Arena Admin Manual
Arena Admin Manual
Arena Admin Manual
Table of Contents
Welcome ................................................................................................................... 3
Configuration ............................................................................................................ 4
Organizations.......................................................................................................... 4
Security Roles ......................................................................................................... 5
Person Details Field Security ................................................................................... 10
Application Security ............................................................................................... 11
Report Services Configuration ................................................................................. 12
Active Directory Configuration ................................................................................. 13
Agent Configuration Utility ...................................................................................... 14
Setup....................................................................................................................... 19
Pages ................................................................................................................... 19
Portal List ............................................................................................................. 26
Modules ............................................................................................................... 28
Templates ............................................................................................................ 29
Document Types ................................................................................................... 31
Small Group Structure ........................................................................................... 36
Peer Network Relationships..................................................................................... 42
Payment Gateways ................................................................................................ 45
New Fields............................................................................................................... 47
Lookups ............................................................................................................... 47
Person Attributes ................................................................................................... 49
Relationship Types ................................................................................................. 53
Campaigns ........................................................................................................... 55
Custom Field Groups .............................................................................................. 56
Operations .............................................................................................................. 59
System E-mails ..................................................................................................... 59
Report Registration ................................................................................................ 61
Exceptions ............................................................................................................ 62
Refresh Cache ....................................................................................................... 62
Reporting ................................................................................................................ 63
Lists .................................................................................................................... 63 2
List Sorting Options ............................................................................................... 63
List Categories ...................................................................................................... 63
Public/Private Lists ................................................................................................ 64
List Controls ......................................................................................................... 66
List Merge Fields ................................................................................................... 68
Reports ................................................................................................................ 69
Appendices .............................................................................................................. 70
Appendix A – Organization Settings ......................................................................... 70
Appendix B - Arena Database Automation ................................................................ 76
Appendix C - Triggers ............................................................................................ 79
Appendix D - Agents .............................................................................................. 82
Appendix E - Microsoft MapPoint Coordinate Exchange ............................................... 86
Appendix F – Full Module List .................................................................................. 88
Check-In Kiosk Installation Guide ............................................................................ 96
Check In Kiosk Troubleshooting Guide...................................................................... 99
New Fields
The actual order of the sub-sections under your Administration tab Arena may vary.
Trademarks: Certain brand names and product names used in this article (publication) are trade names, service marks,
trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Shelby Systems, Inc. is not affiliated or associated with any
product or vendor mentioned in this publication.
The primary section of Administration is Organizations. An Organization is the Church Entity itself.
This section contains the settings for the Arena application such as SMTP Server information, Report
Services URL, and various user names. These settings work in tandem with settings in the
web.config file, located within the Arena installation folder on the Web Server,, to make Arena
function properly.
Many of the setting values are set during the install process; however, some will have to be
configured or changed after installation.
To view the settings and their values, click on Organizations.. This will bring up the list of
Organizations alreadyy created. Click the appropriate Organization Name link to view its details.
Displayed will be the name of the church, as well as the address, leader’s name, URL, description,
and any notes. Click the Edit button to change any of these detail settings.
neath the Organization detail information is the list of all of the settings. These settings, or Keys,
are what Arena uses throughout the application. Clicking on a Key ey will bring up its details, allowing
the value to be changed. Keys themselves cannot be edited once created. Many Keys are System
Keys,, meaning that they cannot be deleted, as they are required for the application to function.
Keys have four fields:
New installs will not require new Keys to be created. However, if your Organization has custom code
or Community Modules which require a new Key, one can be added by clicking on the Add New
Setting icon. Clicking on this will open the Setting Details, where a new Key Setting,
Description, Category, and Value can be entered.
See Appendix A for a full list of all Organization settings and descriptions.
Security Roles
Security Roles are used to assign access to the pages, fields, and all areas of Arena. This is how
users are granted or denied View or Edit rights. View access is read only. Edit access allows
changes and data entry. View access is required for any editing capabilities.
A user cannot view anything unless they are allowed to do so either by Security Role permission or
Individual permission. Security roles are cumulative, meaning that if a user is a added to multiple
Security Roles, the permissions allotted will stack, therefore they will have access to all sections that
each separate Role allow. Follow the steps below to assign users to Roles and create new ones.
Click on Security Roles to show a list of all Security Roles, as shown in figure 2.1. Clicking on a
name will open the details of that Security Role for editing.
To create a New Security Role, click the New Role icon. This adds a new entry link titled New
Role to the list. Click this link to view its details. This will display the Role details, the Edit Details
button, the Edit Permissions button, and the list of current Security Role members. Click the Edit
Details button to open the Role Details screen. Figure 2.2 shows this screen for the Arena
Administrators role.
Add New Sync Source – Security Roles can be synchronized with Tags (Ministry, Serving, or
Event), Group Roles, Area Roles, or the local Active Directory. This means that when a user is added
to that entity, that same user is automatically added to the Security Role. Using the drop-down list,
choose which option the Role should be synced to. Once the option is selected, choose which specific
Tag, Group/Area role, or Active Directory role this Security role should sync with. While a Role and
Tag or Group are synchronized, this is the only way you can add records to the role. The Role Sync
Agent is required to be running for new members to be synced to the Security Role.
At the bottom of the Role List, there will be a Copy Role / As option, as shown in figure 2.3. This
option allows for quick duplication of a role, in case a new role is desired that is very similar to
another. Choose the initial role in the drop-down box next to Copy Role:. Type in the name of the
new Role in the As box, and click Copy to create the duplicate Security Role.
Pages/Modules tab – On this tab a Portal must first be chosen, so that the appropriate pages can
be displayed. Choose a portal from the drop-down. This will then display an expandable tree view for
the pages within that Portal. Choose the appropriate page rights for this Role by checking which
Pages and Modules the Role Users can view and access. Keep in mind that in order to view a
module, the user must have view rights to the page the module is on. Edit rights for a Page will be
largely unnecessary, unless the user can access Page Settings under Administration > Pages.
Applications tab – This tab sets access permissions for external Applications for Arena. By default,
that should only be Family Registrations and Contributions. Set this role’s view/edit rights for use
throughout those applications.
Attributes tab – This tab works in tandem with the permissions set under Administration > Person
Attributes, allowing for permissions to be set for each Person Attribute setup.
Person Fields – This tab sets the field permissions for all the separate fields in the Person Details
screen. These settings work the same as the Person Details Field Security, except this tab shows a
list of fields, as opposed to the Person Details screen itself.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the window to save and close the window.
Application Security
This section of Administration is used to setup Arena security for accessing external applications that
use Arena for data and data entry. By default, the only applications included are Contributions and
Family Registrations.
Opening Application Security will show a drop-down list where an Application can be selected, and
shows the current access permissions for each, as shown in figure 4.1.
To edit the Permissions, click on the Edit Security button, which brings up the options for
Permissions, as in figure 4.2. Both Security Roles and individual people can be granted permission to
access the Application or edit the security. Editing security can only be done from this screen, so the
user must have access to this page to perform this task.
Clicking on Report Services Configuration will bring up the details of the connection settings
shown as figure 5.1. As Arena can only use one Report Service setting, there is no listing, just the
connection settings.
Report Server URL – this is where the URL to the Report Server index is entered. Report Services
will have two virtual directories, the UI address, which is typically http://<dbserver>/Reports and
the Index, http://<dbserver>/ReportServer. Arena ties into the Index.
Report Server Root Path - this is the root folder that contains the Arena Data Source and reports
from within Report Services.
Username – Username that has permissions to the Report Server. This is “ArenaReports” by
default; this username is setup during initial install.
Password – This is the password associated to the Username.
Create This User in Active Directory – if the username does not already exist in the Active
Directory, use this link to set that username up.
Grant This User Permissions in Report Services – this link will open a popup for a Domain
Administrator login and will set the correct permissions for this username to access Report Services.
Click Validate to ensure that the username is authenticating successfully, then click Update when
As Arena can only connect to one Active Directory at a time, clicking on Active Directory
Configuration under Administration will bring up the Detail screen, as shown in figure 6.1.
Active Directory Domain – Enter in the name of the local Active Directory here.
Active Directory Server – Enter the name of the Active Directory server. This is the local server
Username – this is a username that is valid on the Active Directory server for accessing the
Password – this is the password for that username.
Tip: Use Page Security on this page to keep your Active Directory information secure
Agent Jobs
The Agent Jobs area, shown to the right, lists the active
workers in Arena’s Agent service.
You can use the Add button at the bottom to select from a
listing of all available workers to activate new ones, or you
use the Remove button to deactivate the selected worker.
Agent Service
Worker Settings
The Worker Settings tab displays the configuration options for the worker currently selected in the
Agent Jobs area. These configuration options can be displayed either by category or in alphabetical
order. Each field must have a value, and a brief description of the purpose of the field. Valid values
for the field are shown in the dialog box at the bottom of this tab. Figure 7.4 shows the worker
setting screen.
Each worker in the Arena Automation Agent service can operate on its own unique timeline which is
defined on the Schedules tab. This tab displays the operating schedule for the currently selected
worker. Multiple schedules allow a worker to operate during specific intervals, such as early morning
or late evening. Similar to the Worker Settings tab, each field is required and displays a description
of its purpose in the dialog box at the bottom of the tab. Figure 7.5 shows the worker scheduler.
The Notifications tab is used to configure the threshold, frequency, and recipient of any error/result
messages produced by the worker. Just like Schedules, additional sets of notification parameters can
be created using the Add and Remove buttons. Figure 7.6 shows the notification setup screen.
See Appendix D for a list and description of the Arena Automation Agents.
This section of Administration is used to manage the pages of all of the Arena sites. These sites
include the main Arena site as well as the pages for any Arena managed websites. Figure 8.1
displays the fully expanded Page Hierarchy for Portal 1, the main Arena application.
Pages are displayed in an expandable tree view and are represented in the order in which they
appear within Arena. Faded folders indicate that a page is set to not Display in Navigation. 20
Clicking on a page will show its Page details to the right of the Hierarchy tree. The details are divided
in Tabs: the Page Details tab, all Content Area tabs, Child Pages, and Security. Page settings,
module content, and new pages can be created and maintained within these tabs. The Content Area
tabs are generated by the Template this page uses.
Page Details
Clicking on the Edit Details button on the Page Details Tab or creating a new Page will open the
Detail Settings tab. Figure 8.2 shows the details area of this tab. This is where the page-specific
options are set.
Template – This is the template of this page. See the Templates section of this manual for more
information on adding new Templates to Arena.
Parent Page – This is the Page under which this page is under in the Hierarchy. This can be
changed using this drop-down menu. All child pages will stay bound to this page.
Page Name – This is the name of the page that will show in the Header and in the Navigation bar.
Display in Nav – This option will turn on or off this page in any Navigation control.
Require SSL – This option requires “https://” and a valid SSL certificate to open and view.
Description – This is the description of this page, it also shows in the Page Header, providing the
template accommodates for this.
Settings – this is where options like the Page CSS, Navigation icons, and other options are that are
specific to this page.
Note:: Many controls have required settings, and you cannot update the control until a value
has been entered into all required fields. If you click the Update button with a required field
empty, you will get a message indicating that a field is missing, and a small * asterisk will
display next to the field. Once all required fields and any other fields you wish to fill out are
entered, click the Update button to accep
accept the changes.
Access permissions for modules can be set by clicking the Security icon. This can also be handled
under Security Roles.. You may change the order of the controls, thus affecting the order they
appear onscreen, by using the up and down icons.
Child Pages
Adding pages is essential to customizing Arena to work for you. Before creating a new page, either
to contain new information or if a certain module requires a new page, you will need to decide where
in your Page Hierarchy you want to place that page. The Page Tree Hierarchy is a graphical display
of the structure of your web pages. The following will refer to the relationship between pages as
Parent/Child where a Child Page is a sub
sub-page of a Parent page.
1) Click on the Page under which you wish to place your new page. This is known as a Parent
2) Click on the Child Pages tab on the right. Figure 8.3
3 displays the list of Child Pages under the
Home page of the main Arena portal.
3) Click on Add to create a new Child Page, or if pages already exist click on the Add New Page
icon to create a new Child Page. This will automatically open the Page Details tab of the new
page, allowing the Page to be setup as ne
Tip: Whenever you create a Child Page, it will automatically inherit the template, page
settings, controls, and securities that are on the Parent Page. Inheritance is only at the point
of creation, meaning that if you add a control to a page ththat
at has Child pages, the existing
Child pages will not inherit the new control. It will have to be added manually to each Child
page. However, if you later add a Child page, it will inherit the control. Therefore, it is
recommended that if several pages are to be created underneath a single New page, set the
default modules on the first page (such as Advanced HTML Text), to save time.
Page Security
Page Security allows you to determine which security roles have access to a child page. By clicking
the Security icon on the right of that page
page,, you can assign the appropriate roles and individuals
View and/or Edit rights to it. See the Security Roles section of this manual for help with Roles.
Clicking on the up and down icons in the Child Pages tab changes the order in which the pages
display onscreen and in a navigation menu.
Security Tab
The Security Tab works just like Page Security, except that the Security Tab sets permissions for the
current page being
ng viewed, as opposed to its child pages.
Exporting Pages
Exporting pages will allow for copying a page or a section of pages in a simple browse and click
method, for importing back into Arena as a duplicate set of pages. To export a page, click on the
Export button on the Page Details tab. This brings up the Export
xport screen, shown in figure 8.4.
This popup will show the name of the top page being exported. Special instructions can be added,
which will show during the import process. There will also be a checkbox to include all the child 24
pages of this page. This allows for groups of pages to be exported, such as the entire Leader
Toolbox. Uncheck if the only this one page should be exported. The Attach Additional Files is for
template, CSS, modules, etc. to be added to the XML file for bulk import.
Click Export once the export is ready. This will prompt to save the XML file.
Importing Pages
Pages can now be imported into Arena by an XML file created by the Page Export process. As one
XML file can contain the information for several pages, only one import is required for a group of
pages. To import pages, use the Page Hierarchy to find the Parent Page that the new pages should
be under, same as creating a new Page, and click on the Child Pages tab. At the bottom, click on
the Browse button. This will open a Windows file browser, where the appropriate XML file can be
selected. Locate the XML file, highlight it, and click Open. This will display the file path in the Import
Page (XML) field.
This will display the contents of the export, showing the main page that is being imported, provide
an option to only import that one page or include all of the pages in the file (if multiple pages were
exported), a details link, and a list of files that will be imported. If the included files are up to date
and present, then the status will show “Skipping – file is up to date”, otherwise, it will warn that the
file will be overridden. Clicking the Details link will show the page hierarchy of the pages to be
imported. Figure 8.5 illustrates the import screen with the details shown for the Contributions page
Click Import once all options are confirmed to import the pages. There will be a prompt for an
Administrator to the Web Server login, and then the pages, page settings, page details, modules,
and module settings will be imported. Security will inherit from the parent page selected to import
This will then show the Page Details tab of the top page imported, where module settings can be
adjusted, as shown in figure 8.6. It is a good idea to check all the module settings, in case some
page associations were not imported correctly. There will be a small Page Hierarchy above the tabs
so easy navigation around the newly imported pages. This will be present any time this page is
opened in Pages until the next time the Web browser is restarted.
Portal List
Portals are routing paths that the web.config file in the Arena code folder uses to direct a user to the
proper home page and login. When a person accesses Arena, regardless of his or her location, or
what site he or she is attempting to access, the Web server consults the web.config file as
referenced in Internet Information Services, or IIS. The web.config file has a default portal ID in it.
The Web server then queries the Arena database to determine what page to direct the user to based
on that portal, whether or not the user needs to log in, and what page the Login control resides on.
The default is used if the Web Server cannot determine which Portal to put the user in. However, the
Default Domain field is used to determine the correct Portal. The Portal List allows the
administrator to manage these portals.
Portal List
Upon opening the Portal List page, you will see a list of all current Portals. This list shows the Portal
ID, Portal Name, and Title, as in figure 9.1.
Clicking on one will open the Portal Details screen, where you can set the parameters of a portal, as
shown on figure 9.2.
Portal Details
Figure 9.2 Portal Details
Portal ID – This is automatically generated by the database when new Portals are created. This is
used in the URL as the destination portal ID to access the correct Portal manually.
Portal Name – This is the name of the Portal.
Portal Title – This is the title of the Portal, this will show in the Browser header bar
Portal Description – This is where a description can be put for the portal.
Portal Notes – Enter notes about this portal here.
Default Page ID - Click the Page Picker button to select the Default page, this is where the
user will be routed to once logged in.
Portal Style Sheet – Choose the default Cascading Style Sheet, or CSS, file, for use throughout
this portal.
Login Page ID – Click the Page Picker button to select a Login page for this portal. All portals
must have their own login page.
Default Domain – Enter the default domain for this portal. This is how Arena will know which portal
to route a user to, based on the URL they entered to access Arena.
Authentication – Choose which Authentication mode this portal will use. Windows Authentication
will use Domain access to grant access to Arena, and will recognize the user based on the Domain
user. Forms access will bypass the Domain, and require the user to log into Arena, using the
username and Password setup in Arena for access.
The Modules area is used to maintain and manage the individual modules used within the Arena site.
When new modules are created, they must be added to this page before they can be added to a
template or page.
Opening the Modules section will show the list of all Modules currently added to Arena. The list
shows the Module Name, the URL, or file path, of the .ascx file for the Module, what pages the
module is used on, and if it can be deleted.
Note: only modules that are not used on any pages can be deleted.
To add a new module, click the Add New Module button at the bottom right. This will open the
Module Details screen, shown in figure 10.1.
Name – This is the name of the module. This is what will show in Pages when choosing a Module for
a content area.
URL – This is the path to the .ascx file of this module. All .ascx files must be placed in the
/UserControls/ folder of the Arena installation folder. Enter in the path here.
Description – Enter in a description of this module.
Field Hints – if the .ascx file has field hints setup, you can enter in your hints here. These will
appear when hovered over with the mouse pointer when viewing the module on its page.
Click Update when finished.
Exporting/Importing Modules
Modules can also be exported from Arena, similar to Pages. Clicking the Export button will create an
XML file that will contain the contents of the .ascx file and the Module reference for the database.
Modules are imported by using the Browse function at the bottom of the Module List, exactly the
same way Pages are imported. However, only one module can be exported per XML file.
See Appendix F for a complete listing of the modules included with Arena.
Arena establishes page content layout with Templates. Click on Templates under Administration
to view a list of all templates currently connected to Arena. A template must be referenced here in
order to be used by any page throughout Arena, including all Arena managed websites. The HTML
format of these templates is coded in C#.NET and is saved as an ASP control file (.ascx). You can
create your own template in an HTML editor program. Each referenced template will list in the tree
view on this screen. Figure 11.1 is the default template list.
Click the Add New Template link to connect a new template for use within Arena.
This will bring up the Template Details tab, as shown on figure 11.2
Click on your new template in the tree view and a tab view will display, shown on figure 11-3. Each
tab represents a content area of the template. These are defined within the Template file itself.
Templates are assigned to pages from the Pages section of Administration. Once assigned to a page
you can then add the modules, or controls, for that content area on the template tabs. Any content
controls that will be used on all pages that use the template can be added here in the Templates
section as a template default.
The customization possibilities are endless. Please consult your local web professional for help in
creating your own templates to use in Arena. If you do not have a local web professional, please
contact your Arena Client Services Representative and they can refer one to you.
Document Types
Documents can now, as of Arena 2008.1, be added to Tags, Small Groups, Person Attributes, and
individual records. This means that forms, images, text documents, scanned images, just about any
file, can be added to Arena and referenced by Group leaders, members of Church staff, and
individuals. In some cases, documents can be used as attachments in Communication e-mails. In
order to add a document to Arena, a Document Type must be setup.
The Document Types Manager is where these document types are setup. Click on Document
Types under Administration to open the Document Type Manager and display a list of currently
configured Document Types, as shown in figure 12.1.
The Document Type List displays the Document Type name, if the Type is the title, the setup date,
and a security, edit, and delete button. The Contributions document type will be setup by default.
Click the Add New Document Type icon to create a new Type. This will open the Document Type
Details screen, shown as figure 12.2. Clicking on a Document Type name link will also open the
details screen, displaying detail information, displaying the icons, and an Edit button.
To show a document type on the Person Details screen, the type must be connected to a Person
Attribute. To create this, go to Person Attributes under Administration, choose (or create) an
Attribute Group, and click on the Attributes hyperlink to view the current Attributes setup. Click the
Add New Person Attribute button to create a new Attribute. Choose Document as the Attribute
Type, and the attribute details will prompt for a Qualifier value, as shown in figure 12.3.
The Qualifier list will show all Document Types that have the Show on Person Details box
checked. Choose the appropriate Document Type, setup the Attribute (for help, see the Person
Attributes section of this manual), and click Update when done.
On the Person Details screen, locate the Attribute Group under which the new Attribute was setup.
Click the Edit link. The Attribute will show there is no Document attached to this record. Click the
Change link to add a Document, shown as figure 12.4a.
Figure 12.4b shows how the Attribute will show once a document is added. This attribute uses the
Document Type name as the title. Click the Change link to change the Document, or Remove to
delete the Document from this record. Click the Save link when done.
Figure 12.4c shows how the Document will show regularly on the Person Details screen. Clicking the
View link will open the document onscreen.
Click the Add link to attach a Document to a Group or Tab. This opens the Document Browser,
shown in Figure 12.6.
Choose the Document Type from the dropdown menu. All Document Types except the default
Contribution type will show.
Enter a Title for the document.
Click the Browse button to locate and select the file.
Click Save when done.
Figure 12.7 shows how an attached Document will look in the Documents tab. The Document Type
will display as a link if Use Type as Title is checked for the chosen Type, otherwise the file name
will show as the link. The date the document was attached will show next to the Type. The Title set
in the Document Browser will show beneath the link. Click the Edit button to change the attached
document, or the Delete button to remove the document. Click the Add link to add more
The Group Clusters and Small Groups are created in Arena under Groups. However, the
Category, Cluster Type, and Cluster Levels are created in the Small Group Structure section
under Administration. At least one Cluster Type must be built before a Group Tree can be created.
Opening the Small Group Structure page will display all the current Categories setup for use within
Arena. By default, there are two categories setup; Groups and Sports, as shown in figure 13.1.
The list of categories displays the Category ID, the Category Name, the number of Cluster Types per
Category, the number of Groups in the category, a link to the Cluster Types for the category, an Edit
button, an Add New Category button, and an export to Microsoft Excel button.
Note: The Category ID is necessary for several Module Settings which separates the group
trees apart to show in different pages.
Clicking on the edit button will open the details of the Category, or clicking on the Add New
Category button will open the details of a new Category, as shown in figure 13.2.
The Small Group Structure details screen displays the following fields:
• Name – This is the name of the Category and also the tab name for the Small Group level for all
Cluster Types in this category.
Note: Arena will automatically make this word plural, so make sure the Category name is
• Group Page ID – Use the page picker button to set the Group Details page for this Category.
• Cluster Page ID – Use the page picker button to set the Group Cluster page for this Category.
• Default Role – Use the dropdown to chose the default member role assigned to people when
added to any group within this Category.
• Use Uniform Number – Choose whether or not to use Uniform Numbers for members of groups
within this Category. This is primarily used for Sport groups.
• Use Area – Choose whether or not to include an Area field to set the Area of a Group separate
from the Area of the Group’s location.
• Allow Bulk Updates – Choose whether or not to allow members and member roles to be set
using the Person Bulk Update for groups within this Category.
• Private History – Choose whether or not group history should only show on the Group Leader’s
history information, or also on the member’s history when the change affects the member.
• Credit as Small Group – Choose whether or not groups within this Category should be
considered a Small Group or not. This determines if the groups will show under Area Statistics.
• Valid Roles – The list of Valid roles is determined by the roles setup under the Small Group
Roles lookup type in Administration > Lookups. Check which roles are available for groups
within this Category.
• Captions – Set the caption text to display for the fields used in Group Details. If no caption is
provided, the field will not display in Group Details.
Once the Category has been setup, click on the Cluster Types hyperlink to setup Types for this
Category. Opening this page will display the Cluster Type List for the selected Category, as shown in
figure 13.3.
This list displays the Cluster Type ID, Type Name, checks indicating if Allow Occurrences and Allow
Registrations are true, which level represents the Region Level, which level Unassigned Registrants
are set in, the total number of Small Groups, Levels, and Group Clusters within each Cluster Type, a
hyperlink for Cluster Levels, an edit, delete, and add button, and an export to Microsoft Excel button.
If any cluster types already exist, click on the edit button to open the details of the cluster type.
Click the Add New Cluster Type button to open the details of a new cluster type, as shown in
figure 13.4.
Once a Cluster Type is setup, click the Cluster Levels hyperlink to setup the structure of the Cluster
Type. The structure is determined by the number of Levels setup. Clicking on the hyperlink will open
the Cluster Levels List page, as shown in figure 13.5.
The Cluster Level list shows the Level Number, Level Name, if the level Allows Groups, if the level
Allows Areas, if level Leaders and Admins are notified when added, the total number of Groups in
the level, and the total number of clusters set for that level, an edit, delete, add button, and an
export to Microsoft Excel button.
Click the edit button to modify an existing level. Click the Add New Cluster Level button to
create a new level, or if there aren’t any levels, click the Add… link.
Either will bring up the Cluster Level details screen, shown in figure 13.6.
All Cluster Types must have a bottom level, defined by setting Allow Groups as true. If there is not a
level that allows Groups, a warning will show onscreen until one is created.
Note: Levels should be added in order, starting with Level 0. The more levels that are added
to a Cluster Type, the more levels a Group Tree using that type will have before Groups are
added. Because of this, is it a good idea to have a design in mind for the structure and layout
of Small Groups before creating the Cluster Type.
Now that a Cluster Type exists with Levels, a Group Tree can be created using the new Type.
Two things must be setup prior to using peer network relationships; Peer Types and Arena
Calculate Peers.
Peer Types
The peer types are the stored procedures that run to calculate the individual scores. Clicking on
Peer Types under Administration will open the Peer Type list. Click the Add link to begin setting
up a peer type. Figure 14.1 below gives an example.
Name – Enter the name of the Peer Type such as Tag Peers, Tag Owners, Group Leaders, etc.
Active – By default the active box is selected.
Description – Enter a description such as how the Peer Type is used.
Stored Procedure – Choose a stored procedure from the drop down list to assign to the peer type.
The default stored procedures are shown below with a brief explanation of their intended use. You 43
will need to set the value for each procedure by default. There is no set value.
Parameters – Enter a description and give the value of the peer type.
Note: The peer types will run in order from top to bottom. If you are using the calculate
declining stored procedure you must make it the last one in the list or it will not calculate any
below itself.
The Arena Calculate Peers automation agent runs the stored procedures in the peer types to
generate the scores for each record. The calculate peers agent can be setup to run on a daily,
weekly, or monthly basis. Figure 14.2 below shows an example.
Setting up the relationship strength for groups is considered an administrative function because this
must be setup on the Cluster Types. This is setup through the Small Group Structure section
under the Administration area of Arena.
3) Once the relationship strength scale has been updated with the desired settings, your leaders
and members in groups will have scores that will show on their person details page. For more
information on this, please refer to the Membership section of the Arena End User Manual.
Tip: Peer Relationships also work in Tags. The same sliders will display when viewing Tag
Details. Please see the Arena End User Manual for more help with setting up Tags.
Payment Gateways
Payment Gateways are created to provide a secure environment for credit card and Automated
Clearing House (ACH) transactions between the Arena website and a merchant that authorizes the
payment. Arena has partnered with Payment Data Systems, or PDS, to set up these Gateway
accounts. PayFlow Pro is the only other option that Arena is designed to work with, however, PDS is
recommended. Payment Gateways assume that the account is already setup with the provider.
Payment Gateways are necessary for Online Giving (Contributions) and Event Registrations to
accept payments.
Opening Payment Gateways will display a list of all currently setup Gateways. By default, there are
none setup. Click the Add link to create one. Once a Gateway exists, click the Add New Gateway
Account icon to add more. Either will bring up the Payment Gateway Details, as shown in figure
Process Time – Enter the time the provider will process the payments. This is used by
Contributions for batch processing. 46
Click the Update button to save.
All fields show in the Gateway List except Sub Account, Password, and Log File.
New Fields
This section of Administration is used to manage the various lookup tables that are used throughout
Arena. Typically, if there is a drop-down option for a field anywhere in Arena, the options are
determined by the Lookup Values setup in that fields’ respective Lookup Type.
Lookup Types
Clicking on Lookups under Administration will display a list of all Lookup Types that are currently
setup in Arena. Each Lookup Value has to be linked to a specific Lookup Type. Several Lookup Types
will already exist in Arena from initial installation. To view the Values, click on the Lookup Type
hyperlink. To edit an existing Lookup Type, click on the Edit icon to the right. The Delete icon
will remove this Type from the list, providing there are no Lookup Values associated to that Type,
and the Type is not a System Value. Otherwise, to create a new lookup type, click on the Add New
Lookup Type icon at the bottom. Clicking this link will add a new lookup type to the list at the
top, called [New Lookup Type]. Click the Edit button to setup this Type before creating new
Values. Figure16.1 shows the Lookup Type details.
Figure 16.1
ID - This number is created by the database when a new lookup type is created
Lookup Type - This is the name of the lookup type. Current types include: Tag Member Status,
Content Category, and Address Type.
Description - enter what kind of values this type will hold for description purposes.
Qualifiers - Most lookup values can have qualifier to flag the system to perform certain tasks when
that value is used. Typical user created values will not have any qualifiers, but can be used for
reporting purposes to group multiple values together. Enter the title of the qualifier here.
Click Update to save, Cancel to go back without saving, or Delete to remove this type.
Lookup Values
When the Lookup Type hyperlink is clicked, that brings up the Lookup Values created under that
Type. The page header will show which Lookup Type these values are for. The list displays the ID,
Value, any Qualifiers, Active Status, and Foreign Key. The arrows to the right allow for changing the
order the values display. An edit and delete icon for each Value displays to the right.
Note: Certain values are System Values, and cannot be edited or removed.
Click on the Add New Lookup Value icon at the bottom to add new Values to a Type. This
creates a new Value at the bottom named [N [New Value]. Click Edit to setup that Value.
Figure 16.22 shows the details of a new Lookup Value added to the Membership Status Lookup.
Figure 16.2
Change the order the Values list in by using the placement arrows, and .
Person Attributes
Person Attributes are used to create custom fields for entering and recording just about anything
about a person. Attributes can record several types of data, including numerical values, date values,
and string (text) values.
Attributes are displayed on the Person Details screen (see Person Details under Membership of the
Arena End User Manual for more information).
Attribute Groups
Individual Attributes are grouped together by Attribute Groups. Clicking on Person Attributes
under Administration will show a list of all Attribute Groups. Figure 17.1 shows the default
Attribute Groups that are created upon installation of Arena.
This list shows the Attribute Group Name, a link for the Individual Attributes within that Group, the
Display Location (on Person Details), whether or not this Group is a System Group (and therefore
not removable), the Security link , placement arrows for ordering the Groups, and the delete link
Note: Only Groups that are not System Groups and do not have any Individual Attributes
under them can be deleted.
Click on the Group Name link to open the edit screen for an Attribute Group, which is shown in figure
Note: While the Attribute Groups always show on Person Details (for users who have rights to
view them), Individual Attributes with no values will not show.
To create a new Attribute Group, click the Add New Attribute Group icon at the bottom right.
This opens the Edit screen for the new Group. A new
ew Attribute Group will not be considered a
System Group.
Clicking the Security link will open a screen to setup which users and Security Roles can view and
edit these Attribute Groups on Person Details.
Note: If a user is allowed to enter values for the Individual Attributes, their role must have
Edit rights to the Attribute Group.
Changing the order the Attribute Groups display on this list affects the order they display in their
section of Person Details as well. Use the placement arrows, and , to move attributes up and
Individual Attributes
Click the Attributes link next to an Attribute Group Name. This will show the list of Individual
Attributes under that Group. Figure 17.3 shows the Attributes for the Member Path Group.
The list from Figure 12-3 shows the Attribute Name, Type, Qualifier (for Lookup Type), Visibility
status, Read Only status, Required flag, System Attribute, the Security link , placement arrows for
ordering the Attributes, and the delete link .
Note: Same as for Attribute Groups, Attributes that are System Attributes cannot be deleted.
Click the Attribute Name link to edit an Attribute. This displays the Attribute Details, as shown in
Figure 17.4.
Group – This is the Attribute Group this Attribute is assigned to.. Changing this will move this
Attribute to a different Attribute Group. 52
Name – Enter the name of the Attribute, such as How Received, Uniform Size, Background Check,
Type – Choose the type of field to display for the detail of this Attribute. The o
ptions are:
Visible – Checking
hecking this will display this Attribute on the Person Details page.
Read Only – This Attribute cannot be changed and is not included as an editable item.
Required – The
he record cannot be saved or updated unless this field is populated.
To create a new Attribute, click the Add link to create a new attribute, or if attributes already exist,
click the Add New Attribute icon. This will bring up the Details screen where the values can be
set. A new Attribute will not be considered a System Attribute
Clicking the Security link will open a screen to setup which users and Security Roles can view and
edit these Attributes on Person Details.
Changing the order the Attributes display on this list affects the order they display on Person Details
as well. Use the placement arrows
arrows, and , to move attributes up and down.
Relationship Types
Relationship Types allow the user to show a relationship between two records in Arena that
otherwise have no connection. Some common uses would be Grandparent to Grandchild, Aunt or
Uncle to Niece or Nephew, or Shepherd to Sheep. Clicking on Relationship Types under
Administration will display a list of all Relationships and their inverse, as shown in figure 18.1.
Figure 18.1
Click the Relationship link to edit the Type, or click the Add link to create a new Relationship Type. If
a Relationship Type already exists, click the Add New Relationship Type icon to add more.
Relationship Types have to be created in pairs, so each side of the Relationship has to be created for
this to function.
Figure 18.2 shows the setup screen for a Relationship Type.
Note: the very first relationship you enter will have no values for an Inverse Relationship, and
the drop-down list will be truncated. After at least one Relationship Type is created, it can be
selected as an Inverse Relationship to the new entry. As the Relationship pairs are created,
the inverse is populated automatically when set by either, so when the first Type is created
for each pair, leave the inverse value blank. Once the inverse is set for the opposite side of
the pair (the first value created for this pair), the inverse will be set for both Types. Each
Type can only have one Inverse.
To place a relationship type on a record, please see the Person Details section under Membership
of the Arena End User Manual.
The Campaigns section of Administration is where Calling Campaigns are setup. Clicking on
Campaigns will open a list of all currently setup Campaigns. By default, there will not be any
campaigns, so one will have to be created before viewing the list by cl
icking the Add link. This will
create a new Campaign called [New Campaign]
Campaign]. Click on the Edit link on the right to setup the
Campaign, as in figure 19.1.
Once a campaign exists, the list will show the Campaign Name, Description, Active Status, the Edit
icon , and Delete icon , as shown in ffigure 19.2. Click Edit to change any of these fields. To
create a new campaign now that one exists, click the Add New Campaign icon.
Clicking on the Campaign Name link will display the current statistics and any outstanding notes of
the campaign.
After the campaign has been created, people to call are added to the Campaign by using the Person
Bulk Update utility under Membership. See Person Bulk Update in the Membership section of the
Arena End User Manual.
Clicking on Custom Field Groups will display all the Field Groups already created. By default, there
are no Field Groups created during install, so click the Add link to create the first Field Group. This
will generate the Custom Field Group List, which shows the Group Name, the Number of Fields
within, Category, Active Status, the Edit link , and Delete Link , as shown in figure 20.1.
Field Groups that have any Custom Fields within it cannot be deleted.
Once a Field Group is created, click the Add New Field Group icon to add new Field Groups.
Creating a new Field Group will show a New Field Group link.
Click the edit link to modify the new Field Group. The list will change to allow editing, as figure
20.2 illustrates.
Click Update to save, Cancel to go back without saving, or Delete to remove this Group.
Custom Fields
To add the Custom Fields to a Custom Field Group, click the Group Name link. This will bring up the
list of all Custom Fields under this Field Group. This list shows the Field Label, Field Type, Visible
Status, Required Flag, Read-Only flag, Auto Fill flag, Show on List flag, placement arrows for
ordering the Attributes, and the delete link .
Click the Add link to add the first new Custom Field, or click the Add New Custom Field icon
once a Field already exists. Either will open the Field Details screen, shown in figure 20.3.
Label – This is the name of the field, which will display on the registration form.
Label Location – Choose where the name of the field will display in relation to the field. There are
four options, Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.
Field Type – Select the Type of field. The options are:
Checkbox – places a checkbox for each value added in the Value field. Any or all of the
checkboxes can be chosen. Enter the values separated by commas.
Radio – places a radio button for each value added in the Value field. Only one radio button
can be selected at a time.
Dropdown – places a drop-down list populated with each value added in the Value field.
Textbox – places a text box on the form. The text box will allow 255 characters.
Date – places a date field with a calendar button.
Separator – places a solid line into the form to separate two areas.
Static – any text placed in the Value field is included as static text.
Address – places Street, City, State, and Zip fields on the form.
Size – This is not actually an option, it is an indicator that Rows and Pixels Wide determine the Field
Size for textboxes.
Rows – This option is only when the Field Type is Textbox. This allows for word wrapping for the
number of rows entered.
Pixels Wide – This option is also only when the Field Type is Textbox. This is how wide the field box
will be.
Value(s) – Depending on the Field Type chosen, you may be required to enter a value for the
choices presented. Field Types that require this are checkbox, radio, dropdown, and static. These 58
values are comma delimited for multiple values.
Visible – Check this to make the field display on the Registration screen.
Required – Check this to ensure that any registration form using this group of fields is on cannot be
completed if any Required field is left blank.
Read Only – Checking this will make the field display as a disabled field (grayed out).
Enable Auto-Fill – If the field can be populated by information on a person’s record, this checkbox
enables the field to be auto-populated with those values.
Show on List – Checking this will make the field display on the Registrant List control.
System E-mails
System E-mails
System E-mails are custom e-mails that may be setup for use with certain modules and agents
within Arena. A listing of the system e-mails along with a brief description of each is provided below.
In order for the system e-mails to be sent, the receiving information on each must be filled out and
Prayer Request | Expire With Sends system e-mail when the Arena Process Prayer Requests
Renewal automation agent is run. 60
Small Group Locator Sends system e-mail when request is submitted through the Small
Group Locator.
Report Registration
Report Registration connects a report from Report Services allowing it to be run using the results of
a List selection. (see Lists under the Membership section of the Arena End User Manual for help with
Before a report can be registered for use in Lists, it has to be created and in use by Report Services.
To see what reports are already created in Report Services, click on Reports in the appropriate
section of Arena, or navigate to http://<reportservername>/Reports.
Opening Report Registration will display a list of Reports currently registered within Arena for use
with Lists, shown as figure 22.1. This list shows the Report Name, the Path, the Definition File name,
and a delete link . There are no reports registered by default when Arena is installed.
To add the first report, click the Add link. Once a report is registered, click the Add New
Registration icon to register more. This will bring up the Registration page, as shown in figure
Name – This drop-down list is populated by all the reports that exist in Report Services. Choose
which report is being connected.
Path – This is dynamically changed by choosing the name. The path is the Report path.
Definition File – Choose which List type (which is populated by the .XML file listed here) this Report
will be run from.
Field Hints are not used in this version of Arena.
Note: Not all reports are configured to work with Lists. Please consult your Arena Client
Services Representative for additional assistance.
When Arena encounters an error, an Exception is generated. Most exceptions will show onscreen
when they occur. Any exception that is displayed on screen is also e-mailed to Arena Support.
However, some exceptions, like Access Restrictions, do not display.
All exceptions are listed in the Exceptions section. All errors are displayed in reverse date and time
order. Clicking on the Name of the exception, which is actually the number, will open a new window
with the original error and details. When contacting Arena Support, you may be asked to access this
Refresh Cache
When changes are made to the Arena site, whether they are the addition of pages or adding
modules to existing pages, the cache may need to be updated in order for the changes to show on
the effected page. In some rare instances, the browser may also be required to be reopened for the
changes to take effect.
Clicking Refresh Cache will redirect the browser back to the Arena homepage with a
“?RefreshCache=True” call in the URL.
Lists in Administration functions the same as Lists in Membership, except these lists are created for
Administrative purposes.
Please reference the Lists section of Membership in the Arena End-User Manual for help in creating
a new List report.
While a powerful tool, Lists in Arena can become cluttered and difficult to navigate when a large
number of Lists are saved and regularly used. Arena has two functions which help to keep lists
neatly organized and easily accessible: List Categories and Public/Private Lists.
List Categories
When creating a new list or by editing an existing list, the user can assign a specific category value
to the list. This can be used to sort and filter the List view, making it much easier to manage a large
number of lists. Figure 25.1 shows the category selection area on the first step of creating a new list
or editing an existing one.
These category values are defined as Lookup values for the lookup type “List Categories” (for more
information on lookups, see Lookups elsewhere in this manual). Arena includes a Default category
value, and allows you to configure the specific categories required by your ministries. Users can then
sort the Lists view by category, as shown in Figure 25.2.
Public/Private Lists
Another list sorting option is the Public/Private lists function. This function allows an administrator to
set a Lists page to only show lists created by the current user. It can be a separate page from the
Public lists page, allowing the use of shared lists on a Public List page and the separation of personal
lists on a Private Lists page. This functionality used in addition to List Categories, allows users to
maintain a very organized set of Lists.
To set a list module to only display lists created by the current user, follow these steps:
a. For the List Report module shown in figure 25.3, set the PublicReportList value to False.
b. For the Report List module shown in figure 25.4 below, set the Filtered By Current User
value to True.
List Controls
The List Controls area allows an administrator to select the specific criteria and criteria categories
that are available for each type of List. An administrator can also use this to enable or disable
specific attributes for use in different types of lists.
Figure 26.1 below shows the available criteria groups which can be enabled or disabled by selecting
the Enable checkbox for each criteria group.
To enable or disable a criteria group for a List type, follow these steps:
Figure 26.2 shows the individual criteria within a selected criteria group which can be enabled or
disabled by selecting the Enable checkbox for each criteria. 67
Figure 26.2 List Control Criteria
To enable or disable a specific criteria for a List type, follow these steps:
Typically you will only select additional fields to be required, as selected fields in this control
should only be done if all merge documents using those fields have been removed.
To select a field to be required for a new merge document, follow these steps:
The Reports area has identical functionality to the Reports section in Membership. No default
reports for Administration are included in the default Arena installation, however any custom reports
deployed to the Arena/Administration folder of your Report Services will display here. See Reports in
under the Membership section of the Arena End User Manual for information on using custom
reports, the Reports section of the Arena Reference Guide for information on creating and deploying
custom reports, or visit for more information.
Appendix A – Organization Settings
E-card sender e-mail subject* Subject line of the e-mail the sender will receive
E-card sender e-mail text* Message body of the e-mail the e-card sender will receive. 72
Plain text version of the message body of the e-mail the sender
E-card sender e-mail text alt*
will receive.
E-card sender from address* Default sender e-mail address
E-card sender open notification* Open notification body text
E-card sender open notification alt* Plain text version of the Open Notification e-mail
E-card sender open subject* Subject line of the Open Notification e-mail
True / False value to determining if the default Organization's
E-card use header*
header and footer is used.
E-card Sample Message Text for the E-Card message when viewing the example Card.
E-nail address of the E-Card sender when viewing the example
E-card Sample Sender E-mail
Name for the E-Card sender name when viewing the example
E-card Sample Sender Name
E-mail Batch Size Number of e-mails per batch for throttling.
E-mail Log Path Local path on the web server for storing the e-mail log.
The time (in milliseconds) to pause between batches of bulk e-
E-mail Pause
ESRI Datasource The ESRI Dataset to use
ESRI Password Password to use for the ESRI web service for geocoding.
ESRI Timeout Timeout period to use for the ESRI web service for geocoding.
ESRI Username Login to use for the ESRI web service for geocoding.
HTML for the automatic e-mail sent to confirm E-registrations.
Event Confirmation Default
Sent by Agent.
Event Eticket Barcode Placement (top left position, width, and height) and font
information for the Barcode placement on the Eticket pdf file.
Placement (top left position, width, and height) and font
Event Eticket Event Name information for the Event Name field placement on the Eticket
pdf file.
Placement (top left position, width, and height) and font
Event Eticket Location information for the Location field placement on the Eticket pdf
Placement (top left position, width, and height) and font
Event Eticket Person Name information for the Person Name field placement on the Eticket
pdf file.
Placement (top left position, width, and height) and font
Event Eticket Start information for the Start Time field placement on the Eticket pdf
Event Profile Title The title to use for Event tags.
HTML for the automatic e-mail sent as reminder of an Event.
Event Reminder Default
Sent by Agent.
Event Standard Eticket Filename of the default Eticket.
Security Password Strength Regex Regular expression that defines how strong passwords must be.
Leave blank for default (5-30 characters and at least one digit).
True / False value to tell the system if the exceptions should be
sent automatically to Arena via the A.L.E.R.T. tool.
True / False value to tell the system if the exceptions should be
Send Exception sent automatically to the Exception Recipient in the web.config
file or in the Exception Recipient (if web.config is blank)
Serving Profile Title The title to use for Serving tags.
Small Group Registration Leader Notify HTML Message body of the e-mail the Small Group Leader will
Body receive for Small Group Registration notifications
Small Group Registration Leader Notify Subject line of the e-mail the Small Group Leader will receive for
Subject Small Group Registration notifications
HTML Message body of the e-mail sent to the Small Group
Small Group Registration Notify Body
registrant upon completing registration.
Small Group Registration Notify Subject line of the e-mail sent to the Small Group registrant upon
Subject completing registration.
Small Group Title The title for the Small Groups
SMTP From Domain The domain that all e-mails sent through Arena will be sent from.
The password of the SMTP Username for the mail server Arena
SMTP Password
will use to send e-mails.
The server name of the SMTP Mail server for Arena to send e-
SMTP Server
mails through.
The username for accessing the SMTP server Arena will use to
SMTP Username
send e-mails.
Flag indicating if areas are being used in Small Groups. This will
Use Group Areas control whether a person's area or region is displayed on various 75
True / False setting for using either Cluster Types or Small Group
Type Lookup Values in the Add Registration module. These are
Use Group Type
also used in Small Group Details for the Type, but that is not used
by Registrations.
True / False setting for connecting Arena Online Giving /
Use Shelby v5 Contributions
Contributions to Shelby v5 Contributions.
The number of days that a prospective volunteer has not
had their tag member status updated, placing them in
Warning Profile Days warning status. Between one day to this setting, a green
flag is displayed. After this number of days a yellow flag
will be displayed.
XML Report Path Path to the xml files used in Lists.
Score for automatically entering a user into a Small Group based
on their address criteria. If the user's zip code matches the
Zip Code Score
group's zip code, this score is added to the total for determining
"best fit".
*For E-Invites, add copies of the E-Card keys but use e-invite instead, i.e. e-invite_recipient_e-mail_text.
Also, if Content Categories are used in E-cards and E-invites, the default settings here assume there are no Content
Categories used. Organization settings
for Content Categories are specific per Category, so to enable settings by Category, add the Category name after the
Key, remove any spaces and punctuation
of the Category, i.e. e-card_recipient_e-mail_text_allchurch (where the Content Category is All Church).
The Arena Agents handle the bulk of automatic data processing for the Arena database. Many
Agents send e-mails to various recipients, but several Agents directly affect the database. The
Agents that do this are:
• Active Directory Sync – This Agent synchronizes User passwords to the Active Directory. The
Active Directory Configuration must be set under Administration in order for this Agent to
function. If the Agent finds the same username in the Active Directory that is in the Arena
database, the user’s password will change in Arena to match the Active Directory password.
• Classified Cleanup – This agent removes Classified Ads off the website once they have been
displayed for a set number of days.
• Computer Audit – This agent is heavily dependent on specific hardware configurations, but it
searches the Domain the web server is part of for other computers. It is capable of listing all the
computers on the Domain, along with hardware and software specifications about those
• E-mail Cleanup – This agent utilizes a POP3 (Post Office Protocol) e-mail account to inactivate
e-mail addresses that have are invalid. This is determined by a mailer return to the POP3
• Process Geocoding – This agent automatically uses ESRI and StrikeIron/Satori to determine
the geographic location of all addresses in the database. It also standardizes the postal code.
This speeds up the loading time of Person Detail records, as records are “Geocoded” when
opening if they have not already been processed.
• Process Mail Queue – This agent separates Communications in batches and submits automated
e-mail notifications to the SMTP server on the domain.
• Process Critical Serving – This agent sets the Serving Tag Member critical status based on the
length of time that has passed since being contacted.
• Health Meter – This agent executes a Stored Procedure in the Arena Database,
core_sp_update_activity_meter, which uses multiple criteria to determine an “Activity Score”
for an individual. This value is kept over time, to determine trends for a record.
• Process Metrics – This agent executes all Collection SQL statements configured for Metrics,
to get the Metric Score.
• Process Prayer Requests – This agent processes the current status of Prayer Requests, and
sends the automated e-mails to the Prayer submitters.
• Small Group Registrations – This agent processes automatic Small Group registrations
submitted through an Arena powered website.
• Role Sync – This agent adds individuals to Security Roles based on Role Sync Sources. It also
adds logins to records that do not have a login. In addition, an e-mail is sent to the user 77
providing that Notify is checked in the details of the Security Role.
• Process Historical Contributions – This agent submits Repeating Payments to the Payment
Gateway Providers and also retrieves Processed Contribution Data from the Gateway provider
for finalization and Batch Processing in Contributions.
Agents are configured in the jobs.config file located in the Arena Automation Agents folder
installed on the web server. A service, Arena Automation Agents, is installed on the web server as
well, which actually processes all the agents.
Tip: If the service will not start, or the expected data changes do not occur, check the Event
Viewer on the Web Server for possible causes.
Metrics, as covered in the Membership section of the Arena End-User manual, are used calculate
counts and other data over time. The condition of a Metric is that it can only handle counts, such as
“How many Groups are led by people in Serving Tags” or “How many people joined the Church in the
last 7 days”. Metric values are gathered in one of two ways, either manually or by SQL Collection
Entering Metric data is done at the same place the Metric is setup, in the Metrics section under
Membership. This is done by clicking on the desired Metric to add the value for, and clicking on
Display Metric Values. Click on the Add New Metric Item button to create a new Value. Click the
Edit button on the new Metric Item line to change the value, date, and add any notes about that
particular value. Click the update checkmark when done.
If the Metric has a Collection SQL statement, then no manual work is required. The Process Metrics
agent will run the SQL statement and provide the Metric Value. The previous value is automatically
stored historically.
Note: SQL collection statements must only return an integer value, so it is recommended that
these scripts return counts of selected criteria only.
For example:
“New records are added to Arena with a specific Member Status of ‘Guest’. Once those people have
at least 3 attendance records over 3 different weeks, they are changed to “Members”. This is a time
consuming process to update these people, so can it be handled automatically?”
Yes it can, since a SQL script can update the member status (first criteria), and the records to
update can be isolated (“guest” member status and 3 attendance records with different dates,
second criteria).
So, the stored procedure must accomplish two things: Get the records to be modified, and modify
them. Once the procedure is ready, the SQL job can be created and a schedule setup for it to
execute the procedure and the determined time and interval.
Triggers affect the database by synchronizing data across multiple database tables or even across
multiple databases. Triggers are run by an event in the triggered table occurring, such as a record
in the table being modified. The following is a list of all the triggers in the Arena and Shelby v5
databases and what tables and fields they affect.
Appendix C - Triggers
Triggers installed to the Arena database by the Arena Sync Utility
Trigger Name Trigger Description Affected Fields
tr_core_address_ updates address addresscounter,adr1, adr2, city,state, zip,
update information whenupdated, whoupdated
tr_core_family_ updates or inserts namecounter,famnu,unitnu
member_IU family information
tr_core_person_ deletes person - namecounter,addresscounter,typecounter
address_delete address relationship
tr_core_person_ inserts new person - namecounter,addresscounter,typecounter
address_insert address relationship
tr_core_person_ updates existing namecounter,addresscounter,typecounter
address_update person-address
tr_core_person_ updates or inserts namecounter,howrecieved,daterecieved,memberof,so
attribute_IU member path urce,specialprofile,date1,date2,date3,date4,date5,dat
information e6,date7,date8,date9,date10
tr_core_person_ updates,inserts, or namecounter,e-mailaddress
e-mail_IUD deletes e-mail
tr_core_person_ inserts new records namecounter,firstmiddle,lastname,suffix,salutation,se
Insert archID,birthdate,gender,maritalstatus,ssn,notes,when
tr_core_person_ removes phone all
phone_ delete information
tr_core_person_ updates or inserts phonetypes,namecounter,phonenu
phone_IU phone information
tr_core_person_ updates existing records namecounter,firstmiddle,lastname,suffix,salutation,se
Update archID,birthdate,gender,maritalstatus,ssn,notes,when
tr_core_profile_ updates or inserts tag - profile,start,naend,notes
member_IU profile information
Appendix D - Agents
The Arena Automation Agent is a service that can be run in the Microsoft Services utility of
Windows® Administrative Tools. This service can automate several Arena tasks, or jobs; from
everyday preventive maintenance to the sending of e-mails. Your Arena ChMS folder contains an
Arena Automation Agents folder to handle these jobs. The primary configuration file for these jobs is
the jobs.config file within this folder. Beginning in the 2008.1.100 version, jobs may be configured
using the AgentConfiguration.exe shown below in Figure 32.1.
In order to Add/Remove a job from the list, click the corresponding button. A complete list of jobs
are listed below.
Note: once you have setup the agents that you will be running click the Start button and this
will begin running the agents based on the settings.
Types of Jobs
There are several different types of jobs that can be setup to run in your jobs.config file. Below are
the different job types with a brief description of the job’s intended purpose.
Arena Daily E-mail – This job sends a list of all birthdays for the day to a specified person.
Arena Historical Contributions – This job queries to your Payment Gateway URL and gets any
new payments to create a Contribution Entry.
Arena PBX Voice-mail – This job requires Voice over IP phone system.
Arena Process Health Meter – This job processes the Health Meter on everyone’s record within
the database.
Arena Send Birthday E-mails – This job will send an e-mail to anyone in the database that has a
birthday on the day the agent runs.
Arena Serving Reminder – This job will send the Serving Reminder system e-mail to people who
have volunteered for serving opportunities.
Arena Process Metrics – This job processes the Metrics collection queries based upon the criteria
setup in each metric.
Arena Active Directory Sync – This job is designed to synchronize the Active Directory users with
the Arena users.
Arena Computer Audit – This job audits all of the computers and software in the Active Directory
and populates this information within Arena under Information Technology.
Arena E-mail Clean – This job takes any e-mails that bounced back to your SMTP server in a POP3
account as bad e-mails, and inactivates the e-mail account within Arena.
Arena Geocode – This job geocodes and assigns Areas all addresses that have not been geocoded
since they were modified.
Arena Mail Queue – This job sends any pending e-mails that are contained within the
Communication area of Arena.
Arena Newsletter Send – This job sends the specified newsletter to people that have subscribed to
the newsletter. You may specify the newsletter that is to be sent by changing the Newsletter ID.
Arena Process Prayer Requests – This job will process the prayer requests from your website and
send the appropriate e-mails associated with the requests.
Arena Sync Roles – This job will synchronize all of the people added to a tag synchronized with a
role. When people are added to a tag, they will automatically get added to the role synchronized
with that tag.
Arena Classified Cleanup – This job removes classifieds that are older than the number of days
specified within the job.
Arena Small Group Registrations – This job will send all of the pending e-mails from
Registrations. 85
Arena Process Critical Serving – This job creates a pending communication for those people
registered in a serving profile with a status lookup of “No Contact.”
Arena Calculate Peers – This job runs the stored procedures that have been setup for the Peer
Types to generate the scores for the Peer Networks.
Arena PBX Peers - This job requires Voice over IP phone system.
Arena PBX Cdr – This job requires Voice over IP phone systems.
Arena Event E-mail – This job will send all event reminder e-mails.
In order to determine the longitude/latitude for each point, follow the steps below.
1) Start Microsoft MapPoint and zoom into the area until your map view is slightly larger than the
new area desired. In figure 33.1, the area to be defined is outlined in black.
2) Using the Freeform tool, draw the shape of your area making sure to close the box at the
beginning point.
3) Go to Tools > Coordinate Exchange from the MapPoint® menu, shown as figure 33.2.
4) Choose “MapPoint Application” and “Freeform Line” for the Source fields. If you want to name the
Line, you may do so here. This is not necessary as we are only using this tool to retrieve the
coordinates of the defined area.
5) Choose “File” and “Waypoints” as the Destination. Choose Comma Separated Values for File
Type. In the File Path, choose a location on your local drive and create a file name such as
6) Click the double arrows between the Source and Destination fields to create the file. You will
notice the screen will display that four coordinates were read and written.
7) Open the file created by the application. You will use this file to define the four points in your
area. (See the Areas section under Groups in the Arena End User Manual for instructions on
entering these points.)
188 Campaign Next Family Runs a campaign and brings up family information
Allows the authenticated user to change their 89
107 Change Password password
Displays one or more charts based on the data from
196 Chart from Query a stored procedure that you specify
119 Classified Approve Allows to approve submitted classifieds
117 Classified Entry Creates new classified entries
111 Classifieds Admin Lists classified entries
Lists all classified categories and number of entries
114 Classifieds Categories per category
116 Classifieds Category Details Lists classifieds by category
298 Communication Templates Creates communciation templates
101 Computer System Details Displays the details of a particular computer
108 Computer System Software Lists software on a particular computer
100 Computer Systems List Lists computers on domain
261 Contribution Batch Detail Shows details of a contribution batch
205 Contribution Batch List Lists all contribution batches
260 Contribution Detail Displays the details of a selected contribution entry
206 Contribution Fund List Manages available contribution giving funds
Lists either all contributions or all contributions per
259 Contribution List giving unit ID
287 Contribution Pledge Detail Displays and creates new pledges for an individual
207 Contribution Project List Lists contribution projects
Contributions - Repeating Payment Lists repeating payments setup through the online
268 List giving
Lists of groups of custom fields together for event
240 Custom Field Group List tags
241 Custom Field List Lists custom fields setup for event tags
302 Dock Container (3 columns) Enables dockable pages
303 Document Types Creates and lists new types of documents for use
136 E-Card Category List Displays the categories setup for E-cards
135 E-Card Display Displays selected E-card
127 E-Card List Lists E-Cards
311 List Merge Fields Configuration Creates new fields for Lists
263 Reporting Services Configuration Configuration setup for access to reporting services
109 Request Login Information Allows user to request forgotten login credentials
49 Role Details Displays details of a security role 94
44 Role Members Lists members of a role
39 Roles Lists security roles
273 Security Subject Permissions Sets security for various subjects
65 Security Tree View Displays options for setting security
Displays the results of the serving opportunity
149 Serving Opportunity Details search
1) Install .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 run-time if not already installed. Use Windows Update in Internet
Explorer to do this, or go to
2) The Kiosk installing to must have access to the SQL and Report Server on the domain.
3) Report Services must be installed and running.
1) Copy the “CheckInApplication.exe” file from the Applications folder wherever Arena is installed to
the computer where Check In will be running from. This is the Kiosk.
2) Run CheckIn Application.exe. This will launch the Installation Wizard.
3) Follow the steps in the wizard. It will prompt for an installation path, and the connection
information to the SQL server.
4) Once the install is finished, navigate to the installation path of the application, and create a
shortcut to the .exe file for your desktop.
5) Install the “Free 3 of 9 font” on the kiosk (‘FREE3OF9.TTF’ is included in folder) by copying into
the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.
1) Scanners must be configured in ‘wedge’ mode, where scans are sent as plain text.
2) See final page for barcodes to scan to program the Metrologic MS6720 scanner.
3) See the instruction for scanner if it’s not a Metrologic MS6720 on how to program the scanner to
send a carriage return after scan.
Windows Configuration (On the kiosk that is physically hooked up to the printer)
Arena Configuration
1) Under Check-In > Kiosks edit a kiosk and set up a default printer. The ‘Printer Name’ must be
the full network share path to the printer (e.g. ‘\\hostcomputer\printer’). You may use any
networked printer as the default.
2) Under Check-In > Attendance Type Categories > Attendance Types > Labels, add a new
label for the attendance type and select either a specific printer or select ‘[Use Kiosk’s Default
If you select [Use Kiosk’s Default Printer], then the label’s printer will be based on the kiosk’s default
printer set up under Check-In > Kiosks. If three kiosks are set up to take attendance for the same
attendance type, then each kiosk can print to its own default printer.
If you select a specific printer, then the print job will always be sent to that specific printer.
Scan the following to enable carriage return to be sent after scan. This scanner is in wedge mode by
1) Attendance Type Categories - There must be at least one existing Attendance Type Category
for CheckIn to function properly.
2) Attendance Types – These represent the types of events, groups, or meetings that a person
can check into. These are called “Classes” by the CheckIn Application.
a) There must be a minimum and maximum age on any attendance type that is setup.
(Note: Every person that is entered into Arena that will be checking into classes MUST
have a birth date on their record. Arena uses the birthdates to see if the person is eligible
to Check In and for which Attendance Types.)
b) There must also be a Frequency setup for the Attendance Type. These are used to create an
Occurrence. An Occurrence is literally a record of a meeting and who attended. The term
Occurrence and Attendance are used interchangeably within Arena. The Occurrence allows a
person to CheckIn to the Attendance Type. (Note: The Check In start and end times dictate
when the class is available to check in at the kiosk, while the Class Start and Class End time
create the times for the Occurrence itself.)
3) Locations – These are the physical locations where the CheckIn Kiosk will be.
(eg.- Building A, Johnson Hall, etc.) Select the Attendance Types that will be used at each
4) Kiosks – Create a new kiosk and a schedule for the kiosk. (Note: You MUST create a schedule
for the kiosk.) The Arena Check In application will read the schedules for the kiosks to see if it is
available for Check In. You may also setup the kiosk by launching the CheckInApplication.exe on
the physical kiosk. This is generally the recommended method of adding a computer to Arena as
a Kiosk. Doing so will also generate a schedule automatically, for Everyday, from 12:01AM to
The Kiosk is inactive
The kiosk application will display the following screen if the there is not a schedule set to run on the
Kiosk at this time. Edit the Kiosks’ schedule to correct this if this screen displays during needed
CheckIn times.
The Kiosk loads, but when someone Checks In, No Classes are available
The following screen (name will be changed for whoever is attempting to Check In) will show for 101
various reasons, but usually a setting in the Attendance Types or the individuals’ record is the
culprit. The following things to check for will help in troubleshooting this message.
1) The Attendance Type has been setup for Gender Specific (e.g. - In this case Johnny is a male
and the AT Type could be setup for only females.)
• Fix- Make the attendance type for the Gender selection of Everyone if this should
not be gender specific.
2) The person does not have a birth date, and therefore no age, on their Person Detail record.
• Fix- Add a birth date to the individuals record.
3) The person’s current age does not fall into the Age Range of any Attendance Types selected for
the location(s) for this Kiosk
• Fix- A) Go to the Kiosk Management Screen in the CheckIn application and select
a Location that has an Attendance Type that has the age range of this person.
• Fix- B) Go to Check-In>Locations in the Arena Application and select an
Attendance Type that has the desired age range.
4) The Attendance Type the person is eligible for, has the Secured box selected, but the kiosk is
running in Centralized mode. Currently, the Secured option is designed only for Non-Centralized
• Fix- A) If the Attendance Type is not intended to be used as previously
described, uncheck the selection Secured on the type.
• Fix- B) Change the Kiosk to Non-Centralized and choose the Secured Attendance
Type for it.
5) There are no Attendance Types whose Frequency Check In time is currently available and an
existing Occurrence has already ended.
• Fix- Edit the frequency of an Attendance Type, so that Occurrences are created
for the appropriate time range.
Note: if this needs to be changed immediately, edit the Occurrence by going into CheckIn >
Attendance Type Categories > Attendance Types > Occurrences and change the End Time.
6) All Occurrences for the current time are Closed (Arena v2.0 and later).
• Fix A) Open an Occurrence.
• Fix B) Create a new Occurrence record.
This message will appear when the Attendance Type has been linked to a group or tag,
Membership Required for Check In has been selected, and the person is not in the group or