N303 W 15 Syllabus Winter 2016

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Drexel University 1

N303 Womens Health Nursing


Course Credits:
Class Hours:

Winter 2016
NURS 100, 102, 200, 201
NUR 300, 301
4 hours theory, 6 hours clinical/lab, 6 quarter credits
008 M-T 8 AM-9:50AM
006 M-T 10 AM-11:50 AM
007 M-T 3 PM 4:50 PM


(Section 007 ) Maureen Gonzales WHNP-BC, MSN

Three Parkway # 984
Office hours by appointment
Office phone : (267) 359-5683
(Section 008 ) Margaret Pearce RN, PhD (candidate), CRNP-BC
Three Parkway # 960
Office Hours : by appointment
Phone ( O ) : (267) 359-5672
( Section 006 ) Jane Donovan MSN, PhD ( candidate)
Three Parkway # 977
Office hours: by appointment
Office phone : (267) 359-5675

Biographical Profile: Please visit SON Website


Access and download the updated Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions Student
Handbook located in blackboard under the heading:
2016 Winter-BSN Student Handbook: http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~cnhp/pdf/ACE-StudentHandbook.pdf

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N303 Womens Health Nursing

Lowdermilk, D.L., Perry, S., Cashion, K., Alden, K.R. Maternity and Womens Health Care. 2016. ( 11th
edition). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. ISBN # 978-0-323-07429-2


American Nurses Association (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretative statements. Silver Spring, MD:
American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring,
MD: Nursesbooks.org.
American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing's social policy statement: The essence of the profession. Silver Spring,
MD: Nursesbooks.org


Use of Turning Point in Classroom Discussions
Students are receiving a code for the download of a response ware device onto their wifi enabled device.
The response devices will be used in this course for attendance, quizzing ect.


Catalog/Course Description
This course will focus on the development of competencies for the nursing care management of childbearing
families and health problems and concerns that affect women. The course will emphasize the nurses role in
health assessment, health promotion, and promotion of adaptive processes for the maternity patient and the
promotion of womens health in general. Sociocultural, economic, political, and ethical factors that impact on
health promotion, disease prevention, and risk reduction for the childbearing family and women in general are
examined. Selected womens health clinical settings will be utilized for clinical practice.
Course Description Within A Program Of Study
The focus of nursing care is addressing both the physiological and psychological needs of the targeted
individual or populations who require health care services. In addressing those needs, it is essential for nurses
to have an understanding of the concepts of womens health issues and childbearing. This course provides an
opportunity to apply theory related to the relevance of the role of the nurse in working with pregnant, laboring
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N303 Womens Health Nursing
and postpartum women and newborns in supervised clinical settings to deliver patient-centered care. This is a
required course toward achieving a BSN at Drexel University.


Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to demonstrate in care plans, written work, presentations, and in
clinical care, the ability to:

Identify common health problems important to womens health.

Discuss the incidence and relevance of womens health problems as they occur across the lifespan.
Analyze the interrelationships of human responses within the pregnant family.
Utilize the nursing process to care for the pregnant family.
Describe common treatment modalities and therapeutic interventions for health alterations in the pregnant
6. Utilize standards of care and research findings to evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions for the
pregnant family
7. Evaluate the impact of a familys culture, spirituality, and health beliefs on family functioning and related
nursing care.
8. Examine nursings responsibility for promoting, maintaining, and restoring health of the pregnant family.
9. Discuss legal and ethical dilemmas originating from health care problems that confront the pregnant family.
10. Demonstrate professional demeanor and behavior during clinical interactions.
Course objectives align with the DSLP associated with information literacy, suggesting the graduate will
possess the skills and knowledge to access, evaluate and use information effectively, competently, and
To provide self-directed learning outcomes, this course enables the learner to establish goals and monitor
progress toward them by developing an awareness of the personal, environmental and task-specific factors
that affect attainment of the goals.
To align with the DSLP priorities related to technology use, the N303 student will m ake appropriate use of
technologies to communicate, collaborate, solve problems, make decisions, and conduct research, as well
as foster creativity and lifelong learning.
To align with the DSLP of professional practice, the learner will apply knowledge and skills acquired in N303
to the achievement of goals in a work, clinical, or other professional setting.


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N303 Womens Health Nursing
Lecture, case studies, guided discussion, audiovisuals, models & demonstrations, computer assisted instruction,
clicker questions, drug calculation and dosage workbook.
A standardized medication calculation exam will be administered during any quarter in which a student is
enrolled in a clinical course. A score of 90% must be achieved in order for the student to administer medications
in the clinical area. Each student will be permitted a total of two attempts within the first two weeks of the
quarter. There is no makeup exams offered. If a student misses an exam, a grade of zero will be recorded. If a
student fails to achieve 90% by the end of week two, the student will be dropped from all clinical courses and
will need to wait to retake the courses when they are offered again. The student will not be permitted to progress
in the program until a passing grade has been obtained in the clinical course(s) previously dropped.
EXAMINATIONS: It is the students responsibility to attend all scheduled examinations in a course. If a
student fails to sit for an examination, it is at the faculty members sole discretion in determining whether a
make-up examination will be offered. In the event that a make-up examination is offered, the faculty member
will determine the date, time, location, and format of the make-up exam. If a student misses both the regularly
scheduled exam and the make-up exam, the student will earn a grade of zero for that exam. The student should
be aware that as the number of students taking the make-up exam is typically very small, no statistical
inferences can be drawn, and therefore, no numerical adjustment (i.e. curve) will be applied. If a student who is
not feeling well elects to sit for an exam, the students exam effort cannot be rescinded. Once the exam booklet
containing the exam questions is accepted by the student, the exam has begun. All students are encouraged
to use good judgment in deciding whether or not to sit for an exam.

If a student is absent for a quiz or examination, he/she is required to notify the course instructor within
24 hours of the scheduled exam. Failure to contact faculty may result in a grade of zero for the test.
The makeup exam will test the same content but the format and number of items may be different.
Students who are late for examinations will be allotted the remaining time for the exam. No additional
time will be granted for minutes missed because of lateness.
Any concerns or questions regarding an exam must be addressed with faculty within one week of the
class review of the exam. This includes any personal appointments that may necessitate reviewing the
exam again.
Exams will be reviewed immediately following the scheduled test or as determined by faculty.
Students who miss the review will not have the opportunity to review their test at a later date.
An optional review of the final exam will be provided, date and time of the review TBA. Please note
that this will be the only chance to review the exam after the final. No other opportunities to review the
exam will be granted.

Use of Earplugs:
Drexel University makes every reasonable effort to provide an environment conducive to testing. However, the
university cannot guarantee a distraction-free testing environment. Students are permitted to use earplugs during
testing. Audio devices of any kind are not permitted as substitutions for earplugs. It is the responsibility of the
student to bring earplugs to the testing environment.
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Quiz 1


Quiz 2
ATI comprehensive exam

(to be discussed)

The grading scale described below will be used in evaluating the theory components of all nursing courses. The
method of grade assignment will be determined by the course faculty members.
Letter Grade

Numerical Grade
Below 69

**Rounding: Per program policy, only final grades will be rounded. Final grades of 0.50 or greater will be
rounded up to the next whole numeric value. Therefore, a 76.50 is the minimum grade needed to pass this
course, as this is rounded to a 77. Exam and quiz scores will not be rounded and will be entered in the grade
book to the nearest hundredth of a percent.**

Clinical Assignments/Clinical Practicum are graded Pass/Fail

Graded Assignments and Learning Activities
All of the clinical assignments in N303 are pass/fail and graded by the clinical faculty. The information
provided from the clinical assignments is used toward the evaluation of the students clinical performance and
passing or failing the clinical portion of the course. The clinical faculty must receive the assignments on the due
date. The assignments are located in Blackboard. The faculty reserves the right to adapt the clinical
assignments based on the assigned clinical site. All assignments are expected to be completed by the student.
All of the following assignments must receive a satisfactory evaluation by your clinical faculty for successful
completion of the clinical experience. Explanation of each of the listed assignments is located in Blackboard.
Clinical worksheets/study guides
Community resource presentations in post conference
Reflective writing assignment
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N303 Womens Health Nursing
Clinical study guides : These are used to prepare for clinical and as a study guide for exams. They are to be
completed to coincide with the weeks of clinical. You must complete these worksheets, and will be reviewing
them during post-conference at clinical. They are due weeks 2, and 4. They are found in the clinical
information section. Worksheets may be completed on an individual basis or together with your classmates.
Plagiarism guidelines do not apply to this assignment.
Community resource presentations: These are clinical assignments used to introduce the learner to the
resources available in the community for the parturient family. Each student needs to identify a resource
available, and research information regarding services offered, populations targeted, and accessibility of the
resource. A short (5 min) presentation by the student will be required during post conference week 8. Along
with this each student will make a teaching pamphlet to be given to patients regarding the resources available.
Why did you choose this resource? Is this a federal, state, or community-funded resource?
What is the target population? What services does it provide?
How can you educate the target population on the availability of this resource and services
Reflective Writing on Womens Global Health. In the blackboard shell under lectures in week 6 you will
find a PDF file of two chapters from a book titled Half the Sky. This book discusses in detail various issues
women face on a daily basis around the globe. Read the two chapters. Find an article from a peer-review journal
which further discusses issues in womens health. Write a 2-3 page paper consisting of three parts.
Part One: describe your reflections on the readings from Half the Sky.
Part Two: describe the journal article which you read.
Part Three: summarize what you learned from this assignment.
This paper is to be turned in to clinical faculty at the beginning of clinical week 7.
The 2-page reflective paper is graded P/F using the following rubric. Two points per each of the 5 criteria for a
total of 10 points. Pass equals 9 points; 8 points or less the student needs to re-write the paper. Successful
completion of this assignment is necessary to pass the clinical rotation. References must be cited using APA
format. Please see below for the grading rubric. Please copy and paste this rubric onto a word document and
attach it to your paper when you submit it.
Did you thoughtfully reflect on the readings from Half the Sky? What were
your feelings? Were your feelings clearly expressed?
What new aspect of womens health did you learn from Half the Sky?
What did you learn, overall, from the assignment?
Was the article from a peer-reviewed professional journal?
Were the findings from the article clearly summarized?
Did the paper synthesize and tie together their reflections with the findings
from the peer-reviewed article? Was there a summary that concludes and
wraps up the paper in a clear manner?
Grammar, spelling, logical in flow and show a conveyance of ideas
APA format of references
Total Points
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N303 Womens Health Nursing
N303 contains a variety of unique skills that students must acquire. The skills covered in this course include
newborn assessment, post partum assessments, fundus checks, mother/baby IM injections, and foley
catheterization, to name a few. We have provided multiple resources for you to review. BE PREPARED FOR
CLINICAL. Read your text book, view the videos, and/or read the review material in preparing for clinical in
the early weeks. It is your responsibility to be prepared for clinical
COMBINED SIMULATION DAY : Together with N300 and N308, you will be attending a combined
simulation clinical experience during week 8 of ONE of your clinical courses. You may be scheduled during
your N303, N300, or N308 clinical day. You may be attending with your entire clinical cohort, or just a few,
depending on the scheduled student rotation. There is an area in Bb shell entitled Simulation in the blue lefthand column. It will become available for more information as the quarter progresses and the student schedule
is assigned. These count as a normal scheduled clinical day, only it will be held in the simulation lab in NCB.
You will be hearing more about this combined simulation day in each of your 3 clinical courses this quarter.
Student with disabilities requesting accommodations and services at Drexel University need to present a current
Accommodation Verification Letter (AVL) to faculty before accommodations can be made. AVL's are issued by
the Office of Disability Resources (ODR). For additional information, contact ODR at www.drexel.edu/odr,
3201 Arch St., Street, Suite 210, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 215.895.1401 (V), or 215.895.2299 (TTY)
Observance of Religious Holidays
Drexel University supports an environment that respects the religious observances of others. Students who feel
that they will need accommodations for assignments and/or exams due to a religious observance are required to
consult the course schedule contained in the syllabus and contact their instructor to make mutually agreed-upon
arrangements. All arrangements must be made before the end of the second week of the term. Requests made
after that time may not be accommodated.
Drop/Add/Withdrawl Policy:
Academic Integrity:
An explanation of what constitutes academic dishonesty can be found on the Provosts website on
Policies at: www.drexel.edu/studentaffairs/community_standards/studentHandbook/
Recognizing Plagiarism Tutorial and Intellectual Honesty Statement
All students in the College of Nursing and Health Professions must complete an online tutorial Recognizing
Plagiarism. New students need to complete this by the midterm of their first quarter attending Drexel. This
tutorial is available via our Blackboard online learning suite. If you are not sure how to access this tutorial
contact your academic advisor.
All students in the College of Nursing and Health Professions (CNHP) are required to attach a signed statement
to every graded written assignment in all CNHP courses taken. This includes all graded papers, PowerPoint
presentations, projects, etc., except the following: Blackboard discussion board postings, exams and final
projects. Assignments that do not have the signed statement attached will not be graded. Please see your Student
Handbook and/or your Blackboard bulletin shell for the specific instructions.
The statement for individual assignments is as follows:
I certify that this assignment is presented as entirely my own intellectual work. Any words and/or ideas from
other sources (e.g. printed publications, Internet sites, electronic media, other individuals, groups, or
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N303 Womens Health Nursing
organizations) have been properly indicated using the appropriate scholarly citation style required by the
department or College.
I have not submitted this assignment in its entirety to satisfy the requirements of any other course. Any parts of
this assignment from other courses have been discussed thoroughly with the faculty member before this
submission so that there is an understanding that I have used some of this work in a prior assignment.
The statement for group projects where one assignment is submitted by the entire group is as follows:
We certify that this assignment is presented as entirely our own intellectual work. Any words and/or ideas from
other sources (e.g. printed publications, Internet sites, electronic media, other individuals, groups, or
organizations) have been properly indicated using the appropriate scholarly citation style required by the
department or College.
We have not submitted this assignment in its entirety to satisfy the requirements of any other course. Any parts
of this assignment from other courses have been discussed thoroughly with the faculty member before this
submission so that there is an understanding that we have used some of this work in a prior assignment.
Financial Obligations:
The following Policies are in effect for Courses in the BSN Nursing Program. Please refer to the BSN
Student Handbook specific to your program
1. Intellectual Honesty Certification
2. Appropriate Use of Electronic Devices in the Classroom
3. Audio and Video Recording (Streaming)
4. Examination
5. Clinical Absence without Notification
Clinical placements will be listed within the blackboard shell. Clinical Placements may not be changed
or switched.
The student will demonstrate competent and safe nursing practice in the clinical area and learning
laboratory. The clinical faculty and student will complete a written evaluation of competencies and meet to
discuss the clinical performance of the student at midterm and at the end of the semester. Students must
achieve a satisfactory final clinical evaluation to pass this course. Please refer to the CNHP handbook
regarding clinical information.
Any absences from clinical practicum or lab experiences must be made up. Students are expected to notify
instructors of absences from class or clinical or lab. Failure to notify in advance of absence and/or lateness
will be considered a clinical failure for that day. The clinical makeup is scheduled for the week after finals.
Missed clinical/lab can only be made up during scheduled clinical make up. There are no exceptions.
Students are not permitted to negotiate makeup time on their own. If the student does not attend the
clinical/lab make- up the student may not progress in his/her course work.
Changes to Syllabus
As a student you acknowledge receipt of this syllabus and the information herein by continuing to
attend this course. This syllabus is a guide and the Professor reserves the right to modify its
contents during the quarter if circumstances warrant such change.
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Students must use their Drexel email for all course related communication. Students are expected to check their
Drexel email for announcements relating to class, course and registration information. A student who does not
do this is in danger of not receiving important information, as this is a major mode of communication for the
College of Nursing.
Students are expected to follow the guidelines for professional communication as outlined in the BSN Student
Handbook. Online conduct reflects the same requirements as classroom conduct. Courtesy, politeness, and
good manners must be used when students and faculty are involved in online education and/or communication;
the same as if the interaction were to take place in person. Certain issues are particular to online education
conduct. These include assuring that written or audio discussion and email are afforded the same civility as an
on-site classroom situation.
Technological Issues:
Online Learning Technical Guidelines: The CNHP Online Learning Technical Guidelines are updated quarterly
and provide important information regarding minimum technological specifications and browser compatibility
for successful online learning. Students are encouraged to refer to the CNHP Online Learning Technical
Guidelines to ensure that their computers are up to date. Technical guidelines and more detailed
troubleshooting/help information can be found at:
Blackboard: For help with Blackboard Learn - contact the Drexel Online Learning Team via telephone during
business hours at 215-895-1224.

From 8:00am-6:00pm, it will be answered by Drexel OLT staff.

Outside of that time frame, as well as weekends and holidays, callers will be presented with a choice to
press 1 to leave a message for OLT or press 2 to connect with off hours support.

You can also contact the Drexel Online Learning Team at via email at [email protected]
You can also view tutorials at http://www.drexel.edu/irt/help/learn. If the student is granted permission to
audio record the lecture, they are not permitted to post anywhere (such as youtube, facebook, etc.)


Lecture Topic



Course introduction
Assessment and health promotion
B-U-B-B-L-E-D-E-P assessment
Maternal and Fetal Nutrition
Conception and Fetal development



k Chapters


A&P of Pregnancy
Nursing care of family during Pregnancy



Assessment for risk factors in Pregnancy

Clinical worksheet/Study guide due in clinical


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N303 Womens Health Nursing


MLK Holiday


Fetal assessment during labor

Quiz 1



Labor and Birth Process

Nursing Care of family during labor and birth
Pain management
Clinical worksheet/study guide due in clinical







Postpartum Physiology
Nursing care of the Family during Postpartum
Transition to parenthood



Physiologic and behavioral adaptations of newborn

Nursing care of the Newborn and family



Newborn nutrition and feeding



Clinical assignment paper due to clinical faculty

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
Antepartum Hemorrhagic disorders of Pregnancy






Endocrine and Metabolic disorders of Pregnancy

Mental health disorders and substance abuse in
Labor and birth complications
Quiz 2


Community resource assignments in clinical.

Combined Simulation (will miss one clinical day)




Postpartum Complications



Acquired problems of the newborn

Hemolytic disorders and congenital anomalies
Nursing care of high risk newborn



Reproductive Systems Concerns

Problems of the breast



Sexually transmitted and other infections

Contraception and abortion



Final Review

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