Babylonian Culture
Babylonian Culture
Babylonian Culture
The Babylonians lived in the ancient country of Mesopotamia, a fertile plain located between
the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, south of modern day Baghdad (Iraq). Before the Babylonians
established themselves in Mesopotamia, Sumerians and Akkadians inhabited this region.
Around 2050-2000 BC, the great kingdom of the Sumerians was attacked by external
invaders. Sumeria had been a powerful kingdom in the western part of Asia, and it had
roughly occupied the land that was one day to become Babylonia.
The history of Babylonia is considered to have started with Hammurabi, who became the
king of the city of Babylon in 1792 BC. Hammurabi enlarged his kingdom and established a
vast kingdom in the region that had been formerly occupied by the Sumerians. However, the
relationship between the Babylonians and the Sumerians was similar to that which existed
between the Romans and the Greeks. Babylonian people were very influenced by the older
Sumerian culture.
Under the reign of Hammurabis dynasty (that is called the First Dynasty of Babylon), which
lasted about 200 years, Babylonia entered into a period of extreme prosperity and relative
Between the 16th century and the 12th century BC other external invaders (the Kassites,
Assyrians and the Elamites) gained control over Babylonia.
Towards the end of the 12th century BC, however, a Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar,
defeated the invaders and re-established the kingdom of Babylonia. Nebuchadnezzar added
a good deal of land to Babylonia and eventually attacked Assyria. His dynasty (called the
Second Dynasty of Babylon), helped by one of the most powerful tribes outside Babylon, the
Chaldeans, ruled Babylonia until 539 BC. This is when the Persians conquered this region.
Babylon fell to Persia and this ended Babylonian independence and also the history of the
ancient Mesopotamian empires.
The Babylonians believed in a pantheon consisting of powerful immortal gods, each of whom
ruled a particular aspect of the cosmos, such as the earth, heaven, seas, mountains and
rivers. Also, each Babylonian had a personal god to whom prayers were addressed.
In Babylonia religion was an important aspect of life. Every day sacrifices of food, drink or
incense were offered to the gods. Each of the important deities had a large temple in which
he or she was worshipped. Religious rituals were led by priests, a separate and important
class in Babylonian society. Temple services were generally conducted in open courts
containing fountains for washing oneself and altars for sacrifices. However, only the high
priest and a member of the court were permitted to enter the inner part of the temple, which
contained the statues of gods or goddesses.
Babylonian religious ceremonies were impressive. Priests, musicians, magicians, dream
interpreters and astrologers were involved in their preparation. The celebration of the new
year at the spring equinox was the most important religious festival of the year.