Online Purchase Intention

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A Study on Consumer Purchasing Preferences for E Shopping with

reference to Pakistani Consumers

Submitted To: Dr. Shuja ul Islam, Assistant Professor, FAST School of Management, NU-FAST, Islamabad.
Submitted By: Ahsan Khan Niazi, 14i-1045, MBA, FSM-NUCES, Islamabad.

With the advent of the Internet the world is turned into a global village, countries, cities, towns and villages &
people. It has now become easy to analyze different parts of the world people have similar likes, taste, style &
accessibilities. Now Online shopping has opened the doors of globalization as it facilitate all the information about
the product from anywhere around the world and it can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Due to that many organizations have changed their strategies related to buying & selling. Even the consumer
preferences are also changed in terms of choices, quality & services. The main reason behind this is that, most of the
electronic devices apps are well connected to the internet. Therefore, it has altered the purchase intention of many
consumers in Pakistan as people are showing very enthusiastic behavior to buy and sell their chosen product.
Keeping these benefits in their mind consumers are acting very smart and showing lots of interest to do online
shopping, why because its saves time, easy payment & it will display many options to choose his most favorable
choice of product.
The present study is to know which factors influences Pakistani consumers to go for E shopping. The study further
discloses that the purchase intentions of which Professions are showing interest in E shopping in Pakistan.
Key words: Purchase intention, E shopping, consumers, payment mode, purchase mode.

In the current situation, every new business organizations are doing extensive business over the internet. The online
shopping has shifted many businesses from real market to digital market. At present all businesses are doing
business over the internet. It allows consumers to directly buy goods/sell/get services over the internet by using the
web browser or apps developed by different organizations, and helping consumers to interact more closely with the
product.. Michael Aldrich made invention & introduced online shopping in 1979.
With every new dawn the usage of internet is increasing & the prospect of online marketing is increasing in Pakistan
as well. For example, e store, Internet shop, web shop, web store, online store and virtual stores evokes the physical
analogy of buying products/services at a bricks & mortar retailer/shopping centers. This process is known as
business to consumer [B2C] online shopping. When a business buys from another business it is known as [B2B]
online shopping. In Pakistan different online retailing corporations are, &
Now companies have realized and started using effective marketing strategies analyzing various factors to convert
their potential consumers into active ones. The factors such as Information about the product, Ease of use,
Satisfaction, Security/Privacy & Proper usage. In this paper we are trying to understand the preferences of consumer
towards online shopping.

Literature Review
Internet shopping is still in development stage in Pakistan & limited research studies have been done. But various
international studies have been undertaken in other countries.
Adil Bashir (2013) conducted research related to study the consumer behavior in online shopping of electronics
especially in Pakistan. The main research question in thesis is how consumers behave while shopping online. Price,
time saving and convenience were identified as important factors which lead to certain buying behavior in online
Dr.Kashif ur Rehman (2011) examined that there are various psychological factors due to which consumer feel
hesitation in online shopping in Pakistan.
Bellman et al (1999) examined various predictors for whether an individual will purchase online & they concluded
that demographic variables such as education, age and income, have a modest impact on the decision of whether to
buy online, whereas the most important determinant of online shopping was previous behavior, such as earlier
purchases. Therefore demographic factors are not much influenced on the purchases.
According to Modahl 2000, Kotler and Amstrong (2000) stated that persons buying behavior is influenced by four
key psychological factors i.e motivation, perception, learning and belief oriented attitude.
According to Ankit goel et al (2014) study found that service after sale provided by sellers (online shops) are quite
excellent and what they assure makes buyers comfortable therefore, online shopping getting more success. Another
piece of work from Ather Akhlaq et al (2014) concluded that technology is accepting theories of consumer it is
helping researchers to know the demand from global online shopping.
Prashant singh (2014) made study on consumers buying behavior on flipkart (India) and found that any e-tailer will
be get success depends on fair policies, brand image and popularity.
According to the Alina Babar (2014), behavior of the consumers regarding technology of internet is medium
level and in other hand it should be free from physical and mental effort and even if online shopping not make any
financial risk, there consumer attitude towards online shopping will be positive.
A piece of study carried out by Monsuwe et al (2004) collectively provides all the related literature review regarding
the factors that drive consumers to shop online. As a further step, this paper encompasses the literature review
regarding advantages, problems & consumers expectations of online shopping, & examines the perceptions of
adopters of online purchases compared to Internet users who preferred the traditional way of shopping.
Ernst and Young (2000) reported that Internet users purchased online because of good product selection,
competitive prices, and ease of use, but were concerned about shipping costs, lack of opportunity to prior examining
the products, as well as, the confidentiality of credit card and personal information.
Alka Kumawat and Tandon (2014) made study using questionnaire with 200 customers as a sample. The study
revealed that customers are very satisfied towards online shopping because of the delivery system is working
effectively therefore customers are doing shopping again and again.

Objective of study
The main objective of the present study is to analyze & to find out the consumer preferences for choosing E
shopping by the Pakistani consumers in Pakistan. However, the specific objectives of the study designed are:

To know the factors which are influencing the Pakistani consumers.

To investigate which profession of consumers prefers E shopping.

The following hypotheses have been developed and tested.

There is no positive relationship between factors of influencing & Pakistani consumers.

There is no positive relationship between profession of the consumers & their shopping.

Variables Used in the study for analysis

Profession of the consumer is taken as an independent variable, while factors are considered as dependent variable.

Method of Data Collection

The study is basically an empirical in nature. The data for the present study is collected from both primary and
secondary sources. Primary data are collected by administering a structure questionnaire among consumers on
various dimensions such as students, business persons and employees and have been analyzed by using percentage
method and presented in the form of Tables.

Limitations of the study

The present study has the following limitations as mentioned below:
Being guided by the principle of brevity, the scope of the present study is restricted to cover only consumer purchase
intention preference on online shopping in Pakistan.

Discussion & Analysis

This portion intends to analyze which factors are influencing Pakistani consumers. For this Two variables such as
independent and dependent variables are analyzed based on the opinions expressed by the respondents (i.e Students,
Employees and Business Persons). The consumers & their designations are considered as independent variable,
while the factors are considered as dependent variable for the analysis.

Research objective
To know which factors are influencing Pakistani consumers?

Null Hypothesis
There is no positive relationship between factors of influencing and Pakistani consumers.

The data will be collected & analyzed to check the following:

What factors are influencing Pakistani consumers to change their purchase intention during online
Which websites are mostly used for online shopping & which products are mostly purchased
during online shopping in Pakistan?
Which group of people are most interested in online shopping in Pakistan?

Bashir, A. (2013). Consumer Behavior towards online shopping of electronics in Pakistan.
ur Rehman, K., ur Rehman, I., Ashfaq, M., & Ansari, S. (2011). Examining online Purchasing Behavior: A case of
Alina Babar et al (2014) Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers, Journal of Basic and Applied
Scientific Research, Vol 4 (4) pp 314-320, ISSN 2090-4304.
Alka Kumawat and Tandon (2014) Factors Influencing Customers Satisfaction Level Towards Online Shopping in
Jaipur and Gurgaon, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development Vol 3 isse 4, pp 348-356, ISSN
Ankit Goel and Parul Garg (2014), A Study on Consumer Preferences for E Shopping, International Journal of
Applied Research in Engineering and Science (IJARES), Vol 1 Issue 1, ISSN 2347-9337.
Ather Akhlaq (2014), Online shopping A Global Perspective, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research,
Vol 4 (5) pp 153-160, ISSN 2090-4304.
Bellman, S., Lohse, G. and Johnson, E. (1999), Predictors of online buying behaviour, Communications of the
ACM, 42 (12), 32-38.

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