ISO31000:2009 and Principles For Managing Risk
ISO31000:2009 and Principles For Managing Risk
ISO31000:2009 and Principles For Managing Risk
The International Standard ISO 31000 “Risk management – principles and guidelines on
implementation”1 is the first generic international standard on risk management that clearly
and explicitly sets out the principles and framework for managing risk, so that risk manage-
ment can be an integral part of the organisation’s overall governance, management, report-
ing processes, policies, philosophy and culture, thereby helping organisations comply with
legal and regulatory requirements as well as improve their performance.
his international standard can to organisational activities and processes. tices (Principle 1), whereby quantifiable
be applied to any public, private In order to demonstrate that risk man- measures and targets tell us whether
and community enterprise, as- agement does create value for the organi- risk management activities have indeed
sociation, group or individual sation, we should be able to demonstrate created value for the organisation
and throughout the life of an organisation, that risk management: n helps decision makers to make informed
and to a wide range of activities, process- n is not a standalone, compliance or tick-of- choices, prioritise actions and distin-
es, functions, projects, services and opera- box activity that can be separated from the guish among alternative courses of action
tions. It provides a common approach
Principles for managing risk Framework for managing risk Process for managing risk Attributes of
in support of other international and (Clause 4) (Clause 5) (Clause 6) enhanced risk
local standards dealing with specific 1. Creates value
areas of risks and/or sectors, and 2. Integral part of Mandate and (Annex A —
organisational processes commitment Informative)
does not replace them. Establishing the Context
It is not the intent of this standard to 3. Part of decision-making
4. Explicitly addresses Risk
impose uniformity of risk management
Communication and Consultation
uncertainty Assessment
Design of
across organisations as the design and
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