Viva Class XII Physics Practical

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1. Define spherical aberration and draw diagram to show it in case of concave mirror.
2. What is parallax? How is it removed?
3. Define dispersion of light. Give its cause.
4. Show dispersion of white light into seven colours.
5. Define lateral displacements and give the factor on which it depends.
6. Define critical angle and deduce the relation between refractive index and critical
7. Explain U-V graph in case of image formation in a convex lens.
8. Distinguish between primary and secondary cell. (give two differences)
9. How does rheostat act as a variable resistor, potential divider? (draw a diagram)
10. What a non inductive coil? Give one special feature of non inductive coil?
11. Draw neat and label diagram of leclanche cell.
12. Write chemical equation in Daniel cell.
13. Why is the emf of auxiliary battery greater than the emf to be measured?
14. Why are standard resistances made up of constantan and Manganin?
15. Define figure of merit and give it is S.I unit.

Test Based on Viva
Class XII

1. Define spherical aberration and draw diagram to show it in case of concave mirror.
2. What is parallax? How is it removed?
3. Define dispersion of light. Give its cause.
4. Show dispersion of white light into seven colours.
5. Define lateral displacements and give the factor on which it depends.
6. Define critical angle and deduce the relation between refractive index and critical
7. Explain U-V graph in case of image formation in a convex lens.
8. Distinguish between primary and secondary cell. (give two differences)
9. How does rheostat act as a variable resistor, potential divider? (draw a diagram)
10. What a non inductive coil? Give one special feature of non inductive coil?
11. Draw neat and label diagram of leclanche cell.
12. Write chemical equation in Daniel cell.
13. Why is the emf of auxiliary battery greater than the emf to be measured?
14. Why are standard resistances made up of constantan and Manganin?
15. Define figure of merit and give it is S.I unit.

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