Practical Management of Male Infertility

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Infertility management series

Practical Management of

Male Infertility

Infertility management series

Practical Management of

Male Infertility
Series Editors

Juan A Garcia-Velasco MD PhD

Director-IVI Madrid, Spain
Associate Professor-Obstetrics and Gynecological
Madrid University, Spain

Manish Banker MD
Executive Director-Nova IVI Fertility, India
Director-Pulse Womens Hospital, Ahmedabad, India
Past President-Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR)
Chairperson-Scientific Committee, IFFS 2016
Ahmedabad, India


Rupin Shah MS MCh (Urology)

Consultant Andrologist and Microsurgeon
Lilavati Hospital and Research Center, Mumbai, India
Consultant Andrologist-Nova IVI Fertility, India

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Infertility Management Series: Practical Management of Male Infertility
First Edition: 2015
Printed at:

Dedicated to
The countless couples who have struggled, with patience and perseverance,
through heartbreak and disappointment, to realize their dreams to bring
new life to the world.

Carlos Balmori MD FECMS
Consultant-Mens Health and Sexual Medicine, IVI-Madrid, Spain

Alberto Pacheco Castro PhD

Director-Andrology laboratory, IVI Madrid, Spain
Associate Professor-Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid, Spain
Director-Institute of Ob Gyn and IVF, SRM Institutes for Medical Sciences
Vadapalani, Chennai, India

Vineet Malhotra MBBS, MS, DNB (Urology)

Consultant Urologist and Andrologist
Nova IVI Fertility, New Delhi, India
Rockland Hospital, New Delhi, India

Cristina Gonzlez Ravina PhD

Director-Andrology laboratory, IVI Sevilla, Spain
Associate Professor-Seville University, Spain

Rupin Shah MS MCh (Urology)

Consultant Andrologist and Microsurgeon
Lilavati Hospital and Research Center, Mumbai, India
Consultant Andrologists-Nova IVI Fertility, India

In this edition of the series of books reviewing the Human Reproduction
we face the matter of the male factor. As in previous monographs the
authors will try to offer a practical approach of this pathology.
Male factor has been frequently considered to be a minor issue
as opposed to female factor considering the strong relevance of the
oocyte although this is a mistaken approach if we understand that male
pathology is responsible for a high percentage of cases of sterility. If
we carry out a correct diagnosis of the male and his semen sample we
will be able to find the best way to tackle this pathology and, therefore,
improve the condition of the couple when facing their sterility problem.
Over the years we are witnessing an enthralling emergence of new
approaches for the diagnosis of the male factor including its genetic
I hope this handbook can be very useful in your daily practice and
I encourage Nova IVI Fertility to go on with this way of continuous
training for professionals working in the exciting area of human
Antonio Requena
Director, Medico General Equipo IVI
Director, IVI Madrid, Spain

The male has long been ignored in the evaluation of an infertile couple.
In the past, it was because the male himself was usually reluctant to come
for evaluation, and the burden of infertility fell upon the woman. Later,
even when semen analysis became common, evaluation and management
of the male remained secondary due to the lack of therapeutic options.
Then, when ICSI became the ultimate answer to male subfertility, ironically
it shifted the spotlight away from the male because the infertility specialist
used whatever sperm were available without being concerned about how
to improve their number or quality.
However, recently the focus has finally shifted to the male due to the
realization that merely having sperm is not enough, and that subnormal
sperm will compromise pregnancy outcomes after ICSI. Hence, men are
now being assessed thoroughly to assess their fertility potential, and are
being treated when this is found to be suboptimal. Further, an increasing
number of genetic causes of male infertility are being identified, with
clinical and therapeutic implications and finally, advances in microsurgical
techniques for reconstruction in obstructive azoospermia and for retrieving
sperm in non-obstructive azoospermia have brought new hope to previously
hopelessly infertile couples, making it imperative that men with azoospermia
be evaluated and managed correctly.
This practical handbook seeks to update the clinician with clinically
relevant advances in this field. The first two chapters discuss the new
WHO guidelines for semen analysis and the use of special tests to assess
sperm function, especially DNA integrity. Subsequent chapters address
the uncommon but frustrating practical problem of ejaculatory failure, the
treatment of OATS through medical and surgical therapy, and the clinical
approach to the evaluation and management for azoospermiaa subject of
increasing importance.
It is hoped that this handbook will serve as a handy update and reference
volume to the gynecologist dealing with infertile couples.
Rupin Shah

1. Understanding the New WHO Semen Parameters
Cristina Gonzlez Ravina, Alberto Pacheco Castro

The Previous WHO Manual 1

Changes in the New 2010 WHO Manual 3
Methodology and Inclusion Criteria 4
New Reference Values and Diagnosis 4
Problems and Improvements of the New WHO Classification 5
Debate 7

2. Investigating the Subfertile Male: Which

Tests are Practically Relevant?
Alberto Pacheco Castro, Cristina Gonzlez Ravina


Sperm DNA Fragmentation 11

Oxidative Stress 13
Sperm Apoptosis 14
Other Functional Tests 15

3. Managing Ejaculation Failure

Rupin Shah


Situational Anejaculation 19
Anorgasmic Anejaculation 21
Orgasmic Anejaculation 21
Vibrator Therapy 23
Electroejaculation 23

4. Medical Treatment of OATS

PM Gopinath


Factors Influencing the Choice of

Medical Therapy in OATS 27
Specific Medical Therapy 28
Nonspecific or Empirical Therapy 29

5. Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?

Vineet Malhotra


Diagnosis and Classification 35

Pathophysiology 36
The Debate 37
Discussion 42

6. Evaluation and Management of Azoospermia

Carlos Balmori

Definition, Diagnosis, and Epidemiology 49

Etiological Classification 49


xiv Male Infertility

Evaluation of Azoospermic Patients 50
Treatment of Azoospermia 57
Sperm Retrieval Techniques 59

7. Surgical Management of Azoospermia

Rupin Shah


Reconstructive Surgery 65
Sperm Retrieval Procedures 66



Understanding the New

WHO Semen Parameters

Cristina Gonzlez Ravina, Alberto Pacheco Castro

As it is well known, the first Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Human
Semen and Its Interaction with the Cervical Mucus was published in 1980.
This was as a response to the high necessity of standardizing the protocols to
carry out this analysis.1 This manual has subsequently been reviewed three
times. In 2010, the 5th edition of the Laboratory Manual for the Examination
and Processing of Human Semen was published. In this edition, the latest
so far, the reference values, the algorithms for diagnosis, the clinical inter
pretation of diagnosis, and other relevant aspects have been reviewed.
Until last year, every andrology or assisted reproduction laboratory worked
according to the guidelines recommended in the latest manuals published
by the WHO.13
After making a revision of these manuals and the reference values that
existed up to the year 2010, it can be observed that they were useful when
established in 1999, but nowadays an update of these was necessary. It
should be remembered that the studies performed to establish the refere
nce values in 1999 were based in the analysis of two semen samples from
a not-very-high number of males in different laboratories where the work
method had not yet been standardized nor the pertinent quality systems
had yet been introduced.


In the manual published in 1999, spermatozoa were classified in four cate
gories regarding their motility: type a [rapid progressive motility (PM)], type b
(slow PM), type c [nonprogressive motility (NP)], and type d [immotility
(IM)]. One of the main restrictions from this classification is the acknow
ledgement that sperm PM (types a + b) studies and morphology studies

2 Male Infertility
Table 1.1: The reference values established in the WHO Laboratory Manual of 1999.
Seminal parameter

Lower reference value


2.0 mL




20 million spermatozoa per milliliter

Total number of spermatozoa

40 million spermatozoa per ejaculation


50% type a + b spermatozoa per ejaculation

25% type a spermatozoa per ejaculation


75% spermatozoa alive per ejaculation


15% normal shape

were not only subjective but also they did not follow any standard protocol
in the laboratories.46 However, the values obtained regarding sperm concentration and total motility (a + b + c) were considered acceptable. This is
because they could be measured in a reproducible way in most centers.
For this reason, it was recommended that each laboratory established their
own limit values of normality for these variables, and they were also advised
to include the appropriate internal and external quality assurances. These
quality assurances are fully developed in the new manual of 2010.
In spite of this, reference ranges for the main seminal parameters were
defined through a statistics analysis by comparing the sperm characteristics
of a group of males. These reference ranges distinguished two different
populations studied (fertile vs subfertile or subfertile vs infertile).7,8
The reference values established in 1999 are shown in Table 1.1.
Regarding morphology, the WHO Manual discusses the start of a multi
center study for the analysis of seminal parameters. The edition of 1999
specifies that the data obtained in centers with assisted reproduction prog
rams suggest a connection between morphology values <15% and a dec
rease in IVF (in vitro fertilization) rate.9
Regarding the nomenclature, these are the terms used to express semino
gram values lower than the reference values:
Asthenozoospermia: PM <50% types a + b or <25% type a
Oligozoospermia: Concentration <20 million/mL
Teratozoospermia: Morphology <15% normal shapes
Necrozoospermia: Vitality <75%
Cryptozoospermia: Absence of spermatozoa in the first analysis of the
ejaculation sample and presence of spermatozoa after centrifugation
Azoospermia: Absence of spermatozoa in the first analysis of the ejacu
lation sample and absence of spermatozoa after centrifugation; concen
tration = 0
Aspermia: Absence of ejaculation; volume = 0

Understanding the New WHO Semen Parameters

Based on the males seminal classification, his medical history and his
physical exploration, as well as any other additional information, a diag
nosis of the male could be given through a diagram based on different
sperm concentration ranging from azoospermia, cryptozoospermia, and
oligozoospermia samples.13 It should be emphasized that in the manual of
1999 a subclassification for the different seminal alterations (oligo-, asteno-,
terato-, necrozoospermia) is used, with a range from mild to moderate to


Eleven years after the edition of 1999, a review and update of the reference
values and the established work protocols became more and more necessary.
Therefore, the new online edition of the WHO manual of 2010 presents
much more detail regarding seminal analysis: work solutions, procedures,
calculations, and results interpretation. Furthermore, it recommends using
a specific method in those cases in which there is more than one possible
analysis technique.
Considering this, the main changes in the fifth edition include the
A new work protocol to determine sperm concentration. The recom
mended semen dilutions and the counting chamber areas necessary to
establish the number of spermatozoa (concentration) in order to count
200 spermatozoa by replicate have been modified. The goal of reduc
ing sampling errors has been intensified, giving more importance to the
sample volume, which was not so relevant before. This sample volume
must be measured with precision and using the method recommended
by the WHO manual.
Regarding azoospermia, there is a change in the work protocols to be
followed on this type of samples, in which there are no spermatozoa
in the ejaculate. It differentiates the necessity to obtain a concentration
value and/or an accurate motility value from centrifuging the sample to
increase the chances of finding spermatozoa after washing.
There are significant changes in the sperm motility classification. From
now on, spermatozoa should be only differentiated according to three
categories: PMcombining former types a + b, NPformer type c, and
IMformer type d.
The morphology analysis is dealt with in more detail in this edition. It
includes pictures of spermatozoa considered normal and spermatozoa
with one or several morphological anomalies, as well as accurate expla
nations to improve the technicians training regarding the study of this
seminal parameter.
On the other hand, the manual includes an improved chapter on semen
cryopreservation, with a well-described section on sperm preparation.

4 Male Infertility

It also dedicates a full chapter to quality assurance that, apart from being
the novelty, involves a recommendation from the WHO to have quality
assurance in our laboratories. This includes both the external and the
internal quality assurance.
Therefore, the fifth edition of the Manual is divided into three parts:
Semen analysis (Chapters 24)
1. Standard procedures
2. Optional procedures
3. Research procedures
Sperm preparation (Chapters 5 and 6)
Quality assurance (Chapter 7)


For this study, semen samples from 4,500 males from 14 countries and
four continents were analyzed. They were divided into three wide groups:
fertile males, males with unknown fertility, and normozoospermic males
according to the manual of 1999. The group of males whose partner had
become pregnant in a time period 12 months was selected as the control
group to establish the reference values of seminal parameters (1,953 males,
five studies in eight countries from three continents).
All the laboratories participating in this study obtained their data by
using the standard methods of semen analysis.12 Each laboratory was taken
into account at the moment of assessing the results because this manual
offers different methods to determine volume, sperm concentration, and
morphological stain. Moreover, many laboratories implemented with delay
the internal and external quality assurances. For this reason, the data were
reviewed to calculate the reference distribution considering that fact.10
For this study, only one ejaculated semen sample per male, which was
gathered with a sexual abstinence period of 27 days, was used. Concen
tration was measured in most cases with the improved Neubauer hemo
cytometer. Motility data were gathered on total motility (WHO 1999: a + b
+ c) and PM (WHO 1999: a + b).11 Morphology data were taken into account
only in those centers using Tygerbergs strict criteria.13 Finally, vitality, ana
lyzed by eosin-nigrosin staining, got a significantly lower number of samples
studied than the other seminal parameters, only two centers provided data.
The advantage of having standard work protocols is that the analytic error
has been minimized and the values presented are considered representative
of the seminal characteristics of a fertile male.


This edition reviews old reference values and establishes new ones with
which we have to work nowadays (Table 1.2). These are available in a free

Understanding the New WHO Semen Parameters

Table 1.2: Distribution of values, lower reference limits, and their 95% Cl for
semen parameters from fertile men those partners had a time-to-time
pregnancy of 12 months or less.
Seminal parameter

95% Cl


1.5 milliliters




15 million spermatozoa per milliliter

Total number of spermatozoa

39 million spermatozoa per ejaculation


40% total motility (progressive + nonprogressive)

32% progressive motility


58% spermatozoa alive per ejaculation


4% normal shape

access article published in May 2010 in Human Reproduction Update,12

offering, with more clarity, lower reference limits of the fifth percentile of
the values for a fertile male reference population.
This is accompanied by some changes in the samples diagnosis. Therefore,
despite maintaining the nomenclature, there are some changes:
Teratozoospermia: Normal shape by strict criteria (Tygerberg) <4%
Asthenozoospermia: PM <32% does not take into account total motility
(% PR + NP) even if under the reference value.
Oligozoospermia: Total number of spermatozoa <39 million. The WHO
prefers this parameter to sample concentration, which was the selectable
parameter in the Manual of 1999.
Necrozoospermia: Vitality <58% and very high IM percentage. The second
criterion is arbitrary since the WHO does not specify a number, but it
does talk about much IM. This way, fake necrozoospermia, which can
alarm unjustifiably, is avoided.
Cryptozoospermia/azoospermia: There are no changes from 1999.


As it occurs in every change or review, we have found not only significant
improvements but also some issues that we will need to solve as we get
familiarized with the modifications. Some of these issues were as follows:
New concept of oligozoospermia. In 1999, the WHO assigned this
diagnosis to those samples with concentration under the reference value
of this parameter (20 million/mL). However, it has become clear that
this concentration depends on the final volume of the sample. That is
the reason why the manual of 2010 links preferably the oligozoospermia

6 Male Infertility

diagnosis to the total number of spermatozoa, provided that it is under

39 million. This is an improvement in the assessment of this parameter.
New categories of sperm motility. The old category a from the manual
of 1999 was difficult to justify without a computerized system to count
motility in the sample. It was actually observed that the relevant
information from this parameter was in the total number of PM (a + b).
For these two reasons, sperm motility categories were modified. Now,
it is recommended to differentiate spermatozoa in three categories or
types: PM, NP, and IM. Some centers consider the new classification as
an advantage.
Decrease of the percentage of normal shapes in morphology analysis.
It is well known that this is not only the most subjective parameter of
the semen analysis but also the one which creates the most controversy
when choosing one treatment type or another in assisted reproduction
clinics. Numerous articles have been published for and against the
importance of morphology in many key aspects of these treatments:
pregnancy rate, implantation rate, fertilization success, etc.1317 Anyway,
it has always been debated not only in andrology and IVF laboratories
but also between these departments and the clinical departments. This
is due to the fact that, apart from extreme morphology cases with many
anomalies, it is difficult to unify morphological assessment criteria to
evaluate the samples, even when performing the appropriate internal
and external quality assurances.
Sperm vitality and necrozoospermia. It looks like this parameter, not
included in the WHO as a compulsory study in the seminogram but
as something very advisable, is gaining importance in this new edition.
Because this parameter is linked to the percentage of sperm IM but
there is not an exact fixed value from which necrozoospermia can be
diagnosed, each group can decide that value individually depending on
the methodology employed in their center and the information expected
from the diagnosis. It is well known that the vitality study is essential in
those cases with a percentage of sperm IM over 50%. It is not the same
to have a high percentage of immotile spermatozoa that are alive after
the stain test, which would guide toward possible structural flaws in the
tail,18 than a high percentage of immotile spermatozoa which are also
dead, more related to an epididymis pathology.19,20
The disappearance of the adjectives mild, moderate, and severe
results in diagnosis of the samples being incomplete and obliges to take
into account numerical values of volume, concentration, motility, and
morphology to get a real idea of the state of the sample. Depending on
the number of millions of progressive motile spermatozoa, each center
or laboratory, can decide the type of treatment for a couple.

Understanding the New WHO Semen Parameters

Table 1.3: Different male seminogram reference values and parameters in

1999 and 2010.
Seminal parameter

Semen 1999

Semen 2010


2.0 milliliters

1.5 milliliters


20 10 spermatozoa per 15 106 spermatozoa per

39 106 total spermatozoa

Progressive motility




15% normal shape

4% normal shape

Millions of
progressive motile



Finally, the most remarkable aspect is probably the different male semi
nogram reference values and parameters in 1999 and 2010. In Table 1.3,
a comparison of the two possible situations is described.
As it can be observed, the number of millions of progressive motile
spermatozoa is reduced by 64%or 40% if we use the total spermatozoa
criterion that is now advisedto the number obtained for a semen sample
of a male according to the reference values of 1999. The change of this aspect
could cause more problems at clinical consultation level, since males now
diagnosed as normal may still receive the recommendation to be submitted
to an intrauterine insemination (IUI) or even an IVF cycle. Obviously, each
center should decide whether they change their criteria or they explain to
every patient that with the current reference values there is the possibility
that, even being normal, they could have subfertility that would need a
specific-assisted reproduction treatment.

First of all, it is important to remember that the seminogram does not have
diagnosis capacity per sesensitivity and specificityto indicate male
infertility. Seminogram diagnosis are better understood merely as a sample
description to check that they are similar to the values of a fertile popula
tion. Nonetheless, they could be useful in the clinical diagnosis to detect
cryptozoospermia or azoospermia.
On the other hand, for people who work in assisted reproduction it is
important to differentiate between the male seminal diagnosis and the
real use of the sample in an infertility treatment. We know that WHO
establishes clearly that being under the reference values or having a sample
not normozoospermic does not necessarily mean male infertility but it
shows that seminal parameter is under the fifth percentile in a reference
population of fertile males, i.e. it means that this value is under 95% of

8 Male Infertility
the values presented by these fertile males. Theoretically, it is likely that
the reference values keep on updating as population studies get widened,
especially due to the way those values were obtainedstatistics of parameters
in 2,000 fertile male. Apart from its utility for the diagnosis of an infertile
couple, the seminogram is, together with the other tests and examinations, a
useful tool to make therapeutic decisions. Its main goal is to evaluate if the
sample, once prepared, allows obtaining the minimum number of millions
of progressive motile spermatozoa to follow one reproduction treatment
or another: artificial insemination or IUI, in vitro fertilization or IVF, or
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We could think that for standard IVF
the new reference values should not modify the internal values established
by every laboratory according to their insemination protocols. However, we
should be careful with normozoospermic samples containing values under
the lower limits of the different parameters, as aforementioned. Finally,
morphology determination is still a parameter with doubtful clinical utility
to recommend a patient directly to IVF or ICSI treatment, and therefore
should be considered with caution.

1. World Health Organization. WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of
Human Semen and Sperm-Cervical Mucus Interaction, 4th edition. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press; 1999. 128pp.
2. World Health Organization. Sperm Collection and Processing Methods. Cam
bridge: Cambridge University Press; 1999.
3. World Health Organization. WHO Manual for the Standardized Investigation
and Diagnosis of the Infertile Male. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
4. Cooper TG, Neuwinger J, Bahrs S, et al. Internal quality control of semen
analysis. Fertil Steril. 1992;58:172-8.
5. Dunphy BC, Kay R, Barratt CL, et al. Quality control during the conventional
analysis of semen, an essential exercise. J Androl. 1989;10:378-85.
6. Neuwinger J, Behre HM, Nieschlag E. External quality control in the andrology
laboratory: an experimental multicenter trial. Fertil Steril. 1990;54:308-14.
7. Comhaire FH, Vermeulen L, Schoonjans F. Reassessment of the accuracy of
traditional sperm characteristics and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in estimating
the fertilizing potential of human semen in vivo. Int J Androl. 1987;10:653-62.
8. Ombelet W, Bosmans E, Janssen M, et al. Semen parameters in a fertile versus
subfertile population: a need for change in the interpretation of semen testing.
Hum Reprod. 1997;12:987-93.
9. Ombelet W, Wouters E, Bolees L, et al. Sperm morphology assessment:
diagnostic potential and comparative analysis of strict or WHO criteria in a
fertile and subfertile population. Int J Androl. 1997;20:367-72.
10. Castilla JA, Alvarez C, Aguilar J, et al. Influence of analytical and biological
variation on the clinical interpretation of seminal parameters. Hum Reprod.

Understanding the New WHO Semen Parameters

11. Cooper TG, Yeung CH. Computer-aided evaluation of assessment of grade a

spermatozoa by experienced technicians. Fertil Steril. 2006;85:220-24.
12. Cooper TG, Noonan E, von Eckardstein S, et al. World Health Organization
reference values for human semen characteristics. Hum Reprod Update. 2010;
13. Kruger TF, Menkveld R, Stander FS, et al. Sperm morphologic features as a
prognostic factor in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril. 1986;46:1118-23.
14. Kruger TF, Acosta AA, Simmons KF, et al. Predictive value of abnormal sperm
morphology in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril. 1988;49:112-17.
15. Menkveld R, Stander FSH, Kotze TJ, et al. The evaluation of morphological
characteristics of human spermatozoa according to stricter criteria. Hum
Reprod. 1990;5(5):586-92.
16. Mortimer D, Menkveld R. Sperm morphology assessment. Historical perspectives
and current opinions. J Androl. 2001;22:192-205.
17. Garrido N, Meseguer M, Martnez-Conejero JA, et al. Impacto de los criterios
estrictos de morfologa espermtica en reproduccin Asistida. Cuadernos de
Medicina Reproductiva, Vol. 11, No. 1. Ao 2005.
18. Chemes HE, Rawe VY. Sperm pathology: a step beyond descriptive morphology.
Origin, characterization and fertility potential of abnormal sperm phenotypes
in infertile men. Hum Reprod Update. 2003;9:405-28.
19. Wilton LJ, Temple-Smith PD, Baker HWG, et al. Human male infertility caused
by degeneration and death of sperm in the epididymis. Fertil Steril. 1988;49:
20. Correa-Prez JR, Fernndez-Pelegrina R, Aslanis P, et al. Clinical management
of men producing ejaculates characterized by high levels of dead sperm and
altered seminal plasma factors consistent with epididymal necrospermia. Fert
Steril. 2004;81(4):1148-50.


Investigating the
Subfertile Male: Which
Tests are Practically Relevant?

Alberto Pacheco Castro, Cristina Gonzlez Ravina

Male infertility is directly or indirectly responsible for 50% of the cases
involving fertility-related failures in reproductive couples. Since intracyto
plasmic sperm injection (ICSI) into oocytes was described, most of these
cases have been treated with this procedure, especially when that failure
is due to severe male factor infertility.1,2 However, current success rates
of this procedure remain suboptimal. The reason for this is that current
diagnoses of male factor infertility are mainly based on sperm parameters of
concentration, motility, viability, and morphology. Also, nowadays, selection
of sperm during ICSI is mainly based on motility and morphology.3 These
criteria are clearly inadequate to detect abnormalities at a molecular level,
which may have a negative impact on pregnancy rate. Invisible anomalies
such as intracellular oxidative stress, externalization of plasma membrane
phosphatidylserine, disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and,
more importantly, damaged chromatin are barely taken into account.4
In a large number of reproductive centers, male factor is only determined
by an anamnesis and a semen profile. Indeed, male factor infertility is
usually defined in terms of conventional semen analysis, where descriptive
information is only given concerning the number of spermatozoa present
in the ejaculate sample and the proportion of them which are motile or
morphologically normal and related to normal threshold values established
by World Health Organization.5
Thus, when conventional seminal study confirms a serious defect, especi
ally at the level of sperm concentration (<5 million/mL), supplementary
studies are required to improve the diagnosis, especially in order to deter
mine genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Among them, the most
desirable (apart from karyotype analysis) are (a) study of chromosomal
alterations by fluorescence in situ hybridization assay, (b) study of prevalent

Investigating the Subfertile Male: Which Tests are Practically Relevant?


genetic mutations, e.g. cystic fibrosis, and (c) analysis of Y-chromosome

microdeletions. Depending on the results, the clinician can evaluate the
possibility of carrying out an assisted reproduction technique (ART) or
performing a complementary technique (preimplantation genetic diagnosis).
However, if the risk of transmitting genetic disorders to the offspring is high,
or if the probabilities of a successful treatment are very low, the clinician
should consider the suitability of a change of male gamete for the ART.
However, a high proportion of patients attending clinics present normal
values or only moderate defects in sperm analysis. In most cases, no
additional tests are performed in these subfertile or normal individuals. It
is important to mention that normal reference values for semen parameters
do not equate with the minimum values required for pregnancy. Patients
with semen variables outside the reference ranges may be fertile and,
conversely, men with values within the reference range may still be infertile.
Clearly, in such cases, conventional semen analysis has been unable to
identify the functional defects responsible for infertility,6 indicating that
if the only evaluation made on the patient is a semen analysis, then an
underlying pathology can be missed.
In the past decade, several methods have been developed to improve
diagnosis of male subfertility. Many of them have been shown to exhibit
prognostic utility that eluded the conventional semen analysis. As a conse
quence, nowadays, we have new tools to investigate the functional capacity of
sperm and, if necessary, to separate spermatozoa through other parameters
different from the motility as used in conventional separation methods. In
this chapter, several of them will be discussed, highlighting the laboratory
methods available to assess these aspects of sperm structure and function
and focusing on their clinical application.


DNA integrity is one of the most important elements of sperm quality and
it correlates not only with impaired pregnancy rates in vivo and in vitro but
also with the health and well-being of the offspring.7
DNA damage can be a consequence of many different factors: drugs,
pollution, alcohol, smoking, increased testicular temperature, infections,
varicocele, male age, or genetic lesions.
Although the main role of sperm DNA integrity is well known8 and it is
also established that abnormal DNA damage is more frequent in infertile
patients,9 there is considerable controversy about the possible diagnostic
and/or prognostic value of the tests currently used to study sperm DNA
fragmentation. This can be due to several factors:
Origin of DNA damage: There are different mechanisms by which DNA
can be damaged: defective sperm chromatin condensation during

12 Male Infertility
maturation, apoptosis,10 oxidative stress11 and genetic lesions.12 This
damage may originate from intrinsic (changes in spermatogenesis, genetic
causes) or extrinsic (genital infections) factors, and maybe interdepen
dent between them.
Types of sperm DNA damage: There are two types of DNA strand breaks:
single- and double-stranded breaks. These breaks could develop from
different clinical causes. Double-stranded breaks are less capable of
being repaired by the oocyte than single-stranded breaks. They indicate
more profound defects and clinical implications.
Sperm DNA fragmentation tests: There are many different clinical tests
(Table 2.1) used to analyze sperm DNA fragmentation, among which:
(a) single-cell gel electrophoresis assay (COMET),9 (b) sperm chromatin
structure assay (SCSA),13 (c) terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferasemediated dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL),14 and (d) alkaline gel
electrophoresis,15 or sperm chromatin decondensation (SCD) test. These
tests have different cutoff values (20% for TUNEL assay, 30% for SCSA)
and the results obtained from them do not exactly correlate in some cases,
suggesting that all tests do not analyze the same level of DNA damage.

Clinical Applications of Sperm DNA Fragmentation

The study of sperm DNA fragmentation would be especially useful in (a)
older patients (>45 years old), (b) patients with normal seminal parameters
Table 2.1: Main sperm DNA fragmentation tests.

Author/year Mechanism analyzed

Pretreatment Technique of analysis


et al.16

Incorporation of
fluorescent labeled
dUTP by tdt enzyme


microscopy or


et al.17

properties of acridine
orange with singleand double-stranded

Yes (acid)


COMET Aitken
et al.18

Differences of singleand double-stranded

DNA migration in an
electric field




Differences on release Yes (acid)

of DNA loops

et al.19


(TUNEL: Deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assay;

SCSA: Sperm Chromatin stability assay; COMET: Single-cell electrophoresis assay;
SCD: Sperm chromatin decondensation assay).

Investigating the Subfertile Male: Which Tests are Practically Relevant?


or slight alterations but long duration infertility (>3 years), and (c) patients
with severe seminal alterations but no genetic anomalies.
Since there is a strong correlation between sperm DNA fragmentation
and miscarriage,20 other relevant candidates for this study are couples with
previous failures using ART without known female factor and cases of
recurrent miscarriages.
More importantly, this analysis of sperm DNA damage will enable us
to obtain significant functional sperm quality data. However, it does not
explain the origin of functional alteration. Thus, the best approach would
be performing the DNA fragmentation test and other functional tests (such
as H3 oxidative stress and H4 apoptosis) to help us determine the source of
the damage and/or take a different clinical approach (reduction of sexual
abstinence, antioxidant therapy, selection of nonapoptotic spermatozoa).

Sperm oxidative status is crucial to spermatozoa functionality.21 Human
spermatozoa are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress due to their high
cellular content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, together with a defective
natural antioxidant defense capacity.22 Indeed, oxidative stress created by
excessive generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or impairment
of antioxidant protection within the male reproductive tract7 can cause
damage in the plasma membrane (lipid peroxidation) and in the mito
chondrial function as well as a disruption of cell functionality. Finally,
this triggers alterations in sperm DNA integrity and results in cell death
by apoptotic processes. Under physiological conditions, these spermatozoa
are retained in the female reproductive tract and never reach the oocyte. But
when experts are working with the sample in the laboratory, this selection
process does not occur correctly and, as a result, the spermatozoa with less
functionality can be used for ART.
At present, there are several methods to analyze sperm oxidative
stress, which have advantages and disadvantages. Historically, the most
commonly used method has been the chemiluminescence analysis. But
the main problem with this technique is that the measurement obtained
may be contaminated by oxidative stress produced by leukocytes, cells
with much greater power for ROS generation. Therefore, it is essential to
eliminate the cells which may contain some magnetic particles having
anti-CD45 (leukocyte cell-specific) antibodies. An alternative technique
uses certain lipophilic fluorescent compounds that give us a direct measure
of cellular oxidative status. Among them, the most used are DHE, DCFH,
and 8-hydroxy guanosine. Nonetheless, in order to accomplish these steps,
a flow cytometer is needed so that the results obtained are representative
and consistent.

14 Male Infertility
Oxidative stress can also be analyzed by determining the cellular lipid
peroxidation.23 In these cases, the most common tests are the ones that
determine malonaldehyde by ELISA and the analysis of lipid peroxidation
by flow cytometry using BODIPY compound.24 Finally, another commonly
used analysis focuses on determining sperm DNA fragmentation through
different techniques. This analysis is also a good procedure, somehow
related indirectly to the oxidative status, therefore correlating oxidative
status and sperm functional capacity.8

Clinical Application of Oxidative

Stress Analysis: Antioxidant Therapy
Today, there are several products in the market with antioxidant properties
to improve sperm oxidative status and, as a result, to improve the semen
quality (increasing its concentration and improving sperm motility). Among
them, the most commonly used are Selenium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
and zinc.25 Not only do they improve semen parameters but also these
compounds can help improve other functional characteristics (Table 2.2) of
sperm and, thus, they help to increase pregnancy rates in infertile couples.
Indeed, a recent Cochrane meta-analysis about the use of oral antioxidant
in cases of male infertility found that these agents significantly improve
pregnancy rates and live birth rates.26 Interestingly, in this analysis, a
significant decrease of sperm DNA damage was also found after 23 months
of antioxidant therapy, but improvements in semen parameters were not
evident, suggesting that these treatments improve functional capability of
spermatozoa rather than testicular function. However, more studies are
needed to confirm these promising results.

It is well known that apoptosis plays an important role in the regulation
of spermatogenesis. It implies the induction of a series of cellular and
Table 2.2: Compounds commonly used as antioxidant properties in oral
antioxidant therapy.

Sperm functional properties


Reduces lipid peroxidation

Vitamin E

Improves cell and mitochondrial membrane integrity

Vitamin C

Scavenger of oxidative species molecules, reduces DNA



Improves of cell membrane integrity, reduces DNA



Reduces sperm oxidative stress and sperm DNA fragmentation


Reduces sperm DNA fragmentation

Investigating the Subfertile Male: Which Tests are Practically Relevant?


biochemical changes that lead the cell to commit suicide without eliciting
an inflammatory response.27 Apoptosis is based on a genetic mechanism,
whose main objective is to control the overproduction of spermatozoa,
restricting it to normal levels of proliferation. Tests show that germ cell
apoptosis occurs during spermatogenesis, mainly in spermatogonia and the
meiotic cell division. This generates excessive breakage of chromatin and
increased DNA fragmentation. Indeed, multiple studies have established
that in patients diagnosed with male infertility, the proportion of apoptotic
sperm in ejaculated semen samples is higher.28,29 Several studies have
studied the relationship between seminal parameters and apoptosis in
ejaculated semen. A significant negative correlation between the proportion
of apoptotic cells and sperm viability and motility in ejaculated semen has
been reported.2931
Mature sperm cells have been reported to express distinct markers of
apoptosis-related cell damage.27,32,33 One of the earlier markers is the externa
lization of phosphatidylserine (EPS) residues to the sperm outer membrane
leaflet. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether the apoptotic markers detected
in spermatozoa are residues of an abortive apoptotic process started
before ejaculation or whether they result from apoptosis initiated in the
postejaculation period.27,34,35
In order to select nonapoptotic spermatozoa fraction and improve sperm
preparation protocols for ICSI, a new sperm selection technique called
MACS has been described (magnetic-activated cell sorting). This technique
is based on the EPS to the outer surface of the sperm membrane in apoptotic
sperm. This allows its binding with annexin-V-conjugated paramagnetic
microbeads, which could be used to label and separate apoptotic sperma
tozoa using a magnetic-activated cell sorting system.36 A heterogeneous
sperm cell suspension is incubated with annexin-V-conjugated microbeads,
which bind to only apoptotic sperm with EPS. Then, the bead/sperm mixture
is allowed to run through the MACS column, which is placed inside a
magnet. The magnetic force will cause the retention of the cells labeled with
microbeads inside the column, while the nonlabeled cells will flow freely.


There are a series of functional tests that have been employed mainly in
research studies, although some of them may be used for the diagnosis of
male infertility in the near future. One of the more promising tests is the
analysis of acrosome reaction of human sperm induced by different agents
(calcium ionophore or progesterone). Also, the measurement of different
biochemical markers such as sperm creatine kinase or Catsperm function
may be of interest in the improvement of male diagnosis. But currently these
tests have a limited role, because they have little proven clinical utility.

16 Male Infertility

Determination of reliable and accurate methods to study the fertilizing
potential of sperm is of vital importance to provide a definitive diagnosis
of the underlying causes of idiopathic male fertility. Identifying the exact
nature of the defect will help select the appropriate procedures, which in
turn will improve natural and assisted reproduction success rates and help
ensure healthy offspring. This may also help identify the group of men and
their offspring that, through techniques such as ICSI, may propagate their
genetic complement linked to male infertility.

1. Sherins RJ, Thorsell LP, Dorfmann A, et al. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
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pregnancy outcome correlates with maternal age and number of eggs available.
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2. Jain T, Gupta RS. Trends in the use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection in the
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3. Henkel RR, Schill WB. Sperm preparation for ART. Reprod Biol Endocrinol.
4. Zhang HB, Lu SM, Ma CY, et al. Early apoptotic changes in human spermatozoa
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fragmentation. Asian J Androl. 2008;10:227-35.
5. World Health Organization. WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of
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6. Nallela KP, Sharma RK, Aziz N, et al. Significance of sperm characteristics in
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7. Aitken RJ, Bennetts LE, Sawyer D, et al. Impact of radio frequency electromagnetic
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8. Lewis S, Aitken RJ. DNA damage to spermatozoa has impacts on fertilization
and pregnancy. Cell Tissue Res. 2005;322:33-41.
9. Irvine DS, Twigg JP, Gordon EL, et al. DNA integrity in human spermatozoa:
relationships with semen quality. J Androl. 2000;21:33-44.
10. Shen H, Ong C. Detection of oxidative DNA damage in human sperm and
its association with sperm function and male infertility. Free Radic Biol Med.
11. Said TM, Aziz N, Sharma RK, et al. Novel association between sperm deformity
index and oxidative stress-induced DNA damage in infertile male patients.
Asian J Androl. 2005;7:121-6.
12. Sharma RK, Said T, Agarwal A. Sperm DNA damage and its clinical relevance
in assessing reproductive outcome. Asian J Androl. 2004;6:139-48.
13. Evenson DP, Jost LK, Marshall D, et al. Utility of the sperm chromatin structure
assay as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in the human fertility clinic. Hum
Reprod. 1999;14(4):1039-49.
14. Sun JG, Jurisicova A, Casper RF. Detection of deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation
in human sperm: correlation with fertilization in vitro. Biol Reprod. 1997;56:602-7.

Investigating the Subfertile Male: Which Tests are Practically Relevant?


15. Sawyer DE, Mercer BG, Wiklendt AM, et al. Quantitative analysis of genespecific DNA damage in human spermatozoa. Mutat Res. 2003;529(1):21-34.
16. Gorczyca W, Traganos F, Jesionowska H, et al. Presence of DNA strand breaks
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17. Evenson D, Jost L, Gandour D, et al. Comparative sperm chromatin structure
assay measurements on epiillumination and orthogonal axes flow cytometers.
Cytometry 1995;19:295-303.
18. Aitken RJ, Gordon E, Harkiss D. et al. Relative Impact of Oxidative Stress on the
Functional Competence and Genomic Integrity of Human Spermatozoa. Biol
Reprod 1998;59:1037-46.
19. Fernndez JL, Muriel L, Rivero MT. et al. The sperm chromatin dispersion test:
a simple method for the determination of sperm DNA fragmentation. J Androl.
20. Robinson L, Gallos ID, Conner SJ, et al. The effect of sperm DNA fragmentation
on miscarriage rates: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod.
21. Henkel RR. Leukocytes and oxidative stress: dilemma for sperm function and
male fertility. Asian J Androl. 2011;13(1):43-52.
22. Aitken RJ, Baker MA. Oxidative stress, sperm survival and fertility control. Mol
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23. Gomez E, Irvine DS, Aitken RJ. Evaluation of a spectrophotometric assay
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spermatozoa: relationships with semen quality and sperm function. Int J
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24. Aitken RJ, Wingate J, de Iuliis GN, et al. Analysis of lipid peroxidation in human
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antioxidants on male infertility. RBM Online. 2010;20(6):711-23.
26. Showell MG, Brown J, Yazdani A, et al. Antioxidants for male subfertility.
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on sperm motility and cryosurvival rates. Fert Ster. 2005;83:1442-6.
32. Muratori M, Piomboni P, Baldi E, et al. Functional and ultrastructural features
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33. Shen HM, Dai J, Chia SE, et al. Detection of apoptotic alterations in sperm
in subfertile patients and their correlations with sperm quality. Hum Reprod.

18 Male Infertility
34. Tesarik J. Paternal effects on cell division in the preimplantation embryo. RBM
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36. Lee TH, Liu CH, Shih YT, et al. Magnetic-activated cell sorting for sperm preparation reduces spermatozoa with apoptotic markers and improves the acrosome
reaction in couples with unexplained infertility. Hum Reprod. 2010;25:839-46.


Ejaculation Failure

Rupin Shah

Failure to ejaculate is a relatively uncommon, and therefore poorly under
stood, cause of infertility, and can prove be a major stumbling block during
infertility treatment. In this chapter, we outline a practical approach to the
diagnosis and management of this problem.
Failure to ejaculate may be situational or total. In situational anejaculation,
the man is able to ejaculate under some circumstances but not in others.
In total anejaculation, the man never ejaculates during intercourse or
Situational anejaculation occurs due to psychological reasons. No inves
tigations are needed. Therapy is focused on strategies to anticipate and
prevent the problem, and to obtain a semen sample if the problem does
Total anejaculation may occur because a man never reaches conscious
orgasm and therefore does not ejaculateanorgasmic anejaculation, or
may occur despite a man reaching an orgasmorgasmic anejaculation.
Anorgasmic anejaculation occurs due to psychological or physiological
reasons, while orgasmic anejaculation is always due to a physical defect
usually anatomical or neurological.1

There are various types of situational anejaculation. The diagnosis is obvious
from history and no investigations are needed. The various types of situatio
nal anejaculation, and strategies for their prevention and management, are
discussed below:
Unexpected failure of ejaculation: This happens to a man who has had no
problem giving a semen sample in the past but suddenly, unexpectedly,

20 Male Infertility

fails to give a sample on the day of IUI or OPU during an IVF cycle. This
happens due to the stress of the infertility treatment and the pressure
of having to give a sample under such conditions. This can happen to
anyone and so the best preventive measure is to cryopreserve a sample
in advance for all IVF couples. If that has not been done, a semen sample
may be obtained by the use of a vibrator or electroejaculation, or sperm
can be aspirated from the testis and used for ICSI.
Periovulatory anejaculation/on-demand anejaculation: In this situation,
the man has difficulty in collecting a semen sample at the time of
ovulation, when he is under pressure to perform, though he is able
to ejaculate easily at other times. Sometimes, the infertility specialist
contributes to the problem by giving a specific time of ovulation so that
the wife wakes up the husband at 4 AM to have sex at the right time!!
This treatment-induced sexual dysfunction can be minimized by giving
the couple a fertile period and emphasizing that they can have sex during
this period as per their inclination and pleasure. Some men will benefit
from the use of an erectogenic drug like sildenafil that can be given in a
dose of 50 mg, one hour before intercourse, and is safe for conception.
In refractory cases, a vibrator may be used to get a semen sample that
can be used for IUI.
Clinic anejaculation: A fair number of men, who can ejaculate easily
at home, find it difficult to ejaculate in the clinic because they become
self-conscious and feel under pressure. This problem can be avoided by
ensuring that the semen collection room is discretely placed, is clean,
and has a bed so that the couple can be together, if required. Sometimes
providing erotic material will help. If the problem has been identified
during the sexual history at the initial interview (these questions should
be part of standard fertility history) then the man can be allowed to
bring the sample from home. Otherwise, most men with this problem
can ejaculate in the clinic with the help of a vibrator.
Masturbation anejaculation: Some men are unaccustomed to mastur
bation and are unable to give a sample by manipulation even though they
ejaculate during intercourse. Therefore, when asking a man to produce
a semen sample it is always important to check whether he will be able
to produce a sample by masturbation in the clinic. If he expresses his
inability to do so he can be asked to collect a sample at home by coitus
Intercourse anejaculation: In this condition, a man can ejaculate during
masturbation but not by intercourse. The cause is usually psychogenic
or technical (lack of adequate stimulation). Treatment is through sex
therapy and counseling but is often difficult. Fertility can be easily
achieved by IUI used the masturbatory sample.

Managing Ejaculation Failure


In this condition, the man does not ejaculate because he never reaches an
orgasm, either during intercourse or during masturbation.
The etiology may be:
Psychological: Due to early negative sexual experiences or strict, inhibitory
religious upbringing
Technical: Due to inadequate stimulation during intercourse due to poor
erections or improper intercourse
Physiological: Due to a high ejaculatory threshold (the opposite of prema
ture ejaculation). This seems to be the commonest cause in our patients
Pharmacological: Due to antipsychotics that can cause marked inhibition
and delay of orgasm.
Neurological: Due to reduced glans sensation or dorsal nerve neuropathy.
Diagnosis is based on the history alone and usually does not need inve
stigations. Classically, the man gives a history of prolonged intercourse
without reaching an orgasm, and finally stopping because he is tired.
However, a man who has never experienced orgasm is often unclear about
whether he has reached an orgasm or not, and hence the history may be
unclear. Many of these men will, however, state that they though do not
ejaculate during intercourse they have spontaneous ejaculations at night.
A history of nocturnal emissions is very important because it rules out an
organic cause of anejaculation.
Treatment through psychosexual therapy may help in some cases but is
time-consuming and frequently unfruitful. When the primary concern is
fertility (rather than orgasm and sexual pleasure) then more active measures
to obtain sperm by vibrator stimulation2 or electroejaculation3,4 should be
tried right away.

These men reach an orgasm but do not ejaculate. The cause is always organic.
When a man reaches a climax the orgasm is usually accompanied by
ejaculation that occurs in three phases:
Phase 1 (emission): Stimulation of the sympathetic fibers causes the
seminal vesicles, prostate, vasa, and tails of the epididymides to contract
and deposit seminal fluid into the posterior urethra.
Phase 2 (bladder neck closure): Simultaneously, again under sympathetic
control, the bladder neck closes to prevent retrograde ejaculation.
Phase 3 (antegrade propulsion): Seminal fluid flows from the posterior
into the bulbar urethra. Rhythmic contractions of the bulbocavernosus
muscle propel the fluid out of the urethra with forceful squirts.

22 Male Infertility
Any of these three phases can be affected by anatomical, neurogenic, or
pharmacological factors resulting in orgasmic anejaculation. Some of the
common causes are listed below:
Phase 1 disorder (anatomical): Ductal obstruction due to genitourinary
Phase 1 disorder (neurogenic): Spinal cord injury; lumbar sympathectomy;
pelvic surgery; RPLND; diabetic neuropathy; -adrenergic blockers
Phase 1 disorder (endocrine): Severe hypogonadism (very low testosterone)
due to primary or secondary testicular failure
Phase 2 disorder (anatomical): Bladder neck disruption due to bladder
neck trauma (fracture pelvis), bladder neck incision (iatrogenic), or congenitally wide bladder neck
Phase 2 disorder (neurogenic): Diabetic neuropathy; -adrenergic blockers
Phase 3 disorder (anatomical): Outflow obstruction due to stricture,
diverticulum or urethral pouch; damage to the bulbocavernosus muscle
during urethral reconstruction
Phase 3 disorder (neurogenic): Paralysis of the bulbocavernosus muscle.
Diagnosis is frequently possible from history alone. Retrograde ejaculation
is diagnosed by examination of the postorgasm urine for sperm.
Treatment depends on etiology. Neurogenic failure of emission or
retrograde ejaculation due to neuropathy may respond to a 10-day course
of a combination of a sympathomimetic (ephedrine 30 mg TDS; pseudoe
phedrine 60 mg TDS) and an anticholinergic (imipramine 25 mg 2HS).5
Other cases of neurogenic failure can be treated with vibrator stimulation
or electroejaculation.6 In men with spinal cord injury success will depend
on the spinal level of the lesion.7 RPLND usually results in failure of ejacu
lation rather than retrograde ejaculation; semen can be obtained by electro
Anatomical obstruction causing failure of emission is usually too exten
sive to be corrected by endoscopic surgery and the only option is epididymal
or testicular sperm aspiration and ICSI.
Retrograde ejaculation due to diabetic neuropathy may respond to
medical therapy as above. Otherwise sperm can be retrieved from the
bladder and used for IUI or ICSI depending on the quality. When sperm
is being retrieved from the bladder the urine must be made alkaline and
dilute to improve sperm survival. Accordingly the patient is given a urinary
alkalizer (soda bicarb or potassium citrate thrice a day) for 3 days. On the
day of retrieval, he consumes three glasses of water with the alkalizer and
then passes urine every 30 minutes. The urine pH is checked each time and
when it is above 7.5 the man masturbates and then immediately voids urine.
This is quickly centrifuged to separate the sperm; the sperm pellet is then
rewashed with medium and used for IUI. If the motility of the recovered
sperm is poor then an alternative method is to instill 30 mL of spermwashing medium in the bladder and then ask the man to masturbate.

Managing Ejaculation Failure


When there is failure of antegrade propulsion the semen will dribble out
later. This can be collected and used for IUI or IVF. In all cases of orgasmic
anejaculation, if other measures fail, sperm retrieval from the testes and
ICSI is the final solution.

This is extremely useful in treating situational anejaculation, anorgasmic
anejaculation, and some cases of neurogenic orgasmic anejaculation.
The vibrator works by strongly stimulating the afferent pathways of the
ejaculatory reflex. This overcomes inhibition due to situational, psychological,
or neurogenic factors, thus resulting in orgasm and ejaculation.
The patient is prepared for the vibrator by counseling him that the
ejaculation will happen automatically and that he should not try to ejaculate.
This will allow him to be relaxed and will reduce cortical inhibition of
ejaculation due to anxiety. It also helps avoid pseudoejaculation of urine
that happens when a nonorgasmic man strains to ejaculate.
He then sits on a bed in a quiet room and self-stimulates and fantasizes to
achieve some tumescence. A full erection is not mandatory and the patient
is reassured that he would be able to ejaculate even if he does not have an
erection. If the man is very anxious then an anxiolytic and PDE5 inhibitor
may be given. The vibrator is then positioned so that the undersurface of
the glans penis rests upon the vibrating head. Gentle pressure is applied to
the penis so that maximum vibration is felt. Simultaneously, he continues
to fantasize; visual erotic materials may help.
The stimulation is continued till the man ejaculates, or till 3060 minutes
are over. Some men succeed only on the second or third attempt.
Success rates are 90% for situational anejaculation, 60% for anorgasmic
anejaculation and around 50% for neurogenic anejaculation (depending on
the level and extent of the spinal lesion).

Electroejaculation involves direct electrical stimulation of the sympathetic
nerves innervating the prostate, seminal vesicles, and terminal vas resulting
in their contraction and ejaculation.9
It is performed using the Seager electroejaculator that delivers an alter
nating current at an intensity ranging from 0 to 50 V, corresponding to
0 to 1 A of current. The procedure is painful and requires a short general
anesthesia unless the patient has spinal cord injury with loss of sensation.
The patient is positioned in the lithotomy or left lateral position and a
rectal examination and proctoscopy are performed to rule out any rectal

24 Male Infertility
pathology. The electrode is lubricated copiously with jelly and then intro
duced per rectum with the electrodes stimulation strips facing anteriorly.
The electrode is pushed against the prostate and seminal vesicles and the
stimulation is started.
The standard technique involves stimulation in one second bursts, star
ting at 5 V and increasing the stimulus by a couple of volts each time till
ejaculation occurs.
If there is no antegrade ejaculation the bladder is catheterized and the
urine is checked for retrograde ejaculation.
Electroejaculation is successful in most cases of situational anejaculation
and anorgasmic anejaculation and those cases of neurogenic anejaculation
where the thoracolumbar outflow is intact. However, the quality of semen is
unpredictable and sometimes, inexplicably, count or motility may be poor.10
Depending on the semen quality, IUI or ICSI can be done with the sample.11

Failure to ejaculate can pose a frustrating problem. Classification of the
problem as situational or total, and anorgasmic or orgasmic, provides a
practical way of understanding the problem. Diagnosis is easy once the
etiological factors are understood. Treatment varies depending on the
etiology. The use of vibratory stimulation or electroejaculation is very useful
in many of the cases.

1. Shah R. Management of anejaculation. In: Pandian N (Ed). Handbook of
Andrology. Chennai: T.R. Publishers; 1999. pp. 129-39.
2. Wheeler JS Jr, Walter JS, Culkin DJ, et al. Idiopathic anejaculation treated by
vibrator stimulation. Fertil Steril. 1988;50:377-79.
3. Hovav Y, Shotland Y, Yaffe H, et al. Electro-ejaculation and assisted fertility in
men with psychogenic anejaculation. Fertil Steril. 1996;66:620-23.
4. Soeterik TF, Veenboer PW, Lock TM. Electroejaculation in psychogenic
anejaculation. Fertil Steril. 2014;101:1604-8.
5. Kamischke A, Nieschlag E. Treatment of retrograde ejaculation and anejaculation.
Hum Reprod Update. 1999;5:448-74.
6. Nehra A, Werner MA, Bastuba M, et al. Vibratory stimulation and rectal probe
electroejaculation as therapy for patients with spinal cord injury: semen
parameters and pregnancy rates. J Urol. 1996;155:554-9.
7. Chhensse C, Bahrami S, Denys P, et al. The spinal control of ejaculation
revisited: a systematic review and meta-analysis of anejaculation in spinal cord
injured patients. Hum Reprod Update. 2013;19:507-26.
8. Hsiao W, Deveci S, Mulhall JP. Outcomes of the management of postchemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection-associated anejaculation.
BJU Int. 2012;110:1196-200.

Managing Ejaculation Failure


9. Bennett C, Seager S, Vasher E, et al. Sexual dysfunction and electroejaculation

in men with spinal cord injury: review. BJU. 1991;67:191-4.
10. Meng X, Fan L, Liu J, et al. Fresh semen quality in ejaculates produced by noctur
nal emission in men with idiopathic anejaculation. Fertil Steril. 2013;100:1248-52.
11. Ohl DA, Wolf LJ, Menge AC, et al. Electroejaculation and assisted reproduc
tive technologies in the treatment of anejaculatory infertility. Fertil Steril. 2001;


Medical Treatment

PM Gopinath

Approximately 1015% of all couples of reproductive age groups seek ferti
lity assessment. With an increasing population of working women and the
associated delay in the ages of marriage and first child bearing, infertility
services are being increasingly utilized.1 With the advent of assisted
reproductive techniques and with the increasing success achieved, the
evaluation of the male partner and an attempt at curative treatment is often
overlooked. Male factor is involved in about half of the infertility cases. It
is essential to identify the pathology and treat the male which may allow
couples to improve their fertility potential and conceive through natural
intercourse. Figure 4.1 illustrates the various etiology of male factor and its
impact on fertility.
The new WHO guidelines on semen analysis2 is exciting and makes
one wonder whether we have over treated the male partners previously.
Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OATS) known as OAT syndrome is a com
monly encountered problem in male infertility.
Treatment options in OATS:
Medical therapy that may be general or specific
Surgical therapy
Assistance Reprocluctive technology (ART): Intrauterine insemination or
intracytoplasmic sperm injection
In this article, we are covering only the medical management of OATS.
Specific medical management of OATS is based on identifying reversible
causes of infertility and treating them with appropriate medications to
achieve a pregnancy. Despite the advancements in diagnostic methodology,
no identifiable cause can be found in majority of infertile males. This is
referred to as Idiopathic OATS. These patients are treated with nonspecific,

Medical Treatment of OATS


Fig. 4.1: Various etiology of ROS and its impact on fertility.

empirical medications based on theoretical concepts, in an attempt to

improve semen parameters and to improve fertility potential.


Age of the couple and duration of infertility: A young couple with a short
trying time should be given the option of medical therapy in order to buy
time to achieve a natural pregnancy. On the other hand, an older couple
with a much longer trying time should be counseled to move toward ART.
Severity of OATS and realistic chances of improvement expected: Thus,
a patient with severe OATS (<5 million/mL with very poor progressive
motility) with no obvious reversible factors is better off being referred
for ART.
Past illness causing irreversible damage: For example, a patient who had
postmumps orchitis and testicular atrophy, or who was operated for
undescended testes. In such patients, it is unlikely that medical therapy
will help.
Reversible, correctable gonadotoxic factors? If there is occupational
exposure to gonadotoxins (heat, chemical fumes), heavy smoking, recent
febrile illness, accessory gland infections, etc., then such patients can be

28 Male Infertility
given supportive medical therapy to buy time for improvement of semen
parameters once the gonadotoxic factors are eliminated/modified.
Treatment history is imperative: It is important to know what drugs a
patient has already tried in the past (whether they were effective or
not) so that there is no repetition. If various drugs have already proved
ineffective there is no point in giving further medical therapy.
Socioeconomic status of the couple should also be considered when
deciding medication since many empirical drugs are rather expensive.
Psychosocial pressures on the couple play an important role in decision
making. In a couple that is socially hard pressed for a baby, less time
should be spent on medical therapy.


With history, physical examination, and specific investigations, it is possible
to diagnose and treat certain specific medical conditions that will contribute
to OATS:
Chronic scrotal fungal dermatitis: This can affect fertility by thickening
the scrotal skin and thus increasing the local temperature. This is treated
with topical, antifungal plus steroid, creams.
Genital tract infection: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
leukocytospermia as seminal white blood cells (WBC) levels >1 106/mL
(WHO 1999) with the prevalence among male infertility patients being
about 1020%. The clinician must ensure that the laboratory should
clearly differentiate between leucocytes and immature germ cells using
cytologic staining or immune-histochemical techniques. All men with
elevated seminal WBC levels (>1 106/mL) should be evaluated for a
genital tract infection or inflammation, and a semen culture should be
performed. Common organisms responsible are Streptococcus faecalis,
Escherichia coli, Chlamydia trachomatis,3 and Ureaplasma urealyticum.
Because of the difficulty of culturing Chlamydia or ureaplasma we
often give doxycycline 100 mg/day on an empirical basis for 15 days
and then start antibiotics as per culture reports. Commonly used are
fluoroquinolones 0.51 g/day, cotrimoxazole (sulfamethoxazole 800 mg,
trimethoprim 160 mg), or erythromycin 1.5 gm/day. These drugs are
administered for 23 weeks along with advice of frequent ejaculation.
It is also a better option to rotate the antibiotics. However, culturenegative patients with proven leukocytospermia should be treated with
anti-inflammatory therapy and frequent ejaculation, because empiric
antibiotic therapy generally provides no benefit in these cases and may
be harmful. In cases of refractory leukocytospermia, sperm washing can
be performed before intrauterine insemination to remove the white cells.

Medical Treatment of OATS


Immunologic infertility: Oral prednisolone is commonly used to suppress

antibody production, but no double-blind, randomized large trial has
confirmed the efficacy of this therapy. Small studies following different
protocols report pregnancy rates between 0% and 44%. Studies in which
treatment was continued for >3 months reported a significant increase
in the number of pregnancies among those receiving prednisolone
compared with placebo.4
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is considered to be the
treatment of choice for patients with severe sperm autoimmunity. Recently,
higher fertilization rates during in vitro fertilization (IVF) were reported
in patients with antisperm antibodies who received immunosuppressive
therapy compared to IVF without immunosuppressive therapy. Therefore,
treatment of antisperm antibodies using corticosteroids should not be
prescribed routinely, but can be considered in patients with antisperm
antibodies and earlier failed fertilization during IVF or ICSI. High doses
of prednisolone should be avoided even on short term due to the rare but
catastrophic risk of avascular necrosis of femoral head. It is recommended
to use tablet prednisolone 5 mg, thrice-a-day for 10 days, then twice-aday for 10 days, then once-a-day for 10 days.
Chronic epididymo-orchitis: Many subfertile men have clinical evidence
of chronic filarial epididymo-orchitisresidence in an endemic area,
enlarged adherent epididymis, thickened cord, lax hydrocoele, h/o
hydrocoele surgery, h/o testicular swelling with fever, and occasionally
ultrasound evidence of the filarial dance. Such men sometimes show
good improvement in semen parameters after a course of antifilaria
therapy (DEC 100 mg thrice-a-day for 20 days in combination with
doxycycline 100 mg twice-a-day for 10 days) followed by low-dose
steroids as given above.


In patients with idiopathic OATS, a variety of empirical medical therapies5
have been recommended. Although there are numerous reports that support
a multitude of compounds, the vast majority are nonrandomized studies and
unfortunately no medical therapy has demonstrated consistent efficacy in
multiple, rigorous, well-controlled, randomized, placebo-controlled trials.
Because of isolated case reports and small series demonstrating efficacy of
some agents, there is continued hope that they may be effective in select
subpopulations of men with idiopathic reproductive dysfunction.
Nonspecific treatments5 include the following:
Hormonal agents: Androgens, antiestrogens, aromatase inhibitors, gona
Antioxidants: Glutathione, lycopene, vitamin E

30 Male Infertility

Sperm vitalizes: L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10

Nutritional supplements: Folic acid, zinc, multivitamins, trace elements
Miscellaneous: Indomethacin, Kallikrein, low-dose corticosteroids
Elimination of gonadotoxic factors.

Hormonal Agents
Rationale (direct therapy): Exogenous androgens, administered at a dose
that will not influence the pituitary-gonadal axis, may have a direct
stimulatory effect on spermatogenesis or influence sperm transport
and maturation through an effect on the epididymis, vas deferens, and
seminal vesicles.
Drugs used and dosage: Mesterolone 25 mg thrice daily or testosterone
undecanoate6 40 mg two to four capsules daily.
Rationale (rebound therapy): High doses of exogenous androgens will
suppress the H-P-T axis and result in azoospermia. Subsequently, after
cessation of androgens, the gonadotropin levels will rise again, during
which period there may be a rebound increase in sperm counts above
baseline. However, rebound therapy has been given up because of
uncertain results and risk of permanent azoospermia.

Rationale: Antiestrogens inhibit the negative feedback effect of estrogen
by blocking estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, which in turn
increases endogenous gonadotropin secretion. In turn, the raised FSH
and LH stimulate Sertoli and Leydig cells with a possible improvement
in spermatogenesis.
Drugs used and dose: Clomiphene citrate 25 mg daily/alternate days or
tamoxifen citrate 1020 mg daily.

Aromatase Inhibitors
Rationale: Estrogen has a potent negative feedback effect on gonadotro
pin secretion. Obese men have excessive aromatization, in their fat cells,
of testosterone to estrogen resulting in excess estrogen and an altered
testosterone to estrogen ratios (T/E). Aromatase inhibitors correct this
by inhibiting the peripheral conversion of testosterone and may thereby
enhance spermatogenesis.
Drugs used and dose: Letrozole 2.5 mg daily orally, or anastrozole 1 mg

Medical Treatment of OATS


Rationale: Some patients with idiopathic infertility may have a subclinical
endocrinopathy that results in abnormalities in the bioactivity, half-life,
or pulsatility of gonadotropin secretion.8 Such men may benefit from
exogenous gonadotropins despite normal levels on immunoassay.
Drugs used: Human chorionic gonadotropin (1,500 IU i.m three times
per week), Human menopausal gonadotropin (37.575 IU i.m three times
per week).

Rationale: Elevated seminal reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels have
been recognized as an independent marker of male factor infertility,
irrespective of whether patients have normal or abnormal semen
parameters. Spermatozoa are particularly susceptible to oxidative stressinduced damage. Antioxidants in seminal plasma are the most important
form of protection available to spermatozoa against ROS. Many studies9
have supported the use of exogenous antioxidants in the treatment of
idiopathic infertility.
Drugs used and dose: Glutathione 250 mg daily (50600 mg/day),
lycopene 48 g daily, vitamin E 400800 mg daily.

Sperm Vitalizers
Rationale: Act through varying mechanisms with a common endpoint
of energizing the sperm and making them more capable of fertilization.
They may have a role in sperm maturation during the transit through
the epididymis. Some of them have an antioxidant action in addition.5
Drugs used and dose: L-carnitine and acetyl carnitine 1 g, thrice-a-day;
coenzyme Q10 100300 mg/day.

Nutritional Supplements9
Rationale: In our country, majority of the people from the lower socio
economic strata are nutritionally depleted and therefore may not have
the necessary levels of vitamins and trace elements to facilitate sperma
Drugs used: Multivitamin combinations with zinc, selenium, folic acid,
and B12. Various combinations of nutraceuticals are available.10

Rationale: Some of these therapies have aimed at improving sperm quality
by boosting the KallikreinKinin system (kallikreins) or by interfering

32 Male Infertility
with the production of prostaglandins (phosphodiesterase inhibitors,
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents)
Drugs used: Kallikreins 600 IU daily; indomethacin.

Elimination of Gonadotoxic Factors

Elimination of chronic exposure to heat at the workplace (furnace, kitchen,
etc.) or in leisure activities (sauna, steam bath), cessation of heavy smoking,
avoidance of exposure to pesticides (DDT spray) or chemical fumes
(aromatic amines), reduction of excessive stress, regularization of diet, and
lifestyle can also help some men significantly.

As physicians taking care of couples with OATS, it is our duty to give the
patients a very clear road map of their course of therapy.
Therapy must be individualized and it is mandatory that a treatment
timeline and endpoints be established prior to initiation of medical
When empiric pharmacologic therapy is going to be used, treatment
should last at least 3 months to incorporate a full 74-day spermatogenic
cycle, and should be followed by a semen analysis.
If there is significant improvement then the medications should be
continued and further improvement monitored monthly. If there is no
improvement then the medication should be changed or the therapy may
be escalated to ART.
Patients must be counseled regarding the inconsistent response to
medical therapy and to have realistic expectations from the same.
Most importantly, we must not be guilty of wasting precious time and
money over medical therapy when the circumstances call for assisted
reproductive therapy.

1. Petraglia F, Serour GI, Chapron C. The changing prevalence of infertility. Int J
Gynecol Obstet. 2013;123(Suppl 2):S4-S8.
2. World Health Organization. WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of and
Processing of Human Semen, 5th edition. Geneva: World Health Organization;
3. Cai T, Mazzoli S, Mondaini N, et al. Chlamydia trachomatis infection: challenge
for the urologist. Microbiol Res. 2011, vol 2:e14.
4. Hendry WF, Hughes L, Scammell G, et al. Comparison of prednisolone and
placebo in subfertile men with antibodies to spermatozoa. Lancet. 1990;

Medical Treatment of OATS


5. Safarinejad MR, Safarinejad S, Shafiei N, et al. Effects of the reduced form

of coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol) on semen parameters in men with idiopathic
infertility: a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized study. J Urol. 2012;
6. Samplaski MK, Loai Y, Lo K, et al. Testosterone use in the male infertility pop
ulation: short and longer term effects on semen and hormonal parameters.
J Urol. 2013:189(4):E779.
7. Chua ME, Escusa KG, Luna S, et al. Revisiting oestrogen antagonists (clomiphene
or tamoxifen) as medical empiric therapy for male infertility: a meta-analysis.
Andrology. 2013;1(5):749-57.
8. Nieschlag E, Lenzi A. The conventional management of male infertility. Int J
Gynecol Obstet. 2013;123(Suppl 2):S31-5.
9. Showell MG, Brown J, Yazdani A, et al. Antioxidants for male subfertility.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2011(1):CD007411.
10. Agarwal A, Sekhon LH. Oxidative stress and antioxidants for oligoasthenoter
atospermia is it justified? Indian J Urol. 2011;27(1):74-85.
11. Ko EY, Sabanegh ES. The role of over-the-counter supplements for the treatment
of male infertilityfact or fiction? J Androl. 2012;33(3):292-308.


Varicocele Surgery:
Does It Help?

Vineet Malhotra

It is known that infertility affects 15% of couples of reproductive age. The
infertile male has long been an ignored and untreated part of infertility. It
has been found that the male factor maybe relevant in up to 50% of all cases
of infertility. There has been a lot of interest and controversy regarding the
various causes leading to male infertility and their appropriate treatment.1,2
Idiopathic infertility is the commonest cause of male factor infertility.
Varicoceles (abnormally dilated veins in the pampiniform plexus) are the
most common surgically correctable cause of male infertility and are found
in 4.422.6% of men in the general population. They are present in 2040%
of men with primary infertility and in 7581% men with secondary infertility.
It was the Greek physician Celsus who, in first century AD, first described
varicoceles as swollen and twisted veins over the testicle causing them to be
smaller in size. There have been anecdotal reports of crude surgical maneu
vers such as wiring of the scrotum to treat these dilated swollen veins.36
It was much later in the early 1950s that Tulloch reported his results
of surgical repair of varicoceles and the resultant improvement in sperm
There has been immense controversy regarding the standardization of
diagnosis and classification of a varicocele. There is also lack of agreement
over the need for treatment and the response to treatment.8
The predictive value of semen analysis as a marker of male fertility is
limited and has been shown by various authors.9
Smith et al.10 reported that up to 25% men with sperm densities below 12.5
million/mL could father a child through spontaneous conception. On the
other hand, even with counts of up to 25 million/mL, which is normal by the
WHO standards, 10% of men could not father a child with a fertile female.

Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?


A more effective outcome parameter would be pregnancy rates since

pregnancy is the ultimate endpoint of therapy. When using pregnancy as
the endpoint of treatment outcome, it is important to consider the spon
taneous pregnancy rate in supposedly infertile couples on no therapy. The
spontaneous pregnancy rate is about 1% per month, reaching cumulatively
to 26% over 3 years. Obviously, any treatment option being used should
improve upon this result. On the other hand, the benefit from an interven
tion like varicocelectomy may be neutralized by a concomitant untreated
female factor.
Good clinical trials require a placebo-controlled, double-blind format.
Such a trial, with sham surgery, is ethically impossible in humans. Moreover,
randomization on a large scale for such surgeries is also difficult due to
the intense social pressure and stress faced by infertile couples resulting
in them seeking early intervention. During the course of a multicenter,
prospective, randomized trial, in Germany, on radiological embolization of
varicoceles, only 67 patients could be randomized in 3 years against a target
of 460.11 Further, follow-up is a major problem among individuals affected by
infertility, since they are a young and mobile population. Varicocelectomy
results are incremental and pregnancies may occur even 2 years after the
surgery. Thus, in another study on surgically treated varicoceles, only 130
out of an original 480 patients remained in the study at the end of 1 year.12
There is also inconsistency regarding the populations studied, initial
grading of varicocele, age of patient and partner, duration of follow-up, and
type of treatment applied. Certain nomograms have been created to predict
changes in semen parameters in infertile men after varicocele repair.13
Based on current evidence, it is the practice guideline of both the
American Urological Association (AUA) and the American Society for
Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) that correction of a varicocele should be
offered to infertile men with palpable lesions and one or more abnormal
semen parameters.14
We have attempted to address the issue and provide our view on this
debate regarding surgery for varicocele. We will attempt to outline the
contentious issues with regards to classification/grading of a varicocele,
the effect it may have on fertility, treatment types available, treatment of
different grades, unilateral/bilateral varicoceles. We will also discuss the
relevance of treating varicoceles with small testicular size, azoospermia, with
isolated sperm defects and in adolescents. Finally, we will discuss surgery
versus assisted reproductive techniques in the era of Assisted reproductive
technology (ART).


Varicoceles are usually diagnosed on clinical examination in an upright
position and confirmed by scrotal ultrasound. There is significant examiner

36 Male Infertility
bias and variation in classification of varicoceles.14 The classification of vari
coceles on physical examination was described by Dubin15 (Dubin grading
system) into three grades, with grade 3 being visible while the patient is
standing, grade 2 is palpable without Valsalva maneuver, and grade 1 is not
able to be visualized and only palpable with Valsalva maneuver.
A clinical varicocele is one which is detected on physical examination,
either visible or palpable. A nonpalpable enlargement of spermatic veins
which is only identifiable by imaging techniques is referred to as a subclinical
The imaging techniques used for grading varicoceles include scrotal
ultrasound and color Doppler imaging. They have low accuracy and clinical
utility as most data have shown a poor correlation between varicoceles
detected only on imaging and response to surgery.
For those who utilize scrotal ultrasound as a diagnostic modality, criteria
for diagnosing a subclinical varicocele by scrotal ultrasound requires at least
the presence of dilated veins with diameter >3.0 mm with concomitant
reversal of flow after Valsalva.

Color Doppler Ultrasound Classification

of Varicocele (Sarteschi)16
Grade Features
Reflux in vessels in the inguinal channel is detected only during the
Valsalva maneuver, while scrotal varicosity is not evident in the standard
ultrasound study.
Small posterior varicosities that extend to the superior pole of the testis.
Their diameters increase and venous reflux is seen in the supratesticular
region only during the Valsalva maneuver.
Vessels appear enlarged at the inferior pole of the testis when the patient
is evaluated in a standing position; no enlargement is detected if the
patient is examined in a supine position. Reflux observed only under
during the Valsalva maneuver.
Vessels appear enlarged even when the patient is studied in a supine
position; the dilatation is more marked in the upright position and during
the Valsalva maneuver. Testicular hypotrophy is common at this stage.
Venous ectasia is evident even in the prone decubitus and supine
positions. Reflux is observed at rest and does not increase during the
Valsalva maneuver.

Varicocele has been postulated to affect testicular function and sperma
togenesis through various mechanisms that include elevation of testicular

Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?


temperature and intratesticular pressure. Other factors such as reflux of

toxic metabolites from adrenal glands and hormonal abnormalities have
also been implicated. One theory suggests the reduction of blood flow
leading to hypoxia and impaired spermatogenesis.
The malfunction of valves of the internal spermatic veins, cremasteric
veins, and occasionally the external spermatic veins leads to a reflux and rise
of intrascrotal temperatures. This may cause thermal damage to the sper
matogenic cells and Leydig cells leading to impaired spermatogenesis.1722
The low sperm concentration is attributed by some researchers to the high
germ cell apoptosis usually observed in these men, while the low motility
is attributed to the increased concentration of reactive oxygen species.
The exact mechanism by which the above factors contribute to the
adverse effect of varicocele on spermatogenesis has not been fully clarified.
It is speculated that the main mechanism is DNA damage in sperm heads
due to oxidative stress. The latter is caused either by the presence of high
levels of reactive oxygen species or by reduced antioxidant capacity. It is
interesting to note that these results were confirmed in fertile as well as in
infertile men with varicocele. Thus, it becomes obvious that oxidative stress
is directly related to varicocele, independent of the fertility status.2326
Nevertheless, oxidative stress is known to have adverse effects on sperm
structure and function, such as membrane lipid alterations, disruption
of sperm metabolism, reduction of its motility, DNA fragmentation, and
reduced overall sperm quality.2730

There are several early studies that showed benefit of intervention in
cases of subclinical varicoceles. These found results of intervention to
be independent of the grade of varicocele and were responsible for the
widespread practice of treating all varicoceles by intervention.3132 Later, in
the early 1990s, studies revealed that there was no significant difference in
outcomes between patients with subclinical varicoceles in the observation
versus intervention arm.3334
It is now generally agreed that patients with subclinical varicoceles do not
warrant any intervention as an isolated causative factor for male infertility.35
Several studies have questioned the role of intervention in case of
clinical varicoceles and that has been the basis of a Cochrane database
review that did not offer conclusive support to intervention [an odds ratio
of postoperative spontaneous pregnancy as 1.10 (95% CI: 0.731.68)] over
expectant management in subfertile couples.3640 In a recent meta-analysis
published by Kroese et al. the search methodology included the Cochrane
Menstrual disorders and Subfertility Group Trials Register (September 12,
2003 to January 2012), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled trials

38 Male Infertility
(Central) in the Cochrane library issue 1, 2012, Medline (January 1966 to
January 2012), Embase (January 1985 to January 2012), PsycINFO (to Week
1, 2012), and reference list of articles.40b They have also checked crossreferences, references from review articles, and contacted researchers in
the field. The meta-analysis included 894 men (10 studies) and showed a
combined fixed-effect odds ratio of 1.47 for the outcome of pregnancy (very
low quality evidence) favoring intervention.
The study design, patient inclusion criteria, and analysis of these studies
have been questioned, as they included patients with normal semen para
meters, different methods of intervention, and significant patient dropout.
Madgar et al.41 studied infertile men with clinical varicoceles and subjec
ted them to intervention versus observation for a period of 12 months. If
the patients in the observation group did not report a pregnancy, they
were reassigned to the intervention arm. This study revealed a significantly
higher pregnancy rate in the immediate (60% in the intervention vs 10%
in observation arm) and delayed treatment (44% vs 10%) groups.
The conclusions of Evers and Collins in their systematic review spurred
Ficarra et al.42,43 and Marmar et al.44 both to re-evaluate the existing data
with meta-analyses as well. Ficarra et al. published a meta-analysis inclu
ding only three of the randomized controlled trials and excluded those
where subjects with normal semen analyses or subclinical varicoceles were
included. The authors concluded that the heterogeneity of the data and
poor quality of study design do not allow for formal analysis. At the same
time, the authors used this same argument to refute the conclusions by
Evers and Collins. Marmar et al. published a meta-analysis of five studies
on surgical repair only on infertile men with clinical varicocele and
abnormal semen analysis looking at spontaneous pregnancy rates. The
authors included randomized controlled trials and also observational
studies. While accepting that this is not standard for the meta-analysis
format, the authors state that their inclusion and exclusion criteria allow
for less heterogeneity in the population studied and intervention being
studied. Odds ratio of spontaneous pregnancy after varicocelectomy was
calculated to be 2.87 (95% CI: 1.336.20, P = 0.007). Pregnancy rates were
also significantly higher in those of treated patients than in not treated
(33% vs 15.5%, respectively).
Though varicoceles most commonly present on the left side, this swelling
can occur on the right side as well, individually or in unison. Bilateral
varicocele would seemingly be more detrimental than a unilateral defect.
Several investigations have examined whether bilateral repair is similar or
superior to one-sided repair. Kondoh et al. reported a small cases series of
27 men with bilateral varicoceles and 40 unilateral left-sided varicoceles
and noted less improvements in sperm density in the group with bilateral
when compared to the left-sided only group. Four subsequent reports all

Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?


have demonstrated evidence to support the contrary.4547 Scherr et al.48

prospectively studied 91 men with moderate-to-large left varicocele and
small (grade 1) right varicocele and noted significant greater improvements
in motile sperm concentrations in those with bilateral repair. Fujisawa
et al. and Libman et al. observed significantly greater improvements in
concentration and/or motility after bilateral surgical repair.49,50 Furthermore,
Libman et al. and Baazeem et al.51 noted significantly higher spontaneous
pregnancy rates in those with bilateral repair compared to unilateral repair.
This evidence would support the notion that subfertility in men with
abnormal semen analyses and bilateral palpable varicoceles is the result
of an additive effect of both and would justify simultaneous repair, even if
Additional studies have examined impact of unilateral or bilateral
repair of a clinical varicocele in the presence of a subclinical varicocele
with conflicting results. However, grade of varicocele should not dictate
treatment. Therefore, in these cases, bilateral repair is likely warranted.
There has been a lot of debate regarding relationship between varico
cele and azoospermia. Historically, varicocele repair has been as a primary
treatment strategy of male infertility with the goal of improving sponta
neous pregnancy rates. Severe oligozoospermia and nonobstructive azoos
permia are both conditions that significantly reduce a couples chances at
spontaneous pregnancy. Early reports of varicocele repair demonstrate
the potential, in some, to induce spermatogenesis and regain the potential
for otherwise unassisted fertility. Additionally, the introduction of in vitro
fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has allowed
for further research on the role of varicocele repair as an adjunct to ART.
The presence of varicocele in an azoospermic patient may be causative or
coexistent with primary testicular failure and this has led to a disparate
management protocol especially with regards to surgical intervention.
It is important to understand the etiology of azoospermia and impaired
histology in a patient with clinical varicocele. A small flabby testes with
Maturation arrest or Sertoli cell only histology and azoospermia may
represent a coexistent pathology or irreversible state and may not benefit
from repair of varicocele.
These patients may not show significant benefit even to become
candidates for sperm retrieval (TESE) followed by ICSI. Approximately
413% of men with a palpable varicocele will present with azoospermia
or severe oligoasthenozoospermia. Matthews et al.52 first published a
study looking specifically at this population of men. The authors prospec
tively evaluated patients after microsurgical varicocelectomy and followed
for improvements in semen parameters as well as pregnancies. The majority
of the cohort was observed to have return of motile sperm to the ejaculate
postoperatively, 55% (12/22) of azoospermic men and 69% (35/51) of those

40 Male Infertility
with severe oligoasthenospermia. Mean total motile sperm count increased
from 0.08 0.02 106 to 7.2 2.3 106 illustrating the potential for men
to conceive a subsequent spontaneous pregnancy. Twenty-four (31%) conceived pregnancies, fifteen of which were unassisted. Additionally, testicular atrophy on initial examination had no prognostic value. A subsequent
study by Kim et al. noted return of motile sperm as well, but no spontaneous pregnancies.53
Varicocele repair led to spermatogenesis and presence of motile sperm in
ejaculate of 33% azoospermic men in one study. Fifty-five percent of these
men became progressively azoospermic within 1 year of the repair. The
study design has been questioned due to lack of a control arm. In another
study, 9.6% of men who underwent surgery had sperms which could be
used for ICSI.
It is suggested that surgery maybe attempted in azoospermic men with
normal-sized testes and large clinical varicoceles though results from
different studies has been variable.
Based on the studies by Kim et al., Kadioglu et al., Esteves et al., and
Lee et al., those with hypospermatogenesis and maturation arrest at later
stages are more likely to see return of motile sperm and pregnancies
Pasqualotto et al. and Lee et al. showed that patients are at risk for relapse
to azoospermia in the follow-up period and recommend cryopreservation
of postoperative samples containing motile sperm.
Pasqualotto et al.57 reviewed the records of 15 azoospermic men who
underwent testicular biopsy and microsurgical varicocelectomy for azo
ospermia. Forty-seven percent (7/15) men had return of sperm in their
ejaculate following surgery with one establishing a spontaneous pregnancy.
They noted that even a preoperative biopsy showing germ cell aplasia was
not a contraindication to surgery. However, the benefit was not sustained,
with five of the seven relapsing to azoospermia after 6 months.
In another retrospective review, Schelegel and Kaufmann reported return
of sperm to the ejaculate of 22% of 31 men who underwent microsurgical
varicocelectomy.58 However, only three had adequate motile sperm in the
ejaculate for ICSI, while the rest still required testicular sperm extraction
(TESE). The authors concluded that such men rarely have adequate sperm
in the ejaculate after varicocele repair and most still need TESE. Cakan and
Altug reported 13 infertile patients who had complete azoospermia and
clinical varicocele, and underwent inguinal varicocele repair. Induction
of spermatogenesis was achieved in 3 (23%) patients.59 None could father
a child spontaneously; nor did their sperm result in a successful ICSI.
Matthews et al. obtained motile sperm in the semen of 12 out of
22 azoospermic men following varicocele repair; there were three pregnan
cies (two unassisted and one following ICSI using ejaculated sperm). Only
patients whose testicular biopsies showed hypospermatogenesis had motile

Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?


sperm after surgery. This role of testicular biopsy in nonobstructive azoos

permic men has been reaffirmed in a meta-analysis by Elzanaty.60
The role of varicocelectomy in nonobstructive azoospermia is unresolved.
There are no well-defined predictors of success in this group of patients
and while surgery may result in spontaneous conception, this eventuality
is rare. Careful case selection (large varicocele, reasonable-sized testes and
absence of other causes of infertility) with adequate preoperative counseling
is mandatory before considering this option.
The management of children or adolescents with varicocele has remained
a contentious issue.6167
Current AUA guidelines recommend a conservative, nonsurgical approach
for an adolescent with varicocele, as early intervention has not shown to be
of any benefit.
The recommendations for early repair of varicoceles in children and
adolescents have been listed as follows:
Varicocele with a significantly small ipsilateral testis
Additional testicular conditions affecting fertility
Bilateral palpable varicoceles
Pathological sperm quality (older adolescents)
Supranormal response to GnRH stimulation test
Symptomatic varicocele.
It is AUA best practice policy to follow adolescents annually with testi
cular volume estimation and semen analysis (when possible).
Infertile men with varicoceles have benefitted significantly by the use
of ART methods to enable them to father children. Varicocele repair has
been postulated to downstage and improve the results of ART. Cayan et al.68
evaluated a cohort of 540 infertile men with clinical varicocele who
underwent microsurgical varicocelectomy. The total motile sperm counts
were evaluated for each patient preoperatively and postoperatively and the
patients were divided into four groups according to the type of assisted
reproductive technology for which they qualified: 01.5 million, ICSI; 1.55
million, IVF; 520 million, intrauterine insemination (IUI); 20 million or
greater, possibility of spontaneous pregnancy. These men were followed
>1 year postoperatively for alterations in semen quality and conception.
An overall spontaneous pregnancy rate of 36.6% was achieved after vari
cocelectomy with a mean time to conception of 7 months. Another 31%
who preoperatively were assessed as suitable for IVF or ICSI improved
enough to become candidates for IUI, while 42% of the IUI candidates
gained the potential for spontaneous pregnancy.
Surgery may also help improve the results of assisted reproduction
techniques. In a study of 58 patients with a varicocele, patients undergoing
varicocelectomy prior to IUI had higher pregnancy rates than those who
did not. The authors also noted that while there was no significant

42 Male Infertility
improvement in the semen parameters in the two groups, the improved
pregnancy rate may be an indicator of improved sperm function, a parameter
not evaluated on routine semen analysis.
Marmar et al. initially reported IUI as a possible treatment option for
men with history of a varicocele and refractory infertility. Of the 71 couples
who underwent 187 inseminations, only 6 achieved a pregnancy. Pregnancy
rates were observed to be much higher in a subsequent analysis by
Daitch et al. who studied whether varicocele repair improved chance of
success with IUI. They studied 58 couples with varicocele-associated infer
tility, 34 who previously underwent inguinal or subinguinal microsurgical
repair and 24 who chose not to undergo repair. Pregnancy rates per cycle
were noted to be 6.3% in the untreated group compared to 11.8% in those
who underwent surgical repair (p = 0.04). Odds of pregnancy were 4.4-fold
higher in the surgically treated group favoring varicocelectomy as a strategy
to improve chances of pregnancy with assisted means.6970
Several studies have examined effect of varicocele repair on various
semen analysis parameters in attempts to correlate varicocelectomy with
improved fertility. Unfortunately, these endpoint measurements are limited
and more functional endpoint measurements are difficult to assess.
A study by Ashkenazi et al.71 utilized patients who previously failed to
achieve pregnancy following IVF/ICSI, and attempted to attribute subse
quent pregnancy success with IVF/ICSI following varicocele repair to the
corrective surgery itself. However, it is impossible to attribute this success
to the repair procedure and potential improved sperm quality without a
more well-controlled study design. Additionally, other studies indicate
varicocele repair has no impact on rates of pregnancy following IVF/ICSI,
though it may decrease their pursuit of additional ART procedures. Whether
this is attributed to improved fertility or simply due to cost, ethical concerns
related to ART, or other factors is unknown.72
Three cost analyses have been published that both favor varicocele repair
as a more cost-effective strategy. Schlegel et al. and Meng et al. reported
decision analyses that favor varicocele repair over ART.73,74 Schlegel estima
ted cost per live delivery after varicocelectomy and after ICSI to be $26, 268
and $89,091, respectively. However, a subsequent analysis including only
men with nonobstructive azoospermia who would require microsurgical
TESE favored microTESE as the more cost-effective strategy to varicoce
lectomy in this subpopulation.75

The Male Infertility Best Practice Policy Committee of the American Uro
logical Society recommends that varicocele treatment should be offered
to the male partner of a couple attempting to conceive when all of the
following are present:

Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?


A varicocele is palpable.
The couple has documented infertility.
The female has normal fertility or potentially correctable infertility.
The male partner has one or more abnormal semen parameters or sperm
function test results.

In addition, adult men who have a palpable varicocele and abnormal

semen analyses findings but are not currently attempting to conceive should
also be offered varicocele repair. The indications for repairing varicoceles
in adolescents include the presence of significant testicular asymmetry
(>20%) demonstrated on serial examinations, testicular pain, and abnormal
semen analysis results. Young men with varicoceles but normal ipsilateral
testicular volume should be offered follow-up monitoring with annual
objective measurements of testicular volume, semen analyses, or both.
Contrary to the opinion offered by the Cochrane Database review, a
cost-analysis study by Schlegel showed the significant cost advantage of
varicocele repair over ICSI. In addition, varicocele repair had the potential
for improving the male factor, rather than using unknown sperm. Intra
cytoplasmic sperm injection also involves IVF, which carries some risk for
the female who donates surgically removed eggs.
Cayan et al.76 specifically evaluated rates of postoperative complications
and spontaneous pregnancies and excluded studies involving subclinical
varicoceles. After pooling the data from 4,473 men undergoing repair by
various techniques, pregnancy rates were compared and significant differe
nces were noted depending on the technique. The highest rates were seen
with the microsurgical technique, followed by nonmicrosurgical appro
aches. This method was also noted to have the least documented recur
rences, postoperative hydroceles, or other complications. Agarwal et al.
ducted a meta-analysis that included both randomized controlled
trials and observational studies in attempts to evaluate the data with more
focused attention on men with documented infertility, abnormal semen
analysis, and clinical varicoceles. While accepting their study was subject
to bias from the variability of semen data in sequential analyses, the authors
highlight the significant number of data that document a direct positive
relationship between improvements in semen parameters over time and
varicocele repair. Agarwal et al. illustrate significant improvements in
concentration, motility and morphology in studies evaluating high ligation
and microsurgery.7778

How to treat an infertile male with varicocele is one of the most debated
issues in the field of male infertility, specifically with regard to surgical
intervention. It is agreed that the surgical repair of varicocele should
include a very small group of infertile men. There are no fixed guidelines
for selecting the candidates fit for surgery.

44 Male Infertility
Varicoceles are relatively common in the adult male population in general
and the infertile male population in particular. In many, but not all, of these
infertile men it is can be the cause of their infertility. However, it is important
to exercise restraint and clinical judgment before advocating surgery for
these patients. Consensus guidelines advocate surgery only for infertile men
with clinically obvious varicoceles and persistent seminal abnormalities.
About 60% of the operated men will show good improvement in semen
parameters. Surgery should also be recommended in adolescent boys with
ipsilateral testicular atrophy so as to preserve future fertility. Among the
various modes of therapy, microsurgical ligation is the gold standard and
should be the procedure of choice. Since success is not guaranteed, and
there are no clear predictors of success, it is important to counsel patients
about possibility of no benefit after surgery, and discuss the alternative
option of assisted reproductive techniques.
Varicocele repair is a reasonable consideration as the primary treatment
option when a couple with documented infertility involves a male with a
palpable varicocele and suboptimal semen quality and female partner has
a normal evaluation. Bilateral repair is warranted when varicoceles are
noted on both sides, regardless of grade. However, approach to varicocele
treatment should be based on the physicians experience and the additional
options available. Assisted reproductive technologies may serve as a viable
adjunct or alternative to surgery to improve chances of pregnancy. With
improvements in ART laboratory technology, future research efforts are
warranted to delineate the benefit of varicocele repair in patients who will
require subsequent IVF/ICSI.
Certain additional factors that must be considered before deciding the
therapeutic approach of varicocele in infertile couples include:
The advanced age of the wife (older than 35 years) and high serum FSH
levels should drive the decision toward the ICSI solution rather than
repair of varicocele.
In case of chronic presence of varicocele and advanced male age, surgery
should be avoided.
Surgical repair of varicocele is recommended in case of secondary
male infertility. On the other hand, if the patient has primary infertility,
azoospermia, small testicular size, and high serum FSH levels, the
presence of varicocele should be ignored and surgery should be avoided
as it indicates a primary testicular failure.
The diagnosis of Sertoli cell only or early maturation arrest denotes
primary testicular failure. Thus, the presence of varicocele should be
ignored. On the contrary, the presence of mild or moderate hyposperma
togenesis can be attributed to varicocele in which case surgery can be a
reasonable therapeutic approach.

Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?


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Varicocele Surgery: Does It Help?


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52. Matthews GJ, Matthews ED, Goldstein M. Induction of spermatogenesis and
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48 Male Infertility
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improving semen parameters: new meta-analytical approach. Urology. 2007;


Surgical Management
of Azoospermia

Rupin Shah

With the introduction of microsurgical techniques for reconstructing cases
of obstructive azoospermia (OA), and the use of intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (ICSI) to directly achieve pregnancy in cases of both obstructive
and nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA), a large proportion of azoospermic
men can now father their own genetic child. The use of the correct surgical
procedure is critical in obtaining the best outcome. Since the techniques
of microsurgical reconstruction for OA and for sperm retrieval have been
extensively described,13 in this chapter, we focuses on the pros and cons
of each procedure, and discuss the optimal approach to sperm retrieval.
Operative procedures in azoospermia may be divided into:
Reconstructive procedures (for OA)
VEA: Vasoepididymal anastomosis
VVA: Vasovasal anastomosis
TURED: Transurethral resection of ejaculatory duct
Sperm retrieval procedures
Epididymal, percutaneous
w PESA: Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration
Epididymal, open
w MESA: Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration
Testicular, percutaneous
w TESA: Testicular sperm aspiration
w NAB: Needle aspiration biopsy
w TruCut needle Biopsy
Testicular, open
w Conventional open biopsy
w SST: Single seminiferous tubule biopsies
w mdTESE: Microdissection TESE

Surgical Management of Azoospermia


Vasoepididymal Anastomosis
VEA is performed for men with OA due to a block in the epididymis. Diag
nosis is based on:
Physical findings of a turgid epididymis and palpable normal vas
Absence of inguinal or pelvic surgery (to rule out vas obstruction)
Presence of fructose with normal semen volume (to rule out ejaculatory
duct block)
Normal spermatogenesis on testicular biopsy.
Several techniques have been described.4 The older, conventional nonmicrosurgical VEA has been given up due to poor success rates. The cur
rently preferred technique is a direct microsurgical anastomosis between a
side-hole created in the epididymal ductule and the mucosa of the vas using
10-0 nylon. Patency rates average 50% and vary depending on the extent of
epididymal damage and the etiology of the block. Half of those with a patent
anastomosis will achieve a natural pregnancy.
ICSI vs VEA: Is a patient with epididymal obstruction better off with VEA
or sperm aspiration and ICSI?
Advantages of VEA
Allows a natural pregnancy
Second pregnancy possible without treatment
Corrects the primary problem
Saves the wife from unnecessary treatment
Disadvantages of VEA
Needs special expertise in microsurgery
Can take 1 year for sperm to appear and even longer for pregnancy
to occur
High failure rate if there is extensive epididymal damage
Advantages of ICSI
Avoids need for a long, difficult surgical procedure
Much quicker results
Can be done when VEA has failed or has poor prognosis
More readily available than microsurgery
Disadvantages of ICSI
Places burden of therapy on normal female partner, with attendant
risks of hormonal stimulation and the IVF procedure
Needs to repeated for every pregnancy
More expensive than microsurgery
Not natural
Hence, VEA can be recommended when the couple is young and not in
a hurry, or if they are insistent on a natural pregnancy, or if cost is a factor.

66 Male Infertility
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is recommended if the couple is ageing
and there is no time to waste, or if the couple is in a hurry due to social
reasons, or they are not interested in surgery, or if surgery has failed.

Vasovasal Anastomosis
The commonest reason for VVA is reversal of vasectomy.5 In such cases,
success depends on whether there is a secondary epididymal block due
to back pressure from the vasectomy site. The longer the duration since
vasectomy the greater is the likelihood of a secondary epididymal block.
If there is no epididymal block the technical success of microsurgical
VVA6 is over 90%. Hence, if the female partner is relatively young then VVA
is more cost-effective than ICSI. If the female fertility is compromised then
ART is a better option.

Transurethral Section of Ejaculatory Duct

Transurethral resection of ejaculatory duct is indicated when there is ejacu
latory duct obstruction (EDO) with dilatation of the ejaculatory ducts (EjD).
This is usually due to an intraprostatic cyst compressing the ejaculatory
ducts. In such a case, the urologist can introduce a resectoscope and deroof
the cyst by cutting the floor of the urethra near the veru. Occasionally, the
block may be due to infection and the EjDs are individually dilated. Here
surgery is more difficult since deroofing has to be more precise and there
is a greater chance of restenosis.
However, EDO may also result from an infection (typically tuberculosis).
In such cases, the EjDs are fibrosed and do not dilate; TUR is not possible,
and sperm aspiration with ICSI is required.
This important distinction between cystic and fibrous EDO is made on the
basis of a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). In a man with azoospermia, low
volume, absent fructose, and palpable vasa, if TRUS shows dilated seminal
vesicles with intraprostatic dilatation of the EjD or an intraprostatic cyst then
this is a cystic obstruction amenable to TURED. If TRUS shows nondilated
EjDs and seminal vesicles this is indicative of a fibrous, nonoperable type
of block.


Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
Sperm can be retrieved from the epididymis only in cases of OA. It is not
indicated in men with NOA.
Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration is a simple procedure that
involves percutaneous puncture of the epididymis with a fine needle and

Surgical Management of Azoospermia


aspiration of epididymal fluid.7 One may use a 24 gauge scalp vein connec
ted to a syringe, or a tuberculin syringe with a 26 gauge needle (authors
preference). The aspiration must be performed from the proximal epididymis
(caput region) since in an obstructed system the distal sperm are old and
degenerating and the best sperm are the most recent ones that are found
in the caput.
Since the procedure is blind several punctures at different locations
on the head may be required to get adequate numbers of motile sperm.
Only motile epididymal sperm are used for ICSI since immotile epididymal
sperm may be dead sperm.
Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration is easy and inexpensive,
with no major complications, and can be repeated.8 Hence, it has generally
replaced the more complex MESA.

Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration

Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration is the original technique des
cribed for sperm retrieval from the epididymis.9 It involves open-surgical
exposure of the epididymis and mobilization of a loop of epididymal ductule
under magnification. The ductule in incised and the outpouring fluid is
aspirated and checked for sperm. Once the flow stops the ductular opening
is closed with microsutures. Multiple ductules can be opened at different
locations so as to retrieve a large number of sperm.
While MESA allows for retrieval of a large number of sperm, adequate
for many cycles of ICSI, it seems unnecessarily complex compared to PESA
that can provide enough sperm in most cases.

Testicular Sperm Aspiration

Testicular sperm aspiration is like a fine-needle aspiration cytology of testis.
A 24 gauge needle is attached to a syringe and suction is applied while
making several passes through the testis. The aspirate is examined for
sperm. FNAC of the testis has been used extensively both for diagnosis (to
distinguish between OA and NOA) and for therapy, as a method of sperm
retrieval. However, on both counts, it falls short.
Diagnostically, FNAC can be misleading because a few sperm may be
seen in the aspirate even in cases of NOA with focal spermatogenesis. Thus,
relying on FNAC to diagnose obstruction can lead to false explorations for
corrective microsurgery.
Therapeutically, the opposite is also true for FNAC, it may fail to retrieve
sperm in cases where there is only focal spermatogenesis. Several studies
have compared sperm retrieval by FNAC versus tissue biopsy and have
found fewer positive retrievals, and also fewer number of sperm retrieved.10,11

68 Male Infertility
Hence, FNAC is better replaced by a needle biopsy that is equally non
invasive but more useful as described below.

Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Testis

Needle aspiration biopsy differs from FNAC in that a larger bore scalp vein
needle (18 gauge) is used. Suction is applied with a 10- or 20-mL syringe
and the needle is passed in and out only in one direction, so that what is
aspirated is not just fluid but a large chunk of testicular tissue containing
many seminiferous tubules.12 In fact, often the amount of tissue that is
recovered by NAB may be more than traditionally removed by an open
Diagnostically, NAB is equivalent to an open conventional biopsy because
it provides tissue for histopathological examination, and when a four-quad
rant NAB is performed it gives much more information than a single-open
biopsy, while being less invasive or painful.
Therapeutically, NAB is far more efficient that FNAC in retrieving sperm
since large amounts of tissue are available for processing. In fact, we find
that doing a simple four-quadrant NAB in men with NOA is often sufficient
to retrieve sperm and avoids the need for the more invasive open micro
surgical sperm retrieval procedures.

TruCut Needle Biopsy of the Testis

Commercial needle biopsy systems may also be used to obtain testicular
biopsy percutaneously,13 but their cutting action makes them more traumatic
than the NAB procedure with a scalp vein needle.

Conventional Open Biopsy

This is the traditional method of obtaining a testicular biopsy through a
small incision in the skin and tunica. Performed correctly it is a simple
and safe method of obtaining one or two diagnostic/therapeutic biopsies.
However, in most cases the same tissue can usually be obtained by the NAB
procedure that is less invasive. Hence, the author reserves diagnostic open
biopsy for those cases where NAB fails due to fibrosis.
The conventional open biopsy has limited use for therapeutic sperm
retrieval in men with testicular failure since, in these cases, often multiple
biopsies are needed to find sperm. Each open biopsy can cause some degree
of permanent testicular devascularization.14,15 If sperm are retrieved within
a couple of biopsies then no harm is done, but for a more extensive search
the microsurgical techniques described below are more efficient and less
harmful than multiple conventional open biopsies.

Surgical Management of Azoospermia


Single Seminiferous Tubule Biopsy Technique

This is an open microsurgical procedure that allows extensive sampling of
the testis without the need for an incision in the tunica and with no risk of
devascularization of testicular tissue.16
After exposure of the testis, an avascular area of the tunica is punctured
with a fine needle. The opening is widened with the prong of a microforceps
till a loop of seminiferous tubule pops out. This is grasped and pulled out
and inspected under the operating microscope. If it appears promising then
more tubule is extracted. If not, then another puncture is made a centimeter
away and the procedure repeated. In this manner, the entire testicular
surface can be mapped with 1220 seminiferous tubule biopsies. The small
punctures do not need any suturing and since no vessels are cut there is
no damage to the testis. The SST technique is useful for sperm retrieval in
men with testicular failure since it allows for extensive sampling while being
less traumatic than mdTESE.
It may not be successful in very small or fibrotic testis in which no tissue
protrudes through the puncture. In such cases, mdTESE is more useful.

Microdissection TESE
The testis is exposed and the tunica is incised along the circumference result
ing in bivalving of the testis. The parenchyma is dissected and inspected
under an operating microscope, looking for fat tubules that are more likely
to contain sperm; these are biopsied. Thus, the entire testis is sampled with
a large number of biopsies while removing only a small amount of tissue
in total.17,18
Microdissection TESE offers the most thorough method for finding rare
sperm in a case of testicular failure.19 However, it is invasive and needs
special training. There is risk of hematoma, infection and, rarely, atrophy if
care is not taken to preserve vascularity.

Choice of Sperm Retrieval Technique

The technique to be used will depend on whether the man has OA or NOA.
In men in whom the distinction between OA and NOA is not clini
cally obvious, a diagnostic biopsy will be required. This should not only
differentiate between OA and NOA, but also, in cases of NOA, identify
whether focal spermatogenesis is present, and also obtain sperm for cry
opreservation. Hence, for diagnosis, the single-open biopsy should be
replaced by a four-quadrant NAB from both sides. One specimen would
be sent for histopathology, while the rest go to the IVF laboratory for sperm
retrieval, and cryopreservation if sperm are found. If no sperm are found in
any of the eight biopsies then the patient can be counseled that the chances
of finding sperm by mdTESE are <10%.

70 Male Infertility
For sperm retrieval in men with OA PESA is the technique of choice,
offering a simple, painless method for retrieving a good number of motile
sperm. When PESA is unsuccessful NAB or MESA can be done. In men with
OA pregnancy rates are the same whether epididymal or testicular sperm
are used.
In men with clinically obvious testicular failure, the author recommends
a staged approach in one session. This is based on the finding that even
in testicular failure, in the majority of cases where sperm are found these
are in the first few biopsies,20 but the occasional case will require a large
number of biopsies. Start with four-quadrant NAB. If sperm are retrieved
further invasive procedures can be avoided. If no sperm are retrieved then
the testis is exposed and mapped by 18 SST biopsies. If still no sperm are
found the procedure is extended into an mdTESE. If no sperm are found
then the procedure is repeated on the opposite side.
With such a staged approach it will be possible to avoid the more aggres
sive open techniques in many men in whom sperm will be found by a sim
ple (needle) biopsy.21 At the same time, if sperm are not found by simpler
methods the patient gets the benefit of the most effective method of sperm
retrieval. The best chance is at the first attempt with higher transfer rates
when fresh sperm are used;22,23 hence, one should be prepared to offer all
methods at the same session.

There have been many advances in the surgery for azoospermia, both in
reconstructive procedures and in sperm retrieval techniques. Microsurgery
plays an important role in optimizing results; choosing the right technique
for sperm retrieval is very important.

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