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Creating The Banner With Fireworks

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Creating the Banner with Fireworks

1. Open a new Fireworks Document.

a. Width: 750px
b. Height: 128px
c. Resolution: 72px
d. Canvas color: White
2. Save your graphic in the originals folder as banner.png

3. On the Optimize Panel, Choose JPEG Better Quality, JPEG, and 80 for the Quality.

4. Use the Rectangle Tool and draw a small rectangle on your canvas. With the rectangle selected, use the
Properties Panel to:
a. Make the width 750px
b. Make the height 110px
c. Have an X Position of 0
d. Have a Y Position of 0
e. Name the object Background

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Creating the Banner with Fireworks

5. With the rectangle selected make the following changes on the Properties Inspector:
a. Texture: Line-Horiz 1
b. Percentage: 88%
c. Fill: Linear
d. Edge: Anti-Alias

6. Click on the Color Palette.

a. Make your fill colors Dark Red (#990000) on left.
b. Off-White (#FFFFCC) on right.
c. Click below colored bar to add a gradient marker and set it about 2/3 to the right.

7. Combine images to use on banner.

a. In the images folder open the school.png graphic
b. Open the elksign.png and Copy/Past on the school picture.
c. Flatten layers
d. Change the Opacity to 50%.
e. Copy/paste the graphic to the banner graphic. Position the image as seen below.

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Creating the Banner with Fireworks

8. Use the Rectangle Tool and draw a small rectangle on your canvas. With the rectangle selected, use the
Properties Panel to:
a. Make the width 750px
b. Make the height 18px
c. Has a X Position of 0
d. Has a Y Position of 110
e. Make the fill color Solid and Red (#990000)
f. Amount of Texture: 0

9. Choose the text tool with the following specifications (make changes on the Properties Panel)
a. Font Trebuchet MS
b. Size 40
c. Bold
d. Color: White (#FFFFFF)
e. Type: Burleson High School (Line 1) Home of the Elks (Line 2)
f. Resize line 1 to 56px
g. On the properties Panel, choose Filter > Shadow and Glow > Drop Shadow
10. Choose the text tool with the following specifications (make changes on the Properties Panel)
a. Font Verdana
b. Size 11
c. Italics
d. Type: Our mission is to inspire, nurture and guide those around up to attain their true potential.
e. Change the Horizontal Scale to 143%
11. Position both text items as seen below. To align precisely, select both both text items (make sure nothing
else is selected) Choose Modify > Align > Left.
Your finished banner should look like the image below.

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Creating the Banner with Fireworks

Now it is time to break our graphic into parts with slicing. We want our large rectangle and small rectangle
to be exported as separate graphics
12. Select your large rectangle (It will have a blue border when it is selected.).
a. Go to the Edit Menu > Insert > Rectangular Slice. A green slice now appears on your large
13. Right-click the slice. Choose Export Selected Slice. Export the slice as topbanner.jpg to the web_ready
14. Repeat steps 13 and 14 on your small rectangle. Export this slice as subbanner.jpg to the web_ready
15. Save your banner.png to the originals folder.

Creating the Footer with Fireworks

1. Open a new Fireworks Document.
a. Width: 750px
b. Height: 45px
c. Resolution: 72px
d. Canvas color: White
2. Save your graphic in the originals folder as footer.png.
3. Use the Rectangle Tool and draw a small rectangle on your canvas. With the rectangle selected, use the
Properties Panel to:
a. Width 750px
b. Height 45px
c. X Position of 0
d. Y Position of 0
e. Object name: Footer
4. With the rectangle selected make the following changes on the Properties menu:
a. Texture: Line-Horiz 1
b. Percentage: 88%
c. Fill: Linear
d. Edge: Anti-Alias
e. Make your fill colors Dark Red (#990000) on left.
f. Off-White (#FFFFCC) on right.
g. Click below colored bar to add a gradient marker and set it about 2/3 to the right.
h. Click on the Pointer Tool and rotate your liner gradient to a vertical position Red at the top
should fade to Off-White.
5. Export a jpeg copy to the web_ready folder.
6. Save your file as footer.png to the originals folder.

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