L0303 VIP Catalog & Manual PDF

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VIP Catalog & Surgical Manual

ILS, a wholly owned subsidiary of:

Company Overview
Virtual Implant Placement



System Requirements
VIP Components

VIP Software

Pilot Drill Set

Individual Pilot Drill Instruments

CT Planning


CT Scan Appliance


CT Scan

CT Scan Protocol
VIP Planning

VIP Interface

DICOM Converter

Draw Nerve

Implant Planning

Submit VIP Treatment Plan for Pilot Compu-Guide

Order Online
Additional Features

Measuring Tools

Virtual Teeth

Parallel Implants


Pilot Compu-Guide

Pilot Drill Set

Important Considerations

Pilot Drill Set Cleaning

Pilot Compu-Guide Pre-Operative

Pilot Compu-Guide Surgical Procedure
Icon Legend & References
Ordering & Warranty Information


Science-based products
BioHorizons is known for using science and innovation to create unique
implants with proven surgical and esthetic results. Laser-Lok microchannels
exemplify our dedication to evidence-based research and development.
The effectiveness of Laser-Lok has been proven with over 15 years of in vitro,
animal, and human studies at leading universities.1 This patented precision laser
surface treatment is unique within the industry as the only surface treatment
shown to attract a physical connective tissue attachment to a predetermined
zone on the implant while inhibiting epithelial downgrowth and preserving the
coronal level of bone; long term.2

Game-changing Innovation
Our highly advanced implant technologies, Restoration-to-Implant Lifetime
Warranty, hard and soft tissue regeneration products, and cutting-edge digital
dentistry and Virtual Implant Placement (VIP) treatment planning software have
placed BioHorizons at the forefront of implant dentistry.
From surgical planning and site development to final restoration, BioHorizons
is uniquely positioned to streamline the implant and restorative processes,
enabling clinicians to create a more efficient continuum of care.

Unparalleled Service
Happy patients are the driving force of successful dental practices, and clinicians
know they dont want implants; they want teeth. Restorations made on
BioHorizons implants at select laboratories using an approved treatment plan
are guaranteed for life. If the prosthesis fails, we cover the cost of the re-work
with no red tape or fine print.


Virtual Implant Placement (VIP) treatment planning software was developed by a team of clinicians with the goal
of providing a user friendly, virtual treatment planning solution that reduces clinical challenges and enhances post
operative outcomes from both a clinical and esthetic perspective. This software provides the following benefits:

Interactive 2 Dimensional (2D) and 3 Dimensional (3D) treatment planning
Improved case predictability and confidence
Improved communication between clinician and patient
Self Processing Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) converter
BioHorizons realistic 3D implants
Open platform implant compatibility
VIP provides a simplistic solution where the virtual treatment plan can be transferred to a Pilot Compu-Guide
following the established process flow included in this manual.

Step 1

Upper and lower diagnostic casts are sent to the laboratory

Step 2

Laboratory fabricates CT Scan Appliance and returns to

the implant clinician

Step 3

Patient wears the CT Scan Appliance during the CT Scan

Step 4

Clinician receives DICOM data from CT Scan site and

prepares a virtual treatment plan using VIP

Step 5

If a surgical guide is necessary: CT Scan Appliance, VIP

treatment Plan & Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription form
are sent to the laboratory

Step 6

Clinician performs procedure using the Pilot Compu-Guide

surgical template


VIP is designed to facilitate 2D and 3D treatment planning for the following clinical applications:

Partially edentulous single implant placement

Immediate extraction/single implant placement
Partially edentulous multiple implant placement
Fully edentulous multiple implant placement

VIP treatment plans can be used for custom Pilot Compu-Guide fabrication for the following implant
treatment plans:

Partially edentulous single implant placement

Immediate extraction/single implant placement
Partially edentulous multiple implant placement
Fully edentulous multiple implant placement

System Requirements
It is recommended to install VIP on a stand-alone computer that provides the minimal system requirements.

Minimal System Requirements

Operating system

Windows XP


Pentium III CPU, 500 MHz

Hard Drive

1 GB of free hard drive disk space

Internal memory

256 MB


15 monitor


Windows supported mouse


Windows Internet Explorer 6 and 7

An email application and a mouse with a scroll wheel are recommended.

VIP Software
VIP 2.1 Software
Interactive 2D and 3D treatment planning software. Includes (2) software licenses.

VIP Software Upgrade
Upgrade VIP to current software version.

Pilot Drill Set

2.0mm CGS Pilot Drill Set
Includes 2.0 x 17, 21, 24, and 28mm Pilot Drills. Pilot Drills are used with the Pilot Compu-Guide
(See Page 20). The Drilling Report that is provided with the Pilot Compu-Guide specifies the Pilot
Drill to be used for the particular implant site.

Individual Pilot Drill Instruments





2.0 x 17mm CGS Pilot Drill

2.0 x 21mm CGS Pilot Drill

2.0 x 24mm CGS Pilot Drill

2.0 x 28mm CGS Pilot Drill

Individual Pilot Drill replacements for the Pilot Drill Set. The Drilling Report that is provided with the Pilot Compu-Guide specifies the Pilot Drill to be
used for the particular implant site.

IMS Bur Cushion - Tall Lid
A hollow, rectangular, silicone base with a stainless steel lid that is designed to hold burs securely
in place during cleaning and sterilization.

products shown not to scale

Laboratory components relating to VIP are fabricated / distributed by Becden Dental Laboratory*. Becden is part
of Dental Technologies Inc. (DTI) laboratory network that is focused on providing innovative laboratory technologies
and exceptional customer service.

CT Scan Appliance
Custom fabricated radiographic guide that is worn by the patient during the
CT Scan. Radiopaque teeth are used where implant therapy is indicated.

Pre-fabricated CT Scan Appliance reducing time required to custom fabricate a
CT Scan Appliance. The Compu-Quick is available in three sizes: B, C, and D.

Pilot Compu-Guide
Surgical template that is custom milled according to the submitted VIP treatment
plan. The Pilot Compu-Guide provides the initial 2mm osteotomy for implant
location, depth, and angulation.

*Becden Dental Laboratory offers a full range of laboratory products and services. Becden understands that customer
support and quality assurance are critical to the success of the relationship between the clinician and laboratory.
Becden Dental Laboratory
131 East 13065 South
Draper, Utah 84020

Toll free: 888.344.9991

Fax: 801.576.9994
Website: www.becdendti.com
Email: [email protected]

products shown not to scale

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131 East 13065 South

Draper, UT 84020

CT Scan Appliance Prescription Form

1) Customer Information
Patient Name/Unique Identifier:


Doctor Name:


Address Line 1:


Address Line 2:

Office Contact:


2) CT Scan Appliance Instructions

Please use a separate prescription form for each arch
Please indicate arch:


FORM B1047

CT Scan Appliance Prescription Form

Used to provide case specific information to the laboratory concerning
the custom fabrication of the CT Scan Appliance. The form must be
completed in its entirety and signed by the clinician. Additional forms can
be downloaded from Becdens website.

FORM B1055

CT Scanning Protocol
Used to provide the CT Scan site to ensure the patient is scanned according
to the parameters required by VIP. Additional forms can be downloaded
from Becdens website.

FORM B1046

Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form

Used to provide case specific information to the laboratory concerning the
custom milling of the Pilot Compu-Guide. The form must be completed in
its entirety and signed by the clinician. Additional forms can be downloaded
from Becdens website.


Patient Education Tooth replacement with dental implants


Patient Education Stabilizing dentures using dental implants


Patient Education Rebuilding and maintaining bone


Patient Education Soft tissue grafting with AlloDerm


Patient Education Dental Implants - the tooth replacement solution

This high-quality flipbook helps the implant candidate understand the rationale
and the advantages of implant therapy compared to traditional treatment
methods. 9 x 6 (23cm x 16cm).


The following teeth are being replaced (please list teeth below and indicate in diagram)

Surgical Notes:

3) Prescription Form Signature

I acknowledge responsibility for this patients VIP dental implant position, treatment plan and surgical placement of dental implants.

Doctor Name (Print)

License Number

Doctor Name (Signature)


4) Contents Checklist
Please Complete CT Scan Appliance Contents Checklist
To ensure timely return of CT Scan Appliance, please include:
Standard case:

Centric record

Partially edentulous case:

An impression with the provisional in place

Completely edentulous case:

An acrylic duplication of the denture

Upper and lower diagnostic casts

An impression with the provisional removed

FORM B1047 REV A SEP 2008

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131 East 13065 South

Draper, UT 84020

CT Scanning Protocol
Patient Orientation

Scan the patient face up or forward and make sure the patients head is not tilted to either side. When scanning single jaws
(mandible or maxilla), orient the patients head so that the axial images are parallel to the occlusal plane of the radiopaque
teeth on the patients CT Scan Appliance. When scanning double jaws (mandible and maxilla), split the difference between
the occlusal planes of the jaws. If no CT Scan Appliance is available, separate arches with a bite block.



Both arches, cone beam

Fiducial markers (3 markers on CT Scan Appliance) are critical to the Pilot Compu-Guide fabrication process. Scan at least
2mm beyond the tips of the fiducial markers, ensuring all 3 fiducial markers appear in the scan. Ensure sure that the field
of view includes all teeth and all fiducial markers.
It is important that all scans are reviewed for patient movement prior to submission. Scans that indicate patient movement
should not be used for treatment planning purposes.
Preferred Scanning Parameters

Image size

512 x 512 pixels

Gantry tilt

0.0 degrees (required)

Scanner slice thickness

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Scanner step increment

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Reconstruction algorithm


Reconstructed slice thickness

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Reconstructed slice spacing

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Scout image


Field of View (FOV)

Typically 150-180 mm.


DICOM 3.0 data with DICOMDIR.

Axials and optional scout(s) only.




CD-R or Zip disk.

FORM B1055 REV B DEC 2008

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131 East 13065 South

Draper, UT 84020

Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form

1) Customer Information
Patient Name/Unique Identifier:


Doctor Name:


Address Line 1:


Address Line 2:

Office Contact:


2) Pilot Compu-Guide Instructions

Please use a separate prescription form for each arch
Please indicate arch:



Case Notes (Restoration Goals):

3) Prescription Form Signature

I acknowledge responsibility for this patients VIP dental implant position, treatment plan and surgical placement of dental implants.

Doctor Name (Print)

License Number

Doctor Name (Signature)


4) Contents Checklist
Please Complete Pilot Compu-Guide Contents Checklist
To ensure timely return of Compu-Guide, please make sure to include:
Included CT Scan Appliance or Compu-Quick

Completed Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form

VIP Treatment Plan saved to CD or emailed

Upper and Lower Diagnostic Casts (required for Compu-Quick cases)

CT Scan DICOM Images (recommended)

Centric Record (required for Compu-Quick cases)

Expected Date of Appointment:

FORM B1046 REV B DEC 2008

products shown not to scale


This Surgical Manual serves as a reference for using the Virtual Implant Placement (VIP) treatment planning software, CT
Scan Appliance, Pilot Compu-Guide, and related surgical instrumentation. It is intended solely to provide instructions on
the use of BioHorizons products. It is not intended to describe the methods or procedures for diagnosis, or placement of
implants, nor does it replace clinical training or a clinicians best judgment regarding the needs of each patient. BioHorizons
strongly recommends appropriate training as a prerequisite for the placement of implants and associated treatment.
The procedures illustrated and described within this manual reflect idealized patient presentations with adequate bone
and soft tissue to accommodate implant placement. No attempt has been made to cover the wide range of actual patient
conditions that may adversely affect surgical and prosthetic outcomes. Clinician judgment as related to any specific
case must always supersede any recommendations made in this or any BioHorizons literature.
Before beginning any implant surgical procedure with BioHorizons products:
Read and understand the Instructions for Use that accompany the products.
Clean and sterilize the instruments per appropriate Instructions for Use.
Become thoroughly familiar with all instruments and their uses.
Design a surgical treatment plan to satisfy the prosthetic requirements of the case.

Treatment Planning
For ideal results in implant dentistry, the treatment team should be in agreement and in communication throughout all
stages of therapy. The patient, the restorative and surgical doctors, as well as the dental laboratory should understand and
agree upon the treatment plan. The treatment plan should determine the design, number and position of the implants.

Proper treatment planning using VIP is the responsibility of the medical professional. Each clinician must
evaluate the appropriateness of the virtual treatment plan and the procedure used based on personal medical
training and experience.

Use of VIP to pre-plan dental implant surgery requires an understanding of the software. Refer to VIPs Help
Manual which is located within the VIP software (Help > Help Index).

CT Scan Appliance
Purpose: Radiographic guide that provides visualization in the CT scan of
optimal implant placement and prosthetic outcome.
Custom fabricated to patients tooth anatomy
Radiopaque material used to indicate edentulous space
Fabricated by Becden Dental Laboratory

The CT Scan Appliance includes three Fiducial Markers that act as coordinates in
transferring the VIP treatment plan to the Pilot Compu-Guide. All three Fiducial
Markers must be visible in the CT Scan in order for a Pilot Compu-Guide to be
fabricated. Reference the CT Scanning Protocol for scanning requirements. (See
Page 10 for CT Scan Protocol).
Fiducial marker

The CT Scan Appliance Prescription Form must be completed in order for the
laboratory to fabricate the CT Scan Appliance. Complete the Contents Checklist
included on the form to ensure all necessary components are sent to the laboratory.
The requirements for fabrication of a CT Scan Appliance include:

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131 East 13065 South

Draper, UT 84020

CT Scan Appliance Prescription Form

1) Customer Information
Patient Name/Unique Identifier:


Doctor Name:


Address Line 1:


Address Line 2:

Office Contact:


2) CT Scan Appliance Instructions

Please use a separate prescription form for each arch

Upper and lower diagnostic cast

Partially edentulous case:

- Impression with the provisional in place

- Impression with the provisional removed
Completely edentulous case:

- Acrylic duplication of the denture
Completed and signed CT Scan Appliance Prescription Form

Please indicate arch:



The following teeth are being replaced (please list teeth below and indicate in diagram)

Surgical Notes:

3) Prescription Form Signature

I acknowledge responsibility for this patients VIP dental implant position, treatment plan and surgical placement of dental implants.

Doctor Name (Print)

License Number

Doctor Name (Signature)


4) Contents Checklist
Please Complete CT Scan Appliance Contents Checklist
To ensure timely return of CT Scan Appliance, please include:
Standard case:

Centric record

Partially edentulous case:

An impression with the provisional in place

Completely edentulous case:

An acrylic duplication of the denture

Upper and lower diagnostic casts

An impression with the provisional removed

FORM B1047 REV A SEP 2008

When the CT Scan Appliance is returned the appliance should be inserted into the patients mouth to ensure proper fit. The
CT Scan Appliance should also be visually inspected to ensure the appliance complies with the submitted prescription form.
Bite blocks are fabricated on the CT Scan Appliance to ensure adequate space between arches.

Confirm unique fit

to patients mouth.

If unique fit cannot be confirmed,

the appliance should not be used
for the CT Scan.

products shown not to scale

Purpose: Prefabricated CT Scan Appliance that is only indicated for
placement of three implants or less to be placed in a non-esthetic area.
Reduces time for custom fabrication of CT Scan Appliance
The tray should be lined with rigid bite registration material and then
placed on the appropriate arch to have the bite registration applied to
the Compu-Quick. The patient then wears the Compu-Quick during
the CT Scan rather than the pre fabricated CT Scan Appliance. (See
Page 10 for CT Scan Protocol).
The Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form must be completed in
order for the laboratory to fabricate the Pilot Compu-Guide. The
requirements for fabrication of a Pilot Compu-Guide include:

VIP treatment plan (via email or CD)
Upper and lower diagnostic cast
CT Scan DICOM images (recommended)
Completed and signed Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form

VIP includes virtual teeth that can be placed in

the desired tooth position since a radiopaque
scan appliance was not used to note the
edentulous location.

CT Scan
Purpose: Instructs scanning site how to properly scan patient.

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131 East 13065 South

Draper, UT 84020

CT Scanning Protocol
Patient Orientation

An appointment should be scheduled to have the CT scan performed.

If the scan is offsite then the patient should be instructed as how to
properly wear the CT Scan Appliance or Compu-Quick. The CT Scanning
Protocol should be provided to the scan site to ensure proper scan.

Scan the patient face up or forward and make sure the patients head is not tilted to either side. When scanning single jaws
(mandible or maxilla), orient the patients head so that the axial images are parallel to the occlusal plane of the radiopaque
teeth on the patients CT Scan Appliance. When scanning double jaws (mandible and maxilla), split the difference between
the occlusal planes of the jaws. If no CT Scan Appliance is available, separate arches with a bite block.



It is important that all scans are reviewed for patient movement prior to submission. Scans that indicate patient movement
should not be used for treatment planning purposes.
Preferred Scanning Parameters

Image size

512 x 512 pixels

Gantry tilt

Upon completion of the CT Scan a CD will be provided containing

DICOM data images from the CT Scan. The DICOM images can then be
loaded directly into VIP for virtual implant treatment planning.

Both arches, cone beam

Fiducial markers (3 markers on CT Scan Appliance) are critical to the Pilot Compu-Guide fabrication process. Scan at least
2mm beyond the tips of the fiducial markers, ensuring all 3 fiducial markers appear in the scan. Ensure sure that the field
of view includes all teeth and all fiducial markers.

0.0 degrees (required)

Scanner slice thickness

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Scanner step increment

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Reconstruction algorithm


Reconstructed slice thickness

Reconstructed slice spacing

0.5 - 1.0 mm
0.5 - 1.0 mm

Scout image


Field of View (FOV)

Typically 150-180 mm.


DICOM 3.0 data with DICOMDIR.

Axials and optional scout(s) only.


CD-R or Zip disk.
FORM B1055 REV B DEC 2008

products shown not to scale

CT Scan Protocol
The patient will be scanned wearing either the pre-fabricated CT Scan Appliance or the Compu-Quick. If a Pilot CompuGuide surgical template is not desired then the scan should be completed with a minimum space between arches of 5mm.
The CT Scan Appliance or Compu-Quick should be inserted in the patients mouth while ensuring proper fit. The patient
should be scanned face up or forward and the patients head should not be tilted to either side.
For Single jaw scans the patients head should be oriented so that the axial images are parallel to the occlusal plane of the
radiopaque teeth on the patients intraoral appliance. For double jaw scans, split the difference between the occlusal planes
of the jaws.



Both arches: cone beam

The three Fiducial Markers must appear in the scan in their entireties. Scan at least 2mm beyond the tips of all three Fiducial
Markers. Make sure that the field of view includes all teeth and all Fiducial Markers. Load the case after processing to verify
that all three markers are completely visible.

Preferred Scanning Parameters

Image size

512 x 512 pixels

Gantry tilt

0.0 degrees (required)

Scanner slice thickness

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Scanner step increment

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Reconstruction algorithm


Reconstructed slice thickness

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Reconstructed slice spacing

0.5 - 1.0 mm

Scout image


Field of View (FOV)

Typically 150-180 mm.


DICOM 3.0 data with DICOMDIR. Axials and optional scout(s) only.




CD-R or Zip disk.


VIP Interface
Installation of VIP is a demo version until a software license is requested and applied. The software license can
be requested via Internet connection by navigating to Tools > License and submitting the requested information.
Customer Care can also assist with providing a software license for VIP.
VIPs user friendly interface simplifies the process of virtually treatment planning a case. The screen layout has four
options to provide the user with the preferred layout. VIPs default screen layout is divided into four sections which
includes: panoramic projection, panoramic, axial, and cross section view.

Reference the VIP Users Manual in the software for more detailed instructions (Help > Help Index).

The Panoramic projection view displays the CT Scan as it would look as an X-ray. This view is only for
interpretation and cannot be changed or modified.

Preferred screen layout can be selected by navigating to Tools > Preferences. Select the Layout tab in the Preferences
Dialog box and enable the preferred layout by selecting the Apply button. If the layout is changed, the selected layout
will display the next time VIP is opened.

Screen layout 2 includes cross section,

axial, and panoramic view.

Screen layout 3 includes cross

section, 3D, and panoramic view.


Screen layout 4 includes axial, 3D,

cross section, and panoramic view.

DICOM Converter
Purpose: Convert DICOM images from CT Scan into a format that
can be viewed by VIP.
Eliminates potential fees related to processing of DICOM files
Reduces time related to having DICOM files processed offsite
Select File > Process or click the Process button
located on
the toolbar. VIP will open the default DICOM directory. Choose the
desired case and select the Finish button.

After selecting the jaw type, unnecessary slices need to be

removed from the view. When removing unnecessary slices use
the left-click mouse button to select Make most superior and
Make most inferior.



- Inferior position = ~bottom tip of chin

- Superior position = ~2mm above Fiducial Markers
- Inferior position = ~2mm below Fiducial Markers
- Superior position = ~midway in the sinus

Choose the most favorable image of the arch at the level of the
apical root tips. In the Axial View the panoramic curve must be
drawn according to the patients jaw alignment.


Draw Nerve
Purpose: Highlight inferior alveolar nerve to make more visible.
Enhances view of nerve canal
Assist in placement and selection of implants
Nerve can only be highlighted in the mandible

Select Tools > Edit Nerve or click the Edit Nerve button
located on the toolbar. The Edit Nerve Dialog box will
appear. Nerve can be drawn according the patients nerve canal. In the panoramic or cross section view, Left-click
within the nerve canal to connect the points that indicate the nerve canal. After drawing the nerve in the panoramic view
the nerve will be displayed in the panoramic, axial, cross section, and 3D view.

In order to draw a second nerve, select the New button in the Edit Nerve Dialog box. Exit the Edit Nerve Dialog box once
nerve has been drawn.


Implant Planning
Purpose: Pre-plan implant procedure through the placement of implants.
Comprehensive implant library that is compatible with most implant systems
BioHorizons implants are displayed as 3D realistic implants
Planning report created from treatment plan

To place an implant, choose the Implant button

and then left-click on the axial, panoramic, or cross sectional view.
The implant will be placed centered on the position selected. After the implant is placed, right-click the implant and select
Choose Implant to place the preferred type of implant. Implants can be manipulated by moving the implant and/or
rotating the implant. Additional implants can be placed by repeating steps.

Placing the cursor in the preferred image and pressing the

spacebar will expand the image. Pressing the spacebar
again will return the image to its original view.


Implant Planning
VIP provides a 3D view of the implant placement and anatomical
structure. To view 3D select the 3D button
or View > 3D.

The view includes options of viewing the bone, teeth, implants, and
virtual teeth.

A Pre-surgical Implant Planning Report can be printed by navigating to

File > Print Report. The report includes the following information:

VIP Pre-surgical Implant Planning Report

Study Date: 20010101
Clinician: SMITH
Patient: Head , Fred
Sex: M
Age: 060Y
ID: 12345




List of Implants



Patient information
Implant manufacturer
Implant size
Screenshots of the axial, panoramic, and cross section view

Images include implant placement and the illustrated nerve. The
Planning Report can be printed to a printer or PDF for viewing.
Prepared with Virtual Implant Placement (VIP) Software from BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc.

Submit VIP Treatment Plan for Pilot Compu-Guide

Purpose: Submit plan to laboratory for fabrication of Pilot Compu-Guide
Treatment plan can be submitted via email or copying files to CD

Select Transfer on the VIP menu and either choose Create CD or

Send via E-mail. After selecting option, the VIP Disclaimer Dialog
box will appear, read the disclaimer and choose I Accept or I do not
Accept. If I Accept is selected the case will proceed to be transferred
via email or by CD.

The Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form must be completed in

order for the laboratory to fabricate the Pilot Compu-Guide. (See
page 20 for Pilot Compu-Guide requirements).


Order Online
Purpose: Order online BioHorizons implants used in treatment plan.
Secure online ordering of BioHorizons implants
BioHorizons implants used in treatment plan are captured in online Shopping Cart

Implants placed in the treatment plan can be reviewed in the Implant

To view the Implant List and place BioHorizons implant order online,
select View > Implant List or click the Implant List button

If BioHorizons implants are not included in the Implant List then the
option to order online will be disabled. To order online select the
BioHorizons Order On-line button.

After selecting Order Online, BioHorizons Online Catalog will

prompt for username and password. If not a current BioHorizons
customer or a customer account is not activated; follow the
prompts on the login screen.
Guest access to BioHorizons Online Catalog allows access to view
the catalog without placing an order.

Upon logging in, the BioHorizons implants used in the VIP treatment
plan are placed in the Shopping Cart.


Measuring Tools
Purpose: Utilize measuring tools to measure distance, angle, and rectangular / elliptical Region of Interest (ROI).
Measurements can be made in the panoramic, axial, and cross section view
ROI illustrates Hounsfield Units

To measure linear distance, select Tools > Distance or click the Distance
located on the toolbar. Once image is selected for measuring, left-drag either
end of the measurement tool to obtain linear distance. The linear distance default
measurement is millimeters, however can be changed to centimeters or inches by
right-clicking the display box and selecting preferred unit.

To measure an angle, select Tools > Angle or click the Angle button
on the toolbar. Left-drag the vertex or either end of the angle tool to obtain the
measurement of the angle. The angle measurement is displayed in degrees.


Measuring Tools
To measure the rectangular ROI, select Tools > Rectangular ROI or click the
Rectangular ROI button
located on the toolbar. Left-drag the corners or sides
of the rectangle to adjust the ROI. The rectangular ROI displays the area of patient
anatomy covered by the region, the average and standard deviation of the pixel data
in Hounsfield units.

To measure the elliptical ROI, select Tools > Elliptical ROI or click the Elliptical ROI
located on the toolbar. Left-drag the corners or sides of the oval to
adjust the ROI. The elliptical ROI displays the area of patient anatomy covered by the
region, the average and standard deviation of the pixel data in Hounsfield units.

Virtual Teeth
Purpose: Simulate teeth to facilitate positioning of implants.
Assists in treatment planning when Compu-Quick is used for CT Scan
VIP comes equipped with a full set of Virtual Teeth which can be
placed to facilitate the positioning of implants in cases where no
custom scan appliance is desired.
To place Virtual teeth, click the Place Tooth button
Select the appropriate teeth in the Place Virtual Tooth Dialog Box.
After the Virtual Tooth is placed, right-click the tooth for additional
properties related to the tooth. Virtual Teeth can be manipulated
by moving the virtual teeth and/or rotating the virtual teeth. The
Dialog box must be open in order to move or rotate virtual teeth.


Parallel Implants
Purpose: Parallel two or more implants.
Parallel implants to selected target implant

The Implant List Dialog Box must be open to parallel two or more
implants. Select View > Implant List or click the Implant List
. Select the target implant in the Parallel To to which all
other implants will be parallel. After selecting the target implant,
hold the CTRL key and select implants to be placed in parallel
to the target implant. Then select the Parallel button to parallel
selected implants.


Purpose: Enable user preferences within VIP.

Select Tools > Preferences for the Preferences Dialog box to open.
Preferences can be enabled according to preferred user settings.
The Preferences Dialog Box includes the following tabs:


Pilot Compu-Guide
Purpose: Transfers virtual treatment plan to a surgical template for implant location,
depth, and angulation.
Tooth supported surgical template
Provides initial 2mm pilot osteotomy
Fabricated by Becden Dental Laboratory

The Pilot Compu-Guide provides the initial 2mm pilot osteotomy for implant location,
depth, and angulation. The surgical template is accompanied by a Drilling Report
indicating the appropriate Pilot Drill to be used for each implant location.

The Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form must be completed in order for the
laboratory to fabricate the Pilot Compu-Guide. Complete the Contents Checklist
included on the form to ensure all necessary components are sent to the laboratory.
The requirements for fabrication of a Pilot Compu-Guide include:

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131 East 13065 South

Draper, UT 84020

Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form

1) Customer Information
Patient Name/Unique Identifier:


Doctor Name:


Address Line 1:


Address Line 2:

Office Contact:


2) Pilot Compu-Guide Instructions

Please use a separate prescription form for each arch
Please indicate arch:



Case Notes (Restoration Goals):

CT Scan Appliance or Compu-Quick

VIP treatment plan (via email or CD)
Upper and lower diagnostic cast (required for Compu-Quick cases)
CT Scan DICOM images (recommended)
Completed and signed Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form

3) Prescription Form Signature

I acknowledge responsibility for this patients VIP dental implant position, treatment plan and surgical placement of dental implants.

Doctor Name (Print)

License Number

Doctor Name (Signature)


4) Contents Checklist
Please Complete Pilot Compu-Guide Contents Checklist
To ensure timely return of Compu-Guide, please make sure to include:
Included CT Scan Appliance or Compu-Quick
VIP Treatment Plan saved to CD or emailed
CT Scan DICOM Images (recommended)

Completed Pilot Compu-Guide Prescription Form

Upper and Lower Diagnostic Casts (required for Compu-Quick cases)
Centric Record (required for Compu-Quick cases)

Expected Date of Appointment:

FORM B1046 REV B DEC 2008

The Pilot Compu-Guide transfers the VIP treatment plan to the patients mouth for implant location, angle and depth.
After performing the initial 2mm pilot osteotomy according to the Drilling Report, the implants should be placed
according to the implant manufacturers protocol.

VIP treatment plan is

transferred to the Pilot

Initial 2mm pilot

osteotomy is created
using the appropriate
Pilot Drill as indicated in
the Drilling Report.

products shown not to scale


Pilot Drill Set
Purpose: Initiates osteotomy using the Pilot Compu-Guide.
Fixed circular ring acts as a definitive drill stop
Osteotomy to desired depth

The Pilot Drill Set includes four Pilot Drills in varying

lengths that provide implant depth for the initial 2mm pilot
osteotomy. The Drilling Report that is accompanied with the
Pilot Compu-Guide indicates the appropriate drill to be used
per implant site.






Important Considerations
Peri-operative oral rinses with a 0.12% Chlorhexidine Digluconate solution have been shown to significantly lower the
incidence of post-implantation infectious complications.3 A preoperative 30-second rinse is recommended, followed by
twice daily rinses for two weeks following surgery.
Drilling must be done under a constant stream of sterile irrigation. A pumping motion should be employed to prevent overheating the bone. Surgical drills and taps should be replaced when they are worn, dull, corroded or in any way compromised.
BioHorizons recommends the replacement of drills after 12 to 20 osteotomies.4

Pilot Drill Set Cleaning

The Pilot Drill Set is provided non-sterile and must be cleaned and sterilized prior to use following the associated Instructions
for Use.Always remove instruments from packaging prior to sterilization, and remove and discard packaging materials used to
stabilize and secure instruments during shipment.Double-check all surgical instruments to ensure their functionality prior to
surgery.Backup sterile drills are also recommended.
Caution: The use of hydrogen peroxide or other oxidizing agents will cause damage to the surface of the
instruments. Towel- or air-dry all instrumentation before sterilizing. Drills and taps should be replaced when
wear is noticed, such as a decrease in cutting efficiency or when signs of discoloration appear. Drills should
be replaced after approximately 12 to 20 osteotomy cycles, depending on the bone density.4
Proper testing, cleaning and calibration of sterilization equipment should occur frequently to assure that the units are in proper
working order. Equipment operating conditions vary and it is the responsibility of each dental office to ensure that the proper
sterilization technique for instrumentation is followed.

products shown not to scale


Pilot Compu-Guide Pre-Operative
After confirming proper fit visually verify the location of the Pilot drill sleeves, which are positioned according to the
VIP treatment plan. The pilot drill sleeves transfer the VIP treatment plan; therefore it is essential to visually confirm
pre-operative that the Pilot Compu-Guide aligns with the VIP treatment plan. After visually inspecting, place the
Pilot Compu-Guide into the patients mouth and ensure the surgical template is stabilized with a unique fit to the
patients teeth. If a unique and stable fit of the Pilot Compu-Guide cannot be obtained at time of procedure then the
Pilot Compu-Guide should not be used for the procedure. It is not necessary to use excessive force to seat the Pilot

Visually inspect location

of pilot sleeves.

The Pilot Compu-Guide should

have a unique fit to the patients
mouth. If unique fit cannot be
confirmed, the template should
not be used for the procedure.

Pilot Compu-Guide Surgical Procedure

The Pilot Compu-Guide can be used for Flapless surgical technique or conventional surgical technique. Surgical
technique is based upon the clinicians clinical decision.
After selecting the indicated drill length ensure that the Pilot Compu-Guide is stabilized to prevent any surgical
template movement while drilling. The indicated Pilot Drill will provide the implant location, depth, and angulation
for the 2mm pilot osteotomy. Once all pilot osteotomies have been drilled to the indicated length, remove the Pilot
The implants should be placed according to the implant manufacturers protocol.

The Pilot Compu-Guide

should be stabilized
prior to drilling.

products shown not to scale


The Pilot Compu-Guide

is removed and implants
are placed per the
manufacturers protocol.




Symbol Descriptions for Product Labeling

B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 24 4

article number


VIP 2.1

VIP 2.1 Software


Lot/batch number

LVIP 2.1

Rev A

1. References Available
2. Human Histologic Evidence of a Connective Tissue Attachment to a Dental Implant.
M Nevins, ML Nevins, M Camelo, JL Boyesen, DM Kim.
International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. Vol. 28, No. 2, 2008.
3. The influence of 0.12 percent chlorhexidine digluconate rinses on the incidence of infectious complications and implant success.
Lambert PM, Morris HF, Ochi S.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1997;55(12 supplement 5):25-30.
4. Heat production by 3 implant drill systems after repeated drilling and sterilization.
Chacon GE, Bower DL, Larsen PE, McGlumphy EA, Beck FM.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006 Feb;64(2):265-9.


Product Support Specialist:

Cell phone:

BioHorizons No Exceptions Warranty:

Our warranty policies are a tangible expression of our belief in the excellence and simplicity of our products, as well as our commitment
to our customers. We will repair or replace any of our products if they fail or cause problems within the warranty period for any reason,
without exception.
Warranties on Instruments, Surgical Drills, and Virtual Implant Placement (VIP) software:
BioHorizons warranties instruments, surgical drills, and VIP for the period specified for each in (1) and (2) below. During the specified
warranty period we will replace or repair any product with a defect in material or workmanship.
(1) The warranty on BioHorizons instruments extends for a period of one (1) year from the date of initial invoice.
The warranty on BioHorizons Pilot Drills extends for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of initial invoice.
Pilot Drills should be replaced when they are worn, dull, corroded or in any way compromised. BioHorizons
recommends the replacement of drills after 12 to 20 osteotomies.4
(2) The warranty on BioHorizons VIP treatment planning software extends for a period of ninety (90) days from
the date of initial invoice. The warranty requires that VIP be used according to the minimal system requirements.
Return Policy:
Instructions for initiating returns can be found on the reverse side of the invoice that was shipped with the product. Please contact
Customer Care if you need a copy of the instructions or if you have additional questions or requests.
Disclaimer of Liability
This literature serves as reference for Virtual Implant Placement (VIP) treatment planning software, instrumentation, CT Scan Appliance
and Pilot Compu Guide. It is not intended to describe the methods or procedures for diagnosis or placement of implants; nor
does it replace clinical training or a clinicians best judgment regarding the needs of each patient. BioHorizons strongly recommends
completion of postgraduate dental implant education and strict adherence to the Instructions for Use (IFU) that is included in the
VIP software.
Treatment planning and clinical application of our products are the responsibility of each individual clinician. BioHorizons is not
responsible for incidental or consequential damages or liability relating to use of our products alone or in combination with other
products other than replacement or repair under our warranties. VIP may only be used in conjunction with the associated original
components and instruments according to Instructions for Use.
BioHorizons continually strives to improve its products and therefore reserves the right to improve, modify, change specifications or
discontinue products at any time. Upon its release, this literature supersedes all previously published versions.
Not all products shown or described in this literature are available in all countries.


BioHorizons USA

BioHorizons Canada

2300 Riverchase Center

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Markham, Ontario L3R 4Z3

Customer Care / Servicio al Cliente:

888-246-8338 or 205-967-7880

Customer Care / Service la Clientle:

866-468-8338 or / ou 905-944-1700

BioHorizons Spain
Serrano Anguita, 10
28004 Madrid, Espaa
Atencin al Cliente:
+34 91 713 10 84

BioHorizons UK

17 Wellington Business Park

Dukes Ride
Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6LS
Customer Care:
+44 8700 620 550

BioHorizons Germany

BioHorizons Australia

Kunden Service:
+49 7661-909989-0

Customer Service:
+61 2 8399 1520

Marktplatz 3
79199 Kirchzarten

BioHorizons Mexico
Kelvin 8 Dept. 303
Col. Anzures
C.P. 11590, Mexico, D.F.
Servicio al Cliente:
+52 55 5545 1297

25-33 Allen Street

Waterloo NSW 2012

BioHorizons Chile

Cerro Colorado 5030, Officina 513

Las Condes
Santiago, Chile
Atencin al Cliente:
+56 2 361 9519

BioHorizons products are cleared for sale in the European Union under the EU Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC. We are proud to be registered to
ISO 13485:2003, the international quality management system standard for medical devices, which supports and maintains our product licences with
Health Canada and in other markets around the globe.
Original language is English.

2008 BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. L0303 REV A DEC 2008

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