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The key takeaways are that this standard covers overhead, pad-mounted, dry vault, and submersible automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters for alternating current systems up to 38 kV.

The scope of this standard covers high voltage switchgear and controlgear for overhead, pad-mounted, dry vault, and submersible automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters for alternating current systems up to 38 kV.

The usual service conditions covered are addressed in section 4.1 and unusual service conditions are addressed in section 4.2.

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First edition

High voltage switchgear and controlgear
Part 111:
Overhead, pad-mounted, dry vault, and
submersible automatic circuit reclosers
and fault interrupters for alternating
current systems up to 38 kV

IEEE 2005 Copyright - all rights reserved

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International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
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Com mission Electrotechnique Internationale

International Electrotechnical Com m ission

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IEC 62271-111:2005(E)
IEEE C37.60-2003(E)

FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................................... 4
IEEE Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 7
1. Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 8
2. References ...................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Denitions .................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Service conditions..........................................................................................................................11

Usual service conditions .....................................................................................................11


Unusual service conditions .................................................................................................11

5. Rating............................................................................................................................................12

Rating information ............................................................................................................ 12


Rated maximum voltage .....................................................................................................12


Rated power-frequency ...................................................................................................... 13


Rated continuous current ..................................................................................................1 3


Rated minimum tripping current (for series-trip reclosers/FIs) ........................................ 14


Rated symmetrical interrupting current..............................................................................14


Rated symmetrical making current.................................................................................... 16


Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage.........................................................................16


Rated control voltage and ranges ...................................................................................... 16

5.10 Rated line and cable charging interrupting currents (where applicable) ............................. 16
6. Design tests (type tests)................................................................................................................ 22

General............................................................................................................................... 22


Insulation (dielectric) tests ................................................................................................. 22


Switching tests.................................................................................................................... 25


Making current capability.................................................................................................. 28


Rated symmetrical interrupting current tests .................................................................... 28


Minimum tripping current tests ......................................................................................... 39


Partial discharge (corona) tests.......................................................................................... 40


Radio inuence voltage tests (RIV)................................................................................... 41


Surge current test; series-trip reclosers/FIs ........................................................................ 42

6.10 Temperature rise test.......................................................................................................... 43

6.11 Timecurrent tests.............................................................................................................. 45
6.12 Mechanical duty test .......................................................................................................... 46

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6.13 Control electronic elements surge withstand capability (SWC) tests .................................. 46
6.14 Condition of recloser/FI after each test of 6.3 and 6.5 ......................................................... 48
7. Production tests (routine tests) ............................................................................................................ 49

Reclosing and overcurrent trip calibration .............................................................................. 50


Control, secondary wiring, and accessory devices check tests.............................................. 50


Dielectric withstand test; 1-min. dry power-frequency .......................................................... 50


Partial discharge test .................................................................................................................. 50


Mechanical operations tests .......................................................................................................50


Water leak test ............................................................................................................................ 51

8. Field tests on units in service, including dc withstand tests on cables ........................................... 51

9. Construction requirements ................................................................................................................... 52

Tank construction: submersible or dry vault reclosers/FIs .................................................. 52


Grounding provisions ................................................................................................................ 52


Insulating medium quantity indicators .................................................................................... 53


Oil sampling provision (submersible reclosers/FIs) ................................................................ 53


Manual operating provision ...................................................................................................... 53


Position indicator....................................................................................................................... 53


Nameplate markings .................................................................................................................. 53


Stored energy mechanism charge indicator ............................................................................ 54


Enclosure integrity ...................................................................................................................... 54

9.10 Counters....................................................................................................................................... 54
9.11 Conductor terminal sizes ........................................................................................................... 54
9.12 Tank constructionpressurized reclosers/FIs only ................................................................ 54
Annex A (informative) X/R Ratios............................................................................................................ 55
Annex B (informative) Simulated surge arrester operation tests ........................................................... 57
Annex C (normative) Method of drawing the envelope of the prospective transient
recovery voltage of a circuit and determining the representative parameters ...................................... 60
Annex D (informative) Background basis of recloser TRV values ....................................................... 62
Annex E (informative) Altitude correction factors .................................................................................. 66
Annex F (informative) Bibliography.......................................................................................................... 69
Annex G (informative) List of Participants....................................................................................................70

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IEC 62271-111:2005(E)
IEEE C37.60-2003(E)


Part 111: Overhead, pad-mounted, dry vault, and submersible
automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters
for alternating current systems up to 38 kV
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International Standard IEC/IEEE 62271-111 has been processed through IEC subcommittee 17A: High-voltage switchgear and controlgear, of IEC technical committee 17:
Switchgear and controlgear.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:


Report on voting

C37.60 (2003)



Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged
until 2008.
The list of all the parts of IEC 62271 series, under the general title High-voltage switchgear
and controlgear, can be found on the IEC website.

Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.

IEC 62271-111:2005(E)
IEEE C37.60-2003(E) This is a preview - click here to buy the full publication

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IEC 62271-111:2005(E)
IEEE C37.60-2003(E)

IEEE Standard for Overhead,

Pad-Mounted, Dry Vault, and
Submersible Automatic Circuit
Reclosers and Fault Interrupters
for Alternating Current Systems
Up to 38 kV


Switchgear Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Approved 20 March 2003

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Abstract: Required definitions, ratings, procedures for performing design tests, production tests,
and construction requirements for overhead, pad-mounted, dry vault, and submersible automatic
circuit reclosers and fault interrupters for alternating systems up to 38 kV are specified.
Keywords: dry vault, fault interrupter, overhead, pad-mounted, recloser, submersible, standard
operating duty, switchgear

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IEEE Introduction
This standard has been revised from IEEE Std C37.60-1981, incorporating signicant improvements
that reect the present state of the art in recloser technology. These include changes and additions in
the following areas:
a) Expanded the standard to include gas-insulated reclosers.
b) Revised the title and scope to limit the standard to 38 kV; deleted ratings above 38 kV nominal.
c) Added voltage ratings commonly used outside of North America with related dielectric
withstand capabilities taken from IEC 60694-2002.a
d) Added several new interrupting ratings in the 15.5 kV, 27 kV, and 38 kV ranges.
e) Revised limits of temperature and temperature rise to be consistent with circuit breaker
f) Reorganized the switching tests into 6.3 following a format similar to IEEE Std 1247TM-1998
and referenced IEEE Std 1247-1998 for switching test procedures.
g) Removed the requirement for transformer magnetizing tests; reference discussion in IEEE Std
h) Claried the intent of the switching tests as related required capabilities and prohibited the use
of single-phase tests to qualify three-phase reclosers in the performance of the switching tests.
i) Removed the altitude correction factors. (Refer to the following paragraph and informative
Annex E.)
j) Removed the X/R footnote and table of multiplication factors from old 5.6 to new informative
Annex A with expanded information and data.
k) Added new informative Annex B.
l) Added transient recovery voltage (TRV) specications and informative Annex C and Annex D.
m) Restricted the use of single-phase testing to verify three-phase performance.
n) Reduced radio inuence voltage (RIV) limits.
o) Added Partial Discharge as a design and production test.
p) Reduced dc withstand voltage test time from 15 min. to 5 min.
Although this revised standard will be published before the work on IEEE PC37.100.1, Draft
Standard Requirements for Power Switchgear [B13]b is completed, it is the intention of the Recloser
Working Group to issue supplements or revisions to adopt common requirements. There was
considerable discussion in the Recloser Working Group regarding the addition of the partial discharge
test requirements suggesting that this topic should be revisited at the next revision cycle to see if the
data collected between now and then shall warrant any changes in the test procedure or test limits.

Information on references can be found in Clause 2.

The numbers in brackets correspond to the numbers of the bibliography in Annex F.

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IEC 62271-111:2005(E)
IEEE C37.60-2003(E)


Part 111: Overhead, pad-mounted, dry vault, and submersible
automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters
for alternating current systems up to 38 kV

1. Scope
This standard applies to all overhead, pad-mounted, dry vault, and submersible single- or multipole
alternating current automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters for rated maximum voltages
above 1000 V and up to 38 kV.
In order to simplify this standard where possible, the term recloser/FI (reclosers/FIs) has been
substituted for automatic circuit recloser or fault interrupter or both.
NOTEWhen reclosers are applied in a substation, special considerations may apply, see

2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following
publications are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
ANSI C37.06-2000, American National Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current BasisPreferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities.1
ANSI C37.06.1-2000, American National Standard Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Current BasisDesignated Denite Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery
Voltage Rise Times.

ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street,
13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (

Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE C37.60-2003(E) This is a preview - click here to buy the full publication

ANSI C37.85-2002, American National Standard for SwitchgearAlternating-Current High-Voltage

Power Vacuum InterruptersSafety Requirements for X-Radiation Limits.
ANSI C57.12.28-1999, American National Standard for Pad-mounted EquipmentEnclosure
ANSI C63.2-1996, American National Standard for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength
Instrumentation, 10 kHz to 40 GHzSpecications.
ASME BPVC-1998, Boilers and Pressure Vessels CodeSection VIII: Rules for Construction of
Pressure VesselsDivision 1.2
IEC 60060-1-1989, High-Voltage Test TechniquesPart 1: General Denitions and Test
IEC 60270-2000, High-Voltage Test TechniquesPartial Discharge Measurements.
IEC 60502-1-2004, Power Cables with Extruded Insulation and Their Accessories for Rated
Voltages from 1 kV (Um 1,2 kV) Up to 30 kV (Um 36 kV)Part 1: Cables for Rated Voltages of
1 kV (Um 1,2 kV) and 3 kV (Um 3,6 kV).
IEC 60502-2-2005, Power Cables with Extruded Insulation and Their Accessories for Rated
Voltages from 1 kV (Um 1,2 kV) Up to 30 kV (Um 36 kV)Part 2: Cables for Rated Voltages from
6 kV (Um 7,2 kV) Up to 30 kV (Um 36 kV).

IEC 60694-2002, Common Specifications for High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Standards.6
IEC 62271-100-2003, High-Voltage Switchgear and ControlgearPart 100: High-Voltage
Alternating-Current Circuit-Breakers.7
IEEE Std 4TM-1995, IEEE Standard Techniques for High Voltage Testing.4,5
IEEE Std 4aTM-2001, Amendment to IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing.
IEEE Std 386TM-1995, IEEE Standard for Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power
Distribution Systems Above 600 V.
IEEE Std 1247TM-1998, IEEE Standard for Interrupter Switches for Alternating Current Rated Above
1000 Volts.
IEEE Std 1291TM-1993, IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Measurement in Power Switchgear.
IEEE Std C37.04-1999, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
IEEE Std C37.09-1999, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated
on a Symmetrical Current Basis.

ASME publications are available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 100165990, USA (
IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Case Postale 131,
3, rue de Varembe, CH-1211, Gene`ve 20, Switzerland/Suisse ( IEC publications are also available in the
United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York,
NY 10036, USA (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA (

Edition 2.2 Consolidated edition.

Edition 1.1 Consolidated edition.

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IEC 62271-111:2005(E)
IEEE C37.60-2003(E)

IEEE Std C37.41TM-2000, IEEE Standard Design Tests for High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution
Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories.
IEEE Std C37.90.1TM-2002, IEEE Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays
and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus.
IEEE Std C37.100TM-1992 (Rea 2001), IEEE Standard Denitions for Power Switchgear.
NEMA 107-1987 (Rea 1993), Methods of Measurement of Radio Inuence Voltage (RIV) of HighVoltage Apparatus.6

3. Denitions
The denitions of terms contained in this standard, and to the related standards for recloser/FIs, shall
be in accordance with IEEE Std C37.100-1992. These denitions are not intended to embrace all
possible meanings of the terms. They are applicable only to the subject treated in this standard.
unit operation (of a recloser): An interrupting operation followed by a closing operation. The nal
interruption is also considered one unit operation.
NOTESee Figure 1.

Figure 1Unit operation

NEMA publications are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112-5704,

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ICS 29.130.10

Typeset and printed by the IEC Central Office


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