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as a Second Language

Richard R. Lane, Ph.D.

Leon Samoilovich

Book 3

Copyright 1977; revised 1988, 2000, 2009 by Richard R. Lane

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be changed without written permission from the

The worlds most efficacious ESL series is given freely to all students and teachers of English by-

Lane Press
P.O. Box 17822
Stanford, CA 94305

Lesson 1 - Europe and Asia.................................................................................................1
for a second, etc./in a second, etc.
so, all (complete), as...as...
to take (requires)
by (not later than),
to have: a) possessions, b) people, c) food/drink, d) must
every - some - any - no
persons with "er" and "or"
to make/to want
Lesson 2 - The European Discovery of the New World.................................................23
to take: a) + noun, b) to personalize things, c) take place, d) required,
e) + preposition, f) take to, g) take in, h) take part in
more, maybe
to make: a) + noun b) + adjective, c) + verb
comparative and superlative
to give/to get
Lesson 3 - Colonies in North America..............................................................................45
to get: a) give, b) + noun, c) + adjective, d) + preposition
word order of direct and indirect objectives
much - much more - much too
metaphoric word use
adjectives formed with "y"
right + (time or place)
over: a) under, b) = end
to like/to know
Lesson 4 - The American Revolution...............................................................................67
by (instrument), though, as (role), would like
to go for a drive, ride, run, swim, walk
come to ...
objective case
I know the way...
questions and exclamations,
nouns as adjectives,
uses of prepositions: on, in,
to see/to do
Lesson 5 - The American Government.............................................................................89
to do: a) negative, b) question, c) repeated actions, d) emphasis, e) in place of
a known verb, difference between to make and to do,
well (adverb),
adjectives with "ful" and "less,"
uses of prepositions: into, at, about, through, by, over
to think/to say
Review of verbs: to be, to have, to go, to come, to put, to take, to give,
to get, to do, to make, to think, to say, to see, to know, to like, to want.
Prepositions and their expansions.

Intentionally left blank

The English language is now closer to being the world's second language than any other since the
dominance of Latin in Western civilization. Today, English is the official or first language of 23 nations with
a combined population of about 500,000,000. In addition, it is a co-official or widely used second language
in another 25 nations with more than 900,000,000. The best estimates are that 50,000,000 primary school
students and 75,000,000 secondary school students are currently studying English as a second language.
To this can be added millions more who are studying English at the adult and college/university levels.
China alone is said to have more people (500,000,000) studying English than the combined populations of
the UK (61,000,000). the USA (305,000,000), and Canada (33,000,000) among whom 75%-80% claim
English as their mother tongue. As a student of English, you have a lot of company. You are part of a truly
global enterprise.
The fact that English is a key to many doorstechnology, science, business, politics, cultureaccounts in
large measure for its present attractiveness. To any list of causes that might be offered for this widespread
use, we should keep in mind that in sharp contrast to those who have made a near fetish out of their
languages, native speakers of English have not fixed it within any standard, except intelligibility. The
absence of any high authority to decide what is and what is not "English" has given the language a
relatively unfettered line of development which is probably more dynamic today than ever before. English
has never echoed to any call for "purity." Because it is not afraid of being corrupted and has such a high
tolerance for new words and expressions, regardless of their origins, English is able to adapt to local
conditions with ease.
There have been many well-intentioned efforts directed at the needs of English learners. The traditional
approaches were entirely grammar based. These were later supplemented by frequency word counts.
Then came the communicative approach, which spawned audio-lingual methods seeking to teach the living
language. A more recent development along this line has been Survival English.
Looking at these approaches in terms of progress in the language against time and effort expended, the
criteria of efficacy, we see that each is found seriously wanting. The grammatical approach to English was
nothing more than an extension of the traditional teaching of Greek and Latin. Students had a very difficult
time going from their passive knowledge to an active use of the language. Desiring to eliminate such
useless sentences as "Lightning has struck my carriage," textbook writers turned to word counts only to
discover that students needed a relatively large vocabulary before much of consequence could be said.
Though the word count approach strengthened reading and writing abilities, it did little to get students to
speak. Thus the door was opened for the communicative approach which demanded students be taught
the spoken language in daily situations. But, if we were to teach what students are likely to hear, we would
begin with a number of "four-letter" words and then graduate to "I ain't gonna" and "He done it." Since this
is unacceptable to most people, teachers and material developers have concentrated on getting and giving
information in a number of different situations: the post office, the bus stop, the doctor's office, job
interview, etc. Unfortunately, natural conversations in these various situations require a rather extensive
vocabulary and command of sophisticated grammatical structures as well as a plethora of idioms. Much of
this material seems designed to keep the teacher's interest, rather than approach the problem of language
acquisition from the student's perspective. The communicative approach can not be faulted for its goal.
The problem lies with its lack of any apparent criteria for introducing vocabulary and structures. Beginning
students do not need ten ways to say "Hello."
In my own search for an alternative to these approaches to English, I have been attracted by various ideas
of simplification, particularly those of C. K. Ogden, the developer of BASIC English. I see simplification as
principally a controlled and ordered approach to the language. There is no doubt in my mind that more than
80% of the English language conforms to certain rules and patterns and if students can begin to see this
underlying structure or logic, they can experience the joy of communication and gather the momentum to
carry them through the rough, illogical parts.
Lane's English as a Second Language is different because it offers the learner a step-by-step, cumulative
approach that unlocks the logic of English. It consciously excludes idiomatic word usage until the learner is
prepared to deal with it. By eliminating the capricious and/or arbitrary elements of English, the Lane
approach presents the learner with a system, a reasonable, logical linguistic system that can be explained,
and therefore understood and mastered. This approach is specifically designed for the learner who wants
to know why and the teacher who sees English as more than an inexhaustible jumble of words and
expressions best acquired with mother's milk.

The total vocabulary of Lane's English as a Second Language is about 1200 words. By limiting the
vocabulary, one of the major obstacles to learning Englishits non-phonetic spellingis skirted. With
approximately 200 words to be learned in each book, students need not be burdened with spelling rules
and their numerous exceptions. More than half of the words are only one syllable long, so they are easily
mastered by speakers of languages that are not cognate to English.
The 1200 words were selected on the basis of usefulness, not frequency. The choice was made in
accordance with the linguistic tendency toward general and away from specific uses. This allows the
vocabulary to be manipulated at various levels of sophistication. In the presentation of this vocabulary, the
approach is first to establish the primary meaning of each word and then to expand its usage in a
systematic manner. With this expanded usage the 1200 words actually give a learner a level of
expressability many times greater. This may be seen graphically as follows (in regard to body parts):
2. Compound words:
3. Expanded usage:
4. Metaphoric:
5. Set phrases.
6. Idioms (a):
7. Idioms (b):
8. Sayings:

This is a hand.
This is a shoulder bone.
I am the head of my family.
She has a big heart.
We came face-to-face with a problem.
The walls have ears.
He put his foot in his mouth.
His eyes were bigger than his stomach.

One of the primary advantages of this system is the development of a mind-set that causes learners to
form their thoughts directly in English, rather than to think in their native languages and merely plug in
English words. This is accomplished by concentrating on 12 verbs and 31 prepositions, which in
combination give about 4,000 verb ideas. For instance, we are quite comfortable saying: I put my hand in
my pocket; I put my money in the bank; I put $1000 in a company; I put my heart in my work; I put a new
sink in the kitchen; I put my ideas in English. The typical student, however, is more likely to express these
same ideas with the discrete verbs: insert, deposit, invest, concentrate, install and translate. The
economy of time and effort in learning put in vs. six different verbs is obvious. What is not so obvious is
the methodology that will enable the learner to manipulate verbs and prepositions like a native-speaker.
This is achieved through the logical, controlled, sequential presentation of material. The approach of this
text takes phrasal or two-word verbs out of the idiomatic category by showing an inner logic to their use.
When the learner once grasps this inner-logic, he has a hard time going back to his native language to find
equivalents and soon gives up the attempt. He thus makes the quantum leap to thinking in English.
There is no attempt to limit students to the vocabulary of this series. In fact, I assume that learners will
develop their own vocabularies according to individual needs and interests. I want to point out, however,
that the 1200 words of the system represent a common core that all learners need to know and control.
This stress on commonality is a conscious effort to counter the pernicious efforts of those pendants who for
their own reasons want to emphasize and exaggerate the differences between American and British
English. Imparting this common core is the first duty of all teachers.
A very important and unique feature of this system is that it gives learners a complete system of
communication. It is not an exaggeration to say that almost any thought or action can find expression
within its 1200 words. The required specificity for even very technical or specialized fields may be had with
the addition of only 60 to 100 words from a particular field. For students who wish to go on to university
level studies, this series provides an excellent basis to study for entrance examinations, especially the
The efficacy of this approach to English is beyond doubt. It offers students, regardless of their objectives,
an extremely high rate of progress in relation to the time and effort they put into their studies. Because time
is our most precious commodity, I offer this series to students and teachers around the world.
Richard Lane



Please put these words and sentences in your own language. Be an artist; make some pictures.


















They have a new computer system.




The cook put a cover on the pot and put the fire down.



The cook had almost five years of experience.




The dance came to an end.




Who had a three week vacation in the mountains?




A father should be a good example for his son.



interest in

Why doesn't he have any interest in good music?




How was your trip to Alaska last summer?




He had a long and happy life.




Grandfather always had a story for us at bedtime.




Her writing is out of this world.




Her reading in English is also not too bad.




Do you have any new information about her trip to New York?



Apart from sport, he has very few interests in life.




She came across an expensive piece of Japanese art.



at war

The nation may soon be at war again.



at peace

When will the world be at peace?




Mexico was a part of the Spanish Empire until 1821.




It is all silk, and that is why it is so expensive.




There is too much spice in this food for me.




Whose business is it?




When the business meeting came to an end, I was tired, dead tired.



Our company is only five years old.




If the price is low enough, I will take two.




In business, the customer is always right.



for sale

Are these computers for sale?




Where did last year's profit go?




His business had a loss in place of a profit this year.




George had a bad fall from his bicycle.




The businessman put his name on the agreement.




I have nothing against his choice of music.




What is your decision?




The store manager should be back at 2:30.




After dinner, I put the rest of the meat in the icebox.




Together with their children, they went to Great Britain.




His normal question is "How much?"




Now and then, she has a strange look in her eyes.




He is rich, that is why he has many friends.




They are from a poor nation.




The fire went through the house very fast.




The music was slow.




He was quite weak after his fall.




We are quite safe now.



a lot of

She has quite a lot of information from her reading.




Mary is not as strong as her big sister.



to want

I want an answer to my question and I want it now.



to make

She makes delicious spice cakes.


This form shows a period of time.

for a second
for a minute
for an hour
for a day

for a week
for a month
for a year


How long were you in South America?

I was there for a month. I went up the Amazon River by ship.
How long were you in North Africa?
I was there for a year. I had a lot of fun on that trip, also.


How long was the manager out of the office?

He was out of the office for three days.
How long was the cover off the pot?
I took the cover off for only a second or two.


How long will you be on the telephone?

I'm afraid that I'll be on the telephone for a few more minutes.
How long will you be in front of your new computer?
I'll be here for three hours or more because I have a lot of information to put in.

so may give the idea of "very."

1. Why are you so strong?
2. Why is she so special for him?
3. There was so much rain, we went back to the hotel for the rest of the day.
4. There were so many customers in the store, I didn't go in.
5. He is so slow, I'm sure the work won't be ready for another week.
6. She is so fast, she is almost always there before we are.
7. They are so poor, they almost never have meat.
8. He is so weak, we may take him to the hospital in a taxi.
9. This spice is so strong, you shouldn't put too much in the soup.
10. The cake was so sweet, I could have only one piece.
take may show that something is necessary or required.

How many eggs does your brown sugar cake take?

It takes only three eggs.
How much time will the input of this information into your computer take?
It will not take a lot of time because much of it is already in the system.


How long does it take for light to come from the sun?
It takes 8 1/2 minutes for light to come from the sun.
How long does it take for the world to go round the sun?
It takes 365 1/4 days for the world to go round the sun.

Mrs. Clinton:
Mrs. Bush:
Mrs. Clinton:
Mrs. Bush:

How much experience does it take to be a cook?

It takes many years of experience to be a good cook.
How much time will the meeting take?
Because there is no important business, it shouldn't take too long.


This form shows a future point of time:

in a second
in a minute
in an hour
in a day

in a week
in a month
in a year


When will Andrew be here for his music lesson?

He'll be here in a minute.
When will Mrs. Jefferson be back from her vacation?
She'll be back in a day or two.


When will your parents be in Europe?

They'll be there in a week or two.
When will you be back from Asia?
I'll be back in a year and a half.


When will you be ready for dinner?

I'll be ready in a few seconds. Don't be angry!
I have only the first two pages of our agreement. Where's the rest of it?
The rest of it will be ready in about three hours.

all may give the idea of complete. We can put all before both nouns and adjectives.
1. The price of this light green blouse is high because it is all silk.
2. We had an all vegetable dinner on Sunday evening.
3. That all wood house is for sale.
4. We were sorry that we had rain all day.
5. They will be in the United States of America all summer. Right?
6. She was one of the great dancers of all time.
7. Why are your shoes all wet?
8. The children's faces were all dirty after their ice cream.
9. I won't be worried because the children'll be all safe in their beds.
10. You will be all ready to go tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Right?
by may have the meaning of "not later than."

What time should I be at the meeting?

You should be there by 5:30.
What time will the bus be at the corner of University and Flower Streets?
If the timetable is right, it should be there by 3:45.


Will you be in Great Britain by May?

My plan is to be there by the middle of April.
Will John be in Brazil by next year?
Yes, he should be there by then.

Mrs. Washington:
Mrs. Lincoln:
Mrs. Washington:
Mrs. Lincoln:

When will my blue, silk evening dress be ready?

It will be ready by Wednesday.
When will Matthew be rich?
He will be rich by the time he is 30 years old.


A. have is used with all things to show possession.

Do you have a computer?

Yes, I have a computer in my office.
Do you have a lot of experience with the new computer system?
I have some experience, but more is necessary for me to be good at it.


What kind of spices did they have for sale?

They had close to a hundred different kinds of spices for sale.
Did the company have a profit or a loss last year?
I don't have any information about that.


When will we have a new car?

We will have a new car very soon.
When will we have a new house?
Car! House! House! Car! You will have them both! It is only a question of time.

B. have is used with people to show relationship.

1. I have two brothers and one sister.
2. Do you have any children?
3. The restaurant has four cooks. Am I right?
4. He had two wives at the same time!
5. Did she have her baby already?
6. How soon will you have your baby?
C. have is used with food and drink.

What time did you have breakfast this morning?

I had breakfast early this morning, because I was up before 7 o'clock.
What will you have for lunch today?
I'll have a bowl of soup, some fried potatoes and a nice piece of red meat.


Do you have cream and sugar with your coffee?

Oh, yes. I can not have coffee without a lot of cream and a little sugar.
Does your husband always have a glass of wine or beer with his dinner?
Not always, but quite often he has a glass of red wine with his dinner.


Why don't we have dinner together next week?

That's a great idea. What's a good day for you?
Is it okay with you, if we have dinner on Friday evening at 7:00?
How wonderful! Is it okay with you if my little sister comes also?

D. have +verb shows necessity (must).

1. I have to go to the airport at 8:30.
2. We had to come to school early yesterday.
3. They will have to put on their heavy winter clothes because there will be snow.
4. She has to be home at 6 o'clock because the streets are not safe after dark.
5. I had to take my wet shoes off, before I came in the house.
6. You will have to have dinner with us again, very soon.






every time



no one
no where
no time

every...has the meaning of all, without exception.

Everything in the store is for sale.
Everybody, but Mary, was ready for his story.
Everyone should be strong in time of war.
Everywhere, but here, there was peace.
Every time he comes, she goes away.

Nothing in the store is for sale.

Nobody, but Mary, was ready for his story.
No one should have this information, but you.
No where, but in his heart, was there peace.
She has no time for him.

some...is used in a positive sentence, any...in a negative sentence or question .

The cook has something special for us.
There is somebody with a good example.
There was someone by the fire.
The information is somewhere in his report.
We will have a profit sometime soon.

The cook doesn't have anything special for us.

There isn't anybody with a good example.
There wasn't anyone by the fire.
The information isn't anywhere in his report.
We won't have a profit anytime soon.


Why do some people have everything and others have nothing?

Nobody has an answer for that kind of question. That's life!
Well, then, an easy question: Why are there books everywhere in your room?
Because I had no time to put my bookshelves together.


Where is everyone?
Everyone, but I, went to Hawaii for a two week vacation.
That's terrible! Is everything okay?
Yes, everything is okay for now. Tomorrow may be a different story.

a lot of = many/much
a lot of may take the place of many and much everywhere but in questions.

How much rice did the cook put in the pan?

He put a lot of rice in the pan.
How many potatoes did the cook put in the pot?
The cook put a lot of potatoes in the pot, before he put the pot on the fire.


How much silk does this kind of long evening dress take?
It takes a lot of silk and so it will be very expensive.
How many meetings did you have with him before you came to an agreement?
We had a lot of meetings before we came to an agreement.


How much experience is necessary for that kind of work?

A lot of experience is necessary, years and years.
How many customers did we have today?
We had a lot of customers and our sales were up.


Very often we put "er" or "or" at the end of a word to show a person or thing: teacher, shower,
computer, doctor, neighbor.


1. The worker will be at work for 8 hours.

2. It takes the banker 35 minutes to go to the bank.
3. The gardener put water on everything in the garden and along the fence.
4. The dancer had five years of theater dance experience.
5. The farmer has no other animals, but horses at his farm.
6. Her heart was broken when her lover went to war without a word of good-bye.
7. A long distance trucker can go across the US in three days.
8. The owner of that business is a very young businesswoman from Mexico.
9. If two or three people are part-owners of a business, they are business partners.
10. The head of an empire is an emperor and his wife is an empress.
11. A person in a strange place is a stranger.
12. The builder may put up a new office building.
13. The warrior came back from the war with flowers round his neck.
14. The first reader's reading was out of this world.
15. George should go to a lawyer because he has so many problems with the law.
16. I always take the juice out of an orange with a juicer.
17. If you want to take a bath, you must first put the stopper in the tub.
18. There is a bottle opener by the sink, next to the big kitchen knife.
as...as... is used to make a comparison.
1. Her dark skin is as soft as silk.
2. A pan is not as big as a pot.
3. Please come as soon as you can.
4. The dance music was as slow as can be.
5. Food is not as necessary as air and water.
6. The last question on the test is never as easy as the first one.
7. Her interest in him is not as strong as before.
8. His life was as strange as those in the stories of the American writer, Edgar Allen Poe.


If you put words together, you can make new ideas.

1. He will be a first class French cook in another two or three years.
2. In my eyes, you are number one. My life is nothing without you.
3. If it's okay with you, I'll take a look at these paperback books tomorrow, when I'm not so tired.
4. Their family problems are not our business.
5. The profit hungry businessman put prices up on all the goods in his store.
6. A yearbook should have up-to-date information about those kinds of important questions.
7. Most of his ideas are quite out-of-date. They are from another time and another place.
8. Because of his back problem, the old cook can not be on his feet for a long time.
9. How much input did she have in the decision to put the house up for sale?
10. The chairman of the company's board of directors wasn't happy about the fall of the factory's output.
11. It was quite clear to everybody that the price was far from what it should be.
12. It is not clear to me who or what is in back of their decision to go to war.
13. They had many ups and downs in their married life.
14. My mother-in-law has very strong ideas about what kind of examples are good for children.
15. My sister-in-law has a special gift for writing children's animal stories.
16. Now and then, she must put him in his place with a few strong words.
17. Here and there, almost everywhere, there is a blackmarket in computer parts.
18. She was not ready for his reading her address book. She has no more interest in him now.
19. Today's children are tomorrow's doctors, lawyers, farmers, business people and so on.
20. Why don't we go to the Saturday night dance together?
21. It is as far from your house to my house as from my house to your house.
22. I am tired of reading his works and do not have any more interest in his strange ideas.
23. Without question, she is one of the world's great dancers. Her dances are out of this world!
24. He was in business for five years before he went out of business not too long ago.
25. It is not normal for her to come back home so late. The film was over two hours ago.
26. I had a good look at her face in the soft firelight that came from the fireplace.
27. When the choice was clear to him, we came to an agreement without any more problems.
28. That's life, my poor boy! To put the clock back is out of the question.
29. The story of his life will come out in a new book next year. There may be a film after that.
30. The people were so poor, I was at a loss for words.
31. The question is not if, but when they will have another child.
32. Money was not too important to him. His idea about life was: Easy come, easy go.
33. I could not put into words all the interesting ideas I had in my head.
34. In my eyes, Alexander was a man among men. He was great!
35. The problem is out of my hands now. What will be, will be!
36. It is interesting that for everyone, but newspaper reporters, no news is good news!
37. The decision was the outcome of a lot of work, very hard work, by all six business partners.
38. The house is on fire! Where are the firemen? Where is the fire truck?
39. He was a great empire builder, but his life's work came apart as soon as he was dead.
40. She came to be (became) the head of the business because she is very good at business.
41. She may still put a little spice in his life, but it will take a lot of her time and a lot of his money.
42. His big ideas came to nothing! He was not very lucky in business or love.
43. The company had a profit last year because its income was up and its outgo was down.
44. I have to go to the police because there can be no question about what took place last night.
45. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can never take the country out of the boy.
46. I'm against their reading love stories all day long in place of work.
47. I had no choice, so I put my name on the agreement and had another drink.
48. It's all the same to me, if he comes or goes. I have to be out of here by 4:45.
49. It should be quite clear to everyone by now that she is one of our company's top managers.
50. Apart from fast cars, old wine and beautiful women, he has very few interests in life.


make always gives the idea of creation, production. Something new comes into existence.
to make (+)
I make
you make
he makes
she makes
it makes

we make
you make
they make

to make (-)
I do not make
you do not make
he does not make
she does not make
it does not make

we do not make
you do not make
they do not make

I make a fire when it is cold.

She makes wonderful chocolate cakes.
He makes problems for everyone.
They make computers at that factory.

I do not make a fire when it is hot.

She does not make terrible chocolate cakes.
He does not make problems for anyone.
They do not make computers at that factory.

to make (+?)
do I make?
do you make?
does he make?
does she make?
does it make?

to make (-?)
don't I make?
don't you make?
doesn't he make?
doesn't she make?
doesn't it make?

do we make?
do you make?
do they make?

don't we make?
don't you make?
don't they make?

Do you make your own clothes?

Does he make little ships by hand?
Does it make wine out of grapes?
Do they make grapes into wine?

Don't you make your own clothes?

Doesn't he make little ships by hand?
Doesn't it make wine out of grapes?
Don't they make grapes into wine?

to want (+)
I wantwe want
you want
he wants
she wants
it wants

to want (-)
we do not want
you do not want
he does not want
she does not want
it does not want

I do not want
you want
they want

you do not want

they do not want

I want another cup of black coffee.

He wants another example of my work.
She wants something more from him.
They want all the pots and pans that we have.

I do not want another cup of black coffee.

He does not want another example of my work.
She does not want anything more from him.
They do not want all the pots and pans that we have.

to want (+?)
do I want?
do you want?
does he want?
does she want?
does it want?

to want (-?)
don't I want?
don't you want?
doesn't he want?
doesn't she want?
doesn't it want?

do we want?
do you want?
do they want?

Do you want any white silk?

Does he want any more information?
Does she want to go with us?
Do they want to make the decision?

don't we want?
don't you want?
don't they want?

Don't you want any white silk?

Doesn't he want any more information?
Doesn't she want to go with us?
Don't they want to make the decision?


John is a very busy businessman. He is up at
6:30 every morning, Monday through
Saturday. He has breakfast with his wife, Ann,
and then goes to work by car. The distance
from his home to his work is only about 10
miles. The trip takes about 20 minutes. His
bookstore is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. every
day, but Sunday. He has ten good workers.
Two of his saleswomen come only in the
afternoon, so they are part-time workers.

John Wilson is a young businessman. He

came to be (became) the head of a family
business not too long ago. He's the owner
and manager of a bookstore. His interest in
the business goes back* many years. When
he was still a university student, he took part in
the business for two or three months every
One summer, he put in the store's first two
computers. At that time, computer systems
were quite slow. They were not as fast as they
are today. There was only one computer for
every five salespeople. Those were the
difficult years. That was back when John's
father was still the head of the business. For
the first three years that its doors were open,
the business had a loss every year. That's
when John's father was often worried about
his business.

The normal work day for all his other

salespeople is 8 hours. Everyone must be at
work by 7:45. After two hours of work,
everyone has a 15 minute rest, the name of
which is "coffee time," because it is normal for
everyone to have a cup of coffee at that time.
Everyone also has a 30 minute lunch and then
another coffee time in the afternoon.
John's bookstore is at the corner of University
and Flower Streets, not far from the river. It is
in a busy part of the city with a lot of walk-in
customers. Sometime ago, John had a bright
idea. He took a corner of the store and put in a
Cake and Coffee Corner. So now a tired
customer can take a seat, and at the same
time have a cup of coffee and/or a piece of
cake and take a look at the newspaper or his
new book. Sometimes, on Friday evenings,
there is even music at the Cake and Coffee
Corner. Our city is lucky to have a nice, clean
bookstore with a great choice of books,
newspapers and so on. It's a wonderful place
to go after work and on the weekend. My
friends and I often go there.

After the business was on its feet and John

had some experience in the business world,
he was ready to take the family business from
his father. Now his father and mother do not
take part in the day-to-day work of the
business. They only take trips to different parts
of the world for three or four weeks every year.
This is the "vacation time" of their lives.
Poor John! His life is not as easy as that. In
the last few years, he put a lot of time in the
business and now it almost never has a loss,
but its profits are not very high. He makes
enough money for a nice house and the
necessary things for his family, but he is not a
rich man.
* goes back: His interest in sports goes back
many years. The problem goes back to when
he was a student.


as a second language, John has two long

shelves with nothing but them. For example,
he has all of Lane's English as a Second
Language books there.
There are some special "corners" in the store
with children's books, art books, music books,
picture books, map books, books about World
War I and World War II, and books about the
ups and downs of yesterday's empires:
Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Roman and so on.
There are many books with both black and
white and color pictures.

Sometimes John puts books with strange or

beautiful covers in the bookstore windows.
One window is only for the world's great art
works. There are somewhere between 20,000
and 25,000 books for sale in his store. Every
book has the sale price on the outside of its
cover. There are hardback and paperback
books about almost everything under the sun.
There are shelves and shelves of books
everywhere. There are long shelves with
books about far-away places, about what took
place long ago in world history, the lives of
great and important people, the special
problems of today's poor nations of the "Third
World" and so on.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989

and everything that took place after that in
Central and Eastern Europe is of great interest
to many of us who are John's customers, so it
is necessary for him to have quite a good
choice of books with fresh or up-to-date
information about that part of the world.
Now, that the Cold War is over, readers have
quite a strong interest in everything that takes
place in Russia and want more and more
information about that nation's history. Two,
new Russian history books with many pictures
and maps came out* not long ago. One is
about Russia's first emperor, Peter the Great
(1682-1725). The other is about the empress,
Katherine the Great (1762-1796). It is
interesting that customers take them as fast as
John's salespeople can put them on the

Now and then, John puts different kinds of

books on sale. For example, he may put all
his art books on sale. Then, in February, he
may put all the science books on sale, and so
on. In the summertime, when the weather is
nice, he puts a number of books on tables
outside the store for a sidewalk sale, so
customers do not have to come inside. In
John's eyes, books are meeting places where
we can take part in the experiences of others.
This is why reading should be an important
part of all our lives.

There is a special table in the middle of the

store with the works of many world class
writers, for example: Mark Twain, Jack
London, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck,
Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare.
Two books that many people still want are
George Orwell's terrible story of Big Brother,
1984, which first came out in 1949 and Animal
Farm, which came out for the first time in
1954. For readers with an interest in the ideas
of the big name writers, there are also Lev
Tolstoy's War and Peace and Jules Verne's
Round the World in 80 Days, together with
many others.
* come out: The newspaper comes out every

Because many of John's customers are

sportsmen and sportswomen or have a strong
interest in different kinds of sports, he also has
books about football, basketball, handball and
so on. There are books about yesterday's and
today's films and film stars.
There are shelves and shelves with foreign
language books, for example, Arabic,
Chinese, French, German, Japanese,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and so on. For
customers who may want books about English

day. The story of his life came out in a book

two years ago.


There are handbooks for the owners of new

cars and trucks with information about how to
take them apart and put them back together.
Everyone with a computer should have a
handbook about how to put information into its
system and how the computer puts out
information or, in other words, the input and
output of computer information.

building and computers to the history of

music and the American system of law.
Many people want books about different
branches of science. For example, there is a
big, beautiful book for someone who may want
to be a doctor. It has all the parts of the body,
inside and outside, in living color. But that kind
of book is not for everyone. Different people
have different interests and tastes. Some
want only short story books. Some want
police stories. Others want only long love
stories, with a lot of broken hearts. This is why
John has shelves and shelves of paperback
books at the back of the store.

There are yearbooks with important and

interesting information about the world. A good
example is The Information Please Yearbook.
It is a very good book to have at home. It
comes out every year with up-to-date
information about everything under the sun.
For example, if you want information about the
number of companies in the United States
that went out of business* last year, you
should take a look in The Information Please
Yearbook. I'm sure the number will be there,

There is another part of the store that is of a

lot of interest to young people because it has
many books with stories about tomorrow: trips
to the moon in moonships or to the stars in
starships, cities under the oceans, strange
experiences in other worlds and so on. These
are all subjects that are close to my own heart.

If you have questions about money, for

example, what is a safe business to put your
money in, you should make a stop at John's
because he has all kinds of books about the
subjects of money and business. Or, if you
want information about important people in
today's business world, you should take a look
in Who's Who in US Business. This is only one
example of many different kinds of Who's
Who... books. There are also Who's Who in
Art, Who's Who in South America, Who's Who
in Computer Science and so on.

Many people want How to... books. John has

all of them in a special place close to the front
of the store. There are books about how to
make a business agreement. There are
cookbooks about how to make delicious
salads, cakes and breads. There are books
about how to make wine out of apple juice or
an old dress into a new blouse. There are
books about how to make your own wood
furniture, about how to put a new cover on an
old sofa and so on. In other words, John's
store has books about almost every subject
that people may have an interest in.

If you have a question about a good place to

go for your vacation next summer, you should
take a look at that part of John's store that has
all kinds of vacation information, both books
and maps. There are books about thousands
of different subjects, everything from body

A book is a wonderful gift. John's prices are

very low, that is why he has so many
customers. If you want a birthday gift for
someone special, you should first go to John's
place because, without question, he will
have a book that is right for you.

* go out of business: After only four months, the

restaurant went out of business. Stores often go out of
business in hard times.


to make (+)
I made
you made
he made
she made
it made

we made
you made
they made

to make (-)
I did not make
you did not make
he did not make
she did not make
it did not make

we did not make

you did not make
they did not make

I made an agreement with them.

You made a good choice.
He made everything, but the salad.
She made shorts out of her old pants.

I did not make an agreement with them.

You did not make a good choice.
He did not make everything, but the salad.
She did not make shorts out of her old pants.

to make (+?)
did I make?
did you make?
did he make?
did she make?
did it make?

to make (-?)
didn't I make?
didn't you make?
didn't he make?
didn't she make?
didn't it make?

did we make?
did you make?
did they make?

didn't we make?
didn't you make?
didn't they make?

Did you make a decision about my story?

Did they make a trip to South America?
Did it make a hole in the bottom of the pot?
Did he make peace with his sister?

Didn't you make a decision about my story?

Didn't they make a trip to South America?
Didn't it make a hole in the bottom of the pot?
Didn't he make peace with his sister?

to want (+)
I wanted
you wanted
he wanted
she wanted
it wanted

to want (-)
I didn't want
you didn't want
he didn't want
she didn't want
it didn't want

we wanted
you wanted
they wanted

we didn't want
you didn't want
they didn't want

I wanted to be a cowboy or a fireman.

He wanted to have lunch with her again.
She wanted to make some coffee.
They wanted to take us to the meeting.

I didn't want to be a cowboy or a fireman.

He didn't want to have lunch with her again.
She didn't want to make any coffee.
They didn't want to take us to the meeting.

to want (+?)
did I want?
did you want?
did he want?
did she want?
did it want?

to want (-?)
didn't I want?
didn't you want?
didn't he want?
didn't she want?
didn't it want?

did we want?
did you want?
did they want?

Did you want anything special for dinner?

Did he want another bottle of red wine?
Did she want to take a shower or a bath?
Did they want to have another meeting?

didn't we want?
didn't you want?
didn't they want?

Didn't you want anything special for dinner?

Didn't he want another bottle of red wine?
Didn't she want to take a shower or a bath?
Didn't they want to have another meeting?



The great Roman Empire went from Britain in
the North to North Africa in the South and from
Spain in the West to the valleys of the Tigris
and Euphrates Rivers in the East. It was at
one and the same time a European and
Asian empire.

first Christian emperor, but he was also the

last head of a united Christian Church.

In 312 A.D., (that is, 312 years after the birth

of Jesus Christ) Constantine the Great (280?337) came to be (became) the one and only
emperor of this great Eurasian empire.
Because he was busy with problems in the
Eastern part of the empire and had to be there
so much of the time, he made the little city of
Byzantium into a second capital, a new Rome,
and gave it a new name: Constantinople or
Constantine's City. Later, it became Istanbul.
Until 1923, Istanbul was the capital of Turkey.
Constantine is a very important person in
history. In 325 A.D., that is, 13 years after he
came to be emperor, Constantine put an end
to all Roman laws against Christians. At the
very end of his life, in 337 A.D., Constantine
became a Christian, and so in the history
books he is the world's first Christian emperor.
By an agreement, in 364 A.D., among
Constantine's sons one of them became head
of the Western Roman Empire with its capital
in Rome and another became the head of the
Eastern Roman Empire with its capital in
Because of* problems of time and distance
the Christian Church also came to have two
parts or branches, the Roman Catholic Church
in the West and the Greek Orthodox Church in
the East. Through the years, the Western
Catholic and Eastern Orthodox experiences
were so different no one could put them back
together, but there were many who wanted to.
So, Constantine the Great was not only the

The Western Roman Empire came to an end

in 476 A.D. For hundreds of years after the fall
of Rome, the people of Western Europe had
almost no interest in the outside world. They
were very happy in its mountains and valleys
and in cities along its rivers. The little interest
that they did have in the rest of the world was
in the birthplace of Jesus Christ and the great
city of Jerusalem.

* because of: We went to the dance because of the

music. Because of the fire, we did not go to the


Christians went to Jerusalem every year with

only the normal problems of that time, until
1084, when Turkish Moslems took it. In the
next two hundred years, Christians from
Western Europe made war eight times against
the Moslems because they wanted to take
Jerusalem back. But, in the end, they were
too weak! The Moslems were too strong!

rivers were not safe. All together, their trip to

China by foot and horse took three years.
After 17 years at the side of the great Emperor
of China, Kubilai Khan (1216?-1294), Marco
Polo went back to Italy with many expensive
gifts and strange stories. He put the story of
his life in a book, which came out in 1299. His
picture of China was one of a big, strong, rich
empire. Marco Polo's writing was "wood on the
fire" of European interest in Asia.

From this experience of more than two

hundred years of war in the Middle East,*
thousands of West Europeans had a good
look at a kind of life that was very different
from their own. It was different in art, different
in music, different in dance, different in food,
different in clothes, different in ideas and so
on. From this Middle Eastern experience came
a very strong interest in Asia and the things of
Asia. And Europe was never the same again.

Already at the time of Marco Polo, Europeans

were very "hungry" for the strange and
beautiful things from the Far East - the goods
of Asia. There was a big European market for
Asian goods. Among the things that
Europeans wanted most were tea, silk, spices
and fireworks.
Tea was a strange, new, delicious kind of
drink for Europeans. Silk clothes were very
different from anything in the European
experience, so rich people wanted them very
much. Cooks and housewives everywhere
wanted the different kinds of spices that came
from Asia. This is why the silk and spice
business always made a good profit.
Fireworks, which were beautiful and fun for the
Chinese, became an important part of the
European science of war.

Much of Europe's information about the Far

East came from a young Italian, Marco Polo
(1254?-1324?). Marco Polo went to China in
1278 with his father and uncle. The roads
across mountains, through valleys and along

* The Middle East is the Arab countries. There is a lot of

oil in the Middle East.
The Far East is China, Japan, Korea and so on. They
went to the Far East for their vacation.


For a long time, tea, silk, spice, and other

Asian goods went from the Far East to Europe
through the hands of Arabs and Jews. For
hundreds of years, these Arab and Jewish
"middlemen" were the ones who made the
long and difficult trips to and from the Far
East. Sometimes, they went by foot or horse.
Sometimes, they went by ships, ships that
were little and not very safe.
In 1453, Turkish Moslems, under the great
empire builder, Sultan Mahmet II, took the
great city of Constantinople and so put an end
to the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire.
Until then, Constantinople was a m a r k e t
place for ideas and the meeting place of East
and West for almost a thousand years after
the fall of Rome. It was a place where men of
ideas, arts, business and science could came
together. For many, the fall of Constantinople,
the city of Constantine the Great, put their
world upside down. In their eyes, it was a
terrible loss, a loss without words!
But, among West Europeans, there was no
loss of interest in Asia. The problem was that
very few of them had firsthand experience in
Asia. Without much hard information about
the Far East, West Europeans came to have
some very strange ideas about Asia and
Asians. In the European picture of the world,
Europe was poor and Asia was rich - very,
very rich! But between "poor" Europe and
"rich" Asia were those "bad" Turks.

But this answer to the "Turkish Question" had

two problems. The first was that nobody had
the necessary maps to go from Europe to Asia
by ship. The second was that no one had the
necessary ships that could make the long and
difficult trip round Africa. But it was only a
question of time until the European empire
builders came up with* answers to these
difficult problems. Soon they had both the
necessary maps and ships. And then,
thousands of them went to Asia.
*come up with: He came up with an

Many Europeans wanted to go to Asia. Some

wanted to go for business. But others were
ready to make the long and difficult trip
because they wanted to make the people of
the Far East into Christians and then shoulderto-shoulder, in agreement with their new
Christian "brothers," they wanted to have a
two front war against the Turkish Moslems.

interesting idea. I am sure that she will come

up with the necessary information before out
next meeting.


to make (+)
I will make
you will make
he will make
she will make
it will make

we will make
you will make
they will make

to make (-)
I will not make
you will not make
he will not make
she will not make
it will not make

we will not make

you will not make
they will not make

I will make another agreement with them.

He will make some more sales today.
She will make a beautiful bedcover.
They will make work for their mother.

I will not make another agreement with them.

He will not make any more sales today.
She will not make a beautiful bedcover.
They will not make work for their mother.

to make (+?)
will I make?
will you make?
will he make?
will she make?
will it make?

to make (-?)
won't I make?
won't you make?
won't he make?
won't she make?
won't it make?

will we make?
will you make?
will they make?

won't we make?
won't you make?
won't they make?

Will you make a light dinner for us?

Will she make her own evening dress?
Will he make any problems for us?
Will it make a trip to the moon and back?

Won't you make a light dinner for us?

Won't she make her own evening dress?
Won't he make any problems for us?
Won't it make a trip to the moon and back?

to want (+)
I will want
you will want
he will want
she will want
it will want

to want (-)
I will not want
you will not want
he will not want
she will not want
it will not want

we will want
you will want
they will want

we will not want

you will not want
they will not want

I will want her answer tomorrow.

He will want some of her art work.
She will want some cake pans.
They will want another meeting.

I won't want her answer tomorrow.

He won't want any of her art work.
She won't want any cake pans.
They won't want another meeting.

to want (+?)
will I want?
will you want?
will he want?
will she want?
will it want?

to want (-?)
won't I want?
won't you want?
won't he want?
won't she want?
won't it want?

will we want?
will you want?
will they want?

Will you want a gift for them?

Will he want us to be the cooks?
Will she want him to go with her?
Will they want me to make peace?

won't we want?
won't you want?
won't they want?

Won't you want a gift for them?

Won't he want us to be the cooks?
Won't she want him to go with her?
Won't they want me to make peace?



about half a million people is not as big as
Casablanca, which has about five times as
many people.

David and Mary Hayes are business people.

They are the owners of a computer business
with branch stores all across America. David
put his first computer together when he was
still in high school. His interest in the field of
computers goes back many years. When
David made the decision to go into the
computer business, his wife, Mary, had no
choice, but to become his partner. Together
they put their time, money and ideas into
building their computer business. It is clear to
everyone today that they made the right
decision. I am only sorry that I did not become
their partner back then.

Their North African vacation took a new

direction one beautiful, clear day in the city of
Tangier when Mr. Pierce and his wife, tired
and hungry, went into a clean, little restaurant
on a side street. The air in the restaurant was
heavy with the smell of Arabic spices.
Everything was new, different, and a little
strange for the Pierces. For the first time in
their lives, they had some delicious Arabic
food. In the middle of their meal, two beautiful
girls came out from in back of a thick, dark
red curtain. Their dance and the music that
went with* it were strange to the eyes and
ears of the two Americans, who could not take
their eyes off the two dancers. It was one of
those experiences that will not come again.

David and Mary have two very close friends,

Mr. and Mrs. William Pierce. Mr. Pierce is an
important man in the field of art. He has many
works of art from round the world. Mrs. Pierce
is a businesswoman. She is both the manager
of a music store and also a dance teacher.
Her interest in music goes back many, many
years to when her father first took her to the
theater. In the eyes of her dance students, she
is a wonderful, one of a kind teacher.

A short time later, Mrs. Pierce was in the

city's open air marketplace where everything
under the sun was for sale. It was there that
she came across** some good examples of
Arabic music, both old and new. She took
them all because the price was right and it
was one of those "now or never" times.

Last year, all four friends, David and Mary,

together with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, had the
experience of a lifetime, when they took a trip
to North Africa for two weeks. One very
interesting country that they went to was
Morocco, a nation on the North West corner of
the African continent. Morocco is about the
size of California and has about the same
number of people. Its capital Rabat with only

* go with: Those shoes go with that dress. Potatoes do

not go with rice.
** come across: I came across a good book at the
library. I'm sure you'll come across an Italian restaurant if
you go down this street.


house. Those that are perfect, she will put in

the middle of the dining table. Then, she will
put all her special light blue china: plates,
bowls and so on, together with her new
knives, forks and spoons on the table. Without
question, Mary's dining room will have a
wonderful look.

It should be clear to the readers of this short

story that all four friends came back with many
wonderful stories about their North African
vacation. It should also be clear why David
and Mary want to have a little dinner party with
their close friends, the Pierces, this Saturday
evening. The four friends always have a great
time when they are together.

For dinner, Mary wants to have cream of

vegetable soup with French bread, beef with
new potatoes, green beans, tomato salad and
sweet lemon cake. Because there will be red
meat, I'm sure David will want to put a bottle of
his good California red wine on the table. Red
meat and red wine always go together. Red
wine should never be cold. On the other
hand, white wine should always be cold. That
is why many people put their white wine in an
ice bucket. White wine always goes with white
meat, for example, chicken or fish.

Before the Pierces come, Mary will not have

much time for anything, but work. She will put
everything in its place on Saturday morning.
She wants to have a fire after dinner, so her
husband will put some wood and paper in the
living room fireplace. High over the fireplace
there is a beautiful, long shelf. At one end of it
there is a music box from Switzerland and at
the other end there is a bottle on its side with
an old-time ship inside! It was a gift to Mary
from her grandfather, who made it out of wood
before his own ship went down, with him on it,
in World War II.

Mary is a very good cook. She has a lot of

experience in the kitchen. She has many
bottles and boxes of food on her kitchen
shelves. Apart from garden fresh vegetables,
she also has all kinds and sizes of pots and
pans for her big dinner parties, so she should
have no problem to make a delicious dinner
for four.

Mary wants to have a nice, little, dinner party.

She has a beautiful, dark blue-green silk dress
from India, which she will put on for the party.
Sometime before their friends come, she will
take some flowers from her own flower garden
and put them here and there round the


Mary has her own special system to make big

dinners. When the time comes, she will make
the soup. It will take only about 20 minutes
work. First, she will put a big pot of water on
the stove. Second, she will put the stove on.*
When the water is hot, she will put some meat
and bones in the pot. Third, she will take the
skins off some garden fresh vegetables.
Fourth, she will put them in the soup pot with
the meat and bones. Fifth, she will put some
salt and pepper in also. Sixth, she will put the
cover on the pot. Seventh and last, she will put
the fire down. The soup will be ready in about
an hour.

she will take the juice out of the pan and then
put it back over the top of the meat with a big
kitchen spoon.
In an hour and 15 minutes, after she takes
their skins off, Mary will put some new
potatoes together with a few onions, in the
pan, round the meat. Mary's oven has a
special kind of kitchen clock, an oven timer,
and so, in 45 minutes, when the potatoes are
ready, a little red light will come on and the
oven will go off.*** Everything will be ready to
put on the table at the same time.
When they are through with dinner, Mary,
David and their friends, the Pierces, will go
into the living room and take their seats by the
fireplace where there will be a big, but safe
fire. David wants to have Mr. Pierce's ideas
about two new pieces of art that he came
across on sale not long ago.

Next, Mary will put her oven on. If she has any
problem or question about the meat, she can
always take a look in one of her many different
cookbooks. Before the oven is hot enough,
Mary will take the meat out of the icebox and
take off the paper, which is round it. Then she
will put it under the water for a minute or two
to be sure that it is clean. When it is all dry,
Mary will put some salt, pepper and a few
spices all over** the outside of the meat. Next,
she will put the meat in a special meat pan
and the pan inside the oven. From time to
time, she will take a look at it. Now and then,

Before the evening is over, everyone will have

a piece of Mary's sweet lemon cake with a cup
of Turkish coffee. Strong, black coffee and
sweet lemon cake go together and will make a
perfect end to Mary's delicious meal.

* put on off: I put the radio on. She put the radio off.

** all over = everywhere: There was ice cream all over

*** come on go off: The street lights come on in the

the baby's face. There were broken plates all over the

evening and go off in the morning (automatic).


Please put your answer on the line:

1. She put her coat on.
2. She put the gift on the table.
3. She put the rest of the plates on the shelf.
4. She put a paper cover on her new book.
5. He put all his money in the bank.
6. He put a new sink in the kitchen.
7. He put $1000 in the business.
8. He put many examples in his book.


She took her coat off.


no where

every time

no time


1. All the business people were at the meeting.

was at the meeting.
2. All the wood and paper are in the fire.
________________________ is in the fire.
3. Helen always goes away when Arthur comes.
____________ he comes, she goes away.
4. There were many, many fires in the city.
Fires were _________________________.
5. I don't have anything under the bedcover.
________________ is under the bedcover.
6. There wasn't one person with the cook.
___________________ was with the cook.
7. The answer isn't in my book, or your book, or his book. It is _________________ in these books.
8. Between 10 and 2 o'clock I went to the bank, the store and the hospital. I had _______ for lunch.

1. I make all my own decisions.

2. We make an agreement.
3. He makes good money.
4. She makes her old dresses into blouses.
5. They always make problems out of nothing.
6. I want to make a special system only for you.
7. She only wants to be safe.
8. He wants us to go with him to Mexico.
9. We want you to come again to our home.
10. They want as much as we have.




I made all my own decisions.





1. George Washington was an __

__ man in American history.
2. His ________________ question is always "How much?"
3. She has on a _______________ brown business suit.
4. After reading Marco Polo, we all had a ______________ interest in Asia.
5. The Third World is another name for ________________ nations.
6. He had many ______________ experiences in his long life.
7. A ____________ teacher always has many examples for her students.
8. He was _______________ in experience, but not in money.
9. The baby was ______________ because his mother didn't have enough milk.
10. It is _____________ for a good cook to make a delicious dinner.
11. You will always have a _________________ place in my heart.
12. There was the ________ red color of blood on his left hand.



the NEW



Please put these words and sentences in your own language. Be an artist; make some pictures.























































It was a terrible mistake to come here without all the information.

Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen.
The nurse put some medicine in a glass of water.
This medicine can take the pain away.
Life has both pain and pleasure.
American hospital equipment is good, but expensive.
The airplane accident took many lives.
After the accident, the boy had a cut on his leg.
When did the nurse put a bandage on your cut?
I don't have any feeling in my right arm.
Who wants my help?
He may have a back and/or neck injury.
What is the condition of his neck injury?
A ray of sun light came through the window.
We have an emergency, so please come now.
The queen had control of the king.
Take this prescription to a pharmacy.
He made an important discovery in medicine.
How is your grandmother's health?
He has a high temperature.
The normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius.































well sick
















less more




least most




to give


to get

They went by ship to an island in the Caribbean Sea.

Why don't we go for a walk along the beach?
The sand was too hot to be without shoes.
A ship came into the harbor.
A doctor should take a look at this burn.
The king and queen were not in any danger.
I have a 10:45 appointment with my doctor.
He may have a lung disease.
Everyone must go to the doctor for a shot.
Will he have a stomach operation?
With an open injury there is always the danger of infection.
What is your favorite vacation place?
I want an appointment today because my injury is serious.
Sick people should go to a doctor.
Is your brother well now, or is he still sick?
If you want the economic news, it's on page 8.
The American political system is very different from others.
It was a military decision to take the city.
Does she have a lot of religious books on her shelves?
Was he in good physical condition?
High waves are a real danger to houses along the beach.
He should not have any more medicine.
The pain is less.
Most of the nurses want more money.
Last is not always least.
A broken arm is more serious than a broken toe.
The nurse gives help to the doctor.
I get pleasure from reading.


A. take + NOUN

Who took my new winter sports equipment?

That big boy took your new winter sports equipment.
Did you take any money out of my handbag?
Why should I take any money out of your handbag? I have my own money.


Is it okay if I take some more potato salad?

Yes. Please take as much as you want.
Do you take cream and sugar in your coffee?
Yes, please. I take only a little cream, but a lot of sugar.

B. take + NOUN is often used to personalize things (to make things our own).
1. Please take a seat.
2. May I take your picture?
3. Who will take control if we have a real emergency?
4. My friend and I took a run along the beach.
5. May I take a look at your work?
6. It is normal for a woman to take her husband's family name after they are married.
7. How did she take the bad news about her uncle's heart operation?
8. After his swim, John took a ten minute rest.
9. I want to take a trip across North America by bus.

C. take place has the special meaning of occur, happen, be.


What took place?

A serious car accident took place.
When did it take place?
The accident took place a few minutes ago.


Where did the accident take place?

It took place at the corner of Park and Flower Streets.
Why did it take place?
The accident took place because there is ice on the streets.

D. take may be used to show that something is necessary or required.

1. This cake takes six bananas, four eggs, a cup of nuts, and very little sugar.
2. I was worried because the birth of her baby took two doctors and three nurses.
3. The king and queen's trip down the Mississippi River took almost two weeks.
4. This kind of problem takes a person with military experience.
5. He always takes a long time to make a decision.
6. That new office equipment will take a lot of money!
7. It takes a special kind of person to be a nurse.
8. It took only two drops of his medicine to put him to sleep.
9. How long will it take us to go to your apartment?


1. I took the dirty bandage off, before I put a clean one on.
2. She is not strong enough to put the child on the horse, but she can take him off.
3. John puts his money in the bank and his wife takes it out.
4. After my helper took the old sink out of the kitchen, I put a new one in.
5. The bad boy took a page out of our English book with his pocket knife.
6. A policeman took the knife away from the boy.
7. You took the words out of my mouth.
8. This Chinese medicine will take all your muscle pain away.
9. Okay, you took your new French bicycle apart, but can you put it back together?

F. take to may give the idea of "go with."


Where did the King of Spain take the Queen of England?

He took her to an island in the Mediterranean Sea for a short vacation.
Did they take a ship or an airplane?
They took a ship because the weather was perfect.


Why did you take your new silk dress back to the store?
I took it back to the store because it was the wrong size.
What should we take to John's party?
Why don't we take a bottle of his favorite red wine?

G. take in has the meaning of collect and/or absorb.

1. The farmers will take in all the apples before the middle of October.
2. The woman took in her family's clean clothes before the rain came down.
3. The fishermen took in more fish than the last time they went out in the sea.
4. The students took in every word of their favorite geography teacher.
5. It is difficult for him to take in all the information that is in this book.
6. The eye of television takes in much of what takes place in the world today.
7. I could not take in everything that I wanted to when I was in Washington, D.C., so I have to go back!
8. How much money did the company take in last year?
9. The business should take in more than a million dollars this year.

H. take part in has the meaning of participate.


How many people took part in the discovery of the new medicine?
Only ten people took part in its discovery.
Who will take part in the religious meeting?
I'm not quite sure, but two of our close friends will be among those who take part.


How many students took part in the political work?

More than 15 students took park in the political work.
How many runners will take part in the 5 mile run along the sea next weekend?
I'm not worried about the number of runners. I'm worried about the weather.


We use more with both people and things (NOUNS).

I have the feeling that there are more people here today than yesterday.
You are right. There must be at least 20 more people here today than yesterday.
Are any more nurses or any more equipment necessary for the emergency room?
Yes, please. Both more nurses and equipment are necessary.


Do you want me to put any more ice on your muscle injury?

No, thank you. You don't have to put any more ice on my injury.
For the last time: Who wants any more ice cream?
May I have some more before you put it away? Chocolate is my favorite.


Do you want me to put any more medicine on your cut?

Yes, please put a little more medicine on my cut.
Where is there more pain, on your left or right side?
There is much more pain on my right side than on my left.


Does he have any more health problems?

Yes, I'm afraid that he has many more health problems, enough for two people.
Do we have any more bandages?
We have only a few more boxes of bandages.

Mr. Tyler:
Mr. Kennedy:
Mr. Tyler:
Mr. Kennedy:

Who had more mistakes on her physical geography test, Mary or Diana?
Without question, Mary had a lot more mistakes on her test paper.
Who has more control, Dr. Harrison or Dr. Taft?
Without question, Dr. Taft has a lot more control than before.

Mrs. Roosevelt:
Mrs. Nixon:
Mrs. Roosevelt:
Mrs. Nixon:

Are you sure that Mr. Grant took his heart medicine today?
Yes, I am sure that he took more than enough of his heart medicine.
Does Mrs. Cleveland have enough help with her housework?
She has more than enough help, because both of her daughters are at home.

1. He may be at the doctor's office.
2. There may be a real infection.
3. Everyone may be at the harbor already.
4. She may have some sand in her eye.
5. The dog may have some kind of disease.

Maybe, he is at the doctor's office.

Maybe, there is a real infection.
Maybe, everyone is at the harbor already.
Maybe, she has some sand in her eye.
Maybe, the dog has some kind of disease.

6. There may be no real news until tomorrow.

7. She may be well enough to go on Monday.
8. He may be a long distance runner.
9. The nurse may be here this evening.

Maybe, there'll be no real news until tomorrow.

Maybe, she'll be well enough to go on Monday.
Maybe, he'll be a long distance runner.
Maybe, the nurse will be here this evening.

10. We may go for a swim after lunch.

11. He may come by bus.
12. She may not want to make another mistake.
13. We may go for a run on Saturday.
14. They may come to our beach house.
15. I may take Mary to her favorite restaurant.
16. She may put her new swimsuit on.
17. They may want some real Chinese tea.
18. They may make an important discovery.

Maybe, we'll go for a swim after lunch.

Maybe, he'll come by bus.
Maybe, she'll not want to make another mistake.
Maybe, we'll go for a run on Saturday.
Maybe, they'll come to our beach house.
Maybe, I'll take Mary to her favorite restaurant.
Maybe, she'll put her new swimsuit on.
Maybe, they'll want some real Chinese tea.
Maybe, they'll make an important discovery.


A. make + NOUN shows creation/production (something new)
1. Wind makes waves.
2. That factory makes hospital equipment.
3. We made a big fire on the beach.
4. She will make a honey spice cake.
5. How much profit did the company make last year?
6. I want to make an appointment for Friday.
7. It was a difficult choice to make.
8. Columbus' discovery of America made history.
9. The accident made news.
10. Make three cuts on both the left and right sides and one through the middle.
11. Who made the first computer and when?
12. She has to make another business trip to New York next week.
13. Can you make us some tea?
14. You can make a bandage out of a clean shirt or blouse.
15. You can make newspaper into a hat.
B. make + ADJECTIVE shows a new or changed condition.
1. Rain makes everything wet.
2. The smell of the car makes me sick.
3. The waves made us afraid.
4. The film made her sad.
5. The disease made him weak.
6. The war made some people rich.
7. The new equipment will make our work easy.
8. The fire will make the water hot.
9. This medicine will make you well.
10. Make the room clean.
11. Make the room dark.
12. Make the map big.
13. Don't make me angry!
14. Don't make the lights too bright.
15. Don't make your clothes so dirty.
C. make + VERB shows force.
1. The wife makes her husband go to work.
2. The mother makes her children have a hot breakfast every morning.
3. She made me put on a clean shirt.
4. He made me come to school.
5. The dog made us have an accident.
6. Helen makes us want to be real swimmers.
7. Make him take his medicine.
8. Make him take his wet boots off, before he comes in the house.
9. Make the children be good.
10. I will make them take part in the work.
11. I will make him take you to the train station.
12. I will make her take another picture of us.
13. Don't make the birds go away.
14. Don't make me make another mistake.
15. Don't make me make you all wet.



This is a sweet apple.
This apple is sweeter than that apple.
This is the sweetest apple in the box.

3, 4, 5...


sweeter than
cleaner than
stronger than
richer than
safer than
higher than
newer than
sicker than
faster than
greater than
darker than
fewer than
slower than
easier than
dirtier than
heavier than
luckier than
farther than
better than
worse than

the sweetest
the cleanest
the strongest
the richest
the safest
the highest
the newest
the sickest
the fastest
the greatest
the darkest
the fewest
the slowest
the easiest
the dirtiest
the heaviest
the luckiest
the farthest
the best
the worst


more serious than

less serious than

the most serious

the least serious


more important than

less important than

the most important

the least important


more difficult than

less difficult than

the most difficult

the least difficult


more beautiful than

less beautiful than

the most beautiful

the least beautiful


more interesting than

less interesting than

the most interesting

the least interesting

very clean
very big
very good
very bad

far/much cleaner than

far/much bigger than
far/much better than
far/much worse than

very delicious

far/much more delicious than

far/much less delicious than
far/much more necessary than
far/much less necessary than

very necessary

* If the adjective is long (three or more syllables), we put more/most and less/least with it.


Why are there fewer swimmers at the beach today than yesterday?
There are fewer swimmers today, because the weather is colder than yesterday.
Who is older, you or your brother?
I am older than he.*


Is your brother a better runner than you?

Yes, he's a better runner than I, but I'm a better dancer than he.*
Is the man's broken leg better today?
No, today his broken leg is not better, but worse than yesterday.


Which nation is bigger, Canada or Mexico?

Canada is much bigger than Mexico.
Which nation has more beautiful beaches Canada or Mexico?
Mexico has many more beautiful beaches than Canada.

Dr. Taylor:
Dr. Taylor:

Which is more important, air or water?

Air is much more important than water.
How serious is the burn on the right side of that man's body?
I'm afraid there is an infection now, so it is much more serious than yesterday.

Mrs. Truman:
Mrs. Hoover:
Mrs. Truman:
Mrs. Hoover:

Is your life easier now than before?

Yes, my life is much easier now than before.
Is your new apartment more expensive than your old one?
No, it is much less expensive, and it is also much closer to my work.

Dr. Hayes:
Dr. Hayes:

What is the shortest day of the year in North America?

December 21st is the shortest day of the year in North America.
What is the longest day of the year in North America?
June 21st is the longest day of the year in North America.


Who is the youngest person in your family?

My baby sister is the youngest. She is only six months old.
Who is the oldest person in your family?
My grandmother is the oldest person. She is 89 years old.


Among all the boys, who had the fewest mistakes on the test?
Philip had the fewest mistakes on his mathematics test.
Where should we take the people with the most serious injuries?
You should take the people with the most serious injuries to the emergency room.


Who was in the most danger?

Walter was in the most danger because he had the highest temperature.
What day does Dr. Clinton have most of his appointments on?
He has most of his appointments on Wednesday.

Mrs. Grant:
Mrs. Coolidge:
Mrs. Grant:
Mrs. Coolidge:

Who is the best swimmer among all your friends?

Without question, Nathaniel is the best swimmer among all my close friends.
Who was the worst dancer at the dance?
You can not be serious! That is the least important question in my life.

* In formal English use I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they after "than."


to give (+)
I give
you give
he gives
she gives
it gives

we give
you give
they give

to give (-)
I do not give
you do not give
he does not give
she does not give
it does not give

we do not give
you do not give
they do not give

I give less medicine to him than to her.

He gives more help to us than to them.
It gives greater pleasure to me than to you.
We give some attention to their problems.

I don't give less medicine to him than to her.

He doesn't give more help to us than to them.
It doesn't give greater pleasure to me than to you.
We don't give any attention to their problems.

to give (+?)
do I give?
do you give?
does he give?
does she give?
does it give?

to give (-?)
don't I give?
don't you give?
doesn't he give?
doesn't she give?
doesn't it give?

do we give?
do you give?
do they give?

don't we give?
don't you give?
don't they give?

Does he give all his love to her?

Does she give much feeling to the music?
Do you give the good news to everyone?
Do they give a lot of money for information?

Doesn't he give all his love to her?

Doesn't she give much feeling to the music?
Don't you give the good news to everyone?
Don't they give a lot of money for information?

to get(+)
I get
you get
he gets
she gets
it gets

to get(-)
I do not get
you do not get
he does not get
she does not get
it does not get

we get
you get
they get

we do not get
you do not get
they do not get

He gets some medicine from me.

I get the most pleasure from his books.
We get the least help from him.
They get a lot of news from us.

He doesn't get any medicine from me.

I don't get the most pleasure from his books.
We don't get the least help from him.
They don't get a lot of news from us.

to get(+?)
do I get?
do you get?
does he get?
does she get?
does it get?

to get(-?)
don't I get?
don't you get?
doesn't he get?
doesn't she get?
doesn't it get?

do we get?
do you get?
do they get?

Do you get more economic help from them?

Do we get much light from the sun?
Does he get fewer injuries from his work?
Do they get religious ideas from books?

don't we get?
don't you get?
don't they get?

Don't you get more economic help from them?

Don't we get much light from the sun?
Doesn't he get fewer injuries from his work?
Don't they get religious ideas from books?


problems: cuts, burns, broken bones and so
on. She has very strong feelings about her
work and the kind of emergency attention
people should get.

From the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, all

across both Canada and the United States,
the telephone number for emergency help is
911. It is the number for help in all kinds of
emergencies: fire, police or accidents. In an
emergency, the most important thing is time.

In a busy hospital emergency room, doctors

and nurses have only a few minutes in which
to make very important decisions. At those
times it is clear to everyone that nothing takes
the place of real firsthand experience. This is
why the doctor takes control as soon as he
comes into the room. At that time, his word
becomes law!

My sister is a nurse at a big-city hospital. She

gets pleasure from the help she can give
others. She is one of the hospital's best
nurses, so she almost always gets the most
serious problems. Much of her experience
came from her work at a military hospital, in
the last war, where emergencies were a
normal part of her every-day work. Now,
when there are two or three emergencies at
the same time, she makes the decision about
who is in the most danger and who should get
the doctor's attention first.

Some people get very serious injuries from

accidents, for example: car accidents, sports
accidents, home accidents, work accidents
and so on. Some people come to the hospital
for help, maybe after a fall, with broken arms
and legs. Others come for help with burns or
cuts which they get from equipment at their
companies. Sometimes, there is a lot of blood
and the cuts are both deep and dirty. Because
broken bones, burns and cuts are all serious
physical injuries, doctors often give attention
to them in the emergency room of the hospital.

My sister is in love with her work, so she has

no problem to go to work every morning. Her
interest in medicine goes back many years.
Because her hospital has all the necessary
and up-to-date equipment, it can give help to
people with many different kinds of health


If a person has an infection, he may have a

very high temperature. Our normal body
temperature, when we are well, is 96.7
degrees F (Fahrenheit) or 36.6 degrees C
(Centigrade). Because a person who comes
into an emergency room with a high
temperature may be very sick, the nurse has
to get all the necessary information: the
person's health history. If that information is
not already in the hospital computer, the nurse
has to put it all down* on paper, as fast as she
can, for the doctor. She has to have
everything ready for the doctor when he
comes in.

If a person comes to the emergency room

after a serious accident, for example, a car
accident, the doctor almost always wants the
nurse to take an x-ray or two. If nothing is
broken and if the injury is open, the doctor
may put a few drops of medicine on it. Then
he puts a clean bandage on the injury. If there
is a danger of infection, the doctor may give a
shot to the person. He may also give the
person a prescription to get some medicine
from a pharmacy.
Sometimes, the people who come to a
hospital emergency room are in very bad
condition. They may have some kind of
disease. A disease often goes from person to
person. Sometimes, doctors can overcome a
disease with only one or two shots.

Burns are a very difficult kind of problem.

There are first degree, second degree and
third degree burns. A third degree burn is the
worst. If a person with a third degree burn has
a lot of pain, the doctor almost always gives
him some strong medicine to overcome the
pain. It is not normal to put a bandage on
burns. It is better if a burn can get air. But this
is why there is always a real danger of
infection with burns.

People may have other serious problems, for

example, stomach problems with pains that
come in waves. Or, they may have a loss of
feeling in different parts of their bodies. Or, if
they have a heart problem, they may have
terrible chest pains, or the feeling that they
can not get enough air, or that their head goes
round and round. It is normal for people in this
condition to be afraid and sometimes angry.
Their question is almost always: Why me?

* put down: I put my name down on the paper. Please

put down your telephone number for me.


is clear to him what the problem is. This short

look is often enough to give him all the
necessary information about the person's
physical condition.

Sometimes, there is no choice and the only

answer to a person's physical problem is an
operation. If an emergency operation is
necessary, the doctors and nurses go to work
without the loss of another minute. Again, time
is the most important thing in an emergency.

But at other times, the doctor may not be

quite sure what the problem is, so, to be on
the safe side, he may want his nurse to take
a few x-rays. If x-rays are necessary, the
nurse takes the person into a special x-ray
room and puts him or her on an x-ray table.
She then takes the x-rays and gives them to
the doctor.

There are many different kinds of operations.

There are eye operations, heart operations,
brain operations, lung operations and so on.
Some operations are more serious than
others, but everyone who goes under a
doctor's knife is in some degree of danger.

If the doctor still has questions, he may want a

blood test, so the nurse takes a little blood out
of the person's arm. Blood is important for
different kinds of tests. If a person is very, very
sick or if the doctor has the feeling that the
person's life is in danger, the doctor may want
to put him or her in a hospital where there is
more control and until there is a clearer picture
about what the real problem is.

Sometimes, in place of an operation, people

can get their health back with a lot of bed rest,
fresh air and good food. Sometimes, that is all
that is necessary because time is often the
best doctor!
If there is no emergency, it is best for people
to make an appointment with their own doctor.
Sometimes, he only has to take a look at the
person's eyes, ears, nose and throat, before it


to give (+)
I gave
you gave
he gave
she gave
it gave

we gave
you gave
they gave

to give (-)
I did not give
you did not give
he did not give
she did not give
it did not give

we did not give

you did not give
they did not give

We gave them some new military equipment.

He gave us news of the important discovery.
She gave him some help with his English.
It gave me a strange physical feeling.

We didn't give them any new military equipment.

He didn't give us news of the important discovery.
She didn't give him any help with his English.
It didn't give me a strange physical feeling.

to give (+?)
did I give?
did you give?
did he give?
did she give?
did it give?

to give (-?)
didn't I give?
didn't you give?
didn't he give?
didn't she give?
didn't it give?

did we give?
did you give?
did they give?

didn't we give?
didn't you give?
didn't they give?

Did it give you more good ideas?

Did he give her all his love?
Did she give him a few more questions?
Did you give them any more problems?

Didn't it give you more good ideas?

Didn't he give her all his love?
Didn't she give him a few more questions?
Didn't you give them any more problems?

to get (+)
I got
you got
he got
she got
it got

to get (-)
I did not get
you did not get
he did not get
she did not get
it did not get

we got
you got
they got

we did not get

you did not get
they did not get

I got a bad sunburn at the beach.

You got a broken arm from your fall.
He got a shot from the nurse.
She got too much attention from the boys.

I didn't get a bad sunburn at the beach.

You didn't get a broken arm from your fall.
He didn't get a shot from the nurse.
She didn't get too much attention from the boys.

to get (+?)
did I get?
did you get?
did he get?
did she get?
did it get?

to get (-?)
didn't I get?
didn't you get?
didn't he get?
didn't she get?
didn't it get?

did we get?
did you get?
did they get?

Did you get any religious feeling?

Did he get any political news about the US?
Did she get any less economic help?
Did they get any fewer health problems?

didn't we get?
didn't you get?
didn't they get?

Didn't you get any religious feeling?

Didn't he get any political news about the US?
Didn't she get any less economic help?
Didn't they get any fewer health problems?



political, military and religious interests in the
ideas of Columbus, so they gave him some
money, equipment and three little ships: the
Pinta, the Nia and the Santa Maria. Though
the ships were old, they were still in good

In the eyes of many people, Christopher

Columbus (1451-1506) was a strange man
with strange ideas. He had two important
ideas. The first was that the world was as
round as a ball. His second idea was that
because the world was round, a ship could go
to the Far East if it went West, across the
Atlantic Ocean. Because no one in his
birthplace, the harbor city of Genoa, Italy,
gave any attention to his strange ideas,
Columbus went to Portugal where people
were more open to new ideas. But the
Portuguese did not have much interest in
Columbus' ideas because their ships could
already go to Asia round the south end of

On August 12, 1492, Columbus went west

from the Spanish harbor city of Palos, out into
the great Atlantic Ocean. This was not a
pleasure trip, but a trip of discovery! After 71
very difficult days, Columbus, together with
87 seamen, came across land. It was only a
little island, but it was land! He gave it the
name San Salvador. The discovery of San
Salvador took place on October 12, 1492. It
was one of the most important discoveries in
all history. It was the best of times for some
and the worst of times for others. The world
was never the same again!

This is why Columbus went to Spain, where

he put his ideas to make Spain into a great
empire before the king and queen. King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had economic,


Before Columbus made his discovery of

America, no one in Europe had any idea that
there was a continent between Spain and
Asia. The best maps had nothing on them.
This is why Columbus made a big mistake. He
gave the name "Indian" to the first people he
came across, because he took them to be*
the people of India. The music, dances, arts,
languages and so on of these "Indians" were
very strange to European eyes and ears.

of a short cut to Asia, the land of silk and

spices and of riches out of this world.
Because it is normal for discoverers to give
their own names to their discoveries, the New
World should have the name "Columbia" or
"the Land of Columbus." But, in place of
Columbus, the continent got its name from
another Italian, Amerigo Vespucci, a
discoverer, seaman and map maker who was
the first to have the feeling that the land which
Columbus came across was not Asia, but a
new continent.

Before the end of his life, Columbus made

three more trips across the Atlantic Ocean.
There were new dangers every time. But, at
the end of every trip he took some "Indians"
back to Spain, together with many of the
different fruits and things that he came
across. One of the Indian vegetables soon
became very important in Europe - the potato.
To Columbus, until the very end of his life, his
great discovery was not of a "New World" but

In 1507, a Dutch physical geographer and

map maker was the first to come up with** the
idea that the name of the New Would should
be America because "Amerigo was its real
discoverer." So that's the story, the real story
of how America got its name.

** come up with: He has to come up with a new plan

* take X to be: People often take me to be younger than I

because the old one is no good. She came up with a good

idea for a book.

am. We took her to be English.


World. On the map of the New World Spanish

names were everywhere. The Spanish
language became a world language.

In the one hundred years after Columbus

made his first trip West, the Spanish
overcame many problems and made many
important discoveries about the geography
and peoples of Central and South America.
Between 1519 and 1522 Spanish ships went
round the world. At the same time, Hernan
Cortes, with fewer than 400 men, got control
of the Aztec Empire and made Mexico City the
capital of "New Spain," which was the name
he gave to all the land that is today Mexico,
Guatemala, San Salvador and Honduras.

Among the many wonderful things the New

World gave the Old World, that is, Europe,
were a number of new foods. Chocolate, for
example, was one of them. It came from
Mexico. The word "chocolate" has an
interesting history. It is two words from the
Mayan Indian language: "sour water."
Without question, until 1588, Spain was the
strongest nation in the world. It had control of
both Portugal and the Netherlands in Europe,
much of North America, all of Central and
South America, the Philippine Islands in Asia
and some parts of Africa. The Spanish Empire
was the first real world empire on which the
sun never went down.

A few years later, in 1535, Francisco Pizzaro,

another Spaniard, got control of the great Inca
Empire in what is today Peru. In less than 50
years and without a serious war, Spain
became the controller of almost all the land
between California and Argentina. Soon, the
first wave of Europeans came to the New


to give (+)
I will give
you will give
he will give
she will give
it will give

to give (-)
I will not give
you will not give
he will not give
she will not give
it will not give

we will give
you will give
they will give

we will not give

you will not give
they will not give

I'll give them their medicine.

It'll give her a lot of pleasure.
She'll give you an appointment for next week.
They'll give us their decision when they are ready.

I won't give them their medicine.

It won't give her a lot of pleasure.
She won't give you an appointment for next week.
They won't give us their decision until they are ready.

to give (+?)
will I give?
will you give?
will he give?
will she give?
will it give?

to give (-?)
won't I give?
won't you give?
won't he give?
won't she give?
won't it give?

will we give?
will you give?
will they give?

won't we give?
won't you give?
won't they give?

Will you give him any more help?

Will he give her any more attention?
Will she give us any more information?
Will they give me any more work?

Won't you give him any more help?

Won't he give her any more attention?
Won't she give us any more information?
Won't they give me any more work?

to get (+)
I will get
you will get
he will get
she will get
it will get

to get (-)
I will not get
you will not get
he will not get
she will not get
it will not get

we will get
you will get
they will get

we will not get

you will not get
they will not get

I'll get a clean bandage from the nurse.

She'll get a birthday gift from us.
He'll get a disease from those people.
We'll get the best answer from the book.

I won't get a clean bandage from the nurse.

She won't get a birthday gift from us.
He won't get a disease from those people.
We won't get the best answer from the book.

to get (+?)
will I get?
will you get?
will he get?
will she get?
will it get?

to get (-?)
won't I get?
won't you get?
won't he get?
won't she get?
won't it get?

we will get?
will you get?
will they get?

Will I get it from him tomorrow?

Will we get an injury from that work?
Will he get a burn from the sun?
Will they get the news from the radio?

won't we get?
won't you get?
won't they get?

Won't I get it from him tomorrow?

Won't we get an injury from that work?
Won't he get a burn from the sun?
Won't they get the news from the radio?



winter. It will make them both very happy. And,
it's better to give than to get!

Last winter, when the temperature was very

low and the snow came up to my knees and
the north wind made everyone cold to the
bone, our city newspaper had a report about a
Caribbean vacation. Next to it was a picture of
a big, white pleasure ship in the clear bluegreen water of the Caribbean Sea. Very close
to the ship was an island with little waves all
along its beautiful beach. The only clothes that
the people on the beach had on were swim
suits. Together the picture and story made me
want to go so much!

Why not? I made good money from the sale of

a nice piece of farmland, so money isn't a
problem. And, I'm sure that the trip, the sun,
the sea and the fresh air will be very good for
my father's health. He is not as well as before
and I'm a little worried about him.
The newspaper story gave the address and all
the necessary information about the company
which has those big, white, pleasure ships that
go from island to island, one more beautiful
than the other. Some ships go for a week and
others go for two weeks. Every ship has
enough room for 200 to 300 people. The
rooms on board the ships are not too big, but
all the furniture is new, or at least, in good
condition and everything is very clean.

I took a long look at that picture and then I

took a look round me at the worst snow storm
in the last 20 years. A lot of things went
through my head and then I made a decision: I
will give my parents a wonderful gift, the
experience of a lifetime, a vacation trip on a
Caribbean pleasure ship, in the d e a d of


Everyone gets round-the-clock attention on

these ships. They get three, big, delicious
meals every day, together with "high tea,"
which is almost another meal, at 4:00. The
cooks on these pleasure ships are very, very
good. Their meals are wonderful, out of this
world! What to do the rest of the time, that is,
between meals, is not a real problem. Some
people take a swim, and some take a
sunbath. Others who are lucky enough to
have their favorite writer's latest book may
want nothing more than the peace of reading a
few pages. Still others may want only to go to
sleep on the long, ship chairs. Choices,
choices, choices, but sometimes life can be

serious problems. They are both quite easy to

There is a special seasick medicine that my
parents can get with a prescription from their
doctor. They may want to take it before they
go on board the ship at the start of their trip. If
they take it as they should, I'm sure that they
will be okay. The medicine should be a big
help until they get their "sea-legs."
The second problem is the sun. The rays of
the sun are quite strong in that part of the
world, so it is easy for people to get a very bad
sunburn. A bad sunburn can take all the
pleasure out of a vacation. When people take
their first few sunbaths, they should be in the
sun's strong rays for 20 minutes at most. If,
by mistake, someone gets too much sun
there are a doctor and a nurse on board the
ship. They are there to give vacationers help
when necessary. But it is clear to most people
that it is best not to get a sunburn in the first

There are only two problems that my parents

may have. Because we are from the
heartland of America, far from any great body
of water, I'm not sure how they will take to*
the sea. They may be seasick. The second
problem is sunburn. But these are not very
* take to: Most women take to him at their first meeting.
How did she take to Chinese food?


Vacationers on a pleasure ship can have a lot

of fun. For those people who do not want to go
to bed early, there is a dance almost every
night on board the ship. There are also films
with important information about the ship's
next stop, for example, about where there is a
good place for a walk or what the different
places of interest are: the central market
where one can get fresh fruits, a good
restaurant where one can get different kinds of
sea food and so on.
When the ship makes its stop at an island,
some people may want to go for a walk along
the beach. Some may want to go for a swim in
the waves. Almost everybody wants to take a
few pictures for their friends back home. And,
vacationers always want to get some little
things, gifts, to take back with them.
There is a special place where I want my
parents to go for sure. It is special because it
is an undersea "park." In place of animals,
this park has thousands and thousands of fish
- all kinds and all colors. It is one of the few
places in the world with sea horses, a strange
and wonderful animal that always makes
people happy.
Because the undersea park is very big and
rich with different kinds of sea life, I want my
parents to take a look at everything. They are
both good swimmers and they are both in
good, if not top, physical condition. There will
be someone with them all the time, so they
will be quite safe. Everybody will have special
undersea equipment.
In one corner of this park, there is something
of special interest to most people. It is an old
Spanish warship, which went down long ago.
It has holes all over. Many different kinds of
fish make their homes there now. I am sure
that this will be of great interest to my mother
and father because of their love of history and
the great outdoors.
I am not a rich person, but life is short and
money is not the most important thing in the
world. My family is much more important to
me. I want my parents to have this experience
of life on board a ship. I am sure that the most
difficult part of their trip will be for them to put
into words the feelings they will get from a
vacation on a great, white Caribbean pleasure


Please put the verbs in the sentences.





1. Can you ___

___ to our party on Saturday night?
2. Can you __________ with us to the beach?
3. Could he __________ the necessary information at the library?
4. He can not __________ on his shoes because he is only three years old.
5. She could not _____________ us any news about the queen's vacation trip.
6. They can not _____________ any decision until next Friday.
Please give the opposite of these sentences.

We get news from the radio.

1. The radio gives news to us.

2. The nurse gives attention to sick children.__________________________________________
3. The king gave a letter to Columbus. ______________________________________________
4. The queen gave money to Columbus._____________________________________________
5. The waves will give pleasure to the swimmers.______________________________________
6. The businessman will give control of his company to his son.___________________________
7. The sunlight may give a burn to you.______________________________________________
8. It must give a religious feeling to him. _____________________________________________
9. The sea can give food to everyone. ______________________________________________
10. The nurse should give more information to the doctor. ________________________________
Please put these sentences in the past tense.

I got some information from the books.

1. I will get some information from the books.

2. She will get some gifts from her father. ____________________________________________
3. He will get help from the teacher. ________________________________________________
4. It will get salt from the sea. _____________________________________________________
5. We will get some milk from the store. _____________________________________________
6. They will get a cold wind from the north. ___________________________________________
7. You will get many ideas from reading._____________________________________________
8. The teacher will give a vacation to them.___________________________________________
9. The doctor will give some help to them. ___________________________________________
10. The nurse will give the medicine to them. __________________________________________
11. The queen will give her attention to them. _________________________________________
12. The king will give them his answer. _______________________________________________
13. The discoverer will give them the news. ___________________________________________
14. Their mother will give them her love. ______________________________________________
Please give the comparative and superlative forms:

cleaner than

the cleanest







Please put these words and sentences in your own language. Be an artist; make some pictures.



























care of































This is a copy of my airplane ticket.

It is a monument to peace.
They gave us first class service at that new Italian restaurant.
The company got a big order a few days ago.
When and where did you make your purchase?
Can you take care of the children for two hours tomorrow?
The output of industry went up last year.
Do you have a better plan?
He put his home telephone on the back of his business card.
Where there's life, there's hope.
His success comes from hard work.
There may be a change in the timetable.
Our group made a few changes in your business plan.
Fire has more than one use.
Why won't the bank give us any more credit?
He is from a town that has fewer than 100 families.
Jamestown, Virginia was an English colony.
What is the shortest way from your house to school?
He must make a payment on the first of every month.
What is the name of your organization?
The country's economic development was too slow for many.





















under attack


contact with














in general


















to like


to know

How much support does the queen have among the workers?
When did you go into the army?
Maybe the navy will give all its support to the army.
How many airplanes does the air force have?
I want to make a telephone call to Tokyo.
What time is your next flight to Boston?
I want to make a reservation for flight #865.
She is a strong supporter of the government.
The president is the head of the American government.
The city was under attack before sunup.
Why does she still have contact with him?
There is a lot of trade between the US and Canada.
She was angry because she had a half hour wait.
You are free and may go where and when you want.
Who in the government is responsible for science and industry?
There are direct flights from London to New York four times a day.
He is a medical student, not a doctor.
In general, flight reservations are easy to make.
It is a common medical problem.
The truck was full of vegetables direct from the field.
Why is your glass empty? Have another bottle of beer.
A baby's bath water should be warm, not hot.
The weather was cool, so I put my sweater on.
Go straight along this street to the next corner, then left.
You have an international call on line 5, Mr. President.
She makes all her own clothes,
People like the new stone monument.
I want to know all about you.


A. get ( give) + NOUN shows goes from one person to another.

When did you get that wonderful necklace?

I got it on my last birthday. Isn't it beautiful?
Who did you get those fresh flowers from?
My boyfriend, Andrew, gave them to me. Aren't they beautiful? I'm so lucky!


Who gave you that copy of our trade agreement?

I got it from Natalie. She's responsible!
Did you get a check from her also?
Maybe yes, maybe no! It is not your business, if I got a check from her or not!

Henry :

Did you get the airplane tickets for our group?

Yes, I got all our tickets and made reservations for the 10 o'clock flight.
Did we get good seats?
Yes, they gave us seats in the middle of the airplane. Your place is by the window.

B. get + NOUN may also have the meaning of "go, take and come back with."

Will you get me some vegetable oil when you go to the market?
Sure, I'll be happy to get you everything you want, if you give me the money.
Will you get some honey also?
It'll be a pleasure to get you some honey, Honey! But my pockets are empty!


There is a bottle of beer in the icebox. Will you get it for me?
Do you want me to get the cheese also?
Yes, that's a good idea! And get some bread also. Okay?
Okay, okay! I'll get the beer, bread and cheese for you, when I'm ready.


This man got a broken leg from his fall off the roof.
I'll get a doctor.
Yes! And get some bandages also.
Okay, I'll get a box of clean bandages for his injuries.

C. get + ADJECTIVE shows change.


Why did Philip get sick?

He got sick because he had some fish that was not fresh. He'll get well soon.
How and when did our new machine get broken?
It got broken yesterday, when it got too hot because there wasn't enough oil in it.


Please get ready and be sure to take a warm coat, because it's already cool outside.
I'll get ready, but who'll get the kitchen clean?
I'll get it clean, but you get busy now! We don't want to be late again!
What a change! This is the first time in history you don't get angry about kitchen work.

Mr. Eisenhower:
Mrs. Monroe:
Mr. Eisenhower:
Mrs. Monroe:

Does the study of English get easier or more difficult with time?
Without question, English gets easier, much easier with time.
Do you get worried, if your husband is late for dinner?
Yes, if he doesn't give me a call, so I know where he is, I get very worried.


D. get + PREPOSITION only the preposition is important. get does not have a meaning of its own in such
sentences, so the preposition determines the meaning.
1. The man gets up at 6:30.
2. The man gets out of his house at 7:15.
3. The man gets in his car at 7:18.
4. The man gets to his work at 7:45.
5. The man gets through his work at 5:00.
6. The man gets back to his house at 5:50.
7. The boy got up in the high tree.
8. The boy got down out of the high tree.
9. The boy got up on the roof.
10. The boy got down off the roof.
11. The boy got away from the angry dogs.
12. The boy got together with his best friends.
13. The woman will get down on her knees.
14. The woman will get up off her knees.
15. The woman will get down in the water.
16. The woman will get up out of the water.
17. The woman will get back from the mountains tomorrow.
18. The woman will get out from under the control of the government.
19. Get your hands up!
20. Get your head down!
22. Get your feet together!
21. Get your back against the wall!
23. Get your eyes on your own paper!
24. Get your fingers out of the cake!
Very often get is used in place of another verb of action to show difficulty.


1. He took a piece of wood out of my toe.

2. She put her shoes on.
3. The attackers went across the river.
4. The driver came back after midnight.
5. Someone went in our apartment.
6. I put them together.
7. She put her car in good condition.
8. We came to school an hour ago.
9. They took the stone away from him.
10. He took his mother to the theater.
11. They put the stone monument up.
12. She came to the United States.

He got a piece of wood out of my toe.

She got her shoes on.
The attackers got across the river.
The driver got back after midnight.
Someone got in our apartment.
I got them together.
She got her car in good condition.
We got to school an hour ago.
They got the stone away from him.
He got his mother to the theater.
They got the stone monument up.
She got to the United States.
He got on the last flight.
We got to the president at last.
He got out of the navy a year ago.
The worker got under the car.
Everyone got out of the attackers' way.
How did the dog get over the stone fence?
My big fish got away.
I could not get the top off the box without help.
The more we get together, the happier we'll be. For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.


to give/to get
In sentences with give/get the normal order of direct object and indirect object is often changed.
1. I give a lot of care to the dog.
2. She gives music lessons to children.
3. I gave my flight reservation to Lisa.
4. He gave the use of his car to John.
5. They will give their support to us.
6. Please give a call to me.
7. Give good service to them.

I give the dog a lot of care.

She gives children music lessons.
I gave Lisa my flight reservation.
He gave John the use of his car.
They will give us their support.
Please give me a call.
Give them good service.

8. I get milk for the cat.

9. She gets information for us.
10. I got that box of candy for you.
11. He got the theater ticket for her.
12. Will you get a copy of his medical history for me?
13. Will you get some more ice cream for the children?
14. Get their latest military plans for the president.

I get the cat milk.

She gets us information.
I got you that box of candy.
He got her the theater ticket.
Will you get me a copy of his medical history?
Will you get the children some more ice cream?
Get the president their latest military plans.

much may be used to make adjectives stronger.

1. Her husband is much older than she.
2. It was much warmer in Florida than in Canada.
3. The streets are much safer now than two years ago.
4. The hotel service is much better than before.
5. His health is much worse than last week.
6. Her love of children is much stronger than his.
7. It is much farther to Mary's town than to John's.
8. Our wait was much longer than necessary. Why?
1. Diana is beautiful.
Victoria is more beautiful than Diana.
Elizabeth is much more beautiful than Victoria.
2. John's gift was expensive.
William's gift was more expensive than John's.
Eugene's gift was much more expensive than William's.
3. Food is necessary.
Water is more necessary than food.
Air is much more necessary than water.
The price is high.
The price is too high.
The price is much too high .
His questions are direct.
His questions are too direct.
His questions are much too direct.
There was much support for his ideas.
There was too much support for his ideas.
There was much too much support for his ideas.


It is very important for every student to see that there are two levels of thinking: The concrete and the metaphoric.
With our words we make pictures in either the world of things or the world of ideas.
The World of Things: Concrete

The World of Ideas: Metaphoric

She has a big heart.

He has a big mouth.
Her hands are dry.
His feet are cold.
The sky is clear.
The food made me sick.
Maybe the machine is broken.
The food had no taste.
The force of the waves was too much for us.
She put on a new dress.
What is the name of that mountain?
There were many lines on the paper.
I took off my dirty clothes.
He is in the field of potatoes.
Those people are in line for theater tickets.
He put his hat on his head.
He got through the front door.
The harbor is in that direction.
The weather is cool in the fall.
I was very busy yesterday.
He put a long word on the blackboard.
Grandfather has many stories.
This wall gives support to the roof.
There is a fire in the fireplace.
We put our money in the bank.
I have a pain in my shoulder.
The way is clear and straight.
Don't put your finger in the cake.
The ocean waves came over us.
It is five minutes after six.
I took a look at the problem.
They were in the army for a long time.
Elizabeth is the Queen of England.
She gave birth to a baby boy.
The book cover is blue.
A flower came up.
Don't be angry with me!
The president is very sick.
The world goes round the sun.
A dog's tongue is pink.
The mother has her eye on the child.
There is money in the bank.
I gave her a gift.
She has a nice body.
He had a long and happy life.
The car accident was not serious.
A bird is on the tree branch.
He is up to his neck in water.
He has his ticket to San Francisco.
The clouds are up in the air.
The town got bigger.
Put a button on your coat.
Is this a safe way to go?

She has a big heart.

He has a big mouth.
Her words are dry.
His heart is cold.
It is clear what he wants.
The news made me sick.
Maybe his heart is broken.
The film had no taste.
The force of his words was too much for us.
She put on a happy face.
Mary got a mountain of gifts for her birthday.
There were many lines on the old man's face.
Someone put dirty words on the fence.
He is in the field of medicine. What is your field?
He is in line to be the next king.
She is the head of the organization.
He got through a difficult time of his life.
His life took a new direction.
They were very cool about my ideas.
Their telephone was busy all evening.
He gave me his word.
He gave us his life story.
She gave me some economic support.
There is a fire in his eyes.
We put our hearts in our work.
She is a pain in the neck.
He is a very straight person. Don't be afraid!
Don't put your nose in my business.
The pain comes in waves.
The doctor came at the last minute.
She had a far-away look in her eyes.
An army of workers made the Great Wall of China.
Katherine is the queen of his heart.
His ideas gave birth to an empire.
The attack came under cover of night.
An interesting problem came up.
When the sea is angry, no ship is safe.
That idea is sick.
My head went round and round.
Tongues of fire came out of the windows.
John has his eye on Mary.
There is money in your idea.
Her feeling for music is a gift.
There is an important body of information in this report.
He was the life of the party.
It was no accident that he came into our area.
It was a bird-brain idea.
He is up to his neck in work.
He was her ticket to "the good life."
Our trip to Europe is up in the air.
Our trade with Mexico got bigger.
Put a button on your lip.
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.


Many adjectives have "y" at the end.


I had a very busy day yesterday.

There was no hope in his sorry eyes.
Who's ready for dinner?
Don't be angry with me. I'm not responsible for your problems.
The cat came to me because he was tired and hungry.
If you give me an easy question, I'll give you a straight answer.
Why are your hands still dirty?
The army was under heavy attack from the air force.
Do you have an empty box that I can have?
She is very lucky to have him for a husband.

We can make many nouns into adjectives by putting "y" at the end.



I don't want to be on a ship in stormy weather.

One cold and rainy night a stranger came to our door.
I didn't go outside because it was too windy.
The gray cloudy sky made me a little sad.
It was a snowy day in the middle of January.
I took a sunbath because it was a warm and sunny afternoon.
It was a beautiful starry night.
One foggy morning, she took a walk along the beach.
He has many funny stories about his experiences in other countries.
The soup had a salty taste.
He only had a watery soup for lunch.
It was a very bloody time in our history.
We had lunch on the sandy beach, only a few minutes from town.
He is as healthy as a horse!
She doesn't want that smelly fish in her house.
He has very oily hair.
They put their sleepy children in bed.
There was an accident on the icy road.
He has a hairy chest.
They have a boxy, little apartment.
Her blouse is a creamy yellow.
His eyes had a glassy look.
These oranges are so juicy.
She has silky brown hair.
I want some hot, spicy food this evening.


right + (time/place)
right means exactly at the indicated time or place.

I want my money right now!

I'm sorry, but I don't have it right now.
Then, I have no other choice, but to get the police right now!
Okay, okay! My bank is closed right now. Give me a day or two to get it for you.


Where were you when John came into the room?

Right then, I was at the big, front window.
What did he want?
He wanted me to go with him to the central post office right then.


When did Thomas give you the news of his latest success?
He gave me the happy news right before class.
When did he go to his friend's apartment?
He went right after he got a call from Jessica.


What time did the bus come?

It came right at 8:45.
What time did you go for lunch?
I went right at noon.


Where is my airplane ticket?

It's right by your political science book.
Where is my credit card?
It's right next to or right on top of your checkbook.

over ( under) may have the meaning of up.
Mrs. Madison:
Mrs. Lincoln:
Mrs. Madison:
Mrs. Lincoln:

Where was the airplane?

It was right over the city.
Where was the check for the full payment of the machine?
It was among some business papers right under his nose.

Mr. Ford:
Mr. Adams:
Mr. Ford:
Mr: Adams:

Where did you put your beautiful, cut-glass lamp?

We put it right over the dining room table.
Where did you put your new outdoor furniture?
We put it right under the big tree in our garden.

over may also have the meaning of end, finish.

Mrs. Washington:
Mrs. Jefferson:
Mrs. Washington:
Mrs. Jefferson:

What time will the cowboy film be over?

The start was at 8:15, so it will be over at 9:45.
What time was your European history test over?
My test was over at 8:30.

Mr. Roosevelt:
Mr. Eisenhower:
Mr. Roosevelt:
Mr. Eisenhower:

Will our meeting be over before noon?

Yes, it should be over right at noon, so I'll be free to have lunch with you.
How long did Edward's operation take?
It was all over in less than two hours.


to like (+)
I like
you like
he likes
she likes
it likes

we like
you like
they like

to like (-)
I do not like
you do not like
he does not like
she does not like
it does not like

we do not like
you do not like
they do not like

I like this little town.

He likes fast music.
She likes our group of friends.
They like my business card.

I don't like this little town.

He doesn't like fast music.
She doesn't like our group of friends.
They don't like my business card.

to like (+?)
do I like?
do you like?
does he like?
does she like?
does it like?

to like (-?)
don't I like?
don't you like?
doesn't he like?
doesn't she like?
doesn't it like?

do we like?
do you like?
do they like?

don't we like?
don't you like?
don't they like?

Do you like the new president?

Does he like physical contact?
Does she like to be the center of attention?
Do they like to make big plans?

Don't you like the new president?

Doesn't he like physical contact?
Doesn't she like to be the center of attention?
Don't they like to make big plans?

to know (+)
I know
you know
he knows
she knows
it knows

to know (-)
I do not know
you do not know
he does not know
she does not know
it does not know

we know
you know
they know

we do not know
you do not know
they do not know

I know about his international contacts.

You know something about me.
We know the shortest way to the university.
They know that she likes chocolate cake.

I don't know about his international contacts.

You don't know anything about me.
We don't know the shortest way to the university.
They don't know that she likes chocolate cake.

to know (+?)
do I know?
do you know?
does he know?
does she know?
does it know?

to know (-?)
don't I know?
don't you know?
doesn't he know?
doesn't she know?
doesn't it know?

do we know?
do you know?
do they know?

Do you know her name?

Do you know what time it is?
Do you know when the next flight is?
Do you know where our theater tickets are?

don't we know?
don't you know?
don't they know?

Don't you know her name?

Don't you know what time it is?
Don't you know when the next flight is?
Don't you know where our theater tickets are?



When my brother got out of the army, he
wanted to get into international business right
away. But he could not because he did not
have enough money. So, he went to work as a
salesman for a company that made hospital
equipment. At first, everything was quite
difficult for him, but he always made sure that
most of his check went into the bank every
month. At last, he had enough money to
become serious about his business plans.
Two years ago, the time came, at last, for my
brother to go into business with two of his old
army friends. And why not? The three of them
have a lot in common. They know and like one
another a lot. They not only went through the
army together, they always wanted to have
their own international business. So, there was
nothing strange when the three partners made
the decision to put their money together for the
startup capital of their own company.
For help with building international business
contacts and to give general direction to the
business, they put together a B o a r d of
Directors. My brother became the chairman of
the Board. Every one of the company's ten
Directors has a good name in the field of
business. Under its Board of Directors, the

company went a long way along the road to

Because of their years in the army, my brother
and his friends know a lot about big
organizations, about how they make their
plans and decisions and so on. Because of
this very special kind of k n o w - h o w and
firsthand experience, the three partners
became responsible for different operations.
For example, my brother is responsible for
overseas or foreign operations. Right now,
overseas operations is only international
sales, but some day the partners' hope is to
have their own factory somewhere overseas.
I know that the company already has branch
offices in a number of different countries:
France, Mexico, Korea and a few others. My
brother likes to go overseas as often as he
can. Because he knows three languages,
apart from English, he has no problem to get
his business ideas across to others. He knows
a lot about political developments, history, and
the way of life of other peoples, and so he has
little or no problem when he is among
foreigners. As an international businessman,
he is, without question, a real success.


My brother's factory gets so many orders that

his customers often have a hard time to get
their machines in less than six months. Six
months is the normal wait. My brother knows
that is too long for many customers and he
wants to make it much shorter. He wants to
give his customers better and faster service.
But the changes he must make will take time.
And, as everyone knows, time is money.

My brother's company makes medical

equipment. They have a line of machines that
doctors like and often make use of in different
kinds of serious operations: brain operations,
lung operations, eye operations and so on.
One of the machines that my brother's
company makes is for use in open-heart
operations. It takes the place of a person's
heart so the doctor can have a clear look at
the heart and then do what he has to do make all the necessary cuts and changes.

My brother wants to get his company's output

up, at least, to two and maybe even three
times what it is now. Right now, with a work
force of 150 full-time and 25 part-time workers
their factory output is about 20 machines a
week. If he can get that up 100 percent, to 40
or more machines a week, his customers will
be much happier and the income of the
company will go up also. Without question,
this change will take his company out of the
red and put it in the black. That will make the
Board of Directors much happier, for sure.

The company's home office, which is in New

York City, has all the latest office equipment:
computers, copy machines and so on. My
brother has telephones everywhere, he even
has one in his car. In general, this makes it
easy for him to be in direct contact at all times
with his many customers round the world.
If a problem comes up, he can take care of it
right then, without any loss of time. For
example, if he has to give special attention to
one of his customers' orders, it's not a
problem. He can make the necessary changes
right away. Or, if there is a change in general
economic conditions, he knows that he must
take care of things fast, so they don't get out
of hand.

My brother's business is not too different from

other international businesses. He can give his
customers different choices, for example,
different colors, different sizes and so on. He
always has to have our government's okay to
get his machines out of the country.


Hospitals around the world know there are no

better machines than his. For a few, money is
no problem. Their order comes with a check
for the full purchase price of the machine. For
those hospitals that do give the full purchase
price at one time, my brother takes off 10
percent. This also makes everyone happy.

The general o u t l o o k for the medical

equipment industry and for my brother's
business is very good both in the United
States and Europe. As, I'm sure, you already
know, the European Union makes most of the
countries of Europe into one, big common
market. This makes trade among them easier.

For poor hospitals that do not have enough

money to give the full purchase price at one
time, my brother can make a special credit
agreement. Sometimes, it is necessary to give
them credit for three or even four years. Under
the conditions of a credit agreement, a
hospital makes a down payment, in other
words, a first payment, and then it makes
payments every month.

Now, in North America, we have something

almost the same. It is the North American
Free Trade Agreement among Canada,
Mexico, and the United States. Together these
three countries make up a market of about
360 million people, the biggest and richest
market in the world. It is not out of the
question that other countries, for example,
Panama and/or Costa Rica in Central America
and some of the island-nations of the
Caribbean Sea will become part of this great
free trade area before too long. At least, that
is my hope.

A hospital's down payment can be as little as

10 percent of the purchase price. The hospital
can take care of the rest through an easy
payment plan. If a hospital wants, it can take
up to four years. Credit is one way poor
hospitals can get the equipment they want
right away, without a long wait. Hospitals know
that every year, the company makes a gift of
five of its newest machines to the poorest of
the poor.

Companies that are outside the European

Common Market and/or the North American
Free Trade Area will have a much more
difficult time with the sale of their goods than
those countries that are inside. This is why my
brother and his partners have high hopes for
the success of their company.


to like(+)
I liked
you liked
he liked
she liked
it liked

to like (-)
I did not like
you did not like
he did not like
she did not like
it did not like

we liked
you liked
they liked

we did not like

you did not like
they did not like

I liked the dance music.

He liked the cowboy film.
She liked my general plan.
We liked the flight very much.

I didn't like the dance music.

He didn't like the cowboy film.
She didn't like my general plan.
We didn't like the flight very much.

to like (+?)
did I like?
did you like?
did he like?
did she like?
did it like?

to like (-?)
didn't I like?
didn't you like?
didn't he like?
didn't she like?
didn't it like?

did we like?
did you like?
did they like?

didn't we like?
didn't you like?
didn't they like?

Did you like the fried chicken?

Did he like the boiled fish?
Did she like our international party?
Did they like our system of government?

Didn't you like the fried chicken?

Didn't he like the boiled fish?
Didn't she like our international party?
Didn't they like our system of government?

to know (+)
I knew
you knew
he knew
she knew
it knew

to know (-)
I did not know
you did not know
he did not know
she did not know
it did not know

we knew
you knew
they knew

we did not know

you did not know
they did not know

I knew that she wanted to come.

You knew that I did not have enough money.
She knew that he was sick.
We knew that you were in the army.

I didn't know that she wanted to come.

You didn't know that I did not have enough money.
She didn't know that he was sick.
We didn't know that you were in the army.

to know (+?)
did I know?
did you know?
did he know?
did she know?
did it know?

to know (-?)
didn't I know?
didn't you know?
didn't he know?
didn't she know?
didn't it know?

did we know?
did you know?
did they know?

Did you know that he made the payment?

Did you know that he gave her the check?
Did you know that I had the use of his car?
Did you know that his glass was empty?

didn't we know?
didn't you know?
didn't they know?

Didn't you know that he made the payment?

Didn't you know that he gave her the check?
Didn't you know that I had the use of his car?
Didn't you know that his glass was empty?



What these companies got for their money
and hard work was land, big, beautiful pieces
of land in what is today Virginia, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, Georgia and so on. So, from
the very start, much of the development of
North America was in the hands of business
organizations. In this way, many rich English
businessmen got even richer with the help of
the English government.

In the years after Columbus made the

European discovery of the American
continent, Spain put together the first, real,
world empire. The sun never went down on
Spanish lands. Spain had colonies not only in
the New World, but also in Asia and Africa.
Until 1588, it was, without question, the
strongest nation in the world, much stronger
than England or France and that is why it got
control of much of North America and all of
Central and South America.
England and France were both late-comers to
the American continent. They both knew that
they were much weaker than Spain, so they
had to give their attention to that part of North
America where Spain did not have any special
interest. The center of their attention became
that part of the North American continent that
is today the United States and Canada.
Four hundred years ago, economic conditions
in the area were very different from today. The
Indians of North America were much poorer
than the Indians of Central and South
America. This is why most of the English and
French attention was on fish, animal skins and
land. Little-by-little, and year-after-year, the
trade between North America and Europe got
bigger and bigger until, at last, the English
government had to make a decision, a very
important decision.
The government in London came face-to-face
with a very serious economic problem. On the
one hand, it wanted to have colonies all along
the Atlantic seaboard of North America. On
the other hand, it did not have enough money
for the building of these colonies. The answer
to this problem was land.
The king of England had land, lots of land in
North America. So, he made a number of
agreements with companies and groups of
English businessmen who were ready to put
money into the development of North America.
Under the conditions of the agreements, these
companies were responsible for building the


But as everyone knows today and knew then,

land without people has very little use. This is
why the king of England made it very easy for
people to come to North America. He did not
have to make use of force because many
people wanted to come. Many did not like life
in England. Some had economic problems,
some had political problems and some had
religious problems. So, it is clear that among
the people who came to America there were
those who wanted to get rich, those who were
angry at their government, and those who had
strong religious feelings. Some even wanted
to make Christians out of the Indians. Most
wanted a new start in life.

The first French families got to Quebec a year

later, in 1608. Quebec was the first French
colony in North America. But this was more
than one hundred years after the first Spanish
and Portuguese families came to the New
World, and more than fifty years after the start
of classes at the University of Mexico!
Among all these different people, there was
one special group with very strong religious
ideas who did not like their king's church, the
Church of England. They wanted to get out
from under its control. This was the central
idea of 102 English men, women and children
who got on board a little ship, the Mayflower,
in September 1620. They were full of hope.
They made their way across the Atlantic
Ocean in 64 days. Their name in American
history is the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims wanted
nothing more than to be free. They had their
own religious ideas. They knew that they had
to become farmers.

It is clear that people came to the New World

with many different ideas. But, without
question, they all had one thing in common:
they all wanted to make new and better lives.
They all wanted and were ready for a change,
a big change in their lives. They liked the idea
of a new life in the New World.

At first, their plan was to go straight to

Jamestown, Virginia, but because of very bad
weather on the way, they got off the Mayflower
at a little harbor, far to the North. The place,
where they got off, is today the city of
Plymouth, Massachusetts. But, in 1620, the
area was empty. There was nothing there - no
town, no house, no restaurant, no school, no
hospital, no street - nothing!

The name of the first English town in America

was Jamestown, because the king of England,
at that time, was James I.* The first English
families came to Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.

* James I = James the First

Elizabeth II = Elizabeth the Second
George III = George the Third


In the warm days of spring, 1621, the Pilgrims

put up some bigger and better houses for their
families and made vegetable gardens with the
help of an Indian friend, whose name was
Squanto. They had close contact with the
Indians and even made friends with some. But
with the idea of "Better safe than sorry!" they
made a wall out of trees and stones round
their little town.

Before they got off their ship, the Pilgrims put

their names on an agreement under which
they made a government for their colony. The
idea that they could and should make their
own government was very new in history, but
it was in line with their other idea that they
could make their own church.
In the cold and snow of winter, the Pilgrims put
up a meeting house and a few little buildings.
At first, because they did not have any
experience with living conditions in North
America, everything was difficult for them.
They were safe from Indian attack, but not
from the terrible cold.

The Pilgrims were very busy all through the

hot summer months. In the fall of 1621, after
they took in * * all their vegetables, the
Pilgrims had more than enough food to get
through the winter, so they had a kind of party
to give thanks for their new life and everything
that they had. That was the first
Thanksgiving. Even until today, Thanksgiving
is an important day for Americans. It is always
on the last Thursday of every November. It is
a kind of living monument to the work of all
those who came before.

At the end of their first hard winter, 52 out of

the 102 people who came were dead. That
was more than half of them. What a terrible
price for a new start in life! But it is important
to know that when warm weather came in the
spring of 1621 and the Mayflower, at last, went
back to England, not one of the Pilgrims, still
living, went back on it.

** take in = The farmers take in the fruits in the fall.

The farmers took in the tomatoes when they were red.
The farmers will take in the rice next month.


to like (+)
I will like
you will like
he will like
she will like
it will like

to like (-)
I will not like
you will not like
he will not like
she will not like
it will not like

we will like
you will like
they will like

we will not like

you will not like
they will not like

You'll like what he got for you.

She'll like what he made for her.
He'll like all the changes that she made.
They'll like the new stone monument.

You won't like what he got for you.

She won't like what he made for her.
He won't like all the changes that she made.
They won't like the new stone monument.

to like (+?)
will I like?
will you like?
will he like?
will she like?
will it like?

to like (-?)
won't I like?
won't you like?
won't he like?
won't she like?
won't it like?

will we like?
will you like?
will they like?

won't we like?
won't you like?
won't they like?

Will he like life in the army?

Will you like more contact?
Will she like to get another call from him?
Will they like to take care of our reservations?

Won't he like life in the army?

Won't you like more contact?
Won't she like to get another call from him?
Won't they like to take care of our reservations?

to know (+)
I will know
you will know
he will know
she will know
it will know

to know (-)
I will not know
you will not know
he will not know
she will not know
it will not know

we will know
you will know
they will know

we will not know

you will not know
they will not know

I'll know everything by tomorrow.

We'll know every place they go.
She'll know about that area.
He'll know all about the use of copy machines.

I won't know everything by tomorrow.

We won't know every place they go.
She won't know about that area.
He won't know all about the use of copy machines.

to know (+?)
will I know?
will you know?
will he know?
will she know?
will it know?

to know (-?)
won't I know?
won't you know?
won't he know?
won't she know?
won't it know?

will we know?
will you know?
will they know?

Will they know what time out airplane gets in?

Will he know where to get medical help?
Will she know how to make the payments?
Will you know what percent to take off the price?


won't we know?
won't you know?
won't they know?

Won't they know what time our airplane gets in?

Won't he know where to get medical help?
Won't she know how to make the payments?
Won't you know what percent to take off the price?


Cook made use of the Hawaiian Islands as
rest station, a place to get his ship ready for
the most difficult part of the trip. After a few
weeks rest, Cook and his men got back on
board Discovery and made their way north to
Alaska. At that time Alaska was part of the
Russian Empire. The Russian-American
Company had an agreement with the Russian
government under which the RAC was
responsible for the economic development of
the area. And so, the Russians did not like the
idea of the British in the North Pacific.

I will go to Hawaii for a vacation next month. I

will go to Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. The
name "Honolulu" is Hawaiian for "safe harbor."
It is a not a city of heavy industry, but of trade,
international trade. It is a city with more than
450,000 people, which is about 40 percent of
all the people in the state of Hawaii. The
people of Hawaii come from the four corners
of the world. But most of them are Chinese,
Filipino, Japanese and Polynesians.
The Polynesians were the first people to get to
the Hawaiian Islands. They came from
Polynesia which is more than 2000 miles to
the south. Those first Polynesian seamen had
to make their way across the open ocean
without any special equipment or even maps.
They had only the stars from which to get their

But, apart from their different political and

economic interests, the Russians were nice to
Cook and his men, as people. They had a few
parties for them with good food, lots of drinks,
music, and even women. But the Russians did
not give the British any real information or
even maps of Alaska.

The Polynesians first made the trip from

Polynesia to Hawaii about 1300 years ago. It
is clear that those Polynesians were very good
seamen. They were not afraid of the sea. They
knew how to make use of it as a kind of
highway to get from one place to another.
They had not only strong bodies and muscles,
but also strong hearts.

After a few weeks, when he did not come

across a through-water-way to get across
North America, Cook had to go back the same
way he came. Because the Hawaiians were
very nice to him and his men the first time,
Cook made another rest stop at the Islands.
But this time things were quite different. It was
there, on a beautiful, sandy beach that some
angry Hawaiians took his life with stones. The
date was February 18, 1780.

Europeans did not get to Hawaii for another

thousand years. In 1779, an Englishman,
James Cook, under orders from his
government, was the first European to get
there. With a British navy ship, Discovery,
under his control, Cook was on his way to the
North Pacific when he came across the
Hawaiian Islands. Cook's discovery of the
Islands was an accident. He had no idea that
they were there because they were not on any
of his maps. Cook was on his way to the North
Pacific because the English government
wanted to know if there was a through-waterway between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans,
to the north of the American continent.

When Cook made his discovery of the

Hawaiian Islands, they were under a king.
Hawaii had kings and queens until 1894, when
a few Americans took control of the
government by force. The Americans, most of
whom were land owners and businessmen,
wanted to make Hawaii a part of the United
States. But, Grover Cleveland, the American
president at that time, was very much against
the idea, so the Americans in the islands put
together a government under their own


example, that India makes more films every

year than Hollywood.

A few years later, William McKinley became

president of the United States. He very much
wanted to make Hawaii part of the US. He
took the Hawaiian Islands under the political
umbrella of the US government. In 1959, the
islands became the 50th state of the United

Because we are an international business

organization, we can give good support to all
our customers round the world. If, after a
customer makes a purchase of one of our
machines, there is a problem, we can take
care of it right away. The attention and service
we give our customers is a big part of why we
are a success.

The Hawaiian Islands are a group of many

islands, in almost a straight line 1,523 miles
(2,437 kilometers) long. At the northwest end
of the line they are nothing but sand, in the
middle they are stone, and at the southeast
end there are eight, big, beautiful islands with
trees, flowers, little rivers and so on. Seven of
these eight have people on them. The city of
Honolulu is on the island of Oahu. But Oahu is
not the biggest island. The name of the
biggest island is Hawaii, the same as the
name of the state. In the middle of the island
of Hawaii there is a mountain with snow allyear round. There are many little towns here
and there on the Big Island.

Every year we get together with the president,

the Board of Directors, and all the other big
people of our company in a different city. The
close contact among all the top people gives
everyone the feeling that we are a kind of
family. We all like the idea that we have some
input into the company's operations.
This year, we'll have a four-day meeting in
Honolulu. At this year's sales meeting, I know
that we'll make plans about ways to get a
bigger part of the market, in other words, a
greater number of orders. Last year, we got
orders for more than $35 million. With an
income of $35 million and an outgo of $32.5
million, our profit was $2.5 million, which is not
too bad for a company our size.

The Hawaiian Islands are nothing more than

mountains that came up from the ocean floor
hundreds of thousands of years ago. Through
the years, ocean waves made soft sand out of
their hard stone. Today, there are beautiful,
white and black sand beaches on all the
islands. Rain, warm weather, and soft, cool
winds make the Hawaiian Islands one big
garden. There are waterfalls everywhere,
together with thousands of different trees,
flowers and birds. Without question, some of
the most beautiful birds in the world are in

I know that our company president wants to

make at least 20 percent more profit for next
year. It's clear that the choices we make at our
Honolulu meeting will be important for our
company and its economic health. I even have
a few ideas of my own that I want to put before
our company president and the Board of

My trip to Hawaii is for both business and

pleasure. I'm with a company that has a
number of branch offices round the world. Our
home office is in Los Angeles, California, very
close to the film capital of the world,
Hollywood. This is important because our
company makes special equipment for the film

When the meeting is over, I want to take a few

days of my vacation time and get away from
all the problems of business. I am sure that I'll
be of more use to my company after a few
good days of rest.
I'm happy because I got the flight and hotel I
wanted. My secretary, Miss Wilson, gave a
call to the airline ticket office yesterday and
with my credit card number she got my ticket
and hotel reservation right away. Now, my
only problem is to get all my work out of the
way, so I can go.

We have customers on every continent, but

we make most of our sales in North America
and Europe. We have plans to get into the
Asian market very soon because it is the
biggest in the world. Everyone knows, for


I'll take United Airlines flight number 747 on

Tuesday morning. I have to be at the airport
on time. If I am late, the airplane will take off*
without me! The distance from Los Angeles,
where I have my home, to Honolulu is more
than 2,500 miles, which is 4000 kms, more or
less. The flight time, or air-time, is less than 5
hours. So, I will get in** a little after 2 p.m.

so on. Then, they get it very clean, inside and

outside. When the pig is ready, they put
banana tree leaves round it. When everything
is ready, they will put the pig down in the "cook
hole." It takes, at least, 8 hours before the pig
will be ready. When, at last, the cooks take the
pig out of the hole and take the banana leaves
off, everyone knows from the smell and taste
of the pork that the long wait was not for

The big hotels and high office buildings of

Honolulu give the city the skyline of other big
cities. What makes it a very special city are its
nice people, who are never too busy to give a
stranger some help or information. Also, there
are flowers and birds everywhere. The
temperature is always between a low of 60
and a high of 85 degrees F. There are cool
afternoon winds almost every day. All
together, these things make life in Hawaii very
nice and very easy. People like to go there.

People always have a great time at Hawaiian

luaus. There will be more than enough
delicious food. No one goes home from a
Hawaiian party with an empty stomach.
Everyone knows that a party is not a party
without music, so there will also be Hawaiian
music and dances.
Both the men and women dancers will have
very long, grass skirts and beautiful, flower
necklaces. Hawaiians like bright colors, so
women's party dresses are often long with
wonderful pictures of beautiful, island flowers.
Men almost never have on a white shirt and
necktie. It is normal for men to have shirts with
many colors: red, yellow, blue and so on.

The city of Honolulu has many places of

interest. I want to get a car and go round the
island of Oahu. I'll take some pictures and get
a few postcards. I want to be sure to go to the
Polynesian Center, where people can take
pictures of life in Hawaii as it was more than
100 years ago. Another place of interest is the
East-West Center, which is a part of the
University of Hawaii. The East-West Center is
a place, where students from all the Pacific
nations get together. A third place of interest,
where I want to go very much, is Pearl Harbor.
It is an important place for all Americans and
foreigners also.

Now, you know much more about Hawaiian

history, geography and way of life than most
people. And my hope is that the next time
someone, maybe your husband or wife,
boyfriend or girlfriend, or lover - that important
someone in your life - comes up with the idea
of a vacation trip to Hawaii, you will go, go, go,
as fast and as soon as you can!

On the second evening of my Hawaiian

vacation, I will go to a big Hawaiian outdoor
party. The center of attention at an Hawaiian
outdoor party, or "luau," is a pig. To get the pig
ready for a luau, Hawaiians first make a big
hole. Next, they put a bed of stones in the
hole and then they make a big fire on the
stones. The fire gets the stones very, very hot.
At the time some are busy with this "cook
hole," others are busy with the pig. First, they
take out its insides: stomach, heart, lungs and
* take off: Your flight will take off at noon. The airplane
took off ten minutes ago.

** get in: Our train should get in at 4:45. What time will
flight 354 get in?


Please put these sentences in their other form:

1. I gave my life to you.
2. He gave feeling to the music.
3. She gave a bath to her baby.
4. We gave much help to John.
5. Mary gave medicine to her dog.
6. It gives pain to me.
7. They give pleasure to us.
8. Do you give support to them?
9. Did he give attention to his son?
10. Will you give an answer to me?


I gave _
_ my life.
He gave ______________________ feeling.
She gave _____________________ a bath.
We gave __________________ much help.
Mary gave __________________ medicine.
It gives _________________________ pain.
They give ___________________ pleasure.
Do you give __________________ support?
Did he give _________________ attention?
Will you give ______________ an answer?

Please put these prepositions in these sentences.




under away



1. I am afraid that I can not get _ _ my apartment.

2. Can you get ______ of class early?
3. I want to get ________ with all my friends before I go back to Japan.
4. How did the boy get _____ from the tree?
5. I am sorry, but without the help of his father, the boy can not get _____ on the horse.
6. They will never get ______ from the police dogs.
7. He is much too big to get _______ his bed.
8. The cat got _______ the fence without any problem.
9. I didn't get ______ sleep until after midnight last night.
10. The students got _______ their English test in less than 30 minutes.
11. Mary can not get her sister's dress _____.
12. Only with the help of a nurse could John get the bandage _____.
Please put your answers on the line.

out of





1. I got a _
_ from my best friend yesterday.
2. Did you get my _______________ from Paris?
3. Every month he gets a __________ for more than $3,000.
4. She got _________ from both her mother and father.
5. Did you get your ______________of his new book?
6. The company got an _____________ for more than $1,000,000.
7. In springtime the days get ______________.
8. After the sun goes down, it always gets _____________.
9. How did the dog get ______________?
10. Because he is very lucky, he may get ______________ very soon.
11. Without good food a person's body will get _______________.
12. She gets _______________ if I am more than half an hour late.
13. I don't know how he got that big machine ________________ the door.
14. I don't know how he got ______________ the theater without a ticket.
15. I don't know how he got ______________ the flight without a reservation.
16. I don't know how he got ______________ from the roof of that building.
17. I don't know how he got ______________ the president.
18. I don't know how he got ______________ town without a car.






Please put these words and sentences in your own language. Be an artist; make some pictures.


























































The oil pipeline is okay at present.

What is past will not come again.
He must make his own future.
We may go for a drive in the country next Sunday.
I have a 30 minute bus ride from my house to my work.
Who got a new job with an overseas oil company?
How did the dish get broken?
You can go left at the next turn.
Wasn't there a big sign on the store window?
The price of the equipment with tax is $237.25.
A bee is a kind of insect.
The insect gave Mary a bite on her left arm.
When did you make this study about the oil industry?
This year's economic growth of the nation is 4.5%.
I want to have a short talk with you after class.
Why does he have high blood pressure?
Water should take the chemical off the fruit.
Do you know how much gold there still is in Alaska?
Do any governments still put silver in their money?

























reason for




























would like


to do


to see

Training is important if you want to be good at sports.

Where did she put the beautiful green plant that I gave her?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
What effect did the medicine have on his back pain?
His action had almost no effect on her future.
Wind and waves are two great forces of nature.
The best defense is attack.
The American Revolution took place in 1776.
They had no understanding of the effect of their action.
Where did that terrible noise come from?
It was a surprise for us all when he came into the room.
What was the most important reason for the war?
I don't know the meaning of this word.
Oil must go through a process before it is ready for use.
It is no secret that she does not like the smell of chemicals.
Do you know the meaning of their new defense policy?
They had a simple dinner of fish and rice.
The teacher gave us a complex mathematics question.
The chief reason for his trip was pleasure.
It was a quiet Sunday afternoon.
There was a loud noise outside.
The music came to a sudden stop.
The wild animal made its attack.
A child is dependent on his parents.
Though mosquitoes were everywhere, I did not get one bite.
I would like to know more about you.
Parents do a lot for their children.
He can not see without his glasses.


by may show the person or instrument through which something is done.

Who is that beautiful picture by?

It is by Rembrandt.
Who is that wonderful story by?
It is by the great American writer, John Steinbeck.


Who is that piece of music by?

It is by Mozart.
Who was yesterday's talk about Brazilian insects by?
It was by Dr. McKinley, our bright, new science teacher.

1. Though it was hot, he had his big, winter coat on.

2. Though the plant was dead, she still put water on it.
3. Though he made no noise, I knew he was in the room.
4. Though the steps were quite high, the child got up them without any problem.
5. Though she was over 50, she had the perfect, soft skin of a baby.
6. Though she is married, she often goes to the theater with John, her old boyfriend.
7. Though there were many children at the park, it was quiet where we were.
8. Though there was very little hope of success, the army still put up quite a strong defense.
9. The earrings were not very expensive, though they were real gold.
10. They had lunch outdoors, though the weather was quite cool.
11. I was not afraid, though there was fire everywhere.
12. She liked the talk he gave, though sometimes his ideas were very complex.

go for a drive, ride, run, swim, walk


Do you want to go for a drive in the country?

Yes, that's a great idea. Whose car will we take?
Why don't we take your father's new car? It has a very nice ride.
If he is not busy, I'm sure he and mama will want to go for a drive with us.


Are you free this afternoon?

Yes. But why this sudden interest in my afternoon?
Why don't we go for a ride on our bicycles?
A bicycle ride is okay with me. I'm always ready to get outdoors.


I like to go for a run early in the morning, before it gets too hot.
Early morning runs are not for me. I like to take my time after I get up.
You and I are so different. We have very little in common.
Yes, you like the outdoors and I like the indoors. But different isn't the same as bad!


I know that you like to go for a swim every day.

Yes, that's right. I went for a swim yesterday and tomorrow I'll go for another.
Why do you like the water so much?
I don't know. Maybe, I'm part fish!

Mrs. Cleveland:
Mrs. Reagan:
Mrs. Cleveland:
Mrs. Reagan:

Why don't we go for a walk after lunch?

What a wonderful idea! My husband and I always go for a walk after our meals.
Before we got married, my husband and I often went for walks in the moonlight.
Yes, I know after one gets married there are often sudden changes in one's life.


come to ...
come to (+ verb) shows a process or a change.

How did Mr. Johnson come to be the owner of his own business?
He was lucky. He was the right person, in the right place, at the right time.
How did he come to have an interest in law?
His father was a lawyer, so he also became one.


How did Mary come to have so much money all the time?
Her father was a very rich man, so he gave her everything she wanted.
How did he come to be so rich?
His grandfather made the family's real money.


How did you come to have this great interest in plants, animals and insects?
I like nature very much and they are part of nature.
How did you come to know so much about plants, animals and insects?
If one has an interest in a subject, one comes to know a lot about it.


How did Ruth come to take so many different kinds of medicine?

She was very sick for many months, so she came to be dependent on them.
How did John come to like honey more than sugar?
It's because of his health! Honey is better for one's body than white sugar.


How did the enemy forces come to take the city in so short a time?
They had more and better equipment than the defenders.
How did the revolution come to take place?
The policy-makers made one terrible mistake after another.

Mrs. Clinton:
Mrs. Garfield:
Mrs. Clinton:
Mrs. Garfield:

How did George come to get control of his mother's money?

When she was very sick last year, she gave him control of everything.
How did she come to put all her eggs in one basket?
Her old friend, Mrs. Harrison, gave her that idea.

Mr. Nixon:
Mr. Kennedy:
Mr. Nixon:
Mr. Kennedy:

How did Anthony and Martha come to get married?

Why not? They were living together for two or three years.
How did they come to know one another?
About four years ago, they took a trip on one of those Caribbean "love boats."




1. I want to take the first step.

2. I don't want to be dependent on medicine.
3. They want to get a new job.
4. She didn't want to take a bite of the apple.
5. He wanted to have a secret talk with her.
6. We wanted to give you the list of chemicals.
7. Do you want to get through this job today?
8. Do you want to know where the gold is?

I want you to take the first step.

I don't want them to be dependent on medicine.
They want me to get a new job.
She didn't want him to take a bite of the apple.
He wanted me to have a secret talk with her.
We wanted her to give you the list of chemicals.
Do you want him to get through this job today?
Do you want them to know where the gold is?


way is used to get from point A to point B, so it can be used in place of how.
I know how....

I know the way....

1. I know how to go to the city.

2. I know how to get up that tree.
3. I know how to make chocolate ice cream.
4. He knows how to put oil in the machine.
5. She doesn't know how to take this kind of test.
6. Do you know how to get another ticket?
7. Do they know how to give a business talk?
8. She knew how to have a big effect on people.
9. They knew how to get everyone's attention.
10. He knew how to make the pump go faster.

I know the way to go to the city.

I know the way to get up that tree.
I know the way to make chocolate ice cream.
He knows the way to put oil in the machine.
She doesn't know the way to take this kind of test.
Do you know the way to get another ticket?
Do they know the way to give a business talk?
She knew the way to have a big effect on people.
They knew the best way to get everyone's attention.
He knew an easier way to make the pump go faster.

as may be used to show role.
1. She was very good as a teacher.
2. As a part-time job, it was okay.
3. I came to you as an old friend.
4. They were worried as new parents.
5. It was a success as an economic revolution.
6. As a gift, you can't go wrong with gold.
7. I can not take his empty talk as a serious call to action.
8. As president, he made a defense agreement with our one-time enemies.
9. She made the decision as the head of the hospital.
10. The government wanted to make use of the school as a military training center.
11. The special service that they got, they took as normal.
12. He was nothing as a doctor, but as a lover he was out of this world!

would like
would like is the polite way to say want in the present.
1. I want a simple gold ring for my birthday.
2. She wants a better job.
3. He wants a list of our policy changes.
4. We want a bottle of good, red wine.
5. They want seats on the next flight to London.
6. Do you want an appointment on Thursday?
7. Do you want us to know all the new words?
8. I want you to make a left turn at the next corner.
9. I want to know more about his past.
10. She wants to be an eye doctor.
11. He wants to make a change in the process.
12. We want to go for a nature walk with you.
13. They want to come to our next party.
14. Do you want to have lunch together?
15. Do you want to take your coat off?


I would like a simple gold ring for my birthday.

She would like a better job.
He would like a list of our policy changes.
We would like a bottle of good, red wine.
They would like seats on the next flight to London.
Would you like an appointment on Thursday?
Would you like us to know all the new words?
I would like you to make a left turn at the next corner.
I would like to know more about his past.
She would like to be an eye doctor.
He would like to make a change in the process.
We would like to go for a nature walk with you.
They would like to come to our next party.
Would you like to have lunch together?
Would you like to take your coat off?



What time was it?

What was the price?
How many flies were there?
How much growth was there?
How old is this pump?
How rich is this earth?
How complex will the process be?
How long will the wings be?
How dependent was he on her?

What time it was!

What the price was!
How many flies there were!
How much growth there was!
How old this pump is!
How rich this earth is!
How complex the process will be!
How long the wings will be!
How dependent he was on her!

Who is she?
Who she is!
That's who she is!
I know who she is.
What is it?
What it is!
That's what it is!
I know what it is.
When was he here?
When he was here!
That's when he was here!
I know when he was here.
Where was the sign?
Where the sign was!
That's where the sign was!
I know where the sign was.
Why is the music so loud?
Why the music is so loud!
That's why the music is so loud!
I know why the music is so loud.

Nouns used as adjectives are normally singular.
1. There are many vegetables in this soup.
2. This is a group of students.
3. This factory makes chemicals.
4. The apartment has two bedrooms.
5. The trip will be 200 miles.
6. He is 25 years old.
7. The call is $.50 (cents).
8. That house is $200,000 (dollars).
9. The pipe is 2 meters across.
10. The well goes down 5000 feet (1524 meters).
11. My vacation was for 3 weeks.
12. There are 250 pages in that book.


This is vegetable soup.

This is a student group.
This is a chemical factory.
It is a two bedroom apartment.
It will be a 200 mile trip.
He is a 25 year old man.
It is a $.50 (cent) call.
It is a $200,000 (dollar) house.
It is a 2 meter pipe.
It is a 5000 foot well.
I had a 3 week vacation.
It is a 250 page book.

on off
SURFACE: When on has reference to a surface, the opposite is off.
1. He put a bag of silver on the table.
2. Mary put her computer on the shelf.
3. John put his name on the business agreement.
4. Did you put a picture on the wall?
5. She put the buttons on her evening dress.
6. He put a new sign on the side of the building.
7. Put new heels on my shoes.
8. The government put a tax on oil.
9. They have their Sunday shoes on.
10. The leaves are on the tree.
11. She got up on the horse.
12. He got down on his knees.
13. How much salt did he put on his meat?
14. There is a price on every piece of equipment.
15. The enemy was on the beach.

He took a bag of silver off the table.

Mary took her computer off the shelf.
John took his name off the business agreement.
Did you take a picture off the wall?
She took the buttons off her evening dress.
He took the old sign off the side of the building.
Take the old heels off my shoes.
The government took the tax off oil.
They have their Sunday shoes off.
The leaves are off the tree.
She got down off the horse.
He got up off his knees.

LINE: on may have reference to a line.

1. There are trees on both sides of the wide street.
2. They have a little house on the river.
3. Our apartment is on Park Street.
DAYS: on is always used with days.
1. Their flight was on Wednesday.
2. Their representative will be here on Thursday.
DATES: on is always used with dates.
1. The German attack against Russia took place on June 22, 1941.
2. The US Constitution took effect on March 4, 1789.
1. There was a good film on television last night.
2. The national news is on the radio every morning and evening.
3. Who was on the telephone?
4. There were many people on the bus.
5. They were on the airplane.
6. Did he get on the train okay?
7. There was a surprise party on board the ship.
8. Who put the lights on?
Who put the lights off?
9. Please put the water on.
Please put the water off.
10. The house was on fire.
11. The heavy equipment is on sale.
12. He is very dependent on his medicine.
13. The news had a great effect on everyone.
14. My grandfather went on and on about his time in military service.
15. I like the look of that berry pie, but, on the other hand, chocolate ice cream is also good.
16. Did she come to school on foot or by bicycle?


in out of
PLACE: When in has reference to a three dimensional enclosure the opposite is out of.
1. The airplane is in our area.
2. The piece of silver is in his pocket.
3. We put our money in the bank.
4. She put the film in the box.
5. They put the animals in the barn.
6. She put something in his drink.
7. He put a new sink in the kitchen.
8. The doctor put blood in my arm.
9. I put information in my computer.
10. He put a bucket down in the well.
11. They got up in the tall tree.

The airplane is out of our area.

The piece of silver is out of his pocket.
We took our money out of the bank.
She took the film out of the box.
They took the animals out of the barn.
She took something out of a bottle.
He took the old sink out of the kitchen.
The doctor took blood out of my arm.
I get information out of my computer.
He got the bucket up out of the well.
They got down out of the tall tree.

12. He put all his money in his business.

13. She put strange ideas in his head.
14. How much sugar do you put in your coffee?
15. I put the plant in an old flower pot.
16. The factory put many chemicals in the lake.
17. He went in the army when he was a boy of 18.
18. The children were in bed before 9:00 last night.
19. They were in love until the end of his life.
20. He was in office for twenty years.
MONTH: in is always used with months.
1. They came in September.
2. The new manager got his job in July.
YEARS: in is always used with years.
1. They got married in 1987.
2. The company's greatest loss was in 1990.
FUTURE: in may show future time.
1. The officer will be back in five minutes.
2. The tax office will be open in an hour.
3. We'll be there in two or three days.
4. He'll know the outcome of all the medical tests in less than a week.
1. In the morning, our teacher gave us a little talk.
2. In the afternoon ,we took a look at the new training system.
3. In the evening, we went to the political meeting.
4. In the past, those kinds of things never took place.
5. In the future, I want you to give me a call before you come to my house!
6. Why is a policeman in front of that building?
7. Three policemen were in back of the house.
8. He does not have any interest in our new international policy.
9. I am in full agreement with you about his plan of action.
10. In answer to your question, I want to give you a few pieces of information.
11. In my eyes, he was not the man for that kind of job.
12. In the eyes of many people, Roosevelt was the best President in American history.


to see (+)
I see
you see
he sees
she sees
it sees

we see
you see
they see

to see (-)
I do not see
you do not see
he does not see
she does not see
it does not see

we do not see
you do not see
they do not see

I see who they are.

He sees what she wants.
She sees when the list must be ready.
We see where the sign is.

I don't see who they are.

He doesn't see what she wants.
She doesn't see when the list must be ready.
We don't see where the sign is.

to see (+?)
do I see?
do you see?
does he see?
does she see?
does it see?

to see (-?)
don't I see?
don't you see?
doesn't he see?
doesn't she see?
doesn't it see?

do we see?
do you see?
do they see?

Do you see the stones under the water?

Does he see the hole in the pipe?
Do they see the real reason for our contact?
Do you see where the noise came from?

don't we see?
don't you see?
don't they see?

Don't you see the stones under the water?

Doesn't he see the hole in the pipe?
Don't they see the real reason for our contact?
Don't you see where the noise came from?

do is used to indicate a general, repetitive action that is clear from the general situation. Do not confuse
this with make used to indicate creation or the bringing into existence of something new.
to do (+)
I do
you do
he does
she does
it does

we do
you do
they do

to do (-)
I do not do
you do not do
he does not do
she does not do
it does not do

we do not do
you do not do
they do not do

I do my carpets every week.

You do the floor every evening.
She does her hair every morning.
We do our shoes before we go to church.

I don't do my carpets every week.

You don't do the floor every evening.
She doesn't do her hair every morning.
We don't do our shoes before we go to church.

to do (+?)
do I do?
do you do?
does he do?
does she do?
does it do?

to do (-?)
don't I do?
don't you do?
doesn't he do?
doesn't she do?
doesn't it do?

do we do?
do you do?
do they do?

Do we do all the mathematics problems?

Does he do his homework every night?
Does she do anything for her mother?
Do they do their dishes after every meal?

don't we do?
don't you do?
don't they do?

Don't we do all the mathematics problems?

Doesn't he do his homework every night?
Doesn't she do anything for her mother?
Don't they do their dishes after every meal?


At present, Katherine is a second year
student at the University of Florida. She has
her own little apartment, in a nice quiet area,
only about a five minute bicycle ride from the
university. She does all her own house work,
for example, the carpets, the dishes, her
clothes and even the bed clothes. It is easy for
her to know what she has to do every day
because she makes a list and puts it on the
icebox door.

by-little, step-by-step, they can get the

training they want.
People go to university for different reasons.
For some, their one and only reason is a
better job. And there is nothing wrong with
that! They see university as a way to more
money and a better future. For others, for
those who don't see money as the most
important thing in life, university is the meeting
place of past, present and future. It is where
one can have direct contact with ideas and get
help with understanding them.

Katherine got very good grades last year in all

her classes, which made both her parents and
grandparents very happy. She is quite serious
about all her subjects and she always does
her best. Sometimes, this puts a lot of
pressure on her. But pressure is not always
bad because some people don't know what to
do without it. Pressure gives order, if not
meaning, to their lives. Katherine is strong and
can take it! I'm not worried about her.

This year, Katherine has six different subjects:

English, French, Mathematics, Art History, US
Government, and Life Science. Six classes
are normal for a full-time student.
Everyone knows and likes Dr. Monroe, the Life
Science teacher, though he can be very
difficult at times. He wants all his students to
do their best. If he sees that their work is not
what it should be, he puts pressure on them to
do better. The questions on his tests come
straight out of the book and his class talks.
So students must give attention to their
reading outside of class as well as come to
class everyday. Dr. Monroe gives a test about
every three weeks.

Maybe it is a sign of our times, but many

American students can not go to university
full-time. Students do not have to make a
decision about their university studies right
after high school. Those with good grades who
want to go on* to university can, but there are
many who want to go to work for a few years.
This second group can go to university parttime.

For her Life Science class, Katherine had to

do a study** about honey bees. She did not
want to do anything about flies, mosquitoes, or
even butterflies, the other insect groups
about which her teacher wanted studies.

Part-timers take only one or two classes at a

time. They often have a job and so can not
give their full attention to their studies. One
very good thing about the American university
system is that it is open. People can go on
with their studies when they are ready. Little-

*** To do a study shows there is no new information for

the world, so students do mathematics, history, reading,
and so on.
To make a study shows the development of new
information. For example, Nicholas Copernicus made a
study of the earth and the sun. Napoleon Bonaparte made

** go on (with): He doesn't know the meaning of stop, so

he will go on with or without us. Though everything was
ice cold, we went on with the dinner as if nothing were


clean. Some are responsible for temperature

control. To do this they make use of their
wings. Still other house bees are responsible
for the colony's honey comb. The honey
comb is the place where bees put their honey.
It is their store of honey. Every hole in a
honey comb has six sides.

Katherine got an "A" on her ten-page paper.

But that was no surprise because she always
puts her heart into her work and does her
best. She also got As and Bs on all her tests.
And, though she had a little problem when she
gave her talk in front of the class, because of
"butterflies in her stomach," her class grade
was also an "A." An "A" is the highest grade a
student can get at an American university.
From her study, Katherine now knows that the
honey bee is one of man's chief helpers in the
insect world. The honey bee came to North
America in 1620. There soon came to be so
many of them that the Indians gave them the
name "the White man's fly." Today there are
about 5,000,000 honey bee colonies in the
USA. No one knows the number of wild bee
colonies because they make their homes in
different places, for example, dead trees,
empty barns and so on.

The field bees do their work outside, in nature.

They are always on the lookout for wild
flowers. If they make a sudden discovery of
some new wild flowers, the field bees get back
to the colony as fast as they can with the good
news. These field bees make use of the sun to
give the others directions and information
about how to get to the wild flowers. They do a
complex dance in which every little turn has a
meaning. From this dance the other bees
know both the distance and the direction to the
wild flowers. When the workers have the
necessary information, away they go!

From her study, Katherine knows that life in a

bee colony is under very strong control, almost
as if it were a military organization. She also
knows that there are two big groups of bees in
a colony: house bees and field bees. The
house bees take care of what goes on inside
the colony. Some house bees make sure it is

They may make as many as 1000 flights a day

between their bee colony and the wild flowers.
A normal size bee colony can make as much
as 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) of honey a day.
That piece of information was a real surprise
for me. I had no idea that bees can do that
much work.


bee comes into the world and is ready to go to

work, right away, without any help, without any
training. For about 20 days these new bees do
all the necessary work to make sure their
home is clean and safe. If there is an enemy
attack from other insects, birds, or animals,
these workers are ready to give their lives in
defense of the colony, their queen and their
store of honey.

When the honey bee goes from flower to

flower, it does a real service for us people. Its
actions make a chemical change in the
flowers. This chemical change is necessary for
the development of not only flowers, but also
fruits. Thanks to the honey bee the beautiful
flowers on apple trees in spring become
delicious, juicy apples in fall. It is clear that
honey bees do a very important service for us
all. Without question, we are dependent, in
part, on them.

When the number of bees in a colony gets

too big, a second queen bee takes about half
the bees to a new place and makes a new
colony. This is why we can not know for sure
how many wild bee colonies there are in North
America. Bees don't like wet, dirty places with
loud noises. They like quiet places in the
country, away from people.

The queen bee has a longer body and bigger

wings than the workers, but she does not have
much of a future. She does not have much fun
in life because her one and only reason for
living, her life-long job is to make eggs. In the
normal five-year life of a queen bee she
makes millions and millions of eggs, which she
with the help of some special workers puts in
the empty holes of the honey comb.

Because of her work on the honey bee,

Katherine now has a much better
understanding of not only bees, but insects in
general. She knows how strange and
wonderful the processes of nature are!

It is interesting that the development process

from egg to bee takes only 21 days. What is
strange is that on the 21st day a new worker


to see (+)
I saw
you saw
he saw
she saw
it saw

we saw
you saw
they saw

to see (-)
I did not see
you did not see
he did not see
she did not see
it did not see

we did not see

you did not see
they did not see

I saw that the well was almost dry.

We saw that it was a very quiet place.
He saw that our talk was only empty words.
You saw that I was busy.

I didn't see that the well was almost dry.

We didn't see that it was a very quiet place.
He didn't see that our talk was only empty words.
You didn't see that I was busy.

to see (+?)
did I see?
did you see?
did he see?
did she see?
did it see?

to see (-?)
didn't I see?
didn't you see?
didn't he see?
didn't she see?
didn't it see?

did we see?
did you see?
did they see?

didn't we see?
didn't you see?
didn't they see?

Did you see the look on his face?

Did they see the effect of their action?
Did he see the change of dates?
Did she see the reason for our new policy?

Didn't you see the look on his face?

Didn't they see the effect of their action?
Didn't he see the change of dates?
Didn't she see the reason for our new policy?

to do (+)
I did
you did
he did
she did
it did

to do (-)
I did not do
you did not do
he did not do
she did not do
it did not do

we did
you did
they did

we did not do
you did not do
they did not do

I did the floors yesterday.

He did the study without any help.
She did the dirty dishes.
It did the job okay.

I didn't do the floors yesterday.

He didn't do the study without any help.
She didn't do the dirty dishes.
It didn't do the job okay.

to do (+?)
did I do?
did you do?
did he do?
did she do?
did it do?

to do (-?)
didn't I do?
didn't you do?
didn't he do?
didn't she do?
didn't it do?

did we do?
did you do?
did they do?

Did you do your homework last night?

Did he do much business in Asia?
Did she do all the dirty clothes?
Did they do their military service?

didn't we do?
didn't you do?
didn't they do?

Didn't you do your homework last night?

Didn't he do much business in Asia?
Didn't she do all the dirty clothes?
Didn't they do their military service?



In the 169 years between 1607, when the first
English colony in North America got its start at
Jamestown, Virginia, and 1776, which was the
start of the American Revolution, London's
economic and political control of North
America got weaker and weaker. This was not
because Great Britain, as a nation, got
weaker. No! Great Britain got much stronger in
those years.

American businesses and new taxes on the

sale of hundreds of common, everyday things,
from newspapers and glass to cards and tea.
This sudden change of policy was a big
mistake because it made many people angry.
We now see that the policies, the decisions,
the actions of 1763 were the start of the end the end of Britain's control of North America.
In the thirteen years between 1763 and 1776,
many important Americans went to London.
Though they went with the idea of round table
talks with the decision-makers in the British
government, they got nowhere. Their words
had no more effect than drops of water on a
hot stone. The people in back of** British
government policy had little or no
understanding of the effects of their decisions
and actions. And all this time, the Americans
got angrier and angrier. It should be clear to
everyone with even a little interest in history
that the problem of taxes was one of the chief
reasons for the American Revolution and
Britain's loss of most of her North American

They were the years of growth and

development when Britain put together its
Empire. But that was the problem - there was
so much growth and in so many different parts
of the world that Britain did not have enough
time for or much interest in North American
questions. Because of this the people of
North America came to take a bigger part in
the day-to-day work of their own governments.
And so, through the years they got more and
more experience in government. The
outcome or end-effect of this political
development was that after some time the
American colonies became less dependent on
the mother country. But at the same time
some important political and economic
changes in Great Britain made it much more
dependent on North America!
Until 1763, most people in North America were
quite happy to be British. Britain was the
strongest nation in the world and they were
happy to be a part of it. But, in 1763, the
government of King George III, who was the
king of Britain then, made an important
decision - a decision to get more money from
the colonies in North America. In the eyes of
some top British government policy-makers
the chief reason, if not the only reason, to
have North American colonies was profit.
The British government saw only two ways to
make money out of the Americans. The first
was by the sale of goods and the control of
business and trade. The second was by taxes.
So, in 1763, King George III gave in to*
political pressures and put his name on some
new laws - laws which put new controls on

** in back of: I don't know what is in back of their sudden

* give in (to): He always gives in to his wife. She gave in

interest in trade with Mexico. There is no gold in back of

American money.

and had some chocolate ice with us.


Until 1776, fifteen colonies made up* British

North America. They were New York, New
Jersey, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware,
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Quebec
and Nova Scotia.

Among the supporters of the Revolution, there

were businessmen, lawyers, land owners and
farmers. Because many of them had to be
ready for action at any minute of the day or
night, they soon got the name "Minutemen."
At the start of the war, the Americans had
strong feelings, but almost no military training.
So, the most important problem was how to
make a real army out of simple farmers. That
was the job of George Washington, a land
owner from Virginia. George Washington was
a tall, serious man, a man of both ideas and
action. He got most of his own military training
and experience at the time of the French and
Indian War, 1755 - 1763. Washington was the
man responsible for much of the success of
the American military force in the Revolution.
Many men went into the army in answer to his
"Call to arms." He was a man who always put
his country first.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress,

which was a meeting of thirteen colonies in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, gave its okay to a
Declaration of Independence.** These thirteen
colonies, which became the first thirteen
states of the United States of America, then
took up arms in defense of their ideas and
made the Revolution. The other two colonies,
Quebec and Nova Scotia, under very strong
military control by the British, did not take part
in the action.

Among the British people, there was not much

real support for the idea of a war against their
own kind, subjects of the king, supporters of
free and responsible government, so the
government of George III had to make use of
Germans. The Germans that went into the
British army had little or no understanding of
the complex political and economic problems
that were in back of the American Revolution.
They had no real interest in the outcome of the
war. They saw things in a quite different light.
They had a job to do, and they did it for
money. Everything was very clear and simple
for most of them. Why get worried about all
those political questions, things that had
nothing to do with their lives or families?
When British gold could no longer get all the
necessary men from Germany, King George
III went to Katherine the Great of Russia. He
wanted the Russian Empress to give him
20,000 Russians for military service in
America. But Katherine the Great was a
woman with real political understanding and
she saw right away that this was not in
Russia's best interest. Her answer was simple
and strong: "No! Not for all your British silver
and gold!" Katherine's decision was, without
question, a great help to the Americans.

The American Revolution was a war against

the strongest nation in the world, Great Britain.
The war was seven years long, from 1776 to
1783. There were about 3,000,000 people in
the thirteen colonies that took up arms against
their king. About 30 percent of the people
were for the idea of independence, about 10
percent were against it and the rest had little
or no interest in the question.
* make up: How many students make up our class? A
few farmers made up our defense line.
independence dependence (dependent)


Thanks to years of work in Paris by Benjamin

Franklin, a great man of science, the King of
France, Louis XVI, gave the Americans a lot
more support, real help - money, equipment,
ships and, after 1777, even an army of more
than 8,000 men. When France became a
partner of the Americans, the war became a
world war. Britain's control of not only the
thirteen colonies but also Canada and many
islands in the Caribbean Sea was in danger.

the north was Canada, made up of Quebec

and Nova Scotia, and to the south were the
United States. At the end of the war more than
100,000 American backers of the British went
north across that line to Canada. These newcomers were greater in number than all the
people in Canada before the war.
All the one-time colonies became "states,"
and so, the new nation became the United
States of America. But this change of name
and the change of government system that
came with the peace agreement were not
answers to the many very real problems with
which the Americans were face-to-face.

The French king's reason was clear: As

everyone knows, the enemy of my enemy is
my friend. The Americans were at war with
France's old enemy, so why not give them
some help? The French government saw it as
a good way to get back at* the British. The
Americans saw Russia and France as
supporters and backers, if not as real
"friends." And, without question, this made
them stronger.

People had very different political ideas. Some

people wanted to give the new nation a strong
central government. But at the same time a lot
of people were afraid of a big, strong
government that was not dependent on the
people. They were afraid because of the
lessons of history and their own political

At last, when an important part of the British

military force in North America gave up** at
Yorktown in the fall of 1781, the peace
process became serious. After many months
of secret talks between Americans and British
in Paris, the two sides came to an agreement.

When the "Fathers" of the United States, put

their new government together, they did
something very new in world history. In place
of a king, they put a president, who was
dependent on the people and responsible to
them. The Americans made a new kind of
government in which the people had the last
word about government policies, decisions
and actions. This kind of government is a
government of the people, by the people, and
for the people.

As part of the general peace agreement, they

put a line across the face of the continent. To

* get back at: After many years, I got back at him for all
the terrible things he did to me. It may be a part of our
nature to want to get back at those who do us wrong.
** give up The war was over when the enemy gave up.
I know he will give up when he sees how strong we are.


to see (+)
I will see
you will see
he will see
she will see
it will see

to see (-)
I will not see
you will not see
he will not see
she will not see
it will not see

we will see
you will see
they will see

we will not see

you will not see
they will not see

You'll see a sudden change of policy.

He'll see that their words are empty.
They'll see how many insects there are.
She'll see how much economic growth there was.

You won't see a sudden change of policy.

He won't see that their words are empty.
They won't see how many insects there are.
She won't see how much economic growth there was.

to see (+?)
will I see?
will you see?
will he see?
will she see?
will it see?

to see (-?)
won't I see?
won't you see?
won't he see?
won't she see?
won't it see?

will we see?
will you see?
will they see?

won't we see?
won't you see?
won't they see?

Will they see what turn to take?

Will we see where the gold is?
Will he see what kind of insect it is?
Will she see how to put the chemicals together?

Won't they see what turn to take?

Won't we see where the gold is?
Won't he see what kind of insect it is?
Won't she see how to put the chemicals together?

to do (+)
I will do
you will do
he will do
she will do
it will do

to do (-)
I will not do
you will not do
he will not do
she will not do
it will not do

we will do
you will do
they will do

we will not do
you will not do
they will not do

I will do your job for you.

We will do everything he does.
He will do something for her.
They will do the work on page 15.

I won't do your job for you.

We won't do everything he does.
He won't do anything for her.
They won't do the work on page 15.

to do (+?)
will I do?
will you do?
will he do?
will she do?
will it do?

to do (-?)
won't I do?
won't you do?
won't he do?
won't she do?
won't it do?

will we do?
will you do?
will they do?

Will you do this for me?

Will he do all the reading?
Will she do the dance for us?
Will they do anything tomorrow?

won't we do?
won't you do?
won't they do?

Won't you do this for me?

Won't he do all the reading?
Won't she do the dance for us?
Won't they do anything tomorrow?



I have a good job with an oil company. I am a

manager, responsible for much of the work on
the pipeline that takes oil from the far north of
Alaska to the harbor at Valdez. This oil
pipeline is very important to the chemical
industries of the United States. My job is to
make sure that the men who do the work on
the pipeline have everything necessary for
their jobs. Our company has many oil wells on
the north side of the Brooks Mountains. Some
of our wells go down 10 miles (16 kilometers)
or more to bodies of oil that can be the size of

everything I have to do before I can go. You

see I will be quite busy for the next few days.
This will be my fourth trip to Alaska. Every
time I go there for business, I take a four or
five day vacation. This time, I would like to go
up river after** some of Alaska's big fish. It is
no secret that I am a good fisherman, a real
good fisherman. I will see my close friend,
James Van Buren, who has a little place in the
backwoods, miles from nowhere. His place is
mid-way between two little lakes that together
make the headwater of one of Alaska's chief
rivers. There are only three ways to get to
James' place: by foot, by horse, or by airplane.

The president of our oil company made me

responsible for all our well and pipeline
operations in Alaska. Without question, this is
an important step up for me in our
organization. I like the way our president does
things. He knows, in general, what he wants to
do, but he doesn't always know how to do it.
So, his policy is to give an order, and then it is
up to* every manager how to do it. For
example, he gave me a call a short time ago.
He would like me to take some special
equipment up to our oil fields next week.
You can be sure that I will do everything
necessary to make my trip a success. My
secretary, Miss Hayes, will make my flight
reservations and get my round trip tickets on
American Airlines. I should know my flight
number this afternoon or tomorrow, at the
latest. Miss Hayes already made a list of

Airplanes are the buses and taxis of Alaska.

People take them almost everywhere. I'm sure
that my friend will know where we should go
for those big, delicious, fresh-water fish. I'm
sure it will be a simple process: we will put our
fish lines in the water and, after only a two or
three minute wait, take out a few fish. James
is a good cook and knows how to make a
good fire, so it will be my business to get those
beautiful fish ready for dinner. Because it's not
my every day kind of work, I'll be happy to
take out their insides and get them clean.
Then, together with some fresh tomatoes,
onions and potatoes from John's garden and a
pot of strong coffee, we will soon have a good
Alaskan backwoods fish dinner. The great
outdoors has a very special effect on me. It
gives me back that real feeling of who I am.

* up to: It is up to you to get to school before the teacher.

What we have for dinner is up to my mother.

** go after: Dogs go after cats. He went after a new job.


"sky-taxi" to come in and take them out. The

process is quite simple. But it is only if a
serious problem comes up,* for example, one
of them gets very sick, or the river comes up
higher than normal and goes over its sides.
They are not afraid or worried because they
know that help is only a radio call away. Their
closest neighbor is about 10 miles down river
from their place. That is a very short distance
in Alaska. Their kind of life is not for everyone.
It takes a special kind of person, a person who
is strong inside and outside, a person who is
at peace with the world as it is and does not
want too many changes or physical things.

James is now a woodcutter. His hands are

big and his muscles are as hard as stone. He
is a real Alaskan! He went to Alaska a few
years ago to be a truck driver. He went
because the money was very good. But, then,
there was a strange turn in his life. In a very
short time James was in love with the area.
The land - with its lakes, rivers, mountains,
valleys and woods - got under his skin. He
gave up his job as a truck driver and went into
the backcountry, far away from everyone. He
came across a beautiful little piece of land that
he wanted for his own as soon as he saw it.
Though the price was high, he still got it. He
put up a little house, got a new wife and made
a new life.

Living like that may be easier in Alaska than

other places, because it is one of the most
beautiful places on earth. It has the highest
mountain on the North American continent,
Mount McKinley. It also has some of the
biggest animals on the continent. In the spring,
there are wild flowers everywhere. In the
summer only the highest mountains have
snow. The only real problem is insects. There
are flies and mosquitoes, as big as horses,
together with other insects everywhere. And
Alaskan insects are always hungry. One kind
of insect that is never a problem is the
butterfly. Butterflies with their wings of many
colors may be the most beautiful insects in all
the world.

James has a pocket full of stories about his

early years in Alaska. Living in the Alaskan
backcountry, away from people, is not always
easy for my friend and his wife, Martha. They
have a very simple life. They do not have
beautiful china dishes or expensive silver
knives, forks, and spoons. They do not get any
calls, because they don't even have a

Alaskan summer days are hot and almost

without end because the sun never goes down
for more than a short time. It is from these
"white nights" that Alaska gets its other name Land of the Midnight Sun. In the fall, the
woods put on coats of many colors. It is as if
someone made the perfect picture of nature.

As you see, they are country people. They get

up with the sun. They are close to the earth
and the forces of nature. They know many of
nature's secrets. They have to do many things
by hand, but that is okay with them because
they do not want to be dependent on others.
They like to be free. Their kind of life gives
them both a great feeling of peace. They have
time to take a look at life, at the flowers and
trees, at the birds and bees. Things that, I am
sorry, I do not always have time for in my busy

The winters are hard, but they are beautiful in

their own way. The days are short, the wind
is icy, and the land has a coat of snow
everywhere. But then the "Northern Lights," as
if a gift to those who are strong enough to take
a winter in the Far North, come out and do
their dance of many colors across the black
sky. The effect is out of this world.

Life in Alaska can be hard, so, when

necessary, a neighbor is always ready to give
a hand. In a real emergency, James and
Martha can make use of their radio to get a

* come up: Flowers come up every spring. Problems

come up now and then.


know much about Alaska, not because it was

a secret, but because most people didn't have
much interest in the place. But after the war,
more and more people went North. They went
for different reasons. Many went to get away
from the problems of city life. Some went to
get a new start in life. There was, at this time,
a real upturn in Alaska's growth.

As you may know, at one time there was a

land-bridge between Alaska and Asia, which
the great, great, great grandparents of the
North American Indians and Eskimos came
across. Now there is no longer that landbridge, but at one place Alaska is less than
three miles (4.8 kilometers) from Russia. This
short distance is one reason Alaska is so very,
very important to both the United States and

Today, Alaska is first, among the 50 states

which make up the USA, in land, but last in
number of people. About 2/3s of its over
600,000 people make their homes in only
three cities. In a few years, it may also be one
of the nation's richest states. Alaska is now so
rich that its government did away with the
state's income tax in 1979. It is one of the few
states without a sales tax. Today, the state
gets most of its money from the profits of the
oil industry. Oil is Alaska's number one
money-maker. It is, without question, the
state's economic backbone. After oil comes
the seafood and wood industries. Gold and
silver are even farther down the list of income

Vitus Bering, from Denmark, made the

European discovery of Alaska in 1741. At that
time he was in the service of the Russian
Emperor, so Alaska became a part of the
Russian Empire. For many years it was under
the control of a company: The RussianAmerican Company, which was a kind of halfbusiness and half-government organization.
Most of its interest was in fish and animal

The discovery of oil, or "black gold," made an

economic revolution in the state. Everyone
knew for many years that there was oil in the
Far North, but no one knew how to get down
to it or how to get it out to customers. The
development of new and better oil equipment
in the late 1960s was the answer to the first
problem. The answer to the second came in
the early 1970s, when some big oil companies
made the decision to put a pipeline across the
state. It took them three years and $4.5 billion
to put down an 800 mile (1280 kilometer), 48
inch (120 centimeter) hot oil pipeline. The first
drops of oil came through the line to Valdez
harbor in 1977. From Valdez, big oil ships take
it south to factories in the lower 48 states
where different chemical industries make
many things out of it.

Today, there are still many Russian place

names on the map of Alaska and in the cities
of Sitka and Juneau there are beautiful
Russian Orthodox churches. The United
States got Alaska from Russia in October
1867 for $7,200,000. At that price, it was less
a purchase than a gift. The Russian
government made the sale because it was
afraid that England was ready to take the land
by force and make it part of British North
America, which we know today as Canada.

But to do business this way is very expensive,

so the American and Canadian governments
made an agreement in 1979 to put a pipeline
across Canada. When it is ready, the pipeline
will take the place of today's big ships. An
economic downturn put this great building
plan on ice for a few years. But there is still
talk about it. Maybe, someday, they will do it.
Who knows?

The discovery of gold in the Klondike was the

reason thousands and thousands of people
went North in 1898. Some of Jack London's
books, for example, Call of the Wild, are
about this time in the area's history. In the
years before World War II, people did not


Please put your answers on the line.


1. The bites of insects are _

2. Houses for birds are ________ houses.
3. Colonies of bees are _________ colonies.
4. A tax on income is an ________ tax.
5. A talk that is 10 minutes long is a _______________ talk.
6. A tax of five dollars is a _________________ tax.
7. A mountain that is two miles high is a _______________ high mountain.
8. A study that is three months long is a _______________ long study.

1. I want to take the next step.

2. He wants to see the secret papers.
3. They want to put up a new sign.
4. What do you want to do on Saturday?
5. When do you want to go for a ride?
6. Why do you want to go by train?

1. What is the effect?

2. Who is the driver?
3. When was the revolution?
4. Where was the dish?
5. Why will there be a change of policy?
6. How much growth will there be?

1. I got no attention from them.

2. She has no future.
3. He wants no industry in his town.
4. They make no chemicals in that factory.
5. I had no enemies.
6. We gave no defense for our actions.
7. Our words had no effect on his decision.
8. There will be no change of policy.
9. There was no agreement between us.
10. There is no wall in Berlin.
to be

To be

to see

to go

I would like to take the next step.


What the effect is!


I didn't get any attention from them.


to do

to be

to get

to have

to know

or not
, that is the question.
2. I have ____________ to the training center before 6:00
3. I want ____________ your first and last name.
4. He is too sick ___________ to the doctor without my help.
5. He knows how ____________ many things.
6. She would like ______________ dinner with him this weekend.
7. She doesn't want ______________ him again.
8. Who ___________ you?
9. Where do you ____________ from?
10. He ____________ a big mistake when he didn't go into the air force.
11. She knows what she ____________ and she will get it.
12. Please ___________ me a call tomorrow morning.
13. If we __________ our heads together, I'm sure we can come up with the right answer.
14. ___________ all the time you want, but don't make any mistakes.







Please put these words and sentences in your own language. Be an artist; make some pictures.




















































The soldier has on an American uniform.

The news of his accident was a shock to us all.
Is she a member of our organization?
There was a great battle at Waterloo in 1815.
Where did you get your education?
Yuri Gagarin, a Russian, was the first person in space.
Who put this political program together?
Was it necessary to take the problem to court?
What was their big argument about?
There was a great fireball after the explosion.
The doctor wants me to put heat on my shoulder.
Computers are an important part of today's high technology.
There is a close relation between his political and economic ideas.
55 men made the American Constitution in 1787.
When do you want to go to the Museum of Science and Industry?
He has no right to do that without the president's okay.
They made a division of the work.
Why did the boys have a fight?
What is your friend's opinion about our new teacher?
Does space have a limit?























































to think


to say

The explosion did a lot of damage.

The police want facts, not opinions, for their report.
Who is the European representative of your company?
The leader took the lead when there was danger.
The visitor made a five day visit to Florida.
A republic has no king or queen.
Monarchy in Britain is more than a thousand years old.
The idea of democracy is as old as Greece.
His level of education was very low.
How did he get so much power?
When is the next election for president?
He didn't get my vote in the last election.
Much of their defense is dependent on nuclear arms.
Potatoes are a basic food for millions of people round the world.
Washington, D.C. is the national capital of the USA.
I put your books and my books in a separate places.
What is the natural color of her hair?
There is a new bridge across the wide river.
There are many narrow streets in the old parts of the city.
What is the price of a complete dinner?
She is the private secretary of the president.
Where is the closest public telephone?
It was an executive decision.
The British legislative branch is the House of Commons.
A lawyer is necessary for most judicial questions.
This is a good piece of work and you did it very well.
What do you think about our agreement?
Please say this word again.


A. do is used to make the negative form of verbs.
1. I do not have enough facts to make a good decision.
2. He does not see the level of power that she has.
3. She does not like his judicial opinions.
4. We did not know the way to the National Museum of Space Technology.
6. You did not go to the nuclear power station yesterday.
5. They did not want to know about the outcome of the election, because it has no meaning for them.
B. do is used to make questions.
1. Do you have any insect poison?
Don't you have any insect poison?
2. Does she want more heat?
Doesn't she want more heat?
3. Did you see him take my computer program?
Didn't you see him take my computer program?
4. Who do you know in Paris?
5. What do they want to see at the National Museum of Art?
6. Why did he put his old officer's uniform on?
C. do is a verb showing general or daily actions.

What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

I want to do many things. I'm still a young man.
What do you know how to do?
What a question! I know how to do many things. I have a lot of know-how.


Who does your hair?

I have a very good hair dresser who does my hair at least two times a month.
Do you have help to do your house?
Yes, I have a woman who comes every Monday and every Friday to do my house.

D. do is used to show emphasis.

1. I do have a camera!
2. We do like your ideas for the music program!
3. They do come for a visit very often!
4. I did take the gun away from the soldier!
5. She did get a terrible shock when she saw the test questions!
6. He did do a lot of work when he was an officer in our organization!
E. do is used in place of another verb.

Do you want any chocolate ice cream?

Yes, I do. As you know, chocolate is my favorite. I can never get enough.
Did you want his opinion about the US free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico?
Yes, I did. I wanted to know how he sees the economic future of the continent.


Will you go into the river, if I do?

Yes, if you go into the river, I'll do the same.
What did you do when she took a seat at the head table?
I did the same. Why? What I did was quite normal.


The verbs to make and to do are very different. To make gives the idea of creation, production. It is used
to show something new comes into existence. To do gives the idea of a general, often repeated, noncreative action which is clear from the other words in the sentence.
1. After she made the poison, what did she do with it?
2. After the lawyer made his argument, what did he do?
3. After we made him our representative, he did a lot of work for us.
4. After I made the decision, the rest was easy to do.
My mother makes our clothes.
The shoemaker makes shoes.
The factory makes both pots and pans.
They made a nice floor in the house.
My grandmother made this rug.
My grandfather made our dining table.
They want to make a special window.
They know how to make cheese.
They make paper out of wood.
He makes a lot of work for his mother.

My mother does our clothes every Saturday.

I do my shoes before I go to church.
She does the pots and pans after dinner.
We do our floors when they get dirty.
I did the rug in my living room yesterday.
I did our dining table with an old shirt.
She wants to do her windows before her friend comes.
She knows how to do the flowers for important parties.
What will you do with all that paper?
He does a lot of work for his mother.

The young man made a beautiful gold ring for his girlfriend.
Did Mr. Jefferson make a lot of money as a wine trader?
I want to know your opinion. Who made the world?
Do you know what company makes underwater cameras?
Without question, the Germans make the best beer.
Why not make a big dinner for our friends this weekend?
They make their own butter and sour cream at the farm.
They want to make a spaceship, but they don't know how.
There was some new information in the study that they made about bees.
If you don't want war, you have to make peace right now!
He wants to make a revolution, but not right now. It's too hot today.
The president is the executive decision maker in the American government.
You made a delicious dinner, so I will do the dishes.
My mother made this shirt and I do it when it gets dirty.
Rome wasn't made in a day! When in Rome do as the Romans!

I do my teeth after every meal.

She does her hair the same as her mother.
Do your beds before you go to school.
If you do the rice, I'll do the vegetables.
He can do nice writing, if he wants to.
She does a lot of reading, so she knows a lot of facts.
How much work do you do at your office?
What's the name of the man who does the evening news?
The businessman does his own taxes.
There was nothing new in the study they did on insects.
What did you do for fun last weekend?
What do you want to do on your next summer vacation?
Do you know how to do this new dance?
She does the books for the company every Tuesday.
I have to do my flower garden tomorrow afternoon.
Everyone has to do two years of military service. That's the law.



Do you know Mr. and Mrs. Nixon?

Yes, I know them both very well.
Can you see without your glasses?
Yes, I can see, but I can't see well.

Mr. Clinton:
Mrs. Bush:
Mr. Clinton:
Mrs. Bush:

I see that you know how to take good pictures with that old camera.
I can do okay, but not as well as I would like.
How did your visit to Spain go?
It went very well. We had so much fun, we want to go again!

Dr. Kennedy:
Ms. Harding:
Dr. Kennedy:
Ms. Harding:

That was a good question and you put it very well in court today. You're a natural lawyer.
Thank you, but next time, I will do even better. You can be sure!
How well did your political party do in the last election?
It did quite well. We got over half the votes. Not too bad for a new group!

Many adjectives can be made from nouns by adding "ful" or "less" at the end.
1. A party full of color is a colorful party.
2. A night full of rest is a restful night.
3. A sign full of hope is a hopeful sign.
4. A machine full of use is a useful machine.
5. A nurse full of care is a careful nurse.
6. An injury full of pain is a painful injury.
7. An afternoon full of peace is a peaceful afternoon.
8. An idea full of help is a helpful idea.
9. People full of success are successful people.
10. Actions full of meaning are meaningful actions.
1. The opposite of a colorful party is a colorless one.
2. The opposite of a restful night is a restless one.
3. The opposite of a hopeful sign is a hopeless one.
4. The opposite of a useful machine is a useless one.
5. The opposite of a careful nurse is a careless one.
6. A problem with no end is an endless problem.
7. A body with no life is a lifeless body.
8. A revolution with no blood is a bloodless revolution.
9. A nation with no law is a lawless nation.
10. A winter with no snow is a snowless winter.



MOVEMENT: "into" shows movement, not place.
1. She went into the museum at 10:10.
She came out of the museum at 12:27.
2. The officer came into the classroom.
The officer went out of the classroom.
3. When did he go into the navy?
When did he get out of the navy?
4. After the explosion no one could go into the area.
5. The man went into shock a short time after he had a heart attack.
6. The boys went into the water without any clothes on.
1. He went into the army when he was 18 years old.
2. The army went into action.
3. The law will go into effect on January 1.
POINT: at may show a point of time.
1. The bus will be here at 9:30.
2. The explosion took place at 5:45.
3. They went into the court room at 10:00.
4. Who was president at that time?
5. I went to bed at midnight.
6. We had lunch at noon.
PLACE: at may show a "geographic" or focal point.
1. My book is at the corner of the table.
2. Who is at the door?
3. The party will be at my house.
4. His hands are at his sides.
5. The dog came at me with its mouth open.
6. Did you take a look at the price of that computer?
at may also be used when the action is more important than the place.
1. I was at work all day.
2. The children were at school until 4 o'clock.
3. We were at the theater yesterday?
4. He was at Oxford University for four years.
1. The officers may be at breakfast/lunch/dinner when you come.
2. I was at a loss for words.
3. I know that at one time he was in England, but I'm not sure where he is at present.
4. He came home late at night.
5. Nathaniel is good at football.
6. Elizabeth is not too good at higher mathematics.
7. There were at most 50 people in the area.
8. He never goes anywhere without at least $10 pocket money.
9. The USA was at war in Europe from December 1941 until May 1945.
10. When will the nations of the world be at peace?
11. At first, I did not see her.
12. Help came at last!


1. This book is about English.
2. That film was about political problems in the Republic of South Africa.
3. I know all about you, my sweet.
4. They had an all-night argument about the different meanings of democracy.
5. Does he know anything about the political history of French monarchy?
APPROXIMATELY: more or less.
1. The seaman is about 25 years old.
2. The air force officer was about 6 feet (185 centimeters) tall.
3. The safe area is about 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) from here.
1. We were about to go.
2. They are about to have dinner.
3. I was about to give you a call.
ROUND: here and there.
1. She put flowers about the room.
2. We went for a walk about the city.
3. He went about his apartment with one shoe on and one shoe off.
OTHER SIDE: through may give the idea - from one side to the other side.
1. The sunlight came through my window.
2. They went through miles and miles of woods.
3. The oil goes through the pipe.
4. The rain came through the roof.
5. There is a hole through the bottom of his shoe.
6. I could see her through the fog.
END/FINISH: through may give the idea of end.
1. What time will the film be through?
2. I got through my work with the help of a computer.
3. Our class went through the book in only one month.
4. He came through the battle without any injury.
5. She went through his money in a very short time.
6. Now she is through with him.
BECAUSE OF: through may give the idea of from or because of.
1. He got the information through reading.
2. She got rich through much hard work.
3. Soldiers know about guns through their training.
4. He got that job through his uncle.


VERY CLOSE: by may give the idea of close to something.
1. Why is that man by your car?
2. He has a gun by the door.
3. Who put the bottle of poison by my bottle of medicine?
TRANSPORT: by may be used with all forms of transport.
1. They came by airplane.
2. He came to school by car.
3. Do you want to go to the store by foot or by bicycle?
MEANS: by may show the person or thing through which something is done.
1. War and Peace is by Tolstoy.
2. She did it by mistake.
3. I got the information by accident.
1. Please be here by 8:00.
2. It will be ready by Saturday.
3. We have to get there by the start of the meeting.

PLACE: over under
1. A branch of the tree was over the roof of our house.
2. The soldier went over the stone wall.
3. The water went over the side of the pot.
END: over may indicate end or finish.
1. The film will be over at 8:45.
2. Do you know why our science class was over early today?
3. Mr Adam's business meeting will be over by 4 o'clock.
MORE: over may indicate more than.
1. The meeting was over three hours long.
2. He is over six feet tall.
3. She is over 21 years old.
AGAIN: over may have the meaning of again.
1. You must do this work over.
2. Do this report over and give it to me in the morning.
3. Go over pages 30 to 40 and be ready for a test on Tuesday.
ABOUT: over may sometimes have the same meaning as about.
1. They had a fight over money.
2. Their argument was over what direction the space program should take.
3. The court battle was over who was responsible for the car accident.


to think (+)
I think
you think
he thinks
she thinks
it thinks

to think (-)
I do not think
you do not think
he does not think
she does not think
it does not think

we think
you think
they think

we do not think
you do not think
they to not think

I think about my future.

He thinks about the meaning of life.
She thinks about him all the time.
They think about future technology.

I don't think about my future.

He doesn't think about the meaning of life.
She doesn't think about him all the time.
They don't think about future technology.

to think (+?)
do I think?
do you think?
does he think?
does she think?
does it think?

to think (-?)
don't I think?
don't you think?
doesn't he think?
doesn't she think?
doesn't it think?

do we think?
do you think?
do they think?

don't we think?
don't you think?
don't they think?

Do you think that he went to the museum?

Do they think that he is a secret service officer?
Does he think that we have natural rights?
Does she think that they have enough facts?

Don't you think that he went to the museum?

Don't they think that he is a secret service officer?
Doesn't he think that we have natural rights?
Doesn't she think that they have enough facts?

to say (+)
I say
you say
he says
she says
it says

to say (-)
I do not say
you do not say
he does not say
she does not say
it does not say

we say
you say
they say

we do not say
you do not say
they do not say

I say the words over and over.

He says the words well.
She says his name often.
They say it a different way in the South.

I don't say the words over and over.

He doesn't say the words well.
She doesn't say his name often.
They don't say it a different way in the South.

to say (+?)
do I say?
do you say?
does he say?
does she say?
does it say?

to say (-?)
don't I say?
don't you say?
doesn't he say?
doesn't she say?
doesn't it say?

do we say?
do you say?
do they say?

Does it say who did it?

Does it say what they did it?
Does it say why they did it?
Does it say how they did it?

don't we say?
don't you say?
don't they say?

Doesn't it say who did it?

Doesn't it say what they did it?
Doesn't it say why they did it?
Doesn't it say how they did it?



of which side is luckier. In his opinion the
people who know the real nature of war, who
have firsthand experience, are the strongest
supporters of peace.

Many men in our family went into military

service. My uncle was a seaman in the last
war. He was on a big battleship. We have a
picture of him in his seaman's uniform. His
ship went down with a great loss of life. He
was on board at the time and was lucky to get
away with the clothes on his back.

My father's deep feeling is that the best way

for our way of life, our democracy, to be safe
is for our nation to be strong and ready for
action. He thinks there should be a national
system of military training for both men and
women, who are 18 years or over. He says
that the danger of war is less, when our nation
is strong. I don't know if I am in complete
agreement with all his ideas, but there is no
question for me - our nation should have
strong defense forces. There is no argument
between us, when he says that there is a
price to be free in a world full of danger.

My father was an airman. He went to Officer

Training School and became an air force
officer. His high level of training made him a
natural leader. He took part in some important
air operations, attacks against enemy
airfields, and so on. Early in the war, he got a
bad leg injury and the doctors had to take off
the lower half of his right leg. After many
weeks in a military hospital, the air force gave
him an office job away from the action of the
front line. For the rest of the war, he was an
executive officer, responsible for the air
defense of an area about 6000 square miles
(9600 square kilometers). It was an interesting
and important time in his life. He likes for
people to know about his w a r t i m e
experiences. He likes to think about, as he
says, "the good old days."

My cousin, William, became a soldier not too

long ago. He went into the army a few days
after his 18th birthday. His mother was a little
worried, but that's the way of all mothers. For
his first six weeks in the army, he went
through basic training about 50 miles (83
kilometers) from his home. After he got
through his six weeks of basic military training,
he had the right to come home for a two-day
rest. When we got the news that he was back,
all the family got together for a big party at his
parents' home. I must say that I had quite a
shock when I saw him!

Sometimes, he gets angry with war films, that

are often on television. He says that war is
much different from the films: the good against
the bad. He says it is a big mistake to get the
idea that one's enemy is not too bright. He
says, in fact, sometimes it is only a question


The boy of six weeks ago is now a man, a real

man! He has a very short haircut. His back is
straight, his shoulders are wider and his
stomach is as hard as stone. He is in perfect
physical condition. His soldier's uniform gives
him a very important look. He likes the cut of
his uniform a lot. He says that he likes military
life so much that he wants to become an
officer. His plan is to go to Officer Training
School. I know William very well and these are
not empty words. He is very serious about
this. I think that if this is what he wants, he has
a bright future before him. Who knows, maybe
someday he will get to the highest level and
become a general.

He says that he is ready for military life

because he got a good basic education at
school. He is happy that he knows higher
mathematics very well. It was one of his
favorite subjects in high school. Before he
went into the army, he knew all about
computers. He says that in today's army much
of the equipment is dependent on computers.
Soldiers have to know about them, because
computers are at the heart of almost every
arms system. In William's opinion, success in
a little fire fight or a big battle is dependent on
technology. William says that this is the big
change in war from 30 or 40 years ago.
William gave us an example of today's high
technology in action. He says that there are
cameras up in space that can take very clear
pictures of everything that goes on down here
on earth. I am sure that their real interest is
not football or basketball, but everything that
takes place in the military areas of an enemy
or would-be enemy nation. These space
cameras are only a part of the high technology
systems that make our nation safe and make
up an important part of our first line of defense
against any kind of surprise attack.

At present, William is a member of a special

forces group that has to be ready to do
anything, anywhere, anytime. Their training
program is very hard. He now has much more
than the basic know-how of a soldier. William
is very bright and likes to take the lead, so it
was quite natural for him to become the leader
of his group. He makes sure that there are no
big problems among the members of his
group. To do their job, they have to get along
with* one another. He is happy about the good
relations among his men. He says that they
almost never get into arguments or fights with
one another.

Because of his training, William knows about

different kinds of a r m s - everything from
knives and guns to nuclear warheads. He
says that all the soldiers in his group had to go
to a training film about nuclear war. It was a
real shock for them to get a close look at and
to know what nuclear arms can do.

* get along: If he wants to be president the has to get

along with everyone. How does she get along at school?


and shock waves, they will never want to see

their people go through a nuclear war. This
kind of "education" may be the only way to get
an nuclear arms control agreement that puts
real limits on nuclear power.

He says that in the film there was an explosion

of a nuclear warhead over a city. First, there
was a great fireball, as bright as the sun or
maybe even brighter. Second, there was a
terrible heat wave, when the temperature got
much hotter than the hottest summer day.
Third, there was a shock wave which came
with the force of 100 thunder storms. The
shock wave, which came a short time after the
explosion, did a lot of damage to almost
everything within an area of 50 square miles
(80 square kilometers).

Even if the Cold War is over, there is still a

nuclear danger. Some think the danger is
even greater now than before. Before nuclear
arms were under strong military control.
Governments were more or less responsible
for their use. For many years, only
governments had the necessary know-how
and technology. Today, we see not only
governments, but also some political groups
and organizations, both left and right wing,
who say they have what it takes and are quite
ready to make use of nuclear arms. I am
afraid that with so many groups of this kind, it
is only a question of time before there is a
terrible nuclear accident.

William says that the worst effect of an nuclear

explosion is not the damage to things, not
even the number of dead or the terrible burns
that people get. The worst thing about a
nuclear explosion is the poison that it puts into
the air. This poison, which has a special name
- Nuclear Fallout, comes down from the
nuclear cloud and gets into our water and food
systems. There is no way to get it out. It has a
terrible long-time effect on people's health for
many years.

I don't know what to do about this new danger.

But people say that two heads are better than
one, so I'm hopeful that if you and I put our
heads together, we can come up with *
something to put a stop to this new nuclear
danger. What do you think?

William says it is necessary to make sure that

we never, never put our nuclear arms to use.
He thinks that a good way to make sure of this
is to get the leaders and representatives of all
the nations together every four or five years at
the United Nations and give them the
experience of a real nuclear explosion. If they
know, firsthand, about the fireball, the heat

* come up with: They came up with a new chemical after

many years of work. I'm not worried because John always
comes up with a good answer.


to think (+)
I thought
you thought
he thought
she thought
it thought

we thought
you thought
they thought

to think (-)
I did not think
you did not think
he did not think
she did not think
it did not think

we did not think

you did not think
they did not think

I thought about her last visit.

He thought about the space program.
She thought about how many votes she got.
They thought about the court's decision.

I didn't think about her last visit.

He didn't think about the space program.
She didn't think about how many votes she got.
They didn't think about the court's decision.

to think (+?)
did I think?
did you think?
did he think?
did she think?
did it think?

to think (-?)
didn't I think?
didn't you think?
didn't he think?
didn't she think?
didn't it think?

did we think?
did you think?
did they think?

didn't we think?
didn't you think?
didn't they think?

Did you think the explosion was an accident?

Did he think the changes were necessary?
Did she think that our plan of action is okay?
Did they think that his opinion was wrong?

Didn't you think the explosion was an accident?

Didn't he think the changes were necessary?
Didn't she think that our plan of action is okay?
Didn't they think that his opinion was wrong?

to say (+)
I said
you said
he said
she said
it said

to say (-)
I did not say
you did not say
he did not say
she did not say
it did not say

we said
you said
they said

we did not say

you did not say
they did not say

I said something to her.

You said hello to her first.
He said that he had a high level of education.
We said that it was too late to go to the film.

I didn't say anything to her.

You didn't say hello to her first.
He didn't say that he had a high level of education.
We didn't say that it was too late to go to the film.

to say (+?)
did I say?
did you say?
did he say?
did she say?
did it say?

to say (-?)
didn't I say?
didn't you say?
didn't he say?
didn't she say?
didn't it say?

did we say?
did you say?
did they say?

Did you say anything about the election?

Did you say anything about his fight with me?
Did you say anything against him?
Did you say anything in his name?

didn't we say?
didn't you say?
didn't they say?

Didn't you say anything about the election?

Didn't you say anything about his fight with me?
Didn't you say anything against him?
Didn't you say anything in his name?



In the opinion of most of these men, the only
real answer to the nation's problems was a
new system of government. They knew, more
or less, what they did not like, but they were
not quite sure about what they should do.

At the end of the American Revolution in 1783,

the United States of America were states
united in name only. The war was what made
the states united. When the war was over,
they soon went their separate ways. They
were free to do what they wanted. Relations
among them went from bad to worse. In fact,
people said their general economic and
political conditions could not get worse. There
were problems, arguments and fights
everywhere. Most people were tired of it, but
they did not know what to do.

As a first step, so their talks could be free,

open and direct, the men who went to
Philadelphia made the decision to have only
closed door meetings. They gave their word
to one another not to say anything to the
newspapers until the end of their work. After
many arguments, in the heat of that long
summer, their plan for a new system of
government was ready, at last, on September
17, 1787.

Many of the problems came from the fact that

the first national government of the US (1781 1788) was little more than a general
organization of states, an umbrella
organization, made up of representatives from
the states. Someone said that "it was a body
without a head," because there was no head
of government. There was no one to take the
lead, no one to make decisions. There were
no courts, because the central government
could not make any laws. Without any tax
power of its own, this "national government"
was quite dependent on the states for both its
money and military force. The money and men
that the states did give the central government
were "gifts" because the states were free to
give or not to give.

Their plan of government became the United

States Constitution that we know so well
today. But, it was clear from the very start that
not everyone was happy with it. In fact, only
39 out of the 55 representatives put their
names on it. Because of their great service to
the nation, those men have the name in
American history of "Fathers of the
Their plan was for a new kind of government,
a representative democracy, which in the
words of Abraham Lincoln is "a government of
the people, by the people and for the people."

After a few years of living under this kind of

less than perfect political system, many
people said, "Enough is enough!" They were
ready for a change, a real change, a basic
change. This is why 55 men got together in
the city of Philadelphia, in May 1787. They
came from twelve of the thirteen states that
made up the United States of America at that
time. Most of them were landowners,
businessmen and/or lawyers, but they had one
thing in common: they were all very worried
about the future of their new nation.

In the American system of government, the

states are very powerful. Their great power
comes, in part, from the fact that at the writing
of the Constitution most of them were already
very old. Massachusetts, for example, was
over 150 years old. Virginia was even older.
Every state had its own constitution and
system of government already in place at the
time. These states had little or no interest in a
strong, central government. Most of them
thought that a real national government would
be a danger to their power.


There was no living example of the kind of

government they wanted to make, so the
writers of the American Constitution had to go
back in history more than a thousand years, all
the way back to the Roman Republic.

In the American political system, the president

is both the head of the government and the
leader of the nation. He is the number one
decision-maker with control of all the military
services on land, on sea and in the air, that is,
the army, the navy and the air force. He is
responsible for the nation's political and
economic relations with other countries. It is
he who must give direction to the nation for
the four years that he is in office.

From the fall of the Roman Republic in 476

A.D. until the writing of the US Constitution,
the world knew only monarchies. But, because
of their experience with the king of England,
George III, the Fathers of the American
Constitution did not want a monarchy. They
did not want a king at the head of their system.
Their decision not to have a monarchy made
the American political system different from all
others. America became the only nation in the
world, at that time, without a king or queen.

The US Constitution gives the president great

powers, almost as great as those of a king.
But he is not free to do anything and
everything that he wants. There are controls
and real limits on his powers. For example, to
get the money to put his plans into action, the
president has to have the agreement of the
legislative branch, the law-makers, the
representatives of the people, that is,
Congress. If Congress is against him, a
president can do very little.

When the Fathers of the American

Constitution took a look at the British political
system, they made a mistake. They thought
they saw three separate parts: the king, the
law-makers and the courts or, as we say
today, executive, legislative and judicial
branches of government. This was a mistake
in the fact that no Englishman thought his
government had this three-part division. The
idea that government should have three
branches got its start in the writings of a
French thinker, Montesquieu.

The American Congress, the legislative

branch, has two parts or, as Americans say,
"houses," an upper house - the Senate, and a
lower house - the House of Representatives.
The Constitution gives every state two
Senators, so today, there are, all together,
100 Senators. The House of Representatives,
on the other hand, has 435 members2.

Because of Montesquieu's study and

understanding of the British system, the
Fathers of the Constitution said a division of
powers was necessary if people wanted to be
free. This was why they made a division of
powers. In the American system of
government, there is a clear-cut division
among its executive, legislative and judicial

The number of Representatives from a state is

dependent on the number of people in that
state. For example, California with about 32
million people has 52 Representatives. So,
you see, there is one Representative for every
600,000 people. Because Alaska has fewer
than 600,000 people, it has only one
Representative, but it still has two Senators.

From their own experiences in the Revolution

or War for Independence1, the Fathers of the
American Constitution knew very well the
problems of a government with a weak
executive or a too strong legislative branch.
They knew that it was necessary to have a
central decision-maker, one person who was
responsible for government action. So, in
place of a king, they put a president!

The Constitution gives the legislative branch a

lot of power. Congress can and often does say
"No" to the ideas of a president. All ideas for a
new law must get an okay from both the
House of Representatives and the Senate. If
one of them says "No," the idea is dead! This
is the reason Americans say "Our Senators
and Representatives are our national lawmakers."
2 The Constitution gives Washington D.C. three seats in
Congress, but none of them has a vote. Puerto Rico also
has a Representative without a vote.

1 independence dependence (dependent)


Elections are an important part of the

American system of government. There are
elections for the president every four years, for
example 1988, 1992, 1996 and so on.
Elections for the House of Representatives
take place every two years. Elections for the
Senate are every six years. All these are
secret elections in which the voters make their
choices for the different political offices. In a
system of direct elections every vote is

The courts make up the judicial or third branch

of government. The name of the highest court
in the American system is the Supreme
Court 3 . The American court system is very
complex. There are city courts, state courts
and national courts. Every one of them has its
own separate system of operation. Maybe, this
is why lawyers are so important in the United
States. They are necessary at every turn of
American courts can not do anything until
someone comes to them with a problem.
Maybe, the meaning of a law is not quite clear,
so a person, or a group of people or a
company takes the question to court. The job
of the court is then to see if there is a direct
relation between that law and the actions of
that person or group.

Elections are important only if voters have a

choice. If there is no choice, then it is not a
real election. To give voters a choice is the
work of political parties. A political party, which
is a group of people with more or less the
same opinion about a number of different
questions, puts together its political program at
election time with the hope that if voters know
the program they will give their support to the

American courts have a power that almost no

other courts in the world have, and that is the
power to say Congress and the president are
wrong. In other words, American courts can
say that the direct representatives of the
people made a mistake! American courts can
say that a law or an action of the president is
against the Constitution. This puts a real limit
on what the executive and legislative branches
of the American government can do.

Though the American Constitution does not

say one word about them, the US has two
national political parties: the Democrats and
the Republicans. Both the Democratic and
Republican parties have their left and right
w i n g s . In general, the l e f t wants the
government to do more and take on more
responsibilities: education, health, help for the
poor and so on.

Among the greatest limits on government

power, in general, are the rights of the people.
The Constitution says the people have a long
list of basic rights, The Bill of Rights, without
which a people can not be free. Among these
are the right to take part in government, the
right to know what goes on* in government,
the right to say what one thinks or give one's
opinion, the right to information, the right to a
lawyer, the right to have political meetings, the
right to become a member of a political party,
the right to come and go as one wants, the
right to go to the church of one's own choice,
the right to make one's own choices about
work, family, and other private interests, in
other words, the right to a life without
government control. Americans say that these
are the natural rights of all people, and that is
why they are in the US Constitution.

The r i g h t , on the other hand, sees

government, in general, as a problem-maker
and tax-taker. The right says people should be
responsible for their own lives. They should
not be dependent on government. So, in the
US, the right wants a cut in government
programs. It wants less government. The right
wings of both the Democratic and Republican
parties say the government already does too
much; it should do less; it should get out of
people's lives. Because most Americans are
against the idea of an a l l - p o w e r f u l
government, their arguments are often about
what the national and state governments
should or should not do.
The American republic is a representative
democracy. America is a republic because it
has no king. It is a representative government
because the people's representatives make all
the decisions. It is a democracy because the
people have a number of important rights that
put limits on both what government does and
the way it does it.

3 supreme = highest
* go on: What went on at the meeting? The teacher
knows everything that goes on even when she is out of
the room.


to think (+)
I will think
you will think
he will think
she will think
it will think

to think (-)
I will not think
you will not think
he will not think
she will not think
it will not think

we will think
you will think
they will think

we will not think

you will not think
they will not think

I'll think about his problem.

She'll think about the facts.
He'll think that he is our big leader.
They'll think that the court's decision was wrong.

I won't think about his problem.

She won't think about the facts.
He won't think that he is our big leader.
They won't think that the court's decision was wrong.

to think (+?)
will I think?
will you think?
will he think?
will she think?
will it think?

to think (-?)
won't I think?
won't you think?
won't he think?
won't she think?
won't it think?

will we think?
will you think?
will they think?

won't we think?
won't you think?
won't they think?

Will you please think about what I said?

Will she think that the area is too little?
Will he think that the fight is over?
Will they think that he did the right thing?

Won't you please think about what I said?

Won't she think that the area is too little?
Won't he think that the fight is over?
Won't they think that he did the right thing?

to say (+)
I will say
you will say
he will say
she will say
it will say

to say (-)
I will not say
you will not say
he will not say
she will not say
it will not say

we will say
you will say
they will say

we will not say

you will not say
they will not say

I'll say the word again for you.

He'll say the number of votes again.
She'll say that she was at work all day.
They''ll say that the camera was already broken.

I won't say the word again for you.

He won't say the number of votes again.
She won't say that she was at work all day.
They won't say that the camera was already broken.

to say (+?)
will I say?
will you say?
will he say?
will she say?
will it say?

to say (-?)
won't I say?
won't you say?
won't he say?
won't she say?
won't it say?

will we say?
will you say?
will they say?

Will you please say those beautiful words again?

Will he say what he thinks?
Will she say how she did it?
Will it say what time the explosion took place?


won't we say?
won't you say?
won't they say?

Won't you please say those beautiful words again?

Won't he say what he thinks?
Won't she say how she did it?
Won't it say what time the explosion took place?


My family and I will go to Washington, D.C.
next month because we want to take a look at
some of its many monuments and places of
interest. We already have our airplane tickets
and our room reservations at one of the big
name hotels close to the center of the city.
Washington has two airports. We should get
into National Airport at 6:30 in the evening.
After we get our bags, we will take a taxi to our
hotel. The complete trip from the airport to the
hotel will take about 45 minutes, so we should
be in our rooms by 7:30, at the latest. We will
put our clothes away, take a shower, have a
short rest, and then go down for dinner about
9 o'clock. After dinner we may go for a little
walk before bedtime. We want to be ready for
our first full day in Washington, D.C. because
there are so many things in America's capital
to see and do.

We want to see the beautiful monuments to

three of America's greatest presidents:
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and
Abraham Lincoln. I think we will have time to
go across the Potomac River to Arlington
National Cemetery,4 where there are more
than 60,000 war dead and the Tomb5 of the
Unknown6 Soldier. It is a beautiful monument
to those who gave their lives in wartime
service to our nation. Another important place
we want to be sure to see is Washington,
D.C.'s newest war monument, the monument
to the loss of more than 54,000 U.S.
servicemen and servicewomen in Vietnam.
People say that the monument, with all those
names on its long walls of black stone, gives
them a strange, quiet feeling. It makes a
person think.
My family and I like the theater, so one or two
evenings we will go to the John F. Kennedy
Center, which is the home of both the National
Symphony7 Orchestra 8 and the American
National Ballet9 Theater. I do not know if we
can get tickets, but I will do my best. I want
very much to go to both the Symphony and
the Ballet because I like music and dance and
everyone says that they are among the very
best in America.

I made a timetable of where to go and what to

see. This way there will be no arguments or
fights about what we should do. We will go to
the Capitol1 Building, where the Congress2 of
the United States has its meetings, the
Supreme3 Court Building, and the Library of
Congress, which is one of the biggest, if not
the biggest library in the world. These
buildings are not too far from one another, so
we can see all three in one day. We also want
to take a look at the White House, the home of
every president, but George Washington, the
nation's first president.

4 cemetery is a special area where we put our dead.

5 tomb is a stone place for a dead body.

1 Capitol is the name of the building where the US

Congress has its meetings.
Capital is the city where the national government is.

6 unknown known (know, knew, known)

7 symphony is a long piece of music.

2 Congress is the name of that part of the US government

8 orchestra is a group of musicians.

9 ballet is a kind of "toe dance" that came from France.

which makes the laws.

3 supreme = highest


People also say that we will like the National

Air and SpacwAir and Space Museum, the
Museum of Natural History, and the Museum
of History and Technology. My understanding
is that they are all close to one another. I know
that it will take one full day, or maybe more, to
go through them. There are also many art
museums that we will want to put our heads
into for a few minutes. As they say, a short
visit is better than none.
Another place of great interest to visitors is the
National Archives 10 with its many important
papers from American history. Without
question, the two most important papers in the
National Archives are the Declaration1 1 of
Independence12 (1776) and the Constitution
(1787). Visitors to the Archives can take a look
at these and many other papers that are
important to American history, almost every
day of the year.
To get ready for our trip, I did some reading
about the history of Washington, D.C. One of
the books said that after 1775 there were eight
different cities that were home to the American
government. At last, in 1790, Congress made
the decision to put the nation's capital in a
special area, separate from all the states, and
close to the middle of the country.
George Washington wanted it to be on a
beautiful piece of farmland along the Potomac
river, not very far from his own home. This is

why the state of Maryland gave 67 square

miles (174 square kilometers) of land to the
national government in 1791. This big piece of
land got its name, District13 of Columbia, from
Christopher Columbus, the European
discoverer of America.
Inside the District of Columbia was the city of
Washington, which got its name from George
Washington. People said he was "First in war,
first in peace, and first in the hearts of his
countrymen." For many, many years the city of
Washington was much littler than the District
of Columbia. But now, after many years of
growth, the city is much bigger than the
District. Today "Greater Washington" takes in
an area of more than 1,500 square miles
(3,885 square kilometers). Today, parts of
both Maryland and Virginia make up the
Greater Washington area. Government is its
only industry.
Washington, D.C. is different from most other
cities because it had a plan for its
development from the very start. The man who
made the plan was a French army officer,
Pierre L'Enfant. He came to the New World in
1775. Like many other Frenchmen, he wanted
to be of help to the Americans in their War of
Independence. L'Enfant became an officer in
the army and a close friend of George
Washington. After the revolution, when the
government made the decision to make a new
capital city, separate from all other cities of
that time, L'Enfant got the job of city planner.

1 0 archive is a safe place for important papers.

1 1 declaration = something that we say with feeling.
1 2 independence dependence (dependent)

1 3 district = area


with those round him who had little or no

understanding of what he wanted to do. They
saw only the bottom line and the price was
high, too high in the opinion of many of them.
L'Enfant knew how to make a capital city, but
he did not know how to get along with* some
of the important people in the government. He
was not a political person, but an army officer.
Because he said "No!" to all their ideas for
change, L'Enfant made many enemies among
the powers of that time. In the end, the
American government said "Enough!" "Stop!"
When L'Enfant went away, he took all his
papers and plans with him. He did not want
others to make use of his ideas.

It should come as no surprise that in the

opinion of Pierre L'Enfant the most beautiful
city in the world was Paris. This is why he took
it as his example of how the city of
Washington should be. In other words, he
wanted to make the new capital city of the
United States along the lines of Paris. When
he put together his plan for the city he was
very clear about two things that came out of
his own experience. The first was that the new
capital should be an open city with space,
long, straight, wide streets, beautiful squares
with monuments, and trees and parks
everywhere, the same as Paris. He wanted
the great government buildings of the Republic
to have Greek and Roman lines.

It is sad that this great city planner and builder,

Pierre L'Enfant, got no money for all his work.
L'Enfant took the government to court.** But,
after a long judicial battle, the court said that
he did not have the right to take the US
government to court, in the first place.
Sometime later, the US Congress said it was
ready to give him $3000, but L'Enfant's
answer was "No! Never!" L'Enfant said that he
should get $95,000 for all the work he put into
building America's capital city. Why was the
American government so heartless? Why was
the public not thankful to him? The two sides
in this argument could not come to an
agreement so L'Enfant got nothing. In the
end, he went to his Maker with empty pockets
and few friends.

The second thing was more political. He did

not like at all the outcome of the French
Revolution of 1789. As an army officer, he
knew that the military force of Louis XVI, King
of France, could not put down the revolution
because the soldiers could not get through the
little, narrow, back streets of Paris with their
big guns and battlefield equipment. So,
L'Enfant's plan for the city of Washington had
a serious military side. He was afraid of
revolution. He wanted to make sure that the
American army could put down any street fight
before it became a revolution. This is the
reason he put the Capitol Building at the
center of the city. The straight, wide streets
that went out from it in many directions would
give the army complete control of the city.

It was not until 1909 that Congress made the

decision to put the body of Pierre L'Enfant,
together with those of others who gave great
service to the American nation, in Arlington
National Cemetery, across the Potomac River
from the capital city. His simple headstone
says that he was the man responsible for the
plan of Washington, D.C. The city is his real
monument. L'Enfant's life is a perfect example
of the fact that no one knows what public
opinion will say or think about us in a hundred
or two hundred years.

*get along with: He gets along with his brother very well.

L'Enfant had many arguments and fights

about money and his big plans for "his city"

Cats and dogs don't get along at all.

**take to court: I took him to court after the accident. If I

must take them to court, I will.


Please put your answers on the lines.


1. The opposite of a powerful government is a
2. The opposite of a tasteless film is a ________________________________
3. The opposite of a meaningful gift is a _______________________________
4. The opposite of a hopeful battle is a ________________________________
5. The opposite of a careful student is a _______________________________


Please put do or make on the lines


1. She
all her own dresses.
2. She _____________ a big dinner on Sundays.
3. She _____________ her husband's shirts every Monday.
4. She _____________ as much work as she can every day.
5. She _____________ a square cake with an airplane on top.
6. She _____________ an important job for the manager.
7. She will __________ some more tomorrow.
8. She will __________ a visit to Portugal some time next year.




1. The officer went

the court room.
2. The officer was ____________ our present president.
3. The start of the music program was _________ 7:30
4. I'll be ___________ museum before noon.
5. Please see who is ____________ the door.
6. In the last election, he got __________ most 52% of the votes.
7. I'll see you ___________ lunch.
8. When did the law go _____________ effect?
9. They had a terrible argument _____________ the many meanings of democracy.
10. My study on the fire power of battleships is _____________ complete.
11. A street fight was ____________ to take place when the police came.
12. We went for a walk ____________ the public square in Venice.
13. His opinion came ________________ to us loud and clear.
14. He'll be _____________ with his university education next year.
15. The chemical change takes place ______________ heat.
16. Your English gets better day _________ day.
17. The enemy force got across the river _________ boats.
18. I don't know if they did it ________ machine or _________ hand.
19. Everything will be ready for your visit _____________ Wednesday.
20. There is a beautiful picture on the wall _____________ her bed.
21. The election will be ______________ tomorrow.
22. Our private meeting with the church leaders was ____________ two hours long.
23. I'm sure their fight was ____________ a girl.
24. We did it ___________ and __________, until we got it right.
in the first place

get along

take to court

get along

at all

25. How did he

in the army?
26. The Constitution gave him too much power __________________.
27. If I don't get my money by Friday, I'll _________ you ______________________.
28. Why can't she _____________________ with anyone?
29. Children shouldn't have poison ___________________.
30. Because the king can do no wrong, you can not _________ him _______________.
31. He didn't take part in the battle __________________.
32. __________________________, he had no right to take my things.




to be
Her hair is black.
Her eyes are brown.
Her lips are red.
Her ears are little.
Her skin is soft.
Her nose is short.
His feet are big.
His nose is long.
His muscles are hard.
His teeth are white.
His arms are strong.
His heart is okay.
It was on the ship.
It was in the report.
It was under the train.
It was by the truck.
It was among my papers.
It was from the king.
It is under control.
It is at the end of my tongue.
It is against law.
It is for your pleasure.
It is after the fact.
It is out of the question.
I am sad.
I am angry.
I am cold.
I am hot.
I am wet.
I am poor.
I will be a student.
I will be a doctor.
I will be a farmer.
I will be a businessman.
I will be a secretary.
I will be an executive.
Be good !
Be happy!
Be safe!
Be ready!
Be soft!
Be simple!
Don't be late!
Don't be sick!
Don't be bad!
Don't be difficult!
Don't be angry!
Don't be afraid!

to have
I have a problem.
I have a plan.
I have a question.
I have a secret.
I have an idea.
I have a reason.
He has no time.
He has no money.
He has no work.
He has no understanding.
He has no interest.
He has no experience.
She had a beautiful smile.
She had a bad cough.
She had a long talk with Mary.
She had an argument with John.
She had a lot of pleasure.
She had a lot of taste.
She had work to do.
She had people to see.
She had places to go.
She had something to say.
She had a decision to make.
She had a right to know.
We had some rice and fish.
We had some orange ice cream.
We had breakfast together.
She had a drink of my coffee.
She had a bite of my chicken salad.
She had dinner at a restaurant.
I have to go to the bank.
I have to see you tomorrow.
I had to get up at 7:00.
I had to do my own work.
I will have to think about your idea.
I will have to give her some more money.
What do you have under your arm?
What do you have on your face?
What do you have round your neck?
What do you have over your shoulders?
What do you have for me?
What do you have against me?
The girl has her coat on.
The boy has his shoes off.
The cook has the gas on.
The cook has the water off.
The USA has a president.
The USA has 50 states.


to go
I went to Brazil.
I went to Rome.
I went to Asia.
I go to school.
I go to class.
I go to church.
I will go to the book shelf.
I will go to the king.
I will go to the company.
I will go to the tax office.
I will go to the department store.
She went for milk.
She went for pleasure.
She went from table to table.
She went from page 1 to page 10.
She went by ship.
She went by train.
She went into the court room.
She went into the army.
She went with her pots and pans.
She went without her checkbook.
She went along the wall.
She went back along the river.
He went away angry.
He went away poor.
He will go before the court.
He will go before the people.
The street goes across the city.
The bridge goes across the river.
The fire went through the house.
The students went through the book in less than six weeks.
The price of gold went up.
The sun went down at 6:14.
The cat went after the chickens.
The dog went under the chair.
All the pain went away.
The legislative group went to work.
He went on with the story after our visitors took their seats.
The store went out of business after only six months.
The nations went to war.
The wine went to her head.
The navy went into action.
Her shoes did not go with her dress.
The students went over their lessons before the test.
The sugar went to the bottom of my coffee.
New car sales went up.
The light went off.
The fire went out.
What went on after I went home?

to come
I come from Bolivia.
My coat comes from France.
Milk comes from cows.
Beef comes from cows also.
Pork comes from pigs.
Eggs come from chickens.
Fish come from the ocean.
Bananas come from trees.
A comes before B.
4 comes before 5.
May comes after April.
Summer comes after spring.
Please come here.
Please come again.
Please come at 7:30.
Please come to my house.
Please come with me.
Please come in my car.
Please come down from the tree.
Please come out of the water.
Please come across the street.
Please come through the other door.
Please come away from the dog.
Please come back to me.
She will come to school.
She will come by bus.
She will come at 9:00.
She will come through the door.
She will come with her books.
She will come for English.
He came to be the head of the committee.
She came to want only red flowers.
He came to have a lot of money.
They came to be very good friends.
They came to say the words without any problem.
They came to see the light!
A lot of rain came down.
The flowers came up.
The stars came out.
A strong wind came from the West.
The water came up to my knees.
The street lights came on when the sun went down.
An idea came to me in the middle of the night.
I came across the bridge on my way home.
I came across an important book at the library.
My shoe came apart.
The sun came up at 5:58.
Nothing good came out of the war.
He came up with a very good idea.

to put
I put my shirt on.
I put my pants on.
I put my new shoes on.
I put my raincoat on.
I put my books on the shelf.
I put my answers on the paper.
I put my name on the list.
I put the price on the books.
I put the sign on the door.
I put the top on the box.
I put the salt on the meat.
I put the picture on the wall.
He put his hand in his pocket.
He put his money in the bank.
He put his things in the car.
He put his heart in his work.
He put $1000 in the new company.
He put his ideas in English.
They put the ship in the water.
They put eggs in the cake.
They put their man in Congress.
They put gold in his back teeth.
They put a new heart in the sick woman.
They put many problems in my way.
Put your hands up!
Put your chin out!
Put your shoulders back!
Put your stomach in!
Put your feet apart!
Put your fingers together!
Put your pencils down!
Put your books away!
Put your shoes by the fire!
Put your coat over the back of the chair!
Put your shoulder against the door!
Put your tongue between your teeth to say "th."
They put buttons on the dress.
They put a new bridge across the river.
They put a new building up in three months.
They put a new sink in the kitchen.
They put the light on.
They put the light off.
They put the children in danger.
They will put the car in good condition.
They will put the army into action.
They will put the revolution down.
They will put their money together and get a new car.
They will put their heads together and come up with a new plan.
They will put their ideas down on paper.

to take
I take my coat off.
I take my shoes off.
I take my glasses off.
I take my clothes off.
I take the book off the table.
I take the bottle off the shelf.
I take the egg off the child's face.
I take the sign off the window.
I take the picture off the wall.
I take the writing off the blackboard.
I take the branch off the tree.
I take the buttons off the shirt.
He took his pen out of his pocket.
He took his money out of the bank.
He took his papers out of the box.
He took the page out of the book.
He took some blood out of my arm.
He took the children out of danger.
He took the pleasure out of the party.
He took the medicine out of the bottle.
He took the woman's bad tooth out.
He took the woman's long hair off.
He took the woman's bicycle apart.
He took the woman's gold away.
Take my hand!
Take my book!
Take some more potato salad!
Take a cold shower!
Take this medicine every three hours!
She took her baby to the park.
She took the shoes back to the store.
It took a lot of work.
It took a long time.
He will take my picture.
The medicine will take effect in five minutes.
The law will take effect in two months.
The discovery of gold took place in 1848.
The American revolution took place more than 200 years ago.
Many people took part in the meeting.
The president took part in the talks.
The older children take care of the younger ones.
Take care of your health.
The farmers took in a lot of fruits.
When do they take in the rice in Japan?
The airplane took off at 8:20.
The students will take the test on Thursday.
She took him to be rich.
I want to take him to court.
Most dogs take to children.

to give
It gives me an idea.
It gives me pleasure.
It gives me stomach problems.
It gives me a reason.
It gives me experience.
It gives me power.
It gives me an example.
It gives me a lot of ideas.
It gives me the right to do what I want.
It gives me the time of day.
It gives me pain.
It gives me help.
She gave him her pencil.
She gave him her book.
She gave him her hand.
She gave him her understanding.
She gave him her decision.
She gave him her address.
She gave him a lot of problems.
She gave him a lot of news.
She gave him a lot of papers.
She gave him a ride.
She gave him a surprise.
She gave him her heart.
Give me a better understanding.
Give me a new idea.
Give me some hope.
Give me some news.
Give me some help.
Give me some more money.
Give her the use of your bicycle.
Give her the control of the class.
Give her the basic idea.
Give her the good news.
Give her the broken dish.
Give her the box of candy.
His work gave us a new medicine.
She gave us a long answer.
Sugar gives coffee a sweet taste.
Salt gives food a good taste.
The Constitution gives the President a lot of power.
The election gave us a new president.
The war gave the nation a new system of government.
The insect gave me a bad bite.
The doctor gave him a shot.
I gave up when I saw his muscles.
His wife always gives in to what he wants.
The mother will give her baby a warm bath.
His writings gave us a lot of pleasure.

to get
I get a new level of understanding.
I get credit from the bank.
I get a newspaper every evening.
I get my money on Fridays.
I get ideas from books.
I get questions from the teacher.
I get good service at the restaurant.
I get medicine from the pharmacy.
I get help from my friends.
I get books from the library.
I get money from my father.
I get experience from my work.
He got up at 6:00.
He got his clothes on.
He got the top off the box.
He got over the garden wall.
He got through the fire.
He got away from the dogs.
He got across the river.
He got into his bed.
He got to work late.
He got down on his knees.
He got under the car.
He got back after midnight.
The days will get longer.
The nights will get warmer.
The people will get angry.
The animals will get free.
The children will get dirty.
The service will get better.
The ideas will get complex.
The questions will get difficult.
The clothes will get dry.
The muscles will get stronger.
The company will get rich.
The ice cream will get soft.
Get out of my room !
Get out of my way!
Get in the bus!
Get off the grass!
Get your hands off me!
Get your head down!
Get your fingers out of the cake!
Get your eyes on your own paper!
Don't get sick!
Don't get wet!
Will he get in before 8 o'clock?
Do you want to get back at them for all the terrible things they did to you?
How does he get along with his father?

to do
She does her hair.
She does her eyes.
She does her lips.
She does her face.
She does a lot of reading.
She does a lot of writing.
I did a lot of business last year.
I did a lot of work yesterday.
I did a lot of things today.
They will do an Arabic dance.
They will do the right thing.
They will do the town on Saturday night.
I do not want any more food.
I do not know who to get to their house.
I do not think you said the right thing.
I did not have enough facts.
We did not like the film.
We did not give him our votes.
We did not see any high level of economic development.
We did not do all the windows. There are still some for you.
Does he make big plans all the time?
Does he put his sweater on when he goes out?
Does he think about the feelings of other people?
Does he give her flowers very often?
Did she go to the national museum?
Did she get two theater tickers?
Did she do anything about the noise?
Did she take her coat off?
Who do you want to come to our party?
What do you do after class?
When do you have time for a rest?
Where do you put your old newspapers?
Why do you make those secret trips to Paris?
How do you want your eggs, fried or boiled?
I do like your new dress.
I do want to see you again.
I do think we should have dinner this weekend.
She does give us all the juicy news.
She does like him a lot.
She does know much more than he.
They did see us.
They did say too much.
They did know that it was against the law.
They can do a lot of damage.
How do you do?


to make
She makes good coffee.
She makes good bread.
She makes good cakes.
She makes big plans.
She makes a few mistakes.
She makes a few problems.
She makes a few changes.
The factory makes big machines.
A wood fire makes heat.
A government makes laws.
Courts make decisions.
Businesses make profits.
The wind made me cold.
The fire made me warm.
The smell made me sick.
The news made me sad.
The decision made me happy.
The work made me dirty.
Her food makes us strong.
Her ideas make us angry.
Her plans make us afraid.
Her help made things easy.
Her actions made us poor.
Her discovery made us rich.
The baby made me get up.
The doctor made me go to bed.
The teacher made me do the reading.
The man made me put my hands up.
Make him go away!
Make him come here!
Make him do the work!
Make him give me some help!
Your problem made me want to give you some help.
Your words made me want to be with you.
Your bright eyes made me want to see you again.
Your sad eyes made me want to take you in my arms.
The students will make good use of their time.
The people will make good use of the public library.
The doctor will make good use of the new medicine.
The lawyer will make good use of our argument.
The government will make good use of the tax money.
The soldiers will make good use of their training.
How can we make use of her experience?
How can we make use of their information?
How can we make the best use of these machines?
How can we make the best use of the sun's heat?
Five people make up our study group.
Fifty states make up the United States of America.
How many people make up your family?

to think
I think that she is beautiful.
I think that he does good work.
I think that the facts are on our side.
I think that you are the right person for this job.
I think that we should get a new camera.
I think that they know who we are.
Think of a waterfall.
Think of the last time you were happy.
Think of her in a short red dress.
Think of him without his uniform.
Think of the fun we will have.
Think of the profit we will make.
He thought about her all the time.
He thought about the future.
He thought about public opinion.
He thought about our training program.
He thought about which medicine to give her.
He thought about the best way to say what he had to say.
Think, what should we do next?
Think, where could the money be?
Think, who would want to take our defense secrets?
Think, when did you see him last?
Think, why did they make that decision?
Think, how can we get out of here?
I think that I'll be back about 11 o'clock.
I think that he took your bicycle.
I think that she knows much more than she says.
I think that there will be an election before the end of the year.
I think that I saw her yesterday in the courtroom.
I think that I know who did it.
You didn't think through your decision.
You didn't think through their answer.
You didn't think through the changes that you made.
You didn't think through the nature of their defense.
You didn't think through the economic program.
You didn't think through the control system.
I have to think up a new story, before the police get here.
I have to think up a way to get him out of the picture.
I have to think up a better argument for my next step.
I have to think up a new plan of attack.
I have to think up another example.
I have to think up a different computer program.
What do you think of Peter?
What do you think I should do now?
Who do you think you are to say those terrible things to me?
I like to think back to when I was a child.
I want some more time to think over your ideas.
I can't think why not.
I think so!

to say
What did your father say about our plans?
What did your mother say about your report?
What did your teacher say about your homework?
What did the officer say to the soldier?
What did the policeman say to you?
What did the president say to our representative?
The newspaper says that we will have rain on Saturday.
The radio says that the storm did a lot of damage.
The television news says that he is a member of a right wing political group.
What will it say on the monument?
The agreement says that the price to us will be 10% less than to other companies.
The constitution says that we all have basic political rights.
The order says that you must be in court next Wednesday at 10 o'clock.
The clock says 10:15.
That picture doesn't say anything to me.
What does his business card say?
They say that this winter will be very cold.
They say that he was a great dancer in his younger days.
They say that there will be very few voters in this year's election.
He said no to my ideas.
He said no to any change.
He said no to our training program.
How do you say this word?
How do you say your name?
How do you say "hello" in French?
Who said, "To be or not to be, that is the question"?
Who said, "There is a time and place for everything"?
Who said, "My country, right or wrong"?
Say, don't I know you?
Say, aren't you a film star?
Say, didn't I see you at John's party?
Say, why don't we have dinner on Saturday?
Say, where can I get a good meal in this town?
Say, when is the next flight to Rome?
Say it one more time, but louder!
If you say that one more time, you'll never see me again.
Please say a few words to our group about your meeting with the president.
Please say something to him about those loud noises he makes at the dinner table.
I can't say that I liked her new dress.
I can't say that he was the best man for the job.
I can't say no to another piece of your chocolate cake.
I couldn't say no to those beautiful eyes.
It's cold outside, that is to say, don't go out without your coat.
It's too expensive for me, that is to say, I can't go.
I have nothing to say to the newspaper reporters about the change of our foreign policy.
The police have nothing to say about the explosion at this time.


to see
Do you see that officer with the big overcoat?
Do you see the big sign that says "Hotel"?
Do you see how much damage the explosion did?
Can you see without your glasses?
Can you see that big house with the blue roof?
Can you see where they went?
I see that you know one another.
I see that you are already old friends.
I see that he is very hungry.
I see that he did a lot of work today.
I see that she made one of her special cakes.
I see that she came to the party with her new husband.
I don't see what the problem is.
I don't see why he came here.
I don't see how he did that.
I see what kind of person he is.
I see the meaning in back of everything he does.
I see now what I didn't see before.
See that your room is clean before you go to the park.
See that all the books are put back on the shelves after class.
See that the windows are closed before you go home.
I have to see that the dog has water and food every day.
I have to see that the pressure is always between 15 and 20.
I have to see that my uniform is clear and in good condition.
I saw in the newspaper that we will have rain tomorrow.
I saw in the report that she wants to put more money into new equipment.
I saw in the business plan that you want to have three offices.
I will see about your problem before I go home today.
I will see about his trip to the museum after lunch.
I will see what I can do about the broken water pipe as soon as I am free.
She saw what she could do for the children and did it.
I see that there is nothing more you can or will do for me.
Will you see what you can do for my sister and her family.
See how I do it.
See where he goes.
See why the children are so quiet.
I will see you to the door.
I will see him to the airport.
I will see her to the train station.
Come and see us again.
Come and see us on Saturday afternoon.
Come and see me when you are in town.
See you soon.
See you on Wednesday.
See you tomorrow, same time, same place.


to know

I know that man.

I know this word.
I know your name.
I don't know the price of this car.
I don't know the time of the meeting.
I don't know the place of the party.
The police know who did it.
The police know what he did.
The police know when the fight took place.
The police know where he will be.
The police know why he is afraid.
The police know how to get him.
I know that you like chocolate ice cream.
I know that he will be the next president.
I know that she was the leader of your group.
I don't know why he did that.
I don't know why he got angry.
I don't know why I am so tired.
Do you know how to do that?
Do you know how to come to my house?
Do you know how to get theater tickets?
He didn't even know how to give a shot.
He didn't even know how to say the easy words.
He didn't even know how to make tea.
I knew there would be trouble.
I knew there would be a war.
I knew there would be a fight.
I knew that he would be back, so I got my gun.
I knew that she would give me her telephone number.
I knew that they would see us again.


to like

He likes football.
He likes red meat.
He likes fast cars.
She likes soft music.
She likes quiet little restaurants.
She likes long walks by the ocean.
We like to make things with our hands.
We like to get up early.
We like to do things together.
They like to be with their friends.
They like to go to new places.
They like to have wild parties.
She likes the red dress.
She likes the shoes with high heels.
She likes the gold earrings.
He liked the brown cowboy boots.
He liked the silk tie.
He liked the business suit.
I would like a glass of ice water.
I would like a green salad.
I would like some chicken with rice.
Would you like any more coffee?
Would you like any more potato salad?
Would you like any more apple pie?
How would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?
How would you like to see a film on Saturday night?
How would you like to go with me to Paris next week?
How would you like to make me happy?
How would you like to do it all again?
How would you like to get me another cup of coffee?
How would you like to make breakfast for us?
I like you.
I like horses.
I like the effect of sunlight on water.
I don't like John.
I don't like his long nose.
I don't like the smell of his dirty clothes.


to want

I want some ice cream.

I want a drink of water.
I want a good education for my children.
I want better care for sick people.
I want less government in my life.
I want more money.
He wants to go with you.
He wants to say something to you in English.
He wants to give you a little gift.
She wants to know more about the process.
She wants to see it again.
She wants to think about it some more.
They wanted two tickets to Rio.
They wanted a bigger boat.
They wanted a better defense lawyer.
They wanted more medicine, but the doctor said no.
They wanted more time, but the teacher said no.
They wanted more money, but I said no.
I want you here at 7:45 every morning.
I want you off the telephone.
I want you out of my life!
I want him to come to my party.
I want him to get some bananas when he goes to the market.
I want him to be straight with me.


to keep
I keep my coat on in the summer.
I keep my shoes on at the ocean.
I keep my hair dry in the shower.
I keep my money at the bank.
I keep my attention on the problem.
I keep my car in good condition.
I keep my room clean.
I keep the medicine on a high shelf.
I keep the cows out of the garden.
I keep the baby happy.
I keep the soup hot.
I keep the dog away from the cat.
He kept his money under the bed.
He kept his back against the wall.
He kept his arm round my shoulders.
He kept the meat in the ice box.
He kept her letters in a box.
He kept her picture on his writing table.
They will keep the army strong.
They will keep the navy ready.
They will keep the prices high.
They will keep the snow off the streets.
They will keep the children out of danger.
They will keep the old ways.
Keep your body strong.
Keep your teeth clean.
Keep your hair short.
Keep your feet dry.
Keep your skin soft.
Keep your shoulders back.
Keep your head up.
Keep your arms out.
Keep your feet together.
Keep your stomach in.
Keep your eyes open.
Keep your mouth closed.
Get off the grass and keep off it.
Put your sweater on and keep it on.
Take your hands out of your pockets and keep them out.
Get out of my way and keep out of it.
Put your hands up and keep them up.
Take some air in your lungs and keep it in.
Let the air out of your lungs and keep it out.
Make some soup and keep it hot for me.
Don't keep the door open.
Don't keep the window closed.
Don't keep the lights on.
Don't keep the children up.


to let
She let her arms down.
She let her stomach out.
She let her mouth open.
She let her hair down.
She let the ice cream get soft.
She let the bread get hard.
She let the tea get cold.
She let the meat get old.
She let the stove get dirty.
She let the plants get dry.
She let the fire get low.
She let the dog get sick.
I let the dog come in.
I let the fish get away.
I let the boy take the book.
I let the girl keep my watch.
I let the students see the picture.
I let the man do the work.
I let them go to the park.
I let them go into the deep water.
I let them make a cake.
I let them keep the money.
I let them put their new shoes on.
I let them go by themselves.
Please, let me (come) in.
Please, let me (go) through.
Please, let me (go) out.
Please, let me have some food.
Please, let me have a drink.
Please, let me see the package.
Please, let me keep this book.
Please, let the children come with us.
Please, let the children have some cake.
Please, let the children keep the cat.
Please, let the children get on the horse.
Please, let the children put their new clothes on.
He let the horse get out of control.
He let the profits go down.
He let the machine come apart.
He let the fire go out.
He let the pain get worse.
He let the cows get in the garden.
He let the floor get wet. He let the dinner get cold.
He let the flowers get dry.
He let the cat get sick.
He let the milk get warm.
He let the bananas get brown.
He let the food get cold.



on off

A book is on the table.

A button is off my coat.
She put on a happy face.
They have a house on the river.
They will be here on Saturday.
There are no classes on July 4.
He went on with his work.

in out
(3 dimensions)
(future point of time)

He is in the room.
His tongue is out.
Will you be here in April?
Where were you in 1998?
We will be there in a week.

under over
A light is over the table.

A dog is under the table.

My class will be over at 9:00.
I went over the lesson again before the test.

by (very close)
(not after)

A tree is by my window.
She went to school by bicycle.
You must be back by October 1.
I made this by hand.


A table was against the wall.

It is against the law to do that.

at (a point in time)
(a point in space)
(action is more important than place)

She will be there at 8:15.

She was at the blackboard.
I am at work five days a week.

to (end point)
from (starting point)

They went to New York.

They came from Los Angeles.
That is a good place to be from.

up down

Hands up.
Head down.
They had some ups and downs in their life together.

through (side to side)

(start to end)

The rain came through the roof.

We went through the book.
He went through a lot to get here.
I will be through at 4:30 today.


The world goes round the sun.

She had him round her little finger.

about (concerning)
(more or less)
(here and there)

This book is about English.

It was about 5:00 in the afternoon.
We are about to have dinner.
There were clothes about the room.

of (organic connection)

Blue is the color of the sky.

That is a piece of paper.

for (connection)

This beautiful ring is for you.

I went to the airport for my friend.
Some were for him and others were against him.
They were in Japan for five years.

(period of time)


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