CIR Vs General Foods

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Republic of the Philippines

[G.R. No. 143672. April 24, 2003]
vs. GENERAL FOODS (PHILS.), INC., respondent.
Rhodora J. Corcuera-Menzon for petitioner.
Ortega Del Castillo Bacorro Odulio Calma & Carbonell for respondent.
Respondent corporation filed its income tax return for the fiscal year
ending February 28, 1985. In said tax return, respondent claimed as
deduction, among other business expenses, the amount of P9,461,246
for media advertising for "Tang" one of its products. The Commissioner
disallowed 50% or P4,730,623 of the deduction claimed by respondent.
The latter filed a motion for reconsideration, but the same was denied.
Respondent appealed to the Court of Tax Appeals, but the appeal was
dismissed. Aggrieved, respondent filed a petition for review at the Court
of Appeals which rendered a decision reversing and setting aside the
decision of the Court of Tax Appeals. Hence, the present petition for
review. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue presented to the Court the
lone issue of whether or not the subject media advertising expense for
"Tang" incurred by respondent was an ordinary and necessary expense
fully deductible under the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC).
The Supreme Court reversed and set aside the decision of the Court of
Appeals and ordered private respondent General Foods (Phils); Inc., to
pay its deficiency income tax in the amount of P2,635,141.42, plus 25%
surcharge for late payment and 20% annual interest computed from

August 25, 1989, the date of the denial of its protest, until the same is
fully paid. The Court found the subject expense for the advertisement of
a single product to be inordinately large, and even if indeed it is
necessary, it cannot be considered an ordinary expense deductible under
Section 29 (a) (1) (A) of the NIRC. According to the Court, the subject
advertisement is one designed to stimulate the future sale of
merchandise or use of services. Said venture of respondent to protect its
brand franchise was tantamount to efforts to establish a reputation and
is akin to the acquisition of capital assets, and should not, therefore, be
considered as business expenses but as capital expenditures which
normally should be spread out over a reasonable period of time.
THE TAXING AUTHORITY. It is a governing principle in taxation that
tax exemptions must be construed in strictissimi juris against the
taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing authority; and he who claims
an exemption must be able to justify his claim by the clearest grant of
organic or statute law. An exemption from the common burden cannot be
permitted to exist upon vague implications. Deductions for income tax
purposes partake of the nature of tax exemptions; hence, if tax
exemptions are strictly construed, then deductions must also be strictly
be deductible from gross income, the subject advertising expense must
comply with the following requisites: (a) the expense must be ordinary
and necessary; (b) it must have been paid or incurred during the taxable
year; (c) it must have been paid or incurred in carrying on the trade or
business of the taxpayer; and (d) it must be supported by receipts,
records or other pertinent papers.
3. ID.;

be a clear-cut criteria or fixed test for determining the reasonableness of

an advertising expense. There being no hard and fast rule on the matter,
the right to a deduction depends on a number of factors such as but not
limited to: the type and size of business in which the taxpayer is engaged;
the volume and amount of its net earnings; the nature of the expenditure
itself; the intention of the taxpayer and the general economic conditions.
It is the interplay of these, among other factors and properly weighed,
that will yield a proper evaluation.
the P9,461,246 claimed as media advertising expense for "Tang" alone
was almost one-half of its total claim for "marketing expenses." Aside
from that, respondent-corporation also claimed P2,678,328 as "other
advertising and promotions expense" and another P1,548,614, for
consumer promotion. Furthermore, the subject P9,461,246 media
advertising expense for "Tang" was almost double the amount of
respondent corporation's P4,640,636 general and administrative
expenses. We find the subject expense for the advertisement of a single
product to be inordinately large. Therefore, even if it is necessary, it
cannot be considered an ordinary expense deductible under then Section
29 (a) (1) (A) of the NIRC. HCTaAS
AS BUSINESS EXPENSE. Advertising is generally of two kinds: (1)
advertising to stimulate the current sale of merchandise or use of services
and (2) advertising designed to stimulate the future sale of merchandise
or use of services. The second type involves expenditures incurred, in
whole or in part, to create or maintain some form of goodwill for the
taxpayer's trade or business or for the industry or profession of which
the taxpayer is a member. If the expenditures are for the advertising of
the first kind, then, except as to the question of the reasonableness of
amount, there is no doubt such expenditures are deductible as business
expenses. If, however, the expenditures are for advertising of the second
kind, then normally they should be spread out over a reasonable period
of time. We agree with the Court of Tax Appeals that the subject
advertising expense was of the second kind. Not only was the amount

staggering; the respondent corporation itself also admitted, in its letter

protest to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue's assessment, that the
subject media expense was incurred in order to protect respondent
corporation's brand franchise, a critical point during the period under
CASE AT BAR. The protection of brand franchise is analogous to the
maintenance of goodwill or title to one's property. This is a capital
expenditure which should be spread out over a reasonable period of time.
Respondent corporation's venture to protect its brand franchise was
tantamount to efforts to establish a reputation. This was akin to the
acquisition of capital assets and therefore expenses related thereto were
not to be considered as business expenses but as capital expenditures.
True, it is the taxpayer's prerogative to determine the amount of
advertising expenses it will incur and where to apply them. Said
prerogative; however, is subject to certain considerations. The first relates
to the extent to which the expenditures are actually capital outlays; this
necessitates an inquiry into the nature or purpose of such expenditures.
The second, which must be applied in harmony with the first, relates to
whether the expenditures are ordinary and necessary. Concomitantly, for
an expense to be considered ordinary, it must be reasonable in amount.
The Court of Tax Appeals ruled that respondent corporation failed to
meet the two foregoing limitations. We find said ruling to be well founded.
Respondent corporation incurred the subject advertising expense in
order to protect its brand franchise. We consider this as a capital outlay
since it created goodwill for its business and/or product. The P9,461,246
media advertising expense for the promotion of a single product, almost
one-half of petitioner corporation's entire claim for marketing expenses
for that year under review, inclusive of other advertising and promotion
expenses of P2,678,328 and P1,548,614 for consumer promotion, is
doubtlessly unreasonable.
Petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue (Commissioner) assails the
resolution 1 of the Court of Appeals reversing the decision 2 of the Court

of Tax Appeals which in turn denied the protest filed by respondent

General Foods (Phils.), Inc., regarding the assessment made against the
latter for deficiency taxes. aDHScI
The records reveal that, on June 14, 1985, respondent corporation,
which is engaged in the manufacture of beverages such as "Tang,"
"Calumet" and "Kool-Aid," filed its income tax return for the fiscal year
ending February 28, 1985. In said tax return, respondent corporation
claimed as deduction, among other business expenses, the amount of
P9,461,246 for media advertising for "Tang."
On May 31, 1988, the Commissioner disallowed 50% or P4,730,623 of
the deduction claimed by respondent corporation. Consequently,
respondent corporation was assessed deficiency income taxes in the
amount of P2,635,141.42. The latter filed a motion for reconsideration
but the same was denied.
On September 29, 1989, respondent corporation appealed to the Court of
Tax Appeals but the appeal was dismissed:
With such a gargantuan expense for the advertisement of a
singular product, which even excludes "other advertising
and promotions" expenses, we are not prepared to accept
that such amount is reasonable "to stimulate the current
sale of merchandise" regardless of Petitioner's explanation
that such expense "does not connote unreasonableness
considering the grave economic situation taking place after
the Aquino assassination characterized by capital fight,
strong deterioration of the purchasing power of the
Philippine peso and the slacking demand for consumer
products" (Petitioner's Memorandum, CTA Records, p. 273).
We are not convinced with such an explanation. The
staggering expense led us to believe that such expenditure
was incurred "to create or maintain some form of good will
for the taxpayer's trade or business or for the industry or
profession of which the taxpayer is a member." The term
"good will" can hardly be said to have any precise
signification; it is generally used to denote the benefit
arising from connection and reputation (Words and
Phrases, Vol. 18, p. 556 citing Douhart vs. Loagan, 86 III.

App. 294). As held in the case of Welch vs. Helvering, efforts

to establish reputation are akin to acquisition of capital
assets and, therefore, expenses related thereto are not
business expenses but capital expenditures. (Atlas Mining
and Development Corp. vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, supra). For sure such expenditure was meant not
only to generate present sales but more for future and
prospective benefits. Hence, "abnormally large expenditures
for advertising are usually to be spread over the period of
years during which the benefits of the expenditures are
received" (Mertens, supra, citing Colonial Ice Cream Co., 7
BTA 154).

WHEREFORE, in all the foregoing, and finding no error in

the case appealed from, we hereby RESOLVE to DISMISS
the instant petition for lack of merit and ORDER the
Petitioner to pay the respondent Commissioner the
assessed amount of P2,635,141.42 representing its
deficiency income tax liability for the fiscal year ended
February 28, 1985." 3
Aggrieved, respondent corporation filed a petition for review at the Court
of Appeals which rendered a decision reversing and setting aside the
decision of the Court of Tax Appeals:
Since it has not been sufficiently established that the item
it claimed as a deduction is excessive, the same should be
WHEREFORE, the petition of petitioner General Foods
(Philippines), Inc. is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, the
Decision, dated 8 February 1994 of respondent Court of
Tax Appeals is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the letter,
dated 31 May 1988 of respondent Commissioner of Internal
Revenue is CANCELLED.

Thus, the instant petition, wherein the Commissioner presents for the
Court's consideration a lone issue: whether or not the subject media
advertising expense for "Tang" incurred by respondent corporation was
an ordinary and necessary expense fully deductible under the National
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC).
It is a governing principle in taxation that tax exemptions must be
construed in strictissimi juris against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of
the taxing authority; 5 and he who claims an exemption must be able to
justify his claim by the clearest grant of organic or statute law. An
exemption from the common burden cannot be permitted to exist upon
vague implications. 6
Deductions for income tax purposes partake of the nature of tax
exemptions; hence, if tax exemptions are strictly construed, then
deductions must also be strictly construed.
We then proceed to resolve the singular issue in the case at bar. Was the
media advertising expense for "Tang" paid or incurred by respondent
corporation for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1985 "necessary and
ordinary," hence, fully deductible under the NIRC? Or was it a capital
expenditure, paid in order to create "goodwill and reputation" for
respondent corporation and/or its products, which should have been
amortized over a reasonable period?
Section 34 (A) (1), formerly Section 29 (a) (1) (A), of the NIRC provides:
(A) Expenses.
(1) Ordinary and necessary trade, business or professional
(a) In general. There shall be allowed as deduction
from gross income all ordinary and necessary
expenses paid or incurred during the taxable
year in carrying on, or which are directly
attributable to, the development, management,
operation and/or conduct of the trade,
business or exercise of a profession.

Simply put, to be deductible from gross income, the subject advertising

expense must comply with the following requisites: (a) the expense must
be ordinary and necessary; (b) it must have been paid or incurred during
the taxable year; (c) it must have been paid or incurred in carrying on
the trade or business of the taxpayer; and (d) it must be supported by
receipts, records or other pertinent papers. 7
The parties are in agreement that the subject advertising expense was
paid or incurred within the corresponding taxable year and was incurred
in carrying on a trade or business. Hence, it was necessary. However,
their views conflict as to whether or not it was ordinary. To be deductible,
an advertising expense should not only be necessary but also ordinary.
These two requirements must be met.
The Commissioner maintains that the subject advertising expense was
not ordinary on the ground that it failed the two conditions set by U.S.
jurisprudence: first, "reasonableness" of the amount incurred and
second, the amount incurred must not be a capital outlay to create
"goodwill" for the product and/or private respondent's business.
Otherwise, the expense must be considered a capital expenditure to be
spread out over a reasonable time.
We agree.
There is yet to be a clear-cut criteria or fixed test for determining the
reasonableness of an advertising expense. There being no hard and fast
rule on the matter, the right to a deduction depends on a number of
factors such as but not limited to: the type and size of business in which
the taxpayer is engaged; the volume and amount of its net earnings; the
nature of the expenditure itself; the intention of the taxpayer and the
general economic conditions. It is the interplay of these, among other
factors and properly weighed, that will yield a proper evaluation.
In the case at bar, the P9,461,246 claimed as media advertising expense
for "Tang" alone was almost one-half of its total claim for "marketing
expenses." Aside from that, respondent-corporation also claimed
P2,678,328 as "other advertising and promotions expense" and another
P1,548,614, for consumer promotion.

Furthermore, the subject P9,461,246 media advertising expense for

"Tang" was almost double the amount of respondent corporation's
P4,640,636 general and administrative expenses.
We find the subject expense for the advertisement of a single product to
be inordinately large. Therefore, even if it is necessary, it cannot be
considered an ordinary expense deductible under then Section 29 (a) (1)
(A) of the NIRC.
Advertising is generally of two kinds: (1) advertising to stimulate the
current sale of merchandise or use of services and (2) advertising
designed to stimulate the future sale of merchandise or use of services.
The second type involves expenditures incurred, in whole or in part, to
create or maintain some form of goodwill for the taxpayer's trade or
business or for the industry or profession of which the taxpayer is a
member. If the expenditures are for the advertising of the first kind, then,
except as to the question of the reasonableness of amount, there is no
doubt such expenditures are deductible as business expenses. If,
however, the expenditures are for advertising of the second kind, then
normally they should be spread out over a reasonable period of time.
We agree with the Court of Tax Appeals that the subject advertising
expense was of the second kind. Not only was the amount staggering; the
respondent corporation itself also admitted, in its letter protest 8 to the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue's assessment, that the subject media
expense was incurred in order to protect respondent corporation's brand
franchise, a critical point during the period under review.
The protection of brand franchise is analogous to the maintenance of
goodwill or title to one's property. This is a capital expenditure which
should be spread out over a reasonable period of time. 9
Respondent corporation's venture to protect its brand franchise was
tantamount to efforts to establish a reputation. This was akin to the
acquisition of capital assets and therefore expenses related thereto were
not to be considered as business expenses but as capital expenditures.
True, it is the taxpayer's prerogative to determine the amount of
advertising expenses it will incur and where to apply them. 11 Said

prerogative, however, is subject to certain considerations. The first relates

to the extent to which the expenditures are actually capital outlays; this
necessitates an inquiry into the nature or purpose of such expenditures.
12 The second, which must be applied in harmony with the first, relates
to whether the expenditures are ordinary and necessary. Concomitantly,
for an expense to be considered ordinary, it must be reasonable in
amount. The Court of Tax Appeals ruled that respondent corporation
failed to meet the two foregoing limitations.
We find said ruling to be well founded. Respondent corporation incurred
the subject advertising expense in order to protect its brand franchise.
We consider this as a capital outlay since it created goodwill for its
business and/or product. The P9,461,246 media advertising expense for
the promotion of a single product, almost one-half of petitioner
corporation's entire claim for marketing expenses for that year under
review, inclusive of other advertising and promotion expenses of
P2,678,328 and P1,548,614 for consumer promotion, is doubtlessly
It has been a long standing policy and practice of the Court to respect
the conclusions of quasi-judicial agencies such as the Court of Tax
Appeals, a highly specialized body specifically created for the purpose of
reviewing tax cases. The CTA, by the nature of its functions, is dedicated
exclusively to the study and consideration of tax problems. It has
necessarily developed an expertise on the subject. We extend due
consideration to its opinion unless there is an abuse or improvident
exercise of authority. 13 Since there is none in the case at bar, the Court
adheres to the findings of the CTA.
Accordingly, we find that the Court of Appeals committed reversible error
when it declared the subject media advertising expense to be deductible
as an ordinary and necessary expense on the ground that "it has not
been established that the item being claimed as deduction is excessive."
It is not incumbent upon the taxing authority to prove that the amount
of items being claimed is unreasonable. The burden of proof to establish
the validity of claimed deductions is on the taxpayer. 14 In the present
case, that burden was not discharged satisfactorily.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is GRANTED.
The assailed decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby REVERSED and

SET ASIDE. Pursuant to Sections 248 and 249 of the Tax Code,
respondent General Foods (Phils.), Inc. is hereby ordered to pay its
deficiency income tax in the amount of P2,635,141.42, plus 25%
surcharge for late payment and 20% annual interest computed from
August 25, 1989, the date of the denial of its protest, until the same is
fully paid.
Puno, Panganiban, Sandoval-Gutierrez and Carpio-Morales, JJ., concur.
1.Penned by Associate Justice Andres B. Reyes and concurred in by
Associate Justices Quirino D. Abad Santos, Jr. and Romeo A.
Brawner of the Third Division.
2.Penned by Associate Judge Manuel K. Gruba and concurred in by
Associate Judge Ramon O. de Veyra.
3.Rollo, pp. 22-23.
4.Id., p. 24.
5.Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Visayan Electric Co., 23 SCRA
715 [1968].
6.Asiatic Petrolium Co. vs. Llanas, 49 Phil 466 [1926] cited in Davao
Light & Power Co. vs. Commissioner of Customs, 44 SCRA 122
7.Zamora vs. Collector, 8 SCRA 163 [1963].
8.Dated June 14, 1988; Petition for Review, p. 8 citing BIR Records, pp.
198-199; Rollo, p. 15.
9.Mertens, Vol. 4A 25.38 p. 190 citing Colonial Ice Cream Co., 7 BTA
10.Welch vs. Helvering, 290 US 111 [1933].

11.Revenue Audit Memorandum Order No. 1-87.

12.Mertens, Vol. 4A 25.38 p. 190, citing E.H. Sheldon & Co., 19 TC 481
13.Commissioner vs. Court of Tax Appeals & Atlas Consolidated Mining
and Development Co., 204 SCRA 182 [1991].
14.Commissioner vs. Algue, Inc., 158 SCRA 9 [1988].

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