Case Study Subhiksha
Case Study Subhiksha
Case Study Subhiksha
3.Expansion of Stores without adequate system control and IT Support. Thats whythere was a
huge Audit and abnormal losses in the system. And when they havestarted implement ion of SAP the time has
gone for survival of Subhiksha.
4.Maharashtra FDA, the state governments regulatory authority for food anddrugs, had asked
Subhiksha to suspend operations of its warehouses at Bhiwandi (Mumbai) for 20 days as well as had cancelled
licences of three of its vendors, charging that they had failed to maintenance health and hygiene normsas
prescribed by the regulator.
5. Many wholesale suppliers in Azadpur subzi mandi, or vegetables market, havestopped supplying fruits and
vegetables to Subhikshas outlets in the NationalCapital Region (NCR) surrounding the national capital. This
comes in the wakeof the company holding up payments for two to six months against normal creditperiod of
one month.
6.Lack of strong Hr policy and Staff--- Due to this Shubiksha was not able to retain the talent which he
initially bring into Junior, Middle and high levelmanagement. Whatever was remaining with it is all family
bound with nocommitment policy.
7.They were paying huge rentals for these stores, which was a huge drain on thecompany's finances..
There are huge frauds while entering in to rentalagreements by their own management people. There
was no proper check andcontrol on this cost though this is a very crucial part to defeat competitors
and to gain profitability in future. This, coupled with less than-expected footfalls, drovethe
operational costs to unsustainable levels
8.The wrong assumption that telecom segment is a sound, and profit makings egment. The CEO never looked
in to system losses arise from telecom.Subhiksha stores always sell handsets at below DP while its
benchmarking is to match DP. No control on inventory of mobile accessories and there stock valueand were
unable to circulate the working capital.