Nestle Im Sem 4

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This report is based on International Marketing Strategies of Nestle Company. The Company had
framed strategic marketing plan while entering into global market. In India Nestle has been
enjoying its successful business since more than 100 years. It has got multiple brands and is
facing competition in the Indian Market with other domestic products. Global mindset has been
used to understand the needs and requirements of the consumers for all the Indian families.
According to the given report the International marketing strategy of Nestle has been used in
positioning its products with new variants every time for all age group of consumers. The strong
brands such as Nescafe and Maggie have already created its image in the minds of the consumers
and other brands find it difficult to dislodge it from the market. The strategies of standardization
and adaptation have been well linked with the marketing policies of Nestle.
Sum up, according to the analysis of the given report, this report provides some
recommendations for Nestle India.

More than seven manufacturing units have been established and in future more units
can be set up to penetrate the market to have better market share.

More local partners can be identified in Indian market to have better collaboration with
other companies to explore their business.

Though the segmentation process is well done but Nestle can focus to target the rural
consumers of India to increase their sales.

The 7Ps known as marketing mix and more marketing efforts can be used to position
and reposition its products in the Indian market. The culture and lifestyle of Indian
consumers can be studied by Nestle India on a frequent basis to modify their products.



Introduction to nestle
Nestl S.A. (French pronunciation: [nsle]; English /nsle/, /nsl/, /nsli/) is
a Swiss transnational food and beverage company headquartered in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland. It is
the largest food company in the world measured by revenues,[4][5] and ranked #72 on the Fortune
Global 500 in 2014.[6]
Nestls products include baby food, bottled water, breakfast
cereals, coffee and tea, confectionery, dairy products, ice cream, frozen food, pet foods, and snacks.
Twenty-nine of Nestls brands have annual sales of over CHF1 billion (about US$1.1 billion),

including Nespresso, Nescaf, Kit Kat, Smarties, Nesquik, Stouffers,Vittel, and Maggi. Nestl has

447 factories, operates in 194 countries, and employs around 339,000 people. [1] It is one of the main
shareholders of LOreal, the worlds largest cosmetics company.[8]
Nestl was formed in 1905 by the merger of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, established in 1866
by brothers George Page and Charles Page, and Farine Lacte Henri Nestl, founded in 1866
by Henri Nestl (born Heinrich Nestle). The company grew significantly during the First World War
and again following the Second World War, expanding its offerings beyond its early condensed
milk and infant formula products. The company has made a number of corporate acquisitions,
including Crosse & Blackwell in 1950, Findus in 1963, Libby's in 1971, Rowntree Mackintosh in
1988, and Gerber in 2007.

Nestl has a primary listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange and is a constituent of the Swiss Market
Index. It has a secondary listing on Euronext. In 2011, Nestl was listed No. 1 in the Fortune Global
500 as the worlds most profitable corporation.[9] With a market capitalisation of US$239.6 billion,
Nestl ranked No. 11 in the FT Global 500 2014.[10]

History of nestle
NESTL's relationship with India dates back to 1912, when it began trading as The NESTL Anglo-Swiss
Condensed Milk Company (Export) Limited, importing and selling finished products in the Indian market.
After India's independence in 1947, the economic policies of the Indian Government emphasised the
need for local production. NESTL responded to India's aspirations by forming a company in India and
set up its first factory in 1961 at Moga, Punjab, where the Government wanted NESTL to develop the
milk economy. Progress in Moga required the introduction of NESTL's Agricultural Services to educate,
advise and help the farmer in a variety of aspects. From increasing the milk yield of their cows through
improved dairy farming methods, to irrigation, scientific crop management practices and helping with the
procurement of bank loans.
NESTL set up milk collection centres that would not only ensure prompt collection and pay fair prices,
but also instil amongst the community, a confidence in the dairy business. Progress involved the creation
of prosperity on an on-going and sustainable basis that has resulted in not just the transformation of Moga
into a prosperous and vibrant milk district today, but a thriving hub of industrial activity, as well.
NESTL has been a partner in India's growth for over nine decades now and has built a very special
relationship of trust and commitment with the people of India. The Company's activities in India have
facilitated direct and indirect employment and provides livelihood to about one million people including
farmers, suppliers of packaging materials, services and other goods.
The Company continuously focuses its efforts to better understand the changing lifestyles of India and
anticipate consumer needs in order to provide Taste, Nutrition, Health and Wellness through its product

offerings. The culture of innovation and renovation within the Company and access to the NESTL
Group's proprietary technology/Brands expertise and the extensive centralized Research and
Development facilities gives it a distinct advantage in these efforts. It helps the Company to create value
that can be sustained over the long term by offering consumers a wide variety of high quality, safe food
products at affordable prices.
NESTL India manufactures products of truly international quality under internationally famous brand
recent years the Company has also introduced products of daily consumption and use such as NESTL
Milk, NESTL SLIM Milk, NESTL Dahi and NESTL Jeera Raita.
NESTL India is a responsible organisation and facilitates initiatives that help to improve the quality of life
in the communities where it operates.

Nestl was founded in 1867 by pharmacist Henri Nestl on the shores of Lake Geneva in
Vevey, Switzerland. One hundred and thirty-four years later, our headquarters are still in
Vevey, surrounded by the Swiss Alps in one of the worlds best-preserved environmental
settings. As they have grown from humble beginnings into the worlds largest food
company, they have attempted to take the fundamental cultural values of environmental
preservation and cleanliness into every country where they operate. Company has 468
Nestl factories currently in operation.
-Companys facilities reflect the environmental values basic to Nestle Company.
-Top management follow the Companys environmental performance
-Companys Environmental Officer reports directly to General Management to ensure there
is on-going awareness regarding environmental affairs.
Nestl Environmental Advisory Group meets regularly to review current environmental
issues and to anticipate potential concerns. This allows them to maximize control over their
activities and contribute to sustainable development in the countries where they operate.
The Nestl Environment Progress Report 2000 describes the results of continuous
improvement in its environmental practices and being a leader in environmental

Nestl aim is to meet the various needs of the consumer every day by marketing and selling
food of a consistently high quality.
The confidences that consumers have in our brands is a result of our companys many years
of knowledge in marketing, research and development, as well as continuity - consumers
relate to this and feel they can trust our products.
High quality and collaboration
Our objectives are to deliver the very best quality in everything we do, from primary
produce, choice of suppliers and transport, to recipes and packaging materials. Our
operations and collaboration in the Nordic countries gives us greater opportunities to be
efficient and strategic and to function well as an organization, both when it comes to the
distribution chain and to concentrating on joint product launches and campaigns.
Vision Statement of Nestle Milkpak:
The strategic priorities of Nestle Milkpak are focused on delivering shareholder value
through the achievement of sustainable, capital efficient and profitable long term growth.
Improvements in profitability will be achieved while respecting quality and safety standards
at all times. In line with this objective, Nestle Milkpak envisions to grow in the shortest
possible time into the number one food company in Pakistan with the unique ability to meet
the needs of consumers of every age group - from infancy to old age, for nutrition and
pleasure, through development of a large variety of food categories of the highest quality.
Nestle Milkpak envisions the company to develop an extremely motivated and
professionally trained work force, which would drive growth through innovation and
renovation. It aspires, as a respected corporate citizen, to continue playing a significant role
in the social and environmental sectors of the country.

Nestls brands and products are the focus of continual innovation and renovation so that
they meet and exceed our consumers' expectations. We seek to ensure that our products are
available whenever, wherever and however our consumers want them.

Nestls purpose is to offer safe, tasty, convenient and nutritious foods to improve health
and well-being of consumers of all ages all over the world. To meet the needs and desires of
todays and tomorrows consumers, Nestl is strongly committed to Research and
Development (R&D) to improve existing products and develop new foods with specific
health benefits.

Nestle is one of the leading FMCG company of the world. It was founded in Switzerland and
today it is present in more than 100 countries of the world. It has been taking care for
customers globally by providing hygienic food and ensuring good life. They have been
marketing their products by satisfying the needs of the all consumers age group. The famous
brands include Nescafe, Gourmet, Kit kat, Maggi, Nestea, and many more are there (Nestle,
2012). It had to market its products by framing marketing strategies and keeping in mind the
taste and preference of consumers based in different countries. It was a challenging task for
Nestle to establish its position when ethnocentric products are already available in the
domestic countries. They have adopted the glocal culture for gathering information about new

countries business environment for going international. It has been focusing on its brands and
entering into market by increasing line extensions of a particular brand. The leadership position
of Nestle is maintained in market by supplying the products and also opening its outlets
inpublic places for the brand reinforcement. Nestle has been focusing and spending for
Research and developmental activities. The success behind Nestle is to operate in different
countries by the form of Foreign Direct Investment.
2.Mode of Entry
In this paragraph we will focus on how Nestle had entered into Indian market on 1912. Today it
has successfully completed 100 years in India. Its head office is located at Gurgaon and
manufacturing units in several states of India. The mode of entry used by Nestle was in form of
export to Indian market in previous years. Later on it entered by modifying the strategy in form
of wholly owned subsidiary on 1959 (Times Internet Ltd,

2012). Wholly owned subsidiary is a

mode where the 100% shares are owned by the parent company. There is control of parent
company to decide about all the strategic strategies. It has been enjoying the diversification
strategy and dealing with multiple brands. First plant was set up at Punjab Moga to produce
milk. It has been operating into four Infant Food, Milk products, chocolates and ready to eat
items. The reason behind nestle entering strategy in Indian market were increasing disposable
income of the consumers, and the nuclear family system.
3.Local Partner
Nestls Local partners are its employees, farmers and shareholders. The company had tie up
the government of Punjab to explore milk economy in India. It has been collaborative Research
and development centers to provide quality products in the market. It has also started first
Research and Developmental center in India on 2010 be a partner of Global Research and
development Network (Nestle,


4. Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP)

It is defined as the first step in the marketing plan for any of the Company. Segmentation is a
process of classifying the consumers on the basis demographic, psychographic, geographic and
Behaviourial aspects. If we segment as per geographic condition cold coffee is consumed in
India during summers and hot in winters. On the basis of Demographic aspects it is classified
on the basis of age, income, occupation and etc. Nestle has been providing the products for all
the age groups such as baby food to an adult food. It has been producing Lectogen, Cerelac for
babies and targeting them. Maggie and other food are being targeted for the adult group. On
the basis of occupation nestle has been segmenting the working women and targeting them to
save their time by using the Maggie masala (,

2012). If

psychographic factor is considered it can be segmented on the basis of lifestyle and the

personality. We can see that during tension and anxiety Youths consume more chocolates.
Positioning is a process of creating impression of the products in the minds of consumers. The
products are being positioned by nestle such as good to eat, fast to cook, Maggie in two
minutes and etc. It has been positioned by the providing different falvours and packaging it in
different ways. It has been positioning by differentiating it in form of channel, product,
personnel and image based factors. We can also explain it with particular product such Maggie
of Nestle company to have a better understanding of STP Concept. Maggie market has been
segmented by understanding the eating habits of Indian consumers residing in urban areas. It
has been targeting the youths, kids, and the working women. It has been positioning the
products in the minds of Indian consumers by relieving them from hunger (Lars Perner,


5. Marketing Mix (4 Ps or 7 Ps)

Marketing mix will explain the types of factors that a company considers to bring a product or
service in the market. It will also clarify how an International Marketing concept is being used to
market the products (Business Case Studies LLP, 2012).
a). Products
It provides a wide range of products with their line extensions in the market. They have been
providing variety with quality to the consumers. Some of the Nestles top brands are Maggie,
Nestea, Nescafe, Kit Kat, and etc.
b). Price
It has been providing the discounts and coupons for their products in the market. The products
of Nestle range from 1 rupee and above. Offers have been provided to the customers for bulk
purchase. We can see that when 6 pack Maggie is being purchased in place of a single pack
then in such case customers are offered cash discounts.
c). Place
Nestle has been displaying its product in the supermarkets and the malls. It has been managing
its own sales and distribution network all over the Indian market to supply their product. It has
been also placing it products in hospitals, canteens of colleges & companies and public places.
Promotion is done by Nestle India by endorsing the product with the celebrities. It has been
showing the advertisement in the television. The social marketing concept is being used to
market and promote their products in networking sites such as Face book and etc. The
advertisements are designed in such as way that consumers find it as a healthy product to eat.

Nestle India has been recruiting lakhs of people to join their company. They have been training
their employees to handle the queries of their customers and also provide better customer
service. Various campaigns are organized by their employees for the purpose of the sales
promotion in different states of India.
The company has been manufacturing the products by processing it using better technology.
The way Nestle has been using its vending machine to serve the customers easily shows that
they have understood the requirements of the consumers in India.
g).Physical Evidence
Nestle has been creating a better evidence connectivity by setting up the coffee corners with
their logo of Nescafe in vending machines (Dreamstime,


5. Managing the Marketing Effort

Nestle India has been managing the marketing effort by considering the ethnocentric factor
with a global mindset. They have understood the eating habits, taste and preference of the
Indian consumers. An ethical image has been set up the company in the eyes of Indian that the
products offered by Nestle are hygienic and quality based. They started to explore their
business by targeting the underdeveloped countries where the infants had missed the
nutritional gaps in their food. After Globalization International Marketing has been playing the
key role to explore their business from one country to other countries. Nestle India has been
educating the farmers to produce more milk for the marketing of their products (Marketing
Power Inc

2012). It has been managing the marketing effort by showing the proper

advertisement and connecting it emotionally with the consumers. It has been leader in
marketing of coffee. It has been highly supporting its parent company which is located in
Switzerland. It was previously focusing in urban areas but now it has been focusing on rural
areas. Line extensions of the products are managed by the teams of employees who are having
a proper distribution network in India. The products are being repositioned by the company
after adding new flavor and variants to attract them.


Today Nestl is present in different markets with the following main brands:

Nescafe, Nespresso, Tasters Choice, Ricor, Ricoffy, Bonka, Zogas, Loumidis

Poland Spring, Nestl Pure Life, Arrowhead, Vittel, Deer Park, Levissima, Perrier,
S.Pellegrino, Ozarka, Contrex, Ice Mountain, Zephyrhills, Nestl Aquarel, Hpar, Acqua

Other beverages
Nestea, Nesquik, Nescau, Milo, Carnation, Libbys, Caro, Nestomalt, Nestl

Dairy - Shelf stable

Nestl, Nido, Nespray, Ninho, Carnation, Milkmaid, La Lechera, Moa, Klim, Gloria, Svelty,
Molico, Nestl Omega Plus, Bear Brand, Coffee-Mate

Dairy - Chilled
Nestl, Sveltesse, La Laitire, La Lechera, Ski, Yoco, Svelty, Molico, LC1, Chiquitin

Ice cream
Nestl, Antica Gelateria del Corso, Dreyer's/Edy's, Drumstick/Extrme, Maxibon/Tandem,
Mega, Mvenpick, Sin Parar/Sem Parar/Non Stop, Delta

Infant nutrition
Nestl, Nan, Lactogen, Beba, Nestogen, Cerelac, Nestum, Neslac, Guigoz, Good Start
Performance nutrition
PowerBar, Pria, Musashi

HealthCare nutrition
Nutren, Clinutren, Peptamen, Modulen

Bouillons, soups, seasonings, pasta, sauces

Maggi, Buitoni, Thomy, Winiary,Torchin, Osem, Totole, Haoji

Frozen foods (prepared dishes, pizzas, small meals)

Stouffers, Lean Cuisine, Hot Pockets, Buitoni, Maggi, Wagner, La Cocinera

Refrigerated products (cold meat products, dough, pasta, pizzas, sauces, snacks)
Nestl, Buitoni, Herta, Toll House, Sabra

Chocolate, confectionery and biscuits

Nestl, Crunch, Cailler, Galak/Milkybar, Kit Kat, Smarties, Butterfinger, Aero, Polo
Nestl Professional
Chef, Davigel, Minors

Purina, Friskies, Fancy Feast, Alpo, Gourmet, Mon Petit, Felix, Dog Chow, Cat Chow, Pro
Plan, Purina ONE, Beneful, Tidy Cats


Nestle Ltd

SWOT Analysis

1. More than 140 years in the industry

2.World biggest brand, top brand in Fortune 500 list
3. Global reach with presence in over 86 countries
4. An employee strength of around 328,000 people worldwide
5. Wide product range including baby food, pet food, dairy products,
confectioneries, pharmaceuticals, beverages, etc.
6. Popular brands owned like Maggi, Haagen-Dazs, Boost, Kit Kat,
Nescafe, etc.
7.Largest R&D network facilitating continuous innovation
8.Strong supply chain network
9. C.S.R. activities for rural development, environment protection, water
conservation,, etc.
10.Mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures to increase market
11. Strong marketing and advertising power

12.Strong brand loyalty and brand recall


1.Being a big global brand, Numerous controversies in different

countries of operation can cause issues
2.Strong competition by other brands


1.Introduce more health based food products to tap the health

consciousness amongst consumers
2.Expand with focus on developing economies
3.Continue with acquisitions and joint ventures to increase its market

4.Try to capture the rural markets

1.Failure of the complex supply chain

2.Economic instability and inflation in most countries
3.EURO zone crisis, as most of its revenue comes from Europe
4.Increase in cost of raw materials

5.Stiff competition in all product segment

Nestle holds strong reputation for high quality brands. In major markets, trade marketers
are frequently rated highly in customer surveys on professionalism and service. They don't
believe in 'one brand fits all', but with a strong, diversified global portfolio well focused
and defined offers a brand for all key consumer and market sectors.
They aim to satisfy consumers' demands, better and more profitably than their competitors.


Business principle:
Nestl is committed to the following Business Principles in all countries, taking into account
local legislation, cultural and religious practices:
Nestl's business objective is to manufacture and market the Company's products in such a way
as to create value that can be sustained over the long term for shareholders, employees,
consumers, and business partners.
Nestl does not favor short-term profit at the expense of successful long-term business
Nestl recognizes that its consumers have a sincere and legitimate interest in the behavior, beliefs

and actions of the Company behind brands in which they place their trust, and that without its
consumers the Company would not exist.
Nestl believes that, as a general rule, legislation is the most effective safeguard of responsible
conduct, although in certain areas, additional guidance to staff in the form of voluntary business
principles is beneficial in order to ensure that the highest standards are met throughout the
Nestl is conscious of the fact that the success of a corporation is a reflection of the
professionalism, conduct and the responsible attitude of its management and employees.
Therefore recruitment of the right people and ongoing training and development are crucial.
Nestl continues to maintain its commitment to follow and respect all applicable local laws in
each of its markets.

Consumer perceptions and the future needs of society:

As a global food manufacturer and marketer, Nestl takes into consideration local needs, cultural
differences and consumer preferences as well as attitudes concerning the use of ingredients
derived from genetically modified crops. Nestl will continue to use ingredients derived from
genetically modified crops wherever appropriate.
Global commitment:
Nestl firmly supports the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and is committed to
reflecting these in its business principles and practices. Search for trust:
Nestl is the world's leading food and beverage company, with sales of about CHF 72 billion. It
has 230,000 employees world-wide and operates 520 factories in 82 countries. Its products are
available universally, including such remote markets as North Korea, and they are sold under a
number of brands such as Nestl, Nescafe, Nestea, Maggie, Buitoni, Perrier and Friskies.
Company belongs to more than 200,000 shareholders, today; Nestl is about twice the size of its
nearest competitor in the food and beverage sector. The company is in business for over 130
years. Since the days of its founder, brands have been a mainstay of companys development and
its management strongly believes that is one of the key elements of company success. A basic
reason company has grown to be the world's largest food company is that consumers have

learned to trust its brands. The Nestls challenge was the establishment of a clear hierarchy of
very few corporate strategic global brands that now cover almost all products, as well as the
parallel usage of regional and local product brands and product denominations.
Additionally company introduced the Nestl Seal of Guarantee and emphasized corporate logo.
This Seal of Guarantee is a visible sign of companys corporate responsibility for the safety and
quality of every product, which leads to maintain consumer confidence and trust in this
corporation. In order to be able to give this quality and safety assurance, company developed a
Nestl Quality Management System, which collects the experience of our Research &
Development, on which we spend CHF 800 million a year. For a company such as Nestl,
economic success depends on winning the public's approval every day in every country where
our products are sold.
They have always believed strongly that tobacco should never be marketed to youth. It should
only be marketed to adult smokers, in an appropriate way that takes account of the risks posed to
health. They also believe adults who have chosen to smoke should be able to receive information
about what they buy, and should be able to communicate responsibly with them about their

Nestle companys Success is built on quality:

Quality is the cornerstone of companys success. Every day, millions of people all over the world
show their confidence in company by choosing Nestl products. This confidence is based on our
quality image and a reputation for high standards that has been built up over many years.
Every product on the shelf, every service and every customer contact helps to shape this image.
A Nestl brand name on a product is a promise to the customer that it is safe to consume, that it
complies with all regulations and that it meets high standards of quality. Customers expect
company to keep this promise every time.
Under no circumstances company compromise on the safety of a product and every effort must
be made to avoid hazards to health. People, equipment and instruments are made available to
ensure safety and conformity of Nestl products at all times.

The customer comes first:

Company does want to win and keep customers, distributors, supermarkets, hotels, shopkeepers
and the final consumers. They have very different requirements. Trade customers expect
excellent service, correct information and timely delivery. Consumers consider taste, appearance
and price when they make their choice. Companys task is to understand what customers want
and respond to their expectations rapidly and effectively.
Company serves various groups of consumers and there is demand for products at different
levels of perceived quality and price. All customers expect good quality at a reasonable price.
Customers are central to companys business and company always respects their needs and

Quality is a competitive advantage:

Company lives in a competitive world and must never forget that their customers have a choice.
If they are not satisfied with a Nestl product, they will switch to another brand. Companys goal
is to provide superior value in every product category and market sector in which it competes.
The pursuit of highest quality at any price is no guarantee for success, nor is a single-minded
cost-cutting approach. Lasting competitive advantage is gained from a balanced search for
optimal value to customers, by simultaneous improvement of quality and reduction cost.
Quality units at different levels of the organization provide specific support, promote quality
awareness, assume guardianship and audit the system. Quality departments monitor operations
against agreed standards and must intervene in case of non-conformity.
Training and teamwork are crucial to the successful implementation of high quality standards.
Continuous training ensures that everyone understands his tasks and has the necessary skills to
carry them out. Teamwork allows us to achieve results that are greater than the sum of individual
We motivate employees by demonstrating management commitment to Quality, by setting
challenging goals and by giving them responsibility and recognition. It is through employee
involvement that goals and targets can be achieved in the shortest time.

Quality must be a way of life for everyone in the company.

Progress is followed by listening to our customers and by measuring our performance.

Nestl's Position on Gene Technology:

From its inception more than 130 years ago, Nestl has built its business on successfully
applying scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations while taking full responsibility
for the quality and the safety of its products. Throughout these years Nestl has been
manufacturing and marketing products tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of
consumers all over the world. Nestl has always strived to respect these differences and to take
them into account in its activities. Nestl supports a responsible application of gene technology
for food production based on sound scientific research.

Consumer information and labeling:

Consumers confidence in the food they are buying is supported by having access to information.
Nestl's Consumer Services are well equipped to provide this access and thus are the first source
of information, including the use of ingredients, derived from genetically modified crops, in
Nestl products. Many governments now have implemented or are considering regulations for
the use and labeling of these ingredients. In the absence of a global agreement on the labeling of
ingredients, derived from genetically modified crops, and recognizing governments
responsibility for the regulatory process, Nestl strictly adheres to national laws and regulations
regarding their labeling.

Nestle: Main

Founded in: 1894



Founded in: 1824



Founded in: 1929


Nestle is a renowned MNC which has got its presence in more than 100 countries. A proper
marketing plan has been used by Nestle to enter into Indian market. The management of the
company had to understand and conduct the market analysis by considering political,
economical, and demographic aspects. The mode of operation was started by wholly owned
ownership basis. The market was segmented on the basis of demographic, psychographic,
behaviouraial and geographic aspects. It was targeted on the basis of the age and the income
group. After globalization the consumers had better standard of living and higher income for
purchasing. Nestle had identified this factor and it has launched various products in the Indian
market. Points of difference are being created with the taste factor in the market. The products

had been positioned in the minds of Indian consumers by advertisement, sales promotion, and
using the social marketing concepts (Hearst Communications Inc, 2012). The marketing mix
such as product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence have been
integrated well with the Nestle marketing strategy to market its products. Thus Nestle products
have been part of Indian daily lives by ensuring the consumers and their family with good
health. It has always understood the requirement and needs of the consumers globally. It has
also been following the ethical marketing strategies to grow the business at national and the
international level.

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