Studying at TU Clausthal

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Studying at TU Clausthal

Studying in an Idyllic Landscape

TU Clausthal

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Welcome ..................................................... 7
Clausthal University of Technology .............. 8
Location .................................................... 11
Historic Environment ................................. 12
Study Conditions ....................................... 14
International Profile ................................... 15
International Center Clausthal (IZC) .......... 16
German Language Courses ...................... 17

Living Conditions ...................................... 18

Sports........................................................ 19
Complete List of Programs......................... 20
Bachelors Programs .................................. 22
Masters Programs ..................................... 40

Imprint ...................................................... 74

Make no small plans here.
What I gained from here is not
just technical knowledge,
but an overall development
of skills for an individual
to impact the world. Your
future is waiting.
Arun Thomas, India
Mechanical Engineering (Master)



Beginning to study at a
university can be an exciting, yet overwhelming period in ones life.
Deciding on a university,
not to mention a major,
can be frustrating if one
has too little guidance.
We, at Clausthal University of Technology
(TU Clausthal), understand the challenging
experience of choosing a university and degree program and would like to make this
choice as easy as possible for you. Therefore, we have put together a comprehensive
study guide, so you can make the right decision for you and your future.

Clausthal is a small mountain town widely
known as a center of education and research. Our university offers you an extensive range of scientific and engineering
degree programs, as well as multiple possibilities to participate in numerous research
projects. Thus, you will benefit from the
advantages of an open, friendly and safe
community while profiting from the highest
standards of education. On behalf of the entire TU Clausthal, I welcome and encourage
you to discover more about our academic
environment with this guide.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke

Clausthal University of Technology

Combining Tradition and Innovation

Clausthal University of Technology is an internationally renowned institution with a

long, outstanding history in ingenuity and
determination. Founded in 1775 as a royal
college for the mining industry, the University has greatly expanded its educational programs within the last decades to include a
variety of degree programs. Beginning in the
early 60s, degrees in scientific fields of study,
such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, were introduced and the University renamed itself a University of Technology. In
the 90s, the TU Clausthal developed even
further by offering new degrees in Business
Administration, Environmental, and Energy
and Raw Materials Engineering. This initia-

tive stemmed from the rise of globalization,

the steadily increasing population growth
and the subsequent high demand for sustainable resources. Interdisciplinary research
has always been a key component of various
degree programs in an effort to preserve the
environment and manage our finite fossil
fuels and resources efficiently for future generations. Currently, research and education
are focusing on the degree programs of Renewable Energies, Energy and Raw Materials,
Natural and Materials Sciences, Economics,
Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering
and Process Engineering. Students from all
around the globe find the education here
in Clausthal a unique, rewarding experi-

ence. Professors and students work and research closely together, thus creating a more
individual-based learning atmosphere and
providing our students with the appropriate
skills to enter the job market as professional
and valuable assets in their respective fields.
Furthermore, by combining the engineering
and scientific expertise of Lower Saxony, we
are on a par with the best research universities worldwide. Since 2009, Clausthal University of Technology has been a member of
the Niederschsische Technische Hochschule
(NTH), a cooperation of three universities of
technology. Additionally, in three centers,
the Energy Research Center Niedersachsen
(EFZN), the Clausthal Center of Materials Engineering (CZM) and the Center of Simula-

tion (SWZ), we aim to link applied research

in natural sciences, engineering and economics. Throughout the Universitys history,
we have consistently maintained a strong
tradition in engineering and natural sciences,
thereby bridging the gap between tradition
and innovation.



A Home Away from Home

Clausthal-Zellerfeld is a small university

town with a population of 15,000, located
in the center of Germany, in Lower Saxony. The town is nestled in the scenic Harz
Mountain National Park at an approximate
altitude of 600 meters (2,000 feet) above
sea level. It is a safe, friendly town that
welcomes visitors from every corner of
the world. Our location allows students to
reap the benefits of both the rural and urban experience. Intellectually stimulating,
students can always find a quiet place to
study for their classes within the tranquility of the green surroundings. Equally attractive is the abundance of nature which
provides ample opportunities for students

to remain physically fit throughout the entire year. Students seeking a change of pace
in a larger city can travel quickly and easily
within Germany, using the extensive public transportation system. We are only 100
km away from Lower Saxonys state capital,
Hannover, 200 km from Hamburg, 260 km
from Berlin and 330 km from Frankfurt. We
understand that moving to a new town can
be an overwhelming experience; therefore,
the TU Clausthal, in association with town
officials, works diligently to ensure that new
students become acclimated to their new
surroundings as comfortably and smoothly
as possible. With so much support, it is next
to impossible to feel alone here.


Historic Environment

UNESCO World Heritage

Beautiful green forests, clear, pristine waters,

and clean, fresh air all describe the beauty of
the Harz Mountains which attract thousands
of visitors seeking relaxation. The Harz was
once one of the leading mining regions in
Europe. Today it is not only marked by its
rich landscapes, but also by its monument
density, unrivalled in Europe.
Churches, monasteries and 1,800 timbered
buildings convinced UNESCO to award the
title of World Heritage Site to the enchanting old city center of Goslar for its unique

The ore mine Rammelsberg is the only mine

in the world which had been in constant use
for over 1,000 years until it ceased operation
in 1988. Since then, it has become one of
the biggest and most innovative museums
in Germany.
The Upper Harz Water Management System
is one of the largest and most important historic mining water management systems in
the world. It is a system of dams, reservoirs,
ditches and other structures developed for
the generation of water power.



Study Conditions


At Clausthal University of Technology, students receive an education which is fully accredited and recognized worldwide, and the
reputation of the TU Clausthal is regularly
reflected in taking a lead position in university rankings. With exceptional study conditions, the TU Clausthal rises above the majority of German universities. Due to the fact
that the university is small in size, students
and teaching staff have been able to develop
a very good personal rapport: these are the
best conditions for success in ones studies.
Our remarkable faculty-to-student ratio of
1:8 is very beneficial to the 4,600 students
currently enrolled here. The lecture halls as
well as individual classrooms are equipped

with state-of-the-art multimedia to enhance

their educational experience. One of the TU
Clausthals key projects is documenting lectures, seminars, and special events so that
they are made readily accessible online to all
students. This allows students to review their
lessons at their own pace in a comfortable
study environment. Students additionally
profit greatly from the high-tech laboratory
equipment found in the different departments. This ensures that our students receive
a hands-on approach during their studies in
addition to their theoretical education. Getting to and from classes is also easy, since the
distances between the individual institutes
are short.

International Profile

Worldwide Connections

Internationality has always been very important at TU Clausthal. We are presently

working in cooperation with around 150
universities and research facilities worldwide. Many of these universities have had
a long standing partnership with the TU
Clausthal for several decades.
Students at Clausthal University of Technology enjoy a unique and culturally-rich atmosphere. More than 30% of the students
and 20% of the academic staff come from
abroad, which makes the campus very international. Therefore, students German and
international alike have numerous opportunities not only to learn foreign languages
and practice speaking and writing them

with native speakers, but also to broaden

their horizons by discovering more about
different cultures from the international students in Clausthal.
The majority of the degree programs are
currently taught in German. Some of the
lectures, however, are already being
taught in English. At the moment, four Masters degree
programs are conducted in English.


Internationales Zentrum Clausthal (IZC)


International Center Clausthal (IZC)

In cooperation with the Universitys administration and institutes, the International

Center Clausthal (IZC) coordinates the international relations and activities of the
TU Clausthal. The IZC is the central service
point for international and German stu-

dents as well as for University staff and faculty. Services provided by the IZC include:
Guidance on practical matters regarding
studying and living in Clausthal
German language classes
Foreign language classes
Intercultural trainings
Excursions, field trips and other events
Student support from the Uni-Lotsen
and Study Buddies
and much more.
Further information is provided on our website:

German Language Courses

Whether you are just beginning to learn
German or you would like to improve your
current German language skills, the TU
Clausthal is the right place. The Language
Center at the International Center Clausthal
(IZC) offers a large variety of intensive German language classes to help international
students prepare for their studies and the
German language examinations for university admission (DSH and TestDaF). Furthermore, a broad range of German language
courses on all levels and on a variety of topics are provided for all international students
during the semester. In all our courses, we
attach great importance to a communicative language style of teaching. The team
of the Language Center will gladly provide

students with any further information they

might need regarding our German language courses and our extensive language

Living Conditions


Living costs in Clausthal-Zellerfeld are lower

than in many other Germany cities, and
there are many accommodation possibilities in Clausthal. Students may apply to live
in one of the student residence halls or look
for a private single or shared apartment.
Most rooms in our halls of residence are
furnished, but bedding, kitchen and cleaning supplies need to be personally provided. Private apartments are typically unfurnished; therefore, money must be spent
on furnishings. Naturally, expenses heavily
depend upon individual lifestyles, but an

approximation of the costs which students

should expect to incur monthly for living
expenses has been provided below.
Estimated cost of living/month:
Health in surance
Other, e.g. books, phone

300 Euro
200 Euro
80 Euro
70 Euro


650 Euro


Active while Studying

The TU Clausthal students and faculty can

find a wide variety of courses at the Sports
Institute. In fact, there are more than 60
different types of outdoor and indoor activities suitable for every athletic level. The
TU Clausthals remarkable sports program
inspires people from all walks of life to try
something new or to improve their current
athletic abilities. During any season, the
landscape offers a beautiful, natural background for various outdoor activities, from
cross-country skiing to mountain biking to
walking. Indoor courses include, among
others, volleyball, aerobics and strength
training. Competitive sports are also very
popular and many athletic events take

place in the Harz Mountains. The Sports

Institute offers courses, such as swimming
and triathlon training, in this area as well.
The broad selection ensures that there is
something for everyone here in Clausthal.


Complete List of Programs


TU Clausthal

Bachelors (German)
Business Administration p. 24
Business and Engineering p. 25
Business Information Systems p. 26
Chemistry p. 27
Computer Engineering p. 28
Computer Science p. 30
Economic Geology p. 31
Energy and Materials Physics p. 32
Energy and Mineral Materials p. 33
Geoenvironmental Engineering p. 34
Industrial Mathematics p. 35
Materials Science and Engineering p. 36
Mechanical Engineering p. 37
Power Systems Technologies p. 38
Process Engineering/
Chemical Engineering p. 39


Masters (German)
Business Information Systems p. 66
Business and Engineering p. 42
Chemistry p. 56
Computer Science p. 67
Economic Geology p. 43
Energy and Materials Physics p. 45
Environmental Process Engineering
and Recyling p. 46
Geoenvironmental Engineering p. 47
Industrial Mathematics p. 68
Materials Engineering p. 57
Materials Science p. 58
Mechanical Engineering p. 60
Mechatronics p. 61
Power Systems Engineering p. 52
Process Automation p. 71

Process Engineering/
Chemical Engineering p. 62
Systems Engineering p. 73
Technical Management p. 53

Masters (English)
Geothermal Engineering p. 48
Internet Technologies and
Information Systems p. 70
Mining Engineering p. 49
Petroleum Engineering p. 51

Degree Structure

Bachelors Degree
A Bachelors Degree is an internationally recognized undergraduate degree. Bachelor programs usually last six semesters. In the first year
the student acquires fundamental knowledge
within the specific field of study and becomes
acquainted with academic and scientific working
methods. In the second and third years, the student has the opportunity to specialize in certain
areas. The programs are completed with a final
project or thesis.

Masters Degree
A Masters Degree is an internationally recognized graduate degree. Masters programs usually last four semesters. They are designed for
students who have successfully completed their
Bachelors degree and wish to specialize and
broaden their knowledge in their field of study.
Alternatively, it can also serve as a conversion

course from the Bachelors degree subject, giving the students the opportunity to add an additional set of skills and knowledge to their qualification at bachelors level. Masters programs are
completed with a final project or a thesis.

A doctorate is possible in all fields of studies offered at the TU Clausthal. There are currently no
special courses for doctoral students. A doctorate
at the TU Clausthal means to do an individual research project under the guidance of a professor.
Doctoral students need to find a professor who is
interested in their chosen research field and who
will supervise their doctoral work. The time required to complete a doctoral degree depends
on the field of research and the successful progress of the research work, and ranges generally
from three to four years.

After graduation from high school,

I wanted to study abroad and decided
to attend German language coursess in
Clausthal. I was so at ease here that I
remained in Clausthal instead of studying
at another German university. TU Clausausthal is a great university widely known
throughout the world. Also, the friendly,
close atmosphere between professors
and students is very important to m
I am very happy and proud to be a TU
Antranik Blibousuian, Armenia
Informatics (Bachelor)

Business Administration (B.Sc.)


The administration of businesses means managing people and resources in an efficient way
in order to achieve the general objectives and
goals of the organization. This involves the
preparation, making, and implementation of
rational decisions and the management of business operations. This program is designed to
provide students with the basic tools to either
meet the challenges accompanied with these
tasks in todays globalized business environment or to broaden and deepen their knowledge in an economics Masters degree program such as the Master of Science in Technical
Management offered by Clausthal University of

ment, economics, accounting, finance, operations management, marketing, human

resource management, decision analysis, law,
computer sciences, mathematics, and statistics. The program also includes a seminar, a
simulation game, electives, and preparation
for writing a thesis paper. Key skills, English,
and a mandatory internship help to prepare
the students for the duties and responsibilities
of the current job market.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Heike Schenk-Mathes
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7604
E-mail: heike.schenk-mathes@

Topics in this program are general manage-

Language of instruction: German

Business and Engineering (B.Sc.)

Students in Business and Engineering are
trained to deal with a large variety of tasks
where management and engineering intersect. Graduates help companies master the
complexity of technical businesses and work
on economic problems that are subject to
technical constraints. The programs objective
consists of qualifying students to implement
contextual thinking skills bridging the gaps between engineering and management.

The main emphasis of the program is on disciplinary fundamentals and general competences serving to develop a problem-oriented and

cross-functional working attitude. The subjects

discussed range from elements of business administration, optimization, economics, law,
and computer science to mechanical, electrical
and production engineering, material sciences, and energy systems. A seminar, electives,
and the Bachelors thesis allow for individual
tailoring of the degree.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwindt
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7610
[email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Business Information Systems (B.Sc.)


This program is a 3-year full-time degree that

offers students a broad university-level education in the fundamentals of computer science,
economics, and the application of computer
science methods and tools in designing and operating advanced business application systems
such as Enterprise Resource Planning systems
or Product Data Management systems. Our students experience a mixture of lectures, tutorials,
seminars, lab classes, and practical offerings. In
the 1st year, they attend introductory courses,
like business process modeling, programming,
business information technology, and introductory maths. Our weekly Beginners Workshop
provides hands-on experience with small teambased projects and case studies, and discusses
future career options for graduates. In the 2nd
year, students will learn about core areas like
software engineering, databases, human-com-

puter interaction, production processes, and

accounting. In the final year, our students deepen their skills and study selected topics from a
range of electives, such as integrated application
systems, operations research, micro-economics,
or intelligent traffic and transport. Students develop their competencies in a capstone project,
and write a Bachelors thesis under the guidance
of a professor. Our graduates have excellent job
opportunities in IT, consulting, and business administration in industry and service sectors alike.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Jrg Mller
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7141
E-mail: fachberatung-winf-bsc@

Language of instruction: German

Chemistry (B.Sc.)
This program introduces students to the basic
principles of chemistry and teaches them methods for solving chemical and scientific questions. In addition to comprehending modern
chemical theory, it is important to acquire practical skills in preparatory and analytical chemistry and to gain an overview of important technical processes. In their Bachelors thesis students
will conduct research work in one specific field
to deepen their knowledge. This program qualifies students for the Chemistry Masters degree
program, or enables them to enter their professional careers early, into a wide variety of chemical- and business-related fields.

Interdisciplinary courses and additional

chemistry subjects
Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry
Fundamentals in Glass, Ceramics or Building
Toxicology and Legal Studies
Excursion to a Chemical Company
Computer Science, Business Administration,
or Soft Skills
Bachelors thesis
3 months

Academic Advisor
Mathematical and Physical Fundamentals
Fundamental Inorganic and Analytical, Organic and Physical Chemistry
In-depth Study in Chemistry including
Technical Chemistry

PD Dr. Jrg Adams

Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-3171
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Computer Engineering (B.Sc.)


In this 8-semester program, the student acquires knowledge in the fields of basic sciences
(mathematics, physics), engineering (mechanical, electrical) as well as in computer science.
This combination of engineering and computer
science accounts for the fact that engineers
working in the design and development of
complex technological processes need both an
engineering background (to understand the
technological processes) and a computer science background (to understand the software
systems that are required to operate these processes). Two specializations are offered by this
program: a more engineering-oriented area of
automation systems and a more computer science-oriented area of embedded systems.

systems). The following four semesters contain

more specialized classes from engineering (mechanics, feedback control, mechatronics) and
computer science (embedded systems, distributed systems, computer networks, data bases).
Depending on the chosen specialization, the
compulsory classes vary slightly and various
elective classes can be chosen. The specialization in automation systems includes a 12-week
internship in industry. The program concludes
with a Bachelors project. For students wishing
to continue and obtain a Masters degree, the
four year Bachelors degree program is complemented by the one-year Master of Science program in Process Automation.

Academic Advisor
Basics of engineering and computer science
are part of the first four semester classes (mathematics, physics, computer science, programming, electronics and circuitry, signals and

Prof. Christian Siemers

Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7117
[email protected]

Language of instruction: German

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The TU Clausthal,
known for its advances
in engineering education and research, has
many partnerships
with automotive
companies. The
TUC gives me
great connections, so I can
work in this
industry in the
Margaux de Bar de
la Garde, France
Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor)

Computer Science (B.Sc.)


This program offers students a broad university-level education in Computer Science.

Our graduates have excellent job opportunities in industry and administration.
Computer Science is an enthralling subject
and indispensable for the invention of novel
technologies that help to advance society.
Our students experience a mixture of lectures,
tutorials, seminars, lab classes, and practical
courses. In the 1st year, they attend introductory courses, like Algorithms & Data Structures, Programming, Computer Organisation,
and Introductory Maths. Our weekly Informatics Workshop provides hands-on experience
with small team-based projects and discusses
future career options for computer scientists.
In the 2nd year, students will learn about core
areas, like Software Engineering, Databases,
Human-Computer Interaction, Distributed

Systems & Networks, Logic & Verification, and

Embedded Systems.
In the final year, our students deepen their skills
and study selected topics from a range of electives, such as Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Business Informatics, Application Development, Electronics, or Operations Research. Our
students demonstrate their competencies in a
capstone project, and write a Bachelors thesis
under the supervision of a professor.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Sven Hartmann
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7100
E-mail: fachberatung-inf-bsc@

Language of instruction: German

Economic Geology (B.Sc.)

This program combines the expertise of the
departments of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Economic Geology, Sedimentology, and
Hydrogeology. This degree program comprises a broad spectrum of mineral and energy resources and builds on a theoretical and
practical base education in natural sciences. It
also includes key branches of mining and of recycling as well as water and oil/gas resources.

resources. About one third of the lectures deal

with practical lab courses in mineralogy, petrology, and tectonics, complemented by field
work. Students have to choose from among a
set of courses which cover more specialized
geoscience disciplines. The Bachelors degree
program ends with a thesis for which three
months are reserved.

Academic Advisor
The first study year comprises general courses
on basics of mathematics, physics, inorganic
chemistry, and elementary geosciences. The
second and third year focus on the geology/
mineralogy, exploration and mining of natural

Prof. Dr. Kurt Mengel

Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-3143
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Energy and Materials Physics (B.Sc.)


The Bachelors degree program in Energy and

Materials Physics provides understanding in
physics, chemistry and material properties,
thus creating the basis for a material-physical
training involving energy-related course content such as solar energy conversion and functional materials for energy conversion and energy storage. In addition, it provides insights
into energy resources and energy technologies
and qualifies graduates for further education
in the masters degree programs of materials
science and energy technology and especially
energy and materials physics.

Fundamentals in classical physics, atom- and
solid state physics, chemistry, mathematics
and materials science

Fossil and regenerative energy resources

Functional materials: batteries, fuel cells,
Solar energy conversion
Chemistry of energy functional materials
Solid state analytics and measurement
Courses on social competence, scientific
working and economics
Industry internship
3 months for bachelors thesis

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Winfried Daum
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2144
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German

Energy and Mineral Materials (B.Sc.)

This program is subdivided into two optional
areas of specialization:
Energy and Mineral Materials
Supply Technology
Petroleum Engineering

Professional Profile and Job Market


Academic Advisor

With respect to a well-founded basic education

in natural sciences and engineering, the primary modules are identical for both specifications.

Energy and Mineral Material

Supply Technology
Prof. Dr. Ing. Hossein Tudeshki
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2225
E-mail: [email protected]

Energy and Mineral Materials

Supply Technology
Surface and underground mining

Mineral processing
Geoinformatics, rock mechanics
Petroleum Engineering
Reservoir engineering
Deep drilling technology
Oil and gas production

Graduates perform analyzing, advisory and

planning functions in the mining or petroleum
industry as well as in the equipment supply industry or at authorities.

Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Viktor Reitenbach
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2446
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German/English


Geoenvironmental Engineering (B.Sc.)


This program is concerned with mastering the

challenge of a steadily growing population
and the destruction of ecological systems due
to climate changes (e.g. flood waters, landslides) or the rise of subsurface and surface
infrastructure projects.
Geoenvironmental Engineering trains future
engineers to work in interdisciplinary fields of
geotechnical engineering, applied geology
and environmental technology. The work of
a Geoenvironmental Engineer consists of environmental consultation and ground, water,
waste and pollution investigations.

During the first year, courses will be offered on
the fundamentals of mathematics and natural sciences, in a combination of lecture- and

lab-learning environments. During the second

year, further introductory modules follow in
geology, civil and geo-mechanical engineering, business administration and law.
During the third year, specialized knowledge
will be broadened and deepened through geotechnical modules, from which the contents
are drawn from environmental protection
technology. In addition, students will learn
presentation techniques and complete their
Bachelors thesis.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Meyer
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2295
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German

Industrial Mathematics (B.Sc.)

This program is organized by the Institutes of
Mathematics, Applied Stochastics and Operations Research, and Computer Science.

In the first three semesters, all students take part
in a common basic study program of Mathematics and Computer Science with the following
Linear Algebra and Discrete Structures
Algorithms and Data Structures
Programming Techniques
After that, compulsory and elective courses are
offered in:
Pure Mathematics
Numerical Mathematics

Starting with the fourth semester, students

may choose between the following two applied specialization areas:
Business Mathematics
Engineering Sciences
In the sixth semester, students are required to
write a Bachelors thesis.
The program also offers a range of strong generic skills which are attractive to many employers.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Lutz Angermann
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2433
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Materials Science and Engineering (B.Sc.)


This program offers the challenges to optimize

the properties and processing of new materials, simultaneously combining fundamental
basics of natural science and applications of
Besides general lectures in mathematics, applied physics and chemistry, lectures in materials analysis, material science and engineering
as well as in other engineering topics, students
can choose their branch of study in either Material Science or Materials Engineering after
one year.
This program is broadened by focusing the
study in the materials themselves, such as metals, metallurgy, inorganic non-metals as well
as polymers.

involves working with materials ranging from

metals to plastics and extending further to the
most distinctly diverse and singular materials
used for such specific purposes as in electronics, sensors, or smart windshields. This study
program not only includes a 10-week industrial internship, but will also equip students for
work in all technical areas, whether in improving available materials or in developing new

Academic Advisor
M.Sc. Michael Kroker
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2133
E-mail: [email protected]

Professional Profile and Job Market

The job of the materials scientist and engineer

Language of instruction: German

Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.)

Mechanical engineering focuses on the construction and production of machines, from
transportation systems and machine tools to
wind turbines and food processors. With a
solid foundation a combination of Materials Science, Mechanics and Thermodynamics
engineers will find solutions for our future

Beside a technical interest, students should be
able to think analytically, creatively and apply
ideas practically.
In addition to some specializations, this bachelors program is focused on the mathematical
and scientific basis of Mechanical Engineering,
including e.g. Electrical Engineering, Design,
Information Technology and Economics. Students can specialize in the following areas at

TU Clausthal: Design, Fatigue, Process Automation, Mechatronics and Power Systems.

The program includes a 20-week industrial
internship and a Bachelors thesis in the sixth

Professional Profile and Job Market

Mechanical engineers work on ideas, design,
calculation, construction, maintenance, optimization, research and development, production, and sales of machines, as well as in

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Lohrengel
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2270
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Power Systems Technologies (B.Sc.)


This program provides students with the engineering fundamentals necessary for dealing
with a number of problems concerning power
supply systems.
The initial semesters include the basics in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering.
In addition to these, the technical application
of energy conversion as well as law and business administration are part of the curriculum.
It is mandatory for students to take part in an
internship in a relevant industrial field for at
least 8 weeks prior to and 10 weeks during the
degree program.
The program concludes with a Bachelors thesis at one of the corresponding institutes of the

TU Clausthal or a company. Students have to

give a presentation of the content and results
of their thesis upon completion.
Graduates can choose to continue their studies in a Masters degree program or decide to
work on challenging issues prominent in the
energy industry.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Beck
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2570
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German

Process Engineering / Chemical Engineering (B.Sc.)

During the first semesters, the students receive
a basic education in mathematics, natural and
engineering sciences, business administration,
soft skills and foreign languages. Afterwards
the engineering aspects of chemical reactions,
thermal processes, mechanical processes, interface process and combustion are covered.
The students can specialize in one of the following areas: process, chemical or environmental engineering.
In the sixth semester, the students are required
to write a Bachelors thesis within a duration of
three months.

Before and during the degree program, an industrial internship of 14 weeks has to be completed.
Graduates can choose to continue their studies in a Masters degree program or decide to
work on challenging issues in industry, university, research institutes or governmental

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alfred P. Weber
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2309
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Energy and Raw Materials


Masters Degree Programs

Energy and raw materials provide the basis

for todays civilization and technology. Their
generation and processing lead to an increase
in value and usage, which necessitates constant enhancement. Efficient, sustainable and
environmentally-friendly systems are what are
The Energy Research Center of Niedersachsen
(EFZN), based in Goslar, bundles all the energy expertise of the TU Clausthal and its partner universities in Niedersachsen Braunschweig, Gttingen, Hannover and Oldenburg
together at one location. The EFZN has been

operating since the summer of 2007 and conducts research on the entire value chain in the
energy sector, from energy raw material to
disposal. The customers and research funding
organisations also decide on research priorities, whose solutions will be worked on in an
interdisciplinary manner, i.e. in partnership
and overriding disciplinary constraints. Engineers, scientists and social scientists work
together using a problem-oriented approach.
There is no rigid departmental structure; the
areas of expertise address the respective issues flexibly.


Business and Engineering (M.Sc.)


This program provides the opportunity to

combine in-depth business and engineering
studies. Therefore, it is focused on providing
a well-balanced program with significant interaction between the administration and the
Engineering Institutes at Clausthal University
of Technology. This Masters degree program
offers the choice between the following three
focus areas:
Production and Processes
Energy and Raw Materials Management
Material Technologies

and Economics, such as Commercial Law, Industrial Organization, and Decision and Coordination, students also will be made proficient in engineering science. Students have
to choose a set of courses in Engineering and
Business and Economics according to their focus area. Finally, the program concludes with
the preparation of the Masters thesis.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Winfried Steiner
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7650
E-mail: [email protected]

In addition to a core set of courses in Business

Language of instruction: German

Economic Geology (M.Sc.)

This program combines the tradition of Clausthal
University of Technology, linked with centuries of
ore mining in the Harz Mountains, with its modern expertise in the prospection, exploration and
extraction of the diverse georesources. Graduates are sought after to contribute to satisfying
the fundamental needs of mankind in terms of
geological energy sources, raw materials and
The program includes specialized classes in applied geosciences and deposits of raw materials. There are two main branches:
energy resources and geothermics
mineral deposits and groundwater
These specializations are among the most requested sectors for jobs in the geosciences,
independent from economical cycles.

Studies consist of compulsory and elective

modules which make individual study plans
possible, such as focusing on petroleum
geoscience, mineral deposits, geothermics/
groundwater or geophysics. Training in geoscientifical methods, including field courses,
also plays an important role.
Applicants should hold a Bachelors degree
in Geosciences or an equivalent degree; admission may be subject to special conditions.
Internships or professional experience is not

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jrgen Gursky
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2684
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German



I decided to do my doctorate at the TUC because I wanted

to do research at a top-notch university.
versity. The research facilities and the academic support are
re outstanding.
Rafael E. Hincapi, Venezuela
Petroleum Engineering (Doctorate)

I wanted both: to study at a small,

renowned university and to be in
unique environment perfect for a
kinds of outdoor sports and activities. Thats why I chose the TU
Sigurd Flaatten, Norway
Power Systems Technologies (Bachelor)

Energy and Materials Physics (M.Sc.)

The masters degree program in energy and
materials physics offers the unique possibility
of a broad thematic and content-depth training
in materials physics and materials chemistry of
renewable energy technologies. Special study
focuses on photovoltaics, batteries, fuel cells and
solid-state sensors and the necessary solid state
physics basics. Involvement in research projects
within research internships and the thesis prepare for activities in industrial and academic research. Materials science, economics and legal
studies content with close reference to the core
issue of energy broaden the training and qualifying students for a variety of activities in industry
and government sectors. The solid-state physics
expertise at the Technical University of Clausthal
in combination with the capabilities of the Energy Research Centre Niedersachsen (EFZN) and
the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in neighboring Goslar and the new Clausthaler Centre
for Materials Engineering (CZM) make ideal prerequisites for a versatile, research-driven studies.

Solid state physics
Semiconductors and energy functional
Fuel cells and chemical energy storage

Solid state sensors
Nanostructures and nano materials
Materials for energy technology
Energy Law, Energy and Environmental
Research internships
6 months for masters thesis

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Winfried Daum
+49 (0)5323 72-2144
[email protected]

Language of instruction: German/ English


Environmental Process Engineering and Recycling (M.Sc.)


Continuously increasing prices of raw materials and advancing amounts of waste are the
challenge of modern societies. This new Masters degree program enables students to further their processing knowledge for utilizing
waste as a new secondary raw material source,
depositing unusable waste and remediating
contaminated areas by mechanical, chemical
and thermal unit operation steps.

Soil remediation, waste water treatment and

air pollution control
Environmental analysis and toxicology
Environmental management and accounting
One quarter is electives from the above fields
for consolidation; specialization on other
scopes is possible as well. The last quarter is
reserved for practical courses, project work
and the final Masters thesis.

Half of the lectures, exercises and seminars are
in the fields of:
Waste processing and utilization
Recycling of metals, plastics and mineral
Thermal processes and depositing

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Goldmann
Phone: +49 (0)5323-72 2735

Language of instruction: German

Geoenvironmental Engineering (M.Sc.)

In recent years the knowledge and understanding of our anthropogenic impacts to the
environment has been growing rapidly. It is
generally accepted that a continuous global
change triggers an increasing number of natural hazards with high losses and casualties.
However, engineering processes have been investigated to reduce and avoid these impacts.
The concept of the degree program Geoenvironmental Engineering starts right here. Building on the general basics from the Bachelors
degree program, students will increase and
deepen their knowledge in the areas of engineering, geosciences, statistics and geomonitoring. This Masters degree program teaches
special methods for collecting, modeling and
assessing different geological, anthropogenic
events, and develops social skills. Due to the
wide spectrum of causes, mechanisms and
effects, as well as dedication and interest, stu-

dents can choose from among four priorities:

Geotechnical Engineering
Geoenvironmental Media
Geomonitoring, or
Radioactive Waste Management.
These specializations emerge from joint courses
in the areas of Applied Geosciences, Measuring
and Data Processing, Geohazards, Geomodeling and Economic Sciences. Additionally, there
are optional student research projects (including oral presentations), a seminar thesis and the
preparation of a Masters thesis.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Busch
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2076
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Geothermal Engineering (M.Sc.)


As geothermal energy is available in many areas

of the world, it is an increasingly important alternative to help lower the dependency on energy
imports from other countries and to develop a
broader base in the future energy mix. There are
many different applications of geothermal energy, from direct heating to power generation,
depending on the temperature available in the
To further develop the systems and processes,
well-educated experts are needed. The course
structure provides students with the necessary
knowledge about the geothermal reservoirs,
how to characterise them, and what technologies are available to extract the energy from the
Based on the collaboration with the Sapienza
University of Rome, there is the opportunity to
do part of the study course in Rome, Italy.

Admission requires a Bachelor of Science degree

in Petroleum Engineering, Geosciences, Energy
Technologies, or Chemical Engineering.

Main modules include:
Geology & Geophysics,
Reservoir Engineering,
Drilling & Completion,
Geothermal Production,
Energy Management.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Gioia Falcone
Dr. Claudia Pawellek
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-5017
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: English

Mining Engineering (M.Sc.)

The program offers students intensive study
opportunities over a broad spectrum of fields
in Mining Engineering. The students become
skilled and equipped to face challenges in the
industry and are also trained to develop and apply up-to-date scientific tools and techniques.
The program aims at empowering students
with management and communication skills
in addition to technical knowledge. Numerous
specialization topics are available, such as:
Geostatistics and Mine Planning
Underground and Open Pit
Mining Technology
Rock Mechanics and Drilling Technologies
Mine Health and Safety
Ventilation and Climatization
Mineral Processing
Mine Surveying and Geoinformation Systems
Mining and Environment

Job Opportunities
Resources is a growing market. This is inevitably
followed by a continuously increasing need for
specialists who are able to recognize and solve
interdisciplinary problems from the fields of raw
material production, environmental engineering, and geology. Coping with the contrast between using and preserving our planet in terms
of sustainability is todays mining engineers
challenge. The program provides the graduate
with scientific knowledge and enables systematic preparation for advanced job requirements,
leadership and technical positions in industry
as well as in field of research and development.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Langefeld
Phone: +49 (0) 53 23 72-3180
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: English


The TU Clausthal is the best place

for focusing on the academical
education with a fresh brain.
The relationship with academics and students is really
warm and sincere. Where
is the best place to study?
I say the TU Clausthal.
Aylin Ilaslan, Turkey
Chemical Engineering (Bachelor)

Petroleum Engineering (M.Sc.)

Petroleum Engineering is the field of knowledge which includes all aspects of oil and gas
technology. It encompasses the evaluation of
hydrocarbon reservoirs, their development by
drilling wells, their economical production and
processing in a marketable quality as well as
their storage and distribution.
Admission requires a B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering or equal qualivication. We also offer a
4-week summer school program to assist students in acquiring basic knowledge.
There are three areas of specialization:
Reservoir Management
Data Acquisition & Evaluation
Reservoir & Fluid Mechanics
Reservoir Modeling & Simulation

Gas Supply
Natural Gas Transport & Logistics
Natural Gas Storage & Production
Natural Gas Supply Supplement Courses
General modules
Management, Economics & Law
Group Project
Masters Thesis
We offer the opportunity to study this program as a Dual Program, which means that beside the theoretical education, practical training will take place in the oil and gas industry.

Drilling Engineering
Production Engineering
Drilling & Production Supplement Courses


[email protected]

Language of instruction: English


Power Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)


This program in Power Systems Engineering

at the TU Clausthal accepts qualified students
with a Bachelors degree in Power Systems
Technology, Mechanical, Electrical or Process
Engineering. The program focuses on giving
further insight into basic subjects, but also
covers more specialized topics such as power
plant technology, fluid mechanics, and electrical and control engineering. These will be accompanied by subjects covering legal aspects
of the energy sector and the power industry.
A quarter of the program is based on elective
subjects, so students can choose their specialization field on the approval of their program
The curriculum also includes group project
work and an internship in the relevant industry

field for at least 10 weeks during their studies.

The program ends with the Masters thesis at
one of the institutes of the TU Clausthal or a
company. Students must also give a presentation of the content and results upon completion.
Possible working fields for the graduates of
Power Systems Engineering are energy conversion, energy storage, energy transport, and
power generation.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Beck
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2570
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German

Technical Management (M.Sc.)

This program builds upon the Business Administration Bachelors degree program. Due to the
technical areas of specialization, students are
prepared for the development of interdisciplinary approaches to combining management
and engineering. Graduates help companies
master the complexity of technical businesses
and work on economic problems that are subject to technical constraints. Students learn the
latest research in their field and are trained to
apply it in different work contexts. Graduates
of the program are qualified to integrate different perspectives and to communicate them
to the experts involved in the respective fields.

will be further pursued and technical expertise

will be acquired. Students gain in-depth expertise in the fields of business administration,
optimization and economics as well as basic
knowledge from their chosen area of specialization, such as Production Technology, Extraction of Raw Materials, Energy Management
and Modelling and Simulation. Two seminars,
electives, and the Masters thesis are offered to
tailor the program to individual preferences.

Academic Advisor


Prof. Dr. Jrgen Zimmermann

Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7600
E-mail: juergen.zimmermann@

In the Masters degree program, the quantitative direction of the Bachelors degree program

Language of instruction: German


Materials and Machines


Masters Degree Programs

Materials Engineering plays a key role in future

and vital technologies; therefore, materials
research is one of priorities at the TU Clausthal. The Materials Engineering department is
widely known for their work in the fields of
metals, semi-conductors, polymers, ceramics,
bonding agents, glass and composite materials, coming in third in the nationwide ranking
for external funding for materials science by
the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The Clausthal Centre for Materials Engineering (CZM), established in 2006, demonstrates
this comprehensive expertise in materials science.
Along with the TU Braunschweig and Leibniz
Universitt Hannover, CZM is currently cooperating successfully with materials-oriented

institutions in a virtual alliance. Within the alliance, the entire development of new materials from atom to component to equipment
is the determining principle of the Clausthal
research facility.
The focus of the research results from the link
between metallic, ceramic and polymer multimaterials structures MMS systems with aspects
of other fields: boundary surface reactions/adhesion and joining behavior, life cycle, layer
systems and coating technologies, alloys, texture, micro/nanostructures, numerical simulation and modeling. Closely connected with
CZM are the institutes at the University which
focus on materials science, tracing the entire
value train from raw materials to the final product and last but not least to recycling.


Chemistry (M.Sc.)

This program is oriented towards materials

chemistry and process technology. The course
offers opportunities for individual specialization
and early participation in research. Students
can choose between two areas of specialization:
Applied Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry.

Environmental chemistry
Chemistry of building materials
Polymer Chemistry
Macromolecular chemistry
Physical chemistry of polymers
Plastics processing

In-depth modules in Inorganic & Analytical,
Organic, Physical and Technical Chemistry
plus interdisciplinary courses.

Research internships
two research internships
one 3-month project

Applied Chemistry

Masters thesis
6 months

Two areas to be chosen from among:

New inorganic synthesis and structures
Special inorganic chemistry
Instrumental analytical chemistry
Organic materials
New molecules and mechanisms
New organic synthesis methodology
Special physical chemistry
Special technical chemistry

Academic Advisor
PD Dr. Jrg Adams
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-3171
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German

Materials Engineering (M.Sc.)

Admission Requirements
Successful completion of the Bachelors degree
in Materials Science and Engineering or another closely related degree program.

Heterogeneous Equilibria, Thermodynamics
and Kinetics of Solid-State Reactions, Nondestructive Materials Testing, Project Management, Human Resource Management,
Industrial Internship, and Fatigue Analysis
Specialization in the following fields:
Metallurgical Process Engineering, Foundry
Technology, Deformation Technology, Materials Science of Metals, Physical Metallurgy, Plastics Processing, Polymer Materials,
and Glass, Ceramics, and Bonding Agents

The degree course requires the completion of

elective modules.

Lab courses
This degree requires lab courses. For more
detailed information, please contact our academic advisor.

Academic Advisor
M.Sc. Michael Kroker
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2133
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction:
German/ English


Materials Science (M.Sc.)


Admission Requirements
Successful completion of the Bachelors degree
in Materials Science and Engineering or another closely related degree program.

Cells, Batteries, High Performance Polymer

Composites, High Performance Ceramics
and Glasses, Corrosion, Nano Particles, and
Laser Technologies. Completion of elective
modules is required.

Solid-State Physics and Chemistry, Heterogeneous Equilibria, Thermodynamics
and Kinetics of Solid-State Reactions, Nondestructive Materials Testing, Project Management, Human Resource Management,
Industrial Internship, and Fatigue Analysis
Specialization through election of in-depth
studying fields such as:
Physical Chemistry of Polymers, Modern
Organic Functional Materials, Sensors, Fuel

Lab courses
This degree requires scientific lab courses. For
more detailed information, please contact our
academic advisor.

Academic Advisor
M.Sc. Michael Kroker
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2133
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German

I opted for TU Clausthal

hal because
of its reputation in the field of exact sciences and the longstanding
partnership with my home
ome university. Clausthal is a welcoming
town with inhabitants from many
re you meet
different cultures where
ring my stay
new friends easily. During
u ble expeI have gained many valuable
n to
riences and I will return
full of good memories.
Samara Menezes, Brazil
Energy and Mineral Materials
ls (Bachelor)


Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)


Professional Profile and Job Market

Mechanical engineers are employed in production engineering, traffic engineering, medical
technology or in chemical plant engineering.
They are involved in the creation of efficient
high quality products, contributing to solutions of current economic and social issues.

Admission Requirements
Successful completion of the Bachelors degree
in Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics or
any closely related Mechanical Engineering
degree program.

Mechanical Vibrations
Simulation Methods

Material Engineering

Fatigue Strength / Tribology


Interdisciplinary Topics
Technical English
Quality Management
The Masters degree courses are based on Bachelors degree programs or comparable degree
programs. Due to scientific specialization, the
Masters degree courses develop qualifications
for demanding professional tasks.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Lohrengel
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2270
E-mail: [email protected]

Mechatronics (M.Sc.)
In this program, students study the advanced
theoretical foundations which are needed to
design state-of-the-art mechatronic systems
as well as several application-oriented subjects. The program combines mechanical and
electrical engineering, information technology
and computer science and accounts for the
fact that mechatronic engineers need a broad
background in these fields.

The core curriculum consists of four compulsory classes which cover advanced topics in
engineering and computer science (mechanical vibrations, feedback control, embedded
systems, mathematics) and two compulsory
classes with non-technical content (quality
management, English for technical purposes).

The remaining part of the curriculum consists of elective modules which cover various
aspects of mechatronic systems. Out of these
electives, certain combinations can be selected
by the student to accommodate his or her own
interests. The program concludes with a Masters project, in which the student works on a
scientific or engineering topic under the guidance of an academic advisor. The student then
writes a final report (Masters thesis) about this

Academic Advisor
Prof. Christian Bohn
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2342
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


Process Engineering / Chemical Engineering (M.Sc.)


Admission Requirements
Completion of a Bachelors degree in Process
or Chemical Engineering or another closely related course.
This degree program is directed at those seeking further qualification in the field of process
or chemical engineering. The program is composed of general modules with corresponding
lectures, and an array of selective modules relating to a subject matter of a chosen area of
specialization. The three specialization areas are
orientated around the main research topics of
the involved institutes. These research activities
cover the fields of intensification of chemical
processes, innovative separation technologies,
optimization of energy efficiencies of technical
processes and the development of new materials and their necessary production processes.
Mandatory courses include:
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Thermal Process Engineering

Mechanical Process Engineering

High Temperature Processes
Bioprocess Engineering
Modeling and Simulation in
Process Engineering

Fields of Specialization:
Chemical Processes
New Materials
Masters thesis:
3 months
Industrial internship:
Completion of an industrial internship of 6
weeks is required.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Weber
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2034
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German

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I have always wanted

to study abroad and
I have found C
Clausthal is the perfect
place. Bei
Being in
close co
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my p
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ul N
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Complex Systems and Simulation


Masters Degree Programs

Today understanding natural, engineering,

economic and social phenomena and processes are based on the fast development of
information, communication and computer
In addition, the TU Clausthal makes intensive
use of computer-aided analysis techniques.
Supporting and encouraging research in the
area of numerical and stochastic simulation is
generally regarded as an essential prerequisite
for progress in technical and scientific disciplines and as a strategic task of our University.
At the moment the topic Complex Systems
and Simulation at the TU Clausthal is being
worked on by interdisciplinary groups in cooperation with the University of Gttingen.

Computer simulation plays an increasingly

important role in almost all areas of science
and technology, for instance, weather forecasting and climate development, virtual
product development in the car industry, and
Computational Materials Design in Materials Engineering. Regardless of the methods
and goals that are simulated, computer simulation has in the meantime become an integral part of the work done at many universities, research facilities and institutes, industry
and government authorities. The spectrum of
activities ranges from the use of commercially
available software simulation packages to the
development of new methods and more efficient software for specific problems.


Business Information Systems (M.Sc.)


This two-year full-time program teaches theoretical, methodological, empirical and productrelated competences at the interface between
Computer Science and Business Studies. The
modular Masters program provides advanced
knowledge, skills and experience in designing,
developing, and operating complex business
information systems.
We offer a wide range of elective courses that
permit our students to choose a specialization
of their own interest, such as Serious Games,
Information Systems Engineering, or Operations Research. An important building block
of the programme are offerings in research
methods, project management, and soft
skills, which are further deepened and applied in in seminars and team-based development projects and case studies. Students with
a particular interest in research can select the

research track of the program in which they

conduct a larger self-directed research project
to acquire an advanced level of research experience.
Students write a research-oriented or application-oriented masters thesis under the guidance of a professor. Our graduates are qualified to master emerging technology trends,
to effectively work in project teams, to understand research challenges, and to pursue doctoral studies.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Jrg P. Mller
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7141
E-mail: fachberatung-winf-msc@

Language of instruction: German

Computer Science (M.Sc.)

This program offers broad fundamental and
specialist knowledge in Computer Science. It
qualifies students for a future professional career in industry, administration, and academia.
Our students learn about theories, methods,
architectures, and technologies which allow
them to utilize, develop, analyze, and optimize
computer and information systems. We offer a
wide range of elective courses that permit our
students to choose a specialization of their own
interest, such as Information & Knowledge
Engineering, Software Engineering, Games
Engineering, and Embedded Systems. Interdisciplinary subjects such as Business Informatics,
Geo Informatics, Informatics and Sports, and
Operations Research are offered, too.
Our students undergo training in research
methods, project management, and soft skills.
They engage in seminars and team-based development projects.

Students with a particular interest in research

can select the research track of our program in
which they conduct a larger self-directed research project to acquire an advanced level of
research experience.
All students write a research thesis under the
guidance of a professor. Our graduates are
qualified to master emerging technology
trends, to understand research challenges, and
to pursue doctoral studies.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Sven Hartmann
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7100
E-mail: fachberatung-inf-msc@

Language of instruction: English


Industrial Mathematics (M.Sc.)


The program is organized by the Institutes of

Mathematics, Applied Stochastics and Operations Research.

Advanced elective courses in Pure Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics, Stochastics,

Optimization, Computer Science, Business
Mathematics or Engineering Sciences

There is a wide range of subjects, and there are
several specialized areas to choose from in the
field of Pure and Applied Mathematics as well
as Computer Science and/or a specialization in
a field of application (e.g. Business Mathematics or Engineering Sciences).

The program will train the student to become

an independent, inquisitive and problem-solving mathematician, well able to communicate
and share his or her insights and methods. It
offers a range of strong generic skills which are
attractive to many employers.

The program consists of:

Elective courses in Pure Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics, Stochastics and Optimization

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Lutz Angermann
Phone: +49 (0)5323 722433
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German


A small university with students

from all over the world; it is so
easy to make friends here. The
opportunity of having a close
contact with the lecturers. So
much close to the nature, it feels
i living in the heart of a forest.
Rami Shokri, Egypt
Mechanical Engineering (Master)

Internet Technologies and Information Systems (M.Sc.)


This program offers broad fundamental and

specialist knowledge in Internet Technologies
and Information Systems (ITIS). We offer it in
cooperation with our partner universities in
Braunschweig, Hannover, and Gttingen.
ITIS is an international program that is entirely
conducted in English. Every student has a professor as their academic mentor, and participate in the activities of their mentors research
group. It is a program of excellence that qualifies students for a future career in academia, or
industrial research & development.
In the first year, our students undertake advanced course work in Distributed Systems &
Algorithms, Networking & Communication,
and Data & Information.
We offer a combination of on-campus lectures
and tutorials, with modern modes of teaching,
such as multimedia classes, webinars, video-

conferences, social media, and online learning

In the 2nd year, our students undergo handson research training, undertake self-directed
research in the context of a larger research
endeavour, present their results in joint colloquia, and complete their research thesis under
the guidance of a professor.
Our graduates have an advanced level of research experience, and are qualified to pursue
doctorate studies.

Academic Advisor
Prof. Dr. Sven Hartmann
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7100
E-mail: fachberatung-inf-msc@

Language of instruction: English

Process Automation (M.Sc.)

In this 2-semester program, students can study
the advanced theoretical foundations needed
to design state-of-the-art automation systems
as well as several application-oriented subjects. The program combines engineering and
computer science, since automation engineers
need both an engineering and a computer science background. Two fields of specialization
are offered: Automation Systems and Information Technology.

control, and instrumentation. The program

concludes with a Masters project, in which
the student works under the guidance of an
academic advisor. The student then writes a
Masters thesis and presents his or her results
in an oral presentation.
The prerequisite to enroll in this program is
a B.Sc. or equivalent degree with 240 credit
points. Students who do not fulfill this requirement may be required to attend additional

The program largely consists of elective modules. Students who specialize in Information
Technology take classes in computer networks, embedded systems, and project and
quality management in software engineering,
whereas those who specialize in Automation
Systems take classes in automation, feedback

Academic Advisor
Dr.-Ing. Georg Bauer
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-2063
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German



Clausthal was my first choice because Clausthal is a

quiet, relaxing place to concentrate on ones studies. I also
enjoy the caring assistance offered from the small university
for international students.
Sobtanfo Madadje, Cameroon
Chemistry (Bachelor)

Systems Engineering (Further Education Degree, M.Sc.)

In the 4-semester part-time program equivalent to a 2-semester full-time program students acquire advanced knowledge in selected
topics of systems engineering. This program
combines mechanical and electrical engineering with computer science based on the interdisciplinary aspects.
This Masters degree program is specialized for
engineers and scientists with practical background and offers students the opportunity
for an educational upgrade. The curriculum
also enables the students to perform their
studies while still being employed.

modern programming concepts, engineering

and system design and a final project. The student chooses classes from different disciplines,
writes a Masters thesis and presents his or her
results in an oral presentation.
The prerequisite to enroll in this program is
a B.Sc. or equivalent degree with 240 credit
points in Systems Engineering or one of its
main parts and at least 5 years of practical
experience in systems engineering. Students
who do not fulfill this requirement may be required to attend additional classes.

Academic Advisor
The program consists of compulsory and
elective modules. Compulsory modules are
computational simulation, systematic development, concepts of digital signal processing,

Prof. Dr. Christian Siemers

Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-7117
E-mail: [email protected]

Language of instruction: German




Picture credits

Clausthal University of Technology
Adolph-Roemer-Strae 2a
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

alpha ventus Pressebild: p. 41

Astrid Abel: p. 5, 6, 17, 23, 29, 44,
50, 59, 63, 69, 72
Christian Ernst: p. 16 front page background
( Kundra), p. 55 ( Frank-Peter Funke)
Hansjrg Hrseljau: p. 2, 3
Harzwasserwerke: p. 13
Alexander Herzog: p. 19
Olaf Mldner: p. 7, 20, 65
Hans-Dieter Mller: p. 10

Phone: +49 5323 72-0

E-mail: [email protected]
Susanne Romanowski,
Dr. Hakan Gr
Setting and Layout
Melanie Bruchmann

August 2014

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