PREDATOR by Wilbur Smith: First Sample

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Also by Wilbur Smith

The Egyptian Series

River God
The Seventh Scroll
The Quest
Desert God
The Courtney Series
When the Lion Feeds
The Sound of Thunder
A Sparrow Falls
The Burning Shore
Power of the Sword
A Time to Die
Golden Fox
Birds of Prey
Blue Horizon
The Triumph of the Sun
Golden Lion
The Ballantyne Series
A Falcon Flies
Men of Men
The Angels Weep
The Leopard Hunts in Darkness
The Dark of the Sun
Shout at the Devil
Gold Mine
The Diamond Hunters
The Sunbird
Eagle in the Sky
The Eye of the Tiger
Cry Wolf
Hungry as the Sea
Wild Justice (UK); The Delta Decision (US)
Elephant Song
Those in Peril
Vicious Circle

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1 London Bridge Street
London SE1 9GF
Published by HarperCollinsPublishers 2016
Copyright Orion Mintaka (UK) Ltd 2016
Wilbur Smith asserts the moral right to
be identified as the author of this work
A catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-0-00-753576-7
This novel is entirely a work of fiction.
The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are
the work of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is
entirely coincidental.
Set in Minion by Palimpsest Book Production Ltd, Falkirk, Stirlingshire
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
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I dedicate this book to Niso who is the Sun that lights my days,
and the Moon that glorifies my nights.
Thank you for those countless delights, my darling girl

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ector Cross woke with a sense of dread and

lay for a moment, trying to orientate himself.
Then he reluctantly opened his eyes, not
knowing what to expect, and he saw it through
the open double doors of the bedroom coming down the
veranda towards him. The moonlight glinted in shifting patterns
of silver over the ridges of its wet scales. It waddled towards
him with its claws scraping softly over the concrete floor. The
brutes tail swung from side to side with every ponderous pace.
Its yellow fangs overlapped its lower lip in a cold humourless
grin. Hectors throat constricted and his chest tightened as a
wave of panic swept over him. The crocodile thrust its head
through the open doors and paused. Its gaze focused upon him.
Its eyes were yellow as those of a lion, with black slits for pupils.
Only then did Hector realize how massive the creature was. It
blocked the doorway completely and towered above Hector as
he lay on the bed, cutting off any chance of his escape.
Hector recovered swiftly from the shock and rolled off the

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mattress. He seized the handle of the drawer of the bedside

table in which he kept his 9-mm Heckler & Koch pistol and
yanked it open. His fingernails scrabbled frantically over the
woodwork as he groped for the weapon, but it was gone. The
drawer was empty. He was defenceless.
He rolled back to face the gigantic reptile, coming up into
a sitting position with his legs folded under him and his back
pressed to the headboard of the bed. His hands were crossed
at the wrists in front of his face in a defensive karate posture.
Yah! Get away from me! he yelled, but the beast showed no
sign of fear. Instead its jaws gaped wide, exposing the rows of
jagged yellow fangs, as long and as thick as Hectors own forefingers. Between them were packed the shreds of rotten meat
from the prey it had devoured. The stench of its breath filled
the room with a choking miasma. He was trapped. There was
no escape. His fate was inevitable.
Then the head of the crocodile changed shape again and
began to assume a monstrous human form that was even more
horrifying than the reptilian image had been. It was mutilated
and decomposing. Its eyes were blind and milky. But Hector
recognized it instantly. It was the head of the man who had
murdered his wife.
Bannock! Hector hissed as he drew back from the hated
image. Carl Bannock! No, it cant be you! Youre dead. I killed
you and fed your filthy corpse to the crocodiles. Leave me
and go back into the depths of Hell where you belong. He
was gabbling hysterical nonsense but he could not prevent
Then he felt disembodied hands reach out from the darkness of the room to seize his shoulders and begin to shake
Hector, darling! Wake up! Please wake up.
He tried to resist the sweet, feminine voice and the pull of
the hands but they were insistent. Then with burgeoning relief

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he began to untangle himself from the coils of the nightmare

which had enmeshed him. At last he came fully awake.
Is it you, Jo? Tell me its you. Desperately Hector groped
for her in the darkness of the bedroom.
Yes, my darling. Its me. Hush now. Its all right now. I am
The lights, he blurted. Switch on the lights!
She wriggled out of his arms and reached for the light switch
above the headboard. The room was flooded with light, and
he recognized it and remembered where they were and why.
They were guests in a medieval castle in Scotland on the
banks of the River Tay on a chilly night in autumn.
Hector picked up his wristwatch from the table on his side
of the bed and glanced at the dial. His hands were still shaking.
My God, its almost three in the morning! He reached for Jo
Stanley and held her to his naked chest. After a while his
breathing settled. With the reflexes of a trained warrior he had
shaken off the debilitating effects of the nightmare, and he
whispered to her, I do apologize for the alarums and excursions,
my love. However, the damage is done. We are both awake, so
we might as well take full advantage of the moment.
You are incorrigible and indefatigable, Hector Cross, she
told him primly, but made no effort to resist his hands; rather
she clung to him and sought out his lips with hers.
You know that I dont understand big words, he told her
and they were silent again. But after a moment she mumbled
into his mouth without pulling away from him.
You frightened me, darling.
He kissed her harder, as if to silence her, and she acquiesced
as she felt his manhood stiffening and swelling against her belly.
She was still lubricious with their earlier lovemaking and almost
at once she wanted him as much as he did her. She rolled on
to her back with her arms locked about his neck and as she
pulled him over on top of her she let her thighs fall apart and

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reached up for him with her hips, gasping as she felt him slide
deeply into her.
It was far too intense to last long. They mounted together
swiftly and irresistibly to the giddy summit of their arousal;
then, still joined, they plunged over it into the abyss. They
returned slowly from the far-off places where passion had
carried them and neither of them could speak until their
breathing had calmed. At last she thought that he had fallen
asleep in her arms until he spoke softly, in almost a whisper:
I didnt say anything, did I?
She was ready with the lie. Nothing coherent. Only some
wild gibberish that didnt make any sense. She felt him relax
against her and she carried on with the charade: What were
you dreaming about, anyway?
It was terrifying, he replied solemnly, his laughter almost
hidden beneath his serious tone. I dreamed that I pulled the
hook out of the mouth of a fifty-pound salmon.

t was an unspoken understanding between them. They had

come to it as the only way they could keep the fragile light
of their love for one another burning. Jo Stanley had been with
Hector during the hunt for the two men who had murdered
his wife. When at last they had succeeded in capturing them
in the Arabian castle they had built for themselves in the depths
of the jungles of central Africa, Jo had expected that Hector
would hand the two killers over to the United States authorities
for trial and punishment.
Jo was a lawyer and she believed implicitly in the rule of
law. On the other hand Hector made his own rules. He lived
in a world of violence wherein wrongs were avenged with
biblical ruthlessness: an eye for an eye and a life for a life.
Hector had executed the first of the two murderers of his
wife without recourse to the law. This was a man named Carl
Bannock. Hector had fed him to his own pet crocodiles in the

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grounds of the Arabian castle where Hector had apprehended

him. The great reptiles had torn Bannocks living body to shreds
and devoured it. Fortuitously Jo had not been present to witness
the capture and execution of Carl Bannock. So afterwards she
had been able to feign ignorance of the deed.
However, she had been with Hector when he had captured
the second killer. This was a thug who used the alias Johnny
Congo. He was already under sentence of death by the Texas
court, but he had escaped. Jo had intervened fiercely to prevent
Hector Cross taking the law into his own hands for a second
time. Ultimately she had threatened to end their own relationship if Hector refused to hand Congo over to the law enforcement agencies of the state of Texas.
Reluctantly Hector had complied with her demands. It had
taken several months but in the end the Texan court had
confirmed the original sentence of death on Johnny Congo and
had also found him guilty of further multiple murders
committed since his escape from detention. They had set the
date for his execution for 15 November, which was only two
weeks ahead.

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