HETP Por Metodos Cortros
HETP Por Metodos Cortros
HETP Por Metodos Cortros
Full Papers
A Shortcut Method for the Estimation of Structured Packings
HEPT in Distillation
By Francisco Carrillo, Ana Martn and Antonio Rosell*
A shortcut method to calculate HETP for metal structured packings is proposed. The method is a simplification and extension of
Lockett's equation for sheet packings, based on the Bravo, Rocha and Fair model. It is applicable at vacuum or pressure
distillation of organic or aqueous mixtures in columns of sheet and gauze packings. The necessary variables are specific surface of
packing, density of vapor and liquid and flow (when gauze packings are being considered). No estimation of hydrodynamic
conditions is necessary.
1 Introduction
There are several models in the literature to describe the
performance of columns with structured packings. Equations
or diagrams for pressure drop and capacity have been
proposed, with acceptable results. In contrast, the prediction
of efficiency is a question without an adequate solution so far.
The models to estimate HETP or HTU are based on the twofilm theory. Therefore, their application involves calculations
of the effective interfacial area and resistances in both phases.
This implies dealing with several equations and a lot of
properties [1].
In the first model for structured packings [2] the gauze
packing is visualized as a series of completely wetted channels,
where the vapor flows in the same way as in a wetted-wall
column, the interfacial area being equated to the specific
surface area of packing and the mass transfer coefficient being
expressed by a relationship similar to the correlation for
wetted-wall columns. The liquid-side mass transfer coefficient
was based on the penetration theory, being the exposure time
the ratio between the effective liquid velocity through the
channel and the length of corrugation. This model was
adapted to sheet-metal surfaces using a discount factor (in
fact, the effective fraction of interphase) [3]. Bravo, Rocha
and Fair have recently developed a quite complex solution [4]
for the mass transfer in beds of structured packings, starting
from their hydraulic model for these devices. The interfacial
area is related to liquid holdup, a variable to be included in
mass transfer coefficients [5].
This Bravo-Rocha-Fair rigorous treatment would be a
sound estimation of the basic HETP, an efficiency at total
reflux, without maldistribution in beds, but it is not able to
correlate all the data in the literature. Moreover, a reliable
result is not possible without a good prediction of the
properties of mixtures, a huge problem with diffusivities or
2 Analysis of Data
Information about HETP in the literature is not related to
commercial columns but to pilot plants (diameter up to 1.05
m) where binary mixtures were distilled at pressures between
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5 atm and 5 mmHg. The typical function of efficiency is HETP
= f (load), without reference to the composition or the
temperature which would be necessary to calculate physical
There are different shapes for the function, but a general
enough rule would be that HETP increases when F or C
increases, the variation being very sharp above the loading
point. But even this simple statement has exceptions, some of
which involve difficult explanations.
The influence of packing and pressure will now be
considered using data for a given mixture. The most studied
systems have been chlorobenzene-ethylbenzene and cyclohexane-heptane.
From these data some conclusions can be reached:
The two types of structured packings (gauze and sheet)
show a different behavior: for sheet packings, the change of
HETP with flow is often small. HETP may even be
supposed to be constant over a wide range of flow. For the
gauze type, the decrease of efficiency when flow increases is
always significant.
HETP shows a strong dependence on the specific surface of
packing, decreasing when the surface increases; but there is
not a sole function for all packings.
The relationship between efficiency and pressure is
complicated. Often, HETP is greater at higher pressures,
but it is frequent to find similar HETP with very different
pressures. It is also possible to find a greater HETP at
Estimations using Lockett's equation give conservative
results, with calculated HETP 50 % higher than experimental ones, as is shown in Fig. 1.
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Table 2. Factor for the simplified Lockett's equation (in brackets, number of
experimental points).
Pressure (bar)
5.69 (11)
5.37 (35) 5.40 (28)
5.17 (9)
5.41 (20)
Differences are small enough and a unique average ' for all
pressures may be proposed: ' = 5.40 (+/20 %).
Fig. 3 is a parity plot where experimental and calculated
HETP are compared, including data of organic and aqueous
mixtures.Themajorityof datahasa deviationsmallerthan25%
7:12 P
33:08 P
4 Gauze Packings
In spite of their wide specific surfaces, structured packings
made from metal gauze are used nowadays less than sheet
Chem. Eng. Technol. 23 (2000) 5,
0930-7516/00/0505-00427 $ 17.50+.50/0
Full Paper
0:25 !2
271282:0 P 11:505
Greek symbols
F 0:42
P; in mmHg
Received: June 15, 1999 [CET 1123]
Symbols used
[m /m ]
[m/s (kg/m3)0.5]
HTU [m]
liquid viscosity
water viscosity
vapor density
liquid density
factor in the simplified
Lockett's equation
power of F factor
specific surface area of packing
flow parameter
diameter of column
vapor load factor
gravitational acceleration
height equivalent to a
theoretical plate
height of a transfer unit
height of column
Gualito, J. J.; Cerino, F. J.; Crdenas, J. C.; Rocha, J. A., Ind. Eng. Chem.
Res. 36 (1997) pp. 17471757.
Bravo, J. R.; Rocha, J. A.; Fair, J. R., Hydrocar. Proc. 64 (1985) Jan., pp. 91
Fair, J. R.; Bravo, J. L., Chem. Eng. Prog. 86 (1990) Jan., pp. 1929.
Bravo, J. R.; Rocha, J. A.; Fair, J. R., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 35 (1996) pp.
Billet, R.; Schultes, M., Chem. Eng. Technol. 16 (1993) pp. 19.
Frank, O., Chem. Eng. 84 (1977) March, No. 6, pp. 110128.
Harrison, M. E.; France, J. J., Chem. Eng. (1989) Apr., pp. 121128.
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