
the pathname to setup.


For a shared network directory, where server is the server

from which you are installing, share is the share name, and
directory is the pathname to setup.


3. Choose the Continue button.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Installing RIS
You first see the Welcome dialog box. Then, if an existing version is already on your
system, a prompt lets you continue or cancel installation. If you select Continue, setup deletes
the existing version and continues with the current installation. Select Cancel Setup to quit.

Then, if an existing version is already on your system, a prompt lets you continue or cancel
installation. If you select OK, setup deletes the existing version and continues with the current
installation. Select Cancel to quit.


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Installing RIS

Personalizing Your Intergraph Software

Intergraph requires you to enter customer information during installation. Intergraph products
use this information for the following purposes:
Recording customer information in the software.
Displaying when the product is started.
Displaying when users show information about the product.
Auditing product usage.
You are prompted for your customer information with a dialog box similar to the one shown in
the Customer Information dialog box:

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Installing RIS
Key in your username and your company name; click Next.

Selecting the Product Destination Path

You are prompted for the destination path to use for product installation with a dialog box
similar to the one shown in the following figure:

The following list shows the default installation locations for the products described in this
RIS Development Platform: C:\ Program Files\ RISDP directory.
RIS Oracle Data Server: C:\ win32app\INGR\RISORADS_X.X directory (where X.X
represents the version number).


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Installing RIS

RIS Oracle Net Server: C:\ win32app\INGR\RISORANS_X.X directory (where X.X

represents the version number).
RIS Microsoft SQL Data Server: C:\ win32app\INGR\RISMSFDS_X.X directory (where
X.X represents the version number).
RIS Shared Component: C:\ Program Files\ Common Files\ Intergraph
If you key in a directory that already contains a version of the product you are installing,
warning messages display. Also, if File Manager is active and the destination directory is
expanded, setup fails. To correct this problem, collapse the destination directory and restart
After the installation is properly configured, setup copies product files from the media to the
specified destination path.

Selecting the Installation Type for RISDP

After you enter your customer information, you are prompted to select the type of installation
with a dialog box similar to the one shown in the following figure:

In addition to displaying the installation options, this dialog box displays the amount of
additional disk space required for the selected installation. Ifthe product you are installing
already resides on the system, this value may be 0 blocks, indicating that no additional disk
space is required for the installation.
Select from the following installation options:
Compact - Installs only the files and tools that you need to develop RIS SQL applications.
Typical - Installs the minimum configuration and the files that you need to develop
loader/unloader and forms applications, sample files, and RIS packaging files that you need to
redeliver RIS.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Installing RIS
Custom - Installs the minimum configuration and lets you select which parts of the complete
configuration to install.

Creating Configuration Files

Once files are successfully copied, system configuration files such as the System Registry are
modified. New Program groups are created, if necessary.
Customer information (such as username and company name) obtained at the beginning of the
installation is now recorded.

RIS Orphan Processes

Several RIS applications have encountered an orphan process problem in previous versions of

See Also
Orphan Process Symptoms (on page 18)
Changing the Wait Time (on page 19)


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Installing RIS

Orphan Process Symptoms

RIS Client and RIS Data Server processes continue to exist on the RIS client machine when
a user re-boots their RIS application machine while connected to the database through RIS.
This happens when a RIS application is connected to the RIS client through TCP/IP.
Because the RIS client process exists, all RIS server processes connected to the RIS client
process exist.
RIS Data Server processes continue to exist on the RIS server machine when a user reboots
their RIS client machine while connected to the database through RIS. This happens when
the RIS client machine is connected to an RIS Data Server through TCP/IP.
In the version ofthe RIS Client delivered with RISDP, orphan processes are no longer a problem.
Also, the RIS Data Server orphan process problem is fixed in the RIS Data Server version 5.3.1
or higher products.
The default wait time for an orphan process is 2 hours. Thus, after the RIS application or RIS
client machine is re-booted, the orphan process waits for 2 hours before it goes away. The wait
time can be changed and the procedure for this change is platform specific.
The side-effect of changing the wait time is that it affects all applications using the
TCP/IP KeepAlive feature. Do not set the KeepAlive wait time to less than 30 minutes.

Changing the Wait Time

Instructions for changing the process wait time:
In the Registry Editor, add or modify the KeepAliveTime value for the Tcpip\ Parameters key.
The entry for this TCP/IP parameter appears under the following Registry path:
HKEY _LOCAL _MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters Edit the
TcpipParameters Registry Key and Add/Modify the Value:

Remember to restart your machine for these changes to take effect.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Installing RIS


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


RIS License List Utility

The RIS License List utility (rliclist) delivered with RIS Utilities Version 5 allows the system
administrator to monitor data server use by remote RIS users. This utility, often called the
monitor utility, also allows the administrator to monitor peak RIS license usage. The license list
utility must reside on the same system as the RIS data server.
1. To use the license list utility, type rliclist.exe at the system prompt.
The RIS Server License List Utility dialog box appears.

The utility queries the system for RIS data server usage. If no data server is active, no usage
message is displayed. License user limits and database connections are displayed only if
there is a current RIS data server user.
2. Click the Refresh button to repeat the query.
3. To monitor peak license usage, click the Peak Usage button.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


RIS License List Utility

The RIS Data Server Peak Usage dialog box appears.

This function allows the administrator to view the maximum number of connections that
have occurred since the log was started or cleared. Clearing the log file begins a new
monitoring period.
When the license user limit is exceeded, a note is posted in the rliclist display area.
Typically, this only happens during the initial 90-day grace period.
4. Click the Save As button to save the log information to a text file.


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Removing RIS Products

This section assumes that the RIS Development Platform and associated data servers are
installed in the default directories, and that the RIS Shared Component (runtime) is installed in
the c:\ Program files\ Common files\Intergraph\ ris<major.minor> directory.
To remove any RIS product, go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and select the RIS
program to remove.
If another application is using the RIS shared component, then Remove only removes the
specified product, such as the RIS Development Platform.
The remove executable is removed during the next system reboot. Users are prompted to reboot
now or wait.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Removing RIS Products


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Running the RIS Executables

By default, the RIS executables are located in the following directories:
c:\Program Files\risdp\bin (development platform)
c:\Program Files\risdp\bin (developmeaph\ris<major.minor>\bin
(shared component)

In the previous directory path, major and minor version numbers are determined as
follows: In the product release number 05.01, the major number is 05, and the minor number is
You can also start the RIS utilities from Start > Programs.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Running the RIS Executables


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Redistribution of RIS Runtime and RIS

Redistribution rights and limitations are described in the product license agreement for the RIS
Development Platform.
When you develop an application with the RIS Development Platform, the application can run
only on systems that have the RIS Shared Component; therefore, you must redistribute the RIS
Shared Component with your application.
The following sections describe integrating the RIS Shared Component delivery into your
delivery procedure.

Directory Structure
The RIS Shared Component is delivered as part of the RIS Development Platform to the c:\
Program Files\ risdp\ shared directory. This directory includes files to be delivered to the user
system, and other setup and packaging files as described in the following section.

Setup Files
Use the following setup files to build the setup media for your application:
rissetup.lyt - This file is the Microsoft Setup layout file for the RIS Shared Component files.
Append your application's .lyt file to this file.
Use the combined .lyt file to create a .inf file with the dsklayt2 utility (which is part of the
SETUP SDK product). Your setup program uses the .inf file to download the necessary files
to the end-user's system.
rissetup.lib - The functions in this library install the RIS Shared Component on the end-user's
system. You must link your setup program with this library, and call the following functions, in
a. ReadInfFile();
Call this function once before calling any other setup functions for the RIS Shared
b. SetupRIS();
This function determines the version of the RIS Shared Component that is already
installed, if any. You must use the value returned by this function as input to the
RegEdtRIS function.
Status Returns
0 - Existing version is newer than your version. RIS shared component is not loaded.
1 - Existing version is older, or the same date as your version. RIS Shared Component is

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Redistribution of RIS Runtime and RIS Utilities

2 - Existing version not found. RIS Shared Component is loaded.
c. CopyFilesInCopyList();
This function downloads your application files and the RIS Shared Component files (if
d. RegEdtRIS(int action, char *listEntry);
This function edits the registry for RIS and adds the RIStcpsrService into Services. The
following are keywords and identifiers:
action - Return value from the SetupRIS function.
listEntry - String that identifies the name and version of your application. For example:
risrem.lib - The functions in this library remove the RIS Shared Component from the system.
Link your application remove program with this library. To remove the RIS Shared Component
in case of an error, link your setup program with this library.
a. RegRemoveRIS (HINSTANCE remInstance, char *listEntry);
remInstance - Removal process instance for the application.
listEntry - Entry in the RefList field for the application.
This function removes your application's entry from the RefList field in the RIS Shared
Component registry key.
Status Returns
0 - RefList field is not empty.
1 - RefList field is empty.
b. RemoveRIS (HINSTANCE remInstance, int flag);
This function removes the RIS Shared Component services, files, and registry entries.
remInstance - Removal process instance for the application.
flag - Return value from the RegRemoveRIS function.
readme1 .txt - This uncompressed README file contains the RIS product name and version.
The primary purpose of this file is to keep track of the RIS Shared Component version, but
you can add information from the RIS README file if it would be useful to the end-user.
manifes1.txt - This uncompressed ASCII file lists the files that are delivered with the RIS
Shared Component. You must integrate this file into the manifest file for your application.


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Redistribution of RIS Runtime and RIS Utilities

Installing the RIS Shared Component

The installation procedure does the following:
1. Installs the required files on the user's file system (after first checking to make sure that the
version being installed is the same or newer than any existing version) and if an older
version is found, it is removed.
2. Adds information to the registry.
3. Installs the RIS TCP service, and starts it. This service lets remote applications and/or clients
connect to other servers on the system.
4. Creates a RIS program group, which contains various help and executable utilities.

Location on File System

RIS Shared Component is installed to the location specified in the following registry entry:
Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\RIS\<Major.Minor>

The installation procedure examines the system PATH variable to see if it contains the \Program
Files\ Common Files\ Intergraph directory. If the PATH does not contain this directory, the
installation procedure appends \ Program Files\ Common Files\ Intergraph to the system PATH.

Registry Information
The RIS Shared Component puts information into the System Registry to indicate its presence
on the system. The component installation procedure creates the key
HKEY _LOCAL _MACHINE\Software\Intergraph\RIS\<Major .Minor>

and adds the following values:

The RefList entry facilitates removal of the shared component. All products that use the RIS
Shared Component must add themselves to this reference list (with the RegEdtRIS function)
during installation, and must remove themselves from the list (with the Rem oveRIS function)
during removal.
Any product that wants to remove a shared component can do so only if the reference list for the
shared component is empty. The RefList consists of a semicolon-separated list of products that
use the shared component. The referencing product string has the format <product_name>\
<product_version> where this information is the same as the name\ version portion of the
registry key for the product.

Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


Redistribution of RIS Runtime and RIS Utilities


Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide

Architecture and Configuration Overview 1

Changing the Wait Time 19
Creating Configuration Files 18

Directory Structure 27

Environment Overview 3

Hardware Needed 11

Installing RIS 13
Installing the RIS Shared Component 29
Integrated Data Dictionary 5
Interoperability and Upgrading 9

RIS Client 7
RIS Data and Net Servers 8
RIS Development Platform 7
RIS License List Utility 21
RIS Orphan Processes 18
RIS Utilities 8
Running the RIS Executables 25

Schema Definition and Database Connection
Selecting the Installation Type for RISDP
Selecting the Product Destination Path 16
Setup Files 27
Software Needed 11
Starting Setup 13
System Requirements 11

The RIS Products 7

Multiple Versions of RIS on One System 9

Networking 5

Orphan Process Symptoms 19

Personalizing Your Intergraph Software 15
Preface PDS iii

Redistribution of RIS Runtime and RIS
Utilities 27
Removing RIS Products 23
RIS Architecture 1
Relational Interface System (RIS) Installation Guide


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