Virtual Instrumentation Interface For SRRC Control System: The Is As

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Virtual Instrumentation Interface for SRRC Control system

Jenny Chen, C. H. Kuo, Gloria Huang, J. S. Chen, C. J. Wang, K. T. Hsu, and G. J. Jan*
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu 30077, Taiwan, R.O.C.
"Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10764, Taiwan, R.O.C.
to 31 devices. The man-machine interface is developed by
using LabVIEW, which is running at Sun's workstation. The
Virtual instrumentation system has been developed workstation is played as an instrument server, the operator
for the
control system of SRRC. Almost of t h e can access remote instruments simply by point and click
measurement instruments are to provide IEEE-488 operation. The application programs executed on the
interface, they are distributed around the accelerator workstaion analyze and extract the machine parameters
facilities, the virtual instrumentation system connects these from the information provided by the instruments. Users
instruments by local area network, Ethernet, to GPIB may access these parameters from control system through
adapter. The man-machine interface developed by using the standard network protocol.
LabVIEW, which is running at Sun's workstation. The
workstation to be played as an instrument server, the
The system configuration of the Ethemet-based virtual
operator can access remote instruments simply by point and system is shown in figure 1. The figure shows there are two
click operation. The information provided by instruments level computer systems connected by control network. The
can be analyzed and extracted the desire machine instrument's server is running on a Sun's SPARCstation.
parameters at workstation. The main control system can
access these parameters by standard network protocol. The
Main Control System
major goals of the virtual instrumentation interface are to
3100 -76
provide the automatic measurement of the machine
parameters and to minimize the interlude of the machine
physicists and operators. Machine parameters, such as tune,
beam spectrum, filling pattern, bunch length, can be online displayed at main control panel or archived for various


Control System Etheme

A two-level hierarchical
computer system is
implemented for the control system of SRRC [1,2]. The
control system can access any type of accelerator device.
There are still missing link information sources, such as
wave form as well as spectrum cannot be accessed from
the control system at this moment. A few instruments
support Ethernet interface, but most of them provide
standard interface, such as GPIB, RS232,...etc. To fill this
gap, the solution was to connect control system and variety
instruments that have IEEE-488 interface to a control
network (Ethernet) which is also distributed throughout the
facility. Commercially available tool kit LabVIEW was
used to develop the user interface that reduces large
amount loading of programming [3,4,5]. LabVIEW provides
an icon-based graphical programming environment that
offers high productivity in development phase.


Almost of the measurement instruments provide IEEE488 interface, they distributed around the accelerator
facilities, the virtual instrumentation system connects these
instruments by local area network via ethernet to GPIB
adapter. Operator and machine physicist will have the
flexibility to control the instruments from the computers in
their offices. This system was built on standardized
networking protocols and implemented with the
measurement server concept. The system may configure to
connect 8 GPIB-ENET adapters to drive GPIB devices. One
GPIB-ENET adapter can drive 15 GPIB devices or expand

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Tming System

Wiggler system

GPIB lnshuments

GPIB Devices

Figure 1. Ethernet based virtual instrumentetaion system


According to our control system design [1,2], many
workstations for control devices have the same
configuration. The dynamic database and static database
are the same on each computer. The main control system
software was developed on VAXNMS computer system.
Relations between processes are shown in figure 2. A server
process running on a control computer serves data access
from non-database client. It can serve reading, setting
requests, static database fields access and receive the
results from some special measuring system then write into
the part of dynamic database (DDB) that is not refreshed
by ILC. ILCs upload their DDB at lOHz, the dynamic data
receiving process refreshes the console's DDB area. The
refreshed area for each ILC was set to 1400 byes. But on
console level computer we configured the size of dynamic
database for each ILC to 1500 bytes. Then there are 100
bytes are not refreshed by the ILC. Those special measured
results were written into 1400 to 1500 bytes' area. There is
another process responds to broadcast those results or


receive the broadcast data and write into the pare of DDB
to keep the consistency of control system. The device
setting request is limited to the specified hosts that are
listed in a file to provide security of control. The requests
are built by string, it is simple for any computer system to
communicate with each other that stands on UDP/IP
protocol. The server creates the channel of data accessing
between any computer system to main control system. By
the channel, the measured results can be archived to files
daily by an archiving process started on a specified
computer that has large harddisk space. The same, they can
be accessed by any control process from any control
computer, they are base on the same database system.
From the results we may understand more about the
extracted machine parameters related to the effected
devices, for example.

interface, optical sampling oscilloscope interface and

sampling oscilloscope interface, etc.

A. Spectrum Analyzer And Tune Measurement

The spectrum and tune are measure by using HP 4396A
spectrum and network analyzer. To make the tune
measurement simplified, two reference values of tunes are
calculated by a tune calculation process on a control

I Dynamic DatabasdStatie Database I

U C Device Side

Figure 2. Relationship between processes


The LabVIEW programming environment provides
enough user-interface objects to build applications. The
control program of LabVIEW is called Virtual Instrument.
One VI program has two parts, control panel and diagram.
The control panel provides user interface, the diagram is
the execution body. It also supports Code Interface Nodes
(CIN) function to link C program. It may be necessary if it
is difficult to build functions by using LabVIEW objects. It
should be careful to manipulate the passing variables to
and from CIN functions. They are only passed by address,
the data types of the variables cannot be checked, the error
data type passing may cause fatal error at run time. During
the command and data exchange between VI program and
GPIB devices, the GPIB-ENET device translates the
messages from Ethernet to GPIB bus signals that stands on
TCP/IP protocol.


The process calculates the tunes according to the machine

lattice. Using the channel supported by the server, the
reference values can be accessed and the measured results
can be updated by the tune measuring process that is
developed on a Sun UNIX computer. The tune measuring
process uses the reference values to set analysis range to
identify peaks. If the specified range cannot find tune peak
then the analysis range of getting peaks will be set wider
till the peak found or the range is set to the spectrum
measuring boundary. If the tune is found the peak analysis
range will be set to be close eo the peak to avoid error
locking. It also may excite the beam if the peak cannot be
identified. The difference between measured tune and
calculated tune value is about several kHz. HP4936A
spectrudnetwork analyzer can be set to several sweeps
ranges to do spectrum analysis. From our requirement it is
set to 3 pieces of sweep range. The first is to get
synchrotron frequency and the fundamental frequency to
calculate tunes, the second is to get vertical tune v y and
the third is to get horizontal tune vx. Then one sweep cycle
we may get 4 peaks according to the peak analysis ranges.

We have developed several applications at this

moment. The detailed of several applications are present
here. These applications include spectrum analyzer


Figure 4. Optical sampling oscilloscope virtual instrument



The usability of the virtual instrument system has been

demonstrated. But, present system is still in its infancy.
There are many problems need to be solved. The major
issue includes improve response time of the system,
connect more equipment and find a batter way to bridge the
virtual instrument system with the existing control system
database. The trend of the future instrument systems will
use standard computer network protocols. Bring instrument
server concept [5] and updated virtual instrumentation
system for the control system of SRRC is the major activity
of the near future.

The authors express their thanks the staff of the
instrumentation and control group. The helps from Mr. H.P.
Chang, Lh. C. C.Kuo and K. K. Lin are also highly
appreciated. Very thank to Mr. K. H. Hwu for his kindness

[l] G. J. Jan, et al.,"Computer control and instrumentation

Figure 5. Oscilloscope virtual instrument interface


B. Optical sampling oscilloscope virtual interface


The averaged bunch length of the storage ring is

measured by Hamamatsu 00s-01NIS optical sampling
oscilloscope that is located at synchrotron radiation
diagnostic port, the location is about 150 meters far from
control room. The device connects to Ethernet through
GPIB-ENET adapter. The operator as well as machine
physicists can access the bunch length on the control room
on bunch length. The averaged bunch length is also stored
on the machine database, it is valuable for analysis bunch
length versus parameter of the machine. For example,
beam intensity versus bunch length relation can be record


C. Oscilloscope Intelface
Oscilloscopes are the most important instruments for
the diagnostic and operate of the accelerator system. The
virtual instrument system connects the oscilloscope through
GPIB-ENEiT adapter. On the workstation, the operator can
operate the oscilloscope as to the operate the real front
panel of the oscilloscope.


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