DR Madeline Hunter Article1

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The Madeline Hunter Model of Mastery Learning

Dr. Madeline Hunters research showed effective teachers have a methodology when planning and
presenting a lesson. Hunter found that no matter what the teachers style, grade level, subject matter, or
economic background of the students a properly taught lesson contained eight elements that enhanced and
maximized learning. She labeled eight elements and began two decades of teacher training. The
elements referred to as Lesson Design, Target Teaching, or Critical Teaching, have stood the test of
time still used today in many teacher colleges and as reference for judging teacher effectiveness in
many school districts.
Within each element of Lesson Design, there are many sub-skills, methods, and techniques each
demanding training, practice, and review in order to attain mastery of the Hunter model. Simply knowing
about or reading about Lesson Design will not produce flawless performance, but will form a basis for
decision making.

Basic Hunter Vocabulary

(Each term has been defined using tow related statements)

1. Anticipatory Set
The teacher focuses the students thoughts on to what will be learned (Tie in yesterdays lesson
with todays lesson. Get them interested.)
Anticipatory set is defined as a shot activity or prompt that focuses the students attention before
the actual lesson begins. Uses when students enter the room or in a transition, anticipatory set
might be a hand-out given to students at the door, review questions written on the board, two
short problems presented on a transparency on the overhead, an agenda for the lesson written on
the chalkboard, etc
2. Objective and Purpose
Students learn more effectively when they know what they are supposed to be learning and why.
Teachers also teach more effectively when they have the same information. (Tell
what/how/why/the students are going to learn.)
The purpose or objective of the lesson includes why students need to learn the objective, what
they will be able to do once they have met the criterion, how they will demonstrate learning as a

result. The formula for the behavioral objective is: The learner will do what + with what + how
3. Input
The new knowledge, process or skill must be presented to the students in the most effective
manner. This could be through discovery, discussion, reading, listening, observing, etc.
Input includes the vocabulary, skills and concepts the teacher will impart to the students, the
information the students need to know in order to be successful.
4. Modeling
It is important for the students to see what they are learning. It helps them when the teacher
demonstrates what is to be learned.
The teacher shows a graphic or demonstrates in a concrete way exactly what the finished product
looks like. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.
5. Checking for Understanding
It is important to make sure the students understand what was presented. One way this can be
done is by asking the students questions.
The teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies to determine Got it yet? and to reflect on
the pace of the lesson: Should I move forward or back up?
6. Guided Practice
The students practice the new learning under direct teacher supervision.
The teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill using a trimodal
approach: hear/see/so.
7. Independent Practice
When the teacher is sure the students understand the new material, they assign independent
The teacher releases students to practice on their own based on learning that has occurred during
the previous steps.
8. Closure
At the end of each lesson, the teacher reviews or wraps up the lesson by posing a question for the
class: Tell me or show me what you have learned today.
Closure is not necessarily an end point, but more of a final check for understanding used at the
end of a class period. Closure for on-going laboratory activities may not be appropriate.

Teaching to an objective
(lesson objective - not a step.)



2. Set [hook]
3. Standards/expectations
4. Teaching
Direction giving {see below}
Checking for understanding

Guided Practice




Independent Practice

Behavioral Objective format:

Students will demonstrate their [knowledge, understanding, skill, etc.] of/to [concept, skill, etc.] by
[activity performed to meet the lesson objective] according to [standard].
Example: Each student will demonstrate achievement of the skill of addition of whole numbers by adding
columns of figures with paper and pencil accurately nine out of ten times individually in class.
Four step instructional process
1. Watch how I do it [modeling]
2. You help me do it (or we do it together) [together]
3. Ill watch you do it or praise, prompt and leave [guided practice]
4. You do it alone [independent practice]

Motivation TRICKS
1. Feeling Tone

Reward [extrinsic/intrinsic]




Level of Concern
time to produce


Knowledge of results



Ways of monitoring
1. Oral individual

Oral together


Visual answers, e.g., thumbs




Task Performance


Group sampling

Questioning Guidelines
1. Place signal [get their attention], then ask question

Ask question before designating the person to answer


Do not repeat nor rephrase the students response. May ask for agreement by class or for others
to respond.


Ask question then wait for 50% of hands [or bright eyes, knowing looks]


Never ask a question of a student who you know cannot answer.


If the student is confused or cant answer, calmly repeat the same question or give a direct clue.

Retention, Reinforcement
1. Meaning/understanding (the most effective way to learn)

Degree of original learning. Learn it well the first time. {And dont practice it wrong!]


Feeling tone. [positive or negative will work but negative has some undesirable side effects.]


Transfer [emphasize similarities for positive transfer and differences where there might be an
incorrect transfer.] [See Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives for levels of learning.
Transfer implies all of the higher levels. See Barak Rosenshine re. decontextualizing following
this summary of the Hunter Model which is essential for effective transfer of knowledge and
skills to the real world.]


Schedule of Practice. [Mass the practice at first, then create a regular follow-up schedule.]

Creating Directions
1. Break down into parts/steps.

Give only three at a time, one if the behavior is new.


Delay giving instructions until just before the activity.


Give directions in the correct sequence.


Plan dignified help for those who dont tune in. [no put-downs]


Give directions visually as well as orally (Visual representation of the task) [cf. Fred Jones VIP]

Giving Directions

Give the planned directions [creation above].

Check the students understanding [Any question? does not check understanding.]

Have a student model the behavior. [i.e, on the board or orally.]

If needed, remediate and recheck. [It is essential that students do not practice error.]
The Madeline Hunter Seven Steps lesson design may be used for mort than just direct
instruction in the behavioral mode. It can be used as a shell for any instructional lesson or unit.

De-contextualization for transfer and general application

Barak Rosenshine, in a presentation to the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,
Spring 1990, reported on recent research on direct instruction. Direct instruction (as addressed by
Rosenshine) applies to skills, not to the teaching content.
Most of the research on teaching effectiveness has been on the teaching of well-structured skills: how to
add, how to focus a microscope. His new work addresses research on how effective teachers teach lessstructured skills: how to summarize, how to take notes, how to ask appropriate questions, etc. Other
continua that are similar/parallel to well structured-less structured are: explicit-implicit, algorithmheuristic, and concrete-abstract.
The strategies he has recently reported provide scaffolds for learning the less-structured skills.
Regulate the difficulty [escalate after learner gets it]

Anticipate difficult areas [then provide lots of support]

Model: talk out loud about the process you are going through.

Provide procedural facilitators [procedural facilitators are to content as advance organizers

are to process]

Provide appropriate student practice in varied context.

All of these apply to the teaching of well-structured skills as well but they are specifically indicated for the
teaching of less structures skills: things for which discrete procedural steps are hard to identify. They are
less relevant to the teaching of content because prior/background knowledge is key to the teaching of
Learning takes place in the zone of proximal development [ZPD] where the students development is
advanced enough for the pupil to learn, but will need help to get there.
A scaffold [outline, model, visual instruction plan (VIP), diagram, or figure that provides an image to hand
ideas on] makes it easier for the learner to get it in developmental skills subjects where background
knowledge is no key and so is not applicable for non-progressive content like social studies or literature.
ZPD is not critical for most content in English or social studies but is more so in science or math. [Note:
writing an essay, at least in the initial learning stages, is a less-structured skill that has steps that con be
taught, e.g., start an attention-grabber, then a topic sentence, then a statement followed by supporting
information, then another statement with support, then a third statement with support, then a summary
statement tying the three statements to the topic.]
Most things in math and science, especially skills, are taught in a context. For transfer to broader
applicability it is necessary to decontextualize the learning. One way to do this is in guided practice by
giving attention to decontextualizing the skill by providing lots of varied practice and spaced practice. [Ed.
note: And to have students manipulate the ideas/skills, e.g, Have you ever seen something like this down
town? or How many ways can you think of to use this concept/skill? or Can you explain how you
arrived at that answer (metacognition).]

[ED. Note: It is likely that de-contextualization of learning is the most important and least

Function of teaching for latter application. The lack of transfer of knowledge/skills to real Life
is likely the main reason why graduates do so poorly on state-wide and national tests [even when
they know the answers: the questions arent asked in the context in which they were learned. It
is important that we present and re-represent the material to be learned in as many different
ways/contexts as we can..and at the higher levels of Blooms Taxonomy of Educational

Summary of the Summary:

You told them what you were going to tell them with set, you tell them with presentation, you
demonstrate what you want them to do with modeling, you see if they understand what youve
told them with checking for understanding, and you tell them what youve told them by tying it
all together with closure. [For a detailed treatment of this topic, see Cooper et al. Classroom
Teaching Skills, 4th ed., D.C. Health & Co., Lexington, Ky.]
The Madeline Hunter seven step lesson plan. The basic lesson plan outline given above
contains the so-called Hunter direct instruction lesson plan elements. 1) objectives, 2) standards,
3) anticipatory set, 4) teaching [input, modeling, and check for understanding], 50 guided practice,
60 closure, 7) independent practice. If you count input, modeling, and check for understanding as
three steps, there are nine elementsnot the seven in the usual title.
Madeline Hunter did not create a seven step lesson plan model. She suggested various elements
that might be considered in planning for effective instruction. In practice, these elements were
compiled by others as the Seven Step Lesson Plan. Taught through teacher inservice, and used
as a check list of items that must be contained in each lesson. This application is contrary to Dr.
Hunters intent and its misuse is largely responsible for objections to direct instruction and to
Madeline Hunters system of clinical supervision. Use as Dr. Hunter intended, the steps make a
useful structure for development of many lesson plansincluding non-behavioral ones. Not all
elements belong in every lesson although they will occur in a typical unit plan composed of
several lessons. [Those who have an evaluator who uses the elements as a check list and records a
fault for each element missing from a lesson are referred to Patricia Wolfe, What the Seven-Step
Lesson Plan Isnt Educational Leadership, pp. 70-71, Feb., 1987.]

Patricia Wolfe

What the Seven-Step Lesson

Plan Isnt
Its not a rigid formula but a set of useful elements
The instructional practices espoused
by Madeline Hunter have gained
such wide acceptance over the past
20 years that one begins to believe
they may escape the this too shall
pass syndrome that has plagued so
many educational innovations.
However, as is often the case with
popular concepts, Hunters practices
have suffered abuses as well as
success. Perhaps the most
misunderstood component of her
work is one that has been labeled the
Seven-Step Lesson Plan, a term
that Hunter has never used.
The trouble began in 1976
when Hunter and Doug Russell, the
lead teacher at University
Elementary School, UCLA, wrote an
article called Planning for Effective
Instruction Lesson Design, in which
they described seven elements that
should be considered when
designing a lesson. They wrote that
the following elements, if used
appropriately, will increase the
probability of student success in
reaching the lesson objective
anticipatory set, input, modeling,
checking for understanding, guided
practice, and independent practice.
Hunter and Russell do not list them
as steps. Nor do they indicate that
the elements are to be carried out in
order. In the article they state their
belief that a systematic
consideration of seven elements,
which research has shown influential
in learning and which therefore
should be deliberately included or
excluded in planning instruction,
will make the difference in learners
success or lack of it (Russell and
Hunter 1976) Taken separately,
each of these elements is a sensible

Instructional practice with which

few would disagree. However, on
the way to implementation,
something happened that has caused
their efficacy to be questioned.
It could be that educators are
fascinated with numbers or that
over-worked teachers were looking
for an all-purpose lesson plan. Or it
may have been the fault of staff
developers who did not completely
understand what Hunter and Russell
were saying. Whatever its origin,
the Seven-Step

The dissidents are

right! Those seven
elements are not a
recipe to be followed
step by step in every

Lesson Plan soon became a

common phrase in schools all over
the United States. Teachers began to
try to fit all elements of the plan
into every lesson they taught.
Administrators who were newly
trained in clinical supervision began
to look for all seven steps as they
observed in classrooms, often
faulting teachers if a step was
missing. Behind the scenes, a few
rumblings began to be heard. Social
studies teachers in secondary
schools felt that the Seven-Step
Lesson Plan as they understood it,
didnt work well for a discussion of
democracy. Elementary teachers
began to complain that there were
times when one or more of the steps
didnt seem appropriate.
The dissidents are right! Those
seven instructional elements are not
a recipe to be followed step by step
in every lesson, they are elements to
be considered when planning
instruction, regardless of what form
that instruction takes. If we agree
with Hunter that teaching is decision
making, use of the elements
becomes much clearer. As teachers
prepare to instruct, they need to
consider many factors, the content,
their students previous knowledge
and learning styles, their own
teaching styles, and so on. A
thorough understanding of
anticipatory set, of modeling, or of
any of the other elements allows the
teacher to select those strategies that
will best enable students to reach the
objective of the lesson.
At times all seven elements might
be used in order in a single period or
session, but on other occasions it
would be appropriate to reorder the

Elements or to omit certain elements

altogether. For example, if students are
having difficulty with a learning task and
it might interfere with their learning if
they know they are to work on it again,
the teacher might determine that the
students need additional input and would
therefore postpone guided and
independent practice. There are no
absolutes in the complex world of
The key to using the elements of
instruction appropriately is a deep rather
than superficial understanding of each
one. Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers
(1983) call this kind of understanding
executive control. What appears to
have happened in many cases is that the
training in these instructional practices
has not included sufficient practice for
educators to obtain such control, to know
when the use of an element is indicated
and how to adapt it to specific situations
and students.
The elements of effective instruction
(including the use of motivation,
reinforcement, transfer, rate and degree
of learning, hemisphericity, and
retention) generally contained in training
in Hunters practices might be better
understood as generic instructional
processes that underlie effective teaching
and whose use needs to be considered in
every teaching situation. With this
understanding, we could eliminate the
terms Seven-Step Lesson Plan and
Hunter Model and see these
instructional elements as they were
intended as research-validated practices
to be applied at the discretion of teachers
and administrators who understand their
use to promote student learning.
Joyce, B, and B Showers Power in Staff
Development Through Research on
Training Alexandria, Va., Association
for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, 1983
Russell, D, and M Hunter Planning for
Effective Instruction Lesson Design Los
Angeles, Calif., Seeds Elementary
School, 1976.
Patricia Wolfe is Director of
Instruction, Office of the Superintendent,
Napa County Schools, 4032 Maher St.,
Napa, CA, 94558-2296


From Jack Canfield, co-author of the best selling 100 Ways to Enhance Self-Concept
in the Classroom, Based on his successful work with over 100,00 teachers and 250
school districts, this curriculum guide and cassette learning program contain all of
the newest methods and activities developed and tested since Jacks books was
introduced in 1976.



Fish Bone Organizer of Lesson Design

At the start of the chapter you were invited to think about the components that would be part of most
lessons. The Fish Bone Organizer below illustrates the components of the strategy of Lesson Design.



Mental Set 1*

Sharing the




Checking for

Ask yourself whether or not you agree with those instructional ideas. We did. WE asked ourselves:

Is linking to the past experiences of students important? (Mental Set)

Is actively and meaningfully involving students important? (Mental Set)
Should students have a say or opportunity to discuss or debate the learning objectives? (Sharing
the Objective and Purpose)
Should we be sensitive to the variety of way in which students can obtain information? ( Think
about Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles.) (Input)
Is modeling or demonstrating or role playing a useful process?
Should students practice or simply be able to explain? Is a tutor or a mentor sometimes useful?
(Guided and Independent Practice)
Is a summary of the key learning and integration with previous learning a worthwhile idea?
(Closure and Extension)

Beyond Monet / Barrie Bennett/ Carol Rolheiser

Mental Set Brief Description

Mental Set in an instructional concept a teacher
invokes to get students focused and actively
involved in learning. Another label could be
lesson Introduction or the book. This
instructional concept is often initiated in a
lesson through the teacher playing with three
critical attributes (the essential characteristics
of something). Of course, if students run
through your classroom doors with palpitating
hearts, passionately demanding to begin your
class work immediately, then you can most
likely dispense with Mental Set.

(See Examples on Web site)

1. Linking to the past experiences of the

students through questions or activities.
2. Having all Students (or as many as
possible) actively involved.
3. Connecting Students involvement to
the learning objective

Usually at the beginning of a lesson or to refocus the students after an interruption in the
lesson (e.g., someone at the door).
Remember though, that the learning may be so
intrinsically interesting that you do not need a
Mental Set. This is no different from art. If
you dont need a colour, you dont use it.

To increase the chances all students are
meaningfully connected and involved in the
learning. We often thins students are not
interested in learning; not true. They are
interested in learning-they are just not
interested in what and how it is being
presented. Remember that students have an
intense and demanding life outside of the
classroom. Other things are often on their
mind (e.g., birthdays, competitions, divorces,
new puppies, deaths, falling into or out of
love). Mental Set must attend to those
competing demands.

Mental Set can occur in a matter of seconds or,
if students dont have the experiences, it may
take as ling as a film, a story, or a field trip
the time needed to create the experiences. At
times the Mental Set can have a complete
lesson embedded inside it. Simply said,
Mental Set is about getting the mind ready to
learn. Mental Set is also a place to invoke the
power of the skills that enhance motivation.
The fascinating aspect of MENTAL SET is
that like a puzzle piece, it has receptor sites.
Those receptor sites allow other tactics such as
Mind Maps and World Webs, as well as other
strategies such as Inquiry, Concept Attainment,
Role-Playing, and Inductive Thinking to
become the Mental Set. The Set can be
pointedly precise or mythically magic.
Regardless of what you do, it will set the tone
for the students
involvement in the lesson.

Sharing the Objective and

This is the place in the lesson where the
teacher decides whether or not to share and/or
discuss with the students what they will be
learning in terms of the cognitive, affective, or
psychomotor-domains. In addition, discussion
often occurs as to why it is important for them
to inquire into this particular area and how it
connects to their lives. Shared Objectives and
Shared Purposes represent the statements that
assist students in understanding how to meet
learning outcomes or bench marks. As
Madeline Hunter (1994) states: It is no the
pedantic: At the end of todays lesson you will
be able to. Although that objective is in the
teachers mind as a guide, the objective is
shared in student language. Today we are
going to extend our thinking about the types of
energy you have explored. I thought we might
employ a Mind Map to assist us pull the ideas
together and them we can see how you respond
to some questions that will come out of your
thinking from you Mind Map.

2. The objective is clear, and if required

3. The objective is specific i.e., the level of
thinking is considered.
4. The objective is meaningful or relevant.

Usually the objective is shared near the
beginning of the lesson unless the objective
is to be discovered through student
involvement in an Inquiry oriented lesson. In
this case, you might want the student to
identify the objective and purpose for the
lesson as part of the summary or Closure to the

If students know where they are going it
increases the chances they will get there
especially if the purpose for the objective has
meaning and interest.

(See Examples on Web site)

1. The objective is stated in student

language and states what will be
learned and how the students will
demonstrate that learning. It can also
include the level or performance re the
assessment of the learning (say 90%
accuracy) and the conditions (given 30
minutes). (For example: Given 30
minutes and the opportunity to work
with a partner, the students will
construct at least three arguments that
communicate their understanding of
both sides of the issue re the conflict of
clear gutting.)

As teachers, we often have a passion for our
subject a passion that is not always shared by
the students. Although that passion is useful to
us, we must remember that our students
seldom walk through the door with that same
level of appreciation. Its not that they are not
interested, they are simply not interested in
what we want tem to be interested in. If was as
teachers are not sensitive to the learners
disposition to the content being learned, then
we increase the chances students will not be
sensitive to ours.

Note that an objective might be relevant, but we need to ask if it is also meaningful and
relevant. Is working on worksheets in math an example of brain-friendly learning? If a
learning objective is lacking authenticity and relevance the human brain is more likely to
reject it. The brain is designed for survival, not boredom.

Input or Information:
A Brief Description
Input or information refers to what the students
receive to facilitate the learning. That
information can emerge from a number of
From other students (for example, in a
Cooperative Learning-lesson)
The teacher
Computer searches
A video, film, slides, pictures
Guest speaker
Field trips
A trip to the library
The students own experiences and
Activities such as drama or role playing
Other instructional strategies such as
Mind Mapping, Concept Attainment,
Inductive Thinking, Inquiry, Group
Investigations, etc.
Although stated previously, as many of the
senses (auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic,
taste, and smell) should be stimulated as
appropriate to accommodate the sensory
strengths and weaknesses of the students.

(See Examples on Web site)

1. The Input relates to the learning to be

2. The Input supports/encourages an
appropriate level or area of thinking.
3. The Input should facilitate a
meaningful and interesting inquiry.
Of course, the other decision the teacher must
make about the use of information relates to
the percentage of time students will work
individually, in small cooperative groups, or in
large group discussions. The authors believe
that no single approach is best; variety and
balance is the key.
Obviously Input is not as simple as Input.
All of the above can be situated on a
continuum of teacher-influenced to studentinfluenced or positivist to constructivist. The
options are richly complex.

Stepping back to other literatures that
inform or guide Input we must also
consider the literature / research on:
Culture and ethnicity
Learning disabilities
The human brain
Children at risk
Multiple intelligence
Emotional intelligence



In most cases, Modeling comes after or along

with the information being presented. At times
it can occur at the beginning of the lesson as
Modeling usually refers to the visual
representations of what is being learned (like a part of the Mental Set to generate input or
model of the human heart). It can also refer to information. As well, it can also be applied in
hearing or feeling representations such as a the process of Checking for Understanding,
poem or piece of music or the idea of rough or Practice, and Closure.
cold respectively.
Demonstrations usually refer to an action or
simulation or a process (as in an experiment or WHY USED:
solving a math problem),
Modeling helps students remember what was
learned be acting as a visual check on what
was presented orally. As well, it provides
variety and interest and, if possible, hands-onCRITICAL ATTRIBUTES:
(See Examples on Web site)

A Brief Description

1. The Model/Demonstration contains the

critical elements or steps to be learned.
2. The Model/Demonstration is not
confusing or ambiguous.
3. The students can see and, if necessary,
hear or touch the attributes.
4. The students can talk about what they
see, hear, or touch related to the critical

Note: a student cannot see all

the attributes (characteristics)
of a mammal by analyzing a
picture (life, birth, hair on body,
warm blooded); so we must be
sensitive to what is discernable.

Note that if you integrate the Concept

Attainment or Inductive Strategies into the
lesson, the Modeling occurs in the presentation
of the data sets. Also, when using Mind Maps,
the drawing completed by the students are one of
the factors that make Mink Maps effective in
assisting students to retain information.

When teachers are encouraging divergent
thinking or creativity, they must be thoughtful
about whether or not to employ Modeling it
can control or encourage students to replicate
the model and work against divergent/creative

Checking for Understanding:


A Brief Description

Usually the Check for Understanding is used

before the students are asked to Practice. It can
also occur in the Mental Set to check what
students know before starting the lesson or in
the Closure to summarize the key ideas in the

This is a process that assists teachers in

monitoring the learning and determining if
students have attained an appropriate level of
competence related to the targeted learning.
Based on that finding, a check for
understanding helps teachers make adjustments
in their teaching. Adjustments can include
actions such as re-teaching the same way;
break into simpler steps and re-teach; to trying
a different approach; leaving it until later; or, if
successful, to go on to the next step.
The use of rubrics or benchmarks is one
way for students to check their own
understanding. Rubrics can also involve
student self-assessment, which is another
process that allows students to take more
responsibility for checking their understanding.

A Check for Understanding increases the
chances the students will experience success
rather than frustration or confusion during the
Practice. Successful students are more likely
to be motivated to continue learning
discouraged children are not so apt to become a
management problem because their concerns
are being picked up an resolved.

(See Examples on Web site)

1. It involves all the students (the concept

of active participation).
2. The teacher asks for an overt response.
3. Students set specific feedback.
4. It relates to the objective and the
desired type or level of thinking.
5. The teacher responds appropriately to
the students efforts. (e.g., if a student
is asked a question and gives an
incorrect, partially correct or correct

I lift, you grab.was that concept just a

Little too complex, Carl?
THE FARSIDE Gary Larson 1991 Far Works, Inc. Used with permission. All Rights

Practice: Guided & Independent:: CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES:

A Brief Description
Practice is the time given in the lesson or
outside the classroom (e.g., homework) to
allow the student to try out or experience what
was learned. It is an opportunity to apply their
understanding. Two types of practice that exist
on either end of a continuum are working
completely alone (Independent Practice) or
having intense help (Guided Practice).
Practice can also be massed (intense period,
then finished) or distributed (shorter periods
that occur over time).
Guided Practice the student receives or can
ask for assistance from the teacher, parents,
other students, etc. The idea of peer tutors,
coaching, and mentoring also relate to this type
of practice, as would aspects of Cooperative
Learning. In Guided Practice you are
intending to make sure the student is
comfortable with the ideas before allowing her
to work more independently.
Independent Practice the student completes
a task with no help from another source.
Homework usually falls into this category.
Note that some students will need more Guided
Practice than others. As well,
some students will prefer to
be totally independent.

(See Examples on Web site)


Amount. How much should be

practiced? (suggestion: a small,
meaningful amount)

2. Duration. How long should they

practice? (suggestion: a short, intense
3. Frequency. How often should they
practice? (suggestion: a variety, from
massed to distributed)
4. Feedback. How will they find out how
well they did? (feedback or knowledge
of results)
5. Timing. Is the practice to be massed
for immediate use (a lot of practice
with no or little other learning between
practices) or distributed for long term
6. Appropriateness. Does the practice
relate to the objective (the intended
learning) and the appropriate level of

Practice usually occurs after what has been
learned has been Modeled or Demonstrated
and the students understand what they are to
apply during the Practice.
Practice is used to increase the chances that
students not only remember what they have
learned, but also that they transfer that learning
to new situation. To know something is to act
on it to act on it is to remember it.

Closure: A Brief Description

(See Examples on Web site)

Closure is often a final summary of the lesson

that occurs in the minds of the learners, not the
mind of the teacher. It can be similar to a
Check for Understanding although it usually
focuses on the major learning of the lesson. It
can be simple. It can be complex. It can also
encourage the students to extend their thinking
to make connections to what they have already
learned, or will be learning nextlike a
transition phase.
Usually at the end of the lesson or a phase of
the lesson.
Closure brings the major ideas in the lesson
into a sharper focus. It provides time for the
student to gel the learning. It might be as
simple as explaining the major ideas in a
lesson, or as complex as having students argue
the value of what was learned. At rimes it
invites the students to be creative with what
was learned or to apply it in a different
situation. Somehow, during the lesson the
students must obtain what David Perkins
(1986) discusses as Knowledge as Design.
That is, have they

Understood the structure of what was learned?


Discussed the purpose of that learning?


Inquired into the arguments or value of that


If notthen of what value was the learning?

1. Closure actively involves all the students.

2. The closure relates to the objective (often
be extending the objective).

An Example of Closure
We have finished discussing the effects of the
Industrial Revolution on men and women in the
late and early nineteenth century. I am going to
ask you a question. Think to yourself and be
prepared to defend your answers in about 30
seconds. No hands, Ill randomly invite
Given what you know about the Industrial
Revolution, can we assume it is over? If yes,
what proof do you have? If no, what proof do
you have?

Caution: Often the

teacher does the
summary checks
with one or two
students and
asks Now
does everyone
understand? and
assumes that because no student
responds, that all students do. When in fact the
hidden response is:

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