Sepsis Screen Treatment Algorithm

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Publication Year: 2013
The development and implementation of a
nursing driven sepsis screening protocol and
treatment algorithm.

Hospital: Baylor University Medical Center

A: Arrival
B: Bed Placement
C: Clinician Initial Evaluation &
E: Exit from the ED
Key Words:

Hospital Metrics:
Annual ED Volume: 117,571
Hospital Beds: 1,065
Ownership: Baylor Healthcare System,
Trauma Level: 1
Teaching Status: Yes

Location: Dallas, Texas

Contact: John S Garrett, Associate Medical
Director, Department of Emergency Medicine
[email protected]

Tools Provided:
BHCS Adult Sepsis Screen & Treatment Algorithm
Tools Provided:
Hahnemann University Hospital
Clinical Areas Affected:
Triage Plan

Emergency Department

Copyright 20022013 Urgent Matters

Staff Involved:

ED Staff

Severe sepsis and septic shock are major drivers of in-hospital mortality, with rates that are over 8 times higher than
those associated with other inpatient admissions. When coupled with an apparent rise in incidence: hospital admission
rates for severe sepsis and septic shock doubled between 2000 and 2008, sepsis is projected to be a growing source of
mortality, morbidity, and healthcare cost within the United States. This data is especially pertinent to Emergency
Departments (ED): effective treatments for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock are time-sensitive whereby early
recognition and treatment significantly impacts mortality.
Based upon growing evidence that rapid recognition and aggressive treatment significantly improves outcomes, the
Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) recently released updated guidelines detailing a standard operating procedure for early
risk stratification and management of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. These guidelines have been
endorsed by the National Quality Forum (NQF). More specifically, these guidelines describe a 3 hour and 6 hour bundles
of care to be completed in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. In patients admitted to the ED with evidence of
sepsis, the 3 hour bundle includes four aspects of patient care that occur within the first 3 hours following triage in the
ED. These include the institution of aggressive screening for occult severe sepsis with serum lactates, obtaining blood
cultures prior to antibiotic administration, the administration of broad spectrum antibiotics, and completion of a
30ml/kg crystalloid bolus. Those patients who fail to respond to the 3 hour bundle or have serum lactate of greater than
4 mg/gL are eligible for the 6 hour bundle. Importantly, multiple studies have demonstrated that a delay in the
administration of effective antibiotics is associated with increased mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic
shock. More telling perhaps is a reported 7.6% increase in mortality for every hour delay in antibiotic administration
following initial hypotension in patients with septic shock. Based upon this literature, the SSC suggests that broadspectrum antibiotic administration should occur as soon as possible following the diagnosis of severe sepsis. Rapid
identification of these patients in a busy ED is very difficult. Additionally, several events must occur, often in serial order,
prior to the administration of antibiotics.
Sepsis has long been noted to be a major driver of inpatient mortality within our institution. As such, it has been the
focus of a continual quality improvement (CQI) project for the past 3 years at Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC).
These CQI projects led to several improvements. One of these was the development of a hospital wide sepsis
notification aimed at expediting the septic patients from the ED to the Intensive Care Unit. Additionally, this pulled
Intensive Care nursing resources to the ED to help with patient care. These interventions dramatically improved ED
disposition to ICU times, reducing this timeframe by almost 60% (374 minutes to 151 minutes). Additionally a sepsis
screen based upon SIRS criteria was added to the initial triage forms completed by the triage nurse. A positive screen
prompted the triage nurse to contact an EM physician for further instructions.
Our Emergency Department set out to develop a nursing driven sepsis screening protocol and treatment algorithm
whereby patients at risk for severe sepsis and septic shock would be rapidly identified in triage. A positive screen then
triggers a multidisciplinary response involving ED nursing and technicians, radiology technicians, respiratory therapy,
pharmacists, and Emergency Medicine physicians. The goal of this response was to perform the necessary tasks to:
Initiate broad spectrum antibiotics within 2 hours of triage
Complete the remainder of the 3 hour bundle of care as described by the NQF and SSC.
Triage was defined at the time that first vital are entered into the chart. In the Baylor University Medical Center ED this
occurs within 2-3 minutes of patient arrival as pulse rate and oxygen saturation are measured and recorded at the time
chief complaint is collected.
Despite these improvements, no impact was made on improving processes that would impact patient morbidity and
mortality. Timeframes associated with triage to lactate result, triage to administration of antibiotics, and triage to
completion of initial crystalloid bolus were essentially unchanged between July of 2009 and February of 2013.We
recognized several major impediments in reaching our goal of triage to antibiotics within 2 hours and successful
completion of the 3 hour bundle. In 2012, the ED at BUMC had an annual census of 117,571 patients. BUMC is a level 1

Copyright 20022013 Urgent Matters

trauma center and flagship hospital for the Baylor Healthcare System. It also serves as a training center for multiple
levels of Emergency Medicine (EM) practitioners: we host a 1 month rotation for a local EM residency, are the training
campus for a midlevel practitioner EM internship, and have rotating non-EM interns from other service lines within the
hospital. As such protocol education and protocol mastery in our group or transient residents and mid-level providers is
difficult. Additionally the average door to bed placement time at BUMC is 46 minutes. On average this left 74 minutes
for provider evaluation, order entry, IV start, blood culture collection from two sites, lactate processing and resulting,
antibiotic preparation, and antibiotic administration. Oftentimes these steps occurred in the setting of ongoing patient
Innovation Implementation
The team responsible for the development and implementation of the sepsis screen and treatment algorithm was a
multidisciplinary group of ED nurses, EM physicians, and ED staff. With support of ED leadership, the primary team
consisted of two ED nurse champions (Scott Garvin RN & Lisa Ball RN), ED nursing informatics (Millie Early RN), and EM
physician champions (John Garrett MD & Matthew Muller MD). Each team member was instrumental and cooperatively
involved in each aspect of the design, implementation, and ongoing education required for successful deployment of the
Given the limitations of our ED size and patient volume, we recognized that the delays associated with waiting for a
provider to trigger a sepsis screening labs prevented rapid recognition and treatment of patients with occult severe
sepsis and septic shock. As such a team comprised of representatives from ED nursing, Emergency Medicine, and the
BUMC pharmacy met to develop a nursing based triage sepsis screen and protocol (Appendix 1: BHCS Adult Sepsis
Screen & Treatment Algorithm). It was quickly realized that the triage nurse played a critical role in the early
recognition and screening of septic patients. We had seen marked success in rapid mobilization of resources when the
triage nurse is empowered to start workups and initiate treatment. This had become standard care at BUMC when
identifying patients with STEMI, acute stroke, and trauma. We hoped that by coupling the existing sepsis screen with a
nursing protocol that facilitated rapid treatment, we would remove the delays inherent in waiting for the provider's
evaluation. Throughout this process the sepsis screen itself remained essentially unchanged. A positive screen was
considered when two SIRS criteria existed in the setting of suspected infection, which the triage nurse would identify
through a list of potential sources. The definition of SIRS was expanded to include high risk patients such as hypotension
upon arrival. (Appendix 1) After linking the positive screen to a sepsis screening protocol the nurse triggered a process

Page an ED technician to draw labs and a blood culture, and then transport the sample to the lab;
Order a sepsis screening bundle containing a serum lactate, complete metabolic panel, and complete blood
count with differential; and
Expedited processing within the ED laboratory. In the event that a bed was immediately available, this process
was completed at the bedside prior to provider evaluation.

In the event that no ED bed was available, this occurred in the triage area of the ED. Results from the screen were then
called to the triage nurse. As noted in the Sepsis Algorithm (Appendix 1), if the serum lactate was abnormal (>2 mg/dL)
or the patient needed immediate resuscitation, the triage nurse was to immediately bed the patient, start fluid
resuscitation, and trigger a multidisciplinary team comprised of the ED supervisor, an ED nurse, ED technician,
Respiratory therapy, and ED pharmacist. The EM physician would be notified of the patient while each team member
was assigned a specific task during the resuscitation. ED pharmacist was asked to pull, prepare, and bring a normal saline
bolus and broad-spectrum antibiotics for an unknown source of infection to the patient's bedside. The ED technician was
asked to pull blood cultures, label samples, and obtain EKGs. ED nurses were asked to start IV and hang medications
provided by the ED pharmacist while the ED supervisor was responsible for charting interventions. To improve
compliance and standardization, order sets were built into our electronic health record (HER) to allow single-click, easy
to use, standardized order entry for sepsis screening. After implementation of the protocol and algorithm a robust
education program was initiated. In order to provide real-time feedback and impact nurse and provider practice

Copyright 20022013 Urgent Matters

patterns, a nurse and physician sepsis champion reviewed each sepsis case within 48-72 hours. Utilizing a standardized
form, they provided real time feedback on metrics and delays. Additionally, providers and nurses were asked to provide
feedback to further improve the process.
January 2013: Development of our sepsis screening protocol and treatment algorithm occurred during the month of
January 2013. As noted previously, a sepsis screen was in place at the time this new process was being developed;
however this screen required physician oversight. As ED nursing would be triggering the screen staff education was
required. ED staff education occurred continuously during February of 2013. February 22nd 2013: Phase I: The new
sepsis screening process and EHR support was launched. After the launch of our nursing driven sepsis screen, continual
staff education and feedback was provided to ED nursing staff and physicians. April 28th of 2013: Phase II: The EHR was
further augmented to include "one-click" ordering for sepsis resuscitation and antibiotics. At this time education efforts
were re-initiated to include EHR education and provide case specific and provider specific feedback.
Upon initiation of the nursing driven sepsis screening protocol and treatment algorithm, we saw an immediate
improvement in our metrics. With augmentation of the EHR we again saw a rapid improvement in these metrics. In
those patients who were discharged from the hospital with discharge diagnosis codes of 995.92 or 785.52 and had either
a lactate of >4 or systolic BP of < 90 mmHg documented in the ED we saw the following:
Median triage to antibiotic administration time dropped 48% (Figure 1)
Baseline: 153 minutes
Phase I: 125 minutes
Phase II: 80 minutes
The percent of patients who received antibiotics within 2 hours of triage increased 211% (Figure 1)
Baseline of 35%
Phase I: 61%
Phase II: 74%
The percent of patients who received antibiotics within 3 hours of triage increased 39% (Figure 1)
Baseline: 66%
Phase I: 79%
Phase II: 92%
The percent of patients who completed the 30ml/kg fluid bolus within 3 hours of triage increased 35% (Figure 2)
Baseline: 63%
Phase I: 68%
Phase II: 85
The percent of patients who completed the 30ml/kg fluid bolus within 3 hours of triage increased 35% (Figure 2)
Baseline: 53%
Phase I: 67%
Phase II: 81%)
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Though specific cost savings associated with this innovation are not available, the anticipated significant improvement in
patient morbidity and mortality is projected to lead to reductions in health care resource consumption. As described by
Rivers et al, rapid recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock has been shown to reduce
absolute and relative mortality by 16 and 30% respectively. In light of the projected increase in annual sepsis related

Copyright 20022013 Urgent Matters

hospital stays due to our aging population and the significant cost associated short and long term care, sepsis is
projected to represent a significant burden on Medicare and Medicaid resources. As cited in the NQF 0500 document,
interventions that lead to improved sepsis care "lead to significant reduction in morbidity, mortality, and health care
resource consumption. Given the impact of the intervention, the costs associated with the development and
implementation of the sepsis screening protocol and treatment algorithm was minimal. These primarily focused around
personnel time required to design the protocol and then again to review individual cases and provide feedback to
providers. At BUMC our annual census provides an average of 10 cases of severe sepsis or septic shock per week. Chart
review, abstraction, and provider feedback represents a total workload of approximately 4-5 hours per week or 20-30
minutes per case.
Advice and Lessons Learned
Following the initial success of the BUMC sepsis screening algorithm, the same process was implemented at 9 EDs of
other hospitals in the Baylor Healthcare system. The size and inpatient resources available to each facility varied
significantly. Despite these limitations, we have seen similar improvement in all sites. The most important lesson we
have learned during this process is the importance of the multidisciplinary team. Successful development and
implementation of the sepsis screening and treatment algorithm was dependent upon participation of ED nursing,
technician, and EM providers. Second, we noticed that the implementation of the sepsis screening and treatment
algorithm results in a marked increase in the number of serum lactates that were ordered, drawn, and sent in our ED.
Special handling was required to compensate and expedite these specific tests within our ED. Finally, it seemed that EM
provider and ED nursing education and feedback was an essential component of our intervention. This alone represents
the single greatest labor intensive aspect of our implementation.
The sepsis screening and treatment algorithm has been in place at BUMC for approximately 5 months, we are continuing
to see improvement in all of our metrics. In order to sustain these levels we will continue to provide feedback to our
nurses and providers of individual case data. We have also started to share the aggregate data from the preceding week
during nursing shift huddles. This has helped to distribution the knowledge and experience gained to the staff as a
Tools to Download
BHCS Adult Sepsis Screen & Treatment Algorithm
Related Resources
Triage to Antibiotic Compliance by Hour (Figure 1)
Triage to Fluid Complete Compliance & Bundle Complete (Figure 2)
Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines

Copyright 20022013 Urgent Matters

Baylor University Medical Center

Emergency Department
Triage to An:bio:c (% Compliance)
% Door to ABX < 3 hrs

% Door to ABX < 2 hrs

% Door to ABX < 1 hr




















































Baylor University Medical Center

Emergency Department
Triage to Fluid Complete (% Compliance)
% Successful 3 Hour Bundle Complete























% Door to Fluid Complete < 3 hrs

% 3 hour Bundle Compliance











Special Articles

Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International

Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis
and Septic Shock: 2012
R. Phillip Dellinger, MD1; Mitchell M. Levy, MD2; Andrew Rhodes, MB BS3; Djillali Annane, MD4;
Herwig Gerlach, MD, PhD5; Steven M. Opal, MD6; Jonathan E. Sevransky, MD7; Charles L. Sprung, MD8;
Ivor S. Douglas, MD9; Roman Jaeschke, MD10; Tiffany M. Osborn, MD, MPH11; Mark E. Nunnally, MD12;
Sean R. Townsend, MD13; Konrad Reinhart, MD14; Ruth M. Kleinpell, PhD, RN-CS15;
Derek C. Angus, MD, MPH16; Clifford S. Deutschman, MD, MS17; Flavia R. Machado, MD, PhD18;
Gordon D. Rubenfeld, MD19; Steven A. Webb, MB BS, PhD20; Richard J. Beale, MB BS21;
Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD22; Rui Moreno, MD, PhD23; and the Surviving Sepsis Campaign
Guidelines Committee including the Pediatric Subgroup*

Objective: To provide an update to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic
Shock, last published in 2008.
Design: A consensus committee of 68 international experts representing 30 international organizations was convened. Nominal
groups were assembled at key international meetings (for those
committee members attending the conference). A formal conflict of interest policy was developed at the onset of the process
and enforced throughout. The entire guidelines process was
conducted independent of any industry funding. A stand-alone
meeting was held for all subgroup heads, co- and vice-chairs,
and selected individuals. Teleconferences and electronic-based
discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee
served as an integral part of the development.

Methods: The authors were advised to follow the principles of the

Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and
Evaluation (GRADE) system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) and to determine the strength
of recommendations as strong (1) or weak (2). The potential drawbacks of making strong recommendations in the presence of lowquality evidence were emphasized. Some recommendations were
ungraded (UG). Recommendations were classified into three
groups: 1) those directly targeting severe sepsis; 2) those targeting
general care of the critically ill patient and considered high priority in
severe sepsis; and 3) pediatric considerations.
Results: Key recommendations and suggestions, listed by category, include: early quantitative resuscitation of the septic
patient during the first 6 hrs after recognition (1C); blood cultures

Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey.

Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode
St. Georges Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
Hpital Raymond Poincar, Garches, France.
Vivantes-Klinikum Neuklln, Berlin, Germany.
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado.
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri.
University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois.
California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, California.
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany.
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois.
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia.

Guys and St. Thomas Hospital Trust, London, United Kingdom.
Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium.
UCINC, Hospital de So Jos, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central,
E.P.E., Lisbon, Portugal.
* Members of the 2012 SSC Guidelines Committee and Pediatric Subgroup are listed in Appendix A at the end of this article.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this on the journals Web site (
Complete author and committee disclosures are listed in Supplemental
Digital Content 1 (
This article is being simultaneously published in Critical Care Medicine
and Intensive Care Medicine.
For additional information regarding this article, contact R.P. Dellinger
([email protected]).
Copyright 2013 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31827e83af




February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article
before antibiotic therapy (1C); imaging studies performed
promptly to confirm a potential source of infection (UG); administration of broad-spectrum antimicrobials therapy within 1 hr of
recognition of septic shock (1B) and severe sepsis without septic shock (1C) as the goal of therapy; reassessment of antimicrobial therapy daily for de-escalation, when appropriate (1B);
infection source control with attention to the balance of risks and
benefits of the chosen method within 12 hrs of diagnosis (1C);
initial fluid resuscitation with crystalloid (1B) and consideration
of the addition of albumin in patients who continue to require
substantial amounts of crystalloid to maintain adequate mean
arterial pressure (2C) and the avoidance of hetastarch formulations (1C); initial fluid challenge in patients with sepsis-induced
tissue hypoperfusion and suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve a
minimum of 30mL/kg of crystalloids (more rapid administration
and greater amounts of fluid may be needed in some patients)
(1C); fluid challenge technique continued as long as hemodynamic improvement, as based on either dynamic or static variables (UG); norepinephrine as the first-choice vasopressor to
maintain mean arterial pressure 65mm Hg (1B); epinephrine
when an additional agent is needed to maintain adequate blood
pressure (2B); vasopressin (0.03 U/min) can be added to norepinephrine to either raise mean arterial pressure to target or
to decrease norepinephrine dose but should not be used as
the initial vasopressor (UG); dopamine is not recommended
except in highly selected circumstances (2C); dobutamine
infusion administered or added to vasopressor in the presence
of a) myocardial dysfunction as suggested by elevated cardiac
filling pressures and low cardiac output, or b) ongoing signs
of hypoperfusion despite achieving adequate intravascular volume and adequate mean arterial pressure (1C); avoiding use
of intravenous hydrocortisone in adult septic shock patients if
adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy are able
to restore hemodynamic stability (2C); hemoglobin target of
79g/dL in the absence of tissue hypoperfusion, ischemic
coronary artery disease, or acute hemorrhage (1B); low tidal
volume (1A) and limitation of inspiratory plateau pressure (1B)
for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); application of
at least a minimal amount of positive end-expiratory pressure
(PEEP) in ARDS (1B); higher rather than lower level of PEEP
for patients with sepsis-induced moderate or severe ARDS
(2C); recruitment maneuvers in sepsis patients with severe
refractory hypoxemia due to ARDS (2C); prone positioning in
sepsis-induced ARDS patients with a Pao2/Fio2 ratio of 100
mm Hg in facilities that have experience with such practices
(2C); head-of-bed elevation in mechanically ventilated patients

unless contraindicated (1B); a conservative fluid strategy for

patients with established ARDS who do not have evidence of
tissue hypoperfusion (1C); protocols for weaning and sedation (1A); minimizing use of either intermittent bolus sedation
or continuous infusion sedation targeting specific titration
endpoints (1B); avoidance of neuromuscular blockers if possible in the septic patient without ARDS (1C); a short course
of neuromuscular blocker (no longer than 48 hrs) for patients
with early ARDS and a Pao2/Fio2 < 150 mm Hg (2C); a protocolized approach to blood glucose management commencing
insulin dosing when two consecutive blood glucose levels are
> 180mg/dL, targeting an upper blood glucose 180mg/dL
(1A); equivalency of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration or
intermittent hemodialysis (2B); prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis (1B); use of stress ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper
gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with bleeding risk factors
(1B); oral or enteral (if necessary) feedings, as tolerated, rather
than either complete fasting or provision of only intravenous
glucose within the first 48 hrs after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock (2C); and addressing goals of care, including
treatment plans and end-of-life planning (as appropriate) (1B),
as early as feasible, but within 72 hrs of intensive care unit
admission (2C). Recommendations specific to pediatric severe
sepsis include: therapy with face mask oxygen, high flow nasal
cannula oxygen, or nasopharyngeal continuous PEEP in the
presence of respiratory distress and hypoxemia (2C), use of
physical examination therapeutic endpoints such as capillary
refill (2C); for septic shock associated with hypovolemia, the
use of crystalloids or albumin to deliver a bolus of 20mL/kg
of crystalloids (or albumin equivalent) over 5 to 10 mins (2C);
more common use of inotropes and vasodilators for low cardiac
output septic shock associated with elevated systemic vascular
resistance (2C); and use of hydrocortisone only in children with
suspected or proven absolute adrenal insufficiency (2C).
Conclusions: Strong agreement existed among a large cohort
of international experts regarding many level 1 recommendations for the best care of patients with severe sepsis. Although
a significant number of aspects of care have relatively weak
support, evidence-based recommendations regarding the
acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the foundation of improved outcomes for this important group of critically
ill patients. (Crit Care Med 2013; 41:580637)
Key Words: evidence-based medicine; Grading of Recommendations
Assessment, Development and Evaluation criteria; guidelines;
infection; sepsis; sepsis bundles; sepsis syndrome; septic shock;
severe sepsis; Surviving Sepsis Campaign

Sponsoring organizations: American Association of Critical-Care

Nurses, American College of Chest Physicians, American College
of Emergency Physicians, American Thoracic Society, Asia Pacific
Association of Critical Care Medicine, Australian and New Zealand
Intensive Care Society, Brazilian Society of Critical Care, Canadian
Critical Care Society, Chinese Society of Critical Care Medicine,
Chinese Society of Critical Care MedicineChina Medical Association,
Emirates Intensive Care Society, European Respiratory Society,
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, European Society of
Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, Infectious Diseases Society of

America, Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, International Pan

Arabian Critical Care Medicine Society, Japanese Association for Acute
Medicine, Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Pediatric Acute
Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators, Society for Academic Emergency
Medicine, Society of Critical Care Medicine, Society of Hospital
Medicine, Surgical Infection Society, World Federation of Critical
Care Nurses, World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care
Societies; World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care
Medicine. Participation and endorsement: The German Sepsis Society
and the Latin American Sepsis Institute.

Critical Care Medicine


Dellinger et al
Dr. Dellinger consulted for Biotest (immunoglobulin concentrate available in
Europe for potential use in sepsis) and AstraZeneca (anti-TNF compound
unsuccessful in recently completed sepsis clinical trial); his institution received
consulting income from IKARIA for new product development (IKARIA has
inhaled nitric oxide available for off-label use in ARDS) and grant support from
Spectral Diagnostics Inc (current endotoxin removal clinical trial), Ferring (vasopressin analog clinical trial-ongoing); as well as serving on speakers bureau for
Eisai (anti-endotoxin compound that failed to show benefit in clinical trial).
Dr. Levy received grant support from Eisai (Ocean State Clinical Coordinating Center to fund clinical trial [$500K]), he received honoraria from Eli
Lilly (lectures in India $8,000), and he has been involved with the Surviving
Sepsis Campaign guideline from its beginning.
Dr. Rhodes consulted for Eli Lilly with monetary compensation paid to himself as well as his institution (Steering Committee for the PROWESS Shock
trial) and LiDCO; travel/accommodation reimbursement was received from
Eli Lilly and LiDCO; he received income for participation in review activities
such as data monitoring boards, statistical analysis from Orion, and for Eli
Lilly; he is an author on manuscripts describing early goal-directed therapy,
and believes in the concept of minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring.
Dr. Annane participated on the Fresenius Kabi International Advisory Board
(honorarium 2000). His nonfinancial disclosures include being the principal investigator of a completed investigator-led multicenter randomized controlled trial assessing the early guided benefit to risk of NIRS tissue oxygen
saturation; he was the principal investigator of an investigator-led randomized
controlled trial of epinephrine vs norepinephrine (CATS study)Lancet 2007;
he also is the principle investigator of an ongoing investigator-led multinational randomized controlled trial of crystalloids vs colloids (Crystal Study).
Dr. Gerlach has disclosed that he has no potential conflicts of interest;
he is an author of a review on the use of activated protein C in surgical
patients (published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 2009).
Dr. Opal consulted for Genzyme Transgenics (consultant on transgenic antithrombin $1,000), Pfizer (consultant on TLR4 inhibitor project
$3,000), British Therapeutics (consultant on polyclonal antibody project
$1,000), and Biotest A (consultant on immunoglobul project $2,000).
His institution received grant support from Novartis (Clinical Coordinating Center to assist in patient enrollment in a phase III trial with the use
of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor [TFPI] in severe community acquired
pneumonia [SCAP] $30,000 for 2 years), Eisai ($30,000 for 3 years),
Astra Zeneca ($30,000 for 1 year), Aggenix ($30,000 for 1 year), Inimex
($10,000), Eisai ($10,000), Atoxbio ($10,000), Wyeth ($20,000), Sirtris
(preclinical research $50,000), and Cellular Bioengineering Inc. ($500).
He received honoraria from Novartis (clinical evaluation committee TFPI
study for SCAP $20,000) and Eisai ($25,000). He received travel/accommodations reimbursed from Sangart (data and safety monitoring $2,000),
Spectral Diagnostics (data and safety monitoring $2,000), Takeda (data
and safety monitoring $2,000) and Canadian trials group ROS II oseltamivir study (data and safety monitoring board (no money). He is also on the
Data Safety Monitoring Board for Tetraphase (received US $600 in 2012).
Dr. Sevransky received grant support to his institution from Sirius Genomics Inc; he consulted for Idaho Technology ($1,500); he is the co-principal
investigator of a multicenter study evaluating the association between
intensive care unit organizational and structural factors, including protocols and in-patient mortality. He maintains that protocols serve as useful
reminders to busy clinicians to consider certain therapies in patients with
sepsis or other life-threatening illness.
Dr. Sprung received grants paid to his institution from Artisan Pharma
($25,000$50,000), Eisai, Corp ($1,000$5,000 ACCESS), Ferring
Pharmaceuticals A/S ($5,000$10,000), Hutchinson Technology Incorporated ($1,000$5,000), Novartis Corp (less than $1,000). His institution
receives grant support for patients enrolled in clinical studies from Eisai Corporation (PI. Patients enrolled in the ACCESS study $50,000$100,000),
Takeda (PI. Study terminated before patients enrolled). He received grants
paid to his institution and consulting income from Artisan Pharma/Asahi
Kasei Pharma America Corp ($25,000$50,000). He consulted for Eli
Lilly (Sabbatical Consulting fee $10,000$25,000) and received honoraria
from Eli Lilly (lecture $1,000$5,000). He is a member of the Australia and
New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group for the NICESUGAR Study (no money received); he is a council member of the International Sepsis Forum (as of Oct. 2010); he has held long time research
interests in steroids in sepsis, PI of Corticus study, end-of-life decision making and PI of Ethicus, Ethicatt, and Welpicus studies.


Dr. Douglas received grants paid to his institution from Eli Lilly (PROWESS
Shock site), Eisai (study site), National Institutes of Health (ARDS Network),
Accelr8 (VAP diagnostics), CCCTG (Oscillate Study), and Hospira (Dexmedetomidine in Alcohol Withdrawal RCT). His institution received an honorarium from the Society of Critical Care Medicine (Paragon ICU Improvement);
he consulted for Eli Lilly (PROWESS Shock SC and Sepsis Genomics
Study) in accordance with institutional policy; he received payment for providing expert testimony (Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP); travel/accommodations reimbursed by Eli Lilly and Company (PROWESS Shock Steering
Committee) and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (Hospital Quality Alliance, Washington DC, four times per year 20092011); he received honoraria from Covidien (non-CME lecture 2010, US$500) and the University
of Minnesota Center for Excellence in Critical Care CME program (2009,
2010); he has a pending patent for a bed backrest elevation monitor.
Dr. Jaeschke has disclosed that he has no potential conflicts of interest.
Dr. Osborn consulted for Sui Generis Health ($200). Her institution
receives grant support from the National Institutes of Health Research,
Health Technology Assessment Programme-United Kingdom (trial doctor for sepsis-related RCT). Salary paid through the NIHR government
funded (nonindustry) grant. Grant awarded to chief investigator from
ICNARC. She is a trial clinician for ProMISe.
Dr. Nunnally received a stipend for a chapter on diabetes mellitus; he is an
author of editorials contesting classic tight glucose control.
Dr. Townsend is an advocate for healthcare quality improvement.
Dr. Reinhart consulted for EISAI (Steering Committee memberless then
US $10,000); BRAHMS Diagnostics (less than US $10,000); and SIRSLab Jena (founding member, less than US $10,000). He received honoraria for lectures including service on the speakers bureau from Biosyn
Germany (less than 10,000) and Braun Melsungen (less than 10,000).
He received royalties from Edwards Life Sciences for sales of central
venous oxygen catheters (~$100,000).
Dr. Kleinpell received monetary compensation for providing expert testimony
(four depositions and one trial in the past year). Her institution receives
grants from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Prince
Foundation (4-year R01 grant, PI and 3-year foundation grant, Co-l). She
received honoraria from the Cleveland Clinic and the American Association
of Critical Care Nurses for keynote speeches at conferences; she received
royalties from McGraw Hill (co-editor of critical care review book); travel/
accommodations reimbursed from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Society of Critical Care Medicine, and American Association of
Critical Care Nurses (one night hotel coverage at national conference).
Dr. Angus consulted for Eli Lilly (member of the Data Safety Monitoring
Board, Multicenter trial of a PC for septic shock), Eisai Inc (Anti-TLR4
therapy for severe sepsis), and Idaho Technology (sepsis biomarkers); he
received grant support (investigator, long-term follow-up of phase III trial
of an anti-TLR4 agent in severe sepsis), a consulting income (anti-TRL4
therapy for severe sepsis), and travel/accommodation expense reimbursement from Eisai, Inc; he is the primary investigator for an ongoing National
Institutes of Health-funded study comparing early resuscitation strategies
for sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion.
Dr. Deutschman has nonfinancial involvement as a coauthor of the Society
of Critical Care Medicines Glycemic Control guidelines.
Dr. Machado reports unrestricted grant support paid to her institution for
Surviving Sepsis Campaign implementation in Brazil (Eli Lilly do Brasil);
she is the primary investigator for an ongoing study involving vasopressin.
Dr. Rubenfeld received grant support from nonprofit agencies or foundations
including National Institutes of Health ($10 million), Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation ($500,000), and CIHR ($200,000). His institution received grants
from for-profit companies including Advanced Lifeline System ($150,000),
Siemens ($50,000), Bayer ($10,000), Byk Gulden ($15,000), AstraZeneca ($10,000), Faron Pharmaceuticals ($5,000), and Cerus Corporation
($11,000). He received honoraria, consulting fees, editorship, royalties, and
Data and Safety Monitoring Board membership fees paid to him from Bayer
($500), DHD ($1,000), Eli Lilly ($5,000), Oxford University Press ($10,000),
Hospira ($15,000), Cerner ($5,000), Pfizer ($1,000), KCI ($7,500), American Association for Respiratory Care ($10,000), American Thoracic Society
($7,500), BioMed Central ($1,000), National Institutes of Health ($1,500),
and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research ($250). He has
database access or other intellectual (non financial) support from Cerner.
Dr. Webb consulted for AstraZeneca (anti-infectives $1,000$5,000) and
Jansen-Cilag (anti-infectives $1,000-$5,000). He received grant support
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article
from a NHMRC project grant (ARISE RECT of EGDT); NHMRC project grant and Fresinius-unrestricted grant (CHEST RCT of voluven vs.
saline); RCT of steroid vs. placebo for septic shock); NHMRC project
grant (BLISS study of bacteria detection by PRC in septic shock) Intensive
Care Foundation-ANZ (BLING pilot RCT of beta-lactam administration
by infusion); Hospira (SPICE programme of sedation delirium research);
NHMRC Centres for Research Excellent Grant (critical illness microbiology observational studies); Hospira-unrestricted grant (DAHlia RCT of
dexmedetomidine for agitated delirium). Travel/accommodations reimbursed by Jansen-Cilag ($5,000$10,000) and AstraZeneca ($1,000$5,000); he has a patent for a meningococcal vaccine. He is chair of the
ANZICS Clinical Trials Group and is an investigator in trials of EGDT, PCR
for determining bacterial load and a steroid in the septic shock trial.
Dr. Beale received compensation for his participation as board member for
Eisai, Inc, Applied Physiology, bioMrieux, Covidien, SIRS-Lab, and Novartis;
consulting income was paid to his institution from PriceSpective Ltd, Easton
Associates (soluble guanylate cyclase activator in acute respiratory distress
syndrome/acute lung injury adjunct therapy to supportive care and ventilation strategies), Eisai (eritoran), and Phillips (Respironics); he provided expert
testimony for Eli Lilly and Company (paid to his institution); honoraria received
(paid to his institution) from Applied Physiology (Applied Physiology PL SAB,
Applied Physiology SAB, Brussels, Satellite Symposium at the ISICEM,
Brussels), bioMrieux (GeneXpert Focus Group, France), SIRS-Lab (SIRSLAB SAB Forum, Brussels and SIRS-LAB SAB, Lisbon), Eli Lilly (CHMP
Hearing), Eisai (eritoran through leader touch plan in Brussels), Eli Lilly
(Lunchtime Symposium, Vienna), Covidien (adult monitoring advisory board
meeting, Frankfurt), Covidien (Global Advisory Board CNIBP Boulder USA),

epsis is a systemic, deleterious host response to infection

leading to severe sepsis (acute organ dysfunction secondary to documented or suspected infection) and septic
shock (severe sepsis plus hypotension not reversed with fluid
resuscitation). Severe sepsis and septic shock are major healthcare problems, affecting millions of people around the world
each year, killing one in four (and often more), and increasing
in incidence (15). Similar to polytrauma, acute myocardial
infarction, or stroke, the speed and appropriateness of therapy
administered in the initial hours after severe sepsis develops
are likely to influence outcome.
The recommendations in this document are intended to
provide guidance for the clinician caring for a patient with
severe sepsis or septic shock. Recommendations from these
guidelines cannot replace the clinicians decision-making capability when he or she is presented with a patients unique set of
clinical variables. Most of these recommendations are appropriate for the severe sepsis patient in the ICU and non-ICU settings. In fact, the committee believes that the greatest outcome
improvement can be made through education and process
change for those caring for severe sepsis patients in the nonICU setting and across the spectrum of acute care. Resource
limitations in some institutions and countries may prevent
physicians from accomplishing particular recommendations.
Thus, these recommendations are intended to be best practice
(the committee considers this a goal for clinical practice) and
not created to represent standard of care. The Surviving Sepsis
Campaign (SSC) Guidelines Committee hopes that over time,
particularly through education programs and formal audit
and feedback performance improvement initiatives, the guidelines will influence bedside healthcare practitioner behavior
that will reduce the burden of sepsis worldwide.
Critical Care Medicine

Eli Lilly and Company (development of educational presentations including

service on speaker bureaus (intensive care school hosted in department);
travel/accommodations were reimbursed from bioMerieux (GeneXpert Focus
Group, France) and LiDCO (Winter Anaesthetic and Critical Care Review
Conference), Surviving Sepsis Campaign (Publications Meeting, New York;
Care Bundles Conference, Manchester), SSC Publication Committee Meeting and SSC Executive Committee Meeting, Nashville; SSC Meeting, Manchester), Novartis (Advisory Board Meeting, Zurich), Institute of Biomedical
Engineering (Hospital of the Future Grand Challenge Kick-Off Meeting,
Hospital of the Future Grand Challenge Interviews EPSRC Headquarters,
Swindon, Philips (Kick-Off Meeting, Boeblingen, Germany; MET Conference,
Cohenhagen), Covidien (Adult Monitoring Advisory Board Meeting, Frankfurt), Eisai (ACCESS Investigators Meeting, Barcelona). His nonfinancial disclosures include authorship of the position statement on fluid resuscitation
from the ESICM task force on colloids (yet to be finalized).
Dr. Vincent reports consulting income paid to his institution from Astellas,
AstraZeneca, Curacyte, Eli Lilly, Eisai, Ferring, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and
Pfizer. His institution received honoraria on his behalf from Astellas, AstraZeneca, Curacyte, Eli Lilly, Eisai, Ferring, Merck, and Pfizer. His institution
received grant support from Astellas, Curacyte, Eli Lilly, Eisai, Ferring, and
Pfizer. His institution received payment for educational presentations from
Astellas, AstraZeneca, Curacyte, Eli Lilly, Eisai, Ferring, Merck, and Pfizer.
Dr. Moreno consulted for bioMerieux (expert meeting). He is a coauthor of
a paper on corticosteroids in patients with septic shock. He is the author
of several manuscripts defining sepsis and stratification of the patient with
sepsis. He is also the author of several manuscripts contesting the utility
of sepsis bundles.

Sepsis is defined as the presence (probable or documented) of
infection together with systemic manifestations of infection.
Severe sepsis is defined as sepsis plus sepsis-induced organ
dysfunction or tissue hypoperfusion (Tables 1 and 2) (6).
Throughout this manuscript and the performance improvement bundles, which are included, a distinction is made
between definitions and therapeutic targets or thresholds. Sepsis-induced hypotension is defined as a systolic blood pressure
(SBP) < 90mm Hg or mean arterial pressure (MAP) < 70mm
Hg or a SBP decrease > 40mm Hg or less than two standard
deviations below normal for age in the absence of other causes
of hypotension. An example of a therapeutic target or typical
threshold for the reversal of hypotension is seen in the sepsis
bundles for the use of vasopressors. In the bundles, the MAP
threshold is 65mm Hg. The use of definition vs. threshold will
be evident throughout this article. Septic shock is defined as
sepsis-induced hypotension persisting despite adequate fluid
resuscitation. Sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion is defined
as infection-induced hypotension, elevated lactate, or oliguria.
History of the Guidelines
These clinical practice guidelines are a revision of the 2008
SSC guidelines for the management of severe sepsis and septic
shock (7). The initial SSC guidelines were published in 2004
(8) and incorporated the evidence available through the end
of 2003. The 2008 publication analyzed evidence available
through the end of 2007. The most current iteration is based
on updated literature search incorporated into the evolving
manuscript through fall 2012.


Dellinger et al

Selection and Organization of Committee Members

The selection of committee members was based on interest and expertise in specific aspects of sepsis. Co-chairs and
executive committee members were appointed by the Society
of Critical Care Medicine and European Society of Intensive
Care Medicine governing bodies. Each sponsoring organization appointed a representative who had sepsis expertise. Additional committee members were appointed by the co-chairs
and executive committee to create continuity with the previous
committees membership as well as to address content needs
for the development process. Four clinicians with experience
in the GRADE process application (referred to in this document as GRADE group or Evidence-Based Medicine [EBM]
group) took part in the guidelines development.
The guidelines development process began with appointment of group heads and assignment of committee members
to groups according to their specific expertise. Each group was
responsible for drafting the initial update to the 2008 edition
in their assigned area (with major additional elements of information incorporated into the evolving manuscript through
year-end 2011 and early 2012).
With input from the EBM group, an initial group meeting was held to establish procedures for literature review and
development of tables for evidence analysis. Committees and
their subgroups continued work via phone and the Internet.
Several subsequent meetings of subgroups and key individuals occurred at major international meetings (nominal
groups), with work continuing via teleconferences and electronic-based discussions among subgroups and members
of the entire committee. Ultimately, a meeting of all group
heads, executive committee members, and other key committee members was held to finalize the draft document for submission to reviewers.
Search Techniques
A separate literature search was performed for each clearly
defined question. The committee chairs worked with subgroup
heads to identify pertinent search terms that were to include,
at a minimum, sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock, and sepsis syndrome crossed against the subgroups general topic area, as well
as appropriate key words of the specific question posed. All
questions used in the previous guidelines publications were
searched, as were pertinent new questions generated by general topic-related searches or recent trials. The authors were
specifically asked to look for existing meta-analyses related to
their question and search a minimum of one general database
(ie, MEDLINE, EMBASE) and the Cochrane Library (both
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [CDSR] and
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness [DARE]).
Other databases were optional (ACP Journal Club, EvidenceBased Medicine Journal, Cochrane Registry of Controlled
Clinical Trials, International Standard Randomized Controlled
Trial Registry [] or
metaRegister of Controlled Trials []. Where appropriate, available evidence was
summarized in the form of evidence tables.

Grading of Recommendations
We advised the authors to follow the principles of the Grading
of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) and to determine the
strength of recommendations (Tables 3 and 4). (911). The
SSC Steering Committee and individual authors collaborated
with GRADE representatives to apply the system during the
SSC guidelines revision process. The members of the GRADE
group were directly involved, either in person or via e-mail, in
all discussions and deliberations among the guidelines committee members as to grading decisions.
The GRADE system is based on a sequential assessment of
the quality of evidence, followed by assessment of the balance
between the benefits and risks, burden, and cost, leading to
development and grading of a management recommendation.
Keeping the rating of quality of evidence and strength of
recommendation explicitly separate constitutes a crucial and
defining feature of the GRADE approach. This system classifies
quality of evidence as high (grade A), moderate (grade B), low
(grade C), or very low (grade D). Randomized trials begin
as high-quality evidence but may be downgraded due to
limitations in implementation, inconsistency, or imprecision of
the results, indirectness of the evidence, and possible reporting
bias (Table 3). Examples of indirectness of the evidence
include population studied, interventions used, outcomes
measured, and how these relate to the question of interest.
Well-done observational (nonrandomized) studies begin as
low-quality evidence, but the quality level may be upgraded on
the basis of a large magnitude of effect. An example of this is
the quality of evidence for early administration of antibiotics.
References to supplemental digital content appendices of
GRADEpro Summary of Evidence Tables appear throughout
this document.
The GRADE system classifies recommendations as strong
(grade 1) or weak (grade 2). The factors influencing this determination are presented in Table 4. The assignment of strong
or weak is considered of greater clinical importance than a
difference in letter level of quality of evidence. The committee assessed whether the desirable effects of adherence would
outweigh the undesirable effects, and the strength of a recommendation reflects the groups degree of confidence in
that assessment. Thus, a strong recommendation in favor of
an intervention reflects the panels opinion that the desirable
effects of adherence to a recommendation (beneficial health
outcomes; lesser burden on staff and patients; and cost savings) will clearly outweigh the undesirable effects (harm to
health; more burden on staff and patients; and greater costs).
The potential drawbacks of making strong recommendations in the presence of low-quality evidence were taken into
account. A weak recommendation in favor of an intervention
indicates the judgment that the desirable effects of adherence
to a recommendation probably will outweigh the undesirable
effects, but the panel is not confident about these tradeoffs
either because some of the evidence is low quality (and thus
uncertainty remains regarding the benefits and risks) or the
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

Table 1. Diagnostic

Criteria for Sepsis

Infection, documented or suspected, and some of the following:

General variables
Fever (> 38.3C)
Hypothermia (core temperature < 36C)
Heart rate > 90/min1 or more than two sd above the normal value for age
Altered mental status
Significant edema or positive fluid balance (> 20mL/kg over 24hr)
Hyperglycemia (plasma glucose > 140mg/dL or 7.7 mmol/L) in the absence of diabetes
Inflammatory variables
Leukocytosis (WBC count > 12,000 L1)
Leukopenia (WBC count < 4000 L1)
Normal WBC count with greater than 10% immature forms
Plasma C-reactive protein more than two sd above the normal value
Plasma procalcitonin more than two sd above the normal value
Hemodynamic variables
Arterial hypotension (SBP < 90mm Hg, MAP < 70mm Hg, or an SBP decrease > 40mm Hg in adults or less than two sd
below normal for age)
Organ dysfunction variables
Arterial hypoxemia (Pao2/Fio2 < 300)
Acute oliguria (urine output < 0.5mL/kg/hr for at least 2 hrs despite adequate fluid resuscitation)
Creatinine increase > 0.5mg/dL or 44.2 mol/L
Coagulation abnormalities (INR > 1.5 or aPTT > 60 s)
Ileus (absent bowel sounds)
Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 100,000 L1)
Hyperbilirubinemia (plasma total bilirubin > 4mg/dL or 70 mol/L)
Tissue perfusion variables
Hyperlactatemia (> 1 mmol/L)
Decreased capillary refill or mottling
WBC = white blood cell; SBP = systolic blood pressure; MAP = mean arterial pressure; INR = international normalized ratio; aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin
Diagnostic criteria for sepsis in the pediatric population are signs and symptoms of inflammation plus infection with hyper- or hypothermia (rectal temperature
> 38.5 or < 35C), tachycardia (may be absent in hypothermic patients), and at least one of the following indications of altered organ function: altered mental
status, hypoxemia, increased serum lactate level, or bounding pulses.
Adapted from Levy MM, Fink MP, Marshall JC, et al: 2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference. Crit Care Med 2003; 31:

benefits and downsides are closely balanced. A strong recommendation is worded as we recommend and a weak recommendation as we suggest.
Throughout the document are a number of statements
that either follow graded recommendations or are listed as
stand-alone numbered statements followed by ungraded
in parentheses (UG). In the opinion of the committee,
these recommendations were not conducive for the GRADE
Critical Care Medicine

The implications of calling a recommendation strong

are that most well-informed patients would accept that
intervention and that most clinicians should use it in most
situations. Circumstances may exist in which a strong recommendation cannot or should not be followed for an
individual because of that patients preferences or clinical
characteristics that make the recommendation less applicable. A strong recommendation does not automatically imply
standard of care. For example, the strong recommendation


Dellinger et al

Table 2. Severe


Severe sepsis definition = sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion or organ dysfunction (any of the
following thought to be due to the infection)
Sepsis-induced hypotension
Lactate above upper limits laboratory normal
Urine output < 0.5mL/kg/hr for more than 2 hrs despite adequate fluid resuscitation
Acute lung injury with Pao2/Fio2 < 250 in the absence of pneumonia as infection source
Acute lung injury with Pao2/Fio2 < 200 in the presence of pneumonia as infection source
Creatinine > 2.0mg/dL (176.8 mol/L)
Bilirubin > 2mg/dL (34.2 mol/L)
Platelet count < 100,000 L
Coagulopathy (international normalized ratio > 1.5)
Adapted from Levy MM, Fink MP, Marshall JC, et al: 2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference. Crit Care Med 2003; 31:

for administering antibiotics within 1 hr of the diagnosis

of severe sepsis, as well as the recommendation for achieving a central venous pressure (CVP) of 8mm Hg and a central venous oxygen saturation (Scvo2) of 70% in the first 6
hrs of resuscitation of sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion,
although deemed desirable, are not yet standards of care as
verified by practice data.
Significant education of committee members on the
GRADE approach built on the process conducted during 2008
efforts. Several members of the committee were trained in
the use of GRADEpro software, allowing more formal use of
the GRADE system (12). Rules were distributed concerning
assessing the body of evidence, and GRADE representatives
Table 3. Determination

were available for advice throughout the process. Subgroups

agreed electronically on draft proposals that were then
presented for general discussion among subgroup heads, the
SSC Steering Committee (two co-chairs, two co-vice chairs,
and an at-large committee member), and several selected key
committee members who met in July 2011 in Chicago. The
results of that discussion were incorporated into the next
version of recommendations and again discussed with the
whole group using electronic mail. Draft recommendations
were distributed to the entire committee and finalized during
an additional nominal group meeting in Berlin in October
2011. Deliberations and decisions were then recirculated to the
entire committee for approval. At the discretion of the chairs

of the Quality of Evidence

Underlying methodology
A (high) RCTs
B (moderate) Downgraded RCTs or upgraded observational studies
C (low) Well-done observational studies with control RCTs
D (very low) Downgraded controlled studies or expert opinion based on other evidence
Factors that may decrease the strength of evidence
1. Poor quality of planning and implementation of available RCTs, suggesting high likelihood of bias
2. Inconsistency of results, including problems with subgroup analyses
3. Indirectness of evidence (differing population, intervention, control, outcomes, comparison)
4. Imprecision of results
5. High likelihood of reporting bias
Main factors that may increase the strength of evidence
1. Large magnitude of effect (direct evidence, relative risk > 2 with no plausible confounders)
2. Very large magnitude of effect with relative risk > 5 and no threats to validity (by two levels)
3. Dose-response gradient
RCT = randomized controlled trial.


February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

Table 4. Factors

Determining Strong vs. Weak Recommendation

What Should be Considered

Recommended Process

High or moderate evidence

(Is there high or moderate quality

The higher the quality of evidence, the more likely a strong recommendation.

Certainty about the balance of benefits vs.

harms and burdens (Is there certainty?)

The larger the difference between the desirable and undesirable consequences and
the certainty around that difference, the more likely a strong recommendation. The
smaller the net benefit and the lower the certainty for that benefit, the more likely a
weak recommendation.

Certainty in or similar values

(Is there certainty or similarity?)

The more certainty or similarity in values and preferences, the more likely a strong

Resource implications
The lower the cost of an intervention compared to the alternative and other costs related to
(Are resources worth expected benefits?) the decisionie, fewer resources consumedthe more likely a strong recommendation.

and following discussion, competing proposals for wording

of recommendations or assigning strength of evidence were
resolved by formal voting within subgroups and at nominal
group meetings. The manuscript was edited for style and form
by the writing committee with final approval by subgroup
heads and then by the entire committee. To satisfy peer review
during the final stages of manuscript approval for publication,
several recommendations were edited with approval of the SSC
executive committee group head for that recommendation and
the EBM lead.

they had the least COI. They were required to work within
their group with full disclosure when a topic for which they
had relevant COI was discussed, and they were not allowed
to serve as group head. At the time of final approval of the
document, an update of the COI statement was required. No
additional COI issues were reported that required further

Conflict of Interest Policy

Since the inception of the SSC guidelines in 2004, no members
of the committee represented industry; there was no industry
input into guidelines development; and no industry representatives were present at any of the meetings. Industry awareness
or comment on the recommendations was not allowed. No
member of the guidelines committee received honoraria for
any role in the 2004, 2008, or 2012 guidelines process.
A detailed description of the disclosure process and all
author disclosures appear in Supplemental Digital Content 1
in the supplemental materials to this document. Appendix B
shows a flowchart of the COI disclosure process. Committee
members who were judged to have either financial or nonfinancial/academic competing interests were recused during the
closed discussion session and voting session on that topic. Full
disclosure and transparency of all committee members potential conflicts were sought.
On initial review, 68 financial conflict of interest (COI)
disclosures and 54 nonfinancial disclosures were submitted
by committee members. Declared COI disclosures from 19
members were determined by the COI subcommittee to be
not relevant to the guidelines content process. Nine who
were determined to have COI (financial and nonfinancial)
were adjudicated by group reassignment and requirement
to adhere to SSC COI policy regarding discussion or voting
at any committee meetings where content germane to their
COI was discussed. Nine were judged as having conflicts
that could not be resolved solely by reassignment. One of
these individuals was asked to step down from the committee. The other eight were assigned to the groups in which

A. Initial Resuscitation

Critical Care Medicine


Initial Resuscitation and Infection Issues (Table 5)
1. We recommend the protocolized, quantitative resuscitation of
patients with sepsis- induced tissue hypoperfusion (defined in
this document as hypotension persisting after initial fluid challenge or blood lactate concentration 4 mmol/L). This protocol should be initiated as soon as hypoperfusion is recognized
and should not be delayed pending ICU admission. During the
first 6 hrs of resuscitation, the goals of initial resuscitation of
sepsis-induced hypoperfusion should include all of the following as a part of a treatment protocol (grade 1C):
a) CVP 812mm Hg
b) MAP 65mm Hg
c) Urine output 0.5 mLkghr
d) Superior vena cava oxygenation saturation (Scvo2) or
mixed venous oxygen saturation (Svo2) 70% or 65%,
2. We suggest targeting resuscitation to normalize lactate in
patients with elevated lactate levels as a marker of tissue
hypoperfusion (grade 2C).
Rationale. In a randomized, controlled, single-center study,
early quantitative resuscitation improved survival for emergency department patients presenting with septic shock (13).
Resuscitation targeting the physiologic goals expressed in recommendation 1 (above) for the initial 6-hr period was associated with a 15.9% absolute reduction in 28-day mortality rate.
This strategy, termed early goal-directed therapy, was evaluated in a multicenter trial of 314 patients with severe sepsis in
eight Chinese centers (14). This trial reported a 17.7% absolute
reduction in 28-day mortality (survival rates, 75.2% vs. 57.5%,


Dellinger et al

p = 0.001). A large number of other observational studies using

similar forms of early quantitative resuscitation in comparable
patient populations have shown significant mortality reduction
compared to the institutions historical controls (Supplemental
Digital Content 2, Phase III
of the SSC activities, the international performance improvement program, showed that the mortality of septic patients
presenting with both hypotension and lactate 4 mmol/L was
46.1%, similar to the 46.6% mortality found in the first trial cited
above (15). As part of performance improvement programs,
some hospitals have lowered the lactate threshold for triggering
quantitative resuscitation in the patient with severe sepsis, but
these thresholds have not been subjected to randomized trials.
The consensus panel judged use of CVP and Svo2 targets
to be recommended physiologic targets for resuscitation.
Although there are limitations to CVP as a marker of
intravascular volume status and response to fluids, a low CVP
Table 5. Recommendations:

generally can be relied upon as supporting positive response to

fluid loading. Either intermittent or continuous measurements
of oxygen saturation were judged to be acceptable. During
the first 6 hrs of resuscitation, if Scvo2 less than 70% or Svo2
equivalent of less than 65% persists with what is judged to be
adequate intravascular volume repletion in the presence of
persisting tissue hypoperfusion, then dobutamine infusion (to a
maximum of 20 g/kg/min) or transfusion of packed red blood
cells to achieve a hematocrit of greater than or equal to 30% in
attempts to achieve the Scvo2 or Svo2 goal are options. The strong
recommendation for achieving a CVP of 8mm Hg and an Scvo2
of 70% in the first 6 hrs of resuscitation of sepsis-induced tissue
hypoperfusion, although deemed desirable, are not yet the
standard of care as verified by practice data. The publication
of the initial results of the international SSC performance
improvement program demonstrated that adherence to CVP
and Scvo2 targets for initial resuscitation was low (15).

Initial Resuscitation and Infection Issues

A. Initial Resuscitation
1. Protocolized, quantitative resuscitation of patients with sepsis- induced tissue hypoperfusion (defined in this document as hypotension
persisting after initial fluid challenge or blood lactate concentration 4 mmol/L). Goals during the first 6 hrs of resuscitation:
a) Central venous pressure 812mm Hg
b) Mean arterial pressure (MAP) 65mm Hg
c) Urine output 0.5 mL/kg/hr
d) Central venous (superior vena cava) or mixed venous oxygen saturation 70% or 65%, respectively (grade 1C).
2. In patients with elevated lactate levels targeting resuscitation to normalize lactate (grade 2C).
B. Screening for Sepsis and Performance Improvement
1. Routine screening of potentially infected seriously ill patients for severe sepsis to allow earlier implementation of therapy (grade 1C).
2. Hospitalbased performance improvement efforts in severe sepsis (UG).
C. Diagnosis
1. Cultures as clinically appropriate before antimicrobial therapy if no significant delay (> 45 mins) in the start of antimicrobial(s) (grade
1C). At least 2 sets of blood cultures (both aerobic and anaerobic bottles) be obtained before antimicrobial therapy with at least 1 drawn
percutaneously and 1 drawn through each vascular access device, unless the device was recently (<48 hrs) inserted (grade 1C).
2. Use of the 1,3 beta-D-glucan assay (grade 2B), mannan and anti-mannan antibody assays (2C), if available and invasive
candidiasis is in differential diagnosis of cause of infection.
3. Imaging studies performed promptly to confirm a potential source of infection (UG).
D. Antimicrobial Therapy
1. Administration of effective intravenous antimicrobials within the first hour of recognition of septic shock (grade 1B) and severe
sepsis without septic shock (grade 1C) as the goal of therapy.
2a. Initial empiric anti-infective therapy of one or more drugs that have activity against all likely pathogens (bacterial and/or fungal or
viral) and that penetrate in adequate concentrations into tissues presumed to be the source of sepsis (grade 1B).
2b. Antimicrobial regimen should be reassessed daily for potential deescalation (grade 1B).
3. Use of low procalcitonin levels or similar biomarkers to assist the clinician in the discontinuation of empiric antibiotics in patients
who initially appeared septic, but have no subsequent evidence of infection (grade 2C).
4a. Combination empirical therapy for neutropenic patients with severe sepsis (grade 2B) and for patients with difficult-to-treat, multidrugresistant bacterial pathogens such as Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas spp. (grade 2B). For patients with severe infections
associated with respiratory failure and septic shock, combination therapy with an extended spectrum beta-lactam and either an
aminoglycoside or a fluoroquinolone is for P. aeruginosa bacteremia (grade 2B). A combination of beta-lactam and macrolide for
patients with septic shock from bacteremic Streptococcus pneumoniae infections (grade 2B).

February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

Table 5.(Continued)

Recommendations: Initial Resuscitation and Infection Issues

4b. Empiric combination therapy should not be administered for more than 35 days. De-escalation to the most appropriate single
therapy should be performed as soon as the susceptibility profile is known (grade 2B).
5. Duration of therapy typically 710 days; longer courses may be appropriate in patients who have a slow clinical response,
undrainable foci of infection, bacteremia with S. aureus; some fungal and viral infections or immunologic deficiencies, including
neutropenia (grade 2C).
6. Antiviral therapy initiated as early as possible in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock of viral origin (grade 2C).
7. Antimicrobial agents should not be used in patients with severe inflammatory states determined to be of noninfectious cause
E. Source Control
1. A specific anatomical diagnosis of infection requiring consideration for emergent source control be sought and diagnosed or
excluded as rapidly as possible, and intervention be undertaken for source control within the first 12 hr after the diagnosis is
made, if feasible (grade 1C).
2. When infected peripancreatic necrosis is identified as a potential source of infection, definitive intervention is best delayed until
adequate demarcation of viable and nonviable tissues has occurred (grade 2B).
3. When source control in a severely septic patient is required, the effective intervention associated with the least physiologic insult
should be used (eg, percutaneous rather than surgical drainage of an abscess) (UG).
4. If intravascular access devices are a possible source of severe sepsis or septic shock, they should be removed promptly after
other vascular access has been established (UG).
F. Infection Prevention
1a. Selective oral decontamination and selective digestive decontamination should be introduced and investigated as a method to
reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia; This infection control measure can then be instituted in health care
settings and regions where this methodology is found to be effective (grade 2B).
1b. O
 ral chlorhexidine gluconate be used as a form of oropharyngeal decontamination to reduce the risk of ventilator-associated
pneumonia in ICU patients with severe sepsis (grade 2B).

In mechanically ventilated patients or those with known

preexisting decreased ventricular compliance, a higher target
CVP of 12 to 15mm Hg should be achieved to account for
the impediment in filling (16). Similar consideration may be
warranted in circumstances of increased abdominal pressure
(17). Elevated CVP may also be seen with preexisting clinically significant pulmonary artery hypertension, making use
of this variable untenable for judging intravascular volume
status. Although the cause of tachycardia in septic patients
may be multifactorial, a decrease in elevated pulse rate with
fluid resuscitation is often a useful marker of improving intravascular filling. Published observational studies have demonstrated an association between good clinical outcome in
septic shock and MAP 65mm Hg as well as Scvo2 70%
(measured in the superior vena cava, either intermittently or
continuously [18]). Many studies support the value of early
protocolized resuscitation in severe sepsis and sepsis-induced
tissue hypoperfusion (1924). Studies of patients with shock
indicate that Svo2 runs 5% to 7% lower than Scvo2 (25). While
the committee recognized the controversy surrounding
resuscitation targets, an early quantitative resuscitation protocol using CVP and venous blood gases can be readily established in both emergency department and ICU settings (26).
Recognized limitations to static ventricular filling pressure
estimates exist as surrogates for fluid resuscitation (27, 28), but
measurement of CVP is currently the most readily obtainable
target for fluid resuscitation. Targeting dynamic measures of
Critical Care Medicine

fluid responsiveness during resuscitation, including flow and

possibly volumetric indices and microcirculatory changes,
may have advantages (2932). Available technologies allow
measurement of flow at the bedside (33, 34); however, the efficacy of these monitoring techniques to influence clinical outcomes from early sepsis resuscitation remains incomplete and
requires further study before endorsement.
The global prevalence of severe sepsis patients initially presenting with either hypotension with lactate 4 mmol//L, hypotension alone, or lactate 4 mmol/L alone, is reported as 16.6%,
49.5%, and 5.4%, respectively (15). The mortality rate is high in
septic patients with both hypotension and lactate 4 mmol/L
(46.1%) (15), and is also increased in severely septic patients
with hypotension alone (36.7%) and lactate 4 mmol/L alone
(30%) (15). If Scvo2 is not available, lactate normalization may
be a feasible option in the patient with severe sepsis-induced
tissue hypoperfusion. Scvo2 and lactate normalization may also
be used as a combined endpoint when both are available. Two
multicenter randomized trials evaluated a resuscitation strategy that included lactate reduction as a single target or a target combined with Scvo2 normalization (35, 36). The first trial
reported that early quantitative resuscitation based on lactate
clearance (decrease by at least 10%) was noninferior to early
quantitative resuscitation based on achieving Scvo2 of 70% or
more (35). The intention-to-treat group contained 300, but the
number of patients actually requiring either Scvo2 normalization
or lactate clearance was small (n = 30). The second trial included


Dellinger et al

348 patients with lactate levels 3 mmol/L (36). The strategy in

this trial was based on a greater than or equal to 20% decrease
in lactate levels per 2 hrs of the first 8 hrs in addition to Scvo2
target achievement, and was associated with a 9.6% absolute
reduction in mortality (p = 0.067; adjusted hazard ratio, 0.61;
95% CI, 0.430.87; p = 0.006).
B. Screening for Sepsis and Performance
1. We recommend routine screening of potentially infected
seriously ill patients for severe sepsis to increase the early
identification of sepsis and allow implementation of early
sepsis therapy (grade 1C).
Rationale. The early identification of sepsis and implementation of early evidence-based therapies have been documented to improve outcomes and decrease sepsis-related
mortality (15). Reducing the time to diagnosis of severe sepsis
is thought to be a critical component of reducing mortality
from sepsis-related multiple organ dysfunction (35). Lack of
early recognition is a major obstacle to sepsis bundle initiation.
Sepsis screening tools have been developed to monitor ICU
patients (3741), and their implementation has been associated with decreased sepsis-related mortality (15).
2. Performance improvement efforts in severe sepsis should be
used to improve patient outcomes (UG).
Rationale. Performance improvement efforts in sepsis have
been associated with improved patient outcomes (19, 4246).
Improvement in care through increasing compliance with sepsis quality indicators is the goal of a severe sepsis performance
improvement program (47). Sepsis management requires a multidisciplinary team (physicians, nurses, pharmacy, respiratory,
dieticians, and administration) and multispecialty collaboration
(medicine, surgery, and emergency medicine) to maximize the
chance for success. Evaluation of process change requires consistent education, protocol development and implementation, data
collection, measurement of indicators, and feedback to facilitate
the continuous performance improvement. Ongoing educational
sessions provide feedback on indicator compliance and can help
identify areas for additional improvement efforts. In addition to
traditional continuing medical education efforts to introduce
guidelines into clinical practice, knowledge translation efforts
have recently been introduced as a means to promote the use of
high-quality evidence in changing behavior (48). Protocol implementation associated with education and performance feedback
has been shown to change clinician behavior and is associated
with improved outcomes and cost-effectiveness in severe sepsis
(19, 23, 24, 49). In partnership with the Institute for Healthcare
Improvement, phase III of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign targeted
the implementation of a core set (bundle) of recommendations
in hospital environments where change in behavior and clinical
impact were measured (50). The SSC guidelines and bundles can
be used as the basis of a sepsis performance improvement program.
Application of the SSC sepsis bundles led to sustained,
continuous quality improvement in sepsis care and was associated
with reduced mortality (15). Analysis of the data from nearly

32,000 patient charts gathered from 239 hospitals in 17 countries

through September 2011 as part of phase III of the campaign
informed the revision of the bundles in conjunction with the
2012 guidelines. As a result, for the 2012 version, the management
bundle was dropped and the resuscitation bundle was broken into
two parts and modified as shown in Figure 1. For performance
improvement quality indicators, resuscitation target thresholds
are not considered. However, recommended targets from the
guidelines are included with the bundles for reference purposes.
C. Diagnosis
1. We recommend obtaining appropriate cultures before antimicrobial therapy is initiated if such cultures do not cause significant delay (> 45 minutes) in the start of antimicrobial(s)
administration (grade 1C). To optimize identification of causative organisms, we recommend obtaining at least two sets of
blood cultures (both aerobic and anaerobic bottles) before
antimicrobial therapy, with at least one drawn percutaneously
and one drawn through each vascular access device, unless
the device was recently (< 48 hours) inserted. These blood
cultures can be drawn at the same time if they are obtained
from different sites. Cultures of other sites (preferably quantitative where appropriate), such as urine, cerebrospinal fluid,
wounds, respiratory secretions, or other body fluids that may
be the source of infection, should also be obtained before
antimicrobial therapy if doing so does not cause significant
delay in antibiotic administration (grade 1C).
Rationale. Although sampling should not delay timely
administration of antimicrobial agents in patients with severe
sepsis (eg, lumbar puncture in suspected meningitis), obtaining appropriate cultures before administration of antimicrobials
is essential to confirm infection and the responsible pathogens,
and to allow de-escalation of antimicrobial therapy after receipt
of the susceptibility profile. Samples can be refrigerated or frozen if processing cannot be performed immediately. Because
rapid sterilization of blood cultures can occur within a few
hours after the first antimicrobial dose, obtaining those cultures
before therapy is essential if the causative organism is to be identified. Two or more blood cultures are recommended (51). In
patients with indwelling catheters (for more than 48 hrs), at least
one blood culture should be drawn through each lumen of each
vascular access device (if feasible, especially for vascular devices
with signs of inflammation, catheter dysfunction, or indicators
of thrombus formation). Obtaining blood cultures peripherally
and through a vascular access device is an important strategy. If
the same organism is recovered from both cultures, the likelihood that the organism is causing the severe sepsis is enhanced.
In addition, if equivalent volumes of blood drawn for culture and the vascular access device is positive much earlier than
the peripheral blood culture (ie, more than 2 hrs earlier), the
data support the concept that the vascular access device is the
source of the infection (36, 51, 52). Quantitative cultures of
catheter and peripheral blood may also be useful for determining whether the catheter is the source of infection. The volume
of blood drawn with the culture tube should be 10mL (53).
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article


1) Measure lactate level
2) Obtain blood cultures prior to administration of antibiotics
3) Administer broad spectrum antibiotics
4) Administer 30 mL/kg crystalloid for hypotension or lactate



5) Apply vasopressors (for hypotension that does not respond to initial fluid resuscitation)
to maintain a mean arterial pressure (MAP) 65 mm Hg
6) In the event of persistent arterial hypotension despite volume resuscitation (septic
shock) or initial lactate 4 mmol/L (36 mg/dL):
- Measure central venous pressure (CVP)*
- Measure central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2)*
7) Remeasure lactate if initial lactate was elevated*
*Targets for quantitative resuscitation included in the guidelines are CVP of 8 mm Hg,
ScvO2 of 70%, and normalization of lactate.

Figure 1. Surviving Sepsis Campaign Care Bundles.

Quantitative (or semiquantitative) cultures of respiratory tract

secretions are often recommended for the diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (54), but their diagnostic value
remains unclear (55).
The Gram stain can be useful, in particular for respiratory
tract specimens, to determine if inflammatory cells are present (greater than five polymorphonuclear leukocytes/highpowered field and less than ten squamous cells/low-powered
field) and if culture results will be informative of lower respiratory pathogens. Rapid influenza antigen testing during periods of increased influenza activity in the community is also
recommended. A focused history can provide vital information about potential risk factors for infection and likely pathogens at specific tissue sites. The potential role of biomarkers
for diagnosis of infection in patients presenting with severe
sepsis remains undefined. The utility of procalcitonin levels or
other biomarkers (such as C-reactive protein) to discriminate
the acute inflammatory pattern of sepsis from other causes of
generalized inflammation (eg, postoperative, other forms of
shock) has not been demonstrated. No recommendation can
be given for the use of these markers to distinguish between
severe infection and other acute inflammatory states (5658).
In the near future, rapid, non-culture-based diagnostic methods (polymerase chain reaction, mass spectroscopy, microarrays) might be helpful for a quicker identification of pathogens
and major antimicrobial resistance determinants (59). These
methodologies could be particularly useful for difficult-to-culture pathogens or in clinical situations where empiric antimicrobial agents have been administered before culture samples
were been obtained. Clinical experience remains limited, and
more clinical studies are needed before recommending these
non-culture molecular methods as a replacement for standard
blood culture methods (60, 61).
2. We suggest the use of the 1,3 -d-glucan assay (grade 2B),
mannan and anti-mannan antibody assays (grade 2C)
when invasive candidiasis is in the differential diagnosis of
Critical Care Medicine

Rationale. The diagnosis of

systemic fungal infection (usually candidiasis) in the critically
ill patient can be challenging,
and rapid diagnostic methodologies, such as antigen and antibody
detection assays, can be helpful in
detecting candidiasis in the ICU
patient. These suggested tests have
shown positive results significantly
earlier than standard culture methods (6267), but false-positive
reactions can occur with colonization alone, and their diagnostic
utility in managing fungal infection in the ICU needs additional
study (65).

3. We recommend that imaging studies be performed

promptly in attempts to confirm a potential source of infection. Potential sources of infection should be sampled as
they are identified and in consideration of patient risk for
transport and invasive procedures (eg, careful coordination
and aggressive monitoring if the decision is made to transport for a CT-guided needle aspiration). Bedside studies,
such as ultrasound, may avoid patient transport (UG).
Rationale. Diagnostic studies may identify a source of
infection that requires removal of a foreign body or drainage to
maximize the likelihood of a satisfactory response to therapy.
Even in the most organized and well-staffed healthcare facilities, however, transport of patients can be dangerous, as can
be placing patients in outside-unit imaging devices that are
difficult to access and monitor. Balancing risk and benefit is
therefore mandatory in those settings.
D. Antimicrobial Therapy
1. The administration of effective intravenous antimicrobials
within the first hour of recognition of septic shock (grade
1B) and severe sepsis without septic shock (grade 1C)
should be the goal of therapy. Remark: Although the weight
of the evidence supports prompt administration of antibiotics following the recognition of severe sepsis and septic
shock, the feasibility with which clinicians may achieve this
ideal state has not been scientifically evaluated.
Rationale. Establishing vascular access and initiating
aggressive fluid resuscitation are the first priorities when
managing patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. Prompt
infusion of antimicrobial agents should also be a priority and
may require additional vascular access ports (68, 69). In the
presence of septic shock, each hour delay in achieving administration of effective antibiotics is associated with a measurable
increase in mortality in a number of studies (15, 68, 7072).
Overall, the preponderance of data support giving antibiotics as soon as possible in patients with severe sepsis with or
without septic shock (15, 68, 7077). The administration of


Dellinger et al

antimicrobial agents with a spectrum of activity likely to treat

the responsible pathogen(s) effectively within 1 hr of the diagnosis of severe sepsis and septic shock. Practical considerations,
for example challenges with clinicians early identification of
patients or operational complexities in the drug delivery chain,
represent unstudied variables that may impact achieving this
goal. Future trials should endeavor to provide an evidence base
in this regard. This should be the target goal when managing
patients with septic shock, whether they are located within the
hospital ward, the emergency department, or the ICU. The
strong recommendation for administering antibiotics within 1
hr of the diagnosis of severe sepsis and septic shock, although
judged to be desirable, is not yet the standard of care as verified
by published practice data (15).
If antimicrobial agents cannot be mixed and delivered promptly
from the pharmacy, establishing a supply of premixed antibiotics
for such urgent situations is an appropriate strategy for ensuring
prompt administration. Many antibiotics will not remain stable if
premixed in a solution. This risk must be taken into consideration
in institutions that rely on premixed solutions for rapid availability of antibiotics. In choosing the antimicrobial regimen, clinicians
should be aware that some antimicrobial agents have the advantage of bolus administration, while others require a lengthy infusion. Thus, if vascular access is limited and many different agents
must be infused, bolus drugs may offer an advantage.
2a. We recommend that initial empiric anti-infective therapy
include one or more drugs that have activity against all
likely pathogens (bacterial and/or fungal or viral) and that
penetrate in adequate concentrations into the tissues presumed to be the source of sepsis (grade 1B).
Rationale. The choice of empirical antimicrobial therapy
depends on complex issues related to the patients history,
including drug intolerances, recent receipt of antibiotics (previous 3 months), underlying disease, the clinical syndrome, and
susceptibility patterns of pathogens in the community and hospital, and that previously have been documented to colonize
or infect the patient. The most common pathogens that cause
septic shock in hospitalized patients are Gram-positive bacteria, followed by Gram-negative and mixed bacterial microorganisms. Candidiasis, toxic shock syndromes, and an array
of uncommon pathogens should be considered in selected
patients. An especially wide range of potential pathogens exists
for neutropenic patients. Recently used anti-infective agents
should generally be avoided. When choosing empirical therapy,
clinicians should be cognizant of the virulence and growing
resistant Staphylococcus
prevalence of oxacillin (methicillin)-
aureus, and resistance to broad-spectrum beta-lactams and carbapenem among Gram-negative bacilli in some communities
and healthcare settings. Within regions in which the prevalence
of such drug-resistant organisms is significant, empiric therapy
adequate to cover these pathogens is warranted.
Clinicians should also consider whether candidemia is a
likely pathogen when choosing initial therapy. When deemed
warranted, the selection of empirical antifungal therapy (eg, an
echinocandin, triazoles such as fluconazole, or a formulation

of amphotericin B) should be tailored to the local pattern of

the most prevalent Candida species and any recent exposure
to antifungal drugs (78). Recent Infectious Diseases Society
of America (IDSA) guidelines recommend either fluconazole
or an echinocandin. Empiric use of an echinocandin is preferred in most patients with severe illness, especially in those
patients who have recently been treated with antifungal agents,
or if Candida glabrata infection is suspected from earlier culture data. Knowledge of local resistance patterns to antifungal
agents should guide drug selection until fungal susceptibility
test results, if available, are performed. Risk factors for candidemia, such as immunosuppressed or neutropenic state, prior
intense antibiotic therapy, or colonization in multiple sites,
should also be considered when choosing initial therapy.
Because patients with severe sepsis or septic shock have little
margin for error in the choice of therapy, the initial selection
of antimicrobial therapy should be broad enough to cover all
likely pathogens. Antibiotic choices should be guided by local
prevalence patterns of bacterial pathogens and susceptibility
data. Ample evidence exists that failure to initiate appropriate
therapy (ie, therapy with activity against the pathogen that is
subsequently identified as the causative agent) correlates with
increased morbidity and mortality in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock (68, 71, 79, 80). Recent exposure to antimicrobials (within last 3 months) should be considered in
the choice of an empiric antibacterial regimen. Patients with
severe sepsis or septic shock warrant broad-spectrum therapy
until the causative organism and its antimicrobial susceptibilities are defined. Although a global restriction of antibiotics is
an important strategy to reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance and to reduce cost, it is not an appropriate strategy in the initial therapy for this patient population.
However, as soon as the causative pathogen has been identified, de-escalation should be performed by selecting the most
appropriate antimicrobial agent that covers the pathogen
and is safe and cost-effective. Collaboration with antimicrobial stewardship programs, where they exist, is encouraged to
ensure appropriate choices and rapid availability of effective
antimicrobials for treating septic patients. All patients should
receive a full loading dose of each agent. Patients with sepsis
often have abnormal and vacillating renal or hepatic function,
or may have abnormally high volumes of distribution due to
aggressive fluid resuscitation, requiring dose adjustment. Drug
serum concentration monitoring can be useful in an ICU setting for those drugs that can be measured promptly. Significant
expertise is required to ensure that serum concentrations maximize efficacy and minimize toxicity (81, 82).
2b. The antimicrobial regimen should be reassessed daily for
potential de-escalation to prevent the development of resistance, to reduce toxicity, and to reduce costs (grade 1B).
Rationale. Once the causative pathogen has been identified,
the most appropriate antimicrobial agent that covers the pathogen
and is safe and cost-effective should be selected. On occasion,
continued use of specific combinations of antimicrobials
might be indicated even after susceptibility testing is available
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

(eg, Pseudomonas spp. only susceptible to aminoglycosides;

enterococcal endocarditis; Acinetobacter spp. infections susceptible
only to polymyxins). Decisions on definitive antibiotic choices
should be based on the type of pathogen, patient characteristics,
and favored hospital treatment regimens.
Narrowing the spectrum of antimicrobial coverage and
reducing the duration of antimicrobial therapy will reduce the
likelihood that the patient will develop superinfection with
other pathogenic or resistant organisms, such as Candida species, Clostridium difficile, or vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
faecium. However, the desire to minimize superinfections and
other complications should not take precedence over giving an
adequate course of therapy to cure the infection that caused
the severe sepsis or septic shock.
3. We suggest the use of low procalcitonin levels or similar
biomarkers to assist the clinician in the discontinuation
of empiric antibiotics in patients who appeared septic, but
have no subsequent evidence of infection (grade 2C).
Rationale. This suggestion is predicated on the preponderance of the published literature relating to the use of procalcitonin as a tool to discontinue unnecessary antimicrobials (58, 83).
However, clinical experience with this strategy is limited and the
potential for harm remains a concern (83). No evidence demonstrates that this practice reduces the prevalence of antimicrobial
resistance or the risk of antibiotic-related diarrhea from C. difficile. One recent study failed to show any benefit of daily procalcitonin measurement in early antibiotic therapy or survival (84).
4a. Empiric therapy should attempt to provide antimicrobial
activity against the most likely pathogens based upon each
patients presenting illness and local patterns of infection.
We suggest combination empiric therapy for neutropenic
patients with severe sepsis (grade 2B) and for patients with
difficult-to-treat, multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens
such as Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas spp. (grade 2B).
For selected patients with severe infections associated with
respiratory failure and septic shock, combination therapy
with an extended spectrum beta-lactam and either an aminoglycoside or a fluoroquinolone is suggested for P. aeruginosa bacteremia (grade 2B). Similarly, a more complex
combination of beta-lactam and a macrolide is suggested
for patients with septic shock from bacteremic Streptococcus pneumoniae infections (grade 2B).
Rationale. Complex combinations might be needed in settings where highly antibiotic-resistant pathogens are prevalent, with such regimens incorporating carbapenems, colistin,
rifampin, or other agents. However, a recent controlled trial
suggested that adding a fluoroquinolone to a carbapenem as
empiric therapy did not improve outcome in a population at
low risk for infection with resistant microorganisms (85).
4b. We suggest that combination therapy, when used empirically
in patients with severe sepsis, should not be administered
for longer than 3 to 5 days. De-escalation to the most appropriate single-agent therapy should be performed as soon as
the susceptibility profile is known (grade 2B). Exceptions
Critical Care Medicine

would include aminoglycoside monotherapy, which should

be generally avoided, particularly for P. aeruginosa sepsis,
and for selected forms of endocarditis, where prolonged
courses of combinations of antibiotics are warranted.
Rationale. A propensity-matched analysis, meta-analysis,
and meta-regression analysis, along with additional observational studies, have demonstrated that combination therapy
produces a superior clinical outcome in severely ill, septic
patients with a high risk of death (8690). In light of the
increasing frequency of resistance to antimicrobial agents
in many parts of the world, broad-spectrum coverage generally requires the initial use of combinations of antimicrobial agents. Combination therapy used in this context
connotes at least two different classes of antibiotics (usually
a beta-lactam agent with a macrolide, fluoroquinolone, or
aminoglycoside for select patients). A controlled trial suggested, however, that when using a carbapenem as empiric
therapy in a population at low risk for infection with resistant microorganisms, the addition of a fluoroquinolone
does not improve outcomes of patients (85). A number of
other recent observational studies and some small, prospective trials support initial combination therapy for
selected patients with specific pathogens (eg, pneumococcal sepsis, multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens)
(9193), but evidence from adequately powered, randomized clinical trials is not available to support combination
over monotherapy other than in septic patients at high risk
of death. In some clinical scenarios, combination therapies
are biologically plausible and are likely clinically useful even
if evidence has not demonstrated improved clinical outcome
(89, 90, 94, 95). Combination therapy for suspected or known
Pseudomonas aeruginosa or other multidrug-resistant Gramnegative pathogens, pending susceptibility results, increases
the likelihood that at least one drug is effective against that
strain and positively affects outcome (88, 96).
5. We suggest that the duration of therapy typically be 7 to 10
days if clinically indicated; longer courses may be appropriate in patients who have a slow clinical response, undrainable foci of infection, bacteremia with S. aureus; some fungal
and viral infections, or immunologic deficiencies, including
neutropenia (grade 2C).
Rationale. Although patient factors may influence the length
of antibiotic therapy, in general, a duration of 7-10 days (in the
absence of source control issues) is adequate. Thus, decisions to
continue, narrow, or stop antimicrobial therapy must be made
on the basis of clinician judgment and clinical information. Clinicians should be cognizant of blood cultures being negative in
a significant percentage of cases of severe sepsis or septic shock,
despite the fact that many of these cases are very likely caused
by bacteria or fungi. Clinicians should be cognizant that blood
cultures will be negative in a significant percentage of cases of
severe sepsis or septic shock, despite many of these cases are
very likely caused by bacteria or fungi.


Dellinger et al

6. We suggest that antiviral therapy be initiated as early as possible in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock of viral
origin (grade 2C).
Rationale. Recommendations for antiviral treatment
include the use of: a) early antiviral treatment of suspected
or confirmed influenza among persons with severe influenza
(eg, those who have severe, complicated, or progressive illness
or who require hospitalization); b) early antiviral treatment
of suspected or confirmed influenza among persons at
higher risk for influenza complications; and c) therapy with a
neuraminidase inhibitor (oseltamivir or zanamivir) for persons
with influenza caused by 2009 H1N1 virus, influenza A (H3N2)
virus, or influenza B virus, or when the influenza virus type or
influenza A virus subtype is unknown (97, 98). Susceptibility
to antivirals is highly variable in a rapidly evolving virus such
as influenza, and therapeutic decisions must be guided by
updated information regarding the most active, strain-specific,
antiviral agents during influenza epidemics (99, 100).
The role of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and other herpesviruses
as significant pathogens in septic patients, especially those not
known to be severely immunocompromised, remains unclear.
Active CMV viremia is common (15%35%) in critically ill
patients; the presence of CMV in the bloodstream has been
repeatedly found to be a poor prognostic indicator (101, 102).
What is not known is whether CMV simply is a marker of disease severity or if the virus actually contributes to organ injury
and death in septic patients (103). No treatment recommendations can be given based on the current level of evidence.
In those patients with severe primary or generalized varicellazoster virus infections, and in rare patients with disseminated
herpes simplex infections, antiviral agents such as acyclovir
can be highly effective when initiated early in the course of
infection (104).
7. We recommend that antimicrobial agents not be used in
patients with severe inflammatory states determined to be
of noninfectious cause (UG).
Rationale. When infection is found not to be present,
antimicrobial therapy should be stopped promptly to minimize the likelihood that the patient will become infected
with an antimicrobial-resistant pathogen or will develop a
drug-related adverse effect. Although it is important to stop
unnecessary antibiotics early, clinicians should be cognizant that blood cultures will be negative in more than 50%
of cases of severe sepsis or septic shock if the patients are
receiving empiric antimicrobial therapy; yet many of these
cases are very likely caused by bacteria or fungi. Thus, the
decisions to continue, narrow, or stop antimicrobial therapy
must be made on the basis of clinician judgment and clinical
E. Source Control
1. We recommend that a specific anatomical diagnosis of
infection requiring consideration for emergent source control (eg, necrotizing soft tissue infection, peritonitis, cholangitis, intestinal infarction) be sought and diagnosed or

excluded as rapidly as possible, and intervention be undertaken for source control within the first 12 hr after the diagnosis is made, if feasible (grade 1C).
2. We suggest that when infected peripancreatic necrosis is
identified as a potential source of infection, definitive intervention is best delayed until adequate demarcation of viable
and nonviable tissues has occurred (grade 2B).
3. When source control in a severely septic patient is required,
the effective intervention associated with the least physiologic insult should be used (eg, percutaneous rather than
surgical drainage of an abscess) (UG).
4. If intravascular access devices are a possible source
of severe sepsis or septic shock, they should be
removed promptly after other vascular access has been
established (UG).
Rationale. The principles of source control in the management of sepsis include a rapid diagnosis of the specific site of
infection and identification of a focus of infection amenable
to source control measures (specifically the drainage of an
abscess, debridement of infected necrotic tissue, removal of a
potentially infected device, and definitive control of a source
of ongoing microbial contamination) (105). Foci of infection readily amenable to source control measures include an
intra-abdominal abscess or gastrointestinal perforation, cholangitis or pyelonephritis, intestinal ischemia or necrotizing
soft tissue infection, and other deep space infection, such as
an empyema or septic arthritis. Such infectious foci should
be controlled as soon as possible following successful initial
resuscitation (106108), and intravascular access devices
that are potentially the source of severe sepsis or septic shock
should be removed promptly after establishing other sites for
vascular access (109, 110).
A randomized, controlled trial (RCT) comparing early
to delayed surgical intervention for peripancreatic necrosis showed better outcomes with a delayed approach (111).
Moreover, a randomized surgical study found that a minimally invasive, step-up approach was better tolerated by
patients and had a lower mortality than open necrosectomy
in necrotizing pancreatitis (112), although areas of uncertainty exist, such as definitive documentation of infection and
appropriate length of delay. The selection of optimal source
control methods must weigh the benefits and risks of the
specific intervention as well as risks of transfer (113). Source
control interventions may cause further complications, such
as bleeding, fistulas, or inadvertent organ injury. Surgical
intervention should be considered when other interventional
approaches are inadequate or when diagnostic uncertainty
persists despite radiologic evaluation. Specific clinical situations require consideration of available choices, the patients
preferences, and the clinicians expertise.
F. Infection Prevention
1a. We suggest that selective oral decontamination (SOD)
and selective digestive decontamination (SDD) should
be introduced and investigated as a method to reduce the
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP); this

infection control measure can then be instituted in healthcare settings and regions where this methodology is found
to be effective (grade 2B).
1b. We suggest oral chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) be used
as a form of oropharyngeal decontamination to reduce the
risk of VAP in ICU patients with severe sepsis (grade 2B).
Rationale. Careful infection control practices (eg, hand
washing, expert nursing care, catheter care, barrier precautions, airway management, elevation of the head of the bed,
subglottic suctioning) should be instituted during the care of
septic patients as reviewed in the nursing considerations for
the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (114). The role of SDD with
systemic antimicrobial prophylaxis and its variants (eg, SOD,
CHG) has been a contentious issue ever since the concept was
first developed more than 30 years ago. The notion of limiting the acquisition of opportunistic, often multidrug-resistant,
healthcare-associated microorganisms has its appeal by promoting colonization resistance from the resident microbiome existing along mucosal surfaces of the alimentary tract.
However, the efficacy of SDD, its safety, propensity to prevent
or promote antibiotic resistance, and cost-effectiveness remain
debatable despite a number of favorable meta-analyses and
controlled clinical trials (115). The data indicate an overall
reduction in VAP but no consistent improvement in mortality,
except in selected populations in some studies. Most studies
do not specifically address the efficacy of SDD in patients who
present with sepsis, but some do (116118).
Oral CHG is relatively easy to administer, decreases risk of
nosocomial infection, and reduces the potential concern over
promotion of antimicrobial resistance by SDD regimens. This
remains a subject of considerable debate, despite the recent
evidence that the incidence of antimicrobial resistance does
not change appreciably with current SDD regimens (119121).
The grade 2B was designated for both SOD and CHG as it
was felt that risk was lower with CHG and the measure better
accepted despite less published literature than with SOD.
Supplemental Digital Content 3 (
CCM/A615) shows a GRADEpro Summary of Evidence Table
for the use of topical digestive tract antibiotics and CHG for
prophylaxis against VAP.
Hemodynamic Support and Adjunctive Therapy
(Table 6)
G. Fluid Therapy of Severe Sepsis
1. We recommend crystalloids be used as the initial fluid of
choice in the resuscitation of severe sepsis and septic shock
(grade 1B).
2. We recommend against the use of hydroxyethyl starches
(HES) for fluid resuscitation of severe sepsis and septic
shock (grade 1B). (This recommendation is based on the
results of the VISEP [128], CRYSTMAS [122], 6S [123],
and CHEST [124] trials. The results of the recently completed CRYSTAL trial were not considered.)
Critical Care Medicine

3. We suggest the use of albumin in the fluid resuscitation of

severe sepsis and septic shock when patients require substantial amounts of crystalloids (grade 2C).
Rationale. The absence of any clear benefit following the
administration of colloid solutions compared to crystalloid
solutions, together with the expense associated with colloid
solutions, supports a high-grade recommendation for the use
of crystalloid solutions in the initial resuscitation of patients
with severe sepsis and septic shock.
Three recent multicenter RCTs evaluating 6% HES
130/0.4 solutions (tetra starches) have been published. The
CRYSTMAS study demonstrated no difference in mortality
with HES vs. 0.9% normal saline (31% vs. 25.3%, p = 0.37)
in the resuscitation of septic shock patients; however the
study was underpowered to detect the 6% difference in
absolute mortality observed (122). In a sicker patient
cohort, a Scandinavian multicenter study in septic patients
(6S Trial Group) showed increased mortality rates with
6% HES 130/0.42 fluid resuscitation compared to Ringers
acetate (51% vs. 43% p = 0.03) (123). The CHEST study,
conducted in a heterogenous population of patients admitted to intensive care (HES vs. isotonic saline, n = 7000
critically ill patients), showed no difference in 90-day mortality between resuscitation with 6% HES with a molecular
weight of 130 kD/0.40 and isotonic saline (18% vs. 17%,
p = 0.26); the need for renal replacement therapy was higher
in the HES group (7.0% vs. 5.8%; relative risk [RR], 1.21;
95% confidence interval [CI], 1.001.45; p = 0.04) (124).
A meta-analysis of 56 randomized trials found no overall
difference in mortality between crystalloids and artificial
colloids (modified gelatins, HES, dextran) when used for
initial fluid resuscitation (125). Information from 3 randomized trials (n = 704 patients with severe sepsis/septic
shock) did not show survival benefit with use of heta-,
hexa-, or pentastarches compared to other fluids (RR, 1.15;
95% CI, 0.951.39; random effect; I2 = 0%) (126128).
However, these solutions increased the risk of acute kidney
injury (RR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.262.04; I2 = 0%) (126128).
The evidence of harm observed in the 6S and CHEST studies and the meta-analysis supports a high-level recommendation advising against the use of HES solutions in patients
with severe sepsis and septic shock, particularly since other
options for fluid resuscitation exist. The CRYSTAL trial,
another large prospective clinical trial comparing crystalloids and colloids, was recently completed and will provide
additional insight into HES fluid resuscitation.
The SAFE study indicated that albumin administration
was safe and equally as effective as 0.9% saline (129). A
meta-analysis aggregated data from 17 randomized trials
(n = 1977) of albumin vs. other fluid solutions in patients
with severe sepsis/septic shock (130); 279 deaths occurred
among 961 albumin-treated patients vs. 343 deaths among
1.016 patients treated with other fluids, thus favoring albumin (odds ratio [OR], 0.82; 95% CI, 0.671.00;
I2 = 0%). When albumin-treated patients were compared


Dellinger et al

Table 6. Recommendations:

Hemodynamic Support and Adjunctive Therapy

G. Fluid Therapy of Severe Sepsis

1. Crystalloids as the initial fluid of choice in the resuscitation of severe sepsis and septic shock (grade 1B).
2. Against the use of hydroxyethyl starches for fluid resuscitation of severe sepsis and septic shock (grade 1B).
3. Albumin in the fluid resuscitation of severe sepsis and septic shock when patients require substantial amounts of crystalloids (grade 2C).
4. Initial fluid challenge in patients with sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion with suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve a minimum
of 30mL/kg of crystalloids (a portion of this may be albumin equivalent). More rapid administration and greater amounts of fluid
may be needed in some patients (grade 1C).
5. Fluid challenge technique be applied wherein fluid administration is continued as long as there is hemodynamic improvement either
based on dynamic (eg, change in pulse pressure, stroke volume variation) or static (eg, arterial pressure, heart rate) variables (UG).
H. Vasopressors
1. Vasopressor therapy initially to target a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 65mm Hg (grade 1C).
2. Norepinephrine as the first choice vasopressor (grade 1B).
3. Epinephrine (added to and potentially substituted for norepinephrine) when an additional agent is needed to maintain adequate
blood pressure (grade 2B).
4. Vasopressin 0.03 units/minute can be added to norepinephrine (NE) with intent of either raising MAP or decreasing NE
dosage (UG).
5. Low dose vasopressin is not recommended as the single initial vasopressor for treatment of sepsis-induced hypotension and
vasopressin doses higher than 0.03-0.04 units/minute should be reserved for salvage therapy (failure to achieve adequate
MAP with other vasopressor agents) (UG).
6. Dopamine as an alternative vasopressor agent to norepinephrine only in highly selected patients (eg, patients with low risk of
tachyarrhythmias and absolute or relative bradycardia) (grade 2C).
7. Phenylephrine is not recommended in the treatment of septic shock except in circumstances where (a) norepinephrine is
associated with serious arrhythmias, (b) cardiac output is known to be high and blood pressure persistently low or (c) as salvage
therapy when combined inotrope/vasopressor drugs and low dose vasopressin have failed to achieve MAP target (grade 1C).
8. Low-dose dopamine should not be used for renal protection (grade 1A).
9. All patients requiring vasopressors have an arterial catheter placed as soon as practical if resources are available (UG).
I. Inotropic Therapy
1. A trial of dobutamine infusion up to 20 micrograms/kg/min be administered or added to vasopressor (if in use) in the presence
of (a) myocardial dysfunction as suggested by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output, or (b) ongoing signs of
hypoperfusion, despite achieving adequate intravascular volume and adequate MAP (grade 1C).
2. Not using a strategy to increase cardiac index to predetermined supranormal levels (grade 1B).
J. Corticosteroids
1. Not using intravenous hydrocortisone to treat adult septic shock patients if adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor
therapy are able to restore hemodynamic stability (see goals for Initial Resuscitation). In case this is not achievable, we suggest
intravenous hydrocortisone alone at a dose of 200mg per day (grade 2C).
2. Not using the ACTH stimulation test to identify adults with septic shock who should receive hydrocortisone (grade 2B).
3. In treated patients hydrocortisone tapered when vasopressors are no longer required (grade 2D).
4. Corticosteroids not be administered for the treatment of sepsis in the absence of shock (grade 1D).
5. When hydrocortisone is given, use continuous flow (grade 2D).

with those receiving crystalloids (seven trials, n = 1441), the

OR of dying was significantly reduced for albumin-treated
patients (OR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.620.99; I2 = 0%). A multicenter randomized trial (n = 794) in patients with septic
shock compared intravenous albumin (20g, 20%) every
8 hrs for 3 days to intravenous saline solution (130);
albumin therapy was associated with 2.2% absolute

reduction in 28-day mortality (from 26.3% to 24.1%), but

did not achieve statistical significance. These data support
a low-level recommendation regarding the use of albumin
in patients with sepsis and septic shock (personal communication from J.P. Mira and as presented at the 32nd
International ISICEM Congress 2012, Brussels and the 25th
ESICM Annual Congress 2012, Lisbon).
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

4. We recommend an initial fluid challenge in patients

with sepsis-induced tissue hypoperfusion with suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve a minimum of 30 mL/
kg of crystalloids (a portion of this may be albumin
equivalent). More rapid administration and greater
amounts of fluid may be needed in some patients (see Initial Resuscitation recommendations) (grade 1C).
5. We recommend that a fluid challenge technique be applied
wherein fluid administration is continued as long as there is
hemodynamic improvement either based on dynamic (eg,
change in pulse pressure, stroke volume variation) or static
(eg, arterial pressure, heart rate) variables (UG).
Rationale. Dynamic tests to assess patients responsiveness to
fluid replacement have become very popular in recent years in
the ICU (131). These tests are based on monitoring changes in
stroke volume during mechanical ventilation or after passive leg
raising in spontaneously breathing patients. A systematic review
(29 trials, n = 685 critically ill patients) looked at the association
between stroke volume variation, pulse pressure variation, and/
or stroke volume variation and the change in stroke volume/
cardiac index after a fluid or positive end-expiratory pressure
challenge (132). The diagnostic OR of fluid responsiveness was
59.86 (14 trials, 95% CI, 23.88150.05) and 27.34 (five trials,
95% CI, 3.4655.53) for the pulse pressure variation and the
stroke volume variation, respectively. Utility of pulse pressure
variation and stroke volume variation is limited in the presence
of atrial fibrillation, spontaneous breathing, and low pressure
support breathing. These techniques generally require sedation.
H. Vasopressors
1. We recommend that vasopressor therapy initially target a
MAP of 65mm Hg (grade 1C).
Rationale. Vasopressor therapy is required to sustain life
and maintain perfusion in the face of life-threatening hypotension, even when hypovolemia has not yet been resolved. Below
a threshold MAP, autoregulation in critical vascular beds can be
lost, and perfusion can become linearly dependent on pressure.
Thus, some patients may require vasopressor therapy to achieve
a minimal perfusion pressure and maintain adequate flow (133,
134). The titration of norepinephrine to a MAP as low as 65mm
Hg has been shown to preserve tissue perfusion (134). Note that
the consensus definition of sepsis-induced hypotension for use
of MAP in the diagnosis of severe sepsis is different (MAP <
70mm Hg) from the evidence-based target of 65mm Hg used in
this recommendation. In any case, the optimal MAP should be
individualized as it may be higher in patients with atherosclerosis and/or previous hypertension than in young patients without
cardiovascular comorbidity. For example, a MAP of 65mm Hg
might be too low in a patient with severe uncontrolled hypertension; in a young, previously normotensive patient, a lower MAP
might be adequate. Supplementing endpoints, such as blood
pressure, with assessment of regional and global perfusion, such
as blood lactate concentrations, skin perfusion, mental status,
and urine output, is important. Adequate fluid resuscitation
Critical Care Medicine

is a fundamental aspect of the hemodynamic management of

patients with septic shock and should ideally be achieved before
vasopressors and inotropes are used; however, using vasopressors early as an emergency measure in patients with severe shock
is frequently necessary, as when diastolic blood pressure is too
low. When that occurs, great effort should be directed to weaning vasopressors with continuing fluid resuscitation.
2. We recommend norepinephrine as the first-choice vasopressor (grade 1B).
3. We suggest epinephrine (added to and potentially substituted for norepinephrine) when an additional agent is
needed to maintain adequate blood pressure (grade 2B).
4. Vasopressin (up to 0.03U/min) can be added to norepinephrine with the intent of raising MAP to target or
decreasing norepinephrine dosage (UG).
5. Low-dose vasopressin is not recommended as the single initial vasopressor for treatment of sepsis-induced hypotension, and vasopressin doses higher than 0.030.04U/min
should be reserved for salvage therapy (failure to achieve an
adequate MAP with other vasopressor agents) (UG).
6. We suggest dopamine as an alternative vasopressor agent to
norepinephrine only in highly selected patients (eg, patients
with low risk of tachyarrhythmias and absolute or relative
bradycardia) (grade 2C).
7. Phenylephrine is not recommended in the treatment of septic shock except in the following circumstances: (a) norepinephrine is associated with serious arrhythmias, (b) cardiac
output is known to be high and blood pressure persistently
low, or (c) as salvage therapy when combined inotrope/
vasopressor drugs and low-dose vasopressin have failed to
achieve the MAP target (grade 1C).
Rationale. The physiologic effects of vasopressor and combined inotrope/vasopressors selection in septic shock are set out
in an extensive number of literature entries (135147). Table 7
depicts a GRADEpro Summary of Evidence Table comparing
dopamine and norepinephrine in the treatment of septic shock.
Dopamine increases MAP and cardiac output, primarily due
to an increase in stroke volume and heart rate. Norepinephrine
increases MAP due to its vasoconstrictive effects, with little
change in heart rate and less increase in stroke volume compared
with dopamine. Norepinephrine is more potent than dopamine
and may be more effective at reversing hypotension in patients
with septic shock. Dopamine may be particularly useful in
patients with compromised systolic function but causes more
tachycardia and may be more arrhythmogenic than norepinephrine (148). It may also influence the endocrine response via
the hypothalamic pituitary axis and have immunosuppressive
effects. However, information from five randomized trials (n =
1993 patients with septic shock) comparing norepinephrine to
dopamine does not support the routine use of dopamine in the
management of septic shock (136, 149152). Indeed, the relative risk of short-term mortality was 0.91 (95% CI, 0.841.00;
fixed effect; I2 = 0%) in favor of norepinephrine. A recent metaanalysis showed dopamine was associated with an increased risk
(RR, 1.10 [1.011.20]; p = 0.035); in the two trials that reported


Dellinger et al

Table 7. Norepinephrine

Compared With Dopamine in Severe Sepsis Summary of Evidence

Norepinephrine compared with dopamine in severe sepsis

Patient or population: Patients with severe sepsis
Settings: Intensive care unit
Intervention: Norepinephrine
Comparison: Dopamine
Sources: Analysis performed by Djillali Annane for Surviving Sepsis Campaign using following publications: De Backer D. N Engl J
Med 2010; 362:779789; Marik PE. JAMA 1994; 272:13541357; Mathur RDAC. Indian J Crit Care Med 2007; 11:186191;
Martin C. Chest 1993; 103:18261831; Patel GP. Shock 2010; 33:375380; Ruokonen E. Crit Care Med 1993; 21:12961303

Illustrative Comparative Risksa

(95% CI)





Short-term mortality

(95% CI)

Study population
530 per 1000 482 per 1000 (440 to 524)

Serious adverse events

229 per 1000
Serious adverse
events Ventricular

Study population
82 per 1000 (34 to 195)
Study population

39 per 1000

15 per 1000 (8 to 27)

No. of
of the
Participants Evidence
(GRADE) Comments

RR 0.91
2043 (6 studies)

(0.83 to 0.99)
RR 0.47
1931 (2 studies)

(0.38 to 0.58)
RR 0.35
1931 (2 studies)

(0.19 to 0.66)

The assumed risk is the control group risk across studies. The corresponding risk (and its 95% CI) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and
the relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI). CI = confidence interval, RR = risk ratio.
Strong heterogeneity in the results (I2 = 85%), however this reflects degree of effect, not direction of effect. We have decided not to lower the evidence quality.
Effect results in part from hypovolemic and cardiogenic shock patients in De Backer, N Engl J Med 2010. We have lowered the quality of evidence one level for

arrhythmias, these were more frequent with dopamine than

with norepinephrine (RR, 2.34 [1.463.77]; p = 0.001) (153).
Although some human and animal studies suggest
epinephrine has deleterious effects on splanchnic circulation
and produces hyperlactatemia, no clinical evidence shows that
epinephrine results in worse outcomes, and it should be the
first alternative to norepinephrine. Indeed, information from
4 randomized trials (n = 540) comparing norepinephrine
to epinephrine found no evidence for differences in the risk
of dying (RR, 0.96; CI, 0.771.21; fixed effect; I2 = 0%) (142,
147, 154, 155). Epinephrine may increase aerobic lactate
production via stimulation of skeletal muscles 2-adrenergic
receptors and thus may prevent the use of lactate clearance to
guide resuscitation. With its almost pure -adrenergic effects,
phenylephrine is the adrenergic agent least likely to produce
tachycardia, but it may decrease stroke volume and is therefore
not recommended for use in the treatment of septic shock except
in circumstances where norepinephrine is:a) associated with
serious arrhythmias, or b) cardiac output is known to be high, or
c) as salvage therapy when other vasopressor agents have failed
to achieve target MAP (156). Vasopressin levels in septic shock
have been reported to be lower than anticipated for a shock state
(157). Low doses of vasopressin may be effective in raising blood
pressure in patients, refractory to other vasopressors and may
have other potential physiologic benefits (158163). Terlipressin

has similar effects but is long acting (164). Studies show that
vasopressin concentrations are elevated in early septic shock, but
decrease to normal range in the majority of patients between 24
and 48 hrs as shock continues (165). This has been called relative
vasopressin deficiency because in the presence of hypotension,
vasopressin would be expected to be elevated. The significance
of this finding is unknown. The VASST trial, an RCT comparing
norepinephrine alone to norepinephrine plus vasopressin at
0.03U/min, showed no difference in outcome in the intent-totreat population (166). An a priori defined subgroup analysis
demonstrated that survival among patients receiving < 15 g/
min norepinephrine at the time of randomization was better
with the addition of vasopressin; however, the pretrial rationale
for this stratification was based on exploring potential benefit in
the population requiring 15 g/min norepinephrine. Higher
doses of vasopressin have been associated with cardiac, digital,
and splanchnic ischemia and should be reserved for situations
where alternative vasopressors have failed (167). Information
from seven trials (n = 963 patients with septic shock) comparing
norepinephrine with vasopressin (or terlipressin) does not
support the routine use of vasopressin or its analog terlipressin
(93, 95, 97, 99, 159, 161, 164, 166, 168170). Indeed, the relative
risk of dying was 1.12 (95% CI, 0.961.30; fixed effects; I2 = 0%).
However, the risk of supraventricular arrhythmias was increased
with norepinephrine (RR, 7.25; 95% CI, 2.3022.90; fixed effect;
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

I2 = 0%). Cardiac output measurement targeting maintenance

of a normal or elevated flow is desirable when these pure
vasopressors are instituted.
8. We recommend that low-dose dopamine not be used for
renal protection (grade 1A).
Rationale. A large randomized trial and meta-analysis comparing low-dose dopamine to placebo found no difference in
either primary outcomes (peak serum creatinine, need for renal
replacement, urine output, time to recovery of normal renal
function) or secondary outcomes (survival to either ICU or
hospital discharge, ICU stay, hospital stay, arrhythmias) (171,
172). Thus, the available data do not support administration of
low doses of dopamine solely to maintain renal function.
9. We recommend that all patients requiring vasopressors have
an arterial catheter placed as soon as practical if resources
are available (UG).
Rationale. In shock states, estimation of blood pressure
using a cuff is commonly inaccurate; use of an arterial cannula
provides a more appropriate and reproducible measurement
of arterial pressure. These catheters also allow continuous
analysis so that decisions regarding therapy can be based on
immediate and reproducible blood pressure information.
I. Inotropic Therapy
1. We recommend that a trial of dobutamine infusion up to
20 g/kg/min be administered or added to vasopressor (if
in use) in the presence of: a) myocardial dysfunction, as
suggested by elevated cardiac filling pressures and low cardiac output, or b) ongoing signs of hypoperfusion, despite
achieving adequate intravascular volume and adequate
MAP (grade 1C).
2. We recommend against the use of a strategy to increase cardiac index to predetermined supranormal levels (grade 1B).
Rationale. Dobutamine is the first choice inotrope for patients
with measured or suspected low cardiac output in the presence of
adequate left ventricular filling pressure (or clinical assessment of
adequate fluid resuscitation) and adequate MAP. Septic patients
who remain hypotensive after fluid resuscitation may have low,
normal, or increased cardiac outputs. Therefore, treatment with
a combined inotrope/vasopressor, such as norepinephrine or
epinephrine, is recommended if cardiac output is not measured.
When the capability exists for monitoring cardiac output in addition to blood pressure, a vasopressor, such as norepinephrine, may
be used separately to target specific levels of MAP and cardiac
output. Large prospective clinical trials, which included critically
ill ICU patients who had severe sepsis, failed to demonstrate benefit from increasing oxygen delivery to supranormal targets by use
of dobutamine (173, 174). These studies did not specifically target patients with severe sepsis and did not target the first 6 hrs of
resuscitation. If evidence of tissue hypoperfusion persists despite
adequate intravascular volume and adequate MAP, a viable alternative (other than reversing underlying insult) is to add inotropic
Critical Care Medicine

J. Corticosteroids
1. We suggest not using intravenous hydrocortisone as a treatment of adult septic shock patients if adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy are able to restore hemodynamic stability (see goals for Initial Resuscitation). If this
is not achievable, we suggest intravenous hydrocortisone
alone at a dose of 200mg per day (grade 2C).
Rationale. The response of septic shock patients to fluid
and vasopressor therapy seems to be an important factor in
selection of patients for optional hydrocortisone therapy. One
French multicenter RCT of patients in vasopressor-unresponsive septic shock (hypotension despite fluid resuscitation and
vasopressors for more than 60 mins) showed significant shock
reversal and reduction of mortality rate in patients with relative adrenal insufficiency (defined as postadrenocorticotropic
hormone [ACTH] cortisol increase 9 g/dL) (175). Two
smaller RCTs also showed significant effects on shock reversal
with steroid therapy (176, 177). In contrast, a large, European
multicenter trial (CORTICUS) that enrolled patients without
sustained shock and had a lower risk of death than the French
trial failed to show a mortality benefit with steroid therapy
(178). Unlike the French trial that only enrolled shock patients
with blood pressure unresponsive to vasopressor therapy, the
CORTICUS study included patients with septic shock regardless of how the blood pressure responded to vasopressors; the
study baseline (placebo) 28-day mortality rate was 61% and
31%, respectively. The use of the ACTH test (responders and
nonresponders) did not predict the faster resolution of shock.
In recent years, several systematic reviews have examined the
use of low-dose hydrocortisone in septic shock with contradictory results: Annane et al (179) analyzed the results of 12 studies and calculated a significant reduction in 28-day mortality
with prolonged low-dose steroid treatment in adult septic
shock patients (RR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.720.97; p = 0.02) (180).
In parallel, Sligl and colleagues (180) used a similar technique,
but only identified eight studies for their meta-analysis, six
of which had a high-level RCT design with low risk of bias
(181). In contrast to the aforementioned review, this analysis
revealed no statistically significant difference in mortality (RR,
1.00; 95% CI, 0.841.18). Both reviews, however, confirmed
the improved shock reversal by using low-dose hydrocortisone
(180, 181). A recent review on the use of steroids in adult septic shock underlined the importance of selection of studies for
systematic analysis (181) and identified only 6 high-level RCTs
as adequate for systematic review (175178, 182, 183). When
only these six studies are analyzed, we found that in low risk
patients from three studies (ie, those with a placebo mortality rate of less than 50%, which represents the majority of all
patients), hydrocortisone failed to show any benefit on outcome (RR, 1.06). The minority of patients from the remaining three studies, who had a placebo mortality of greater than
60%, showed a nonsignificant trend to lower mortality by using
hydrocortisone (see Supplemental Digital Content 4, http://, Summary of Evidence Table).


Dellinger et al

2. We suggest not using the ACTH stimulation test to identify

the subset of adults with septic shock who should receive
hydrocortisone (grade 2B).
Rationale. In one study, the observation of a potential interaction between steroid use and ACTH test was not statistically
significant (175). Furthermore, no evidence of this distinction was observed between responders and nonresponders in a
recent multicenter trial (178). Random cortisol levels may still
be useful for absolute adrenal insufficiency; however, for septic
shock patients who suffer from relative adrenal insufficiency (no
adequate stress response), random cortisol levels have not been
demonstrated to be useful. Cortisol immunoassays may over- or
underestimate the actual cortisol level, affecting the assignment
of patients to responders or nonresponders (184). Although the
clinical significance is not clear, it is now recognized that etomidate, when used for induction for intubation, will suppress the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (185, 186). Moreover, a
subanalysis of the CORTICUS trial (178) revealed that the use
of etomidate before application of low-dose steroids was associated with an increased 28-day mortality rate (187). An inappropriately low random cortisol level (< 18 g/dL) in a patient with
shock would be considered an indication for steroid therapy
along traditional adrenal insufficiency guidelines.
3. We suggest that clinicians taper the treated patient from
steroid therapy when vasopressors are no longer required
(grade 2D).
Rationale. There has been no comparative study between a
fixed-duration and clinically guided regimen or between tapering and abrupt cessation of steroids. Three RCTs used a fixedduration protocol for treatment (175, 177, 178), and therapy was
decreased after shock resolution in two RCTs (176, 182). In four
studies, steroids were tapered over several days (176178, 182),
and steroids were withdrawn abruptly in two RCTs (175, 183).
One crossover study showed hemodynamic and immunologic
rebound effects after abrupt cessation of corticosteroids (188).
Furthermore, a study revealed that there is no difference in outcome of septic shock patients if low-dose hydrocortisone is used
for 3 or 7 days; hence, no recommendation can be given with
regard to the optimal duration of hydrocortisone therapy (189).
4. We recommend that corticosteroids not be administered for
the treatment of sepsis in the absence of shock (grade 1D).
Rationale. Steroids may be indicated in the presence of a
history of steroid therapy or adrenal dysfunction, but whether
low-dose steroids have a preventive potency in reducing the
incidence of severe sepsis and septic shock in critically ill
patients cannot be answered. A preliminary study of stressdose level steroids in community-acquired pneumonia showed
improved outcome measures in a small population (190), and
a recent confirmatory RCT revealed reduced hospital length of
stay without affecting mortality (191).
5. When low-dose hydrocortisone is given, we suggest using
continuous infusion rather than repetitive bolus injections (grade 2D).

Rationale. Several randomized trials on the use of low-dose

hydrocortisone in septic shock patients revealed a significant
increase of hyperglycemia and hypernatremia (175) as side
effects. A small prospective study demonstrated that repetitive bolus application of hydrocortisone leads to a significant
increase in blood glucose; this peak effect was not detectable
during continuous infusion. Furthermore, considerable interindividual variability was seen in this blood glucose peak after
the hydrocortisone bolus (192). Although an association of
hyperglycemia and hypernatremia with patient outcome measures could not be shown, good practice includes strategies for
avoidance and/or detection of these side effects.


K. Blood Product Administration
1. Once tissue hypoperfusion has resolved and in the absence
of extenuating circumstances, such as myocardial ischemia,
severe hypoxemia, acute hemorrhage, or ischemic coronary
artery disease, we recommend that red blood cell transfusion occur when the hemoglobin concentration decreases
to < 7.0g/dL to target a hemoglobin concentration of 7.0 to
9.0g/dL in adults (grade 1B).
Rationale. Although the optimum hemoglobin concentration for patients with severe sepsis has not been specifically
investigated, the Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care
trial suggested that a hemoglobin level of 7 to 9g/dL, compared
with 10 to 12g/dL, was not associated with increased mortality
in critically ill adults (193). No significant differences in 30-day
mortality rates were observed between treatment groups in the
subgroup of patients with severe infections and septic shock
(22.8% and 29.7%, respectively; p = 0.36),
Although less applicable to septic patients, results of a randomized trial in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass support a restrictive transfusion strategy
using a threshold hematocrit of < 24% (hemoglobin 8g/
dL) as equivalent to a transfusion threshold of hematocrit of
< 30% (hemoglobin 10g/dL) (194). Red blood cell transfusion in septic patients increases oxygen delivery but does not
usually increase oxygen consumption (195197). The transfusion threshold of 7g/dL contrasts with early goal-directed
resuscitation protocols that use a target hematocrit of 30% in
patients with low Scvo2 during the first 6 hrs of resuscitation of
septic shock (13).
2. We recommend not using erythropoietin as a specific treatment of anemia associated with severe sepsis (grade 1B).
Rationale. No specific information regarding erythropoietin use in septic patients is available, but clinical trials
of erythropoietin administration in critically ill patients
show some decrease in red cell transfusion requirement
with no effect on clinical outcome (198, 199). The effect
of erythropoietin in severe sepsis and septic shock would
not be expected to be more beneficial than in other critical
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

conditions. Patients with severe sepsis and septic shock may

have coexisting conditions that meet indications for the use
of erythropoietin.
3. We suggest that fresh frozen plasma not be used to correct
laboratory clotting abnormalities in the absence of bleeding
or planned invasive procedures (grade 2D).
Rationale. Although clinical studies have not assessed the
impact of transfusion of fresh frozen plasma on outcomes in
critically ill patients, professional organizations have recommended it for coagulopathy when there is a documented deficiency of coagulation factors (increased prothrombin time,
international normalized ratio, or partial thromboplastin time)
and the presence of active bleeding or before surgical or invasive
procedures (200203). In addition, transfusion of fresh frozen
plasma usually fails to correct the prothrombin time in nonbleeding patients with mild abnormalities (204, 205). No studies
suggest that correction of more severe coagulation abnormalities benefits patients who are not bleeding.
4. We recommend against antithrombin administration for
the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock (grade 1B).
Rationale. A phase III clinical trial of high-dose antithrombin did not demonstrate any beneficial effect on 28-day allcause mortality in adults with severe sepsis and septic shock.
High-dose antithrombin was associated with an increased risk
of bleeding when administered with heparin (206). Although
a post hoc subgroup analysis of patients with severe sepsis and
high risk of death showed better survival in patients receiving
antithrombin, this agent cannot be recommended until further
clinical trials are performed (207).
5. In patients with severe sepsis, we suggest that platelets be
administered prophylactically when counts are 10,000/
mm3 (10109/L) in the absence of apparent bleeding,
as well when counts are 20,000/mm3 (20109/L) if the
patient has a significant risk of bleeding. Higher platelet
counts ( 50,000/mm3 [50109/L]) are advised for active
bleeding, surgery, or invasive procedures (grade 2D).
Rationale. Guidelines for transfusion of platelets are derived
from consensus opinion and experience in patients with
chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. Patients with severe
sepsis are likely to have some limitation of platelet production similar
to that in chemotherapy-treated patients, but they also are likely to
have increased platelet consumption. Recommendations take into
account the etiology of thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction,
risk of bleeding, and presence of concomitant disorders (200, 202,
203, 208, 209). Factors that may increase the bleeding risk and
indicate the need for a higher platelet count are frequently present
in patients with severe sepsis. Sepsis itself is considered to be a
risk factor for bleeding in patients with chemotherapy-induced
thrombocytopenia. Other factors considered to increase the risk of
bleeding in patients with severe sepsis include temperature higher
than 38C, recent minor hemorrhage, rapid decrease in platelet
count, and other coagulation abnormalities (203, 208, 209).
Critical Care Medicine

L. Immunoglobulins
1. We suggest not using intravenous immunoglobulins in
adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock (grade 2B).
Rationale. One larger multicenter RCT (n = 624) (210) in
adult patients and one large multinational RCT in infants with
neonatal sepsis (n = 3493) (211) found no benefit for intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIG). (For more on this trial, see the section,
Pediatric Considerations.). A meta-analysis by the Cochrane collaboration, which did not include this most recent RCT, identified 10 polyclonal IVIG trials (n = 1430) and seven trials on
immunoglobulin (Ig) M-enriched polyclonal IVIG (n = 528)
(212). Compared with placebo, IVIG resulted in a significant
reduction in mortality (RR, 0.81 and 95% CI, 0.700.93; and RR,
0.66 and 95% CI, 0.510.85, respectively). Also the subgroup of
IgM-enriched IVIGs (n = 7 trials) showed a significant reduction in mortality rates compared with placebo (RR, 0.66; 95%
CI, 0.510.85). Trials with low risk of bias showed no reduction
in mortality with polyclonal IVIG (RR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.811.15;
five trials, n = 945). Three of these trials (210, 213, 214) used standard polyclonal IVIG and two IgM-enriched IVIG (215, 216).
These findings are in accordance with those of two older
meta-analyses (217, 218) from other Cochrane authors. One
systematic review (217) included a total of 21 trials and showed
a relative risk of death of 0.77 with immunoglobulin treatment
(95% CI, 0.680.88); however, the results of only high-quality
trials (total of 763 patients) showed a relative risk of 1.02 (95%
CI, 0.841.24). Similarly, Laupland et al (218) found a significant
reduction in mortality with the use of IVIG treatment (OR, 0.66;
95% CI, 0.530.83; p < 0.005). When only high-quality studies
were pooled, the OR for mortality was 0.96 (95% CI, 0.711.3;
p = 0.78). Two meta-analyses, which used less strict criteria to
identify sources of bias or did not state their criteria for the
assessment of study quality, found significant improvement in
patient mortality with IVIG treatment (219, 220). In contrast
to the most recent Cochrane review, Kreymann et al (219) classified five studies that investigated IgM-enriched preparation as
high-quality studies, combining studies in adults and neonates,
and found an OR for mortality of 0.5 (95% CI, 0.340.73).
Most IVIG studies are small, some have methodological
flaws; the only large study (n = 624) showed no effect (210).
Subgroup effects between IgM-enriched and nonenriched formulations reveal substantial heterogeneity. In addition, indirectness and publication bias were considered in grading this
recommendation. The low-quality evidence led to the grading
as a weak recommendation. The statistical information that
comes from the high-quality trials does not support a beneficial effect of polyclonal IVIG. We encourage conducting large
multicenter studies to further evaluate the effectiveness of
other polyclonal immunoglobulin preparations given intravenously in patients with severe sepsis.
M. Selenium
1. We suggest not using intravenous selenium to treat severe
sepsis (grade 2C).


Dellinger et al

Table 8. Recommendations:

Other Supportive Therapy of Severe Sepsis

K. Blood Product Administration

1. Once tissue hypoperfusion has resolved and in the absence of extenuating circumstances, such as myocardial ischemia, severe
hypoxemia, acute hemorrhage, or ischemic heart disease, we recommend that red blood cell transfusion occur only when
hemoglobin concentration decreases to <7.0g/dL to target a hemoglobin concentration of 7.0 9.0g/dL in adults (grade 1B).
2. Not using erythropoietin as a specific treatment of anemia associated with severe sepsis (grade 1B).
3. Fresh frozen plasma not be used to correct laboratory clotting abnormalities in the absence of bleeding or planned invasive
procedures (grade 2D).
4. Not using antithrombin for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock (grade 1B).
5. In patients with severe sepsis, administer platelets prophylactically when counts are <10,000/mm3 (10 x 109/L) in the absence
of apparent bleeding. We suggest prophylactic platelet transfusion when counts are < 20,000/mm3 (20 x 109/L) if the patient
has a significant risk of bleeding. Higher platelet counts (50,000/mm3 [50 x 109/L]) are advised for active bleeding, surgery,
or invasive procedures (grade 2D).
L. Immunoglobulins
1. Not using intravenous immunoglobulins in adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock (grade 2B).
M. Selenium
1. Not using intravenous selenium for the treatment of severe sepsis (grade 2C).
N. History of Recommendations Regarding Use of Recombinant Activated Protein C (rhAPC)
A history of the evolution of SSC recommendations as to rhAPC (no longer available) is provided.
O. Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
1. Target a tidal volume of 6mL/kg predicted body weight in patients with sepsis-induced ARDS (grade 1A vs. 12 mL/kg).
2. Plateau pressures be measured in patients with ARDS and initial upper limit goal for plateau pressures in a passively inflated
lung be 30cm H2O (grade 1B).
3. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) be applied to avoid alveolar collapse at end expiration (atelectotrauma) (grade 1B).
4. Strategies based on higher rather than lower levels of PEEP be used for patients with sepsis- induced moderate or severe
ARDS (grade 2C).
5. Recruitment maneuvers be used in sepsis patients with severe refractory hypoxemia (grade 2C).
6. Prone positioning be used in sepsis-induced ARDS patients with a Pao2/Fio2 ratio 100mm Hg in facilities that have
experience with such practices (grade 2B).
7. That mechanically ventilated sepsis patients be maintained with the head of the bed elevated to 30-45 degrees to limit
aspiration risk and to prevent the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia (grade 1B).
8. That noninvasive mask ventilation (NIV) be used in that minority of sepsis-induced ARDS patients in whom the benefits of NIV
have been carefully considered and are thought to outweigh the risks (grade 2B).
9. That a weaning protocol be in place and that mechanically ventilated patients with severe sepsis undergo spontaneous
breathing trials regularly to evaluate the ability to discontinue mechanical ventilation when they satisfy the following criteria: a)
arousable; b) hemodynamically stable (without vasopressor agents); c) no new potentially serious conditions; d) low ventilatory
and end-expiratory pressure requirements; and e) low Fio2 requirements which can be met safely delivered with a face mask or
nasal cannula. If the spontaneous breathing trial is successful, consideration should be given for extubation (grade 1A).
10. Against the routine use of the pulmonary artery catheter for patients with sepsis-induced ARDS (grade 1A).
11. A conservative rather than liberal fluid strategy for patients with established sepsis-induced ARDS who do not have evidence of
tissue hypoperfusion (grade 1C).
12. In the absence of specific indications such as bronchospasm, not using beta 2-agonists for treatment of sepsis-induced ARDS (grade 1B).
P. Sedation, Analgesia, and Neuromuscular Blockade in Sepsis
1. Continuous or intermittent sedation be minimized in mechanically ventilated sepsis patients, targeting specific titration endpoints (grade 1B).
2. Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) be avoided if possible in the septic patient without ARDS due to the risk of
prolonged neuromuscular blockade following discontinuation. If NMBAs must be maintained, either intermittent bolus as
required or continuous infusion with train-of-four monitoring of the depth of blockade should be used (grade 1C).

February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

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Table 8.(Continued)

Recommendations: Other Supportive Therapy of Severe Sepsis

3. A short course of NMBA of not greater than 48 hours for patients with early sepsis-induced ARDS and a Pao2/Fio2
< 150 mm Hg (grade 2C).
Q. Glucose Control
1. A protocolized approach to blood glucose management in ICU patients with severe sepsis commencing insulin dosing when
2 consecutive blood glucose levels are >180mg/dL. This protocolized approach should target an upper blood glucose
180mg/dL rather than an upper target blood glucose 110mg/dL (grade 1A).
2. Blood glucose values be monitored every 12 hrs until glucose values and insulin infusion rates are stable and then every 4 hrs
thereafter (grade 1C).
3. Glucose levels obtained with point-of-care testing of capillary blood be interpreted with caution, as such measurements may not
accurately estimate arterial blood or plasma glucose values (UG).
R. Renal Replacement Therapy
1. Continuous renal replacement therapies and intermittent hemodialysis are equivalent in patients with severe sepsis and acute
renal failure (grade 2B).
2. Use continuous therapies to facilitate management of fluid balance in hemodynamically unstable septic patients (grade 2D).
S. Bicarbonate Therapy
1. Not using sodium bicarbonate therapy for the purpose of improving hemodynamics or reducing vasopressor requirements in
patients with hypoperfusion-induced lactic acidemia with pH 7.15 (grade 2B).
T. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis
1. Patients with severe sepsis receive daily pharmacoprophylaxis against venous thromboembolism (VTE) (grade 1B). This should
be accomplished with daily subcutaneous low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) (grade 1B versus twice daily UFH, grade 2C
versus three times daily UFH). If creatinine clearance is <30 mL/min, use dalteparin (grade 1A) or another form of LMWH that
has a low degree of renal metabolism (grade 2C) or UFH (grade 1A).
2. Patients with severe sepsis be treated with a combination of pharmacologic therapy and intermittent pneumatic compression
devices whenever possible (grade 2C).
3. Septic patients who have a contraindication for heparin use (eg, thrombocytopenia, severe coagulopathy, active bleeding, recent
intracerebral hemorrhage) not receive pharmacoprophylaxis (grade 1B), but receive mechanical prophylactic treatment, such
as graduated compression stockings or intermittent compression devices (grade 2C), unless contraindicated. When the risk
decreases start pharmacoprophylaxis (grade 2C).
U. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis
1. Stress ulcer prophylaxis using H2 blocker or proton pump inhibitor be given to patients with severe sepsis/septic shock who
have bleeding risk factors (grade 1B).
2. When stress ulcer prophylaxis is used, proton pump inhibitors rather than H2RA (grade 2D)
3. Patients without risk factors do not receive prophylaxis (grade 2B).
V. Nutrition
1. Administer oral or enteral (if necessary) feedings, as tolerated, rather than either complete fasting or provision of only
intravenous glucose within the first 48 hours after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock (grade 2C).
2. Avoid mandatory full caloric feeding in the first week but rather suggest low dose feeding (eg, up to 500 calories per day),
advancing only as tolerated (grade 2B).
3. Use intravenous glucose and enteral nutrition rather than total parenteral nutrition (TPN) alone or parenteral nutrition in
conjunction with enteral feeding in the first 7 days after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock (grade 2B).
4. Use nutrition with no specific immunomodulating supplementation rather than nutrition providing specific immunomodulating
supplementation in patients with severe sepsis (grade 2C).
W. Setting Goals of Care
1. Discuss goals of care and prognosis with patients and families(grade 1B).
2. Incorporategoals of care into treatment and end-of-life care planning, utilizing palliative care principles where appropriate (grade 1B).
3. Address goals of care as early as feasible, but no later than within 72 hours of ICU admission (grade 2C).

Critical Care Medicine


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Rationale. Selenium was administered in the hope that it

could correct the known reduction of selenium concentration
in sepsis patients and provide a pharmacologic effect through
an antioxidant defense. Although some RCTs are available,
the evidence on the use of intravenous selenium is still very
weak. Only one large clinical trial has examined the effect on
mortality rates, and no significant impact was reported on the
intent-to-treat population with severe systemic inflammatory
response syndrome, sepsis, or septic shock (OR, 0.66; 95% CI,
0.391.10; p = 0.109) (221). Overall, there was a trend toward
a concentration-dependent reduction in mortality; no differences in secondary outcomes or adverse events were detected.
Finally, no comment on standardization of sepsis management
was included in this study, which recruited 249 patients over a
period of 6 years (19992004) (221).
A French RCT in a small population revealed no effect on
primary (shock reversal) or secondary (days on mechanical ventilation, ICU mortality) endpoints (222). Another small RCT
revealed less early VAP in the selenium group (p = 0.04), but no
difference in late VAP or secondary outcomes such as ICU or
hospital mortality (223). This is in accordance with two RCTs
that resulted in reduced number of infectious episodes (224) or
increase in glutathione peroxidase concentrations (225); neither
study, however, showed a beneficial effect on secondary outcome measures (renal replacement, ICU mortality) (224, 225).
A more recent large RCT tried to determine if the addition of
relatively low doses of supplemental selenium (glutamine was
also tested in a two-factorial design) to parenteral nutrition in
critically ill patients reduces infections and improves outcome
(226). Selenium supplementation did not significantly affect the
development of a new infection (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.571.15),
and the 6-month mortality rate was not unaffected (OR, 0.89;
95% CI, 0.621.29). In addition, length of stay, days of antibiotic use, and modified Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
score were not significantly affected by selenium (227).
In addition to the lack of evidence, the questions of optimal
dosing and application mode remain unanswered. Reported
high-dose regimens have involved a loading dose followed by
an infusion, while animal trials suggest that bolus dosing could
be more effective (227); this, however, has not been tested in
humans. These unsolved problems require additional trials, and
we encourage conducting large multicenter studies to further
evaluate the effectiveness of intravenous selenium in patients
with severe sepsis. This recommendation does not exclude the
use of low-dose selenium as part of the standard minerals and
oligo-elements used during total parenteral nutrition.
N. History of Recommendations Regarding Use of
Recombinant Activated Protein C
Recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC) was
approved for use in adult patients in a number of countries
in 2001 following the PROWESS (Recombinant Human Activated Protein C Worldwide Evaluation in Severe Sepsis) trial,
which enrolled 1,690 severe sepsis patients and showed a significant reduction in mortality (24.7%) with rhAPC compared with placebo (30.8%, p = 0.005) (228). The 2004 SSC

guidelines recommended use of rhAPC in line with the product labeling instructions required by the U.S. and European
regulatory authorities with a grade B quality of evidence (7, 8).
By the time of publication of the 2008 SSC guidelines, additional studies of rhAPC in severe sepsis (as required by regulatory agencies) had shown it ineffective in less severely ill patients
with severe sepsis as well as in children (229, 230). The 2008 SSC
recommendations reflected these findings, and the strength of
the rhAPC recommendation was downgraded to a suggestion
for use in adult patients with a clinical assessment of high risk of
death, most of whom will have Acute Physiology and Chronic
Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores 25 or multiple organ
failure (grade 2C; quality of evidence was also downgraded from
2004, from B to C) (7). The 2008 guidelines also recommended
against use of rhAPC in low-risk adult patients, most of whom
will have APACHE II scores 20 or single organ failures (grade
1A), and against use in all pediatric patients (grade 1B).
The results of the PROWESS SHOCK trial (1,696 patients)
were released in late 2011, showing no benefit of rhAPC in patients
with septic shock (mortality 26.4% for rhAPC, 24.2% placebo)
with a relative risk of 1.09 and a p value of 0.31 (231). The drug
was withdrawn from the market and is no longer available, negating any need for an SSC recommendation regarding its use.
O. Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
1. We recommend that clinicians target a tidal volume of
6 mL/kg predicted body weight in patients with sepsisinduced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (grade
1A vs. 12 mL/kg).
2. We recommend that plateau pressures be measured in
patients with ARDS and that the initial upper limit goal for
plateau pressures in a passively inflated lung be 30cm H2O
(grade 1B).
Rationale. Of note, studies used to determine recommendations in this section enrolled patients using criteria from the
American-European Consensus Criteria Definition for Acute
Lung Injury (ALI) and ARDS (232). For this document, we
have used the updated Berlin definition and used the terms
mild, moderate, and severe ARDS (Pao2/Fio2 300, 200, and
100 mm Hg, respectively) for the syndromes previously
known as ALI and ARDS (233). Several multicenter randomized trials have been performed in patients with established
ARDS to evaluate the effects of limiting inspiratory pressure
through moderation of tidal volume (234238). These studies
showed differing results that may have been caused by differences in airway pressures in the treatment and control groups
(233, 234, 239). Several meta-analyses suggest decreased mortality in patients with a pressure- and volume-limited strategy
for established ARDS (240, 241).
The largest trial of a volume- and pressure-limited strategy
showed an absolute 9% decrease in all-cause mortality in patients
with ARDS ventilated with tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg compared
with 12 mL/kg of predicted body weight (PBW), and aiming for
a plateau pressure 30 cm H2O (233). The use of lung-protective
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

strategies for patients with ARDS is supported by clinical trials

and has been widely accepted, but the precise choice of tidal volume for an individual patient with ARDS may require adjustment for such factors as the plateau pressure achieved, the level
of positive end-expiratory pressure chosen, the compliance of the
thoracoabdominal compartment, and the vigor of the patients
breathing effort. Patients with profound metabolic acidosis, high
obligate minute ventilations, or short stature may require additional manipulation of tidal volumes. Some clinicians believe
it may be safe to ventilate with tidal volumes > 6mL/kg PBW
as long as the plateau pressure can be maintained 30cm H2O
(242, 243). The validity of this ceiling value will depend on the
patients effort, as those who are actively breathing generate
higher transalveolar pressures for a given plateau pressure than
patients who are passively inflated. Conversely, patients with very
stiff chest walls may require plateau pressures > 30cm H2O to
meet vital clinical objectives. A retrospective study suggested that
tidal volumes should be lowered even with plateau pressures
30cm H2O (244) as lower plateau pressures were associated with
decreased in-hospital mortality (245).
High tidal volumes that are coupled with high plateau pressures should be avoided in ARDS. Clinicians should use as a
starting point the objective of reducing tidal volume over 1 to
2 hrs from its initial value toward the goal of a low tidal volume (6mL/kg PBW) achieved in conjunction with an endinspiratory plateau pressure 30cm H2O. If the plateau pressure
remains > 30cm H2O after reduction of tidal volume to 6mL/kg
PBW, tidal volume may be reduced further to as low as 4mL/kg
PBW per protocol. (Appendix C provides ARDSNet ventilator
management and formulas to calculate PBW.) Using volumeand pressure-limited ventilation may lead to hypercapnia with
maximum tolerated set respiratory rates. In such cases, hypercapnia that is otherwise not contraindicated (eg, high intracranial pressure) and appears to be tolerated should be allowed.
Sodium bicarbonate or tromethamine (THAM) infusion may be
considered in selected patients to facilitate use of limited ventilator conditions that result in permissive hypercapnia (246, 247).
A number of observational trials in mechanically ventilated patients have demonstrated a decreased risk of developing ARDS when smaller trial volumes are used (248251).
Accordingly, high tidal volumes and plateau pressures should
be avoided in mechanically ventilated patients at risk for developing ARDS, including those with sepsis.
No single mode of ventilation (pressure control, volume
control) has consistently been shown to be advantageous when
compared with any other that respects the same principles of
lung protection.
3. We recommend that positive end-expiratory pressure
(PEEP) be applied to avoid alveolar collapse at end expiration (atelectotrauma) (grade 1B).
4. We suggest strategies based on higher rather than lower levels of PEEP for patients with sepsis-induced moderate to
severe ARDS (grade 2C).
Critical Care Medicine

Rationale. Raising PEEP in ARDS keeps lung units open to

participate in gas exchange. This will increase Pao2 when PEEP
is applied through either an endotracheal tube or a face mask
(252254). In animal experiments, avoidance of end-expiratory alveolar collapse helps minimize ventilator-induced lung
injury when relatively high plateau pressures are in use. Three
large multicenter trials using higher vs. lower levels of PEEP in
conjunction with low tidal volumes did not uncover benefit or
harm (255257). A meta-analysis using individual patient data
showed no benefit in all patients with ARDS; however, patients
with moderate or severe ARDS (Pao2/Fio2 ratio 200 mm Hg)
had decreased mortality with the use of higher PEEP, whereas
those with mild ARDS did not (258). Two options are recommended for PEEP titration. One option is to titrate PEEP (and
tidal volume) according to bedside measurements of thoracopulmonary compliance with the objective of obtaining the best
compliance, reflecting a favorable balance of lung recruitment
and overdistension (259). The second option is to titrate PEEP
based on severity of oxygenation deficit and guided by the Fio2
required to maintain adequate oxygenation (234, 255, 256). A
PEEP > 5cm H2O is usually required to avoid lung collapse (260).
The ARDSNet standard PEEP strategy is shown in Appendix C.
The higher PEEP strategy recommended for ARDS is shown in
Appendix D and comes from the ALVEOLI trial (257).
5. We suggest recruitment maneuvers in sepsis patients with
severe refractory hypoxemia due to ARDS (grade 2C).
6. We suggest prone positioning in sepsis-induced ARDS
patients with a Pao2/Fio2 ratio 100mm Hg in facilities that
have experience with such practices (grade 2B).
Rationale. Many strategies exist for treating refractory
hypoxemia in patients with severe ARDS (261). Temporarily
raising transpulmonary pressure may facilitate opening atelectatic alveoli to permit gas exchange (260), but could also
overdistend aerated lung units leading to ventilator-induced
lung injury and temporary hypotension. The application of
transient sustained use of continuous positive airway pressure
appears to improve oxygenation in patients initially, but these
effects can be transient (262). Although selected patients with
severe hypoxemia may benefit from recruitment maneuvers in
conjunction with higher levels of PEEP, little evidence supports
the routine use in all ARDS patients (262). Blood pressure and
oxygenation should be monitored and recruitment maneuvers
discontinued if deterioration in these variables is observed.
Several small studies and one large study in patients with
hypoxemic respiratory failure or ARDS have shown that most
patients respond to the prone position with improved oxygenation (263266). None of the individual trials of prone positioning in patients with ARDS or hypoxemic respiratory failure
demonstrated a mortality benefit (267270). One meta-analysis suggested potential benefits for prone positioning in patients
with profound hypoxemia and Pao2/Fio2 ratio 100mm Hg, but
not in those with less severe hypoxemia (270). Prone positioning may be associated with potentially life-threatening complications, including accidental dislodging of the endotracheal


Dellinger et al

and chest tubes; these complications occur more frequently in

patients in the prone compared with supine position (270).
Other methods to treat refractory hypoxemia, including
high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, airway pressure release
ventilation, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (271),
may be considered as rescue therapies in centers with expertise
and experience with their use (261, 271274). Inhaled nitric
oxide does not improve mortality rates in patients with ARDS
and should not be routinely used (275).
7. We recommend that mechanically ventilated sepsis patients
be maintained with the head of the bed elevated between
30 and 45 degrees to limit aspiration risk and to prevent the
development of VAP (grade 1B).
Rationale. The semi-recumbent position has been demonstrated to decrease the incidence of VAP (276). Enteral feeding
increased the risk of developing VAP; 50% of the patients who
were fed enterally in the supine position developed VAP compared with 9% of those fed in the semi-recumbent position
(276). However, the bed position was monitored only once a
day, and patients who did not achieve the desired bed elevation were not included in the analysis (276). One study did not
show a difference in incidence of VAP between patients maintained in supine and semi-recumbent positions (277); patients
assigned to the semi-recumbent group did not consistently
achieve the desired head of the bed elevation, and the head of
bed elevation in the supine group approached that of the semirecumbent group by day 7 (277). When necessary, patients
may be laid flat for procedures, hemodynamic measurements,
and during episodes of hypotension. Patients should not be fed
enterally while supine.
8. We suggest that noninvasive mask ventilation (NIV) be
used in that minority of sepsis-induced ARDS patients in
whom the benefits of NIV have been carefully considered
and are thought to outweigh the risks (grade 2B).
Rationale. Obviating the need for airway intubation confers multiple advantages: better communication, lower incidence of infection, and reduced requirements for sedation.
Two RCTs in patients with acute respiratory failure demonstrated improved outcome with the use of NIV when it can be
used successfully (278, 279). Unfortunately, only a small percentage of sepsis patients with life-threatening hypoxemia can
be managed in this way (280, 281).
NIV should be considered in patients with sepsis-induced
ARDS if they are responsive to relatively low levels of pressure
support and PEEP with stable hemodynamics, can be made
comfortable, and are easily arousable; if they are able to protect
the airway and spontaneously clear the airway of secretions;
and if they are anticipated to recover rapidly from the precipitating insult (280, 281). A low threshold for airway intubation
should be maintained.
9. We recommend that a weaning protocol be in place and that
mechanically ventilated patients with severe sepsis undergo
spontaneous breathing trials regularly to evaluate the ability
to discontinue mechanical ventilation when they satisfy the

following criteria: a) arousable; b) hemodynamically stable

(without vasopressor agents); c) no new potentially serious
conditions; d) low ventilatory and end-expiratory pressure
requirements; and e) low Fio2 requirements which can be
safely delivered with a face mask or nasal cannula. If the
spontaneous breathing trial is successful, extubation should
be considered (grade 1A).
Rationale. Spontaneous breathing trial options include a
low level of pressure support, continuous positive airway pressure (5cm H2O), or a use of a T-piece. Studies demonstrated
that daily spontaneous breathing trials in appropriately selected
patients reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation (282,
283). These breathing trials should be conducted in conjunction
with a spontaneous awakening trial (284). Successful completion of spontaneous breathing trials leads to a high likelihood of
successful early discontinuation of mechanical ventilation.
10. We recommend against the routine use of the pulmonary
artery catheter for patients with sepsis-induced ARDS
(grade 1A).
Rationale. Although insertion of a pulmonary artery (PA)
catheter may provide useful information on a patients volume
status and cardiac function, these benefits may be confounded
by differences in the interpretation of results (285287), lack
of correlation of PA occlusion pressures with clinical response
(288), and an absence of a proven strategy to use catheter
results to improve patient outcomes (173). Two multicenter
randomized trials, one in patients with shock or ARDS (289)
and the other in those with only ARDS (290), failed to show
benefit with the routine use of PA catheters in ARDS. In addition, other studies in different types of critically ill patients
have failed to show definitive benefit with routine use of the
PA catheter (291293). Well-selected patients remain appropriate candidates for PA catheter insertion only when the answers
to important management decisions depend on information
solely obtainable from direct measurements made within the
PA (292, 294).
11. We recommend a conservative fluid strategy for patients
with established sepsis-induced ARDS who do not have
evidence of tissue hypoperfusion (grade 1C).
Rationale. Mechanisms for the development of pulmonary edema in patients with ARDS include increased capillary
permeability, increased hydrostatic pressure, and decreased
oncotic pressure (295). Small prospective studies in patients
with critical illness and ARDS have suggested that low weight
gain is associated with improved oxygenation (296) and fewer
days of mechanical ventilation (297, 298). A fluid-conservative
strategy to minimize fluid infusion and weight gain in patients
with ARDS, based on either a central venous catheter (CVP <
4mm Hg) or a PA catheter (pulmonary artery wedge pressure
< 8mm Hg), along with clinical variables to guide treatment,
led to fewer days of mechanical ventilation and reduced length
of ICU stay without altering the incidence of renal failure or
mortality rates (299). This strategy was only used in patients
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Special Article

with established ARDS, some of whom had shock present during the ICU stay, and active attempts to reduce fluid volume
were conducted only outside periods of shock.
12. In the absence of specific indications such as bronchospasm,
we recommend against the use of 2-agonists for treatment
of patients with sepsis-induced ARDS (grade 1B).
Rationale. Patients with sepsis-induced ARDS often develop
increased vascular permeability. Preclinical and early clinical data
suggest that -adrenergic agonists may speed resorption of alveolar edema (300). Two randomized clinical trials studied the effect
of -agonists in patients with ARDS (301, 302). In one, a comparison of aerosolized albuterol and placebo in 282 patients with
ARDS, the trial was stopped for futility (301). Patients receiving albuterol had higher heart rates on day 2, and a trend was
detected toward decreased ventilator-free days (days alive and off
the ventilator). The rates of death before discharge were 23.0% in
the albuterol group vs. 17.7% in placebo-treated patients. More
than half of the patients enrolled in this trial had pulmonary or
nonpulmonary sepsis as the cause of the ARDS (301).
The use of intravenous salbutamol was tested in the
BALTI-2 trial (302). Three hundred twenty-six patients with
ARDS, 251 of whom had pulmonary or nonpulmonary sepsis
as cause, were randomized to intravenous salbutatmol, 15 g/
kg of ideal body weight, or placebo for up to 7 days. Patients
treated with salbutamol had increased 28-day mortality rates
(34% vs. 23%; RR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.032.08) leading to early termination of the trial (302).
Beta-2 agonists may have specific indications, such as treatment of bronchospasm and hyperkalemia. In the absence of
these conditions, we recommend against the routine use of
-agonists, either in intravenous or aerosolized form, for the
treatment of patients with sepsis-induced ARDS.
P. Sedation, Analgesia, and Neuromuscular Blockade
in Sepsis
1. We recommend that either continuous or intermittent
sedation be minimized in mechanically ventilated sepsis
patients, targeting specific titration endpoints (grade 1B).
Rationale. A growing body of evidence indicates that limiting
the use of sedation in critically ill ventilated patients can
reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU and
hospital lengths of stay (303305). While studies limiting
sedation have been performed in a wide range of critically ill
patients, there is little reason to assume that septic patients
will not derive benefit from this approach (305). The use of
protocols for sedation is one method to limit sedation use, and
a randomized, controlled clinical trial found that protocolized
sedation compared with usual care reduced duration of
mechanical ventilation, lengths of stay, and tracheostomy
rates (305). Avoidance of sedation is another strategy. A
recent observational study of 250 critically ill patients suggests
that deep sedation is common in mechanically ventilated
patients (306). A randomized, controlled clinical trial found
that patients treated with intravenous morphine boluses
Critical Care Medicine

preferentially had significantly more days without ventilation,

shorter stay in ICU and hospital, than patients who received
sedation (propofol and midazolam) in addition to morphine
(307). However, agitated delirium was more frequently detected
in the intervention group. Although not specifically studied
in patients with sepsis, the administration of intermittent
sedation, daily sedative interruption, and systematic titration
to a predefined endpoint have been demonstrated to decrease
the duration of mechanical ventilation (284, 305, 308, 309).
Patients receiving neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs)
must be individually assessed regarding discontinuation of
sedative drugs because the neuromuscular blockade must first
be reversed. The use of intermittent vs. continuous methods
for the delivery of sedation in critically ill patients has been
examined in an observational study of mechanically ventilated
patients that showed that patients receiving continuous
sedation had significantly longer durations of mechanical
ventilation and ICU and hospital lengths of stay (310).
Clinical trials have evaluated daily interruption of continuous sedative infusions. A prospective, randomized controlled
trial in 128 mechanically ventilated adults receiving continuous intravenous sedation demonstrated that a daily interruption in the continuous sedative infusion until the patient was
awake decreased the duration of mechanical ventilation and
ICU length of stay (283). Although the patients did receive
continuous sedative infusions in this study, the daily interruption and awakening allowed for titration of sedation, in
effect making the dosing intermittent. In addition, a paired
spontaneous awakening trial combined with a spontaneous
breathing trial decreased the duration of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU and hospital stay, and 1-year mortality
(284). More recently, a multicenter randomized trial compared
protocolized sedation with protocolized sedation plus daily
sedation interruption in 423 critically ill mechanically ventilated medical and surgical patients (311). There were no differences in duration of mechanical ventilation or lengths of
stay between the groups; and daily interruption was associated
with higher daily opioid and benzodiazepines doses, as well as
higher nurse workload. Additionally, a randomized prospective blinded observational study demonstrated that although
myocardial ischemia is common in critically ill ventilated
patients, daily sedative interruption is not associated with an
increased occurrence of myocardial ischemia (312). Regardless
of sedation approach, early physical rehabilitation should be a
goal (313).
2. We recommend that NMBAs be avoided if possible in the
septic patient without ARDS due to the risk of prolonged
neuromuscular blockade following discontinuation. If
NMBAs must be maintained, either intermittent bolus as
required or continuous infusion with train-of-four monitoring of the depth of blockade should be used (grade 1C).
3. We suggest a short course of an NMBA ( 48 hours) for
patients with early, sepsis-induced ARDS and Pao2/Fio2
< 150 mm Hg (grace 2C).


Dellinger et al

Rationale. Although NMBAs are often administered to

critically ill patients, their role in the ICU is not well defined.
No evidence exists that neuromuscular blockade in this patient
population reduces mortality or major morbidity. In addition,
no studies have been published that specifically address the use
of NMBAs in septic patients.
The most common indication for NMBA use in the ICU is
to facilitate mechanical ventilation (314). When appropriately
used, these agents may improve chest wall compliance, prevent
respiratory dyssynchrony, and reduce peak airway pressures
(315). Muscle paralysis may also reduce oxygen consumption
by decreasing the work of breathing and respiratory muscle
blood flow (316). However, a randomized, placebo-controlled
clinical trial in patients with severe sepsis demonstrated that
oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption, and gastric intramucosal pH were not improved during deep neuromuscular blockade (317).
A recent randomized clinical trial of continuous infusions
of cisatracurium in patients with early ARDS and a Pao2/Fio2
< 150 mm Hg showed improved adjusted survival rates and
more organ failure-free days without an increased risk in ICUacquired weakness compared with placebo-treated patients
(318). The investigators used a high fixed dose of cisatracurium
without train-of-four monitoring, and half of the patients in the
placebo group received at least a single dose of NMBA. Whether
another NMBA would have similar effects is unknown. Although
many of the patients enrolled into this trial appeared to meet
sepsis criteria, it is not clear whether similar results would occur
in sepsis patients. A GRADEpro Summary of Evidence Table
regarding use of NMBA in ARDS appears in Supplemental
Digital Content 5 (
An association between NMBA use and myopathies and
neuropathies has been suggested by case studies and prospective observational studies in the critical care population (315,
319322), but the mechanisms by which NMBAs produce or
contribute to myopathies and neuropathies in these patients
are unknown. Although no studies are specific to the septic
patient population, it seems clinically prudent, based on existing knowledge, that NMBAs not be administered unless there
is a clear indication for neuromuscular blockade that cannot be
safely achieved with appropriate sedation and analgesia (315).
Only one prospective RCT has compared peripheral
nerve stimulation and standard clinical assessment in ICU
patients. Rudis et al (323) randomized 77 critically ill ICU
patients requiring neuromuscular blockade to receive dosing
of vecuronium based on train-of-four stimulation or on clinical assessment (control group). The peripheral nerve stimulation group received less drug and recovered neuromuscular
function and spontaneous ventilation faster than the control
group. Nonrandomized observational studies have suggested
that peripheral nerve monitoring reduces or has no effect on
clinical recovery from NMBAs in the ICU (324, 325).
Benefits to neuromuscular monitoring, including faster
recovery of neuromuscular function and shorter intubation
times, appear to exist. A potential for cost savings (reduced

total dose of NMBAs and shorter intubation times) also may

exist, although this has not been studied formally.
Q. Glucose Control
1. We recommend a protocolized approach to blood glucose
management in ICU patients with severe sepsis, commencing insulin dosing when two consecutive blood glucose levels are > 180mg/dL. This approach should target an upper
blood glucose level 180mg/dL rather than an upper target
blood glucose 110mg/dL (grade 1A).
2. We recommend blood glucose values be monitored every 1
to 2 hrs until glucose values and insulin infusion rates are
stable, then every 4 hrs thereafter (grade 1C).
3. We recommend that glucose levels obtained with point-ofcare testing of capillary blood be interpreted with caution,
as such measurements may not accurately estimate arterial
blood or plasma glucose values (UG).
Rationale. One large RCT single-center trial in a predominantly cardiac surgical ICU demonstrated a reduction in ICU
mortality with intensive intravenous insulin (Leuven protocol)
targeting blood glucose to 80 to 110mg/dL (326). A second
randomized trial of intensive insulin therapy using the Leuven
protocol enrolled medical ICU patients with an anticipated
ICU length of stay of more than 3 days in three medical ICUs
and overall mortality was not reduced (327).
Since these studies (326, 327) and the previous Surviving
Sepsis Guidelines (7) appeared, several RCTs (128, 328332)
and meta-analyses (333337) of intensive insulin therapy have
been performed. The RCTs studied mixed populations of surgical and medical ICU patients (128, 328332) and found that
intensive insulin therapy did not significantly decrease mortality
(128, 328332), whereas the NICE-SUGAR trial demonstrated
an increased mortality (331). All studies (128, 326332) reported
a much higher incidence of severe hypoglycemia (glucose 40
mg/dL) (6%29%) with intensive insulin therapy. Several metaanalyses confirmed that intensive insulin therapy was not associated with a mortality benefit in surgical, medical, or mixed ICU
patients (333, 335, 337). The meta-analysis by Griesdale and colleagues (334), using between-trial comparisons driven mainly by
the 2001 study by van den Berghe et al (326), found that intensive insulin therapy was beneficial in surgical ICU patients (risk
ratio, 0.63 [0.440.9]), whereas the meta-analysis by Friedrich
et al (336), using within-trial comparisons, showed no benefit
for surgical patients in mixed medical-surgical ICUs (risk ratio
0.99 [0.821.11]) and no subgroup of surgical patients who benefited from intensive insulin therapy. Interestingly, the RCTs that
reported (326, 327) compared intensive insulin therapy to high
controls (180200 mg/dL) (OR, 0.89 [0.731.09]), whereas those
that did not demonstrate benefit (330332) compared intensive
therapy to moderate controls (108180 mg/dL) [OR, 1.14 (1.02
to 1.26)]. See Supplemental Digital Content 6 (http://links. for details.
The trigger to start an insulin protocol for blood glucose
levels > 180mg/dL with an upper target blood glucose level
< 180mg/dL derives from the NICE-SUGAR study (331),
which used these values for initiating and stopping therapy. The
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

NICE-SUGAR trial is the largest, most compelling study to date

on glucose control in ICU patients given its inclusion of multiple ICUs and hospitals and a general patient population. Several
medical organizations, including the American Association
of Clinical Endocrinologists, American Diabetes Association,
American Heart Association, American College of Physicians,
and Society of Critical Care Medicine, have published consensus
statements for glycemic control of hospitalized patients (338
341). These statements usually targeted glucose levels between
140 and 180mg/dL. As there is no evidence that targets between
140 and 180mg/dL are different from targets of 110 to 140mg/
dL, the recommendations use an upper target blood glucose
180mg/dL without a lower target other than hypoglycemia.
Treatment should avoid hyperglycemia (> 180mg/dL), hypoglycemia, and wide swings in glucose levels. The continuation of
insulin infusions, especially with the cessation of nutrition, has
been identified as a risk factor for hypoglycemia (332). Balanced
nutrition may be associated with a reduced risk of hypoglycemia (342). Several studies have suggested that the variability in
glucose levels over time is an important determinant of mortality (343345). Hyperglycemia and glucose variability seem to be
unassociated with increased mortality rates in diabetic patients
compared to nondiabetic patients (346, 347).
Several factors may affect the accuracy and reproducibility of point-of-care testing of blood capillary blood glucose,
including the type and model of the device used, user expertise,
and patient factors, including hematocrit (false elevation with
anemia), Pao2, and drugs (348). Plasma glucose values by capillary point-of-care testing have been found to be inaccurate
with frequent false elevations (349, 350) over the range of glucose levels (350), but especially in the hypoglycemic (349, 351)
and hyperglycemic ranges (351) and in hypotensive patients
(352) or patients receiving catecholamines (353). A review of
12 published insulin infusion protocols for critically ill patients
showed wide variability in dose recommendations and variable
glucose control (354). This lack of consensus about optimal
dosing of intravenous insulin may reflect variability in patient
factors (severity of illness, surgical vs. medical settings), or practice patterns (eg, approaches to feeding, intravenous dextrose)
in the environments in which these protocols were developed
and tested. Alternatively, some protocols may be more effective than others, conclusion supported by the wide variability
in hypoglycemia rates reported with protocols (128, 326333).
Thus, the use of established insulin protocols is important not
only for clinical care but also for the conduct of clinical trials
to avoid hypoglycemia, adverse events, and premature termination of trials before the efficacy signal, if any, can be determined.
Several studies have suggested that computer-based algorithms
result in tighter glycemic control with a reduced risk of hypoglycemia (355, 356). Further study of validated, safe, and effective protocols for controlling blood glucose concentrations and
variability in the severe sepsis population is needed.
R. Renal Replacement Therapy
1. We suggest that continuous renal replacement therapies and
intermittent hemodialysis are equivalent in patients with
Critical Care Medicine

severe sepsis and acute renal failure because they achieve

similar short-term survival rates (grade 2B).
2. We suggest the use of continuous therapies to facilitate
management of fluid balance in hemodynamically unstable
septic patients (grade 2D).
Rationale. Although numerous nonrandomized studies have
reported a nonsignificant trend toward improved survival using
continuous methods (357364), two meta-analyses (365, 366)
reported the absence of significant difference in hospital mortality between patients who receive continuous and intermittent
renal replacement therapies. This absence of apparent benefit of
one modality over the other persists even when the analysis is
restricted to RCT studies (366). To date, five prospective RCTs
have been published (367371); four found no significant difference in mortality (368371), whereas one found significantly
higher mortality in the continuous treatment group (367), but
imbalanced randomization had led to a higher baseline severity
of illness in this group. When a multivariable model was used
to adjust for severity of illness, no difference in mortality was
apparent between the groups (367). Most studies comparing
modes of renal replacement in the critically ill have included
a small number of patients and some major weaknesses (ie,
randomization failure, modifications of therapeutic protocol
during the study period, combination of different types of continuous renal replacement therapies, small number of heterogeneous groups of enrollees). The most recent and largest RCT
(371) enrolled 360 patients and found no significant difference
in survival between the continuous and intermittent groups.
Moreover, no evidence supports the use of continuous therapies
in sepsis independent of renal replacement needs.
No evidence supports a better tolerance with continuous treatments regarding the hemodynamic tolerance of each
method. Two prospective studies (369, 372) have reported a better hemodynamic tolerance with continuous treatment, with no
improvement in regional perfusion (372) and no survival benefit (369). Four other prospective studies did not find any significant difference in mean arterial pressure or drop in systolic
pressure between the two methods (368, 370, 371, 373). Two
studies reported a significant improvement in goal achievement
with continuous methods (367, 369) regarding fluid balance
management. In summary, the evidence is insufficient to draw
strong conclusions regarding the mode of replacement therapy
for acute renal failure in septic patients.
The effect of dose of continuous renal replacement on outcomes in patients with acute renal failure has shown mixed
results (374, 375). None of these trials was conducted specifically in patients with sepsis. Although the weight of evidence
suggests that higher doses of renal replacement may be associated with improved outcomes, these results may not be generalizable. Two large multicenter randomized trials comparing the
dose of renal replacement (Acute Renal Failure Trial Network
in the United States and RENAL Renal Replacement Therapy
Study in Australia and New Zealand) failed to show benefit of
more aggressive renal replacement dosing. (376, 377). A typical


Dellinger et al

dose for continuous renal replacement therapy would be 20 to

25mL/kg/hr of effluent generation.
S. Bicarbonate Therapy
1. We recommend against the use of sodium bicarbonate therapy for the purpose of improving hemodynamics or reducing vasopressor requirements in patients with hypoperfusion-induced lactic acidemia with pH 7.15 (grade 2B).
Rationale. Although bicarbonate therapy may be useful in
limiting tidal volume in ARDS in some situations of permissive
hypercapnia (see section, Mechanical Ventilation of ARDS), no
evidence supports the use of bicarbonate therapy in the treatment of hypoperfusion-induced lactic acidemia associated with
sepsis. Two blinded, crossover RCTs that compared equimolar
saline and bicarbonate in patients with lactic acidosis failed to
reveal any difference in hemodynamic variables or vasopressor
requirements (378, 379). The number of patients with < 7.15 pH
in these studies was small. Bicarbonate administration has been
associated with sodium and fluid overload, an increase in lactate and Pco2, and a decrease in serum ionized calcium, but the
relevance of these variables to outcome is uncertain. The effect
of bicarbonate administration on hemodynamics and vasopressor requirements at lower pH, as well as the effect on clinical
outcomes at any pH, is unknown. No studies have examined the
effect of bicarbonate administration on outcomes.
T. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis
1. We recommend that patients with severe sepsis receive
daily pharmacoprophylaxis against venous thromboembolism (VTE) (grade 1B). We recommend that this be accomplished with daily subcutaneous low-molecular weight
heparin (LMWH) (grade 1B versus unfractionated heparin
[UFH] twice daily and grade 2C versus UFH given thrice
daily). If creatinine clearance is < 30mL/min, we recommend use of dalteparin (grade 1A) or another form of
LMWH that has a low degree of renal metabolism (grade
2C) or UFH (grade 1A).
2. We suggest that patients with severe sepsis be treated with
a combination of pharmacologic therapy and intermittent pneumatic compression devices whenever possible
(grade 2C).
3. We recommend that septic patients who have a contraindication to heparin use (eg, thrombocytopenia, severe coagulopathy,
active bleeding, recent intracerebral hemorrhage) not receive
pharmacoprophylaxis (grade 1B). Rather we suggest they
receive mechanical prophylactic treatment, such as graduated
compression stockings or intermittent compression devices
(grade 2C), unless contraindicated. When the risk decreases, we
suggest starting pharmacoprophylaxis (grade 2C).
Rationale. ICU patients are at risk for deep vein thrombosis
(DVT) (380). It is logical that patients with severe sepsis would
be at a similar or higher risk than the general ICU population.
The consequences of VTE in the setting of sepsis (increased
risk of potentially fatal pulmonary emboli in an already

hemodynamically compromised patient) are dire. Therefore,

prevention of VTE is highly desirable, especially if it can be
done safely and effectively.
Prophylaxis is generally effective. In particular, nine placebocontrolled RCTs of VTE prophylaxis have been conducted in
general populations of acutely ill patients (381389). All trials
showed reduction in DVT or pulmonary embolism, a benefit
that is also supported by meta-analyses (390, 391). Thus, the
evidence strongly supports the value of VTE prophylaxis (grade
1A). The prevalence of infection/sepsis was 17% in those studies
in which this could be ascertained. One study investigated only
ICU patients only, and 52% of those enrolled had infection/
sepsis. The need to extrapolate from general, acutely ill patients
to critically ill patients to septic patients downgrades the
evidence. That the effect is pronounced and the data are robust
somewhat mitigate against the extrapolation, leading to a grade
B determination. Because the patients risk of administration is
small, the gravity of not administering may be great, and the
cost is low, the strength of the recommendation is strong (1).
Deciding how to provide prophylaxis is decidedly more
difficult. The Canadian Critical Care Trials Group compared
UFH (5000 IU twice daily) to LMWH (dalteparin, 5000
IU once per day and a second placebo injection to ensure
parallel-group equivalence) (392). No statistically significant difference in asymptomatic DVTs was found between
the two groups (hazard ratio, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.681.23; p =
0.57), but the proportion of patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism on CT scan, high-probability ventilation perfusion scan, or autopsy was significantly lower in
the LMWH group (hazard ratio, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.300.88;
p = 0.01).The study did not account for the use of other forms
of LMWH. These data suggest that LMWH (dalteparin) is
the treatment of choice over UFH administered twice daily
in critically ill patients. Also, because the study included septic patients, the evidence supporting the use of dalteparin over
twice daily UFH in critically ill, and perhaps septic, patients is
strong. Similarly, a meta-analysis of acutely ill, general medical
patients comparing UFH twice and thrice daily demonstrated
that the latter regimen was more effective at preventing VTE,
but twice daily dosing produced less bleeding (393). Both critically ill and septic patients were included in these analyses, but
their numbers are unclear. Nonetheless, the quality of evidence
supporting the use of three times daily, as opposed to twice
daily, UFH dosing in preventing VTE in acutely ill medical
patients is high (A). However, comparing LMWH to twice daily
UFH, or twice daily UFH to three times daily UFH, in sepsis
requires extrapolation, downgrading the data. No data exist on
direct comparison of LMWH to UFH administered three times
daily, nor are there any studies directly comparing twice daily
and thrice daily UFH dosing in septic or critically ill patients.
Therefore, it is not possible to state that LMWH is superior to
three times daily UFH or that three times daily dosing is superior to twice daily administration in sepsis. This downgrades
the quality of the evidence and therefore the recommendation.
Douketis et al (394) conducted a study of 120 critically
ill patients with acute kidney injury (creatinine clearance
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

< 30mL/min) who received VTE prophylaxis with dalteparin

5000 IU daily for between 4 and 14 days and had at least one
trough anti-factor Xa level measured. None of the patients
had bio-accumulation (trough anti-factor Xa level lower than
0.06 IU/mL). The incidence of major bleeding was somewhat
higher than in trials of other agents, but most other studies
did not involve critically ill patients, in whom the bleeding risk
is higher. Further, bleeding did not correlate with detectable
trough levels (394). Therefore, we recommend that dalteparin
can be administered to critically ill patients with acute renal
failure (A). Data on other LMWHs are lacking. Consequently,
these forms should probably be avoided or, if used, anti-factor
Xa levels should be monitored (grade 2C). UFH is not renally
cleared and is safe (grade 1A).
Mechanical methods (intermittent compression devices and
graduated compression stockings) are recommended when
anticoagulation is contraindicated (395397). A meta-analysis
of 11 studies, including six RCTs, published in the Cochrane
Library concluded that the combination of pharmacologic and
mechanical prophylaxis was superior to either modality alone
in preventing DVT and was better than compression alone
in preventing pulmonary embolism (398). This analysis did
not focus on sepsis or critically ill patients but included studies of prophylaxis after orthopedic, pelvic, and cardiac surgery.
In addition, the type of pharmacologic prophylaxis varied,
including UFH, LMWH, aspirin, and warfarin. Nonetheless,
the minimal risk associated with compression devices lead
us to recommend combination therapy in most cases. In
very-high-risk patients, LMWH is preferred over UFH (392,
399401). Patients receiving heparin should be monitored for
development of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. These
recommendations are consistent with those developed by the
American College of Chest Physicians (402).
U. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis
1. We recommend that stress ulcer prophylaxis using H2 blocker
or proton pump inhibitor be given to patients with severe
sepsis/septic shock who have bleeding risk factors (grade 1B).
2. When stress ulcer prophylaxis is used, we suggest the use of
proton pump inhibitors rather than H2 receptor antagonists
(H2RA) (grade 2C).
3. We suggest that patients without risk factors should not
receive prophylaxis (grade 2B).
Rationale. Although no study has been performed specifically in patients with severe sepsis, trials confirming the benefit
of stress ulcer prophylaxis in reducing upper gastrointestinal
(GI) bleeding in general ICU populations included 20% to 25%
of patients with sepsis (403406). This benefit should be applicable to patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. In addition,
the risk factors for GI bleeding (eg, coagulopathy, mechanical
ventilation for at least 48 hrs, possibly hypotension) are frequently present in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock
(407, 408). Patients without these risk factors are unlikely (0.2%;
95% CI, 0.020.5) to have clinically important bleeding (407).
Critical Care Medicine

Both old and new meta-analyses show prophylaxis-induced

reduction in clinically significant upper GI bleeding, which we
consider significant even in the absence of proven mortality
benefit (409411). The benefit of prevention of upper GI
bleeding must be weighed against the potential (unproven)
effect of increased stomach pH on a greater incidence of VAP
and C. difficile infection (409, 412, 413). (See Supplemental
Digital Content 7 and 8 [
A615], Summary of Evidence Tables for effects of treatments
on specific outcomes.) In an exploratory hypothesis, we
considered (as did the authors of the meta-analysis) (411) the
possibility of less benefit and more harm in prophylaxis among
patients receiving enteral nutrition but decided to provide one
recommendation while lowering the quality of evidence. The
balance of benefits and risks may thus depend on the individual
patients characteristics as well as on the local epidemiology of
VAP and C. difficile infections. The rationale for considering
only suppression of acid production (and not sucralfate) is
based on the study of 1,200 patients by Cook et al comparing
H2 blockers and sucralfate (414). More recent meta-analyses
provide low-quality evidence suggesting more effective GI
bleeding protection with the use of proton pump inhibitors
than with H2RA (415417). Patients should be periodically
evaluated for the continued need for prophylaxis.
V. Nutrition
1. We suggest administering oral or enteral (if necessary) feedings, as tolerated, rather than either complete fasting or provision of only intravenous glucose within the first 48 hrs
after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock (grade 2C).
2. We suggest avoiding mandatory full caloric feeding in the
first week, but rather suggest low-dose feeding (eg, up to
500 kcal per day), advancing only as tolerated (grade 2B).
3. We suggest using intravenous glucose and enteral nutrition
rather than total parenteral nutrition (TPN) alone or parenteral nutrition in conjunction with enteral feeding in the first 7
days after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock (grade 2B).
4. We suggest using nutrition with no specific immunomodulating supplementation in patients with severe sepsis (grade 2C).
Rationale. Early enteral nutrition has theoretical advantages in the integrity of gut mucosa and prevention of bacterial
translocation and organ dysfunction, but also concerning is the
risk of ischemia, mainly in hemodynamically unstable patients.
Unfortunately, no clinical trial has specifically addressed
early feeding in septic patients. Studies on different subpopulations of critically ill patients, mostly surgical patients, are not
consistent, with great variability in the intervention and control groups; all are of low methodological quality (418427)
and none was individually powered for mortality, with very
low mortality rates (418420, 423, 426). Authors of previously
published meta-analyses of optimal nutrition strategies for the
critically ill all reported that the studies they included had high
heterogeneity and low quality(418430). Although no consistent effect on mortality was observed, there was evidence of
benefit from some early enteral feeding on secondary outcomes,


Dellinger et al

such as reduced incidence of infectious complications (418,

422, 426, 427430), reduced length of mechanical ventilation
(421, 427), and reduced ICU (421, 427) and hospital stays (428).
No evidence of harm was demonstrated in any of those studies.
Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to issue a strong recommendation, but the suggestion of benefit and absence of harm
supports a suggestion that some enteral feeding is warranted.
Studies comparing full caloric early enteral feeding to lower
targets in the critically ill have produced inconclusive results.
In four studies, no effect on mortality was seen (431434); one
reported fewer infectious complications (431), and the others
reported increased diarrhea and gastric residuals (433, 434)
and increased incidence of infectious complications with full
caloric feeding (432). In another study, mortality was greater
with higher feeding, but differences in feeding strategies were
modest and the sample size was small (435). Therefore, evidence
is insufficient to support an early target of full caloric intake
and, indeed, some possibility of harm exists. Underfeeding
(60%70% of target) or trophic feeding (upper limit of 500
kcal) is probably a better nutritional strategy in the first week of
severe sepsis/septic shock. This upper limit for trophic feeding
is a somewhat arbitrary number, but based in part on the fact
that the two recent studies used a range of 240480 kcal (433,
434). Underfeeding/trophic feeding strategies did not exclude
advancing diet as tolerated in those who improved quickly.
Some form of parenteral nutrition has been compared to
alternative feeding strategies (eg, fasting or enteral nutrition)
in well over 50 studies, although only one exclusively studied
sepsis (436), and eight meta-analyses have been published
(429, 437443). Two of the meta-analyses summarize comparisons of parenteral nutrition vs. fasting or intravenous glucose (437, 438), and six look at parenteral vs. enteral nutrition
(429, 439443), two of which attempted to explore the effect
of early enteral nutrition (441, 442). Recently, a study much
larger than most earlier nutrition trials compared ICU patients
randomized to early use of parenteral nutrition to augment
enteral feeding vs. enteral feeding with only late initiation of
parenteral nutrition if necessary (444).
No direct evidence supports the benefits or harm of parenteral nutrition in the first 48 hrs in sepsis. Rather, the evidence
is generated predominantly from surgical, burn, and trauma
patients. None of the meta-analyses reports a mortality benefit with parenteral nutrition, except one suggesting parenteral nutrition may be better than late introduction of enteral
nutrition (442). Several suggested that parenteral nutrition
had higher infectious complications compared both to fasting or intravenous glucose and to enteral nutrition (429, 431,
438, 439, 442). Enteral feeding was associated with a higher
rate of enteral complications (eg, diarrhea) than parenteral
nutrition (438). The use of parenteral nutrition to supplement enteral feeding was also analyzed by Dhaliwal et al (440),
who also reported no benefit. The trial by Casaer et al (444)
reported that early initiation of parenteral nutrition led to longer hospital and ICU stays, longer duration of organ support,
and higher incidence of ICU-acquired infection. One-fifth of
patients had sepsis and there was no evidence of heterogeneity

in treatment effects across subgroups, including the sepsis subjects. Therefore, no studies suggest the superiority of TPN over
enteral alone in the first 24 hrs. In fact, there is a suggestion that
enteral nutrition may in fact be superior to TPN vis--vis infectious complications and possibly requirement for intensive care
and organ support.
Immune system function can be modified through alterations in the supply of certain nutrients, such as arginine, glutamine, or omega-3 fatty acids. Numerous studies have assessed
whether use of these agents as nutritional supplements can
affect the course of critical illness, but few specifically addressed
their early use in sepsis. Four meta-analyses evaluated immuneenhancing nutrition and found no difference in mortality, neither in surgical nor medical patients (445448). However, they
analyzed all studies together, regardless of the immunocomponent used, which could have compromised their conclusions.
Other individual studies analyzed diets with a mix of arginine,
glutamine, antioxidants, and/or omega-3 with negative results
(449, 450) including a small study in septic patients showing a
nonsignificant increase in ICU mortality (451, 452).
Arginine availability is reduced in sepsis, which can lead
to reduced nitric oxide synthesis, loss of microcirculatory
regulation, and enhanced production of superoxide and
peroxynitrite. However, arginine supplementation could lead
to unwanted vasodilation and hypotension (452, 453). Human
trials of l-arginine supplementation have generally been small
and reported variable effects on mortality (454457). The
only study in septic patients showed improved survival, but
had limitations in study design (455). Other studies suggested
no benefit (449, 454, 455) or possible harm (455) in the
subgroup of septic patients. Some authors found improvement
in secondary outcomes in septic patients, such as reduced
infectious complications (454, 455) and length of hospital
stay (454), but the relevance of these findings in the face of
potential harm is unclear.
Glutamine levels are also reduced during critical illness.
Exogenous supplementation can improve gut mucosal atrophy
and permeability, possibly leading to reduced bacterial translocation. Other potential benefits are enhanced immune cell
function, decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine production,
and higher levels of glutathione and antioxidative capacity
(452, 453). However, the clinical significance of these findings
is not clearly established.
Although a previous meta-analysis showed mortality reduction (428), four other meta-analyses did not (458462). Other
small studies not included in those meta-analyses had similar
results (463, 464). Three recent well-designed studies also failed
to show a mortality benefit in the primary analyses (227, 465,
466), but again, none focused specifically on septic patients.
Two small studies on septic patients showed no benefit in mortality rates (467, 468) but a significant reduction in infectious
complications (467) and a faster recovery of organ dysfunction (468). Some previous individual studies and meta-analyses
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

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showed positive secondary outcomes, such as reduction in infectious morbidity (461, 462, 465) and organ dysfunction (462).
Beneficial effects were found mostly in trials using parenteral
rather than enteral glutamine. However, recent and well-sized
studies could not demonstrate a reduction of infectious complications (227) or organ dysfunction (465, 466), even with parenteral glutamine. An ongoing trial (REDOXS) of 1,200 patients
will test both enteral and parenteral glutamine and antioxidant
supplementation in critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients
(469). Although no clear benefit could be demonstrated in clinical trials with supplemental glutamine, there is no sign of harm.
The omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) are eicosanoid precursors. The
prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes produced from
EPA/GLA are less potent than their arachidonic acid-derived
equivalents, reducing the pro-inflammatory impact on the
immune response (452, 453). Three early studies were summarized in a meta-analysis that reported a significant mortality reduction, increased ventilator-free days, and reduced risk of
new organ dysfunction (470). However, only one study was in
septic patients (471), none was individually powered for mortality (472, 473), and all three used a diet with high omega-6 lipid
content in the control group, which is not the usual standard of
care in the critically ill. The authors who first reported reduced
mortality in sepsis (471) conducted a follow-up multicenter
study and again found improvement in nonmortality outcomes,
though notably with no demonstrable effect on mortality (474).
Other studies using enteral (475477) or parenteral (478480)
fish oil failed to confirm these findings in general critical illness
or acute lung injury. Thus, no large, reproducible findings suggest a clear benefit in the use of immunomodulating nutritional
supplements in sepsis, though larger trials are ongoing.
W. Setting Goals of Care
1. We recommend that goals of care and prognosis be discussed with patients and families (grade 1B).
2. We recommend that the goals of care be incorporated into
treatment and end-of-life care planning, utilizing palliative
care principles where appropriate (grade 1B).
3. We suggest that goals of care be addressed as early as feasible,
but no later than within 72 hrs of ICU admission (grade 2C).
Rationale. The majority of ICU patients receive full
support with aggressive, life-sustaining treatments. Many
patients with multiple organ system failure or severe neurologic injuries will not survive or will have a poor quality
of life. Decisions to provide less-aggressive life-sustaining
treatments or to withdraw life-sustaining treatments in these
patients may be in the patients best interest and may be what
patients and their families desire (481). Physicians have different end-of-life practices based on their region of practice,
culture, and religion (482). Although the outcome of intensive care treatment in critically ill patients may be difficult
to prognosticate accurately, establishing realistic treatment
goals is important in promoting patient-centered care in the
ICU (483). Models for structuring initiatives to enhance care
Critical Care Medicine

in the ICU highlight the importance of incorporating goals

of care along with the prognosis into treatment plans (484).
Additionally, discussing the prognosis for achieving the goals
of care and level of certainty of prognosis has been identified
as an important component of surrogate decision-making
in the ICU (485, 486). However, variations exist in the use
of advanced care planning and integration of palliative and
end-of-life care in the ICU, which can lead to conflicts that
may threaten overall quality of care (487, 488). The use of
proactive family care conferences to identify advanced directives and treatment goals within 72 hrs of ICU admission
promotes communication and understanding between the
patients family and the care team; improves family satisfaction; decreases stress, anxiety, and depression in surviving
relatives; facilitates end-of-life decision making; and shortens length of stay for patients who die in the ICU (489494).
Clinical practice guidelines for support of the ICU patient
and family promote: early and repeated care conferencing to
reduce family stress and improve consistency in communication; open flexible visitation; family presence during clinical
rounds and resuscitation; and attention to cultural and spiritual support (495). Additionally, the integration of advanced
care planning and palliative care focused on pain management, symptom control, and family support has been shown
to improve symptom management and patient comfort, and
to improve family communication (484, 490, 496).


While sepsis in children is a major cause of death in industrialized
countries with state-of-the-art ICUs, the overall mortality from
severe sepsis is much lower than that in adults, estimated at about
2% to 10% (497499). The hospital mortality rate for severe sepsis
is 2% in previously healthy children and 8% in chronically ill chil
dren in the United States (497). Definitions of sepsis, severe sepsis,
septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction/failure syndromes
are similar to adult definitions but depend on age-specific heart
rate, respiratory rate, and white blood cell count cutoff values
(500, 501). This document provides recommendations only for
term newborns and children in the industrialized resource-rich
setting with full access to mechanical ventilation ICUs.
A. Initial Resuscitation
1. We suggest starting with oxygen administered by face mask
or, if needed and available, high-flow nasal cannula oxygen or nasopharyngeal continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) for respiratory distress and hypoxemia. Peripheral
intravenous access or intraosseous access can be used for fluid
resuscitation and inotrope infusion when a central line is not
available. If mechanical ventilation is required, then cardiovascular instability during intubation is less likely after appropriate cardiovascular resuscitation (grade 2C).
Rationale. Due to low functional residual capacity, young
infants and neonates with severe sepsis may require early intubation; however, during intubation and mechanical ventilation,


Dellinger et al

Table 9. Recommendations:

Special Considerations in Pediatrics

A. Initial Resuscitation
1. For respiratory distress and hypoxemia start with face mask oxygen or if needed and available, high flow nasal cannula oxygen
or nasopharyngeal CPAP (NP CPAP). For improved circulation, peripheral intravenous access or intraosseus access can be
used for fluid resuscitation and inotrope infusion when a central line is not available. If mechanical ventilation is required then
cardiovascular instability during intubation is less likely after appropriate cardiovascular resuscitation (grade 2C).
2. Initial therapeutic end points of resuscitation of septic shock: capillary refill of 2 secs, normal blood pressure for age, normal pulses
with no differential between peripheral and central pulses, warm extremities, urine output >1 mLkg-1hr-1, and normal mental status.
Scvo2 saturation 70% and cardiac index between 3.3 and 6.0L/min/m2 should be targeted thereafter (grade 2C).
3. Follow American College of Critical Care Medicine-Pediatric Life Support ( ACCM-PALS) guidelines for the management of
septic shock (grade 1C).
4. Evaluate for and reverse pneumothorax, pericardial tamponade, or endocrine emergencies in patients with refractory shock
(grade 1C).
B. Antibiotics and Source Control
1. Empiric antibiotics be administered within 1hr of the identification of severe sepsis. Blood cultures should be obtained before
administering antibiotics when possible but this should not delay administration of antibiotics. The empiric drug choice should
be changed as epidemic and endemic ecologies dictate (eg H1N1, MRSA, chloroquine resistant malaria, penicillin-resistant
pneumococci, recent ICU stay, neutropenia ) (grade 1D).
2. Clindamycin and anti-toxin therapies for toxic shock syndromes with refractory hypotension (grade 2D).
3. Early and aggressive source control (grade 1D).
4. Clostridium difficile colitis should be treated with enteral antibiotics if tolerated. Oral vancomycin is preferred for severe disease (grade 1A).
C. Fluid Resuscitation
1. In the industrialized world with access to inotropes and mechanical ventilation, initial resuscitation of hypovolemic shock begins
with infusion of isotonic crystalloids or albumin with boluses of up to 20mL/kg crystalloids (or albumin equivalent ) over 510
minutes, titrated to reversing hypotension, increasing urine output, and attaining normal capillary refill, peripheral pulses, and
level of consciousness without inducing hepatomegaly or rales. If hepatomegaly or rales exist then inotropic support should be
implemented, not fluid resuscitation. In non-hypotensive children with severe hemolytic anemia (severe malaria or sickle cell
crises) blood transfusion is considered superior to crystalloid or albumin bolusing (grade 2C).
D. Inotropes/Vasopressors/Vasodilators
1. Begin peripheral inotropic support until central venous access can be attained in children who are not responsive to fluid
resuscitation (grade 2C).
2. Patients with low cardiac output and elevated systemic vascular resistance states with normal blood pressure be given
vasodilator therapies in addition to inotropes (grade 2C).
E. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
1. Consider ECMO for refractory pediatric septic shock and respiratory failure (grade 2C).
F. Corticosteroids
1. Timely hydrocortisone therapy in children with fluid refractory, catecholamine resistant shock and suspected or proven absolute
(classic) adrenal insufficiency (grade 1A).
G. Protein C and Activated Protein Concentrate
No recommendation as no longer available.
H. Blood Products and Plasma Therapies
1. Similar hemoglobin targets in children as in adults. During resuscitation of low superior vena cava oxygen saturation shock
(< 70%), hemoglobin levels of 10g/dL are targeted. After stabilization and recovery from shock and hypoxemia then a lower
target > 7.0g/dL can be considered reasonable (grade 1B).
2. Similar platelet transfusion targets in children as in adults (grade 2C).
3. Use plasma therapies in children to correct sepsis-induced thrombotic purpura disorders, including progressive disseminated
intravascular coagulation, secondary thrombotic microangiopathy, and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (grade 2C).
I. Mechanical Ventilation.
1 Lung-protective strategies during mechanical ventilation (grade 2C)

February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

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Table 9.(continued)

Recommendations: Special Considerations in Pediatrics

J. Sedation/Analgesia/Drug Toxicities
1. We recommend use of sedation with a sedation goal in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients with sepsis (grade 1D).
2. Monitor drug toxicity labs because drug metabolism is reduced during severe sepsis, putting children at greater risk of adverse
drug-related events (grade 1C).
K. Glycemic Control
1. Control hyperglycemia using a similar target as in adults 180mg/dL. Glucose infusion should accompany insulin therapy in
newborns and children because some hyperglycemic children make no insulin whereas others are insulin resistant (grade 2C).
L. Diuretics and Renal Replacement Therapy
1. Use diuretics to reverse fluid overload when shock has resolved, and if unsuccessful then continuous venovenous hemofiltration
(CVVH) or intermittent dialysis to prevent > 10% total body weight fluid overload (grade 2C).
M. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Prophylaxis
No recommendation on the use of DVT prophylaxis in prepubertal children with severe sepsis.
N. Stress Ulcer(SU) Prophylaxis
No recommendation on the use of SU prophylaxis in prepubertal children with severe sepsis.
O. Nutrition
1. Enteral nutrition given to children who can be fed enterally, and parenteral feeding in those who cannot (grade 2C).

increased intrathoracic pressure can reduce venous return and

lead to worsening shock if the patient is not volume loaded. In
those who desaturate despite administration of face mask oxygen, high-flow nasal cannula oxygen or nasopharyngeal CPAP
can be used to increase functional residual capacity and reduce
the work of breathing, allowing for establishment of intravenous or intraosseous access for fluid resuscitation and peripheral inotrope delivery (502, 503). Drugs used for sedation have
important side effects in these patients. For example, etomidate
is associated with increased mortality in children with meningococcal sepsis because of adrenal suppression effect (504, 505).
Because attainment of central access is more difficult in children than adults, reliance on peripheral or intraosseous access
can be substituted until and unless central access is available.
2. We suggest that the initial therapeutic endpoints of resuscitation of septic shock be capillary refill of 2 s, normal blood
pressure for age, normal pulses with no differential between
peripheral and central pulses, warm extremities, urine output
> 1 mL/kg/hr, and normal mental status. Thereafter, Scvo2
saturation greater than or equal to 70% and cardiac index
between 3.3 and 6.0L/min/m2 should be targeted (grade 2C).
Rationale. Adult guidelines recommend lactate clearance as
well, but children commonly have normal lactate levels with
septic shock. Because of the many modalities used to measure
Scvo2 and cardiac index, the specific choice is left to the practitioners discretion (506512).
3. We recommend following the American College of Critical
Care Medicine-Pediatric Advanced Life Support guidelines
for the management of septic shock (grade 1C).
Rationale. The recommended guidelines are summarized
in Figure 2 (510512).
Critical Care Medicine

4. We recommend evaluating for and reversing pneumothorax, pericardial tamponade, or endocrine emergencies in
patients with refractory shock (grade 1C).
Rationale. Endocrine emergencies include hypoadrenalism and hypothyroidism. In select patients, intra-abdominal
hypertension may also need to be considered (513515).
B. Antibiotics and Source Control
1. We recommend that empiric antimicrobials be administered within 1 hr of the identification of severe sepsis. Blood
cultures should be obtained before administering antibiotics when possible, but this should not delay initiation of
antibiotics. The empiric drug choice should be changed as
epidemic and endemic ecologies dictate (eg, H1N1, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, chloroquine-resistant malaria,
penicillin-resistant pneumococci, recent ICU stay, neutropenia) (grade 1D).
Rationale. Vascular access and blood drawing is more difficult in newborns and children. Antimicrobials can be given
intramuscularly or orally (if tolerated) until intravenous line
access is available (516519).
2. We suggest the use of clindamycin and antitoxin therapies
for toxic shock syndromes with refractory hypotension
(grade 2D).
Rationale. Children are more prone to toxic shock than
adults because of their lack of circulating antibodies to toxins.
Children with severe sepsis and erythroderma and suspected
toxic shock should be treated with clindamycin to reduce
toxin production. The role of IVIG in toxic shock syndrome


Dellinger et al

Figure 2. Algorithm for time sensitive, goal-directed stepwise management of hemodynamic support in infants and children. Reproduced from Brierley
J, Carcillo J, Choong K, et al: Clinical practice parameters for hemodynamic support of pediatric and neonatal septic shock: 2007 update from the American College of Critical Care Medicine. Crit Care Med 2009; 37:666688.

is unclear, but it may be considered in refractory toxic shock

syndrome (520527).
3. We recommend early and aggressive infection source control (grade 1D).

Rationale. Dbridement and source control is paramount in

severe sepsis and septic shock. Conditions requiring dbridement
or drainage include necrotizing pneumonia, necrotizing fasciitis,
gangrenous myonecrosis, empyema, and abscesses. Perforated
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

viscus requires repair and peritoneal washout. Delay in use of an

appropriate antibiotic, inadequate source control, and failure to
remove infected devices are associated with increased mortality
in a synergistic manner (528538).
4. C. difficile colitis should be treated with enteral antibiotics
if tolerated. Oral vancomycin is preferred for severe disease
(grade 1A).
Rationale. In adults, metronidazole is a first choice; however,
response to treatment with C. difficile can be best with enteral
vancomycin. In very severe cases where diverting ileostomy or
colectomy is performed, parenteral treatment should be considered until clinical improvement is ascertained (539541).
C. Fluid Resuscitation
1. In the industrialized world with access to inotropes and
mechanical ventilation, we suggest that initial resuscitation of hypovolemic shock begin with infusion of isotonic
crystalloids or albumin, with boluses of up to 20mL/kg
for crystalloids (or albumin equivalent) over 5 to 10 mins.
These should be titrated to reversing hypotension, increasing urine output, and attaining normal capillary refill,
peripheral pulses and level of consciousness without inducing hepatomegaly or rales. If hepatomegaly or rales develop,
inotropic support should be implemented, not fluid resuscitation. In children with severe hemolytic anemia (severe
malaria or sickle cell crises) who are not hypotensive, blood
transfusion is considered superior to crystalloid or albumin
bolusing (grade 2C).
Rationale. Three RCTs compared the use of colloid to
crystalloid resuscitation in children with hypovolemic dengue
shock with near 100% survival in all treatment arms (542
544). In the industrialized world, two before-and-after studies
observed 10-fold reductions in mortality when children with
purpura/meningococcal septic shock were treated with fluid
boluses, inotropes, and mechanical ventilation in the community emergency department (545, 546). In one randomized trial, septic shock mortality was reduced (40% to 12%)
when increased fluid boluses, blood, and inotropes were given
to attain a Scvo2 monitoring goal of greater than 70% (511).
A quality improvement study achieved a reduction in severe
sepsis mortality (from 4.0% to 2.4%) with the delivery of fluid
boluses and antibiotics in the first hour in a pediatric emergency department to reverse clinical signs of shock (547).
Children normally have a lower blood pressure than adults,
and a fall in blood pressure can be prevented by vasoconstriction and increasing heart rate. Therefore, blood pressure alone
is not a reliable endpoint for assessing the adequacy of resuscitation. However, once hypotension occurs, cardiovascular
collapse may soon follow. Thus, fluid resuscitation is recommended for both normotensive and hypotensive children in
hypovolemic shock (542554). Because hepatomegaly and/or
rales occur in children who are fluid overloaded, these findings can be helpful signs of hypervolemia. In the absence of
these signs, large fluid deficits can exist, and initial volume
Critical Care Medicine

resuscitation can require 40 to 60mL/kg or more; however, if

these signs are present, then fluid administration should be
ceased and diuretics should be given. Inotrope infusions and
mechanical ventilation are commonly required for children
with fluid-refractory shock.
D. Inotropes/Vasopressors/Vasodilators
1. We suggest beginning peripheral inotropic support until
central venous access can be attained in children who are
not responsive to fluid resuscitation (grade 2C).
Rationale. Cohort studies show that delay in the use of
inotropic therapies is associated with major increases in
mortality risk (553, 554). This delay is often related to difficulty in attaining central access. In the initial resuscitation
phase, inotrope/vasopressor therapy may be required to sustain perfusion pressure, even when hypovolemia has not yet
been resolved. Children with severe sepsis can present with
low cardiac output and high systemic vascular resistance,
high cardiac output and low systemic vascular resistance,
or low cardiac output and low systemic vascular resistance
shock (555). A child may move from one hemodynamic
state to another. Vasopressor or inotrope therapy should be
used according to the hemodynamic state (555). Dopaminerefractory shock may reverse with epinephrine or norepinephrine infusion. In the case of extremely low systemic
vascular resistance despite the use of norepinephrine, the use
of vasopressin and terlipressin has been described in a number of case reports, yet evidence to support this in pediatric sepsis, as well as safety data, are still lacking. Indeed, two
RCTs showed no benefit in outcome with use of vasopressin or terlipressin in children (556559). Interestingly, while
vasopressin levels are reduced in adults with septic shock,
such levels seem to vary extensively in children. When vasopressors are used for refractory hypotension, the addition of
inotropes is commonly needed to maintain adequate cardiac
output (510, 511, 555).
2. We suggest that patients with low cardiac output and elevated
systemic vascular resistance states with normal blood pressure be given vasodilator therapies in addition to inotropes
(grade 2C).
Rationale. The choice of vasoactive agent is initially
determined by the clinical examination; however, for the
child with invasive monitoring in place and demonstration
of a persistent low cardiac output state with high systemic
vascular resistance and normal blood pressure despite fluid
resuscitation and inotropic support, vasodilator therapy
can reverse shock. Type III phosphodiesterase inhibitors
(amrinone, milrinone, enoximone) and the calcium sensitizer
levosimendan can be helpful because they overcome receptor
desensitization. Other important vasodilators include
nitrosovasodilators, prostacyclin, and fenoldopam. In two
RCTs, pentoxifylline reduced mortality from severe sepsis in
newborns (510, 560569).


Dellinger et al

E. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

1. We suggest ECMO in children with refractory septic shock
or with refractory respiratory failure associated with sepsis
(grade 2C).
Rationale. ECMO may be used to support children and
neonates with septic shock or sepsis-associated respiratory
failure (570, 571). The survival of septic patients supported
with ECMO is 73% for newborns and 39% for older children, and is highest in those receiving venovenous ECMO
(572). Forty-one percent of children with a diagnosis of sepsis requiring ECMO for respiratory failure survive to hospital
discharge (573). Venoarterial ECMO is useful in children with
refractory septic shock (574), with one center reporting 74%
survival to hospital discharge using central cannulation via
sternotomy (575). ECMO has been used successfully in critically ill H1N1 pediatric patients with refractory respiratory
failure (576, 577).
F. Corticosteroids
1. We suggest timely hydrocortisone therapy in children with
fluid-refractory, catecholamine-resistant shock and suspected or proven absolute (classic) adrenal insufficiency
(grade 1A).
Rationale. Approximately 25% of children with septic
shock have absolute adrenal insufficiency. Patients at risk for
absolute adrenal insufficiency include children with severe
septic shock and purpura, those who have previously received
steroid therapies for chronic illness, and children with pituitary or adrenal abnormalities. Initial treatment is hydrocortisone infusion given at stress doses (50mg/m2/24hr); however,
infusions up to 50mg/kg/d may be required to reverse shock in
the short-term. Death from absolute adrenal insufficiency and
septic shock occurs within 8 hrs of presentation. Obtaining
a serum cortisol level at the time empiric hydrocortisone is
administered may be helpful (578583).
G. Protein C and Activated Protein Concentrate
See section, History of Recommendations Regarding Use of
Recombinant Activated Protein C.
H. Blood Products and Plasma Therapies
1. We suggest similar hemoglobin targets in children as in
adults. During resuscitation of low superior vena cava oxygen saturation shock (< 70%), hemoglobin levels of 10g/
dL are targeted. After stabilization and recovery from shock
and hypoxemia, then a lower target > 7.0g/dL can be considered reasonable (grade 1B).
Rationale. The optimal hemoglobin for a critically ill child
with severe sepsis is not known. A recent multicenter trial
reported no difference in mortality in hemodynamically stable
critically ill children managed with a transfusion threshold of 7g/
dL compared with those managed with a transfusion threshold
of 9.5g/dL; however, the severe sepsis subgroup had an increase

in nosocomial sepsis and lacked clear evidence of equivalence

in outcomes with the restrictive strategy (584, 585). Blood
transfusion is recommended by the World Health Organization
for severe anemia, hemoglobin value < 5g/dL, and acidosis. An
RCT of early goal-directed therapy for pediatric septic shock
using the threshold hemoglobin of 10g/dL for patients with
a Svco2 saturation less than 70% in the first 72 hrs of pediatric
ICU admission showed improved survival in the multimodal
intervention arm (511).
2. We suggest similar platelet transfusion targets in children as
in adults (grade 2C).
3. We suggest the use of plasma therapies in children to correct sepsis-induced thrombotic purpura disorders, including progressive disseminated intravascular coagulation,
secondary thrombotic microangiopathy, and thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura (grade 2C).
Rationale. We give plasma to reverse thrombotic microangiopathies in children with thrombocytopenia-associated
multiple organ failure and progressive purpura because fresh
frozen plasma contains protein C, antithrombin III, and other
anticoagulant proteins. Rapid resuscitation of shock reverses
most disseminated intravascular coagulation; however, purpura progresses in some children in part due to critical
consumption of antithrombotic proteins (eg, protein C, antithrombin III, ADAMTS 13). Plasma is infused with the goal
of correcting prolonged prothrombin/partial thromboplastin
times and halting purpura. Large volumes of plasma require
concomitant use of diuretics, continuous renal replacement
therapy, or plasma exchange to prevent greater than 10% fluid
overload (586611).
I. Mechanical Ventilation
1. We suggest providing lung-protective strategies during
mechanical ventilation (grade 2C).
Rationale. Some patients with ARDS will require increased
PEEP to attain functional residual capacity and maintain oxygenation, and peak pressures above 30 to 35cm H2O to attain
effective tidal volumes of 6 to 8mL/kg with adequate CO2
removal. In these patients, physicians generally transition from
conventional pressure control ventilation to pressure release
ventilation (airway pressure release ventilation) or to high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. These modes maintain oxygenation with higher mean airway pressures using an open lung
ventilation strategy. To be effective, these modes can require
a mean airway pressure 5cm H2O higher than that used with
conventional ventilation. This can reduce venous return leading to greater need for fluid resuscitation and vasopressor
requirements (612616).
J. Sedation/Analgesia/Drug Toxicities
1. We recommend use of sedation with a sedation goal in
critically ill mechanically ventilated patients with sepsis
(grade 1D).
February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

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Rationale. Although there are no data supporting any particular drugs or regimens, propofol should not be used for
long-term sedation in children younger than 3 years because
of the reported association with fatal metabolic acidosis. The
use of etomidate and/or dexmedetomidine during septic shock
should be discouraged, or at least considered carefully, because
these drugs inhibit the adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system, respectively, both of which are needed for hemodynamic stability (617620).
2. We recommend monitoring drug toxicity labs because
drug metabolism is reduced during severe sepsis, putting children at greater risk of adverse drug-related events
(grade 1C).

fluid overload before continuous venovenous hemofiltration

had better survival (629631),
M. DVT Prophylaxis
1. We make no graded recommendations on the use of DVT
prophylaxis in prepubertal children with severe sepsis.
Rationale. Most DVTs in young children are associated
with central venous catheters. Heparin-bonded catheters may
decrease the risk of catheter-associated DVT. No data exist on
the efficacy of UFH or LMWH prophylaxis to prevent catheterrelated DVT in children in the ICU (632, 633).
N. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis

Rationale. Children with severe sepsis have reduced drug

metabolism (621).

1. We make no graded recommendations on stress ulcer


K. Glycemic Control

Rationale. Studies have shown that clinically important GI

bleeding in children occurs at rates similar to those of adults.
Stress ulcer prophylaxis is commonly used in children who are
mechanically ventilated, usually with H2 blockers or proton
pump inhibitors, although its effect is not known (634, 635).

1. We suggest controlling hyperglycemia using a similar target

as in adults ( 180mg/dL). Glucose infusion should accompany insulin therapy in newborns and children (grade 2C).
Rationale. In general, infants are at risk for developing
hypoglycemia when they depend on intravenous fluids. This
means that a glucose intake of 4 to 6 mg/kg/min or maintenance fluid intake with dextrose 10% normal saline containing solution is advised (68mg/kg/min in newborns).
Associations have been reported between hyperglycemia
and an increased risk of death and longer length of stay. A
retrospective pediatric ICU study reported associations of
hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and glucose variability with
increased length of stay and mortality rates. An RCT of strict
glycemic control compared to moderate control using insulin
in a pediatric ICU population found a reduction in mortality with an increase in hypoglycemia. Insulin therapy should
only be conducted with frequent glucose monitoring in view
of the risks for hypoglycemia which can be greater in newborns and children due to a) relative lack of glycogen stores
and muscle mass for gluconeogenesis, and b) the heterogeneity
of the population with some excreting no endogenous insulin and others demonstrating high insulin levels and insulin
resistance (622628).
L. Diuretics and Renal Replacement Therapy
1. We suggest the use of diuretics to reverse fluid overload
when shock has resolved and if unsuccessful, then continuous venovenous hemofiltration or intermittent dialysis to
prevent greater than 10% total body weight fluid overload
(grade 2C).
Rationale. A retrospective study of children with meningococcemia showed an associated mortality risk when children
received too little or too much fluid resuscitation (549, 553).
A retrospective study of 113 critically ill children with multiple
organ dysfunction syndrome reported that patients with less
Critical Care Medicine

O. Nutrition
1. Enteral nutrition should be used in children who can tolerate it, parenteral feeding in those who cannot (grade 2C).
Rationale. Dextrose 10% (always with sodium-containing
solution in children) at maintenance rate provides the glucose delivery requirements for newborns and children (636).
Patients with sepsis have increased glucose delivery needs
which can be met by this regimen. Specific measurement of
caloric requirements are thought to be best attained using a
metabolic cart as they are generally less in the critically ill child
than in the healthy child.


Although this document is static, the optimum treatment of
severe sepsis and septic shock is a dynamic and evolving process. Additional evidence that has appeared since the publication of the 2008 guidelines allows more certainty with which
we make severe sepsis recommendations; however, further
programmatic clinical research in sepsis is essential to optimize
these evidence-based medicine recommendations.
New interventions will be proven and established interventions may need modification. This publication represents
an ongoing process. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign and the
consensus committee members are committed to updating the
guidelines regularly as new interventions are tested and results

The revision process was funded through a grant from the
Gordon and Betty Irene Moore Foundation. We would also
like to acknowledge the dedication and untold hours of


Dellinger et al

donated time of committee members over the last 2 years;

the sponsoring organizations that worked with us toward the
reality of a consensus document across so many disciplines,
specialties, and continents; and those that contribute in so
many ways to create the new science to move us forward in
treating this potentially devastating disease: the funders of
research, the investigators, the subjects, and those associated
with the evidence publishing bodies. Finally, we thank
Deborah McBride for the incredible editorial support provided
persistently over months that brought the manuscript to life
and finalization.


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2012 Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines

Intensive Care; 4Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine;

Chinese Society of Critical Care Medicine; 6Japanese Association
for Acute Medicine; 7American Association of Critical-Care
Nurses, 8Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine; 9Society of
Hospital Medicine; 10World Federation of Societies of Intensive
and Critical Care Medicine; 11Society of Academic Emergency
Medicine; 12European Society of Clinical Microbiology
and Infectious Diseases; 13Asia Pacific Association of Critical
Care Medicine; 14Society of Critical Care Medicine; 15Latin
American Sepsis Institute; 16Canadian Critical Care Society;
Surgical Infection Society; 18Infectious Diseases Society of
America; 19American College of Emergency Physicians; 20Chinese
Society of Critical Care-China Medical Association; 21German
Sepsis Society; 22Brazilian Society of Critical Care (AMIB);
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; 24American
Thoracic Society; 25International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine
Society; 26Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators;
American College of Chest Physicians; 28Australian and New
Zealand Intensive Care Society; 29European Respiratory Society;
World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.

R. Phillip Dellinger, (Co-Chair); Rui Moreno (Co-Chair);

Leanne Aitken,1 Hussain Al Rahma,2 Derek C. Angus, Dijillali
Annane, Richard J. Beale, Gordon R. Bernard, Paolo Biban,3
Julian F. Bion, Thierry Calandra, Joseph A. Carcillo, Terry P.
Clemmer, Clifford S. Deutschman, J.V. Divatia,4 Ivor S. Douglas, Bin Du,5 Seitaro Fujishima, Satoshi Gando,6 Herwig Gerlach, Caryl Goodyear-Bruch,7 Gordon Guyatt, Jan A. Hazelzet,
Hiroyuki Hirasawa,8 Steven M. Hollenberg, Judith Jacobi,
Roman Jaeschke, Ian Jenkins,9 Edgar Jimenez,10 Alan E. Jones,11
Robert M. Kacmarek, Winfried Kern,12 Ruth M. Kleinpell,1
Shin Ok Koh,13 Joji Kotani, Mitchell Levy,14 Flavia Machado,15
John Marini, John C. Marshall, Henry Masur, Sangeeta Mehta,
John Muscedere,16 Lena M. Napolitano,17 Mark E. Nunnally,
Steven M. Opal,18 Tiffany M. Osborn,19 Margaret M. Parker,
Joseph E. Parrrillo, Haibo Qiu,20 Adrienne G. Randolph,
Konrad Reinhart,21 Jordi Rello, Ederlon Resende,22 Andrew
Rhodes,23 Emanuel P. Rivers, Gordon D. Rubenfeld,24 Christa
A. Schorr, Jonathan E. Sevransky, Khalid Shukri,25 Eliezer Silva,
Mark D. Soth, Charles L. Sprung, Ann E. Thompson,26 Sean
R. Townsend, Jeffery S. Vender,27 Jean-Louis Vincent, Steve A.
Webb,28 Tobias Welte,29 Janice L. Zimmerman.
World Federation of Critical Care Nurses; 2Emirates Intensive
Care Society; 3European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal

Critical Care Medicine

Pediatric Subgroup
Jan A. Hazelzet, Adrienne G. Randolph, Margaret M. Parker,
Ann E. Thompson, Paolo Biban, Alan Duncan, Cristina Mangia,
Niranjan Kissoon, and Joseph A. Carcillo (Head).


Dellinger et al

Appendix B
Conflict of Interest Process


February 2013 Volume 41 Number 2

Special Article

Appendix C
ARDSnet Ventilator Management
Assist control modevolume ventilation
Reduce tidal volume to 6mL/kg lean body weight
Keep plateau pressure < 30cm H2O
Reduce tidal volume as low as 4mL/kg predicted body weight to limit plateau pressure
Maintain Sao2/Spo2 between 88% and 95%
Anticipated PEEP settings at various Fio2 requirements
0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0

5 5

8 8 10 10 10 12 14 14 14 16 18 20-24

Predicted Body Weight Calculation

Male 50 + 2.3 [height (inches) 60] or 50 + 0.91 [height (cm) 152.4]
Female45.5 + 2.3 [height (inches) 60] or 45.5 + 0.91 [height (cm) 152.4]
Sao2 = arterial oxygen saturation, PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure, Spo2 = oxygen saturation on pulse oximetry. Adapted from Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome Network. Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory
distress syndrome.
N Engl J Med 2000; 342:13011308.

Appendix D
Summary of Ventilator Procedures in the Higher PEEP Groups of the ALVEOLI Trial


Ventilator mode

Volume assist/control

Tidal volume goal

6mL/kg of predicted body weight

Plateau pressure goal

30cm H2O

Ventilator rate and pH goal

635, adjusted to achieve arterial pH 7.30 if possible

Inspiration expiration time


Oxygenation goal

5580mm Hg




Weaning attempted by means of pressure support when level of arterial oxygenation

acceptable with PEEP < 8 cm H2O and Fio2 < 0.40

Allowable combinations of PEEP and Fio2a

Higher PEEP group (after protocol changed to use higher levels of PEEP)





















Note: Complete ventilator procedures and eligibility criteria can be found at
Spo2 = oxyhemoglobin saturation as measured by pulse oximetry, Fio2 = fraction of inspired oxygen, PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure.
In both study groups (lower and higher PEEP), additional increases in PEEP to 34cm H2O were allowed but not required after Fio2 had been
increased to 1.0, according to the protocol.
Adapted from Brower RG, Lanken PN, MacIntyre N, et al: Higher vs. lower positive end-expiratory pressures in patients with the acute respiratory
distress syndrome.
N Engl J Med. 2004; 351(4):327336.

Critical Care Medicine


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