Royer Grammar and Punctuation Chapter 2

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The key takeaways are that the passage discusses phrases, clauses, and the differences between independent and dependent clauses.

Phrases are groups of words that express a thought but are not complete sentences, while clauses contain a subject and a verb and are either dependent or independent.

Dependent clauses rely on other information to be understood while independent clauses express a complete thought on their own.

Chapter 2

Phrases and Clauses

In this chapter, you will learn to identify phrases and
clauses. You will also learn about independent and
dependent clauses.

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We combine the various parts of speech to write word groups that express our thoughts.
There are 2 major kinds of word groups: phrases and clauses.

1. Phrase--a phrase is a group of closely related words. This group of words makes some sense
together, although it does not express a complete thought. A phrase is a fragment, or part of a
complete thought. One common phrase you are familiar with is a prepositional phrase--to the
store, around the corner, in the house, beyond the trees, after the play, etc. Notice how these
groups of words make some sense to you, but they express only part of a larger idea.

1. Clause-- A clause, like a phrase, is a group of related words. The difference is that a clause
is a more complete expression--it contains a subject and a verb.
There are two kinds of clauses:
1. Dependent Clausehas a subject and verb and a dependent word (subordinate
conjunction). A dependent clause expresses only part of an idea, and relies upon some
other information in the sentence for complete meaning (hence the term "dependent").
We usually use dependent clauses in sentences to express thoughts that are additional or
accessory to our main thought in the sentence.

Independent Clause--an independent clause is a group of related words that has both a
subject (actor) and verb (action) and makes sense to us without needing any additional
information. Therefore, an independent clause is also known as a simple sentence. It is
not just part of a thought, but is complete on its own. When combined with phrases or
dependent clauses, independent clauses form the basis of compound and complex
sentences. Alone, an independent clause expresses one main complete thought.

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Clauses and Simple Sentences

A clause is a group of two or more related words that has a subject and a verb. There are two
kinds of clauses:


Read each of the following groups of words and decide if the group of words is a clause or a
phrase. Place a C beside the groups that are clauses and P by groups that are phrases.
_________________________ 1. In the rain.
_________________________ 2. When he finished.
_________________________ 3. Because the movie is over.
_________________________ 4. Tina screamed.
_________________________ 5. While he was jogging home.
_________________________ 6. Over the rainbow.

The Independent Clause or Simple Sentence

An independent clause is a group of related words that has a subject and a verb and expresses
a complete thought. An independent clause is also called a simple sentence.
Every sentence you write must have both a subject and verb, and these two parts go together.
That is, whatever you identify as the subject must be performing the action of the verb. These
two parts are not isolated; they work together to express an idea.

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Also remember that verbs or can express actions (walk, see, run, eat, go type, sit, etc.) or states
of being (am, is, are, was, were, appear, seem, etc.).
I read all day Sunday. (subject = I; verb = read)
I am very happy.

(subject = I;

verb = am)

The Dependent Clause

A dependent clause has a subject and a verb, but it does not express a complete thought
because is has a dependent word. A dependent clause is not a sentence.

While Dan was driving.

This clause does have a subject (Dan) and a verb (was driving), but it does not express a
complete thought. We still need more information to understand the whole idea. The writer
did not tell us what happened while Dan was driving.
Look at these two versions of the same idea:

The dog barked all night.

Because the dog barked all night.

The first sentence is complete, but the second sentence is not because it does not tell us the
result of the dogs barking. We still need more information to understand the whole idea.
Both clauses, While Dan was driving and Because the dog barked all night, contain subjects and
verbs, but do not express complete thoughts; therefore, both are dependent clauses.
The list of words on the following page are commonly used subordinate conjunctions and
relative pronouns. These words are clues to help us identify and write dependent clauses. It
may be easier for you to remember these words as Dependent Words because one of these
words always appears as the first word of a dependent clause. In other words, if a group of

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words that has a subject and a verb begins with one of these subordinate conjunctions or
relative pronouns (dependent words), the clause is a dependent clause.

Subordinate Conjunctions
(also called Dependent Words)
so that
as if
once (meaning if or when)



Relative Pronouns

even though
provided that
in order that



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In the space provided, label the word or groups of words as follows: IC (independent clause),
DC (dependent clause), P (phrase). You may refer to the list of subordinate words and relative
pronouns above to help you.

1. before the storm

______11. despite the blizzard

______2. Henry who is a sailor

______12. if he goes

______3. he gave a dazzling performance

______13. since she is rich

______4. at the party in the old house

______14. in the spring

______5. millions have cable television

______15. on the beach

______6. while she was playing golf

______7. when she took her seat
______8. nearly every American drives a car
______9. beyond the blue horizon
______10. after the clock struck 12

Read the clauses below. If the clause expresses a complete thought, place an IC (for
Independent Clause) next to it. If the clause does not express a complete thought, place a DC
(for Dependent Clause) next to it. Be sure to look at the first word of the clause to determine if
the clause is dependent or independent. For all that you mark DC, add information to make
the clause a complete sentence.

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____________ 1. Although the day was bright and sunny.

____________ 2. Because she is so vain and conceited.

____________ 3. I believe in ghosts.

____________ 4. When we reach our destination.

____________ 5. He completed his work.

____________ 6. If the recession ever ends.

____________ 7. Before the play starts.

____________ 8. The cat climbed the oak tree.

____________ 9. While Anne was driving east.

____________ 10. She received an A in English.

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Practice 4More Practice Recognizing Independent Clauses

Underline the Independent Clauses in the following sentences and put parenthesis around
the Dependent Clauses. Be sure to look for subordinating words to help you recognize
dependent clauses.
1. Nate often visits his mothers house because he likes her homemade dinners.
2. Joe likes to listen while Jeffery likes to talk.
3. School is a challenge although it has its rewards.
4. Nathan plays the guitar while he sings his own songs.
5. Since the freeway was congested, James was late for work.
6. Whenever Jeffery is late for work, he feels very stressed.
7. Most adolescent girls are unhappy with their bodies.
8. Shawna wants to lose weight even though she only weighs one hundred pounds.
9. I used to watch TV until I realized how much time it wasted.

PRACTICE 5--Labeling Dependent and Independent Clauses

In the following sentences, underline the independent clauses and label them IC;
put parenthesis ( ) around the dependent clauses and label them DC.
1. Although Americans celebrate Presidents Day in February, many people do not
know which presidents are being honored by this holiday.
2. Americans enjoy celebrating St. Patricks Day, but hardly anyone
knows who St. Patrick is.
3. Halloween is another day for celebration in the United States; however, the
meaning of this holiday is a mystery to most people.
4. Maybe it does not matter why we celebrate certain days; the important part is to
have a good time!

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