Data Mining
Data Mining
Data Mining
Have you ever thought that maybe your data is trying to tell you something? As your busi-
ness expands, so do your data archives; and with gigabytes of information stored on servers,
disks and drives – you may be sitting on a gold mine. Data mining services unearth pat-
terns and trends that can help your business.
overnment agencies, information and relationships itories that provided little more ment of query tools such as SQL,
G b u si n e ss e s and
re s e a rch firms are
c h u r n in g out raw
f rom immense quantities of
data. Scientists use it to sepa-
rate signals from noise in astro-
than the capability to summarise
and report. With the develop-
database managers were able
to query data more flexibly. A
Figure 3: Traditional data analysis techniques applied to the results of data mining can yield useful reports. This funnel report iden-
tifies how many users make it past each step of the checkout process.