Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

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Summary statement of Recruitment and Retention Target Setting, Action Plan and Investment

OBJECTIVE 1: To recruit and retain high calibre staff for the College at its current site and in the context of the planned relocation to Greenwich
in 2007/08, especially in those areas where strong linkages with industry are required

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

1.1 To create a Employment of 1 new Maintain a central list of potential company The Director No
new post to sponsored post by December and institutional sponsors and Chief additional
assist in 2006 Executive cost other
Relocation Approach suitable companies and secure than staff
their sponsorship and
Annual review of progress to the ment time
Management Committee
1.2 To retain and Ensure senior staff retention for By February 2007, Head of HR to develop Head of HR
recruit key staff relocation and delivery of core Retention Policy
across the business
institution and Procure consultancy services to develop on-
reduce the risk Introduction of on-line line function by December 2005 Head of HR in
of poaching by recruitment process by August conjunction with £15,000
competitors 2006 Provide training for use on on-line recruitment HR Project
function Manager, HR
Run the manual and on-line system in
parallel for one recruitment cycle by June

Fully Implement on-line recruitment system

by December 2006

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
1.3 Enhanced Introduction of a Induction DVD Production content and authoring completed Head of Human £7,000
Staff Induction by December 2005 by November 2005 Resources
Induction DVD ready for implementation by
December 2005

1.4 To secure Implementation of Sickness Procure as appropriate additional IT Head of HR £15,000

improved and Absence, Recruitment and consultancy to support the implementation of
additional Reporting modules by March new modules
management 2006
information to To provide training in the use of new data
inform the base modules
Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning
1.5 Engage staff in Report of staff responses to Distribute Relocation questionnaire to Head of HR Within
the relocation Relocation Staff Questionnaire remaining staff to be interviewed existing
process and present Relocation resources
Monitoring Committee by Complete remaining Individual staff meetings
January 2006 with the Head of HR by December 2005

Termly Relocation update at Sessional staff group meetings by December

Staff Conferences 2006

Summary Statement of Staff Development Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 2: To ensure staff possess the skills both general and specialist needed for the future success of the College at its current site and
in the context of the planned relocation to Greenwich and Scop-sector requirements

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

2.1 The To annually ensure staff receive To identify the training requirements and Head of Within
development the appropriate level of training implement a training schedule Information and existing
and to support the colleges digital Communication resources
enhancement infrastructure Undertake impact assessment Technology
of the skills of
IT staff to Head of Human
support the Resources
digital strategic
mission of the
2.2 To continue to To continue to maintain an To continue to develop annually specific Head of HR, Within
ensure that annual level of 5% sessional training and development initiatives for Training Co- existing
sessional staff staff participation in appropriate sessional staff ordinator resources
are equipped training and staff development
to understand annually Develop standard core package of training for
the education sessionals
context within
which they Identify bespoke training requirements
Quarterly Training Evaluation Report to
Management Committee

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
2.3 To ensure that All relevant employees to Line managers in conjunction with the Heads of Within
existing full- achieve the PGCE by July 2008 Training Co-ordinator to identify relevant CPD Faculty, existing
time, sessional for staff annually and arrange for them to Training Co- resources
and fractional receive appropriate training ordinator
FE staff are

Full-time and To monitor progress of new Within

fractional HE / teaching entrants through the existing
FE staff new to PGCE resources
achieve the
PGCE as a
condition of
2.4 To ensure that All relevant staff to have Consultant to facilitate process and report to Head of Faculty £10,000
relevant HE achieved full or associate the Head of HR and Director of
staff have HE status of the HE Academy by Post Graduate
Academy December 2006 Deliver relevant training Development
accreditation and Quality
To continue institutional Submission of applications for Academy
membership subscription to the Accreditation by all full-time teaching staff buy
HE Academy December 2006

Staff Development budget to pay for cost of

HE Academy registration fee

Relevant sessional staff to have achieved full

or associate status of the HE Academy by

2.4 December 2007
Monitor results and produce report
documenting progress

2.5 To ensure By August 2008, 90% of Approved Senior Management Development Head of HR and £25,000
relevant staff managers in the College to Senior Management Staff Development Training Co-
possess the have participated in a Programme approved by Management ordinator
management management development Committee by June 2007
and other programme
generic Senior Management Development
competences programme completed by March 2008
required by the
College Management Development training for all
other appropriate levels of staff by August
2.6 To ensure that Inclusion of ICT training in the Take-up of ICT training monitored by the Training Co- Within
staff continue annual Training and Staff Training Co-ordinator ordinator existing
to have Development brochure resources
opportunities Impact of training assessed by the Training
for relevant Co-ordinator
ICT training
Production of monthly training report for the
CEO and Management Committee

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
2.7 Development To undertake appropriate Identify specific training needs for staff Head of Within
and training by 2007-08 to enable Resources existing
enhancement staff to keep abreast of Develop training plan resources
of the skills of appropriate developments
Station Control within Communication Media Upon completion of training negotiate work
staff to support Faculty placements for staff within appropriate
digital professional environment
of equipment
and facilities
cation Media
2.8 Development By Aug 2006, to have Recruit Business Support Manager by Head of Within
of the new embedded new structure and December 2005 Resources existing
Business delivering an effective service resources
Support which is responsive to the Establish roles within the team to provide
Department needs of the College effective service to internal customers
Production Co- Identify the training requirements, to include
ordinators) the development of budgetary skills

Undertake training relevant to the

development of systems that are sympathetic
to the requirements of HE and FE

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
2.9 To continue to To continue to ensure that staff Training Co-ordinator to source appropriate Training Co- £20,000
produce are aware of legal obligations trainers for training activities ordinator in
annually a affecting the way in which they conjunction with
comprehensive work all senior
in-house Staff managers
Development To continue to ensure that Draft Staff Development Programme Within
Programme annually all academic staff completed by June annually existing
and Brochure participate in appropriate resources
pedagogical and learning and Staff Development outline programme and
teaching developments dates available on-line for all staff by July

To ensure that all staff receive Staff Development Programme approved by

relevant ICT training by July Management Committee by June annually
Printing of Staff Development booklets
All staff to attend appropriate IT completed by the end of July annually and
skills training necessary for also available on-line
their jobs
Staff Development programme on-line and
To continue to embed staff distributed to all staff by September annually
development at faculty and Staff Development Programme Booklets
course level distributed by the end of the first week of
September annually
To ensure mandatory training in
health and safety is achieved Monthly Impact assessment, attendance
rates and statistical analysis, and briefing to

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning
2.10 Re-alignment By August 2008, retrain Assessment of training needs Director of Within
of IT with the relevant existing IT staff to take Finance existing
Strategic Plan / on specialist IT activities and Source and organise appropriate training resources
Learning and delivered within the new IT Training Co-
Teaching framework Impact Assessment ordinator
2.11 Re-alignment To ensure that staff receive To annually conduct staff appraisal to identify Head of HR £40,000
of staff skills training appropriate to new / individual training needs
profile with the revised roles by 2008
Strategic Plan To annually complete the Institutional Training Training Co-
Needs Analysis to identify trends in training ordinator in
requirements conjunction with
Heads of
Identify Institutional training requirements Faculties and
arising from the Strategic and Operational line managers
Plan annually

Organisation and provision of training


Quarterly Impact Assessment

Summary Statement of Equal Opportunities Target Setting, Action Plan and Investment

OBJECTIVE 3: To achieve a workforce that mirrors the community that it currently serves and will serve in Greenwich, and to achieve
equality of opportunity for all staff

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

3.1 To continue to Annual revision of the Equal Annual revision of Race Relations Policy and Head of HR and £2,000
ensure that Opportunities Policy and Race Equal Opportunities Policy Heads of
staff are Relations Policy by July. Faculty
treated in Professionally printed Equal Opportunities
accordance To continue to improve and and Race Equality booklet
with the adjust Policy, Action Plan and
legislation and practice in light of on-going Provision of updated Equal Opportunities and
best practice experience Race Relations Policy to staff, students and
service providers annually by December
Annual training event for all
3.2 To continue to Implementation of a job Phased implementation of a job evaluation HR Project £50,000.
ensure that evaluation system by July 2006 system across the Institution Manager This figure
staff are fairly takes
rewarded for Complete internal pay audit by December Head of HR account of
their 2006 any salary
employment increases
and that the resulting
process for from the job
evaluating jobs Equal pay for work of equal value following Head of HR evaluation
is transparent adjustment of any identified differentials in process
pay, over an agreed number of financial years

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

3.3 To ensure that Continued mandatory Inclusion of equality of opportunities and race Training Co- Within
staff continue participation in all areas of equality training in the annual Training and ordinator existing
to participate in equal opportunities and race Staff Development brochure resources
staff equality training
focusing on
good practice
in diversity and
3.4 To continue to By August 2006 an increase in To annually review advertising campaigns to HR Officer Within
increase the the proportion of Black and continue to encourage more suitable qualified existing
number of staff ethnic minority staff at the individuals from Black and ethnic minorities to resources
from Black and College from 11% to 12% apply for jobs
groups in the Gain a wider acknowledgement To continue to monitor responses to
college to of Ravensbourne among the advertisements from the Black and ethnic
better match diverse communities in the minorities
the population region
of outer To continue to prepare an annual report to HR Officer
London the Diversity Committee of race equality
statistical data and progress

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

3.5 To ensure the To increase the proportion of To incorporate appropriate wording into job HR Officer Within
College meets people with disabilities in the advertisements to encourage more suitably existing
its obligations College workforce to 2% by qualified individuals with disabilities to apply resources
as an August 2008 for jobs
employer of
people with To monitor the responses to advertisements
disabilities from disabled people

To prepare an annual report to the Diversity

Committee on progress to achieve the 2%

3.6 A more To continue to further increase To review the wording of job advertisements HR Officer Within
appropriate the proportion of women who to encourage more suitably qualified women existing
gender hold academic posts from 39% to apply for jobs resources
balance across to 41% by December 2007
the institution Annual Report to the Diversity Committee
concerning progress towards targets HR Officer
3.7 To continue to To conduct a 2nd review of the Revision of HR policies, Procedures and Head of HR Within
ensure that HR entire staffing policies by outcomes existing
policies and August 2007 resources
continue to
with the
flexibility to
competitive in
the HE sector
and relevant

3.7 cont. private sector

To continue to
ensure that
procedures do
not operate to
of staff groups
3.8 To continue to All sub-contractor and service By March 2007, to establish a mechanism to Head of Within
ensure equality providers to work within the ensure that all sub-contractor and service Resources existing
of college Policy and the current providers employed by the College adhere to resources
opportunities legislative framework the College’s Equal Opportunities and Race
policy is Equality Policies
provided to all
providers and
employed by
the College

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

Impact of Greenwich Relocation Planning
3.9 To increase the Benchmark staff ethnicity Annual Report to the Relocation Monitoring Head of HR Within
number of staff statistics against London Committee on progress existing
from Black and Borough of Greenwich (LBG) resources
minority ethnicity statistics by January
groups at the 2007
new site to
better match Set appropriate recruitment
the population targets for support staff based
of Greater on LBG ethnicity statistics
Set appropriate recruitment
targets for academic staff
based on Greater London and
National statistics

Summary Statement of Regular Reviews of Staffing Needs, Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 4: To ensure that the staff of the College have the relevant skills and required flexibility to deliver the business
objectives as set out in the Corporate Plan and the Commercial Strategy in relation to knowledge transfer and commercial activities

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

4.1 To ensure that Review the deployment of staff Staged completion of skills audit for Heads of £20,000
the workforce to ensure the provision of the academic areas – by July 2008 and establish Faculty and
incorporates right skills in the right places at an annual process of review Departmental
the appropriate the right time across the Directors
Employment of consultant to devise re-
skill mix to College by July 2008
alignment review in relation to academic
meet the
current and Devise action plan based on results of audit
future needs –
both in content Develop a training needs analysis for the
and delivery College
4.2 To increase the To achieve sign-off of ‘limited To annually identify and incorporate relevant The Director / Within
College’s confidence’ QAA Institutional training activities into the Staff Development Chief Executive existing
reputation and Audit judgement by November Programme in support of the College’s quality (CEO) resources
competitive- 2006 assurance processes and to increase staff
ness across engagement with the national academic
both academic infrastructure generally
and private To achieve ‘broad confidence’
sectors in QAA Institutional Audit by To annually increase the HESA employability Director of Within
autumn 2007 rating to exceed the HEFCE benchmark Strategy and existing
Commercial resources

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning
4.3 To maximise To use the move to Greenwich Prepare detailed Plan to ensure maximum Director / CEO Within
the advantage to provide relevant and value is extracted from the relocation to Head of HR existing
of the qualified staff in line with the increase highly skilled staff by August 2007 resources
relocation Strategic Plan

Summary Statement of Annual Performance Review Target Setting, Action Plan and Investment

OBJECTIVE 5: To achieve maximum productivity across the College’s workforce

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

5.1 To continue to To continue to appraise By September 2007, to extend the appraisal Head of HR Within
ensure that annually all full-time and process to include hourly-paid sessionals existing
Staff Appraisal fractional staff who have been continuously employed by the resources
Scheme has College for more than 3 years and wish to
continued All hourly-paid staff who retain their sessional status
relevance to contribute 3 or more days
staff and the teaching to be appraised
College and annually if employed for more
enables the than 1 year
College to
excellent and
and deal with
any incidents
of poor or
5.2 To recognise To review existing To review current arrangements for rewarding The Director £12,000
outstanding arrangements for rewarding staff by August 2006 and Chief
individual or staff contribution Executive
team-based To introduce revised / additional policies and
contributions procedures which recognise staff contribution
during the
academic year

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning
5.3 To review the To establish a structure that By Jan 2007 define the appropriate structure Head of Within
Estates Team compliments the demands of Resources existing
structure and the new site By Aug 2007 implement the appropriate resources
roles structure to ensure any changes are
implemented in advance of the move
5.4 To determine To ensure the appropriate skills By Jan 2007 negotiate and agree temporary Head of Within
what roles are exist, either in house or on changes in roles for staff to facilitate the Resources resources
required for the temporary contracts, to enable move
physical move smooth transition to Greenwich
to Greenwich By Jan 2007 determine the need for
additional staff either casual or fixed term

Summary Statement of Poor Performance Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 6: To address any cases of under, or poor performance in the College’s workforce

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

6.1 To continue to To provide refresher training for Training to be included in the 2006/07 Training £3,000
ensure that managers in the use of the Training and Development brochure Co-ordinator
performance Capability Policy
related matters
are handled
consistently in

Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning

6.2 To assess To regularly review roles and Incorporate formal roles with regards to Head of Within
performance of performance of key staff in relocation within job descriptions in order than Resources existing
relevant staff in relation to key objectives set performance can be measured through the resources
relation to specifically towards relocation appraisal process
objectives set

Summary Statement of Flexible Reward Systems Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 7: To adapt and implement as appropriate, the agreed Framework for the Modernisation of the College’s Pay Structure
and reward

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

7.1 Formulate and Total Reward Strategy drafted Head of HR to draft Total Reward Strategy by Head of HR, Within
implement a and approved by March 2006 December 2005 for approval for the Board of HR Project existing
Total Reward Governors by March 2006 Manager resources
Strategy to Pay Policy drafted by March
respond to 2006 Assimilation of current pay scales onto the
Institutional new 51-point pay spine
requirements Establishment of new pay
bands by August 2006 Assimilation of academic, support and
technical staff onto new pay bands

Implementation of new pay structure by

August 2006

7.2 To ensure Revision of the existing Head of Human Resources to review Head of Human Within
Regrading and Regrading and Promotions documentation Resources existing
Promotion Policy and Procedure by resources
Policy / December 2006 Management Committee to approve
procedures documentation by January 2007
has continued
relevance to
the College
individual staff

7.2 contribution
cont… where this has
changed /
Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning
7.3 Introduction of Salary benchmarking exercise Head of HR complete exercise by June 2007 Head of HR Within
attraction and using external market data to existing
retention inform review of remuneration resources
premia where packages (see Recruitment and
justified by Retention 1.2)
market salary

7.4 Report to To conduct research into Head of HR to undertake review and present Head of HR Within
examine the flexible reward system within finding to Relocation Monitoring Committee existing
scope for the context of the relocation by by December 2007 resources
introducing a December 2007
flexible reward

Summary Statement of Part-time and hourly paid fixed-term sessional staff Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 8: To monitor the employment relationship with fixed-term hourly-paid sessional staff and continue to rationalise the
sessional staffing

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

8.1 Evaluation Written report to Management Head of HR to prepare report by December Head of HR Within
Report of Committee for discussion and 2005 existing
Sessional approval resources
conversions Action points to be
over the last 3 implemented within an agreed
years timescale
8.2 To continue to To further reduce sessional To offset, as necessary, the cost of new Director and Within
reduce the staffing costs by 30% by academic posts against the sessional staffing Chief Executive existing
College’s December 2006 budget resources
reliance on HR Officer
fixed term
sessional staff

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
8.3 To enable part- Implement enhanced To complete DVD content by November 2005 Head of HR £5,000
time and December 2005
sessional staff Annual Staff Development Programme to be £5,000
to make the To annually review staff aligned with Strategic Plan, Learning and Head of HR
best possible development / training activities Teaching Strategy, Equal Opportunities and
contribution to for sessional and part-time staff Race Equality Policies, and new statutory £5,000
the work of the requirements
College To ensure that future reviews of
HR policies do not operate to Examine new modes of training delivery for Training Co- Within
the disadvantage of part-time sessional and part-time staff ordinator existing
staff in the workplace resources
Head of HR to review staffing polices (see
Equal Opportunities Action Plan 3.7)

Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning

8.4 To review and Annual review of sessional Heads of Faculty in conjunction with Heads of Within
adjust the requirements academic managers, FE Programme Area Faculty and FE existing
sessional Leader to undertake review Programme resources
staffing Area Leader
compliment to
meet the
needs of the

Summary Statement of Professionalisation of Support Staff Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 9: To provide an effective and efficient Support service to both internal and external customers

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

9.1 To ensure that To annually review the Staff Head of HR to review documentation by May Head of HR Within
the Staff Development Policy by July 2006 existing
Development resources
Policy has Learning and Teaching Review Committee
continued approval by July 2006
relevance to
employees and
supports the
9.2 To support Production of termly staff Training Co-ordinator to promote use of the Training Co- Within
continuous participation Reports for line electronic Training forum ordinator existing
professional managers and Management resources
development Committee
for all staff
9.3 Provision of Increase the size of the staff To work within and monitor expenditure Head of HR Within
financial development budget for against the Staff Development Budget for the existing
support for 2006/07 if appropriate period 2005/06 resources
staff to obtain

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
9.4 To continue to To continue to provide good Training Co-ordinator to continue to publicise Training Co- Within
encourage access to development internal and external training opportunities for ordinator existing
Support Staff opportunities staff resources
to obtain
relevant To maintain high rates of
development participation in training and staff
development activities

9.5 To develop a Framework to be agreed by Working Group to report on review by Learning and Within
College CPD July 2006 December 2005 Teaching existing
framework that Committee resources
addresses the To prepare a policy pertaining Draft policy for approval by Learning and
issues of to continuous professional Teaching Committee and Management Head of HR
career development for technical staff Committee by October 2006
progression in
a small HEI Draft policy to be approved by the Board of
Governors by December 2006

Implementation of policy by September

March 2007
Impact for Greenwich Relocation planning
9.6 Sub-objectives
to be
determined by
August 2006

Summary Statement of Learning and Teaching Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 10: To continue to develop and extend the quality of the College’s learning and teaching across the full range of the College’s
academic provision

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

10.1 Supporting the To continue to provide an Staff Development Programme for 2005/06 to Head of HR Within
strong link appropriate level of continue to include specific development on existing
between developmental Learning and generic teaching skills development, resources
teaching and Teaching activities in the Staff practitioner based learning and action-based
professional development programme for research (see Staff Development Action Plan
practice 2006/07 2.9)

10.2 Strengthening To continue to embed Peer To annually provide training for relevant staff Head of Quality Within
the College’s Observation of Teaching into existing
internal the academic framework Annually feedback summary of peer Heads of resources
framework for observation process through the Appraisal Faculty
assuring the Process
quality of the Director of Post
academic Establish future training needs Graduate
provision Development
Source and provide training followed by and Quality
impact assessment
10.3 To provide To achieve 10% of delivery as Examine staff training needs by December Director of Post £2,500
appropriate resource based learning by 2005 Graduate
development September 2006 Development
opportunities Organise relevant training and assess impact and Quality
for Resource

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
10.4 To ensure To continue to provide To annually update the DVD in line with Learning and £5,000
continued induction for new full, part time internal and external developments Teaching
relevance of and hourly-paid staff Committee,
the Staff DVD content to be approved annually by the Human
Induction DVD Learning and Teaching Committee and Resources
Human Resources
Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning
10.5 Sub-objectives
To be
determined by
August 2006

Summary Statement of Widening Participation Target Setting, Action Plan, and Investment

OBJECTIVE 11: To develop approaches which enable the flexible delivery of learning opportunities and which facilitate the participation of non-
traditional learners and under-represented groups

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources

11.1 To provide Review student learning Development of programme to be completed Learning and Within
appropriate support opportunities and during 2005-06 Teaching existing
learning develop a programme to meet Review funding
development the needs of newly validated Committee
and support to courses due to commence
all learners 2006-07
according to
11.2 To provide Review staff learning Inclusion of appropriate training and staff Learning and Within
learning development support and development activities in the annual Staff Teaching existing WP
development develop programme to meet Development and Training Brochure Review funding
support for the needs of the newly Committee
teaching staff validated courses due to
commence 2006-07
11.3 Staff Staff Development and Training See Staff Development Objective 2.9 Head of HR £20,000
development Programme for 2005-06 to
activities to incorporate relevant activities
continue to
ensure that all
staff develop
skills to teach
students with
learning needs

Number Sub-Objective Target Action Accountability Resources
11.4 To develop On-going development of Head of Faculty of Design to maintain and Head of Faculty Within
appropriate projects with schools and other foster new links with appropriate for Design existing WP
routes by organisations to encourage organisations funding
which participation by non-traditional
secondary learners
level students
and non- Continued implementation of
traditional the Fair Access Policy
learners can
progress onto Raise aspirations for HE within
Ravensbourne the community
Impact of Greenwich Relocation planning
11.5 Sub-objectives
to be
determined by
August 2006


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