Lion Tiger Mouse Rat Beaver Gorilla: 2 Cos (X) 2

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naked mole rats




blue whale



sperm whale


humpback whale


Figure 1.3: A simple classication of animals provides an example of an equivalence relation. Thus, one may
view each of the usual biological classications such as kingdom, phylum, genus, species, etc. as equivalence
relations or partitions on the set of living things.
the set A as a blob, and break it up into compartments, each compartment corresponding to an element of
There is a canonical correspondence between partitions of a set and equivalence relations on that set. Namely,
given an equivalence relation, one can dene a partition as the set of equivalence classes. On the other hand,
given a partition of a set, one can dene two elements of the set to be equivalent if they lie in the same block.
Definition 1.3.21 A function is a set of ordered pairs such that any two pairs with the same rst member
also have the same second member.
The domain of a function, f , dom(f ), is the set {a | b s.t. (a, b) f }. The range of f , ran(f ), is the set
{b | a s.t. (a, b) f }. If the domain of f is A and the range of f is contained in b then we may write
f : A B.
Several comments need to be made about this denition. First, a function is a special kind of relation.
Therefore we can use the relation notation af b to say that (a, b) f . This in not standard notation for
functions! It is more common in this case to write b = f (a) or f (a) = b. This brings us to our second
The reader is probably used to specifying a function with a formula, like y = x2 , or f (x) = ecos(x) , or with
the more modern notation x 7 x2 . Even though this notation doesnt indicate what the domain and range
of a function is, it is usually clear from the context. You may remember that a common exercise in calculus
courses is to determine the domain and range of a function given by such a formula, assuming that the
domain and range lie in the real numbers. For example, what is the domain and range of y = 2
x 1
In this book we usually will need to be more explicit about such things, but that does not mean that the
readers past experience with functions is not useful.
Finally, consider the dierence between what is meant by a function in a programming language as opposed
to our denition. Our denition doesnt make any reference to a method for computing the range values
from the domain values. In fact this may be what people nd the most confusing about this sort of abstract
denition the rst time they encounter it. The point is that the function exists independently of any method
or formula that might be used to compute it. Notice that is very much in the philosophy of modern
programming: functions should be given just with specs on what they will do, and the user need not know
anything about the specic implementation. Another way to think of this is that for a given function there
may be many programs that compute, and one should take care to distinguish between a function and a



Figure 1.4: A schematic depiction of a function. The blob on the left represents the domain, with elements
x, y and z, and the blob on the right contains the range. Thus, for example, f (x) = b. This function is not
injective or surjective.


Figure 1.5: The function on the left is injective, but not surjective. The function on the right is surjective
but not injective.
program that computes this function. In fact, below in example 1.3.40 you will see that there are functions
which cant be computed at all!
Example 1.3.22 The set {(1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 7), (6, 7)} is a function.
Example 1.3.23 The set {(1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 7), (3, 7)} is not a function. It is a relation however.
Example 1.3.24 Take f to be the set {(n, pn )|n Z + , pn is the nth prime number}. Many algorithms are
know for computing this function, although this is an active area of research. No formula is known for
this function.

Example 1.3.25 Take f to be the set {(x, x)|x R, x 0}. This is the usual square root function.
Example 1.3.26 The empty set may be considered a function. This may look silly, but it actually allows
for certain things to work out very nicely, such as theorem 1.3.42.
Definition 1.3.27 A function (A, f, B) is 1-1 or injective if any two pairs of f with the same second
member have the same rst member. f is onto B, or surjective , if the range of f is B.
Definition 1.3.28 A function f : A B that is both injective and surjective is called a bijection and
we say that there is a bijection between A and B.
The idea of a bijection between two sets is that the elements of the sets can be matched up in a unique way.
This provides a more general way of comparing the sizes of things than counting them. For example, if you
are given two groups of people and you want to see if they were the same size, then you could count them.
But another way to check if they are the same size is to start pairing them o and see if you run out of
people in one of the groups before the other. If you run out of people in both groups at the same time, then
the groups are of the same size. This means that you have constructed a bijection between the two groups
(sets, really) of people. The advantage of this technique is that it avoids counting. For nite sets this is a
useful technique often used in the subject of combinatorics (see exercise ). But it has the nice feature that
it also provides a way to check if two infinite sets are the same size! A remarkable result of all this is that
one nds that some innite objects are bigger than others. See example 1.3.40.


This point gets mapped to this point

Figure 1.6: A bijection from the circle minus a point to the real line.
Example 1.3.29 It turns out that most of the innite sets that we meet are either the size of the integers
or the size of the real numbers. Consider the circle x2 + (y 1)2 = 1 with the point (0, 2) removed. We
claim that this set has the same size as the real numbers. One can geometrically see a bijection between the
two sets in gure 1.6. We leave it as an exercise to the reader to write down the equations for this function
and prove that it is a bijection.
Example 1.3.30 Another surprising consequence of our notion of size is that the plane and the real line
have the same number of points! One way to see this is to construct a bijection from (0, 1) (0, 1) (0, 1),
i.e. from the unit square to the unit interval. To do this we use the decimal representation of the real
numbers: each real number in (0, 1) can be written in the form .d1 d2 d3 ... where d is an integer from 0 to 9.
We then dene the bijection as
(.d1 d2 d3 ..., .c1 c2 c3 ...) .d1 c1 d2 c2 d3 c3 ....
There is something to worry about here - namely that some numbers have two decimal representations. For
example .19 = .2. We leave it to the reader as an exercise to provide the appropriate adjustments so that
the above map is a well-dened bijection.
Definition 1.3.31 A sequence is a function whose domain is N . If f : N A then we say that f is a
sequence of elements of A.
Intuitively, one thinks of a sequence as an innite list, because given a sequence f we can list the elements
of the sequence: f (0), f (1), f (2), .... We will be loose with the denition of sequence. For example, if the
domain of f is the positive integers, will will also consider it a sequence, or if the domain is something like
{1, 2, ...k} we will refer to f as a nite sequence.
Definition 1.3.32 If there is a bijection between A and B then we say that A and B have the same
cardinality. If there is a bijection between A and the set of natural numbers, then we say that A is
denumerable. If a set is nite or denumerable, it may also be referred to as countable.
Notice that we have not dened what is means for a set to be nite. There are at least two ways to do this.
One way is to declare a set to be innite if there is a bijection from the set to a proper subset of that set.
This makes it easy to show, for example that the integers are innite: just use x 7 2x. Then a set is said
to be nite if it is not innite. This works out OK, but seems a bit indirect. Another way to dene nite is
to say that there is a bijection between it and a subset of the natural numbers of the form {x|x n}, where
n is a xed natural number. In any case, we will not go into these issues in any more detail.
Note that, in light of our denition of a sequence, a set is countable is its elements can all be put on
an innite list. This tells us immediately, for example, that the set of programs from a xed language is
countable, since they can all be listed (list then alphabetically).


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