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A.C. Quotes

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-"Why should you study and practice Magick?

Because you can't help doing it, and you

had better do it well than badly."
Aleister Crowley
- Christianity is like a painted mummy; expose it to fresh
air, & it crumbles to dirt.
Aleister Crowley - January 1929 Diary Entry
- "Understanding that Stability is Change, and Change Stability, that Being is Becoming,
and Becoming Being, is the Key to the Golden Palace of this Law."
~ Aleister Crowley, De Lege Libellum
-"There shall be no property in human flesh. Nobody has a right to say what anyone else
shall or shall not do with his or her body."
Aleister Crowley
-It is necessary that we stop, once for all, this ignorant meddling with other peoples
business. Each individual must be left free to follow his own path.
-Aleister Crowley
Quid Voles Illud Fac Do What Thou Wilt ????
-"The Key of Joy is disobedience."
Aleister Crowley
-"Truth teaches understanding, freedom develops will, experience confers
resourcefulness, independence inspires self-confidence. Thereby success becomes
Aleister Crowley
-"The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain."
-"The keystone... some have called God, some Brahma, some Zeus... some even IAO...
but in truth, O seeker, it is Thy-SELF."
-The world of Magic is a mirror, wherein who sees muck is muck.
-"Since all things are God, in all things thou seest just so much of God as thy capacity
affordeth thee."
Aleister Crowley - The Vision & the Voice With Commentary and Other Papers: The
Collected Diaries of Aleister Crowley, 1909-1914 E.V

-Sex is the sacred song of the soul; sex is the sanctuary of Self

Sex is the supreme sacrament, wherein the body and blood are offered up to the soul.
The elements thereof must be worthy, their consecration absolute
The sexual nature of a man is his most intense expression of himself; his
subconsciousness endeavours thereby to inform his consciousness of his Will It is
supremely sacred to him, and to interfere with its expression, or try to edit it, is an
abominable crime.
Aleister Crowley, On Sexual Freedom from The Revival of Magick
-"The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant
change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The
eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal."
Aleister Crowley - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley : An Autohagiography
-"Every Star has its own Nature, which is 'Right' for it. We are not to be missionaries,
with ideal standards of dress and morals, and such hard-ideas. We are to do what we will,
and leave others to do what they will. We are infinitely tolerant, save of intolerance."
-What is true for every School is equally true for every individual. Success in life, on the
basis of the Law of Thelema, implies severe self-discipline.
-Magick Without Tears, chapter 8
-"Everyone interprets everything in terms of his own experience. If you say something
which does not touch a precisely similar spot in another man's brain he either
mistunderstands you, or doesn't understand you at all."
-It is the mark of the mind untrained to take its own processes as valid for all men, and
its own judgments for absolute truth.
-The Thelemite does not 'suffer death.' He is eternal and perceives Himself the Universe
by virtue of the categories of Life and Death."
-What is necessary is not to seek after some fantastic ideal, utterly unsuited to our real
needs, but to discover the true nature of those needs, to fulfill them, and rejoice therein.
~ Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears, chapter VIII
-"If it must be that one's most sacred shrine be profaned, let it be the clean assault of
laughter rather than the slimy smear of sactimoniousness!"
-"Scepticism, absolute in every dimension, is the sole possible basis of true Attainment."
Aleister Crowley, Little Essays toward Truth

-"We are not to calculate, to argue, to criticise; these things lead to division of will and to
stagnation. They are shackles of our Going. They hamstring our Pegasus. We are to rise
up - to Go - to Love."
-"When people begin to argue about things instead of doing them, they become
absolutely impossible."
-''I can imagine myself on my death-bed, spent utterly with lust to touch the next world,
like a boy asking for his first kiss from a woman.''
Aleister Crowley, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, Chapter 54
-"All you have to do is be yourself, do your will, and rejoice."
-' In this book it is spoken of...Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes and
many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether they exist or not.
By doing certain things certain results follow ' (Aleister Crowley)
- "Black magic is not a myth. It is a totally unscientific and emotional form of magic, but
it does get results of an extremely temporary nature. The recoil upon those who
practice it is terrific.
It is like looking for an escape of gas with a lighted candle. As far as the search goes,
there is little fear of failure!
To practice black magic you have to violate every principle of science, decency, and
intelligence. You must be obsessed with an insane idea of the importance of the petty
object of your wretched and selfish desires.
I have been accused of being a "black magician." No more foolish statement was ever
made about me. I despise the thing to such an extent that I can hardly believe in the
existence of people so debased and idiotic as to practice it."
- "The New Aeon proclaims Man as Immortal God, eternally active to do His Will. All's
Joy, all's Beauty; this Will we celebrate."
-"Ordinary morality is only for ordinary people."
- "I do not want to father a flock, to be the fetish of fools and fanatics, or the founder of a
faith whose followers are content to echo my opinions. I want each man to cut his own
way through the jungle."
- "A Man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him."
-"I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all
night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning."
Aleister Crowley - The Book of Lies
-"The customer is usually wrong; but statistics indicate that it doesn't pay to tell him so."

-"Sit still. Stop thinking. Shut up. Get out!"

-"There shall be no property in human flesh. Nobody has a right to say what anyone else
shall or shall not do with his or her body."
-Satyrs and Fauns, I call.
Bring your beauty to man!
I am the mate for ye all'
I am the passionate Pan.
Come, O come to the dance
Leaping with wonderful whips,
Life on the stroke of a glance,
Death in the stroke of the lips!
by Crowley
-"Since all things are God, in all things thou seest just so much of God as thy capacity
affordeth thee."
-"Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever toward it without allowing aught to stop you
or turn you aside, even as a star sweeps upon its incalculable and infinite course of glory,
and all is Love. The Law of your being becomes Light, Life, Love and Liberty. All is
peace, all is harmony and beauty, all is joy."
-Know then, o my Son, that all Laws, all Systems, all Customs, all Ideals and Standards
which tend to produce Uniformity, being in direct Opposition to Natures Will to change
and to develop through Variety, are accursd. Do thou with all thy Might of Manhood
strive against these Forces, for they resist Change, which is Life; and thus they are of
Aleister Crowley - Liber Aleph, De Lege Motus
- "True Magick of Horus requires the passionate Union of opposites."
- I'm a poet, and I like my lies the way my mother used to make them.
Aleister Crowley Moonchild
- "The Masters do send you whatever you need, which however is not necessarily what
you think you need." - Aleister Crowley November 7th 1945.
- "Black magic is not a myth. It is a totally unscientific and emotional form of magic, but
it does get resultsof an extremely temporary nature. The recoil upon those who
practice it is terrific. It is like looking for an escape of gas with a lighted candle. As far as
the search goes, there is little fear of failure! To practice black magic you have to violate
every principle of science, decency, and intelligence. You must be obsessed with an
insane idea of the importance of the petty object of your wretched and selfish desires. I
have been accused of being a 'black magician.' No more foolish statement was ever made

about me. I despise the thing to such an extent that I can hardly believe in the existence
of people so debased and idiotic as to practice it." Aleister Crowley
- One of the reforms which I introduced into the A.'.A.'. was the abolition of all
obligations of secrecy ... They were never useful except as temptations to people to break
them. The secret knowledge has quite adequate warders. I have learnt that I have only to
tell the truth about almost anything to be set down at once as a liar. It is far better to
throw dust in the eyes of the animals whose faces are turned to the ground, by casual
frankness. If you have a secret, it is always dangerous to let people suspect that you have
something to hide.
- Your interest in Magick should be the Dawn of a New Life.
Determine now to rise above the deadly level of mortality;
to fit yourself to raise your fellow-men from that abasement;
to learn the Mysteries of Esoteric Magick;
to master the Art of Living;
to attain to the highest powers, the deepest wisdom, by the development and guidance of
the Will, with full control of body and mind, and of those secret faculties which are still
unknown to any but Initiates;
to enjoy the fullness of experience, the increasing ripeness of Age, with the perpetual
energy of Youth;
to join the selfless Brotherhood of purified and chosen souls;
to partake of every Secret, every Sacrament of Nature;
to learn how to prepare, and to employ to the fullest advantages, the Elixir of Life;
to aid the Master Therion in His Great Work, the establishment of the Law of Thelema.
Aleister Crowley
- Only those who fear shall fail. Those who have bent their backs to the yoke of slavery
until they can no longer stand upright; them will I despise. But you who have defied the
law; you who have conquered by subtlety or force; you will I take unto me, even I will
take you unto me Only if ye are sorrowful, or weary, or angry, or discomforted; then
ye may know that ye have lost the golden thread, the thread wherewith I guide you to the
heart of the groves of Eleusis. My disciples are proud and beautiful; they are strong and
swift; they rule their way like mighty conquerors. The weak, the timid, the imperfect, the
cowardly, the poor, the tearful these are mine enemies, and I am come to destroy
them. This also is compassion: an end to the sickness of earth. A rooting-out of the
weeds: a watering of the flowers.
Aleister Crowley - Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus sub figura XC
- The Master Therion warns all Aspirants to the Sacred Wisdom and the Magick of
Light that Initiation cannot be bought, or even conferred; it must be won by personal

- It will be seen that the formula Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
has nothing to do with Do as you please. It is much more difficult to comply with the
Law of Thelema than to follow out slavishly a set of dead regulations.
Aleister Crowley -Eight Lectures on Yoga, Yama
- "Having to talk destroys the symphony of silence."
Aleister Crowley - Diary of a Drug Fiend
- Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another.
- To man I come, the number of
A man my number, Lion of Light;
I am The Beast whose Law is Love.
Love under will, his royal right
Behold within, and not above,
One star in sight!
by Crowley
- In a letter to Frater Achad dated December 23rd 1916 Crowley writes I hope you
will arrange to repeat this all the time, say every new moon or every full moon so as to
build up a regular force. You should also have a solar ritual to balance it, to be done each
time the Sun enters a new sign, with special festivity at the Equinoxes and solstices. In
this way you can establish a regular cult; and if you do them in a truly magical manner,
you create a vortex of force which will suck in all the people you want. The time is ripe
for a natural religion. People like rites and ceremonies, and they are tired of hypothetical
gods. Insist on the ritual Benefits of the Sun, the Mother-force, the Father force, and so
on; and shew that by celebrating these benefits worthily the worshippers unite
themselves more fully with the current of life. Let the religion be Joy, with but a worthy
and dignified sorrow in death itself; and treat death as an ordeal, an initiation. Do not
glose over the facts, but transmute them in the Athanor of your ecstasy. In short, be the
founder of a new and greater Pagan cult in the beautiful land which you have made your
home. As you go on you can add new festivals of corn and wine, and all things noble and
- But the mind of man is normally so important to him that the sword is actually the
largest of his weapons; happy is he who can make the dagger suffice!
"Paganism is wholesome because it faces the facts of life...." Aleister Crowley
- "To me a book is a message from the gods to mankind; or, if not, should never be
published at all.
- "Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and
oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet
evil. Act passionately; think rationally; be thyself."
~ Aleister Crowley, Liber Librae

-Satyrs and Fauns, I call.

Bring your beauty to man!
I am the mate for ye all'
I am the passionate Pan.
Come, O come to the dance
Leaping with wonderful whips,
Life on the stroke of a glance,
Death in the stroke of the lips!
by Crowley
-Varijacija je klju Evolucije u Liber Aleph De Lege Mortis (Veoma dobro poglavlje)
-U Chefalu , kada je A.C. poslao Jane Wolf na magichko povlacenje na vrh brda u
vremenu od mesec dana a da pri tom ne sme poneti nista sa sobo, niti knjigu niti sliku,
nista na sta ga je ona rezignirano pitala : Sta ja onda treba da radim A.C. odgovara :
Imaces Sunce, Mesec, Zvezde, Nebo, More i Univerzum, da ih chitash i igras se sa
-Initiation means the Journey Inwards: nothing is changed or can be changed; but all is
trulier understood with every step.
- "It is only necessary to destroy in oneself the roots of those motives which determine a
man's course, in order to enjoy the omnipotence and immunity of a god."
- "Morality can muddle mystical understanding and virtue is only necessary in so far as it
favours succes. All wisdom must be encompassed in order to achieve enligtenment."
- "This Universe is a wild revel of atoms, men, and stars, each one a Soul of Light and
Mirth, horsed on Eternity."
-All ways are lawful to Innocence.
Pure folly is the Key to Initiation.
Silence breaks into Rapture.
Be neither man nor woman, but both in one.
Be silent, Babe in the Egg of Blue, that thou mayest grow to bear the Lance and Graal!
Aleister Crowley - The Heart of the Master
- "The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from
within, not without."
- Hymn to Lucifer by Aleister Crowley
Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact

He paces an inane and pointless path

To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end.
His body a bloody-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breathed life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience.
- "We of Thelema, like the artist, the true lover of Love, shameless and fearless, see God
face to face alike in our own souls within and in all Nature without."
- "Break down the fortress of thine Individual Self, that thy Truth may spring free from
the ruins!"
- Part of the public horror of sexual irregularity so-called is due to the fact that everyone
knows himself essentially guilty.
- "Christianity and the Empire do not concern me; for the plainest sound to be heard on
the planet at this moment is the death-rattle of just these two things."
- The Gospel According to Saint Bernard Shaw
- "A good instance of this practice [inversion of symbols] is found in the pentagram, or
five-pointed star, made of five connected lines. This figure is the time-honored symbol of
the magical arts, and signifies the five properties of the Great Magical Agent, the five
senses of man, the five elements of nature, the five extremities of the human body. By
means of the pentagram within his own soul, man not only may master and govern all
creatures inferior to himself, but may demand consideration at the hands of those superior
to himself. The star with two points upward is also called the "Goat of Mendes," because
the inverted star is the same shape as a goat's head. When the upright star turns and the
upper point falls to the bottom, it signifies the fall of the Morning Star(Lucifer)."
Manly P. Hall
"The name of the Templar Baphomet, which should be spelt kabalistically backwards, is
composed of three abbreviations: Tem. ohp. AB., Templi omnium hominum pacts abbas,
the father of the temple of peace of all men." Eliphas Levi

"It is absurd to suppose that men of intellect adored a monstrous idol called Baphomet, or
recognized Mahomet as an inspired prophet. Their symbolism, invented ages before, to
conceal what it was dangerous to avow, was of course misunderstood by those who were
not adepts, and to their enemies seemed to be pantheistic. The calf of gold, made by
Aaron for the Israelites, was but one of the oxen under the layer of bronze, and the
Karobim on the Propitiatory, misunderstood. The symbols of the wise always become the
idols of the ignorant multitude. What the Chiefs of the Order really believed and taught,
is indicated to the Adepts by the hints contained in the high Degrees of Free-Masonry,
and by the symbols which only the Adepts understand. Albert Pike
"The Devil does not exist. It is a false name invented by the Black Brothers to imply a
Unity in their ignorant muddle of dispersions. A devil who had unity would be a God
The Devil is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes This
serpent, Satan, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing
Good and Evil; He bade Know Thyself! and taught Initiation. He is The Devil of the
Book of Thoth, and His emblem is Baphomet, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of
arcane perfection He is therefore Life, and Love. But moreover his letter is ayin, the
Eye, so that he is Light; and his Zodiacal image is Capricornus, that leaping goat whose
attribute is Liberty."
Aleister Crowley
"To me a book is a message from the gods to mankind; or, if not, should never be
published at all."
Aleister Crowley
-"This is the only point to bear in mind, that every act must be a ritual, an act of worship,
a sacrament. Live as the kings and princes, crowned and uncrowned,of this world,
have always lived, as masters always live; but let it not be self-indulgence; make
your self- indulgence your religion." Aleister Crowley

The Master Therion warns all Aspirants to the Sacred Wisdom and the Magick of
Light that Initiation cannot be bought, or even conferred; it must be won by
personal endeavor." Aleister Crowley
- ''Magic is life; the will to live is one supreme affirmative."
A. Crowley
"Realism = Romanticism to one strong enough to worship things as they are."

"There shall be no property in human flesh. Nobody has a right to say what
anyone else shall or shall not do with his or her body."

-Initiation means the Journey Inwards: nothing is changed or can be changed; but all is
trulier understood with every step.
Aleister Crowley - Little Essays Towards Truth, Mastery

- But it so happens that everything on this planet is, ultimately, irrational; there is not,
and cannot be, any reason for the causal connexion of things, if only because our use of
the word "reason" already implies the idea of causal connexion. But, even if we avoid this
fundamental difficulty, Hume said that causal connexion was not merely unprovable, but
unthinkable; and, in shallower waters still, one cannot assign a true reason why water
should flow down hill, or sugar taste sweet in the mouth. Attempts to explain these
simple matters always progress into a learned lucidity, and on further analysis retire to a
remote stronghold where every thing is irrational and unthinkable.
If you cut off a man's head, he dies. Why? Because it kills him. That is really the whole
answer. Learned excursions into anatomy and physiology only beg the question; it does
not explain why the heart is necessary to life to say that it is a vital organ. Yet that is
exactly what is done, the trick that is played on every inquiring mind. Why cannot I see in
the dark? Because light is necessary to sight. No confusion of that issue by talk of rods
and cones, and optical centres, and foci, and lenses, and vibrations is very different to
Edwin Arthwait's treatment of the long-suffering English language.
Knowledge is really confined to experience. The laws of Nature are, as Kant said, the
laws of our minds, and, as Huxley said, the generalization of observed facts.
It is, therefore, no argument against ceremonial magic to say that it is "absurd" to try to
raise a thunderstorm by beating a drum; it is not even fair to say that you have tried the
experiment, found it would not work, and so perceived it to be "impossible." You might
as well claim that, as you had taken paint and canvas, and not produced a Rembrandt, it
was evident that the pictures attributed to his painting were really produced in quite a
different way.
You do not see why the skull of a parricide should help you to raise a dead man, as you
do not see why the mercury in a thermometer should rise and fall, though you elaborately
pretend that you do; and you could not raise a dead man by the aid of the skull of a
parricide, just as you could not play the violin like Kreisler; though in the latter case you
might modestly add that you thought you could learn.
This is not the special pleading of a professed magician; it boils down to the advice not to
judge subjects of which you are perfectly ignorant, and is to be found, stated in clearer
and lovelier language, in the Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley.
Aleister Crowley

Of all the Magical and Mystical Virtues, of all the Graces of the Soul, of all the
Attainments of the Spirit, none has been so misunderstood, even when at all
apprehended, as Silence.
It would not be possible to enumerate the common errors: nay, it may be said that
to think of it at all is in itself an error; for its nature is Pure Being, that is to say,
Nothing, so that it is beyond all intellection or intuition. Thus then the utmost of
our Essay can be only a certain Wardenship, as it were a Tyling of the Lodge
wherein the Mystery of Silence may be consummated.

For this attitude there is sound traditional authority; for Harpocrates, God of
Silence, is called "The Lord of Defense and Protection."
But His nature is by no means that negative and passive silence which the word
commonly connotes; for He is the All-Wandering Spirit; the Pure and Perfect
Knight-Errant, who answers all Enigmas, and opens the Closed Portal of the
King's Daughter. But Silence in the vulgar sense is not the answer to the Riddle of
the Sphinx; it is that which is created by that answer. For Silence is the
Equilibrium of Perfection; so that Harpocrates is the omniform, the universal Key
to every Mystery soever. The Sphinx is the "Puzzel or Pucelle," the Feminine Idea
to which there is only one complement, always different in form, and always
identical in essence. This is the signification of the Gesture of the God; it is shewn
more clearly in His adult form as the Fool of the Tarot and as Bacchus Diphues,
and without equivocation when He appears as Baphomet.
When we inquire more closely into His symbolism, the first quality which
engages our attention is doubtless His innocence. Not without deep wisdom is He
called the twin of Horus; and this is the Aeon of Horus: it is He who sent forth
Aiwass His minister to proclaim its advent. The Fourth Power of the Sphinx is
Silence; to us then who aspire to this power as the crown of our Work, it will be of
utmost value to attain His innocence in all its fullness. We must understand first of
all that the root of Moral Responsibility, on which Man stupidly prides himself as
distinguishing him from the other animals, is Restriction, which is the Word of
Sin. Indeed, there is truth in the Hebrew fable, that the knowledge of Good and
Evil brings forth Death. To regain Innocence is to regain Eden. We must learn to
live without the murderous consciousness that every breath we draw swells the
sails which bear our frail vessels to the Port of the Grave. We must cast our Fear
by Love; seeing that Every Act is an Orgasm, their total issue cannot be but Birth.
Also, Love is the law: thus every act must be Righteousness and Truth. By certain
Meditations this may be understood and established; and this ought to be done so
thoroughly that we become unconscious of our Sanctification, for only then is
Innocence made perfect. This state is, in fact, a necessary condition of any proper
contemplation of what we are accustomed to consider the first task of the
Aspirant, the solution of the question, "What is my True Will?" For until we
become innocent, we are certain to try to judge our Will by some Canon of what
seems right or wrong; in other words, we are apt to criticise our Will from the
outside, whereas True Will should spring, a fountain of Light, from within, and
flow unchecked, seething with Love, into the Ocean of Life.
This is the true idea of Silence; it is our Will which issues, perfectly elastic,
sublimely Protean, to fill every interstice of the Universe of Manifestation which
it meets in its course. There is no gulf too great for its immeasurable strength, no
strait too arduous for its imperturbable subtlety. It fits itself with perfect precision
to every need; its fluidity is the warrant of its fidelity. Its form is always varied by
that of the particular imperfection which it encounters: its essence is identical in

every event. And always the effect of its action is Perfection, that is, Silence; and
this Perfection is ever the same, being perfect, yet ever different, because each
case presents its own peculiar quantity and quality.
It is impossible for inspiration itself to sound a dithyramb of Silence; for each new
aspect of Harpocrates is worthy of the music of the Universe throughout Eternity.
I have simply been led by my loyal Love of that strange Race among whom I find
myself incarnate to indite this poor stanza of the infinite Epic of Harpocrates as
being the facet of His fecund Brilliance which has refracted the most needful light
upon mine own darkling Entrance to His shrine of fulminating, of ineffable
I praise the luxuriant Rapture of Innocence, the virile and pantomorphous Ecstasy
of all-Fulfilment; I praise the Crowned and Conquering Child whose name is
Force and Fire, whose subtlety and strength make sure serenity, whose Energy
and Endurance accomplish the Attainment of the Virgin of the Absolute; who,
being manifested, is the Player upon the sevenfold pipe, the Great God Pan, and,
being withdrawn into the Perfection that he willed, is Silence.
"The authorities are afraid that I may kill and eat eight hundred Oxford
undergraduates.--Aleister Crowley, 3 Feb 1930, speculating on why his campus
lecture on Gilles de Rais had been cancelled by the university.
One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to take it seriously one must be
already mad.
- "There seems to be much misunderstanding about True Will ... The fact of a person
being a gentleman is as much an ineluctable factor as any possible spiritual experience; in
fact, it is possible, even probable, that a man may be misled by the enthusiasm of an
illumination, and if he should find apparent conflict between his spiritual duty and his
duty to honour, it is almost sure evidence that a trap is being laid for him and he should
unhesitatingly stick to the course which ordinary decency indicates ... I wish to say
definitely, once and for all, that people who do not understand and accept this position
have utterly failed to grasp the fundamental principles of the Law of Thelema."
Aleister Crowley, 'Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley: Tunisia 1923'
-Heru-Ra-Ha combines the ideas of Horus (cf. also 'the great angel Hru' who is set over
the Book of Tahuti; see Liber LXXVIII) with those of Ra and Spirit. For He-Aleph is the
Atziluthic or archetypal spelling of He, the Holy Ghost. And Ha=6, the number of the
Sun. He is also Nuith, H being Her letter. The language suggests that Heru-Ra-Ha is the
'true Name' of the Unity who is symbolized by the Twins Harpocrates and Horus.
The Master Therion
Magical and Philosophical Commentaries
-"For as long as anything soever escapes assimilation there remains separateness and
duality, or the potentiality of such. Evil can only be destroyed by 'love under will'; and so

long as it is feared and hated, so long as we insist on attributing a real and irreconcilable
existence to it, so long will it remain evil for us. The same of course applies to what we
call 'good'. Good is itself evil in so far as it is seperate from other ideas."
-"Now, what is religion? The consummation of the soul by itself in divine ecstasy"
Aleister Crowley, Moonchild
Consider that as Love is mighty to bring forth all Ecstasy, so absence of Love is the
greatest craving. Whoso is balked in Love suffereth indeed, but he that hath not actively
that passion in his heart towards some object is weary with the ache of craving. And this
state is called mystically Dryness. For this there is, as I believe, no cure but patient
persistence in a Rule of Life.
Aleister Crowley - Liber CL: De Lege Libellum
-For Perfection abideth not in the Pinnacles, or in the Foundations, but in the ordered
Harmony of one with all.
Aleister Crowley - Liber LXI vel Causae
-"This Devil is called Satan or Shaitan, and regarded with horror by people who are
ignorant of his formula, and, imagining themselves to be evil, accuse Nature herself of
their own phantasmal crime. Satan is Saturn, Set, Abrasax, Adad, Adonis, Attis, Adam,
Adonai, etc. The most serious charge against him is that he is the Sun in the South."
Aleister Crowley - Magick in Theory and Practice, Chapter V, The Formula of I.A.O.
-"A real Magical Oath cannot be broken: you think it can, but it can't. This is the
advantage of a real Magical Oath."
-A man must think of himself as a LOGOS, as going, not as a fixed idea. Do what thou
wilt is thus necessarily his formula. He only becomes Himself when he attains the
loss of Egoity, of the sense of separateness. He becomes All, PAN, when he
becomes Zero.
-"Each of us has a Will of eternal import, necessarily related to everything that exists, and
all our conscious desires are so many masksone fixed expression concealing
our infinite variety."
"Now, what is religion? The consummation of the soul by itself in divine ecstasy"
Aleister Crowley, Moonchild
-"There is only one Rock which Skepticism cannot shake; the Rock of Experience."
- "Karma does not act in this tit-for-tat way. An eye for an eye is a sort of savage justice,
and the idea of justice in our human sense is quite foreign to the constitution of
the Universe. Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. There is no proportion in
its operations. Once an accident occurs it is impossible to say what may

happen; and the Universe is a stupendous accident.

Aleister Crowley - Part II - Magick, Liber ABA/Book 4
-This is the Harmony of the Universe, that Love unites the Will to create with the
Understanding of that Creation: understand thou thine own Will! Love and let
love! Rejoice in every shape of love, and get thy rapture and thy nourishment
Aleister Crowley, The Heart of the Master
-"Having to talk destroys the symphony of silence."
Aleister Crowley - Diary of a Drug Fiend
- Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a
tremendous fuss about its cleverness.
- "The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules but you have to know them perfectly
before you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them."
-Since all things are God, in all things thou seest just so much of God as thy capacity
affordeth thee."
-"The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules but you have to know them perfectly before
you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them."

-I can imagine myself on my death-bed, spent utterly with lust to touch the next world, like a
boy asking for his first kiss from a woman.

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