Gan v. Yap, G.R. No. L-12190, (August 30, 1958), 104 PHIL 509-522)

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[G.R. No. L-12190. August 30, 1958.]

deceased. FAUSTO E. GAN , petitioner-appellant , vs. ILDEFONSO
YAP, oppositor-appellee.

Benedicto C. Balderrama, Crispn D. Baizas and Roberto H. Benitez for

Arturo M. Tolentino for appellee.
WILL, HOW PROVED. The execution and the contents of a lost or destroyed
holographic will may not be proved by the bare testimony of witnesses who have
seen and/or read such will. The will itself must be presented; otherwise, it shall
produce no eect. The law regards the document itself as material proof of

On November 20, 1951, Felicidad Esguerra Alto Yap died of heart failure in
the University of Santo Tomas Hospital, leaving properties in Pulilan, Bulacan,
and in the City of Manila.
On March 17, 1952, Fausto E. Gan initiated these proceedings in the Manila
court of rst instance with a petition for the probate of a holographic will
allegedly executed by the deceased, substantially in these words:
"Nobyembre 5, 1951
Ako, si Felicidad E. Alto-Yap, may asawa, at ganap na pagiisip, ay
nagsasalaysay na ang aking kayamanan sa bayan ng Pulilan, Bulacan ay
aking ipinamamana sa aking mga kamaganakang sumusunod:
Vicente Esguerra,
Fausto E. Gan
Rosario E. Gan
Filomena Alto
Beatriz Alto

5 Bahagi
2 Bahagi
2 Bahagi
1 Bahagi

'At ang aking lahat ng ibang kayamanan sa Maynila at iba pang lugar ay
aking ipinamamana sa aking asawang si Ildefonso D. Yap sa kondisyong

siya'y magpapagawa ng isang Health Center na nagkakahalaga ng di

kukulangin sa halagang P60,000.00 sa bayan ng Pulilan, Bulacan, na
nakaukit ang aking pagalang Felicidad Esguerra-Alto. At kung ito ay may
kakulagan man ay bahala na ang aking asawa ang magpuno upang
matupad ang aking kagustuhan.'
(Lagda) Felicidad E. Alto-Yap"

Opposing the petition, her surviving husband Ildefonso Yap asserted that
the deceased had not left any will, nor executed any testament during her
After hearing the parties and considering their evidence, the Hon. Ramon R.
San Jose, Judge, 1 refused to probate the alleged will. A seventy-page motion for
reconsideration failed. Hence this appeal.
The will itself was not presented. Petitioner tried to establish its contents
and due execution by the statements in open court of Felina Esguerra, Primitivo
Reyes, Socorro Olarte and Rosario Gan Jimenez, whose testimonies may be
summarized as follows:
Sometime in 1950 after her last trip abroad, Felicidad Esguerra mentioned
to her rst cousin, Vicente Esguerra, her desire to make a will. She conded
however that it would be useless if her husband discovered or knew about it.
Vicente consulted with Fausto E. Gan, nephew of Felicidad, who was then
preparing for the bar examinations. The latter replied it could be done without
any witness, provided the document was entirely in her handwriting, signed and
dated by her. Vicente Esguerra lost no time in transmitting the information, and
on the strength of it, in the morning of November 5, 1951, in her residence at
Juan Luna Street, Manila, Felicidad wrote, signed and dated a holographic will
substantially of the tenor above transcribed, in the presence of her niece, Felina
Esguerra (daughter of Vicente), who was invited to read it. In the afternoon of
that day, Felicidad was visited by a distant relative, Primitivo Reyes, and she
allowed him to read the will in the presence of Felina Esguerra, who again read
Nine days later, he had other visitors: Socorro Olarte a cousin, and Rosario
Gan Jimenez, a niece. To these she showed the will, again in the presence of
Felina Esguerra, who read it for the third time.
When on November 19, 1951, Felicidad was conned at the U.S.T. Hospital
for her last illness, she entrusted the said will, which was contained in a purse, to
Felina Esguerra. But a few hours later, Ildefonso Yap, her husband, asked Felina
for the purse; and being afraid of him by reason of his well-known violent
temper, she- delivered it to him. Thereafter, in the same day, Ildefonso Yap
returned the purse to Felina, only to demand it the next day shortly before the
death of Felicidad. Again, Felina handed it to him but not before she had taken
the purse to the toilet, opened it and read the will for the last time. 2
From the oppositor's proof it appears that Felicidad Esguerra had been
suering from heart disease for several years before her death; that she had
been treated by prominent physicians, Dr. Agerico Sison, Dr. Agustin Liboro and
others; that in May 1950 husband and wife journeyed to the United States

wherein for several weeks she was treated for the disease; that thereafter she
felt well and after visiting interesting places, the couple returned to this country
in August 1950. However, her ailment recurred, she suered several attacks, the
most serious of which happened in the early morning of the rst Monday of
November 1951 (Nov. 5). The whole household was surprised and alarmed, even
the teachers of the Harvardian Colleges occupying the lower oors and owned by
the Yap spouses. Physician's help was hurriedly called, and Dr. Tanjuaquio arrived
at about 8:00 a.m., found the patient hardly breathing, lying in bed, her head
held high by her husband. Injections and oxygen were administered. Following
the doctor's advice the patient stayed in bed, and did nothing the whole day, her
husband and her personal attendant, Mrs. Bantique, constantly at her side. These
two persons swore that Mrs. Felicidad Esguerra Yap made no will, and could have
made no will on that day.
The trial judge refused to credit the petitioner's evidence for several
reasons, the most important of which were these: (a) if according to his evidence,
the decedent wanted to keep her will a secret, so that her husband would not
know it, it is strange she executed it in the presence of Felina Esguerra, knowing
as she did that witnesses were unnecessary; (b) in the absence of a showing that
Felina was a condant of the decedent it is hard to believe that the latter would
have allowed the former to see and read the will several times; (c) it is
improbable that the decedent would have permitted Primitivo Reyes, Rosario
Gan Jimenez and Socorro Olarte to read her will, when she precisely wanted its
contents to remain a secret during her lifetime; (d) it is also improbable that her
purpose being to conceal the will from her husband she would carry it around,
even to the hospital, in her purse which could for one reason or another be
opened by her husband; (e) if it is true that the husband demanded the purse
from Felina in the U.S.T. Hospital and that the will was there, it is hard to believe
that he returned it without destroying the will, the theory of the petitioner being
precisely that the will was executed behind his back for fear he will destroy it.
In the face of these improbabilities, the trial judge had to accept the
oppositor's evidence that Felicidad did not and could not have executed such
holographic will.
In this appeal, the major portion of appellant's brief discussed the
testimony of the oppositor and of his witnesses in a vigorous eort to discredit
them. It appears that the same arguments, or most of them, were presented in
the motion to reconsider; but they failed to induce the court a quo to change its
mind. The oppositor's brief, on the other hand, aptly answers the criticisms. We
deem it unnecessary to go over the same matters, because in our opinion the
case should be decided not on the weakness of the opposition but on the strength
of the evidence of the petitioner, who has the burden of proof.
The Spanish Civil Code permited the execution of holographic wills along
with other forms. The Code of Civil Procedure (Act 190) approved August 7,
1901, adopted only one form, thereby repealing the other forms, including
holographic wills.
The New Civil Code eective in 1950 revived holographic wills in its arts.
810-814. "A person may execute a holographic will which must be entirely

written, dated, and signed by the hand of the testator himself. It is subject to no
other form and may be made in or out of the Philippines, and need not be
This is indeed a radical departure from the form and solemnities provided
for wills under Act 190, which for fty years (from 1901 to 1950) required wills
to be subscribed by the testator and three credible witnesses in each and every
page; such witnesses to attest to the number of sheets used and to the fact that
the testator signed in their presence and that they signed in the presence of the
testator and of each other.
The object of such requirements it has been said, is to close the door
against bad faith and fraud, to prevent substitution of wills, to guarantee their
truth and authenticity (Abangan vs. Abangan, 40 Phil., 476) and to avoid that
those who have no right to succeed the testator would succeed him and be
beneted with the probate of same. (Mendoza vs. Pilapil, 40 o. Gaz., 1855).
However, formal imperfections may be brushed aside when authenticity of the
instrument is duly proved. (Rodriguez vs. Yap, 40 O. Gaz. Ist Supp. No. 3 p.
Authenticity and due execution is the dominant requirement to be fullled
when such will is submitted to the courts for allowance. For that purpose the
testimony of one of the subscribing witnesses would be sucient, if there is no
opposition (Sec. 5, Rule 77). If there is, the three must testify, if available.
(Cabang vs. Delnado 34 Phil., 291; Tolentino vs. Francisco, 57 Phil., 742). From
the testimony of such witnesses (and of other additional witnesses) the court
may form its opinion as to the genuineness and authenticity of the testament,
and the circumstances of its due execution.
Now, in the matter of holographic wills, no such guaranties of truth and
veracity are demanded, since as stated, they need no witnesses; provided
however, that they are "entirely written, dated, and signed by the hand of the
testator himself." The law, it is reasonable to suppose, regards the document
itself as material proof of authenticity, and as its own safeguard, since it could at
any time, be demonstrated to be or not to be in the hands of the testator
himself. "In the probate of a holographic will" says the New Civil Code, "it shall
be necessary that at least one witness who knows the handwriting and signature
of the testator explicitly declare that the will and the signature are in the
handwriting of the testator. If the will is contested, at least three such witnesses
shall be required. In the absence of any such witnesses, (familiar with decedent's
handwriting) and if the court deem it necessary, expert testimony may be
resorted to."
The witnesses so presented do not need to have seen the execution of the
holographic will. They may be mistaken in their opinion of the handwriting, or
they may deliberately lie in arming it is in the testator's hand. However, the
oppositor may present other witnesses who also know the testator's
handwriting, or some expert witnesses, who after comparing the will with other
writings or letters of the deceased, have come to the conclusion that such will
has not been written by the hand of the deceased. (Sec. 50, Rule 123). And the

court, in view of such contradictory testimony may use its own visual sense, and
decide in the face of the document, whether the will submitted to it has indeed
been written by the testator.
Obviously, when the will itself is not submitted, these means of opposition,
and of assessing the evidence are not available. And then the only guaranty of
authenticity 3 the testator's handwriting has disappeared.
Therefore, the question presents itself, may a holographic will be probated
upon the testimony of witnesses who have allegedly seen it and who declare
that it was in the handwriting of the testator? How can the oppositor prove that
such document was not in the testator's handwriting? His witnesses who know
testator's handwriting have not examined it. His experts can not testify, because
there is no way to compare the alleged testament with other documents
admittedly, or proven to be, in the testator's hand. The oppositor will, therefore,
be caught between the upper millstone of his lack of knowledge of the will or the
form thereof, and the nether millstone of his inability to prove its falsity. Again
the proponent's witnesses may be honest and truthful; but they may have been
shown a faked document, and having no interest to check the authenticity
thereof have taken no pains to examine and compare. Or they may be perjurers
boldly testifying, in the knowledge that none could convict them of perjury,
because no one could prove that they have not "been shown" a document which
they believed was in the handwriting of the deceased. Of course, the competency
of such perjured witnesses to testify as to the handwriting could be tested by
exhibiting to them other writings suciently similar to those written by the
deceased; but what witness or lawyer would not foresee such a move and
prepare for it? His knowledge of the handwriting established, the witness (or
witnesses) could simply stick to his statement: he has seen and read a document
which he believed was in the deceased's handwriting. And the court and the
oppositor would practically be at the mercy of such witness (or witnesses) not
only as to the execution, but also as to the contents of the will. Does the law
permit such a situation?
The Rules of Court, (Rule 77) approved in 1940, allow proof (and probate)
of a lost or destroyed will by secondary evidence the testimony of witnesses, in
lieu of the original document. Yet such Rules could not have contemplated
holographic wills which could not then be validly made here. (See also Sec. 46,
Rule 123; Art. 830-New Civil Code.).
Could Rule 77 be extended, by analogy, to holographic wills?
Spanish commentators agree that one of the greatest objections to the
holographic will is that it may be lost or stolen 4 an implied admission that
such loss or theft renders it useless.
This must be so, because the Civil Code requires it to be protocoled and
presented to the judge, (Art. 689) who shall subscribe it and require its identity
to be established by the three witnesses who depose that they have no
reasonable doubt that the will was written by the testator (Art. 691). And if the
judge considers that the identity of the will has been proven he shall order that it
be led (Art. 693). All these, imply presentation of the will itself. Art. 692 bears
the same implication, to a greater degree. It requires that the surviving spouse

and the legitimate ascendants and descendants be summoned so that they may
make "any statement they may desire to submit with respect to the authenticity
of the will." As it is universally admitted that the holographic will is usually done
by the testator and by himself alone, to prevent others from knowing either its
execution or its contents, the above article 692 could not have the idea of simply
permitting such relatives to state whether they know of the will, but whether in
the face of the document itself they think the testator wrote it. Obviously, this
they can't do unless the will itself is presented to the Court and to them.
Undoubtedly, the intention of the law is to give the near relatives the
choice of either complying with the will if they think it authentic, or to oppose it,
if they think it spurious. 5 Such purpose is frustrated when the document is not
presented for their examination. If it be argued that such choice is not essential,
because anyway the relatives may oppose, the answer is that their opposition
will be at a distinct disadvantage, and they have the right and privilege to comply
with the will, if genuine, a right which they should not be denied by withholding
inspection thereof from them.
We nd conrmation of these ideas about exhibition of the document
itself in the decision of the Supreme Court of Spain of June 5, 1925, which
denied protocolization or probate to a document containing testamentary
dispositions in the handwriting of the deceased, but apparently mutilated, the
signature and some words having been torn from it. Even in the face of
allegations and testimonial evidence (which was controverted), ascribing the
mutilation to the opponents of the will. The aforesaid tribunal declared that, in
accordance with the provision of the Civil Code (Spanish) the will itself, whole
and unmutilated, must be presented; otherwise, it shall produce no effect.
"Considerando que sentado lo anterior, y estableciendose en el
parrafo segundo del articulo 688 del Codigo civil, que para que sea valido el
testamento olografo debera estar escrito todo el y rmado por testador,
con expression del ao, mes y dia en que se otorque, resulta evidente que
para la validez y ecacia de esos testamentos, no basta la demostracion
mas o menos cumplida de que cuando se otorgaron se llenaron todos esos
requisitos, sino que de la expresada redaccion el precepto legal, y por el
tiempo en que el verbo se emplea, se desprende la necesidad de que el
documento se encuentre en dichas condiciones en el momento de ser
a la Autoridad competente, para su adveracion y
protocolizacion; y como consecuencia ineludible de ello, forzoso es armar
que el de autos carece de validez y acacia, por no estar rmado por el
testador, cualquiera que sea la causa de la falta de rma, y sin perjuicio de
las acciones que puedan ejercitar los perjudicados, bien para pedir
indemnizacion por el perjuicio a la persona culpable, si la hubiere, o su
castigo en via criminal si procediere, por constituir dicha omision un defecto
insubsanable . . . ."

This holding aligns with the ideas on holographic wills in the Fuero Juzgo,
admittedly the basis of the Spanish Civil Code provisions on the matter. 6
"PRECEDENTES LEGALES Fuero Juzgo, libro segundo, titulo V, ley
15 E depues que los herederos e sus jos ovieren esta manda, fasta . . .
annos muestrenla al obispo de la tierra, o al juez fasta Vl meses y el obispo o

el juez tomen otros tales tres escritos, que fuesen fechos por su mano
daquel que zo la manda; e por aquellos escriptos, si semjara la letra de la
manda, sea conrmada la manda. E depues que todo esto fuere
connoscido, el obispo o el juez, o otras testimonios conrmen el escripto de
la manda otra vez, y en esta manera vala la manda." (Art. 689, Scaevola Codigo Civil.)

(According to the Fuero above, the will itself must be compared with
specimens of the testators handwriting.)
All of which can only mean: the courts will not distribute the property of
the deceased in accordance with his holographic will, unless they are shown his
handwriting and signature. 7
Parenthetically, it may be added that even the French Civil Law considers
the loss of the holographic will to be fatal. (Planiol y Ripert, Derecho Civil
Frances, traduccion por Diaz Cruz, 1946, Tomo V, page 555).
Taking all the above circumstances together, we reach the conclusion that
the execution and the contents of a lost or destroyed holographic will may not be
proved by the bare testimony of witnesses who have seen and/or read such will.

Under the provisions of Art. 838 of the New Civil Code, we are empowered
to adopt this opinion as a Rule of Court for the allowance of such holographic
wills. We hesitate, however, to make this Rule decisive of this controversy,
simultaneously with its promulgation. Anyway, decision of the appeal may rest
on the suciency, rather the insuciency, of the evidence presented by
petitioner Fausto E. Gan.
At this point, before proceeding further, it might be convenient to explain
why, unlike holographic wills, ordinary wills may be proved by testimonial
evidence when lost or destroyed. The dierence lies in the nature of the wills. In
the rst, the only guarantee of authenticity is the handwriting itself; in the
second, the testimony of the subscribing or instrumental witnesses (and of the
notary, now). The loss of the holographic will entails the loss of the only medium
of proof; if the ordinary will is lost, the subscribing witnesses are available to
In the case of ordinary wills, it is quite hard to convince three witnesses
(four with the notary) deliberately to lie. And then their lies could be checked and
exposed, their whereabouts and acts on the particular day, the likelihood that
they would be called by the testator, their intimacy with the testator, etc. And if
they were intimates or trusted friends of the testator they are not likely to lend
themselves to any fraudulent scheme to distort his wishes. Last but not least,
they can not receive anything on account of the will.
Whereas in the case of holographic wills, if oral testimony were admissible
9 only one man could engineer the whole fraud this way: after making a clever or
passable imitation of the handwriting and signature of the deceased, he may
contrive to let three honest and credible witnesses see and read the forgery; and
the latter, having no interest, could easily fall for it, and in court they would in all

good faith arm its genuineness and authenticity. The will having been lost
the forger may have purposely destroyed it in an "accident" the oppositors
have no way to expose the trick and the error, because the document itself is not
at hand. And considering that the holographic will may consist of two or three
pages, and only one of them need be signed, the substitution of the unsigned
pages, which may be the most important ones, may go undetected.
If testimonial evidence of holographic wills be permitted, one more
objectionable feature feasibility of forgery would be added to the several
objections to this kind of wills listed by Castan, Sanchez Roman and Valverde and
other well-known Spanish Commentators and teachers of Civil Law. 10
One more fundamental dierence: in the case of a lost will, the three
subscribing witnesses would be testifying to a fact which they saw, namely the
act of the testator of subscribing the will; whereas in the case of a lost
holographic will, the witnesses would testify as to their opinion of the
handwriting which they allegedly saw, an opinion which can not be tested in
court, nor directly contradicted by the oppositors, because the handwriting itself
is not at hand.
Turning now to the evidence presented by the petitioner, we nd ourselves
sharing the trial judge's disbelief. In addition to the dubious circumstances
described in the appealed decision, we nd it hard to believe that the deceased
should show her will precisely to relatives who had received nothing from it:
Socorro Olarte and Primitivo Reyes. These could pester her into amending her
will to give them a share, or threaten to reveal its execution to her husband
Ildefonso Yap. And this leads to another point: if she wanted so much to conceal
the will from her husband, why did she not entrust it to her beneciaries?
Opportunity to do so was not lacking: for instance, her husband's trip to Davao, a
few days after the alleged execution of the will.
In ne, even if oral testimony were admissible to establish and probate a
lost holographic will, we think the evidence submitted by herein petitioner is so
tainted with improbabilities and inconsistencies that it fails to measure up to that
"clear and distinct" proof required by Rule 77, sec. 6. 11
Wherefore, the rejection of the alleged will must be sustained.
Judgment affirmed, with costs against petitioner.

Paras, C.J., Padilla, Montemayor, Reyes, A., Bautista Angelo, Concepcion,

Reyes, J.B.L., Endencia and Felix, JJ., concur.

Now a member of the Court of Appeals.


The contents of the alleged will are for the purposes of this decision, immaterial.


"Una forma de testamento" (holographic will) "en la que toda la garantia consiste
en la letra del testador." (Seaevola, Codigo Civil, Tomo 12, p. 348.).


V. Sanchez Roman, Derecho Civil (2nd Ed.) (1910) Vol. 6 pp. 343, 350; Castan,
Derecho Civil Espaol (1944) Tomo 4 p. 337; Valverde, Derecho Civil (1939) Vol.

5, p. 77.

V. Sanchez Roman Op. Cit. Vol. 6, p. 357.


Manresa, Codigo Civil, 1932, Vol. 5, p. 481.


We have no doubt that this concept and these doctrines concerning the Spanish
Civil Code apply to our New Civil Code, since the Commission in its Report (p. 52)
merely "revived" holographic wills, i.e., those known to the Spanish Civil Law,
before Act 190.


Perhaps it may be proved by a photographic or photostatic copy. Even a

mimeographed or carbon copy; or by other similar means, if any, whereby the
authenticity of the handwriting of the deceased may be exhibited and tested
before the probate court.


We are aware of some American cases that admitted lost holographic wills, upon
verbal testimony. (Sec. 41, American Law Reports, 2d. pp. 413, 414.) But the
point here raised was not discussed. Anyway it is safer to follow, in this matter,
the theories of the Spanish law.


Justice Jose B. L. Reyes, professor of Civil Law, makes this Comment:

"Holographic wills are peculiarly dangerous in case of persons who have

written very little. The validity of these wills depends, exclusively on the
authenticity of handwriting, and if writing standards are not procurable, or not
contemporaneous, the courts are left to the mercy of the mendacity of
witnesses. It is questionable whether the recreation of the holographic testament
will prove wise." (Lawyer's Journal, Nov. 30, 1950, pp. 556-557.)

Intestate of Suntay, 50 Off. Gaz., 5321.

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