University of Caloocan City
University of Caloocan City
University of Caloocan City
Chapter 3
the study, data gathering procedure, instrument and statistical treatment of data.
Research Design
This research made use of Tabular Method to know what is popular being use by
the students of the University of Caloocan City. The research is also made by using a
questionnaire that best fit to our research . This design was used because it involves a set
Research Environment
Management in second year level has four sections namely 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D. This
The respondents of the study were Second Year students of Bachelor of Science
The researchers made use of questionnaire sheet as our main data gathering
through assistance of people in authority to give comment and suggestions for the
a) Personal data sheet. This was accomplished by all second year Marketing
Management students. This helped the researcher to know the profile of the respondents.
Marketing Management students , they were asked to check their answers on the space
Checklist 1. The respondents were asked what SIM are they using right now.
Checklist 2. The respondents were asked how often they reload their SIM.
Checklist 3. The respondents were asked how long they are subscribed in their
respective network.
Checklist 4. The respondents were asked if do they encounter problems with the
network they are using, two choices were given: YES or NO, if the respondents answer
YES they will be asked again, how often it happens. Four choices were given to that
Checklist 5. The respondents were asked if they were satisfied with the services
Sample Size
Size : 154
Sampling Type
Data Analysis
Univariate tabulation percentage, graphs and arithmetic mean were used for data
Statistical Treatment
Upon the retrieval of the instrument, the response were properly encoded, tallied,
The Graph 1,2,4, and 5; the researcher used frequency count percentage to
The Graph 3,6, and 7 will be analyzed through the tabular method to determine the