Communication Theory

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The document discusses various theories and approaches to communication such as uncertainty reduction, propaganda, uses and gratifications, and diffusion of innovations.

Some of the theories and approaches to communication discussed include uncertainty reduction, propaganda and the public, uses and gratifications, the Frankfurt School, semiotics and myth, orality and literacy, diffusion of innovations, and sociological systems.

Some of the sections covered in the document include what is communication, perspectives on theory, theories and approaches to communication, about the book, history and document notes, authors and image credits, and references.


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What is
.. 6

THEORY....................................................................................................... 7
............... 7


Propaganda and the
Public.................................................................................................................. 23 Uses
34 The Frankfurt
Semiotics and
Orality and
Diffusion of
Innovations..................................................................................................................... 70

BOOK................................................................................................................. 89
History & Document
Notes.................................................................................................................89 Authors
& Image Credits....................................................................................................................
............. 91 GNU Free Documentation
License................................................................................................... 114
Chapter 1




Some have suggested that the very common practice of beginning a communication
theory class with an attempt to define communication and theory is flawed pedagogy.
Nonetheless, it is difficult to begin a study of the theories of communication without first
having some grasp, however temporary and tenuous, of what sorts of phenomena "count"
as communication, and what kinds of ideas about those phenomena constitute "theory,"
or, more specifically, good theory. Communication is a slippery concept, and while we
may casually use the word with some frequency, it is difficult to arrive at a precise
definition that is agreeable to most of those who consider themselves communication
scholars. Communication is so deeply rooted in human behaviors and the structures of
society that it is difficult to think of social or behavioral events that are absent
communication. We might say that communication consists of transmitting information
from one person to another. In fact, many scholars of communication take this as a
working definition, and use Lasswell's maxim ("who says what to whom to what effect")
as a means of circumscribing the field of communication. Others suggest that there is a
ritual process of communication that cannot be artificially abstracted from a particular
historical and social context. As a relatively young field of inquiry, it is probably
premature to expect a conceptualization of communication that is shared among all or
most of those who work in the area. Furthermore, communication theory itself is, in
many ways, an attempt to describe and explain precisely what communication is. Indeed,
a theory is some form of explanation of a class of observed phenomena. Karl Popper
colorfully described theory as "the net which we throw out in order to catch the world--to
rationalize, explain, and dominate it." The idea of a theory lies at the heart of any
scholarly process, and while those in the social sciences tend to adopt the tests of a good
theory from the natural sciences, many who study communication adhere to an idea of
communication theory that is akin to that found in other academic fields. This book
approaches communication theory from a biographical perspective, in an attempt to show
theory development within a social context. Many of these theorists would not actually
consider themselves "communication" researchers. The field of communication study is
remarkably inclusionary, and integrates theoretical perspectives originially developed in a
range of other disciplines.

4 | Communication Theory

Evaluating theory
What makes a theory "good"? Six criteria might be said to be properties of a strong
theory. (The terminology presented here is drawn from Littlejohn, Theories of Human
Communication, but a similar set of criteria are widely accepted both within and outside
the field of communication.) Theoretical Scope How general is the theory? That is, how
widely applicable is it? In most cases, a theory that may only be applied within a fairly
narrow set of circumstances is not considered as useful as a theory that encompasses a
very wide range of communicative interactions. The ideal, of course, is a theory that
succinctly explains the nature of human communication as a whole. Appropriateness
Theories are often evaluated based upon how well their epistemological, ontological, and
axiological assumptions relate to the issue or question being explained. If a theory
recapitulates its assumptions (if it is tautological), it is not an effective theory. Heuristic
value Some theories suggest the ways in which further research may be conducted. By
presenting an explanatory model, the theory generates questions or hypotheses that can
be operationalized relatively easily. In practical terms, the success of a theory may rest on
how readily other researchers may continue to do fruitful work in reaction or support.
Validity It may seem obvious that for a theory to be good, it must also be valid. Validity
refers to the degree to which the theory accurately represents the true state of the world.
Are the arguments internally consistent and are its predictions and claims derived
logically from its assumptions? Many also require that theories be falsifiable; that is,
theories that present predictions that--if they prove to be incorrect--invalidate the theory.
The absence of such questions significantly reduces the value of the theory, since a theory
that cannot be proven false (perhaps) cannot be shown to be accurate, either. Parsimony
The law of parsimony (Occam's razor) dictates that a theory should provide the simplest
possible (viable) explanation for a phenomenon. Others suggest that good theory exhibits
an aesthetic quality, that a good theory is beautiful or natural. That it leads to an "Aha!"
moment in which an explanation feels as if it fits. Openness Theories, perhaps
paradoxically, should not exist to the absolute exclusion of other theories. Theory should
not be dogma: it should encourage and provide both for skepticism and should--to
whatever degree possible--be compatible with other accepted theory. It is important to
note that a theory is not "true," or "false" (despite the above discussion of Wikibooks | 5
Chapter 2 falsifiability), but rather better or worse at explaining the causes of a particular
event. Especially within the social sciences, we may find several different theories that
each explain a phenomenon in useful ways. There is value in being able to use theories as
"lenses" through which you can understand communication, and through which you can
understand the world together with other scholars.

Theories and Models

A simple communication model with a sender which transfers a message containing

information to a receiver.

Many suggest that there is no such thing as a successful body of communication theory,
but that we have been relatively more successful in generating models of communication.
A model, according to a seminal 1952 article by Karl Deutsch ("On Communication
Models in the Social Sciences"), is "a structure of symbols and operating rules which is
supposed to match a set of relevant points in an existing structure or process." In other
words, it is a simplified representation or template of a process that can be used to help
understand the nature of communication in a social setting. Such models are necessarily
not one-to-one maps of the real world, but they are successful only insofar as they
accurately represent the most important elements of the real world, and the dynamics of
their relationship to one another. Deutsch suggests that a model should provide four
functions. It should organize a complex system (while being as general as possible), and
should provide an heuristic function. Both these functions are similar to those listed
above for theories. He goes on to suggest models should be as original as possible, that
they should not be obvious enough that they fail to shed light on the existing system.
They should also provide some form of measurement of the system that will work
analogously within the model and within the actual system being observed. Models are
tools of inquiry in a way that theories may not be. By representing the system being
observed, they provide a way of working through the problems of a "real world" system
in a more abstract way. As such, they lend themselves to the eventual construction of
theory, though it may be that theory of the sort found in the natural sciences is something
that cannot be achieved in the social sciences. Unfortunately, while models provide the
"what" and the "how," they are not as suited to explaining "why," and therefore are rarely
as satisfying as strong theory.

6 | Communication Theory

Laws and Rules

The aim in the natural sciences is to create what, since Hempel at least, has been called
covering law. Covering law requires the explicit relationship of a causal condition to an
effect within certain bounderies. It has been observed that social relationships are very
difficult to capture within the structure of covering law. Perhaps this is because people
have the annoying habit of violating "natural laws." Wittgenstein's later work in particular
put forward the possibility that rules-based systems may provide a more effective
descriptive model of w:en:human communication. This may account for the propensity of
communication theorists to develop models more often than theory. Rules-based
approaches are particularly popular within speech communication, where human
interaction is seen to proceed along structural, though not necessarily causal, lines.

Mapping the Theoretical Landscape

A discipline is defined in large part by its theoretical structure. Instead communication, at
its present state, might be considered a field of inquiry. Theory is often borrowed from
other w:en:social sciences, while communication provides few examples of theories that
have been exported to other disciplines. What is taught as communication theory at one
institution is unlikely to be at all similar to what is taught within other communication
schools. This theoretical variegation makes it difficult to come to terms with the field as a
whole. That said, there are some common taxonomies that are used to divide up the range
of communication research. Two common mappings will be briefly presented here. Many
authors and researchers divide communication by what are sometimes called "contexts"
or "levels," but more often represent institutional histories. The study of communication
in the US, while occurring within departments of psychology, sociology, linguistics, and
anthropology among others, generally developed from schools of rhetoric and schools of
journalism. While many of these have become "departments of communication," they
often retain their historical roots, adhering largely to theories from speech communication
in the former case, and mass media in the latter. The great divide between speech
communication and mass communication is joined by a number of smaller sub-areas of
communication research, including intercultural and international communication, small
group communication, communication technology, policy and legal studies of
communication, telecommunication, and work done under a variety of other labels. Some
of these departments take a largely social science perspective, others tend more heavily
toward the humanities, and still others are geared more toward production and
professional preparation. These "levels" of communication provide some way of
grouping communication theories, but inevitably, there are theories and concepts that leak
from one area to another, or that fail to find a home at all. If communication is a cohesive
field of study, one would expect to see a cohesive set of theories, or at least a common
understanding of the structure of the field, and this appears to still be developing. Another
way of dividing up the communication field emphasizes the assumptions that undergird
particular theories, models, and approaches. While this tends also to be based on
institutional divisions, theories within each of the seven "traditions" of communication
theory that Robert Craig suggests tend to reinforce one another, and retain the same
ground epistemological and axiological assumptions. His traditions include the rhetorical,
semiotic, phenomenological, cybernetic, sociopsychological, and sociocultural traditions.
Each of these are, for Craig, clearly defined against the others and remain cohesive
approaches to describing communicative behavior. As a taxonomic aid, these labels help
to Wikibooks | 7
Chapter 2 organize theory by its assumptions, and help researchers to understand the
reasons some theories may be incommensurable. While these two approaches are very
commonly used, it seems that they decentralize the place of language and machines as
communicative technologies. The idea that communication is (as Vygotsky argues) the
primary tool of a species that is defined by its tools remains at the outskirts of
communication theory. It is represented somewhat in the Toronto School of
communication theory (alternatively sometimes called medium theory) as represented by
the work of Innis, McLuhan, and others. It seems that the ways in which individuals and
groups use the technologies of communication-and in some cases are used by them--
remains central to what communication researchers do, and the ideas that surround this,
and in particular the place of persuasion, are constants across both the "traditions" and
"levels" of communication theory.

8 | Communication Theory
Uncertainty Reduction

Charles Berger, Richard Calabrese

Advances in Interpersonal Communication: Charles Berger, Richard Calabrese and Key

Uncertainty Theorists
Since the mid-twentieth century, the concept of information has been a strong foundation
for communication research and the development communication theory. Information
exchange is a basic human function in which individuals request, provide, and exchange
information with the goal of reducing uncertainty. Uncertainty Reduction theory (URT),
accredited to Charles R. Berger and Richard J. Calabrese (1975), recognized that
reducing uncertainty was a central motive of communication. Through the development
of URT, these scholars pioneered the field of interpersonal communication by examining
this significant relationship in uncertainty research. Health and Bryant (2000) state: “One
of the motivations underpinning interpersonal communication is the acquisition of
information with which to reduce uncertainty” (p. 153). The study of information is basic
to all fields of communication, but its relation to the study of uncertainty in particular
advanced theoretical research in the field of interpersonal communication. URT places
the role of communication into the central focus which was a key step in the development
of the field of interpersonal communication. Berger and Calabrese (1975) note: “When
communication researchers have conducted empirical research on the interpersonal
communication process, they have tended to employ social psychological theories as
starting points” (p. 99). The research underlying the theory and efforts made by other
contemporaries marked the emergence of interpersonal communication research; with the
development of URT, communication researchers began to look to communication for
theories of greater understanding rather than theoretical approaches founded in other
social sciences.

The History of Interpersonal Communication Research: A Brief Overview

Traditionally, communication has been viewed as an interdisciplinary field. Interpersonal
communication is most often linked to studies into language, social cognition, and social
psychology. Prior to the 1960s, only a modest amount of research was completed under
the label of interpersonal communication. Heath and Bryant (2000) marked this time as
the origin of the field of interpersonal communication: “Particularly since 1960, scholars
adopted communication as the central term because they wanted to study it as a
significant and unique aspect of human behavior” (p. 59). The 1960s produced research
that impacted the development of an interpersonal field. Research in psychiatry examined
personality and the influence of relationships, finding that psychiatric problems were not
only a result of self problems, but a result of relational problems as well. Research trends
in humanistic psychology and existentialism inspired the idea that relationships could be
improved through effective communication (Heath & Bryant, 2000). Research conducted
under the title of interpersonal communication initially focused on persuasion, Wikibooks
Chapter 3 social influence, and small group processes. Theories explored the role of
learning, dissonance, balance, social judgment, and reactance (Berger, 2005). Kurt
Lewin, a forefather of social psychology, played a considerable role in influencing
interpersonal research pioneers such as Festinger, Heider, Kelley, and Hovland. By the
1970s, research interests began to shift into the realm of social interaction, relational
development, and relational control. This was influenced by the research of such scholars
as Knapp, Mehrabian, Altman, Taylor, Duck, Kelley, and Thibaut. During the later part of
the decade and into the 1980s, the cognitive approaches of Hewes, Planalp, Roloff, and
Berger became popular along with research into behavioral and communicative
adaptation by Giles, Burgoon, and Patterson. Berger (2005) states: “these early
theoretical forays helped shape the interpersonal comm research agenda during the past
two decades” (p. 416). Today, interpersonal communication tends to focus on dyadic
communication, communication involving face-to-face interaction, or communication as
a function of developing relationships. Research into interpersonal communication theory
typically focuses on the development, maintenance, and dissolution of relationships. It
has been recognized that interpersonal communication is motivated by uncertainty
reduction (Berger & Calabrese, 1975). Since its introduction in the 1970s, uncertainty has
been recognized as a major field of study that has contributed to the development of the
field of communication as a whole. This chapter strives to focus on those theorists who
pioneered the research of uncertainty reduction in communication. Their work is crucial
to the development of the field of interpersonal communication, and is central in our
understanding of interpersonal processes.

Defining Uncertainty
Since uncertainty has been identified as an important construct, necessary to the study of
communication, it would be beneficial to know when the concept originated, and how it
has been defined and studied. One way to consider uncertainty is through the theoretical
framework of information theory. Shannon and Weaver (1949) proposed that uncertainty
existed in a given situation when there was a high amount of possible alternatives and the
probability of their event was relatively equal. Shannon and Weaver related this view of
uncertainty to the transmission of messages, but their work also contributed to the
development of URT. Berger and Calabrese (1975) adopted concepts from the
information theorists as well as Heider's (1958) research in attribution. Berger and
Calabrese (1975) expanded the concept of uncertainty to fit interpersonal communication
by defining uncertainty as the “number of alternative ways in which each interactant
might behave” (p. 100). The greater the level of uncertainty that exists in a situation, the
smaller the chance individuals will be able to predict behaviors and occurrences. During
interactions individuals are not only faced with problems of predicting present and past
behaviors, but also explaining why partners behave or believe in the way that they do.
Berger and Bradac’s (1982) definition of uncertainty highlighted the complexity of this
process when they stated: “Uncertainty, then, can stem from the large number of
alternative things that a stranger can believe or potentially say” (p. 7). Uncertainty plays a
significant role when examining relationships. High levels of uncertainty can severely
inhibit relational development. Uncertainty can cause stress and anxiety which can lead
to low levels of communicator competence (West & Turner, 2000). Incompetent
communicators may not be 10 | Communication Theory
Uncertainty Reduction able to develop relationships or may be too anxious to engage in
initial interactions. West and Turner (2000) note that lower levels of uncertainty caused
increased verbal and nonverbal behavior, increased levels of intimacy, and increased
liking. In interactions individuals are expected to increase predictability with the goal that
this will lead to the ability to predict and explain what will occur in future interactions.
When high uncertainty exists it is often difficult to reach this goal. Although individuals
seek to reduce uncertainty, high levels of certainty and predictability can also inhibit a
relationship. Heath and Bryant (2000) state: “Too much certainty and predictability can
deaden a relationship; too much uncertainty raises its costs to an unacceptable level.
Relationship building is a dialectic of stability and change, certainty and uncertainty” (p.
271). Therefore uncertainty is a concept that plays a significant role in interpersonal
communication. The following theorists explore how communication can be a vehicle
individuals utilize to reduce uncertainty.

Early Influences
The following theorists significantly contributed to the examination of uncertainty in
communication. The influence of their work can be seen reflected in the assumptions of
Berger and Calabrese (1975).

Leon Festinger (1919-1989)

Leon Festinger studied psychology at the University of Iowa under the direction of Kurt
Lewin. Lewin, one of the founders of social psychology and a pioneer in the research of
group dynamics, had a substantial influence on the development of interpersonal
communication. After graduation, Festinger initially worked at the University of
Rochester, but in 1945 he followed Lewin to Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
the Research Center for Group Dynamics. After Lewin's death, Festinger worked at the
University of Michigan, Stanford University, and the New School for Social Research
(Samelson, 2000). Much of Festinger’s research followed his mentor Lewin and further
developed Lewin’s theories. Several of Festinger's theories were highly influential on the
emerging field of interpersonal communication and on the development of URT.
Festinger is best known for the theories of Cognitive Dissonance and Social Comparison.
Cognitive Dissonance theory (CDT) attempted to explain how an imbalance among
cognitions might affect an individual. Lewin foreshadowed CDT in his observations
regarding attitude change in small groups (Festinger, 1982). CDT allows for three
relationships to occur among cognitions: a consonant relationship, in which cognitions
are in equilibrium with each other; a dissonant relationship, in which cognitions are in
competition with each other; and an irrelevant relationship, in which the cognitions in
question have no effect on one another (West & Turner, 2000). Cognitive Dissonance,
like uncertainty, has an element of arousal and discomfort that individuals seek to reduce.
Social Comparison theory postulates that individuals look to feedback from others to
evaluate their performance and abilities. To evaluate the self, the individual usually seeks
the opinions of others who are similar to the self. This need for social comparison can
result in conformity pressures (Trenholm & Jensen, 2004). Berger and Calabrese (1975)
related social comparison to URT by stating that “Festinger has suggested that persons
seek out similar others who are proximate when they experience a high level of
uncertainty regarding the appropriateness of their behavior and/or opinions in a
Wikibooks | 11
Chapter 3 particular situation” (p. 107). Festinger received the Distinguished Scientist
award of the American Psychological Association and the Distinguished Senior Scientist
Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology. Festinger’s legacy is
significant, and his theoretical influence can still be recognized in contemporary social
science research. Aronson (in Festinger, 1980) stated, “It was in this era that Leon
Festinger invented and developed his theory of cognitive dissonance, and in my opinion,
social psychology has not been the same since” (p. 3).

Fritz Heider (1896-1988)

Fritz Heider earned his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Graz. During his
time in Europe, Heider was able to work with many renowned psychologists such as
Wolfgang Köhler, Max Wertheimer, and Kurt Lewin. Heider, like Festinger, recognized
Lewin as a substantial impact on his life: “I want to pay tribute to [Lewin's] stimulating
influence, which has affected much of my thinking and which is still strong even in this
book, although it does not derive directly from his work” (Heider, 1958, p. vii). In 1929,
Heider moved to the United States to work at Smith College and later the University of
Kansas where he worked for the remainder of his life (Ash, 2000). Heider’s 1958
publication, The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, signified a major breakthrough in
the study of interpersonal communication (Heath & Bryant, 2000). At this point, social
psychologists like Heider expanded their research to focus on interpersonal relations as
an important field of study. Though many social psychologists focused on behavior in
interpersonal relations, their research served as a gateway for research examining
communication in interpersonal relationships. Heider’s text provided one of the first
forums for discussing relational phenomena. Heider’s work reflected Lewin’s cognitive
approach to behavior. Heider (1958) focused on theories in cognitive consistency,
emphasizing that individuals prefer when their cognitions are in agreement with each
other. Heider examined how individuals perceive and evaluate the actions and behaviors
of others, a focus reexamined in Berger and Calabrese’s development of URT. Heider
stated: “persons actively seek to predict and explain the actions of others” (Berger &
Bradac, 1982, p. 29). Heider’s theory of “naïve psychology” suggested that individuals
act as observers and analyzers of human behavior in everyday life. Individuals gather
information that helps them to predict and explain human behavior. “The naïve factor
analysis of action permits man to give meaning to action, to influence the actions of
others as well as of himself, and to predict future actions” (Heider, 1958, p. 123). When
examining motivations in interpersonal relations, Heider (1958) found that affective
significance is greatly determined by causal attribution. Heider states: “Thus, our
reactions will be different according to whether we think a person failed primarily
because he lacked adequate ability or primarily because he did not want to carry out the
actions” (1958, p. 123). The condition of motivation becomes the focus and is relied on
for making judgments and also interpreting the action. Heider was awarded a
Guggenheim Fellowship, a Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the
American Psychological Association, and was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences. His influence continues to grow after his death in 1988.

12 | Communication Theory
Uncertainty Reduction

Claude E. Shannon (1916-2001) and Warren Weaver (1894-1978)

Claude E. Shannon received his B.S. from Michigan State University and his Ph.D. from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Shannon worked for the National Research
Council, the National Defense Research Committee, and Bell Telephone Laboratories,
where he developed the mathematical theory of communication, now known as
information theory, with Warren Weaver. Shannon went on to teach at MIT until his death
in 2001. During his lifetime Shannon was awarded the Nobel Prize, Leibmann Prize,
Ballantine Medal, Who's Who Life Achievement Prize, and the Kyoto Prize (“Claude
Elwood Shannon”, 2002). Warren Weaver received his B.S. and Ph.D. from the
University of Wisconsin. Weaver worked as faculty at Throop College, California
Institute of Technology, University of Wisconsin, and served in World War One. Weaver
was also an active member of the Rockefeller Foundation, Sloan-Kettering Institute for
Cancer Research, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and Salk Institute for Biological Studies,
serving in many leadership roles. He was awarded UNESCO's Kalinga Prize before his
death in 1978 (Reingold, 2000). Shannon and Weaver significantly contributed to the
systematic approach to the study of communication. Both theorists were engineers who
sought to explain information exchange through cybernetic processes. They were the first
to effectively model information, as they sought to explain how to attain precise and
efficient signal transmissions in the realm of telecommunications. In their theory of
information, Shannon and Weaver (1949) showed that the need to reduce uncertainty
motivates individual’s communication behavior. This concept was later extended by
Berger and Calabrese (1975) in the development of URT. Information theory provided the
connections from information to uncertainty and uncertainty to communication that
facilitated the development of URT. “Shannon & Weaver’s (1949) approach stressed the
conclusion that information is the number of messages needed to totally reduce
uncertainty” (Heath & Bryant, 2000, p. 145). Individuals have a desire to reduce
uncertainty and they are able to fulfill this need by increasing information. Individuals
increase information through communication (Shannon & Weaver, 1949). These concepts
are further explored in the examination of information-seeking strategies in URT.

Uncertainty in the Modern Era

Charles R. Berger: Biography
Charles R. Berger received his B.S. from Pennsylvania State University and his M.A. and
Ph.D. from Michigan State University. After graduation, Berger worked at Illinois State
University at Normal, Northwestern University, and the University of California at Davis,
where he continues to work today as the chair of the Department of Communication.
Berger has been involved with the International Communication Association since the
1970s, is an active member of the National Communication Association, and belongs to
such professional groups as the American Psychological Society, the Society for
Experimental Social Psychology, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and
the Iowa Network for Personal Relationships (“Charles R. Berger”, 2001). Berger has
published on a variety of topics in interpersonal communication including: uncertainty
Wikibooks | 13
Chapter 3 reduction, strategic interaction, information-seeking, attribution, interpersonal
attraction, social cognition, and apprehension. In the past thirty-five years, Berger has
published approximately forty articles appearing in the Communication Education,
Communication Monographs, Communication Research, Communication Theory,
Communication Quarterly, Communication Yearbook, Educational and Psychological
Measurement, Human Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology Journal of Social Issues, Journal of Personality,
Personal Relationship Issues, Speech Monographs, Western Journal of Communication,
and the Western Journal of Speech Communication. Berger has coauthored five books
and contributed to over thirty other texts. In 1982, Berger received the Golden
Anniversary Book Award, presented by the Speech Communication Association, for his
text: Language and Social Knowledge.

Richard J. Calabrese: Biography

Richard J. Calabrese received his B.A. from Loyola University, two M.A. degrees from
Bradley University, and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University. Calabrese has taught at
Bradley University, the University of Illinois at Urban, and Bowling Green University.
Calabrese became a professor in communication at Dominican University in River
Forest, Illinois, in 1967, where he continues to work today. Currently, Calabrese is the
director of the Master of Science in Organization Management Program at Dominican
University and also a consultant for organizational communication (“Richard Joseph
Calabrese”, 2001). Calabrese is a member of the International Association of Business
Communicators, the Speech Communication Association, and is involved with the
National Communication Association. Calabrese is the coauthor of Communication and
Education Skills for Dietetics Professionals.

A Theory of Uncertainty Reduction: “Some explorations in initial interaction and beyond:

Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication” (1975).
In 1971, Berger became an assistant professor of communication at Northwestern
University. During this time, Calabrese studied under Berger, receiving his Ph.D. in 1973.
In 1975, Berger and Calabrese published “Some explorations in initial interaction and
beyond: Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication,” which serves
as the foundation of URT. This article inspired a wave of new research examining the role
of uncertainty in communication. Berger and Calabrese (1975) formed URT, also known
as initial interaction theory, to explain the role of communication in reducing uncertainty
in initial interactions and the development of interpersonal relationships. The theory was
developed, like other interpersonal theories before it (Heider, 1958), with the goal of
allowing the communicator the ability to predict and explain initial interactions. Though
Berger and Calabrese did not explore the realm of subsequent interaction, they did
strongly recommend that future research should investigate the application of the
framework of URT to developed relationships. Especially in initial encounters, there
exists a high degree of uncertainty given that a number of possible alternatives exist in
the situation (Shannon & Weaver, 1949). But individuals can use communication to
reduce this uncertainty. Berger and Calabrese (1975) maintained that “communication
behavior is one vehicle through which such predictions and explanations are themselves
formulated” (p.101). Individuals have the ability to decrease uncertainty by establishing
predictable patterns of interaction. Because of this, reducing uncertainty can help foster
the development of relationships. 14 | Communication Theory
Uncertainty Reduction Berger and Calabrese (1975) found that uncertainty was related to
seven other communication and relational-focused concepts: verbal output, nonverbal
warmth, information seeking, self-disclosure, reciprocity, similarity, and liking. From
those concepts, the researchers introduced a collection of axioms, or propositions,
supported by past uncertainty research. Each axiom states a relationship between a
communication concept and uncertainty. From this basis of axioms, the theorists were
able to use deductive logic to infer twenty-one theorems that comprise the theory of
uncertainty reduction (West & Turner, 2000). The procedure used to develop the axioms
and theorems was adopted from Blalock (1969). A complete list of the axioms and
theorems of URT is available in Appendix A. Central to URT is the supposition that in
initial interactions, an individual’s primary concern is to decrease uncertainty and
increase predictability regarding the behaviors of the self and the communicative partner.
This idea is based on Heider's (1958) notion that individuals seek to make sense out of
the events he perceives (Berger & Calabrese, 1975). Individuals must be able to engage
in proactive and retroactive strategies to learn how to predict what will happen and also
explain what has already happened. Heath and Bryant (2000) stated: “Uncertainty-
reduction theory is a powerful explanation for communication because it operates in all
contexts to help explain why people communicate as they do” (p. 271). The impact of
Berger and Calabrese (1975) on the field of interpersonal communication was and
continues to be prolific. In the past thirty years, this article has generated a plethora of
research, changing the way that relationships are explored and analyzed.

Expansions on Uncertainty Reduction

Although URT was primarily formed to explain behavior in initial interactions, its
application has since been expanded to incorporate all levels of interpersonal
relationships. “Uncertainties are ongoing in relationships, and thus the process of
uncertainty reduction is relevant in developed relationships as well as in initial
interactions” (West & Turner, 2000, p. 141). The following section will examine
uncertainty reduction research since its introduction in 1975. A. Charles Berger Since its
conception, Berger has produced a plethora of research expanding URT to better fit the
dynamic nature of interpersonal relations. Berger (1979) established that three
predeceasing conditions must exist for an individual to reduce uncertainty. These
motivations to reduce uncertainty include: a potential for costs or rewards, deviations
from expected behavior, and the possibility of future interaction. In 1982, Berger teamed
up with James J. Bradac, formerly of University of California at Santa Barbara (1980-
2004), to publish a book devoted to uncertainty reduction research. Their text, titled
Language and Social Knowledge: Uncertainty in Interpersonal Relations, was also edited
by Howard Giles, originator of Communication Accommodation Theory and also faculty
of UCSB. In this text, the authors focused on the function of communication, and
specifically language, as a proponent for reducing uncertainty. Berger and Bradac (1982)
proposed six axioms that built on URT’s original seven axioms to extend the relationship
between uncertainty reduction and language. Through the use of these axioms Wikibooks
| 15
Chapter 3 the authors specifically examined the role of language as an uncertainty
reducing agent. The authors further arranged uncertainty into two categories: cognitive
uncertainty and behavioural uncertainty (Berger & Bradac, 1982). Cognitive uncertainty
refers to uncertainty associated with beliefs and attitudes. Behavioural uncertainty refers
to uncertainty regarding the possible behaviors in a situation. This categorization helped
researchers identify the origins of uncertainty, which resulted in an increased ability to
address the discomfort produced by uncertainty. Berger and Bradac were cognitive that
URT would be more useful if its influence was extended to include developed
relationships as well as initial interaction. Berger and Bradac (1982) alleviated this by
stating that uncertainty reduction was critical to relational development, maintenance, and
dissolution as well. Berger again related his research to Heider (1958) by stating that
individuals make casual attributions regarding communicative behavior. As relationships
further develop, individuals make retroactive and proactive attributions regarding a
partner’s communication and behavior (Berger & Bradac, 1982). Berger (1987)
highlighted the role of costs and rewards in relationships by stating that “uncertainty
reduction is a necessary condition for the definition of the currency of social exchange,
and it is through communicative activity that uncertainty is reduced” (Berger, 1987, p.
57). Berger (1987) also expanded URT by claiming that three types of information-
seeking strategies are used to reduce uncertainty: passive, active, or interactive strategies.
This is related to the concepts of information theory (Shannon & Weaver, 1949),
emphasizing that increased information results in decreased uncertainty. B.
Developments from Other Researchers The latter improvements made by Berger
expanded the scope and value of URT. Other researchers also made contributions to
further developments of URT. Since its introduction in 1975, URT has been expanded
from a theory of relational development to one also important in established
relationships. The following sections examine the contributions made by current
interpersonal researchers to URT. William Douglas William Douglas was a student at
Northwestern University while Berger was on faculty. The two scholars collaborated in
their study of uncertainty in 1982, and Douglas continued in the same vein of research
after graduation. Douglas’ research has appeared in major communication journals
including: Communication Monographs, Communication Research, Human
Communication Research, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, and the Journal
of Personal and Social Relationships. Douglas’ research in uncertainty accounts for
individual differences when examining initial interactions. Much of his research
expanded previous work in initial interaction, examined global uncertainty, self-
monitoring, and the relationship of verbal communication to uncertainty reduction.
Douglas (1987) examined one of the motivations to reduce uncertainty originally posited
in Berger (1979): the anticipation of future interaction. In this study, question-asking in
situations of varying levels of anticipated future interaction was analyzed. Douglas found
that high levels of mutual question-asking occurred when the level of anticipated future
interaction was moderate. This finding suggested that individuals seem to avoid negative
consequences (Douglas, 1987). Douglas (1990) expanded this verbal communication to
uncertainty relationship by discovering that question-asking resulted in uncertainty
reduction which in turn resulted in increased levels of disclosure. 16 | Communication
Uncertainty Reduction Douglas (1991) defines global uncertainty as “uncertainty about
acquaintanceship in general” (p. 356). In this article, Douglas found that individuals with
high global uncertainty are less likely to engage in question-asking, self-disclosure, and
are evaluated as less competent communicators than individuals with low global
uncertainty. Findings also suggested that high global uncertainty positively correlates to
communication apprehension. This has a negative effect on relational development and
can result in low levels of relational satisfaction. Uncertainty-Increasing Events Sally
Planalp and James Honeycutt (1985) also made substantial contributions to uncertainty
reduction research. Planalp and Honeycutt recognized that communication does not
always function as an uncertainty reducing agent, but can also serve to increase
uncertainty when information conflicts with past knowledge. The authors researched
what specific events lead to increased uncertainty in interpersonal relationships and their
effects on both the individual and the relationship. The results found that uncertainty-
increasing events were very likely to result in relational dissolution or decreased
closeness of the relational partners. This research was very beneficial because it led to
better explanations regarding the role of communication in uncertainty reduction.
Romantic Relationships Malcolm Parks and Mara Adelman (1983) sought to expand the
breadth of URT to apply to romantic relationships. Data was collected from individuals in
premarital romantic relationships through questionnaires and telephone interviews.
Individuals who communicated more often with their romantic partner and their partner’s
network (family and friends) perceived greater similarity to their partner. They also
received greater support from their own network (family and friends), and experienced a
lower degree of uncertainty (Parks & Adelman, 1983). These findings support URT’s
axioms that greater verbal communication and similarity serve to decrease uncertainty
(Berger & Calabrese, 1975), and also extends the scope of URT to romantic relationships.
Relational Maintenance In recent years, studies have begun to link uncertainty reduction
to relational maintenance processes. Dainton and Aylor (2001) connected relational
uncertainty positively to jealousy and negatively to relational maintenance behaviors.
These results suggested that individuals are less likely to engage in relational
maintenance when high uncertainty exists in the relationship. Cultural Studies Research
conducted by William Gudykunst and Tsukasa Nishida (1984) expanded URT’s scope to
intercultural contexts. Specifically the researchers examined the effects of attitude
similarity, cultural similarity, culture, and self-monitoring on attraction, intent to
interrogate, intent to selfdisclose, attributional confidence, and intent to display nonverbal
affiliative behaviors (Gudykunst & Nishida, 1984). Research conducted on individuals of
the Japanese and American cultures found a positive correlation between each of the
variables indicating that uncertainty varies across cultures. C. Criticisms of URT Berger
(1987) recognized that URT “contains some propositions of dubious validity” (p. 40).
Like many other successful theoretical approaches, Berger and Calabrese’s (1975) theory
of uncertainty Wikibooks | 17
Chapter 3 reduction has inspired subsequent research that served both as supporting
evidence and in an oppositional role to the theory. These criticisms help to clarify the
underlying principles of the theory and suggest ways for improvement for future
research. Michael Sunnafrank (1986) argued that a motivation to reduce uncertainty is not
a primary concern in initial interactions. His belief was that a “maximization of relational
outcomes” (p. 9) was of more significant concern in initial encounters. Sunnafrank
argued that the predicted outcome value (POV) of the interaction had a greater effect on
uncertainty. Berger (1986) combated Sunnafrank’s arguments by acknowledging that
outcomes cannot be predicted if there is no previous history of interaction regarding the
behavior of the individuals. Berger claims that Sunnafrank’s arguments simply expanded
URT: that by predicting outcomes (using POV) individuals are actually reducing their
uncertainty (Berger, 1986). Kathy Kellermann and Rodney Reynolds (1990) also tested
the validity of URT. Their primary concern was axiom three, which related high
uncertainty to high information seeking (see appendix A). Their study of over a thousand
students found that a want for knowledge was a greater indicator than a lack of
knowledge for promotion of information-seeking (Kellermann & Reynolds, 1990). These
researchers emphasized that high uncertainty does not create enough motivation to result
in information-seeking; rather a want for information must also exist. Canary and
Dainton (2003) explored uncertainty reduction in terms of relational maintenance across
cultural contexts and found that the applicability of URT may not hold to multiple
cultures. Canary and Dainton (2003) focused on the concept of uncertainty avoidance in
cultures stating: “individuals from cultures with a high tolerance for uncertainty are
unlikely to find the experience of uncertainty as a primary motivator for performing
relational maintenance” (p. 314). This leads to a general questioning of validity of URT
other cultures.

Legacy and Influence

Research has found that communication plays a critical role in initial interactions and
relational development. Berger and Calabrese (1975) were the first to investigate the role
of communication in initial interactions with the development of a theory of uncertainty
reduction. Its widespread influence led to its adoption in other relational and
communicative contexts such as small group, mass communication, and computer-
mediated communication. The influence of URT is well noted by others in the field:
“Postulates by Berger and Calabrese prompted more than two decades of research to
prove, clarify, and critique uncertainty reduction’s explanation of how people
communicate interpersonally” (Heath & Bryant, 2000, p. 275). Berger and Calabrese
(1975) generated additional studies on uncertainty reduction accomplished by such
scholars as Hewes, Planalp, Parks, Adelman, Gudykunst, Yang, Nishida, Douglas,
Kellerman, Hammer, Rutherford, Honeycutt, Sunnafrank, Capella, Werner, and Baxter.
URT has withstood the test of time, proving itself as a heuristic theory with utility that
increases with subsequent research.

18 | Communication Theory
Uncertainty Reduction

Appendix A: Axioms and Theorems of Uncertainty Reduction Theory

Axioms of Uncertainty Reduction Theory
1. Given the high level of uncertainty present at the onset of the entry phase, as the
amount of verbal communication between strangers increases, the level of uncertainty for
each interactant in the relationship will decrease. As uncertainty is further reduced, the
amount of verbal communication will increase. 2. As nonverbal affiliative expressiveness
increases, uncertainty levels will decrease in an initial interaction situation. In addition,
decreases in uncertainty level will cause increases in nonverbal affiliative expressiveness.
3. High levels of uncertainty cause increases in information seeking behavior. As
uncertainty levels decline, information seeking behavior decreases. 4. High levels of
uncertainty in a relationship cause decreases in the intimacy level of communication
content. Low levels of uncertainty produce high levels of intimacy. 5. High levels of
uncertainty produce high rates of reciprocity. Low levels of uncertainty produce low
reciprocity rates. 6. Similarities between persons reduce uncertainty, while dissimilarities
produce increases in uncertainty. 7. Increases in uncertainty level produce decreases in
liking; decreases in uncertainty level produce increases in liking.

Theorems of Uncertainty Reduction Theory

1. Amount of verbal communication and nonverbal affiliative expressiveness are
positively related. 2. Amount of communication and intimacy level of communication are
positively related. 3. Amount of communication and information seeking behavior are
inversely related. 4. Amount of communication and reciprocity rate are inversely related.
5. Amount of communication and liking are positively related. 6. Amount of
communication and similarity are positively related. 7. Nonverbal affiliative
expressiveness and intimacy level of communication content are positively related. 8.
Nonverbal affiliative expressiveness and information seeking are inversely related. 9.
Nonverbal affiliative expressiveness and reciprocity rate are inversely related.
10.Nonverbal affiliative expressiveness and liking are positively related. 11.Nonverbal
affiliative expressiveness and similarity are positively related. 12.Intimacy level of
communication content and information seeking are inversely related. 13.Intimacy level
of communication content and reciprocity rate are inversely related. 14.Intimacy level of
communication content and liking are positively related. 15.Intimacy level of
communication content and similarity are positively related. 16.Information seeking and
reciprocity rate are positively related. 17.Information seeking and liking are negatively
related. 18.Information seeking and similarity are negatively related. 19.Reciprocity rate
and liking are negatively related. Wikibooks | 19
Chapter 3 20.Reciprocity rate and similarity are negatively related. 21.Similarity and
liking are positively related.

20 | Communication Theory
Propaganda and the Public




Walter Lippmann, Harold D. Lasswell, Edward Bernays, and Jacques Ellul

Around the time of World War One and Two, Communication research largely focused on
the influence of propaganda. One question that researchers sought to answer was: how
can communication be utilized to create behavioral changes? Governments felt that if
they were to function efficiently, they could only do so with the coordinated cooperation
of their citizens. Through the use of propaganda, governments could ensure that a nation
functioned to meet its goals, but could also lead to crushing individuals' ability to shape
their own lives and their own consciousness. Research into this area greatly expanded
mass communication research in the twentieth century. This chapter approaches the
question of propaganda, from the perspective of someone that many have called one of
the "fathers of communication," Walter Lippmann.

Early Experiences of Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)

Walter Lippmann was born in 1889 and spent much of his youth exploring arts such as
painting and music, travelling to Europe, and acquiring a particular interest in reading, all
due to his family’s secure economic status (Weingast, 1949). By the time he entered
Harvard in the fall of 1906, Lippmann had been exposed to a wide array of ideas and had
been well prepared for the challenging work that lay ahead of him at school. It was at
Harvard that the first influences on Lippmann’s work and theoretical approach first
appeared. Lippmann was influenced by the social thinkers of the time such as George
Santayana, William James, and Graham Wallas. It is impossible to understand
Lippmann's own thought without some grounding in the perspectives popular at Harvard
and elsewhere. He was influenced by the move toward an American pragmatic approach,
as well as socialist thinkers of the time.

Predecessors of Walter Lippmann

William James (1842-1910)
Many consider William James to be one of the most prominent influences on Lippmann
while at Harvard (Weingast, 1949; Steel, 1999). The two scholars first met when
Lippmann published an article in the Illustrated, a Harvard campus magazine.
Lippmann's article, written as a response to a book of Barrett Wendell's, was a
commentary on social justice and the plight of the common man. James was intrigued by
Lippmann's article and surprised Lippmann by approaching him. The two became
friends, and Lippmann's regular conversations with James profoundly influenced his
future work. William James is perhaps best known for his theories of pragmatism. James
(1907) defines the pragmatic method as, "The attitude of looking away from first things,
principles, 'categories,' supposed necessities; and of looking toward last things, fruits,
consequences, fact" (p. 29). He showed how pragmatism is related to truth, and truth is
that which can be verified. "True ideas are those that we can Wikibooks | 21
Chapter 4 assimilate, validate, corroborate, and verify" (James, 1907, p. 88). In this way,
James (1907) suggested that the understanding of the world is based on enduring,
significant perceptions of the effects of the objects that surround individuals. Although
Lippmann strayed from the practice of pragmatism in his own work, there were ideas that
he took from James' theories and applied to his own life. Steel (1999) claims that one of
these ideas was that of meliorism, or the idea that "things could be improved, but never
perfected" (p. 18). Another is practicality, or the idea that "men had to make decisions
without worrying about whether they were perfect" (Steel, 1999, p. 18). The themes of
meliorism and practicality are indeed evident in Lippmann’s thought and writing.
Throughout many years of writing, Lippmann's opinions on the issues of the public and
their relationship to government tended to waver. For example, according to Weingast
(1949), Lippmann initially supported the idea that government intervention in the
economy was necessary, specifically through the provision of public projects to support
employment during times of economic hardship. However, when Franklin D. Roosevelt
presented his New Deal, which included more government intervention in the public
arena, Lippmann did not support the program (Weingast, 1949). Lippmann (1936)
wavered in his views on socialism as well. It is doubtful that his constant changes of
opinion were purposeful; rather they served as evidence of James' influence on
Lippmann's work. By accepting the ideas of meliorism and practicality, it could
potentially mean that one is always striving to find the next best solution; that when one
theory fails, another can be developed to take its place. By questioning himself and his
beliefs, Lippmann was advancing his own theories and finding new ways of
understanding his surroundings.

George Santayana (1863-1952)

Santayana was a philosopher at Harvard who also influenced the work of Lippmann.
Santayana’s theories revolved around the idea of the essence of objects, which Munson
(1962) defined as the "datum of intuition" (p. 8). Santayana was interested in uncovering
the various essences that made up human life: those values which could be uncovered and
then tied to human experience (Steel, 1999). This outlook is a sharp contrast to the
theories of James, which Lippmann had already been exposed to. Steel (1999) explained
that while James focused on the idea of moral relativism, or the ability to create truth
from observation, Santayana was focusing on the "search for absolute moral values that
could be reconciled with human experience" (p. 21). Santayana’s influence on Lippmann
is evident in his later work. Tied to Santayana’s ideas of the "essence" of humanity and
life, were his ideas that democracy could result in a tyranny of the majority (Steel, 1999,
p. 21). This idea is easily related to Lippmann's later writings in Phantom Public (1925).
Phantom Public examines the American public within a democratic system. Lippmann
(1925) expresses his ideas that the majority of the American public is uneducated in
public issues, easily manipulated into siding with the majority, and therefore, plays a very
limited role in the democratic process. In relation to democracy, Lippmann states, "Thus
the voter identified himself with the officials. He tried to think that their thoughts were
his thoughts, that their deeds were his deeds, and even in some mysterious way they were
a part of him….It prevented democracy from arriving at a clear idea of its own limits and
attainable ends" (p. 148). Lippmann (1925) shows that within a democratic system the
majority is actually suppressed by the minority opinion. It is this overwhelming
suppression of the public opinion within a democratic system that seems to represent
Santayana’s influence on Lippmann. If Santanyana argued that democracy would result in
a tyranny of the majority, Lippmann (1925) supported this idea by showing that public
opinion caused little influence on a democratic 22 | Communication Theory
Propaganda and the Public system that was actually controlled by the educated elite.

Graham Wallas (1858-1952)

Graham Wallas, a founder of the Fabian Society, was another predecessor to Lippmann’s
work (Steel, 1999). Wallas is perhaps best known for his work Human Nature in Politics
(1981). The political views expressed in this book helped to shape Lippmann’s later
thoughts about the relationship between the public and its environment. Wallas (1981)
expresses his thoughts on the public’s understanding of their surroundings. He states that
the universe presents the public with, "an unending stream of sensations and memories,
every one of which is different from every other, and before which, unless we can select
and recognize and simplify, we must stand helpless and unable to either act or think. Man
has therefore to create entities that shall be the material of his reasoning" (p. 134). In this
way, Wallas was showing that the public is incapable of understanding their environment;
the stimuli that they are presented with are too numerous to gain a well-versed
understanding. Steel (1999) claims that this idea was one of Wallas’ greatest influences
on the future work of Lippmann, particularly in Public Opinion (1922). In this work,
Lippmann (1922) expanded upon Wallas’ original ideas about the relationship between
the public and their environment, and was able to show that the public was not able to
take in all of the knowledge from their environment that would truly be needed to affect
their governance. Aside from inspiring Lippmann to examine the relationship between the
public and the environment, Wallas can also be credited with influencing Lippmann to
break his ties with the Socialist school of thought (Steel, 1999). Until his interactions
with Wallas, Lippmann had held strong socialist beliefs, based not only upon his
experiences at school, but also upon the writings of Karl Marx.

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

Karl Marx was particularly concerned with explaining the class struggles that existed in
society (Rogers, 1994). His most well-known works were Das Kapital (Capital) and The
Communist Manifesto. Through these works, Marx explained his theories about the
struggle of the working class, their alienation from their work, and their need to rebel
against the elite in order to take ownership for their actions and gain power (Rogers,
1994). Marxism explained the way that economic forces create changes in society, and
the need for the creation of a communist system to restore equality to that system
(Rogers, 1994). While at Harvard, Lippmann read Marx’s ideas on communism, and
chose to support the ideology of socialism (Steel, 1999). Lippmann also joined the
Fabians while at school. They were a group which urged for the empowering of the
middle-classes, rather than the over-throwing of the elite, in order to create social equality
(Steel, 1999). Unlike Marxists, however, the Fabians still believed in the presence of an
intellectual elite (Steel, 1970). This theme is present in Lippmann’s Phantom Public
(1925). In this piece of literature, Lippmann (1925) explains that society is truly
dominated by an intellectual elite, even when they might think that they are following a
system of majority rule. "…it is hard to say whether a man is acting executively on his
opinions or merely acting to influence the opinion of someone else, who is acting
executively" ( Lippmann, 1925, p. 110). Marx also claimed that mass media is used as a
tool by the elite social classes to control society Wikibooks | 23
Chapter 4 (Rogers, 1994). This theme is evident in Lippmann’s Public Opinion (1922),
which explained that it was the mass media who determined what information the public
could access, and how the limitation of such access could in turn, shape public opinion.
The remnants of Marxism are present in Lippmann’s later works, such as Public Opinion
and Phantom Public. By 1914, Lippmann was no longer a supporter of the
implementation of socialism on a large scale (Steel, 1999). With his publication of Drift
and Mastery (1914), Lippmann denounced the use of socialism (Steel, 1999).
Furthermore, his publication of Good Society (1936) was essentially a criticism of the
very theories of socialism that he had once supported. By this point, Lippmann (1936)
recognized the error in the socialist theories; the fact that even by putting an end to
private ownership and developing collective property, people still may not know how to
properly distribute resources without exploitation. Lippman (1936) claims "This is the
crucial point in the socialist argument: the whole hope that exploitation, acquisitiveness,
social antagonism, will disappear rests upon confidence in the miraculous effect of the
transfer of titles" (p. 72). Lippmann’s wavering views on socialism are important. They
clearly affect how Lippmann sees the relation between man, his environment, and his
government. These themes will be prevalent in Lippmann’s theories, as he explains how
and why the public is subject to manipulation.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Aside from his reading of Karl Marx, Lippmann was also influenced by the readings of
other academics. Of particular importance to the work of the propaganda/mass
communication theorists in general was the work of Sigmund Freud. Freud’s influence
can be seen not only in the work of Lippmann, but also in the work of Lippmann’s
contemporaries. Sigmund Freud was initially trained as a medical doctor and later
founded psychoanalytic theory (Rogers, 1994). Of particular importance to
psychoanalytic theory was the understanding of an individual’s mind. According to
Rogers (1994), Freud was able to divide the human consciousness into three states; the
conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The conscious consists of those things which
we know about ourselves, the preconscious consists of those things which we could pay
conscious attention to if we so desired, and the unconscious consists of those things
which we do not understand or know about ourselves (Rogers, 1994). From these three
levels of individual analysis, Freud attempted to understand human behavior. Both
Freud’s general theories of psychoanalysis, as well as one of Freud’s writings in
particular, The Interpretation of Dreams, came to be of particular importance to the
propaganda theorists. The Interpretation of Dreams dealt with the idea that dreams are a
form of wish fulfillment; they represent a desire of the unconscious that can be achieved
during sleep through the creation of a dream to fulfill a need (Levin, 1929). Lippmann
applied this idea to his work in Public Opinion (1922). In Public Opinion, Lippmann
(1922) stressed the idea of “The World Outside and the Pictures in Our Heads” (p. 3).
This concept involves the idea that a person’s perceptions of an event or situation may
not match what is actually happening in their environment (Lippman, 1922). This idea
was influenced by The Interpretation of Dreams, in that Lippmann used this book to
develop his idea of a “pseudoenvironment” that existed in the minds of individuals
(Rogers, 1994, p. 234). Bernays' (1928) understanding of human motives was also based
on the study of Freud’s work. Bernays was Freud's nephew, and at various times in his
life the American travelled to Vienna to visit with his uncle. Bernays had a special
interest in adopting psychoanalytic theory into his public relations 24 | Communication
Propaganda and the Public work, and this influenced his thinking in relation to public
opinion. In Propaganda, Bernays (1928) claims it is the Freudian school of thought that
recognized "man's thoughts and actions are compensatory substitutes for desires which he
has been obliged to suppress" (p. 52). Bernays (1928) goes on to show that propagandists
cannot merely accept the reasons that men give for their behavior. If they are truly hiding
their real motives, as Freud suggests, then "the successful propagandist must understand
the true motives and not be content to accept the reasons which men give for what they
do" (Bernays, 1928, p. 52). By getting to the root of a man’s wants and needs, Bernays
suggests that propaganda can become more effective and influential. Overall, Freud’s
theories were a strong guiding framework for understanding individuals. By helping
theorists such as Lasswell, Lippmann, Bernays, and Ellul to understand individuals,
Freud was also helping them to understand the public that they aimed to manipulate.

The Theories of Walter Lippmann

While at Harvard, Lippmann had first-hand exposure to the theories of William James,
George Santayana, and Graham Wallas. He had also read the works of Sigmund Freud
and Karl Marx. While some applications of Lippmann’s predecessors’ ideas to his
research have already been discussed, it is important to examine the overall theories of
Walter Lippmann. Following his time at Harvard, Lippmann decided to pursue a career in
journalism. He had focused on the study of Philosophy at Harvard. By 1910 he had
dropped out of their graduate program and was ready to pursue a career (Steel, 1999).
Lippmann started his career by working for Lincoln Steffens, writing primarily about
socialism and issues on Wall Street (Rogers, 1994). Following his time with Steffens,
Lippmann began work on an elite intellectual magazine known as the New Republic
(Rogers, 1994). Lippmann worked on New Republic for nine years, and as his time there
came to an end, he began to publish his most prominent pieces of literature (Rogers,

Public Opinion
Public Opinion (1922) is perhaps Lippmann’s most well-known work. It was in this piece
that Lippmann first began to develop and explain his theories on the formation of public
opinion. Lippmann (1922) begins this book by describing a situation in 1914, where a
number of Germans, Frenchmen, and Englishmen were trapped on an island. They have
no access to media of any kind, except for once every sixty days when the mail comes,
alerting them to situations in the real world. Lippmann explains that these people lived in
peace on the island, treating each other as friends, when in actuality the war had broken
out and they were enemies (Lippmann, 1922). The purpose of the above anecdote is to
develop the idea of "The World Outside and the Pictures in Our Heads" (Lippmann, 1922,
p. 3). Throughout Public Opinion, Lippmann (1922) explains the way that our individual
opinions can differ from those that are expressed in the outside world. He develops the
idea of propaganda, claiming that "In order to conduct propaganda, there must be some
barrier between the public and the event" (Lippmann, 1922, p. 28). With this separation,
there is the ability of the media to manipulate events or present limited information to the
public. This information may not match the public’s perception of the event. In this way,
Lippmann was essentially presenting some of the first views on the mass communication
concepts of gatekeeping and agenda-setting, by showing the Wikibooks | 25
Chapter 4 media’s power to limit public access to information. Lippmann (1922) showed
how individuals use tools such as stereotypes to form their opinions. “In putting together
our public opinions, not only do we have to picture more space than we can see with our
eyes, and more time than we can feel, but we have to describe and judge more people,
more actions, more things than we can ever count, or vividly imagine…We have to pick
our samples, and treat them as typical” (Lippmann, 1922, p. 95). Lippmann shows that
the public is left with these stereotypical judgments until the media presents limited
information to change their perception of an event. Rogers (1994) claims that in this way,
Lippmann was showing us that "...the pseudoenvironment that is conveyed to us by the
media is the result of a high degree of gatekeeping in the news process" (p. 237).
Lippmann recognized that the media was altering the flow of information, by limiting the
media content that was presented to the public. Furthermore, Lippmann presents the idea
of agenda-setting, as he recognizes that the mass media is the link between individual
perceptions of a world, and the world that actually exists (Rogers, 1994).

Phantom Public
Phantom Public (1925) focused on describing the characteristics of the public itself.
Lippmann (1925) used this book to show the public’s inability to have vast knowledge
about their environment, and therefore, to show their failure to truly support a position.
Lippmann (1925) gives a harsh view of the general public, stating, "The individual man
does not have opinions on public affairs... I cannot imagine how he could know, and there
is not the least reason for thinking, as mystical democrats have thought, that the
compounding of individual ignorances in masses of people can produce a continuous
directing force in public affairs" (p. 39). This book seemed to show that democracy was
not truly run by the public, but rather, was being controlled by an educated elite. The
public could not be truly well informed, so they were easily convinced to side with an
educated minority, while convincing themselves that they were actually in a system of
majority rule. Lippmann (1925) claims that the book aimed to "...bring the theory of
democracy into somewhat truer alignment with the nature of public opinion... It has
seemed to me that the public had a function and must have methods of its own in
controversies, qualitatively different from those of the executive men" (p. 197).

Other Writings
Lippmann also published a number of other books that dealt primarily with his political
thoughts regarding the public. These included A Preface to Politics (1913) and Good
Society (1936). While these works are important toward understanding Lippmann’s
thoughts on the relation of the public to their government, Public Opinion and Phantom
Public held most of Lippmann’s theories that were relevant to mass communication

Future Career Path

Aside from his major works of literature, Lippmann was perhaps best known for his
"Today and Tomorrow" column, which he began publishing in 1931 in the New York
Herald Tribune (Weingast, 1949). This column gave Lippmann complete freedom of
expression, and the ability to write about such topics as history, government, economics,
and philosophy (Weingast, 1949). Although the column 26 | Communication Theory
Propaganda and the Public tended to appeal to a limited American audience, it dealt with
a wide variety of important issues. Weingast (1949) estimates that only 40% of American
adults could understand Lippmann’s column, and only 24% could be considered regular
readers of the column (p. 30). However, it is this column that still must be recognized for
helping Lippmann’s ideas to gain popularity. Lippmann’s various works led him to a
great many opportunities to work with important figures in history. In 1918, he was given
the ability to assist President Woodrow Wilson in writing the Fourteen Points, which
helped to restore peace after World War One (Rogers, 1994). Of more importance to
communication studies, Lippmann was also given the opportunity to publish and present
propaganda in Europe to support the acceptance of the Fourteen Points on an
international scale (Steel, 1999). It is through this work that some of Lippmann’s ties to
Harold Lasswell can be observed.

Other Propaganda Theorists

Harold Lasswell (1902-1978)
As Lippmann was writing propaganda, Harold Lasswell was undertaking empirical
analyses of propaganda. In fact, much of the propaganda that Lasswell was examining
was actually being written by Lippmann himself (Rogers, 1994). Harold Lasswell (1902-
1978) was a prominent scholar in the area of propaganda research. He focused on
conducting both quantitative and qualitative analyses of propaganda, understanding the
content of propaganda, and discovering the effect of propaganda on the mass audience
(Rogers, 1994). Lasswell is credited with creating the mass communication procedure of
content analysis (Rogers, 1994). Generally, content analysis can be defined as, "...the
investigation of communication messages by categorizing message content into
classifications in order to measure certain variables" (Rogers, 1994). In an essay entitled
"Contents of Communication," Lasswell (1946) explains that a content analysis should
take into account the frequency with which certain symbols appear in a message, the
direction in which the symbols try to persuade the audience’s opinion, and the intensity of
the symbols used. By understanding the content of the message, Lasswell (1946) aims to
achieve the goal of understanding the "stream of influence that runs from control to
content and from content to audience" (p. 74). This method of content analysis is tied
strongly to Lasswell's (1953) early definition of communication which stated, "Who says
what in which channel to whom and with what effects" (p. 84). Content analysis was
essentially the 'says what' part of this definition, and Lasswell went on to do a lot of work
within this area during the remainder of his career. Lasswell's most well-known content
analyses were an examination of the propaganda content during World War One and Two.
In Propaganda Technique in the World War, Lasswell (1938) examined propaganda
techniques through a content analysis, and came to some striking conclusions. Lasswell
(1938) was similar to Ellul, in that he showed that the content of war propaganda had to
be pervasive in all aspects of the citizen’s life in order to be effective. Furthermore,
Lasswell (1938) showed that as more people were reached by this propaganda, the war
effort would become more effective. "...[T]he active propagandist is certain to have
willing help from everybody, with an axe to grind in transforming the War into a march
toward whatever sort of promised land happens to appeal to the group concerned. The
more of these sub-groups he can fire for the War, the more powerful will be Wikibooks |
Chapter 4 the united devotion of the people to the cause of the country, and to the
humiliation of the enemy" (Lasswell, 1938, p. 76). Aside from understanding the content
of propaganda, Lasswell was also interested in how propaganda could shape public
opinion. This dealt primarily with understanding the effects of the media. Lasswell was
particularly interested in examining the effects of the media in creating public opinion
within a democratic system. In Democracy Through Public Opinion, Lasswell (1941)
examines the effects of propaganda on public opinion, and the effects of public opinion
on democracy. Lasswell (1941) claims, “Democratic government acts upon public
opinion and public opinion acts openly upon government” (p. 15). Affecting this
relationship is the existence of propaganda. Due to this propaganda, “General
suspiciousness is directed against all sources of information. Citizens may convince
themselves that it is hopeless to get the truth about public affairs” (Lasswell, 1941, p. 40).
In this way, Lasswell has created a cycle, whereby the public is limited in the information
that is presented to them, and also apprehensive to accept it. However, it is still that
information that is affecting their decisions within the democratic system, and is being
presented to them by the government. This is an interesting way of viewing the power of
the media that is somewhat similar to Lippmann’s theories.

Edward Bernays (1891-1995)

At approximately the same time that Lippmann and Lasswell were examining public
opinion and propaganda, Edward Bernays (1891-1995) was examining public relations,
propaganda, and public opinion. Bernays (1928) defines propaganda as, "a consistent,
enduring effort to create or shape events to influence the relations of a public to an
enterprise, idea, or group" (p. 25). Contrary to other propaganda theorists, Bernays
recognizes that propaganda can be either beneficial or harmful to the public. It can help
individuals decide what to think about or alter the opinions of individuals, but this may
actually be beneficial to society’s functioning as a whole. Bernays states, “We are
governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men
we have never heard of... Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if
they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society" (p. 9). Based on these ideas
that the public opinion can be modified, and that such shaping is a necessary part of
society, Bernays pursued his work in the field of public relations. "Public relations is the
attempt, by information, persuasion, and adjustment, to engineer public support for an
activity, cause, movement, or institution" (Bernays, 1955, p. 3). In The Engineering of
Consent, Bernays (1955) lays out the framework for understanding the public and
developing a public relations campaign. Bernays (1955) claims that the key to a
successful public relations campaign is adjustment of the campaign to the attitudes of
various groups in society, gathering information to effectively express an idea, and
finally, utilizing persuasion to influence the public opinion in the intended direction.
Bernays’ theories represent a step forward for mass communication theory. They move
away from more typical presentations of “hit-or-miss propaganda,” and move toward a
deeper understanding of the public, and the necessity of attention-generating propaganda
in influencing public opinion (Bernays, 1955, p.22). Bernays (1955) himself made a
statement regarding his phrase, “the engineering of consent.” He said, “Engineering
implies planning. And it is careful planning more than anything else that distinguishes
modern public relations from old-time hit or miss publicity and propaganda” (Bernays,
1955, p.22). Furthermore, Bernays’ theories also represent a different view of the
formation of public opinion. In opposition to Lippmann, who views the public as being
easily manipulated, Bernays cautions against this. He claims, “The public is not an
amorphous mass which can be molded 28 | Communication Theory
Propaganda and the Public at will or dictated to” (Bernays, 1928, p. 66). Instead, Bernays
(1928) offers the idea that in attempting to influence the public, a business must “…study
what terms the partnership can be made amicable and mutually beneficial. It must explain
itself, its aims, its objectives, to the public in terms which the public can understand and
is willing to accept” (p. 66). Bernays elaborates on these ideas in Public Relations (1952).
Rather than merely attempting to manipulate the public through propaganda, Bernays
presents public relations as a tool that can be used to combine the ideas of the public and
the persuader. “The objective-minded public relations man helps his client adjust to the
contemporary situation, or helps the public adjust to it” (Bernays, 1952, p. 9). Bernays
view of the public is softer than that of Lippmann, as he recognizes the power of society,
but still also claims that manipulation of the public is possible. Bernays (1952) writes of
the benefits of public relations, “To citizens in general, public relations is important
because it helps them to understand the society of which we are all a part, to know and
evaluate the viewpoint of others, to exert leadership in modifying conditions that affects
us, to evaluate efforts being made by others, and to persuade or suggest courses of action”
(p. 10). Under this framework, while manipulation of the public is still possible, it is not
in such blatant ignorance of the public opinion. Theorists such as Lippmann and Ellul
tended to disagree with this point.

Jacques Ellul (1912 – 1994)

Jacques Ellul’s (1912-1994) theories on propaganda took a different view of the
formation of public opinion. Ellul (1965) shows that propaganda is actually a specific
technique, which is both needed by the public, and by those who create the propaganda in
the first place. In Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, Ellul (1965) defines
propaganda as, "a set of methods employed by an organized group that wants to bring
about the active or passive participation in its actions of a mass of individuals,
psychologically unified through psychological manipulations and incorporated into a
system" (p. 61). In contrast to the other theorists examined in this chapter, Ellul tends to
view propaganda as a necessary, but all-encompassing, activity. It is not something to be
presented to the public in a single instance, but rather, must become a consistent part of
every aspect of the public's life. In The Technological Society, Ellul (1964) categorizes
propaganda as a form of human technique. In general, he considers the term "technique,"
to be referring to the methods that people use to obtain their desired results (Ellul, 1964).
Specifically, he claims that human technique examines those techniques in which "man
himself becomes the object of the technique" (Ellul, 1964, p. 22). In this scenario, man is
the "object," as he is constantly being exposed to, and pressured by, various presentations
of propaganda. Ellul (1964) goes on to say, "Techniques have taught the organizers how
to force him into the game... The intensive use of propaganda destroys the citizen's
faculty of discernment" (p. 276). While The Technological Society focuses on the
methods used to create a technique, such as propaganda, Propaganda: The Formation of
Men's Attitudes (1965) focuses on the specific relationship between propaganda and the
manipulation of public opinion. As with Lippmann, Ellul understands the lack of
knowledge that the general public holds for use in forming public opinion. Ellul (1965)
comments on the use of stereotypes and symbols in propaganda, as did Lippmann in
Public Opinion (1922). Ellul (1965) states, "The more stereotypes in a culture, the easier
it is to form public opinion, and the more an individual participates in that culture, the
more susceptible he becomes to the manipulation of these symbols" (p. 111).

Wikibooks | 29
Chapter 4 Both Ellul and Lippmann recognize the inability of the public to form educated
opinions as a whole. However, while Lippmann chose to focus on the idea that we should
accept the fact that it is truly an educated elite that is controlling our opinions, Ellul chose
to focus on the fact that the public actually has a need for propaganda. Ellul contests the
idea that the public is merely a victim of propaganda. Rather, he states that, "The
propagandee is by no means just an innocent victim. He provokes the psychological
action of propaganda, and not merely lends himself to it, but even derives satisfaction
from it. Without this previous, implicit consent, without this need for propaganda
experienced by practically every citizen of the technological age, propaganda could not
spread" (Ellul, 1965, p. 121). Through his theories in The Technological Society and
Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes, Ellul tends to give the media and
society’s elite (the creators of propaganda) a lot of power in shaping public opinion.
While Bernays recognized the importance of making propaganda appeal to the needs of
the public, Ellul claims that the public's need is simply for propaganda in the first place.

Recent Mass Communication Theorists

Based on the traditional theories of Lippmann, Lasswell, Bernays, and Ellul, more recent
studies have been able to be conducted on the use of propaganda in creating public
opinion. Lippmann (1922) was essentially the first theorist to develop the idea of the
agenda-setting function of the media. By 1972, McCombs and Shaw had set out to study
this phenomenon in their work “The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media.” This
study examined the 1968 presidential campaign, by asking undecided voters to identify
the key issues of the presidential campaign, and then comparing those ideas to the issues
that were being presented by the mass media at the time (McCombs & Shaw, 1972).
McCombs and Shaw (1972) found that there was a +0.967 correlation between voter
judgment of important issues, and media presentation of those issues. McCombs and
Shaw used this information to further Lippmann’s ideas that the mass media did indeed
set the agenda for what the public should think about. Iyengar and Kinder (1982)
expanded on Lippmann’s theories as well, by putting the idea of agenda-setting and
priming to the test. They created experimental situations, in which subjects were exposed
to news broadcasts that emphasized particular events. The results of this study both
supported and expanded upon Lippmann’s initial theories. "Our experiments decisively
sustain Lippmann’s suspicion that media provide compelling descriptions of a public
world that people cannot directly experience" (Iyengar & Kinder, 1982, p. 855). Iyengar
and Kinder (1982) found that those news items that received the most attention, were the
news items that people found to be the most significant. Furthermore, Iyengar and Kinder
(1982) also found evidence of a priming effect, in that those events that received the most
attention by a news broadcast, also weighed the most heavily on evaluations of the
president at a later time. Lippmann’s (1922) theories in Public Opinion also touched on
the idea of a gatekeeper in the media process. By 1951, Kurt Lewin had expanded on this
idea, by showing that people can manipulate and control the flow of information that
reaches others (Rogers, 1994). Based on the ideas of both Lewin and Lippmann, White
(1950) undertook an examination of the role of a gatekeeper in the realm of mass media.
In The “Gatekeeper”: A Case Study In the Selection of News, White (1950) examined the
role of a wire editor in a newspaper. He found strong evidence that there was a
gatekeeping role at work within the mass media, as this editor rejected nine-tenths of the
articles that he received, based primarily on whether he considered the event to be
“newsworthy,” and whether he had another article on the same topic that he liked better.
His results were important, as they showed the subjective 30 | Communication Theory
Propaganda and the Public judgments that an individual can exert in releasing limited
information to the public.

Conclusion: The Importance of These Theories

The theories developed by Lippmann, Lasswell, Ellul, and Bernays are important for a
number of reasons. Based on the ideas of his predecessors, Lippmann was able to bring
attention to the fact that the public is able to be influenced by the media. The work of
Lippmann and his colleagues has led to more recent research that is meant to help
understand the influence of the media on the public. Through the work Iyengar and
Kinder, White, Lewin, and McCombs and Shaw, a more comprehensive understanding of
the media has been developed. The public has now been made aware various media
functions such as agenda-setting, gatekeeping, and priming, and the potential effects that
these techniques can have on their audiences. The theories presented in this paper have
tied heavily to both the direct effects and limited effects media models. Theorists such as
Ellul tended to side heavily with the direct effects model, whereby propaganda could
directly influence the thought of the masses. Meanwhile, theorists such as Lippmann also
noted that the media might not be influencing only thought, but may also be influencing
what people thought about. It was this line of thinking that resulted in a starting point for
future research in the area of the limited effects of the media. Such limited effects were
shown through the work of Iyengar and Kinder, as well as McCombs and Shaw. Overall,
the research of the scholars discussed in this paper has been very important to the
understanding of the media, the manipulation of the public, and the formation of public
opinion. While the theories of Lippmann, Lasswell, Bernays, and Ellul were formed years
ago, they continue to help us understand the society that surrounds us today.

Wikibooks | 31
Chapter 5




Hetzog, Katz, and friends

Uses and gratifications approach is an influential tradition in media research. The original
conception of the approach was based on the research for explaining the great appeal of
certain media contents. The core question of such research is: Why do people use media
and what do they use them for? (MacQuail, 1983). There exists a basic idea in this
approach: audience members know media content, and which media they can use to meet
their needs. In the mass communication process, uses and gratifications approach puts the
function of linking need gratifications and media choice clearly on the side of audience
members. It suggests that people’s needs influence what media they would choose, how
they use certain media and what gratifications the media give them. This approach differs
from other theoretical perspectives in that it regards audiences as active media users as
opposed to passive receivers of information. In contrast to traditional media effects
theories which focus on “what media do to people” and assume audiences are
homogeneous, uses and gratifications approach is more concerned with “what people do
with media” (Katz, 1959). It allows audiences personal needs to use media and responds
to the media, which determined by their social and psychological background. Uses and
gratifications approach also postulates that the media compete with other information
sources for audience’s need satisfaction (Katz et al., 1974a). As traditional mass media
and new media continue to provide people with a wide range of media platforms and
content, it is considered one of the most appropriate perspectives for investigating why
audiences choose to be exposed to different media channels (LaRose el al., 2001). The
approach emphasizes audiences’ choice by assessing their reasons for using a certain
media to the disregard of others, as well as the various gratifications obtained from the
media, based on individual social and psychological requirements (Severin & Tankard,
1997). As a broader perspective among communication researches, it provides a
framework for understanding the processes by which media participants seek information
or content selectively, commensurate with their needs and interests (Katz et al., 1974a).
Audience members then incorporate the content to fulfill their needs or to satisfy their
interests (Lowery & DeFleur, 1983).

Origin and History

It is well accepted that communication theories have developed through the realms of
psychology and sociology over the past 100 years. With illumed by valuable ideas as well
as exploring more untilled fields in these two disciplines, researchers elicit a series of
higher conceptions of understanding media. As a sub-tradition of media effects research,
uses and gratifications approach is suggested to be originally stemmed from a
functionalist paradigm in the social sciences (Blumler & Katz, 1974). To some extent,
however, functional theory on communication agrees with media’s effects 32 |
Communication Theory
Uses and Gratifications towards people. For example, a model often used in the theory,
the Hypodermic Needle model, discusses that “the mass media have a direct, immediate
and influential effect upon audiences by ‘injecting’ information into the consciousness of
the masses” (Watson & Hill 1997, p. 105). Functional theory influenced studies on
communication from the 1920s to the 1940s. After that, a shift which rediscovered the
relationship between media and people occurred and led to establishment of uses and
gratifications approach. The exploration of gratifications that motive people to be
attracted to certain media is almost as old as empirical mass communication research
itself (McQuail, 1983). Dating back to the 1940s, researchers became interested in the
reasons for viewing different radio programmes, such as soap operas and quizzes, as well
as daily newspaper (Lazrsfeld & Stanton, 1944, 1949; Herzog, 1944; Warner & Henry,
1948; etc.). In these studies, researchers discovered a list of functions served either by
some specific content or by the medium itself (Katz et al., 1974b). For instance, radio
soap operas were found to satisfy their listeners with advice, support, or occasions for
emotional release (Herzog, 1944; Warner and Henry, 1948); rather than just offering
information, newspaper was also discovered to be important to give readers a sense of
security, shared topics of conversation and a structure to the daily routine (Berelson,
1949). For these diverse dimensions of usage satisfaction, psychologist Herzog (1944)
marked them with the term “gratifications.” Uses and gratifications approach became
prevailing in the late 1950s till 1970s when television has grown up. Some basic
assumptions of the approach were proposed when it was rediscovered during that era.
Among the group of scholars who focus on uses and gratifications research, Elihu Katz is
one of the most well-known and contributed greatly to establishing the structure of the
approach. Elihu Katz is served both as a sociologist and as a communication researcher.
He received his Ph.D. in Sociology in 1956 from Columbia University and began
teaching at the University of Chicago until 1963. During the next thirty years, he taught
in the Department of Sociology and Communication at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem. In the late 1960, invited by the Government of Israel, Katz headed the task
force charged with the introduction of television broadcasting. This experience led to his
subsequent academic work about broadcasting and television in leisure, culture and
communication from the 1970s to1990s (UPENN, 2001). In 1992, he joined the faculty
of the Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania, and also directed its
experimental Scholars program for post-doctoral study. Katz’s mentor in Columbia
University is Paul Lazarsfeld, who is one of the pioneers of gratifications research. Their
cooperating work produced important outgrowths that connect the concept of
gratifications with the functional theory model. Later, Katz introduced uses and
gratification approach when he came up with the notion that people use the media to their
benefit. In a study by Katz, Gurevitch and Haas (1973), a subject which is known as the
uses and gratifications research were explored. They viewed the mass media as a means
by which individuals connect or disconnect themselves with others and found that people
bend the media to their needs more readily than the media overpower them (Katz,
Gurevitch and Haas, 1973). Along with colleague Jay G. Blumler, Katz published a
collection of essays on gratifications in 1974 which were entitled The Uses of Mass
Communication. They took a more humanistic approach to looking at media use. They
suggest that media users seek out a medium source that best fulfills the needs of the user
and they have alternate choices to satisfy their need. (Blumler & Katz, 1974). They also
discovered that media served the functions of surveillance, correlation, entertainment and
cultural transmission for both society and individuals (Blumler and Katz, 1974).
Wikibooks | 33
Chapter 5 Five basic assumptions were stated in a study of Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch
in 1974 as follows. They provide a framework for understanding the correlation between
media and audiences:
1. The audience is conceived as active, i.e., an important part of of mass media use is
assumed to be goal oriented … patterns of media use are shaped by more or less definite
expectations of what certain kinds of content have to offer the audience member. 2. In the
mass communication process much initiative in liking need gratification and media
choice lies with the audience member … individual and public opinions have power vis-
à-vis the seemingly allpowerful media. 3. The media compete with other sources of need
satisfaction. The needs served by mass communication constitute but a segment of the
wider range of human needs, and the degree to which they can be adequately met through
mass media consumption certainly varies. 4. Methodologically speaking, many of the
goals of mass media use can be derived from data supplied by individual audience
members themselves- i.e., people are sufficiently self-aware to be able to report their
interests and motives in particular cases, or at least to recognize them when confronted
with them in an intelligible and familiar verbal formulation. 5. Value judgments about the
cultural significance of mass communication should be suspended while audience
orientations are explored on their own terms. (p. 15-17).

In addition, Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch also commented that, although previous
researches on gratifications detected diverse gratifications that attract people on the
media, they did not address the connections between these gratifications (Katz et al.,
1974a). They suggested that uses and gratifications research concern with following
aspects: “(1) the social and the psychological origins of (2) needs which generate (3)
expectations of (4) the mass media or other sources which lead to (5) differential
exposure (or engaging in other activities), resulting in (6) need gratification and (7) other
consequences, perhaps mostly unintended ones” (Katz et al., 1974b, p. 20). The studies of
Katz and his colleagues laid a theoretical foundation of building the uses and
gratifications approach. Since then, the research on this subject has been strengthened and
extended. The current status of uses and gratifications is still based on Katz’s first
analysis, particularly as new media forms have emerged in such an electronic information
age when people have more options of media use.

Needs and Gratifications

Uses and gratifications approach emphasizes motives and the self-perceived needs of
audience members. Blumler and Katz (1974) concluded that different people can use the
same communication message for very different purposes. The same media content may
gratify different needs for different individuals. There is not only one way that people
uses media. Contrarily, there are as many reasons for using the media as there are media
users (Blumler & Katz, 1974). Basic needs, social situation, and the individual’s
background, such as experience, interests, and education, affect people’s ideas about what
they want from media and which media best meet their needs. That is, audience members
are aware of and can state their own motives and gratifications for using different media.
McQuail, Blumler, and Brown (1972) proposed a model of “media-person interactions”
to classify four important media gratifications: (1) Diversion: escape from routine or
problems; emotional release; (2) Personal relationships: companionship; social utility; (3)
Personal identity: self reference; reality exploration; value reinforces; and (4)
Surveillance (forms of information seeking).

34 | Communication Theory
Uses and Gratifications Another subdivided version of the audience’s motivation was
suggested by McGuire (1974), based on a general theory of human needs. He
distinguished between two types of needs: cognitive and affective. Then he added three
dimensions: “active” versus “passive” initiation, “external” versus “internal” goal
orientation, and emotion stability of “growth” and “preservation.” When charted, these
factors yield 16 different types of motivations which apply to media use. Katz, Gurevitch
and Haas (1973) developed 35 needs taken from the social and psychological functions of
the mass media and put them into five categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cognitive needs, including
acquiring information, knowledge and understanding; Affective needs, including
emotion, pleasure, feelings; Personal integrative needs, including credibility, stability,
status; Social integrative needs, including interacting with family and friends; and
Tension release needs, including escape and diversion.

Congruously, McQuail’s (1983) classification of the following common reasons for

media use: Information
• finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and
the world • seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and decision choices •
satisfying curiosity and general interest • learning; self-education • gaining a sense of
security through knowledge

Personal Identity

finding reinforcement for personal values finding models of behavior identifying with
valued others (in the media) gaining insight into oneself

Integration and Social Interaction


gaining insight into the circumstances of others; social empathy identifying with others
and gaining a sense of belonging finding a basis for conversation and social interaction
having a substitute for real-life companionship helping to carry out social roles enabling
one to connect with family, friends and society


escaping, or being diverted, from problems relaxing getting intrinsic cultural or aesthetic
enjoyment filling time emotional release Wikibooks | 35
Chapter 5

sexual arousal (p. 73)

These dimensions of uses and gratifications assume an active audience making motivated
choices. McQuail (1994) added another dimension to this definition. He states:
Personal social circumstances and psychological dispositions together influence both …
general habits of media use and also … beliefs and expectations about the benefits
offered by the media, which shape ... specific acts of media choice and consumption,
followed by ... assessments of the value of the experience (with consequences for further
media use) and, possibly ... applications of benefits acquired in other areas of experience
and social activity (p. 235).

This expanded explanation accounts for a variety of individual needs, and helps to
explain variations in media sought for different gratifications.

Gratifications sought (GS) and gratifications obtained (GO)

The personal motivations for media use also suggest that the media offer gratifications
which are expected by audiences. These gratifications can be thought of as experienced
psychological effects which are valued by individuals. Palmgreen and Rayburn (1985)
thus proposed a model of the gratifications sought (GS) and gratifications obtained (GO)
process. The model distinguishes between GS and GO. Thus, where GO is noticeably
higher than GS, we are likely to be dealing with situations of high audience satisfaction
and high ratings of appreciation and attention (McQuail, 1983). To investigate the
relationship between GS and GO, Palmgreen et al. (1980) conducted a study of
gratifications sought and obtained from the most popular television news programs. The
results indicated that, on the one hand, each GS correlated either moderately or strongly
with its corresponding GO; on the other hand, the researchers found that the gratifications
audiences reportedly seek are not always the same as the gratifications they obtain
(Palmgreen et al, 1980). A later study conducted by Wenner (1982) further showed that
audiences may obtain different levels of gratifications from what they seek when they are
exposed to evening news programs.

Media Dependency Theory

Media dependency theory, also known as media system dependency theory, has been
explored as an extension of or an addition to the uses and gratifications approach, though
there is a subtle difference between the two theories. That is, media dependency looks at
audience goals as the origin of the dependency while the uses and gratifications approach
emphasizes audience needs (Grant et al., 1998). Both, however, are in agreement that
media use can lead to media dependency. Moreover, some uses and gratifications studies
have discussed media use as being goal directed (Palmgreen, Wenner & Rosengren. 1985;
Rubin, 1993; Parker & Plank, 2000). Media dependency theory states that the more
dependent an individual is on the media for having his or her needs fulfilled, the more
important the media will be to that person. DeFleur and Ball36 | Communication Theory
Uses and Gratifications Rokeach (1976) described dependency as the correlating
relationship between media content, the nature of society, and the behavior of audiences.
It examines both macro and micro factors influencing motives, information-seeking
strategies, media and functional alternative use, and dependency on certain media (Rubin
and Windahl, 1982). As DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach (1989) suggested, active selectors’
use of the media to achieve their goals will result in being dependent on the media.
Littlejohn (2002) also explained that people will become more dependent on media that
meet a number of their needs than on media that provide only a few ones. “If a person
finds a medium that provides them with several functions that are central to their desires,
they will be more inclined to continue to use that particular medium in the future” (Rossi,
2002). The intensity of media dependency depends on how much people perceive that the
media they choose are meeting their goals. These goals were categorized by DeFleur and
Ball-Rokeach (1989) into three dimensions which cover a wide range of individual
objectives: (1) social and self understanding (e.g., learning about oneself, knowing about
the world); (2) interaction and action orientation (e.g., deciding what to buy, getting hints
on how to handle news or difficult situation, etc.); (3) social and solitary play (e.g.,
relaxing when alone, going to a movie with family or friends). DeFleur and BallRokeach
(1989) also suggested that more than one kind of goal can be activated (and satisfied) by
the same medium. Dependency on a specific medium is influenced by the number of
media sources available to an individual. Individuals should become more dependent on
available media if their access to media alternatives is limited. The more alternatives
there are for an individual, the lesser is the dependency on and influence of a specific
medium (Sun et al., 1999).

Uses and Gratifications Research in a New Era

The uses and gratifications has always provided a cutting-edge theoretical approach in the
initial stages of each new mass medium, such as newspapers, radio and television, and
now the Internet, which receives the significance via this approach (Ruggiero, 2000). The
uses and gratifications theory has been widely used, and also is better suited, for studies
of Internet use. In the Internet environment, users are even more actively engaged
communication participants, compared to other traditional media (Ruggiero, 2000). The
theory also suggests that people consciously choose the medium that could satisfy their
needs and that audiences are able to recognize their reasons for making media choices
(Katz et al., 1974). Some surveys have shown that users have little trouble verbalizing
their needs when using the Internet (Eighmey & McCord, 1997; Lillie, 1997; Nortey,
1998; Piirto, 1993; Ryan, 1995). Katz et al. (1974) argued that available media choice
compete to satisfy individual needs. Thus, there exists competition not only between the
Internet and other traditional media, but among each options in the Internet itself as well.
Despite the robustness of this list, history has shown that new media often create new
gratifications and new motivations among various audience groups (Angleman, 2000).
These new dimensions of users’ motivations and gratifications need to be identified and
satisfied. Although motivations for Internet use may vary among individuals, situations,
and media vehicles, most uses and gratifications studies explore them based on some or
all of the following dimensions: relaxation, companionship, habit, passing time,
entertainment, social interaction, information/surveillance, arousal, and escape
Wikibooks | 37
Chapter 5 (Lin, 1999). Examining how and why students use a university computer
bulletin board, Rafeali (1986) found that users seldom skip the factual or informative
messages, which indicates their strong interest in messages of this type. Maddox (1998)
also suggested that the most important reason why people use the Internet is to gather
various kinds of information. Lin (2001) found similar results when she examined online
services adoption. She found that online services are perceived primarily as information-
laden media, and that audiences who need to create more outlets for information
reception are the ones most likely to adopt online services (Lin, 2001). Internet use is also
linked to a series of instrumental as well as entertainment-oriented gratifications (Lin,
1996). Some scholars ranked diversion/entertainment as more important than exchanging
information in triggering media use (Schlinger, 1979; Yankelovich Partners, 1995).
Rafeali (1986) found that the primary motivation of bulletin board users are recreation,
entertainment, and diversion, followed by learning what others think about controversial
issues by communicating with people who matter in a community. Entertainment content
appears to satisfy users’ needs for escapism, hedonistic pleasure, aesthetic enjoyment, or
emotional release (McQuail, 1994). Providing entertainment, therefore, can motivate
audiences to use the media more often (Luo, 2002). Examining the Internet as a source of
political information, Johnson and Kaye (1998) found that people use the web primarily
for surveillance and voter guidance and secondarily for entertainment, social utility and
excitement. In a study of the web as an alternative to television viewing, Ferguson and
Perse (2000) found four main motivations for Internet use: entertainment, passing time,
relaxation/escape and social information. The Internet combines elements of both mass
and interpersonal communication. The distinct characteristics of the Internet lead to
additional dimensions in terms of the uses and gratifications approach. For example,
“learning” and “socialization” are suggested as important motivations for Internet use
(James et al., 1995). “Personal involvement” and “continuing relationships” were also
identified as new motivation aspects by Eighmey and McCord (1998) when they
investigated audience reactions to websites. The potential for personal control and power
is also embedded in Internet use. Pavlik (1996) noted that online, people are empowered
to act, communicate, or participate in the broader society and political process. This type
of use may lead to increased self-esteem, self-efficacy, and political awareness (Lillie,
1997). Heightened interactions were also suggested as motivations for using the Internet.
Kuehn (1994) called attention to this interactive capability of the Internet through
discussion groups, e-mail, direct ordering, and links to more information (Schumann &
Thorson, 1999; Ko, 2002). As such, Lin (2001) suggested that online services should be
fashioned to satisfy people’s need for useful information as well as social interaction
opportunities. Group support is another important reason for using the Internet. The
Internet can provide a relatively safe venue to exchange information, give support, and
serve as a meeting place without fear of persecution (Tossberg, 2000). It provides an
accessible environment where individuals can easily find others who share similar
interests and goals. As part of a group, they are able to voice opinions and concerns in a
supportive environment (Korenman & Wyatt, 1996). Other studies identified anonymity
as one of the reasons why people go online. According to McKenna et al. (2000), people
use the security of online anonymity to develop healthy friendships and 38 |
Communication Theory
Uses and Gratifications gratify their need to socialize. Those who play massively
multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) report that anonymity reduces their
self-awareness and motivates their behaviors in game playing (Foo & Koivisto, 2004).
Another survey done by Choi and Haque (2002) also found anonymity as a new
motivation factor for Internet use. Some also suggested that the Internet offer democratic
communication to anonymous participants in virtual communities such as chat rooms.
Ryan (1995) indicated that anonymity motivates users to speak more freely on the
Internet than they would in real life. With small fear of social punishment and
recrimination, minority groups can equally participate in the communication process
provided the technology is universally available (Braina, 2001).

Criticisms of Uses and Gratifications Research

Although uses and gratifications approach holds a significant status in communication
research, the research of the approach receives criticisms both on its theory and
methodology represented. McQuail (1994) commented that the approach has not
provided much successful prediction or casual explanation of media choice and use.
Since it is indeed that much media use is circumstantial and weakly motivated, the
approach seems to work best in examining specific types of media where motivation
might be presented (McQuail, 1994). The researcher Ien Ang also criticized uses and
gratifications approach in such three aspects: 1. It is highly individualistic, taking into
account only the individual psychological gratification derived from individual media
use. The social context of the media use tends to be ignored. This overlooks the fact that
some media use may have nothing to do with the pursuit of gratification - it may be
forced upon us for example. 2. There is relatively little attention paid to media content,
researchers attending to why people use the media, but less to what meanings they
actually get out of their media use. 3. The approach starts from the view that the media
are always functional to people and may thus implicitly offer a justification for the way
the media are currently organized (cited by CCMS-Infobase, 2003). Since it is hard to
keep track of exposure patterns through observation, uses and gratifications research
focus on the fact relied heavily on self-reports (Katz, 1987). Self-reports, however, are
based on personal memory which can be problematic (Nagel et al., 2004). As such, the
respondents might inaccurately recall how they behave in media use and thus distortion
might occur in the study.

Wikibooks | 39
Chapter 6


Roland Barthes

The Frankfurt School and Communication Theory

“I thought Adorno, on our first meeting, the most arrogant, self-indulgent (intellectually
and culturally) man I have ever met. Some 20 years later, I can think of additional
claimants for that position, but I doubt if they are serious rivals” (Donald MacRae, cited
in Morrison, 1978, pp. 331-332). The Frankfurt School was a group of critical theorists
associated with the Institut für Sozialforschung (Institute of Social Research) which was
located first at the University of Frankfurt (1923-1933), then in Geneva, Switzerland
(1933-35), Columbia University in New York (1935-1949), and finally back at the
University of Frankfurt, from 1949 to present. Some of the theorists associated with what
became known as the Frankfurt School included Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno (nee
Wiesengrund), Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, Leo Lowenthal, and
Friedrich Pollock. Felix Weil began the Institute of Social Research in 1923. The
theoretical basis of the Institute was Marxist, to no small degree because of Carl
Grünberg, who served as director from 1923-1930. Max Horkheimer succeeded Grünberg
as director and served in that capacity until 1960, when Theodor Adorno became director,
until his death in 1969. These theorists were all associated with the Institute in the 1920s,
except for Marcuse, who began working with the Institute in 1932. From the late 1950s
Jürgen Habermas would be involved with the Institute, but for a number of reasons his
work is often considered separate from that of the Frankfurt School. The Institute for
Social Research continues to operate at the University of Frankfurt, but what is known as
the Frankfurt School did not extend beyond the theorists associated with it. The interests
of the Frankfurt School theorists in the 1920s and 1930s lay predominantly in a Marxist
analysis of social and economic processes, and the role of the individual and the group in
relation to these processes. Their particular relevance to communication theory lies
primarily in Adorno's idea of the culture industry, and Marcuse's writings on one-

The Culture Industry

In 1947 Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno published Dialektik der Aufklärung:
Philosophische Fragmente, whose title was translated into English (in 1972) as Dialectic
of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments. One of the sections of this book was
concerned with what Horkheimer and Adorno called the culture industry. It was their
contention that the culture industry was the result of an historical process that with an
increase in technology (including mass communication technology) there was an increase
in the ability to produce commodities, which enabled increased consumption of goods.
The consumption of mechanically reproduced cultural products— predominantly radio
and film—led to formulas of producing them for entertainment purposes, and it did not
occur to consumers to question the idea that the entertainment presented to them had an
ideological purpose or purposes. Consumers adapted their needs around these cultural
products, and in 40 | Communication Theory
The Frankfurt School doing so no longer knew of anything else that they might desire, or
that there might be anything else they could desire. The entertainment that they enjoyed
did not reflect their real social, political, or economic interests, but instead blinded them
from questioning the prevailing system. Entertainment also had the function of allowing
the dominant system to replicate itself, which allowed for further expansion in production
and consumption. Thus, for Adorno and Horkheimer the culture industry worked in such
a way that those who were under its influence would not even notice that they were being
manipulated. Subsequent to the book’s publication in 1947, theorists of the Frankfurt
School knew of Adorno's conception of the culture industry, but the impact of the idea of
the culture industry in general philosophical discourse during the 1950s and 1960s was
limited. Dialectic of Enlightenment did not receive a wider distribution until 1969, and
although Herbert Marcuse continued the general idea of the culture industry in his One-
Dimensional Man of 1964, he did not refer to it as such. In spite of Marcuse’s incisive
criticism of dominant ideological structures, there is not a cultural component in his
thought that can be separated out from ideology as a whole, as appears in the work of
Adorno and Horkheimer. Thus, as a concept relating to communication theory in the
United States, the culture industry can more properly be said to have come to existence
due to the English translation of Adorno and Horkheimer’s book in 1972.

Genesis of “The Culture Industry”

In order to understand the creation of the idea of the culture industry as well as its
reception the concept can be examined chronologically, from its pre-conditions, through
its generation, to its subsequent impact. The idea of the culture industry grows out of a
concern with culture, is developed through insights into the mechanical reproduction of
culture, and is ultimately generated in opposition not only to popular music, but also to
Hollywood movies. That this is so grows out of a number of historical contingencies.
Theordor Wiesengrund enrolled at the University of Frankfurt in 1921 not only to study
philosophy, but music. Wiesengrund published in the 1920s and early 1930s under the
name Theodor Wiesengrund-Adorno, and later took the name Adorno, which had been
his mother’s maiden name. According to Thomas Mann, Adorno refused to choose
between music and philosophy throughout his entire life, believing that he was pursuing
the same objective in two disparate fields (Jäger, 2004, p. 31). Although he wrote his
doctoral thesis on Husserl, and a postdoctoral thesis on Kierkegaard, Adorno moved to
Vienna to study music composition with Alban Berg. Most of Adorno's music was written
between 1925 and 1930, though he continued to compose music for the rest of his life. In
addition to composing, Adorno was a music critic and editor of Musikblatter des Anbruch
from 1928 to 1932. As a composer and music critic Adorno was aware of conditions
relating to the production and dissemination of music in the 1920s and 1930s. This aspect
of Adorno’s career is important in understanding his subsequent approach to culture.
Because he had a profound knowldege of art, which is great part of culture, his beleif
what the real art should be like influenced on his criticism against culture industry. To
Adorno, the gist of real art is autonomy. Both of the production and the consumption of
cultural product should be originated by autonomy which arouses uniqueness of real art.
According to Adorno, culture industry which products and consumes the mass cultural
product is not based on autonomy but passivity so that it never seeks for uniqueness of
real art or culture. Adorno was introduced to Walter Benjamin in 1923, and the two
theorists became friends. Since Benjamin never received a degree that would allow him
to teach at a university, according to Hannah Wikibooks | 41
Chapter 6 Arendt, Adorno became in effect Benjamin's only pupil. After Benjamin’s
death “it was Adorno who then introduced a rationalized version of his ideas into
academic philosophy.” (Jäger, 2004, p. 65-6). The relationship with Benjamin had an
impact on the development of Adorno's thought during this period. Returning to
Frankfurt, Adorno began teaching at the Institute, and published articles in the Zeitschrift
fur Socialforschung (Journal for Social Research) that had been set up by the Institute in
1932. Adorno lost his right to teach in September 1933 due to the rise to power of the
Nazi party. Horkheimer had already set up a branch of the Institute in Geneva,
Switzerland, and the Institute began operating there. The Nazis' rise to power not only
meant that Adorno lost his job and would eventually force his departure from Germany,
but also affected his philosophical thought. As Jürgen Habermas would later note, the fact
that labor movements were co-opted in the development of fascist regimes was one of the
historical experiences influencing the development of critical theory, the others being
Stalinist repression and the production of mass culture in the United States (Morris, 2001,
p. 48). Adorno was at Oxford from 1934 to 1938, where he worked on a manuscript on
Husserl. He was considered an outsider, never integrating into the British academic
mainstream, and he looked forward to joining his Frankfurt School colleagues, many of
whom had in the meantime moved to the United States. Already in the late 1930s Adorno
evidenced little hope for mass culture. As propaganda and entertainment increased during
the 1930s, Benjamin and Adorno debated mass culture, since film and radio became the
two most popular means to disseminate propaganda under the fascist and Stalinist
dictatorships. The essay translated as “On the Fetish Character in Music and the
Regression in Listening” is in effect a pessimistic reply to Walter Benjamin’s more
optimistic essay, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (Brunkhorst,
1999, p. 62). A primary problem for Adorno lay in the fact that instead of being enjoyed
in a concert hall, symphonic works could now be heard over the radio, and could be
reproduced on phonograph records. The result was inferior to the original, and Adorno
was emphatic in his condemnation of the mechanical reproduction of music: “Together
with sport and film, mass music and the new listening help to make escape from the
whole infantile milieu impossible” (Adorno, 2001b, p. 47). While Benjamin regarded the
destroy of aura by photograph or film as the emancipation from hierarchical tastes tied to
class, to Adorno, the aura of the original artwork was the essential of the artistic
authenticity. To Benjamin, the mechanical reproduction was the challenge against the
authority of Platonic order from the top-the original or Ideato down of layers of
imitations; to Adorno, mass production was nothing but the destruction of the
authenticity. The general attitude of the Frankfurt school was that of Adorno. In 1938
Max Horkheimer, who had succeeding in establishing a relationship for the Institute of
Social Research with Columbia University that enabled the Institute to continue working
in New York, obtained a position for Adorno at the Princeton Radio Research Project, run
by Paul Lazarsfeld. Adorno, anxious to leave Britain in the hopes of being with other
members of the Institute, accepted the position, although he later claimed that he did not
know what a “radio project” was. For his part, Lazarsfeld looked forward to working with
Adorno, whom he knew to be an expert on music. Adorno wrote for the Project’s journal
Radio Research in 1941, reiterating his position that radio was only an image of a live
performance. In addition, he questioned the claim by the radio industry that the medium
was bringing serious music to the masses (Wiggershaus, 1994, p. 243). While working at
the Princeton Radio Research Project Adorno became shocked at the degree to which
culture had become commercialized in the United States. Commercialization of culture in
the United States had gone far beyond anything he had seen in Europe. Further, the
prevalence of advertising in the United States was 42 | Communication Theory
The Frankfurt School something with no correlative in Europe. The closest thing in
Adorno’s experience to the advertising industry in the United States was fascist
propaganda (Jäger, 2004, p. 122). Adorno was later to allude to his experience with the
Princeton Radio Research Project in the essay on the culture industry by noting the
statistical division of consumers, and stating that he saw this research as being
“indistinguishable from political propaganda” (Horkheimer and Adorno, 2002, p. 97). It
became obvious that Lazarsfeld and Adorno did not agree on the value of empirical
studies, and Adorno left the project. Adorno’s dissatisfaction with the work of the
Princeton Radio Research Project would eventually motivate him to further develop the
idea of the culture industry. Because of the relationship between the Institute for Social
Research and Columbia University, Horkheimer, who had already moved to California,
could not bring Adorno to the West Coast until November 1941. When Adorno was
finally able to relocate, he joined an expatriate community that included Fritz Lang,
Arnold Schoenberg, Hans Eisler, Thomas and Heinrich Mann, Alfred Döblin, and Bertolt
Brecht, several of which found work in the Hollywood movie industry. The fact that
Adorno was part of this intellectual community whose members were involved in the
production of Hollywood movies must have had some influence in developing his
thoughts on culture, since the Hollywood system inhibited the creative freedom that
many of the expatriates had enjoyed in Weimar Germany. According to Douglas Kellner,
Max Horkheimer wanted to write a “great book on dialectics,” and Herbert Marcuse, who
had been admitted to the Institute in 1932, was eager to work on the project. While
Horkheimer (and later Adorno) moved to California, Marcuse went to work for the Office
of Strategic Services (the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency), and later the
State Department. Thus it was Adorno and not Marcuse who became Horkheimer’s co-
author on the project on dialectics (Kellner, 1991, p. xviii). The work that resulted was
The Dialectic of Enlightenment, with its section titled “The Culture Industry:
Enlightenment as Mass Deception” drafted by Adorno. These preconditions—Adorno’s
interest in music, his friendship with Benjamin, and his work on the Princeton Radio
Project, as well as involvement with the expatriate community in California and the
relationship of several of these to the Hollywood film industry—are all important to an
understanding of his concern for the idea of the culture industry.

“The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception”

For Adorno, popular culture on film and radio did not bother to present itself as art. They
were instead a business, and this in turn became an ideology “to legitimize the trash they
intentionally produce” (Horkheimer and Adorno, 2002, p. 95). This business was based
on what Adorno referred to as “Fordist capitalism,” in which mass production based on
the techniques used by Henry Ford were implemented in the cultural sphere, insofar as
these tendencies were based on centralization and hierarchy (Hohendahl, 1995, p. 142).
Examples of this—not specified by Adorno—were the Hollywood production system, or
the CBS radio network that had been associated with the Princeton Radio Research
Project. Movies and hit songs were based on formulas, and “the formula supplants the
work” (Horkheimer and Adorno, 2002, p. 99). Mechanical reproduction ensured that
there would not be any real change to the system, and that nothing truly adversarial to the
system would emerge (Horkheimer and Adorno, 2002, p. 106-7). Paradoxically, any
innovation would only reaffirm the system, and Adorno cited Orson Welles as an example
of someone who was allowed to break the rules. The elasticity in the system would allow
it to assume the stance of any opposition and make it its own, ultimately rendering it
ineffectual (Friedman, 1981, p. 165). Like religion and other institutions, the Wikibooks |
Chapter 6 culture industry was an instrument of social control (Horkheimer and Adorno,
2002, p. 120), but freedom to choose in a system of economic coercion ultimately meant
the “freedom to be the same” (Horkheimer and Adorno, 2002, p. 136). Since Adorno had
been, in his essays on music and radio, an apparent defender of high art, “The Culture
Industry” has been criticized as being a defense of high art, as opposed to popular culture.
Adorno specifically defines avant-garde art as the adversary of the culture industry
(Horkheimer and Adorno, 2002, p. 101). It was not high art that Adorno was presenting
as an alternative to the culture industry, but modernism. Although he provides the idea of
an opposing force to the culture industry, Adorno provides no overt Marxist analysis.
Instead, he notes in passing that the dominant system utilized capacities for mass
consumption for entertainment or amusement, but refused to do so when it was a question
of abolishing hunger (Horkheimer and Adorno, 2002, p. 111). Dialectic of Enlightenment
was issued in mimeograph form in 1944, in German, and thus would have limited impact
outside of the expatriate community. In the meantime Adorno began working, along with
Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, and R. Nevitt Sanford, on an empirical
investigation into prejudice titled The Authoritarian Personality. He wrote Minima
Moralia: Reflections on Damaged Life in 1945, and this work, upon its publication in
Germany in 1951, would mark the beginning of his impact in Germany (Jäger, 2004, p.
167). Adorno would also co-author Composing for the Films with Hans Eisler, and in this
text Adorno made it clear that the culture industry is not identical with high or low art
(Hohendahl, 1995, p. 134). This is perhaps the first of several of Adorno’s attempts at
redefining the culture industry to an audience that in all probability had no exposure to
the concept as it was detailed in the original essay.

Return to Germany
Dialectic of Enlightenment was published in Amsterdam in German in 1947 with a
number of variants, excluding words and phrases in the published edition that could be
construed as being Marxist (Morris, 2001, p. 48). Their apparent intent was to not attract
the attention of the American occupation authorities in Germany. One of the main reasons
for this is that Horkheimer wanted to return the Institute for Social Research to Germany,
not only because of the desire to return to Frankfurt but also because a committee at
Columbia University had evaluated the work of the Institute and recommended that the
Institute become a department of Paul Lazarsfeld’s Bureau of Applied Social Research at
Columbia (Jäger, 2004, p. 149). Marcuse, who had been producing propaganda for the
OSS during the war based on his expert knowledge of Germany, published revolutionary
theses in a journal in 1947, and these theses could not be reconciled with the direction of
the Institute due to an apparent change in Horkheimer’s attitude towards Marxism. Thus,
when excerpts from Dialectic of Enlightenment were published without their permission
in 1949, Horkheimer and Adorno protested, distancing themselves from their own work,
in order not to jeopardize their return to Germany. In the late 1940s the Institute relocated
to Frankfurt, and opened in its new premises in 1951. Horkheimer became the
ViceChancellor of the University of Frankfurt. In 1954 Adorno published an essay
entitled “How to Look at Television” that was the result of a study that had been done for
the Hacker Foundation, with the involvement of George Gerbner and others. In this essay
Adorno warned, “rigid institutionalization transforms modern mass culture into a medium
of undreamed of psychological control” (Adorno, 2001a, p. 160). It was one of the few
occasions in the 1950s that Adorno would discuss the implications of mass culture. At
least one observer found it strange that “the leading cultural theorist of his day” did not
take part in cultural 44 | Communication Theory
The Frankfurt School developments of the fifties (Jäger, 2004, p. 191). Adorno would
nonetheless on occasion attempt to reshape his thought on the culture industry. For
example, in 1959 he wrote of a “universal pseudoculture” in the United States (Adorno,
1993, p. 21), and gave a radio talk in Germany in 1963 on “The Culture Industry
Reconsidered.” In 1966, when writing the essay “Transparencies on Film,” Adorno
conceded that film-making might be an acceptable cultural practice in opposition to the
culture industry, within the context of modernism (Hohendahl, 1995, p. 131).

One-Dimensional Man, and Suppression of “The Culture Industry”

Adorno took over running the Institute in 1960, and his primary philosophical concern in
the 1960s was his critical engagement with Martin Heidegger, especially Heidegger’s
language, as detailed in the book The Jargon of Authenticity. In the meantime, Marcuse
had developed a critique of Stalinism, and was developing a critique of social conditions
in Western democracies, in part based on his familiarity with Adorno's work. He was, for
example, connecting “the analysis and critique of false needs to a critical theory of mass
media and popular culture” (Agger, 1995, p. 34). Marcuse did not oppose popular culture
as completely as Adorno, however, recognizing “fissures in the edifice of mainstream
mass culture which could be pried open still further” (Agger, 1995, p. 34). In One-
Dimensional Man Marcuse put an analysis “of late capitalist society into a systematic
context,” as opposed to other writers in the Frankfurt School (Wiggershaus, 1994, p.
609). Instead of culture serving ideological ends, for Marcuse “social control mechanisms
in advanced industrial society ensure the wholesale integration of the individual into mass
society” (Reitz, 2000, p. 144). Capitalist production and the tremendous wealth that
resulted from it formed a “system of repressive affluence” that kept elements of society
satisfied and quiescent (Alway, 1995, p. 83). The entirety of society had become
organized around an ideology whose main objectives were to maintain social control and
continue to perpetuate the ideology that maintained that control. Echoing Adorno,
Marcuse wondered whether the information and entertainment aspects of mass media
could be differentiated from their manipulation and indoctrination functions (Marcuse,
1991, p. 8). However, it is difficult in Marcuse's argument to separate culture or mass
media from society as a whole because Marcuse did not distinguish culture or mass
media as entities separate from the totality of dominant ideology in the same way that
Adorno had done. In the end Marcuse’s analysis of society allowed for no opposition to
the dominant ideology. Marcuse wrote, "how can the administered individuals—who
have made their mutilation into their own liberties and satisfactions, and thus reproduce it
on an enlarged scale—liberate themselves from themselves as well as from their masters?
How is it even thinkable that the vicious circle be broken?” (Marcuse, 1991, p. 251).
Given the pessimistic tone of the book, it is somewhat ironic that largely because of it he
would be perceived as an icon for leftist movements of the 1960s in the U.S. and
Germany that developed an oppositional stance. In spite of this, Marcuse maintained that
he was a philosopher, and not an activist. Like others associated with the Frankfurt
School, he was wary of the idea that theory could be translated into practice (Chambers,
2004, p. 226). While Marcuse was writing a work that would become essential to student
movements in the 1960s, in 1961 Adorno and Horkheimer resisted the reissue of
Dialectic of Enlightenment that had been proposed to them by the publishing house of
Fischer. The publisher felt that the book could be read as a description of prevailing
conditions in Germany. Marcuse enthusiastically supported the reissue of the book in
1962, but Adorno and Horkheimer withheld their consent (Jäger, 2004, p. 194). The
reasons Wikibooks | 45
Chapter 6 that Horkheimer and Adorno tried to keep Dialectic of Enlightenment from
reaching a wider audience are not entirely clear. In reviewing the text in 1961, Friedrich
Pollack reported to Adorno and Horkheimer that the work required too much revision to
receive mass dissemination. The two authors continued to negotiate with the Fischer
publishing house until 1969, and may have only agreed to republish the work since pirate
copies had already been disseminated by individuals in the German student movement.
Students also began posting snippets of the text as handbills. While student movements in
the United States and Germany looked to Herbert Marcuse as their idol, the situation in
Frankfurt degenerated to the point at which Adorno could no longer effectively conduct
classes. He complained to the dean about the radical students in his classes who were
making teaching impossible. In the winter term of 1968-69 students occupied a number
of buildings at the University at Frankfurt, including the Institute for Social Research.
After the strike ended, Adorno returned to teaching, but his lectures continued to be
disrupted, including one “tasteless demonstration” in which three females bared their
breasts. Adorno died a few months later (Jäger, 2004, p. 201-08).

Critical Response to “The Culture Industry”

The 1972 English-language translation marked the first real appearance of the idea of the
culture industry outside of a German context. In the years since there have been
numerous criticisms of the text, not least since Adorno made sweeping generalizations
about “the commodified and fetishized character of all cultural goods” (Cook, 1996, p.
113). For the generally sympathetic Deborah Cook, Adorno erred in not discussing the
processes of cultural production, and failed to examine the culture industry’s economic
dependence on other business sectors, including marketing and advertising (Cook, 1996,
p. 48). For Terry Eagleton, both Adorno and Marcuse overestimated the dominant
ideology, believing that “capitalist society languishes in the grip of an all-pervasive
reification” (Eagleton, 1991, p. 46). Still, Eagleton conceded that “the diffusion of
dominant values and beliefs among oppressed peoples in society has some part to play in
the reproduction of the system as a whole” (Eagleton, 1991, p. 36). Fredric Jameson
pointed out that Adorno’s idea of a culture industry was historically limited, since the
society that developed in the 1960s and 1970s with new media went beyond the cultural
possibilities available during the 1940s. While the idea of the culture industry can be
defended as a useful theory for industrial societies between 1920 and 1970, trying to use
it today weakens its effectiveness (Hohendahl, 1995, p. 146-48). Thus, for a some critics,
the value of the idea of the culture industry would appear to be merely historical, if they
in fact conceded that it had any value at all. According to Hohendahl, for many
postmodern critics the essay on the culture industry is problematic because they confuse
the defense of modernist art with a defense of high culture, against popular culture. In the
context of Dialectic of Enlightenment it is the destruction of traditional culture that is in
question, along with its replacement with new forms depending on commodity exchange
(Hohendahl, 1995, p. 137). In relation to this Deborah Cook cites such artists as
Schoenberg, Beckett, and Kafka as cultural producers who are not entirely subject to
commodification, and notes that Jameson is in agreement that modernism is the
“dialectical opposite of mass culture” (Cook, 1996, p. 107). Thus for some critics
modernist works would be counteracting forces against the dominant ideology. As noted
in the example of Orson Welles, however, it may be the case that the dominant ideology
can co-opt modernist works for its own ends. The idea of the culture industry has had an
importance in critical theory since its appearance in the 46 | Communication Theory
The Frankfurt School 1940s, in that it has led to thought about the role of mass
communications in relation to ideology, and hence, society. Since Adorno made sweeping
generalizations about the impact of the culture industry, and since he did not
systematically explore how the culture industry operated, it has been generally easy for
some to dismiss the idea of a culture industry. It is nonetheless the case that motion
pictures are still made by large companies and that their movies largely rely on formulaic
plots. It is also the case that radio is increasingly controlled by a small number of
companies, which tend to impose restrictions on how stations operate. As a broadcast
medium, television is very much related to both radio and film, and shares with them
qualities that situation it in the culture industry. While there is a democratizing aspect to
the Internet (in that anyone can create a web site), it happens that the commercial
companies operating on the Internet continue to maintain an ideological function. For
example, one seldom sees new stories on MSNBC or Yahoo that would question the
prerogatives of corporate America. A reexamination of the idea of the culture industry
may be necessary in order to theorize on how mass communication media propagate
dominant ideologies.

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Chapter 7




Roland Barthes

Between Intelligence and Creativity

Barthes's Life
"Who does not feel how natural it is, in France, to be Catholic, married, and well
qualified academically?" (Thody, p., 1977, p. 5) This sentence--found in the book Roland
Barthes par Roland Barthes, a collection of Roland Barthes's autobiographical essays--
encapsulates his general cynicism about "the natural." This semiironic question might
have originated from his own unique life; he was a Protestant in a predominantly Catholic
nation, an unmarried homosexual, and a professor without a doctoral degree. Barthes was
born in 1915. His father, a naval officer, died in action during the First World War, before
Barthes' first birthday. From 1934 to 1947 Barthes suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis,
and was hospitalized for extended periods. Barthes could not compete for his agregation
examinations due to his tuberculosis, and this hampered his academic career. In 1937, he
was excluded from required military service. Moreover, suffering from a second bout of
tuberculosis in 1941, he was not able to finish his doctorate. These accumulated
exclusions from the life and experience of Frenchmen of his own generation serve as
background to Barthes's thought (Thody, 1977, pp. 1-5). In 1948 he returned to the
academic field. He held positions at the Institute Francais in Bucharest in 1948 and at the
University of Alexandria in Egypt in 1949. The period at the University of Alexandria is
important in that it influenced his early career as a structuralist. There, he learned about
structural linguistics from A.J. Gremas, a specialist in semantics, and had his "linguistic
initiation" (Wesserman, 1981, p.16).

Writing Degree Zero

As Todorov (1981) writes "It was very difficult to categorize Barthes's texts as belonging
to one of the principal types of discourse with which we are familiar, and which our
society takes as given," (in D. Knight, p. 124). It is difficult to define the category or
categories in which he would fit. First of all, he is frequently seen as a literary critic.
Much of his early academic achievement is composed of works of literary criticism
written with a semiotic approach. His later work would reflect his reading of Kristeva,
Derrida, and others, and reflect more of a post-structural position. The post-structural
critiques find his most representative theme, an argument regarding "the death of author"
(Barthes, 1977). His books On Racine, Critical Essays, and Sade, Fourier, Loyola are
works that advance his thought on literature. To some degree his literary criticism was
influenced by Jean-Paul Sartre. The first book that Barthes wrote, translated into English
as Writing Degree Zero, is in part a response to Sartre's What is 48 | Communication
Semiotics and Myth Literature? This is important insofar as it would largely define
Barthes's approach not only to literature, but to other media, as well as culture in general.
In brief, in What is Literature Sartre called upon the writer's and reader's commitment to
not only their own, but also the human freedom but of others. In Writing Degree Zero
Barthes explored this idea of commitment through a concern with form. Barthes's "notion
of writing concerns that which is communicated outside or beyond any message or
content" (Allen, 2003, 16). For Barthes, writing in its extreme form is
"anticommunication." Barthes was also a cultural theorist. His thoughts are affected by
existentialism, Marxism, structuralism and psychoanalysis. He developed these
philosophical ideas and theories, and in turn had influence on later theorists. He was
impressed in particular by Saussure, Levi-Strauss, Marx, and Jacques Lacan. As Moriarty
(1991) says, the label "theorist" as applied to Barthes is still reductive. With journalistic
passion, his activity as a theorist of semiology moves into popular culture. His style as an
essayist adopted other forms. He evolved a writing style that adopted both novelistic
styles and critical or political discourse. Even if his writings do not resemble a typical
novel, they offer everything the reader might desire from a novel. (Moriarty, 1991, p.5)
Barthes did not establish any specific theory, but he can be considered as an important
thinker positioned between structuralism and post-structuralism. It is not only because of
his multilateral intellectual activities but also his continuous reflexive and critical
consciousness about "right here" where he belonged; as a "New Leftist" he said that he
was both "Sartrian and Marxist," which means "existential Marxist" (Wasserman, G.,
1981, p. 17). He was critical about the platitudinous and depthless criticism against
bourgeois literature; as a poststructuralist, he tried to overcome the limitations in

Influenced by Saussure and Lévi-Strauss

Saussure and Barthes
Like many other structuralist scholars, Barthes was influenced by Saussure's structural
linguistics. To Saussure, the linguistic mechanism operates on two levels, the systematic
system and the variation by speaking actors. The former is called langue and the latter
parole. "Langue is the systematized set of conventions necessary to communication,
indifferent to the material of the signal which compose it; as opposed to it, speech
(parole) is covers the purely individual part of language" (Barthes, 1967, p.13). Barthes
interprets Saussure's linguistic system within the social dimension. The structure level,
langue, is the social convention or value shared through a society which is stabilized and
standardized. On the contrary, parole is flexible because it is the actual expression at the
individual level. However, it is considered 'relatively' flexible due to the fact that speech
by an individual cannot be free from the shared convention, the structure.
A language is therefore, a social institution and a system of values. It is the social part of
language, it is essentially a collective contract which one must accept in its entirety if one
wishes to communicate. It is because a language is a system of contractual values that it
resists the modifications coming from a single individual and is consequently a social
institution. In contrast to language, which is both institution and system, speech is
essentially an individual act of selection and actualization. The speaking subject can use
Wikibooks | 49
Chapter 7
code of the language with a view to expressing his personal thought. It is because speech
is essentially a combinative activity that it corresponds to and individual act and not to a
pure creation. (Barthes, 1967, pp. 14-15)

Focusing on the systematic level, Sausurre distinguishes the language system into two
parts, the signified and the signifier. The signified is a concept or meaning which is
expressed through the form. The form is called the signifier, which is the external part of
language. For example, both the word 'dog' in English or 'gae' in Korean are the external
forms expressing the actual animal dog. Here, the actual animal, the concept in question,
becomes the signified. "I propose to retain the word sign (signe) to designate the whole
and to replace concept and sound-image respectively by signified (signifié) and signifier
(significant); the last two terms have the advantage of indicating the opposition that
separates them from each other and from the whole of which they are parts" (Saussure,
1959, in R. Innis (ed.), p. 37). The correspondence of the concept/meaning to the external
form is not in the destined relation, but rather, in the arbitrary relation. It is not the
inevitable internal relation but the difference between the signs that operates the
signifying system. Saussure (1960) argues that "language does not reflect a preexistent
and external reality of independent objects, but constructs meaning from within itself
through a series of conceptual and phonic differences" (Barker, 2000. p. 67). According
to Saussure, "meaning is produced through a process of selection and combination of
signs along two axes, the syntagmatic (e.g. a sentence) and the paradigmatic (e.g.
synonyms), organized into a signifying system" (Barker, 2002, p. 29). As a grammatical
set of signs or the underlying systematic order, the syntagmatic comprises a sentence, and
the paradigmatic means a field of possible signs that can be replaced with one another.
Despite various possibilities in selecting the signs within the same paradigmatic, the
selection is also regulated by the consensus of linguistic community members. For an
example of the syntagmatic and the paradigmatic, let's consider the following sentence: "I
went to a theater with my girlfriend." This sentence is established through the linear
combination of signs. The signs within the example, such as I theater, my, and girlfriend
can be substituted for by other signs in the paradigmatic, such as "She went to a
restaurant with her mother." Through the syntagmatic and the paradigmatic, Saussure
tells us that signs are operated only when they are related to each other. "Crucially, signs
do not make sense by virtue of reference to entities in an independent object world;
rather, they generate meaning by reference to each other. Thus, meaning is understood as
a social convention organized through the relations between signs" (Barker, C., 2002, p.
29). "It is central to Saussure's argument that red is meaningful in relation to the
difference between red, green, amber, etc. These signs are then organized into a sequence
which generates meaning through the cultural conventions of their usage within a
particular context. Thus, traffic lights deploy 'red' to signify 'stop,' and 'green' to signify
'go.' This is the cultural code of traffic systems which temporally fixes the relationship
between colours and meanings. Signs become naturalized codes. The apparent
transparency of meaning (we know when to stop or go) is an outcome of cultural
habituation, the effect of which is to conceal the practices of cultural coding" (Barker, C.,
2000. p. 68). As Barker explains, even though there might be infinte possibilities to
change the relation between the signified and the signifier due to its arbitrariness, this
relationship is limited and stabilized through consensus within the particular social and
historical contexts. Even though Saussure's study itself is limited to linguistics, it
suggests the possibility of the study of culture as signs. Barthes is one of the most popular
scholars who expanded Saussure's concepts to interpreting cultural phenomenon as

50 | Communication Theory
Semiotics and Myth

Lévi-Strauss is another structuralist who influenced Barthes. Lévi-Strauss was an
anthropologist who applied Saussure's theory to anthropological areas of study, such as
kinship. "Although they belong to another order of reality, kinship phenomena are of the
same type as linguistic phenomena" (Lévi-Struass, 1963, in R. Innis, p.113). Lévi-Strauss
accepted Saussure's idea that "Language (langue), on the contrary to speech (langage), is
a self-contained whole and a principle of classification. As soon as we give language first
place among the facts of speech, we introduce a natural order into a mass that lends itself
to no other classification the norm of all other manifestations of speech" (Saussure, 1959,
in R. Innis (ed.), p.29). He went further, however, by conceptualizing language itself as
the production of its society. Like Saussure, Lévi-Strauss focused on the structure of
language, and sought to find the hidden structures that he believed to exist in archetypes.
Based on the laws of language underlying speech, he specifically tried to uncover the
underlying substructure of various cultural phenomena such as customs, rites, habits, and
gestures - "phenomena which themselves said to be intrinsic to the creation of language"
(Kurzweil, 1982, p. 64). He also examined the underlying structure of the myth. "Its
substance does not lie in its style, its original music, or its syntax, but in the story which it
tells. Myth is language, functioning on an especially high level where meaning succeeds
practically at 'taking off' from the linguistic ground on which it keeps on rolling" (Lévi-
Strauss, 1955, in H. Adams & L. Searle (Eds.), p. 811). Kurzweil (1982) indicates that
Barthes questioned why the dimensions of time often become irrelevant for creative
writers. This question is very similar to that of Lévi-Strauss, who wrote, "With myth,
everything becomes possible. But on the other hand, this apparent arbitrariness is belied
by the astounding similarity between myths collected in widely different regions." Lévi-
Strauss (1955) explains this problem, "Therefore the problem: If the content of a myth is
contingent, how are we going to explain the fact that myths throughout the world are so
similar?" (p. 810). It seems natural that Barthes was attracted to Lévi-Strauss's findings of
the similarities between tribal myths in discrete cultures, as well as between structural
elements in the lives and tales of diverse tribes. Through his work, Lévi-Strauss believed
that there would be one universal system connecting all myths and all societies. Barthes,
despite not being a Marxist, but working as a scholar who wanted to reveal the false
notions in petite-bourgeois ideology, adopted Levi-Strauss's systemic approach
(Kurzweil, E., 1982, p. 64-69). He expected to analyze all past and future creative acts
and works through the language their authors used, and argued that these authors were no
more than expressions of their times and societies (Kurzweil, E., 1982, pp. 64-69).

Barthes goes further

Barthes was able to expand upon the work of these scholars. His classified concepts, such
as Language and Speech, Signified and Signifier, Syntagm and System, Denotation and
Connotation (Barthes, 1968, trans. Cape, J., p. 12) expanded on Saussure's work. For
example, he added the concept of "the motivated" as the middle concept between "the
icon" as only one functional meaning and "the arbitrary" as infinite possible meanings.
"The motivated is carefully defined by accepted conventions; national flags or uniforms
are begin to merge into the motivated when they give rise to the wearing of civilian
clothes that have a complex but nevertheless very clear set of associations in the
particular society in which they have grown up." (Thody, P., 1997, p.37) Wikibooks | 51
Chapter 7 Also, while Lévi-Strauss sought for the universality throughout all different
kinds of myths, Barthes emphasized on the potential of difference as a role of language,
especially in his later thought. Barthes thus becomes a link between structuralism and

Barthes and mass communication

In Communication Studies, the reason Roland Barthes can be considered an important
scholar is that he applied linguistic rules to general cultural codes, from a magazine "text"
to an "image" in advertisements. His approach to cultural products becomes a good
example in today's Cultural Studies, Critical Communication and various semiotic
analyses of media programs or in Visual Communication field. Books most related to
media culture among Barthes's writings are Elements of Semiology (1964), the Fashion
System (1967) and Mythologies (1957). These are perhaps the most "structuralistic" of
his works.

Elements of Semiology
Elements of Semiology does not analyze popular culture directly. Rather, Barthes shows
his critical interest in mass culture, writing about the value of semiological analyses of
mass cultural products in an era of mass communication. "The development of mass
communications confers particular relevance today upon the vast field of signifying
media, just when the success of disciplines such as linguistics, information theory, formal
logic and structural anthropology provide semantic analysis with new instruments"
(Barthes, 1964, p. 9). With Elements of Semiology, Barthes introduced four
classifications of the elements that create the process of semiological analysis. These
classifications are borrowed from structural linguistics, and consist of the categories of
language and speech, signified and signifier, syntagm and system, and denotation and
connotation (Barthes, 1964). Language and Speech Barthes (1964) applied the concepts
of language, or the part of the semiological system which is agreed upon by society, and
speech, or the individual selection of symbols, to semiological systems. The application
of these concepts can be applied to the semiological study of the food system. According
to Barthes (1964), a person is free to create their own menu, using personal variations in
food combinations, and this will become their speech or message. This is done with the
overall national, regional, and social structures of the language of food in mind (Barthes,
1964). Barthes (1964) then expanded on Saussure’s terms, by explaining that language is
not really socially determined by the masses, but is sometimes determined by a small
group of individuals, somewhat changing the relationship of language and speech.
Barthes (1964) claims that a semiological system can essentially exist in which there is
language, but little or no speech. In this case, Barthes (1964) believes that a third element
called matter, which would provide signification, would need to be added to the
language/speech system. Signifier and Signified For Saussure (1959), the signified was a
representation of a concept, while the signifier was used to represent the sound-image of
that concept. Barthes (1964) points out that the importance of 52 | Communication
Semiotics and Myth both the signified and the signifier is the relationship between them;
it is within this relationship that meaning is created. “…that the words in the field derive
their meaning only from their opposition to one another (usually in pairs), and that if
these oppositions are preserved, the meaning is unambiguous” (Barthes, 1964, p. 38). Out
of this relationship, the sign is created. Saussure (1959) considered the sign to be
arbitrary in nature, based primarily on the relationship between the signified and the
signifier. Barthes (1964) explained that the sign can no longer be arbitrary when
semiological systems are considered. Instead, Barthes shows that once a sign takes on a
function or use, it will gain its own meaning in the process. “…as soon as there is a
society, every usage is converted into a sign of itself” (Barthes, 1964, p. 41). The sign can
actually lose its arbitrary nature and become motivated (Barthes, 1964). Syntagm and
System Barthes (1964) defines the syntagm as a linear combination of signs. Within
semantic analyses, this would be something like a sentence, where each term is related to
the other terms within the phrase (Barthes, 1964). The syntagm is compared to the
system, which explains associations on the same level, such as how certain words relate
to the meaning of other words within our minds, as in the case of the relations between
“education” and “training” (Barthes, 1964, p. 58). Barthes expands upon these ideas by
applying them semiologically to various systems, including food. With food, the
systematic level becomes the various dishes within a particular category (i.e. types of
desserts), whereas the syntagmatic level becomes the menu choices selected for a full
meal (Barthes, 1964). Denotation and Connotation The terms denotation and connotation
were used by Barthes for examining the relationships between systems. Each
semiological system can be thought of as consisting of an expression, a plane of content,
and a relation between the two (Barthes, 1964). A connotation then examines how one
system can act as a signifier of this first relation, specifically how it represents the
expression within the first system (Barthes, 1964). These elements were particularly
useful for examining relations between systems of symbols, rather than just relations
between elements. Despite the theoretical discussion, Elements of Semiology offers
Barthes's own interpretation about the political or existential conditions. He recommends
a "total ideological description" (Barthes, 1964, p. 46) of the culture to "rediscover the
articulations which men impose on reality" (Barthes, 1964, p.57). "Semiology will
describe how reality is divided up, given meaning and then 'naturalized' (Barthes, pp. 63-
4), as if culture were nature itself." (Rylance, 1994, p. 38)

The Fashion System

Barthes most bitterly denounces consumerism in the Fashion System. "In the Fashion
System, he asked how the fashion model projects what clothes are to be worn (and
bought); what effect (of luxury and availability to all) the expensive production of the
magazines themselves produces on readers; how color, texture, belts, or hats, depending
upon their combination, transmit messages in relation to morning or evening activities;
and how we thereby learn that there are rules of dress for every occasion-rules that
parallel the transformations and oppositions we know in language. Barthes expected to
reconstruct all the social implications, codes, and messages hidden in the literature on
fashion" (Kurzweil, E., 1982, p. 72). Although this work is worthwhile in that the fashion
magazine of mass culture can be analyzed Wikibooks | 53
Chapter 7 with the same method as the so-called high culture is, Barthes failed to
distinguish the commercial and the popular. Kurzweil (1982) indicates that Barthes also
failed to distinguish between what is just sold and what people actually do with it, i.e.,
what people do with consumer goods, apart from buying them.(p.75) This negative
attitude toward mass culture and consumerism was a common tendency of leftist
intellectuals in Europe at that time. It also helps explain why intellectuals at that time
called cultural products mass culture, and not popular culture.

Mythologies is a compilation of a series of articles, which were originally published in
the magazine Les Lettre Nouvelles between 1953 and 1956. Even if it is not a theoretical
work, it is perhaps the most influential of all Barthes's writings, particularly in relation to
Communication Studies. Barthes's biographer even suggests that in France, Mythologies
influenced not just journalists and critics, but novelists and the film-makers of the "New
Wave," especially Godard (Rylance, R., 1994, p.43). In Mythologies, inconsistent
subjects, such as wrestling, photographs, film or wine are all treated as myth. These
diverse subjects can be bound together, as Barthes did not intend to talk about the
subjects themselves, but to show how their underlying messages can be circulated and
naturalized. The subjects treated in Mythologies share a similar circulation process within
mass culture. For example, professional wrestling carries two messages, "wrestling as
sport" and "wrestling as spectacle"(Thody, P., 1997). Barthes compares professional
wrestling with Greek theater to demonstrate that audiences are not so much interested in
athletic contests as they are in a cathartic, Manichean performance. These double
messages are shared by the audience as well. Audiences are not only accustomed to the
conventions of wrestling but also take pleasure out of the double nature of wrestling.
Barthes reflects that a wrestling match is not merely an aesthetic act but has ideological
significance as well, just as is the case with the realistic art enjoyed by the petit-
bourgeois. In the case of wine, he argues that the wine is signified as of Frenchness or of
virility in French culture but in fact, the image of wine is a mystification. Knowledge
about types of wine obscures the fact that wine is not so different from other commodities
produced under capitalism, and lands in North Africa and Muslim laborers, neither of
which are of Frenchness, are exploited in its production. Barthes (1972) also examplified
the advertisement of soap in order to show such mystification The advertisement
compares two brands with each other and sheds light on the issue of selection between
two brands as a matter of importance. It blurs the fact that both brands are actually
produced by the same multinational company. Through these examples in mass culture,
he suggests the consistent argument that "a message is read into some substance, custom
or attitude that seemed to carry its own justification in terms purely of practical use. The
message thus revealed turns out to be concealing the operation of socio-economic
structures that require to be denounced, both because they are concealing their identity
and because that identity is inherently exploitative" (Mortiary, 1991, p. 21).

"Myth Today" in Mythologies

As the concluding chapter in Mythologies, "Myth Today" combines the various cases into
a unified theoretical idea. Here, Barthes conceptualizes myth as "a system of
communication, that it is a message 54 | Communication Theory
Semiotics and Myth cannot be possibly be an object, a concept, or an idea; it is a mode of
signification, a form" (Barthes, 1972, p. 109) Also, he analyzes the process of myth
concretely, presenting specific examples. Based on Saussure's definitions, Barthes argues
that signification can be separated into denotation and connotation. "Denotation is the
descriptive and literal level of meaning shared by most of members within a culture;
connotation, on the other hand, is the meaning generated by connecting signifiers to the
wider cultural concerns, such as the beliefs, attitudes, frameworks and ideologies of a
social formation." (Barker, 2000, 69) Myth is the signification in connotative level.
"Where connotation has become naturalized as hegemonic, that is, accepted as normal
and natural, is acts as conceptual maps of meaning by which to make sense of the world.
These are myth." (Barker, 2000, p. 69) If a certain sign is adopted repetitiously in the
syntagmatical dimension, this particular adoption is seen as more suitable than
applications of other alternatives in the paradigmatic. Then, the connotation of the sign
becomes naturalized and normalized. Nturalization of myth is nothing but a cultural
construct. Myth is "a second-order semiological system. That which is a sign in the first
system (namely the associative total of a concept and an image) becomes a mere signifier
in the second" (Barthes, 1972, p. 114) Barthes defines the sign in the first-order system,
or language, as the language-object, and the myth as metalanguage. In order to advance
his argument, he uses two examples, that of a sentence in Latin grammar textbook and a
photograph of a black soldier. The signified of the sentence and the photograph in the
first-order system disappears when the sign becomes the form for the concept in the
second-order system. The sentence loses its own story and becomes just a grammatical
example. The factual discourse about the young black soldier is also obscured by the lack
of context concerning French imperialism. According to Barthes's table (Barthes, 1972,
trans. A. Leavers, p. 115), the examples can be drawn like below. table 1. Barthes's model
1.signifier 2.signified Language 3. sign SIGNIFIER (FORM) SIGNIFIED(CONCEPT)
MYTH SIGN (SIGNIFICATION) table 2. example 1: Latin grammar "quia ego nominor
leo" 1. signified 2. signified Language (quia ego nominor leo) (because my name is lion)
3. sign SIGNIFIER (FORM) SIGNIFIED (CONCEPT) MYTH (because my name is
lion) (I am a grammatical example) SIGN (SIGNIFICATION) table 3. example:
photograph Language 1. signifier 2. signified Wikibooks | 55
Chapter 7 (A black soldier is giving the French salute) 3. sign SIGNIFIER (FORM)
SIGNIFIED (CONCEPT) (A black soldier is (Great French empire, MYTH giving the
French salute) all her sons equal, etc.) SIGN (SIGNIFICATION) The signification of
myth deletes the history or narrative of the sign and fills up the empty space with the
intentioned new meaning. "Myth is thus not just a message, but a message that is political
by depoliticizing. It turns history into essence, culture into Nature, and obscures the role
of human beings in producing the structures they inhabit and thus their capacity to change
them" (Moriarty, 1991, p. 28) (photographof balck soldier saluting)

Rhetoric of the Image

As Barthes says in Mythologies, "We must here recall that the materials of mythical
speech (the language itself, photography, painting, posters, rituals, objects, etc.), however
different at the start, are reduced to a pure signifying function as soon as they are caught
by myth" (Barthes, 1972, p. 114). He applies his semiological analysis into other visual
materials. For instance, in the Panzani advertisement analyzed in "Rhetoric of the Image,"
he analyzes three kinds of message: a linguistic message, a coded iconic message, and a
non-coded iconic message (the cultural message). He also reflects about the relationship
between linguistic message and image. He devised the concepts of "anchorage" which is
the faculty for the linguistic message to control the meaning of the image, and "relay," the
supportive relationship of text and image. Anchorage and relay are useful conceptual
tools in analyzing media products such as news, advertisements, or soap operas.

"Lived in the plural"

Shift to post-structuralism
According to many commentators, by the end of the 1960s, Barthes's work shifted from
structuralism to post-structuralism. Although it can be valued in that it turns theoretical
reorientation from the value of the individual unit towards system, function and structure,
structuralism has been criticized due to its methodological limitations. Two of the main
problems of structuralism were that the overemphasis on how to function results in the
negligence of reflection on history or valuejudgment, and also that it ignores the
individual agency-parole, pragmatic etc., focusing too much on structure or system-
langue, syntagmatic. As a result, the post-structuralism school began to challenge the
"objectivity" which was assumed in language as "a reliable yardstick for the measurement
of other signifying system," even though they agreed with the argument of structuralism
that "analysis of language is central to any modern intellectual project" (Rylance, 1994, p.
66) As Rylance (1994) says, "Barthes's structuralism, as well as resuming earlier themes,
contains a number of his later anti-structuralist positions."(p.32) For example, "despite
his agreement with Saussure's concepts, 'langue' and 'parole' in Elements of Semiology
(1964), Barthes casts doubt on their limitation; he realizes that it also downgrades
individual language use and the model is undeviatingly controlling which langue controls
parole, asking 'if everything in langue is so rigid, how does change or 56 |
Communication Theory
Semiotics and Myth new work come about?'" (Rylance, 1991, p. 40). Barthes was
consistently aware of problems of structuralism and eventually gave up parts of it in his
later works. "Instead of having one stable denotive meaning, signs are said by the later
Barthes to be polysemic, that is, they carry many potential meanings." (Barker, 2000, p.
71) In his later days, Barthes difinitely emphasized in the difference rather than focusing
on repetition. He focuses more on the text, aware of the cleavage between writer and
writing. His shift can be understood as a rethinking of the biased preposition of the
language systems. "Despite his anti-idealist view of the subject as a product of cultural
forces rather than an origin, his hedonistic idea of the body in Pleasure of the Text (1975)
re-centers the self as a transhistorical source of meaning." (Haney, 1989, in Semiotica, p.
313) This admits the relative autonomy of the parole from the langue. At the same time, it
opens the plurality of meaning. This is revealed in his discussion about writing and

Writing and Reading

Barthes argues that writing lies in between the historical and the personal. The text is thus
the interplay between the writer's freedom and society. "A language and a style are data
prior to all problematic of language¡ but the formal identity of the writer is truly
established only outside of permanence of grammatical norms and stylistic constraints. It
thus commits the writer to manifest and communicate a state of happiness or malaise, and
links the form of his utterance, which is at once normal and singular, to the vast History
of the Others" (Barthes, 1968, p.14; Haney, W. 1989, p. 319) His thought about reading
futher expands the potential of meaning. He separates reading into two categories, the
"writerly/scriptable" and the "readerly/ligible." The writerly reading means that a reader
participates actively in producing meanings as if he/she re-writes the text. "The text
which makes this activity possible resists being appropriated by paraphrase or critical
commentary because it escapes conventional categories of genre, and hence cannot be
read as a representation, cannot even be reduced to a structure." (Moriarty, 1991, p. 118)
A reader finds pleasure from reading the writerly text. The readerly text is opposite to the
writerly, which makes the reader passive in interpreting the text.

Camera Lucida
The pleasure of interpretation by the interplay between langue and parole or the history
and the individual creation is also applied to his speculation about photography. Camera
Lucida a meditation on the photographic, was to be his last work. In this Barthes
examined two elements that for him comprised the meaning of image, the stadium and
the punctum. The studium of a photograph presents meanings which are culturally coded,
and corresponds to the photograph's symbolic meaning. The punctum, on the other hand,
disturbs the obvious meaning in photographs. It "puntuates" the meaning of the
photograph. For example, in a Lewis Hine photo, Barthes points to a girl's bandaged
finger, and a boy's collar. The problem, as Barthes was aware, is that when Barthes points
out these details, they move from the status of punctum to that of studium (Allen, 203,
pp. 126-27). As the writerly reading touches the creative participation of readers in
interpreting the text, the image also can be the writerly text which arouses the pleasure of
interpretation of appreciator thanks to puctum. According to Barthes, studium is always
coded, while punctum is not. Wikibooks | 57
Chapter 7 Even though they retain their heterogeneity to each other, they are not opposed
to each other. The "subtle beyond" of the punctum, the uncoded beyond, exists with the
"always coded" of the stadium. (Derrida, 1981, in Knight, 2000, pp. 130-131)

Roland Barthes had lived with his mother for much of his life. After her death in 1977 he
reflected, "From now on I could do no more than await my total, undialectical death"
(cited in Allen, 2003, 134). In March of 1980 he was struck by a laundry truck, and died
after a month in hospital. Barthes's thought is inter-related with the arguments of other
post-structuralists. Later in his career Barthes sought to define langue and parole as
discrete but intermingled entities. The interplay of the contradictory elements happens
between writer and history, text and audience, or the structured and the abrupt widens the
horizon of meaning. Barthes is enigmatic in that both the focus of his work and writing
style are hard to concretely define. He "lived in the plural" (Derrida, 1981, in D. Knight,
(ed.), p. 132) As Todorov (1981) commented, "No one would ever again think of Barthes
as a semiologist, a sociologist, a linguist, even though he might have lent his voice to
each of those figures in succession; nor would they think of him as philosopher or a
'theorist'" (in D. Knight (ed.) p. 125). Barthes nonetheless was a semiologist, sociologist,
linguist and a theorist. Barthes is important to the field of Critical Communication in that
he applied a semiological approach to media culture. His thought can also be regarded as
a foundation for empirical research about the relationship between messages and
audiences, in that he argued for the plurality of the message meaning produced through
the interwork of structure and agency.

58 | Communication Theory
Orality and Literacy




Walter Ong
This paper serves as an analysis of the contribution of Walter J. Ong, S. J. It serves as an
overview of his work as it relates to the discipline of Communication. The chapter draws
heavily from the work of Soukup (2004) and Farrell (2000) as their contribution to the
scholar is impressive and thorough. Specifically, the chapter draws from the framework
of contribution from Soukup’s (2004) article, which identifies Ong’s contribution in five
specific ways throughout a 60 year academic career. In addition to Ong’s contribution to
the discipline, the paper also serves to examine the influence wielded by Ong over his
career on other scholars. It also serves to examine the influence peers on Ong’s career.

An Historical Review of Ong

The discipline of Communication is filled with scholars who have made a significant
contribution to advancing the field. Walter J. Ong, S. J. would certainly have to be
mentioned as being one in such a category of scholars. In order to develop an
appreciation for him as a scholar it is important to know where he came from. There are
few who have such a unique background. He was a scholar who not only pursued the
academic end of education, but also pursued a formal spiritual education. His background
is impressive to read academically: B. A. in Classics (Rockhurst College, 1933); B. A. in
Philosophy (St. Louis University, 1941); Theology degree (St. Louis University, 1948);
M. A. in English (St. Louis University, 1941); Ph. D. in English (Harvard, 1954)
(Soukup, 2004). The resume of degrees is worth mentioning because it provides a
backdrop of the diversity of formal education that Ong had achieved throughout his
lifetime. According to Wikipedia, Reverend Ong was, “a world-class thinker known
today as an honorary guru among technophiles, was a Jesuit priest, professor of English
literature, cultural and religions historian, linguist, and philosopher” (Retrieved
September 30, 2005, from White (as cited in
Farrell, 2000) further identified that Ong’s contribution to scholarship touched on five
specific areas: literary studies, communication, theology and religious studies,
psychology, intellectual history, and linguistics. The broad spectrum of knowledge
produced by such a unique individual is what further promotes conversation about his
influence and his legacy over time.

Framing the Chapter

Ong’s many contributions to the discipline over his 60-year career cannot be easily
condensed into a brief chapter. Soukup (2004) identified five specific parameters of his
contribution that this chapter will adopt for framing purposes: historical studies of
rhetoric; visual images and habits of thought; the word; stages of communication media;
and finally, digital media and hermeneutics. These contributions tie into the study of
communication. In addition to the work of Soukup, the chapter will also draw from the
insight of Farrell (2000). Both scholars provide excellent commentary on Ong and his
influence on communication and related disciplines. Interwoven within the chapter will
be the mention of other scholars who were seen to be influences, peers, and understudies
of Ong. The reality of Ong’s legacy is a strong testament to a solid career in scholarship.

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Chapter 8

Ong and His Historical Studies of Rhetoric

In an interview with Soukup (personal communication, September 16, 2005) it is clear
that the framed parameters of Ong’s contribution to the discipline are connected to the
development of his academic career. It is important to note at this point that mapping
Ong’s career academically through an historic paradigm would serve the reader best. One
can get a better feel for the development of his thought processes over time as well as an
understanding of those who influenced (or were influenced by him) along the way. A
starting point would bring us to Ong’s examination of rhetoric through historical frames.
Ong’s Harvard dissertation focused on scholar Peter Ramus (1515-1572), a 16th century
Parisian professor and educational reformer (Soukup, 2004). While at Harvard, Ong
focused on Ramus’ interest in the development of the printing press and his focus on the
question of if we should be re-thinking the way in which rhetoric was taught. Soukup
summarized Ong's focus on Ramus and his studies of rhetoric:
The study of Ramus plays a central role in Ong’s thinking about communication, one that
extends far beyond the history of rhetoric. From classical times through the Renaissance,
rhetoric defined not only how people spoke, but how people analyzed and solved
problems. In many ways, because rhetoric more or less defined education, it defined,
through education, the dominant ways of thinking. Several changes occurred shortly
before or during Ramus’s lifetime. Ong noticed two key changes in western thought,
manifest in Ramus’s writing: a shift away from rhetoric (with its emphasis on probable
knowledge) to logic (with its emphasis on proofs and truth); a shift from hearing spoken
argumentation to see a written demonstration. And Ong noticed how printing changed the
school environment. It was here that Ong first made the connection between
communication form (hearing, seeing), communication media, and thought processes.
(2004, p. 4)

Ramus was a part of something that Ong found interesting. Western thought was making
a transition away from rhetoric that could be seen in terms of logical probability in
discussion, to logic that was grounded more in seeking concrete truth and proof for
reasoning. A good resource concerning the history of rhetoric and Western thinking
comes from the work of the editors Golden, Berquist, Coleman & Sproule (2004). The
text maps the development of rhetoric within a western context of thinking, providing a
great overview of the history of rhetoric in the west. Further, the idea of written
demonstration as opposed to spoken argumentation was in some ways a shift of
preference. A review of Ramist Rhetoric from Ong (1958a) demonstrated a sort of
mapped explanation of the transition of rhetoric (specifically, Ramist Rhetoric is Chapter
Twelve). Soukup (2004) mentioned it extensively. The transitional development of
rhetoric in comparison to logic was anything but a source of absolute clarity. Farrell
(2000) further noted that such an analysis from Ong was focused on the contrast of
expression that dealt with both sound and sight. It would be foolish to consider the
transition smooth and marked. The shift in cultural learning is one that mapped over time.
It was more a process than a marked chasm or divide. Ong (1971a) stated that, “there is
no total theoretical statement of the nature of either rhetoric or logic, much less their
interrelation. Conceivably such a statement might finally be achieved at the end of
history, when rhetoric and logic would be outmoded” (p. 7). Ong’s comment seemed
more in line with the idea that hindsight and retrospect will have the final say when either
of the approaches to knowledge and learning would seem obsolete. Historically, Ramus
derived a good deal of thought strongly relative to the transitional shift from that of logic
to proof. In some respects, Ong saw Ramus as a product of the times in which he lived.
Soukup (2004) commented:
Ramus was above all a teacher and that shaped his approach to developing both his
dialectic and his rhetoric in an age when printing changed the school environment. He
lived at a time when science also changed the learning environment. (p.6)

60 | Communication Theory
Orality and Literacy Ong (1958a, 1958b) noted the transition of Ramus away from
knowledge through the traditional form of instructional teaching to that of objects and
diagrams. The thought of knowledge derived through diagrams and objects is the
direction that Ramus seemed headed toward. Inclusive within this shift is the awareness
of how we arrive at knowledge. The pedagogical shift here is important. In the transition,
knowledge can be derived from the visual perspective as well as that of the oral
perspective. Seeing diagrams, objects, and symbols in print to arrive at knowledge is
what ultimately what Ong focused in on. Much of this can be attributed to the
development an invention that rocked society in its ability to learn, distribute, and store
knowledge in Ramus’s lifetime—the printing press. Printing was changing how people
learned, and it was happening in Ramus’s lifetime. In terms of why Ong focused in on
this particular aspect, something from his cultural/spiritual background began to emerge.
Ong had a background in biblical studies (he was a Roman Catholic priest). He was
interested with the difference in learning attributed to Hebrew culture and to Greek and
Latin culture (P. Soukup, personal communication, September 16, 2005). Soukup
commented on the idea that Hebrew culture was much more focused on sound and the
spoken word. He further mentioned that the Greek and Latin culture of learning was more
visual, focused on image. Ong focused in on how Ramus analyzed the transition away
from oral as a primary form of comprehension to literate and the incorporation of visual
images. Ramus became entrenched with the aspect of printing and was widely seen as a
publishing and pedagogical guru (Soukup, 2004). This focus of transformation of
knowledge became a continued theme that he would work closely with and develop
further throughout his career. A brief quote from Ong (1968) made this apparent:
We have reached a period today when the accumulation of knowledge has made possible
insights of new clarity and depth into the history of knowledge itself. Growth of
knowledge soon produces growth in knowledge about knowledge, its constitution, and its
history, for knowledge is of itself reflective. Given time, it will try to explain not only the
world but itself more and more. (p. 8)

Ong's assessment of Ramus is exhaustive. It is strongly encouraged that if the reader

finds a greater interest in this particular area of commentary, they should seek out
Soukup’s (2004) article as well as a copy of Ong’s dissertation and additional
commentary. His contribution to the examination of rhetoric is amazing. Ong was
impressive in his analysis of Ramus and the contribution he made to the development of
knowledge, primarily through a transition from orality to literacy via the significant
development of the printing press. So powerful and striking was Ong’s analysis of Ramus
that McLuhan (1962) cited him extensively in his influential book, The Gutenberg
Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. McLuhan is a central figure in the discipline,
and was instrumental in guiding Ong in the move to Harvard where he pursued his Ph.D.
in English. Refer to the work McLuhan (1962, 1964) and Neil (1993) regarding
McLuhan, as he is widely instrumental in advancing the field. The influence of Ong’s
thoughts relative to the history of rhetoric can be felt even today. The work of Poster
(2000), Moss (2004), Youngkin (1995), Kaufer & Butler (1996) serve as examples of
many scholars who have followed and contributed further to Ong’s assessment of
rhetoric. There is much more that could be said regarding this section of Ong’s influence
and scholarship. However, there is more that must be said in different areas regarding
Ong’s influence in 60 years of work.

Visual Images and Habits of Thought

Ong went on from his dissertation to leave a rather large impression on the discipline. As
touched upon briefly in the commentary of his analysis of Ramus, Ong began to focus on
the shift from oral to visual in learning. As Soukup (2004) notes, rhetoric shaped the
thought process of society through its Wikibooks | 61
Chapter 8 use in education. As a pedagogical tool, it helped people create and transmit
knowledge. Over time however, the process of learning and obtaining knowledge and
information began to look different. This section will focus on the transformation of
learning and knowledge throughout time. Over time, the way we learn has changed. Ong
(1962a) was very interested in this, particularly when it came to analyzing a
transformation of knowledge from that of spoken word to that of text:
In many ways, the greatest shift in the way of conceiving knowledge between the ancient
and the modern world takes place in the movement from a pole where knowledge is
conceived of in terms of discourse and hearing and persons to one where it is conceived
of in terms of observation and sight and objects. This shift dominates all others in
Western intellectual history, and as compared to it, the supposed shift from a deductive to
an inductive method pales into insignificance. For, in terms of this shift, the coming into
prominence of deduction, which must be thought of in terms of visual, not auditory,
analogies—the ‘drawing’ of conclusions, and so on, not the ‘hearing’ of a master—is
already a shift toward the visual and a preparatory step for induction, from which
deduction was never entirely separated anyhow. Stress on induction follows the stress on
deduction as manifesting a still further visualization in the approach to knowledge, with
tactics based on ‘observation,’ and approach preferably through sight. (pp. 70-71)

Learning in the Western tradition shifted from being centered on discourse to observation
and sight, bringing rhetoric and logic together. Rhetorical pedogogy relied on discourse
and apprenticeship with a master teacher. The shift to observational approaches allowed
for collective growth of knowledge, rather than reliance on a group of earlier "masters."
As the process of learning develops, the ability for those to not simply learn from a
master, but to learn from observation and drawing conclusions promotes logic rather than
discourse. Likewise, there evolves a shift in focus from the guiding teacher to the
autonomous learner. This analysis was only one of a number of reformist critiques of
education; such reforms are common throughout history. As Ong (1962b) pointed out:
Everybody today, it seems, wants to reform education. It would be interesting if this
ambition were a mark of our times. But it is not, for an ambition to reform education is
found in most of the ages known to civilization. (p. 149)

When Ong analyzed Ramus in terms of the transition of knowledge from that of rhetoric
to logic, there is a sense of understanding that knowledge framed in rhetoric must cause
the learning culture to remember words. In other words, when cultures are primarily
learning through words, the importance of holding to words is imperative. Havelock
(1963), a contemporary of Ong, commented on repetition as of extreme importance in
oral culture. Ong would agree with Havelock’s assessment (Soukup, 2004). When
cultures emphasize rhetoric as the primary form of learning, it is of absolute importance
that the words of importance be seized upon and remembered, for that is where learning
takes place. An analysis of where Ong draws this transition of learning seems most
prominent in the Renaissance (That this is a commentary on Western learning. The writer
acknowledges a variety of other types of learning, but Ong’s commentary on the
Renaissance focuses on Western learning). The main transition of learning that takes
place here is one from the emphasis of recall to the ability to refer to text (Soukup, 2004).
The emphasis on text as opposed to oral recall could serve to expand the base of
knowledge in an exponential way. The process of communicating and retaining
information was not about what one might be able to store within the individual mind, but
the idea of referring to text as a source of information and knowledge truly served to
change a culture making such a transition. This was the case of the Renaissance. Learning
took on new forms of visual recognition and recall which Ong (1977a) elaborated on
further and termed as being a sort of visual retrieval. As the ability to obtain knowledge
and to learn changed in such a way as mentioned above the base rate at which knowledge
was obtained changed. The approach to obtaining information was 62 | Communication
Orality and Literacy different. No longer did pressure reside within individual recall, but
the ability to recall text became more of a focus. In essence, the Renaissance made a
significant change in the approach to learning and the dissemination of knowledge. In a
rather interesting sort of commentary, Ong (1977b) wrote about how our expression of
words has changed to indicate that we are more of a visual culture. Soukup (2004) stated:
Ong summarizes the effects of visualism on thinking, going so far as to show its history
in the vocabularies we use. As with rhetoric, the way we talk reveals, in some ways the
way we think. His list of visual words ‘used in thinking of intellect and its work’ includes
‘insight, intuition, theory, idea, evidence, species, speculation, suspicion, clear, make out,
observe, represent, show, explicate, analyze, discern, distinct, form, outline, plan, field of
knowledge, object’ and many others. (p. 8)

The use of such words reflects the visual and logical frame of learning in Western society.
The words are marked with visual representation of obtaining knowledge. They reflect a
sort of mapping out that takes place in providing a framework of learning and
comprehension. Realizing the thought process that goes into mapping this sort of
differentiation in learning and fostering knowledge causes one to appreciate the mind that
Ong possessed in coming to such a conclusion. Faigley (1998) mentioned Ong and the
works of others mapped to the development of visual thought and the dichotomy of oral
versus visual. Within the article, Faigley cited the works of other scholars linked to Ong
and this particular subject matter worth noting. The work of Goody (1977), Goody &
Watt (1963), Innis (1951), and Havelock (1982) are worth noting. When it comes to idea
of the communication and learning (particularly the development of the visual), Goody,
Innis, and Havelock come up as well and could be seen as peers working in and around
the same time as one another in these particular areas. The work attributed to the scholars
above syncs well with the development of culture from oral (learning through sound) to
literate (learning through sight and print), which is at the heart of Ong’s (1982) text.

The Word
While much of the focus in the first couple of sections of this chapter focuses in on a sort
of transformation from oral to visual, Ong maintained a steadfast appreciation for the
importance of the word and what surrounds it. The sound associated with our use of
words is still a focal point of scholarship. Ong was quite particular in focusing on words,
their sound, and what they in fact seemed to reveal about the interior condition of the
individual (Soukup, 2004). Ong (1962c) stated:
There is, indeed, no way for a cry to completely exteriorize itself. A mark made by our
hand will remain when we are gone. But when the interior—even the physical, corporeal
interior, as well as the spiritual interior of consciousness—from which a cry is emitted
ceases to function as an interior, the cry itself has perished. To apprehend what a person
has produced in space—a bit of writing, a picture—is not at all to be sure that he is alive.
To hear his voice (provided it is not reproduced from a frozen spatial design on a
phonograph disc or tape) is to be sure. (p. 28)

Soukup (2004) pointed out the significance of the interior as it related to Ong. Essentially,
the interior refers to what is happening within the individual. A glimpse of the interior can
be revealed to us as a society through the words and sounds coming up from out of the
individual. It may not completely reflect the condition within the individual, but it serves
to give us insight. Ong’s commentary of the word is occurred during a period of time
when other scholars were touching on similar ideas. Lord (1960) and Havelock (1963)
were mentioned in Farrell’s (2000) commentary of Ong, seeing him as a sort of cultural
relativist. Lord (1960) visited the issue of performance relative to Wikibooks | 63
Chapter 8 storytelling in an oral tradition. Havelock’s (1963) work dealt with issues very
similar to Ong and the word, but more applied to the area of poetics. Heavily entrenched
in the work is an emphasis on the oral, which relates to Ong’s commentary about the
word. Soukup (2004) mentioned that Ong (1962a) produced striking commentary on the
human voice as being one of an invasion into the atmosphere. The thought of the voice
and word through this line of thinking is one that is rather self-revealing. Essentially, the
voice coming from out of the interior of the individual reveals something of that person.
It is through such revealing that individuals connect with one another. This is an
important aspect that Ong would not have us miss. This commentary of interiority and
sound of the word probes the issue of authenticity. How something comes out is telling of
the feeling or mood associated with the word. When considering prior Ong commentary
relative to Ramus and the development of learning from sound to visual, it is interesting
to see that Ong went back to the perspective of language and sound and stressed the
importance of investigating sound associated with the word. This is a good reminder of
the idea that sound is still a relevant and important point of study. While stressing that
such focus is not semantics or wordplay, Ong acknowledged that while one can draw out
a lot from the process and experience of communication through investigating sound,
voice, word, and interiority, the fact that there could be more going on than what he could
conclude is something that he sensed (Soukup, 2004). This area of focus for Ong revealed
his linguistic side of scholarship. Given discipline cross-over in communication, it still
serves as a relevant piece of discussion and contribution. Further advancing the concept
of word and sound, Ong began to draw from a couple of scholars (some already
mentioned above) who would prove to be peers. The work of Havelock (1963) and Lord
(1960) was mentioned earlier, but it is also worth noting Ong’s draw from McLuhan
(1962) and Parry (1928). Soukup (2004) identified the contribution of such scholars to
Ong’s work. Havelock (1963) reinforced Ong’s assessment of the development of
learning in his analysis of Ramus. The idea that the transition of learning went from that
of oral to written is something that Havelock noticed. From that, he commented on how
that essentially changed the pattern of thought process. This idea ties back into Ong’s
(1958a) assessment of the transitional development of rhetoric to logic. While the shift
seemed to be a gradual one without an absolute mark of distinction, it still impacted the
process of thought. Parry (1928) and Lord (1960) studied the process of thought and
recall in poetics, the way in which Ong studied rhetoric (Soukup, 2004). Finally, as a
testament to Ong earning the respect of fellow scholars, McLuhan (1964) drew heavily
from Ong’s (1958a) work on Ramus. Mentioned briefly earlier in the chapter, McLuhan
is widely seen as an influential scholar in the discipline of Communication. McLuhan, in
some respects, was an influential factor in pushing Ong forward in his research
endeavors. In tracing the scholarship of Ong, his input on the work of McLuhan (Ong,
1952) was substantial. McLuhan saw a good deal of potential in the work of Ong. He
supervised Ong’s thesis and at the beginning of Ong’s (1958b) close follow-up to his
dissertation, he pays tribute to McLuhan by writing, “For Herbert Marshall McLuhan
who started all this” (dedication). While they were similar in age, McLuhan was seen as
an influential factor in encouraging Ong in the direction that he did (P. Soukup, personal
communication, September 16, 2005). Ong continued further in his commentary on the
word. As he probed the word and investigated further, Soukup (2004) pointed out that he
introduced the concept of “the sensorium.” Essentially, this dealt with using human
senses and experience to communicate. This was introduced by Ong (1967a) in what was
known as his Terry Lectures at Yale University. The lectures (oral) were bound and put
into print. In some respects, that statement is a humorous sort of irony. The focus of Ong
(1967b) was to set apart the oral when considering human senses and communication.
Ong further exercised a commentary about cultural awareness. He acknowledged the idea
that when it comes to expression, specifically with the oral, it looks different within other

64 | Communication Theory
Orality and Literacy
Cultures vary greatly in their exploitation of the various senses and in the way in which
they relate to their conceptual apparatus to the various senses. It has been a commonplace
that the ancient Hebrews and the ancient Greeks differed in the value they set on the
auditory. The Hebrews tended to think of understanding as a kind of hearing, whereas the
Greeks thought of it more as a kind of seeing, although far less exclusively as seeing than
post-Cartesian Western man generally has tended to do. (pp. 3-4)

While this was the case for Ong in assessing Western culture, he clearly pointed out that
not all cultures adhere to an oral standard of such importance. Continuing with the word,
there are two other aspects to touch on relative to Ong—the use of words and stages of
communication consciousness. Ong’s focus on the use of words for debate and
argumentation are worth noting. In some respects, an investigation of Ong and pedagogy
reveals the setup of the education system with regard to debate and argumentation as
being structured more for men than for women. Such an analysis makes sense when one
considers the history of the system of Western education. As touched upon in Soukup
(2004), Ong’s (1967a) work on the word revealed that people within oral cultures use
words as a potential alternative to calling up arms against one another. In essence, words
insert themselves into a sort of combat. One could draw from this the study of
argumentation and debate. In many respects, this could be seen as and advantage to
developing as an oral culture. For more commentary relative to this particular area, see
Soukup (2004). Communication and consciousness is the last area to touch upon in
dealing with Ong and the word. In many respects, this is where one of Ong’s most
famous works, Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word (1982) is
considered. Ong noted the development of consciousness through stages within culture.
Inclusive within this consciousness is the idea of knowledge and learning. How cultures
develop in the area of consciousness is what Ong sought to provide commentary on in the
text. Ultimately, Ong sees communication gradually developing from an oral stage into a
stage of print. In his thought on Western society, Ong noted the development of a third
stage of communication consciousness known as electronic communication (Soukup,
2004). Ong’s (1982) book is certainly popular, but does not provide an accurate picture of
the vast amount of work covered over his career. Farrell (2000) noted that it does not
serve to provide a general overview of the scholar. There is much more to his line of
thought than simply this one text. While there are many to applaud the commentary of
Ong in this particular text, there are also those who see it as lacking. Montenyohl (1995)
took Ong to task, citing a sort of generalization about orality that was not comfortable to
him as a scholar. Farrell (2000) defended Ong from Montenyohl’s criticism, citing that he
was not sure that Montenyohl had done enough background research on Ong to provide
just criticism of his work. With such a successful text as Ong’s (1982) was, it is hard for
many not to simply read the text and see it as a fair representation of all of Ong’s work.
To back Farrell, simply reading Ong (1982) does an injustice to the vast amount of work
that he had contributed over a long career. While it is an excellent book and provides
substantial commentary for discussion, Ong did much more as a scholar years before
penning that text in the later part of his academic career. An examination of the word
relative to Ong deserves even further investigation. However, the goal of the chapter is to
consider the impact of a particular scholar in communication, in terms of both scholarship
and in influencing scholars. If the interest in Ong is peaked at this point, it is strongly
encouraged that the reader investigates the work of Farrell (2000), Soukup (2004) for

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Chapter 8

Stages of Communication Media, Consciousness, Digital Media and Hermeneutics

While mentioning the development of communication in stages in the prior section, there
is further commentary that Ong produced. He became interested in the aspect of
technology and its application to the idea of its particular stage in communication. There
had been the development in Western culture from oral to literate, but what came next?
Ong (1971, 1982) directed his focus to the concept of secondary orality. Soukup (2004)
and Farrell (2000) touched upon this. The focus was directed toward mediums of
communication in literate cultures like that of radio, television, and telephones in
particular. Basically, one begins to examine the mediums of communication that are oral,
but set within a literate culture. New forms of communication build on old forms. What is
the effect? Ong was interested in such a question. There are many scholars who have
followed Ong in asking this question, specifically as it relates to secondary orality.
Gronbeck (1991) examined the aspect of consciousness within a culture. He also
examined rhetoric gets applied over different mediums, specifically focused on the idea
of a one-tomany type of communication. Farrell (1991) examined the issue of secondary
orality and consciousness. Silverstone (1991) developed a slightly different article
relative to media studies in examining television, rhetoric, and the unconscious as it
related to secondary oraltiy. Media Studies is an area of study that has taken a good look
at Ong and secondary orality. In keeping with Media Studies, Sreberny-Mohammadi
(1991) provided a unique perspective when examining the integration of media into Iran.
Not only was the issue of media integration focused on, consciousness was part of the
examination as well. Consciousness is an area of focus as well, that ties into Ong. A
number of scholars study consciousness and have, in some ways, been influenced by
Ong. Swearingen (1991) looked at Ong’s contribution to Feminist Studies. Payne (1991)
examined the consciousness of media and rhetoric while examining characterology.
Finally, El Saffar (1991) examined the issue of consciousness as it related to language
and identity. The stages at which cultures developed were of particular interest to Ong.
Regardless of the transition from one stage to another, Ong keyed in on questions of
transformation, medium incorporation (specifically as it related to secondary orality), and
consciousness. As we conclude the areas of influence attributed to Ong, we close with
one quite relative to the advent and exponential growth of new technology. Digital or
computer-based communication was an area that caught Ong’s eye, particularly at the
latter stages of his academic career. Soukup (2004) commented:
Modern, electronic communications help us in yet another way to understand what is
going on with texts. The sense of immediacy of electronics gives readers a sense of
proximity to events reported. That too, occurs with texts. With a text that works well,
readers enter into the text, ‘into the immediacy of the writer’s experience’ (p.499). But
electronic communication also reveals that this immediacy is highly mediated and thus
somewhat artificial. (pp. 18-19)

Soukup (2004) further noted that understanding code and speed of transmission helps us
to understand how communication works in a digital realm. Many shy away from
understanding transmission, which, ironically touches on the issue of consciousness (or
lack of). Welch (1999) wrote about electronic rhetoric and new literacy as it specifically
to computers and their implementation into 66 | Communication Theory
Orality and Literacy society and looked at understanding their impact. Most important
within this final section is the issue of interpretation and comprehension. As we continue
to emerge in an age of digital transmission of information, the word hermeneutics comes
up continuously within Ong’s work. We have technologies growing at rather quick rates
that transmit data digitally. While we understand much of what we see on the front end of
a technology, the ability to understand how we arrive at transmitting such information is
of importance for Ong. It is a challenge, but the process of encoding and decoding
information is something to be interpreted and understood. Capurro (2000) focused on
the subject of hermeneutics and the process of storage and retrieval of information. While
understanding that a technological structure emerges in the subject of digital
communication, Ong also noted that there is still a need to deal with social structure as
well (Soukup, 2004). Essentially, understand the technology and understand social
structure. The requirement to do so is interpretation. Soukup (2004) noted that the
process of interpretation summarized much of Ong’s thoughts about communication. This
has to do with everything, particularly in dealing with orality, literacy, secondary orality,
and digital communication.

The impact of Walter Ong is significant. Not only did he produce excellent scholarship in
the areas mentioned above, he made a significant impact on scholars. From his early
research of the history of rhetoric to his analysis of digital hermeneutics, his thoughts
provoked further scholarship from those mentioned above. It is worth noting that many
others have been influenced by the contribution of Ong. For the purpose of this chapter,
the selection of scholars touched by his scholarship had to be limited. Refer to the
references list below for further inquiry into the above concepts. With all that had been
accomplished in his career, it is clear that Ong was clearly an influential scholar in the
twentieth century. Further research continues in many areas relative to the trail paved by
scholars like Ong.

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Chapter 9




Gabriel Tarde, Everett Rogers

Origins of the diffusion paradigm

According to Rogers (1995), the study of the diffusion of innovations can be traced back
to the investigations of French sociologist Gabriel Tarde (p. 52). Tarde attempted to
explain why some innovations are adopted and spread throughout a society, while others
are ignored. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Tarde was witness to the
development of many new inventions, many of which led to social and cultural change.
In his book The Laws of Imitation (1903), Tarde introduced the Sshaped curve and
opinion leadership, focusing on the role of socioeconomic status (for example, a
cosmopolitan individual is more likely to adopt new products). Even though he did not
specify and clarify key diffusion concepts, his insights affected the development of many
social scientific disciplines such as geography, economics, and anthropology. Sociologist
F. Stuart Chapin, for example, studied longitudinal growth patterns in various social
institutions, and found that S-shaped curves best described the adoption of phenomena
such as the commission form of city government (Lowery & Defleur, 1995, p. 118).

The basic research paradigm for the diffusion of innovations

The fundamental research paradigm for the diffusion of innovations can be traced to the
Iowa study of hybrid seed corn. Bryce Ryan and Neal C. Gross (1943) investigated the
diffusion of hybrid seed corn among Iowa farmers. According to Lowery and DeFleur
(1995), the background of rural sociology should first be understood before one can
discuss how and why the hybrid seed corn study was conducted. The Morrill Act helped
“the states establish educational institutions that would be of special benefit to rural
youth” (p. 120). Federal funds and other financial supports were given to these land-grant
institutions in order to increase the development of the nation’s agricultural industry (p.
120). After World War II, rural sociologists changed their research focus on human
problems among farmers because new agricultural technology such as new pesticides,
new farm machine, and hybrid seed corn appeared. But in spite of these developments,
some farmers ignored or resisted these new innovations. Rural sociologists at land-grant
universities in the Midwestern United States such as Iowa State, Michigan State, and
Ohio State Universities, performed many diffusion studies to find out the causes of
adoption of innovations. One of these efforts was the hybrid seed corn study conducted
by Ryan and Gross (1943). These researchers attempted to explain why some farmers
adopted the hybrid seed corn, while others did not.

Bryce Ryan and Neal C. Gross

Bryce Ryan earned a Ph. D in sociology at Harvard University. During his doctoral
studies, Ryan was required to take interdisciplinary courses in economics, anthropology,
and social psychology. This intellectual background helped him conduct the diffusion
studies. In 1938, Ryan became a professor at 68 | Communication Theory
Diffusion of Innovations Iowa State University which is known for its agricultural focus.
At that time, Iowa State administrators were worried about the slow rate at which the
hybrid seed corn was being adopted. Despite the fact that the use of this new innovation
could lead to an increase in quality and production, an advantageous adoption by Iowa
Farmers was slow. Ryan proposed the study of the diffusion of the hybrid seed corn and
received funding from Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State University’s
research and development organization. Contrary to previous research, which employed
anthropological style approaches using qualitative methods, Ryan employed a
quantitative survey method in his study. According to Rogers (1996), Ryan was
encouraged to use this quantitative method by “professors in the Department of Statistics,
such as Paul G. Homemeyer, Ray J. Jessen, and Snedecor” (p. 415). When Ryan arrived
at Iowa State University, Neal C. Gross was a graduate student who was soon assigned as
Ryan’s research assistant. Ryan asked him to conduct interviews with Iowa farmers
through survey research. Gross gathered the data from the Iowa communities of Jefferson
and Grand Junction. Rogers (1996) mentioned that “by coincidence, these communities
were located within 30 miles of where he grew up on a farm” (p. 415). It is also
interesting to note that Rogers earned a Ph. D. in sociology and statistics at Iowa State
University in 1957.

The Iowa Study of Hybrid Seed Corn: The Adoption of Innovation

As noted above, the hybrid seed corn had many advantages compared to traditional seed,
such as the hybrid seed's vigor and resistance to drought and disease. However, there
were some barriers to prevent Iowa farmers from adopting the hybrid seed corn. One
problem was that the hybrid seed corn could not reproduce (p. 122). This meant that the
hybrid seed was relatively expensive for Iowa farmers, especially at the time of the
Depression. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that, despite the economic profit that
the hybrid seed corn brought, its high price made a adoption among Iowa farmers remain
slow. According to Lowery and DeFleur (1995), Ryan and Gross sought to explain how
the hybrid seed corn came to attention and which of two channels (i.e., mass
communication and interpersonal communication with peers) led farmers to adopt the
new innovation. They found that each channel has different functions. Mass
communication functioned as the source of initial information, while interpersonal
networks functioned as the influence over the farmers’ decisions to adopt (p. 125). One of
the most important findings in this study is that “the adoption of innovation depends on
some combination of well-established interpersonal ties and habitual exposure to mass
communication” (p. 127). Ryan and Gross also found that the rate of adoption of hybrid
seed corn followed an S-shaped curve, and that there were four different types of
adopters. According to Rogers (1995), Ryan and Gross also made a contribution by
identifying the five major stages in the adoption process, which were awareness, interest,
evaluation, trial, and adoption. After Ryan and Gross’s hybrid corn study, about 5,000
papers about diffusion were published in 1994 (Rogers, 1995).

Medical innovation: Diffusion of a medical drug among doctors

According to Rogers (1996), diffusion theory became more widely accepted after James
S. Coleman, Elihu Katz, and Herbert Menzel conducted a study on the diffusion of
tetracycline, a new Wikibooks | 69
Chapter 9 medical drug, in 1966. The Pfizer drug company invented this successful new
drug and wanted to investigate the effectiveness of their tetracycline advertisements,
which were placed in medical journals. The company asked three professors at Columbia
University to find out how physicians adopted the new innovation and how mass
communication influenced this adoption process. They conducted a survey to gather
accurate and reliable data. Different with previous diffusion research that relied on
respondents’ recall of how they adopted new technology, this study gathered data both
from physicians' responses and pharmacies' prescription. In addition to this, Coleman et
al. (1966) asked their respondents to list their interpersonal connections in order to
investigate the effect of interpersonal network links with the new drug adoption. The
result shows that the percentage of adoption of the new drug followed an S-shaped curve,
but that the rate of tetracycline adoption was faster than the rate of other innovations
adoption. The researchers also found that doctors who are cosmopolite were likely to
adopt the new drug. One of the most important findings was that doctors who had more
interpersonal networks adopted the new medical drug more quickly than those that did
not. This meant that interpersonal communication channels with peers had a strong
influence on the adoption process. Rogers (1996) noted that this Columbia University
study is “one of the most influential diffusion studies in showing that the diffusion of an
innovation is essentially a social process that occurs through interpersonal networks” (p.
419). In fact, Rogers (1996) mentioned that even though the study of Ryan and Gross
became a milestone in diffusion paradigm, they did not measure the interpersonal
network links among farmers. In this case, the Columbia University Drug Study made a
contribution to identify the importance of social networks in the diffusion process.

Everett M. Rogers
Rogers was born in Carroll, Iowa in 1931. He earned his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees
from Iowa State University. For two years during the Korean War, he served in the U.S.
Air Force. Interestingly, in 1966, he worked on some family planning communication
projects in Korea. One interesting thing worthy mentioning is that Rogers’ father was a
farmer who resisted adopting the hybrid seed corn (ASinghal, 2005, p.287). Due to the
drought in Iowa in 1936, the Rogers’ farm withered, which made Rogers personally
involved in the diffusion research. In the 1950's, Iowa State University was a perfect
place for studying the diffusion of innovations, as the school's program focused on a rural
sociology, agriculture, and statistics. The experience there led Rogers to dive into the
research about why some innovations are adopted while others are ignored. Employed by
Michigan State University in 1962, Rogers obtained opportunity to study diffusion in
developing nations such as Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Meanwhile, he published the
book, Diffusion of Innovations, which earned him his academic reputation. Rogers’
comprehensive insights in the book helped to expand diffusion theory. The book has
become the standard textbook on diffusion theory and it creats applications of diffusion
theory in such fields as geography, economics, psychology, political science, and, as
previously mentioned, communication. Rogers retired from University of New Mexico in
2004 because he was suffering from kidney disease. He died on October 21, 2005.

Overview of the Diffusion of Innovations

According to Rogers (1996), diffusion refers to “the process by which an innovation is
communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social
system. An Innovation is an idea, practice or object perceived as new by an individual or
other unit of adoption. The diffusion of innovations involves both mass media and
interpersonal communication channels” (p. 70 | Communication Theory
Diffusion of Innovations 409). That is, by sharing communication channels such as
interpersonal communication or mass communication people can get information of an
innovation and perceive its innovation as useful. Lasswell (1948) presented a well-known
model of communication that is analyzed as five parts, S-MC-R-E (e.g., sender-message-
channel-receiver-effect). Rogers (1995) mentioned, “this S-M-C-R-E communication
model corresponds closely to the elements of diffusion” (p. 19). Specifically, (1) sender
can be inventors or opinion leaders, (2) message can be a new idea or product, (3)
channels can be interpersonal or mass communication, (4) receivers can be members of a
social system, and finally (5) the effects can be individual’s adoption or social change. In
the diffusion theory, ‘Time’ variable is a very important factor. According to Rogers
(1995), time variable is involved in diffusion in (1) the innovation-decision process; (2)
innovativeness; (3) an innovation’s rate of adoption. Most innovations have an S-shaped
rate of adoption. Diffusion research has attempted to explain the variables that influence
how and why users and audience adopt a new information medium, such as the Internet.
According to evolution of media technology, interpersonal influences are important even
though in the past the individual is usually the unit of analysis. Also, critical mass
becomes an important factor in adopting new media because new media are interactive
tools and thus are required by many users to gain efficiency. That is, the more people use,
the more people get benefits. In this sense, diffusion theory not only can apply to
practical things, but also can be related to digital divide. There are five different types of
adopters in the diffusion process, according to Innovativeness: “(1) Innovators
(venturesome), (2) Early Adopters (respectable), (3) Early Majority (Deliberate), (4) Late
Majority (skeptical), and (5) Laggards (traditional)” (Rogers, 1995, pp. 183-185). Rogers
defined this term as “the degree to which an individual is relatively earlier in adopting
new ideas than other members of his social system” (Rogers, 1995, p. 40). Source by Source by: When it comes to the process of
innovation-decisions, Rogers (1995) mentioned that there are five stages. (1) Knowledge
+ or – (selective exposure or awareness of news) (2) Attitudes + or–(people have positive
or negative attitude toward innovations) (3) Adoption (Decision): people decide to adopt
the innovation (4) Implementation (regular or standard practice) (5) Confirmation
(comparing and evaluating) Rogers introduced perceived characteristics of innovations
that consist of (1) relative advantage (2) compatibility (3) complexity (4) triability (5)
observability. Based on these five criteria, individuals perceive an innovation as new or
useful and decide to adopt it. For example, Rogers (1995) defined relative advantage as
“the degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than the idea it supersedes”
(p.15).” New media such as the mp3 will displace conventional media such as CDs or
tapes when people perceive new media as advantageous (e.g., low cost or means to be
cool). When an individual decides to adopt new media or switch old media with new
media, the perceived characteristics of innovations play an important role in reducing
some uncertainty about the innovations.

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Chapter 9

Unit of analysis on diffusion theory

Diffusion of innovation theory attempts to explain how an innovation is spread and why
it is adopted at both the micro and macro levels of analysis. Rogers (1996) mentioned,
“the individual is usually the unit of analysis, although in recent years a number of
studies have been conducted in which an individual organization is the unit of analysis
(Wildemuth, 1992; Zaltman, Duncan, & Holbek, 1973)” (p. 418). This characteristic of
unit of analysis is due to research methods, such as utilizing a survey to study diffusion.
Many studies have focused on individual decisions or adoption. In contrast, diffusion
theory considers analysis at both the micro-individual and macro-social levels. This is
because studies of diffusion include both an innovation at the micro level, as well as its
influence, such as social change, at the macro level. Rogers (1995) suggested that the
four main elements in the diffusion of innovation process were innovation,
communication channels, time, and social system. Individuals’ innovativeness, or
psychological factors such as communication needs, are analyzed as micro-independent
variables. At the macro-social level, this theory assumes that social systems, such as
norms, can affect an individual’s adoption or use of an innovation. In terms of
communication channels, diffusion of an innovation involves both interpersonal channels
(micro) and mass communication channels (macro). By utilizing both mass and
interpersonal communication channels, people can get information about an innovation
and perceive its usefulness. Therefore, diffusion theory requires both micro-individual
and macro-social analysis.

Several diffusion research streams

According to Rice & Webster (2002), we can classify diffusion research and models into
three categories: (1) diffusion of innovations (e.g., Rogers, 1995), (2) media choice (e.g.,
Daft & Lengel, 1986), and (3) implementation of information systems (e.g., Saga &
Zmud, 1994). Table 1 shows that each dependent variable, according to three primary
streams of diffusion studies. That is, the ‘diffusion of innovations’ studies emphasize
characteristics of an innovation and the role of communication channels in adopting the
innovation, the ‘media choice’ studies focus on the interaction between individual
characteristics and social influences in choosing some innovations, and the
‘implementation’ studies assume that the variables such as technology design or ease of
use will affect media use (Rice & Webster, 2002, p.192). The diffusion tradition has
classified people, in terms of demographics, in explaining the variables that influence the
adoption of an innovation. For that reason, some scholars often criticize that this theory
may not provide a causal explanation of why and how people adopt certain technologies.
Nevertheless, when it comes to the use and choice of old and new media, diffusion theory
will be suited for explaining why some people prefer to use the old media or new media,
because this theory provides some conceptual guidance for understanding the adoption of
some technologies or innovations. According to evolution of media technology,
interpersonal influences or channels are important even though in the past the individual
is usually the unit of analysis. Also, critical mass becomes an important factor in adopting
new media because new media are interactive tools and thus are required to many users
for getting efficiency. That is, the more people use, the more people get benefits. Markus
(1987) proposed that the value of an interactive communication medium is associated
with the number of other users. For example, in the case of the mp3, a social influence
such as peer pressure that 72 | Communication Theory
Diffusion of Innovations interacts with young generation needs to be cool or to gain
status drives young people to adopt the mp3 as an innovation. Besides, when it comes to
the emergence of interactive communication such as the new communication
technologies, Rogers (1996) mentioned, “a critical mass occurs when the diffusion
process becomes self-sustaining. After the critical mass point, individuals in a system
perceive that “everybody else” has adopted the interactive innovation. With each
successive adopter of an interactive innovation, the new idea becomes more valuable not
only for each future adopter, but also for each previous adopter” (p. 418-419). When it
comes to the future of diffusion theory, we expect that the popularity of diffusion research
will increase because as in recent years, new communication technologies have increased
and proliferated.

Diffusion study and Two-Step Flow study

According to Lowery and Defleur (1995), since diffusion study emphasizes the role of
interpersonal communications, the diffusion study by Ryan and Gross “parallels what was
independently found by Lazarsfeld and his associates in the discovery of the two-step
flow process in the very different setting of The People’s Choice” (p. 132). "The People’s
Choice” showed that audiences are not powerless and passive. The study showed that
interpersonal channels, such as opinion leaders, are more important than the mass media.
Unlike magic bullet theory, both of these studies emphasized the role of the opinion
leaders and interpersonal communication, such as face-to-face interactions influencing

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Chapter 10

Niklas Luhmann
When the second World War ended in Europe, seventeen-year-old Niklas Luhmann had
been serving as an anti-aircraft auxillary in the German army. He was briefly detained by
the Americans. When asked in 1987 to describe this experience, he replied:
Before 1945, the hope was that after the defeat of the compulsory apparatus everything
would be right by itself. Yet the first thing I experienced in American captivity was that
my watch was taken off my arm and that I was beaten up. So it was not at all as I had
thought it would be. Soon you could see that one could not compare political regimes
according to a scheme of `good' versus `bad', but that you had to judge the figures
according to a bounded reality. Of course I don't want to say that the time of the Nazi-
regime and the time after 1945 are to be judged on equal terms. Yet I was simply
disappointed in 1945. Yet is that really important? In any case the experience of the Nazi-
regime for me has not been a moral one, but an experience of the arbitrary, of power, of
the tactics to avoid the regime used by the man of the people. (Luhmann qtd. in Baecker,

The realization that human realities were subjective appears to have influenced the
famous sociologist throughout the rest of his life. This chapter will introduce Luhmann
and a few remarkable aspects of his theory.

The type of communication theory I am trying to advise therefore starts from the premise
that communication is improbable, despite the fact that we experience and practice it
every day of our lives and would not exist without it. This improbability of which we
have become unaware must first be understood, and to do so requires what might be
described as a contra-phenomenological effort, viewing communication not as a
phenomenon but as a problem; thus, instead of looking for the most appropriate concept
to cover the facts, we must first ask how communication is possible at all. (Luhmann
1990, p. 87)

The body of work produced by German sociologist Niklas Luhmann probably represents
history’s most comprehensive attempt by one man to explain the whole of social
existence. The above quotation hints at the essential nature of Luhmann’s thought – no
“accepted wisdom” of the social science tradition could be left unexamined. Through
more than 50 books and 400 articles, Luhmann applied his sociological systems theory to
areas including law, science, religion, economics, politics, love, and art. Sociological
systems have become one of the most popular theoretical models in contemporary
German sociology, and are also widely applied in fields such as psychology, management
science, and literary studies. A primary distinction of Luhmann’s social systems theory is
that its focus of analysis is not individuals, groups, behaviors, or institutions, but the
communication that occurs within systems. Dirk Baecker, a student of Luhmann’s
explains that the systems theory “does away with the notion of system in all its traditional
wording” and can carefully examine “every possible assumption of organism,
mechanism, and information” – even, recursively, its own structure (Baecker 2001, p.
72). This realignment towards communication represents a significant break with social
science tradition. Although Luhmann’s theory (or for that matter, most systems theories)
do not lend themselves well to reduction, this chapter will attempt to present an overview
of the subject.

74 | Communication Theory
Sociological Systems

Life in Brief
Niklas Luhmann was born in 1927. Following his teenage stint in the army, he went on to
study law at the Universität Freiburg from 1946-1949 (Müller 2005). He trained as a
lawyer, but found the intellectual constraints of practicing law not to his liking. He
decided to go into public administration, as it promised him more freedom to pursue his
own ideas (Hornung 1998). Luhmann became a civil servant for the town of Lüneburg in
1954. Although he enjoyed his work, he accepted the opportunity to take a sabbatical
leave to study administrative science at Harvard University in 1960. Here Luhmann
became a student of systems theorist Talcott Parsons, a thinker who would have a great
impact on the development of Luhmann’s theories. After returning to Germany in 1961,
Luhmann transferred to a research institute at the Hochschule für
Verwaltungswissenschaften (School of Public Administration) in Speyer. Here he was
afforded the freedom to pursue his scientific interests, and began his research of social
structure. In 1965, Luhmann studied Sociology for a single semester at the Universität
Münster. He was awarded a PhD and Habilitation (a postdoctoral qualification enabling
one to teach at the university level) for two books previously published. After briefly
occupying Theodor Adorno’s former chair at the Universität Frankfurt, (where he taught a
poorly-attended seminar on the sociology of love), he accepted a position at the newly-
founded Reformuniversität Bielefeld (Baecker, 2005). In 1973 he engaged in a debate
with theorist Jürgen Habermas about the role of social theory. This debate was later
published as a series of essays in Theorie der Gesellschaft oder Sozialtechnologie: Was
leistet die Systemforschung? (Theory of Society or Social Technology: What can Systems
Research Accomplish?) (1973). The debate with Habermas (whose theory receives a
much wider acceptance outside of Germany) served as the Anglophonic world’s major
introduction to Luhmann’s thought. Luhmann published profusely throughout his career,
with each book and essay building a foundation for his final theory of society. He retired
from this position in 1993, but continued to publish. His magnum opus, Die Gesellschaft
der Gesellschaft (The Society of the Society) was published a year before his death in

Early Influences
By the end of the 19th century, industrialization had profoundly changed the Western
world. Sociology had come into its own as a science: Karl Marx published profusely
throughout the mid1800s. Ferdinand Tönnies (1887) described social flows from
Gemeinschaft (community, relationship oriented association) toward Gesellschaft (self
interest oriented society) in 1887. Emile Durkheim (1893) explored the division of labor
a few years later, and opened the first European sociology department in 1896. Max
Weber developed new methodological approaches and also founded a sociology
department by 1920. While these fathers of the discipline differed greatly in their
research and philosophy of society, they all recognized that the function and dysfunction
of society is linked to the function and dysfunction of different social components such as
classes, institutions, technologies, or individuals.

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Chapter 10

Durkheim’s Functionalism
Durkheim’s theory of functionalism, in particular, had a lasting impact upon the social
sciences. Durkheim argued that “social facts” existed independent of individuals and
institutions, and that these facts were the most productive subject for empirical
sociological research. Social facts (such as suicide rates (Durkheim 1951), policies, or
church attendance) can be measured, interpreted, and tested. Social theories derived from
these analyses can then be used to explain social functioning.
The determination of function is . . . necessary for the complete explanation of the
phenomena. . . .To explain a social fact it is not enough to show the cause on which it
depends; we must also, at least in most cases, show its function in the establishment of
social order. (1950, p. 97)

Durkheim’s functionalism measured social effects within the context of a larger social
environment. Durkheim’s 1893 book The Division of Labor in Society focused on labor
division in an attempt to describe and explain social order. He elaborated on the manner
in which increasing labor division affects the evolution of societies.

Parsonian Social Systems

Talcott Parsons, who would become America’s preeminent social theorist throughout the
mid-20th century, drew on Durkheim’s functionalism in the development of his theory of
social action. He was also able to integrate concepts from the burgeoning fields of general
systems theory (von Bertalanffy, 1950; 1976), information theory (Shannon & Weaver,
1949), and social cybernetics (Wiener, 1948; 1950). Whereas Durkheim was content to
develop sociology as a discipline alongside the other social sciences, Parsons became the
advocate of a “grand theory” that could subsume the other social sciences. Drawing
heavily from Weber’s writings on action (which Parsons translated himself), Parsons’
functionalism was developed as a theory of action. Individuals were understood as acting
of their own volition, influenced in their behavior by external forces. As a component of
this larger theory, Parsons developed the theory of the social system. His “social system”
is generally synonymous with the term “society” and emerges from the interaction of
individuals (Parsons, 1951). For the purposes of this chapter only a few features of
Parson’s theory can be discussed. These will include his conceptions of the functional
imperatives of action and the notion of equilibrium. Equilibrium Parsons’ social
equilibrium is the orderly, smoothly functioning society. It is the result of individuals'
acting according to the norms and values that have been provided in their social
environment (Parsons, 1951). Parsonian social systems tended towards equilibrium,
because “the actions of the members of a society are to a significant degree oriented to a
single integrated system of ultimate ends common to these members” (Parsons qtd. in
Heyl, 1968). The understanding of equilibrium within different societies was the primary
goal of social systems theory, and (as Parsons would have it) sociology as a whole.
Functional imperatives of action Parsons’ functional imperatives of action were
developed as a way to classify the goals that “action systems” (be it individuals,
institutions, or groups) would pursue to reach equilibrium. His AGIL model 76 |
Communication Theory
Sociological Systems (adaptation, goal-attainment, integration, latent pattern
maintenance) remains one of his most famous formulations. A - The function of
adaptation addresses the fact that resources in the environment are scarce, and the system
must secure and distribute these resources. For social systems, social institutions are
employed to meet these needs. The economy is generally identified as the primary
institution that meets this need. G - The function of goal-attainment deals with the
system’s desire to use resources to achieve specific situational ends. Political institutions
generally fulfill this role for social systems. I – Integration is the most complex and
problematic of the functional imperatives. It addresses the need for a system to coordinate
and regulate the various subunits within a system. Integration of social systems is often
associated with laws and norms, and judicial institutions. L – Finally, the function of
pattern maintenance refers to a system’s ability to maintain its own stability, and consists
of two distinct components. For social systems, the first component deals with the ability
of the system to motivate normative behavior of actors. The second component is
involved with the transmission of social values. This imperative might be institutionally
satisfied by education and religion (Wallace & Wolf, 1991). The actions of an individual,
for example, could then be compared to the actions of an institution within this
framework. The social system, also subject to these imperatives, is in equilibrium because
all of its constituent actors are morally impelled to perform socially-expected functions.
As might be expected, Parsons’ early work was frequently criticized for failing to account
for social change, the opposite of social equilibrium. Parsons eventually developed an
evolutionary model of social change that described incremental adjustments occurring
through slight disruptions of the social system’s equilibrium.

Luhman and Social Systems

Sociology is stuck in a theory crisis. (Luhmann, 1995, p. xlv)

Luhmann criticized the sociology of his time as being irredeemably subjective and unable
to usefully describe reality. “Action theory is reconstructed as structural theory, structural
theory as linguistic theory, linguistic theory as textual theory, and textual theory as action
theory” (Luhmann, 1995, p. xlvi). The acquisition of new knowledge, Luhmann argued,
was derived from some recombination of the work of classical theorists. Social theory
spiraled into higher and higher levels of complexity, each refocusing and realignment of
classical theory laying the foundation for ever more complex theoretical iterations.
Luhmann set his personal task as no less than the complete theoretical
reconceptualization of the discipline within a wholly consistent framework. Luhmann’s
sociological systems theory makes only two fundamental assumptions: that reality exists,
and that systems exist (Luhmann, 1995, p. 12). The theory contains a constructivist
epistimology, as it claims that knowledge can only exist as a construction of human
consciousness. Luhmann does not claim that there is no external reality, but that our
knowledge of it will always be subject to the symbolic system we use to represent it.
From these simple assumptions, Luhmann attempts to build a universal social theory:
Theory… claims neither to reflect the complete reality of its object, nor to exhaust all the
possibilities of

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Chapter 10
knowing its object. Therefore it does not demand exclusivity for its truth claims in
relation to other, competing endeavors. But it does claim universality for its grasp of its
object in the sense that it deals with everything social and not just sections. (Luhmann,
1995, p. xlv)

The theory is universal because it seeks to describe and explain itself, along with all other
social phenomena. The theory is self-referential. Luhmann proceeds to clarify three
fundamental differences between his theory and previous social theories. First, his theory
is universal and can be applied to all social phenomena. Second, his theory is self-
referential, and capable of examining itself in its own terms. Third, his theory is both
complex and abstract enough to accomplish the previous two goals (Luhmann, 1995,
xlviii). There is no default entry point to Luhmann’s sociological systems theory. The
structure of the theory is systemic. This means that the integration of its components is
not linear and additive, but circular. The components of the theory do not build upon each
other but produce each other. This introduction will attempt to show some of Luhmann’s
most innovative developments, including his break from previous social systems theory.

A theory of communication
Luhmann found Parsons’ systems approach inspiring, but noticed several inconsistencies
and problems. Stichweh (2000), a student of Luhmann’s, explains that there are two
major strands of reasoning that led Luhmann to base his theory on communication rather
than action. The first issue was that the actions of psychic systems (minds) and of social
systems is difficult to distinguish using action theory. The interaction of the actor and his
environment can only be described when the actor and environment are placed on the
same analytic level. In Luhmann’s theory, the social system emerges from the
communication between psychic systems (minds), and cannot be understood as a separate
system “acting” on the individual. The second issue is that action theory cannot
differentiate between action and experience. Selection (one of the components of
Luhmann’s definition of communication, to be outlined below) can be viewed as either an
action on the part of the selecting system, or as information about the state of the
selecting system’s environment. The classification of information, Luhmann reasons, is
not causally related to actors, and should be classified as experience, not action.

Individuals and the social system

One aspect of Luhmann’s theory that is significantly different from most social theories is
that the human individual is not seen as focal to understanding society. In fact,
Luhmann’s theory states unequivocally that the individual is not a constituent part of
society. This counterintuitive claim begins to make sense if one recalls that Luhmann’s
basic social element is communication. An individual is only relevant to society to the
extent that they communicate. Whatever does not communicate within the society – such
as biological and psychic systems – is not a part of the society. Psychic systems, or
individual minds, can think but cannot communicate. In the social systems view,
individuals are only loci for social communication.

Autopoietic systems
We will return to the issue of the individual within the social system after further
discussion of 78 | Communication Theory
Sociological Systems Luhmann’s notion of “system”. A system is emergent, in that it
comes into existence as soon as a border can be drawn between a set of communications
and the context of the communication, or the systems environment. A system is always
less complex than its environment – if a system does not reduce the complexity in its
environment, then it cannot perform any function. A system effectively defines itself by
creating and maintaining a border between itself and the environment. In the case of
biological systems, this concept of systemic self-generation was first identified and
examined by Maturana and Varela (1980). They termed the self-generation of biological
systems “autopoietic”. Luhmann believed that autopoiesis could be usefully applied to
social systems as well. Luhmann’s autopoietic systems do more than just define their own
borders. They also produce their own components and organizational structures. The
major benefit of the autopoietic perspective on social systems is that it presents them
without ambiguity, and not as something that can be reduced to anything other than itself,
such as “consciousness” or a sum of actions (Anderson, 2003). Returning to the issue of
the individual, it is again possible to see why individuals cannot be components of social
systems – social systems are comprised of communications and therefore produce
communications, not people (“Niklas Luhmann,” 2005).

Communication as selection
Another Luhmannian conception that might seem counterintuitive is his subjectless,
actionless definition of communication. “Communication is coordinated selectivity. It
comes about only if ego fixes his own state on the basis of uttered information”
(Luhmann, 1995, p. 154). Luhmann criticizes the “transmission” metaphor of
communication because “it implies too much ontology” and that “the entire metaphor or
possessing, having, giving, and receiving” is unsuitable (1995, p. 139). For Luhmann,
communication is not an “action” performed by an “actor” but a selection performed by a
system. This "selection" that results in communication is more similar to Darwin’s
“natural selection” than to the everyday usage of the term. A social system generates
communication much as a natural environment generates biological traits. The selection
process that Luhmann terms communication is actually a synthesis of three separate
selections: the selection of information, the selection of a form, and the selection of an
understanding (Anderson, 2003). Following Shannon and Weaver’s (1949) theory of
information, Luhmann identifies information as a selection from a “repertoire of
possibilities” (1995, p.140). The form of a communication is how the message is
communicated. The selection of understanding refers to what should be understood about
the message. A critical note here is that understanding does not refer to the message’s
reception by a psychic system, but rather the linkage of the message to subsequent
communications (Anderson, 2003). The result of this selection process is the creation of
meaning, which is the medium of communication in social systems (Luhmann, 1995, p.
140). Social (and psychic) systems construct and sustain themselves in this way through
communication. Communications can only exist as a product of social (and psychic)
systems. Society is then a selfdescriptive system that contains its own description.
Luhmann recognizes that this definition is recursive and antithetical to classical scientific
theory (“Soziologische Systemtheorie”, 2005).

Contemporary sociological systems research

A variety of scholars today employ sociological systems analysis in fields ranging from
law to literary theory. The theory is one of the most popular in German sociology, and has
a significant Wikibooks | 79
Chapter 10 following in continental Europe, Japan, and elsewhere (“Soziologische
Systemtheorie,” 2005). Many of Luhmann’s former students and colleagues, such as Dirk
Baecker, Peter Fuchs, Armin Nassehi, and Rudolf Stichweh, continue to develop the

The preceding can only serve as the briefest of introductions to an enormous body of
original thought. A lifetime’s work of thousands of pages of published text cannot be
condensed into a few thousand words. This chapter has attempted to trace some of the
major theoretical threads which led to the development of Luhmann’s universal theory of
sociological systems. It presents some of Luhmann’s most engaging and innovative
conceptual formulations. Because Luhmann’s theory represents a major break from the
classical social sciences in structure and content, its comprehension requires a significant
investment of intellectual effort. This effort is worthwhile, as Luhmann’s meticulous
theoretical paradigm provides a useful alternative to other social science traditions.

80 | Communication Theory
Network Society

Manuel Castells
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Introduction to the Network Society

Information has been a central theme in 21st century research, just as capital was in the
20th century. It is frequently said that society is now living in an information age, which
has provided various information technologies (i.e. the internet and cellular phones).
However the "information age" has not been clearly defined. Although many define the
current economy as an information economy, there is still no universally accepted
definition to refer to the current society. Currently, over thirty different labels for
referring to contemporary society are used in academic fields and casual conversation
(Alvarez & Kilbourn, 2002). Some of these labels include: information society, global
village, digital society, wired society, post-industrial society, and network society. Some
of the terms describe the same phenomena, while others do not. Among the numerous
scholars trying to define this new society, Manuel Castells is the most foremost and
unique, in terms of at least two aspects: Firstly, he is an incredibly prolific and energetic
theorist on the subject of the information age. He has written over twenty books,
published over one hundred academic journal articles, and co-authored over fifteen
books. He is currently a professor of Sociology and City and Regional Planning at the
University of California, Berkeley. He has also served on many national and international
organizations such as: the Advisory Council to the United Nations Task Force on
Information and Communication Technology, the International Advisory Council to the
President of South Africa on Information Technology and Development, the United
Nations Secretary General's High Level Panel on Global Civil Society and the United
Nations, and UNESCO. Secondly, his critical viewpoint toward networks and the
information economy has made him more unique than other information economists and
sociologists. Castells is distinguishable from “the Utopians who have taken over the
information society camp” (Duff, 1998, p. 375), since he believes that the dark side of a
new economy is embedded in the intrinsic characteristics of new technologies. Thus,
Castells maintains a deterministic view of technology, whereas the Utopians regard
information technologies as instruments for human evolution. Castells has become one of
the most influential theorists over the past thirty years since his wide array of works has
provided a unique and critical framework for examining contemporary society. Castells
has been called the first great philosopher of cyberspace for his work on the information
economy (Gerstner, 1999). His trilogy published between 1996 and 1998 is recognized as
a compendium of his theory about the information age. In the trilogy, consisting of The
Network Society, The Power of Identity, and End of Millennium, Castells' analysis of the
new economy colligates several strands of the new society: new technological paradigms,
globalization, social movements, and the demise of the sovereign nation-state. The
Network Society deals with the "new techno-economic system" (Castells, 2001, p. 4).
The Power of Identity discusses social movements and politics resisting or adapting to
the network society. End of Millennium, the last work of the trilogy, describes the results
of the previous two factors in the world. This chapter thus explores what a Castellian
network society is, through exploration of his trilogy and other articles. Wikibooks | 81
Chapter 11

New Economy
New forms of time and space
The concept of an information economy or network economy is undoubtedly related to
new information technologies. According to economists, the definition of an information
economy can mean not only an abundant use of information technologies, but also a new
something that affects the way individuals work, produce, and consume. Human
processes are changed by these technologies. Thus, to understand the information
economy, one should first understand the characteristics of new information technologies,
and then study the paradigm shift into the network society. Castells (1996, 1997a, 2000)
defined the network society as a social structure which is characterized by networked
communications technologies and information processing. This includes such social
phenomena as economic interdependence among nations as well as globalization and
social movements related to individual identity. Based on this definition, Castells (2000)
hypothesized that the network society is organized around two new forms of time and
space: timeless time and the space of flows. In terms of timeless time, new technologies,
such as biotechnologies and communication networks, are breaking down the biological
sense of time as well as logical sequences of time. Castells’ (1997b) example of new
biological reproductive technologies blur life cycle patterns in conditions of parenting by
either slowing down or speeding up the life cycle. Space of flow infers that physical
distances are closer among organizations in the society, and information can be easily
transmitted from one point to another point by new communication technologies. This
means the annihilation of logical concept of space. For example, the hyperlink on
webpage collapses succession of things in time and space span, because it brings one
from one location to another location in an instant. Castells (2000) stated: “Space and
Time, the material foundations of human experience, have been transformed, as the space
of flows dominates the space of places, and timeless time supersedes clock time of the
industrial era” (p. 1).

New Techno-Economy Paradigm

Castells stated that the new network society is dominated by “a new techno-economic
paradigm based on information networks-informationalism” (Cabot, 2003, p.1148).
Castells (2004) definition of informationalism is “a technological paradigm based on the
augmentation of the human capacity of information processing and communication made
possible by the revolutions in microelectronics, software, and genetic engineering” (p.
11). Information processing and communication, like newspapers, radios, and televisions,
existed in history too. However, information technologies were not fundamental materials
for development in the past industrial economy. The informational economy depends on
the capacity of networks. Thus, without the capacity provided by these new technologies,
the new economy would not be able to operate, as the industrial society could not fully
expand without electricity (Castells, 2004). Whereas the industrial economy was based on
a value chain from manufacturers to retailers, the information economy created various
positions related to information technologies and the networks in the value chain such as
designers, operators, and integrators. The information economy requires a 82 |
Communication Theory
Network Society greater number of highly intelligent laborers that can manage and
control the technologies than in an industrial economy. Moreover, there are
comparatively more opportunities to create a profit in the network industry or information
industry than in other industries. Due to the importance of the networks and
communication technologies in the new economy, networks, as a new material for new
economy, began to formulate social power, and the members exploiting the ability of
networks began to acquire social power (Gerstner, 1999). For example, the network
enterprise is the prevailing form of business organization in information economy, since it
follows “a complete transformation of relationships of production and management”
(Castells, 2000b, p.607).

Global Economy
Since the modern digital networks that the new paradigm emphasizes have no
geographical limitation, the information economy is largely characteristic of global
economy. The global economy can be defined as “a network of financial transactions,
production sites, markets, and labor pools on a planetary scale” (Castells, 2000b, p.695).
This definition places emphasis on the “linkages between economic agents,” which are
essentially horizontal and flexible relationships in which the operating economic agents,
as nodes in networks, enact a project (Fields, 2002, p.56). Thus, these linkages are not
really firms, but instead can be seen as networking nodes. The nature of technologies and
networks generally affects the structure of the economy. The flexibility of modern
business organizations reflects the flexible nature of new networks, so that the linkages
are occasionally transformed and reconstructed for its profitability. Since current
networks have few physical limitations and open systems, they can “increase their value
exponentially as they add nodes” (Castells, 2000c, p.698) and can create infinite linkages
among other agents for their goals. Thus, the structure of information economy is not
constrained by geographical restrictions. At the definition of the global economy, the
planetary scale does not require highly internationalized organizations or wide
geographical ranges. Rather, in terms of the space of flows made of bits and pieces of
places, global economy exists in the reconstructed time and space. Gupta (2003) uses the
example of NASDAQ, an electronically wired stock market, for the case of global
economy. The global economy is a concept that values the speed with which knowledge,
goods, and people are transacted. Spatial distance is no longer significant. On the
contrary, rails and telegraph have also influenced the structure of the past industrial
economy. Richard R. Jone (2000) estimated that new digital revolution in the past half
century is comparable to the role of railroads and telegraphy in the 19th century, in terms
of “information infrastructure” (pp. 68-86). In the case of the 19th century, the railroad
and telegraph, as new networks, contributed to compress geographical distance, which
accelerated industrial development. However, since the networks were less flexible under
their physical limitations, the industrial structure, based on the networks, was less flexible
than today. In the 19th century, the structure of business was generally vertically
integrated, relying on mass-production systems, and mass-distribution networks. In sum,
new technology alters the structure of society and industry by its inherent nature, so that
the structure in the new economy is flexible and horizontal with production and
consumption relying on the new global and digital networks.
Wikibooks | 83
Chapter 11

Main Features of New Economy

Individualization of Work
In the new global economy, a cleavage or gap seems to increase between "'generic labour'
(casual substitutable labour) and 'self-reprogrammable labour' (those with the ability to
adapt their skills throughout their lives)" (Kaldor, 1998, p. 899). Generic labour refers to
a person who is unskilled or possesses lower skills or has a low level of education. These
individuals usually work for low-wage labor, and according to Castells (2004) can be,
"disposable, except if they assert their right to exist as humans and citizens through their
collective action" (p. 40). On the contrary, self-reprogrammable labour refers to highly
educated people who manage and control information with high creativity. Castells
(2004) states: "The more our information systems are complex, and interactively
connected to data bases and information sources, the more what is required from labor is
to be able of this searching and recombining capacity. This demands the appropriate
training, not in terms of skills, but in terms of creative capacity, and ability to evolve with
organizations and with the addition of knowledge in society" (p. 40). Since the matter of
labour in the global economy is related to capacity and creativity, Castells (2001)
suggests that education is a more important solution today. Another problem in the
cleavage between both types of labours is that labor organizations cannot function
properly, and rather divide the self-reprogrammable labour from the generic labour.
Another example of the cleavage is that within the industrial system, the employment of
"flexible woman" increased, but that of "organized man" decreased, over the last couple
of decades. The more valuable segments in the value chain of global economy can
survive. Since the global economy allows flexible and arbitrary linkage between nodes, a
business organization can easily redeploy their labour sources from one market to the
other market in a planetary scope. Thus, globalization of the economic activities enables
the situation that one labour market is supplied for abundant works, but, at the same time,
one market experiences a serious unemployment. The other problem of labour in global
economy is that new technologies increase the productivity of blue-collar worker, so that
the network enterprises downsize its own system. This is reminiscent of the mass layoffs
in the 19th century. Castells (1997b) views these trends as "the reversal trend of
socialization of labour that characterized the industrial age" (p. 9). He warns of the
alienation of workers in the network society by using Carnoy's terms of
"individualization of work". "Networking and individualization of work leaves workers
to themselves. Which is all right when they are strong, but becomes a dramatic condition
when they do not have proper skills, or they fall into some of the traps of the system
(illness, additions, psychological problems, lack of housing, or of health insurance)"
(Castells, 1999).

84 | Communication Theory
Network Society

Inequality in the Globe Economy

The central point of Castells' information economy is that the inherent logic of the system
is exclusionary, and the gap is increasing (Gerstner, 1999). Castells (2000a) defines the
global economy as “still-capitalism”, since the purpose of production in the new
economy is still for profit and the economy system is still based on property rights (p.
373). Castells (2004) states: "Capitalism has not disappeared, but it is not, against the
ideologically suggested perception, the only source of value in the global town" (p. 39).
Castells suggests that Africa, as the fourth world, is “dropping further and further behind
the global economy with each leap forward by the techno-elite” (Gerstner, 1999). This is
not because of political purposes, but because of the inherent nature of technology. Why
does the inequality increase if tremendous technological advancements are supplied to
society? New networks and communication technologies enable people or nodes to build
relations with others. However, the decision of making relations is up to the comparative
value of each node. Thus, Africa, which has no legacy from an industrial era, is composed
of less valuable segments, which remain isolated or utilized for cheap wage labor in the
new economy. Poor children in Africa and Latin America are still exploited at work by
global business organizations. The inequality occurs in information consumption. Alvin
Toffler and Nicolas Negroponte believed that the new information technologies would
lead a radical, positive change in the economy. Castells foresees that technical changes
are not equally beneficial to everyone in the global economy. His attention is focused on
the digital divide, which refers inequitable distribution or access to information. Wireless
communication, Broadband cable, and other new technologies made it possible to
hyperlink instantly among multiple spots. However, the majority of the populations
remain unwired. According to Castells, information, like the capitals in industrial
economy, is always insufficient to all the people. Since Castells considers the new
techno-economic paradigm in network society a "socially embedded process, not as an
exogenous factor affecting society," he can be categorized as a technology determinist.
However, he has never blamed the technology itself, even if he thinks that the nature of
modern technology increases the inequity of global societies. Castells states: "This is not
an opinion. It's an empirical observation. However, this is not the fault of technology, it is
the way we use it.... Unequal, undemocratic, exclusionary societies, on the contrary, will
see the power of technology dramatically increases social exclusion" (Gerstner, 1999).

The demise of the Sovereign Nation-State

Another main trend of the new economy is the “demise of the sovereign nation-state"
(Castells, 2000c, p. 694). Since both global networks and communication technologies
have increased the strength and frequency of transforming information, capitals, and
labour among other nodes in the networks, all nations and states have become more
interdependent. The increased relations stimulate the necessity of transnational
institutions such as the EU, NATO, ASEAN, and UN. Castells (2001) argues that the
degree of freedom of nation states has shrunk to an extraordinary degree in the last ten
years, because of the European Union. Member nations in the European Union have
decentralized markets in order to strengthen their bargaining power and socio-economic
control. Consequently, each member state in the Union has experienced diminishing
social power over their national issues and more complex relations with each other.
Nodes in information economies or network economies do not necessarily exist in the
form of an organization, but occasionally exist as a individuals, such as Alan Wikibooks |
Chapter 11 Greenspan, the Chairman of Federal Reserve Board (Castells, 2001).
However, the demise of sovereignty for Castells does not mean that the current nations or
states will disappear through global networks, but that their social power should be
shared or restricted by other institutions, nations, or states.

Castells’ theory revisits Marxist skepticism regarding industrialism. The theory of the
netwprl society uses many concepts and viewpoints traditionally held by Marxists.
Castells replaces the position of capital in industrialism by the concept of information. In
his analysis, Castells recognizes that the rise of informationalism and the nature of
networks has led global societies toward inequality and social exclusion, widening the
cleavage between "generic labour" and "self-reprogrammable labour," global city and
local city, information-rich and information-poor. Thus, Tony Giddens, Alain Touraine,
Peter Hall, and Chris Freeman compare Castells to such sociologists of importance as
Marx and Weber (Cabot, 2003). During the 1970s, Castells exhibited a Marxist
intellectual trajectory, and he confessed that he felt the need of Marxism for probing
political change in information age.

Castell's most important contribution was that he attempted to build a grand theory of the
information age in macro-perspective. Even though his work is still progressing, his wide
arrange analysis has provided an in-depth, yet macro understanding about the information
society. The majority of his approach has been empirical in an attempt to diagnose the
contemporary problems in the information society. Castells states his high dissatisfaction
with the superficiality of the prophet that futurists such as Toffler and Gilder had
announced. Although there are some criticisms that Castells overemphasized the negative
effects of the information economy, his analysis for each case, such as the collapse of
Soviet Union, was empirical and very accurate. In addition, Castells analysis is
globalized, even if he warns of the dark side of globalization. As most information
infrastructures are centralized on U.S. or Western European nations, most of the academic
analysis on information economy concerns those countries. However, Castells’ empirical
studies range from the fourth-world countries to the European Union.

86 | Communication Theory
History & Document Notes


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This PDF was created on 2006-08-13 based on the 2006-08-12 version of the
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Document Information

Pages: 118 Paragraphs: 1063 Words: 51785 Characters: 335350

Wikibooks | 87
Chapter 13


Principal Authors

Halavais Joe Petrick Ashley Anker Carolyn Hurley Albertin Derek Kyounghee Youling
Liu Ryankozey

All Authors, number of edits

Introduction: Halavais, original source · Kernigh,3 · Vault,1 · Jguk,1 · Hagindaz,1
Uncertainty Reduction: Anonymous,12 · Derek,11 · Carolyn Hurley,5 · Halavais,2 ·
Hagindaz,1 · Joe Petrick,1 · Jguk,1 Propaganda and the Public: Ryankozey,37 · Derek,26 ·
Carolyn Hurley,25 · Halavais,17 · Joe Petrick,8 · Anonymous,2 · Jguk,1 ·

Uses and Gratifications: Halavais,3 · Hagindaz,1 The Frankfurt School: Youling Liu,20 ·
Joe Petrick,11 · Ashley Anker,7 ·

Anonymous,5 · Kyounghee,5 · Halavais,3 · Jguk,1 ·

Semiotics and Myth:


Ashley Anker,42 · Joe Petrick,24 · Kyounghee,10 · Halavais,8 · Anonymous,5 · Jguk,1 ·

Hagindaz,1 · Carolyn

Orality and Literacy: Derek,12 · Halavais,4 · Joe Petrick,3 · Anonymous,1 · Jguk,1 ·

Hagindaz,1 Diffusion of Innovations: Youling Liu,32 · Carolyn Hurley,6 · Ashley Anker,6
· Joe Petrick,5 · Halavais,3 · Anonymous,3 · Derek,1 ·
Jguk,1 · Hagindaz,1

Sociological Systems: Ryankozey,23 · Kyounghee,6 · Halavais,4 · Derek,3 · Joe Petrick,2

· Anonymous,2 · Jguk,1 · Hagindaz,1 Network Society: Albertin,18 · Carolyn Hurley,17 ·
Ashley Anker,15 · Joe Petrick,9 · Halavais,4 · Anonymous,2 · Jguk,1 · Hagindaz,1

Image Credits

Communication sender-message-reciever by Emuzesto (GFDL)

88 | Communication Theory

Uncertainty Reduction
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October 10, 2005 from Berger, C.R.
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Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Canary, D., & Dainton, M. (Eds.). (2003).
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