Douglas C I Fu

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Virtu Financial

900 3rd Avenue, 29th Floor

New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 418-0100
Fax: (212) 418-0123

December 28, 2015

Mr. Christopher Kirkpatrick

Secretary of the Commission
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Regulation Automated Trading

(Regulation AT), RIN 3038-AD52

Dear Mr. Kirkpatrick:

Virtu Financial, Inc. (together with its affiliates, Virtu or we) is
submitting this letter to share our views with the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (the Commission) regarding Regulation AT, including a series of risk
controls, transparency measures, and other safeguards to enhance the regulatory regime
for automated trading on U.S. designated contract markets (DCMs).
By way of background, Virtu is a leading technology-enabled marketmaker and liquidity provider to the global financial markets, operating from offices in
New York, Austin, Singapore and Dublin. Virtu acts as a registered market-maker across
numerous exchanges and asset classes, is a direct member of most recognized futures
exchanges in the United States and around the globe, and, through its subsidiary, is
registered as a Floor Trader with the Commission and the National Futures Association.
Virtu broadly supports the aims of Regulation AT and believes that
requiring firms with direct electronic access to register at the federal level and implement
principles based risk controls helps protect our markets against disruptive or harmful

behavior. Further, we believe that mandating the deployment of self-match prevention

technology by designated contract markets, and requiring increased transparency of
matching logic and participant incentive programs enhances the integrity of our futures
markets and increases participant confidence in their fairness.
Definitions and Registration
We applaud the Commission for its thoughtful definitional approach to
regulation, focused on identifying those participants with direct electronic access and
which disseminate orders in an entirely automated fashion, and ensuring that such
participants are appropriately registered and subject to rules tailored to protect against
disruptive or harmful behavior. We previously expressed concern regarding the creation
of a category based on ambiguous marketplace nomenclature, or based on a participants
behavior, market orientation, or other commercial characteristics, and expressed further
concern regarding how such a definition might be utilized.1 We appreciate the
Commissions responsiveness to these concerns and believe that the proposed rules
appropriately identify a group of participants based on connectivity and automation and
subject such group to appropriate rules which generally reflect industry best practice and
enhance market integrity.
Multi-Layered Risk Controls
As we noted in our prior letter, we support mandated multi-layer risk
controls to ensure that market participants order and activities are subject to robust risk
management filters to avoid disruptive events and behavior.2 While we generally favor
principles-based requirements to ensure that any risk controls are reasonably designed
and appropriately implemented and monitored, we do support the specific requirements
proposed by the Commission regarding messaging and price limitations. We are
generally supportive of multiple layers of risk controls to be applied at different points in
an orders life cycle, however, we encourage the Commission to consider the potential
adverse consequences of overlapping or redundant risk controls at separate levels which
may not be perfectly congruent. As other commenters have noted3, if the same
conceptual risk control is implemented at multiple levels but is applied, tuned, configured
or calculated differently at each level, market participants may struggle to predict or
discern which of these orders will reach the order book and which may be (inadvertently
or unexpectedly) screened by a downstream risk layer. Such a scenario would
inevitably cause confusion and could result in unexpected positions, ultimately causing
substantial harm to a market participant and the marketplace generally.

Virtu Financial LLC (VF) Comment Letter (Jan. 10, 2014) at 2.

VF Comment Letter at 2-3.
The Futures Industry Association (FIA) Comment Letter (Dec. 11, 2013) at 61.

Development and Testing of Algorithmic Trading Systems

Virtu generally supports the proposed rule requiring Automated Traders to
implement policies and procedures regarding the development and testing of their
algorithmic trading systems. We believe that robust processes around development and
change management are integral to ensuring that automated trading strategies behave as
intended and avoid causing disruption to the futures markets. We do, however, express
our reservations about any proposed rule which would inhibit a market participants
ability to protect its intellectual property. Virtu, along with many other AT Persons,
has invested countless human and other resources into developing and refining its
extensive technological infrastructure globally and the associated market making and
other trading strategies that utilize this proprietary infrastructure, and has taken
significant measures to protect the confidentiality, and to limit the dissemination, of the
software embodying such infrastructure and strategies. As Commissioner Giancarlo
noted, Virtus technology and market making strategies are not merely historical records,
but instead reflect the present and future investment and or execution intentions of market
participants.4 We therefore encourage the Commission to avoid adoption or
promulgation of rules which would grant the Commission or any other governmental
authority unprecedented ordinary course inspection rights over a market participants
source code repository, which could currently only be accessed pursuant to a subpoena.
Such access is seemingly unprecedented5 in a highly competitive industry and could
undermine the substantial efforts made by participants to maintain the confidentiality of
the intellectual property.
Self-Match Prevention & Matching Engine and Incentive Program Transparency
Virtu broadly supports the mandatory deployment of self-match
prevention technology by Designated Contract Markets, as well as transparency
regarding matching engine logic and market maker and liquidity provider incentive
programs. While we defer to the Commission and the DCMs on the nuances of any such
requirements, as a market maker we believe self-match prevention technology is critical
in facilitating price discovery and narrowing of bid/ask spreads in modern electronic
markets. Similarly, transparency and dissemination of information regarding the market
microstructure enhances end-user confidence in and soundness of the marketplace.

In conclusion, we applaud the Commission for its thoughtful approach to

regulation in a dynamic market place. We encourage the Commission to adopt those rules
which enhance the integrity of the market place, while being conscious of potential

Statement of Commissioner J. Christopher Giancarlo (Giancarlo Statement) Regarding Notice of

Proposed Rulemaking on Regulation Automated Trading, November 24, 2015.
I am unaware of any other industry where the federal government has such easy access to a firms
intellectual property and future business strategies. Giancarlo Statement.

unintended and/or harmful consequences of overlapping risk controls and undermining

the confidentiality of critically important intellectual property.


Douglas A. Cifu
Chief Executive Officer
Virtu Financial, Inc.

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